Rugby, què és, com és… Sorprenent Sempre!

Mai es Tard

Mai és Tard

Rugby, què és, com és… Sorprenent Sempre!

Mai és Tard

El que no és el que és

What is not what is.

Realment, a veure, jo vaig conèixer el rugbi

Really, let's see, I got to know rugby.

en el moment que el meu fill va començar a entrenar

the moment my son started training

volia jugar al rugbi, va començar, va trobar un equip

I wanted to play rugby, he started, he found a team.

que s'estava fundant, que tenia molt poquet temps

that was melting, that had very little time

i va començar. Aquí em vaig aficionar

And it started. This is where I became interested.

i em vaig aficionar molt primer perquè era el meu fill

And I became very fond of it first because it was my son.

i l'he seguit tota la meva vida

and I have followed him my whole life

veient els diferents esports que ha practicat

seeing the different sports he/she has practiced

jo sóc el seu principal hooligan

I am their main hooligan.

i després perquè m'agrada molt la fotografia esportiva

And then because I really like sports photography.

dintre del que és la fotografia esportiva

within the realm of sports photography

doncs a veure

well, let's see

les jugades de rugbi són espectaculars

The rugby plays are spectacular.

queden fotografies molt, molt, molt maques

There are very, very, very nice photographs left.

Llavors, us parlaré de diverses coses

Then, I will talk to you about various things.

que jo he observat, us asseguro que encara no conec

that I have observed, I assure you that I still do not know

el reglament de rugbi, conec algunes jugades

the rugby rules, I know some plays

però em costa, estic molt pendent de la fotografia

but it's hard for me, I'm very focused on the photograph.

i sobretot també del partit

And above all also from the party.

però encara sé per què es fan les melers

But I still know why the beekeepers do it.

això sí, perquè fas un avant i no es pot fer

that's true, because you take a step forward and it can't be done

i alguna coseta

and a little something

quan surt la pilota fora

when the ball goes out

però, bueno, em costa

but, well, it's hard for me

em costa alguna cosa i li pregunto al meu fill

It costs me something and I ask my son.

per què passa això i per què passa allò

why does this happen and why does that happen

i ell una mica m'ho explica

and he explains it to me a little bit

jo tinc aquí unes notes que no em voldria perdre

I have some notes here that I wouldn't want to lose.

perquè realment hi ha

because there really is

hi ha

there is

dintre del rugbi una germanor molt gran

within rugby, a very strong brotherhood

germanor entre equips

brotherhood among teams

dius, escolta, entre equips

you say, listen, among teams

sí, entre equips

yes, between teams

perquè hi ha una cosa que es diu el tercer temps

because there is something called the third half

tot allò que el rugbi

everything that rugby

des de la primera temporada

since the first season

des de dins, des de dins del camp

from inside, from inside the field

pugui haver, que et puguis enfadar

may be, that you may get angry

amb algun company o et puguis enfadar

with some colleague or you might get angry

amb algun contrari

with some opponent

el 95-99%


de les vegades s'arregla amb el tercer temps

Sometimes it is resolved with the third half.

i què és el tercer temps?

And what is the third time?

el tercer temps és

the third time is

un vermut

a vermouth

a l'equip local

to the local team

es prepara la logística

The logistics is being prepared.

per fer després del partit

to do after the match

al final de finalitzar el partit

at the end of the match

i ja sortint dels vestidors

and already coming out of the changing rooms

el vermut, la cervesa, la pica-pica

the vermouth, the beer, the snacks

de tot

of everything

on hi participen els dos equips

both teams participate in it

i on hi participa l'àrbit

and the referee is involved in it

jo per mi això és un acte de germanor

For me, this is an act of brotherhood.

i un acte de llimar espareses

and an act of smoothing out rough edges

perquè una cosa que dintre el camp

because one thing that within the field

passa en calent, sí que és molt senzill

It happens fast, yes, it's very simple.

que en fred es vegi d'una altra manera

that when cold, it is seen differently

si més no

if nothing else

perquè l'enfadament que pugui haver

because of the anger that there may be

d'allà no part, ja no surti

From there not leaving, no longer set out.

s'arregli allà

fix it there

i és així, el 99% de les vegades

And it is so, 99% of the time.

s'arregla d'aquesta manera

it is fixed this way

una altra cosa que em sorprèn

another thing that surprises me

jo us aniré dient coses sueltes

I will be telling you random things.

és que quan un partit acaba

it's that when a match ends

l'equip que perd

the losing team

li fa el passadís

he makes the corridor for him/her

de sortida a l'equip que guanya

to the winning team

un passadís on aplaudeixen

a corridor where they applaud

el que crea el passadís

the one who creates the corridor

i una vegada l'equip que ha guanyat

and once the team has won

ha passat el passadís

he has crossed the hallway

ells mateixos es formen

they form themselves

preparant un passadís

preparing a corridor

per l'equip que ha perdut

for the team that has lost

és a dir, que tots dos equips

that is to say, that both teams

surten del camp en passadís

they leave the field into the corridor

i aplaudint-se

and applauding each other

caramba, això quan ho vaig veure

wow, when I saw this

per primera vegada, em vaig quedar molt sorprès

For the first time, I was really surprised.

que dius, escolta

What are you saying, listen?

això que sembla tan dur

this that seems so hard

dintre del camp

inside the field

que sembla, perquè realment

what it seems, because really

a veure, és dur, però no és dur

Let's see, it's hard, but it's not hard.

de pensament

of thought

acaben fent el passadís, el que ha guanyat

they end up making the hallway, the one who has won

allà no es discuteix si hi ha hagut

there is no discussion there about whether there has been

jugades estranyes

strange plays

no es discuteix res

nothing is discussed

un ha guanyat i l'altre ha perdut

one has won and the other has lost

passadís del que ha perdut amb el que ha guanyat

corridor of what has been lost with what has been gained

i automàticament passadís

and automatically hallway

del que ha guanyat al que ha perdut

from the one who has won to the one who has lost

i allà, bé, amb les mans

And there, well, with the hands.

abraçades de tot, és com si

hugs from everything, it's as if

fos un partit de costellada

it was a barbecue party

i no és cap partit de costellada

and it is not a rib party

us ho ben asseguro

I assure you of it.

però es fa això, això és un acte

but this is done, this is an act

que per mi em va sorprendre

that for me surprised me

et queda esperat

it remains expected

es parla del mal físic

it talks about physical pain


let's see

sí que realment és un esport dur

it really is a tough sport

hi ha molts cops, s'ha d'estar preparat

There are many times, you have to be prepared.

per rebre cops

to take blows

però hi ha un ordre

but there is an order

hi ha un ordre dintre del reglament del rugbi

there is an order within the rules of rugby

llavors sí que

then yes

una cosa que m'ha sorprès molt

one thing that has surprised me a lot

és que quan

it's that when

un àrbitre

a referee

pren una decisió

make a decision

aquella decisió respecta

that decision respects

no es discuteix

it is not discussed

amb l'àrbitre

with the referee

i si algú

and if someone

que m'he trobat

that I have found

amb l'escalfor de la jugada

with the heat of the play

intenta discutir amb l'àrbitre

tries to argue with the referee



un company del mateix equip

a teammate

l'apartarà de la discussió

it will take her out of the discussion

perquè ho he vist

because I have seen it

apartar-lo de discussió

put it aside for discussion

i dir va, tu, anem a jugar

And go, you, let's play.

que és la decisió que ha pres i respectem-la

that is the decision she has made, and we respect it.

punto, ja està, i s'ha acabat

point, that's it, and it's over

això també

this too

sorprèn moltíssim

it is very surprising

que realment que l'àrbit

that really the referee

se'l deixi fer d'àrbit

let him be a referee


of referee

i no passi absolutament res

and absolutely nothing happens

clar, que a vegades

of course, that sometimes

l'escalfor de la jugada

the warmth of the play

sí que diu, ostres, que és injust

Yes, it says, wow, that it's unfair.

no sé què, es pot equivocar

I don’t know what, it can be wrong.

si és que és humà

if it is human

i es pot equivocar l'àrbitre

And the referee can make a mistake.

però no es tracta de discutir

but it's not about arguing

i a sobre que el mateix company teu

and on top of that your own colleague

del mateix equip

from the same team

et retiri

withdraws you

deixem-ho estar, tu, cap enrere

let it be, you, no turning back

a defensar, preparem-nos

to defend, let’s get ready

també realment val

it really is worth it too

molt la pena

very worthwhile

això se'l respecta

this is respected

crec jo per l'àrbitre

I believe for the referee.

per dir, escolta, és una persona

to say, listen, he/she is a person

es pot equivocar

it can be mistaken

i dius, escolta, aquest és caser

And you say, listen, this is homemade.

