🟡 LCDK The Acolyte - 1x08 L'acĂČlita

Darth Segador

La Cantina dels Kowakians

🟡 LCDK The Acolyte - 1x08 L'acĂČlita

La Cantina dels Kowakians

Com anam, jovens? Benvinguts a la cantina final de la primera temporada de Diacolite,

How are you, young people? Welcome to the final cantina of the first season of Diacolite.

amb aquest espectacular episodi final, el vuitĂš episodi.

with this spectacular final episode, the eighth episode.

I bé, com sempre, l'hem de comentar amb sis, bé, cinc, més jo, sis, fantàstics convidats.

And well, as always, we have to discuss it with six, well, five, plus me, six, fantastic guests.

I bé, analitzarem, donarem les nostres opinions, com sempre, ja sabeu, comentarem aquest episodi.

And well, we will analyze, give our opinions, as always, you know, we will comment on this episode.

I bé, començaré a presentar els participants que tenim avui, per ordre, com els veig jo i vosaltres.

And well, I will start introducing the participants we have today, in the order that I see them and you do.

I el primer Ă©s en Tita Freda. Benvinguda.

And the first one is in Tita Freda. Welcome.

Hola, quĂš tal? Com esteu?

Hello, how are you? How are you all?

Suposo que demanes valoració també, no?

I suppose you want an assessment too, right?

Exacte, valoraciĂł del darrer capĂ­tol i de la sĂšrie en general, perquĂš avui farem una conclusiĂł.

Exactly, evaluation of the last episode and the series in general, because today we will draw a conclusion.

ConclusiĂł en general de la primera temporada.

Overall conclusion of the first season.

Suposo que s'ha parlat molt i tal a les diferents cantines.

I suppose there has been a lot of talk and such in the different cafeterias.

No, no, aixĂČ no s'ha parlat.

No, no, this hasn't been discussed.

No, no, s'ha parlat gent de la sĂšrie. CuriĂłs.

No, no, people from the series have talked. Curious.

No, deia que suposo que s'ha parlat molt d'aquesta actitud, que Ă©s la cosa que a mi menys pot ser m'ha agradat,

No, I was saying that I suppose there has been a lot of talk about this attitude, which is the thing that has liked me the least.

que Ă©s aquesta actitud del Jedi, que semblen funcionaris d'un ministeri espanyol qualsevol.

What is this attitude of the Jedi, who seem like officials from any Spanish ministry?

És a dir, molt incompetents i no sĂ©.

That is to say, very incompetent and I don't know.

Diferent de com els teníem a la nostra imaginació, que anem com a més.

Different from how we had them in our imagination, we go as if more.

Evidentment, tothom se queixa del Jedi, perĂČ no fins a aquest punt.

Obviously, everyone complains about the Jedi, but not to this extent.

I aixĂČ potser Ă©s una mica el que a mi m'ha despistat mĂ©s.

And this might be a bit of what has confused me the most.

Tot i que he de dir que, evidentment, el capítol final de la sÚrie, amb tot el que hi passa, és força bo.

Although I have to say that, obviously, the final chapter of the series, with everything that happens, is quite good.

Segurament dels millors d'aquesta primera temporada.

Surely one of the best of this first season.

I en general jo estic força satisfet.

And in general, I am quite satisfied.

Hi ha coses que no m'han quadrat.

There are things that don't add up for me.

Ja ho parlaré.

I'll talk about it later.

Hi ha dues o tres escenes que a tothom li grinyoren una mica, perĂČ bĂ©, ja ho comentarem.

There are two or three scenes that everyone finds a bit off, but well, we'll discuss it later.

A veure quina Ă©s la conclusiĂł.

Let's see what the conclusion is.

Molt bé.

Very good.

BĂ©, els Jedi, sabent com acaben, ja han de ser una mica...

Well, the Jedi, knowing how it ends, must be a bit...

SĂ­, sĂ­, perĂČ sempre hi havia aquest...

Yes, yes, but there was always this...

A veure, tu recordes els Jedi de les pel·lis, no?

Let's see, you remember the Jedi from the movies, right?

I són com a més professionals, entre cometes.

And they are more like professionals, in quotes.

Saben el que estan fent, aquests...

They know what they are doing, these...

Hi ha alguna cosa que preguntes on li han donat el temps.

Is there anything you ask where they have given him the time?

Ja estic d'acord, també.

I agree with you, too.

Sí, sí, també.

Yes, yes, also.

Suposo que fas referĂšncia principalment a la missiĂł de Brendok.

I suppose you are mainly referring to Brendok's mission.

Justament els que envien en aquesta missió potser no eren els més...

Exactly those who are sent on this mission may not have been the most...


Smart ones.

SĂ­, estic pensant, per exemple, en el secretari de la...

Yes, I am thinking, for example, of the secretary of the...

Jo també li dic Menestre o aquella...

I also call him Menestre or that one...

Vernestre, sĂ­.

Vernestre, yes.



Que cada vegada que el veig penso, perĂČ aquest senyor...

Every time I see him I think, but this man...

O sigui, Ă©s la primera vegada que entra al temple i ja diu quĂš li passa.

So, it's the first time he enters the temple and already says what is happening to him.

Per quĂš estĂ  sempre nerviĂłs aquest home?

Why is this man always nervous?

PerĂČ que, clar, a les preqĂŒeles veiem molt mĂ©s els Jedi de l'Alt Consell.

But of course, in the prequels we see much more of the Jedi Council.

En aquesta primera temporada no hem vist els Jedi de l'Alt Consell.

In this first season, we have not seen the Jedi of the High Council.

Per tant, els que hem vist sĂłn els secundaris...

Therefore, what we have seen are the secondary ones...

Sembla una justificaciĂł com a molt enganxada pels pĂšls, eh?

It seems like a justification that's very much stretched, doesn't it?

PerĂČ bueno, ja ho parlarem, ja ho parlarem.

But well, we'll talk about it, we'll talk about it.

Bé, molt bé.

Well, very well.

Abans de continuar presentant, deixeu-me saludar la gent del xat, perquĂš tenim molts missatges de gent que ha saludat jo pel xat.

Before continuing with the presentation, let me greet the people in the chat, because we have many messages from people who have said hello to me in the chat.

Tenim en Sergi Sagarra, que ens diu bon vespre.

We have Sergi Sagarra, who wishes us a good evening.



El mestre Bellota, que ens diu for light and light.

Master Bellota, who tells us for light and light.



El mestre Bellota. Feia temps que no et veia pel xat.

Master Bellota. It had been a while since I last saw you in the chat.

Molt bé. Benvingut.

Very well. Welcome.

En Mateu Lucas, que diu bon vespre, College School, aquĂ­ ens saludo i marxo, que encara no us he atrapat i no vull que em destripeu.

In Mateu Lucas, who says good evening, College School, here I greet you and leave, as I still haven't caught up with you and I don't want you to spoil it for me.

Cap sorpresa. Bona cantina.

No surprise. Good canteen.

Ah, doncs molt bé. No et preocupis, que sempre podràs recuperar la cantina quan tu vulguis.

Ah, well then, very good. Don't worry, you will always be able to retrieve the cafeteria whenever you want.

En Alejandro Skywalker, que tambĂ©... Mira, Ă©s a AstĂșries i ens saluda.

In Alejandro Skywalker, who also... Look, he is in Asturias and greets us.

Doncs moltes grĂ cies. SĂ­. AquĂ­ hi ha algĂș que ve d'allĂ , justament.

Well, thank you very much. Yes. There is someone here who comes from there, precisely.

SĂ­. AquĂ­ hi ha algĂș que ve d'allĂ , justament.

Yes. There is someone here who comes from there, just so.

Trobaré a faltar les cantines fins que tornin a Skeleton Crew i que la força us acompanyi.

I will miss the canteens until Skeleton Crew returns and may the force be with you.

SĂ­, sĂ­. Ara, desprĂ©s de la d'avui, hi haurĂ  una temporada de descans, perĂČ tornarem a les acabatges d'any per Skeleton Crew, que serĂ  la segĂŒent sĂšrie que tindrem.

Yes, yes. Now, after today, there will be a break, but we will return at the end of the year for Skeleton Crew, which will be the next series we have.

També ens saluda en Oriol. Plagues i Yoda ens han reunit avui aquí. Sí, sí, exacte. Dues de les grans aparicions que hem tingut en aquest darrer episodi.

Oriol also greets us. Plagues and Yoda have brought us together here today. Yes, yes, exactly. Two of the great appearances we've had in this last episode.

En Francesc, que ve a deixar el m'agrada.

Francesc, who comes to leave me, I like.

I se'n va. Bona cantina a tothom. Moltes grĂ cies.

He's leaving. Good canteen to everyone. Thank you very much.

En Álvar, que diu bona vesprada. Cantinus.

In Álvar, who says good evening. Cantinus.

Plagues ens ha plegat, exactament. La pleg d'en Plagues.

Plagues has gathered us, exactly. The gathering of Plagues.

Ei, Filiprim, benvingut. SĂ­, la calva d'en Yoda. MĂ©s que en Yoda, hem vist la calva d'en Yoda.

Hey, Filiprim, welcome. Yes, Yoda's bald head. More than Yoda, we've seen Yoda's bald head.

Em fa molta grĂ cia qui deia que no vol spoilers. Per res, Ă©s una torta i ha dret.

I find it really funny who said they didn't want spoilers. For nothing, it's a cake and they have the right.

A hores d'ara, ja tothom sap que si entra a la cantina Ă©s per parlar de l'episodi, amb tots els detalls.

By now, everyone knows that if they go into the cafeteria, it’s to talk about the episode, with all the details.

Doncs, segon convidat que tenim avui, en Alban, o Kaimir Alban. Benvingut.

Well, the second guest we have today, Alban, or Kaimir Alban. Welcome.

És literalment part del cosplay. PerĂČ sĂ­, el capĂ­tol, quĂš dir del capĂ­tol? Jo estava amb l'ou coberta tot el capĂ­tol.

It's literally part of the cosplay. But yes, the episode, what to say about the episode? I was with the covered egg the whole episode.

Ara es fiquen dins el camp d'esterraĂŻdes. Ara comencen a ficar Kaimir i Sol. Ara es donen d'hĂČsties a l'habitaciĂł de les nenes.

Now they are getting into the field of asteroids. Now they start to put Kaimir and Sol in. Now they are fighting in the girls' room.

Jo, gràcies, més coses, sisplau, que no pari. O sigui, podien ser tres hores de capítol i podien seguir perfectament.

Me, thanks, more things please, don't stop. I mean, it could be three hours of episode and they could continue perfectly.

PerĂČ sĂ­, la sĂšrie m'ha encantat. Necessito 50 temporades. Amb una segona no em queda gust. Necessito 10 temporades.

But yes, I loved the series. I need 50 seasons. A second one just doesn't satisfy me. I need 10 seasons.

Llavors, 20, 30, 40, o sigui, el que sigui.

Then, 20, 30, 40, whatever it is.

I que s'estrenin demĂ .

And let them premiere tomorrow.

SĂ­, amb totes.

Yes, with all of them.

Doncs, moltes grĂ cies, Alban. Una altra convidada que tenim avui Ă©s na Marta. Benvinguda.

Well, thank you very much, Alban. Another guest we have today is Marta. Welcome.

Hola, bona tarda. Bueno, Ă©s difĂ­cil, ja, de resumir tot plegat, perquĂš per mi, almenys, ha sigut com una muntanya russa, aixĂČ.

Hello, good afternoon. Well, it's difficult, yes, to summarize everything, because for me, at least, it has been like a roller coaster, this.

I ara fa un resum, el capĂ­tol, bĂ©, molt bĂ©. PerĂČ, com que la sĂšrie anava pujant, diguem que una mica ja...

And now summarize, the chapter, well, very well. But since the series was getting better, let’s say a little already...

Com que la sĂšrie anava pujant, diguem que una mica ja...

As the series was gaining popularity, let's say a little already...

Ja Ă©s el que esperĂ vem. EstĂ vem en la lĂ­nia del que podrĂ­em esperar. TenĂ­em moltes coses a resoldre.

It's already what we were expecting. We were in line with what we could expect. We had many things to resolve.

N'hem resoldut forces, n'han quedat moltes. Esperem que per una segona temporada.

We have resolved many, but many remain. We hope for a second season.

I bé, en general, la sÚrie, jo, la veritat, vaig començar i em van matar la Carien Musa al primer minut i em vaig empenyar bastant.

And well, in general, the series, I honestly started and they killed Carien Musa in the first minute and I got quite discouraged.

I ara sĂ­, aviam, aixĂČ, on anirĂ  a parar. I estava una mica aixĂ­ fins que, no sĂ©, em vaig tornar a enganxar.

And now yes, let’s see, this, where will it end up. And I was a bit like that until, I don’t know, I got hooked again.

Hi ha coses que, per culpa de... No, ara feia broma, perĂČ sĂ­ que hi ha algunes coses que no els he acabat de perdonar, en el sentit de, com hem anat comentant, tambĂ©...

There are things that, because of... No, I was joking, but there are indeed some things that I haven't completely forgiven them for, in the sense that, as we have been discussing, also...

Heu anat dient en algunes cantines, bueno, temes de guiĂł i tal. PerĂČ, bueno, suposo que els personatges, al final, han sigut el que m'ha acabat atraient i m'ha semblat una histĂČria superinteressant.

You have been saying in some canteens, well, script themes and such. But, well, I suppose the characters, in the end, have been what has ultimately attracted me and I found it to be a super interesting story.

A mi, justament, m'ha agradat molt veure aquesta part dels Jedi, perquĂš, a veure, a mi, que, perdoni, ho sento, perĂČ a mi m'han acabat d'agradar.

I, specifically, have really liked seeing this part of the Jedi because, well, I, forgive me, I'm sorry, but I have just ended up liking them.

Llavors, el que estan fent amb els nens, agafar-los, posar-los allĂ , se'ls queda, adeu les famĂ­lies, lleig.

So, what they are doing with the children, taking them, putting them there, they are keeping them, goodbye families, ugly.

Vull dir, no Ă©s una cosa que sigui gaire normal, no? I, per fi, aquĂ­ estem parlant del tema.

I mean, it's not something that's very normal, is it? And finally, here we are talking about the issue.

Moltes similituds amb casos reals, que aquí ja no s'hauria de fer broma el tema, vull dir que déu-n'hi-do.

Many similarities with real cases, which here should not be a joke anymore, I mean it's quite something.

Com pots arribar a aprofundir, no?, en coses que realment passen en aquesta sĂšrie, fent analogies.

How can you delve deeper, right?, into things that really happen in this series, by making analogies.

I, bé...

I, well...

Sobretot aquest Ășltim capĂ­tol i, en general, tota la sĂšrie crec que ha transportat bastant gent tant a les precuedes com a les secuedes.

Especially this last chapter and, in general, the whole series, I think has transported quite a lot of people both to the prequels and to the sequels.

És a dir, Star Wars ha estat curt i aixĂČ ho digreixo molt, perquĂš, bĂ©, he disfrutat moltĂ­ssim d'aixĂČ.

That is to say, Star Wars has been short and I really regret that, because, well, I enjoyed it a lot.

Molt bé, doncs moltes gràcies, Marta.

Very well, then thank you very much, Marta.

Deixeu-me saludar, tambĂ©, el meu pare, que diu que ens saluda, perĂČ ens deixa perquĂš no ha vist encara l'Ășltim episodi.

Let me also greet my father, who says hello to us but is leaving because he hasn't seen the last episode yet.

AixĂ­ que, millor que te'n vagis, perquĂš ja hem dit alguna cosa.

So, it's better if you leave, because we've already said something.

Espero que hagi entrat després d'haver-ho vist.

I hope he/she has entered after seeing it.

Es diuen que cal ser que avui hi ha gent que no ha vist l'episodi, perĂČ ja estĂ  passant.

They say that there are people who have not seen the episode today, but it is already happening.

No, en veritat l'hi he dit jo. Entra a saludar, perĂČ...

No, in fact, I told him. He comes in to say hello, but...

Entra a dir que no has vist l'Ășltim episodi.

Come in and say that you haven't seen the latest episode.

A saludar i prou.

To greet and that's it.

No, no, ha vist la sĂšrie del dia, perĂČ aquest Ășltim encara el tĂ© pendent.

No, no, he seen today's episode, but he still has the last one pending.



Ei, Sandra, benvinguda. Segrestadors de nens, eh?, diu el Jedi. Exacte.

Hey, Sandra, welcome. Child kidnappers, huh?, says the Jedi. Exactly.

SĂ­, sĂ­.

Yes, yes.

Doncs, avui també ens acompanya l'Imma.

Well, today we are also joined by Imma.

Imma, benvinguda.

Imma, welcome.

Moltes grĂ cies.

Thank you very much.

Doncs, sí, bé, molt d'acord amb el que deia Marta.

Well, yes, okay, I totally agree with what Marta was saying.

A mi em va costar bastant enganxar-me, que ho vaig dir a l'Ășltima cantina que vaig venir,

It was quite difficult for me to get hooked, as I mentioned in the last canteen I attended.

que no m'acabava d'enganxar la sĂšrie.

that I wasn't really getting into the series.

PerĂČ va ser just a partir d'aquell capĂ­tol, el primer, que surt el QuĂ­mil com a tal,

But it was precisely from that chapter, the first, that QuĂ­mil appears as such,

que ja Ă©s com, buf, cap amunt la sĂšrie.

that it’s already like, phew, up goes the series.

EnganxadĂ­ssima. Tinc ganes de saber quĂš passa.

Hooked. I can't wait to find out what happens.

I aquest Ășltim capĂ­tol ha sigut espectacular.

And this last chapter has been spectacular.

Bueno, Ă©s que hem de parlar de moltes coses, perĂČ lo de les parts de com canviar de color,

Well, we need to talk about many things, but about the parts of how to change color,

al final, tot, tot, tot m'ha agradat moltĂ­ssim.

In the end, I liked everything, everything, everything very much.

SĂ­, sĂ­.

Yes, yes.

I bĂ©, i per acabar, perĂČ no menys important, ens acompanya avui tambĂ© Natxell, del Far Freaky, del Far Wars.

And well, to conclude, but no less importantly, we are also joined today by Natxell from Far Freaky, from Far Wars.





BĂ©, grĂ cies per convidar-me i per donar-me l'oportunitat de parlar de l'Ășltim capĂ­tol,

Well, thank you for inviting me and for giving me the opportunity to talk about the last chapter,

ja que en el Far Wars no ho vaig poder fer.

since in the Far Wars I couldn't do it.

Moltes grĂ cies.

Thank you very much.

I res, a casa ens vam enganxar a la sĂšrie des del primer moment.

And nothing, at home we got hooked on the series from the very first moment.

Ja l'esperĂ vem amb moltes ganes.

We were really looking forward to it.

I també una mica, com comentava la Marta, ens va encantar, per dir-ho d'alguna manera,

And also a bit, as Marta mentioned, we loved it, to put it in some way.

el fet aquest que ens presentessin els geraris des d'aquesta perspectiva,

the fact that they presented the gerarians to us from this perspective,

amb tot el que fan, que ells ho justifiquen com que ja Ă©s la seva feina i la seva tasca,

with everything they do, they justify it as it is already their job and their task,

perĂČ realment hi va haver algĂș que es va indignar molt a casa,

but there was really someone who got very upset at home,

i va dir, no em cauen bé els geraris, jo vull saber res més amb ells.

He said, I don't like geraniums, I don't want to know anything more about them.

Li va fer la creu directament i va dir, no m'agraden, no m'agraden i no m'agraden.

He made the cross directly and said, I don't like them, I don't like them, and I don't like them.

I no, la veritat és que és una sÚrie que haurà pogut agradar més,

And no, the truth is that it is a series that could have been liked more,

o menys, perĂČ s'ha de reconĂšixer que ha despertat molt interĂšs.

or less, but it must be acknowledged that it has sparked a lot of interest.

Si mĂ©s no, s'ha anat parlant per bĂ© o per mal, perĂČ s'ha anat parlant.

At the very least, it has been talked about, for better or for worse, but it has been talked about.

I estĂ  clar que volem segona temporada, com a mĂ­nim, i el que ens donin,

And it is clear that we want a second season, at least, and whatever they give us.

perquÚ ens han donat cosetes que ens han deixat amb la boca oberta i amb ganes de molt més.

because they have given us little things that have left us with our mouths open and wanting much more.

Doncs sĂ­, sĂ­, moltes grĂ cies.

Well yes, yes, thank you very much.

Moltes grĂ cies, Txell.

Thank you very much, Txell.

Ara en parlarem amb tots els detalls.

Now we will discuss it with all the details.

A mi aquest episodi final m'ha semblat espectacular, de debĂČ.

I found this final episode spectacular, truly.

Un dels millors capĂ­tols que he vist mai de totes les sĂšries d'Star Wars.

One of the best episodes I've ever seen of all the Star Wars series.

A mi la sĂšrie sĂ­ que Ă©s veritat que ha tingut uns alts i baixos,

For me, the series has indeed had its ups and downs,

no Ă©s de les meves sĂšries preferides d'Star Wars,

it's not one of my favorite Star Wars series,

perĂČ sĂ­ que l'he gaudit moltĂ­ssim, alguns episodis mĂ©s, alguns menys,

but I have really enjoyed it a lot, some episodes more, some less,

alguns moments molt, d'altres no tant, perĂČ...

some moments very much, others not so much, but...

