'Com incorporar les cordes a una banda pop/rock/urban/noves músiques' amb Guillem i Marta Roma

El podcast de Cases de la Música

El podcast de Cases de la Música

'Com incorporar les cordes a una banda pop/rock/urban/noves músiques' amb Guillem i Marta Roma

El podcast de Cases de la Música

Jo soc el Marta Roma, de Bolcheu. Vaig començar quan era molt petita, als 6 anys.

I am Marta Roma, from Bolcheu. I started when I was very young, at 6 years old.

Estava de música al Conservatori, com vosaltres, a orquestres, no sé què.

I was studying music at the Conservatory, like you, in orchestras, I don’t know what.

Llavors vaig anar a l'ESMUC, però també quan era 12 vaig dir

Then I went to ESMUC, but also when I was 12 I said.

vull tocar al trombó perquè volia tenir un grup, formar part d'alguna banda,

I want to play the trombone because I wanted to have a group, to be part of a band.

i pensava que pel Bolcheu no ho podia fer.

I thought that for the Bolcheu I couldn't do it.

I vaig tocar la trompeta al final.

I played the trumpet at the end.

I vaig estudiar trompeta amb temps, vaig estar en un grup, vaig fer bolos,

I studied trumpet for a while, I was in a band, I did gigs,

tocava dret, treballava, tot el que no podia fer amb el Xevo, ho vaig fer amb la trompeta.

I played the trombone, I worked; everything I couldn’t do with the Xevo, I did with the trumpet.

I llavors vaig decidir, va ser el moment de triar quina carrera feia,

And then I decided it was time to choose which career I would pursue.

volia fer música, volia entrar a l'ESMUC, el Xevo no el vaig deixar mai,

I wanted to make music, I wanted to enter ESMUC, I never gave up the Xevo.

i era com, ho faig amb el Xevo perquè la trompeta va ser molt divertit,

And it was like, I do it with the Xevo because the trumpet was very fun.

però no se'm donava gaire bé.

but I wasn't very good at it.

I llavors va ser com, va bé, doncs vull aconseguir el que he anat fent amb la trompeta,

And then it was like, okay, I want to achieve what I have been doing with the trumpet,

però amb el violoncel, i em vaig anar buscant una mica el meu camí.

but with the cello, and I started to find my way a bit.

Doncs això, classes d'ahir, però he anat a viure el jazz, m'he fet cakes,

Well, that's it, yesterday's classes, but I went to experience jazz, I made cakes.

i ara que no estic pel mengui, una mica, bueno, em vaig anar espavilant,

And now that I'm not into the food, a bit, well, I started to get myself organized.

perquè tampoc hi havia unes classes per violoncel de rock o de jazz,

because there were also no rock or jazz cello classes,

però vaig anar buscant aquest meu camí, això em va portar a estudiar a Boston,

but I went looking for my path, this brought me to study in Boston,

que hi ha una universitat que es diu Berkley College of Music,

that there is a university called Berklee College of Music,

i allà es practica molt tota la música contemporània que en diuen ells,

and there they practice a lot of all the contemporary music that they call.

que és la música actual d'aquí, del Brasil, de Japó, bueno, del jazz,

what is the current music here, from Brazil, from Japan, well, from jazz,

de molts estils populars de música, i allà, tocar a dreta, com jo toco,

of many popular music styles, and there, play to the right, as I play,

i tocar i cantar, que ho faig molt, aquí era raro, doncs allà era com,

And playing and singing, which I do a lot, here it was rare, because there it was like,

ai, jo també ho faig, que bé, doncs que bé, i tot el departament de corda d'allà

Oh, I do it too, that's good, well, that's good, and the whole string department over there.

està molt enfocat a músiques que no siguin el clàssic,

it is very focused on music that is not classical,

llavors això em va obrir molt, va ser com, ah, realment és això el que m'agrada,

then this opened me up a lot, it was like, oh, this is really what I like,

vaig aprendre moltes coses, i em dedico, bàsicament, ara,

I learned many things, and I dedicate myself, basically, now,

doncs a tocar en bandes diverses, una de les quals és la seva,

so touching on various bands, one of which is his.

he tocat en grups de pop rock com Jarabe de Palo, estic tocant amb la Silvia Pérez Cruz,

I have played in pop rock groups like Jarabe de Palo, I am currently playing with Silvia Pérez Cruz.

que no sé si el coneixeu, però és una cantant.

I don't know if you know her, but she is a singer.

Cantadora, compositora...

Singer, songwriter...

Bé, i m'ha portat a conèixer molts gèneres diferents,

Well, it has brought me to discover many different genres,

i em va obrir molt bé, el que veig de la música, menys o menys.

And it opened me up very well, what I see in the music, more or less.

Jo soc en Guillem Roma, som els seus germans, som germans.

I am Guillem Roma, we are his siblings, we are brothers.

I de petit també vaig estudiar música, però vaig fer artiano,

And as a child, I also studied music, but I did art.

grau mitjà, i llavors vaig deixar-ho, perquè no m'acabava d'agradar,

I studied for a medium degree, and then I quit because I didn't really like it.

bueno, no tenia temps, no m'acabava d'agradar,

well, I didn't have time, I wasn't really liking it,

vaig estudiar Comunicació Audiovisual a la carrera universitària,

I studied Audiovisual Communication at university.

però sempre des de petit havia cantat, havia fet les meves composicions,

but I had always sung since I was little, I had made my compositions,

i vaig començar a escriure cançons, vaig gravar com un primer disc,

I started writing songs, I recorded a first album,

llavors no li vaig donar molta importància, vaig marxar a viure a Cuba, després a Mèxic,

then I didn't pay much attention to it, I moved to live in Cuba, then in Mexico,

i quan vaig tornar vaig dir, mira, el món de l'audiovisual,

And when I returned, I said, look, the world of audiovisual.

que és el que havia estudiat, tampoc m'agrada,

what I had studied, I don’t like it either,

m'agradaria recuperar-lo de la música.

I would like to recover it from the music.

I em vaig posar a tirar endavant el meu projecte musical com a cantautor,

"I started to move forward with my music project as a singer-songwriter."

com a artista, fent les meves cançons, i amb això ja tinc cinc discos,

As an artist, making my songs, and with that, I already have five albums.

una banda, i anem fent concerts, gires,

a band, and we are doing concerts, tours,

i una mica el guai d'avui és aquests dos mons,

And a bit the cool thing about today is these two worlds,

com incorporar els instruments de corda en una banda de música moderna, diguéssim.

how to incorporate string instruments into a modern music band, let's say.

Doncs és el que passa a casa nostra,

Well, that's what happens in our home,

que és un instrument de corda i un projecte musical de música actual,

which is a string instrument and a musical project of contemporary music,

en aquest cas de cantautor, podríem dir com un pop folk actual.

In this case of singer-songwriter, we could say it’s like contemporary folk pop.

Llavors, a través de l'experiència de com la Marta amb els grups que ha tocat,

Then, through the experience of how Marta has interacted with the groups she has worked with,

i jo en moments que hem incorporat cordes en el meu projecte,

And I in moments that we have incorporated strings in my project,

quines coses hem intuït i hem vist,

what things we have intuited and seen,

que ens valen treballar perquè aquesta unió,

that is worth working for this union,

que no és molt comuna, però que cada cop ho és més,

that is not very common, but is becoming more so.

i que ho podria ser molt més encara,

and it could be much more still,

de poder veure instruments de cordes en un grup modern,

of being able to see string instruments in a modern group,

instruments de vent, instruments que sempre hem associat a la música clàssica,

wind instruments, instruments that we have always associated with classical music,

que podrien estar en un escenari d'un festival com Primavera Sau.

that could be on a stage at a festival like Primavera Sound.

Llavors, farem aquesta exploració,

Then, we will do this exploration,

de com incorporem un instrument que ve d'un món clàssic en una banda.

how we incorporate an instrument that comes from a classical world into a band.

Llavors, si voleu podem començar amb aquest.

Then, if you want, we can start with this one.

Abans de començar a treballar, toquem una cançó.

Before we start working, let's play a song.

Una cançó de Benvinguda, que és una de les...

A welcoming song, which is one of the...

Al final s'ha de fer igual, eh?

In the end, it has to be done anyway, right?

Sí, doncs és una banda, com si fos un...

Yes, well, it's a band, as if it were a...

És una cançó que toquem als nostres concerts.

It's a song that we play at our concerts.

I la cançó de Benvinguda, que és una cançó que ho hem anat a tocar.

And the Welcome song, which is a song that we have been playing.

És una cançó que es diu Benvinguda.

It's a song called Welcome.

Per què ho****?

Why **** it?

Perquè és una cançó molt especial i molt inspiradora.

Because it is a very special and inspiring song.

¿Como se fa?

How is it done?

Pues es India, o sea con...

Well, it's India, I mean with...



El que es llama Facebook, es una cara de...

What is called Facebook is a face of...

Ah, sí, sí.

Ah, yes, yes.



Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

¿Cómo se llama Facebook?

What is Facebook called?

Es un podcast.

It is a podcast.



Bona nit.

