Tertúlia MANGAZÍN - Mars i les temàtiques que tracta

Josep Manga


Tertúlia MANGAZÍN - Mars i les temàtiques que tracta


Esteu sentint un tema que m'ha semblat simplement molt idoni,

You are listening to a song that has seemed very suitable to me.

ja que ens parla d'una mort d'estiu, espontani, jove,

since it speaks to us of a summer death, spontaneous, young,

amb totes les pors que comporta pels implicats.

with all the fears it entails for those involved.

I és que avui parlem de Mars, una sèrie que ens transporta més de 20 anys enrere,

And today we're talking about Mars, a series that takes us back more than 20 years.

tractant desitjos, anells, aficions i problemes ben actuals.

dealing with wishes, rings, hobbies, and very current problems.

Amb les ulleres de sol, servir-me d'escut covard,

With sunglasses, serving as a coward's shield,

repasso els malucs de totes les noies que veig travessant la plaça.

I check out the hips of all the girls I see crossing the square.

Enamorat de la mirada fugissera d'una estranya,

In love with the fleeting glance of a stranger,

incisat pensant que potser mai més la tindré,

incised thinking that perhaps I will never have it again,

i vaig cantant, fuixet pel carrer com un babau.

I walk singing, softly down the street like a fool.

Aquesta cançó que tinc al cap és que m'he llevat i s'ha enganxat com les llaganyes.

This song that I have in my head is that I woke up and it stuck to me like glue.

Vaig cantant, fuixet pel carrer com un nen gran.

I walk singing softly down the street like a big child.

Bon dia, Laura Tartuliana, ja amb molta experiència en aquest podcast.

Good morning, Laura Tartuliana, already with a lot of experience in this podcast.

Culpa meva que no fem més episodis, també ho he de dir,

It's my fault that we don't make more episodes, I have to say that as well.

perquè ella sempre està aquí.

because she is always here.

Hola, molt bé, molt contenta d'estar aquí una altra vegada.

Hello, very well, very happy to be here once again.

Ja en parlarem, però ha estat curiós el fet que parlem d'aquesta obra,

We'll talk about it, but it's been interesting that we're talking about this work,

perquè ens l'hem llegit una mica a l'hora, no?

because we have read it a bit on time, right?

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

De fet, tu la tenies, no te l'havies començat a llegir,

In fact, you had it, you hadn't started reading it.

me la vas recomanar tu mateix.

you recommended it to me yourself.

Sí, que me l'havia començat a llegir el primer volum, ja està, només.

Yes, I had started reading the first volume, that's it, just that.

Tenia quatre volums i només el primer.

I had four volumes and only the first one.

Que me la vas recomanar.

That you recommended it to me.

Jo tenia moltes ganes de llegir alguna cosa així, tipus drama d'institut,

I was really eager to read something like this, a type of high school drama.

i ja està, o sigui, és que va ser veure...

And that's it, I mean, it was just seeing...

Fui a llegir una mica el primer tomo,

I went to read a bit of the first volume,

i vaig dir, vinga, per davant, i me la vaig llegir jo abans que tu, sí, sí.

I said, come on, in front, and I read it before you did, yes, yes.

Sí, estic molt content de parlar d'aquesta obra,

Yes, I am very happy to talk about this work,

una obra que, tal com passa darrerament,

a work that, as happens lately,

he completat per poder-ne parlar al podcast.

I have completed it in order to talk about it on the podcast.

Això no vol dir que no hi hagi un interès en oir,

This does not mean that there is no interest in hearing,

sinó que és més aviat una excusa per acabar de llegir.

but rather it's more of an excuse to finish reading.

L'altre dia en parlàvem, de fet, que sóc del tipus d'aquella persona

The other day we were talking about it, in fact, that I am the type of that person.

que li encarten els inicis, no?, començar a llegir.

that they like the beginnings, right? starting to read.

Per exemple, vol dir que avui em va passar el mateix, el podcast passat.

For example, it means that today the same thing happened to me, in the last podcast.

M'encanta començar, però les continuacions, és a dir,

I love to start, but the continuations, that is,

completar l'obra, no sóc del tipus de persona

complete the work, I am not the type of person

que només pugui centrar-se en una obra sola,

that can only focus on a single work,

i en canvi tu ets al revés.

and instead, you are the opposite.

Esclar, és que jo no... O sigui, a veure, jo si començo una obra...

Of course, it's just that I don't... I mean, let's see, if I start a work...

És com començar llibres i deixar-los per la meitat i no acabar-se.

It's like starting books and leaving them unfinished.

No, no pot ser. O començar una pel·li, parar-la i dir

No, it can't be. Or start a movie, pause it and say.

que no sé mai com ha acabat aquesta pel·li.

I never know how this movie ends.

No, o sigui, clar, em va sorprendre, això.

No, I mean, of course, it surprised me, that.

Sí, perquè és com, bueno, sé una mica quin és el rotllo de l'obra,

Yes, because it's like, well, I know a little bit about the whole deal of the play,

sé per on va, i llavors dic, ja la continuaré.

I know where it goes, and then I say, I'll continue it.

Ja la continuaré, vaig a començar amb aquesta nova obra, a veure de què va.

I will continue it later, I'm going to start with this new work, let's see what it's about.

Ara vull començar aquesta altra, que m'acabo de comprar,

Now I want to start this other one that I just bought.

o que tinc aquí, que m'han parlat bé i tal.

or what I have here, that they have spoken well to me and such.

Això em porta, per exemple, a llegir els finals de les sèries que he comprat

This brings me, for example, to read the endings of the series I have bought.

una mica després que ho facin persones a qui jo mateix els he deixat aquests còmics.

A little later, after people to whom I myself have lent these comics do it.

Clar, perquè quan fas això, o sigui, per exemple, en març,

Sure, because when you do this, I mean, for example, in March,

et vas rellegir el primer tomo.

you reread the first volume.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

I amb Golden Camus també, te la vas tornar a llençar.

And with Golden Camus too, you threw it away again.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Jo sóc molt de rellegir.

I really enjoy rereading.

I una altra vegada, perquè si no, no sé de què va, la veritat.

And another time, because if not, I don't know what it's about, to be honest.

Ja, ja, home, normal, vull dir, passaria també.

Yes, yes, well, normal, I mean, that would happen too.

Perquè poden passar anys perfectament fins que m'hi torni a posar, llavors.

Because it can take years perfectly until I get back to it, then.

Això ha passat en març, va passar en Golden Camus,

This happened in March, it happened in Golden Camus,

i actualment està passant en Videogel Eye.

And it is currently happening in Videogel Eye.

Sí, exacte, que també me l'estàs deixant.

Yes, exactly, you are also leaving it for me.

Una sèrie que fa, jo diria que potser tres anys ben bons,

A series that I would say has been around for maybe three good years,

que la vaig comprar de segona mà i encara no me l'he acabat de llegir.

that I bought it second-hand and I still haven't finished reading it.

O sigui, està allà, m'encanta, però clar, una cosa és que m'agradi,

So, it's there, I love it, but of course, one thing is that I like it,

l'altra que l'hagi acabat de llegir, sencera.

the other one that I have just read, entirely.

Són dues coses diferents, com podeu entendre.

They are two different things, as you can understand.

O sigui, però no hi ha cap sèrie que tu comencis i diguis

So, there's no series that you start and say?

és que estic ultraenganxat, l'he d'acabar.

It's that I'm ultra-hooked, I have to finish it.

Potser és que no t'enganxa prou la sèrie que comences i dius, bé...

Maybe it's that the series you start doesn't grab you enough and you say, well...

No, jo crec que no és per això.

No, I don't think it's because of that.

És difícil d'analitzar, però en tot cas sí que és veritat que em passa

It is difficult to analyze, but in any case, it is true that it happens to me.

que si és molt repetitiva, per exemple, això em passa amb obres de Rumiko Takahashi,

that if it is very repetitive, for example, this happens to me with works by Rumiko Takahashi,

per exemple, en Ranma, l'amo, Indy Asha...

for example, Ranma, the master, Indy Asha...

Sí, sí, que avança molt a poc a poc.

Yes, yes, it is progressing very slowly.

Si avança molt a poc a poc, és difícil que m'hi acabi de posar.

If it progresses very slowly, it's difficult for me to get fully into it.

Avui parlem de març, parlem de...

Today we talk about March, we talk about...

d'obres de romans.

of works of novels.

Volia treure el tema de Video Get Lied també perquè és una obra també de romans,

I also wanted to bring up the topic of Video Get Lied because it is also a work of novels.

és a dir, que és bastant diferent de l'obra que comentarem avui.

That is to say, it is quite different from the work we will discuss today.

I sí que et volia preguntar això, què t'està semblant Video Get Lied?

And I did want to ask you this, what do you think of Video Get Lied?

És una obra, això, molt diferent, amb un to radicalment diferent.

It is a work, this, very different, with a radically different tone.

Clar, a veure, comparat amb març, és que març és polodrama.

Sure, let's see, compared to March, it's just that March is polodrama.

Video Get Lied és una barreja entre...

Video Get Lied is a mix between...

Sí, va d'adolescents hormonats que tenen els seus drames,

Yes, it's about hormone-driven teenagers who have their dramas.

però no són els drames del nivell de març.

but they are not the dramas of the level of March.

Per mi Video Get Lied, o sigui, jo...

For me, Video Get Lied, that is, I...

que és del mateix autor, és com la meva història d'institut preferida,

which is by the same author, is like my favorite high school story,

perquè a més me la vaig llegir a l'institut i em va flipar.

because I also read it in high school and it blew my mind.

I no sé per què no havia llegit abans Video Get Lied, perquè és del mateix autor,

And I don't know why I hadn't read Video Get Lied before, because it's by the same author.

i crec que potser vaig llegir l'argument i vaig pensar

I think that maybe I read the plot and thought.

eh, ja no és d'institut, què és això d'una tia que surt a dins d'un vídeo,

Hey, it's not high school anymore, what is this about a girl appearing in a video?

què serà, futurista?

What will it be, futurist?

I no sé si diria que m'està agradant més inclús que ells, eh? No ho sé.

I don't know if I would say I'm enjoying it even more than them, you know? I don't know.

De fet, si no recordo malament, Video Get Lied va arribar abans que ells,

In fact, if I remember correctly, Video Get Lied arrived before them,

a publicar-se.

to be published.

Sí, sí, es nota, es nota perquè...

Yes, yes, it's noticeable, it's noticeable because...

Es nota en tot, en el dibuix i en la forma de narrar la història,

It shows in everything, in the drawing and in the way of telling the story.

que és molt similar, però Video Get Lied és com més me renota, saps?

which is very similar, but Video Get Lied resonates with me more, you know?

Hi ha com més...

There are more...

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Bueno, s'accepta en altres coses que potser per una revista com la Jam en el moment

Well, it is accepted in other things that perhaps for a magazine like Jam at the moment.

doncs potser no s'haurien acceptat.

then perhaps they would not have been accepted.

Però bé.

But well.

Podríem dir que no, però...

We could say no, but...

Sí, exacte. Però bé.

Yes, exactly. But well.

No ens allarguem més, que això d'avui és un simple monogràfic estigüent

Let’s not prolong this any further, as today’s event is simply a thematic special.

d'una sèrie que és en març, un nom molt ben trobat pel seu significat,

of a series that is in March, a name very well found for its meaning,

però fatal pel seu, deixeu-m'ho dir.

but terrible for his, let me say it.

I a l'últim manga difícil de localitzar Google

And the last manga is difficult to locate on Google.

podria posar exemples de Parasite, de Subaru, de Rainbow, d'Arte i molts altres,

I could give examples of Parasite, Subaru, Rainbow, Arte and many others,

perquè març, així tal com són, es pot referir al mes de març,

because March, just as it is, can refer to the month of March,

mentre que escrita d'anglès podem estar parlant del déu de la guerra Mart,

while written in English we might be talking about the god of war Mars,

del planeta Mart.

from planet Mars.

I de moltíssimes altres coses, no faig conya,

And about many other things, I'm not joking,

que si aneu a la Wikipedia, a la part aquesta de desambiguació,

that if you go to Wikipedia, to this disambiguation part,

us trobareu una empresa, una barra de xocolata,

you will find a company, a chocolate bar,

poblacions que es diuen així arreu del món,

populations that are called that all around the world,

també personatges de cèl·lula,

also cell characters,

sèries, pel·lícules, títols de pel·lícules i sèries,

series, movies, movie and series titles,

cantants, grups de música, en fi...

singers, music bands, in short...

Jo m'ho he buscat abans, per refrescar el nom de personatges,

I looked it up earlier to refresh the names of the characters.

i m'ha sortit d'una sèrie de policies o alguna cosa així,

I've come out of a series of police or something like that.

i crec que és japonesa, no me'n recordo, però ha sigut com que és...

I think she is Japanese, I don't remember, but it's been like...

Sí, sí, o sigui, has de buscar específicament març, manga...

Yes, yes, I mean, you have to specifically look for March, manga...

Març, manga, sí, al final m'ho he buscat així...

March, sleeve, yes, in the end I asked for it like this...

Fins i tot Fuyumi Shouryo, amb el nom de l'autora,

Even Fuyumi Shouryo, with the author's name,

és una conya, però sí que és veritat que hi ha noms que són més fàcils de trobar de sèries de manga.

It's a joke, but it is true that there are names that are easier to find from manga series.

Del que parlem avui és del març manga, amb una M al principi, una A, una R i una S al final,

What we are talking about today is manga March, with an M at the beginning, an A, an R, and an S at the end.

una obra escrita i dibuixada per Fuyumi Shouryo entre els anys 96 i 2000,

a work written and drawn by Fuyumi Shouryo between the years 96 and 2000,

a la revista Besat Sufren, de l'editorial Kodansha,

in the magazine Besat Sufren, from the Kodansha publishing house,

un drama i un romanç psicològic que potser durant la nostra adolescència va passar pràcticament desapercebut,

a drama and a psychological romance that perhaps went almost unnoticed during our adolescence,

però que gràcies a les edicions que se n'estan fent en diferents països se'n continua parlant,

but thanks to the editions that are being made in different countries, it is still being talked about,

i de fet força bé,

and in fact quite well,

no he vist ningú que hagi dit que no li ha agradat ni tan sols una mica.