PerĂČ aixĂČ, en general m'ha agradat molt, m'ha agradat molt parlar-ne, comentar-la amb vosaltres.

But overall, I have really enjoyed this, I have really enjoyed talking about it and discussing it with you.

PerĂČ aixĂČ, aquest Ășltim episodi sĂ­ que realment m'ha semblat espectacular.

But this, this last episode really did seem spectacular to me.

És que els duels, increïbles, hem vist moltes coses espectaculars,

It's just that the duels, incredible, we have seen many spectacular things.

a part de les dues grans aparicions de Darth Plagueis i Yoda,

aside from the two great appearances of Darth Plagueis and Yoda,

perĂČ Ă©s que tambĂ© el moment de sagnat del cristall,

but it's also the moment of the crystal's bleeding,

el final de Nosha...

the end of Nosha...

i en Kymir, com se'n van junts...

And in Kymir, how they go together...

No ho sé, moltíssimes coses que m'han agradat molt.

I don't know, there are a lot of things that I have liked very much.

L'he gaudit moltĂ­ssim i aixĂČ crec que Ă©s d'un nivell molt alt

I enjoyed it immensely and I think it is of a very high level.

i que realment m'hauria agradat que tots els episodis d'aquesta sĂšrie

and that I would have really liked all the episodes of this series

haguessin tingut aquest nivell, perquĂš crec que no tots l'han tingut,

they would have had this level, because I believe not all of them have had it,

almenys per la meva opiniĂł.

at least in my opinion.

PerĂČ bĂ©, em dĂłna unes bones sensacions,

But well, it gives me a good feeling.

tanca la primera temporada amb un bon gust de boca,

closes the first season with a good taste in the mouth,

que em deixa molt interessat per una possible segona,

that leaves me very interested in a possible second one,

que veiem com ha acabat.

that we see how it has ended.

És que l'han de fer, sisplau.

They have to do it, please.

PerquÚ sí que ha tancat bé la temporada,

Because it has closed the season well,

perĂČ ha deixat coses per on estirar

but it has left things to pull on

i clar, la cosa pot continuar.

And of course, the thing can continue.

Així que bé, molt content, molt content, després d'aquest episodi, la veritat.

So well, very happy, very happy, after this episode, the truth.

I doncs bé, que sembla que si comentem ja,

And so well, it seems that if we comment now,

comentem ja els detalls, els moments més destacats de l'episodi

Let's comment on the details, the highlights of the episode.

i en parlem, així més profundament.

And we discuss it, thus more deeply.

Per exemple, el capítol comença on va acabar, no l'anterior, sinó el sisÚ,

For example, the chapter begins where it left off, not the previous one, but the sixth.

amb Nosha posant-se el casc d'en Kymir

with Nosha putting on Kymir's helmet

i veiem com es deixa portar totalment pel costat fosc

and we see how he completely lets himself be carried away by the dark side

fins al punt d'arribar a posseir en Kymir,

to the point of coming to possess Kymir,

que jo m'estava al·lucinant en aquell moment.

that I was being amazed at that moment.

I veu el futur, no?, d'en Amei, de la seva germana.

And you see the future, right?, of Amei, of his sister.

QuĂš us ha semblat aquest moment, aquest primer moment?

What did you think of this moment, this first moment?

Endavant, endavant.

Forward, forward.

A veure, ja parlo jo.

Let's see, I'll speak now.

T'estem deixant parlar.

We are letting you speak.

És que ja estava el hype molt alt, perĂČ amb aquest principi era com...

It was that the hype was already very high, but with this beginning it was like...

QuĂš estĂ  passant?

What's happening?

PerquÚ jo tampoc em va quedar molt clar que l'estigués posant

Because it wasn't very clear to me that I was putting it.

o que fos com en l'episodi quan...

or that it was like in the episode when...

PerquÚ també ho fan les bruixes, no?, amb el Zedais.

Because witches do it too, right?, with the Zedais.

Una mica aixĂČ, no?

A little bit of this, right?

SĂ­, perquĂš posa els ulls de la mateixa forma que...

Yes, because he/she puts the eyes in the same way as...

Suposo que Ă©s del mateix poder, no?

I suppose it's from the same power, right?

SĂ­, sĂ­. Al final es pilla de les bruixes.

Yes, yes. In the end, it's about the witches.

I el pesament, no sabem la que fos.

And the weighing, we don't know which one it was.

No, clar, jo també crec que és involuntari.

No, of course, I also think it's unintentional.

És a dir, com que es deixa anar...

That is to say, since it lets go...

Sí, la mateixa força és com que l'absorbeix, no? No ho sé.

Yes, the same force is as if it absorbs it, right? I don't know.

No es controla, no?

It's not controlled, is it?

No li han ensenyat a controlar-se, no? En teoria Ă©s aixĂČ, l'entrenament, no?

They haven't taught him to control himself, have they? In theory, that's what training is, isn't it?

PerĂČ tambĂ©, clar, deixa entreveure el potencial que pot arribar a tenir.

But it also clearly hints at the potential it can reach.

Si entrena amb en Kymir pot arribar a ser bastant poderosa.

If she trains with Kymir, she can become quite powerful.

I capaç de fer coses molt fosques, no?

I am capable of doing very dark things, aren’t I?

SĂ­, sĂ­, sĂ­.

Yes, yes, yes.

M'agradaria saber més en quÚ s'oposa exactament aquesta mena de possessió.

I would like to know more about what exactly this kind of possession opposes.

PerquÚ, bé, els que ens han posseït fins ara van acabar els dos fatals.

Because, well, those who possessed us until now ended up in both fatal ways.

Llavors, en aquest moment entenc que, bé, que ell és fort i tal,

Then, at that moment I understand that, well, he is strong and such,

i com que ho aguantes un moment, o no ho sé.

And since you can hold it for a moment, or I don't know.

PerĂČ, bĂ©, no ho sĂ©.

But, well, I don't know.

Veig que així també amb el dubte de, bé, exactament...

I see that this also comes with the doubt of, well, exactly...

Entenc que estĂ  fent aixĂČ, perĂČ quĂš implica, no?

I understand that you are doing this, but what does it imply, right?

Tens conseqĂŒĂšncies.

You have consequences.

Aquests poders de...

These powers of...

SĂ­, sĂ­.

Yes, yes.

BĂ©, no podem oblidar que tenim una de les mares,

Well, we cannot forget that we have one of the mothers,

la de les d'Ă brec, la de les punxes del cap,

the one with the spikes on the head,

que va desaparĂšixer, es va esfumar,

that disappeared, vanished,

i no n'hem tornat a saber res.

and we haven't heard anything from him/her again.

Ja tornarĂ , jo.

I will return, myself.

Es va esfumar mai millor dit, eh?

It disappeared, or rather, huh?

SĂ­, sĂ­, es va esfumar literalment.

Yes, yes, it literally vanished.

SĂ­, literalment.

Yes, literally.

Una salutació també a en Miquel Caixal, que diu

A greeting also to Miquel Caixal, who says

Ep, bona tarda, colla. He de dir que no he vist la sĂšrie,

Hey, good afternoon, everyone. I have to say that I haven't seen the series,

que vaig a tope de feina, perĂČ aquesta setmana tinc vacances

I'm very busy with work, but this week I have vacation.

i me la penso polir tota.

And I'm thinking of polishing it all.

Doncs molt bé, bon pla per a l'estiu, per a les vacances.

Well, very good, a great plan for the summer, for the holidays.

Ara tens temps perquĂš fins que no s'estrenarĂ  la segĂŒent sĂšrie,

Now you have time because the next series won't premiere until then,

a l'hivern, tens tot l'estiu per veure TiĂ col, eh?

In winter, you have all summer to see TiĂ col, right?

Sense haver d'esperar una setmana.

Without having to wait a week.

Exacte, el teu ritme.

Exactly, your pace.



SĂ­, sĂ­.

Yes, yes.

Doncs, bé, després també, en un altre moment, és que veiem

Well, good, later as well, at another time, it’s just that we see.

Sol justificant les accions de Brenda,

Only justifying Brenda's actions,

i ho fa en més d'un moment durant aquest episodi,

and he does it more than once during this episode,

fins al punt que ja nosaltres, com a espectadors, veiem que

to the point that we, as spectators, see that

dius, Sol, no tens raĂł amb el que estĂ s dient.

You say, Sol, you are not right with what you are saying.

PerĂČ ell, sĂ­, sĂ­.

But he, yes, yes.

És un drama aquest personatge.

This character is a drama.

Quants capĂ­tols l'he volgut marcar.

How many chapters have I wanted to mark?

Intentant justificar l'injustificable.

Trying to justify the unjustifiable.


Of course.

PerĂČ Ă©s que a sobre fa una cara de panoli que no s'aguanta.

But on top of that, he has such a dim-witted look that it's hard to bear.

És a dir, aquest senyor, no ho sĂ©.

That is to say, this gentleman, I don't know.

No ho sé.

I don't know.

És que jo al principi em semblava una altra cosa,

At first, I thought it was something else.

perĂČ a mesura que he anat avançant a Seiscom, per favor.

but as I have progressed at Seiscom, please.

Fins que no agafi...

Until I grab...

I el tossut que Ă©s, i tot.

And how stubborn he is, and everything.

És que Ă©s aixĂČ.

It's just that.

Fins que no agafi l'espasa, no demostri per quĂš Ă©s un Jedi.

Until he takes the sword, he won't show why he is a Jedi.

PerquĂš fins aquell moment, dius, perĂČ...

Because until that moment, you say, but...

A la vida quĂš has fet?

What have you done in life?



És dubtar, perquù, clar, dubte de tot.

It's to doubt, because, of course, I doubt everything.

Està molt bé com la sÚrie també tracta tot el que sempre ens havien dit,

It's great how the series also addresses everything we were always told,

de l'attachment dels Jedi,

of the attachment of the Jedi,

Ă©s que no podien tenir cap tipus de relaciĂł aixĂ­ d'aquest estil, no?

It's just that they couldn't have any kind of relationship like that, right?

Llavors crec que tothom va pecant una mica d'aixĂČ, no?

Then I think everyone is sinning a little bit in this regard, right?

I anem veient una miqueta aquest fet amb els diferents personatges

And we are seeing this a little bit with the different characters.

i com els va portant tot aixĂČ a anar per mal camĂ­

and how all this is leading them down the wrong path

fins que la temporada s'acaba, no?

until the season ends, right?

Diguem, podent decidir lliurement.

Let us speak, being able to decide freely.

I aixĂČ Ă©s molt guai.

And this is very cool.

I aquest personatge, precisament en aquest sentit,

And this character, precisely in this sense,

trobo que està molt bé, no?

I think it's very good, isn't it?

EstĂ  molt bĂ© i per aixĂČ estĂ  tan...

It's very good, and that's why it is so...

Jo aquĂ­ veig el problema.

I see the problem here.

És a dir, per mi el problema Ă©s el dogma aquest

That is to say, for me the problem is this dogma.

de no permetre que tinguis sentiments o afinitat cap a persones.

of not allowing you to have feelings or affinity towards people.

I en canvi Ă©s el contrari, no?

And on the other hand, it's the opposite, right?

És a dir, la gent que tĂ© aixĂČ sĂłn els que pitjor ho fan.

That is to say, the people who have this are the ones who do it the worst.

No ho sé, hi veig una mena de contradicció aquí.

I don't know, I see a kind of contradiction here.

No sĂ© com explicar-ho bĂ©, perĂČ...

I don't know how to explain it well, but...

El meu problema Ă©s aquest dogma.

My problem is this dogma.

Ell ho porta també a l'extrem.

He also takes it to the extreme.

PerquĂš ell vol tenir un aprenent tant sĂ­ com no, no?

Because he wants to have an apprentice no matter what, right?

I fa tot el possible per tenir un aprenent.

And does everything possible to have an apprentice.

I està com encegat, no veu res més.

And he is like blinded, he sees nothing else.

PerquĂš ell vol aixĂČ, vol el seu objectiu.

Because he wants this, he wants his goal.

Clar, estĂ  obsessionat i al final tampoc Ă©s bo.

Of course, he is obsessed and in the end it is not good either.

És una de les coses que a la sùrie jo no...

It's one of the things that I don't... in the series.

És a dir, no li compro aquest argument.

That is to say, I don't buy this argument.

No ho compro gaire.

I don't really buy it.

Per quĂš s'obsessiona tant amb aixĂČ?

Why are you so obsessed with this?

No ens ho expliquen.

They don't explain it to us.

És a dir, tan important Ă©s per a ell?

That is to say, is it that important to him?

Hauríem d'haver fet potser alguna mena d'explicació una mica més currada

We should have perhaps provided some kind of better-crafted explanation.

de simplement vull un aprenent perquĂš sĂ­.

I simply want an apprentice for no particular reason.

No sé si hi ha alguna cosa aquí que no sabem.

I don't know if there is something here that we don't know.

Els noms jo soc horrible, perĂČ la primera que has mort...

The names I am horrible, but the first one that you have died...





SĂ­, estava pensant Trinity.

Yes, I was thinking of Trinity.

No diguis Trinity.

Don't say Trinity.

AixĂČ Ă©s Matrix.

This is Matrix.

L'episodi l'heu vist?

Have you seen the episode?

És Matrix.

It's Matrix.

Que te l'aprenem.

We learn it from you.

És molt bona la referùncia.

The reference is very good.

Suposo que Ă©s una mica d'enveja, no?

I suppose it's a bit of jealousy, isn't it?

També, que veu que ella sí que te l'aprenem i que com que té...

Also, that she sees that we do learn it and that since she has...

O sigui, nota que té com una mica més de poder que ell

So, she notices that she has a bit more power than him.

i potser Ă©s una manera que ell va fent aquest xup-xup d'enveja de

and maybe it's a way that he's simmering this envy of

jo també vull, jo també vull.

I also want, I also want.

SĂ­, perĂČ no hem vist cap escena on se demostri aixĂČ.

Yes, but we haven't seen any scene that demonstrates this.

És a dir, no l'has vist amb un racó amb aquella cara?

That is to say, haven't you seen him in a corner with that face?

No, no.

No, no.

No ho he vist aixĂČ.

I haven't seen this.

No ho sé, la justificació la vull anar aprenent perquÚ ho diguin en algun moment.

I don't know, I want to learn the justification so that they say it at some point.

SĂ­, sĂ­, sĂ­.

Yes, yes, yes.

No ho sé.

I don't know.

Queda una mica anat, perquĂš com que no queda justificat Ă©s el que dius.

It seems a bit unhinged, because since it is not justified, it is what you say.

Una mica de por que toma.

A little bit of fear that takes over.

SĂ­, simplement Ă©s boig i prou.

Yes, it's just crazy enough.

Hi havia aquest dubte de a veure si al final serĂ  el dolent, perquĂš Ă©s que no acabaves d'entendre...

There was this doubt about whether in the end he would be the bad guy, because you just didn't quite understand...

I ho Ă©s una mica, jo crec.

It is a bit, I think.



La sĂšrie t'estĂ  invertint una mica.

The series is getting a bit of your time.

Tot bé.

All good.

Tots estan una mica ja a la lĂ­nia.

Everyone is already a bit in line.

NingĂș Ă©s bo del tot.

No one is completely good.



Ni els dolents sĂłn tan dolents.

Not all the bad ones are that bad.

No, no, no.

No, no, no.

A l'episodi 1 que es diu que fa mil anys que el Cid no existeix, no?

In episode 1, it is said that the Cid has not existed for a thousand years, right?

No sé quan, que s'han extingit fa molt de temps i tal.

I don't know when, they went extinct a long time ago and so on.

A veure si resultarà que és al revés.

Let's see if it turns out to be the other way around.

És a dir, no queda ningĂș que sigui Jedi, perquĂš aquĂ­ tots som uns mals parits.

That is to say, there is no one left who is a Jedi, because here we are all a bunch of bad bastards.

SĂ­, sĂ­.

Yes, yes.



Mentre en Sol es justifica les accions aquestes, Noxia s'escapa amb una nau auxiliar, no?

While Sol justifies these actions, Noxia escapes in a auxiliary ship, right?

PerquĂš clar, aixĂČ s'estava justificant a Noxia.

Because of course, this was being justified at Noxia.

I Noxia s'escapa amb la nau i...

I Noxia escapes with the ship and...

Ai, em sento doble.

Oh, I feel double.

Ja estĂ .

That's it.

Ara ja no.

Not anymore.

I bé, després d'una persecució amb les naus, en Basil desconnecta uns cables i...

And well, after a chase with the ships, Basil disconnects some cables and...

Que aixĂČ tambĂ© Ă©s un moment que en el grup de la cantina en parlĂ vem, que...

That this is also a moment that we were talking about in the canteen group, that...

La gent no entenia per quĂš havia pres aquesta acciĂł.

People did not understand why he/she had taken this action.

En Basil, quĂš vols fer amb aixĂČ?

In Basil, what do you want to do with this?

Jo, veient l'escena moltes vegades i escoltant gent, he acabat arribant a la conclusiĂł

I, having seen the scene many times and listening to people, have come to the conclusion.

que ho fa perquĂš es pensa que en Sol vol matar-la i prova d'evitar-la, no?

she does it because she thinks that Sol wants to kill her and tries to avoid her, right?

És la sola justificació que puc arribar a tenir.

It's the only justification I can come to have.

Jo aixĂČ Ă©s el que vaig pensar en el primer moment.

This is what I thought at first.

I no vol matar-la?

"And he doesn't want to kill her?"

Ja, ja, ja.

Ha, ha, ha.

Jo vaig pensar aixĂČ, que la volia matar.

I thought that, that I wanted to kill her.

I li vaig dir, perĂČ quĂš fas, oi?

And I said to him, what are you doing, right?

Sentant-la en la ulla.

Feeling it in the eye.

És que Ă©s... no ho sĂ©.

It's just that... I don't know.

PerquĂš va a punta directa, la nau.

Because the ship is going straight ahead.

I l'arriba a disparar.

And he manages to shoot it.



Doncs sĂ­, segurament Ă©s per aixĂČ que en Basil el vol aturar.

Well yes, that's probably why Basil wants to stop him.

I bé, per altra banda, a Coruscant,

And well, on the other hand, on Coruscant,

hi ha una escena molt interessant.

there is a very interesting scene.

Que aquest episodi també m'ha agradat molt,

I really enjoyed this episode as well.

perĂČ aquestes escenes de polĂ­tica que han estat molt interessants.

but these political scenes have been very interesting.

I que tant de bo haguéssim vist més,

And how I wish we had seen more,

i tant de bo veiem més a la segona temporada.

I hope we see more in the second season.

PerquĂš quan Star Wars toca temes de polĂ­tica,

Because when Star Wars touches on political themes,

a mi m'interessa molt.

I am very interested.



És l'Ășnic personatge que tĂ© raĂł amb la sĂšrie.

He is the only character who is right in the series.

Ja ho veus.

You see.

És l'Ășnic...

It is the only...

Ha fet una breu apariciĂł.

He made a brief appearance.

Ha dit les grans veritats i se n'ha anat.

He has spoken the great truths and left.

S'entra en clavat.

It's a deadlock.

És molt per aquesta sùrie.

It's a lot for this series.

TĂ© els pitjors guions de la histĂČria.

It has the worst scripts in history.

I després, per mi, en frases que són iniguagables.

And afterwards, for me, in sentences that are unparalleled.

És una carisa de bronxos.

It's a face of bronxes.

SĂ­, sĂ­, sĂ­.

Yes, yes, yes.

I aquesta Ă©s una d'elles, evidentment.

And this is one of them, obviously.

Doncs, en Ernest resoneix amb el senador Rayancourt,

Well, Ernest resonates with Senator Rayancourt,

que es diu.

what is it called.

I bé, bàsicament,

And well, basically,

té en bons ulls el control

he views control positively

que pretenen exercir els Jedi.

what the Jedi intend to exercise.

I, clar,

I, of course,

també una cosa que m'ha fet pensar,

also one thing that has made me think,

m'ha fet teoritzar.

it has made me theorize.

Creieu que en Darth Plagueis,

Do you believe that Darth Plagueis,

que l'hem vist en aquest episodi,

that we have seen in this episode,

ja estĂ  ficat d'alguna manera,

it's already involved in some way,

estĂ  darrere,

is behind,

ja té influÚncia en els polítics

it already has influence on politicians

de la repĂșblica?

of the republic?

O encara no?

Or not yet?

Jo penso que sĂ­.

I think so.

Comença a fer les bases per, llavors, infiltrar

Start laying the foundations to then infiltrate.

Palpatine, quan el tingui deprenent.

Palpatine, when I have him learning.

És que podria ser.

It could be.

Podria ser que ja hagi ficat mĂ 

It could be that I have already intervened.

i ja estigui una mica influint d'alguna manera.

and it is already a bit influenced in some way.

Està començant a moure...

It is starting to move...

EstĂ  preparant el terreny

He is preparing the ground.

pel que sabem que passarĂ .

for what we know will happen.

És molt suposat, aixĂČ.

That's very supposed, that.

SĂ­, no ho tinc clar.

Yes, I am not sure about it.

