Verstappen surt guanyador d'aquest GP || #AzerbaijanGP


Bandera Blava

Verstappen surt guanyador d'aquest GP || #AzerbaijanGP

Bandera Blava

Què tal, segales i segals? Benvingudes i benvinguts al Bandera Blava

How are you, girls and boys? Welcome to the Blue Flag.

parlant de Fórmula 1 amb la parcimònia d'un doblat.

talking about Formula 1 with the restraint of a dubbing actor.

No sé com se sentirà això al micròfon,

I don't know how this will sound on the microphone,

però si noteu una veu una mica cremada de Constantino Romero

but if you notice a slightly burnt voice of Constantino Romero

d'haver-me fotut com entre 50 i 60 ducados en una hora

of having screwed myself out of about 50 to 60 ducats in an hour

és perquè aquest cap de setmana he estat a PortAventura

It's because this weekend I was at PortAventura.

i a Ferrari Land

and at Ferrari Land

i m'he quedat sense veu.

I have lost my voice.

O sigui, m'he quedat sense veu, he cridat moltíssim

So, I've lost my voice, I've shouted a lot.

i com podeu veure segurament hi he fet diferents tons

And as you can see, I have probably used different tones.

perquè no sé com m'aguantarà la veu durant tot el podcast.

because I don't know how my voice will hold up during the whole podcast.

Però tinc una veu una mica així ara de Constantino Romero,

But I have a voice a bit like Constantino Romero's now.

una mica nasal fins i tot.

a bit nasal even.

Noto com moltes vibracions al meu coll

I feel a lot of vibrations in my neck.

i la veritat és que és una mica molest, la veritat.

And the truth is that it's a bit annoying, to be honest.

No sé com Manel Vidal, quan parla,

I don't know how Manel Vidal, when he speaks,

deu sentir-se a la seva pròpia veu,

must feel in his own voice,

però és possible que...

but it is possible that...

Us prometo que em tremola moltíssim el pit cada vegada que parlo,

I promise you that my chest trembles a lot every time I speak.

o sigui, de la vibració.

That is, from the vibration.

Manel Vidal li deu tremolar,

Manel Vidal must be trembling.

fins a la planta del peu,

up to the sole of the foot,

quan parla de normal, saps?

When he/she talks about normal, you know?

Bueno, el tema és aquest.

Well, this is the thing.

He estat aquest cap de setmana a PortAventura,

I have been to PortAventura this weekend.

he estat aquest cap de setmana a Ferrari Land,

I have been at Ferrari Land this weekend,

amb uns amics, en un hotel d'allà del complex

with some friends, in a hotel over there in the complex

i la veritat és que és bastant espectacular.

And the truth is that it is quite spectacular.

Hi vaig bastant, més del que voldria admetre, a PortAventura.

I go quite often, more than I would like to admit, to PortAventura.

M'agraden moltíssim, m'agraden moltíssim els parcs d'atraccions.

I like amusement parks very much, I like amusement parks very much.

Fa poc he descobert una miqueta la meva afició

I recently discovered a little bit of my hobby.

per anar a diferents parcs del...

to go to different parks of...

d'Europa i del planeta

of Europe and the planet

i és una cosa que m'agrada molt.

And it's something I really like.

Aquí, a Salou, a Vilaseca, tenim a PortAventura,

Here, in Salou, in Vilaseca, we have PortAventura.

que hi ha un dels parcs que està dedicat a Ferrari,

that there is one of the parks dedicated to Ferrari,

bàsicament a la Fórmula 1 i és present,

basically in Formula 1 and it is present,

o sigui, tot el...

so, all the...

Sobretot, diguem, a l'escuderia Ferrari, eh?

Above all, let's say, to the Ferrari team, eh?

Dedicat a tota una sèrie de coses dedicades a la Fórmula 1.

Dedicated to a whole series of things dedicated to Formula 1.

Se li nota també una manca d'inversió bastant clara

There is also a noticeable lack of investment.

perquè no s'ha fet pràcticament res

because almost nothing has been done

des que la van obrir ja fa uns quants anys.

Since it opened a few years ago.

Hi ha l'espectacular.

There is the spectacular.

Red Force, que és la muntanya russa més ràpida i més alta d'Europa,

Red Force, which is the fastest and tallest roller coaster in Europe,

180 km per hora en 5 segons.

180 km per hour in 5 seconds.

Algú, una mica, em preguntava

Someone was asking me a little.

Hosti, això és com un Fórmula 1, no?

Damn, this is like a Formula 1, isn't it?

I dic, no.

I say, no.

Un Fórmula 1, de 0 a 100, en 2 segons, aproximadament, ja hi arriba.

A Formula 1, from 0 to 100, in about 2 seconds, can already get there.

Per tant, l'acceleració és bastant més forta.

Therefore, the acceleration is quite a bit stronger.

Una mica més fluixa, diguem, que un Fórmula 1.

A little softer, let's say, than a Formula 1.

El que sí que la veritat és que aquella muntanya russa

What is true is that that roller coaster

tremola molt.

It shakes a lot.

Ha envellit realment bastant malament

He has aged quite badly.

i no té tant...

and it doesn’t have that much...

Tants anys, ara no sé quants anys té,

So many years, now I don't know how old he is,

quin any es va inaugurar,

what year was it inaugurated,

però no fa tants anys que es va inaugurar.

but it wasn't many years ago that it was inaugurated.

El 2017, fa tot just 7 anys

In 2017, just 7 years ago.

que es va inaugurar aquesta muntanya russa

that was inaugurated this roller coaster

i això envellirà bastant malament, la veritat.

and this will age quite badly, to be honest.

Bueno, aquest podcast no es diu

Well, this podcast is not called

Coaster Adventures ni coses així,

Coaster Adventures or things like that,

sinó que és el Fórmula 1,

but it is Formula 1,

però com que sabia que anotaríeu

but since I knew you would take note

aquest podcast,

this podcast,

o si més no, jo l'anoto moltíssim

or at least, I miss him/her a lot

i, a més a més, al parc

and, furthermore, at the park

hi ha una secció que és de Ferrari,

there is a section that is about Ferrari,

doncs, creieu, porto a parlar-ne

well, you see, I take it to discuss it

una miqueta de tot plegat.

a little bit of everything.

Bueno, sempre me'n vaig una miqueta per les rames,

Well, I always tend to go off on a bit of a tangent,

però de qui vull parlar en aquest inici

but who I want to talk about in this beginning

és de McLaren.

It is from McLaren.

No ho veig.

I don't see it.

No ho veig, gent. No.

I don’t see it, people. No.

Sé que he pujat

I know I have climbed.

i he baixat d'aquest carro 25.000 vegades

I have gotten off this cart 25,000 times.

i en les 7 curses que queden

and in the 7 races that remain

pujaré i baixaré del carro 25.000 vegades.

I will get in and out of the car 25,000 times.

Però no surten els números.

But the numbers don't add up.

No em surten els números.

The numbers don't add up for me.

Us diré més.

I will tell you more.

Si Ferrari segueix com les últimes

If Ferrari continues like the last ones.

dues o tres curses,

two or three races,

crec que és més probable

I think it's more probable.

dins de la dificultat

within the difficulty

que hi és

that it is

que Charles Leclerc guanyi

May Charles Leclerc win.

el Mundial de Pilots

the World Championship of Pilots

que Calando Norris.

that Calando Norris.

Fet un silenci

Made a silence.

perquè assumiu

because you assume

la barbària que acabo de dir.

the barbarism I just mentioned.



Ho penso de veritat.

I really think so.

Si Ferrari està més o menys

If Ferrari is more or less

com aquestes dues últimes tres curses,

with these last three races,

dos o tres curses,

two or three races,

crec que Charles Leclerc és més candidat

I believe that Charles Leclerc is a stronger candidate.

a títol que Calando Norris.

a title that Calando Norris.

59 punts

59 points

Calando Norris

Calando Norris

respecte a Max Verstappen.

regarding Max Verstappen.

A falta de 8 curses,

With 8 races to go,

és a dir, abans del Gran Premi de Baco,

that is to say, before the Grand Prix of Bacchus,

li havia de retallar 7,5 punts

I had to cut 7.5 points from it.

per cursa.

per race.

Després d'aquesta cursa,

After this race,

és cert que li ha retallat algun punt,

It is true that it has cut some points.

però és una il·lusió.

but it is an illusion.

És a dir, molta gent diu

That is to say, many people say

No, però Norris ha quedat per davant de Verstappen,

No, but Norris has finished ahead of Verstappen.

per tant, li ha retallat punts.

therefore, he/she has deducted points.

Sí, però si ho mires a nivell de percentatge

Yes, but if you look at it in terms of percentage.

i ho mires a nivell de punts

and you look at it in terms of points

que li ha de remuntar Verstappen per cursa,

what Verstappen has to recover per race,

la situació és pitjor.

the situation is worse.

La situació de Calando Norris

The situation of Calando Norris.

després del Gran Premi de Cervellant

after the Cervellant Grand Prix

és pitjor que abans del Gran Premi

it's worse than before the Grand Prix

perquè abans havia de retallar

because before I had to cut back

7,5 punts per Gran Premi

7.5 points for Grand Prix

i a falta de 7 grans premis,

and with 7 grand prix left,

ja li ha de retallar

he has to cut it back

8,4 punts per Gran Premi.

8.4 points per Grand Prix.

I algú dirà

And someone will say

Hòstia, només és un punt més per Gran Premi?

Holy crap, is it just one more point for the Grand Prix?

Ja, com si fos poc.

Yes, as if that were not enough.

Com si fos poc.

As if it were not enough.

Un punt per Gran Premi.

One point for Grand Prix.

I això Calando Norris va tenir la sort,

And that’s how Calando Norris had the luck,

la grandíssima sort,

the great fortune,

que va saltar un virtual safety car

that a virtual safety car was triggered

amb l'accident que després en parlarem,

with the accident that we will discuss later,

amb l'accident de Chacopered

with the accident of Chacopered

i el que va passar,

and what happened,

amb Carlos Sainz

with Carlos Sainz

i aquest accident va provocar

and this accident caused

un virtual safety car

a virtual safety car

quan Max Verstappen havia parat

when Max Verstappen had stopped

a ficar pneumàtics nous

to put on new tires

per treure-li la volta ràpida a Lando Norris

to take the quick lap from Lando Norris

que no li va poder treure.

that he could not take away.

Per tant, diguem, fins i tot

Therefore, let's say, even

un punt de fortuna

a stroke of luck

en aquest apartat a Lando Norris.

in this section to Lando Norris.

És cert que també va tenir

It is true that he/she also had.

la fortuna Lando Norris

the fortune Lando Norris

també que l'accident va ser

also that the accident was

quan ell ja havia rebassat a Max Verstappen.

when he had already overtaken Max Verstappen.

No havia passat, feia gaires voltes,

It hadn't happened, it had been a long time.

així que...


Va tenir fins i tot un punt de fortuna.

It even had a stroke of luck.

Sense treure-li mèrit

Without taking away its merit.

a la meravellosa i grandíssima remuntada

to the wonderful and grand comeback

que va fer Lando Norris.

what Lando Norris did.

Tenia molt ritme Lando Norris

Lando Norris had a lot of rhythm.

amb el pneumàtic dur,

with the hard tire,

fent a més un final d'estil espectacular,

making for a spectacular ending,

tapant a Chacopered

tapping on Chacopered

per donar-li la victòria

to give him the victory

al seu company d'equip,

to their team member,

a Òscar Piastri.

to Óscar Piastri.

Fins i tot un punt...

Even to a point...

No sorprenent,

Not surprising,

perquè és el que ha de ser,

because it is what it has to be,

però, vaja,

but, well,

podria haver claudicat aquí una miqueta

I could have yielded here a little.

les seves opcions de cursa

their racing options

per culpa d'ajudar el seu company d'equip

because of helping his teammate

que a priori no s'està jugant al Mundial.

that a priori is not playing in the World Cup.

Dic a priori perquè Òscar Piastri

I say a priori because Oscar Piastri.

a totes aquestes ja està...

to all these it's done...

Piastri està quart

Piastri is fourth.

i està a menys de 100 punts ja

and it is less than 100 points already

de Max Verstappen.

of Max Verstappen.

De fet, són 89 punts

In fact, there are 89 points.

els que li ha de retallar

those who have to cut it

Piastri a Verstappen.

Piastri to Verstappen.

89 punts que serien

89 points that would be



Piastri li ha de retallar 12 punts

Piastri has to cut 12 points.

per gran premi

for grand prize

a Max Verstappen.

to Max Verstappen.

Són moltíssims.

They are very many.

Però si no vaig errat,

But if I'm not mistaken,

aquest gran premi li ha retallat

this grand prize has cut it down

més de 12 punts.

more than 12 points.

Efectivament, li ha retallat 15 punts

Indeed, he has cut him 15 points.

i, per exemple, el gran premi d'Itàlia,

and, for example, the Italian Grand Prix,

Òscar Piastri, a Verstappen,

Òscar Piastri, to Verstappen,

ja li va retallar 10 punts

he already cut 10 points from it

i el gran premi d'Holanda, no.

And the Dutch Grand Prix, no.

Però, diguem-ne,

But, let's say,

en les dues últimes curses

in the last two races

allà ha estat a nivell de retallar.

There it has been in terms of cutting.

En canvi, l'Ando Norris,

In contrast, Ando Norris,

recordem, després d'aquest gran premi,

let's remember, after this grand prix,

li ha de retallar 8,4 punts

he has to cut 8.4 points

a Verstappen per gran premi.

A Verstappen for the Grand Prix.

Gran premi d'Itàlia, l'Ando Norris

Italian Grand Prix, Lando Norris

li va retallar

he/she cut it for him/her

8 punts

8 points

i en aquest gran premi de Cervellans

and in this Grand Prix of Cervellans

li ha retallat tan sols 3 punts

he has cut off only 3 points

a Max Verstappen.

to Max Verstappen.

I el gran premi d'Holanda, per exemple,

And the Dutch Grand Prix, for example,

van ser 7 punts els que li va retallar.

They were 7 points that were cut from him.

El gran premi de Bèlgica, l'Ando Norris

The Belgian Grand Prix, Lando Norris

li va perdre 2 punts

he lost 2 points

respecte a Max Verstappen.

regarding Max Verstappen.

El gran premi d'Hongria, l'Ando Norris

The Hungarian Grand Prix, Lando Norris.

només li va retallar 8 punts.

he only reduced it by 8 points.

El gran premi de Gran Bretanya,

The British Grand Prix,

l'Ando Norris va perdre 3 punts

Lando Norris lost 3 points.

contra Verstappen.

against Verstappen.

Una mica la perspectiva

A bit of perspective.

bona no és

good is not

per l'Ando Norris.

for Lando Norris.

La perspectiva bona no és

The good perspective is not

a nivell de retallar punts.

in terms of cutting points.

Us he cantat

I have sung to you.

les últimes 4-5 curses

the last 4-5 races

i l'Ando Norris

and Lando Norris

en dues d'elles sí que ha aconseguit retallar-li 8 punts

In two of them, he has managed to cut 8 points.

però és que ja 8 punts ja no li valen.

but 8 points are no longer enough for him.

Són 8,4 punts els que li ha de retallar

He has to cut 8.4 points.

per gran premi.

for the grand prize.

Abans d'aquest gran premi de Bèlgica eren 7,5 punts

Before this Belgian Grand Prix, it was 7.5 points.

per cursa, ara ja són

per race, now they are already

8,5. Per tant,

8.5. Therefore,

per incompareixença

for non-appearance

de la resta

of the rest

de gent, Max Verstappen

of people, Max Verstappen

podem dir

we can say

cada dia

every day

més a prop


del seu quart títol mundial.

of his fourth world title.

