la Sarah marxa a Austràlia i estem aprenent a ser-ne conscients

Marta Cámara

a porta oberta

la Sarah marxa a Austràlia i estem aprenent a ser-ne conscients

a porta oberta

Benvinguts, benvingudes i benvingudes al podcast de Porta Oberta,

Welcome, welcome, and welcome to the Porta Oberta podcast,

un espai on el pensament i el sentiment dissident

a space where dissenting thought and feeling

sobre temes socioculturals hi cap per expressar-se.

on sociocultural issues there is room to express oneself.

Avui m'acompanya la Sara i parlarem...

Today Sara is accompanying me and we will talk...

És que és molt fort, eh?

It's really strong, isn't it?

Ja, no, no, parlem-ne moltes cosetes.

Yes, no, no, let's not talk about many little things.


Let's talk about it.

Parlem de com la personeta que tinc al davant se'n va a Austràlia.

Let's talk about how the little person in front of me is going to Australia.

És que a Austràlia...

It's just that in Australia...

És que és molt fort.

It's really intense.

Se'n va a viure a Austràlia, molt probablement d'aquí molt poc.

He's moving to Australia, most likely very soon.

Per què a Austràlia?

Why in Australia?

Vale, clar, aviam, un moment.

Okay, sure, let's see, one moment.

Posem una mica de context.

Let's put some context.





Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Bueno, context de...

Well, context of...

De la meva vida o de...

Of my life or of...

O sigui, de per què me'n vaig a Austràlia, no?

So, why am I going to Australia, right?

Sí, o sigui, de per què a Austràlia i no a un altre lloc.

Yes, I mean, why in Australia and not somewhere else.



No ho sé.

I don't know.

No, vull dir, jo porto molts anys obsessionada amb Austràlia.

No, I mean, I have been obsessed with Australia for many years.

No hi he estat mai, però és com aquell lloc que tens en el cap que dius

I've never been there, but it's like that place you have in your head that you say.

és que abans de morir hi he d'anar i vull anar a viure.

It's just that before I die I have to go there and I want to go live.

I també perquè jo crec que encaixaré molt amb l'estil de vida,

And also because I believe I will fit in very well with the lifestyle.

que són gent molt tranquil·la, sense cap pressió, que van descalços pel carrer, al supermercat...

they are very calm people, with no pressure, who walk barefoot in the street, at the supermarket...

Jo crec que serà una experiència, en plan, per treure't coses d'aquí i palpar.

I think it will be an experience, in a way, to take things out of here and feel them.

Sí, sí, sí, total.

Yes, yes, yes, totally.

I també perquè, aviam, és molt maco.

And also because, let's see, it's very nice.

Vull dir, ha de ser brutal i també perquè és com... no puc pensar un lloc més lluny.

I mean, it must be brutal and also because it's like... I can't think of a more distant place.

Vull dir, està... és que literal, està a l'altra punta del món.

I mean, it's... it's just that literally, it's on the other side of the world.



Per tant, jo sabia des de ben petita que abans de morir volia anar.

Therefore, I knew from a very young age that I wanted to go before I died.

Tia, és que a mi m'al·lucina perquè jo pensava de dir, uau, Austràlia.

Dude, I'm just amazed because I was thinking of saying, wow, Australia.

A mi el que m'al·lucina molt d'Austràlia és quan és Cap d'Any...

What amazes me most about Australia is when it's New Year's...

I allà fa calor.

And there it is hot.

Però és que, a més a més, no només això, sinó que ja està en el 2022 i tu encara no estàs al 2022.

But it's not just that; it's also that we are already in 2022, and you are still not in 2022.

Sí, sí, sí, és que real, o sigui, és com...

Yes, yes, yes, it's really, I mean, it's like...

És que és molt heavy.

It's just very intense.

Les estacions de l'any estan al revés, el temps, tot.

The seasons of the year are in reverse, the weather, everything.

O sigui, és que és com una vida, un món paral·lel i jo sempre sabia que volia anar.

I mean, it's like a life, a parallel world, and I always knew I wanted to go.



O sigui, era com una intuïció, no?, que tu tenies.

So, it was like an intuition, right?, that you had.

Sí, sí. També he de dir que, bueno, després ja entraré en més detall, però...

Yes, yes. I also have to say that, well, later I will go into more detail, but...

Jo vinc de família que sempre ha viatjat molt lluny.

I come from a family that has always traveled far away.



I jo sempre és com que ni m'ho qüestionava.

And I always felt like I didn't even question it.

O sigui, sabia que arribaria el dia que jo marxaria de la meva família i marxaria lluny.