I haven't seen anyone say that they didn't like it even a little bit.

Però el que no vam poder fer a la nostra adolescència, que és llegir març,

But what we couldn't do in our adolescence, which is read March,

ho hem fet ara, seguint la dinàmica de quan anàvem a l'institut.

We did it now, following the dynamic of when we were in high school.

Com sempre al principi explicarem una mica de què va aquesta sèrie,

As always, at the beginning we will explain a bit about what this series is about,

anirem introduint alguns temes, però per parlar-ne bé haurem de fer espòilers,

we will introduce some topics, but to discuss them well we will have to provide spoilers,

així que us avisarem quan ja decidim no fer-nos.

So we will let you know when we decide not to do it.

De moment doncs us podem dir que tenim davant un parell de protagonistes que són la Kira i el Rei,

For now, we can tell you that we have a couple of protagonists in front of us, Kira and the King.

són dos estudiants de primer de batxillerat japonès, és a dir, tenen uns 15-16 anys,

They are two first-year Japanese high school students, that is to say, they are about 15-16 years old.

la Kira sembla que és la típica noia introvertida, tímida, que no té gaire relació amb els seus companys de classe,

Kira seems to be the typical introverted, shy girl who doesn't have much interaction with her classmates.

i al contrari tenim el Rei, el típic infant terrible, guapo, edgy, popular...

And on the contrary, we have the King, the typical terrible child, handsome, edgy, popular...

Sí, malote...

Yes, tough guy...

Exacte. Rebel en un sentit naïf, podríem dir, que godeix tenint una vida despreocupada

Exactly. A rebel in a naïve sense, we could say, who enjoys having a carefree life.

tant pels estudis com per les seves relacions sexuals amb diferents noies.

both for his studies and for his sexual relationships with different girls.

Sí, és com el Popu, que té la moto, que és guapíssim, que està arribant de rega...

Yes, it's like Popu, who has the bike, who is very handsome, who is arriving from watering...

Que fa campana quan li peta...

It rings the bell when it suits him...

Sí, que tot li dóna igual...

Yes, he doesn't care about anything...

Sí, sí, seria una mica això.

Yes, yes, that would be a bit of that.

I la Kira, per cert, és una apassionada de l'art i el dibuix,

And Kira, by the way, is passionate about art and drawing.

mentre que al Rei li encanten les curses de motos, o sigui, molt relacionat tot.

while the King loves motorcycle races, that is, everything is very related.

Aquí hi ha, però, molta més profunditat, molta més teca,

Here, however, there is much more depth, much more substance,

si no, probablement no faríem aquest programa.

If not, we probably wouldn't be doing this program.

Per mi és com una mena de mescla entre Paredes Kiss, Marmalade Boy i Banana Fish,

For me, it's like a mix between Paredes Kiss, Marmalade Boy, and Banana Fish.

que qui hagi llegit les tres obres entendrà una mica per on vaig,

whoever has read the three works will understand a bit where I am going.

és a dir, una mica de romans, però també una mica de filosofia vital, no?

That is to say, a bit of the Romans, but also a bit of vital philosophy, right?

Cap a on va la teva vida, també problemes amb la llei, també,

Where is your life heading, also problems with the law, also.

i altres coses de les que en parlarem.

and other things that we will talk about.

A tu quina sensació et va donar quan vas començar a llegir-la?

What feeling did it give you when you started reading it?

O sigui, quina...

So, which...

Clar, a mi em va recordar molt a Nana, Paredes Kiss, sí, les obres de la Yathawa,

Of course, it reminded me a lot of Nana, Paredes Kiss, yes, the works of Yathawa.

perquè, per exemple, a Paredes Kiss també tens la... els noms no els recordo,

because, for example, in Paredes Kiss you also have the... I can't remember the names,

recordo el nom del George, que és el noi, que també és així com el Popu,

I remember the name of George, who is the boy, who is also like Popu.

també és com el Ote, és molt característic...

it's also like the Ote, it's very characteristic...



Té un cotxe...

He has a car...

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Saps? És així com, va, deixa'm estar, no sé què.

You know? It's like this, come on, just leave me alone, I don't know what.

I ella és com... no és tan sumisa com la Kira, no és tan tranquil·la ni tan pacífica,

She is like... she is not as submissive as Kira, she is not as calm or as peaceful.

però sí que té aquest puntet de... no? I després va agafant més caràcter, ella.

but it does have that little point of... right? And then she gradually takes on more character.

Llavors aquí ja vaig dir, vale, s'assembla bastant, m'hi recordo.

Then here I said, okay, it looks quite similar, I remember it.

Però tractant temes molt més profuns, o sigui, en aquest sentit ja se'n va més cap a Nana, una miqueta.

But dealing with much deeper themes, that is to say, in this sense it leans more towards Nana, a little bit.

Temes ja... bueno, més complexes, més dramàtics, que, bueno, no farem espòilers,

Themes already... well, more complex, more dramatic, which we won't spoil.

perquè ja els farem d'aquí una estona.

because we will do them in a little while.

Ja els farem d'aquí una estona.

We'll do them in a little while.

Però vaja, que si us agraden històries d'institut amb un punt així de drama i històries romàntiques,

But come on, if you like high school stories with a bit of drama and romantic tales,

jo les recomano. I sobretot si és això, si els agrada Paradisquís...

I recommend them. And especially if that's the case, if they like Paradisquís...

També inclús a la Yowatase, una miqueta, però sense el punt de comèdia, perquè no té tant de punt de comèdia.

Also including Yowatase a bit, but without the comedic element, because it doesn't have as much of a comedic touch.

Clar, no té comèdia.

Of course, it's not a comedy.

Però algunes parts de la Yowatase...

But some parts of the Yowatase...

Jo també pensava en Hana Yoridango, no me lo digas con flores,

I was also thinking about Hana Yoridango, don't tell me with flowers.

una sèrie que és tan famosa de la Yuko Kamio, que ha tingut adaptacions fins i tot a live action,

a series that is so famous by Yuko Kamio, which has had adaptations even in live action,

que hi ha drames i tot això.

that there are dramas and all that.

Sobretot pel dibuix i per determinades coses que passen, no?

Especially for the drawing and for certain things that happen, right?

Però vaja, sí, podem trobar com referències a diferents coses o coses que hem llegit ens poden recordar això.

But well, yes, we can find references to different things or things we have read can remind us of this.

Però perquè hem llegit moltes coses abans que això.

But because we have read many things before this.

Clar, aquesta és una sèrie que potser nosaltres, per l'edat que tenim,

Sure, this is a series that perhaps we, given our age,

potser hauríem pogut llegir als anys 90 i que no va ser així perquè no estava disponible, no?

Perhaps we could have read in the 90s and it wasn't so because it wasn't available, right?



Clar, que si hem llegit en aquell moment ens hauria donat una sensació diferent, segurament.

Of course, if we had read it at that moment it would have given us a different feeling, for sure.

Ens hauríem pensat potser que és una cosa més nova o que ens hauria donat una sensació potser més d'innovació

We might have thought that it is something newer or that it would have given us a feeling of perhaps more innovation.

i hi ha coses que potser ens recorden ara, com que hem llegit tantes coses,

and there are things that perhaps remind us now, like that we have read so many things,

que ens recorden altres sèries, no només de manga, sinó en general a obres de cultura.

that remind us of other series, not only manga, but in general of works of culture.

Home, a mi sí que em sembla que no és tan similar a les altres perquè és això,

Home, I do think it is not as similar to the others because it is this,

els temes que tracta, a banda de ser una història d'amor, de...

the themes it addresses, besides being a love story, about...

Estem destinats a estar junts, saps?

We are meant to be together, you know?



A banda d'això, tracta temes que, per l'època, trobo que no era gaire habitual que es tractessin.

Besides that, it addresses topics that, for the time, I find were not very commonly discussed.

Ja. De la manera que ho tracta, a més a més.

Yes. The way he/she handles it, moreover.

Clar, hi ha un tema que sí que és un tema molt recurrent, no?, al Japó, però hi ha un altre que no.

Of course, there is one topic that is indeed a very recurring theme, right? In Japan, but there is another one that is not.

Igual si l'haguéssim llegit a l'època que va sortir, jo potser no m'hauria agradat tant perquè no m'hauria sentit molt identificada.

Even if I had read it at the time it was released, I might not have liked it as much because I wouldn't have felt very identified.

No sé com explicar-ho.

I don't know how to explain it.



Si, per exemple, a mi...

Yes, for example, to me...

Hi ha coses que són molt d'adults, potser, potser.

There are things that are very adult, perhaps, perhaps.

Sí. Hi ha coses que són una miqueta rellòs, hòstia, amb 15-16 anys t'està passant això.

Yes. There are things that are a bit rough, damn, at 15-16 years old this is happening to you.

No sé jo.

I don't know.



Llavors, sí que jo la recomanaria ara, si ets un adult ja, doncs, tens recorregut, perquè la pots llegir amb una perspectiva diferent,

So, yes, I would recommend it now, if you are already an adult, because you can read it with a different perspective.

però potser a gent més jove, jo li recomano a tothom, però...

but perhaps to younger people, I recommend it to everyone, but...

Però que es viu de manera diferent.

But it is lived in a different way.

Exacte. O sigui, si estàs passant per un moment així una miqueta xunguelo, doncs potser...

Exactly. So, if you're going through a bit of a rough patch, then maybe...

Potser no és la millor.

Perhaps it is not the best.

És una miqueta rellò, ja som-hi, punt, punt, no?

It's a little bit clock, let's go, point, point, right?

Bueno, jo no diria tant, jo no diria tant, però sí que és veritat que...

Well, I wouldn't say that much, I wouldn't say that much, but it is true that...

És més...

It is more...

Sí que hi ha coses que potser, si has viscut algunes de les coses tu en primera persona, o un amic, o un familiar...

Yes, there are things that maybe, if you have experienced some of those things yourself, or a friend, or a family member...

Clar, o...

Of course, or...

Llavors, depèn de com t'ho prenguis, pot afectar-te, però bueno, tampoc, no diria que és una cosa que et deprimeixi.

So, it depends on how you take it, it can affect you, but well, I wouldn’t say it's something that depresses you.

Bueno, és que jo crec que ho podem, jo crec que sigui spoiler dir que tracta de temes com el suïcidi...

Well, I think we can, I think it's a spoiler to say that it deals with topics like suicide...

Sí, ara ho parlarem.

Yes, we will talk about it now.

Abusos sexuals, i coses així.

Sexual abuse, and things like that.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Doncs això, que ja sabeu que sí que és una història d'institut romàntica molt bonica, però hi ha aquests temes delicats pel mig, i si sou persones aprensives...

Well, that's it, you know it's a very beautiful romantic high school story, but there are these delicate topics in between, and if you are sensitive people...

o que preferiu ara mateix no llegir res relacionat amb temes així, doncs no la llegiu, espereu-vos més endavant.

Or you would prefer not to read anything related to such topics right now, so don't read it, wait a little longer.

Bé, en tot cas, la manera de conèixer la Kira i el rei és precisament a través de l'art.

Well, in any case, the way to get to know Kira and the king is precisely through art.

A la primera pàgina del manga se'ns mostra un quadre pintat per la Kira, un rei mig nu, ens evoca tota mena de sensacions,

On the first page of the manga, we see a painting by Kira, a half-naked king, which evokes all kinds of sensations.

que a mesura que llegim més capítols prendran un significat més concret.

that as we read more chapters they will take on a more concrete meaning.

La història, pròpiament, però, comença així.

The story, properly speaking, begins like this.

Comença amb la coincidència en una mena de parc de la Kira i el rei. Aquesta és la primera trobada, podríem dir.

It starts with the coincidence in a sort of park between Kira and the king. This is the first meeting, we could say.

Ell busca un centre de salut, li pregunta les direccions, i ella, timida, li lliura un paper amb les indicacions per arribar-hi.

He is looking for a health center, asks her for directions, and she, shy, hands him a piece of paper with the instructions to get there.

Al darrere del paper hi ha el dibuix que la Kira estava pintant, i aquest dibuix li capta l'atenció del rei.

Behind the paper is the drawing that Kira was painting, and this drawing catches the king's attention.

És una mena de referència al quadre del Bes o del Pató, una pintura austríaca que ha datat al principi del segle XX.

It is a kind of reference to the painting of the Kiss or the Pató, an Austrian painting dated to the early 20th century.

Està buscant i sembla que sí que s'hi assemble bastant.

He is looking and it seems that it does resemble quite a bit.

Al centre de salut, uns amics amb els que es troba el rei parlen d'ell com una persona que li diverteix posar la seva vida en risc.

At the health center, some friends with whom the king meets talk about him as a person who enjoys putting his life at risk.

I només té 16 anys? Què l'haurà fet ser així?

And he is only 16 years old? What could have made him like this?

Doncs, amigues i amics, us esperen 8 volums de tot un rerefons que anireu descobrint sobre aquest passat del rei i de per què els protagonistes són d'aquesta manera.

Well, friends, you can expect 8 volumes of a whole background that you will discover about this past of the king and why the protagonists are like this.

Al primer capítol encara veiem com els dos protagonistes acaben assaient junts.

In the first chapter, we still see how the two protagonists end up rehearsing together.

El primer capítol encara veiem com els dos protagonistes acaben assaient junts.