Però queden 7 grans finals.

But there are 7 great finals left.

Anem a parlar de tot això

Let's talk about all of this.

al Bandera Blanc, el podcast de Fórmula 1 en català.

At Bandera Blanc, the Formula 1 podcast in Catalan.

Bandera Blanc.

White Flag.

El podcast de Fórmula 1 en català

The Formula 1 podcast in Catalan.

amb la la passimònia de l'únic.

with the passimony of the unique.

Automobilisme és menys esport.

Motorsport is less of a sport.

És un esport, és meravellós, però no és un esport.

It is a sport, it is wonderful, but it is not a sport.

Bandera Blanc.

White Flag.

Doncs vinga, ja tornem a ser

Well, here we go again.

en aquest gran podcast

in this great podcast

que és el Bandera Blanc.

What is the White Flag?

7 curses que ens queden per endavant

7 curses that lie ahead of us

després d'aquest gran premi de Bac.

after this great Bac prize.

Un gran premi que vaig veure en diferit

A great award that I watched on replay.

perquè estava

because I was

aquest cap de setmana a PortAventura

this weekend at PortAventura

i de fet les últimes 10 voltes del gran premi

And in fact, the last 10 laps of the grand prix.

l'accident entre en Checo Peret i Carlos Sende

the accident between Checo Peret and Carlos Sende

el vaig veure a la cua de l'Estapida.

I saw him in the queue at the Estapida.

I llavors vaig deixar de mirar-ho.

And then I stopped watching it.

Vaig veure les 10 últimes

I saw the last 10.

voltes de gran premi

Grand Prix laps

i avui, avui dilluns

and today, today Monday

dia 16 de setembre, doncs

September 16th, then.

m'he tornat a veure, he vist

I have seen myself again, I have seen.

tota la cursa de peu a peu, he vist la meravellosa

the whole race step by step, I have seen the wonderful

lluita entre Òscar Piastri

battle between Óscar Piastri

i Charles Leclerc. I he vist

and Charles Leclerc. And I have seen him.

moltes coses que us comentaré

many things that I will comment on to you

durant el dia d'avui. La primera de totes

during today. The first of all

és una mica, ja us l'he explicat

It's a bit, I've already explained it to you.

que és que

what is that

a dia d'avui no

as of today, no

crec que aquest Mundial cada vegada

I believe that this World Cup is getting more and more...

té més cara

has more face

de Max Verstappen

of Max Verstappen

i us diré més, vaig a ser

And I'll tell you more, I'm going to be

més contundent

more forceful

i més agressiu. Si no arriba a haver-hi

and more aggressive. If there hadn't been

si no arriba a haver-hi

if there is not going to be


the accident

entre Carlos Sende i Checo Peret

between Carlos Sende and Checo Peret

i per tant Carlos Sende puntua

And therefore Carlos Sende scores.

avui aquí estaria dient que Ferrari

today here I would be saying that Ferrari

pot guanyar el Mundial de Constructors. Ara mateix

can win the Constructors' Championship. Right now

em sembla bastant més complicat. Està a 50 punts

It seems quite a bit more complicated to me. It is at 50 points.

51 punts

51 points

de McLaren. No ho veig,

from McLaren. I don't see it,

impossible. Molt difícil.

impossible. Very difficult.

No ho veig impossible. Crec que Ferrari

I don’t see it as impossible. I think Ferrari.

pot ser segon al Mundial

can be second in the World Cup

de Constructors. Està a només

of Constructors. It is only

31 punts de Red Bull. Crec

31 points from Red Bull. I believe.

de fet que serà segon

in fact, he will be second

classificat al Mundial

qualified for the World Cup

de Constructors. Crec que Red Bull quedarà

of Constructors. I think Red Bull will stay.

tercer al Mundial de Constructors. El que sí

third in the Constructors' Championship. What yes

que crec però que el Mundial de Pilots, Verstappen

I believe that the Drivers' Championship is Verstappen.

el té molt de cara. I el té molt

He's very cheeky. And he's very much so.

de cara pel meravellós inici que va tenir

for the wonderful start it had

i perquè ha sapigut

and because it has known

sobreviure mitja temporada. Li queden

survive half a season. He/She has left

set curses de pura supervivència.

seven curses of pure survival.

De puntuar tot el que

To score everything that

pugui. Perquè Max Verstappen, i això

can. Because Max Verstappen, and this

és una realitat, no està còmode amb aquest cotxe.

It's a reality, he/she is not comfortable with this car.

Portem, ja van

We are bringing, they are already going.

dos gran premis dolents, eh?

two bad grand prizes, huh?

Dos gran premis dolents. Està per

Two big bad prizes. It's for

darrere de Checo Pérez. Molta gent em diu

behind Checo Pérez. A lot of people tell me

què ha passat? Què passa? No sé què.

What has happened? What is happening? I don't know what.

Bueno, quan s'ajunten

Okay, when will they meet?

que tu no estàs còmode amb el teu cotxe

that you are not comfortable with your car

que el teu company d'equip

that your teammate

porta molt temps també sense

Has been a long time without it too.


to redeem oneself

sense tenir bones curses

without having good curses

i, a més a més, Baku és un circuit

And furthermore, Baku is a circuit.

que a Checo Pérez se li acostuma a donar bé.

that Checo Pérez tends to do well.

Recordem una mica el meme de King of the Streets.

Let's remember a bit the meme of King of the Streets.

Checo Pérez ha guanyat a Baku

Checo Pérez has won in Baku.

i, a més, és un circuit que

and, moreover, it is a circuit that

especialment sempre se li ha donat

especially it has always been given to him/her

bastant bé.

pretty well.

Que no vol dir que Verstappen estigui pitjor

That doesn't mean that Verstappen is worse.

que Checo Pérez, però és veritat

that Checo Pérez, but it is true

que Max Verstappen

that Max Verstappen

no està còmode als últims Gran Premis.

He is not comfortable in the last Grand Prix events.

No només en aquest Gran Premi

Not only in this Grand Prix

de Cervellà on ha sigut cinquè

from Cervellà where he has finished fifth

minimitzant una miqueta d'anys

minimizing a little bit of years

amb l'Ando Norris

with Lando Norris

sinó que a Itàlia

but in Italy

va ser sisè. A Holanda

he was sixth. In Holland

sí que va ser segon, però vint i pico segons

Yes, it was second, but twenty-something seconds.

de l'Ando Norris. A Bèlgica

from Lando Norris. To Belgium

va ser quart

it was fourth

després de la desqualificació

after the disqualification

de Russell. Així que

of Russell. So

està tenint un final de Mundial

it's having a World Cup final

complicat. I espera't, perquè

complicated. And wait, because

ens queda encara Singapur,

we still have Singapore left,

Estats Units, Mèxic, Brasil, Las Vegas, Qatar

United States, Mexico, Brazil, Las Vegas, Qatar

i Abu Dhabi. Queda moltíssim

And Abu Dhabi. There is still a long way to go.

encara de

still of

Mundial i les coses poden donar moltes voltes

World and things can take many turns.

com hem vist en les últimes curses

as we have seen in the latest races

on ha aparegut un convidat excepcional

an exceptional guest has appeared

que ningú esperava, que és Ferrari

that no one expected, which is Ferrari

que jo diria que en aquest Gran Premi d'abaco

that I would say that in this Grand Prix of abaco

era el cotxe més ràpid, o així

it was the fastest car, or so

ho semblava.

it seemed so.

En un

In a

Gran Premi

Grand Prix

que jo crec que es decideix bàsicament

that I believe is basically decided

per la meravellosa defensa d'Oscar Piastri

for the wonderful defense of Oscar Piastri

va fer un avançament espectacular

he made a spectacular advance

a Charles Leclerc

to Charles Leclerc

a falta de moltíssimes voltes

in the absence of countless turns

per davant. I Charles Leclerc va

in front. And Charles Leclerc went

ser incapaç d'avançar a Oscar Piastri

being unable to overtake Oscar Piastri

però crec que és més mèrit

but I think it's more merit

de Piastri amb la defensa que

of Piastri with the defense that

de mèrit de Charles Leclerc.

of merit of Charles Leclerc.

Per tant, li atribuïm aquí el punt a

Therefore, we attribute the point here to

la bona defensa d'Oscar Piastri que

the good defense of Oscar Piastri that

a Charles Leclerc. Abans d'arrencar amb

To Charles Leclerc. Before starting with

les seccions, que m'agradaria escoltar

the sections that I would like to listen to

primer el resum

first the summary

del Gran Premi fet amb

of the Grand Prix made with

la cançó de la intel·ligència artificial, la secció

the song of artificial intelligence, the section

de la generació Z, abans de tot

of Generation Z, first of all

m'agradaria puntualitzar una cosa i és que

I would like to clarify one thing and that is that

ha saltat una polèmica a xarxes socials

a controversy has erupted on social media

que parlen que el McLaren

They say that the McLaren

podria estar utilitzant un sistema

I could be using a system.

de laró de darrere on

from the back of where

diguem, hi ha una mica

let's say, there is a little

d'aerodinàmica mòbil,

of mobile aerodynamics,

la flexió és bastant important, fins

the flexion is quite important, until

i tot al punt de que se li aixeca una

and to the point that it raises one.

miqueta el DRS

a little the DRS

a Piastri.

to Piastri.

En moltes imatges ho veureu.

You will see it in many images.

Haurem d'estar molt atents a això, al final

We will have to pay close attention to this, in the end.

els equips de Formula 1 sempre fan aquestes

Formula 1 teams always do these.

coses de jugar una miqueta al límit i

things about playing a little at the limit and

haurem d'estar molt atents si

we will have to be very attentive if

la FIA

the FIA

considera que el moviment és

considers that movement is

superior als límits que hi ha

above the existing limits

a cada

to each

diguem, els límits que

let's say, the limits that

tenen de deflexió

they have deflection

els alarons o bé no

the winglets or not

ho està. La veritat és que el vídeo

he is. The truth is that the video

sembla que s'obri

it seems to open

molt. Veurem però

a lot. We'll see though.

què és el que la Federació Internacional

What is it that the International Federation

acaba veient

ends up seeing

i decidint i què reclamen els equips

and deciding what the teams are requesting

i tot plegat. Fa unes setmanes és veritat

And all in all. A few weeks ago it is true.

també algú comentava per aquí al xat que va

someone also commented here in the chat that it goes

sortir que

to get out that

els alarons de davant

the front wings

el McLaren els flexen

the McLaren are flexing them



i el McLaren aquest any ha tocat una

And the McLaren has had a hit this year.

miqueta la tecla del

a little of the key of

límit. La Fórmula 1 sempre s'ha

limit. Formula 1 has always been

decidit una miqueta així, amb dubles

decided a little like this, with doubles

difusors, amb alarons

diffusers, with flaps

que flexen, amb

that bend, with

el DAS, amb...

the DAS, with...

sempre hi ha equips que juguen al límit

there are always teams that play on the edge

i aquest any McLaren ha sabut tocar una miqueta

and this year McLaren has managed to touch a little bit

la tecla i et diré que tot i així

the key and I will tell you that even so

no ha sigut, jo repeteixo, Abaco

it has not been, I repeat, Abaco

per mi no és el millor cotxe, és el Ferrari.

For me, it's not the best car, it's the Ferrari.

La cursa

The race

de Leclerc és excel·lent

Leclerc is excellent.

simplement superada per Piastri

simply outdone by Piastri

que fa una meravella

that does a wonder

de defensa i repeteixo

of defense and I repeat

crec que per mi és més mèrit

I think it is more merit for me.

de Piastri que de mèrit

of Piastri than of merit

de Leclerc.

of Leclerc.

La cursa també de Carlos Sainz

The race of Carlos Sainz as well.

és boníssima.

It is very good.

Afegia també

It also added

Arimany33 aquí al xat

Arimany33 here in the chat.

de Twitch, afegia per exemple també

from Twitch, added for example also

Red Bull amb el seu sistema de repartiment de frenada

Red Bull with its brake distribution system.

etcètera, és a dir sempre

etcetera, that is to say always

doncs hi ha certes coses

well, there are certain things

o l'Aston Martin també l'any passat

or the Aston Martin also last year

i tot plegat.

and all that.

Va, anem a escoltar la cançó

Come on, let's listen to the song.

d'aquest Gran Premi, el resum d'aquest Gran Premi

of this Grand Prix, the summary of this Grand Prix



de... anava a dir

I was going to say.

d'Abu Dhabi, sí, d'Abu Dhabi

from Abu Dhabi, yes, from Abu Dhabi

aquest Gran Premi de

this Grand Prix of

Abaco, anem a escoltar

Abacus, let's go listen.

què és el que

what is it that



la intel·ligència artificial aquest Gran Premi

artificial intelligence this Grand Prix



he decidit fer-lo en estil

I have decided to do it in style.



d'aquest com estil

of this as style

INA i tot... House així

INA and everything... House like this

com... no sé com dir-ho

how... I don't know how to say it

m'enteneu, eh? INA

You understand me, right? INA

i coses d'aquestes, vale? Perquè a mi

and things like that, okay? Because to me

a Cervellana em recorda una miqueta això.

It reminds me a little of Cervellana.

Anem a escoltar, anem a escoltar

Let's go listen, let's go listen.

aquí teniu la lletra, els que

here you have the lyrics, those who

ho estigueu veient a YouTube òbviament, o veient-ho a

you were obviously watching it on YouTube, or watching it on

Spotify, que també es pot veure a Spotify

Spotify, which can also be seen on Spotify.

si esteu a pel podcast, que sapigueu que no pot

If you are listening to the podcast, know that it can't.

fer vídeo el podcast, però

make a video of the podcast, but

a mi a la resta d'apostos sí. Va,

I'm fine with the rest of the bets. Come on,



INA, vale? House

INA, okay? House

estil INA, Gran Premi

INA style, Grand Prix

de Cervellana.

of Cervellana.


Please provide the text you would like me to translate.

Ah, i ara no se'm sentia a mi, meravellós.

Ah, and now I couldn't be heard, wonderful.

El que hauré de fer és ara, doncs, poder...

What I will have to do is now, then, to be able to...

Sort que es pot retallar aquestes coses

It's good that these things can be cut back.

i me'n donarà molta més feina.

and it will give me a lot more work.

Gent, ara sí.

People, now yes.

Anem a escoltar.

Let's listen.


Please provide the text you would like translated from Catalan to English.

Bona rima.

Good rhyme.


Please provide the text you would like translated from Catalan to English.

I un menjar renaix com el sol

And a meal is reborn like the sun.

Remuntant fins la quarta

Climbing up to the fourth.

En classe i en control

In class and in control

Corapinto puntua pel primer cop

Corapinto scores for the first time.

L'Argentina celebra sorollans

Argentina celebrates noise.

Permana amb el hals al sang

Remain with the throat in the blood.

Superant el company, avançant

Surpassing the partner, advancing

Vinga, la tornada!

Come on, the chorus!

Oh, Paco, circuit de llegendes

Oh, Paco, circuit of legends

Que estribilla en pitjor cotxe

What is worse than a car?

Maclaren vola, ja lidera

Maclaren is flying, already leading.

Superant Red Bull en la classificació

Surpassing Red Bull in the standings.

I ara el món gira de qui li canvia

And now the world turns for those who change it.

Red Bull cau mentre Maclaren somia

Red Bull falls while McLaren dreams.

Les papalles enceses ja lideren la classificació

The lit butterflies are already leading the ranking.