Good night.

de les parts que té una cançó, de com diferenciar-les, de com donar-los dinàmica, entitat a cada part,

of the parts that a song has, of how to differentiate them, of how to give them dynamics, identity to each part,

que a cada part puguin passar coses diferents, però per això hem de dividir la cançó en parts,

that different things can happen in each part, but for that, we need to divide the song into sections,

estructurar-la d'alguna manera, i seria com un altre element que és l'estructura.

structure it in some way, and it would be like another element which is the structure.

Llavors l'estructura, igual que els rols podem jugar fent servir instruments que puguin jugar qualsevol d'aquests rols,

Then the structure, just like the roles, can be played using instruments that can take on any of these roles.

els podem moldejar diguéssim perquè l'instrument s'hi adapti, l'estructura també.

We can shape them, so to speak, so that the instrument adapts to it, as well as the structure.

Com hem començat la cançó? Com ha començat? Això sí que ho sabem. Com ha començat la cançó?

How did we start the song? How did it start? We do know that. How did the song start?

Qui tocava?

Who was playing?

El seu sol.

His/Her sun.

El seu sol. Jo no cantava. Què era això? Com un sol? Com una intro?

His sun. I wasn't singing. What was that? Like a sun? Like an intro?

Exacte. Encara no sabíem de què anava el tema, si de cantat, quin ritme tenia, no? Però era una introducció.

Exactly. We still didn't know what the subject was about, whether it was sung, what rhythm it had, right? But it was an introduction.

Una introducció. Això és moldejar l'estructura perquè hi hagi espai per aquests instruments.

An introduction. This is shaping the structure to make room for these instruments.

I un espai que pot haver-hi és el de la introducció.

And one space that there may be is that of the introduction.

Què més? Quins altres espais hi ha en una peça? Normalment hi ha un tema, no? Una A? Una B? Una estrofa? Una tornada? Què més?

What else? What other sections are there in a piece? Normally there is a theme, right? An A? A B? A verse? A chorus? What else?

Segur que ho sabeu, però teniu molta vergonya perquè...

Surely you know it, but you are very ashamed because...

Què més hi ha? Què més hi ha? Una estrofa? Una tornada?

What else is there? What else is there? A verse? A chorus?

Una impro. Una impro. Un pont. Un pont.

An improv. An improv. A bridge. A bridge.

Un pont. Un pont. Què més? Què més hi ha? Impros? Pons?

A bridge. A bridge. What else? What else is there? Impros? Pons?

Un final, potser? Una corda? Un solo? Qui ha dit abans un solo?

An ending, perhaps? A rope? A solo? Who said a solo before?

Sí, has dit que havia començat ella amb un solo. Solos?

Yes, you said she had started with a solo. Solos?

Potser, bueno, el Juan podria ser això. Ell cantava, no? Estava acabant una estrofa, llavors la tornada.

Maybe, well, Juan could be that. He was singing, right? He was finishing a verse, then the chorus.

Hi havia moments que no era ni estrofa ni tornada, no? Hi ha hagut un moment de parades, no?

There were moments that were neither verse nor chorus, right? There has been a moment of pauses, hasn't there?

Potser el pont pot anar jugant amb tot això.

Maybe the bridge can play with all of this.

Llavors, què passa si...

So, what happens if...

Mai? Mai qui? No?

Never? Never who? No?

La Mai. Què passa si la Mai ve un dia i vol venir a tocar al grup meu?

The Mai. What happens if Mai comes one day and wants to join my group?

I jo li ensenyo una cançó que no té introducció, no té pont, no té improvisació,

And I show him a song that has no introduction, no bridge, no improvisation,

no té final,

it has no end,

tindrà poc espai per poder tocar,

will have little space to be able to play,

perquè estic tot el rato cantant,

because I am singing all the time,

pot tocar allà darrere.

you can touch back there.

La gràcia de l'estructura

The grace of the structure

és que la podem obrir

it's just that we can open it

per buscar forats

to look for holes

on pugui sortir l'instrument.

where the instrument can be released.

I llavors tu hauries de dir,

And then you should say,

vale, jo porto aquesta cançó,

Okay, I'll take this song.

però fem un tros que hi hagi un solo pel viulí.

but let's make a part that has a solo for the violin.



O, per què no faig una intro pel viulí?

Oh, why don't I make an intro for the violin?

I així?

And like this?

O dir,

Or say,

vale, no hi ha intro, no hi ha això.

Okay, there's no intro, there's none of that.

Deixa't fer la mi,

Let me do it for you,

ja t'acompanyo jo.

I'll accompany you.

I tu canses.

And you tire.

No sempre hem d'estar d'acompanyament,

We don't always have to be together.

perquè una de les coses molt típiques

because one of the very typical things

que es fa, com,

what is done, how,

ah, volem incorporar fort el meu grup.

Ah, we want to incorporate my group strongly.

Veniu, els donen aquí un portet,

Come, they give them a little port here,

uns faristols, unes partitures,

some spotlights, some sheet music,

hem escrit aquest enriclo i volem que toqueu això.

We have written this enriclo and we want you to play this.

I normalment són melodies molt boniques

And they are usually very beautiful melodies.

o coixins així de notes llargues

or cushions like this of long notes

i teniu aquest rock.

And you have this rock.

Però no estem interactuant molt

But we are not interacting much.

amb, ah, jo vull fer la intro,

with, ah, I want to do the intro,

jo vull fer això, i com ho pots fer tu?

I want to do this, and how can you do it?

I venga, prova-t'ho de fer això.

And come on, try to do this.

Prova-la, Roger, de no sé què.

Try it, Roger, I don't know what.

Doncs, està ja,

Well, it's already done.

dona com molt,

woman as much,

dona vingut amb una partitura,

woman came with a score,

que és el que ja estem molt acostumats a fer.

that is what we are already very used to doing.

I queda molt bonic, però aquí el que volem

It looks very nice, but what we want here

és, vale, sortim d'això,

yes, alright, let's get out of this,

que això ja ho sabem, que queda molt maco,

that we already know this, that it looks very nice,

ja sabem què es fa, ja ho sabem fer,

we already know what to do, we already know how to do it,

perquè sabem llegir una partitura,

because we know how to read a score,

però aquí és com, vale, no, no, no,

but here it's like, okay, no, no, no,

anem a fer la A nosaltres.

Let's do the A for us.



és quan ens posem a veure què passa amb aquests rols.

it's when we start to see what happens with these roles.

La melodia, qui la fa?

Who makes the melody?

Ah, hi ha un cantant, bueno, és que la canti.

Ah, there is a singer, well, it's that she sings.

Llavors, necessitem un baix.

Then, we need a bass.

Podem fer el baix amb els violins?

Can we play the bass with the violins?

Què dius, Abril?

What are you saying, Abril?

Podem fer el baix amb violins?

Can we do the bass with violins?

No sé, tu què creus?

I don't know, what do you think?

Tu tens totes les notes en el violí

You have all the notes on the violin.

o te'n falta en el burro?

Or do you lack it in the donkey?

Ah, sí?

Oh, really?

Tu tens dos de mi façol,

You have two of my beans,

ha sigut i dos us tingut, res us tingut.

It has been and two of you have had, nothing you have had.

Sí, no?

Yes, no?

Clar, depèn de l'octava, potser no seràs un superbaix,

Sure, it depends on the octave, maybe you won't be a super low.

però potser pot ser una A

but perhaps it can be an A

que sona com petitona,

that sounds like little one,

que no té baix,

that doesn't have a bass,

però t'ho fa del rol de baix

but it makes you from the bottom role

i tu fas el rol de guitarreta.

And you play the role of a little guitar.

I pot quedar supermono

And it can look super cute.

i llavors entra

and then enters

els violoncel·les

the cellos

o el baix de l'editat de la guitarra,

or the bass of the edited guitar,

pum, ja la ve,

boom, here it comes,

ja hi ha un altre canvi

there is already another change

i estem fent instruments que encara no són

And we are making instruments that are not yet.

la típica banda, no?

the typical band, right?

Sí, és com fer servir l'estructura per buscar els forats on pot estar la corda.

Yes, it's like using the structure to find the holes where the rope might be.

Forats o fer els forats, si no hi són.

Holes or make the holes, if they are not there.

I això dona, a part de donar espai a que hi pugui haver corda d'una manera natural,

And this provides, besides allowing for the possibility of natural rope,

bueno, corda, o, en fi, corda, però, i tots els instruments,

well, string, or, anyway, string, but, and all the instruments,

a part d'això, també ajuda a donar dinamisme a la cançó, aquestes corbes dramàtiques,

apart from this, it also helps to give dynamism to the song, these dramatic curves,

que deia.

what was said.

I hi ha un tercer element

And there is a third element.

que no està aquí, o sigui, hem dit

that is not here, so we said

els rols, l'estructura,

the roles, the structure,

i encara ha passat una cosa

and something else has happened

que no té a veure amb el que estàvem fent abans

that has nothing to do with what we were doing before

quan estava l'equip tocant l'orquestra.

when the team was playing the orchestra.





improvisació, justament no,

improvisation, exactly not,

perquè aquest tema no improvisava.

because this topic was not improvised.


I was improvising,



l'intro sí que era una mica improvisada,

the intro was indeed a bit improvised,

però hi ha una cosa que té a veure amb la improvisació,

but there is one thing that has to do with improvisation,

que és que no estem llegint enlloc

What is it that we are not reading anywhere?

que no tenim peristols.

that we don't have pistols.

