The Nights, Avicii

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The Nights, Avicii

The Nights, Avicii

The Nights, Avicii

Hola a tots, torneu al meu podcast setmanal de Ràdio Txeka.

Hello everyone, tune in to my weekly podcast on Radio Txeka.

Avui us vinc a ensenyar una cançó que a mi personalment m'encanta.

Today I'm going to show you a song that I personally love.

El títol és The Nights, de la Vichy.

The title is The Nights, by Vichy.

El legendari DJ amb cançons com ara Waiting for Love, Wake Me Up o Levels.

The legendary DJ with songs like Waiting for Love, Wake Me Up, or Levels.

Tots uns grans èxits, totes les seves cançons eren unes bombes.

All big successes, all of their songs were hits.

Aquesta cançó, a part que el ritme i la lletra m'agraden molt,

This song, besides the fact that I really like the rhythm and the lyrics,

tinc molts records de l'època que va sortir aquesta cançó.

I have many memories from the time when this song was released.

Cada cop que l'escolto se'm desbloquegen molts records del 2015.

Every time I listen to him, many memories from 2015 are unlocked for me.

A part, el ritme i la lletra tenen un significat molt important per a mi.

Apart from that, the rhythm and the lyrics have a very important meaning for me.

Una frase que recordaré sempre és

A phrase that I will always remember is

One day you will leave this world behind, so live a life you will remember.

One day you will leave this world behind, so live a life you will remember.

Que la traducció seria

That the translation would be

Un dia deixaràs aquest món en darrere, per això viu una vida per a recordar.

One day you will leave this world behind, so live a life to remember.

Ara, sense cap més interrupció, us deixo amb aquesta obra d'art.

Now, without further interruption, I leave you with this piece of art.

Un día dejaràs aquest món en darrere, per això viu una vida per a recordar.

One day you will leave this world behind, so live a life to remember.

My father, he told me, son don't let it slip away.

My father, he told me, son don't let it slip away.

He took me in his arms, I heard him say.

He took me in his arms, I heard him say.

When you get older, your wild heart will live for younger days.

When you get older, your wild heart will live for younger days.

Think of me if ever you're afraid.

Pensa en mi si alguna vegada tens por.

He said one day you'll leave this world behind, so live a life you will remember.

He said one day you'll leave this world behind, so live a life you will remember.

My father told me when I was just a child, these are the nights to never die.

My father told me when I was just a child, these are the nights to never die.

Bona nit.

Good night.

Espero que us hagi agradat molt i que hagi disfrutat molt de la cançó i ens veiem el pròxim divendres. Adéu.

I hope you enjoyed it very much and that you enjoyed the song a lot, and I'll see you next Friday. Goodbye.

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