Mentre Paco escriu

While Paco writes

Una nova aventura

A new adventure

Oh, Paco, circuit de llegendes

Oh, Paco, circuit of legends

Que estribilla en pitjor cotxe

What is the worst car?

Maclaren vola, ja lidera

Maclaren is flying, now leading.

Superant Red Bull en la classificació

Surpassing Red Bull in the standings.

Oh, oh, oh, oh

Oh, oh, oh, oh

A classificació

The classification

Oh, oh, oh, oh

Oh, oh, oh, oh

Paco, circuit de llegendes

Paco, circuit of legends

Oh, oh, oh, oh

Oh, oh, oh, oh

La classificació, la classificació.

The classification, the classification.

Doncs aquí tenim la cançó d'aquesta...

So here we have the song of this...

Ui, ai, ui, ui.

Oh, oh, oh, oh.

Ja tenim aquí la cançó d'aquest Gran Premi de Cerroallà

We already have the song for this Grand Prix of Cerroallà.

amb la gent que demana playlists a Spotify.

with the people who ask for playlists on Spotify.

Sabeu que no es pot fer, eh, això?

You know that you can't do that, right?

No es pot fer una playlist a Spotify

You can't create a playlist on Spotify.

perquè, bàsicament, s'ha de pagar

because, basically, it has to be paid

per publicar cançons a Spotify, no com podcast.

to publish songs on Spotify, not as a podcast.

Però no patiu, que la setmana que ve

But don't worry, next week

la gent que vulgueu escoltar tot això tindreu notícies.

The people who want to hear all this will have news.

Els vostres quioscos amb fascicles,

Your kiosks with booklets,

amb l'avantguàrdia, el CD d'Albandera...

with the avant-garde, the CD of Albandera...

No, amb Albandera Olava, no.

No, with Albandera Olava, no.

No patiu, que a partir de la setmana que ve

Don't worry, starting next week.

tindreu notícies sobre tot això,

you will have news about all this,

de les cançons de la generació Z.

of the songs of Generation Z.

Molt bé, doncs, ja veieu, eh?

Very well, then, you see, right?

Obacus, circuit de llegendes,

Obacus, circuit of legends,

Piastre i Brilla amb pitjor cotxe,

Piastre and Brilla with a worse car,

repeteixo, jo, per mi,

I repeat, for me,

el McLaren aquest cap de setmana

the McLaren this weekend

no era el millor cotxe,

it was not the best car,

però tot i així,

but still,

Piastre va fer una autèntica masterclass

Piastre gave a true masterclass.

de conducció i de defensa,

of driving and defense,

i la veritat és que aquest nano,

and the truth is that this kid,

jo crec que podem començar a parlar ja

I think we can start talking now.

de cara al Mundial 2025,

in preparation for the 2025 World Cup,

aquest any arriba tard,

this year arrives late,

però de cara al 2025, segurament,

but towards 2025, probably,

si el McLaren està bé,

if the McLaren is fine,

per què no?

Why not?

Per què no?

Why not?

Per què no pensar en gran?

Why not think big?

En Piastre?

In Piastre?

Jo crec que sí.

I believe so.

I, a més a més, una cosa que no havíem comentat fins ara,

And, moreover, one thing that we haven't discussed until now,

i és que McLaren ja és líder

And it's that McLaren is already in the lead.

al Mundial de Constructors

to the Constructors' World Championship

per davant de Red Bull.

in front of Red Bull.

Ja us he comentat abans

I have already mentioned it to you before.

que, per mi, si McLaren no guanya

that, for me, if McLaren doesn't win



Bueno, si Ferrari no hagués...

Well, if Ferrari hadn't...

Sainz, en aquest cas,

Sainz, in this case,

no hagués xocat amb Chacó Pérez,

I wouldn't have crashed with Chacó Pérez,

jo crec,

I believe,

que Ferrari podia lluitar

that Ferrari could fight

pel Mundial de Constructors.

for the Constructors' World Championship.

Ara crec que van una mica tard,

Now I think they are a bit late,

però, repeteixo,

but, I repeat,

jo crec que Ferrari pot ser segon classificat

I believe that Ferrari can be second place.

en aquest Mundial per davant de Red Bull.

in this World Championship ahead of Red Bull.

I McLaren necessita, sí o sí,

McLaren needs, yes or yes,

guanyar aquest Mundial de Constructors,

win this Constructors' Championship,

perquè el de pilots se'ls està escapant.

because the pilots are slipping away from them.

El de pilots se'ls està escapant.

The pilots are slipping away.

Jo, ara mateix,

Me, right now,

el més clar que veig

the clearest that I see

és una victòria

it's a victory

de Max Verstappen,

of Max Verstappen,

o sigui,

that is to say,

un quart títol mundial

a fourth world title

de Max Verstappen.

of Max Verstappen.

I per incompareixença de la resta,

And for the failure of the rest,

perquè mira que els està posant fàcil,

because look how easy they are making it for them,

el tio quedant cinquè, sisè,

the guy finishing fifth, sixth,

no sé què, a les últimes curses,

I don't know what, in the last races,

sense trobar-se gens còmode,

without feeling comfortable at all,

sense aparèixer a la fotografia,

without appearing in the photograph,

i la veritat és que

and the truth is that

la resta arriben una miqueta tard,

the rest arrive a little late,

fa la pinta,

it looks like,

i Norris que no està sabent liderar aquesta alternativa,

and Norris who is not managing to lead this alternative,

i anem-ne a parlar una mica,

let's talk about it a bit,

perquè és cert,

because it is true,

bé és cert,

well it's true,

que Norris va tenir la mala sort

that Norris had bad luck

d'enganxar una bandera groga a l'últim sector

of sticking a yellow flag in the last sector

quan estava fent la seva bona volta,

when he was making his good turn,

hi havia molta progressió de pista,

there was a lot of track progress,

però el seu primer intent no va ser bo,

but his first attempt was not good,

i segon, va cometre una rada,

and second, it made a mistake,

és a dir, sense bandera groga,

that is to say, without a yellow flag,

tampoc hagués quedat últim.

neither would have come in last.

O sigui, tampoc hagués passat a la Q2.

So, it wouldn't have made it to Q2 either.

En tot cas, és fórmula o ficció,

In any case, it is formula or fiction,

i això no es pot pas predir,

and this cannot be predicted,



ni res.

nor anything.

Per tant, Norris no va entrar,

Therefore, Norris did not enter,

cagada seva i per part de l'equip també de treure-la en trànsit,

his mistake and the team's as well in taking it out in transit,

i més sabent que no havia pogut clavar la primera volta,

and even more knowing that I hadn't been able to score the first goal,

i per tant, doncs, escolta,

And therefore, listen,

són coses que toca patxugar,

they are things that you have to deal with,

el que passa és que si vols ser campió del món

What happens is that if you want to be the world champion

aquestes coses no les pots fer.

you can't do these things.

Aquestes coses no les pots fer,

You can't do these things,

perquè després, clar,

because then, of course,

remuntes fins a la quarta posició,

climbs to fourth place,



El teu objectiu és quedar a top 15,

Your goal is to finish in the top 15.

o sigui, tampoc has de quedar primer, saps?

So, you don't have to come in first, you know?

És una gran cagada, efectivament.

It's a big mess, indeed.

És una gran cagada.

It's a big mess.

Des que l'Ivan prohibirà Racing,

As soon as Ivan prohibits Racing,

Red Bull ha caigut, sí, efectivament.

Red Bull has fallen, yes, indeed.

Verstappen ni el celebrarà gairebé el títol.

Verstappen will hardly celebrate the title.

No, no estic d'acord, eh?

No, I don't agree, okay?

Crec que és dels que més mèrit té aquest títol, eh?

I think this title deserves a lot of credit, huh?

Perquè estàs sabent sobreviure.

Because you are learning to survive.

Això a nivell mental t'ha de rebentar.

This has to blow your mind on a mental level.

Veure que possiblement no faiguis

To see that you possibly don't do.

una victòria més en tota la temporada.

one more win in the whole season.

Queden set curses encara.

There are still seven races left.

És moltíssim.

It is a lot.

És un quart aproximadament de la temporada.

It is approximately a quarter of the season.





un 20% de la temporada.

20% of the season.

És moltíssim.

It is a lot.

Pot passar de tot.

Anything can happen.

Però veure que queda tantíssim,

But seeing that there is still so much left,

que et van retallant,

that they are cutting you down,

però que no t'acaben de retallar

but they haven't finished cutting you back

i que estaràs allà, allà, allà,

and you will be there, there, there,

sense tu poder guanyar carreres,

without you being able to win races,

perquè no fa pinta que puguis guanyar curses.

because it doesn't look like you can win races.

I a més a més,

And moreover,

segurament tampoc fa pinta que puguis fer podis,

probably it doesn't look like you'll be able to do pruning either,

o serà complicat fer podis,

It will be complicated to make podiums,

si més no,

at the very least,

molt, molt, molt complicat.

very, very, very complicated.

No crec que sigui una situació fàcil.

I don't think it's an easy situation.

No crec que sigui una situació fàcil a nivell mental.

I don't think it's an easy situation mentally.

Ja se li veu,

You can already see it,

pels tim ràdios.

for the timely radios.

Llavors veurem una mica

Then we will see a little.

què és el que jo crec que sí

what is it that I believe to be true

que Verstappen guanyarà aquest Mundial

that Verstappen will win this World Championship

per incompareixença

for non-appearance

de l'Ando Norris

from Lando Norris

i de l'Eclair

and of the Lightning

que arriba tardíssim, Ferrari,

who arrives extremely late, Ferrari,

i crec que sí,

I think so,

que té molt mèrit

which has a lot of merit

i crec que el celebrarà a fons.

And I think he will celebrate it fully.

Guanyarà cada any de ser a Abu Dhabi.

He will win every year if he is in Abu Dhabi.

Serà meravellós.

It will be wonderful.

A no ser que Red Bull faci un canvi

Unless Red Bull makes a change.

ara espectacular.

now spectacular.

Sabeu de qui tinc ganes d'escoltar coses?

Do you know who I feel like listening to?

Del Pau Meller

Of Pau Meller

perquè no sé

because I don't know

amb què em sortirà.

what will it bring me out with.

Suposo que amb la P6 d'Alonso

I suppose with Alonso's P6.

o dirà alguna cosa

or will say something

de la il·legalitat

of the illegality

de l'al·laró del McLaren

from the McLaren wing

o alguna cosa que li hagi llegitat a Nanosexo

or something that I have read to Nanosex

segurament, perquè és l'únic

surely, because it is the only one

que ens explica sempre

that always tells us

coses del Nanosexo.

things of Nanosex.

Així que anem a veure secció

So let's go see the section.

que dura...

how hard...

Home, un minut cinquanta! Ha treballat!

"Home, one minute fifty! He has worked!"

Pau Meller, des de Desobediència Crufista

Pau Meller, from Crufist Disobedience

que per cert, ja han tornat, eh?

By the way, they're back, right?

Hi ha nova temporada de Desobediència Crufista

There is a new season of Crufista Disobedience.

si us agrada el futbol

if you like football

aquesta gent està enxitxadíssima

these people are very excited

amb el nou Barça.

with the new Barça.

Jo, la veritat, no tinc ni idea de futbol

I, to be honest, have no idea about football.

no sé si el Barça ho farà bé o malament

I don't know if Barça will do well or badly.

però aquesta gent estan molt alts.

but these people are very tall.

Per tant, si sou de l'Espanyol, del Madrid, del Girona

Therefore, if you are from Espanyol, Madrid, Girona.

crec que és un bon moment per escoltar-los

I think it's a good time to listen to them.

per guardar-vos clips

to save clips for you

i així treure'ls-hi

and thus take them away



Crec que és un bon moment

I think it is a good time.

per fer això.

to do this.

Eh... Pau Meller.

Eh... Pau Meller.

Bon dia...

Good morning...

Sí, ara sí, va.

Yes, now yes, go ahead.

Ara, la secció de Meller.

Now, the Meller section.

Bon dia, bona tarda,

Good morning, good afternoon,

bon vespre, bona nit, bon estiu i bon hivern

good evening, good night, good summer, and good winter

a tots els oients del Bandera Blava.

to all the listeners of the Blue Flag.

Ara sí! Gràcies, Meller, perquè per fi

Now yes! Thank you, Meller, because finally

fas una intro de secció

make an introduction to the section

atemporal, com jo et demanava.

timeless, as I was asking you.

Atemporal. Així?

Timeless. Like this?



Bon dia, bona tarda,

Good morning, good afternoon,

bon vespre, bona nit, bon estiu i bon hivern

good evening, good night, good summer and good winter

a tots els oients del Bandera Blava.

to all the listeners of the Blue Flag.

Espero que s'hi estarà més content el Norman.

I hope Norman will be happier there.

Dit això, aquesta setmana em toca a mi

That said, this week it's my turn.

recollir cable, perquè

pick up the cable, because

en l'última secció vaig dir que no hi havia

In the last section, I said that there wasn't any.

pilots amb aura en aquesta graella.

pilots with aura in this grid.

Gràcies. I hi ha dos noms propis que aquest cap de setmana

Thank you. And there are two proper names this weekend.

han destacat per la seva aura. Gràcies.

they have stood out for their aura. Thank you.

El primer és Piastri.

The first is Piastri.

Piastri. Que m'ha deixat molt, molt sorprès

Piastri. That has left me very, very surprised.

i és el meu format d'in fins a final de temporada.

And it is my format from now until the end of the season.

Així que, a partir d'avui, vull que guanyi aquest

So, starting today, I want this one to win.

campionat Piastri.

Piastri championship.

Me n'alegro de les derrotes.

I am glad about the defeats.

Arriba tard, eh?

You're late, huh?

Arriba... Arriba...

Up... Up...

Arriba tard al...

He arrives late to...

És igual.

It doesn't matter.

...i dels fracassos de Norris

...and the failures of Norris

i espero que l'amant...

and I hope that the lover...

Què dius? Que vol que fracassi?

What are you saying? That he wants me to fail?

Me n'alegro de les derrotes i dels fracassos

I am glad about the defeats and failures.

de Norris i espero que

of Norris and I hope that

l'amant sigui al campionat i que pugui competir

the lover is at the championship and can compete

contra Max Verstappen. Així que...

against Max Verstappen. So...

El Paul Meller no s'ha enterat que el Mundial s'està acabant, oi?

Paul Meller hasn't realized that the World Cup is ending, has he?

O sigui, ell, com que és

That is to say, he, since he is

de futbol, es pensa que tot això acaba de començar,

about football, it is thought that all this has just begun,

que estem a la jornada 4 de Lliga,

that we are in matchday 4 of the League,

suposo que va per aquí, perquè

I guess it goes like this, because



Entenc que...

I understand that...

A nivell mental,

On a mental level,

ell està en un altre tipus de Lliga,

he is in another type of league.

d'acord? Ell és futbolero,

Okay? He is a football fan.

per tant, ell treballa

therefore, he works

de setembre a...

from September to...

a maig,

to May,

i tot el que passa entre el maig

and everything that happens between May

i el setembre no sap que existeix,

and in September it doesn't know that it exists,



Des d'ara fins a final de temporada vaig en Piastri.

From now until the end of the season, I'm backing Piastri.

Aquí queda dit.

Here it is said.

El segon nom propi que també destaca per l'aura

The second proper name that also stands out for the aura.

que tenia aquest cap de setmana

What did I have this weekend?

és Colopinto,

it's Colopinto,

que em sembla un gran...

that seems to me a great...

Ui! Ja comencem, eh?

Oh! We're starting already, huh?

Sisplau, tu no... Tu tampoc, eh?

Please, not you... Not you either, right?