és un àrbitre casolà

he is a home referee

no, és un àrbitre

no, he is a referee

està fent la seva feina

he is doing his job

ho intenta fer el millor possible

he tries to do his best

i a sobre

and above

t'explicarà per què ha pres aquesta decisió

It will explain to you why it has made this decision.

això ho fan molts àrbitres, també ho he vist

many referees do this, I've seen it too

que dius, escolta, he pres aquesta decisió

What are you saying, listen, I have made this decision.

per això, per això i per allò

for this, for this and for that

i caramba, i a vegades tu no ho saps veure

Oh wow, and sometimes you just can’t see it.

d'aquella mateixa manera

in that same way

o no t'havies fixat en alguna cosa

or hadn't you noticed something?

que t'explica

that explains to you

si t'ho explica, que no té per què

if he/she explains it to you, it doesn't have to

dir-te per què ho ha pres

to tell you why he/she has taken it

ha pres aquella decisió d'aquella manera

he made that decision that way

però a vegades també algun àrbitre ho fa

but sometimes some referees do it too

i això està molt bé, perquè t'ensenya

and this is very good, because it teaches you

t'ensenya molt

it teaches you a lot

més coses que us vull

more things that I want you

ah, bueno

oh, well

a veure, represento Carbonés

Let's see, I represent Carbonés.

aquí tinc l'escut, un petonet

here I have the shield, a little kiss

com fan els jugadors de futbol

how football players do it

aquí tinc la gorra, me la tinc una mica aixecada

Here I have the cap, I have it a little lifted.

perquè si no, no se'm veu la cara il·luminada

because if not, my face doesn't show in the light

em fa ombra

it casts a shadow on me

si me la baixo, veieu

if I download it, you see

llavors me la pujo

then I’ll lift it up for myself

bueno, no sé què anava a dir

Well, I don't know what I was going to say.

sí, l'afició, l'afició de Carbonés

yes, the passion, the passion of Carbonés

bueno, sempre, sempre, sempre

well, always, always, always

a tots els partits que he estat

to all the parties I have been to

l'afició allà ajudant, cridant

the crowd there helping, shouting

participant, donant costat

participant, giving support

a l'equip

to the team

jo mai he estat amb ells

I have never been with them.

perquè jo fent fotografia esportiva

because I am doing sports photography

sempre he estat al camp

I have always been in the countryside.

la veritat que sempre m'he va llogant molt bé

The truth is that I have always rented very well.

i bueno

And well

no em vull desviar

I don't want to deviate.

felicitats a l'afició de Carbonés

congratulations to the fans of Carbonés

que tots aquests anys

that all these years

han estat darrere

they have been behind

darrere de l'equip

behind the team

ajudant, animant

helping, encouraging

i vinga, mai fallant

And come on, never failing.

i a tots els partits que toca

and to all the parties involved

sempre allà

always there

que bueno, jo fa dies que no els veig

That's great, I haven't seen them for days.

perquè amb el tema del Covid

because of the Covid issue

realment s'ha complicat molt veure'ls

It has really become very complicated to see them.

però estic esperant que passi tot això del Covid

but I'm waiting for all this Covid stuff to pass

per tornar una altra vegada amb les andades

to return once again with the antics

amb la càmera a l'ombro

with the camera on the shoulder

càmera a l'ombro

camera on the shoulder

que també, bueno, us he de dir

that also, well, I have to tell you

que m'han sorprès

that have surprised me

que han sortit fotografies excepcionals

that exceptional photographs have been taken

i això no és gràcies al fotògraf

and this is not thanks to the photographer

això és gràcies als jugadors

this is thanks to the players

que fan unes garotes

what do some sea urchins do

i fan unes cares

and they make some faces

i fan unes llançades

and they make some throws

jo els hi deia

I was telling them.

dic, escolta, quan marqueu

I say, listen, when you mark

quan arribeu a la marca

when you arrive at the mark

sempre llanceu-vos

always throw yourselves

perquè clar, pel fotògraf

because, of course, for the photographer

lo maco és agafar aquell punt

the nice thing is to reach that point

on, a mi, una cosa que m'agrada

Well, one thing that I like.

que és el punt

what is the point

que el jugador no toca terra

that the player does not touch the ground

jo ja tinc la foto feta

I already have the photo taken.

potser a terra ja no m'agrada

maybe I don't like it on the ground anymore

a mi m'agrada

I like it.

quan el jugador està totalment horitzontal

when the player is completely horizontal

a quatre dits de terra

four fingers from the ground

un pam de terra

a hand's breadth of land

que se'l veu allà volant

that you can see him flying there

aquella és la foto que m'agrada

That is the photo I like.

i sempre els hi demano

and I always ask them

els que normalment fan més marques

those who usually make more marks

dic, escolta, llanceu-vos

I say, listen, throw yourselves.

encara que ho tingueu fàcil

even if you have it easy

és igual, llanceu-vos

it doesn't matter, throw yourselves

que la foto quedarà molt més maca

that the photo will look much nicer

fotos de tot tipus

photos of all kinds

he tret

I have taken out

ja us passaré unes mostres

I will send you some samples.



sobretot les de marca

especially the branded ones

per mi són les excepcionals

for me they are the exceptional ones

les, les

the, the

hi ha les de meler

there are those of meler

hi ha les de la puna per la pilota

There are the ones from the Puna for the ball.

per conservar-la

to preserve it

que no te la prenguin

don't let them take it from you



us posaré un link a baix

I'll put a link below.

on podreu veure

you will be able to see

totes les fotos que tinc de carboners

all the photos I have of charcoal burners

que realment són

that really are

per moltes

for many

moltes perquè són molts anys fent fotografia

many because it has been many years of taking photographs

i seguint-los per tot arreu

and following them everywhere

al camp de Terrassa

in the field of Terrassa

i a tots els altres camps que s'han vist

and in all the other fields that have been seen

més coses

more things

una anècdota

an anecdote

una anècdota meva

a personal anecdote of mine

com a fotògraf

as a photographer

jo em trepitjo la gespa

I step on the grass.

i em poso allà

and I put myself there

potser on l'àrbitre no podria deixar-me estar

maybe where the referee couldn't let me be

però bé

but well

sempre el que és la zona darrere de porteries

always what is the area behind the goals

que és la zona on ells escalfen

What is the area where they warm up?

sempre em poso allà

I always put myself there.

jo crec que l'àrbitre em penso que no em hauria de deixar estar

I believe that the referee should not let me off.

però bé, mai, mai, mai, mai

but well, never, never, never, never

m'he trobat que cap àrbitre em digui

I have found that no referee tells me.

no pots estar allà

you can't be there

procuro evidentment no estar dintre del camp

I obviously try not to be in the field.

i quan venen de cara

And when they come face to face

sempre m'aparto una mica

I always step back a bit.

perquè també per no patir jo

because also to not suffer myself



quan venen a una velocitat

when they come at a speed

aquelles moles

those moles

tan, tan

so, so

moles o no moles

moles or you don't moles

però bé, amb una fortalesa física impressionant

but well, with an impressive physical strength

procuro apartar-me

I try to distance myself.

i una anècdota és que

and one anecdote is that

l'única pega que he trobat com a fotògraf

the only drawback I have found as a photographer

venia d'un altre fotògraf

it came from another photographer

és molt trist, realment

it's very sad, really

no tindria que ser així

it shouldn't be like this

un fotògraf que anava amb un peto

a photographer who was wearing a jumpsuit

tot de fotògraf

all of photographer

com si fos el professional

as if it were the professional

de la primera divisió d'honor

of the first division of honor

i em va dir que jo no podia fer fotos

And he told me that I could not take photos.

perquè clar, no era fotògraf oficial

because clearly, he wasn't an official photographer

a mi també em podia dir alguna cosa

he could have told me something too

dic mira jo estic aquí al camp de Can Jofresa

I say look I am here at the Can Jofresa field.

sap l'equip que estan fent fotos

the team knows they are taking photos

i tinc l'autorització més important

I have the most important authorization.