So, I knew the day would come when I would leave my family and go far away.



Perquè d'alguna manera ho portes al sang.

Because in some way you carry it in your blood.

Sí, és com la norma, sobretot per part del meu pare, és com tothom marxa lluny.

Yes, it's like the norm, especially from my father, it's like everyone goes far away.


You know?



I, bueno, jo sabia que arribaria el dia d'Austràlia.

Well, I knew that the day of Australia would come.

El que passa és que no pensava que seria tan ràpid i tot tan quadrat.

What happens is that I didn't think it would be so quick and everything so squared away.

És que molt fort, eh.

It's really strong, huh.

Perquè jo ara estic treballant en una empresa, que estic molt bé en aquesta empresa,

Because I am currently working at a company that I am very happy at.

i al març o així em vaig enterar que obrien botiga...

And in March or so I found out that they were opening a store...

Bueno, obrien com... Sí, oficines a Austràlia.

Well, opening like... Yes, offices in Australia.



I clar, va ser com... Aquesta és la meva oportunitat.

And of course, it was like... This is my opportunity.

És que és un foc.

It's just that it's a fire.

O ho faig o no ho faig.

Either I do it or I don't do it.

I clar, estava una mica cagada perquè...

And of course, I was a bit scared because...

Aviam, era la més petita, portava super poc temps...

Let's see, she was the youngest, had been there for super little time...

Portava, realment, un contracte de tres mesos.

I actually had a three-month contract.

Sí, saps, a la piscina total.

Yes, you know, at the pool totally.

Exacte, que...

Exactly, that...



I vaig seure amb el jefe de l'empresa i li vaig dir, si us plau, enviem cap a Austràlia.

I sat down with the boss of the company and told him, please, send us to Australia.

Vull dir, t'ho demano, si us plau, necessito marxar.

I mean, I'm asking you, please, I need to leave.

I va ser tan maco, o sigui...

It was so nice, I mean...

És jove, ell, té 29 anys, i ell em va dir, hòstia, jo també ho vaig fer, t'entenc perfectament,

He's young, he's 29 years old, and he told me, damn, I did it too, I understand you perfectly.

i hi ha una manera que puguis marxar.

And there is a way you can leave.

I clar, això, o sigui, estic parlant del març, i fins fa un mes i pico no em van confirmar.

Of course, I mean, I'm talking about March, and until a month and a bit ago, they didn't confirm it to me.

Per tant...


I és segur del tot, o...?

And is it completely safe, or...?

Sí, ara sí.

Yes, now it is.



Vull dir, clar, no, no.

I mean, of course, no, no.

I he estat molts mesos en plan, si us plau, necessito marxar.

I have been for many months thinking, please, I need to leave.

Perquè clar, fins que els alts, perquè allà hi ha un equip d'Austràlia.

Because of course, until the high ones, because there is a team from Australia there.



I fins que l'equip d'Austràlia no em digués, vale, et volem, no era segur, saps?

And until the Australian team told me, okay, we want you, I wasn't sure, you know?



Havies de fer alguna entrevista o així?

Did you have to do any interview or something like that?



I vaig fer una carta de motivació, i vaig fer...

I wrote a motivation letter, and I did...

Que això ho recomano molt, en plan, has de pensar out of the box, o sigui, fora de la...

I highly recommend this, like, you have to think outside the box, in other words, outside of the...

I vaig fer un Instagram, perquè clar, jo allà porto, portaré a les xarxes socials.

I made an Instagram because, of course, I will be posting on social media there.

Per tant...




Havia de fer alguna cosa de xarxes socials.

I had to do something for social media.

I vaig fer, en canvi de fer una carta de motivació, com un Word escrit, vaig fer un Instagram,

I made an Instagram instead of writing a motivational letter like a Word document.

que cada post era com alguna cosa sobre mi, la meva carrera...

that each post was like something about me, my career...



I el perquè d'Austràlia, i els hi va encantar.

And the reason for Australia, and they loved it.

I fa un mes o així, veig que m'escriu el d'Austràlia, em diu, tal, et puc trucar...

A month ago or so, I see that the one from Australia is writing to me, he says, so and so, can I call you...

I jo...

And me...



Em va trucar, em va dir que et volem, que estem super contents...

He called me, he said that we want you, that we are super happy...



Tens molt de talent, et necessitem aquí, serà una molt... una experiència super guai,

You have a lot of talent, we need you here, it will be a very... a super cool experience.

t'ajudarem a buscar pis, no et preocupis, que estaràs super bé aquí...

We'll help you find an apartment, don't worry, you will be super well here...