...pilot, he de dir, i crec que ens donarà

...pilot, he has to say, and I believe he will give us.

bones curses, però sobretot ens donarà

good curses, but above all it will give us

bons tuits i bons clips, que això és important.

good tweets and good clips, because this is important.

És un caradura, és un putero, és un putero

He's a shameless guy, he's a whore, he's a whore.

d'època, semblant a

of the era, similar to

Fernando Alonso, així que màxim respecte.

Fernando Alonso, so maximum respect.

I, parlant d'Alonso,

I, talking about Alonso,

mare de Déu, carrera descomunal,

mother of God, tremendous race,

quedant sisè amb aquest carro de cavalls

finishing sixth with this horse carriage

que porta, però per sort ha arribat

what it carries, but fortunately it has arrived

niui, el que ens fa pensar que

neither, what makes us think that

estem més a prop de tornar

we are closer to returning

a veure, a l'astre historià,

let's see, at the historical star,

a guanyar un campionat del món. Cal dir

to win a world championship. It must be said

que Norman, com sempre, ha aprofitat a Twitter

that Norman, as always, has taken advantage of on Twitter

per dir, oh, arriba niui, però qual

to say, oh, here comes niui, but which one

li deu quedar l'Alonso, a veure si ara ja no

Alonso must be left with her, let's see if now it's not already.

està... M'està tirant

is... She's pulling me.

viv, ja? Però és que

live, right? But it's that

és veritat, eh? Aviam, aviam. No, no, ara

it's true, isn't it? Let's see, let's see. No, no, now

parlarem d'això, Mela, ja veuràs. A guanyar un campionat del món.

We'll talk about this, Mela, you'll see. To win a world championship.

Cal dir que Norman,

It must be said that Norman,

com sempre, ha aprofitat a Twitter per dir, oh,

as always, he has taken advantage of Twitter to say, oh,

arriba niui, però qual li deu quedar l'Alonso,

up there in New York, but what must Alonso have left?

a veure si ara ja no està...

let's see if it is not there now...

Ho penso. Una mostra més

I think so. One more example.

de l'antialuncisme que regna

of the antialuncism that reigns

en aquest bandera blava una vegada més.

in this blue flag once again.

Així que, una abraçada

So, a hug.

a tots oients dels veïns. I què? I què? I com em

to all listeners of the neighbors. And what? And what? And how do I

desmenteixes el tuit? No? És que,

Do you deny the tweet? No? It's just that,

clar, el tio, ja ha aprofitat el Norman

Of course, the guy has already taken advantage of Norman.

per dir que no sé què. Què?

to say that I don't know what. What?

Desmenteix... O sigui...

Deny it... I mean...

Què? Què?

What? What?

Què? Què? Què?

What? What? What?

Què? M'has desmentit algú, Mela?

What? Did you deny someone to me, Mela?

No m'has desmentit res, tio. No?

You haven't denied anything, dude. No?

Has dit, el Norman ja ha aprofitat per dir

You said, Norman has already taken the opportunity to say.

això. Doncs sí, doncs sí. Arriba niui

this. Well yes, well yes. Here comes niui

i a l'Alonso, quant li queda?

And how much time does Alonso have left?

La pregunta. I una altra cosa.

The question. And another thing.

I Verstappen,

I Verstappen,

tu creus que no vindrà darrere de niui?

Do you think he/she won't come after Niui?

I qui faran fora? El fill del jefe o

And who will they kick out? The boss's son or...

Fernando Alonso?

Fernando Alonso?

Però són coses

But they are things.

que la gent alonsista

that the Alonsista people

no rumieu. Això

don't grumble. This

passarà un dia.

a day will pass.

I moltes ganes de saber què ha passat a la

And very eager to know what happened to the

Nascar, amb el nostre amic

Nascar, with our friend

Polaeri. Així que, moltíssimes, moltíssimes ganes

Polaeri. So, very, very much looking forward to it.

de saber què haurà passat, bueno, a la

to know what will have happened, well, to the

categoria reina, que m'agrada dir-m'hi, dels

queen category, which I like to call it, of the

motos d'esport en cercles o

sports bikes in circles or

en òvals. Vinga, una abraçada.

In ovals. Come on, a hug.

Vés-hi, és de Fresi.

Go there, it's from Fresi.

Hòstia, tio,

Damn, man,

no m'ho esperava gens, eh?

I didn't expect it at all, you know?

És espectacular, eh?

It's spectacular, isn't it?

Aquest tio és increïble.

This guy is incredible.

És històric, eh? És històric,

It's historic, isn't it? It's historic.

és històric.

it's historic.

Bueno, ja era una cosa que

Well, it was already one thing that

estava cantat, era

I was singing, it was.

una cosa que estava cantat. Primer,

one thing that was sung. First,

que Pau Miller copiés la millor

that Pau Miller copied the best

secció d'aquest podcast, que és

section of this podcast, which is

la del Polaeri, i copiés les seves

the one from Polaeri, and I copied his

colatilles, és a dir, era

colatilles, that is, it was

una cosa que era obvi.

one thing that was obvious.

Per tant, també enhorabona

Therefore, congratulations as well.

al Polaeri, que ha aconseguit

to Polaeri, who has achieved

un fan més de la

a fan of the

Nascar. Fixeu-vos que

Nascar. Notice that

el Miller ja no ha dit

Miller hasn't said it anymore.

no sé què dels òvals, sinó que ha dit

I don't know what about the ovals, but he/she has said.

en circuits o òvals, perquè

in circuits or ovals, because

cap setmana de fet s'ha corregut a Watkins Glen, per tant

This weekend, in fact, there has been a race at Watkins Glen, so

molt bé, Pau Miller, enterat

very good, Pau Miller, understood

de la Nascar, gràcies a

from NASCAR, thanks to

Polaeri, aquest podria ser el titular,

Polaeri, this could be the headline,

podríem dir que la funció

we could say that the function

de la secció del Polaeri està

from the Polaeri section is

ja completa, ja té el xec,

already complete, already has the check,

fins a final de temporada el Polaeri

until the end of the season the Polaeri

pot parlar del que vulgui, perquè ja hem aconseguit reconvertir

you can talk about whatever you want, because we have already managed to reinvent

un alonsista

a glider pilot

a la Nascar, i li ha dit

to the Nascar, and he has told her

fins i tot categoria reina, així

even queen category, like this

que meravellós. Anem a

how wonderful. Let's go to

parlar de moltes coses, hi ha moltes coses aquí.

talk about many things, there are many things here.

Colapinto, colapinto molt bé,

Colapinto, colapinto very well,

molt bé a pista,

very good on track,

fora de pista, jo us diré

off track, I will tell you

que a mi tot això ho odio,

that I hate all of this,

tot el que fa fora és

everything that goes out is

horrible, és pesadíssim,

horrible, it is very heavy,

molt pesat,

very tedious,

molt pesat, tot el que fa fora,

very heavy, everything it does outside,

no m'agrada gens,

I don't like it at all.

però entenc que al Pau Meller

but I understand that to Pau Meller

aquestes coses li agradin, perquè al final

these things please him, because in the end

és seguidor de Nanosexo i aquestes coses

he is a follower of Nanosexo and those things

li agraden

he/she likes them



Una miqueta aquest

A little bit this

salseig en roda de premsa,

sauce in a press conference,

a mi no m'agrada gens,

I don't like it at all.

però suposo que

but I suppose that

al ser del Barça, tant,

being from Barça, so much,

suposo que als argentins

I suppose that to the Argentinians

li agraden

he/she likes them




I imagine.

Colapinto, per cert, no tinc clar

Colapinto, by the way, I'm not clear.

què li passarà l'any

what will happen to him/her next year

que ve. Està la cosa,

that comes. That's the thing,

ho està fent massa bé. Jo crec que

he is doing it too well. I think that

ha posat a Williams en un compromís.

he has put Williams in a predicament.

Ho està fent massa bé

He is doing it too well.

i de fet he llegit una notícia

And in fact, I have read some news.

abans d'arrencar el Bandera Blava que explicava

before starting the Blue Flag that explained



que possiblement

that possibly

Williams està negociant

Williams is negotiating.

ja amb Audi per veure

already with Audi to see

si el foten

if they mess it up

a Saube,

to Saube,

i el repesca en el cap

and the repechage in the head

de dos anys, o aviam

two years, or let's see

què passa aquí, perquè

What's happening here, why?



no, no, no,

no, no, no,

bueno, ho està fent massa bé,

well, it's doing too well,

la veritat, ho està fent massa bé.

The truth is, he/she is doing it too well.

No, ja ho sé, ja ho sé, que

No, I already know, I already know, that

el Colapinto no tira de tòpic, però

Colapinto doesn't rely on clichés, but

aviam, jo li he vist declaracions

Let's see, I have seen statements from him.

tirant canyes

pulling reeds

a periodistes que la veritat

to journalists that the truth

és una mica heavy,

it's a bit heavy,

la veritat és que és una mica heavy,

the truth is that it's a bit heavy,

i em fa una mica de mandra, però bueno, entenc

And it makes me a bit lazy, but well, I understand.

que hi hagi gent que això li agradi, entre ells,

that there are people who like this, among them,

el Pau Meller.

the Pau Meller.

Doncs això és una miqueta,

Well, this is a little bit,

ui, tenia la lletra aquí al costat encara.

Oh, I still had the lyrics right here next to me.

Sainz trobador de Williams.

Sainz troubadour of Williams.

No, Carlos Sainz té contracte.

No, Carlos Sainz has a contract.

Segurament el que passarà, jo crec,

Surely what will happen, I believe,

si és cert que Williams

if it is true that Williams

està negociant amb Sauber, que no ho descartaria,

is negotiating with Sauber, which it would not rule out,

Sauber dirà no,

Sauber will say no,

jo, bueno, o sí,

me, well, or yes,

però paga'm l'assiento.

but pay me for the seat.

Paga'm l'assiento

Pay me for the seat.





paga'm l'assiento

pay me the seat

i fiquem el Colapinto.

And we put Colapinto.

Sí, dos anys, però paga'm l'assiento.

Yes, two years, but pay me for the seat.

Paga'm, fica aquí, Cuartos.

Pay me, put it here, Quarters.

Suposo que hi haurà una forta negociació,

I suppose there will be a strong negotiation.

que fins d'aquí,

that until here,

igual fins a final de temporada no sabem,

we still don't know until the end of the season,

no sabem gaire.

we don't know much.

Cada setmana que passa, sense saber qui va en aquell seient,

Every week that goes by, without knowing who is in that seat,

segur, diguem, és bo

Sure, let's say it's good.

per Franco Colapinto,

for Franco Colapinto,

perquè voldrà dir que s'estan movent coses.

because it will mean that things are moving.

Si no, si no, si es tanca aquesta opció

If not, if not, if this option is closed.

de Sauber, jo crec,

of Sauber, I think,

que estarà a la prova de Williams

that will be at the Williams trial

i a la F2, un any, un any més.

and in F2, one year, one more year.

I clar, algú dirà, hòstia, és que, però si és boníssim,

Of course, someone will say, damn, but it's really good,

mira la Fórmula 1 amb un Williams

watch Formula 1 with a Williams

que, que va traient molt de pit.

that, that is really showing off.

Sí, un Williams feia molt temps

Yes, a Williams had been a long time ago.

que no puntuava

that did not score

amb els seus dos cotxes.

with their two cars.

Sabeu quant de temps?

Do you know how long?

Menys d'un any.

Less than a year.

Vull dir,

I mean,

ho dic perquè jo també la sensació que he tingut de sac

I say this because I also have the feeling that I have had of being a sack.

ha sigut, hòstia, quant feia

it has been, damn, how long it has been

que Williams no puntuava

that Williams was not scoring

dos cotxes. Un any.

two cars. One year.

Hòstia, en 2023.

Holy crap, in 2023.

I és veritat que aquest Williams

And it is true that this Williams

no és el pitjor cotxe

it's not the worst car

i que és un cotxe que

and what is a car that

lent no és, i que

slow it is not, and that

Albon l'ha treballat moltíssim.

Albon has worked extremely hard.

Vull dir, que no és un cotxe lent.

I mean, it's not a slow car.

I també, jo, em genera un altre

And also, I generate another one.

debat el tema de Colapinto i de

debate the topic of Colapinto and of

Berman, també. Són pilots

Berman, too. They are pilots.

que ho han fet bé,

that they have done it well,

actuacions a vegades molt bones,

performances sometimes very good,

però també han tingut de molt dolentes a la F2

but they have also had very bad ones in F2.

aquest mateix any.

this same year.

Aquest mateix any.

This same year.

I pugen a la F1

They are going up to F1.

i se'ls dona millor que a la F2, tio.

They're better at it than in F2, dude.

Llavors, la meva pregunta és, quants grans

Then, my question is, how many grains

talents a la F2 ens estem perdent?

Are we losing talents in F2?

A la F1. Que no vull dir

In F1. That I don't want to say.

que Hager sigui molt més bo a la F1

May Hager be much better in F1.

i per tant quedaria molt millor que Berman,

and therefore it would look much better than Berman,

no, sinó que vull dir,

no, but what I mean is,

el nivell, o sigui, a mi el que em fa creure

the level, I mean, what makes me believe

i és una percepció i ja està,

it's just a perception and that's it,

és que a la F2 hi ha molt més nivell del que

it's just that in F2 there is much more level than what


let's think.

Jo tinc aquesta sensació.

I have this feeling.

La F2 és molt millor del que pensem, els pilots són molt més bons

F2 is much better than we think, the drivers are much better.

dels que pensem, i estan molt més ben preparats

of those we think, and are much better prepared

del que pensem.

of what we think.

Però alhora també, per altra banda, em fa pensar

But at the same time, on the other hand, it makes me think.

que els

that the

Fórmula 1s,

Formula 1s,

la seva adaptació, adaptar-te a

its adaptation, to adapt to

un nou Fórmula 1,

a new Formula 1,

potser és més fàcil del que pensem.

maybe it's easier than we think.

No ho sé, jo vull

I don't know, I want.

creure, vull creure en el talent.

to believe, I want to believe in talent.

Vull creure en el talent. I ja està.

I want to believe in talent. And that's it.

Vull dir, em refereixo que la màquina importa molt.

I mean, I refer to the fact that the machine matters a lot.

Refereixo. Però vaja,

I mean. But hey,

Berman per davant del seu company d'equip, eh?

Berman in front of his teammate, huh?

En quali?

In which one?

I en carrera. Hülkenberg,

And in the race. Hülkenberg,

un home que aquí l'hem venerat,

a man whom we have revered here,

com el que més, eh?

like the most, right?

Bueno, eh...

Well, uh...

No, no, no,

No, no, no,

jo no crec que vagi pel tema que no tot és cotxe

I don't think it's about the fact that not everything is a car.

a la F2, eh? Perquè a la F2

To the F2, huh? Because to the F2.

també hi ha cotxe, perquè

there is also a car, because

els Megatronic aquests

the Megatronic ones

són un fiasco. Vull dir, que et toca

they are a flop. I mean, it’s your turn

el bo i apallisses, i et toca

the good one and you hit him, and it touches you

el dolent i drama.

the villain and drama.

I el motor

And the engine

és molt important, i...

it's very important, and...

No són tots iguals,

They are not all the same.

aquells cotxes, eh? No són, no són...

Those cars, huh? They aren't, they aren't...

No són tots iguals.

They are not all the same.

Jo em quedo

I will stay.

més, jo em quedo més

more, I stay more

amb el tema de...

with the subject of...

O vull creure, eh? Ja repeteixo,

Oh, I want to believe, huh? I'm repeating already,

segurament hi ha molt, molt...

surely there is a lot, a lot...