PerquĂš, per altra banda,

Because, on the other hand,

també em sembla bé que ell pensi així

I also think it's fine that he thinks that way.

perĂČ tenia el dubte...

but I had the doubt...

És a dir, considereu que aquest senyor

That is to say, you consider that this gentleman

no tĂ© un pensament lĂČgic

he does not have a logical thought

i que segueixi els ordres d'algĂș d'altre?

And should I follow someone else's orders?

És que l'Ășnic personatge

It's just that the only character

que heu verificat per tota la sĂšrie...

that you have verified throughout the series...

Tal com el presenten,

As they present it,

un personatge que observa

a character that observes

ja ens dona clar

it already makes it clear to us

que té una capacitat

that has a capacity

de planificaciĂł, d'estratĂšgia,

of planning, of strategy,

que no Ă©s un personatge d'acciĂł,

that he is not an action character,

sinĂł de calcular,

but to calculate,

de planificar...

of planning...


Of course.

I no té cap altra funció que aquesta,

And it has no other function than this,

perquĂš no ha fet res a la sĂšrie

because he/she has done nothing in the series

per algun moment,

for a moment,

perĂČ el simple fet que hi Ă©s,

but the simple fact that it is there,

estĂ  present,

is present,

ja vol dir que tot aixĂČ

it means that all this

estĂ  connectat amb ell.

he is connected with him.

A mi m'agradaria prou

I would quite like it.

que aquest senador estiguĂ©s dient aixĂČ,

that this senator was saying this,

que pensa i estĂ ,

that thinks and is,

perquÚ realment té raó.

because he/she is really right.

Tampoc que siguem entre blancs i negres sempre,

Nor should we always be between black and white,

sinĂł que...

but that...

Que jo quÚ sé, saps?

What do I know, you know?

Els equivocats sĂłn equivocats.

The wrong ones are wrong.

Estaria bé

It would be fine.

que s'integressin més amb els grisos.

that they integrated more with the grays.

És que, per altra banda,

It's just that, on the other hand,

també el Sid, o en Darth Plagueis,

also Sid, or Darth Plagueis,

pot aprofitar aixĂČ.

You can take advantage of this.

És a dir, ell està observant ara mateix.

That is to say, he is observing right now.

I si ja veu que una part

And if you already see that a part

dels polĂ­tics del Senat

of the politicians of the Senate

no veu amb tan bons ulls el Jedi,

the Jedi doesn't see it in such a good light,

ell pot aprofitar aixĂČ per dir

he can take advantage of this to say

ara Ă©s la meva, aprofitarĂ© aixĂČ

Now it's my turn, I'll take advantage of this.

per jo ficar-m'hi.

to get involved.

Jo no crec que vagi per aquĂ­.

I don't think it goes this way.

Primer, perquĂš l'estratĂšgia em sembla

First, because the strategy seems to me

massa directa. És a dir,

direct mass. That is to say,

jo em poso directament a criticar els Jedi

I directly start criticizing the Jedi.

quan ja hem vist que realment

when we have already seen that really

no ho fan així. És a dir,

they don't do it like that. That is to say,

si tu mires el que ha fet el Palpatine

if you look at what Palpatine has done

al llarg de la seva carrera,

throughout his/her career,

en cap moment dĂłna la sensaciĂł

At no time does it give the feeling

que vagi contra els Jedi.

that goes against the Jedi.

Sempre els hi ha, teĂČricament,

There are always, theoretically,

de cara al pĂșblic, els hi ha donat...

in front of the public, he has given them...

Exacte. O sigui, ell, de cara al pĂșblic,

Exactly. So, he, on the public side,

sempre va a favor. Per tant,

it always goes in favor. Therefore,

no tindrĂ s un senyor que el primer que fa

you will not have a lord who first does

Ă©s dir, fora, Jedi, que em molesteu,

that is to say, go away, Jedi, you annoy me,

Ă©s una cosa directa.

It's a direct thing.

I, d'altra banda, el que dĂšiem,

I, on the other hand, what we were saying,

Ă©s a dir, aquest personatge, per a mi,

that is to say, this character, for me,

simplement estĂ  expressant l'opiniĂł

he is simply expressing an opinion

d'un polĂ­tic que s'adona que hi ha

of a politician who realizes that there is

alguna cosa que no Ă©s,

something that it is not,

que Ă©s democrĂ tica.

that is democratic.

EstĂ  passant alguna cosa estranya

Something strange is happening.

amb uns senyors que la gent

with some gentlemen that people

veu com a semideus o com a

voice as a demigod or as a

herois. Diu en algun moment

heroes. He says at some point

la paraula heroi,

the word hero,

que no estĂ  triada aleatĂČriament.

that is not randomly chosen.

És a dir, Ă©s aquesta figura mĂ­tica

That is to say, it is this mythical figure.

que passa per sobre de qualsevol llei

what happens above any law

o qualsevol control.

or any control.

Aquesta figura mĂ­tica

This mythical figure

que entra on sigui.

that enters wherever it may be.

Jo no

Not me.

li donaria aquest

I would give him this.

transfons de que Ă©s un personatge

transferring from what is a character

influenciat per

influenced by

aquells o per...

those or for...

Potser en aquest moment encara no.

Perhaps not at this moment yet.

PerĂČ jo sĂ­ que crec que el que he dit abans,

But I do believe what I said before,

que els Sith poden aprofitar aixĂČ

that the Sith can take advantage of this

per llavors sí entrar després.

then yes enter afterwards.

PerĂČ en aquest moment encara no.

But not at this moment yet.


Go ahead.

SĂ­, sĂ­, Ă©s molt interessant.

Yes, yes, it's very interesting.

És aixĂČ, els Jedi estan

This is it, the Jedi are

avesats fins a aquest moment

agreements up to this moment

a haver viscut com

having lived like

els reis i que ningĂș

the kings and that no one

els ha posat en dubte.

it has called them into question.

Estan acostumats a que ningĂș els qĂŒestioni.

They are used to no one questioning them.

I s'han anat guanyant

And they have been winning.

poder i cada vegada

power and every time

sembla més que es pensa que poden fer

it seems more than they think they can do

el que vulguin.

Whatever they want.

És com una secta aixĂČ.

It's like a cult.

Al final el que diu el senador

In the end, what the senator says.

aquest Ă©s el que pensem molta gent

this is what many people think

dels Jedi. Des de fa molt de

of the Jedi. For a long time now

temps que l'havĂ­em...

time that we had...

És el que estàs pensant tu en aquest

It’s what you are thinking in this.

moment de la sĂšrie, exactament.

moment of the series, exactly.

És com, voleu molt perĂČ

It's like, you want a lot but...

igual les formes i aixĂČ

same the shapes and that

podrĂ­em mirar-nos una mica.

we could look at each other a little.

SĂ­, sĂ­.

Yes, yes.





per altra banda, en el planeta

on the other hand, on the planet



veiem el que hem comentat,

we see what we have discussed,

mentre l'estrany,

while the stranger,

Ă©s a dir, en Kaimir ofereix

that is to say, in Kaimir it offers

d'entrenar a Nosha, veiem en

of training Nosha, we see in

Darth Plagueis...

Darth Plagueis...

Vull saber com ha estat la vostra reacciĂł

I want to know what your reaction has been.

quan heu vist Darth Plagueis.

When have you seen Darth Plagueis?

Jo literalment vaig fer un salt del sofĂ .

I literally jumped off the sofa.

O sigui, va ser caure de cul a terra.

So it was like falling on your backside to the ground.

Vaig dir, quĂš?

I said, what?

No, perĂČ...

No, but...

Jo crec que els veĂŻns es van espantar

I think the neighbors got scared.

perquĂš va ser un...

because it was a...





SĂ­, sĂ­, sĂ­.

Yes, yes, yes.

Jo també, és que quan el vaig veure...

Me too, it's just that when I saw him...

A sobre Ă©s que Ă©s identificable

It is identifiable on top.

totalment, no?

Totally, right?

Clar, l'espĂšcie Moon i tal.

Sure, the Moon species and so on.

Han respectat que Ă©s un Moon

They have respected that it is a Moon.

i Ă©s aixĂČ, el veiem poquĂ­ssima estona,

and that's it, we see him for very little time,

perĂČ Ă©s que quan el vaig veure dic

but when I saw him I say

no m'ho puc creure!

I can't believe it!

Clar, jo no l'esperava tampoc, Ă©s a dir,

Of course, I wasn't expecting it either, that is,

el pots anar en un moment on dius ja

You can go at a moment when you say already.

no sortirĂ , Ă©s a dir,

it will not come out, that is to say,

o no forma part de la histĂČria o estĂ 

either does not form part of the story or is

en un altre lloc i aquĂ­ no hi pinta res.

in another place and here it has nothing to do with it.

Colen allĂ  al mig

They nest there in the middle.

i ara saber qui fot aquest home aquĂ­, no?

And now to know who the hell put this man here, right?

Les mil teories d'estar observant,

The thousand theories of being observed,

estar no sé quÚ...

to be I don't know what...

SĂ­, sĂ­, sĂ­,

Yes, yes, yes,

no sé qui ho havia comentat, no?

I don't know who had commented on it, right?

Sí, sí, sí, no sé qui ho havia comentat, no?

Yes, yes, yes, I don’t know who had mentioned it, right?

Plagueis que no se n'Ă©s la sĂšrie

Plagues that the series is not.

i estĂ  aquĂ­ interessat en l'amor d'aquests dos.

And he is here interested in the love of these two.

Vinga, vinga.

Come on, come on.

EstĂ  aixĂ­ passant.

It's happening like this.

EstĂ  fent allĂ .

It is doing there.

S'havia comentat, no?

It had been mentioned, hadn't it?

Vaig trobar la primera histĂČria

I found the first story.

d'amor d'un toalet.

of love of a toilet.

AixĂČ concordava amb algun,

This matched with some,

no sĂ© si un cĂČmic o alguna cosa aixĂ­, no?

I don't know if a comic or something like that, right?

Que el Plagueis anava observant

That Plagueis was observing.



Buscant possibles

Searching for possibilities

no sé si aprenents o...

I don't know if learners or...

Aprenents, clar.

Learners, of course.

Clar, no sé si en aquest punt

Sure, I don't know if at this point.

en aquest punt en Plagueis

at this point in Plagueis

no sé si encara té

I don't know if he/she still has it.

el Tenebrous com a mestre

the Tenebrous as a master

o ja l'ha mort.

Oh, he has already killed it.

Jo diria que sĂ­.

I would say yes.

Com a mĂ­nim

At least

a la novel·la Legends

to the novel Legends

pinten que feia viatges individuals

they say he made solo trips

tenint el Tenebrous viu.

having the Tenebrous alive.

O sigui, feia viatges

That is, I was traveling.

individuals i viatges conjunt

individuals and group trips

amb Tenebrous. O sigui,

with Tenebrous. That is,

pel que sembla, segueix viu.

As it seems, he is still alive.

PerĂČ podria estar mort perfectament

But I could very well be dead.

i buscar aprenents.

and look for apprentices.

I el que sembla bastant evident, tot i que no

And what seems quite obvious, even if not.

ho han confirmat, perĂČ almenys a mi Ă©s el que em sembla,

they have confirmed it, but at least to me it is what it seems.

Ă©s que en

it's that in

Kaimir no sap de l'existĂšncia

Kaimir does not know of the existence.

d'en Plagueis, jo crec.

Of Plagueis, I believe.

A priori sembla que no, perquĂš Ă©s molt estrany

At first glance, it seems not, because it is very strange.

que no... Clar, s'havia especulat molt

No... Of course, there had been a lot of speculation.

que en Plagueis podia ser el mestre

that Plagueis could be the master

d'en Kaimir, perĂČ

of Kaimir, but

jo, ara que s'ha acabat la primera temporada,

I, now that the first season has ended,

crec que no. Crec que

I don't think so. I think that

en Plagueis estĂ 

in Plagueis is

a l'ombra totalment, estĂ  observant

in the total shadow, is observing

i ningĂș sap que hi Ă©s, ni que

and no one knows that it is there, nor that

existeix, ni que... I aixĂČ

exists, even if... And this

és el que fa encara més interessant aquesta sÚrie.

It is what makes this series even more interesting.

Que dius, mare meva,

What are you saying, my goodness?

quĂš pot passar aquĂ­?

What can happen here?

Clar, perquĂš

Sure, because

t'han muntat una histĂČria amb tots com estĂ  aquest element

They've set up a story for you with everyone as this element is.

i aquest element ara, de moment, estĂ  fora.

and this element now, for the moment, is out.

És una mica...

It's a bit...

Com l'incluĂŻa... PerquĂš llavors en Kaimir

As I included it... Because then Kaimir

Ă©s Sith.

he is Sith.

En Kaimir, clar...

In Kaimir, of course...

Ell, jo crec

Him, I think.

que d'alguna manera... Potser sĂ­ que Ă©s

that in some way... Maybe it is

Sith. De fet, ell diu...

Sith. In fact, he says...

Vosaltres m'anomenarĂ­eu Sith, no?

You would call me Sith, right?

Els Jedi, per tant, sap...

The Jedi, therefore, know...

PerĂČ aixĂČ ho diu ell.

But that's what he says.

SĂ­, sĂ­, ho diu ell. Per tant,

Yes, yes, he says so. Therefore,

jo crec que ell vol ser Sith, perĂČ

I believe he wants to be a Sith, but

no Ă©s del llinatge oficial

it is not from the official lineage


of Arcane,

que va instaurar la regla de dos i que van passant

that established the rule of two and that are passing

de dos a dos a dos. I si ara mateix

from two to two to two. And if right now

podem suposar que hi ha en Darth

we can assume that there is in Darth

Mabrus, que Ă©s el mestre en Darth Plagueis,

Mabrus, who is the master in Darth Plagueis,

i aquests dos sĂłn el Sith que hi ha actualment

And these two are the Sith that currently exist.

de l'oficial regla de dos.

of the official rule of two.

En Kaimir estĂ ...

In Kaimir is...

Per llibre. No té el títol.

Per book. It doesn't have the title.

Ell es pot considerar Sith

He can be considered a Sith.

i vol prendre

I want to take.

Nosha com a prenent. I volen ser

We take as a given. And they want to be.

els dos, perĂČ al marge

the two, but aside

del llinatge oficial, diguem.

of the official lineage, let's say.

Jo entenc que va per aquĂ­ la cosa.

I understand that this is the way things go.

I Ă©s molt interessant perquĂš, clar,

And it's very interesting because, of course,

el que comentem, no ho saben. Llavors,

what we are discussing, they don't know. So,

ara, quan ha acabat aquest

now, when this has finished

episodi, Nosha i en...

episode, Nosha and in...

Kaimir estan com molt cofois

Kaimir are very cheerful.

tots dos, que es pensen que es menjaran

both of them, who think they will eat

al mĂłn. I no saben que tenen

to the world. And they don't know that they have

en Darth Plagueis

in Darth Plagueis


spying on them.

I que sabem que no acabarà bé, perquÚ

And we know it won't end well, because

sabem que en Darth Plagueis acabarĂ  tenint en Palpatine

we know that Darth Plagueis will eventually have Palpatine

com a prenent i que

as a taker and that

ni Kaimir ni els Sith

neither Kaimir nor the Sith

tenen cap paper. Imagino que va

they have any paper. I imagine it goes

com sempre, que esperen que es vagin

As always, they hope that they will leave.

matant entre ells, se quedarĂ  el millor,

killing each other, the best will remain.

perĂČ n'aparĂšixerĂ  un altre que encara serĂ  millor.

but another will appear that will be even better.

Per tant, no sé, els van

Therefore, I don't know, they went.

substituint com si fossin...

substituting as if they were...

roba bruta, no? És igual,

dirty clothes, right? It doesn't matter,

el millor Ă©s el que se quedeix. SĂłn Siths,

The best is what is left behind. They are Siths.

no tenen els

they do not have the

miraments del Jedi, no? És igual.

Jedi's looks, right? Never mind.

Per tant, jo tambĂ© espero aixĂČ,

Therefore, I also expect this,

que hi hagi conflicte entre aquests dos.

that there is conflict between these two.

De fet, a la prĂČpia

In fact, at the very...



No, vull dir...

No, I mean...

No, dic que

No, I say that

l'Alex li ha comentat que

Alex has mentioned to him that

no tenien per quĂš estar dintre del Sith,

they didn't have to be within the Sith,

llavors suposo que la seva histĂČria pinta malament

Then I suppose that your story looks bad.

en el sentit que, clar, si sĂłn

in the sense that, of course, if they are

dos, doncs aixĂČ, per la regla

two, then that, for the rule

aquesta ja no...

this one no longer...

no tenen cabuda perquĂš sabem com segueix, perĂČ

they have no place because we know how it continues, but

sempre suposo que

I always assume that

hi ha alternatives, aixĂČ que diuen

there are alternatives, what they say

que ho han deixat a l'aire, que Ă©s interessant.

they have left it up in the air, which is interesting.

Bé, estaria bé.

Well, that would be good.

Doncs aixĂČ, de fet, a la novel·la

Well, that, in fact, in the novel.

de Plagueis es comenta

It is said about Plagueis.

també que Plagueis és conscient que

also that Plagueis is aware that

a la Galàxia hi ha usuaris de la força

In the Galaxy, there are users of the Force.



del Sith, o sigui, hi ha la regla

of the Sith, that is, there is the rule

de dos i llavors hi ha tots

from two and then there are all

voltant per la GalĂ xia sense ser

roaming the Galaxy without being

oficialment Sith.

officially Sith.

Si sĂłn conscients de quĂš sĂłn.

If they are aware of what they are.

PodrĂ­em canonitzar aixĂČ.

We could canonize this.

SĂ­, sĂ­, de fet.

Yes, yes, indeed.

De fet, sembla aquesta, no?

In fact, it seems like this one, right?

La intenciĂł de la sĂšrie.

The intention of the series.

Ha presentat el

He has presented the

personatge de les germanes.

character of the sisters.

Sí, i interessant també perquÚ fan servir

Yes, and interesting also because they use

el nom d'acĂČlita, llavors

the name of acolyte, then

ja no Ă©s un Sith, Ă©s un acĂČlita.

he's no longer a Sith, he's an acolyte.

Per tant, Ă©s del costat fosc, perĂČ no Ă©s

Therefore, it is from the dark side, but it is not.

un Sith directament.

a Sith directly.

Seria l'equivalent de Padawan, no?

It would be the equivalent of Padawan, right?

En aquest sentit.

In this sense.



PerĂČ no ben bĂ©.

But not quite.

PerquĂš, clar, Padawan

Because, of course, Padawan.

podria ser com

could be like

el deixeble.

the disciple.

I, per exemple,

And, for example,

no sé, en Dooku és el deixeble

I don't know, Dooku is the apprentice.

d'en Palpatine.

of Palpatine.

O en Maul també va ser deixeble d'en Palpatine.

Or Maul was also a disciple of Palpatine.

I ells sĂ­ que eren els dos Sith oficials.

And they were indeed the two official Sith.

En canvi, l'acĂČlita

On the other hand, the acolyte

Ă©s com una que estĂ  fora

it's like one that is outside

dels dos oficials.

of the two officers.

AixĂČ sĂ­ simpatitzant.

That does show support.

SĂ­, no ho sĂ©. PerĂČ sĂ­ que el Sith

Yes, I don't know. But the Sith do.

al final Ă©s un aprenent

in the end, he is a learner

del mestre.

of the master.

Jo vull destacar el sastre del Sith.

I want to highlight the Sith tailor.

Un aplaudiment perquĂš

A round of applause because

el vestit que porta,

the dress she is wearing,

ara m'equivocaré, és loge.

Now I will make a mistake, it's long.

En aquest cas.

In this case.

Em sembla magnĂ­fic.

I think it's magnificent.

És a dir, Ă©s vestit de Sith perfecte.

That is to say, he is dressed as a perfect Sith.

SĂ­. Un aplaudiment.

Yes. A round of applause.

Molt ben fet, molt ben trobat.

Well done, very well found.

M'agrada molt.

I like it a lot.

SĂ­, sĂ­.

Yes, yes.

Molt bé.

Very well.

SĂ­, sĂ­.

Yes, yes.

Hi ha un zara.

There is a Zara.

El tema de la germana ho justifica.

The topic of the sister justifies it.

Conviuen el plegués i la roba.

The folded and the clothing coexist.

Estan en el mateix armari.

They are in the same closet.

SĂłn unes parets d'una dona.

They are the walls of a woman.

Vas passant vestits.

You are going by dressed.

HĂČstia, quĂš fot aquest home aquĂ­?

Damn, what is this man doing here?

No sabia que havies comprat un munt.

I didn't know you had bought a lot.

Quina curiositat.

What a curiosity.

Quin munt de roba que tens.

What a pile of clothes you have.



Mira, en Albert diu

Look, Albert says

un detall de la novel·la de plegués

a detail from the novel of Plegués

Ă©s que ha mort sota un eclipsi.

he died under an eclipse.

Paral·lelisme amb

Parallelism with

Mei i Osha.

Mei and Osha.

És interessant.

It is interesting.

La novel·la aquesta és canon?

Is this novel canon?



És de Legends.

It is from Legends.

PerĂČ Leslie Hedlund ja ha demostrat que tĂ© un...

But Leslie Hedlund has already proven that she has a...

Bueno, sĂ­.