In the first chapter, we still see how the two protagonists end up rehearsing together.

la resta de la classe és nula

the rest of the class is null

passa que un dia, quan era

It happens that one day, when it was

a l'aula de Belles Arts, la Kira

in the Fine Arts classroom, Kira

pateix un intent d'agressió sexual per part

suffers an attempt of sexual assault by

del seu professor. El destí vol que

from his teacher. Destiny wants that

en aquell instant el rei entri

At that moment, the king enters.

per la porta i en veure que està

through the door and seeing that it is

succeint, amenaça el professor perquè

succeeds, threatens the teacher because

se'n vagi. En tot això, el rei veu

he leaves. In all this, the king sees

que la Kira estava dibuixant una estàtua

that Kira was drawing a statue

del déu de la guerra

of the god of war

Mar, assumint la responsabilitat de ser

Sea, assuming the responsibility of being

una de les pàgines més icòniques de l'obra

one of the most iconic pages of the work

el rei agafa i li fa un petó a l'estàtua

the king takes it and kisses the statue

més tard el rei, que valora

later the king, who values

el talent artístic de la Kira, li retorna

Kira's artistic talent returns to her.

el dibuix que li va donar per accident

the drawing he accidentally gave her

uns dies abans i la Kira ho refusa

a few days earlier and Kira refuses it

i ell a canvi promet que la protegirà

and he promises in return that he will protect her.

i que estarà a la seva disposició

and will be at your disposal

pel que necessiti. Així, sense

for what I need. Thus, without

cap vergonya, la Kira li demana que

no shame, Kira asks him to

deixi que el pinti fent de model

let him paint me posing as a model

no cal dir que a partir de llavors començarà

It goes without saying that from then on it will start.

una relació cada vegada més íntima

an increasingly intimate relationship

entre tots dos. Això és tot el que

between both of them. That's all that

podem explicar, crec, sense fer espòilers

we can explain, I think, without giving spoilers

sí que és veritat que després es veuen

it is true that afterwards they see each other

escenes de bullying cap a la Kira

scenes of bullying towards Kira

el conflicte entre el rei

the conflict between the king

i el professor, però vaja, és important

And the professor, well, it's important.

diria que no m'he deixat res

I would say that I haven't left anything behind.

no sé què en penses. No, és important

I don't know what you think about it. No, it's important.

està molt ben resumit al principi, de fet

it's very well summarized at the beginning, in fact

l'escena aquesta d'ell fent-li un petó a l'estàtua

the scene of him kissing the statue

em vas dir que era una cosa molt icònica de la sèrie

You told me it was a very iconic thing from the series.

sí, sí, sí

yes, yes, yes

de fet fa poc es va fer viral també

In fact, it recently went viral as well.

aquesta imatge

this image

o sigui, no acabes de veure

that is, you still don't see

el significat que té darrere

the meaning that lies behind

simplement és com si se'ns estigués

it's just as if we were being

presentant el personatge, dient que

introducing the character, saying that

ell és com el

he is like him

com el déu de la guerra, no?

like the god of war, right?

jo ho vaig interpretar així, com, vale, este será un liante

I interpreted it like this, like, okay, this will be a mess.

increíble, o sigui, les que farà

Incredible, I mean, the ones she will make.

i enganxa bastant al principi per això

and it sticks quite a lot at the beginning because of that

perquè dius, bueno, a veure què

because you say, well, let's see what

com és, no?

how is it, right?

que ha explicat així és com molt xorra

what he explained is very silly like this

és com molt, ai, doncs justament

it's like a lot, oh, well just exactly

han coincidit i l'he demanat

they have met and I have asked him/her

la direcció de no sé què, l'he notat el dibuix

the direction of I don’t know what, I’ve noticed the drawing

darrere i casualment

behind and casually

entre ells, però bueno, és que aquestes ordres

among them, but well, it's just that these orders

són així, o sigui, és el que enganxa

they are like this, that is to say, it's what hooks you

sí, o sigui, el destí

yes, or rather, fate

està clar que forma part, diguéssim

it's clear that it belongs, let's say

l'ADN de l'equip d'obres

the DNA of the works team

i que a més tinguin personalitats

and that they also have personalities

tan diferents que són completament

so different that they are completely

oposants, però

opponents, but

d'una forma inexplicable

in an inexplicable way

s'atreuen al destí de fet que

they are attributed to destiny fact that

per algun motiu estiguin obsessionats

for some reason they are obsessed

l'un amb l'altre

each other

però de totes maneres jo sí que voldria dir sobre

but anyway, I would like to say about

l'estil narratiu, que és que

the narrative style, which is that

m'ha semblat molt àgil, o sigui

I found it very agile, that is to say.

si agafem una obra shoujo

if we take a shoujo work

o més igual de qualsevol demografia

or more equal of any demographic

dels anys 90, a mi m'encanten

I love the 90s.

aquestes obres, però sí que és veritat que

these works, but it is true that

1. hi ha moltíssim text

There is a lot of text.

molt més text que el que tenen les vangues actuals

much more text than what the current banks have

i a més a més hi ha un estil

and furthermore there is a style

molt de vinyeta, vinyeta, vinyeta

a lot of comic strip, comic strip, comic strip

saps? vull dir, no hi ha com un trencament

You know? I mean, there's no such thing as a break.

de com l'estètica

of how aesthetics

de... estic generalitzant

I am generalizing.

evidentment, sempre hi ha obres que ho trenquen, no?

obviously, there are always works that break it, right?

però vull dir que en la mateixa pàgina

but I want to say that on the same page

hi hagi com una vinyeta diagonal

there should be a diagonal vignette

o que et doni la sensació de moviment

or that gives you the feeling of movement

també, no? per exemple el tema

also, right? for example, the topic

de les curses de motos

of motorcycle races

a mi em feia molta mandra aquesta part

I found this part very tedious.

sí, feia mandra, però alhora deies

yes, it was a drag, but at the same time you said

és que està molt ben dibuixat

it's very well drawn

sí, sí, o sigui

yes, yes, that is to say

o sigui, per començar a banda

that is to say, to start aside

té una sensació de dinamisme, de velocitat

it has a feeling of dynamism, of speed

saps? vull dir

Do you know? I mean.

que l'art per si sol

that art by itself

t'estava explicant coses i que no necessitava

I was explaining things to you that you didn't need.

fotre-te un totxo de 10 notes, per exemple

to give you a score of 10 notes, for example

per explicar-te 30 coses

to explain 30 things to you

això és veritat que hi ha moments

this is true that there are moments

on el dibuix fa molt, transmet moltíssim

where the drawing does a lot, it conveys a lot

d'alguns moments d'angústia

of some moments of anguish

d'algun personatge, que no necessites

of some character that you don't need

que hi hagi text pel mig, ja ho estàs entenent

that there is text in the middle, you are already understanding it

que és el que passa, i això és una cosa que m'ha agradat molt

what is happening, and this is something that I really liked

de com dibuixa

of how to draw

de com està fet el dibuix

how the drawing is made

perquè estèticament m'agrada molt com és

because aesthetically I really like how it is

sí, a mi també

yes, me too

transmet molt

transmits a lot

hem de dir que avui en aquest podcast, com hem dit abans

we have to say that today in this podcast, as we mentioned before

parlarem de temes com ara l'abús infantil

we will talk about topics such as child abuse

del suïcidi, del bullying

of suicide, of bullying

de la representació LGBTI

of LGBTI representation

de comportaments sociòpates

of sociopathic behaviors

d'actituds de dependència emocional

of emotional dependence attitudes

fins i tot d'assassinats

even of murders

però clar, nosaltres no els evitarem tots aquests temes

but of course, we will not avoid all these issues

podríem fer veure que això és un espocón

we could pretend that this is a spook

del rei intentant ser

of the king trying to be

el millor pilot de motos

the best motorcycle rider

i que l'obra va d'això, però no va d'això

And that the work is about this, but it is not about this.

i tampoc va només dels romans

and it is not only about the Romans either.

entre els dos, sinó que va

between the two, but it goes

de moltes altres coses, podríem dir

of many other things, we could say

jo diria fins i tot que això, que el tema aquest

I would even say that this, that this topic

de les motos es tracta una mica més

it's a bit more about motorcycles.

de passar, potser l'element

of passing, perhaps the element

central, o un dels elements centrals

central, or one of the central elements

és aquest sentiment de nostàlgia

it is this feeling of nostalgia

o de buscar el propi camí

or to find one's own way

després que la vida els hagi

after life has them

maltractat moltíssim aquests dos personatges

very badly mistreated these two characters

de manera injusta, perquè

unjustly, because

al final no deixen de ser dos nens

in the end they are just two children

16 anys al principi de l'obra, o sigui

16 years at the beginning of the play, that is

és injust que hagin viscut algunes de les coses

It is unfair that they have lived through some of the things.

que es parlen, o que les estiguin

that they speak, or that they are being spoken.

visquent en aquell moment, i de sobte

living at that moment, and suddenly

llegint, sembla que el que ens volia

reading, it seems that what he wanted for us

explicar és que tant de bo

to explain is that I wish it were true

totes aquestes coses dolentes no haguessin passat

all these bad things wouldn't have happened

però alhora també, gràcies a que han passat

but at the same time, thanks to what has happened

aquestes coses dolentes, al final s'han conegut

these bad things have eventually been revealed

els dos protagonistes

the two protagonists

llavors no saps ben bé

then you don't really know

bueno, no sé què dir-te, si és conseqüència de les coses

Well, I don't know what to tell you, if it's a consequence of things.

dolentes que els hi passen

bad things that happen to them

per què ha de ser el rei

why must it be the king

vull dir, hi ha un altre noi que també

I mean, there is another us that also


aquí entrarem una mica en espòilers

here we will enter a bit into spoilers

però és com, per què ha de ser el rei

but it's like, why does it have to be the king

perquè a més, ella des del primer

because besides, she since the first

tomo ja t'estan dient com que

I already tell you as they are saying.

ella sempre ha tingut com una fixació cap a ell

She has always had a fixation on him.

però mai s'ha sentit com amb

but it has never felt like with

prou valentia com per parlar-li

enough courage to speak to him/her

o això recordo jo

or that's what I remember

sí, però també diu que no li agraden

yes, but he/she also says that he/she doesn't like them

els nois que no tenen cap mena de profunditat

the boys who have no depth whatsoever

ah sí, és veritat, al principi

ah yes, it’s true, at the beginning

diu com que no li agrada

he says he doesn't like it

però en realitat no, sí que li agrada

but actually no, yes he/she does like it

al principi es pensa que és un

At first, it is thought that it is a

noi com tota la resta

boy like the rest

li agrada sortir, li agrada

he likes to go out, he likes it

fer maldats, diguéssim, i ja està, simplement això

to do naughty things, let's say, and that's it, just that

i a mesura que es van coneixent

and as they get to know each other

sí que és veritat que diu, jo pensava que tu eres

yes, it is true that he says, I thought you were

d'una manera, i gràcies a saber

in one way, and thanks to knowing

tot el teu passat i tota la teva

all your past and all your

situació personal, he vist que eres d'una altra manera

personal situation, I have seen that you are different

però això que dius

but what you say

sí, però abans ja d'això de saber tot el

Yes, but before that knowing everything...

passat del rei, ella ja està com molt

past the king, she is already like very

pillada d'ell, sense cap mena de motiu

caught by him, without any reason at all

diu, vull estar sempre amb tu

he says, I want to be always with you

però si pràcticament no el coneixes

but if you hardly know him

sí, sí

yes, yes

i ell sí que puc entendre més

and he can understand more

que les conseqüències del seu passat el portin

that the consequences of his past lead him

cap a ella, per diferents coses

towards her, for different reasons

per diferents coses que ara no diré

for different reasons that I won't mention now

però d'ella cap a ell sí que em costa més

but from her to him is what I find harder

entendre per la situació d'ella

understand her situation

i sobretot que ella no

and above all that she does not

o sigui, li fan molt de fàstic

In other words, they disgust him/her a lot.

tots els homes en general

all men in general

en canvi amb ell, potser a la part

on the other hand with him, perhaps in the part

d'espoilers, profunditzem més

of spoilers, let's go deeper

jo crec que és això, l'obra

I believe that is it, the work.

està centrada en el destí

is focused on the destination

les coses passen per algun motiu

Things happen for a reason.

estàvem destinats a estar junts, en fi

we were meant to be together, after all

també volia dir que

I also wanted to say that

el rei utilitza les motos

the king uses motorcycles

com a tub d'escapament de la seva vida

like an exhaust pipe of his life

i els seus traumes, podríem dir

and their traumas, we could say

que després els parlarem d'aquí

that we will talk to them about it later

quins són aquests motos que han fet

What are these bikes that they have made?

aquests traumes, però hi ha un moment

these traumas, but there is a moment

en què això ho perd, això no consideraria

in what this loses it, I would not consider this

que és un espòiler, només dir que

what is a spoiler, just to say that

hi ha moltes vegades que sembla

there are many times that it seems

com si hagi de ser un esdeveniment

as if it has to be an event

canònic a la vida de tots els adolescents

canonical to the life of all adolescents

en què tenen una afició

what hobby do they have

i aquesta afició, com que estan

and this hobby, as they are

creixent i estan fent-se adults

growing and becoming adults

i han d'assumir certes responsabilitats

and they must assume certain responsibilities

doncs a les han de deixar aquestes aficions

so they must be allowed these interests

o aquest somni

or this dream

que necessites canviar

what you need to change

no sé si tu en això

I don't know if you in this.

en veure el rei una mica

seeing the king a little

haver de renunciar

to have to give up

momentàniament a aquest somni de les motos

momentarily to this motorcycle dream

t'hi vas sentir una mica reflectida, potser

did you feel a bit reflected in it, perhaps

és que jo crec que aquesta obra té com molts moments

I think that this work has many moments.

en què tothom ens hi podem sentir

in which we can all feel represented

reflectits, encara que no ens agranyin

reflected, even if we don't like them

les motos, en aquest cas

the motorcycles, in this case

però sí que ens pot recordar com en alguna situació personal

but it can remind us of some personal situation

de dir...

to say...

Sí, a veure, jo trobo que fa una mica referència

Yes, let's see, I find that it refers a little bit.

a aquest tipus de professions que quan ets més jove

to this type of professions that when you are younger

penses, m'agradaria dedicar-me

you think, I would like to dedicate myself

a ser músic

to be a musician

Vull ser futbolista, no?

I want to be a footballer, right?