Hi ha molt, molt

There is a lot, a lot.

altres temes, eh? Però vull

other topics, huh? But I want

creure que hi ha molt més talent a la F2 del que

believe that there is much more talent in F2 than what

creiem, perquè després pugen a la

we believe, because then they go up to the

F1 i estan molt ben adaptats, s'adapten molt

F1 and they are very well adapted, they adapt very well.

ràpid al cotxe, en un

quick to the car, in a

circuit urbà, més a més...

urban circuit, moreover...

Pinto, tenint un accident el divendres,

Pinto, having an accident on Friday,

que jo, aquí, en directe al

that I, here, live at the

meu Twitch, vaig dir

my Twitch, I said

eh... hòstia, ojo,

eh... damn, watch out,

perquè en circuits urbans, tenir un

because in urban circuits, having a

accident el divendres t'afecta de cara a la quali,

The accident on Friday affects your qualification.

de cara a la carrera. Però el tio

facing the race. But the guy

va puntuar. Vull dir que jo no li trec

He scored. I mean, I'm not taking it away from him.

cap tipus de mèrit a la Pinto, i crec que és

no type of merit at the Pinto, and I believe it is

la sensació del moment.

the feeling of the moment.

Crec que és la sensació del moment.

I think it's the feeling of the moment.

I em sorprèn, fins i tot. Vull dir, estic...

It surprises me, even. I mean, I am...

No m'ho esperava gens,

I didn't expect it at all,





Fora de la pista. Em puc caure

Off the track. I might fall.

millor o pitjor.

better or worse.

Però vaja, això no té res a

But come on, this has nothing to do with...

veure amb el seu talent que té, i amb

see with the talent he has, and with

també el problema

also the problem

que tindrà de cara

what it will have in front

a final de

at the end of

temporada, a veure què fa l'any que ve. Perquè

season, let's see what happens next year. Because

clar, tu vens aquí a fotre 4

Sure, you come here to mess around.

punts, puntuar la teva segona

points, score your second

carrera en un circuit urbà, cardes

race on an urban circuit, cardes

4 punts, 10 punts

4 points, 10 points

per Williams, i

for Williams, and

a saber que cardes

to know what you are doing

7 carreres que queden,

7 races remaining,

i te n'has de tornar a la F2

And you have to go back to F2.

a batallar amb el mecatrònic

to battle with the mechatronic

de merda? Amb el motor aquell que

of crap? With that engine that

si et toca el dolent

if you get the bad one

pot les veus

can the voices

venir per molt bo que siguis?

come no matter how good you are?

Clar, mentalment això també pica

Of course, mentally this also stings.

el coco. I també ho hem parlat bastantes

the coconut. And we have also talked about it quite a bit.

vegades aquí, de que

sometimes here, of that

a vegades



download you

del circ de la Fórmula 1

of the Formula 1 circus

és molt xungo tornar. Vegis

It's very tough to go back. Just look.

per exemple

for example

a Mick Schumacher.

to Mick Schumacher.

Per exemple. Que Mick Schumacher

For example. That Mick Schumacher

també és un dels noms que sona per Sauber, per cert, he llegit.

It is also one of the names being mentioned for Sauber, by the way, I have read.



Mick Schumacher,

Mick Schumacher,

s'ha parlat del retorn

There has been talk of the return.

de Vettel, també.

of Vettel, too.

No sé, jo ara mateix

I don't know, right now.

jo vull creure que Williams està

I want to believe that Williams is

negociant amb Sauber per fer una sessió,

negotiating with Sauber to do a session,

una sessió un parell d'anys

a session a couple of years

i veure aviam amb qui es queden, si amb Albon

Let's see who they end up with, if it's Albon.

o amb Carlos Saim.

or with Carlos Saim.

Eh, veurem, sí, sí, no, i l'Adriano

Eh, we'll see, yes, yes, no, and Adriano.

tenia raó, que ell deia que el moviment

he was right, what he said was that the movement

a Williams de

to a Williams of

Saim no era pas dolent. Bueno, aquest any funcionen,

Saim wasn't bad at all. Well, this year they work.

veurem l'any que ve si funcionen. A priori,

we'll see next year if they work. At first glance,

tot és un continuïste, per tant, ha de funcionar.

Everything is a continuity, therefore, it has to work.



Vull escoltar el Sauber. Què ens

I want to hear the Sauber. What do we...

diu el Sauber en aquesta

says the Sauber in this

secció, abans de parlar una miqueta de la cursa de

section, before talking a bit about the race of

de tots plegats. Però vaja,

of all together. But well,

hem parlat una miqueta de Piastri, de Leclerc,

we have talked a little bit about Piastri, about Leclerc,

Russell acaba tercer, ningú sap gaire com,

Russell finishes third, no one really knows how.

bàsicament perquè abandonen

basically because they abandon

doncs dos cotxes d'avanceu. Fa una molt bona

So two cars advance. It goes very well.

cursa, avançant a Max Verstappen,

race, overtaking Max Verstappen,

Fernando Alonso lluny dels pilots

Fernando Alonso far from the drivers

de davant, uns 30...

from the front, about 30...

20 i pico, 30 segons,

20 and a bit, 30 seconds,

hi ha detall, el que passa és que acaba a només

there is detail, what happens is that it ends at only

7 segons de Verstappen, perquè Verstappen para boxers

7 seconds from Verstappen, because Verstappen is stopping for tires.

per canviar pneumàtic, per tant, Alonso llunyíssim dels

to change a tire, therefore, Alonso far away from the

posicions de davant, però, diguem,

front positions, but let's say,

el primer de la resta, cosa que està molt

the first of the rest, a thing that is very

i molt bé amb un Aston Martin,

and very well with an Aston Martin,

que Stroll, per cert, va tenir moltíssims problemes

that Stroll, by the way, had a lot of problems

de... de pneumàtics.

of... tires.

Parlem d'Aston Martin, va, un moment, així ràpid.

Let's talk about Aston Martin, come on, just a moment, quick.

Fitxatge de Newey,

Newey's signing,

la setmana passada,

last week,

és una meravellosa notícia,

it's a wonderful piece of news,

no només per Aston Martin, sinó per la Fórmula 1,

not only for Aston Martin but for Formula 1,

que un dels grans talents de la

that one of the great talents of the

de la Fórmula 1 segueixi

from Formula 1 continues

a la Fórmula 1 i no se'n vagi als barquitos

to Formula 1 and not go off to the little boats

o a la Copa Amèrica, que era una de les coses

or the Copa America, which was one of the things

que sonaven,

that sounded,

i que no se'n vagi a fer hipercars, sinó que es quedi

and that he doesn't go to make hypercars, but that he stays.

a la Fórmula 1, és meravellós.

In Formula 1, it is marvelous.

Fins al

Until the

2026, a priori, no pot

2026, a priori, cannot.

treballar el cotxe, però vaja,

work on the car, but well,

oh, m'he oblidat una llibreta per...

oh, I forgot a notebook for...



Departament d'Aerodinàmica,

Department of Aerodynamics,

aquella llibreta vermella que m'he deixat allà aquest matí,

that red notebook that I left there this morning,

que se m'ha caigut un paper,

that a piece of paper has fallen from me,

no sé què, bueno, tot està

I don't know what, well, everything is.

bastant mirat, però bueno...

quite looked at, but well...

Algunes coses segurament podrem començar

Some things we will surely be able to start.

a notar ben aviat.

to notice very soon.

Vaig sentir, a més,

I felt, moreover,

ja gent que

already people that

ja deia

I already said.

que el 2025 no serà

that 2025 will not be

un cotxe fet per

a car made for

Newey, perquè em sembla que entra a l'abril,

Newey, because it seems to me that he enters in April,

per tant, no veurem les coses

therefore, we will not see things

de Newey el 2025, que tampoc

from Newey in 2025, which also

les veurem el 2026, perquè

we will see them in 2026, because

el 2026 és un any d'adaptació, que no sé què,

2026 is a year of adaptation, I don't know what.

no sé què, no sé què, que igual el 2027

I don’t know what, I don’t know what, maybe in 2027.

o el 2028,

or 2028,

això, só i motor ho van dir, eh?

that, sound and engine said it, right?

El 2027-2028

The 2027-2028


we will begin

a veure

let's see

què ha passat amb Adrian

What has happened to Adrian?

Newey, en plan, què ha fet el cotxe.

Newey, like, what has the car done?

Jo vinc a rebaixar una mica el tema,

I'm here to tone down the topic a bit.

perquè aquí tothom

because here everyone

ven a saco al Twitter

come on strong on Twitter

que això, tenir

that this, to have

Adrian Newey implica campionats del món

Adrian Newey involves world championships.

i ningú se'n recorda

and nobody remembers it

que Mercedes ha dominat

that Mercedes has dominated

durant 7 anys o 8 anys

for 7 years or 8 years

sense tenir Adrian Newey.

without having Adrian Newey.

Vull dir, que també pot passar

I mean, it can also happen.

aquestes coses. És veritat que Adrian Newey és

these things. It is true that Adrian Newey is

la millor ment, però

the best mind, but

que no és

that it is not

100% segur, d'acord? La Fórmula 1

100% sure, okay? Formula 1.

ho hem explicat mil vegades, que 1 més 1

we have explained it a thousand times, that 1 plus 1

no tenen per què ser 2.

They don't have to be 2.

Això ho vinc a dir perquè

I come to say this because

no s'explica

it cannot be explained

moltes vegades.

many times.

Sí, 65 anys té, efectivament.

Yes, he is indeed 65 years old.

Adrian Newey, 65 anys.

Adrian Newey, 65 years old.

I una altra cosa, sabeu

And one more thing, do you know?

qui també té anys? No, ho dic perquè

Who else is getting older? No, I'm saying it because...

la Meller se m'enfada.

Meller is getting angry with me.

Però Fernando Alonso

But Fernando Alonso

el 2026 tindrà 45 anys

In 2026, he/she will be 45 years old.

i el 2020 tindrà 46.

and in 2020 he will be 46.

Vull dir,

I mean,



Jo no adonaria tan per fet

I wouldn't take it for granted.

que Fernando Alonso seguirà

that Fernando Alonso will continue

el 2027. A Aston Martin?

In 2027. An Aston Martin?

A Aston Martin sí, segurament.

Yes, definitely Aston Martin.

A Fórmula 1? No ho sé.

Formula 1? I don't know.

És molt cansat d'anar a la Fórmula 1.

It's very tiring to go to Formula 1.

Si va fent resultats així,

If it's getting results like this,

6è, 7è, 8è, ok.

6th, 7th, 8th, okay.

Jo el que vaig dir

What I said

és que si

it is that if

Aston Martin estava per

Aston Martin was about to

fer 3è cada

do 3rd each

carrera, que jo no el veia aguantant 3 anys

career, because I didn't think he could last 3 years

fotent 3è cada carrera, perquè això ja ho ha viscut.

taking 3rd each race, because he has already experienced this.

Això ja ho ha viscut i va acabar molt malament.

This has already been experienced and it ended very badly.

Jo el que deia era això.

What I was saying was this.

Si va fent aquests punts,

If you keep making these points,

home, segurament

surely, home

intentarà aguantar per veure

he will try to hold on to see

què és el que passa. A més, Aston Martin

what is happening. Moreover, Aston Martin

ha venut molt lo de per fi

has sold a lot of finally

podreu treballar junts, per fi

you will be able to work together, finally

treu molts anys lluitant, però ara treballareu junts,

you have spent many years fighting, but now you will work together,

però ara sereu el mateix equip,

but now you will be the same team,

no sé què. Vull dir que aquesta narrativa

I don't know what. I mean that this narrative

li interessa més. I a més a més, per mi aquí s'obre

it interests him more. And moreover, for me here opens

una porta, que tampoc s'està comentant

a door, which is also not being commented on

gaire, i és que Max Verstappen

hardly, and it is that Max Verstappen



veient el rendiment de Red Bull

seeing the performance of Red Bull

i veient com es desmembra l'equip

and seeing how the team is falling apart

Red Bull,

Red Bull,

jo no descartaria moviments.

I would not rule out movements.

No aquest any.

Not this year.

Em semblaria bogíssim. Però

It would seem crazy to me. But

sí que a l'estiu de l'any que ve,

yes, in the summer of next year,

a la sessió de l'any que ve,

at next year's session,

podríem veure moviments. I la gran pregunta

we could see movements. And the big question

que us faig, i vaig obrir

What shall I do for you, and I opened.

un maló molt gordo, que sé que no toca i no té res a veure

a very fat maló, which I know doesn't fit and has nothing to do with it

amb el Gran Premi de Zerbaian, però jo el vaig obrir.

with the Grand Prix of Zerbaian, but I opened it.

Max Verstappen

Max Verstappen



que vol anar a Stone Martin.

He wants to go to Stone Martin.

Max Verstappen, primer de tot, té la palla

Max Verstappen, first of all, has the straw.

pel mànec, sempre. Crec jo.

through the handle, always. I believe so.

Si Max Verstappen va a

If Max Verstappen goes to

Stone Martin, qui va fora?

Stone Martin, who is going outside?




I suppose.

El fill del

The son of the



O doncs...

Oh then...

Alonso i Verstappen al mateix equip?

Alonso and Verstappen in the same team?


It would be cool.

Molaria bastant.

It would hurt quite a bit.


Will it happen?

No ho sé.

I don't know.

No ho tinc tan clar.

I don't have it so clear.

No ho tinc tan clar. Aviam,

I'm not so sure about it. Let's see,

la lògica seria que Estrol se'n va fora.

The logic would be that Estrol is going away.

I si fos qualsevol altre equip, Estrol se'n va fora.

And if it were any other team, Estrol would be out.

Sent el fill del jefe?

Are you the boss's son?

Si més no,

At least,

em genera un interrogant.

It raises a question for me.

Ara, em sembla, també et diré,

Now, it seems to me, I will also tell you,

que és una locura fer fora Fernando Alonso

it is madness to throw out Fernando Alonso

per ficar Verstappen, eh?

to put Verstappen in, huh?

És loquíssim.

He is very talkative.

Seria boig, eh?

It would be crazy, huh?

Vull dir, és sonat.

I mean, it's crazy.

És sonat.

It's crazy.

És boig, eh? I és una cosa

He's crazy, isn't he? And it's something.



No, és que no vaig veure la prèvia de Dazón.

No, I didn't watch the preview on Dazón.

No la vaig veure. Estava segurament

I didn't see her. She was probably...

baixant pels troncos.

going down the trunks.

Llavors, no la vaig...

Then, I didn't...

El Silver River, Flume.

The Silver River, Flume.

No el vaig veure.

I didn't see him/her.

Però és cert que...

But it is true that...

és una cosa que pot...

it's something that can...

Si s'hi està parlant,

If it is being talked about,

jo xerro sobre el xerrat,

I chatter about the chattered,



No dic que hagi de passar,

I'm not saying it has to happen,

però sí

but yes

que em genera més dubte

that generates more doubt for me

del que la gent pugui creure.

of what people may believe.

A mi em genera més dubte

It generates more doubt for me.

i no tinc massa clar

and I'm not too clear

si està tan clar

if it is so clear

que qui va fora és Lance Estrol.

that outside is Lance Estrol.

Bàsicament perquè és el fill del jefe.

Basically because he is the boss's son.

I Aston Martin és la joguineta

The Aston Martin is the toy.

del nen

of the child

i del papa.

and of the pope.

És gent molt rica, eh?

They are very rich people, huh?

I els rics tenen

And the rich have

coses molt rares, gent.

very strange things, folks.

