27 de juliol - La Yuli es presenta

Yuli đź’Ś

La Yuli fa safareig

27 de juliol - La Yuli es presenta

La Yuli fa safareig

Bé, realment no sé del tot

Well, I really don't know for sure.

què estic fent, o sigui

what am I doing, I mean

literalment sĂłn les

they are literally the

dues del vespre, soc a la

two in the afternoon, I am at the

meva habitaciĂł i he decidit

my room and I have decided

posar-me a gravar un podcast

to start recording a podcast

perquè, no sé

because, I don't know

he descobert que Ă©s la meva nova aficiĂł

I have discovered that it is my new hobby.

espero que aquesta em duri

I hope this one lasts.

més de dues setmanes, que és el que

more than two weeks, what is it that

de mitjana em donen les

on average they give me the



les meves aficions

my hobbies

i realment

and really

no sé ben bé de què parlar aquí

I don't really know what to talk about here.

però és que m'ha fet molta il·lusió crear-me

but it has made me very excited to create myself

un podcast, segurament no ho escolti ningĂş

a podcast, probably no one will listen to it

escolti quatre persones, segurament

listen to four people, surely

la meva mare o la mama

my mother or mom

i no sé, em sembla graciós

I don't know, it seems funny to me.

crec que pot ser divertit, a més crec que aquí

I think it could be fun, plus I believe that here

puc posar, o sigui, acabo d'escriure

I can put, or rather, I just wrote.

que puc posar sorollets i crec que m'ho passaré

I can make noise and I think I will have fun.

bé, diguem-ne això. És graciós perquè

well, let's call it that. It's funny because

jo fa uns anys, de fet

I a few years ago, in fact

estava en un programa de rĂ dio i tenia

I was on a radio show and I had

una secciĂł que estava molt mal aprofitada

a section that was very poorly utilized

vull dir, jo soc una persona que li encanta

I mean, I am a person who loves

que parla, o sigui, jo

who speaks, that is, me

em passaria el dia xerrant i de fet

I would spend the day chatting and in fact

quan començo a parlar no callo

When I start to talk, I don't stop.

i suposo que serà divertit per això

and I suppose it will be fun for that reason

perquè podré jo estar parlant amb mi mateixa

because I will be able to be talking to myself

cosa que m'agrada molt

thing that I like a lot

i bueno, ara espero tenir una mica

And well, now I hope to have a little.

de temps lliure

of free time

s'acosta a la universitat, queden dos mesos

The university is approaching, there are two months left.

menys de dos mesos

less than two months

perquè comenci la universitat

to start university

i realment

and really

de ser bastant ingènua

for being quite naĂŻve

per part meva pensar que tindré temps

For my part, I think I'll have time.

però jo confio en això

but I trust in this

el cas Ă©s que jo de fet estava en un programa de rĂ dio

The fact is that I was actually on a radio show.

i tenia una secciĂł

I had a section.

i la tenia molt mal aprofitada

and I was making very poor use of it

o sigui, m'agradava molt

that is, I liked it a lot

l'Ăşnic que em preparava

the only thing that was preparing me

la meva secciĂł

my section

i gairebé sempre em sortien tonteries molt grans

and almost always very big nonsense came out of me

però tinc moltes coses

but I have many things

de les que parlar, tinc moltes coses

Of the things to talk about, I have many things.

és que és graciós perquè jo fa uns anys

it's just that it's funny because a few years ago I

de fet estava en un programa de rĂ dio

in fact, I was on a radio program

i tenia una secciĂł que estava molt mal aprofitada

I had a section that was very poorly utilized.

vull dir, jo soc una persona

I mean, I am a person.

que li encanta que parla, o sigui

that he/she loves to talk, I mean

jo em passaria el dia xerrant i de fet

I would spend the day chatting and in fact

quan començo a parlar no callo

when I start talking I don't stop

i suposo que serà divertit per això

and I suppose it will be fun for that reason

perquè podré jo estar parlant amb mi mateixa

because I will be able to talk to myself

cosa que m'agrada molt

thing that I like a lot

i bueno, ara espero

Well, now I wait.