que puc tenir com a fotògraf

what I can have as a photographer

per fer fotos

to take photos

la del meu fill i està ara mateix al camp

the one of my son and is right now in the field

amb la qual cosa

with which

realment passava per davant meu

he was really passing in front of me

cosa que no s'ha de fer entre fotògrafs

Things that must not be done among photographers.

per prendre'm la presa aquella

to take the dam that

però bé, és una anècdota

but well, it's an anecdote

que no és de bon gust

that is not pleasant

perquè realment a sobre et ve d'una altra persona

because it really comes from another person above you

que està fent fotografies

who is taking photographs

però bé, és una anècdota que no és de bon gust

but well, it's an anecdote that is not in good taste

és una anècdota que m'ha passat

it's an anecdote that has happened to me

us la volia explicar

I wanted to explain it to you.

perquè realment és trista

because it is really sad

però bé, mai se sap

but well, you never know

jo crec que, a veure

I believe that, let's see

una cosa que us volia explicar

one thing I wanted to explain to you

del jugador Murri, el meu fill ho és molt

from the player Murri, my son is very much so

de Murri, aquests que sempre estan

of Murri, those who are always there

al límit del reglament

at the limit of the regulation

al límit de jugar

at the limit of playing

i de...

and of...



amb el jugador

with the player

bé, al final

well, in the end

fa que en cabroni

makes that in bastard

els altres

the others

i potser

and maybe

cometin alguna falta

make some mistake

que no haurien de tenir

that they should not have

però bé

but well

no ho sé

I don't know.

jo crec que això és una anècdota

I think this is an anecdote.



que bé, anècdotes

how good, anecdotes

o maneres de veure l'esport

or ways of seeing sport

que a mi m'entusiasmava

that excited me

jo vaig fins i tot

I go even.

a tuitejar

to tweet

on veia

it was seen

que el fair play

that fair play

d'aquest esport

of this sport

el futbol mai a la vida

football never in life

l'ha tingut

he has had it

ni el tindrà mai

he will never have it

estic segur que també

I am sure that too.

l'esport amateur

amateur sport

el rugby amateur

amateur rugby

que jo he conegut

that I have known

potser també

maybe also





que jo he conegut

that I have known

potser també

maybe also



que jo he conegut

that I have known

potser també

maybe also

difereix una mica

it differs a bit

del rugbi

of rugby



veus la copa

do you see the cup

100 nacions

100 nations

i veus

and you see

però també veus

but you also see

que hi ha

What's going on?



aquell fair play

that fair play

que el futbol

that football

no té

does not have

fa molt temps

a long time ago

que no té

that does not have

ni tindrà mai

nor will he/she ever have

perquè la qüestió

because the issue

amb el futbol

with football

sempre és

it is always

enganyar l'àrbit

fool the referee

cosa que

thing that

el rugbi


també pot ser

it can also be

que passi

let it happen

però no tant

but not so much

és un altre concepte

it's another concept


at least


I insist.

amb el joc amateur

with amateur play

fora anècdotes

out anecdotes

fora pensaments

out thoughts

jo crec

I believe

que el millor

that the best

el millor

the best

és que puguem escoltar

is that we can listen

una entrevista

an interview

amb un jugador

with a player



us sembla?

What do you think?

serà la millor manera

it will be the best way

de realment


veure una mica més

see a little more

el que és el rugbi

what rugby is

amb una visió molt diferent

with a very different perspective

de la que és la meva

of which is my

molt bé

very well

i després de tot

and after all

el que us hem comentat

what we have told you

que millor

how better

que conèixer

to know

el rugbi


des de dins

from within

des de les tripes

from the guts

des de


la profunditat

the depth

de jugar

to play

com és

how is it



de tarrassa

from Tarrassa

i per això tenim

and for this we have

aquí el Marc Bertomeu

here is Marc Bertomeu

no de casualitat

not by chance

es diu Bertomeu

His name is Bertomeu.

és el meu fill

He is my son.

però clar

but of course



el tenim aquí

we have him here

perquè ens expliqui

to explain to us



que és el sentiment

what is the feeling

del rugbi

of rugby

des de dins

from within

que és jugar

what is playing

i que ens expliqui

and that he/she explains to us

una mica

a little bit

perquè puguem aprendre

so that we can learn

una mica millor

a little better

que és aquest joc

what is this game

li farem una entrevista

we will give him/her an interview

li farem unes preguntes

we will ask you some questions

i ell ens dirà

and he will tell us



el que és

what it is

el que volem saber

what we want to know



que anem a connectar

let's connect

amb ell

with him

i aquí el tenim

And here we have it.

bon dia Marc

Good morning Marc.

bon dia

good morning


come on

bon dia

good morning

com estem

how are we

estem bé

we are fine

jo molt bé

I am very well.

i tu

and you





amb ganes de conèixer

eager to meet

el que és el rugbi

what rugby is


I like it.

m'agrada la samarreta

I like the t-shirt.

que portes

What are you wearing?

la samarreta

the t-shirt

del meu fan

from my fan

del meu club

from my club

del carbonés

of the coal

de tarrassa

from Terrassa

encara que jo no jugui

even if I don't play

que ho tingui

that he/she has it

des de la barrera

from the barrier

però és el club

but it is the club

que jo m'estimo

that I love myself

anem a fer per les preguntes

let's go for the questions

la llista que té preparat

the list you have prepared

la primera seria

the first would be



des de quan jugues al rugbi

Since when have you played rugby?

jugo des del 2019

I have been playing since 2019.



des que es va fundar el club

since the club was founded

que tenia jo 19 anys

when I was 19 years old



des del 2019

since 2019

2019 amb 19 anys

2019 at 19 years old





que va fer

what did he/she do

que et fixessis

that you would notice

en aquest esport

in this sport



jo de petit

me as a child


I remember

a l'hora de dinar

at lunchtime

quan jo

when I

jo anava a dinar

I was going to have lunch.

aquests dos dies

these two days

a casa teva

at your house



a casa nostra

at our house



i els

and the

els mig dies

the half days

recordo que el Canal Plus

I remember that Canal Plus.

era obert

it was open

i feien com

and they did like

com els esports

like sports

en obert


feien resums

they made summaries

i recordo

I remember


to see

veure resums

see summaries

de 6 nacions

of 6 nations

però potser ja tenia

but maybe I already had

7 o 8 anys

7 or 8 years

a més recordo

I also remember.

que mirava la tele

that was watching TV

que hi havia

that there was


the room

molt germà del Sergi

very brother of Sergi



em impactava molt

it impacted me a lot

un xou que es diu

a show that is called



que ja ha retirat

that has already been withdrawn

i bueno

and well

sempre vaig tenir

I always had

com aquest

like this

com aquest pensament

with this thought

una mica la tena

a bit of the tenacity

al meu cap

in my head

i justament el 2019

and precisely in 2019

o potser va ser el 2018

or maybe it was 2018

vam fer

we did

va sortir la pel·lícula

the movie was released


of Invincibility

com es deia

what was it called

ara no me'n recordo

now I don't remember



la pel·lícula del

the movie of the

Mundial de Sud-àfrica

World Cup in South Africa

el 94

the 94

que vam guanyar

that we won

que vam guanyar els Springboks

that we won against the Springboks

que va ser una revolució

that it was a revolution

pel país

for the country

perquè a més a més

because moreover

Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela

que els hi va donar

that he gave them

com suport

as support

que era molt estrany

that it was very strange

que van fer la pel·lícula

that made the movie

aquest gran pel·lícula

this great movie

em va impactar molt també

It also impacted me a lot.

i llavors justament

and then just

al sortir d'aquella pel·lícula

upon leaving that movie

doncs vaig estar buscant

so I was looking

vaig posar el típic

I put the typical one.

el Rugby Terrassa

Rugby Terrassa

perquè a més era una època

because it was also a time

que hi havia

what there was

feia un parell d'anys

a couple of years ago

que havia deixat de jugar a bàsquet

that I had stopped playing basketball

i feia molt poc d'esport

and I did very little sport

molt bé

very well



doncs em va sortir

so it came out for me

que feia tres mesos

three months ago

que s'havia fundat un club

that a club had been established

tres mesos

three months

molt bé

very well

feia tres mesos

three months ago

sí sí

yes yes

molt poquet

very little

i que estaven ja començant a entrenar

and they were already starting to train

allà els 23

there at 23

i vaig dir

I said.