Well, yes.



Li té respecte als continguts

He has respect for the contents.

encara que siguin Legends.

even if they are Legends.

Els respecta molt.

He respects them a lot.

A mi m'agrada molt com ha tractat.

I really like how he/she has handled it.

Jo no sĂłc el superfan afĂšrrim de Legends.

I am not the die-hard superfan of Legends.

No m'hauria importat si haguessin canviat coses.

I wouldn't have minded if they had changed things.

PerĂČ la veritat Ă©s que

But the truth is that

agraeix que hagi estat molt fidel

thank you for being very faithful

a les coses que ja estaven establertes

to the things that were already established

de les agendes.

of the agendas.

Per exemple, en plegués

For example, if you gathered.

podria haver fet que no fos un munt.

It could have made it not a pile.

Podria haver-lo canonitzat

I could have canonized him.

i que fos una altra espĂšcie.

and that it was another species.

De fet, ja veurĂ­eu

In fact, you would see.

que en Caim era realment...

that in Cain was really...

No feia falta ni que el posés.

It wasn't even necessary for me to put it.

Clar, clar. Tampoc. Exacte.

Sure, sure. Neither. Exactly.

Tot el que ha incorporat de Legends

Everything that has been incorporated from Legends

no ha canviat res.

nothing has changed.

El cortosi

The cortosis

té exactament les mateixes funcions

has exactly the same functions

que tenia en Agendes.

that I had in Agendas.

Ho ha tingut tot molt en compte.

He has taken everything into account.

Sabia el que feia.

He knew what he was doing.

És que...

It's just that...

EstĂ  molt bĂ© aixĂČ.

This is very good.

SĂ­, sĂ­.

Yes, yes.

I bé.

And well.

Navernestra Ă©s avisada que han trobat en Sol

Navernestra is informed that they have found Sol.

a Brendog.

to Brendog.

I per tant se'n va cap allĂ 

And therefore he/she goes that way.

en Jedi.

in Jedi.

També un altre moment estel·lar

Also another stellar moment.

de l'episodi ha estat la lluita

The fight has been the episode.

entre en Sol i en Kymir.

between Sol and Kymir.

El duel aquest d'ells dos

The duel between these two.

ha estat...

it has been...



És que tots els duels

It's just that all the duels

d'aquesta sĂšrie, les coreografies,

from this series, the choreographies,

per mi Ă©s a nivell mĂ xim

for me, it's at a maximum level

Star Wars. Molt guai.

Star Wars. Very cool.

Per fi demostra que...

At last it shows that...

SĂ­, hem tingut...

Yes, we have had...

Molt bona feina.

Very good job.

SĂ­, sĂ­. Vam confirmar que

Yes, yes. We confirmed that

l'equip que havia

the team that had

treballat en l'escena

worked in the scene

del passadĂ­s d'en Darth Vader de Rogue One

from Darth Vader's hallway in Rogue One

Ă©s el que s'ha encarregat de les

he is the one who has taken care of the

escenes de duels de sabres

scenes of sword duels

en aquesta.

in this.

Heu dit Rogue One?

Did you say Rogue One?

Tenen una petita obsessiĂł a tallar

They have a small obsession with cutting.

tĂșnels, no?

tunnels, right?

SĂ­, Ă©s veritat.

Yes, it's true.

PerĂČ Ă©s com, si us plau,

But it's like, please,

aquest equip, no sĂ© qui sĂłn, perĂČ

this team, I don't know who they are, but

que s'encarreguin a partir d'ara...

let them take care of it from now on...

De tots.

Of all.

Va veure el llibre de Sol, que explicava

He saw the book by Sol, which explained.

ha de tallar el passadĂ­s picant-te molt guant.

You have to cut the corridor by poking yourself a lot with gloves.

Quan el va escriure aquest llibre.

When he wrote this book.



És que hi ha molts detalls

There are many details.

en el duel, també.

in the duel, too.

El detall quan

The detail when

xoquen els sabres i les espurnes

the sabers clash and sparks fly

reboten en el casc de corte a l'esca.

they bounce off the cutting helmet to the stake.

És increĂŻble, aixĂČ.

That's incredible.

És molt guai.

It's really cool.

Em va encantar. SĂłn detallets d'aquests

I loved it. They are little details like these.

que no havĂ­em vist mai. Mira que hem vist duels

that we had never seen. Look at how many duels we have seen.

en tota la saga, perĂČ sempre incorporen algun

in the whole saga, but they always incorporate some

element nou que els fa Ășnics i...

new element that makes them unique and...

El que no m'ha acabat de convĂšncer Ă©s

What hasn't completely convinced me is

el moviment a l'aire.

the movement in the air.

Els moviments aquests, que Ă©s una mica...

These movements, which are a bit...

Aquest a cĂ mera lenta, no?

This is in slow motion, isn't it?

SĂ­, no m'ha acabat...

Yes, it hasn't finished for me...

És evident que hi ha influùncia de Matrix.

It is clear that there is an influence from Matrix.

De fet, hi ha un moviment del Neo, no?

In fact, there is a movement of the Neo, isn't there?

Quan es venen les dues espases

When are the two swords sold?

i l'altre...

and the other...

És un Neo total.

He's a total Neo.

No tant aquest, sinĂł un que hi ha abans

Not this one, but one that comes before it.

que baixen del tĂșnel...

that they come down from the tunnel...

Quan salten els dos.

When the two jump.

No m'ha acabat de agradar.

I didn't really like it.

Prefereixo no tant a cĂ mera lenta.

I prefer not so much in slow motion.

Jo ho compro, eh?

I'll buy it, okay?

Jo també.

Me too.

No, no. Comprar ho compro.

No, no. I will buy it.

És per anar a buscar, saps?

It's for picking up, you know?

Una mica de divendres.

A little bit of Friday.

Tots tenim els nostres costos

We all have our costs.

i les nostres predileccions, perĂČ...

and our preferences, but...

És que Ă©s perquĂš veig moviments una mica

It's just that I see some movements a bit.

falsos, no?

False, right?

En algun punt Ă©s veritat, eh?

At some point it's true, right?

Jo també.

Me too.

És molt xula

It's very cool.

l'arma del Kymir. AixĂČ no sĂ© si es va comentar,

the weapon of the Kymir. I don't know if that was discussed,

perĂČ Ă©s que jo vaig veure ara fa poc

but it's just that I saw just recently

que explicaven com l'havien creada.

that explained how they had created it.

M'agrada que hagin intervingut

I like that they have intervened.

tant els actors, i en aquest sentit,

both the actors, and in this sense,

com que Mani Jacinto té origen

since Mani Jacinto has origins

de Felipines, crec, llavors

of Philipines, I believe, then

es veu que Ă©s similar

it seems to be similar

a una arma tradicional

to a traditional weapon

d'arts marcials d'allĂ .

martial arts from there.

Està molt bé que hagin incorporat el background

It's very good that they have incorporated the background.

de l'actor

of the actor

en ampliar aixĂČ.

in expanding this.

I en aquest sentit també està molt bé

And in this sense, it's also very good.

que també canviïn una mica d'armes

that they also change their weapons a bit

les fases gàsseres, no? I que també és més

the gaseous phases, right? And that it is also more

animat que anem tenint coses diferents.

excited that we're having different things.

SĂ­, perĂČ jo aniria posant control, eh? PerquĂš acabarem

Yes, but I would keep putting in control, okay? Because we'll end up.

tenint aquĂ­ un arsenal de...

having here an arsenal of...

Si ja tenim el fuet de la...

If we already have the fuet from the...

de l'altre, no?

of the other, right?

És que anem

It's that we go.

per camins perillosos, eh? Començo a veure

through dangerous paths, huh? I'm starting to see.

aquĂ­ la fals

here the fals

låser, si vull bé. Exacte.

Laser, if I want well. Exactly.

Tot estrany.

Everything is strange.

Torni que una espasa, o sigui, ja està bé.

Come back like a sword, that is, it's fine now.

Que sigui com un carregador.

Let it be like a charger.

Que sigui com un carregant.

Let it be like a charger.

Que vagi posant més fuets i més coses.

That they keep adding more whips and more things.

Visions que hi havia com a

Visions that there were like a

mil espases, aixĂ­.

A thousand swords, like this.

SĂ­, clar. Visions era llibertat total.

Yes, of course. Visions was total freedom.

Clar, que si acabem allĂ , saps?

Of course, if we end up there, you know?

ArribarĂ  un moment que...

There will come a time when...

Hi ha un gif, també, que no és oficial,

There is also a gif that is not official,

del moment en quĂš el Canarrey, de la sense skywalker,

from the moment when the Canarrey, of the without skywalker,

que treu l'espasa aquella que estĂ  plegada

who draws the sword that is folded

i que s'obre de tot allĂ .

and that opens up from all there.

És una...

It is a...

No, no, Ă©s suĂŻssa, no?

No, no, it's Switzerland, isn't it?



I acabarem veient aixĂČ.

And we will end up seeing this.



No, no, perĂČ estĂ  molt bĂ©. A mi el que no m'ha agradat

No, no, but it's very good. What I haven't liked is...


so much...

No, bueno, que també han incorporat

No, well, they have also incorporated.

el tema aquest del force-fu, del kung-fu,

the topic of force-fu, of kung-fu,

de... bueno, quan no fan servir

well, when they don't use

armes. A mi que la lluita

arms. To me, the struggle

no m'ha agradat, perĂČ bueno, ja hi

I didn't like it, but okay, whatever.

no sé si encara teniu

I don't know if you still have it.

alguna cosa a parlar, ja passem a l'altre.

Anything to discuss, we move on to the next.

SĂ­, no,

Yes, no.

jo simplement volia comentar que també hi ha un altre moment

I just wanted to mention that there is also another moment.

que m'agrada molt, Ă©s quan en Kaimir

what I like a lot is when Kaimir

llença les armes cap a en Sol

Throw the weapons towards Sol.

i en Sol les fa rebotar, també.

And in the sun, it also makes them bounce.

És un moment que es veu

It's a moment that can be seen.

molt bé visualment.

very well visually.

PerĂČ bĂ©,

But well,

després d'aquest duel espectacular,

after this spectacular duel,

Namey i Nosha

Namey and Nosha

es tornen a trobar

they meet again



parlen de la veritat,

they talk about the truth,

del que va passar.

of what happened.

Nosha no s'ho pren bé,

Nosha doesn't take it well,

comencen a lluitar.

they begin to fight.

Està molt bé aquest combat que tenen,

This fight they have is very good.

crec que estĂ  molt ben fet, perquĂš

I think it is very well done, because

hem de recordar que sĂłn la mateixa actriu,

we must remember that they are the same actress,

i es veu molt bé,

and it looks very good,

realment, no ho sembla?

Really, doesn't it seem so?

Ni penses.

Don't even think about it.

Per tant, estĂ  molt ben fet.

Therefore, it is very well done.

I m'agrada que facin servir els mateixos moviments,

I like that they use the same movements,

com que sĂłn bessones,

since they are twins,

van com simĂštriques.

they go as symmetrical.

Clar, allĂČ i tot i aquesta

Sure, that and all of this.

grĂ cia, que com que sĂłn la mateixa persona

grace, since they are the same person

o sĂłn bessones o el que sigui, hi ha aquesta

either they are twins or whatever, there is this

confrontaciĂł i Ă©s curiĂłs

confrontation and it's curious

que estiguin fent el mateix.

that they are doing the same.

PerĂČ alhora penso, aviam, si un ha entrenat

But at the same time I think, let's see, if someone has trained

un, bueno, el Kaimir, que justament

well, the Kaimir, that just

ens han estat repetint diversos cops,

they have been repeating to us several times,

que té una forma de lluitar diferent,

that has a different way of fighting,

i l'altre estĂ  entrenant pel Jedi,

and the other is training for the Jedi,

a mi m'hauria agradat veure com sĂłn els dos

I would have liked to see what the two of them are like.

estils, també. I també trobo

styles, too. And I also find

que hauria sigut guai poder veure

it would have been cool to see

aixĂČ, no?, les diferĂšncies

this, right? the differences

entre les dues.

between the two.

PerquĂš hi ha la justificaciĂł...

Because there is the justification...

Hi ha aquesta opció que també es valgui de prou.

There is this option that can also be used enough.

Hi ha la justificaciĂł que no sĂłn dues persones.

There is justification that they are not two people.

Clar, clar.

Sure, sure.

Llavors, el que jo entenc

Then, what I understand is

que és més que ens senyes amb una,

what is more than you point out to us with one,

també li has senyes amb l'altra.

you also sign to her with the other one.

Doncs per tant...

Well then...

Home, i que totes dues tenen

Man, and that both have

la mateixa base des de petites,

the same foundation since childhood,

en quant a lluita, també, s'entén.

As for the fight, it is also understood.



SĂ­, sĂ­.

Yes, yes.

Era el...

It was the...

que a l'episodi 5

that in episode 5

veiem com Kaimir

we see how Kaimir

fa servir el fet d'apagar l'espasa,

it makes use of the fact of turning off the sword,

que Ă©s com deshonrosa a l'hora de

that is like dishonorable when it comes to

fer els combats.

to fight the battles.

I en aquest capĂ­tol veiem que ho fa el Sol.

And in this chapter we see that it is done by the Sun.

Ah? Sol Ă©s

Ah? Is it only?

el pitjor Jedi que veurĂ s mai.

the worst Jedi you will ever see.

PerquĂš es veu un moment que

Because you can see a moment that

quan té l'espasa

when he has the sword

i Kaimir vol apagar-la amb el casc,

and Kaimir wants to extinguish it with the helmet,

fa el gest

make the gesture


to turn it off,

de voler fotre el cop del cap, vull dir.

of wanting to hit it hard, I mean.

I llavors Sol apaga l'espasa perquĂš David

And then Sol turns off the sword because David.

hi tira. I aixĂČ com Ă©s com...

Hi there. And how is this like...

Deshonrosa pels Jedi.

Disgraceful for the Jedi.

Clar, que ho faci en Kaimir,

Of course, let Kaimir do it.

mira, perĂČ que ho faci un Jedi.

Look, but let a Jedi do it.

Ja lluita d'una altra manera,

Now fights in a different way,

que ja et recordo que...

that I already remind you that...

PerĂČ que si nomĂ©s fes aixĂČ al Sol,

But if it only did this to the Sun,

mira, no passa res.

look, it's okay.

Que porta un historial de

That has a history of

vĂ­ders, assassinats i...

vices, murders and...

A veure...

Let's see...

Ja no ve d'aquĂ­.

It’s not coming from here anymore.

Recorda una miqueta la frase

Remember the phrase a little bit.

aquella que li va dir, no?

the one that told him, right?

Diu, jo he aprĂšs a la meva obscuritat,

He says, I have learned in my darkness,

quĂš has fet tu amb la teva?

What have you done with yours?

O alguna cosa aixĂ­.

Or something like that.

No recordo quin capĂ­tol era,

I don't remember which chapter it was.

volgués dir...

would mean...

O sigui, sĂ­.

So, yes.

Ja, ja...

Yes, yes...

Porta el total.

Bring the total.

Ja ha perdut els papers.

He has already lost his mind.

BĂ©, i de fet en Sol

Well, and in fact the Sun

derrota en Kaimir

defeat in Kaimir

en aquesta lluita.

in this fight.

I no Ă©s perquĂš ve

And it's not because it comes.

en Amei que escapa

in Amei that escapes

i salva en Kaimir.

and saves Kaimir.

I es treu el cas,

And it takes off the case,

que aixĂČ Ă©s molt guai tambĂ©

that this is very cool too

que li ha donat por.

what has gotten into him/her.

El fet de quedar vençut

The fact of being defeated.

i per segon cop em sembla com que

and for the second time it seems to me like

no té por a morir, no? Estar allà en plan...

You're not afraid of dying, are you? Being there in a way...

Accepta la derrota, sĂ­, sĂ­.

Accept defeat, yes, yes.

I llavors en Sol

And then in Sol

en aquell moment torna a justificar

at that moment it justifies again

el que dĂšiem, que ho repeteix molt

What we said, that he repeats it a lot.

al darrere del capĂ­tol.

at the back of the chapter.

Que de fet, una cosa.

In fact, one thing.

També una altra cosa molt important.

Also another very important thing.

Ens diuen des del primer capĂ­tol

They tell us from the first chapter.

que els Jedi no ataquen a un indefens,

that the Jedi do not attack the defenseless,

perĂČ desprĂ©s de tallar-li l'espasa

but after cutting off his sword

segueix tenint-la apuntada al cap de Kaimir.

she still has it pointed at Kaimir's head.

O sigui, l'estĂ  apuntant un indefens.

So, he is pointing at a defenseless person.

A veure, ja ho veiem.

Let's see, we can already see it.

És que aquí en Sol

It's just that here in Sol

estĂ  obligat de l'estiu de lluita Jedi.

he is obligated to the summer of Jedi fighting.

Ja estĂ  completament...

It's already completely...

Ja estĂ .

That's it.

Jo crec que aixĂČ seria part

I believe that this would be part.

de per quĂš guanya la lluita,

of why the struggle wins,

perquĂš Ă©s que bĂ sicament estĂ  utilitzant

because it is basically using

els dos costats de la borsa.

both sides of the bag.

No està utilitzant només el costat lluminós.

It's not only using the bright side.

Que és com la més honorable, més bonica.

That is like the most honorable, most beautiful.

Tots els que utilitzen aixĂČ moren

Everyone who uses this dies.

al cap d'un segon.

after a second.

I se li veu, perquĂš fins i tot

You can see it, because even...

al Rictus li canvia en certa manera l'expressiĂł.

The Rictus's expression changes in a certain way.

És el moment que no fa cara de Penoli, Ă©s veritat.

It's the moment when he doesn't look like Penoli, that's true.

SĂ­, sĂ­.

Yes, yes.

A veure, quina mania que li té.

Let's see, what a fixation he has with him.

L'odio, l'odio, l'odio.

The hate, the hate, the hate.

Em cau gens bé aquest senyor.

I don't like this gentleman at all.

És que quan es posa...

It's just that when you put...

És que jo nomĂ©s volia...

I just wanted to...

Fins i tot

Even so

volia ser el més gran.

I wanted to be the greatest.

Ets tu, cap cigrany.

It's you, you silly goose.

Jo el que no entenc Ă©s com poden haver-hi

What I don't understand is how there can be

tres personatges del costat fosc

three characters from the dark side

entre cometes, la Mai, l'Oshel,

"between quotes, Mai, Oshel,"

el Kymir, que no el matin a l'instant.

the Kymir, do not kill him at once.

Mora't ja, pesat.

Just die already, annoying.



Doncs jo no podria que me'l deixin encara.

Well, I couldn't have them lend it to me yet.

Jo encara li donava

I was still giving him/her.

més diners.

more money.

Deixeu-me saludar dues persones més

Let me greet two more people.

que no havia saludat, com en

that I hadn't greeted, like in

Janine Anija

Janine Anija

i DarthMMC.

and DarthMMC.

Deia que no Ă©s cĂ mera

He said it's not a camera.

lenta. Jo crec que sĂ­, que hi ha un moment

slow. I think so, that there is a moment

que hi ha cĂ mera lenta, perĂČ

there is slow motion, but

ralentitza molt

slows down a lot

la caiguda. Clar, perĂČ no sĂ© si Ă©s cĂ mera

the fall. Sure, but I don't know if it's the camera.

lenta, diguem, per l'espectador

slow, let’s say, for the viewer

o que realment ells

or what they really

van més lents.

they go slower.

Clar, no sé si és un efecte

Of course, I don't know if it's an effect.

de producciĂł o...

of production or...

Jo crec que Ă©s dels personatges, potser.

I think it's about the characters, maybe.

A l'hora de no caure.

At the moment of not falling.

No, perĂČ els Jedi

No, but the Jedi

poden fer aquestes coses.

they can do these things.

AllĂ  als digitais no n'hi ha cap.

There aren't any over there in the digital ones.

BĂ©, usadors

Good, users.

de la foto.

from the photo.

El meu odi al sol em pot.

My hatred for the sun can consume me.


Excuse me.

Pobre, no.

Poor, no.

És que no...

It's just that no...

Seguim endavant,

We keep moving forward,

que vull aplaudir.

I want to applaud.

Ho lia tot ell.

It messed everything up for him.

Ho lia tot ell, allĂ  darrere l'arbre.

He was messing it all up there behind the tree.

Després, oh, aquesta porca no la tenia.

Later, oh, this pig didn't have it.

Hem de salvar les nenes.

We have to save the girls.

És que Ă©s el que diu la Txell.

It's just what Txell says.

Cada vegada que el tio es justifica...

Every time the guy justifies himself...

A sobre ho fa amb una lentitud

On top of that, it does it with a slowness.

de pensament, d'allĂČ...

of thought, of that...

Ho sap tothom el que has fet. Digue-ho ja

Everyone knows what you have done. Just say it.

d'una vegada, no t'amaguis més.

Once and for all, don't hide anymore.

No ho sap tothom.

Not everyone knows it.

No ho ha dit mai.

He has never said it.

Per quĂš no t'has sabut tu trobar la xorra,

Why haven't you been able to find the joke?

perdĂł, l'espasa, eh?

Sorry, the sword, huh?

I t'has carregat una dona innocent.

You have killed an innocent woman.

Clar, clar.