I has dit senyals,

You have said signs,

què m'hauries dit d'uns senyals?

What would you have told me about some signals?

Senyals, doncs, per exemple,

Signals, therefore, for example,

jo quan em faci

I when it makes me



sé que tu seràs de bas,

I know that you will be from Bas,

o jo em posaré de bas,

or I will be the bass,

o quan em faci

or when I do it



l'altre farà,

the other will do,

ja no sé,

I don't know anymore,



Podem entrar?

Can we come in?

Entrem, entrem.

Let's go in, let's go in.

Com uns codis, no?

Like some codes, right?

Com uns codis...

Like some codes...

Sí, per impròpria.

Yes, for improper.

Per impròpria.

For improper.

I vosaltres d'acord tots.

And you all agree.

Bueno, això ja ho hem dit.

Well, we've already said that.

Bueno, en realitat,

Well, actually,

el tercer punt del que volem parlar

the third point we want to discuss

té bastant a veure amb això que dius.

It has a lot to do with what you are saying.



Però per què són les senyals?

But why are they the signs?

Per què ens fa servir aquest senyal?

Why does it use this signal?

Per comunicar-nos.

To communicate.

I la comunicació és un element essencial

And communication is an essential element.

quan un està en un escenari.

when one is on a stage.

I comunicar-se vol dir

And to communicate means


to look at oneself,


move you,

Hola, no portem gaire.

Hello, we haven't brought much.

No és gaire difícil.

It's not very difficult.

Hola, eh?

Hello, huh?

No portem gaire.

We don't carry much.

No portem gaire, no?

We're not bringing much, are we?

Sí, veniu aquí davant.

Yes, come here in front.



Bé, estem parlant d'un element

Well, we are talking about an element.

que en totes les bandes de música moderna

that in all modern music bands

és molt important.

it is very important.

Ara estem impressionades

Now we are impressed.

amb el que hem dit.

with what we have said.

Ara no ells, ells no ho faran.

Not them, they won't do it.


You had.

Que ja no sé estar aquí

I can't stay here anymore.

em sents.

Do you hear me?

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Bé, és important a les bandes...

Well, it's important in the bands...

És important en general.

It is important in general.

Sí, a qualsevol estil de música.

Yes, to any style of music.

A qualsevol estil de música.

To any style of music.

Però en les bandes modernes, sobretot de pop, és on està més treballat.

But in modern bands, especially in pop, is where it is more refined.

I estem parlant de la posada en escena.

We are talking about the staging.

Posada en escena què vol dir?

What does staging mean?

Vol dir com estic a l'escenari, com em moc, on em poso, quina roba porto, com em comunico amb els altres músics...

It means how I am on stage, how I move, where I position myself, what clothes I wear, how I communicate with the other musicians...

Com entro, com surto...

As I enter, as I leave...

Com entro, com surto... Heu vist que hi ha hagut un moment que m'he jupit?

How I enter, how I leave... Have you seen that there was a moment I bent down?

Per què m'he jupit?

Why did I lean down?

Per voler el pop.

For wanting the octopus.

Sí, però a més, què estava passant en aquell moment?

Yes, but also, what was happening at that moment?

Clar, és que...

Of course, it's that...

Era el moment de...

It was the moment to...

Era pot estar fent un solo molt guai...

He might be doing a really cool solo...

Però si jo estic a davant...

But if I am in front...

No brilla aquest solo.

This floor doesn't shine.

Llavors, tot el que té a veure amb la posada en escena és molt important.

Then, everything related to the staging is very important.

Clar, bueno, és això.

Sure, well, that's it.

Per formar part d'una banda, ara diríeu...

To be part of a band, you would now say...

Vale, tot això que heu dit, vale.

Okay, all that you've said, okay.

Jo vull formar part d'una banda, quins ingredients necessito?

I want to be part of a band, what ingredients do I need?

Doncs, una mica la disposició o la predisposició de la banda.

Well, it’s a bit about the disposition or the predisposition of the band.

De vendre, no?

To sell, right?

D'estar obert, de formar part d'aquestes A's, B's, introduccions, no sé què,

Of being open, of being part of these A's, B's, introductions, I don't know what,

que potser ens toquen un ron que no estem acostumats.

that perhaps we are given a rum that we are not used to.

Una mica d'actitud d'aquesta...

A bit of attitude like this...

Va, ens formem part d'una banda. Què és una banda?

Come on, let's be part of a band. What is a band?

És que ens dieu una família.

It's just that you call us a family.

I quan estem tocant amb una banda,

And when we are playing with a band,

ens hem de conèixer molt, ens hem d'estar comunicant,

we need to get to know each other well, we need to be communicating,

hem d'estar compartint molt, tota l'estona.

We must be sharing a lot, all the time.

La comunicació...

The communication...

I llavors, també, avui en dia, ajuda molt si...

And then, also, nowadays, it helps a lot if...

No sé...

I don't know...

Sabeu, a part de tocar el violoncel·lo o la trompeta així,

You know, besides playing the cello or the trumpet like this,

sabeu tocar amb un shaker, una mica, una percussió petita.

Do you know how to play with a shaker, a little bit, a small percussion?

Sabeu cantar, sabeu fer les segones veus...

You know how to sing, you know how to harmonize...

Tot això...

All of this...

Bueno, sembla que no, però són unes...

Well, it seems that no, but they are some...

Un plus, diguéssim, que ajuda i que pot ser...

A plus, let's say, that helps and that can be...

Que pot molt bé ser que us toqui fer-ho.

It could very well be that you have to do it.

Clar, perquè amb una banda, potser un tema, el cellul queda superbé,

Of course, because with one band, maybe a track, the celluloid looks great.

però el tema de després és tot electrònic i el cellul potser...

but the topic afterwards is all electronic and the phone maybe...

En aquest tema no, perquè el guardem per tota l'altra resta del concert,

Not in this topic, because we are saving it for the rest of the concert.

doncs, ostres, i si fas unes veus, i si toques un shaker?

Well, gosh, what if you make some sounds, and what if you play a shaker?

Llavors, si tu vols tocar amb una banda,

Then, if you want to play with a band,

tenir una mica de musicalitat general en aquest sentit,

to have a bit of general musicality in this sense,

una... algo de pèl, poder fer una segona veu...

a... something of hair, to be able to do a second voice...

És molt important.

It is very important.

No només per...

Not only for...

Per poder fer una cosa que...

In order to do something that...

Per poder fer més d'una cosa, sinó també

In order to be able to do more than one thing, but also

per disfrutar de la música general que està passant allà.

to enjoy the general music that is happening there.

Bueno, per aportar, no per aportar.

Well, to contribute, not to contribute.

Si no estàs allà tocant...

If you're not there playing...

Home, si estàs allà tocant i la cançó diu

Hey, if you're there playing and the song says

Me gusta el mambo

I like mambo.

i tu pots anar cantant

And you can go singing.

Me gusta el ma...

I like the corn...

Home, però és més guai, no?

Cool home, but it's cooler, right?

Un exemple...

An example...

Això seria... Són com dos subgrups, d'acord?

This would be... They are like two subgroups, okay?

Molt d'instruments...

A lot of instruments...

I llavors, un altre subgrup seria el de la tecnologia.

And then, another subgroup would be that of technology.

Aquest avui no el tocarem.

We won't touch this one today.

Aquest avui no el tocarem, però sí que volem...

We won't touch on this today, but we do want to...

explicar perquè és molt important

explain why it is very important

quan arribes en una banda,

when you arrive in a band,

tens una bateria que sona molt forta

you have a drum that sounds very loud

i el violí sona molt fluix.

and the violin sounds very soft.

En comparació amb la bateria.

In comparison with the battery.

Llavors tu pots anar tocant però no s'acaba de sentir.

Then you can keep playing, but it doesn't really get heard.

Llavors és molt important saber

Then it is very important to know.

que els equipaments tècnics que hi hagi

that the technical equipment that there is

puguin ajudar-te a que el teu instrument

they can help you with your instrument

allà brilli el que ha de brillar

there shall shine what must shine

o pugui fer la funció que ha de fer.

or can perform the function it is supposed to.

I això vol dir poder-ho sonoritzar

And that means being able to sound it out.

o, fins i tot, poder treballar el so,

or even be able to work the sound,

processar-lo, fer pedals d'afectes...

process it, create pedals of effects...

Normalment, amb una guitarra elèctrica,

Normally, with an electric guitar,

tothom té al cap una guitarra elèctrica

everyone has an electric guitar in mind

i pedals de distorsió i un ampli,

and distortion pedals and an amp,

però aquests pedals de distorsió i aquest ampli

but these distortion pedals and this amp

també poden anar amb un violoncel,

they can also go with a cello,

o amb un violí, o amb un oboet...

or with a violin, or with an oboe...

Què passa si fico el micro de l'oboet

What happens if I plug in the oboe microphone?

i hi fico un bocoder o un autotuner?

Should I put in a vocoder or an autotuner?

Clar, és molt guai.

Of course, it's really cool.

Llavors, també és un element a tenir molt en compte

Then, it is also an element to consider very carefully.

a l'hora d'introduir instruments que no són de banda.

at the time of introducing instruments that are not band instruments.