Clar, tot el teu entorn et diu, però això és molt difícil

Of course, your whole environment tells you, but this is very difficult.

no aniràs a cap lloc

you will not go anywhere

i acabes

and you finish

havent d'abandonar una miqueta aquest somni

having to abandon this dream a little bit

per dedicar-te a algú

to dedicate yourself to someone

que és més fàcil que tinguis sortida

that it is easier for you to have an exit

i que et puguis dedicar

and that you can dedicate yourself

o sigui, que puguis guanyar la vida

that you can make a living

fa referència a això, perquè és veritat que sí que

it refers to this, because it is true that yes

molta gent de jove, a menys que tu tinguis molt clar

a lot of young people, unless you have it very clear

vull ser abogat, vull ser metge

I want to be a lawyer, I want to be a doctor.

la gent que tira cap a

the people who lean towards

rames més artístiques

more artistic branches

doncs sí que ho tenen més complicat

well, yes they have it more complicated

per això

for this reason

Sí, per exemple, ara que diem branques artístiques

Yes, for example, now that we say artistic branches.

en el cas de la Kira

in the case of Kira

vols dedicar a pintar

do you want to dedicate yourself to painting

i diu, no, no, jo vull ajudar la meva mare

And she says, no, no, I want to help my mother.

i tal

and so on

Clar, no podria anar a la Universitat de Belles Arts

Of course, I couldn't go to the University of Fine Arts.



econòmicament a casa

economically at home

i el rei igual

and the king as well

vull dir, ser pilot professional de motos

I mean, to be a professional motorcycle racer.

Sí, sí, és un futur incert

Yes, yes, it is an uncertain future.

et pots jugar la vida, etc

you can play your life, etc

és una professió complicada

it is a complicated profession

també tinc la sensació que són nois

I also have the feeling that they are boys.

de 16 anys

16 years old

i que sembla que estiguin creixent molt ràpid

And it seems that they are growing very fast.

o sigui, que estan assumint com moltes responsabilitats

In other words, they are taking on a lot of responsibilities.

en parlarem

we will talk about it

però van tenint convivències

but they are having cohabitations

en aquest temps en què dura l'obra

during this time that the work lasts

que els nens veien créixer

that the children saw grow

com a adolescents

as teenagers

que sembla que al final siguin gairebé adults

that it seems that in the end they are almost adults

que tinguin ja 30 anys

that they are already 30 years old

en acabar l'obra

upon finishing the work

i no tenen 30 anys

and they are not 30 years old

però sí que creixen molt ràpid

but they do grow very fast

Sí, jo també ho penso

Yes, I think so too.

de cop hi ha com un salt allà molt bèstia

suddenly there's like a big leap there

que dius

What are you saying?

però si sou tres joves

but if you are three young people

però clar, és que és això

but of course, it is just this

per les circumstàncies de les dues

for the circumstances of both

la seva vida familiar

his/her family life

té una justificació

has a justification

de per què està passant allò

of why that is happening

però no és allò normal

but that is not normal

vull dir, clar

I mean, of course.

això també és un altre tema

this is also another topic

si vols llegir l'obra

if you want to read the work

esperant que reflexi la realitat

hoping that it reflects reality

doncs no la llegeixes així

Well, don’t read it like that.

perquè no t'agradarà

because you won't like it

perquè diràs

because you will say

això no passa a la realitat

this doesn't happen in reality

i és una obra que no té anime

And it is a work that has no soul.

com hem dit abans

as we said before

també dedica per les sensacions

also dedicated for the sensations

que em donava el rei

that the king gave me

no podia parar de sentir la veu en castellà

I couldn't stop hearing the voice in Spanish.

del lliu de Marmelade Boy

from the book of Marmelade Boy

da igual lo mucho que te quiera

it doesn't matter how much I love you

o lo mucho que nos queramos

or how much we love each other

lo nuestro no puede ser

What we have cannot be.

y a lo que nos queda

and to what remains for us

es una cosa que no se puede leer

It is something that cannot be read.

y que no se puede ver

and that cannot be seen

o que no se puede ver

or what cannot be seen

y que no se puede ver

and that cannot be seen

Debemos separarnos, porque tú y yo somos hermanos.

We must part, because you and I are brothers.

Però sí que Marx compta amb un parell d'adaptacions de live-action

But Marx does have a couple of live-action adaptations.

i en aquestes dues dècades el manga ha venut més de 5 milions de còpies

In these two decades, manga has sold over 5 million copies.

i s'ha pogut llegir en diferents llengües, com l'italià, com l'anglès, el francès,

and it has been able to be read in different languages, such as Italian, English, French,

entre d'altres. No està disponible en català, però sí en castellà,

among others. It is not available in Catalan, but it is in Spanish.

que és la versió que hem pogut llegir nosaltres.

that is the version we have been able to read.

Què t'ha semblat a tu aquesta edició?

What did you think of this edition?

Abans de començar amb l'apartat d'espoilers i que potser la gent ja pugui marxar

Before starting with the spoiler section and that perhaps people can leave.

si és que vol llegir l'obra, després de tot el que hem comentat,

if you want to read the work, after all we have discussed,

què t'ha semblat aquesta edició?

What did you think of this edition?

Volums dobles, com dic, originalment eren 15 volums,

Double volumes, as I said, originally were 15 volumes.

més un volum extra que era Marx Gaiden, mida A5 i això, eh?

plus an extra volume that was Marx Gaiden, size A5 and that, eh?

Una edició grandeta, podríem dir.

A rather large edition, we could say.

A veure si l'edició està bé.

Let's see if the editing is good.

Sí que estèticament no és la gran cosa, per com és així de gran,

Aesthetically, it is not much to look at, considering how big it is.

però, bueno, trobo que de tamany està bé.

but, well, I think the size is fine.

Penso que si hagués sigut més gran ja s'hauria fet una miqueta massa pesat

I think that if it had been longer, it would have become a bit too tedious.

cada volum per llegir-lo. Jo penso que està perfecte.

each volume to read it. I think it’s perfect.

Bueno, van agafar l'edició japonesa i la van traslladar aquí

Well, they took the Japanese edition and moved it here.

amb un volum una mica més gran del que és l'edició japonesa,

with a volume slightly larger than that of the Japanese edition,

si no, tinc mal entès. I ja està.

If not, I have misunderstood. And that's it.

I tampoc té més. És una obra que no s'havia dictat mai aquí,

I don't have more either. It's a work that had never been dictated here.

per tant, la primera vegada que la tenim és

therefore, the first time we have it is

en aquest format, que jo també penso que potser frena els adolescents,

in this format, which I also think might hold back teenagers,

perquè al final t'has de gastar 18 euros per cada volum,

because in the end you have to spend 18 euros for each volume,

i potser als adolescents els hi frena, això, no?

And maybe this holds back adolescents, doesn’t it?

Però també és veritat que la majoria de la gent que la comprem

But it is also true that most of the people who buy it

és gent que tenim ja més de 20 llargs,

they are people who have been around for more than 20 years.

per no dir 30, per no dir algun més.

not to say 30, not to say some more.

Però bé, ara, a partir d'aquí sí que començarem a parlar d'espoilers,

But well, now, from here on we will start talking about spoilers,

d'acord? Si algú vol deixar-vos taca fins aquí,

Okay? If someone wants to leave you a stain up to here,

nosaltres crec que hem parlat a grans trets de què és el que us podreu trobar,

I believe we have broadly discussed what you can expect to find.

però també us agradaria comentar una mica què ens ha semblat,

but you would also like to comment a bit on what we thought,

com ha anat evolucionant l'obra a mesura que l'hem anat llegint.

How the work has evolved as we have been reading it.

Un dels primers treballs que volia comentar és el tema del suïcidi, no?

One of the first topics I wanted to discuss is the issue of suicide, right?

No és habitual que en un manga es parli tan obertament d'aquest tema,

It is not common for a manga to openly discuss this topic.

potser se'n parla precisament per donar esperances als lectors, no?

Perhaps it's talked about precisely to give hope to readers, isn't it?

Com fan moltes obres, dient que no val la pena matar-se

As they do many works, saying that it is not worth the effort to kill yourself.

quan les coses no van com vols, però se'n parla.

when things don't go as you want, but they are discussed.

Per mi és una manera totalment oposada, per exemple,

For me, it is a completely opposite way, for example,

a una sèrie que va ser molt criticada, que no és un manga,

to a series that was highly criticized, which is not a manga,

que és 13 Rises Why, de Netflix,

What is 13 Rises Why, from Netflix?

aquella sèrie que reseguia les 13 raons

that series that followed the 13 reasons

per les quals un adolescent havia decidit treure's la vida.

for which a teenager had decided to take their life.

No sé si te'n recordes, d'aquesta sèrie.

I don't know if you remember this series.

Sí, sí, la recorde.

Yes, yes, I remember her.

Va ser bastant comentada, diferents temporades,

It was quite commented on, different seasons,

ho van allargar tant com van voler.

They dragged it out as long as they wanted.

Bueno, és que per mi només valia la pena la primera temporada.

Well, for me, only the first season was worth it.

Sí, tot i que és això, en acabar de veure-la

Yes, although it is this, after finishing watching it.

tenies la sensació que romantitzava una mica el suïcidi, no?

You had the feeling that I was romanticizing suicide a bit, didn't you?

Vull dir que et tenies la sensació que et donava idees

I mean that you had the feeling that it gave you ideas.

per, si volies matar-te, doncs fer-ho de manera atractiva, no?

But if you wanted to kill yourself, then do it in an attractive way, right?

Que poguessis deixar una empremta després de matar-te, tu.

That you could leave a mark after killing yourself, you.

Volia parlar d'això del suïcidi perquè el rei té un germà,

I wanted to talk about this issue of suicide because the king has a brother,

que és el Sei, un germà bessó,

what is Sei, a twin brother,

que uns anys enrere va decidir llançar-se des del terrat a l'institut

that a few years ago decided to jump off the roof at the school

No sé com vas viure la història del Sei,

I don't know how you experienced the story of Sei,

se'ns va explicant en trossets, no?

It is being explained to us in bits, isn't it?

Sí que és veritat, que se'ns explica sencera,

Yes, it is true that we are told the whole story.

podríem dir, cap al final, no?

we could say, towards the end, right?

Sabem totes les coses més cap al final,

We know all things better towards the end,

però sí que se'ns va explicant mica en mica

but we are being explained little by little

que era un noi, que era l'oposat també del Sei,

that he was a boy, who was also the opposite of Sei,

era una mica més tranquil·let, calmat...

it was a little calmer, relaxed...

Que li agradava dibuixar...

That he liked to draw...

Li agradava dibuixar...

He liked to draw...

Casualment igual que la nòvia del rei, la Kira...

Coincidentally just like the king's girlfriend, Kira...

A veure...

Let's see...

Jo la primera vegada que es parla sobre el tema de que es va suïcidar,

The first time I heard about the topic of him committing suicide,

perquè al principi t'ho diuen així com molt de passada,

because at first they tell you this somewhat casually,

però és un tema que el rei no vol parlar.

but it is a topic that the king does not want to talk about.

El rei pot haver sigut el responsable, no?

The king could have been responsible, right?

O bé, ell mateix diu si vaig ser jo el que el va llançar,

Or else, he himself says if it was me who threw him.

com si no hagués sigut un suïcidi, com si hagués sigut un homicidi.

as if it had not been a suicide, as if it had been a homicide.

Després surten altres personatges que també s'involucren,

Then other characters come out who also get involved,

una noia que estava per allà amb ells a l'institut,

a girl who was there with them at the institute,

que no recordo el nom, no?

I don't remember the name, do I?

Però que també se fa ella com responsable de que se suïcidés,

But she also takes responsibility for his suicide,

que era la nòvia del Sei.

who was Sei's girlfriend.

Però que el deixa per anar-se'n amb el rei,

But he leaves it to go with the king,

i doncs és com es va suïcidar per això, perquè el va abandonar.

And so he committed suicide because of this, because she abandoned him.

I bueno, doncs és això, és que no saps...

And well, that's it, you just don't know...

Fins al final no saps realment els motius del perquè se suïcida.

Until the end, you don't really know the reasons why he/she commits suicide.

I a més és que t'entres dels motius del perquè se suïcida

And also, do you understand the reasons why people commit suicide?

com d'una forma així també molt de rebote.

As in such a way, also very indirectly.

Molt de passada.

Very briefly.

Sí, perquè la Kira...

Yes, because Kira...

Que això és el final, bàsicament.

This is basically the end.

La Kira descobreix la carta aquella amagada dins d'un quadre,

Kira discovers the letter hidden inside a painting.

que dius, si no l'arriba a descobrir la Kira...

what do you say, if Kira hadn't discovered it...

Ni cosa.

No thing.

Clar, o sigui, si la intenció...

Sure, I mean, if the intention...

Perquè al final el propòsit del suïcidi és com afectar el rei, no?

Because in the end the purpose of suicide is to affect the king, right?



Que li provoqui, doncs això, una cicatriu de per vida.

May it cause him, then, a scar for life.

I que al final el rei també l'acabi acompanyant, diguéssim.

And that in the end the king also ends up accompanying him, let's say.


Of course.

O sigui, la carta diríem que és pel rei.

So, we would say that the letter is for the king.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Però si tu l'amagues...

But if you hide it...

Clar, és d'aquestes coses que jo entenc que per trama ho han de fer així, no?

Of course, it's one of those things that I understand they have to do this way for the plot, right?

Perquè si no, no tindria gràcia.

Because otherwise, it wouldn't be fun.

És per donar-li més...

It's to give it more...

Bueno, i perquè el rei ha perdonat-se i al final és molt intens.

Well, and because the king has forgiven himself and in the end, it is very intense.

Molt de donar-hi voltes a tot.

A lot of going around in circles about everything.

Com tracten el tema del Sei, sí que tinc la sensació que, tot i que ens expliquen tot en principi,

Regarding how they handle the Sei issue, I do have the feeling that, although they explain everything to us at first,

tot el que es pot saber, és que és veritat que és difícil arribar a entendre per què se suïcida.

All that can be known is that it is true that it is difficult to understand why someone commits suicide.

O sigui, simplement ell diu que ell pateix molt i que, bueno, al final necessita matar-se.

So, he simply says that he suffers a lot and that, well, in the end he needs to kill himself.

És que jo crec que al final és més, no tant els motius de per què se suïcida, sinó les conseqüències en el rei.

I believe that in the end it's more about the consequences for the king than the reasons why he commits suicide.

O sigui, com afecta...

So, how does it affect...



Aquell punt a la resta de la seva vida.

That point in the rest of his life.





Sí que el rei al principi es pensa que és perquè li va dir que...

Yes, the king at first thinks it's because he told him that...



...el seu pare no era el seu pare de veritat.

...his father was not his real father.



Però no és tant això, perquè ell ja ho sabia.

But it's not so much that, because he already knew it.