Sure, sure.

És que Ă©s veritat. Nosaltres hem vist

It's true. We have seen.

el que va passar exactament.

what exactly happened.

Hem tingut els dos episodis.

We have had both episodes.

Ella, qui li diu, no tenen la imatge completa.

She, whoever tells her, does not have the complete picture.

SĂ­, perĂČ hi ha un moment

Yes, but there is a moment

que jo crec que ja ho saben tots.

that I believe they all already know.

L'Ășnic que ha de fer Ă©s admetre.

The only thing you have to do is admit it.

Ho ha d'admetre. I li costa.

He has to admit it. And it’s hard for him.

Tenim 10 minuts reflexionant

We have 10 minutes of reflection.

per explicar el que tothom...

to explain what everyone...

Calla, que ja tinc suficient d'excuses.

Shut up, I already have enough excuses.

No, Ă©s el millor que pot fer, fer-lo callar.

No, it's the best thing he can do, to make him shut up.

Que l'Ășnica dona del grup

That the only woman in the group

els diu, deixeu-me entrar a mi,

he says to them, let me in.

que entro jo a parlar amb elles, que sĂłn dones.

I will go in to talk to them, as they are women.

De quĂš teniu por? SĂłn dones i nenes.

What are you afraid of? They are women and girls.

Deixeu-me entrar a mi, que sĂłc dona com elles,

Let me in, for I am a woman like them.

i parlo jo. I no us fiqueu pel mig

And I speak. And don’t get in the way.

vosaltres, que la liareu. I quĂš passa?

you all, who will mess it up. And what happens?



Aquí comença...

Here it begins...

AquĂ­ Ă©s el primer.

Here is the first.

Aquí comença malament la cosa.

Here the thing starts off badly.



SĂ­, sĂ­.

Yes, yes.

No havia mostrat la imatge d'en Plagues, perĂČ...

I hadn't shown the image of Plagues, but...

Mira, mira, aquesta pota

Look, look, this leg

de pollastre tan maca.

of such a lovely chicken.

És sùxia.

It's sexy.

És sùxi, home, sùxi.

It's sexy, man, sexy.

Tal com Ă©s sĂšxi.

Just as it is sexy.

Aquests ulls de mel tan preciosos.

Those precious honey-colored eyes.

Aquesta mĂ  a posiciĂł sensual.

This hand in a sensual position.

Mare meva.

My goodness.

És quan us botegen

It's when you are bullied.

i Ă©s un altre personatge.

and it is another character.

És un d'aquells ocells que viuen a l'illa

It's one of those birds that live on the island.

que s'ha fet més gran de lo normal.

that has grown larger than normal.

No, no, estĂ  confirmat. La pĂ gina oficial

No, no, it's confirmed. The official page.

de Star Wars l'ha posat en el databanc

from Star Wars has been added to the database

i ha dit que s'ha endarrerit.

He has said that he is delayed.

Potser l'ha escrit el Sol, la pĂ gina oficial de Star Wars.

Perhaps it was written by the Sun, the official page of Star Wars.

Jo no vull dir res més.

I don't want to say anything more.

A l'Ernest no passa res.

Nothing happens to Ernest.

Sap mentir molt bé.

He/She knows how to lie very well.

Exacte, i l'altre, ja hi som.

Exactly, and the other one, we're there.

Mare meva.

My goodness.

Ara en parlarem, també.

Now we'll talk about it, too.

És que no hi ha cap idea de qui se salvi.

It's just that there is no idea of who will be saved.

És que Ă©s tot un...

It's just that it's a whole...

Un cĂșmul de...

A cluster of...

A veure, com ho arreglem?

Let's see, how do we fix this?

I en comptes d'arreglar-ho es lia més la troca

And instead of fixing it, it just complicates things more.



És que són incompetents.

It's that they are incompetent.

L'any d'ara encara era un...

This year was still a...



SĂ­, sĂ­.

Yes, yes.

PerquÚ també ho va tapar.

Because he/she also covered it.

SĂ­, sĂ­, al final no se salva ningĂș.

Yes, yes, in the end no one is saved.



PerĂČ uns mĂ©s que altres.

But some more than others.

És que Ă©s aixĂČ, la primera de morir

It's just that, it's the first of dying.

és la que més seny havia posat en tota l'estona.

she was the one who had shown the most common sense all the time.

Bueno, perquÚ tampoc té temps de cagar-la, eh?

Well, because he doesn't have time to mess it up either, right?

També t'ho dic.

I'm telling you that too.

La que té més seny ho hauria d'explicar.

The one who has the most common sense should explain it.



L'hem cagat, vinga. Piqueu-nos a les mans.

We've messed it up, come on. Tap us on the hands.

SĂ­, sĂ­, sĂ­.

Yes, yes, yes.

No, perĂČ Ă©s veritat que mai

No, but it's true that never.

es fan responsables dels seus actes.

They are responsible for their actions.

És una cosa que em sembla molt estranya

It's something that seems very strange to me.

per una...

for a...

L'Ășnic que ho fa, tĂšcnicament,

The only one who does it, technically,

Ă©s el padawan.

he is the padawan.

El Torbjorn.

The Torbjorn.

SĂ­, jo per aixĂČ.

Yes, that's why.

SĂ­, perĂČ fa mĂ©s penitĂšncia que no pas

Yes, but it does more penance than anything else.

Ă©s responsable.

He/She is responsible.

No vol explicar tampoc, Ă©s a dir,

He doesn't want to explain either, that is to say,

tapa el que va passar.

covers what happened.

Llavors, el que suĂŻcida Ă©s quan accepta

Then, what is suicidal is when one accepts.

que va cagar-la.

who messed it up.

Llavors sĂ­, perĂČ suĂŻcidar-se

Then yes, but to commit suicide.

tampoc Ă©s acceptar les responsabilitats,

neither is it accepting responsibilities,

Ă©s defugir-les.

it is to avoid them.

És a dir, ell sap que ho va fer malament.

That is to say, he knows he did it wrong.

Per tant, ho accepta, perĂČ abans

Therefore, he/she accepts it, but first

se suĂŻcida que explicar-ho

It's suicide to explain it.

i que ho expliqui.

and let him explain it.

Jo us ho dic de veritat, jo trobo molt estrany

I tell you the truth, I find it very strange.

que amb un grup de gent que se suposa

with a group of people that is supposed to

que tota la vida s'han mogut per uns

that all their lives they have moved for some

ideals que sĂłn honorables

ideals that are honorable

i tal, no acceptin mai, mai

And so, never accepting, ever.

cap d'ells la responsabilitat

none of them the responsibility

del que han fet.

of what they have done.

Si t'has equivocat i te n'has d'anar

If you made a mistake and you have to go.

per un moment al costat tu o el que sigui,

for a moment next to you or whatever,

t'hauries d'estar menjant el coco tota la vida

You should be eating your brain your whole life.

i acceptant-ho.

and accepting it.

És que així es canten per desconfiançats

It's just that this is how they sing out of distrust.

i de perduts i de...

and of the lost and of...

AixĂ­ acabaran.

This is how they will end.

PerĂČ, o sigui, aixĂ­ Ă©s fora de context

But, I mean, this is out of context.

i tu mires la sĂšrie i dius, Ă©s veritat, no Ă©s creĂŻble,

And you watch the series and say, it's true, it's not believable,

potser hi ha massa jedis aquĂ­

maybe there are too many jedis here

dient tonteries, perĂČ mireu les notĂ­cies,

saying nonsense, but look at the news,

Ă©s que al final...

it's just that in the end...

Ho dĂšiem en el sentit

We said it in the sense

que no entens com empodrits estan.

that you do not understand how spoiled they are.

Així es comença el declivi.

This is how the decline begins.

Ja, ja, ja.

Ha, ha, ha.

Mira, fins ara deia...

Look, until now I was saying...

Quan veia les escenes

When I saw the scenes

de l'ordre 66 em feia molta pena,

Order 66 made me very sad,

perĂČ Ă©s que ara dirĂ©, us ho mereixeu.

But now I will say, you deserve it.

PerĂČ Ă©s que els de l'ordre 66

But it's that the ones from Order 66

eren més com un Jedi.

they were more like a Jedi.

És el que li diu

It's what he tells her.

la mare,

the mother,

les vostres nobles accions

your noble actions

o les vostres nobles idees...

or your noble ideas...

El dia franc que l'ordre caigui.

The day that order falls.

És molt bo aquest moment perquù...

This moment is very good because...

AixĂČ em va fer molt riure, eh?

This made me laugh a lot, huh?

PerquÚ, o sigui, no podem tenir més referÚncies

Because, I mean, we can't have more references.

de l'ordre 66. Hi ha tot a Star Wars

of Order 66. There is everything in Star Wars.

i aixĂČ passa no sĂ© quant temps abans.

and this happens I don't know how long before.

I dius, bueno, va, per fi fem una cosa nova.

And you say, well, come on, finally let's do something new.

Vinga, ordre 66.

Come on, order 66.

Sempre pot ser que surti el Kimmy

It could always be that Kimmy comes out.

amb una samarreta on hi hagi un 66.

with a t-shirt that has a 66 on it.


Of these.

No em donis idees que la tinc tot lliure.

Don't give me ideas because I have everything free.

Doncs bĂ©. No, perĂČ aquesta senyora

Well. No, but this lady

s'ha enterat del xisme 100 anys abans.

He found out about the gossip 100 years earlier.

O sigui, ha dit, vinga,

That is to say, he/she said, come on,

vaig a espĂČiler tots aquests.

I'm going to spoil all of them.

Jo no entenc com han durat

I don't understand how they have lasted.

100 anys.

100 years.

Encara han durat molt, eh? Com han durat

They have still lasted a long time, huh? How long they've lasted.

100 anys?

100 years?

No ho sé, no ho entenc.

I don't know, I don't understand.

Amagant els drets bruts.

Hiding the dirty rights.


The carpet.

L'alfombra fa un metro i mig d'Ă lia, eh?

The carpet is one and a half meters wide, right?

El Yoda hi pot viure.

Yoda can live there.

I el Yoda Ă©s el primer que no

And Yoda is the first who does not.

maca coses.

pretty things.

Aquesta Ă©s l'altra que volia...

This is the other one I wanted...

Jo volia aixĂČ guardar pel final.

I wanted to save this for the end.

No, no.

No, no.

L'Ioda durant tota aquesta estona...

The Ioda during all this time...

Quin càrrec té el Yoda

What position does Yoda hold?

en aquest moment?

at this moment?

És el gran mestre.

He is the great master.

És el màxim dirigent de l'ordre 66.

He is the top leader of Order 66.

SĂ­, sĂ­, perquĂš ja dansar a l'alta repĂșblica...

Yes, yes, because already dancing in the high republic...

La meva pregunta Ă©s la mateixa.

My question is the same.

QuĂš cony fot durant

What the hell are you doing?

tota aquesta estona? No se'n pane de res?

All this time? Aren't you worried about anything?

Se'n va a dormir amnistiada.

She goes to sleep amnestied.

No passa res.

It's okay.

EstĂ  reflexionant.

He is reflecting.

Quan l'Ernest s'obre les portes

When Ernest opens the doors.

s'acaba de despertar.

she just woke up.

Estava dormint.

I was sleeping.

I l'han despertat.

And they have woken him/her up.

Quan arriba l'Ernest fa aixĂ­ com

When Ernest arrives, he does this.

ui, espera, les ulleres...

Oh, wait, the glasses...

PerquĂš no li veiem la cara, perĂČ

Because we can't see his face, but

tenia unes ulleres...

I had some glasses...

Espera, l'antifĂ s que el porto posat, deixa un moment.

Wait, the mask I'm wearing, just a moment.

MĂ©s llagat.

More tangled.

AixĂČ sĂłn tan bĂ© les portes, perquĂš doni temps

These are also the doors, so that it gives time.

a aixecar-se i aquestes coses.

to get up and those things.

AixĂČ que dius de la porta, hi ha una escena abans

What you say about the door, there is a scene before.

quan hi ha el senador, ara m'ho he recordat,

When the senator is there, now I remember it.

que l'Ernest fa servir la força

that Ernest uses force

per obrir la porta.

to open the door.

I em sembla

It seems to me.

d'una prepotĂšncia aquell moviment

of a arrogance that movement

i d'una...

and one...

És lleig.

It's ugly.

Tu no tens la força, jo sí.

You don't have the strength, I do.



PerĂČ jo diria que

But I would say that

els ensenyem que la força no la pots fer servir

we teach them that you cannot use force

quan a tu et dĂłna la gana.

when you get hungry.

Mira, hi ha una fruita allĂ  i no hi vull anar a buscar-la...

Look, there is a fruit over there and I don't want to go get it...

PerquĂš quan anem aquĂ­

Because when we go here

agafem la força de la pera aquella

let's take the strength of that pear

i dius, si no V1 veiés que

and you say, if I didn't see V1 that

feien aixĂČ...

they did this...

La V1 l'equiparĂ­em amb la fusta.

We would equip the V1 with wood.

Llavors aquesta senyora, que Ă©s una

Then this lady, who is a

dirigent de l'Ordre Jedi, fa aixĂČ?

leader of the Jedi Order, does this?

Per fer fora amb un senyor...

To go out with a gentleman...

Per vacil·lar.

To show off.

Estic desesperada.

I am desperate.

Ja no hi vull obrir la porta.

I no longer want to open the door.

Vull dir, ja Ă©s

I mean, it already is.

una desesperaciĂł d'ell.

a despair of his.

Desperta't, bitxo.

Wake up, bug.

Escolta'm ell, que hem de parlar.

Listen to me, we need to talk.

AtenciĂł al comentari del xat, el que has destacat ara.

Pay attention to the chat comment, the one you just highlighted.

Benestre mai faria res dolent.

Benestre would never do anything wrong.

I si ho fa, Ă©s que no Ă©s dolent.

And if he does it, it's because he's not a bad person.

Potser teniu un concepte diferent

Perhaps you have a different concept.

del que és dolent, també t'ho diré.

Of what is bad, I will tell you that too.

A veure, jo, la veritat...

Let's see, I, the truth...

Donar cop de fuet

Give a whip crack

a una persona...

to a person...

La mica tortura, perĂČ...

The little bit tortures, but...

Ja, aixĂČ tampoc ens ho han acabat

Yes, they haven't finished that for us either.

d'explicar, perĂČ bĂ©.

to explain, but good.

AixĂČ Ă©s una cosa que t'ha quedat a l'aire, eh?

That's something you left hanging, huh?

Que li dius... EstĂ s viu?

What do you say to him... Are you alive?


You know?

En aquest capĂ­tol s'ha confirmat

In this chapter, it has been confirmed.

que era el seu aprenent.

that he was his apprentice.

S'ha confirmat o s'ha intuĂŻt?

Has it been confirmed or just intuited?

Home, aviam, s'ha intuĂŻt, perĂČ

Okay, let's see, it's been sensed, but...

molt confirmadament.

very confirmed.

Com ho has dit aixĂČ? S'ha intuĂŻt

How did you say that? It was intuited.



No, Ă©s a dir, que no s'ha confirmat

No, that is to say, it has not been confirmed.



PerĂČ, home, jo...

But, come on, I...

És a dir, ja ho sospitĂ vem, perĂČ en aquest capĂ­tol jo crec que...

That is to say, we already suspected it, but in this chapter, I believe that...

No ho sé, a veure,

I don't know, let's see,

deixeu que ens expliquin quĂš ha passat aquĂ­.

let them explain to us what happened here.

Clar, Ă©s que sĂłn

Of course, it's just that they are.

les coses que ens han quedat a l'aire que ens han d'explicar

the things that have been left hanging that need to be explained to us

sĂ­ o sĂ­.

yes or no.

Ara arribarem en aquest moment,

Now we will arrive at this moment,

si voleu. És que ens han parat, sí,

If you want. It's just that they have stopped us, yes.

Ă©s veritat, perdoneu.

It's true, I'm sorry.

El meu odi al sol l'ha pogut...

My hatred for the sun has been able to...

L'has deixat portar pel...

You have let yourself be carried away by...

El costat fosc, el costat fosc m'ha...

The dark side, the dark side has...

PerĂČ, bueno, tapeu,

But, well, shut up,

tapeu i aquĂ­ no passa res. Exacte.

Cover it and nothing happens here. Exactly.



Doncs bé,


no sé per a quin moment estàvem.

I don't know what moment we were at.

EstĂ vem al final de la lluita del...

We were at the end of the fight of...

SĂ­. Ah, home, Ă©s que ve un

Yes. Ah, well, it's that someone's coming.

gran moment, eh? A ParĂ­s la mai.

Great moment, huh? In Paris, never.

A ParĂ­s la mai, sĂ­. Exacte.

In Paris never, yes. Exactly.

I llavors Ă©s quan Noixa

And then is when Noixa

escanya en sol amb la força.

strangle in the sun with strength.



És molt gerai, aixĂČ, tambĂ©.

That's very cool, too.

Que Ă©s una cosa que li deia que no fes

What is something I told him not to do?

a la seva germana, i ho fa ella.

to her sister, and she does it.

SĂ­, sĂ­, sĂ­.

Yes, yes, yes.

És que...

It's just that...

Les seves germans sĂłn...

His sisters are...

BĂ©, sĂ­, perĂČ com s'han intercanviat, eh?

Well, yes, but how have they exchanged, huh?

SĂ­, sĂ­, sĂ­.

Yes, yes, yes.

I Noixa Ă©s que...

I Noixa is that...

És que aquí hi ha una cosa molt...

It's just that there is something very...

En el moment que s'intercanvien la roba, aquesta imatge,

At the moment when they exchange clothes, this image,

aquí ja comença tot,

here everything begins,

tot, tot, tot, tot...

everything, everything, everything, everything...

Mira, has tocat aquĂ­

Look, you have touched here.

un tema... És molt per a tontos, eh?

A topic... It's very much for fools, huh?

Lo de la roba. És molt per a tontos.

The thing about clothes. It's a lot for fools.

PerquĂš sĂ pigues quina Ă©s la bona

So you know which one is the right one.

i quina Ă©s la dolenta, vestim-les que es rego,

And which one is the bad one, let's dress them as he/she/it is wet.

no fos cas que

just in case that

les pistis en algun moment, no?

the pistis at some point, right?

I el tatuatge, el detall de tatuatge, sobretot.

And the tattoo, the detail of the tattoo, above all.

TambĂ©. PerĂČ no es veu tant.

Also. But it's not that visible.

La Noixa es confon a l'hora de

Noixa gets confused when it comes to

veure el futur.

see the future.

Es pensa que Ă©s l'altre.

He thinks he is the other.



Clar, Ă©s que sĂłn la mateixa, realment.

Of course, they are really the same.

És que...

It's just that...

Aquestes coses...

These things...

És aquest Yin Yang, no?

It's this Yin Yang, isn't it?

Que es va com...

That is how it goes...

SĂ­, sĂ­. I a mi m'ha sorprĂšs

Yes, yes. And it has surprised me.

realment... SĂ­.

really... Yes.

Marta, perdona. Digues, digues.

Marta, sorry. Go ahead, go ahead.

No, dic que m'ha sorprĂšs

No, I said it surprised me.

que Noixa hagi arribat

that Noixa has arrived

a aquest extrem tan bĂšstia

to this such brutal extreme

del costat fosc, fins a...

from the dark side, until...

A mi no, a qui li fa?

Not me, who does it affect?

Clar, a en Sol, perĂČ que recordem

Sure, to Sol, but let's remember.

que la relaciĂł que tenien ella i en Sol,

that the relationship that she and Sol had,

que s'estimaven molt, que...

that they loved each other very much, that...

PerĂČ clar, que te n'adones

But of course, you realize it.

que ha matat la mare...

that has killed the mother...

I que t'ha enganyat tota la vida...

And who has deceived you all your life...

SĂ­, sĂ­, sĂ­. PerĂČ que igualment...

Yes, yes, yes. But still...

I ja estava allĂ  al lĂ­mit, la Noixa.

And she was already there at the limit, the Noixa.

I jo crec que escoltant-lo cinc minuts

And I believe that by listening to him for five minutes

en tens prou per voler fer aixĂČ.

You have enough to want to do this.

SĂ­, sĂ­, perĂČ que han viscut molts anys

Yes, yes, but they have lived for many years.

junts. Ja, sĂ­.

together. Yeah, sure.

És fort.

It's strong.

PerĂČ sĂ­, sĂ­, al final

But yes, yes, in the end.

l'escanya fins a la mort

the strangulation to death

i sense fer servir cap arma,

and without using any weapon,

que era el que li manaven

that was what they ordered him

a May.

to May.

I bĂ©, i just desprĂ©s d'aixĂČ

And well, and just after that

veiem com fa sagnar el cristall,

we see how it makes the crystal bleed,

que Ă©s l'altra gran

what is the other great

escena momentĂ s. Estava aixĂ­.

momentary scene. It was like this.

Estava ja ressant-li a l'episodi.

I was already rewatching the episode.

D'una cosa que no havĂ­em vist pas mai

Of something we had never seen before.

en acciĂł real.

in real action.

En acciĂł real, uf.

In real action, phew.