tenir una mica de temps lliure

to have a little free time

s'acosta a la universitat

it is approaching the university

queden dos mesos, menys de dos mesos

There are two months left, less than two months.

perquè comenci la universitat

so that the university can begin

i realment

and really

de ser bastant ingènua

of being quite naive

per part meva pensar que tindré temps

On my part, I think that I will have time.

però jo confio en això

but I trust in this

el cas Ă©s que jo de fet estava en un programa de rĂ dio

The fact is that I was actually on a radio show.

i tenia una secciĂł i la tenia molt mal aprofitada

I had a section and I was making very poor use of it.

o sigui, m'agradava molt

that is, I really liked it

l'Ăşnic que m'havia preparat

the only thing I had prepared

la meva secciĂł

my section

i gairebé sempre em sortien tonteries molt grans

and I almost always came up with very big nonsense

però tinc moltes coses

but I have many things

de les que parlar, tinc moltes coses

of the things to talk about, I have many things

accepto tot ple d'idees

I accept everything full of ideas.

vull dir, qualsevol idea que em vulgueu donar

I mean, any idea you want to give me.

rollo, escolta Juli, parla'ns d'aquest tema

Dude, listen Juli, tell us about this topic.

escolta Juli, parla'ns d'aquest tema

Listen Juli, tell us about this topic.

doncs jo, encantadĂ­ssima

well, I'm absolutely delighted

de xerrar sobre ell, a veure, òbviament

to talk about him, let's see, obviously

si no tinc ni idea

if I have no idea

i Ă©s un tema delicat

and it is a delicate subject

doncs diré no perquè

so I will say no because

tampoc vull parlar d'una cosa de la qual

I also don't want to talk about something that

no en tinc ni idea i que pugui fer d'altra gent

I have no idea and what it could do to other people.

però si és alguna

but if it is some

tonteria, no en tinc ni idea

nonsense, I have no idea

però em ve de gust informar-me

but I feel like getting informed

tres minuts abans de gravar el post

three minutes before recording the post

sobre aquest tema i començar a dir tonteries

about this topic and start to say nonsense

jo és que n'estaré encantada

I will be delighted.

vull dir, Ă©s la meva aficiĂł

I mean, it's my hobby.

de fet, tota la meva vida la meva famĂ­lia

in fact, my whole life my family

m'ha dit, ah Juli, Ă©s que no calles

He told me, oh Juli, it's just that you don't stop talking.

ah Juli, Ă©s que sempre has de donar l'Ăşltima paraula

Oh Juli, you always have to have the last word.

a tot, ah Juli, és que no tens ni idea d'això

Oh Juli, you have no idea about this.

i ja ens estĂ s fotent aquĂ­ la xapa

And you're already giving us a hard time here.

i Ă©s veritat

and it's true

o sigui, m'encanta

I mean, I love it.

parlar i a vegades no tinc ni idea

to speak and sometimes I have no idea

de les coses, però sí que és veritat que sóc una persona

of things, but it is true that I am a person

curiosa, no?

curious, isn’t it?

i el fet de comentar coses i veure com

and the fact of commenting on things and seeing how

funcionen i veure com sĂłn i

they work and see what they are and

informar-me mínimament, a mi això em sembla molt interessant

inform me minimally, I find this very interesting

i trobo que això pot ser una molt bona oportunitat

I think this could be a very good opportunity.

perquè realment quan estava a ràdio

because really when I was on the radio

Ă©s que m'ho prenia bastant a caixĂłn

I took it quite lightly.

i no vaig aprofitar-ho gens

and I didn't take advantage of it at all

i he pensat en tornar-hi

I have thought about going back there.

l'Ăşnic que dic, bueno

the only thing I say, well

i si em creo uns podcasts? però jo també sóc una persona

And if I create some podcasts? But I am also a person.

bastant despistada, ja tinc temps

quite distracted, I already have time

però després no tinc temps i merda

but then I don't have time and shit

ara he fet un pla i no recordava que havia de fer

Now I made a plan and I didn't remember what I had to do.

tal cosa, no? i en canvi això

Such a thing, right? And yet this.