Of course.

El Sei ja sabia que el seu pare no era el pare de veritat.

The Sixth already knew that his father was not his real father.

Però això el rei no ho sap.

But the king does not know this.

És que també és important que la mare del rei, el Sei, es suïcida, també.

It is also important that the king's mother, the Sei, commits suicide, too.



Llavors, clar, això no es veu, que jo recordi, no es veu, però probablement va tenir algun impacte en el Sei que la mare se suïcidés.

Well, of course, this is not seen, as far as I remember, it is not seen, but it probably had some impact on the fact that my mother committed suicide.



Perquè no troben...

Because they don't find...

Sí que es veu, sí.

Yes, it can be seen, yes.

Hi ha un moment en què els dos germans veuen la mare penjant-se.

There is a moment when the two brothers see their mother hanging herself.



Amb la corda.

With the rope.

I pel trauma infantil, diguéssim, no?, en el moment en què ells potser fins i tot no entenen per què està penjant.

And for the childhood trauma, let's say, right?, at the moment when they may not even understand why it is hanging.



Ells obliden totalment aquesta situació i el rei hi ha un moment en què ho recorda tot quan entra a la habitació de la mare.

They totally forget this situation, and the king remembers everything for a moment when he enters the mother's room.

Sí, jo ho recordo, però el Sei...

Yes, I remember it, but the Sei...

Els dos estan allà.

Both of them are there.

Clar, no sabem fins a quin punt el Sei, quan va decidir suïcidar-se, també estava relacionat amb la mort de la seva mare.

Of course, we do not know to what extent Sei, when he decided to commit suicide, was also related to the death of his mother.



Potser la manera de ser el Sei era més semblant a la mare.

Perhaps Sei's way of being was more similar to that of the mother.



I la manera de ser el rei era més semblant al pare.

And the way of being the king was more similar to the father.

Perquè el pare, això tampoc ho hem comentat, però el pare conduïa, era pilot, no de motos sinó de cotxes, de curses, i també es va matar.

Because the father, we haven't talked about this either, but the father drove, he was a driver, not of motorcycles but of race cars, and he also died.

Però en tot cas sí que és veritat que tenen una família així molt de... que a tothom li passen coses, no?

But in any case, it is true that they have a family like that, a lot of... that everyone goes through things, right?

Excepte el pare... fals, podríem dir, que sí que té èxit a la seva carrera, no?, i tal, i té una empresa.

Except for the father... false, we could say, who is indeed successful in his career, right?, and so on, and has a company.

Clar, és que és una mica, o sigui, la mare i el pare, que estan junts, no tenen el rei i el Sei, és la mare que es lia amb el germà del pare...

Of course, it's just that it's a bit, I mean, the mother and the father, who are together, don't have the king and the Sei, it's the mother who got involved with the father's brother...

i es queda embarassada.

and she gets pregnant.

Total, que té els fills amb l'altre, amb el germà del seu marit, i els fills són el rei i el Sei.

In total, she has children with the other, with her husband's brother, and the children are the king and the Sei.

Clar, la mare, arrel de que es mori el pare biològic del rei i el Sei, diguéssim que allò l'hi afecta molt, psicològicament.

Of course, the mother, after the biological father of the king passed away and the Sei, let's say that it affects him a lot, psychologically.



I a partir d'allà, doncs, bueno, acaba tenint comportaments estranys, que no són saludables cap als nens, perquè intenta asfixiar el rei,

And from there, well, he ends up exhibiting strange behaviors that are not healthy for the children because he tries to suffocate the king.

i al final ella s'acaba traient la vida, perquè la internen, la internen, arrel de que intenta asfixiar el rei, la internen en un centre psiquiàtric.

And in the end, she ends up taking her own life because they commit her, they commit her after she tries to suffocate the king; they admit her to a psychiatric facility.



I, doncs bé, això, quan li donen l'alta, doncs, se treu la vida.

And well, this, when they discharge him, well, he takes his own life.

Jo crec que està tot relacionat, no?, una mica, això que passa amb la mare, potser ja el Sei, arrel d'això, el ser petit, li afecta,

I believe it's all related, isn't it? A little bit, what happens with the mother, perhaps Sei, as a result of this, being small, it affects him.

perquè el rei no té aquests comportaments com aquest monstre a dins, no?, que diu al Sei,

because the king doesn’t have these behaviors like this monster inside, right?, that he says to Sei,

tinc aquest monstre a dins, i necessito com desfer-me d'aquest monstre abans que ell me destrueixi a mi,

I have this monster inside me, and I need to get rid of this monster before it destroys me.

doncs, prefereixo treure'm la vida.

Well, I prefer to take my own life.

Jo crec que és això, que és una persona molt introvertida, que no sap expressar bé el que li està passant,

I think that is it, that he/she is a very introverted person, who does not know how to express well what is happening to him/her.

Però també és molt manipulador, eh?, és que és un personatge que em fa pena perquè jo crec que podria tenir més xitxa, o sigui...

But he is also very manipulative, you know? It's just that he is a character that makes me feel sorry because I think he could have more substance, I mean...



Estaria bé que sortís més, però que al final gira molt entorn d'ell, perquè al final és rei-Sei tota l'estona.

It would be good if he went out more, but in the end, he revolves a lot around himself, because in the end, he is king—he's like that all the time.



Que, de fet, ja t'ho vaig comentar jo, que jo tenia la teoria que potser el rei era el Sei, saps?, que...

That, in fact, I already mentioned to you that I had the theory that maybe the king was the Sei, you know?, that...

Sí, que en realitat era el mateix persona.

Yes, it was actually the same person.

Clar, que el rei, o sigui, deia que era el Sei el que s'havia associat, però era ell mateix el Sei, no?,

Of course, the king, I mean, said that it was Sei who had associated, but it was he himself who was Sei, right?

que com que havia volgut convertir-se en el seu germà, perquè li agradava molt la forma del seu germà, doncs, bueno,

since he had wanted to become his brother, because he really liked the way his brother looked, well,

que potser hi havia alguna mena de plot twist així, però al final no és així.

that maybe there was some kind of plot twist like that, but in the end it is not.



M'hauria agradat, eh?, també que fos algú així, de dir, ostres, que ella descobrís que en realitat, com són germans bessons, ident,

I would have liked it, you know?, for it to be someone like that, to say, wow, that she discovers that in reality, since they are twin siblings, identical.

bueno, ident, que s'assemblen molt, doncs que hi hagués allí un...

Well, ident, they look very similar, so there was a...

Clar, però sí que és veritat que t'ensenyen el triangle morogos amb aquella, la seva amiga, no?,

Sure, but it is true that they show you the morogos triangle with that one, their friend, right?

durant l'institut, i al final, vull dir, per molt que li busquis, li vulguis buscar aquesta sensació de que potser som la mateixa persona

during high school, and in the end, I mean, no matter how much you look for it, you want to look for that feeling that maybe we are the same person

i que és una persona bipolar, no?, al final, doncs, hi ha gent que es converteix.

And that they are a bipolar person, right? In the end, there are people who change.

Clar, no, a veure, era molt difícil que fos... o sigui, que això fos així, com deia jo la meva teoria, però bueno.

Of course, no, let's see, it was very difficult for it to be... I mean, for this to be like this, as I said my theory, but well.

Voldríem aprofitar aquí, ja que parlem d'aquest tema del suïcidi, per referir-nos a la feina que fem tant tu com jo actualment,

We would like to take the opportunity here, since we are discussing the topic of suicide, to refer to the work that both you and I are currently doing,

que és treballar al 112, el telèfon d'emergències.

what it is like to work at 112, the emergency phone.

Al 112 hi truca gent amb tot tipus de demandes, i algunes poden anar també en aquest sentit.

At 112, people call with all sorts of requests, and some may also fall into this category.

Et sembla que en parlem una mica, evidentment, per motius de confidencialitat,

It seems to me that we talk about it a bit, obviously, for reasons of confidentiality,

no ens referirem a localitzacions, ni farem descripcions de les persones, evidentment,

we will not refer to locations, nor will we make descriptions of people, obviously,

però sí que trobo que és una manera bastant interessant per dir, tant amb aquest manga com en general, amb la nostra feina,

but I do find it quite an interesting way to say, both with this manga and in general, with our work,

per dir que el suïcidi és una cosa que és més present del que ens pensem en aquesta societat, podríem dir, no?,

To say that suicide is something that is more present than we think in this society, we could say, right?

que hi ha més casos dels que ens pensem, que no en parlem perquè lògicament no volem que la gent tingui ganes de fer-ho, no?

There are more cases than we think, and we don't talk about it because, logically, we don't want people to want to do it, right?

Bueno, jo crec que no en parlem perquè és un tema que és bastant tabú.

Well, I think we don't talk about it because it's a topic that is quite taboo.

Sí, és tabú.

Yes, it is a taboo.

És com que fa cosa parlar de la mort.

It's somewhat uncomfortable to talk about death.



No passa res per parlar de la mort, vull dir, que tu en algun moment se t'hagi passat pel cap, i si morís què passaria?

It's okay to talk about death, I mean, have you ever thought about what would happen if you died?

No passa res. No estàs boig, no estàs pensant una cosa superincoherent.

It's okay. You're not crazy, you're not thinking something super incoherent.

És normal pensar en la mort, i pensar en el suïcidi en algun moment que tu hagis tingut.

It is normal to think about death and to think about suicide at some point you may have had.

O és una situació molt complicada de la teva vida que potser ho veus ara i dius,

Or it is a very complicated situation in your life that you might see now and say,

doncs això era una tonteria, per què jo tenia aquests pensaments? Bueno, vull dir...

well, that was a silly thing, why did I have those thoughts? Well, I mean...

Aquella sensació de que ningú em trobarà a faltar, o aquella sensació de què passaria si em morís, realment deixaria de patir, no?

That feeling that no one will miss me, or that feeling of what would happen if I died, I would really stop suffering, right?

Aquesta situació que estic vivint ara mateix.

This situation that I am experiencing right now.

Clar, sí. Jo penso que és un tema que s'hauria de normalitzar més, i parlar-ne més, que no passa res,

Of course, yes. I think it's a topic that should be normalized more and talked about more, that there's nothing wrong with it.

que tu en algun moment tinguis algun vaixell i t'hagi passat alguna idea tonta pel cap, que ja saps que no ho faràs.

that at some point you have a ship and some silly idea has crossed your mind, which you already know you won't do.

Tothom, en alguna vegada, doncs, haurà estat...

Everyone, at some point, will have been...

ha estat tenint aquesta idea pel cap, no?, i ho penses, però no de forma seriosa.

You've been having this idea in your head, right?, and you think about it, but not seriously.

Que no ha de ser una vergonya, tampoc, no ens hem de sentir malament per dir,

It shouldn't be an embarrassment either, we shouldn't feel bad for saying,

ostres, tio, en aquest moment estava... m'he sentit tan malament que vaig pensar que em llançaria per la finestra.

Wow, dude, at that moment I was... I felt so bad that I thought I would throw myself out the window.

Òbviament, no ho faràs. Però...

Obviously, you won't do it. But...

Valorant que la vida té un valor, no?, perquè, per exemple, el taonista de Mars, el rei, li dóna poc valor a la vida al principi, no?

Valorant that life has value, right? Because, for example, the wasp player from Mars, the king, gives little value to life at the beginning, doesn't he?

T'hi agraden molt les curses de motos, precisament perquè li és igual si en algun moment es pugui matar,

You really like motorbike races, precisely because it doesn't matter to you if you could die at some point.

és igual què passarà, no passarà res.

It doesn't matter what will happen, nothing will happen.

Simplement et mates i ja està, no?

You just kill yourself and that's it, right?

Al principi pensa això, després ja canvia.

At first, he thinks this, then he changes.

Però sí que donant-li el valor just que té a la vida, no?, sent conscients que aquestes situacions passen.

But yes, by giving life the proper value it has, right?, being aware that these situations happen.

Són veïns nostres, o són gent que coneixem fins i tot, o gent que...

They are our neighbors, or they are people we know even, or people that...

amb les qui hem estudiat a l'universitat o a l'escola o a l'institut, vull dir, són gent real.

with those we studied at university or school or high school, I mean, they are real people.

Jo recordo, per exemple, la primera trucada que vaig rebre d'aquest tipus de suïcidi,

I remember, for example, the first call I received about this type of suicide,

que era un home, no diria en quina localitat, però sí que era un home que em volia retransmetre les seves últimes paraules,

that he was a man, I wouldn't say in which locality, but it was a man who wanted to transmit to me his last words,

abans de morir, no?

before dying, right?

I em va deixar molt xocat perquè jo feia poc que havia entrat a treballar al 112

It left me very shocked because I had only recently started working at 112.

i no havia parlat mai amb ningú que tingués la intenció real de suïcidar-se, no?

I had never spoken to anyone who had the real intention of committing suicide, right?

Altres vegades et poden trucar perquè, mira, és que tinc pensaments i tal, m'agradaria parlar amb alguna persona...

Other times they might call you because, look, I have thoughts and such, I would like to talk to someone...

D'acord, una cosa és tindre pensaments i l'altra és dir, vull parlar amb tu, per exemple,

Okay, one thing is to have thoughts and another is to say, I want to talk to you, for example.

que mira, doncs m'has agafat, que el telèfon que em cau bé ara mateix és el 112,

Well, you got me, because the phone number I like right now is 112.

vull parlar amb algú, la conversa queda gravada i t'ho explico.

I want to talk to someone, the conversation will be recorded and I'll explain it to you.



Però la decisió ja està presa, no et diré on sóc, no vull parlar amb cap metge, no tal,

But the decision is already made, I won't tell you where I am, I don't want to talk to any doctor, no way.

simplement vull parlar amb tu i dir-te això, no?

I just want to talk to you and tell you this, right?

I et quedes amb una sensació molt estranya de que no pots fer res per aquella persona,

You are left with a very strange feeling that you can't do anything for that person.

no saps quines són les circumstàncies amb les quals ha viscut perquè decideixi treure's la vida

You don't know what the circumstances are that led them to decide to take their own life.

i són trucades complicades, són trucades complicades de gestionar emocionalment per cada persona que està treballant allà.

They are complicated calls, they are complicated calls to manage emotionally for each person working there.