O sigui, que em costa molt dir cordes, no dir cordes.

So, it is very difficult for me to say strings, not to say strings.

Bueno, direm cordes...

Well, let's say strings...

Direm cordes, però ja s'entén que és per tothom.

We will say strings, but it is understood that it is for everyone.

Introduir cordes en una banda.

Introduce strings into a band.

Això seria una mica el resum aquest.

This would be a bit of the summary.

De coses...

About things...

Ara anirem a treballar algunes,

Now we will go to work on some.

però per fer un resum els que hem arribat...

but to summarize those of us who have arrived...

L'enxerrada diguéssim que és com introduir instruments de corda

The chat, we could say, is like introducing string instruments.

o instruments en una banda moderna,

or instruments in a modern band,

dels estils que siguin.

of any styles.

Hem fet una mica de projectes,

We have done a bit of projects,

hem tocat un tema i ha anat sortint això.

We touched on a topic and this came up.

Per una banda, jugar amb els rols, no?

On one hand, playing with roles, right?

Poder fer de baix, o la melodia,

Able to be a bass, or the melody,

o poder fer harmonia, o poder fer ritme

either to be able to make harmony, or to be able to make rhythm

amb el teu instrument.

with your instrument.

Llavors, que les estructures ens juguin a favor

Then, let the structures work in our favor.

perquè hi hagi espai per aquests instruments,

to make room for these instruments,

buscar intros amb instrument volgibilitat,

search for intros with instrument viability,

buscar solos...

search solos...

I l'altre ja he olvidat.

And the other one I have already forgotten.

Dins d'això, teniu preguntes?

Within this, do you have any questions?

Podeu preguntar tot el que vulgueu.

You can ask anything you want.


Take advantage.

Jo us veig molt tallerets, però...

I see you very short, but...

La gràcia és que interactuem.

The fun is that we interact.

Nosaltres ja ens ho sabem.

We already know it.

És que jo no entenc com podria fer jo una...

It's just that I don't understand how I could do a...

La segona pregunta és vàlida, no?

The second question is valid, right?

Clar, perquè podem fer un exemple.

Sure, because we can make an example.

Què vols dir una...

What do you mean a...

Ho fem un moment.

We'll do it in a moment.

Voleu que us diguem una...

Do you want us to tell you a...



Sí o no?

Yes or no?



Diguem una...

Let's say a...



Espera, si pugueu preguntar alguna cosa.

Wait, if you can ask anything.





Ara, com que ara començarem a tocar,

Now, since we are going to start playing,

t'hauria d'inventar alguna idea.

I would need to come up with an idea.





Quin rol voleu que faci jo?

What role do you want me to take on?

Per exemple...

For example...

La melodia.

The melody.

La melodia, justament.

The melody, precisely.

La melodia és...

The melody is...

Va, digue'm una altra.

Come on, tell me another one.

No, perquè, bueno, les melodies...

No, because, well, the melodies...

és bastant obvi que un xero farà la melodia, no?

It's pretty obvious that a zero will make the melody, right?

Per exemple,

For example,

està molt bé, eh?

it's very good, isn't it?

Quina altra podria fer?

What else could I do?

No sé, alguna més de ritme o coses així.

I don't know, maybe something more rhythmic or things like that.

De ritme, va.

Let's go with the rhythm.

Jo no l'he tocat mai, aquesta vegada,

I have never touched it, this time.

sóc fent ritme, però...

I'm keeping the rhythm, but...

tinc un xero, tinc sorolls...

I have a bummer, I have noises...



Canción de las cosas inútil

Song of Useless Things

y de su gran utilidad

and of its great usefulness

que sí,

that yes,

en funcionalidad alguna.

in any functionality.

Provem amb els que teniu lluny,

Let's try with those who are far away.

de fer percussió amb mi.

to play percussion with me.

Acompanyem en Guillem.

We accompany Guillem.

Canción de las cosas inútil

Song of Useless Things

que no dan beneficio material

that do not provide material benefit

aquella sin capital despreciar.

that without capital despise.

Sirven más...

They serve more...

Canción de las cosas inútil

Song of useless things



dices, un poeta...

you say, a poet...



Vale, quereu una altra?

Okay, do you want another one?

Per exemple?

For example?

I ara ja ho hem de seguir a ritme.

And now we have to follow it at a pace.




It is...

I ara no ho fareu?

And now you won't do it?

Idem a mirar a mi.

Same as looking at me.



Canción de las cosas inútiles

Song of Useless Things

y de su gran utilidad

and of its great usefulness

que sin redicto inmediato alguno

that without any immediate remedy

hacen del amor algo oportuno.

they make love something timely.

Canción de las cosas inútiles

Song of Useless Things

y de su gran utilidad

and of its great usefulness

que sin redicto inmediato

that without immediate rediction

hacen del amor algo oportuno.

They make love something timely.

Canción de las cosas inútiles

Song of the useless things

y de su gran utilidad

and of its great usefulness

que sin redicto inmediato

that without immediate remedy

hacen del amor algo oportuno.

they make love something timely.

Canción de las cosas inútiles

Song of the Useless Things

y de su gran utilidad

and of its great usefulness

que sin redicto inmediato

that without immediate remedy

hacen del amor algo oportuno.

they make love something timely.

Canción de las cosas inútiles

Song of the Useless Things

y de su gran utilidad

and of its great usefulness

que sin redicto inmediato

that without immediate remedy

hacen del amor algo oportuno.

They make love something convenient.

Fereu una mica d'introducció, d'acord?

Do a little introduction, okay?


You can...



Passeu aquí la pell seca a participar a la publicitat, d'acord?

Pass the dry skin here to participate in the advertisement, okay?

Veniu, veniu, veniu, veniu.

Come, come, come, come.

Passeu-hi, passeu-hi, passeu-hi.

Come in, come in, come in.

La, la, la...

La, la, la...


Do you like it?

Vinga, remenem-hi més fort, no?

Come on, let's stir it harder, shall we?

La, la, la, la...

La, la, la, la...

Cresc aquí, cresc aquí.

I grow here, I grow here.

La, la, la, la...

La, la, la, la...

Diu una mica de cuerta.

It says a little bit of a story.

La, la, la, la...

La, la, la, la...

Va, va, tot bé fort, tot bé fort.

Come on, come on, everything's fine strong, everything's fine strong.

La, la, la, la...

La, la, la, la...

L'esport, l'esport!

Sport, sport!

La, la, la, la...

La, la, la, la...

Podreu estar aquí!

You will be able to be here!



Next part, next part.

Next part, next part.



Vinga, Flush.

Come on, Flush.

Ara, molt tristos.

Now, very sad.

Més tristos,


ara que se senten tristes.

now that they feel sad.

Vale, contents.

Okay, contents.

Ara, borratxos.

Now, drunkards.

Ara, com si fóssim

Now, as if we were

una cantant d'auberes

a singer of auberges

del segle XVI.

from the 16th century.

Crec que no m'agrada

I don't think I like it.

el vento, jo, a mi.

the wind, me, to me.

Ara, com que en cantant d'auberes.

Now, as in singing aubades.

Va bé.

It's going well.

Va molt bé fer personatges

It goes very well to create characters.

per trobar un caràcter

to find a character

en la improvisació.

in the improvisation.

Llavors, ara improvisarem una mica.

So, now we will improvise a little.

Farem aquesta frase.

We will make this sentence.

I una mica amb el cos també, ja.

And a little with the body too, yes.

A veure.

Let's see.

Perquè si veig algú que canta així...

Because if I see someone singing like that...

No sé si em ve moltes ganes...

I don't know if I really want to...

No sé, penso que hi haurà unes tempores.

I don't know, I think there will be some seasons.

Si us veig així,

If I see you like this,

fa més ganes d'escoltar-vos.

It makes me more eager to listen to you.

Vale, fem això.

Okay, let's do this.

I ara, callem.

And now, we are silent.

I ara,

And now,


we will do...

I ara jo dic que

And now I say that

P 형,

P 형,


we tremble

I della ser bona.

I should be good.















No, no, no, no.

No, no, no, no.

La, la, la, la, la, la.

La, la, la, la, la, la.

El Edwin.

The Edwin.

La, la, la.

La, la, la.

Bueno, està bé com?

Well, how are you?

Si això és, no serà lluny.

If this is so, it won't be far away.

Sí, això és, això és, això.

Yes, that is, that is, that.

La, la, la, la, la, la.

La, la, la, la, la, la.

La, la, la, la, la, la, la.

La, la, la, la, la, la, la.

Potser hi posar un activa, un activa.

Maybe you can put in an active, an active.

Un activa, un activa.

One activates, one activates.



Un activa és com si jo...

An asset is like if I...

Ah, un activa, sí, d'acord.

Ah, an active one, yes, alright.

Un activa no.

An active no.

La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la.

La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la.

Bueno, per tocar una banda de música moderna, diguéssim,

Well, to play in a modern music band, let's say,

hauríem de poder cantar tots alguna cosa aquí.

We should be able to sing something here.

Sí, perquè si no sabeu fer això, si no podeu fer això,

Yes, because if you can't do this, if you can't do this,

o perquè teniu vergonya, o perquè no...

or because you are embarrassed, or because not...