És que és xara.

It's just that she's silly.

I clar, jo estava a la feina...

And of course, I was at work...



I em va trucar...

He/She called me...

I vaig penjar, i vaig estar com...

I hung up, and I was like...

Literal, eh?

Literal, huh?

5 minuts al terra, així.

5 minutes on the floor, like this.

Com per no estar-ho.

How could it not be?

I després...

And then...



El primer que vaig fer va ser trucar als meus pares, i vinc a plorar, plorar, perquè

The first thing I did was call my parents, and I came crying, crying, because

va ser com...

it was like...

Vaig sentir que jo havia aconseguit el més gran dels meus objectius fins ara.

I felt that I had achieved the greatest of my goals so far.

I és una sensació de...

And it's a feeling of...

Que fort!

How cool!

O sigui, ho estàs aconseguint.

In other words, you are achieving it.

És molt fort.

It's very strong.

I, aviam, també, la putada és que ara hi ha el Covid, per tant, he d'esperar que tot estigui

Well, the thing is that now there is Covid, so I have to wait for everything to be.

bé, que obrin fronteres...

well, let them open borders...

Clar, i a nivell de papeleos i tal, és una cosa més complicada, no?

Of course, and at the paperwork level, it's a more complicated thing, right?

Sí, és complicada, però la veritat és que tinc sort que jo vaig amb contracte de feina

Yes, it is complicated, but the truth is that I am lucky that I have a job contract.

i és molt més fàcil.

And it's much easier.

Vull dir, el visat, ho tinc tot, saps?

I mean, the visa, I have everything, you know?

Vull dir, és molt més fàcil.

I mean, it's much easier.



Però no sé, ara, a poc a poc, cada cop que passa alguna cosa a Austràlia, per exemple,

But I don't know, now, little by little, every time something happens in Australia, for example,

aquesta setmana ja m'han enviat les tasques que hauré de fer allà.

This week they have already sent me the tasks that I will have to do there.

El dilluns tinc una entrevista amb ell.

On Monday I have an interview with him.

Bueno, no sé, és com que cada cop s'està fent més realitat, ja estic començant a mirar

Well, I don't know, it's just that it seems to be becoming more of a reality every time, I'm starting to look.

pisos, preus, vols...

flats, prices, flights...

I és com...

And it is like...

Tio, és que ho he aconseguit, saps?

Dude, I did it, you know?

És molt heavy.

It's very heavy.

Et vas com reafirmant tota l'estona, no?

You keep reaffirming yourself all the time, don't you?



I ho he aconseguit sense tenir por de demanar.

I have achieved it without being afraid to ask.


Do you understand me?



Seure't amb el cap de l'empresa quan portes tres mesos i dir-li que te'n vols anar a

Sit down with the head of the company after three months and tell him you want to leave to.

l'altra punta del món...

the other end of the world...

I bé, xica.

And well, girl.


You know?

Qualsevol altre cap t'hauria dit, bueno, aviam, portes molt poc aquí, poder no confiar en

Any other boss would have said, well, let's see, you've been here very little, maybe not to trust you.

tu, perquè portes tres mesos treballant allà.

You, because you have been working there for three months.

I a més que acabo de sortir de l'Uni, que no tinc tota l'experiència.

And besides, I just graduated from university, so I don't have all the experience.



Però em va entendre tant i em va dir, i si passa qualsevol cosa i no estàs allà bé,

But he understood me so well and he said, and if anything happens and you're not there, well,

pots tornar.

You can come back.

Vull dir, no et preocupis, que no et tancarem mai les portes.

I mean, don't worry, we will never close the doors on you.

És com, que maco que hi hagi gent que t'emputxi a fer aquestes coses.

It's like, how nice it is to have people who push you to do these things.



I que no et qüestioni, saps?

And don't let them question you, you know?

I que aposti per tu.

And I bet on you.

És que en cap moment va dir, no sé tant, saps?

It's just that at no point did he/she say, I don't know that much, you know?

I que tu també d'alguna manera, energèticament, has decidit treballar en aquesta empresa,

And that you too, in some way, energetically, have decided to work in this company,

que t'han agafat, te mola.

that they've caught you, you like it.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Que està super bé.

That's really great.

És molt fort perquè també aquesta empresa jo vaig entrar de pràctiques i va ser bastant

It's very strong because I also joined this company as an intern and it was quite...



Que jo estava super centrada en que volia fer pràctiques a Barcelona.

I was very focused on wanting to do an internship in Barcelona.

I no trobava pràctiques, no trobava pràctiques i aquesta empresa està a Sils, al meu poble.