anem a provar

let's try

i el primer dia vaig dir

and on the first day I said




i tornarem

and we will return

i des de llavors

and since then



ja fa 12 anys

it has been 12 years

que bé

how good

12 anys ja

12 years already

què és

what is it

què és per tu

what is it for you

el Club Carboners de Terrassa

the Carboners Club of Terrassa



el Club Carboners de Terrassa

the Coalmen Club of Terrassa


it is

és que és una curiositat

it's just that it's a curiosity



perquè realment

because really

es va fundar

was founded

el que he dit

what I have said

es va fundar el 2019

it was founded in 2019

amb una sèrie de gent

with a group of people

que molts ja no hi són

that many are no longer here



potser per mi

maybe for me

a les tares del principi

to the tasks from the beginning

l'he sentit molt meu

I have felt it very much mine.

en els primers anys

in the early years

vaig participar molt

I participated a lot.

amb la Junta

with the Board

amb el president

with the president

com a vicepresident

as vice president

ja fa molts que ja ho vaig deixar

It's been a long time since I stopped it.

però bueno

but well

com a jugador també

as a player too

també hi he participat

I have also participated.

o crec que hi he donat una part important

I believe I have contributed an important part.

llavors al final

then in the end

el que es genera

what is generated

al ser un club tan petitet

being such a small club

que realment

that really

o es fan les coses

or things are done

la gent que

the people who

els jugadors

the players

els pares

the parents

inclús els nens de l'escola

even the school children

si no ho fem nosaltres la feina

if we don't do the work ourselves

no es fa

it is not done



et crea un sentiment

it creates a feeling

de pertenença

of belonging

que el club és teu

that the club is yours



no estic pagant una cuota

I am not paying a fee.

d'un gimnàs

of a gym

o soc abonat al Barça

I am a subscriber to Barça.

sinó que estic pagant uns diners

but I am paying some money

realment paguem cuotes

we really pay fees



per un club que és purament nostre

for a club that is purely ours

i que només creix

and that only grows

si nosaltres ens hi esforcem

if we make an effort

llavors és

then it is

no sé

I don't know.

et dóna això

it gives you this

un sentiment de pertenença

a feeling of belonging

que és complicat

that it is complicated

en una altra situació

in another situation

molt bé

very good

una pregunta per mi

a question for me

molt interessant

very interesting



la faig jo

I'll do it.

ha de ser interessant

It must be interesting.

què ha suposat per tu

what has it meant for you

a la teva vida personal

to your personal life

i professional

and professional

el fet de jugar al rugbi

the act of playing rugby

és una bona pregunta

it's a good question



pensava que aniries allò

I thought you would go there.


I was thinking.

tenia ganes

I wanted to.

de que me la preguntés

that you asked me about it

o algo

or something



el que es fa sempre

what is always done






de fet

in fact

d'aquesta forma

in this way

també me l'han fet

they have done it to me too

entrevistes de feina

job interviews

molt bé

very good

vull dir

I mean

quan dius

when you say

que no expliques

that you don't explain

perquè veiem

because we see

totes les entrevistes

all the interviews

que he anat

that I have gone

que per sort

that fortunately

fa molt temps

a long time ago

que no en faig una

that I don’t make one

i jo

and me

sí sí clar

yes yes of course

ho separaré

I will separate it.




m'ha portat

it brought me

molta autoconfiança

a lot of self-confidence



quan jugues

when you play

o quan entrenes

or when you train

et situes en una posició

you are in a position

que té certs riscos

that has certain risks

perquè és una esport de contacte

because it is a contact sport

tot i que a mi

even though to me

no m'ha passat mai res

Nothing has ever happened to me.

i he vist molt poques vegades

I have seen very few times.

gent greus

serious people

potser un adult

maybe an adult



et fa

it makes you

et fa voler créixer

it makes you want to grow

et fa voler entrenar

it makes you want to train

et fa voler ser una mica millor

it makes you want to be a little better

que el dia anterior

than the day before

llavors això

then this



ho extrapoles

you extrapolate it

a la teva vida personal

to your personal life

a part

a part

jo sempre ho vull dir

I always want to say it.

a tothom que em coneix

to everyone who knows me

m'agrada molt entrenar

I really like to train.

a mi m'agrada molt fer esport

I really enjoy doing sports.

qualsevol esport

any sport

o inclús anar al gimnàs

or even go to the gym

però el rugbi

but rugby

sempre ho he trobat diferent

I've always found it different.

perquè m'ha servit com el

because it has served me like him

jo sempre dic

I always say

una pedra de tot

a stone of everything

en moments d'estrès

in moments of stress



que estàs

what are you

o que estàs trist

or that you are sad

o que la teva vida personal

or that your personal life

falla una mica

it fails a bit

el que sempre hi ha

the one that is always there

és el rugbi

it is rugby



pots tenir molts entrenaments

you can have many workouts

i pots enfadar

and you can get angry

i poden esbroncar

and they can be scolded

és igual

it doesn't matter

però allò sempre estarà

but that will always be

i sempre t'ajuda a desconnectar

and always helps you disconnect

llavors no

then no

si no hagués tingut això

if I hadn't had this



la vida no m'hauria anat tan bé

Life wouldn't have gone so well for me.



bé, entre cometes

well, in quotation marks

però vull dir

but I mean

sempre hi ha hagut això

there has always been this

inclús a les èpoques

even in times

de quan encara no

since not yet

a la universitat

at the university

a l'època d'exàmens

during exam time

o sigui

that is to say

em saltava moltes coses

I was skipping many things.

deixava de fer moltes coses

I stopped doing many things.

però el que no deixava de fer

but what I wouldn't stop doing

era anar a entrenar

it was to go train

o a les èpoques d'estrès màxim

or in periods of maximum stress

de feina

for work

l'únic que

the only thing that

no deixava de fer

didn't stop doing

era anar a entrenar

it was to go training

encara que fos una hora

even if it was an hour

perquè això era

because that was

el que a mi

what to me

em va relaxar

it relaxed me

a més


i a la vida professional

and in professional life





com que el rugbi

as with rugby

és un esport molt d'equip

It's a very team-oriented sport.

és molt difícil

it's very difficult

que un sol jugador

that a single player

et canviï un partit

it changes a match



com al futbol

like in football

amb Messi

with Messi

amb el Rubí

with the Ruby

és evident que hi ha jugadors

It is evident that there are players.

que estan tocats

that they are touched

per una vareta màgica

for a magic wand



sense que tothom

without everyone

s'acompanyi més

accompany more

i el treballador

and the worker

i els suplents

and the substitutes

és impossible

it's impossible

que guanyi un campionat

to win a championship



això et fa reflexionar molt

this makes you think a lot

en el tema del treball en equip

on the topic of teamwork



jo a les entrevistes

me at the interviews

ho explicava avui

I explained it today.

el que m'ha ensenyat

what it has taught me

és que

it's that

quan juguem tots junts

when we all play together

en la mateixa direcció

in the same direction

les coses no funcionen

things are not working

com també penso

as I also think

que ha de ser la feina

what the job has to be

si treballes som-ho

if you work, let's do it

però si treballes en un equip

but if you work in a team

encara que sigui petit

even if it's small

en la mateixa direcció

in the same direction

doncs no funciona res

so nothing works

i això

and this

tant al Rubí

both to the Rubí

com a la vida del pal

like in the life of the pole

i tant


molt bé

very well



tinc una pregunta més

I have one more question.

a mi em sorprèn

it surprises me

dintre del Rubí

inside Rubí

una cosa

one thing



que és el fair play

what is fair play

que hi ha en aquest esport

What is there in this sport?



què és per tu

what is it for you

el fair play

fair play

com el vius

how do you live it

des de dins

from within

aquest fair play

this fair play

del Rubí

from Rubí




it is

en el sentit

in the sense

que és molt complicat

that it is very complicated

un esport de contacte

a contact sport

que ens enganyarem

that we will deceive ourselves

i no ho amagarem

and we won't hide it



si no existeix aquest fair play

if this fair play does not exist

per mi seria un esport injugable

for me it would be an unplayable sport



perquè és

because it is

dir-te que és molt divertit

to tell you that it is very funny

el contacte

the contact

l'evasió del contacte

the evasion of contact

la pilota com es juga

how the ball is played

sempre tirant darrere

always pulling back

per avançar

to advance


the strategy



sempre pot haver-hi cosetes

There can always be little things.