Hi ha alguna cosa que ja no...

There is something that no longer...

Pots tenir molta tècnica, però necessites poder fer això.

You can have a lot of technique, but you need to be able to do this.

Jo sí que em fa vergonya aquí, perquè estem en un conservatori,

I am indeed embarrassed here, because we are in a conservatory,

en un dels campanys de l'orquestra, jo no he cantat mai davant de ningú.

In one of the orchestra's campaigns, I have never sung in front of anyone.

Em fa vergonya. Jo em poso al vostre lloc i ho entenc.

I'm embarrassed. I put myself in your position and I understand it.

Però aquest tallers no en posem.

But we are not putting up these workshops.

No sabem que podeu cantar pitjor o millor,

We don't know if you can sing worse or better,

no volem que canteu perfectament i que se pillin les notes de l'impro.

we don't want you to sing perfectly and hit the notes of the improv.

És un joc, com el que fèiem de...

It's a game, like the one we did of...

Ara provem això! I jo he vist que el meu impro ha estat...

Now let's try this! And I have seen that my impro has been...

Una nota i silenci, també està bé.

A note and silence, that's fine too.

De fet, quasi tots ho heu dit.

In fact, almost all of you have said it.

Què vull avui? Vull tocar i passar el moment.

What do I want today? I want to feel and enjoy the moment.

Per verda!

For sure!

És la vergonya, és la vergonya.

It is the shame, it is the shame.

Anem a treballar aquestes coses en un lloc.

Let's work on these things in one place.

Voleu ser-ho, segur?

Do you want to be it, are you sure?

Ara ho he dit molt, eh?

Now I've said it a lot, huh?

Ho he dit, però...

I've said it, but...

Per ser-ho, no ho he dit tant.

To be so, I haven't said it that much.

Si poguéssim venir aquí ara cada dia,

If we could come here every day now,

jo sé que demà això es diré més.

I know that tomorrow this will be said more.

Si algú ha preguntes, pregunteu, ens teniu quan vulgueu.

If anyone has questions, ask, you have us whenever you want.

Això és totalment una cosa, eh?

This is totally a thing, huh?



No ho sé.

I don't know.

Va, doncs, si voleu, mira.

Come on then, if you want, look.

Comencem a parlar com d'estructura i d'aquests rols,

Let's start talking about structure and these roles,

i practicarem dos acords.

We will practice two chords.

Un que es diu Mi menor, que bé es diu?

One that is called E minor, what does it mean?

Mi menor.

My minor.

I l'altre que es diu Re major.

And the other one that is called D major.

Re major.

D major.

Que deymphopểuomen.

The text appears to contain a typo or is not in standard Catalan. Please provide the correct text for translation.

Gràcies molt.

Thank you very much.



Per avall estava sol?

Were you alone down there?

D'acord? Mi, mi, d'acord?

Okay? Me, me, okay?



I ara, tots pesquem un mi i en parlem amb tu.

And now, we all fish a little and talk about it with you.

Pesquem tots aquest éницыc, d'acord?

Let's all fish this énicyc, okay?



I tots hem matat els dos...

And we have both killed...

I totshem espertat que tu Lin flat.

And I have awakened that you Lin flat.

Primer, un...

First, a...


Please provide the text you would like me to translate from Catalan to English.

Eh, llavors, això,

Eh, then, this,

són actuals?

Are they current?


Please provide the text you would like translated from Catalan to English.

No, no encara, no em fa falta.

No, not yet, I don't need it.

Més notes, més veus.

More notes, more voices.

Llavors, vosaltres fareu

Then, you will do

el mi

the my

i el re.

and the king.

Vosaltres fareu el sol

You will make the sun.

i el fa sustingut.

and it makes it sustained.

I vosaltres

And you

fareu el sol

you will do the sun

i el si.

And the yes.

Llavors, quan ells toquen el mi, toqueu el mi.

Then, when they play the C, you play the C.


Please provide the text you would like to have translated from Catalan to English.



Diu un...

Says one...



No fa xic.

It doesn't matter.

Ana, un compàs.

Ana, a compass.

Tres quarts.

Quarter to three.





Digue'm el tempo.

Tell me the weather.

Algú m'agrada molt.

I like someone a lot.

Sí, o digue'm quin tempo.

Yes, or tell me what time.

Tres quarts.

Quarter to three.



Carles, què vols?

Carles, what do you want?

Un compàs de cada o dos de mi i dos de re?

A measure of each or two of me and two of re?

Dos de cada.

Two of each.

Tres quarts amb el tempo en fort.

Three quarters with the tempo in forte.



És el teu nom?

Is it your name?

Pol també.

Paul too.

Perfecte. En Pol ens donarà l'entrada de tots.

Perfect. Pol will give us everyone's ticket.



Llavors, dos de mi i les notes vostres

Then, two of me and your notes.

i dos de re quan dic re

and two of king when I say king

ja sabeu que unes altres espaces he tingut

You already know that I have had other spaces.

i una altra quan és a mi.

and another when it comes to me.

Tots mirem en Pol

We all look at Pol.

perquè ara som una banda, som la banda d'en Pol.

because now we are a band, we are Pol's band.

Un, dos i...

One, two, and...

Tres quarts.

Quarter to three.



Un, dos i...

One, two, and...

Tres quarts.

Three quarters.

Ah, tot joc.

Ah, all game.

No, no, jo volia dir que continua.

No, no, I meant to say that it continues.

Ah, d'acord.

Ah, okay.

No, ja està.

No, that’s enough.

El ritme harmònic

The harmonic rhythm

No me digas que sí, no me digas que no, no me digas que no, no me digas que sí.

Don't tell me yes, don't tell me no, don't tell me no, don't tell me yes.

D'acord? Tothom canta i en el no me digas que sí, algo de sonar.

Okay? Everyone sings and in the don't tell me yes, something about sounding.

No me digas que no, algo de sonar.

Don't tell me no, something is ringing.

Pot ser que tu, pot ser...

It could be you, it could be...

Sí? Preparats? Tothom sap el seu rol?

Yes? Ready? Does everyone know their role?

Comencem tots al moment.

Let's all start at the moment.

Espera, primer fem una A.

Wait, let’s do an A first.

Primer fem una A, sí, sí. Primer fem una A.

First we make an A, yes, yes. First we make an A.

A veure...

Let's see...

Tu ets la...

You are the...



Màstica. Com comencem aquesta? Tots alhora?

Mastic. How do we start this? All together?

Tots alhora.

All at once.

Tots alhora, bé.

All at once, good.

Preparats? Tothom sap el seu rol?

Ready? Does everyone know their role?

Ja comença la melodia amb la jacumia.

The melody starts now with the jacumia.

Des del baix i llavors, no me digues que sí, no me digues que no...

Since the low and then, don’t tell me yes, don’t tell me no...

Ui, totes.

Oh, all of them.

Un, dos, tres, i...

One, two, three, and...



Sí, jo crec que per fer una petita actuació amb això, podríem treballar-ho, o sigui, podem fer potser tres grups, o dos, poder dos.

Yes, I believe that to make a small performance with this, we could work on it, in other words, we could maybe make three groups, or two, possibly two.

O sigui, ara hem treballat això, hem treballat melodia, baix, harmonia, no sé què, i ara ja estàvem començant a parlar d'això.

So, now we have worked on this, we have worked on melody, bass, harmony, I don't know what, and now we were starting to talk about this.

Una A, i després el que diguis que sí i el que diguis que no. Llavors, això ho podem tancar, però ho fem dos grups i tanqueu-vos tots.

One A, and then whatever you say yes to and whatever you say no to. Then, we can close this, but let's do it in two groups and you all close yourselves off.

En comptes que comenci la setmana, que comenci el baix. I després que entri en aquest. Però feu-ho vosaltres.

Instead of the week starting, let the download start. And then let this join in. But do it yourselves.

Puguem alçar els diners? Ah, va, sí.

Can we raise the money? Ah, come on, yes.

Abans de fer això, el vostre taller, perquè no sé si us ho han dit, que heu de fer un concert final abans que s'acabi la classe.

Before doing this, your workshop, because I don't know if they've told you, you have to do a final concert before the class ends.

Espera, ho havíem de dir. Clar, ho havíem de dir al principi.

Wait, we had to say it. Of course, we should have said it at the beginning.

I després això acaba amb una actuació vostra.

And then this ends with a performance of yours.

O sigui, l'objectiu del taller és, primer ensenyar-vos-ho, llavors ho practiqueu i llavors us representeu.

So, the goal of the workshop is, first to teach you, then you practice it, and then you represent it.

Fem l'escenari. Estem a casa i és un treball que hem fet en deu minuts i sabem tots que serà molt mal. No ens heu de preocupar.

Let's set the stage. We are at home and it's a task we've done in ten minutes and we all know it will be very bad. You don't have to worry about us.

Però perquè tingueu unes miques més d'idees i un exemple de com es pot muntar un tema, no?

But so you have a few more ideas and an example of how a theme can be put together, right?

Ara teniu el baix, l'harmonia, la melodia, l'epèrcul. I què fem amb això? Com el presentem?

Now you have the bass, the harmony, the melody, the epichorus. And what do we do with this? How do we present it?

Ara us en toquem un i us anem explicant o analitzem. Després ens dieu, ah, vale, aquí heu fet això, aquí ha passat allò.