I couldn't find internships, I couldn't find internships and this company is in Sils, in my village.

És que és molt fort.

It's just that it's very strong.

I la meva mare em va dir, i per què no proves a tirar currículum aquí?

And my mother told me, why don't you try sending your resume here?

I vaig entrar com a pràctiques, després em van fer contracte i ara em vaig a Austràlia

I started as an intern, then they gave me a contract and now I am going to Australia.

amb aquesta empresa.

with this company.

És que és molt fort.

It's very strong.

I clar, si jo hagués trobat pràctiques en una altra empresa, poder això no hagués passat

Of course, if I had found internships at another company, maybe this wouldn't have happened.

mai, saps?

never, you know?

Clar, haguessis projectat cap a anar a Barcelona perquè hi ha el mundillo de lo que sea i...

Of course, you would have aimed to go to Barcelona because there's the scene of whatever it is and...



No, no, no.

No, no, no.

I res.

And nothing.

I que marxo.

And I'm leaving.

I estic cagada perquè fa por.

I'm scared because it's terrifying.



Bueno, ja.

Well, already.

Fa por dir, hòstia, és que te'n vas sola.

It's scary to say, damn, you're leaving on your own.

Vaig sola.

I go alone.

Vull dir, és que ja...

I mean, it's just that...

Allà no tinc ningú, tinc els de la feina, però te'n vas sola a l'altra punta del món

There I don't have anyone, I have my coworkers, but you go off alone to the other side of the world.

que si et dóna un atac d'ansietat no pots agafar un boli i tornar.

that if you have a panic attack you can't just grab a pen and come back.

Ho podria fer, però...

I could do it, but...




You know?

Vull dir...

I mean...

I tio, deixes tota la teva vida aquí.

Hey man, you leave your whole life here.

Deixes els amics, les amigues, la família, casa...

You leave your friends, your girlfriends, your family, home...

Però sempre d'alguna manera ho portes amb tu, eh?

But you always carry it with you somehow, right?

I a la vegada no he estat mai tan llesta de marxar.

And at the same time, I have never been smart enough to leave.

Vull dir, no tinc res que m'arreli aquí.

I mean, I have nothing that ties me here.

He acabat la carrera, no tinc parella...

I have finished my studies, I don't have a partner...

Sí, tinc la feina, però la meva feina la tindré allà també, saps?

Yes, I have the job, but I will have my job there too, you know?

És com...

It's like...

Què faig aquí?

What am I doing here?

O sigui, és el moment on més llesta em sento de marxar.

So, it's the moment when I feel smartest about leaving.

I crec que tot ha anat bé perquè jo en aquest moment...

I believe everything has gone well because I, at this moment...

Si, per exemple, aquesta oportunitat m'hagués sortit fa dos anys...

Yes, for example, if this opportunity had come up for me two years ago...

Clar, jo estava fent la carrera.

Sure, I was studying for my degree.


Do you understand me?

Imagina't que em passa d'aquí tres anys que jo estic amb una feina, amb un sou superguai,

Imagine that in three years I have a job with a really great salary.

que estic superestable, tinc un pis, tinc parella...

that I am super stable, I have an apartment, I have a partner...

Clar, ja t'ho qüestiones més.

Sure, you question it more now.



És que ara no tinc res.

I don't have anything right now.

I és molt fort com tot...

And it's very strong how everything...


You know?

Com tot ha anat bé perquè jo ara...

As everything has gone well because I now...

S'ha filat.

It has been spun.

Sí, sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes, yes.

És com...

It's like...

Ha de ser i punt.

It has to be, that's all.

I estic agrada per això, perquè...

I am glad for that, because...

Lo tomas o lo dejas?

Do you take it or leave it?



I al final...

And in the end...



Te'n vas lluny.

You are going far away.

I no et tornaràs.

And you will not return.

A veure, les teves amigues podrien en un any.

Let's see, your friends could in a year.


Do you understand me?



És que és això.

It is what it is.

Tinc tantes ganes de...

I can't wait to...

Tio, d'anar sola.

Dude, going alone.

I és que tens tot per fer.

And it's just that you have everything to do.

I jo què sé, i descobrir un puto continent.

And what do I know, to discover a fucking continent.



És que és molt fort.

It's just very strong.

Puc se'n parla.

I can speak about it.

No sé, i conèixer gent nova.

I don't know, and meet new people.

I una feina nova.

And a new job.

I Austràlia, vull dir, que és maquíssim.

In Australia, I mean, it's very beautiful.

I és que és molt fort.

And it's just so strong.