d'un punt d'agressivitat

from a point of aggressiveness

i si no

and if not

i si no estan

and if they are not

més o menys controlades

more or less controlled



o no hi ha un àmbit

or there is no scope

que no se'ls respecta

that they are not respected

per mi seria un esport injugable

for me it would be an unplayable sport

jo no hi jugaria

I wouldn't play there.

i sí

and yes

soc una persona

I am a person.

que al camp

that in the field

soc bastant agressiva

I am quite aggressive.



dintre dels límits

within the limits

que em marquen

that mark me

les lleis del grup

the laws of the group

i les que em marca l'àrbitre

and those that the referee marks for me

però si no existeix això

but if this doesn't exist



o el 100 esport

or the 100 sport

que a vegades

that sometimes

es tensiona tant

it gets so tense

pel que dic

for what I say

pel contacte

for the contact

si estiguessin

if they were

els 30 dies

the 30 days

que estigués al camp

that was in the field

insultant l'àrbitre

insulting the referee



no seria divertit

it wouldn't be fun

i això

and this

i això és molt curiós eh

and this is very curious, huh

i a vegades

and sometimes

i a mi m'ha passat

and it has happened to me

contra alguns equips

against some teams

inclús amb algun company meu

even with some of my colleagues

que quan el 100

that when the 100

parla molt amb l'àrbitre

talks a lot with the referee

et fa molta ràbia

it makes you very angry

i li dius eh

and you tell him eh

i jo

and me


do it for him/her

els altres partits

the other parties

que vaig jugar de capital

that I played as captain

i vaig un company

I went with a colleague.

callat ja

shut up already

deixa l'àrbitre

let the referee be

perquè l'àrbitre

because the referee

és igual que nosaltres

it is the same as us

no és cap tio professional

he's not a professional guy

deixa que faci la seva feina

let him do his job

ho farà millor o pitjor

Will it do better or worse?

però el tio

but the guy

l'únic que vol

the only thing that he/she wants

és que juguem

it's that we play



ja li canviaràs

you will change it for him/her



aquí et faré una

here I will make you one



no diré un reflexer

I won't say a reflection.

però una anècdota

but an anecdote

va sortir fa molt poc

it just came out recently

un vídeo

a video

de la lliga americana

of the American League

ja tenen una lliga

they already have a league

professionalitzada de rugby

professionalized rugby



l'àrbitre va parar el joc

the referee stopped the game

i va parlar amb el capità

and spoke with the captain

dient-li que

telling him that

un dels seus jugadors

one of their players

el capità

the captain

li va dir a l'àrbitre

he said to the referee

fes-lo fora

kick him out


expel him

què passaria això amb el futbol

What would happen with football?

doncs que la vida

so that life



no t'ha dit això

he hasn't told you that

t'ha dit una altra cosa

it has told you something else

m'ha insultat a mi

He insulted me.



el propi àrbitre

the referee himself

el capità

the captain

li demana

he asks her

a l'àrbitre

to the referee

que expulsi un company seu

that expels one of its colleagues

perquè considera

because he/she considers

que ha tingut una actitud

that has had an attitude

que no és

that it is not

que no es correspon

that does not correspond

a lo que era

to what it was

ser rupi

to be a thorn



sí sí

yes yes

va explica'ns interioritats

Come on, tell us the inside details.

què és el tercer temps

what is the third time



el tercer temps

the third half

també és

it is also

com que estem parlant ara

as we are talking now

vull dir

I mean

que sense

that without

sense això

without this

no seria

it wouldn't be

seria molt més avorrit

it would be much more boring

sí perquè

yes because

bueno al final

well in the end

el tercer temps

the third half

és quan ens ajuntem

it's when we come together

els dos equips

the two teams

i l'àrbitre també

and the referee too

a fer unes cerveses

to have a few beers

i a menjar

and to eat

sempre convida

always invites

l'equip local

the home team

l'equip visitant

the visiting team

per agrair

to thank

que hagin vingut

that they have come

per agrair

to thank

que hagin jugat

that they have played

contra nosaltres

against us



el concepte del rupi

the concept of the rupi

si no hi ha dos equips

if there are not two teams

no es pot jugar

it cannot be played



i si no hi ha un àrbitre

and if there is no referee

tampoc es pot jugar

it cannot be played either



hi ha gent

there are people

d'altres clubs

from other clubs

que no coneixeries

that you would not recognize

i també serveix molt

and it also works a lot



per dimarts pareses

for Tuesday you stop


let's call it that

a mi m'ha passat

it has happened to me

que us deia abans

what I was telling you before

que he sigut una mica agressiu

that I have been a bit aggressive

en algun partit

in some match

hi ha hagut algun cop de punt

Has there been any blow to the point?


of these

sense mala intenció

without bad intention

jo m'he enfadat molt

I have gotten very angry.

amb jugadors

with players



vas al vestuari

are you going to the locker room

et dutxes

you shower

surts d'allà

you come out of there

a mi m'ha passat

it has happened to me

que em vingui un rival

let a rival come to me

amb el qual

with which

hi ha hagut

there has been

hi ha hagut agressivitat

there has been aggression

em porti una cervesa a la mà

bring me a beer in hand

i et pregunto

and I ask you

tio què t'ha passat

dude, what happened to you?

per què


aquestes coses

these things

les trobo precioses

I find them beautiful.

perquè jo és trist

because I am sad

ja no estic enfadat

I am not angry anymore.

i li puc explicar

and I can explain it to him/her

mira tio

look man

sento que et fa molt greu

I'm sorry that it bothers you so much.

se me n'ha anat de les mans

It's gotten out of my hands.

o és que està molt cremat

or is it that it's very burnt

perquè no surtin les coses

so that things don't come out

perquè clar

because of course

una persona

a person

amb la que has tingut un punt

with which you have had a point

o t'has barallat

or you have fought

entre cometes

"in quotes"

et porti una cervesa

brings you a beer

és preciós

it's precious

i tant

of course

molt bé

very well

que em diries

What would you say to me?

del jugador murri

of the sly player

i no miro ningú

and I don't look at anyone






I try

ho intento ser

I try to be.

a vegades


no ho aconsegueixo

I can't do it.



els primers capitans

the first captains

que vaig tenir

that I had

que també va ser fundador

who was also a founder

del club

from the club

que ell sempre ho deia

that he always said it

jo jugo amb el reglament

I play with the rules.

però porto el límit

but I carry the limit

i aquí si que no estem parlant

And here we are not talking at all.


of aggressiveness

si no estem parlant

if we are not talking

que hi ha un cop de càstig

that there is a blow of punishment

que entri un dissacat ràpid

let a quick dissacat come in

perquè veus que un jugador

because you see that a player

està descol·locat

he is disoriented

o veus que hi ha un jugador

or you see that there is a player

fora de joc


i has de jutjar-la cap allà

And you have to judge her over there.



l'àrbitre ho begui

may the referee drink it

perquè els àrbitres

because the referees

ho beuen quasi tot i piti

they drink almost everything and piti

jo crec que

I believe that

en tots els esports

in all sports

sempre m'han interessat

I have always been interested.

aquells jugadors

those players

que ho fan

that they do it

que es coneixen tan bé

that know each other so well

de les llistes ràpid

of the quick lists



tot jugador

every player

que agafa el reglament

that takes the regulation

i l'intenta exprimir al màxim

and tries to squeeze it to the maximum


I have

i aquí jo ens oblidem

And here I forget us.

qualsevol temps


del tema de l'agressivitat

about the topic of aggression

jo crec que és

I think it is

és el maco de l'esport

it's the beauty of sport

i és al final el que dius

And in the end, that's what you say.



quin xulo

how cool

que interessant

how interesting

que no sigui avorrit

that it not be boring

que és prou intel·ligent

that is quite intelligent

per poder fer això

to be able to do this

sempre he intentat

I have always tried.

ser jo així

to be me like this

potser per falta

perhaps due to lack

de tècnica de velocitat

of speed technique

però que sí

but yes

però sempre he intentat

but I have always tried

jugar amb aquestes cosetes

playing with these little things

i a mi són les que m'agraden

and those are the ones I like.