És increĂŻble com s'ha vist. A mĂ©s a mĂ©s,

It is amazing how it has been seen. Furthermore,

amb l'espasa allĂČ, com es va

with the sword that, how is it going

tornant vermella, que aixĂČ sĂ­ que no ho havĂ­em vist

turning red, because we definitely hadn't seen that

tampoc, ni en acciĂł real, ni en res.

neither in real action, nor in anything.

Hi ha un moment que és l'espasa del Barça,

There is a moment when it is Barça's sword,

eh? Jo la vull. Totalment.

Huh? I want it. Totally.

SĂ­, sĂ­.

Yes, yes.

La veritat Ă©s que sĂ­.

The truth is that yes.

AquĂ­ el Merchan

Here is the Merchant.

anirĂ  a tota pastilla, eh?

It will go at full speed, huh?

SĂ­, sĂ­.

Yes, yes.

SĂ­, sĂ­. El Caimir estava aixĂ­,

Yes, yes. The Caimir was like this,

aplaudint per dins. Has matat 15

clapping inside. You have killed 15.

armes i estàs retornant la meva col·lita.

weapons, and you are returning my harvest.

Vinga, tu mai siguis.

Come on, don't be shy.

En canvi, per dir un moment

On the other hand, to say a moment

al principi, crec que té

at first, I think it has

com dubtes perquĂš quan estan parlant abans

as doubts because when they are talking before

de marxar de la villa,

of leaving the town,

en plan el que sigui, hi ha

in any case, there is

com una confusiĂł i crec

with a confusion and I believe

que aixĂČ vol parar

that this wants to stop

la seva germana.

his sister.

Llavors, no queda clar

Then, it is not clear.

ben bĂ© de quĂš estan parlant, perĂČ

well, what are they talking about, though?

s'entén, o sigui, que

it is understood, I mean, that

la Mei encara pot complir

Mei can still fulfill.

el que li havia demanat, de matar sense armes.

what I had asked him, to kill without weapons.

Llavors, aquĂ­ hi ha

Then, here there is

un moment de...

a moment of...

A veure...

Let's see...

Vull dir que sembla que tothom

I mean it seems that everyone

estĂ ... SĂ­, el que vull dir Ă©s que

is... Yes, what I mean is that

tothom estĂ  molt obsessionat amb l'eixa i no entenc per quĂš,

everyone is very obsessed with that and I don't understand why,

perquĂš realment el personatge de la Mei sempre queda molt

because the character of Mei really always stands out a lot

en segon pla i quan dieu que Ă©s la mateixa

in the background and when you say it's the same

persona, llavors aquĂ­

person, then here

em genera certs dubtes el fet que

It raises certain doubts for me that

no sé quÚ passa, perquÚ el Sol està obsessionat

I don't know what's happening, because the Sun is obsessed.

amb l'eixa, el

with that, the

Caimir també. Llavors

Caimir too. Then

la Mei podia, en aquest moment,

Mei could, at this moment,

haver fet aixĂČ tambĂ©.

having done this as well.

Potser, potser no, no ho sé.

Maybe, maybe not, I don't know.



Era com...

It was as if...

És una cosa que sempre he anat

It is something that I have always gone.

pensant al llarg de la sĂšrie, Ă©s com si

thinking throughout the series, it's as if

de petites, la part

from small, the part

de la

of the



hagués estat més

would have been more

reprimida i la part de la Mei

repressed and Mei's part

fos la més dominant

was the most dominant

i tingués,

and had,

o sigui, com si la part de

that is, as if the part of

la Mei sempre tingués

Mei always had.

la part de l'eixa, la tingués com més...

the part of the axis, I had it as more...

Que no es podia expressar,

That could not be expressed,

que la part de l'eixa sempre estava

that the part of the axis was always there

allĂČ, cohibida per la Mei

that, intimidated by Mei

i en mesura entre que

and to the extent that

es separen, que es resolven, que van creixent

they separate, they resolve, they are growing

i tot plegat, la part de l'eixa es va com més

And all in all, the part of the axis was more like

empoderant i

empowering and

la part de la Mei Ă©s com dient, acaba

Mei's part is like saying, it ends.

reconeixent i dir no, no, Ă©s que jo feia

recognizing and saying no, no, it's just that I was doing

tot aixĂČ perquĂš jo ja era conscient que

all this because I was already aware that

tu eres una part més important

you are a more important part

perĂČ jo no volia

but I didn't want to

reconĂšixer i

recognize and

volia ser jo la part més dominant

I wanted to be the dominant part.

era com, Ă©s com una lluita de

it was like, it is like a struggle of

pols, de forces, de

dust, of forces, of

no sé, clar

I don't know, clearly.

Ă©s la part que sĂ­

it's the part that yes

que fa, la part de la Mei Ă©s la part

What it does, Mei's part is the part.

que fa l'ascensiĂł

that makes the ascent

i es creu més important

and is believed to be more important

o es considera més important perquÚ

or is considered more important because

ella sĂ­ que ha fet l'ascensiĂł, ella sĂ­

she has indeed made the ascent, she certainly has

que ha passat per aquest ritual, la oixa

what has gone through this ritual, the oixa

no, la oixa no vol

no, the oixa does not want

renega, diguéssim, de la seva cultura

renounces, let’s say, his culture

de les seves tradicions, de la seva

of their traditions, of their

essĂšncia i no Ă©s fidel

essence and is not faithful

a les creences, la part

to the beliefs, the part

de la Mei sĂ­, Ă©s

from Mei yes, it is

com aquesta lluita entre

with this fight between

totes aquestes dues parts

all these two parts

i mira, l'Albert ha dit una cosa interessant

And look, Albert has said something interesting.

Ă©s que sempre tenen els papers canviats

it's that they always have the roles reversed

quan una fa servir la compassiĂł, l'altra

when one uses compassion, the other

usa el costat fosc, Ă©s veritat

use the dark side, it's true

no estan mai al mateix

they are never on the same page

Ă©s una politzadora que va sempre

It is a polisher that always goes.

fluctuant i va buscant

fluctuating and searching

sempre va buscant la, o sigui

always looking for it, I mean

l'equilibri de forces

the balance of forces

de pols

of dust

sĂ­, sĂ­, sĂ­, una salutaciĂł

yes, yes, yes, a greeting

R. Coll, benvingut

R. Coll, welcome.

doncs bé

well then

després d'aquest moment increïble

after this incredible moment

amb el

with the

sagnat del cristall

blood of the crystal

Nadal Ernestra arriba

Nadal Ernestra arrives.

i sent en

I sent in.

Kymir amb la força i

Kymir with the strength and

ell a l'instant es posa el casc

He is putting on the helmet right now.

perquĂš no la senti perĂČ

so that she doesn’t hear it though

jo crec que se'l posa amb por

I think he is put in with fear.

sĂ­, sĂ­, sĂ­

yes, yes, yes



algo haurĂ  fet aquesta dona

This woman must have done something.

donar-li l'hĂČstia

give him a beating

bueno, clar

well, of course

les cicatrius

the scars

aixĂČ Ă©s el que sabem

this is what we know

o potser Kymir

or maybe Kymir

estĂ  fent beure i s'ha ficat ell mateix

he is drinking and has gotten himself involved

a lo Cristian

to the Christian

qui saps

who knows

perĂČ sĂ­, el que Ă©s cert Ă©s que

but yes, what is true is that

ha passat alguna cosa que encara no sabem

Something has happened that we do not yet know.

no ens ho han explicat ni hem vist

they haven't explained it to us nor have we seen it

i en Kymir

and in Kymir

que va acabar malament la cosa

that ended badly

perĂČ ens falta molta informaciĂł

but we are lacking a lot of information





i bé

and good

llavors es reuneixen

then they gather

les dues bessones

the two twins

i en Kymir, tots tres

and Kymir, all three

i Naméi ofereix a Noixa

and Naméi offers to Noixa

triar el que vulgui per ella

choose whatever she wants

Ă©s com

it's like

tria el camĂ­ que vulguis fer

choose the path you want to take

i ho respectaré

and I will respect it

i tria entrenar

and choose to train

en Kymir

in Kymir

aquĂ­ Ă©s on ja

here is where it is already

decideix el seu camĂ­ definitiu

decides his final path

m'ha saltat un moment

I had a moment.

que jo trobo curiĂłs

which I find curious

quan estan marxant de la lluita

when they are leaving the fight

que baixen a través del conducte

that go down through the duct

hi ha un moment que diu

there is a moment that says

em vaig escapar per aquĂ­

I escaped through here.

quan vaig caure em va succionar

when I fell it sucked me in

ara ja sabeu com se salva

Now you know how to save yourself.

bé ja ho sabíem

well, we already knew it

com se salva la gent sempre

how people always save themselves

sempre hi ha un conducte

there is always a pipe

un conducte que té molta potÚncia

a duct that has a lot of power

sĂ­ sĂ­

yes yes

em va recordar

it reminded me

em va recordar una mica

it reminded me a bit

en Luke a l'imperi contra Taka

in Luke in the empire against Taka

després de Jo sóc el teu pare

after I am your father

que també el tup aquest

that also this tup

Ă©s molt Star Wars al final

it's very Star Wars in the end

sempre vull dir que en posen sempre un

I always want to say that they always put one on me.

per si de cas algĂș cau

just in case someone falls

és un disseny intel·ligent

it's an intelligent design

podrĂ­eu posar baranes

Could you put railings?



perquĂš no s'acumuli la gent que cau

so that the people who fall do not accumulate



hi ha un munt de gent mort allĂ 

there are a lot of dead people there

es va tirant cap allĂ 

it is being thrown over there

fora el bosc

out of the forest

els hotels de Mallorca

the hotels of Mallorca

sĂ­ sĂ­

yes yes

doncs Ă©s veritat

so it's true

no sé si has fet bé de comentar-ho perquÚ

I don't know if you did well to mention it because

també és una resposta que ens han donat

it is also an answer that they have given us

dels misteris que no sabĂ­em

of the mysteries we didn't know

Ă©s com se salva

it's how you save yourself

em sembla aixĂČ

it seems to me this

perĂČ resulta curiĂłs que aquĂ­ t'expliquin

but it is curious that they explain it to you here

o sigui

that is to say



explicar com es va salvar

explain how he/she was saved



jo crec que Ă©s una mica un

I think it's a bit of a

entre cometes un ou de pas

"in quotes an egg of passage"

a en Tec no li va passar

it didn't happen to Tec

que sĂ piguen

let them know

no traguem el tema aquest

let's not bring up this topic

heu vist el cadĂ ver?

Have you seen the corpse?

que Ă©s aixĂČ?

What is this?

estĂ  viu

is alive

tec viv i la lucha sigue

tech lives and the fight continues

va tu del terra

go from the ground

no passa res

it's okay

no hi ha cos per veure

there's nothing to see

s'ha d'assumir

it must be assumed

jo el meu trauma cap a la mort del tec

I my trauma towards the death of the tech.

jo el tinc assumit aixĂ­

I have accepted it like this.

si no no

if not no

s'han de passar traumes

one must go through traumas

si no les coses

if not the things

deixarem el tema de costat

We'll put the topic aside.



doncs bé

well then

a canvi

in exchange

deixen amb ell viure

they let him live

perĂČ amb una condiciĂł

but with one condition

i Ă©s que li esborren els darrers 16 anys

and they erase the last 16 years from him

de la seva memĂČria?

of their memory?

tot i que recorda algunes coses

although it remembers some things

perĂČ aixĂ­ deugerament

but this way should be

el moment aquest Ă©s molt bo

this moment is very good

perquĂš representa que has de ser motiu

because it represents that you have to be a reason

perĂČ van venint els Jedi i els descens allĂ  mateix

but the Jedi are coming and the descent right there

i dius jo no em puc concentrar

And you say I can't concentrate.

o sigui que estan venint marxeu ja

So they are coming, leave now.

perquĂš estan en un moment de

because they are in a moment of

perĂČ bĂ©

but well

coses de la feia

things she did

si si

yes yes

que el fet que la May deixi triar

that the fact that May lets choose

Osha que fer completa

Osha, what to do to complete?

el que passa al capĂ­tol 3

what happens in chapter 3

que al principi diu no serĂ s Jedi

that at first says you will not be a Jedi

va a l'incendi

go to the fire

i ara com li diu quĂš vols fer

And now how do you tell him what you want to do?

si si

yes yes

el grau de majoresa

the degree of maturity



la decisiĂł no ho sembla estranya

the decision does not seem strange

a mi si

I do.

oblidarĂ s

you will forget

tant amb ell

so much with him

aixĂ­ en general de tots tres

so generally about all three

aquesta mena d'acord que fan

this kind of agreement they make

jo tampoc

me neither

tampoc no

neither do I

bé és per guardar una mica el secret

Well, it's to keep a bit of the secret.

dels dos

of the two

perquĂš no ho han de creure

because they don't have to believe it

també la podrien agafar i torturar-la

they could also take her and torture her

perquĂš no marxen els tres

why don't the three leave

hi ha alguna cosa

is there something

que no acabo d'entendre

that I don't quite understand

jo ho vaig entendre com

I understood it as

si deixes a la suposada assassina

if you leave the supposed murderer

que l'agafi els Jedi ja no busquen més

Let the Jedi take it; they no longer seek.



si te l'emporten els Jedi seguiran buscant-la

if they take her away, the Jedi will keep looking for her

i llavors ja no poden trobar-los

and then they can no longer find them

aixĂČ no ho podĂ­em dir

we couldn't say that

Ă©s que em dĂłna la sensaciĂł

it gives me the feeling

que et donen

what they give you

per suposat alguna cosa

of course something

que jo em vaig perdre

that I got lost

perĂČ per aixĂČ fem les cantines

but that’s why we make the canteens

tot sĂłn suposicions

it's all assumptions

ja ho explicaran a la cantina

They will explain it in the cafeteria.

no hi ha res

there is nothing

posin un subtĂ­tol allĂ 

put a subtitle there

a la cantina sabrĂ s per quĂš

In the canteen, you will know why.

ja els hi dĂłnes

you already give them to them

ja els hi dĂłnes el cap de turc

you give them the scapegoat

el culpable ja estĂ 

the guilty one is already here

els Jedi callen el senat calla

the Jedi silence the senate silence

ja estĂ 

it's done

Ă©s com una germana

she is like a sister

que teniu raĂł

that you are right

se'n van a un sol

they go to a sun

tancada en una presĂł

locked in a prison

Ă©s com dient

it's like saying

jo ja sé que aquest és el meu paper

I already know that this is my role.

jo he de fer el sacrifici

I have to make the sacrifice.

ho assumeixo

I accept it.

fixeu-vos que

note that

el fet de esborrar-li la memĂČria

the fact of erasing his memory

el que diu la tancaran a la presĂł

What she says will get her locked up in prison.

jo crec que no

I don't think so.

perquÚ després s'adonen que no sap res

because then they realize that he/she knows nothing

que s'ha oblidat de tot

that has forgotten everything

i per tant no la pots fer

and therefore you cannot do it

Ă©s el responsable d'una cosa

he is responsible for something

que ella no s'ho mirarĂ  perquĂš no recorda

that she won't look at it because she doesn't remember

ha estat manipulada

it has been manipulated

ara hem d'investigar qui l'ha manipulat

Now we need to investigate who has manipulated it.

ho troba una mica forçat

he finds it a bit forced

per fer que la Mai passi

to make Mai happen

una altra vegada

another time


let's say

que es canviĂŻn de costat

that they swap sides

i l'Oshar

and the Oshar

també potser és per ajudar-la a ella

maybe it's also to help her

a anar amb ell perquĂš no la tanquin

to go with him so that they don’t close it

a la presĂł

to prison

com a psicĂČloga

as a psychologist

Ă©s horrible

it's horrible

com a soluciĂł

as a solution

em sembla horrible

I think it’s horrible.

no, perĂČ ja Ă©s aixĂČ

no, but that's it

ells s'adonaran que ella

they will realize that she

no Ă©s culpable tampoc

he is not guilty either

perquĂš ha estat manipulada per algĂș

because it has been manipulated by someone

per tant


no la poden castigar

they cannot punish her

jo crec que aixĂČ es veu

I believe that this is visible.

al final del capĂ­tol

at the end of the chapter

estan la Vernestra i ella

Vernestra is there with her.

i jo crec que no la vol acusar de res

And I believe that he does not want to accuse her of anything.

Ă©s a dir, al contrari

that is to say, on the contrary

per aixĂČ s'adonen que em diuen

that's why they realize that they call me

ara quĂš faig

now what do I do

aquĂ­ hi ha alguna cosa clar

here there is something clear

per tant la decisiĂł encara l'entenc menys

therefore I understand the decision even less

Ă©s a dir

that is to say

quĂš volen fer amb aixĂČ no ho entenc

What do they want to do with this? I don't understand.

i quĂš faran amb ella ara

And what will they do with her now?

amb la Mai

with Mai

no ho sé

I don't know.

per aixĂČ hi ha d'haver-hi una altra temporada

that's why there has to be another season

l'altra temporada la volem tots

We all want the other season.

jo crec que menys el sol

I think that less the sun.

tothom vol una altra temporada

everyone wants another season

s'anirĂ  de missiĂł

he/she will go on a mission

amb la Vernestra

with the Vernestra

la tindrĂ  allĂ  a la nava

She will have it there at the knife.

ajuda amb els marejos

help with dizziness

tot i que no recordi res

even though I don’t remember anything

algunes coses sĂ­ que recordi

some things I do remember

potser la memĂČria

perhaps the memory

li va venint amb el temps

it is coming to him with time

o exercitant-la d'alguna manera

or exercising it in some way

i aixĂČ no seria contraproduent

and this would not be counterproductive

pels altres

for others

s'acabaran picant igual

they will end up getting hurt anyway

trobar-se es trobaran

they will meet each other

jo Ă©s que no veig cap

I just don't see any.



que fer aixĂČ

what to do this

sigui bo

be good

Ă©s una decisiĂł provocada

it is a provoked decision

no té records clars

does not have clear memories

si té records confosos

if you have confused memories

encara lia més la troca

it still complicates things even more

hi ha

there is

si l'objectiu era liar-la

if the goal was to mess it up

han fet de puta mare

they have done an amazing job

no Ă©s tan complicat

it's not that complicated

Tita Freda

Aunt Cold

o és complicat més del que és

or it is more complicated than it is



jo no ho entenc

I don't understand it.

perĂČ jo crec que

but I think that

Ă©s que em fa pena

it makes me sad

perĂČ perquĂš

but why

no els segueixin

don't follow them

en Caimir i Noixa

in Caimir and Noixa

se'n van

they're leaving

perĂČ a veure Ă©s que no ho entenc

but let's see, I don't understand it

la Benestra sap que estĂ  viu

the Benestra knows that it is alive

el Quimi

the Quimi

sap que se n'ha adonat

he knows that he has noticed it

com vols que no els segueixin

how do you want them not to follow you

Ă©s que ja tenim a la mĂ 

it's that we already have in hand

el resto ja mos n'oblidem

the rest we will forget

el Caimir no pot saber

the Caimir cannot know

que la Benestra reaccionarĂ  aixĂ­

that Benestra will react like this

o sigui

that is to say

ja ho sap

he already knows

i se n'adona que l'han detectat

and he realizes that they have detected him

se n'adona perĂČ

he/she realizes, however

no que el vulgui perseguir després

not that I want to pursue it later

el tema Ă©s

the topic is

ja saben que existeix en Caimir

they already know that it exists in Caimir

perĂČ no poden trobar-los

but they cannot find them

a veure

let's see

posem el supĂČsit

let's assume the scenario

ara potser estic allargant inĂștilment aquesta discussiĂł

Now maybe I am needlessly prolonging this discussion.

aquesta conversa

this conversation

posem el supĂČsit que la Benestra

let's assume that Benestra

es va voler petar el Quimir

he wanted to burst the Quimir

quan era el seu aprenent o el va matar

When he was his apprentice, he killed him.

o li va passar alguna cosa que ella considerava que era mort

or something happened to her that she considered was death

doncs arriba aquest moment

so this moment arrives

i ella s'adona

and she realizes

que el Quimir estĂ  viu

that Quimir is alive

i el Quimir s'adona que se n'ha adonat

and Quimir realizes that he has realized.

que ja sap que estĂ  viu

that already knows that he is alive

Ă©s que el Quimir va desertar

It's that Quimir deserted.

es va fer el mort

he pretended to be dead

perĂČ com vols que ell pensi

but how do you want him to think

que no els seguiran

that they will not follow them

Ă©s a dir, si s'acaben d'adonar

that is to say, if they have just realized

que un

that a

com se'n diu aixĂČ

What do you call this?



allĂČ que es diu en castellĂ 

that which is said in Spanish

ha quedat alguna cosa que tu pensaves

Is there anything left that you thought?

que ja estava resolt i resulta que no

that it was already resolved and it turns out it wasn't

com vols que no els segueixin

how do you want them not to follow you

seguir-los sĂ­ perĂČ no trobaran

Follow them yes, but they will not find.

on buscar

where to search

i amb la Mae en memĂČria

and with Mae in memory



la Mae aniran més perduts encara

Mae will be even more lost.

aixĂČ sĂ­, aixĂČ t'ho compro

I can definitely agree with that.

perduts van

they go lost

s'aniran a buscar a Kashyyyk o algun lloc d'aquests

They will go to look for them on Kashyyyk or somewhere like that.

que diran no estĂ  res a veure amb el planeta on estan

What they say has nothing to do with the planet they are on.

no ho sé

I don't know.

per nivell de guiĂł

by script level

la Mae s'havia de quedar amb els Jedi

Mae had to stay with the Jedi.