Puc se'n parla.

I can speak about it.

No sé, i conèixer gent nova.

I don't know, and meet new people.

I una feina nova.

And a new job.

I Austràlia, vull dir, que és maquíssim.

In Australia, I mean, it is very beautiful.

I és que és molt fort.

And it's really strong.

Puc se'n parla.

I can talk about it.

I és molt fort.

And it's very strong.

Puc se'n parla.

I can talk about it.

No sé, i conèixer gent nova.

I don't know, and meet new people.

I una feina nova.

And a new job.

I Austràlia, vull dir, que és maquíssim.

In Australia, I mean, it's very beautiful.

I és, no sé, ho estic cagada, però tinc molt...

And it's like, I don't know, I'm feeling messed up, but I have a lot...

O sigui, jo com si marxo demà.

So, I’m as if I'm leaving tomorrow.



Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

O sigui, òbviament ho passaré malament.

So, obviously I will have a hard time.



Bueno, clar, però emocionalment estàs preparada.

Well, of course, but emotionally you are ready.

O sigui, l'altra cosa és que et deixis portar per la nostàlgia i demés.

So, the other thing is that you let yourself be carried away by nostalgia and the rest.

Exacte, sí.

Exactly, yes.

Que això és l'única carrela, al final.

Because this is the only way, in the end.

Sí, i que això al final sempre ho portaré, però com ja he dit, jo vinc d'una família

Yes, and I will always carry this in the end, but as I have already said, I come from a family.

que sempre ha viatjat des de petits i és com...

that has always traveled since we were little and it's like...

També m'han inculcat una mica que pot estar bé i pot estar malament, però que l'èxit

I have also been taught a bit that it can be good and it can be bad, but that success

és marxar.

it's leaving.

Que no ha de ser així, eh?, perquè jo també tinc molts problemes amb això de...

It shouldn't be like that, right?, because I also have a lot of problems with this...

És que jo he de marxar i he de marxar perquè aquí no estic bé.

I have to leave, and I have to leave because I am not well here.

Que també això té una mica a veure amb que has de saber també estar bé aquí i aprendre

That also has a bit to do with the fact that you have to know how to feel good here and learn.

a estar present.

to be present.

I no estar...

And not being...

És que jo marxaré...

It's just that I'm going to leave...


You know?

A veure, si projectes cap a fora, sempre el teu cap estarà cap a fora en comptes d'estar

Let's see, if you project outward, your head will always be facing outward instead of being.





I això jo ho he passat...

And I have been through this...

I encara...

And still...

Joder, encara no ho he après del tot, però crec que és un gran aprenentatge de dir...

Damn, I still haven't completely learned it, but I think it's a great lesson to say...

Jo crec que també...

I think so too...

És que jo soc molt partidària que tot passa per a algú i crec que també el fet de saber

I am very much in favor of the idea that everything happens for a reason, and I believe that the act of knowing is also part of it.

que marxo, però no ja i que poder tardar-hi cinc mesos en marxar, això em dóna cinc

I'm leaving, but not yet, and I might take five months to leave; this gives me five.

mesos per estar present aquí, perquè sé que marxaré i no ho tindré allà.

Months to be present here, because I know that I will leave and I won't have it there.



I d'alguna manera estic aprenent a agrair i estar present en l'ara i en asils al meu

And in some way I am learning to be grateful and to be present in the now and in my silences.

poble amb la gent de sempre, amb la meva família i a valorar aquests moments perquè

a community with the same people, with my family, and to value these moments because

sé que no ho tindré.

I know I won't have it.



I el fet d'això, de saber que marxo, però no puc ara, per tant tinc uns mesos per estar

And the fact of this, knowing that I’m leaving, but I can’t do it now, so I have a few months to be here.

aquí, m'està ajudant molt aprendre a agrair el que tens, perquè al final...

here, it is helping me a lot to learn to appreciate what you have, because in the end...

Si no aprens, o sigui, si no...

If you don't learn, that is, if you don't...

Si tu penses que la felicitat és marxar, marxar, marxar com ho he fet durant molts

If you think that happiness is leaving, leaving, leaving as I have done for many.



Sí, però ara estic preparat perquè jo poder arribar a Austràlia...

Yes, but now I am ready because I can reach Australia...

Mai et serà suficient res.

Nothing will ever be enough for you.

Exacte i poder jo arribar a Austràlia, és com, vale ara ja estic aquí, ja estic pensant

Exactly, being able to arrive in Australia, it's like, okay, now I'm here, I'm already thinking.

en, bueno, pues el pròxim viatge aniré aquí i seré feliç, saps?

