El Sistema Educatiu Espanyol



El Sistema Educatiu Espanyol


Hola, bon dia, avui estem així per a parlar-vos sobre el sistema educatiu espanyol.

Hello, good morning, today we are here to talk to you about the Spanish education system.

Anem a fer-ho de la mà de Mar Torres, Alba Cervera i Elena Lozano.

Let's do it with the help of Mar Torres, Alba Cervera, and Elena Lozano.

Anem a començar introduint-vos el primer punt, que és com afecta a la salut mental.

Let's start by introducing the first point, which is how it affects mental health.

Doncs, setembre és el mes en el qual molts estudiants al voltant del món tornen a l'escola o col·legi

Well, September is the month when many students around the world return to school or college.

per enfrontar un nou anys de reptes.

to face a new year of challenges.

És per això que cal preguntar-nos si estem realment ensenyant als nostres nens i nenes el que ells necessiten saber.

That is why we need to ask ourselves if we are really teaching our children what they need to know.

És freqüent en educació preocupar-nos per temes com ara els estàndards de curriculars comuns i la mida de les classes,

It is common in education to worry about issues such as common curricular standards and class sizes,

però hauria de ser una preocupació més gran el com ajudar els nens a aprendre a reconèixer i afrontar les seves pròpies emocions.

but there should be a greater concern about how to help children learn to recognize and cope with their own emotions.

La meva teoria, després de veure molts adolescents en el centre al llarg dels anys,

My theory, after seeing many teenagers in the center over the years,

és que els pares tenen molta culpa.

It's just that the parents are very much to blame.

Encara que són i dur, estan creant adolescents,

Although they are hard, they are creating adolescents,

i estan creant adolescents febles emocionalment.

and they are creating emotionally weak adolescents.

Pot ser que ha arribat el moment de confiar més en ells i fer-los més forts,

It may be that the time has come to trust them more and make them stronger,

ensenyar-los a escalar muralles i no amagar-se darrere d'ells.

to teach them to climb walls and not to hide behind them.

I no, no es tracta de viure en un règim militar,

And no, it’s not about living in a military regime,

un punt d'aixar al seu fill que s'enfronti a problemes només

a point of raising your son to face problems alone

i fer-li saber què darrere té els pares, què li vol,

and let him know what his parents have behind him, what they want for him,

com una xarxa a la qual pot acudir en cas que tot pagui malament.

like a safety net that you can turn to in case everything goes wrong.

No som mútuament excloents,

We are not mutually exclusive,

però abans ha d'intentar resoldre els seus problemes per si mateix.

but first he must try to solve his problems by himself.

Això crec que és el que estem fallant.

I think this is what we are failing at.

I ara, desviant-te del tema,

And now, diverting from the topic,

parlaré de possibles sortides que no es parlen sovint a les aules.

I will talk about possible options that are not often discussed in the classrooms.

Parlant de les possibles sortides,

Talking about the possible outcomes,

en els centres educatius com l'institut,

in educational centers like the institute,

des del primer moment ens ensenyen a ficar-se en batxiller,

from the first moment they teach us to enroll in high school,

com si els cicles formatius no tinguessin importància.

as if vocational training programs were not important.

El major problema d'això és que la majoria de les vegades

The biggest problem with this is that most of the time

la societat ens pressiona a fer aquesta elecció per nosaltres

Society pressures us to make this choice for us.

i que si no tenim el batxiller no hi tindrem un futur digne.

And if we don't have the baccalaureate, we won't have a worthy future.

Després hi ha la universitat,

Then there is university,

sempre ens diuen de com a mínim tenir una carrera

they always tell us to at least have a degree

i després treballar d'alguna cosa relacionada amb això,

and then work in something related to this,

que per suposat és una bona opció, però no l'única.

which is certainly a good option, but not the only one.

Hi ha moltes altres sortides que no ens ensenyen des de petits.

There are many other paths that we are not taught from a young age.

Veieu aquí un exemple.

Here is an example.

Així tenim a Omar Lozano, un antic alumne de l'IESC a Banyal.

Thus we have Omar Lozano, a former student of IESC in Banyal.

Hola, bon dia.

Hello, good morning.

Quants anys tens?

How old are you?

Ara tinc 21 anys.

Now I am 21 years old.

Qual és la teva experiència en l'institut?

What is your experience in the institute?

Bé, la meva experiència no va ser molt bona

Well, my experience wasn't very good.

perquè al cap i a la fi el sistema educatiu no està ben fet,

because after all the educational system is not well designed,

sobretot a Espanya,

especially in Spain,

i al final et jutgen per coses que no tenen res a veure amb la vida real

And in the end, they judge you for things that have nothing to do with real life.

o tenen bastant poc a veure amb la vida real.

or they have quite little to do with real life.

Aleshores, com et guanyes la vida ara?

So how do you make a living now?

Doncs ara treballo com a actor de doblatge

Well, now I work as a voice actor.

i tinc un canal de YouTube

I have a YouTube channel.

i entre les dues coses guanyo un bon sou.

And between the two things, I earn a good salary.

Voldries donar-li algun consell per als alumnes d'avui en dia?

Would you like to give some advice to today's students?

Simplement que sàpiguen que ja me s'eixides a banda d'estudiar

Just let them know that I already went out besides studying.

o de triar les típiques carreres que sempre diuen que has de triar.

or to choose the typical careers that they always say you have to choose.