Ă©s que

it's that

Ă©s aixĂČ el que em molesta

It's this that bothers me.

que em molesta una mica

that bothers me a little

per fer aixĂČ

to do this

no feia falta fer la meitat de coses que estĂ s fent

It wasn't necessary to do half of the things you are doing.

igualment, si no haguessin borrat

similarly, if they hadn't erased

la memĂČria haguessin

the memory would have

la Bernesta hagués anat a buscar-los igualment

Bernesta would have gone to get them anyway.

perĂČ potser

but perhaps

estava intentant que

I was trying to make sure that

veiés més

you would see more

hem d'entendre que juntes

we must understand that together

criden més l'atenció

they attract more attention

per tant s'han de separar

therefore they must be separated



i si una

and if one

doncs no recorda les coses

then it doesn't remember things

més clar


no us ho compro

I don't buy it from you.

no Ă©s igual

it's not the same

hi haurĂ  un mapa

there will be a map

que sĂ­

that yes

després hi haurà un

afterwards there will be a

un holocronsit que et dirĂ 

a holocron that will tell you

on Ă©s aquell senyor

where is that gentleman


is located

bé, no sé, a mi em semblen malament

Well, I don't know, they seem wrong to me.

la decisiĂł

the decision

que potser no estĂ  del tot ben explicat

that perhaps is not entirely well explained

de guiĂł eh, no de

of script eh, not of

no dels personatges, de guiĂł

not of the characters, of the script

jo esperava que una de les dues

I was hoping that one of the two.

es morís i d'alguna manera entrés

he died and in some way entered

al cos de l'altre i acabés

to the body of the other and finished

més amunt o alguna cosa així

higher up or something like that

aixĂČ haurĂ  de passar en algun moment

this will have to happen at some point

en algun moment hauria de passar

At some point, it should happen.

si es mor una

if one dies

automĂ ticament, quĂš passa?

automatically, what happens?

es concentren llavors totes

then all of them concentrate

en el cos de l'altre o

in the body of the other or

l'altre automàticament es mor també o

the other automatically dies too or

quĂš passa?

What's happening?

no ho sabem

we don't know

perd la memĂČria una de les dos

loses its memory one of the two



llavors a coro sant

then to coro saint

Navarnestra es reuneix amb els polĂ­tics

Navarnestra meets with the politicians.

i tapa més el merder eh

And keep the mess more covered, huh?

encara, culpa en sol de totes les morts

still, blame only the sun for all the deaths

ja estĂ 

it's done

ho ha fet ell sol

he did it all by himself

hala, ho ha fet aquest

Wow, he did it!

i casualment estĂ  mort

and he is casually dead



crec que ho fa d'una forma tan evident

I think he does it in such an obvious way.

Ă©s a dir, aquells polĂ­tics

that is to say, those politicians

segurament estan sucats pel Consell Jedi

they are probably soaked by the Jedi Council

perquĂš ningĂș es creu el que estĂ  explicant

because no one believes what he is explaining

Ă©s que tot Ă©s tan passant

It's just that everything is so fleeting.

a mi em diu d'una forma molt evident

it tells me in a very evident way

estic mentint a la vostra cara

I am lying to your face.

Ă©s que Ă©s aixĂČ, nomĂ©s li falta un neĂł al cap

it's just that, he only needs a neon sign on his head

que digui mentida, mentida

let him lie, lie



no, perquĂš ningĂș qĂŒestiona els Jedi

No, because nobody questions the Jedi.

no veus que sĂłn la perfecciĂł humana?

Don't you see that they are the human perfection?

la perfecciĂł


la Ăštica personificada

the personified ethics

Ă©s impossible que menteixin

It is impossible for them to lie.

ningĂș s'ho arribi a imaginar

no one can imagine it

on vas a parar?

Where are you going to stop?

bé, van mentint, ho van tapant tot

well, they kept lying, they covered it all up

fins que al final, ĂČbviament

until ultimately, obviously

ningĂș se'ls creurĂ 

No one will believe them.

arribarĂ  un punt que avassarĂ 

there will come a point that will overwhelm

perĂČ mentrestant, doncs mira, van fent

but meanwhile, well look, they are getting on with it

bueno, sĂ­, sĂ­

well, yes, yes

després passa el que passa

then what happens, happens

la polĂ­tica actual funciona aixĂ­ eh

The current politics works like this, huh?

sĂ­, sĂ­, sĂ­

yes, yes, yes

i mira, el Canseller Suprem

and look, the Supreme Chancellor

m'ha cridat l'atenciĂł que Ă©s de la mateixa espĂšcie

It has caught my attention that it is of the same species.

que un que també serà Canseller Suprem

that one who will also be Supreme Chancellor

a la nova repĂșblica

to the new republic

Ă©s quan enxufes el teu cosĂ­

it's when you plug in your cousin



bueno, també és una

well, it is also one

Ă©s una cosa molt de polĂ­tica

it's a very political thing

d'aixĂČ tambĂ© eh

That's also true, huh?

ja estĂ 

that's it

potser serĂ  igual als Estats Units sobretot

maybe it will be the same in the United States especially

les missagues, no?

the missagues, right?

els Kennedy, digués

the Kennedys, he said

mĂ©s peguts, perĂČ...

more stuck, but...

demĂ  no

tomorrow no

doncs bé

well then

tu si tinguessis aquest al davant

if you had this in front of you

no el mentiries?

Wouldn't you lie to him?

pensava que l'hauries de preguntar si el votaries

I thought you would have to ask him if you would vote for him.



potser no

maybe not

li explicaries la veritat?

Would you explain the truth to him/her?





doncs en Ernest no opina

so Ernest does not have an opinion





i aixĂČ

and this

amaga l'existĂšncia

hide existence

ah sí, també amaga l'existÚncia del seu antic padawan

ah yes, it also hides the existence of its former padawan

tampoc diu res d'aixĂČ

it doesn't say anything about this either

estĂ  mort i enterrat suposadament

he is dead and buried supposedly

Ă©s que estĂ  tan a sota

it's just that it's so low down

el tema del seu padawan

the theme of his padawan

estĂ  tan a sota del mĂłn de merda

it's so beneath the world of shit

que ha anat acumulant amb els anys

that has been accumulating over the years

que ja no pot arribar d'estar allĂ 

that can no longer arrive from being there

li vola tot el

everything flies away from him

li tira allĂČ i comença a saltar tot pels aires

he throws that and starts to blow everything up

Ă©s impossible

it's impossible

Ă©s com el punt feble de l'estrella de la mort

it’s like the weak point of the Death Star

Ă©s que aixĂČ...

it's just that this...

desprĂ©s ens quedem amb aixĂČ

then we'll stick with this

amb el que ha passat de la mai i l'oixa

with what has happened with the mai and the oixa

perĂČ Ă©s que desprĂ©s veus que

but then you see that

a sota d'aixĂČ ja hi ha altres cosetes i penses

Underneath this, there are already other little things and thoughts.

mare meva si rasquem aquí que més sortirà

my goodness if we scratch here what else will come out

sĂ­, sĂ­, sĂ­

yes, yes, yes

sĂ­, sĂ­

yes, yes



ah mira, tenen el Rin

Oh look, they have the Rhine.

eh Rin

hey Rin

que ha acabat el directe

that the live stream has ended

i pot passar per aquí, molt bé, doncs benvinguda

And it can pass through here, very well, then welcome.

a l'escena aquesta

to this scene

del que estĂ  allĂ  explicant-los i la histĂČria aquesta

from what is over there explaining them and this story

jo esperava, o potser que haguessis quedat

I was hoping, or maybe you would have stayed.



que el personatge que abans havia

that the character that had previously

sortit, que havia criticat molt

come out, that he had criticized a lot

i tal, dubtés una mica

and so, I hesitated a bit



amb la cara paga eh

You pay with your face, huh?

perĂČ jo crec que li faltava mĂ©s

but I think it needed more

aixĂČ no

not this

t'ho estic comprant

I'm buying it for you.

segurament ho veurem, jo crec que ho veurem

we will probably see it, I believe we will see it

que aquest senyor no s'ha cregut més

that this gentleman has not believed himself more

anirĂ  a la porta una altra vegada a picar-li

he will go to the door one more time to knock on it

vinga, explica'm quĂš ha passat

Come on, tell me what happened.

Ă©s que si continua aixĂ­ cada vegada

it's that if it continues like this every time

serà més difícil de creure

it will be harder to believe

i cada vegada

and every time

hi haurà més desconfiança

there will be more distrust

perĂČ bĂ©, al final Ă©s aixĂČ

but well, in the end that's it

Ă©s cap on ens porta

it is where it takes us

el que veiem a les plaques al final

what we see on the plates at the end

Ă©s que la sĂšrie

it's that the series

Ă©s aixĂČ

it is this

Ă©s perquĂš entenem

it's because we understand

ens estan desmitificant

they are demystifying us

a base de cops

based on blows



i bé

and good

després Noche i Encaimir

after Night and Encaimir

s'agafen de la mĂ 

they hold hands

Ă©s aquest moment que comentĂ vem

it's this moment we were talking about

escena final

final scene

faltaven dos sols a l'horitzĂł

There were two suns missing on the horizon.

i doncs bé, prenen el camí

And so, well, they take the path.

junts com a mestre

together as a teacher

i acĂČlita

and acolyte

i el que comentĂ vem

and what we were discussing

sabem que no acabarà bé

we know it won't end well

no sé durant quant de temps podran fer

I don't know how long they will be able to do it.

el que tinguin pensat fer

what they plan to do

perĂČ al final sabem que hi ha

but in the end we know that there is

un Plagueis que els estĂ 

a Plagueis that is there for them

observant i que en Plagueis

observing and that in Plagueis

tindrĂ  un altre aprenent que serĂ 

he will have another apprentice who will be

Palpatine i ells dos no tenen

Palpatine and the two of them do not have.

lloc a la histĂČria

place in history

llavors, i aquĂ­

then, and here

no se suposa que hi haurien

it is not supposed that there would be

o hi ha alguna habilitat

or is there some skill

especial per amagar la teva presĂšncia

special for hiding your presence

als altres usuaris de la força

to the other users of the force

perquĂš aixĂČ passa de vegades

because this happens sometimes

Palpatine mateix

Palpatine himself

i ha passat

and it has happened

Palpatine davant de

Palpatine in front of

tota l'ordre general

the entire general order

Ă©s una mica ruc i no pensava

he is a bit foolish and did not think

en el que Acto

in which Act

també ho va fer, es va desconnectar de la força

he also did it, he disconnected from the force

i era indetectable

and it was undetectable

sĂ­, perĂČ jo

yes, but I

ho associava més al fet que estava en un lloc

I associated it more with the fact that I was in a place.

on hi havia un

once there was a

com un pou d'aquests

like one of these wells

sĂ­, una vergĂšncia

yes, an emergency

i per tant quedava com

and therefore it remained as

amagat per allĂČ

hidden for that

com una mica

like a little bit

el guiĂł d'Ă gua, que es va allĂ 

the water guide, which goes there

perquĂš allĂ 

because there

se tape tot amb l'ambient

everything is covered with the atmosphere

sí, la força

yes, the force

es va tapar tot

he covered everything

bé, de fet sí, podria tapar amb ell mateix

Well, in fact yes, he could cover himself with it.

perquĂš en aquest planeta hi Ă©s aixĂČ tambĂ©

because this is also here on this planet

Ă©s a dir, el mateix

that is to say, the same

l'aquells podria quedar desapercebut

those could go unnoticed

per aquesta foscor

for this darkness

i clar, i ara, quin serĂ 

And of course, what's it going to be now?

la missiĂł que tindran en

the mission they will have in

Kymir i Nosha?

Kymir and Nosha?

fer el dinar

make lunch



com amb Luke

like with Luke

sĂ­, perĂČ clar, entrenar

yes, but of course, to train

per fer quĂš?

for what?

per combatre els Jedi

to combat the Jedi

en algun moment

at some point

ell va dir sĂ­, sĂ­

he said yes, yes

Ă©s el que tĂ© aprenent, perĂČ tampoc s'ha fet massa

it's what has learning, but not much has been done either

aquest compromĂ­s

this commitment



perquĂš l'altra missiĂł

because the other mission

l'altra missiĂł

the other mission

l'objectiu era matar

the goal was to kill

els 4 Jedi sense armes

the 4 Jedi without weapons

clar, i aixĂČ ja estĂ  fet

Of course, and that is already done.

ja estan tots morts

They are all dead now.

perĂČ ara quĂš faran ells?

but now what will they do?

no ho sé

I don't know.



té pinta, no?

It looks like it, doesn't it?

tenen deutes pendents

they have outstanding debts



si no, no ens haurien posat

if not, they wouldn't have put us.

aquest detallet de

this little detail of

si pleguen estaran

if they leave, they will be

amb les crispetes, esperant

with the popcorn, waiting

esperant recollir

waiting to collect

clar, a veure

Sure, let's see.

aquĂ­ jo ara

here I am now

us he pensat massa de pressa

you have thought too quickly

i a veure, sembla que hi hagi

And let's see, it seems that there is.

una mica d'histĂČria d'amor entre aquests dos

a bit of a love story between these two

i ja el plegueix per allĂ 

and he already folds it over there



no, no

no, no

Ă©s un boier, m'enteneu?

he is a landowner, do you understand me?

deixeu-los sols

leave them alone

que aquests han de fer-li saber coses

that they have to let him know things

estan allĂ 

they are there

en la intimitat i de cop i volta

in intimacy and all of a sudden

uns ulls vermells al fons

red eyes in the background

no, no

no, no

si tenen mainadera

if they have a nanny

no pot dir

cannot say

ep, ep

hey, hey

no, perquĂš aquĂ­ va quedar descartat

no, because it was ruled out here

que aquests dos poguessin ser pares de...

that these two could be parents of...

de qui?

from whom?

d'en Palpatine

of Palpatine

sĂ­, ho sabeu tots

Yes, you all know it.

estan descartadĂ­ssim

they are ruled out completely

home, jo crec que sĂ­

Man, I think so.

perquĂš Palpatine era de...

because Palpatine was from...

Ă©s de Nabuc, en Palpatine

It's Naboo, Palpatine.

i l'Aleia Ă©s de...

and Aleia is from...


Do you know?

estĂ  confirmat que

it is confirmed that

venia d'una famĂ­lia de benestant

I came from a wealthy family.

de Nabuc

of Nebuchadnezzar

sĂ­, no lliga gaire

Yes, it doesn't connect much.

pares de no sé qui

parents of I don't know who

que pinta que vagi una mica cap aquĂ­

it seems like it's going a bit this way

perquÚ, bueno, no sé jo eh

because, well, I don't know, you know

perĂČ ens han anat ensenyant aquests bitxitos

but they have been showing us these little bugs

que hi ha per allĂ  tota l'estona

what's over there all the time

que sĂłn tres i sembla com una mica promonitori

that there are three and it seems a bit promotional

sĂ­, sĂ­, perĂČ encara no ens han explicat

yes, yes, but they still haven't explained it to us

com van fer les dues

how they did both



com les van crear, sĂ­, sĂ­

how they were created, yes, yes

ja, sĂ­, sĂ­

yes, yes, yes

hi ha molts misteris

there are many mysteries

misteris que hem de resoldre

mysteries that we need to solve





i bé

and well

i després

and then

al final, no?

in the end, right?

l'Avernestre se'n va a veure

The Avernestre is going to see.

aquĂ­, doncs

here, then

en Yoda

in Yoda

i Ă©s la cirereta eh

And it's the cherry on top, huh?

per acabar

to finish

quina reacciĂł vau tenir

What reaction did you have?

quan s'obre la porta

when the door opens

les orelletes

the little ears

després de totes les mentides

after all the lies

vinga, me'n vaig a confessar

Come on, I'm going to confess.

totes les mentides que he dit

all the lies I have told

que no sigui una mentida que Ă©s el Yoda eh

it’s not a lie that it’s Yoda, right?

el que tu saps

what you know

exactament ja que l'estĂ  mentint

exactly since he is lying to him

clar, a l'Avernestre li dirĂ s tota la veritat

Of course, you will tell Avernestre the whole truth.

a en Yoda

to Yoda

o també li amagarà coses

or will he also hide things from her?

que no sigui ell el lĂ­der de les mentides

that he is not the leader of lies

hi ha posats a desmitificar

there are attempts to demystify

un Yoda a la merda

a Yoda in the shit


do you understand me?

Ă©s que si a l'Avernestre

it is that if to the Avernestre

li diu tota la veritat, que jo crec que sĂ­

he tells her the whole truth, which I believe is true

jo crec que en Yoda sĂ­ que

I believe that Yoda does indeed.

es confessarĂ 

he/she will confess

va confessar-se clarament

he clearly confessed

perĂČ llavors en Yoda

but then Yoda



també ho amagarà tot

it will also hide everything

clar, ho amagarà també

of course, he will hide it too

jo no m'ho penso

I don't think about it.

perĂČ jo m'ho amago tambĂ©

but I hide it too

perĂČ entraria una mica en contradicciĂł

but it would contradict itself a bit

amb el Yoda del futur

with the Yoda of the future

almenys amb la sensaciĂł

at least with the feeling

que tenim nosaltres de com Ă©s

What we have of how it is

el Yoda del futur

the Yoda of the future

a l'episodi 1 també estava mentint

In episode 1, I was also lying.

sabia que hi havia la regla de dos

I knew there was the rule of two.

i s'ho va callar

and kept it to himself

sĂ­, perĂČ potser no Ă©s tan important

yes, but perhaps it is not that important

no sé

I don't know.

no Ă©s un totatllet de res

it's not a little bit of nothing

aquĂ­ els tens

here you have them

saps qui sĂłn, no?

You know who they are, right?

un Ă©s un exaprenent

one is a former apprentice

el qual ha maltractat la seva

who has mistreated his

la seva mestra

her teacher

Ă©s que

it's that

mira, aixĂČ Ă©s important el que diu Alejandro

Look, what Alejandro is saying is important.

que per ara tots els que van

that for now all those who go

sentir la paraula Sith per part d'en

to hear the word Sith from him

Kymer estan morts

Kymer are dead.

aixĂČ Ă©s important perquĂš ningĂș sap

this is important because no one knows

que els Sith sĂłn vius

that the Sith are alive

ni Nadar Nestre

neither swim our

ho sap, per tant aixĂČ

he knows, therefore this

sĂ­ que explicaria

I would explain it.

i no ho contradiu res quan

and nothing contradicts it when

Ki-Adi Mundi diu que els Sith

Ki-Adi Mundi says that the Sith

fa mil anys que estan extins

They have been extinct for a thousand years.

i tambĂ© hem quedat que cap d'aquestos teĂČricament

and we have also agreed that none of these theoretically

Ă©s Sith oficial

it is an official Sith

Ă©s a dir, sĂłn gent que creuen

that is to say, they are people who believe

que sĂłn Sith

what are Sith

el Sith oficial Ă©s en Plagueis

The official Sith is Plagueis.

i aquest no l'ha vist ningĂș

and no one has seen this one



nosaltres l'hem vist

we have seen him/her

perĂČ sĂ­, sĂ­

but yes, yes

i clar, jo tinc el dubte aquest

And of course, I have this doubt.

de quĂš li dirĂ  l'Amernestra

what will Amernestra say to him?

a en Yoda

to Yoda

si li dirĂ  tot

if he will tell him everything

no sé

I don't know.

s'imagineu que comença el capítol

can you imagine that the chapter begins

i explica una histĂČria que no tĂ© res a veure

And tell a story that has nothing to do with it.

amb el que ha passat

with what has happened

una estampida de

a stampede of

se'ls va matar tots

they were all killed

el Yoda farĂ  callar l'Amernestra

Yoda will silence the Amernestra.

i dirĂ  calla que hi ha la tele

And she will say shush, the TV is on.

ja m'acordo

I already remember.

i amb el meu culebron

and with my soap opera

deixa estar, m'acabo de llevar

leave it, I just got up

jo haig de dir que no m'esperava veure en Yoda

I have to say that I didn't expect to see Yoda.