Well, for the next trip I will go here and I will be happy, you know?

És una mica com la vida en si que ens n'hem col·locat, és a dir, has d'estudiar això per

It's a bit like life itself that we have placed ourselves in, that is to say, you have to study this to

un futur, has de treballar aquí perquè tindràs diners i et podras comprar una casa, bla bla

A future, you have to work here because you will have money and you will be able to buy a house, bla bla.

bla, el cicle.

bla, the cycle.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Sí, tothom.

Yes, everyone.

És a dir, neixes, vas al col·le, després vas a la uni, tens una primera feina, llavors

That is to say, you are born, you go to school, then you go to university, you have your first job, then

ja et quedes, treballes, et tens una feina.

You're staying, you're working, you have a job.

llavors ja et quedes, treballes, et tens una casa,

then you stay, you work, you have a house,

tens uns fills, et cases, bla, bla, bla.

you have some children, you get married, blah, blah, blah.

Fet. Te mueres i ja t'ha marxat per culo.

Done. You die and it has already left you by the ass.

I no, i no es tracta d'això.

And no, it's not about that.

Es tracta de ser conscient

It is about being aware.

i ser present en el que estàs fent ara.

and be present in what you are doing now.

Perquè l'únic,

Because the only one,

l'única realitat és ara.

The only reality is now.

Vull dir, el que va passar ahir

I mean, what happened yesterday.

i el que passarà d'aquí a dos minuts

And what will happen in two minutes.

no és real. Total.

It's not real. Totally.

Per tant, si no aprens a estar en ara,

Therefore, if you do not learn to be in the now,

no ho estàs fent bé.

You are not doing it right.

I costa molt, eh? Costa moltíssim.

It's very hard, isn't it? It's extremely hard.



Tu diràs, si vivim en una societat que és això,

You will say, if we live in a society that is this,

que ens inculca precisament una altra cosa.

that instills precisely another thing in us.

Exacte, totalment. I de fet, mira, fa poc em vaig fer aquest tàtu,

Exactly, totally. And in fact, look, I recently got this tattoo.

el del 80%,

the 80% one,

que això va sorgir,

that this arose,

no sé si tu vas fer l'assignatura de Guillaume

I don’t know if you took the course with Guillaume.

amb Marc Plana. Sí.

with Marc Plana. Yes.

Vaig fer un guió que es deia 20%.

I wrote a script called 20%.

Vaig fer un guió

I made a script.

que es deia 20%, perquè

what was called 20%, because

jo estava en una... Vale, sí, me'n recordo.

I was in a... Okay, yes, I remember.

Estava en una època que era com

I was in a time that was like

és que no estic bé, no estic bé, és que vull marxar, vull marxar.

It's just that I'm not well, I'm not well, it's just that I want to leave, I want to leave.

I em vaig com

I went as

inventar una teoria.

to invent a theory.

Del 20%, però ara és el 80%.

From 20%, but now it's 80%.

Que és, per exemple,

What is, for example,

jo estic al 80% feliç amb el que tinc,

I am 80% happy with what I have.

però visc

but I live

en el 20% que em falta.

in the 20% that I am missing.



I és com tota l'estona estic pensant en el 20% que em falta

And it's like I'm constantly thinking about the 20% I'm missing.

i la meva energia

and my energy

està en el 20%.

it is at 20%.

I és aprendre a estar en el 80%.

And it is to learn to be at 80%.

De dir, jo estic al 80%,

To say, I am at 80%.

però l'agraeixo i l'aprofito

but I appreciate it and I take advantage of it

perquè és impossible

because it is impossible

arribar al 100%.

reach 100%.

No arribaré quasi mai al 100%.

I will rarely reach 100%.

I què és el 100%? Exacte.

And what is 100%? Exactly.

Per tant, ja vaig a tuar...

Therefore, I am going to kill you...

El meu pare, en aquest sentit, em diu

My father, in this regard, tells me.

que no és el mateix veure el got mig ple

it's not the same to see the glass half full

que mig buit.

that half empty.

És que és totalment diferent.

It's just that it's completely different.

I em vaig a tuar això, el 80%, perquè al final

I'm going to do this for you, 80%, because in the end.

és aprendre a... Tio,

it's learning to... Dude,

a estar en el que tens i a agrair-ho

to be in what you have and to appreciate it

i acceptar

and accept

que mai arribaràs

that you will never arrive

al 100% de la felicitat.

to 100% happiness.

És que és impossible.

It is just impossible.

Què és?

What is it?

Ja, què és? A més, és això.

Yes, what is it? Besides, it is this.