Clar, perquè és un tema que espanta molt i, a veure, és un tema molt important,

Of course, because it’s a topic that frightens a lot and, well, it’s a very important topic,

però el problema, crec jo, és aquest, que com que és un tema que espanta molt

But the problem, I believe, is this: that since it's a topic that scares a lot.

i es tendeix a evitar parlar d'això, no sabem gestionar-ho.

And there is a tendency to avoid talking about it, we do not know how to manage it.

No sabem gestionar-ho.

We don't know how to manage it.

Llavors, clar, nosaltres com a gestors també, o al final t'hi habitues, o...

Then, of course, as managers, you either get used to it, or...

Sí, perquè...

Yes, because...

Doncs t'afecta emocionalment.

Well, it affects you emotionally.

Has parlat amb molta gent, no?, al final.

You've talked to a lot of people, haven't you, in the end?

Clar, per això també vull dir que, quan més es normalitzi, millor, que no es treu la importància, el tema.

Of course, that's why I also want to say that the more normalized it becomes, the better, as it does not diminish the importance of the topic.

Clar, que és un tema molt delicat i no és fàcil parlar-ne, d'això.

Of course, it's a very delicate topic and it's not easy to talk about it.

Però clar, que si a tothom no li fes tanta por parlar d'això, seria com més fàcil comunicar-ho i gestionar-ho.

But of course, if everyone weren't so afraid to talk about it, it would be easier to communicate and manage.

I sí, sí, clar, o sigui, jo també he tingut alguna trucada,

And yes, yes, of course, I mean, I have also had some calls.

clar, al principi t'esveres, sempre, perquè no estàs habituat a que t'entrin trucades així.

Sure, at first you get startled, always, because you're not used to receiving calls like that.

Clar, o sigui, cada trucada relacionada amb això...

Sure, I mean, every call related to this...

És un cop, no?

It's a blow, isn't it?

Sí que et deixa una mica aixafadot després, no?

It does leave you a bit crushed afterwards, doesn't it?

Però tot també depèn de les circumstàncies.

But everything also depends on the circumstances.

Aquí dius tu, és molt diferent que et truqui una persona tranquil·la, que t'està explicant les coses calmada i serena,

Here you say, it's very different for a calm person to call you, who is explaining things to you calmly and serenely.

que, per exemple, a mi, alguna trucada que m'ha pogut entrar d'alguna persona plorant, molt angoixada,

that, for example, to me, some call I might have received from someone crying, very distressed,

perquè estava sola en aquell moment i li feia molta por.

because she was alone at that moment and it scared her a lot.

El que podria fer-se a si mateixa.

What she could do to herself.

Aleshores, clar, tu intentes gestionar-ho també parlant d'una forma molt calmada, molt empàtica,

So, of course, you try to manage it by also speaking in a very calm, very empathetic way.

i ajudar-la el més ràpid possible, no?

And help her as quickly as possible, right?

Jo, quan són trucades així, intento no anar en presa, saps?

I, when there are calls like that, try not to rush, you know?

Preguntar-li les coses calmadament i que senti que l'estem ajudant.

Ask him things calmly and let him feel that we are helping him.

Però sí, sí, o sigui, són trucades complicades i, bueno, ja per no parlar d'algun...

But yes, yes, I mean, they are complicated calls and, well, not to mention some...

d'algun suïcidi consumat.

of some completed suicide.

Exacte, o sigui, hi ha gent que truca perquè vol anunciar que ho vol fer o que...

Exactly, I mean, there are people who call because they want to announce that they want to do it or that...

que té aquesta intenció i pot parlar o no amb un professional sanitari,

who has this intention and may or may not speak with a healthcare professional,

però hi ha gent que ho ha fet, o sigui, que et truca per dir-te que hi ha una persona que s'ha suïcidat.

but there are people who have done it, I mean, they call you to tell you that there is a person who has committed suicide.

Sí, sí, jo d'això en tinc una també, que no entraré molt en detalls,

Yes, yes, I have one of those too, but I won't go into too much detail.

però bàsicament era, doncs, un familiar que s'havia trobat un altre familiar que s'havia penjat.

but basically it was, well, a relative who had found another relative who had hanged themselves.

Clar, doncs, bé, el mateix que deia abans.

Of course, well, just the same as I was saying before.

Jo sé d'altres gestors que han tingut trucades així i són trucades que recordes de per vida, o sigui,

I know of other managers who have had calls like that, and they are calls you remember for a lifetime, so...

allò recordaràs sempre, és una cosa que et marcarà ja perquè és una cosa molt fort.

You will always remember it; it's something that will mark you because it is something very strong.

Molt fort i que no en parles habitualment.

Very strong and that you don't usually talk about.

Esclar, i clar, que t'estiguin dient, m'acabo de trobar aquesta persona,

Of course, and clearly, if they are telling you, I just ran into this person,

i clar, que t'ho poden estar dient també tranquil·lament, eh?,

And of course, they could be telling you that calmly too, right?

o t'ho poden estar dient cridant, plorant, és difícil aguantar que t'estiguin...

or they might be telling you by shouting, crying, it's hard to endure being...

perquè de forma inevitable tu també penses en els teus familiars, les persones que t'estimes,

because inevitably you also think of your relatives, the people you love,

i com que potser dius, ostres, si a mi em passés això, què faria, no?

And since you might say, wow, if this happened to me, what would I do, right?

És que ha de ser tan dur trobar-se un familiar que s'ha tret la vida.

It is so hard to find a relative who has taken their own life.

Llavors, doncs, això, què afecta? Afecta a nivell emocional i, bueno, no és fàcil.

So, then, what does this affect? It affects us at an emotional level and, well, it's not easy.

A raó d'això, diguéssim, fa poc va sortir un titular a la premsa en què es parlava de les baixes,

For this reason, let's say, a headline recently appeared in the press discussing the layoffs,

de les nombroses baixes que hi ha al 112,

of the numerous casualties that there are at 112,

arrel de les dificultats per cobrir algunes places dins de l'empresa, no?

due to the difficulties in filling some positions within the company, right?

I l'empresa, la reacció que va tindre, no?, va ser que ens vigilarem

And the company, the reaction it had, right?, was that we would keep an eye on each other.

si les baixes són reals o no són reals.

whether the declines are real or not real.

Que han contractat una empresa externa que el que fa és assegurar-se

They have hired an external company that ensures.

de si realment tu estàs de baixa per motius... reals.

whether you are really on sick leave for... real reasons.

O tens alguna malaltia o el que sigui.

Either you have some illness or whatever.

O estàs de vacances a la platja prenent-te uns mojitos.

Either you're on vacation at the beach enjoying some mojitos.

Exacte. I ja us podeu imaginar que amb aquesta mena de situacions

Exactly. And you can already imagine that with this kind of situation

que no són d'un dia cada cinquanta, sinó que són diàries...

that are not once every fifty days, but are daily...

De nits la gent sempre està com més alterada.

At night, people are always a bit more agitated.

Més... no, menys col·laborativa.

More... no, less collaborative.

Però són trucades més complicades.

But they are more complicated calls.

És més fàcil que t'entrin trucades d'aquest tipus.

It's easier for you to receive calls of this type.

I això t'afecta anàmicament, això, psicològicament.

And this affects you emotionally, this, psychologically.

Doncs acabes tenint menys ganes d'anar a treballar, no?, lògicament.

So you end up having less desire to go to work, right? Logically.

Clar, i això també és una cosa que li sorprèn molt a la gent

Of course, and this is also something that surprises people a lot.

perquè tu quan entres a treballar no et fan cap mena de formació

because when you start working they don't provide you with any training

a nivell riscos psicològics.

at the level of psychological risks.

De, pot entrar aquest tipus de trucada,

Yes, this type of call can enter.

anem a fer, jo què sé, un roleplay d'aquest tipus de trucada

let's go do, I don't know, a roleplay of this type of call

per veure com t'afecta.

to see how it affects you.

Si notes que estàs així...

If you notice that you are like this...

No, simplement et diuen, bueno, hi ha un psicòleg amb el que pots contactar

No, they just tell you, well, there is a psychologist you can contact.

i ja està. O sigui, no et fan cap mena de prevenció.

And that's it. I mean, they don't provide any kind of prevention.

Clar, tu t'entra en la primera trucada així,

Of course, you get in on the first call like this.

que et pot entrar el primer dia que treballis

that can happen to you on your first day at work

i és que potser t'agafes la baixa aquell mateix dia.

And maybe you will take sick leave that same day.

Perquè dius, jo això no estava preparat mentalment

Why do you say, I was not mentally prepared for this?

per haver d'aguantar una trucada així.

for having to endure a call like that.

No només de suïcidi, sinó que pot ser qualsevol altra cosa, no?

Not only suicide, but it can be anything else, right?

Pot ser una persona que hagi matat una altra persona,

It can be a person who has killed another person,

pot ser que sigui una violació, exacte, una agressió,

it could be a violation, exactly, an aggression,

un apunyalament, exacte.

a stabbing, exactly.

Una col·lisió molt forta en la que hi ha una persona

A very strong collision involving a person.

que s'està desangrant...

that is bleeding out...

Menors, etcètera.

Minors, etcetera.

Clar, a veure, també poden ser coses més...

Sure, let's see, they can also be things more...

Sí, més tranquil·les, també.

Yes, calmer too.

Clar, o sigui, pot ser de tot.

Sure, I mean, it could be anything.

Tinc molt mal de cap, per exemple.

I have a very bad headache, for example.

Hi ha de tot, és molt ampli l'espectre que hi ha de trucades,

There is everything, the spectrum of calls is very broad.

però sí que és veritat que és molt vergonyós

but it is true that it is very shameful

que diguin que necessiten comprovar

let them say what they need to check

que aquestes baixes siguin reals.

that these casualties be real.

Com si que tu estiguis de baixa per ansietat

As if you have been on leave for anxiety.

perquè la feina et provoca molt d'estrès,

because the work causes you a lot of stress,

és una tonterieta.

it's a little nonsense.

Em fa molta gràcia perquè és com, posa't tu a agafar trucades.

It amuses me a lot because it's like, you try answering calls.

A veure com acabes, al cap de...

Let's see how it ends, after...

Al cap d'un temps, clar, lògicament.

After some time, of course, logically.

Anys, també.

Years, too.

Hi ha gent que porta molts anys treballant allà

There are people who have been working there for many years.

i que com més acumules, al final també t'ha afectat més.

And the more you accumulate, in the end, it has affected you more as well.

També recordem que és un servei que no està...

We also remember that it is a service that is not...

O sigui, que els treballadors que treballem allà

So, the workers who work there.

no són treballadors de la Generalitat, sinó que són treballadors...

they are not employees of the Generalitat, but rather they are employees...

Exacte, que no...

Exactly, no...

O sigui, que no es passin impostos.

I mean, don't impose taxes.



Que no directament.

Not directly.

Exacte, no som gent que, diguéssim,

Exactly, we are not people who, let's say,

tinguem les mateixes condicions laborals

let's have the same working conditions

que un funcionari qualsevol, no?

that a random official, right?

Sinó que simplement això és un servei externalitzat

But simply this is an outsourced service.

amb un conveni de telemarketing

with a telemarketing agreement

i amb tot el que ho comporta qualsevol persona

and with everything that it entails, any person

que hagi treballat en telemarketing.

that has worked in telemarketing.

Jo mateix havia treballat abans en telemarketing.

I myself had worked in telemarketing before.

Sap perfectament quines són les condicions

He knows perfectly well what the conditions are.

d'aquest tipus de feines

of this type of work

i, per tant, també ha de ser conscient

and, therefore, it must also be aware

que la salut de molta gent

that the health of many people

o les situacions d'emergència que necessita molta gent

or the emergency situations that require a lot of people

estan depenent que una gent que potser no té les millors condicions

they are depending on people who may not have the best conditions

els estigui atenent, no?

is attending to them, right?

Esclar, és que això també és molt important.

Of course, this is also very important.

No és el mateix que jo atengui una trucada

It's not the same for me to answer a call.

després de portar 7 hores de nit

after being up for 7 hours at night

atenent trucades

answering calls

perquè l'agafi i res, m'acabo d'entrar a treballar.

because I just started working.



I amb les condicions que hi ha, eh?

And with the conditions that are present, huh?

Diferents, diguéssim, d'altres sectors.

Different, let's say, from other sectors.

Però bé, volíem tornar al manga, evidentment,

But well, we wanted to return to the manga, obviously,

perquè sí que ens feia gràcia

because it did make us laugh

ja que el tema tractava el tema dels suïcidis

since the topic dealt with the issue of suicides

i es donen aquestes situacions de vegades a la feina, no?

And these situations happen sometimes at work, right?

Però sí que creiem que estaria bé

But we do think it would be good.

comentar altres qüestions de l'obra

comment on other aspects of the work

abans de tancar el podcast.

before closing the podcast.



També hi ha una altra persona que està una mica malament del cap

There is also another person who is a bit mentally unstable.

que és el Masao Kirishima.

What is Masao Kirishima?

Ell és un noi que es presenta com a homosexual

He is a guy who identifies as homosexual.

diu que li agrada el rei, com a mínim

he says he likes the king, at least

que és la persona que li agrada

who is the person he/she likes

però que és un pertorbat

but what is a disturbed person

que l'únic que busca és fer que el rei sigui una mala persona.

that the only thing he seeks is to make the king a bad person.

També hi ha un altre personatge que és estrany

There is also another character who is strange.

durant l'obra té menys importància

during the play it is less important

però sí que és veritat que apareix.

but it is true that it appears.

Però en tot cas aquest manga sembla una bona mostra

But in any case, this manga seems like a good example.

de com es representava la comunitat LGTB als anys 90

how the LGBTQ community was represented in the 90s

en la immensa majoria de pel·lícules o sèries.

in the vast majority of movies or series.

Sempre hi ha excepcions

There are always exceptions.

però sí que és veritat que en aquella època

but it is true that at that time

sí que es representava els gais, les lesbianes, les persones trans

it did represent gays, lesbians, transgender people

com a persones amb mala vida

as people with a hard life

o amb aquest problema psicològic

or with this psychological problem

que no li deixa tindre una vida normal, no?

that doesn't let him have a normal life, right?