qualsevol esport

any sport

molt bé

very well

què ens diries

What would you tell us?

a veure

let's see

la teva vida

your life

amb el rugbi

with rugby

en quant als entrenaments

regarding the training

en una situació normal

in a normal situation

de Covid

of Covid

vull dir

I mean

que ja no tenim Covid

that we no longer have Covid





quantes vegades entrenes

how many times do you train

quanta estona dura

how long does it last

què passa

what's happening

amb les inclemències

with the inclement weather

del temps

of time



anant entrenant

going training

vull dir

I mean

que us ho preneu

that you take it

en sèrio


o hi ha una mica de tot

or there is a bit of everything



dintre del marge

within the margin

que som un equip

that we are a team

purament amateur

purely amateur

és normal

it's normal

que tots tenim

that we all have

una vida a part

a life apart

i tots tenim feina

and we all have work

i família

and family

i fills i filles

and sons and daughters

es fa complicat

it becomes complicated

sobretot quan

especially when

hi ha inclemències

there are inclement weather conditions

nosaltres entrenem

we train



o en vida normal

or in normal life

entrenem 3 dies per setmana

we train 3 days a week

una hora i mitja

one hour and a half

que en el fons

that deep down

són bastantes hores

they are quite a few hours

si intentes

if you try

sempre acompanyar-te

always accompany you

amb una mica de gimnàs

with a little bit of gym

o el que puguis fer

or whatever you can do

al final

in the end

hem d'estar

we have to be

tot lo en forma

everything in shape

que puguem

that we can

sí que és cert

it is true

que quan plou

that when it rains

per exemple

for example

amb nosaltres

with us

un calcàmer municipal

a municipal caliper

i la gent

and the people

quan no està molt ben arreglada

when it is not very well dressed

ens impedeixen

they prevent us

d'entrenar allà

to train there

o ens fan entrenar

or they make us train

amb bambes de córrer

with running shoes

o ens deixen

or they let us

en un camp

in a field

de sorra

of sand

que hi havia al costat

what was next to it

doncs clar

of course

tampoc és còmode

it's also not comfortable

perquè si plou

because if it rains

s'enfengava molt

he/she blushed a lot

però intentem

but let's try

sempre entrenar

always train

amb el que sigui

with whatever it is

jo he arribat a entrenar

I have started training.

plovent molt

raining a lot

inclús amb gebrada

even with frost

ho intentem

we try it

sempre que ens deixen

as long as they let us

ho intentem

we try

sempre que ens deixen

as long as they let us

és a dir

that is to say

és cert

it's true

i tot esportista

and every athlete

mateix sabrà

same will know


from here

que quan plou

that when it rains

o neva

or it snows

m'ho falta molta gent

I miss a lot of people.

és normal

it's normal

però nosaltres intentem

but we try

jo m'he perdut

I have lost my way.

molts pocs entrenaments

very few training sessions

amb companys

with colleagues

que no se n'han perdut

that they have not been lost

un i que hi caigui

one and let it fall

que se'ls ha d'agafar

that must be taken from them

i fer-los fora

and kick them out



molt bé

very well

si us ho preneu

if you take it

en sèrio tot

seriously everything

fins i tot els entrenaments

even the training sessions

doncs el resultat

so the result

sempre ha de ser

it always has to be

encara que sigui

even if it is

un equip amateur

an amateur team

encara que sigui

even if it is

la cosa

the thing

bastant professional

quite professional

entre cometes

in quotes

però seriós

but serious

això és

this is

lo important

the important

sempre ho hem intentat

we have always tried it

al final

at the end

en el rupi

in the rupi

a vegades


et poden definir

they can define you

com un equip de cerveses

like a team of beers

que a vegades

that sometimes

ja passa una estona

It's been a while.

d'arribar al tercer temps

to reach the third time

i poder-te emmorratxar

and being able to get you drunk


em trobo molt divertida

I find myself very funny.

això de potser

this maybe

quan anava a la universitat

when I was going to university

que era més el concepte

that the concept was more

perquè bueno

because well

vaig jugar també allà

I also played there.

i no m'ho prenia

and I wasn't taking it personally

tan en sèrio

so seriously

però al final

but in the end

el club sí que intenta ser

the club does try to be

el màxim professional

the maximum professional



del que pots ser

of what you can be

en un equip amateur

in an amateur team

i tenir una vida paral·lela

and to have a parallel life



molt bé

very good

si no al final

if not in the end

no t'ho passes bé

you're not having a good time

perquè has d'estar preparat

because you have to be prepared

i has de practicar

You have to practice.

està clar

it is clear

sí sí

yes yes



a veure

let's see

un jugador de rupi

a rupi player

que segurament

that surely

té molt a veure

has a lot to do with it

amb el lloc

with the place

que ocupi

that occupies

en el camp

in the field



necessita una preparació

requires preparation

física especial

special physics

com entreneu

how do you train

o com entrenes

or how you train



o quines diferències

or what differences

hi ha entre

there is between

diferents jugadors

different players





en ser un esport

in being a sport

relativament exigent

relatively demanding

en ser un esport

in being a sport

exigent físicament

physically demanding

doncs evidentment

well obviously

has d'estar

you must be

en forma

in shape

tot el que puguis

everything you can

està clar

it's clear

els rupis

the rupees

s'hi vegeixen

they see each other there

entre delanters

between frontiers

s'haurien de ponderar

they should be weighed

hauria de ponderar

I should consider.

la força

the force

la força bruta

brute force

entre cometes

in quotation marks

perquè fan melers

why they make beekeepers

fan tuixes

make tuixes

tenen un grau de contacte

they have a degree of contact

més elevat




és molt recomanable

it is highly recommended

que aquesta gent

that these people

faci gimnàs

go to the gym

es prepari

get ready

faci molt d'entrenament

do a lot of training

de coll

of neck



els tres quarts

the three quarters

doncs potser

well perhaps

necessitem tenir més pulmó

we need to have more lungs


let's call it that



hem d'intentar estar

we must try to be

tot el màxim fort possible

as strong as possible

entrenar el coll

train the neck

entrenar les espatlles

train the shoulders

el que sigui

whatever it is

però aquí sí que

but here yes that

potser una persona

perhaps a person

que s'ha d'entrenar

that must be trained

llavors ha d'entrenar molt

then he/she has to train a lot

molt el tema dels sprints

a lot about the sprints

el tema del cardio

the topic of cardio

i pel que fa a un delanter

and regarding a forward

doncs potser més el físic

then perhaps more the physical

i això es veu

and this is seen



potser no el rupi professional

maybe not the professional rupi

ara no tant

not so much now

però fa 5-10 anys

but 5-10 years ago

es veia molt la diferència

the difference was very noticeable



quasi com nosaltres

almost like us

veus gent molt grossa

you see very large people

inclús amb panxa

even with a belly

però amb una força bruta

but with brute force

molt gran

very big

a les delanteres

to the front lines

en canvi els tres quarts

on the other hand, the three quarters

és una persona

he is a person

més fineta

more delicate

més prima


però amb molta velocitat

but with a lot of speed

llavors l'entrenament

then the training

està més enfocat

is more focused

a fer

to do

a sumar quilòmetres

to add kilometers


let's call it

o a practicar

or to practice

i en canvi les delanteres

and instead the forwards

una força més bruta

a stronger force

a petites explosions

in small explosions

de potència

of power

molt bé

very well


explain to us

ja estem acabant

we are almost finished

alguna anècdota

any anecdote

de la teva

of your

passada pel rupi

passed through the rupi

bueno passada

good past

que encara hi ets

that you're still there

alguna anècdota

any anecdote

encara no em retiro eh

I'm not retiring yet, you know.

per això


no no

no no

encara hi ets

are you still there

alguna anècdota

any anecdote

que t'hagi passat

that has happened to you

o que hagis viscut

or what you have experienced



la que et vingui al cap

whatever comes to mind

tampoc no cal

it's not necessary either

ostres que en són moltes eh

wow, there are a lot, aren't there?

bueno una

well one

un parell

a pair

que diguis

what you say

perquè a veure

because let's see

abans de passar l'anècdota

before telling the anecdote

i així et dono temps

And so I give you time.

per pensar

to think

a veure

let's see



ens vols explicar

do you want to explain to us

hi ha una cosa

there is one thing

que se'm passava per alt

that I overlooked

que és que

what is it that

des d'acabar

since ending

o fundar

or to found

el club

the club

he passat

I have passed.