a la vegada també tinc bastants

at the same time I also have quite a few

estones mortes, no? en plan

dead stones, right? like

que m'agrada molt estar sola

I really like being alone.

i m'ho passo molt bé sola, o sigui, jo sola

I have a lot of fun on my own, that is, by myself.

em trobo plens xulĂ­ssims, o sigui, de fet ara

I find myself full of awesomeness, I mean, actually now.

estic gravant un podcast, saps? i podria estar fent qualsevol

I'm recording a podcast, you know? And I could be doing anything.

altra cosa, però és que

another thing, but it is that

no sé, trobo que

I don't know, I find that

bastants estones mortes que tinc, puc dedicar-me

I have quite a few dead hours that I can dedicate to myself.

a gravar, doncs això

to record, then this

i penjar-ne una setmana o aixĂ­

and hang it for a week or so

aquest realment no servirĂ 

this really won’t work

no servirĂ  de

it will not be of

de gaire perquè

too much because

Ă©s bastant, hola, em dic

it's quite, hello, my name is

Juli, no sé molt bé de què va això

Juli, I’m not really sure what this is about.

però no sé, em podeu conèixer

but I don't know, you can know me

una mica. He decidit

a little. I have decided

guardar-me el nom de Juli

keep the name Juli for me

el nom de Juli ve de

the name Juli comes from

de quan

since when

em vaig crear a les xarxes socials, no? crec que va començar

I created myself on social media, right? I think it started.

amb Twitter i després va, vaig passar

with Twitter and then it went, I moved on

a TikTok o al revés, sí, vaig

to TikTok or the other way around, yes, I'm going

començar amb Twitter i després vaig passar a TikTok

I started with Twitter and then I switched to TikTok.

i no sé com va anar la cosa

I don't know how it went.

que em va venir al cap el nom de

that the name of came to my mind

Juli i de fet

Juli and in fact

a les xarxes socials, a Twitter

on social media, on Twitter

o a TikTok, em dic Chony Juli, no sé com va sortir

On TikTok, my name is Chony Juli, I don't know how it came about.

la cosa, però jo crec que estava amb la meva

The thing is, however, I think I was with my own.

millor amiga, Ari, t'estimo molt

best friend, Ari, I love you very much

i va dir, hola, Juli Ă©s super Chony, no?

And he said, hello, Juli is super Chony, right?

i vaig dir, hòstia, doncs Chony Juli

I said, damn, then Chony Juli.

i se'm va quedar això, i diguem que

and this stayed with me, and let's say that

la Juli, perquè jo em dic Juli

Juli, because my name is Juli.

i em presento sempre com a

and I always introduce myself as

Juli a través de les xarxes socials

Juli through social networks

és graciós perquè realment

it's funny because it really

Ă©s un personatge que m'he creat jo

It is a character that I have created myself.

Ă©s com una caricatura meva

it's like a caricature of me

vull dir, no sé, és una

I mean, I don't know, it's a

un personatge que utilitzo per

a character that I use for

expressar-me d'una manera bastant

express myself in a rather

còmica i com accentuant

comic and as accentuating

bastant les caracterĂ­stiques

enough the characteristics

que tinc, no?, que

What I have, right?, that

poden semblar més divertides, rotllo

they may seem more fun, like

si sĂłc extrovertida

if I am extroverted

a la vida real, doncs la Juli Ă©s com

in real life, so Juli is like

super mega extrovertida, no?

super mega extroverted, right?

no Ă©s que sigui tan tan tan extrovertida

It's not that I'm so so so extroverted.

sinĂł que com que a la vida real ho sĂłc

but since in real life I am

doncs la Juli ho

so Juli does it

transforma en una cosa super còmica

transform it into a super funny thing

i super exagerada, i no sé

it's super exaggerated, and I don't know

aquĂ­ bĂ sicament m'acabo

here basically I finish

de presentar, sĂ­, no, acabo

to present, yes, no, I'm done

de presentar el meu nom i el personatge

to present my name and the character

que utilitzo a les xarxes

that I use on social media

socials quan parlo

socials when I speak

de mi, de les coses que em passen, o sigui

about me, about the things that happen to me, I mean

una mica seria això, llavors jo aquest podcast

a little would be this, then I this podcast

Ă©s que realment trobo

it's just that I really find

que qui parlarĂ  serĂ  bastant la Juli

that who will speak will be quite Juli

sí, perquè jo quan

yes, because when I

quan parlo jo

when I speak

quan parlo la Juli, potser no Ă©s

When I talk to Juli, maybe it isn't.