Now we'll touch on one and we'll explain or analyze it to you. After that, you will tell us, ah, okay, here you did this, here that happened.

Per veure coses que van passant. Hi ha d'això, d'estructura. Bueno, de tot, de tot.

To see things that are happening. There is this, of structure. Well, everything, everything.

Sí, recordeu que això també, ara però després quan el representem aquí davant.

Yes, remember this too, now but later when we present it here in front.

Molt important, sí.

Very important, yes.

Moltes gràcies.

Thank you very much.

Em sembla que he saltat de molt alt.

I think I jumped from very high.

Sense protecció ni por de fer-me mal.

Without protection or fear of hurting myself.

Esperant que vagi sisplau.

Hoping that it goes, please.

O que com a mínim, mal, o sisplau.

Or at least, bad, please.

Sóc a morir a por.

I'm dying to go for it.

Que avui ha plogut molt.

That it has rained a lot today.

I es veuen els colors.

And the colors can be seen.

I amb això sembla que ja tinc prou.

And with that, it seems I have enough already.

Per continuar aquest món.

To continue this world.

I venir-te a buscar.

I'll come to pick you up.

Aquest món, aquest món.

This world, this world.

I què més vols, no?

And what more do you want, right?

Segur que llocs de deus llibre.

Surely places of your book.

Que al davant.

That in front.

Subien ràpid i diuen que sí,

They quickly went up and say yes,

m'ha sabiat,

it has tasted me,

tranquil·la i estic acostumat.

calm and I am used to it.

D'altres llocs més alts també he pensat.

I've also thought about other higher places.

I des d'allà no he discat

And from there I haven't called.

tot el seu cor més brillant.

all his brightest heart.

I amb això em sembla que ja en tinc prou

And with that, I think I've had enough.

per continuar aquest vol.

to continue this flight.

I si cal,

And if necessary,

torna a saltar.

jump again.

Txar, txar, txar, txar, txar, txar, txar, txar, txar, txar...

Chirping, chirping, chirping, chirping, chirping, chirping, chirping, chirping, chirping, chirping...

Vale, doncs analitzeu-ho així en pla ràpid.

Okay, so analyze it like this quickly.

Què heu vist d'estructura?

What have you seen of structure?

Què heu vist dels rols?

What have you seen about the roles?


Come on.

Els rols tots.

All the roles.



Els rols tots.

All the roles.

Els rols ho heu vist tots?

Have you all seen the roles?

Sí, com caminant.

Yes, like walking.

Ah, caminant.

Ah, walking.

En Guillem m'ha fet melodia amb la guitarra.

Guillem made me a melody with the guitar.

Ha fet harmonia.

He has made harmony.

Però jo portava...

But I was carrying...

Harmonia i ritme.

Harmony and rhythm.



Què més?

What else?

Què més ha passat?

What else has happened?



Un moment, un moment.

One moment, one moment.

Ho has fet de baix.

You did it in a low tone.

Ho he fet de baix.

I did it from below.

He fet un solo al mig.

I have made a solo in the middle.

Sí, quan has fet el solo,

Yes, when you did the solo,

com que heu lligat,

since you have tied,



Era com, a este momento.

It was like, at this moment.

He fet una intro, una introducció.

I have made an intro, an introduction.

Una intro que no tenia res a veure amb el tema, no?

An intro that had nothing to do with the topic, right?

Era una mica com, què faran ara aquests?

It was a bit like, what will these guys do now?



Això també va molt bé tenir tots aquests recursos,

This is also very good to have all these resources,

com acordes o instruments.

like chords or instruments.

No només les notes que sabem tocar,

Not only the notes that we know how to play,

sinó quins afectes poden fer.

but what effects can they have.

Per això, per una intro,

Therefore, for an intro,

potser bufar i moure'ls tot sol, no?

maybe blow and move them all by yourself, right?

Coses que poden aportar per intros o moments de joc.

Things that can contribute to intros or moments of play.

Hi ha hagut altres coses més de textura,

There have been other things more about texture,

que marquen una mica les parts, també,

that also mark the parts a bit,

com hi ha hagut un moment que ens hem quedat a capella.

As there was a moment when we were left in the choir.

Aquí ja hem arrencat a tocar un altre cop.

Here we have started playing again.

Això també va molt bé,

This also works very well.

i és buidar.

and it's empty.

A vegades pensem en,

Sometimes we think about,

ai, bé, fe, fe, fe, un pli, un pli, un pli,

oh, well, faith, faith, faith, a fold, a fold, a fold,

i a vegades és com, no, només un mig.

And sometimes it's like, no, just a half.

I llavors,

And then,

el repte, no?

The challenge, right?

Tenim tot el compàs,

We have the whole rhythm,

perquè queda com...

because it feels like...

També hi ha hagut una A buida,

There has also been an empty A.

que jo no he tocat.

that I haven't touched.

Jo he fet petitona.

I have made it small.

Allò que dèiem,

What we were saying,

doncs igual és el moment dels violins.

So maybe it's the moment for the violins.

Tothom calla,

Everyone is silent,

només hi ha la melodia,

there is only the melody,

i els violins fan un baix petitó.

and the violins make a small bass.

S'ho havien repetit,

They had repeated it to themselves,

diuen que sí,

they say yes,

massa aviat.

too soon.

I ara ho fem créixer.

And now we make it grow.

Però també, què és això?

But also, what is this?

I també amb la nostra cosa l'estem acompanyant, no?

And we are also accompanying our thing, right?

Posada en escena.


Sí, aquí ens faltaria,

Yes, we would be missing here,

amb aquestes coses petites que hem posat,

with these small things that we've placed,





i un pli,

and a plea,

ja estic llest, no?

I'm ready, right?



Buidar i un pli,

Empty and a pli,

un moment,

one moment,

la capella, no?

the chapel, right?

Un moment que ho fem.

One moment, we'll do it.

Com era el tema?

What was the theme like?

A mi em sentia així.

I felt like that.

Ah, ja,

Ah, yes,

molt bé.

very well.

Molt bé,

Very well,

fent-ho de baix.

doing it from below.



Breaks. Parades.

Breaks. Stops.

Sí, ho hem fet en la del principi que ell feia, parades i ho fem.

Yes, we have done it in the same way he used to, with stops, and we are doing it.



Has de marxar?

Do you have to leave?

Sí, he de marxar ja.

Yes, I have to leave now.

Si algú vol tocar amb mi, és una estrelleta per aquí, d'acord?

If someone wants to play with me, it's a little star around here, okay?



Bueno, adeu-me'n.

Well, goodbye then.


Thank you.



Breaks vol dir això, parades.

Breaks means this, stops.

Pot ser un break per un moment de pèrdua.

It can be a break for a moment of loss.

O per fer silencis i hi ha alguna escena.

Or to create silences and there is some scene.

A vegades es fan brecuts i els altres no, no?

Sometimes they make jokes and others don't, right?

De cop, el baix fa...

Suddenly, the bass goes...

Podem jugar amb tot això.

We can play with all of this.

Fem dos grups i muntem una estructura amb això que fèiem abans,

Let's make two groups and set up a structure with what we were doing before,

amb aquests dos acords.

with these two agreements.

Tenim dos acords, l'altre dia, que no sé si us recordeu.

We have two agreements, the other day, that I don't know if you remember.



Ara ho he de marxar?

Do I have to leave now?

No, dividim que hi hagi xerres i violins.

No, let's divide so there are clarinets and violins.

Sí, mira.

Yes, look.

No has volgut anar a la junta?

Did you not want to go to the meeting?



Jo també.

Me too.

A vosaltres sempre l'hem a tot.

To you, we always have everything.

Qui vol participar?

Who wants to participate?

Sí, passeu, passeu.

Yes, come in, come in.

I que sigui així, fer algun ritme amb les mans o cantant alguna cosa.

And let it be so, clapping hands or singing something.


Thank you.

O sigui, connectar aquests dos que hem fet, ara fem l'art.

So, connect these two that we've done, now let's make the art.

Ara fem l'art.

Now we make art.

Podria ser.

It could be.

Provem això.

Let's try this.

Llavors, potser, com que ja hem fet tota aquesta estona,

Then, perhaps, since we have spent all this time,

o no ho hauríem fet i tal, podria entrar un altre rock.

Or we wouldn't have done it, and so on, another rock could come in.

O treure'n algun.

Or take one out.

Perquè canviï.

So that it changes.




We can...

Podem posar-lo a la sala.

We can put it in the room.

A la sala.

In the room.



Em sembla molt bé.

I think it's very good.

Provem això.

Let's try this.

Anem des de la segona melodia del Pizzicano.

Let's go from the second melody of the Pizzicato.

I això és un break, per vosaltres.

And this is a break, for you.



M'ha agradat molt.

I liked it a lot.



La segona melodia del Pizzicano.

The second melody of the Pizzicano.

Anem-ho a trobar.

Let's go find it.

A veure.

Let's see.

De la mitjana.

Of the average.

Si no, si ho rebem.

If not, if we receive it.



Anem-ho a fer aquest break.

Let's go take this break.

Fiqui-hi ben net.

Make it well clean.

Ara està bé.

Now it is fine.

Està bé.

It's fine.