per moltes fases

for many phases

i lo que sí

and what is for sure

s'ha aconseguit

it has been achieved

és fer-lo més gran

it’s making it bigger

fer-lo més gran

make it bigger

tenir més equips

to have more teams



tenir l'escola

to have the school

de rugbi a Terrassa

rugby in Terrassa


que suposa

what it implies

aquesta escola

this school



per l'orgull

for pride

de pertanyència

of belonging

que deies abans

What were you saying before?

amb l'equip

with the team

i per dir

and to say



garantim la continuïtat

we guarantee continuity

d'aquest equip

of this team

de rugbi a Terrassa

rugby in Terrassa



què suposa aquesta escola

What does this school represent?

això és molt important

this is very important



bueno jo sempre poso l'exemple

Well, I always give the example.

i sobretot amb el

and especially with the

amb el Sergi La Torre

with Sergi La Torre

que va ser entrenador de viu

who was a live coach

els primers anys

the first years

i ara porta un munt d'anys jugant

and now he has been playing for many years

al meu costat

by my side

que ha d'haver-hi un moment

that there must be a moment

si el primer

if the first



si devia ser

if it had to be

quan va arribar el Sergi

when did Sergi arrive

doncs el segon any

so the second year

jo recordo ajuntar-los

I remember bringing them together.

a un entrenament

to a training session

i érem sis persones

And there were six people.

però clar tu pensaves

but of course you thought

hòstia valés

holy shit

entrenarem sis

we will train six

però és que

but it is that

quants jugadors tenim així en òrbita

How many players do we have in orbit like this?

doncs quinze

so fifteen

està complicada la cosa

things are complicated

llavors en aquells moments

then in those moments

depenys molt

it depends a lot

i ho fèiem eh

And we did it, right?

captacions pel carrer

street fundraising

molestar els amics

bother the friends

vinc a provar un dia

I'm coming to try one day.

i això era l'única manera

and that was the only way

de créixer

to grow

què passa

what's happening

ara ja no

not anymore

són coses que s'han de continuar fent

they are things that must continue to be done

i s'ha de continuar molestant

and we have to keep bothering

a la gent que coneixes

to the people you know

perquè vingui a provar

so that he/she comes to try

perquè saps que s'ho passaran bé

because you know they will have a good time

però el fet de tenir escola

but the fact of having school

fa que

makes that


the structure


has been

i ja només pels anys

and just for the years

sinó també pels pares

but also for the parents

perquè al final

because in the end

els pares

the parents

també comencen a tenir aquest sentiment

they also start to have this feeling


of belonging

comencen a agafar responsabilitats

they are starting to take on responsibilities

del club

from the club

o fins fa poc ara estàvem fent

or until recently we were doing

un equip de rupitots

a team of little broken things

que és un equip com el Rubi

What is a team like Rubi?

però sense contacte

but without contact

però està molt bé

but it's very good

que llavors uns quants pares

that then a few parents

de l'escola

from the school

de les quals jo per exemple

of which I, for example

no conec

I don't know.

i m'agrada no conèixer-los

I like not knowing them.

perquè això vol dir

because that means

que el club serà gran

that the club will be big

comencin a preparar

start preparing

el seu petit equipet

his little team

allà dins

in there

i clar

of course

pel tema de l'escola

for the school issue

doncs primer

so first

per donar

to give

per exemple pel Rubi

for example for Rudi

per fer-lo conèixer

to make it known

per molt que no vinguin

no matter how much they don't come

a jugar amb el club

playing with the club

m'agrada que el coneguin

I like that they know him.

i que inclús

and even

se'n vagin a jugar

go play

a altres clubs

to other clubs

és igual

it doesn't matter

l'important és que el Rubi

the important thing is that Rubi

creixi sobre tot al nostre país

may it grow above all in our country

però el fet que encara

but the fact that still

que només cada any

that only every year

t'arribi un jugador

a player arrives for you

que ha jugat a l'escoleta

who has played at the kindergarten

és preciós

it is beautiful



o sigui

that is to say

a mi m'omple de goig

it fills me with joy

perquè jo he vist aquests nens

because I have seen these children

o jo inclús

or me even

el primer que va pujar

the first one who went up

de l'escoleta

from the nursery

jo l'havia entrenat

I had trained him/her.

en el seu moment

at the time



i era un moc de

and it was a snot of

no sé

I don't know.

de 10 anys

10 years old

va arribar

he/she/it arrived

i era millor que jo

and she was better than me

molt millor que jo

much better than me

no perquè l'entrenés jo

not because I trained him/her

sinó perquè

but because

ja havia tingut molts anys

I had already had many years.

d'experiència acumulades

of accumulated experience

llavors això

then this

encara que sigui

even if it is

un nen i una nena cada any

a boy and a girl each year


it is

i tant

of course

que t'omple de joia

that fills you with joy

és increïble

it's incredible

sí sí

yes yes

cada cop que en siguin

every time there are some

siguin més nens

be more kids

perquè al final

because in the end

el club l'han de fer ells

they have to make the club themselves

sí sí home

yes yes man

jo ara mateix recordo

I remember right now.

el que deies

what you said

quan tu eres

when you are

quan tu començaves

when you started

recordo des de casa

I remember from home.

que clar

how clear

que moltes vegades

that many times

venies i deies

you came and said



que no som prous

that we are not enough

per jugar aquest partit

to play this match

perquè no som

because we are not

el grup mínim no

the minimum group no

el suplent

the substitute

sí sí

yes yes

molt divertit

very fun

això ha anat creixent

this has been growing

i hem arribat

and we have arrived



seguim amb el que et dèiem abans

we continue with what we were saying before



una anècdota

an anecdote

que t'hagi quedat

that you have stayed





n'explicaré una

I'll explain one to you.

però no diré el club

but I won't say the club



o sigui

that is

no va passar a casa

it didn't happen at home

va passar fora

he/she went outside





fa bastants anys

quite a few years ago

això eh

this is it



una jornada

a day



devia ser

it must have been

les nostres millors

our best

devia ser

it must have been

les nostres millors anys

our best years

en què potser

in what perhaps

que vam guanyar la Lliga

that we won the League

vam guanyar la segona catalana

we won the second Catalan division

que no és gaire

that is not much

però per nosaltres

but for us

va ser un orgull immens

it was a huge pride



la història és que

the story is that

aquell cap de setmana

that weekend

jo treballava en un restaurant

I worked in a restaurant.

en aquella època

at that time

llavors dissabtes

then Saturdays

tard de nit

late at night

era impossible jugar

it was impossible to play

i vaig tenir molta sort

I was very lucky.

perquè durant tot l'any

because throughout the year

no em va coincidir

it didn't match my schedule

cap partit

no party

menys un

less one



en aquella època

at that time

teníem dos equips

we had two teams

un A i un B

an A and a B

jo jugava a l'A

I was playing at A.

i li vaig entrenar a l'O

and I trained him at O

és impossible que arribi

it is impossible for him/her to arrive

perquè potser era un partit

because maybe it was a match

i va dir

he said



cap problema

no problem

no passa res

it's okay

pots anar a jugar

you can go play

amb el segon equip

with the second team

el diumenge




al final va resultar

in the end it turned out

que dissabte de nit

that Saturday night

va ploure moltíssim a Barcelona

It rained a lot in Barcelona.

i no es van a la partit

and they are not going to the match



em vaig trobar

I found myself.

que igualment

that equally

jo he quedat de la vida

I have stayed for life.



per molt que fos el segon equip

no matter that it was the second team

o el B

or the B

eren els meus companys

they were my companions

inclús amb gent que havia

even with people who had

entrenat moltíssim

trained a lot

i feia ens que coneixia

I had known him for a long time.



va ser

it was

vaig anar el diumenge

I went on Sunday.

a jugar amb el B

to play with the B

i molts companys d'alç

and many climbing companions

van venir a veure la grada

they came to see the stand

resultava que era

it turned out that it was

el nostre


on també tinc amics

I also have friends.