Entenem normal com allò que es considerava normal als anys 90, no?

We understand normal as what was considered normal in the 90s, right?

Que és heterosexualitat, casa, fills, gos, etc.

What is heterosexuality, house, children, dog, etc.

Sempre dirà algú amb sida, per exemple

Someone with AIDS will always say, for example.

o amb problemes mentals o afeminat o...

or with mental problems or effeminate or...

No dic que totes aquestes qüestions siguin, no?

I'm not saying that all these issues are, right?

També justificació perquè aquestes persones rebin agressions

Also justification for why these people receive aggressions.

però en tot cas sí que se'ns presentava aquest estereotip.

but in any case, this stereotype did indeed present itself to us.

Fins i tot gent que es prostituïa, no?

Even people who were prostituting themselves, right?

I amb el Masao Kirishima

And with Masao Kirishima.

doncs tenim una persona que és una mica

so we have a person who is a bit

jo podria dir l'antagonista de l'obra al final, no?

I could say the antagonist of the play at the end, right?

No ho sé, què n'opines d'aquest personatge?

I don't know, what do you think of this character?

Et feia ràbia realment?

Did it really make you angry?

És que un antagonista t'ha de fer ràbia al final, no?

It's just that an antagonist should make you angry in the end, right?

Has de pensar, o sigui, quina persona

You have to think, that is, what person.

tant de bo es mori, saps?

I hope he/she dies, you know?

No, perquè al final també és un personatge

No, because in the end he is also a character.

que té els seus traumes

that has its traumas

perquè també ha tingut un passat complicat

because it has also had a complicated past

que dona una mica d'explicació del per què és així.

which gives a little explanation of why it is like this.

Que jo crec que ni ell mateix

That I don't believe he himself does either.

sap per què és així

do you know why it is like this

i per què fa el que fa, no?

And why does he/she do what he/she does, right?

Perquè de fet ja l'escena en què el rei

Because in fact the scene in which the king

com que li diu...

as he tells her...

li fa referència a alguna cosa així com

it refers to something like

ets patètic, no saps ni...

you're pathetic, you don't even know how to...

i l'altre es ve a baix

and the other one comes down

perquè se n'adona que realment sí

because he/she realizes that it really is

no sap ni per què és així

he doesn't even know why it is that way

ni què és el que vol, ni...

neither what he wants, nor...

Se n'oblida de les coses

He forgets about things.

o fa veure que s'oblida de les coses, menteix molt

or pretends to forget things, lies a lot

Això intenta matar l'Akira

This tries to kill Akira.

només pel fet que li està prenent

just for the fact that it is taking from him/her

al rei, no?

to the king, right?

Tu creus que l'intenta matar al 100%?

Do you think he/she is trying to kill him/her 100%?

O només és amenaçar-la?

Or is it just to threaten her?

Jo crec que sí

I think so.

que arriba un moment que diu

that a moment comes when it says

et vull treure del mig, i ja està

I want to get you out of the way, and that's it.

i això farà que el rei

and this will make the king

recuperi aquest monstre interior

recover this inner monster

que fa que en algun moment

that causes that at some point

se li vagi a la pinça i comenci a matar la gent

he goes crazy and starts killing people

o matar o agredir com a mínim

either kill or at least assault

perquè veiem que el rei sí que té precedents

because we see that the king does have precedents

d'agressions contra persones

of assaults against people

ja siguin nens o adults

whether they are children or adults

en determinats moments

at certain moments

Sí que és veritat que aquí també et genera unes expectatives

Yes, it is true that it also generates expectations for you here.

de dir, ostres, què haurà fet aquest personatge

to say, wow, what could this character have done

per ser així ara

to be like this now

però després vas llegint i descobreixes que en realitat

but then you keep reading and discover that in reality

no ha matat mai a ningú

has never killed anyone.

ha estat en merders de baralles i coses així

he has been in messes of fights and things like that

però no ha arribat al punt

but it has not reached the point

mentre que el que hi xima

while what is in it is trembling

Sí que ha matat algú

Yes, he has killed someone.

Clar, tenia un abusador que el maltractava molt fortament

Of course, he had an abuser who mistreated him very severely.

i al final

and in the end

mata l'abusador

kill the abuser

que era el seu amic també

that he was also his friend

tampoc se'ns acaba d'explicar

we are also not fully explained

la relació entre els dos

the relationship between the two

una cosa una mica estranya

a slightly strange thing

que fa això com que sembla un accident

that makes it look like an accident

com que ell no ha sigut el responsable

since he has not been responsible

i com que és menor, se'n lliura

And since he is a minor, he is exempt.

no rep cap condemna

does not receive any sentence

i després com que s'intenta aprofitar d'això

and then as it tries to take advantage of this

doncs si fa això no hi ha cap repercussió

so if this is done, there are no repercussions

doncs puc matar altres persones

so I can kill other people

que tampoc hi haurà cap repercussió

that there will be no repercussions either

Sí que em veia esperar al final el que passa

I did see myself waiting in the end for what happens.

quan agafa i apunyada el rei

when he grabs and stabs the king

això no sé per què sí que m'ho esperava

I don't know why, but I expected this.

Sí, però també et diré

Yes, but I will also tell you.

que una de les coses que volia comentar

that one of the things I wanted to mention

és que tinc la sensació que

it's just that I have the feeling that

totes les situacions dramàtiques

all dramatic situations

de final de volum podríem dir

we could say at the end of the volume

o de capítol era molt previsible

or the chapter was very predictable

que no acabessin malament

that they didn't end badly

és una sensació

it's a feeling

que s'arreglaria

that would be fixed

exacte, jo sabia que quan per exemple

exactly, I knew that when for example

Grissima ataca l'Akira

Grissima attacks Akira.

jo sabia que l'Akira no moriria en aquell moment

I knew that Akira would not die at that moment.

ja, jo també

yes, me too

o m'hauria sorprès

or I would have been surprised

com a mínim m'hauria sorprès que l'Akira

At least it would have surprised me that Akira.

hagués mort en aquell moment

would have died at that moment

i el rei

and the king

m'hauria sorprès que al final el rei

I would have been surprised if in the end the king

hagués mort

would have died

hi havia un moment que m'ho arribava a creure

there was a moment when I almost believed it

és a dir, hòstia que han apunyalat

that is to say, damn they have been stabbed

l'han deixat allà i no ho saben

They have left him there and they don’t know it.

un carreró

a narrow street

s'està desencrant

it's getting unclogged

clar, és que jo ho pensava perquè per exemple

Of course, I was thinking about it because, for example,

hi ha altres obres que no acaben junts

there are other works that do not end together

al final, llavors sí que pensava

in the end, then I did think

com que és una història que és molt dramàtica

since it is a story that is very dramatic

doncs potser al final

so perhaps in the end

resulta que no acaben junts perquè ell

it turns out that they don't end up together because he

s'ha matat

has killed himself

però al final no passa

but in the end nothing happens

al final super feliços

in the end super happy

jo crec que una mica la sensació de l'obra en general

I think that a bit of the overall feeling of the work.

ja et donava peu a pensar que

I was already giving you a reason to think that

és una obra que t'explica una història d'amor

It is a work that tells you a love story.

d'unes persones que estan destinades a estar juntes

of some people who are meant to be together

i per tant acabaran juntes

and therefore they will end up together

sense més

without more

i que aniran passant coses xungues

and there will be tough things happening

és un moment complicat

it's a complicated moment

però això no vol dir que eviti

but that doesn't mean that I avoid

com el sentit general de l'obra

with the general meaning of the work

i al final és que més que el Kirishima

And in the end, it's more than Kirishima.

realment al final

really in the end

no té cap repercussió en el rei

it has no repercussions on the king

a nivell de fer que torni

in terms of making it return

a canviar la seva personalitat

to change their personality

és més el que li passa a la Kira amb els abusos del seu pare

It is more about what happens to Kira with the abuses from her father.

que no al Kirishima

not to Kirishima


i això és el que volia parlar

and this is what I wanted to talk about

i una altra cosa que volia parlar

and another thing I wanted to talk about

que també m'ha semblat molt interessant

which I also found very interesting

quan m'ho han tractat l'obra

when they have treated the work to me

és el tema de la mare

it's the mother's theme

de la Kira

from Kira

que no en això no n'hem parlat

that we haven't talked about this

hi ha un moment en què la Kira com deies ara

there is a moment when Kira, as you just mentioned

anuncia o comenta

announce or comment

que va patir abusos sexuals de petita

who suffered sexual abuse as a child

sí que jo crec que això

yes, I do believe that this

és la meva part preferida del manga

It's my favorite part of the manga.

a mi m'ha semblat molt interessant

I found it very interesting.

la Kira

the Kira

és la part preferida del manga

it's the favorite part of the manga

a mi també m'agrada molt

I also like it a lot.

perquè no m'ho esperava gens

because I wasn't expecting it at all

i clar va ser com ostres

And of course, it was like oysters.

clar ara entenc per què actua així al principi

Sure, now I understand why he/she acts like that at the beginning.

perquè és tan reservada perquè és tan callada

because she is so reserved because she is so quiet

perquè sembla que m'agrada molt

because it seems that I like it a lot

però no m'ho esperava gens perquè això sí que és una cosa

but I didn't expect it at all because this really is something

que no he llegit a cap manga

I haven't read any manga.

jo segur que n'hi ha altres mangas que hi ha abusos sexuals infantils

I am sure there are other mangas that deal with child sexual abuse.

però jo era la primera vegada que ho llegia en un manga

but it was the first time I read it in a manga

i no m'ho esperava

I didn't expect it.

va ser com ostres

it was like oysters

i de forma tan

and in such a way

explícites no però

not explicitly but

i ja et deixa clar que això té conseqüències

And it makes it clear that this has consequences.

vull dir que no és com mira em van abusar de mi

I mean, it's not like, look, they abused me.

bueno sí que tinc un ressentiment

Well, yes, I do have a resentment.

però ja està

but that's it

ella no vol tenir relacions sexuals

She does not want to have sexual relations.

i de fet té pànic

and in fact, he/she is panicking

de trobar-se el

to find oneself the

el seu padrastre

his stepfather

que és el responsable

who is responsible

d'aquests abusos

of these abuses

a mi sí que m'hi guinyola una mica

It does wink at me a bit.

al principi molt bé per la mare

At first, very good for the mother.

per decidir marxar de la casa on es trobaven

to decide to leave the house where they were

quan va assabentar-se

when did you find out

que la seva filla havia estat abusada

that their daughter had been abused

pel seu company, pel seu marit

for her companion, for her husband

però després

but then

la mare mateixa decideix

the mother herself decides

o li comunica una mica la intenció

or it communicates a bit the intention

de que bueno

how good

hem estat parlant i sembla que el teu pare ha canviat

We have been talking and it seems that your father has changed.

crec que podria

I believe I could.

viure amb tu sense cap problema

living with you without any problem

crec que no hi hauria

I don't think there would be.

si tu ho veus bé podríem tornar

If you think it's good, we could go back.

i així tindríem menys problemes econòmics

and thus we would have fewer economic problems

i hosti

and host

la teva filla va ser abusada fa 3 anys

your daughter was abused 3 years ago

o fa 4 saps? la poca comunicació

Oh, do you know? The little communication.

que hi ha

what's up

no es diu en cap moment de forma explícita

it is not stated at any time explicitly

això que va passar

this that happened

aquesta situació que hi va haver

this situation that happened

de violència cap a tu

of violence towards you

no es verbalitza així

it's not verbalized like that

està molt arrepentit del que va fer

he is very sorry for what he did

i ja està

and that's it

és aquella època també

it is that time too

és una cultura, una societat diferent

it is a different culture, a different society

ara potser no s'entendria tant

now perhaps it wouldn't be understood as much



no estic gaire posada

I'm not very into it.

ja no ho sé

I don’t know anymore.

potser s'hauria entès més

maybe it would have been understood better

aquesta actitud de la mare

this attitude of the mother

i ara canvi potser no tant

And now change perhaps not so much

la concepció que el pare és el que porta els ingressos

the conception that the father is the one who brings in the income

bé, l'home

well, the man

és el que porta els ingressos

it is what brings in the income

i la dona viu més mantinguda al marge

And the woman lives more maintained on the sidelines.

però jo amb aquesta part de la història també vaig dir

But with this part of the story, I also said.

ostres, en sèrio?

Wow, seriously?

o sigui estàs posant

that is, you are putting

per sobre la vida de la teva filla

about your daughter's life

però clar

but of course

si ho penses dius

if you think about it, you say

és que no li quedava un altre

it's just that he had no other choice

perquè ella la ingressen

because she is admitted

perquè treballa tant

why do you work so much

és una mica

it's a bit

una llotra

a otter

com veieu us tracten

how you are treated

si algú està escoltant això

if someone is listening to this

i no s'ha llegit l'obra encara

and the work has not been read yet

com veieu us tracten temes complicadets

As you see, they treat complex topics.

quan la mare decideix tornar a viure amb el pare

when the mother decides to live with the father again

i li comunica a l'Akira

and informs Akira

l'Akira en aquell moment està vivint amb el rei

Akira is currently living with the king.

això està una mica relacionat

this is somewhat related

amb el que dèiem abans

with what we said before

que de cop viuen molt ràpid

that all of a sudden they live very quickly

tenen 15-16 anys i de cop ja estan vivint junts

They are 15-16 years old and suddenly they are living together.

i pràcticament podeu permetre-us viure junts

and you can practically afford to live together

si sou adolescents

if you are teenagers

que també viuen en un bloc de pisos

that also live in an apartment building

o mig de ruïna

or half of ruin

però això i ella decideix tornar

but this and she decides to return

allà a la casa amb ells

there at the house with them

que dius com tornes a la casa

What do you say when you return home?

on està el teu graso sexual

Where is your sexual fat?

i el rei s'enfada amunt i li afecta més

and the king gets angry and it affects him more

la decisió aquesta de l'Akira

Akira's decision.

o sigui canvia més tota la forma de ser del rei

that is to say it changes more the whole way of being of the king

que torna com a ser

that returns as it was

un imbècil, un xulo

a fool, a jerk

que se'n va lligar a porai

that he got tied up somewhere over there

li afecta més això que dius

it affects him more than what you say

o sigui és una mica il·lògic

so it's a bit illogical

que t'afecti així, preocupa't per la teva parella

that it affects you like this, worry about your partner

intenta protegir-la, no li facis això

try to protect her, don’t do this to her

no l'abandonis ara, és que l'abandona completament

Don't abandon him now, it completely leaves him behind.

en aquella situació

in that situation

que no el queixi mal psicòpata

don't complain about the bad psychopath

que intenta matar la seva nòvia

that tries to kill his girlfriend

no ho sé, la relació de l'Akira i el rei

I don't know, the relationship between Akira and the king.