Coses molt rares.

Very strange things.

Dèries molt estranyes.

Very strange duties.

Pensa que és gent amb diners.

They think they are people with money.

Però no diners d'aquell

But not money from that.

amic que tothom té,

a friend that everyone has,

que té una mica més de pasta,

that has a little more dough,

i que quan de tant en tant

and that when from time to time

us convida a una ronda de birres

invites you to a round of beers

i dius

and you say

Gràcies, tio.

Thanks, dude.

Té una mica més de...

It has a little more of...

Remena una mica més, cobra una mica més...

Stir a little more, charge a little more...

I de tant en tant us convida.

And now and then it invites you.

No estem parlant d'això.

We are not talking about that.

No és l'amic amb piscina.

He is not the friend with the pool.

No, no, no.

No, no, no.

O sigui, estem parlant d'un altre nivell.

So, we're talking about another level.

De iot, helicòpter...

From yacht, helicopter...



Es va comprar una marca de cotxes.

He bought a car brand.

O sigui, el tio va anar al concessionari

So, the guy went to the dealership.

i va dir, què val Aston Martin?

He asked, how much is Aston Martin?

I li van dir, 500.000 euros.

And they told him, 500,000 euros.

M'has entès? No.

Did you understand me? No.

No vull un Aston Martin.

I don't want an Aston Martin.

He dit Aston Martin. Què val?

I said Aston Martin. How much does it cost?

No, un Aston Martin. No, no, no.

No, an Aston Martin. No, no, no.

He dit Aston Martin. Què val?

I said Aston Martin. How much is it?

Què val, què val?

What is it worth, what is it worth?

Vull dir...

I mean...

Estem parlant de gent...

We are talking about people...

Molts diners! Moltíssims!

A lot of money! A whole lot!

No vull ni saber

I don't even want to know.

el banc sabadell d'aquesta gent, la veritat.

The Sabadell Bank of these people, the truth.

Per tant,


no tinc tan clar que el canvi fos

I don't have that clear that the change was.

Verstappen per Stroll

Verstappen for Stroll

que s'anés a jugar a tenis.

to go play tennis.

Efectivament, el papa

Indeed, the pope

li ha comprat dos equips de Fórmula 1,

he has bought him two Formula 1 teams,

una marca de cotxes, una fàbrica

a car brand, a factory

des de zero i un túnel del vent.

from zero and a wind tunnel.

I ha portat el

It has brought me the

constructor de l'ego més important

builder of the most important ego

de tots, Adrian Newey.

Above all, Adrian Newey.

Per tant,


és la joguina del nen i del papa, eh?

It's the toy of the boy and the dad, huh?

Vull dir que no, estem parlant de coses

I mean no, we are talking about things.

molt serioses. Bueno, divertit.

very serious. Well, fun.

Jo la veritat és que crispetes,

The truth is that popcorn,

com que tampoc estic obsessionat

since I am not obsessed either

amb el tercer

with the third

de Fernando Alonso, com sí que ho està

of Fernando Alonso, as yes, it is

el Meller.

the Meller.

O amb la 33, com sí que ho està el Meller.

Or with the 33, as Meller is.

Una mica de crispetes, a veure

A little popcorn, let's see.

què passarà. I m'agradaria

what will happen. And I would like

que Max Verstappen anés a

that Max Verstappen went to

Stonemartin. I, de fet, a mi m'agradaria

Stonemartin. In fact, I would like to.

que Verstappen

that Verstappen

estigués amb Alonso al mateix equip i

I was with Alonso on the same team and

amb Adrian Newey. Veiem què passaria.

with Adrian Newey. Let's see what would happen.

Molt bé.

Very well.

Puc parlar d'Oliver Bergman, ja?

Can I talk about Oliver Bergman now?

O encara no? Va, anem a escoltar el sobre abans de

Or not yet? Come on, let's listen to the envelope first before

parlar d'Oliver Bergman, perquè ha trencat

talk about Oliver Bergman, because he has broken up

un rècord històric.

a historic record.

És ara mateix, si em pregunteu, el millor

It is right now, if you ask me, the best.

pilot de la història.

pilot of history.

El millor pilot de la història, és.

The best pilot in history is.

Si em pregunteu,

If you ask me,

ja ho és.

It already is.

A secció del Martí

The section of Martí

Sogranyes. Dos minuts trenta. Déu-n'hi-do.

Sogranyes. Two minutes thirty. Goodness.



Norman i gent del Bandera Blava.

Norman and people from the Blue Flag.

Aquesta setmana sí que treballo,

This week I do work.

perquè no m'ho va banyar Ferrari.

because Ferrari didn't bathe me.

Per tant, em toca currar-me aquí

Therefore, I have to work for it here.

l'àudio, i començaré

the audio, and I will start

un àudio de WhatsApp.

a WhatsApp audio.

Vull dir, un àudio de WhatsApp.

I mean, a WhatsApp audio.

Ho vaig a fer, s'ha de currar. Vull dir,

I'm going to do it, you have to work hard. I mean,



És igual. Bé, doncs, explicant-los,

It doesn't matter. Well, then, explaining to them,

que crec que ja són les claus

I think these are the keys already.

que avui estigui fent aquesta nota de veu,

that I'm making this voice note today,

i és que, primer de tot,

and it is that, first of all,

on es va escapar la victòria de Leclerc?

Where did Leclerc's victory slip away?

El primer punt... L'avançament.

The first point... The advancement.

L'entercat que tira Piastri,

The overtake that Piastri pulls off,

que li tira, perquè anteriorment

that he/she is upset, because previously

li tira Pérez a ell, no sé com

Pérez throws it at him, I don't know how.

encara, ho hauria de revisar, però no sé com

Still, I should review it, but I don't know how.

encara Leclerc perd un cap de sis segons

Leclerc is still losing six seconds.

que tenia obert, tenint

that I had open, having

Piastri just darrere.

Piastri just behind.

I la segona, la que diu

And the second one, the one that says

Leclerc, ho va dir ell mateix després de la cursa,

Leclerc said it himself after the race,

que no s'esperava l'avançament

that she did not expect the advance

de Piastri, i això no va defensar-lo.

of Piastri, and this did not defend him.

Que si no,

That if not,

jo crec que podia guanyar

I believe I could win.

Leclerc, aquesta cursa.

Leclerc, this race.

I meiaia, si tingués rodes...

And if I had wheels...

Després de tot això, l'accident de Sainz i Pérez,

After all this, the accident of Sainz and Pérez,



Una hora de podcast!

One hour of podcast!

No s'ha ni parlat de l'accident de

There has not even been a mention of the accident of

Pérez i Carlos Sainz.

Pérez and Carlos Sainz.

Després perquè algú digui

Later so that someone says

que el Bandera Blava és un podcast de clickbait

that the Blue Flag is a clickbait podcast

no sé què, perquè després el Meller diu coses

I don't know what, because then Meller says things.

d'aquestes i tal...

of these and such...

Després digueu. No n'hem ni parlat.

Then say. We haven't even talked about it.

Ni me'n recordava, ja.

I didn’t even remember it anymore.

Paraula per paraula, el document de la Fiat,

Word for word, the document from Fiat,

perquè no hi ha hagut sanció,

because there has been no penalty,

que és accident de cursa.

what is a racing accident.

Paraula per paraula, si voleu saber-ho,

Word for word, if you want to know it,

llegeix i ja està. No, llegeix-lo tu!

Read it and that's it. No, you read it!

Felicità també, enhorabona a

Happiness as well, congratulations to

Kickstarter. Han aconseguit

Kickstarter. They have achieved

ser els

to be the

que han fet la parada més ràpida aquest cap

that have made the fastest pit stop this weekend

de setmana. 2'31.

of the week. 2'31.

Bueno, bueno, bueno.

Well, well, well.

Això va...

This goes...

Ara només falta que el cotxe vagui ràpid,

Now we just need the car to go fast.

perquè ara ja a boxes ja va bé,

because now it's alright in the pits,

ara falta que el cotxe vagui endavant.

Now it needs to move forward.

Creixendo, ja, aquests treballs

Growing, yes, these works.

a boxes de l'equip Sauber.

at the boxes of the Sauber team.

Un equip Sauber que, per cert,

A Sauber team that, by the way,

queden, sabem,

remain, we know,

dos llocs disponibles

two places available

a l'església per l'any que ve.

to the church for next year.

Un és, bueno, Avisa Caixat

One is, well, Avisa Caixat.

BRB Toro Rosso,

BRB Toro Rosso,



suposadament anunciaran a l'AUSON aquesta setmana.

They are supposedly going to announce it at AUSON this week.

I després queda el lloc a Sauber.

And then there is the spot at Sauber.

Ha dit? Anunciaran a l'AUSON aquesta setmana?

Has he said? Will they announce it at the AUSON this week?

Sí, de fet, diu tothom

Yes, in fact, everyone says so.

que està bastant fet. I em sembla molt lògic.

that is quite done. And it seems very logical to me.

Sauber, molts pretendents

Sauber, many suitors.

per aquest seient. Sauber.

for this seat. Sauber.

Si suma ara Colapinto, jo crec que fa

If Colapinto sums up now, I think it does.

un mes segurament

one month probably

no estava a les quinieles i

it was not in the pools and

ara és sobre aquesta possibilitat.

Now it is about this possibility.

Un Colapinto que va fer molt bé,

A Colapinto that did very well,

igual que Berman,

just like Berman,

també puntuant els dos.

also scoring both.

Bé, una cursa

Well, a race.

en general molt bona, com les que estem tenint

Overall very good, like the ones we are having.

aquest any, que estem tenint una temporada

this year, we are having a season



Llàstima, llàstima que, bueno,

What a pity, what a pity that, well,

que sí que hi ha lluita pel Mundial, però

that there is indeed a fight for the World Cup, but

no és lluita igualada de

it is not an even fight of

ara que em va primer aquest

now that I go first this

d'allò, si no risc

of that, if I don't take a risk

pot atrepar per estar fent

"Can you stop for being?"

la temporada, però les curses que estem veient

the season, but the races that we are seeing

aquest any estan sent increïbles

this year has been amazing

i jo dic que

and I say that

feia anys que no veiem una temporada així.

We hadn't seen a season like this in years.

Així que tots a disfrutar, i aquest cap de setmana,

So everyone enjoy, and this weekend,

a Singapur, senyors. Vinga, ens veiem.

To Singapore, gentlemen. Come on, see you.

Molt bé, Sucre, moltes gràcies.

Very well, Sucre, thank you very much.

Bessis de fressis per tu

Kisses of freshness for you



Que, per cert,

That, by the way,

és que ara que ha dit de Sauber,

it's just that now that he has said about Sauber,

Sauber, o sigui,

Clean, that is,

si no m'equivoco, Valtteri Bottas

if I'm not mistaken, Valtteri Bottas

té el Mundial després del Gran Premi

he has the World Cup after the Grand Prix

de Singapur, el fin de següent.

from Singapore, the end of next.

Crec que és quan té el Mundial de

I think it is when he has the World Cup of

ciclisme d'aquell, eh?

That cycling, huh?

Crec que és aquell cap de setmana.

I think it's that weekend.

Hi ha hagut una cosa, hi ha una cosa molt

There has been one thing, there is a very thing

interessant que ha dit

interesting that he/she has said

el Sucre, i és que estem tenint una meravellosa temporada

the Sugar, and we are having a wonderful season

que no se sap qui guanyarà el proper Gran Premi.

that it is unknown who will win the next Grand Prix.

Primer de tot, perquè

First of all, because

el Gran Premi de

the Grand Prix of

Singapur, històricament,

Singapore, historically,

és un circuit on el cotxe

it is a circuit where the car

que va bé tot l'any va malament

What goes well all year goes wrong.

a Singapur, vale?

to Singapore, okay?

Històricament això passa.

Historically, this happens.

El cotxe que va bé a tots els circuits, allà

The car that works well on all circuits, there.

va malament. Per tant, si ens aferrem a això,

it is going wrong. Therefore, if we cling to this,



no hauria de ser el principal favorit

should not be the main favorite

per Singapur.

for Singapore.

En teoria,

In theory,

per la Fórmula 1, mai són dos.

For Formula 1, it's never two.

Eh, veurem, veurem què és el

Eh, we'll see, we'll see what it is.

que passa, però ara mateix, si em fan dir

What's happening, but right now, if you make me say.

qui guanya el proper Gran Premi, podria ser

who wins the next Grand Prix, could be

Piastri, sí. Leclerc,

Piastri, yes. Leclerc,

sí. Russell,

yes. Russell,

sí. Norris, sí.

Yes. Norris, yes.

Verstappen, sí. Alonso.

Verstappen, yes. Alonso.

Mmm, va, complicat.

Mmm, come on, complicated.

Però bueno, a la Fórmula

But well, to Formula

1 poden passar coses, però així de saque,

1. Things can happen, but just like that,

el Red Bull, els Ferrari, els McLaren

the Red Bull, the Ferrari, the McLaren

i els Mercedes, aquests quatre, poden guanyar

And the Mercedes, these four, can win.

el proper Gran Premi. I això passarà

the next Grand Prix. And that will happen

fins a la final de la temporada. Fa pinta.

until the end of the season. It looks promising.

I és meravellós.

And it is wonderful.

Ha parlat d'Oliver Bergman. Oliver Bergman

He has talked about Oliver Bergman. Oliver Bergman.

és el primer pilot en tota

he is the first pilot in all

la història

the history

que puntua en la mateixa

that scores the same

temporada amb dos equips diferents.

season with two different teams.

Per tant, Oliver Bergman,

Therefore, Oliver Bergman,

si tenim en compte que

if we take into account that

l'important és

the important thing is

el pilot i tenim en compte

the pilot and keep in mind



adaptar-se a cotxes diferents és molt

adapting to different cars is very

complicat, és el millor pilot de la història.

Complicated, he is the best pilot in history.

Mai ningú ha fet això.

No one has ever done this.

És el millor.

He is the best.

Si mai ha passat això, és que és el millor.

If this has ever happened, it means it is the best.


You know?

I em direu, bueno, herman,

And you will tell me, well, brother,

però no és habitual córrer amb dos

but it is not usual to run with two

equips a la mateixa temporada.

teams in the same season.

Ja, ja. Però

Yes, yes. But

ell ho ha fet. Ell ho ha fet.

He has done it. He has done it.

Ja està, és el millor. Ja està.

That's it, it's the best. That's it.

És el millor, tio. Sí o no? Millor.

He's the best, dude. Yes or no? Better.

Millor. Si és el primer que ho fa, és

Better. If it's the first one to do it, it is

el millor, tio. Ja està. Oliver Bergman, l'any que ve,

the best, dude. That's it. Oliver Bergman, next year,

guanya el Mundial

wins the World Cup

amb Has Ferrari.

with Has Ferrari.

No, la veritat és que

No, the truth is that

hi ha una cosa bastant curiosa

there is something quite curious

i és que si mireu

and it's that if you look

el Volta a Volta,

the Turn to Turn,

Oliver Bergman, en el

Oliver Bergman, in the

moment en què Carlos Sainz i

moment in which Carlos Sainz and

Checo Pérez xoquen,

Checo Pérez crashes,

en el moment en què xoquen,

at the moment they collide,

és tretzè.

It is thirteenth.

És tretzè.

It's thirteenth.


They throw.

tots els replays

all the replays

de la Fórmula 1, tots de

from Formula 1, all of

l'Ajuntament, tots, tots, tots. I quan s'acaba el replay,

the Town Hall, all, all, all. And when the replay ends,

Bergman és tretzè.

Bergman is thirteenth.

No he trobat el moviment. No l'he trobat.