tan extrovertida, no?, i ara

so extroverted, right?, and now

estar jo aquĂ­ sola a la meva habitaciĂł

to be here alone in my room

és com que potser em surt una mica més

it's just that it might come out a little more for me

el personatge aquest més còmic

this character is more comedic

no?, i em sembla graciĂłs

no?, and I find it funny

o sigui, Ă©s com estar jo

that is, it’s like being me

a la meva habitaciĂł

in my room

amb la Juli, no?, i

with Juli, right?, and

jo com a Juli em fa molta il·lusió

I, as Juli, am very excited.

tenir la Juli

to have Juli

aquĂ­ davant i poder estar parlant amb ella

here in front and be able to talk to her

o sigui, perquè jo la Juli

that is to say, because I Juli

l'hi vaig utilitzar en el seu moment

I used it at the time.

d'una forma molt tòxica, no?, cap al mateix

In a very toxic way, right?, towards the same.

i ara Ă©s com he aconseguit fer l'esposa amb aquest personatge

And now this is how I have managed to make the wife with this character.

que això ja és una altra història

that this is another story

que us en podré parlar algun dia, no?, o sigui

that I will be able to talk to you about it someday, right? I mean

com la Juli a mi em va arribar a fer molt de mal

with Juli she made me suffer a lot

durant un moment de la meva vida

during a moment of my life

i ara, com he aconseguit

And now, how have I managed?

fer l'esposa amb ella, no?, i ara

to make the wife with her, right?, and now

estimar-la moltĂ­ssim

love her a lot

és com, no sé, un moment de mi

it's like, I don't know, a moment of me

per estar amb aquest personatge que jo mateixa m'he creat

to be with this character that I myself have created

i trobo que pot ser interessant que la Juli

I think it might be interesting for Juli.

que la Juli tingui el seu

may Juli have hers

reconegut per parlar, perquè també, doncs

recognized for speaking, because also, then

al final les xarxes socials

in the end, social networks

bueno, bĂ sicament

well, basically

es comunica

it is communicated

a través de


de fons escrites, no?, i

written backgrounds, right?, and

i aquĂ­ poder comunicar-me

and here to be able to communicate myself

a través d'una font oral em sembla bastant

through an oral source it seems quite to me

bastant divertit

quite funny



al principi se m'escolta bastant timideta

At the beginning I sound rather shy.

però bé, ja saps

but well, you know

que després m'he deixat anar una mica més

that later I let myself go a little more

i no sé, crec que ja està

I don't know, I think that's it.

penjaré aquesta tonteria

I'll hang this nonsense.

a veure si algĂş ho escolta, si algĂş ho escolta sisplau que m'ho digui

let's see if someone hears it, if someone hears it please tell me

i crec que

I believe that

per la setmana que ve en prepararé una altra

For next week, I will prepare another one.

perquè m'ha agradat això

because I liked this

m'ho he passat molt bé aquí parlant una estona

I had a great time here chatting for a while.

a mi mateixa, espero que la meva famĂ­lia

to myself, I hope that my family

no m'estigui escoltant perquè pensi

Don't be listening to me because I think.

què fa aquesta dona

What is this woman doing?

parlant en l'habitaciĂł a les 2 del vespre

speaking in the room at 2 in the afternoon

però no sé, ara me'n vaig a llegir una estona

but I don't know, I'm going to read for a while now

que m'he començat el Mundo de Sofia

that I've started reading The World of Sofia

que m'estĂ  agradant molt

that I am really enjoying

de fet, bueno

in fact, well

m'estic llegint el Mundo de Sofia

I am reading Sophie's World.