Es poden fer moltes coses.

Many things can be done.

Ara bé, si ho fas, has de fer-ho bé,

Now, if you do it, you have to do it well.

has de fer-ho de manera que tu sàpigues que realment pots guanyar la vida

You have to do it in a way that you know you can really make a living.

i que és una cosa més o menys estable i que té futur.

and that it is something more or less stable and has a future.

I, sobretot, el més important és la capacitat per a buscar-te la vida,

I, above all, the most important thing is the ability to make a living for yourself.

siga el que siga.

whatever it may be.

I també, simplement,

And also, simply,

que no et sentis mal si al final

don't feel bad if in the end

jo crec que és injust culpar els alumnes al 100%

I believe it is unfair to blame the students 100%.

que els vagi mal a l'institut

I hope it goes badly for them at the institute.

i jo crec que el sistema està totalment desconnectat de la realitat.

And I believe that the system is completely disconnected from reality.

Però, si no tens cap altra cosa,

But, if you don't have anything else,

sí que és veritat que és una cosa que et dona una seguretat

it is true that it is something that gives you a sense of security

i que és el millor per atendre alguna cosa per al teu futur.

And what is best to take care of something for your future.

I que al final les capacitats que jo he de tindre per al meu treball

And that in the end the skills I need for my work

mai me les han ensenyat.

they have never taught me.

Les he hagut d'aprendre...

I have had to learn them...

El sistema educatiu no m'ha ensenyat res que ara m'ha servit en el meu cas.

The education system has not taught me anything that has helped me in my case.

Sí que hi ha altres casos que sí que pot servir,

Yes, there are other cases where it can be useful.

però, per exemple, jo he trobat una cosa que se suposava que no existia

but, for example, I have found something that was supposed not to exist

o que no es podia fer i em va bé.

or what couldn't be done and it suits me fine.

Així que, simplement,

So, simply,

que la gent busqui el que realment li agrada

that people seek what they truly like

i que tinga futur

and that it has a future

i que es pugui guanyar la vida

and that one can earn a living

perquè el que ensenyen a l'institut és una part molt xicoteta de la realitat

because what is taught at the institute is a very small part of reality

i hi ha molt allà fora per explorar.

And there is so much out there to explore.

Moltes gràcies, Omar.

Thank you very much, Omar.

A vosaltres.

To you.

Després d'aquesta entrevista que acabem de tindre,

After this interview we have just had,

jo vaig a parlar sobre el paper dels psicòlegs a les aules.

I am going to talk about the role of psychologists in the classrooms.

El paper del psicòleg el tenim com un paper irrellevant en els centres educatius,

The role of the psychologist is seen as an irrelevant role in educational centers.

però és molt més important del que creiem.

but it is much more important than we think.

Requerem moltes vegades la seva funció,

We often require their function,

ja que és l'única persona que pot ajudar els alumnes

since he is the only person who can help the students

a supervisar la seva salut i la seva estabilitat mental.

to monitor their health and mental stability.

Un altre punt molt important del que hi ha de parlar

Another very important point to discuss.

són els mètodes per a qualificar-nos.

they are the methods for qualifying us.

Tenim sempre com a via ràpida i fàcil

We always have it as a quick and easy way.

i com a única opció els exàmens,

and as the only option the exams,

els quals, per descomptat, ens ajuden

which, of course, help us

però que continuen sent un sistema molt antic

but they remain a very old system

empleat majoritàriament com a l'única via de qualificació.

employed primarily as the sole means of qualification.

A l'hora de fer un examen, els alumnes es memoritzen la matèria

When it comes time to take an exam, the students memorize the material.

i després plasmen tots aquests conceptes en l'examen,

and then they express all these concepts in the exam,

els quals s'acaben oblidant perquè no s'arriben a assolir mai del tot.

which end up being forgotten because they are never fully achieved.

Per això, altres alternatives podrien ser

Therefore, other alternatives could be

els treballs orals, les exposicions o pràctiques

oral works, presentations or practicals

que solen ser sempre més amenes per a estudiar i aprendre.

which are usually much more enjoyable for studying and learning.

I com a últim punt a recalcar,

And as a final point to emphasize,

els alumnes estan molt sotmesos a estrès

The students are very subjected to stress.

i a molta responsabilitat tant dins com també fora del centre.

and a lot of responsibility both inside and outside the center.

Molts alumnes tenen apenes temps per a dedicar-li als estudis,

Many students have barely any time to dedicate to their studies,

ja que realitzen un altre tipus d'activitats fora

since they carry out another type of activities outside

com acadèmies, esports o conservatoris de música.

like academies, sports, or music conservatories.

Per tant, no cal sobrecarregar-los a tanta responsabilitat.

Therefore, it is not necessary to overload them with so much responsibility.

I per tant, com a conclusió,

And therefore, as a conclusion,

encara queden molts aspectes a millorar,

there are still many aspects to improve,

els quals cal anar canviant a poc a poc

which need to be gradually changed

per poder aconseguir un sistema més modern i menys monotón.

to achieve a more modern and less monotonous system.

I fins ací aquest capítol sobre el sistema educatiu espanyol.

And this concludes this chapter on the Spanish educational system.

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