I haven't found the movement. I haven't found it.

No l'he trobat.

I haven't found it.

No sé com va avançar el seu company d'equip.

I don't know how her teammate progressed.

Ningú ho sap. Bueno,

No one knows. Well,

algú ho hauria de veure. Però

someone should see it. But

no he sigut capaç de trobar

I have not been able to find.

l'avançament d'Oliver Bergman al seu company d'equip.

Oliver Bergman's advance on his teammate.

No l'he trobat. El tio

I haven't found him. The guy.

anava tretzè. I el tio que va

I was thirteenth. And the guy who goes.

tretzè. Abandonen dos per davant,

thirteenth. They leave two ahead,

hi ha un avançament, però és que

there is a breakthrough, but it is that

Hamilton avança Hülkenberg i

Hamilton overtakes Hülkenberg and

Bergman avança Hülkenberg.

Bergman passes Hülkenberg.

Repeteixo. En el moment

I repeat. At the moment.

en què impacten

what they impact

amb el mur, és tretzè.

with the wall, it is thirteenth.

I en el moment en què s'acaben els replays,

And at the moment when the replays end,

és dezè. Vale?

It's ten. Okay?

No he trobat l'avançament. No el van repetir enlloc.

I haven't found the advance. They didn't repeat it anywhere.

No ho sé. El va avançar

I don't know. He overtook him.

i, per tant, gigi. Va acabar

And so, Gigi. It ended.

tres dècimes, de fet,

three tenths, in fact,

Hülkenberg de Bergman. No tenim en compte

Hülkenberg of Bergman. We do not take into account.

aquí els temps pel tema que van acabar amb Virtual Safety Car.

Here are the times for the topic that ended with Virtual Safety Car.

I ja està, eh?

And that's it, right?

Però el va avançar.

But he overtook him.

O sigui, és una cosa que m'ha sobtat molt

So, it's something that has surprised me a lot.

perquè, clar, jo anava mirant la...

because, of course, I was looking at the...

Ja us he dit que l'he vist repetit

I have already told you that I have seen it repeated.




of this,

la cursa.

the race.

I, clar, era la volta cinquanta

I, of course, was the fiftieth turn.

i dic, però si va tres dècimes, com collons

I say, but if it goes three tenths, how the hell?

ha acabat de ser aquest tio? I no hi ha manera de

Has this guy just finished? And there’s no way to

veure com va ser l'avançament.

see how the progress was.

En tot cas, és sorprenent.

In any case, it is surprising.



molt, molt, molt a prop d'Alex Albon

very, very, very close to Alex Albon

tot el cap de setmana,

all weekend,

i Bergman, per davant,

and Bergman, in front,

tot el cap de setmana, de Nico Hülkenberg.

all the weekend, by Nico Hülkenberg.

Que em dius,

What do you say to me,

Oliver Bergman per davant

Oliver Bergman in front

de Kevin Magnussen. M'ho podria arribar

from Kevin Magnussen. Could you get me there?

a creure, perquè Kevin Magnussen està tenint

to believe, because Kevin Magnussen is having

aquest any un rendiment una mica més baix

this year a slightly lower yield

que Nico Hülkenberg. És veritat que Hülkenberg

that Nico Hülkenberg. Is it true that Hülkenberg

en les últimes curses no està gaire bé, però

in the last races he/she hasn't been doing very well, but

no deixa de ser sorprenent que un tio

it is still surprising that a guy

que debuta

that debuts

amb el... amb el Haas

with the... with the Haas



amb el que costa puntuar amb un Haas

with how hard it is to score points with a Haas

i Hülkenberg es quedi fora

and Hülkenberg is left out

dels punts. Molt a prop, sí,

of the points. Very close, yes,

per fora. Espectacular,

on the outside. Spectacular,

Oliver Bergman. La veritat és que se li dona

Oliver Bergman. The truth is that he is good at it.

millor la F1 que la F2. O sigui, a la F2

better F1 than F2. That is, in F2

no li van gaire bé les coses. De fet,

things are not going very well for him/her. In fact,

no sé, porta ja set punts,

I don't know, he/she already has seven points.

si no m'equivoco, a la...

If I'm not mistaken, at the...

al Mundial de Fórmula 1.

to the Formula 1 World Championship.

Oliver Bergman, set punts.

Oliver Bergman, seven points.

Porta Oliver Bergman.

Oliver Bergman door.

I a la F2,

And in the F2,

òbviament en porta bastants més, eh?

obviously it brings quite a few more, right?

Però, però,

But, but,

bueno, que la cosa no està tampoc gaire,

Well, things aren't looking too good either.

gaire, gaire d'això.

hardly, hardly that.

Mal cap de setmana de Lewis Hamilton, que és

Bad weekend for Lewis Hamilton, which is

novè, bastant superat pel seu

ninth, quite surpassed by his

company d'equip. Bon cap de setmana dels Williams,

team company. Have a good weekend from the Williams,

n'hem parlat. Pierre Gasly,

We've talked about it. Pierre Gasly,

no sé què va fer. Ricciardo,

I don't know what he did. Ricciardo,

doncs, els onda, els

well, the waves, the

Red Bull Toro Rosso,

Red Bull Toro Rosso,

no sé què. P13,

I don't know what. P13,

bastant lluny, diguem, de

fairly far, let's say, from

de davant, i ve un tall bastant

from the front, and a fairly sharp cut comes.

important, diguem, a partir

important, let’s say, starting from

del tretzè, és a dir, a l'onzè,

from the thirteenth, that is, to the eleventh,

al final, a Nico Hülkenberg, ve un tall bastant

In the end, Nico Hülkenberg sees quite a cut.

important. A darrere, amb Zuanyo,

important. Behind, with Zuanyo,

Esteban Ocon, Valtteri Bottas, doncs

Esteban Ocon, Valtteri Bottas, then.

que van acabar sense,

that ended without,

bueno, doblats, fins i tot Ocon

well, doubled, even Ocon

i Bottas, però vaja, molt, molt, molt

And Bottas, but wow, very, very, very.

lluny dels punts.

far from the points.

Checo Pérez i Carlos Sainz.

Checo Pérez and Carlos Sainz.

Carlos Sainz va fer una cursa

Carlos Sainz had a race.

excel·lent, el mateix que Checo Pérez.

excellent, the same as Checo Pérez.

Jo, fins i tot et diré que

I will even tell you that

sorprenent, la cursa de

surprising, the race of

Checo. Sorprenent.

Checo. Surprising.

Perquè a la sortida

Because at the exit

avança Carlos,

go ahead Carlos,



i és algo que

and it is something that

no acabo de, o sigui,

I don't really finish, I mean,

racionalment és complicat

Rationally it is complicated.

d'entendre el que ha passat aquest cap de setmana

to understand what happened this weekend

amb el Red Bull. Racionalment.

with the Red Bull. Rationally.

Extra de motivació

Extra motivation

per Checo Pérez? Per què?

For Checo Pérez? Why?

Perquè li mola el circuit?

Why does he/she like the circuit?



sí, però

yes, but

tant, tant

so much, so much

per davant de Max Verstappen

in front of Max Verstappen

i tant el canvi amb altres

and so the change with others

circuits, tio, avançant

circuits, dude, advancing

en sortida, mantenint una P3,

on departure, maintaining a P3,

sent tan agressiu, fent una

being so aggressive, making a

molt bona quali...

very good quality...

Checo Pérez, qui en sòs?

Checo Pérez, who is he?

És una mica inexplicable, és una mica com...

It's a bit inexplicable, it's a bit like...

No sé

I don't know.

gaire com definir

hardly define

això. Un miratge?

This. A mirage?

Un canvi de paradigma?

A paradigm shift?

Set-up fet a mida per Checo Pérez?

Custom set-up for Checo Pérez?

O sigui, cotxe muntat a mida per

So, custom-built car for

Checo Pérez? No sé...

Checo Pérez? I don't know...

Podria ser, podria ser...

It could be, it could be...



No sé...

I don't know...

És molt, molt, molt...

It is very, very, very...

Se li ha donat molt bé el circuit, però

The circuit has gone very well for him, but


so much...

veurem a Singapur. Crec que no hi ha

We'll see in Singapore. I don't think there is.

més. O sigui, tant bé

more. I mean, so good

se li ha donat... O sigui, tanta és la diferència.

It has been given to him... So, such is the difference.

Curiós, però també a nivell

Curious, but also on a level

mental, molt bé. Tot i que

mental, very good. Although

anem a posar un paró, que és

let's take a break, which is

amb l'accident amb Carlos Sainz.

with the accident involving Carlos Sainz.



És molt complicat. És el típic accident

It's very complicated. It's the typical accident.

que jo... Anem a veure...

that I... Let's see...

De qui és culpa? Tu ets la fia,

Whose fault is it? You are the daughter.

de qui és culpa? Que això se'm dóna bé.

Whose fault is it? I'm good at this.

Aviam, és el típic accident

Let's see, it's the typical accident.

que jo, si fos

that I, if I were

a iRacing, us diria que és culpa

In iRacing, I would say it's your fault.

de que la gent no

that people do not

té vista on està

has a view of this

l'altra gent. És a dir, la gent no...

the other people. That is to say, people do not...

Error de càlcul. I em cagarien tot

Calculation error. And they would mess everything up for me.

jo a iRacing amb un accident així. I també

me in iRacing with an accident like that. And also

diria que és culpa del fob, de la

I would say it's the fault of the fob, of the

pantalla que tu

screen that you

veus. O sigui, del tros de cotxe

you see. I mean, the piece of car

que tu veus i de les distàncies.

that you see and of the distances.



la realitat és

the reality is

que tinc la sensació que

that I have the feeling that

hi ha un punt més... Per mi,

there is one more point... For me,

hi ha un

there is a

punt més de...

point more than...

És res d'incident, no

It's nothing to worry about, right?

en tinc cap dubte,

I have no doubt about it,

no crec que sigui sancionable.

I don't think it is subject to sanction.

Però crec que hi ha un punt més de culpa

But I think there is one more point of guilt.

o de poder...

or to be able...

Aviam, a mi no m'agrada gens aquesta

Let's see, I don't like this at all.

frase de... No, és que podries haver

sentence of... No, it's just that you could have

evitat l'accident? Ja, i si no corro tampoc

Avoided the accident? Yes, and if I don't run, neither.

xoco, m'entens?

choco, do you understand me?

Però és cert que

But it is true that

tots dos podrien haver fet més per

both could have done more for

evitar l'accident. No compro

avoid the accident. I don't buy it

la teoria de que Checo Pérez

the theory that Checo Pérez

veu més a Carlos Sainz que a Carlos

you see more of Carlos Sainz than of Carlos

Sainz pel retrovisor, perquè això no...

Sainz in the rearview mirror, because this is not...

No, no, perquè jo sempre explico

No, no, because I always explain.

que tu, quan avances

that you, when you move forward

o quan defenses, tota l'estona

or when you defend, all the time

encara que no el veguis pel retrovisor,

even if you don't see it in the rearview mirror,

has de tenir present que allà hi ha un cotxe.

You must keep in mind that there is a car there.

Allà hi ha un cotxe. Això ho hem

There is a car over there. We have this.

explicat milers de vegades a iRacing,

explained thousands of times in iRacing,

ens hi hem trobat milers de vegades al iRacing,

we have met there thousands of times in iRacing,

i sempre diem

And we always say

que encara que tu no el vegis, tu has

that even if you don't see it, you have

de saber on està l'altre cotxe.

to know where the other car is.

I és una capacitat molt important al món

And it is a very important ability in the world.

del iRacing, perquè també hi ha molts

from iRacing, because there are also many

angles morts. Jo no sé si està a l'angle mort,

blind spots. I don't know if it is in the blind spot,

si no està a l'angle mort, si...

if it's not in the blind spot, if...

Que no està a l'angle mort perquè el veu, o sigui

That it's not in the blind spot because he sees it, I mean.

que t'ha enganxat. L'ha de veure per nassos.

It has caught you. You have to see it, no matter what.

Però és igual. Per tant,

But it doesn't matter. Therefore,

no compro gens aquesta

I don't buy this at all.

teoria de que Checo

theory that Checo

el veu més i no sé què. No.

I see him more and I don't know what. No.

No crec que sigui així.

I don't think that's the case.

Per altra banda,

On the other hand,

per tant no li dono més culpa

therefore I don't blame him/her anymore

a Checo, però per altra banda sí que penso

to Checo, but on the other hand, I do think so.

que Checo es fica a la gola del llop.

that Checo gets into the wolf's throat.

És a dir,

That is to say,

què creia,

what did you think,

o sigui, què buscava Checo Pérez

So, what was Checo Pérez looking for?

fent això?

doing this?


To choke him.

és una recta que va una mica

It is a line that goes a little.

cap a l'esquerra, fer menys metres

to the left, cover fewer meters



És estrany. El moviment és estrany

It's strange. The movement is strange.



Busquen tots dos el rebuf de

They both seek the breath of

de Leclerc.

of Leclerc.

Tinc la sensació que només

I have the feeling that only

amb el DRS, Checo Pérez ja hagués

with the DRS, Checo Pérez would have already

avançat a Carlos Sainz, i crec que

I advanced Carlos Sainz, and I think that

és una maniobra arriscada, el fet de

it's a risky maneuver, the fact of

anar tan, tan, tan a prop

to go so, so, so close

en aquella...

in that...

allà, no? I és cert,

there, right? And it's true,

en tot moment deixa espai per Sainz, ja, però Sainz

at all times leaves space for Sainz, yes, but Sainz

està per davant i...

is ahead and...

És complex, és complex,

It's complex, it's complex.

és el que tenen els circuits urbans. Si fos una recta,

it is what urban circuits have. If it were a straight line,

recta no hauria passat. Si fos recta, recta,

straight would not have passed. If it were straight, straight,

no crec que hagués passat

I don't think it would have happened.

res. Les línies segurament, a més,

nothing. The lines probably, in addition,

en lloc d'ajudar, deuen confondre

instead of helping, they must be confusing

els pilots, perquè les línies no ben bé

the pilots, because the lines are not quite right

tu les has de seguir, d'acord?

You have to follow them, okay?

He vist fins i tot vídeos

I've even seen videos.

a Twitter de gent

to Twitter of people

que agafa l'F-24 amb la

that takes the F-24 with the

traçada ideal.

ideal trajectory.

Amb la traçada ideal.

With the ideal trajectory.

Dient, no, és que

Saying, no, it's that

la traçada ideal és per

the ideal line is for



Gent agafant un videojoc de EA Sports?

People grabbing an EA Sports video game?



Per justificar

To justify

un accident i una línia?

An accident and a line?

Aviam, sisplau, gent, sigueu una mica seriosos.

Let's see, please, people, be a little serious.

Està molt bé lo de l'humor i els memes i tal,

The humor and memes and all that are very good,

però no em feu això

but don't do this to me

i aneu en sèrio.

Are you serious?

No m'agafeu el joc del Fórmula 1 per justificar-me

Don't use the Formula 1 game to justify me.

de qui és culpa. Aviam, senyores,

whose fault it is. Let's see, ladies,

una mica de serietat, que ja som grans, eh?

A little seriousness, we're grown-ups now, right?

Per tant, bueno,

Therefore, well,

jo per mi és un incident de cursa.

For me, it's a racing incident.

Crec que, repeteixo, eh,

I think that, I repeat, eh,

lo de... lo de...

the... the...

Podria haver fet

I could have done.

més per evitar, no és...

more to avoid, it is not...

no és...

it is not...

culpatori, perquè, repeteixo,

blameful, because, I repeat,

qui podria haver fet més per evitar?