I mai arribaràs a un 100% i estaràs sempre al 100%.

You will never reach 100% and you will always be at 100%.

Vull dir, al final també és aprendre

I mean, in the end it's also learning.

que la felicitat és com...

that happiness is like...

És d'un espai

It's from a space.

a totes les emocions

to all the emotions

i igualtat a totes les emocions.

and equality to all emotions.

Vull dir, mai estaràs trista, sempre.

I mean, you will never be sad, always.

Per tant, mai estaràs feliç, sempre.

Therefore, you will never be happy, always.

És aprendre que són coses que venen...

It's learning that they are things that come...

Són moments.

They are moments.

Una cosa.

One thing.

Ua, moltíssimes mosques.

Wow, a lot of flies.

Què està passant?

What is happening?

Tenim moltes visites.

We have many visits.

I ara és com...

And now it's like...

Bueno, estic aprenent a estar en l'ara,

Well, I am learning to be in the now.

poder... No és tot el que vull,

to be able... It's not all that I want,

s'ha d'agrair.

It must be appreciated.



I que, tot i així,

And that, even so,

totes les teves passes estan portades aquí.

All your steps are brought here.



Per tant...


Tio, és que al final ho has fet tu.

Dude, in the end, you did it.

Sí, sí, sí, totalment.

Yes, yes, yes, totally.

Vull dir, que potser sempre he volgut més,

I mean, that perhaps I have always wanted more,

perquè l'humà no sempre quere más.

because humans do not always want more.

Sí, sí, sí, inconformistes i tot el que tu vulguis.

Yes, yes, yes, nonconformists and everything you want.



La Sara ara mateix té moltes mosques.

Sara currently has a lot of flies.

No ho entenc.

I don't understand.

Per què hem vingut ara que estem gravant?

Why have we come now that we are recording?

És que abans no n'hi havia ningú.

It's just that there was no one there before.

No hi havia.

There wasn't any.

I també, bueno, volíem parlar...

And also, well, we wanted to talk...

Vull parlar avui de la llei de l'atracció una mica,

I want to talk today a little about the law of attraction.

perquè és com una cosa que...

because it's like something that...

És que va molt en la línia del que estem parlant.

It really goes along the lines of what we are talking about.



Que tampoc som expertes, ni tenim teories.

That we are neither experts nor do we have theories.

Vull dir...

I mean...

Però parlarem de la nostra experiència

But we will talk about our experience.

i de que, hòstia, a mi,

And what, damn it, to me,

l'exemple d'Austràlia és com perfecte,

the example of Australia is almost perfect,

perquè gràcies a projectar-ho

because thanks to projecting it

i a la llei de l'atracció,

and to the law of attraction,

m'ha portat a aconseguir-ho.

It has led me to achieve it.

Que tu has fet la teva vida a cils

That you have lived your life in eyelashes.

i cap problema, però d'alguna manera

No problem, but somehow.

el teu cap està allà.

your head is over there.



El teu 20%.

Your 20%.

Bueno, sempre.

Well, always.

És que, de fet, li deia a la Marta,

It's just that, in fact, I was telling Marta,

jo tinc diaris de quan anava a l'ESO,

I have diaries from when I was in secondary school.

que era com coses de fer abans de morir

that it was like things to do before dying

i posava una era passejar per les platges de Queensland.

And I used to spend an era walking along the beaches of Queensland.

I és com, és que jo ara vaig a viure

And it's like, it's that I'm now going to live.

a l'estat de Queensland.

in the state of Queensland.

És que és molt fort, és molt fort.

It's really strong, it's really strong.

És que és molt fort.

It's just that it's very strong.

La llei d'atracció, per qui no ho sàpiga,

The law of attraction, for those who do not know,

bueno, tampoc sé ben bé què és,

well, I don't really know what it is either,

però és el fet de projectar unes energies, no?

But it's the fact of projecting some energies, right?

I d'aquesta manera,

And in this way,

l'energia que tu projectes se't torna.

The energy that you project comes back to you.

Bé, i fas tard.

Well, you are late.

Sí, bueno, jo ho entenc així, eh?

Yes, well, I understand it that way, okay?

Després, teòricament, potser ja surten 3.000 teories,

Afterwards, theoretically, maybe 3,000 theories come out.

però jo també ho entenc així.

but I also understand it this way.

O la llei que tu influeixes sobre la teva pròpia energia.

Or the law that you influence over your own energy.



Vull dir, seria això.

I mean, that would be it.