ho direm també

we will say it too

els últims anys

the last few years

ens han estat guanyant

they have been beating us



es va generar una mena

a kind was generated

de derbi

of the derby

i llavors

and then

era el primer derbi

it was the first derby

que era el nostre segon equip

that it was our second team

contra el seu primer equip

against their first team

però era

but it was

un seu primer equip

a first team

molt novet

very new

que començava

that was starting



el nivell estava molt igualat

the level was very even



doncs arribem al seu camp

so we arrive at their field



ens fixem

we notice

que hi havia

that there was

una pancarta

a banner

hi havia una pancarta

there was a banner

a la grada

in the stands

que havíem posat

that we had put

a l'equip

to the team



que posava

that put

que avui començava

that today was starting

la nostra història

our story

perquè aquest equip

because this team

no havia guanyat

had not won

cap partit encara

no party yet

a mi això em va molestar

That bothered me.



bastant bastant

quite a lot

i llavors

and then

quan vam entrar al vestuari

when we entered the changing room

nosaltres abans d'entrar al partit

we before entering the match

doncs el capità

so the captain

ens fa una xerrada motivadora

it gives us a motivational talk



en aquell moment

at that moment

li vaig demanar

I asked him/her.

al capità

to the captain

si li podia dir unes paraules

if I could say a few words

després que acabés ell

after he finished



em vaig enganxar

I got hooked.

i estava una mica enfadat

I was a little angry.

i els vaig dir

and I told them

és aquesta pancarta

it's this banner

i vaig voler-los motivar

I wanted to motivate them.

com que

as that

nosaltres som el segon equip

we are the second team

es pensen

they think

va ser un partidàs

It was an excellent match.

o sigui un partidàs molt igualat

that is to say a very equal match

de fet

in fact

jo recordo que al partit

I remember that at the match

pensant que havíem perdut

thinking that we had lost

però la veritat

but the truth

s'havia concretat en el context

it had been specified in the context

i havíem guanyat

we had won

bé que bé

good that good

molt bé

very well

sí sí

yes yes

llavors recordo

then I remember

recordo un company

I remember a colleague.

un company molt amic meu

a very good friend of mine

en Xavi

in Xavi

en Xavi Tomàs

in Xavi Tomàs

que es va lesionar

that got injured

potser els 10 minuts

maybe the 10 minutes

es va trencar un dit

he broke a finger

o sigui

that is to say

molta molta mala sort

a lot of bad luck



i ell es va quedar molt

And he was very upset.

amb el

with the

amb el que els havia dit

with what he had told them



perquè ens portàvem molts etjuns

because we got along very well

i som molt amics

and we are very good friends.



podíem guanyar

we could win



però resultava que sí

but it turned out that yes

que els havíem guanyat

that we had beaten them

però jo

but I

perquè no vaig sumar bé

because I didn't add correctly



resulta que ell

it turns out that he

al cap

on the head

10 minuts abans que va ser el partit

10 minutes before the match started

va intentar robar la pancarta

he tried to steal the banner

per portar-me-la

to take her to me

com a trofeu de victòria

as a trophy of victory



l'havien retirat

they had removed it

jo recordo sempre

I always remember.

com a punt motivador

as a motivating point

al final

in the end

era una tonteria

it was nonsense

normal que ho féssim

normal that we did it

perquè ells també estaven il·lusionats

because they were also excited

van guanyar partits

they won matches

aquesta gent ens ha guanyat

these people have beaten us

ens ha guanyat diverses vegades

he has beaten us several times

són un

they are a

són un club molt

they are a very club

molt respectable

very respectable

ho intento dir

I try to say it.

molt amics

very friends

ens fa gràcia

it amuses us

molt gràcia

thank you very much

això de la pancarta

this about the banner

i que crec que va

and I think it goes

i que crec que

and I think that

que va funcionar

that worked

l'explicar als companys

explaining it to the colleagues

mireu què han fet

look what they have done

es pensen que ens guanyaran

They think they will beat us.



bueno allò de que no es pot

well, the thing about not being able to

fins que acaba

until it ends

poden passar mil coses

a thousand things can happen

no es pot donar

can't be given

a mi m'han guanyat llibres molt dolents

I have been won over by very bad books.

i molt bons

and very good

i jo he guanyat llibres molt dolents

And I have won very bad books.

i molt bons

and very good



no es pot donar res per fet

nothing can be taken for granted


let's go



i allò va ser

and that was

el donar per fet allò

taking that for granted

va ser la vostra motivació

what was your motivation

per donar-li la volta

to turn it over

a la pancarta

on the banner

molt bé Marc

very good Marc

això acabat

this is finished

estic molt

I am very

a veure

let's see

una cosa que ha de dir un pare

one thing a father must say



i aquí en públic

and here in public

jo estic molt orgullós

I am very proud.

del meu fill

of my son

del Marc

from Marc





bueno ja està

well that's it

ho he dit tot

I have said it all.

ens espatllarà l'entrevista

it will ruin the interview



perquè és un bon jugador

because he is a good player



perquè és bon jugador

because he is a good player

i personal

and personal

i jo preguntava

and I was asking

que ha representat per ell

what it has meant for him

a la seva vida professional

in his professional life

i personal

and personal

el rugbi




això marca molt

this stands out a lot

i a mi em marca

and it marks me



la seva lluita

their fight



a l'edat

at the age

que puguis arribar a tenir

that you may come to have

tenir encara aquest sentiment

to still have this feeling

de voler fer esport

to want to play sports

de voler

of wanting


to work

de tenir aquesta iniciativa

of having this initiative

i de tenir

and to have

aquestes ganes

these desires

de no parar


bueno això

well this

realment m'agrada molt

I really like it a lot.

i fa que estigui

and it makes me be

molt orgullós de tu

very proud of you



per lo demés

for the rest

jo vull aprofitar eh

I want to take advantage, eh.

perquè potser qui no sap

because maybe those who do not know



mon pare ha vingut

my father has come

no sé

I don't know.

un món de

a world of

un món de partits

a world of parties

et has fet un bon jugador

you have become a good player

et has fet unes fotos brutals

you took some amazing photos

has fet uns vídeos amb el Drone Brutals

You have made some amazing videos with the drone.



i ja ho saps

and you already know it


so much

perquè quan vens tu diuen els meus companys

because when you come my colleagues say



tant jo com el club estem super orgullosos

Both I and the club are super proud.

tots hem

we all have

hem inflat els nostres instagrams de

we have inflated our instagrams with

de fotos teves en els partits

of your photos in the matches

vull dir

I mean

també és un orgull tenir-te com

it is also a pride to have you as

com a fan

as a fan

com a fotògraf

as a photographer

i bueno com a seguidor

And well, as a follower

per això per tu

for that for you

no t'ho dic jo

I'm not telling you.

t'ho dic tu

I'll tell you.



per això per tu aquesta gorra

that's why this cap is for you

i aquesta samarreta

and this t-shirt

què fan els jugadors de futbol aquí

What are the football players doing here?

vinga un petó

here's a kiss

molt bé Marc vinga

Very good Marc, come on.



fins una altra estona

until another time

i moltes gràcies per aquesta entrevista

and thank you very much for this interview.

que ens farà

What will it do to us?

conèixer una mica més el rugbi

to know a little more about rugby

a tots

to everyone




come on

que vagi molt bé

take care


thank you

a reveure


una abraçada

a hug

un petó molt gran Marc

a very big kiss Marc





doncs bé

well then

després d'aquesta entrevista

after this interview



ja coneixem una mica més

we already know each other a little better

el que és el rugbi

what rugby is

des de dins

from within



i les sensacions

and the sensations

que jo

that I

he tingut

I have had

al conèixer aquest esport també

upon getting to know this sport as well

i recordeu

and remember

My My Star

My My Star

per conèixer una mica

to get to know a little bit

el rugbi


i les seves interioritats

and its inner workings


come on

poseu un like

give a like

a aquest vídeo

to this video

si us ha agradat

if you liked it

i feu-vos seguidors

and make yourselves followers







la campaneta

the small bell

cada vegada

every time

que publiqui

that he/she publishes

un vídeo

a video


you will receive

a l'avís

to the notice

moltes gràcies

thank you very much

i fins a sempre

and forever.

i aquí

and here



de My Star

of My Star

per fer coses

to do things


dare yourselves

a fer coses

to do things

moltes gràcies

thank you very much

i fins a sempre

and forever


dare yourselves

a fer coses diferents

to do different things

perquè mai

because never

és tard

It's late.

moltes gràcies

thank you very much

i fins a l'apestat

and even to the stench

que beginning

that beginning











Fins demà!

Until tomorrow!

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