Who could have done more to prevent it?

Bueno, si Checo Pérez no corre a la cursa

Well, if Checo Pérez doesn't race in the race.

també podria haver fet més per evi...

I could also have done more to avoid...

hagués fet més per evitar l'accident.

I should have done more to prevent the accident.

M'enteneu? O sigui, no, no, no d'això.

Do you understand me? I mean, no, no, not that.

Però tinc la sensació que

But I have the feeling that

Checo Pérez

Checo Pérez

podria haver...

could have...

Diguem, és arriscat, si més no,

Let's say, it's risky, at least,

anar tan, tan, tan a prop en una recta

to go so, so, so close in a straight line

i tal,

and so on,

que fa curva...

that bends...

El problema és que té molt mala sort

The problem is that he/she has really bad luck.

i toca en roda amb roda,

and it touches wheel with wheel,

que és algo que és bastant excepcional,

that is something quite exceptional,

per contrari de què pugui semblar,

contrary to what it may seem,

és bastant excepcional, diguem, aquest toc.

It's quite exceptional, let's say, this touch.



és un petit toc xapa-xapa,

it's a little tap tap,

que es toquen una mica

that they touch each other a little

les rodes, i igual

the wheels, and likewise

algú punxa, però...

someone pokes, but...

però va ser bastant heavy

but it was quite intense

el toc, i...

the touch, and...

i no crec que sigui pas

and I don't think it is at all

culpa de ningú,

nobody's fault,

és culpa dels dos, a parts iguals,

it's both of their fault, equally.



perquè Carlos fa un moviment,

because Carlos makes a move,

la seva trajectòria és cap

its trajectory is towards

a l'esquerra, és a dir, bàsicament es creuen

to the left, that is to say, they basically intersect

les dues trajectòries, i ningú fa res per evitar-la.

the two trajectories, and no one does anything to prevent it.

Ningú fa res per corregir

Nobody does anything to correct it.

aquest possible impacte,

this possible impact,

llavors ja està.

so that's it.



no passa res, són coses que passen.

It's okay, these things happen.

Magnus es va pillar a Monaco per això.

Magnus got caught in Monaco because of that.

Sí, efectivament, i Magnussen no va córrer aquest cap de setmana

Yes, indeed, and Magnussen did not race this weekend.

per culpa d'aquest...

because of this...

d'un d'aquests accidents d'aquest estil.

of one of these types of accidents.

El més divertit ha sigut el Rage

The most fun has been the Rage.

entre espanyols i mexicans. Bueno,

between Spaniards and Mexicans. Well,

ja ve d'enllà, també,

it's coming from over there, too,

aquest piquet.

this picket.

Bueno, gent, això ha sigut una miqueta

Well, folks, that has been a little bit

el Gran Premi de Zerbaian.

the Grand Prix of Zerbaian.

El proper Gran Premi, el de

The next Grand Prix, that of

Singapur, jo crec que

Singapore, I believe that

serà bastant espectacular. Ara us cantaré una miqueta

it will be quite spectacular. Now I will sing a little for you.

els horaris, però abans anem a parlar de la NASCAR,

the schedules, but first let's talk about NASCAR,

perquè la setmana passada vaig córrer jo a la NASCAR,

because last week I raced in NASCAR,

a la Nice, ahir, racing,

in Nice, yesterday, racing,


the official.



i això, a Watkins Glen

and this, in Watkins Glen

se'm va adonar bastant malament.

I felt quite bad.

És molt difícil de conduir aquest cotxe i per tant

It is very difficult to drive this car and therefore

tinc ganes del Polaerium que ens explica

I am looking forward to the Polaerium that he tells us about.

per què estan a venti els play-offs de la

Why are the playoffs of the...

NASCAR. Han corregut aquesta setmana

NASCAR. They have raced this week.

a Watkins Glen, que no és un oval,

at Watkins Glen, which is not an oval,

és un circuit normal,

it's a normal circuit,

vale? Un circuit...

Okay? A circuit...

A més, aquests cotxes, doncs, bastant

Furthermore, these cars, therefore, quite

complicats, ja et dic, ahir racing els vaig estar portant

Complicated, I tell you, yesterday I was carrying them on racing.

a aquest circuit.

to this circuit.

És molt xungo, tio, s'escapen molt, és que una mica

It's really tough, man, they escape a lot, it's just a bit.

un toro desbocat, frenen poquíssim,

a wild bull, they stop very little,

es claven la roda moltíssim,

the wheel gets stuck a lot,

giren una merda, s'arrapen zero...

they spin a shit, they cling zero...



molt divertits, Polaeri,

very funny, Polaeri,

amb la seva secció. Bones NASCAR maniàtics,

with your section. Good NASCAR fanatics,

benvinguts a la millor secció del Bandera Blava,

welcome to the best section of the Blue Flag,

on parlarem de la millor categoria del motorsport,

we will talk about the best category of motorsport,

on no és una categoria sectària

it is not a sectarian category

i deixa córrer a corredors

and let runners run



d'altres categories del món del motor. Ah, sí?

of other categories in the world of motors. Oh, really?

Benvinguts a la secció Verde, Blanca,

Welcome to the section Green, White,

Quadres, on parlarem de la NASCAR

Frames, where we will talk about NASCAR.

en estat pur.

in pure state.

Bé, avui parlarem dels pilots

Well, today we will talk about the pilots.

que han corregut alguna temporada

that have run some season

a la categoria més sobrevalorada de la història,

in the most overrated category in history,

a.k.a. la Fórmula 1, i han

a.k.a. Formula 1, and they have

provat un cotxe de la NASCAR.

driven a NASCAR car.

El primer pilot en el qual

The first pilot in which

parlarem serà Juan Pablo

We will speak, it will be Juan Pablo.

Montoya, que va competir a la Fórmula 1

Montoya, who competed in Formula 1.

amb el Williams el 2001

with the Williams in 2001

i el 2004, i amb McLaren el 2005

and in 2004, and with McLaren in 2005

i el 2006.

and in 2006.

Una cosa, abans

One thing, before.

de seguir amb la secció del Pol, creieu que

If we continue with Pol's section, do you think that

Juan Pablo Montoya va córrer

Juan Pablo Montoya raced.

molts menys anys dels que

many fewer years than those that

tu recordes, eh? O sigui, dins el teu

Do you remember, huh? I mean, inside your

cap, Juan Pablo Montoya va córrer

No, Juan Pablo Montoya did not race.

moltes temporades,

many seasons,

i no va córrer tant, no?

And it didn't run that much, did it?

No, no, no, o sigui,

No, no, no, I mean,

era molt bo, però no va córrer

he was very good, but he didn't run

tant, eh? O sigui, és que és això, va córrer

So much, huh? I mean, that's it, he ran.

més estats units que la Fórmula 1, però tothom

more united states than Formula 1, but everyone

recorda molt la Fórmula 1, no ho sé, bueno, seguim.

It reminds me a lot of Formula 1, I don't know, well, let's continue.

Va competir, en aquest cas, a la

He competed, in this case, in the



quan va acabar la temporada de la

when the season of the ended

Fórmula 1, i va competir amb els caps

Formula 1, and he competed with the heads.

sèries entre el 2007 i el

series between 2007 and the

2013. Veus? Montoya va guanyar

2013. Do you see? Montoya won.

dues curses en aquests

two curses in these

anys. El següent

years. The following

pilot... És que potser va córrer més anys a la NASCAR

pilot... Maybe he ran more years in NASCAR.

que a la Fórmula 1, eh? Va, seguim.

So, in Formula 1, huh? Come on, let's continue.

Kimi Räikkönen, l'home de gel,

Kimi Räikkönen, the ice man,

campió del món de la Fórmula 1 del 2007,

2007 Formula 1 World Champion,

en el seu any sabàtic del

in his sabbatical year of

2011, va córrer

2011, he/she ran

en la categoria NASCAR

in the NASCAR category

Trackseries i Xfinity, exploradament,

Trackseries and Xfinity, exploration,

i el 2022 va

and in 2022 it goes

tornar a fer una carrera amb el

run a race with him again

cotxe de Trackhouse Racing

Trackhouse Racing car

al Watkinsland amb el NASCAR Capseries.

to Watkinsland with the NASCAR Cup Series.

Sóc un geni, gent, sóc un geni,

I am a genius, people, I am a genius.

perquè escolto la secció del Pol.

because I listen to Pol's section.

Jacques Villeneuve,

Jacques Villeneuve,

campió del 1997

champion of 1997

amb el Williams, també

with the Williams, too

va participar en diverses categories,

he participated in various categories,

en diverses curses de la

in several races of the

NASCAR Capseries i la Xfinity Series.

NASCAR Cup Series and the Xfinity Series.

Tot i que mai va tenir una presència

Although he/she never had a presence

completa, va competir

complete, competed

en algunes curses entre el 2007

in some races between 2007

i el 2013. El

and in 2013. The

2022 va tornar a fer

2022 did it again.

una cursa amb els NASCAR Capseries.

a race with the NASCAR Cup Series.



El 2022?

The 2022?

El 2022

The 2022

va córrer

he/she ran



Jacques Villeneuve

Jacques Villeneuve

amb un NASCAR?

with a NASCAR?



El 2022 va

In 2022 it goes

tornar a fer una

do it again

cursa amb els NASCAR Capseries.

race with the NASCAR Cup Series.

Mario Andretti,

Mario Andretti,

campió de la Fórmula 1

Formula 1 champion

en el 1978

in 1978

amb el Lotus,

with the Lotus,

va guanyar la Daytona 500

he won the Daytona 500

el 1967.


Nelson Piquet Jr.

Nelson Piquet Jr.

va competir a la Fórmula 1

he competed in Formula 1

amb el Renault entre el 2008

with the Renault between 2008

i el 2009,

in 2009,

i després de deixar la Fórmula 1

and after leaving Formula 1

el 2012.

in 2012.

Perquè va xocar al seu company d'equip?

Why did he collide with his teammate?

Perdó, perdó.

Sorry, sorry.

Seguidament, Dani Kvyat

Next, Dani Kvyat.

va competir amb Toro Rosso i Red Bull

he competed with Toro Rosso and Red Bull

entre el 2014 i el 2020,

between 2014 and 2020,

i va debutar a la NASCAR Capseries

He made his debut in the NASCAR Cup Series.

el 2022 amb l'equip Hesseberg.

the 2022 with the Hesseberg team.

Jenson Button,

Jenson Button,

campió del món de la Fórmula 1

Formula 1 world champion

amb els Brown GP

with the Brown GP

el 2009,

in 2009,

va córrer a la NASCAR el 2023

he raced in NASCAR in 2023

amb els NASCAR Capseries.

with the NASCAR Cup Series.

En 2023, Jenson Button

In 2023, Jenson Button

a la NASCAR Capseries.

to the NASCAR Cup Series.

I, finalment,

And finally,

Mika Saló

Mika Saló

va córrer a la Fórmula 1

he raced in Formula 1

amb els equips Terrier, Ferrari, Sauber

with the Terrier, Ferrari, Sauber teams

entre el 1994 i el 2002,

between 1994 and 2002,

i va córrer a la NASCAR,

and he raced in NASCAR,

va competir en algunes curses

he competed in some races

amb els NASCAR Track Series

with the NASCAR Track Series

el 2011.


Així doncs, aquí finalitza

Thus, it ends here.

la secció Verde Blanca Quadres.

the Green White Squares section.

Una abraçada a tots els fans

A hug to all the fans.

i futurs fans de la NASCAR.

and future NASCAR fans.

Fins ara!

See you!

Pensava que no ho diria, tio!

I thought you wouldn't say it, dude!

M'estava ratllant, tio!

I was losing it, dude!



Molt bona secció!

Very good section!

M'ha agradat molt!

I liked it a lot!

Jo us llenço una pregunta.

I throw you a question.

De tots els pilots

Of all the pilots

que hi ha ara mateix

what is happening right now

a la graella de Fórmula 1,

on the Formula 1 grid,

quin creieu que és

which one do you think it is

el més probable

the most likely

que corri

let it run

en un futur

in the future

curs de la NASCAR?

NASCAR course?

Una, com a mínim.

One, at least.

Jo ho tinc claríssim.

I have it very clear.

I és...

And it is...

Vatteri Bottas!

Valtteri Bottas!


Very clear!

Si té la cara allà, el bigoti i tot!

If he has his face there, the mustache and all!

Ho té fet!

It's done!

El Max no el veig, tio, a la NASCAR.

I don't see Max in NASCAR, man.

El Max al web, a fer coses d'aquestes,

Max on the web, doing things like this,

però a la NASCAR no el veig.

but I don't see him in NASCAR.

Hülkenberg, o Magnussen igual.

Hülkenberg or Magnussen as well.

Magnussen també, tio.

Magnussen too, man.

Mira, vosaltres esteu dient més Max Verstappen.

Look, you are saying more Max Verstappen.

Jo el Max a la NASCAR...

Me and Max at NASCAR...

No el veig tant, eh?

I don't see it that way, huh?

Massa yankees, eh?

Too many Yankees, huh?

Ha de ser...

It must be...

Ha de ser algú una mica...

It has to be someone a little...



Crec que Vatteri Bottas.

I believe Valtteri Bottas.

Vatteri Bottas o

Valtteri Bottas or

Kevin Magnussen igual, eh?

Kevin Magnussen too, huh?

Kevin Magnussen segurament l'any que ve

Kevin Magnussen probably next year.

el veurem a la IMSA o alguna cosa així.

We'll see him at the IMSA or something like that.

No sé si ho ha anunciat ja, eh?

I don't know if he/she has announced it already, huh?

A la IMSA a fer les 24 hores de la Daytona

At the IMSA for the 24 hours of Daytona.

i coses d'aquestes. Fa tota la pinta.

And things like that. It looks just like it.

Kevin Magnussen, que no ho descartaríem, eh?

Kevin Magnussen, who we wouldn't rule out, right?

O sigui, no em sembla

I mean, it doesn't seem to me.

gaire boig.

really crazy.

Bueno, gent, ens veiem al proper

Well, folks, we’ll see you at the next one.

Gran Premi, al proper Bandera Blava.

Grand Prix, at the next Blue Flag.

El proper Gran Premi és el de Singapur.

The next Grand Prix is in Singapore.

Tenim els lliures 1, divendres

We have the free ones 1, Friday.



Divendres, dia 20

Friday, the 20th

de setembre,

of September,

a les 11.30 els lliures 1,

at 11:30 the free ones 1,

a les 3 de la tarda els lliures 2,

at 3 in the afternoon the free 2,

el dissabte a les 11.30 els lliures 3,

on Saturday at 11:30 the free 3,

dissabte a les 3

Saturday at 3.

de la tarda la quali, no a les 4.00.

In the afternoon the quali, not at 4:00.

A les 3 de la tarda.

At 3 in the afternoon.

I la cursa a les 2

And the race at 2.

del migdia.

from midday.

La cursa, diumenge,

The race, on Sunday,

a les 2 del migdia.

at 2 in the afternoon.

Així que ja ho sabeu, els horaris

So now you know, the schedules.

per aquest Gran Premi de Singapur.

for this Singapore Grand Prix.

Fins llavors,

Until then,

sigueu bones,

be good,

sigueu bons, i ens veiem.

be good, and we will see each other.

Que la setmana que ve, el proper capítol,

That next week, the next chapter,

tinc moltes coses

I have many things.

a anunciar-vos.

to announce to you.

Segales i segals deixeu-vos passar, que us estan ensenyant

Reapers and reaped, let yourselves pass, for you are being taught.

Bandera Blava. Salut! Adéu!

Blue Flag. Health! Goodbye!


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