Ă©s a dir, abans que

that is to say, before that

s'estrenés la sÚrie sí que esperava veure en Yoda

when the series premiered I did expect to see Yoda

en algun moment de la sĂšrie

at some point in the series

perĂČ ja per com anava la sĂšrie

but just as the series was going

vols dir que no l'han afegit a Ășltima hora

do you mean they haven't added it at the last minute?

en sentir a les cantines

upon hearing in the canteens

li donem i els diuen

we give it to them and they are told

fan servir total

they use it completely

han allargat els dos Ășltims minuts

they have extended the last two minutes

fixeu-vos que Ă©s igual que al Plagueis

notice that it is the same as in Plagueis

que ha portat un moment i prou

that has taken a moment and that's enough

prou per identificar-lo

enough to identify him

per tant jo crec que estĂ  fet

therefore I believe it is done

les dues escenes sĂłn

the two scenes are

fetes expressament

specifically made

i en Plagueis estĂ  fet amb CGI

And in Plagueis it is made with CGI.

perĂČ en Yoda no

but not Yoda

Ă©s real

it's real

Ă©s el de l'episodi 8

it is from episode 8

exacte, sembla que Ă©s el de l'episodi 8

exactly, it seems to be from episode 8

que han aprofitat el de l'episodi 8

that they have taken advantage of the one from episode 8

ho comentĂ vem

we were commenting on it

pel grup de la Cantina dels Covaquians

for the group of the Cantina of the Covaquians

que la titella original

that the original puppet

que van fer servir per la trilogia original

that they used for the original trilogy

estĂ  molt malmesa ja

it is very damaged already

i ja no es pot fer servir

and it can no longer be used

i a les preqĂŒeles es va fer amb CGI

and the prequels were made with CGI

sĂ­ que a l'episodi 1

yes, in episode 1

originalment es va fer una titella

originally a puppet was made

perĂČ estava molt mal feta

but it was very poorly done

i la van substituir per CGI

and they replaced it with CGI

i clar

and of course

el més recent és el que van fer servir per l'episodi 8

the most recent is the one they used for episode 8

i en aquest cas

and in this case

com que s'havia de veure d'esquena

as it had to be seen from behind

doncs han dit mira, per tant pocs segons

well, they said look, therefore just a few seconds

ens serveix aquest

this serves us

si no està feta malbé

if it is not broken

la podem fer servir perfectament

we can use it perfectly

encara que sigui

even if it is

caldrĂ  veure si a la segona temporada

we will have to see if in the second season

ha de tenir un paper més important

it must have a more important role

tenim diĂ legs i de cara

we have dialogues and face to face

veurem com ho fan

we'll see how they do it

jo preferiria que sortís més aviat poc

I would prefer that it came out a little earlier.

perquĂš no el destrossin

so they don't destroy it

més del que ja sembla

more than it already seems

que anirĂ  cap allĂ 

that will go there

no sé vosaltres si voleu que sortís

I don't know about you if you want me to go out.

tota l'estona

the whole time

perĂČ jo prefereixo histĂČries d'altres persones

but I prefer stories about other people

ja les hem vist

we have already seen them

portem molt de temps veient-los

we have been watching them for a long time

ja sabem

we already know

no, no, no

no, no, no

anem per on anem fins ara

let's go wherever we go for now

que hem anat molt bé

that we have gone very well

i Ă©s el que interessa

and that's what matters

jo crec que tindrà alguna cosa més

I think it will have something more.

tindrà una mica més d'importància

it will have a bit more importance

la primera perĂČ

the first but

perĂČ tampoc serĂ  dels protagonistes

but he will not be one of the protagonists either

jo crec que aquesta sĂšrie estĂ  portant coses noves

I believe that this series is bringing new things.

a part de conÚixer molt bé tot el gore

apart from knowing all the gore very well

i de fer coses molt ben fetes en aquest sentit

and to do things very well done in this regard

també està explicant les coses

she is also explaining things

d'una forma diferent

in a different way

vull dir aixĂČ que diu de la relaciĂł

I mean what it says about the relationship.

de la Shaman Kimmich per exemple

of the Shaman Kimmich for example

i totes aquestes coses que les han tractat

and all these things that have been addressed

d'una manera molt peculiar dintre d'Star Wars

in a very peculiar way within Star Wars

ja que intentem innovar

since we try to innovate

intentem fer coses diferents

let's try to do different things

no caldria potser tampoc

perhaps it wouldn’t be necessary either

anar tirant sempre del mateix

keep pulling the same thing always

ja que hem canviat d'Ăšpoca

since we have changed era

ja crec que ho han fet aixĂ­

I believe they have done it this way.

ha sortit

it has come out

sĂ­ perĂČ a mĂ©s ha sortit dos segons

yes but it has also come out two seconds

Ă©s l'enllaç amb la histĂČria

It is the link with history.

a mi m'agrada molt

I like it a lot.

que aquesta sĂšrie ha tingut una histĂČria independent

that this series has had an independent story

que Ă©s de la sĂšrie i prou

it's from the series and that's it

perĂČ llavors ha tingut certs elements

but then it has had certain elements

que fan que

what they do that

es vegi que forma part d'un univers més gran

it can be seen as part of a larger universe

perĂČ que la histĂČria

but that the history

se sosté per si sola

it stands on its own

la trama d'aquesta primera temporada de Jack O'Lett

the plot of this first season of Jack O'Lett

ha tingut els seus protagonistes

it has had its protagonists.

que han estat personatges nous creats per aquesta sĂšrie

that have been new characters created for this series

i després ha tingut aquestes petites aparicions

and then he has had these small appearances

que et lliguen

that bind you

amb la resta de l'univers

with the rest of the universe

sempre hi ha el tipi

there is always the guy



com han fet moltes altres sĂšries

as many other series have done

sempre a la segona temporada

always in the second season

l'univers s'obre una mica

the universe opens a little

i llavors connecta més amb la resta de continguts

and then connect more with the rest of the content

aixĂČ ha passat de Mandalorian

this has happened from Mandalorian

va passar amb Rebels

it happened with Rebels

ha passat en moltes sĂšries

it has happened in many series

la primera és més

the first is more

introduir els nous personatges

introduce the new characters

i la segona cada vegada

and the second every time

es connecta més amb la resta de continguts

it connects more with the rest of the content.

per tant jo crec que anirĂ  per aquĂ­

therefore I think it will go this way

de fet com ha acabat

in fact how it has ended

en aquest Ășltim episodi

in this latest episode

és on han lligat més coses amb l'univers que coneixem

it is where they have tied more things with the universe we know

en Plagueis, en Yoda

in Plagueis, in Yoda

tota la polĂ­tica

all politics

jo crec que anirĂ  per aquĂ­ la cosa

I think that's how it will go.

jo vull si us plau un Tales o un Visions

I would like a Tales or a Visions, please.

o alguna cosa de la comunitat

or something from the community

de bruixes i de les mares

of witches and mothers

perquĂš ostres

because oysters

aixĂČ Ă©s interessant

this is interesting

hem insistit

we have insisted

en una cultura

in a culture

de la qual estiguem més

of which we are more

una vegada més

once again

una altra manera de veure la força

Another way to see strength.

sempre els mateixos

always the same

tot i que ja sĂłn bastant habituals

although they are already quite common



jo diria que sempre hi ha qui acusarĂ 

I would say that there will always be someone who accuses.

aquestes aparicions de fan-service

these fan-service appearances

de fan-service

of fan service

perĂČ recordem

but let us remember

que Ă©s el mĂ xim responsable

who is the main responsible

d'aquesta gent que estĂ  mentint a la cara

from these people who are lying to our face

no pot no sortir

he cannot go out

jo no veig gens fan-service

I don't see any fan-service at all.

ni en Plagueis ni en Yoda. No, perĂČ hi ha gent

neither Plagueis nor Yoda. No, but there are people

que sempre ho dirĂ , no? SĂ­, perĂČ per mi

that will always say it, right? Yes, but for me

fan service seria si apareix aquĂ­

Fan service would be if it appears here.

un personatge que no té cap relació

a character that has no relationship

amb el que estĂ  passant, perĂČ en Plagueis sĂ­

with what is happening, but in Plagueis yes

perquĂš Ă©s que darrere del Sid

because it is that behind Sid

Ă©s ell, no?, en aquest moment

it's him, isn't it, at this moment?

i en Yoda, doncs, també, darrere del consell

And in Yoda, then, also, behind the council.

és qui ocupa el lloc més alt

is the one who occupies the highest position

per mi estan totalment justificats

for me they are completely justified

que, ĂČbviament, tambĂ© estan fets perquĂš els fans

that, obviously, are also made for the fans

saltem i ho aconsegueixen

we jump and we achieve it

perĂČ no Ă©s nomĂ©s per aixĂČ

but it's not just for that

Ho deia perquĂš, clar, a vegades fan

I said it because, of course, sometimes they do.

service a utilitzar els personatges

service to use the characters

del teu propi producte, no? És una mica

of your own product, isn't it? It's a bit

evidentment que els han d'utilitzar

obviously they have to use them

No? QuĂš vols que hi posa?

No? What do you want me to put there?

SĂ­, aixeta vermella

Yes, red tap.



Spider-Man, no, home?

Spider-Man, no way home?

SĂ­, Ă©s per sobre

Yes, it's above.

AquĂ­ n'hi ha un que diu que sĂ­

Here there is one who says yes.

No, home, no

No, come on, no.

El senyor Philip Ream diu que molt a favor

Mr. Philip Ream says that he is very much in favor.

Ja estĂ , ja l'havia de liar

That's it, I knew I had to mess it up.

Jo tan sols

I only

he trobat a falta un personatge

I have found a character missing.

de la primera temporada

from the first season

Ja sabem qui

We already know who.

Si em coneixeu, sabeu

If you know me, you know.

Segur que


No porran, sĂ­, sĂ­

They won't be able to, yes, yes.

És que, clar, no hem vist

It's just that, of course, we haven't seen.

l'alt Consell Gerai, no?

the High Council Gerai, right?

Tant sols hem vist en Yoda en aquest Ășltim

We have only seen Yoda in this last one.

moment, perĂČ no hem vist la cambra

moment, but we haven't seen the room

Plokun estava, ja

Plokun was already.

No sabem si ja formava

We don't know if it was already forming.

part del Consell en aquest moment

part of the Council at this moment

No ho sé, crec que és dels més grans

I don't know, I think it's one of the biggest.

En Yara Elpuf, també

In Yara Elpuf, too

SĂ­, en Yara Elpuf segur

Yes, in Yara Elpuf for sure.

perquĂš ja existia a l'Alta RepĂșblica

because it already existed in the High Republic

En Yara Elpuf

In Yara Elpuf

No porran, sĂ­, sĂ­

They cannot, yes, yes.

En Yoda

In Yoda



Que no sabem si en aquest moment

We don't know if at this moment.

ja ocupava un lloc a l'Alt Consell

he was already occupying a position in the High Council

perĂČ que era Gerai

but who was Gerai

i membre de l'Horda

and member of the Horde

SĂ­, perquĂš a l'Alta RepĂșblica ja apareix

Yes, because it already appears in the High Republic.

Crida a les grans editorials hispano-americanes

Call to the major Hispanic-American publishing houses.

que ja poden anar traduint tots els llibres

that they can now start translating all the books

que només estan en anglÚs

that are only in English

de l'Alta RepĂșblica

of the High Republic

Si us plau


Que no teniu un nivell suficient

That you do not have a sufficient level.

i que ha d'anar llegint amb un diccionari al costat

and that one has to read with a dictionary by their side

Ă©s lent i tal

it's slow and such

Per favor, ja

Please, already.

Home, ja posem la crida que els tradueixin al catalĂ 

Now, we're putting out the call for them to be translated into Catalan.

No sé, ja seria

I don't know, that would be it.

Demanar que no quedi

Ask for it not to remain.

SĂ­, ja no ho volia dir

Yes, I didn't want to say it anymore.

perquĂš allĂČ dius

because you say that

Bueno, ja sabem com funciona el mercat

Well, we already know how the market works.

Si ens han de posar a demanar

If we have to start asking.

Tu demana

You ask.

Per desgrĂ cia som molt lluny

Unfortunately, we are far away.

Us plau, per favor

Please, please.

Jo els vendré, us ho prometo

I will sell them to you, I promise.

Els vendrĂ s i els comprarĂ s tu mateixa

You will sell them and buy them yourself.

És a dir, Ă©s un cicle viciĂłs

That is to say, it is a vicious cycle.

Jo faria que s'ho fes

I would make him do it.

No m'haguĂ©s d'anar amb menĂș mil

I shouldn't have to go with menu a thousand.

Doncs sí, aviam, no sé

Well yes, let's see, I don't know.

M'ha faltat veure l'altconcell

I missed seeing the high council.

perĂČ estic segur que la temporada que ve

but I am sure that next season



BĂ©, no Ă©s que la temporada ho han fet

Well, it's not that they have done it this season.

Han anat mencionant

They have been mentioning.

AixĂČ de l'altconcell, aixĂČ no sĂ© quĂš Ă©s

I don't know what this altconcell is.

Els han mencionat moltes vegades

They have been mentioned many times.

Quina entapat de merda aquesta gent

What a bunch of crap these people are.

PerĂČ no, per encĂ­s

But no, by enchantment.

No tenia cap culpa

I had no blame.

No, no, no

No, no, no

Eren tots els altres

They were all the others.

Com que estĂ  assegut

As he is seated

sobre el mĂłn de merda aquest

about this fucked-up world

que estan tapant, m'entens?

that they are covering up, do you understand me?

El foten allĂ  dins

They put him in there.

Amb la cua

With the tail

BĂ©, doncs

Well then

res, no sé si teniu alguna cosa més

Nothing, I don't know if you have anything else.

a afegir

to add



Ha quedat bastant clar que volem

It has become quite clear that we want.

la traducciĂł en catalĂ , que volem una altra temporada

the translation in Catalan, that we want another season



totes les temporades que es facin

all the seasons that are made

Jo faria tornar a sortir

I would make you go out again.

el sol per reviure l'escena

the sun to revive the scene

de la seva mort

of her death



Ens vam fer dos capĂ­tols

We made two chapters.

de flashback

of flashback

més o menys explicant el mateix, vull dir que

more or less explaining the same, I mean that



pot ser, pot ser

maybe, maybe

Podem tolerar un altre flashback

We can tolerate another flashback.

encara, alguna cosa

still, something

El primer que recordi la

The first thing I remember about the

hĂČstia, la mort del sol

Holy shit, the death of the sun.

Mira, jo només dic una cosa

Look, I only say one thing.

Acabo d'imaginar-me una escena

I just imagined a scene.

que Ă©s

what is it

les germanes es fusionen en una sola

the sisters merge into one

i el fantasma de la força de sol

and the ghost of the force of the sun

serĂ  com

it will be like

Ho sabia

I knew it.

Em vols dir que estava allĂ  al fons

Do you want to tell me that I was back there?

amb aquella cara seva allĂ 

with that face of hers over there

Ho sabia

I knew it.

No em deu fer cas, perĂČ ho sabia

He must not pay attention to me, but I knew it.

Espera, i si les germanes

Wait, and what if the sisters

A veure

Let's see.



Tu deixa-ho anar

You let it go.

EstĂ  inspirat ara

He is inspired now.

SĂłn el General Gribus

They are General Gribus.

I per aixĂČ tĂ© 4 braços

And that's why it has 4 arms.

Roger apaga ja

Roger, turn it off already.

Deu ser la calor, la calor

It must be the heat, the heat.

Des del... mira Roger

Since the... look Roger

Des de la venestra explicant

From the window explaining

els d'aixĂČ del Senat

the ones from the Senate

Que les mentides aquelles no havia sentit un disbarat tan gran

That those lies had not heard such a big nonsense.

PerĂČ estĂ  bĂ©

But it's okay.

Doncs bé..

Well then..

EmêČ ìŁ , perĂČ estĂ  bĂ©

It will be fine, but it's okay.

Deu estar ben clar

It must be very clear.

tanquem la cantina

let's close the cafeteria

i res, us trobaré molt a faltar

And nothing, I will miss you all very much.

a tots vosaltres

to all of you

a tota la gent del xat

to all the people in the chat

ens continuarem veient pel grup de Telegram

We'll keep seeing each other in the Telegram group.

aquĂ­, aquĂ­, aquĂ­

here, here, here

que aixĂČ no tanca

that this does not close

no tanca, estĂ  sempre oberta

It doesn't close, it's always open.

24 hores, 365 dies a l'any

24 hours, 365 days a year

Ă©s l'Escarauers

it's the Escarauers



i doncs res

And so nothing.

moltes grĂ cies a tots els que heu participat

thank you very much to all who have participated

d'aquesta temporada de DiĂ cola i d'alguna cantina

from this season of DiĂ cola and from some cantina

moltes gràcies també als que heu estat

thank you very much also to those who have been

pel xat comentant

for the chat commenting

en tota aquesta temporada

throughout this season

i res, us vull dir que la cantina

And nothing, I want to tell you that the canteen

sou vosaltres i que

it's you and that

cadascĂș de vosaltres

each of you

fa que pugui existir

makes it possible to exist

aquesta gran comunitat

this great community

que tenim

that we have

de part la catalana d'Star Wars

from the Catalan part of Star Wars

Ă©s el nostre lloc on podem xerrar d'aquesta saga

It's our place where we can chat about this saga.

que tant ens agrada en la nostra llengua

that we like so much in our language

i doncs aixĂČ, que cadascĂș de vosaltres

And so, that each of you

Ă©s molt important

it is very important

i que el friqui ens acompanyi

And may the freak be with us.

els amics del Far Wars també

the friends of Far Wars too

formen part d'aquesta gran comunitat

are part of this great community

que s'amplia

that is expanded

al Far Freaky

to the Freaky Lighthouse

i tant de bo

I wish!

més gent faci més contingut de Star Wars

more people make more Star Wars content

i tant, i tant

Of course, of course.

el director frustrat també fa vídeos de Star Wars

the frustrated director also makes Star Wars videos

jo quĂš sĂ©, el ningĂș no Ă©s perfecte

I don't know, nobody is perfect.


we have

hem d'estar contents, orgulloses

we must be happy, proud

i satisfets d'aquesta comunitat

and satisfied with this community

que tenim

that we have

que Ă©s molt important

that is very important

molt bonica

very beautiful

i a poc a poc va creixent sempre

and little by little it keeps growing always

amb nova gent

with new people

i doncs aixĂČ, que aquĂ­ tothom Ă©s benvingut

And so, that means everyone is welcome here.

ens agrada parlar sempre

we always like to talk

amb una vessant positiva

with a positive aspect

d'aixĂČ de Star Wars

about this Star Wars

perquĂš ja sabem que

because we already know that

al fandom d'Star Wars

to the Star Wars fandom

hi ha sectors

there are sectors

que sĂłn un altre tema

that are another topic

perĂČ a nosaltres no Ă©s la nostra

but for us it is not ours

manera de fer-ho

way of doing it

ens agrada fer-ho així, ens agrada passar-nos-ho bé

we like to do it this way, we like to have fun

i aixĂČ

and that

parlar del que ens agrada

talk about what we like

aixĂ­ que res

so nothing

ens n'anem de vacances

We're going on vacation.

per dir-ho d'alguna manera

to put it in some way

la cantina dels coaquins tornarĂ  per Skeleton Crew

The coaquins' cantina will return for Skeleton Crew.

encara sense la data confirmada

still without the confirmed date

perĂČ cap a les acabatges d'any

but towards the end of the year

i mentrestant el canal no descansarĂ 

And meanwhile, the channel will not rest.

perquĂš ja tinc un parell de vĂ­deos

because I already have a couple of videos

ja mig preparats

already half prepared

aixĂ­ que hi haurĂ  contingut

so there will be content

i Tita Freda, algĂș deixa quan algĂș

And Tita Freda, someone leaves when someone

que hi farem, no, també?

What can we do, right?

A veure, quant queda per acabar l'any?

Let's see, how long is left until the end of the year?

Un, farem un

One, we'll do one.

comença la segona ronda, no?

The second round begins, right?

Exacte, hem de començar la segona ronda

Exactly, we have to start the second round.



Ens ho passarem bé

We'll have a great time.

Hauré d'actualitzar la foto que tinc

I will have to update the photo I have.

de participant

of participant

SĂ­, perquĂš

Yes, because.

deuen ser de fa molts anys

they must be from many years ago

Està bé perquÚ

It's fine because

quan s'acabi el concurs

when the contest is over

tindrĂ s com l'Ă lbum familiar

you will have like the family album





SĂ­, sĂ­

Yes, yes.

Doncs res, moltĂ­ssimes grĂ cies a tothom

Well then, thank you very much to everyone.

pel suport

for the support

per la feina que heu fet

for the work you have done

el suport que doneu a xarxes

the support you give to networks

no sabeu, cada m'agrada

You don't know, I like each one.

cada republicaciĂł

each republication

cada vegada que compartiu algun vĂ­deo

every time you share a video

perquÚ és la manera que tenim d'arribar a més gent

because it is the way we have to reach more people

doncs jo us ho agraeixo moltĂ­ssim

Well, I thank you very much for it.

perquĂš ja sabeu que l'algoritme

because you already know that the algorithm

els creadors de continguts en catalĂ 

the creators of content in Catalan

ens amaga una mica

it hides a bit from us

i llavors Ă©s grĂ cies a vosaltres

and then it is thanks to you.

a la gent individualment

to people individually

que ho compartiu amb altres fans d'Star Wars

that you share it with other Star Wars fans

que conegueu

that you know

és com arribem a més gent

it's how we reach more people

i d'aquesta manera ens pot conÚixer més gent

And in this way, we can meet more people.

aixĂ­ que moltĂ­ssimes grĂ cies

so thank you very much

a tots

to everyone

per fer-ho possible

to make it possible

i feu-me agrada si us ha agradat aquest directe

And let me know if you liked this live stream.

subscriviu-vos, seguiu a tots els companys

subscribe, follow all the colleagues

als seus projectes

to their projects

com al Farfriki

like at Farfriki

a Antita Freda seguiu-lo a Twitch

to Antita Freda follow him on Twitch

i a la resta doncs a les seves respectives xarxes

and to the rest then to their respective networks

i que la força us acompanyi

And may the force be with you.



i arreu

and everywhere



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