però m'estic mirant Jugando con Fuego

but I am watching Playing with Fire

perquè he caigut, he caigut de quatre potes

because I have fallen, I have fallen on all fours

a Jugando con Fuego

Playing with Fire

i no sé, bé

and I don't know, well

em faré una mica d'interessant

I'll be a bit interesting.

i diré que aniré a llegir el Mundo de Sofia

I will say that I am going to read Sophie’s World.

però realment hi ha moltes possibilitats

but there are really many possibilities

que acabi a mirar un capĂ­tol d'un torron

I ended up watching an episode of a soap opera.

de Jugando con Fuego

Playing with Fire

perquè tremenda

because tremendous

tremendo programa

tremendous program

molt bo, ens agrada molt

very good, we like it a lot

aquĂ­ suposo que entra una mica en joc

here I suppose that comes into play a bit

quin tipus de personatge sĂłc

What kind of character am I?

vull dir

I mean

miro Jugando con Fuego

I watch Playing with Fire.

que Ă©s una porcaria de programa

it's a lousy program

però és boníssim

but it's really good

m'agraden llibres que parlen sobre filosofia?

I like books that talk about philosophy?

sí, però a vegades després

yes, but sometimes later

em miro una sèrie de

I'm watching a series of





que representa

what it represents

que estan buenorros

that they are hot/attractive

que han complert

that they have fulfilled

tots els cĂ nons de bellesa

all beauty standards

que estan imposats per la societat

that are imposed by society

que els tanquen una casa

that they close a house for them

i que no poden mantenir-se en relacions sexuals

and who cannot maintain sexual relations

ni cap tipus de contacte sexual

nor any type of sexual contact

i que si aconsegueixen connexions profundes

and if they achieve deep connections

s'emporten un premi que Ă©s un pilĂł de pasta

They take home a prize that is a pile of pasta.

això crec que diu molt a mi com a persona

I think this says a lot about me as a person.

vull dir el que mostro a l'exterior

I mean what I show on the outside.

i el que després miro a la meva habitació

and what I look at later in my room

Ă©s a dir, m'encanta aquest programa

That is to say, I love this program.

i Ă©s almenys

and it's at least

m'encanta per poder veure

I love it for being able to see.

a què no aspiro la vida

what I do not aspire to in life

i doncs això

and so this

que Ă©s molt probable que ara me'n vagi

that it is very likely that I will leave now

a veure jugando con fuego, òbviament

let's see playing with fire, obviously

bé, i sí, crec que per avui

well, and yes, I think that's enough for today

ho deixaré aquí

I'll leave it here.

no sé si acabar penjant això, ara ho escoltaré

I don't know if I'll end up hanging this, now I'll listen to it.

a veure com ha quedat tot i a veure si m'agrada

let's see how everything has turned out and if I like it

a veure si no m'agrada

let's see if I don't like it

i doncs res

and so nothing

Ă©s molt possible que

it is very possible that

la pròxima setmana gravi un podcast

Next week I'll record a podcast.

i havia pensat en parlar

I had thought about talking.

de Young Royals perquè és una sèrie

of Young Royals because it is a series

que m'he vist i que m'ha agradat molt

that I have seen and that I liked a lot

o sigui, de fet puc recomanar moltes coses

In other words, I can actually recommend many things.

perquè m'agrada molt llegir, m'agrada molt

because I really enjoy reading, I really like it

mirar sèries, mirar pel·lis

watch series, watch movies

també escric d'algun dia us puc llegir

I also write so that one day you can read me.

alguna cosa que escric

something that I write

i doncs això, que puc fer recomanacions

And so that, I can make recommendations.

de coses perquè pot ser interessant

about things because it can be interesting

i també vull parlar

I also want to talk.

sobre la meva vida

about my life

no Ă©s tan interessant com llegir

it's not as interesting as reading

o mirar una sèrie però a vegades

or watch a series but sometimes

em passen coses curioses i també trobo que

I experience curious things and I also find that

pot ser divertit

it can be fun

i doncs res, un petĂł molt fort

And so, nothing, a big hug.

i bona nit Catalunya

And good night Catalonia

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