és com de dependència emocional

it's like emotional dependency

podríem dir entre els dos

we could say between the two

sempre que li passa alguna cosa a l'altre

whenever something happens to the other

doncs no ho sé

well, I don't know

jo crec que és més l'Akira

I think it's more Akira.

sí, sobretot l'Akira

yes, especially Akira

depèn més d'ell

it depends more on him

que decideixen casar-se fins i tot

that they decide to get married even

quan compleixen els 18

when they turn 18

per fugir dels entorns aquests

to escape from these surroundings

el rei vol fugir

the king wants to escape

d'aquest entorn familiar

of this family environment

de la casa gran

of the big house

en realitat l'entorn familiar del rei

in reality the royal family's environment

no és dolent

it's not bad

però té mals records

but has bad memories

de la casa i de tot en general

of the house and of everything in general

jo sí que

I do.

després de descobrir que el rei

after discovering that the king

és un nen pijo

he's a spoiled kid

és que la bosta i passa és un imbècil

it's just that the idiot is a fool

perquè realment son pare no és

because his father really isn't

o sigui no l'ha traumatitzat

so it hasn't traumatized him/her

no li ha fet res dolent

he hasn't done anything wrong to him/her.

intenta ajudar-lo

try to help him

jo quan m'assabento que el rei ve d'una família de pasta

I when I find out that the king comes from a wealthy family.

em cau molt la ment

I often lose my mind.

perquè és com, a veure senyor

because it's like, let's see sir

tenies la vida solucionada

you had your life sorted out

al principi te'l pinta com un pobre

At first, he portrays you as a poor person.

que et fa feines

that makes it difficult for you

però després tio

but then dude

tenies la vida solucionada

you had life figured out

que als 16 anys les coses es veuen diferents

that at 16 years old things look different

que compares la del rei amb la de l'Akira

that compares the one of the king with that of Akira

i dius per favor

and you say please

que econòmicament no van sobrades

that they are not financially well off

ella i sa mare que se'n van anar a l'hospitalitzar

She and her mother went to the hospital.

que ell ha patit abusos sexuals

that he has suffered sexual abuse

que son pare es va morir en un accident

that his father died in an accident

o sigui que m'estàs contant que tu estàs aquí com

So you're telling me that you're here like

és que el meu pare no em deixa córrer les motis

It's just that my father doesn't let me run the motis.

i estic molt enfadat

and I am very angry


come on

home hi ha més coses evidentment

There are obviously more things at home.

la seva mare s'ha suïcidat el seu germà també

his mother has committed suicide, his brother too

estem fent broma però en el moment

we're joking but at the moment

fins que ell no recorda lo de la seva mare

until he remembers about his mother

que sí que el seu germà es va suïcidar

that yes, her brother committed suicide

però també ho té com bloquejat al principi

but it also has it blocked at the beginning

és que es vol casar també per fugir d'aquella casa

It's just that he wants to get married to escape from that house as well.

jo realment no sé tu què pensaràs

I really don't know what you will think.

no sé si pensaràs que potser

I don't know if you will think that maybe.

hagués tornat a abusar d'ella

would have abused her again

però és quan el pare veu

but it is when the father sees

el pare veu que ella està sortint amb el rei

the father sees that she is dating the king

llavors ella un dia va a casa i li diu

then one day she goes home and tells him

qui era aquest amb qui estàs sortint

Who was this person you were dating?

no pots sortir a un paio així

you can't go out with a guy like that



t'emportarà a la ruïna

it will take you to ruin

i com que l'intenta prohibir

and since he tries to prohibit it

i com que forceja

and as he/she struggles



però no arriba com

but it doesn't arrive as

ella ho viu com si ell l'hagués abusat

She lives it as if he had abused her.

d'ella una altra vegada

of her again

però ell l'únic que està fent és com

but he is only doing is like

pare espera t'escolta no et moguis

Dad, wait, I’m listening, don’t move.

no te'n vagis d'aquí no et deixo sortir

Don't leave here, I won't let you go out.

perquè no vull que vagis amb aquest noi

because I don't want you to go out with that boy

jo crec que sí que hagués reincidit

I think that I would have relapsed.

que hagués tornat a patir

that I would have suffered again

jo crec que sí perquè se'l veia clarament gelós

I think so because he clearly seemed jealous.

de la relació i al final

of the relationship and in the end

si està gelós és perquè alguna cosa hi ha

If he is jealous, it's because there is something.

clar però no queda al 100%

clear but it doesn't stay at 100%

perquè després com que ho intenta arreglar

because afterwards they try to fix it

perquè ell

because he

ja ho sent així bastant heavy no?

I feel like that's pretty heavy, isn't it?

sí està bé

yes it's fine

ella ha d'anunciar-lo

She has to announce it.

ella també té una mica aquest

she also has a bit of this

monstre interior de que

inner monster of what

és veritat ostres això no recordava

It's true, wow, I didn't remember that.

quan ella li confessa al rei que des del moment

when she confesses to the king that from the moment

que ell abusa el pare abusa el pare d'Astra

that he abuses the father abuses the father of Astra

abusa ella havia començat a imaginar-se

she had started to imagine

totes les formes a l'escalmetaria

all the shapes in the scale meter

i llavors que tenia com un odi a tothom

and then I had like a hatred for everyone

i s'imaginava com moria la gent del seu voltant

and imagined how the people around him died.

no va tant al pare ni res

it doesn't go much to the father or anything

i el pare després intenta contactar amb ella

and the father then tries to contact her

per dir-li ho sento molt

to say I'm very sorry

estava preocupat no t'anava a fer res

I was worried nothing was going to happen to you.

m'agradaria també parlar una mica del final

I would also like to talk a little about the ending.

no sé que n'opines

I don't know what you think about it.

una mica de com

a bit of how

de com s'acaba

how it ends

s'acaba una mica en fals penso

I think it ends a bit falsely.

és com si haguessin faltat alguns capítols més

It's as if some more chapters were missing.

pensava que se li dóna molta importància

I thought that a lot of importance is given to him/her.

a la carta aquesta que troba l'Akira

to the letter that Akira finds

perquè és com ostres

because it's like oysters

com unes últimes paraules abans que

like some final words before that

es tregués la vida no?

he would take his life, right?

i que ningú més ha llegit aquelles paraules

and that no one else has read those words

clar si es llegeix ella tampoc sembla que ella

Sure, if you read it, she also doesn't seem like she does.

tregui cap conclusió així molt

Don't draw any conclusions like that.

no sé què fer no sé si ensenyar-li o no

I don't know what to do, I don't know whether to teach him/her or not.

ho amaga la carta després de tornar a treure

he hides the letter after taking it out again

i al final li dóna

and in the end, he/she gives it to him/her

i quan li dóna jo pensava que tindria un impacte més gran

And when it happened, I thought it would have a bigger impact.

però realment

but really

ho llegeix i diu

he reads it and says

doncs que tonto ets perquè

well how stupid you are because

encara m'hauràs d'esperar molt de temps

you will still have to wait for me a long time

perquè jo no em penso suicidar ara

because I am not planning to commit suicide now

o sigui tota la importància que s'ha donat a la carta aquesta

that is, all the importance that has been given to this letter

i li dóna i és com

and it gives him and it's like

doncs vaya tonteria

well, what nonsense

a mi sí que em va deixar una mica freda

It did leave me a bit cold.

però m'esperava que hi hagués

but I was expecting that there would be

més veient tot el recorregut de la sèrie

more seeing the whole course of the series

i com en alguns moments és així de dramàtica

and as in some moments it is this dramatic

en alguns aspectes tio que t'estigui

in some aspects dude that it is

que estàs llegint la carta del teu germà

that you are reading your brother's letter

que és una cosa que t'està sugestionant

What is something that is suggesting to you?

durant tot el punyadero manga i ara estiguis

"throughout the whole damn sleeve and now you are"

rotllo doncs vale

So, okay.

doncs me vaig a córrer amb la moto

So I'm going to ride the motorbike.

és que s'acaba així és que és com vale

it ends like this is it’s like okay

i ja està és com inconclusa

And that's it, it's kind of inconclusive.

i ens falta un març

and we are missing a March

dos aquí

two here

és massa ràpid o sigui el moment que li dóna la carta

it's too fast, that is, the moment he hands her the letter

ell llegeix i ja està

he reads and that's it

i s'acaba no hi ha cap impacte

and it's over there is no impact

real no sé

I really don't know.

no passa res més

nothing else happens

ja està l'altra que estava tan ratllada per donar-li

The other one that was so annoyed about giving it to him/her is ready.

la carta és com doncs li donava igual

the letter is like so it didn't matter to him

que li donessis és com molt metafòrica

what you gave him is very metaphorical

l'obra tota l'estona o sigui t'està ensenyant

the work all the time, that is, it's teaching you

com moltes coses que potser hi ha alguna cosa

like many things, there may be something

que no estem entenent clar hi ha alguna cosa

that we are not understanding clearly there is something

que no estem entenent és molt simbòlic

what we are not understanding is very symbolic

és això o sigui jo penso que al final

it's this or I mean I think that in the end

l'autor va intentar fer un final

the author tried to create an ending

que fos el màxim simbòlic possible

that it would be the maximum possible symbolic

després de tot això que ha passat ja

after everything that has happened already

ho sabem tot ara comencem a

we know everything now let's start to

viure no ara comencem a fer el nostre propi camí

to live not now we begin to make our own way

jo hauria fet una altra cosa

I would have done something else.

la veritat ja és que potser no anava tant

The truth is that maybe it didn't go that well.

de que hi hagués una conclusió molt

that there would be a very strong conclusion

forta o un desenllaç així

strong or a resolution like this



potser era més simplement

perhaps it was more simply

vivències d'adolescents

teenage experiences

relacionades amb el seu passat traumàtic

related to their traumatic past

i amb com ho estan visquent ara

and how they are experiencing it now

i bueno jo és que més que dir

And well, I mean, more than saying.

el punt aquest àlgid de la carta potser diria

this critical point of the letter could perhaps say

que és tota la part aquesta de quan recorda

what is all this part about when he/she remembers

de com es va suïcidar la mare

about how the mother committed suicide

també relacionat amb el seu pare biològic

also related to his biological father

i tota la història

and all the history

de saber la realitat de què va passar

to know the reality of what happened

que no en si al final

that it is not in itself in the end

és com que va desenvolupant-se a poc a poc

It's as if it is developing little by little.

i ja està

and that's it

però bé acabem aquest podcast ja

but well let's finish this podcast already

hem estat molta estona

we have been a long time

ho haurem de retallar molt

we will have to cut it a lot

però si que volia destacar que la Fuyumi Sōryō

but I did want to highlight that Fuyumi Sōryō

l'autora va debutar

the author made her debut

com a mangaka professional

as a professional mangaka

amb Hidemarino Homoncha

with Hidemarino Homoncha

que és visita d'ataca solars

what is a solar attack visit

a l'any 82

in the year 82

durant un parell d'anys va treballar com a assistent

for a couple of years he worked as an assistant

del mangaka Fuyumi Gura

by the mangaka Fuyumi Gura

i es va fer un nom dins de

and he/she made a name for himself/herself in

les revistes Shōjo

Shōjo magazines

el 88 va ser guardonada

the 88 was awarded

amb el premi

with the prize

pel manga Manga World

for the Manga Manga World

pel manga Boyfriend

for the manga Boyfriend

i el 2001 va passar a publicar

and in 2001 it began to be published

principalment manga Seinen

mainly Seinen manga

també publicant a la revista Morning

also publishing in the Morning magazine

i una de les obres més conegudes

and one of the most well-known works

és Cesare

it's Cesare

que se centra al voltant de la família Borja

which focuses on the Borja family

del retenciment italià

of the Italian retention

i el mateix César Borja

and the same César Borja

això encara no ens ha arribat aquí

this has not reached us here yet

i ho comento precisament perquè penso que

and I mention it precisely because I think that

amb el tipus de trames que em puc llegir

with the type of plots that I can read

penso que estaria molt bé que es continuessin

I think it would be great if they continued.

publicant obres de l'autora

publishing works of the author

d'altres estils

of other styles

no només Cesare sinó que també hi ha altres obres

not only Cesare but there are also other works

per exemple l'última és un biòpic sobre

for example the last one is a biopic about

la reina Maria Antonieta

Queen Marie Antoinette

o sigui que té obres de tot tipus d'aquesta autora

So she has works of all types by this author.

però bé, nosaltres ens acomiadem aquí

but well, we say our goodbyes here

segurament ens haurem deixat alguna cosa per comentar

we have probably left something out to comment on

de març, però vaja

in March, but anyway

teniu moltes ganes de fer aquest

are you very excited to do this

cinquantè programa, avui que és

fiftieth program, today is

el cinquantè podcast que en vengem

the fiftieth podcast that we sell

Ah sí? Ui, felicitat!

Oh really? Wow, congratulations!

Després de més de tres anys

After more than three years

gràcies per escoltar-nos

thank you for listening to us

i a reveure! Adeu, adeu!

And goodbye! Bye, bye!

Fins demà!

See you tomorrow!

Ja no respiro

I no longer breathe.

com respirava

how he/she was breathing

Espiro cendres

I exhale ashes.

en comptes d'aire

instead of air

i no respiro

and I don't breathe

com respirava

how he/she was breathing

expulso sucre

I expel sugar.

de les entranyes

from the guts

ja no camino

I no longer walk.

com caminava

how he/she walked

ara tinc branques

now I have branches

en comptes d'ares

instead of ares

i no camino

and I don't walk

com caminava

how he/she was walking

trepitjo somnis

I step on dreams.

de mirada

of glance



de mar

of the sea

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