Al final...

In the end...

I aquí, això...

And here, this...

Pot ser un cop.

It can be once.

Ja ho trobem nosaltres.

We'll find it ourselves.



La segona melodia del Pizzicano.

The second melody of the Pizzicano.

Ens troba a l'entrada...

We find ourselves at the entrance...

La llana.

The wool.

1, 2, 3, 4...

1, 2, 3, 4...

1, 2, 3...

1, 2, 3...

1, 2, 3, 4...

1, 2, 3, 4...

Bé, ja sí que la melodia la tenim, el baix està aquí, de moment.

Well, we already have the melody, the bass is here for now.

L'harmonia no la vam posar, de moment.

We haven't put the harmony in yet, for now.

I la percussió la tenim.

And we have the percussion.

Posada en escena, ens hi hem d'haver posat.

Staging, we have to deal with it.

Com ho voleu presentar, això?

How do you want to present this?

Així, amb el llac a poc, el pica d'aquí, tal?

So, with the lake nearby, the prick from here, right?

O ens inventem una mica d'inici?

Or shall we make up a little introduction?

Com podem començar?

How can we start?

Al principi tothom fa percussió, no?

At first, everyone plays percussion, right?

No necessitem molts instruments.

We don't need many instruments.

Llavors potser podem tenir les cadires aquí.

Then maybe we can have the chairs here.

No hi ha ningú a l'escenari, ells estan al públic.

There is nobody on stage, they are in the audience.

Tenim aquí un recordador de l'altre.

We have here a reminder of the other.

Ens donem l'entrada i comencem des d'aquí.

We will give each other the entry and start from here.

Anem arribant a les nostres cadires, comencem amb...

We are arriving at our chairs, let's start with...

Cadires o no cadires?

Chairs or no chairs?

Bé, per tu, Xeixi.

Well, for you, Xeixi.

És un quatre quarts? No, no?

Is it a four quarters? No, right?

Podem provar amb el corretge, podem provar amb el corretge.

We can try with the leash, we can try with the leash.

Posades, voleu tocar...

Put on, do you want to touch...



Aquest tema fa ganes de ballar o no?

Doesn't this song make you want to dance?

Home, jo crec que de peu, no?

Man, I think standing, right?

De peu, no?

Standing, right?



Va bé.

It's fine.

Arribem aquí.

We arrive here.

Ja estem de peu.

We are already standing.

Llavors, aconseguiré...

Then, I will achieve...

Jo ja estava fent percussió amb l'instrument.

I was already drumming with the instrument.

Llavors, fem una mica de balcós.

Then, let's have a little balcony.

Clar, igual sí.

Sure, maybe yes.

Balcós, i quan arribeu a l'instrument, agafeu una mica de percú.

Balcony, and when you reach the instrument, take a bit of percussion.

Quan estiguem a punt amb l'instrument...

When we are ready with the instrument...







Llavors, el break...

Then, the break...

Ara mantenim la percussió i el baix a sota.

Now we keep the percussion and the bass underneath.

I què més fem?

And what else do we do?

Com l'acabarem?

How will we finish it?

O què voleu afegir?

Or what do you want to add?

Fem aquí un moment...

Let's do it here for a moment...

Un pont.

A bridge.

Una mica d'impro.

A bit of improv.

El baix pot...

The bass can...


You know?

Podem acabar aquest moment que hem fet de...

Can we end this moment that we have created of...

I llavors entrem al baix.

And then we go down to the basement.

I passem al baix.

Let's go down.

Toquem fins aquí.

We stop here.

Fem tota la performance.

We do the entire performance.

A veure si ens agrada.

Let's see if we like it.

A veure què ens demana el cos per seguir.

Let's see what our body asks us to continue.





Doncs va.

Well then.

Cada una a sus puestos.

Each one to their positions.

A fora de l'escenari.


Seria igual, no?

It would be the same, right?

Però des d'allà i des d'aquí.

But from there and from here.

Ara, provem-la amb els instruments iguals.

Now, let's try it with the same instruments.

Els instruments podem deixar com tres cadires aquí.

We can leave the instruments as three chairs here.

Tenim els violins aquí, al fons de l'aigua.

We have the violins here, at the bottom of the water.







A veure si això funciona.

Let's see if this works.

Tenim intro.

We have intro.

Tenim les as.

We have the aces.

Jo sí que m'intentaria muntar un pont.

I would definitely try to build a bridge.

I al final.

And in the end.

Si ho assembo.

If I resemble it.



Tenim molt de temps.

We have a lot of time.

Molt de temps.

A long time.



Forma part d'incorporar la corda en una banda.

It is part of incorporating the rope into a band.



Tu entres per aquí.

You enter through here.







No és familiar amb aquesta cosa.

He is not familiar with this thing.



No serà el més còmode del món per tu ara mateix?

Will it not be the most comfortable thing in the world for you right now?

O prou?

Or enough?

Prou. Ara després perfeccionem.

Enough. Now we'll perfect it later.

Llavors tu millor que vinguis ja amb l'instrument

Then it's better that you come with the instrument.

perquè si has d'arribar aquí a posar-te'l,

because if you have to come here to put it on,

potser serà més fàcil.

maybe it will be easier.

D'acord, llavors quin serà l'entrada?

Okay, then what will the entrance be?

Com us continuareu per entrar?

How will you continue to enter?

Va, donar-vos tot el temps, no?

Come on, give yourselves all the time, right?

Com es diu?

What is your name?



En Casiat donarà el temps i entreu.

In Casiat, the time will give and you will enter.

Amb la gràcia que tingueu de...

With the grace that you have of...



1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4...

1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4...



Ho podeu...

You can...



Ho podeu fer amb les cames.

You can do it with your legs.



I l'altre, posar aquí el prop d'en Casiat, no?

And the other one, put it here near Casiat, right?

Que vingui més lluny, que es vegi ell també.

Let it come from further away, so that he can be seen too.



D'acord, ara serà una entrada...

Okay, now it will be an entry...

Voleu que es vegi com...

Do you want it to be seen how...

com a interiors...

as interiors...

o una entrada com...

or an entry like...

com voleu.

as you wish.

A veure, què?

Let's see, what?

Voleu-la com superaccelerada de...

Do you want it super accelerated from...

Bé, per, d'acord?

Well, for, okay?



Doncs per.

Well then.

1, 2, 1, 2, 3, i...

1, 2, 1, 2, 3, and...

I mos ajuntem aquí.

We'll meet here.

Esquerra o mera?

Left or mere?





I ells hi posaran aquí el prop d'en Casiat.

And they will put here the prop of Casiat.


I want to escape from it.

No feu el truït?

Aren't you making the truit?




Thank you.

Era aquí, no?

It was here, right?

Va, i aquí hem passat moltes naves

Come on, and here we have passed many ships.

i l'harmonia, tu has fet alguns

And the harmony, you have made some.

breaks. Va, fem-ho aquí.

breaks. Come on, let's do it here.

Va, segona melodia

Come on, second melody.

de pit i capa.

of breast and cloak.

Què, què, què?

What, what, what?

Jo també ho he pensat.

I've thought about it too.

Sí, potser la segona

Yes, maybe the second one.

melodia és com, no hi ha

melody is like, there isn't any

de estar passant res nou, hauria de passar

If nothing new is happening, something should happen.

alguna cosa nova. Potser

something new. Maybe

una mica de peu

a little bit of foot

i vosaltres, no sé si és

and you, I don't know if it's

molt difícil, però

very difficult, but

una mica de balanceo.

a bit of swaying.

Provem-ne les dues melodies

Let's try both melodies.

un cop sou aquí, va?

Once you are here, right?

Les dues melodies de pit i capa.

The two melodies of chest and cape.

Un, dos, tres, i...

One, two, three, and...

Bona nit.

Good night.


Thank you.

Ah, o sigui, ja heu tocat amb una mà de mura.

Ah, so you have already touched with a hand of mortar.

Ja està, la conclusió.

That's it, the conclusion.

No, però bueno, no sé, Marta.

No, but well, I don't know, Marta.

En Riri diu que sé molt xulo.

In Riri says that I know very cool.



Si hi ha dubtes, preguntes...

If there are doubts, questions...

Bueno, algú vol comentar de l'equip de l'altre grup que heu vist.

Well, does anyone want to comment on the team from the other group that you saw?

Que heu vist, de coses que han passat a l'altre grup.

What have you seen about things that have happened in the other group?

O sigui, per exemple, he vist al vostre grup que hi havia com la part de solos que, per exemple, nosaltres teníem.

So, for example, I saw in your group that there was like the part of solos that we had, for example.

Ho hem dit, ah, solos, però no ha fluït i hem dit, no, solos.

We said it, oh, alone, but it hasn't flowed and we said, no, alone.

Vosaltres teníeu solos.

You had solos.

Sí, i així sempre per allargar l'espectador que deia, no, però fem solos perquè si no es queda molt curt allò que dèiem de fer-hi vals per anar allarguant.

Yes, and this is always to extend the viewer that said, no, but we do solos because otherwise it stays too short what we said to do waltzes to keep extending it.

I ara, en peu, que els altres puguin canviar de rol i hem començat a fer l'acompanyament.

And now, standing, let the others change roles and we have started to provide support.

Hem canviat, tocavem melodies amb pizzicato per crear una textura, llavors hem tocat amb això.

We have changed, we played melodies with pizzicato to create a texture, then we played with this.

Hi ha hagut un break.

There has been a break.

El baix i l'harmonia estaven tot el bato amb les veus, no? I amb el ritme.

The bass and the harmony were all over the place with the voices, right? And with the rhythm.

I ha hagut l'acercament...

There has been the approach...

Ara no sé si havia de parlar dels altres.

Now I don't know if I should talk about the others.

Bueno, perquè us veig tan inspirats a parlar dels altres.

Well, because I see you so inspired to talk about others.



No, el vostre grup, una posada en escena molt xula s'ha de dir.

No, your group, a very cool staging must be said.

El què?

The what?

La posada en escena que ha sigut molt xula del vostre grup.

The staging has been very cool from your group.

Bueno, la posada en escena és el que menys hem treballat en gravitat.

Well, the staging is the least we have worked on in terms of gravity.

Bueno, però com l'escenografia i això.

Well, but what about the scenery and that.

Sí, sí. Com que no ens en recordàvem de la melodia, hem cantat aquesta.

Yes, yes. Since we couldn't remember the melody, we sang this one.

Bueno, l'han cantat elles.

Well, they have sung it.

I dic, va, poseu-hi lletra.

I'm saying, come on, put some lyrics to it.

I ella diu...

And she says...

Jo he fet servir aquesta lletra.

I have used this letter.

Llavors hem fet la intro, que ja ho he vist.

Then we have done the intro, which I have already seen.

Una de les coses, o sigui, com a observació, que això ja és un símptoma d'estar tocant en una banda de música moderna,

One of the things, or rather, as an observation, that this is already a symptom of being in a modern music band,

és que, o sigui, on ens hem tingut més rato a veure com ho fèiem, era de qui marcava què.

It's just that, I mean, where we spent more time figuring out how to do it was about who was marking what.

No, no, això ho marco. Però quantes voltes? Dues? Tres?

No, no, I mark this. But how many times? Two? Three?

O sigui, això és com una típica discussió quan hi ha un assaig.

So, this is like a typical discussion when there is a rehearsal.

Del grup de la Sílvia, del meu grup, i tots els músics.

From Sílvia's group, from my group, and all the musicians.

Ai, però quantes voltes són? No, són dues, amb la veu, i després la següent ja és amb les marques.

Oh, but how many times are there? No, there are two, with the voice, and then the next one is with the marks.

I qui marca aquesta?

And who marks this one?

I això és el que hem estat quasi més rato parlant.

And this is what we have been talking about for almost a while now.

De qui marcava què, i què venia després una cosa de l'altra.

Who marked what, and what came after one thing from another.

Però això és una mica també, no?

But this is a bit of that too, right?

Com ho veiem el sol? I què té per assenyal? I no sé què.

How do we see the sun? And what does it have as a sign? And I don’t know what.

I això és un símptoma d'aquest territori en què et mous,

And this is a symptom of this territory in which you move,

en què és molt important el que toques, però és molt important totes aquestes coses, no?

In what you touch, it is very important, but all these things are very important, aren't they?

L'estructura, com es marca, la posada en escena, entren en joc tots aquests altres elements.

The structure, as marked, the staging, all these other elements come into play.

I que moltes vegades, ara per exemple, hem sortit i no sabíem molt bé la part dels ous com s'acabava.

And many times, like now for example, we went out and we didn't really know how the egg part ended.

Però què estàvem fent tots?

But what were we all doing?

Escoltant, mirant-nos, a la mateixa...

Listening, looking at each other, at the same...

I ja està.

And that's it.

En directe, quan has assajat n'hi ha dues vegades i que ets un guapo professional, també passa.

Live, when you have rehearsed there are two times and that you are a handsome professional, it also happens.

I en tres, dues, algú fa l'esmorzar de la vella i tots entenem que és la vella.

And in three, two, someone makes breakfast for the old woman and we all understand that it is the old woman.

Perquè estem com super, després de mirar-nos, escoltar-nos...

Because we are like super, after looking at each other, listening to each other...

D'altres preguntes de coses?

Any other questions about things?

Ningú no va preguntar res?

Did no one ask anything?

Hem complert els objectius de tocar i passar-s'ho bé?

Have we achieved the goals of playing and having fun?



Bé, jo vaig dir que ha estat molt guai poder fer aquest final de grups i posar-ho en pràctica,

Well, I said it was really cool to be able to do this group final and put it into practice.

perquè al final ho hem pogut experimentar i ha sonat molt guai.

because in the end we were able to experience it and it sounded really cool.

Imagineu-vos, no hem ni assajat, ni ho hem posat tot tot i ha sonat...

Imagine, we haven't even rehearsed, nor have we put everything together and it played...

I era un tema amb dos acords.

It was a piece with two chords.

Sí, vull dir que...

Yes, I mean that...

Bueno, no era un tema.

Well, it wasn't a topic.

Però ho hem fet de dos acords a un tema i, bueno, moltes de les cançons que escolteu pop d'ara tenen dos acords.

But we have done it with two chords on a song and, well, many of the pop songs you hear now have two chords.

I ara ja sabeu com es podria muntar.

And now you already know how it could be set up.

Ah, m'agrada aquest tema.

Ah, I like this theme.

A veure quins acords són, perquè a internet el mi és una e i el blec és una d.

Let's see what the chords are, because on the internet the mi is an e and the blec is a d.

Us creieu que vol dir això?

Do you think that means this?

Ja està, muntem.

That's it, let's set up.

Va, ma, tu fas el baix, tu la tercera, tu la quarta.

Come on, mom, you do the bass, you do the third, you do the fourth.

Posem aquest ritme.

Let's set this rhythm.

Vosaltres feu els coros.

You sing the choruses.

I posem una pèrpura.

We place a purple.

I ja podeu tocar els ritmes que a vosaltres us agraden.

And now you can play the rhythms that you like.

Aquest és com l'objectiu.

This is like the objective.

Que sapigueu que amb els vostres instruments podeu tocar la música que a vosaltres us agrada.

Know that with your instruments you can play the music that you like.

Que no estigueu limitats a una manera de tocar,

Don't be limited to one way of playing,

perquè és el més tradicional de l'instrument,

because it is the most traditional of the instrument,

sinó que us atreviu, tenint totes aquestes eines,

but that you dare, having all these tools,

al final és el que et deia en Oriol, que tindrem totes les notes.

In the end, it's what Oriol was telling you, that we will have all the grades.

Podem tocar totes.

We can touch all of them.

I podem estar acompanyant, podem estar sorrejant,

And we can be accompanying, we can be flirting,

podem estar fent una atmosfera, podem portar el grup,

we can be creating an atmosphere, we can bring the group,

podem fer totes aquestes coses que hem practicat avui,

we can do all these things that we practiced today,

que han sonat superbé.

they have sounded superb.

Ja vull tornar demà a assajar-ho i feu-ho avui, aquí a Martesa, a la plaça, demà.

I want to come back tomorrow to try it and do it today, here in Martesa, in the square, tomorrow.

Molt bé, moltes gràcies.

Very well, thank you very much.

Fins a la propera.

Until next time.

Us passarem, no sé amb qui, però que us ho facin arribar o que quedi pensat en algun lloc,

We will pass it on to you, I don't know with whom, but let them send it to you or let it be noted somewhere.

un llistat de links de vídeos de YouTube de músics, artistes o actuacions en directe

a list of links to YouTube videos of musicians, artists, or live performances

que tenen, en aquest cas hem seleccionat cordes sobretot,

that they have, in this case we have mainly selected strings,

amb diferents tipus de música, amb diferents formats,

with different types of music, with different formats,

amb coses de tecnologia allà aplicades, que estan fent background,

with technology things applied there, which are doing background,

que estan de protes, que només és un tímom en biblíc,

that they are annoyed, that it is only a timid one in biblical.

o sigui, molts exemples diferents perquè vegueu música que no és clàssica

So, many different examples so you can see music that is not classical.

amb instruments de corda allà, amb el seu protagonisme.

with string instruments there, with their prominence.

L'important és que digueu que existeix, però almenys ho podeu fer,

The important thing is that you say it exists, but at least you can do it,

que almenys ho heu provat.

at least you have tried it.

No és impossible, és com, i clar, lo de la impròpria, lo de tot,

It's not impossible, it's just, and of course, the improper, the whole thing.

tot això es practica, i a més com, és que jo no en sé,

all of this is practiced, and also how, is that I don't know it,

evidentment, jo tampoc en sabia, però el que sabia o almenys que existeix,

obviously, I didn't know either, but what I knew or at least what exists

que jo en vaig entrar quan tenia 25 anys,

I joined when I was 25 years old,

doncs millor aturar-vos, és com...

then it's better to stop, it's like...

Clar, aquest no era un taller per aprendre a improvisar,

Of course, this wasn't a workshop to learn to improvise,

era com per veure això, algunes eines o algunes pistes de per on pot anar la cosa

it was like to see this, some tools or some clues about where things might go

de quan una corda s'ajunta a una barra.

when a rope joins a bar.

Ja està, doncs ens veiem dilluns.

Alright, then I'll see you on Monday.


Thank you.

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