I res, jo he hagut de portar exemples

And nothing, I have had to bring examples.

i aprenentatges que jo he fet

and learnings that I have made

gràcies a aquesta llei d'atracció

thanks to this law of attraction

que una de les coses

that one of the things

que a mi m'ha ajudat molt

that has helped me a lot

és no qüestionar-ho.

it's not to question it.

Perquè d'alguna manera ho tenies dins.

Because somehow you had it inside.



Vull dir, jo crec que tampoc...

I mean, I don't think so either...

Tampoc has tingut la reflexió de qüestionar-ho

You haven't had the reflection to question it either.

perquè ja estaves interioritzant-ho.

because you were already internalizing it.

Exacte. O sigui, t'ho has de creure.

Exactly. I mean, you have to believe it.

Perquè si no t'ho creus,

Because if you don't believe it,

ja t'estàs posant en dubte.

You are already starting to doubt yourself.

Per tant, ja estàs projectant el dubte

Therefore, you are already projecting the doubt.

com a energia

as energy

i de, ah, és que no,

and oh, it’s just that no,

és molt difícil, tal...

it is very difficult, such...

O el fet del vocabulari és molt important.

Or the fact of vocabulary is very important.

Per tant, jo fa anys que vaig deixar de dir

Therefore, I stopped saying years ago

el meu desig és

my wish is

o desitjo o m'agradaria...

I wish or I would like...

No, no, és que jo li deia a tothom

No, no, it's just that I was telling everyone.

no, és que jo marxo.

No, it's just that I'm leaving.

És que marxaré.

I'm going to leave.

I la gent em diu, reia,

And people tell me, I laughed,

perquè és com, Sara, tio,

because it’s like, Sara, man,

estàs a batxillerat, encara et queda a la uni,

you are in high school, you still have university ahead of you,

a saber on t'aporta la vida...

namely where life brings you...

I jo els deia, no, no, és que...

And I used to tell them, no, no, it's just that...

I a molta gent li deia, em recorda d'aquesta conversa

And I told a lot of people, it reminds me of this conversation.

de quan vegis a Instagram

when you see it on Instagram

a les històries que estaré a Austràlia.

to the stories that I will be in Australia.

Mira, el vídeo que vas penjar

Look, the video you posted.

de que te n'anaves, si no plorar...

of what you were leaving, if not crying...

És molt maco,

It's very nice,

perquè tothom del meu entorn

because everyone around me

ho sabia.

I knew it.

Tothom li deia...

Everyone told him...

Bueno, s'ha de parlar de com ho vas dir tu a mi.

Well, we need to talk about how you said it to me.

Ai, és veritat!

Oh, it's true!

Va ser molt heavy.

It was very heavy.

És que tu m'has dit en poca importància.

It's just that you told me in a casual manner.

Vam quedar un dia

We agreed to meet one day.

expressament per xerrar, per posar-nos al dia.

specifically to chat, to catch up.

I allò que dius,

And what you say,

ai, bueno, ets a marxar a buscar el tren, tal,

Oh well, you're going to look for the train, right?

ja se n'anava, que ja ens havíem abraçat i tot,

he was already leaving, as we had already hugged and everything,

de despedida, i diu, ah,

as a farewell, and says, ah,

i que sàpigues que me'n vaig a Austràlia.

And know that I'm going to Australia.

I diu, adéu.

And he says, goodbye.

I tu, Abba...

And you, Abba...

Va ser bé, espero que no marxis avui.

It was good, I hope you don't leave today.

Sí, sí, va ser com molt d'esto,

Yes, yes, it was like a lot of this,

però em va encantar,

but I loved it,

o sigui, m'agrada molt aquest vídeo,

that is, I really like this video,

que vaig pensar, perquè

that I thought, because

la reacció dels meus amics i de les meves amigues és com

the reaction of my friends is like

ho desitgen tant com jo,

they want it as much as I do,

perquè saben que jo arribaria el dia que ho faria.

because they knew I would arrive the day I did.

Ja els havies preparat, també,

You had prepared them, too.

en els aplicaments.

in the applications.

I és molt maco veure com la gent

And it is very nice to see how people

t'estima tant i ho viu tan,

loves you so much and experiences it so deeply,

saps, intensament, de dir

you know, intensely, how to say

que maco que marxis i que ho hagis aconseguit.

How nice that you are leaving and that you have accomplished it.

I al final és això, també és com

And in the end, it's this, it's also like

també ho estaven projectant ells.

they were also projecting it.

Tothom ho tenia interioritzat

Everyone had internalized it.

que jo marxaria.

that I would leave.

Perquè tu també ho tenies des del principi.

Because you had it from the beginning too.

Clar, tothom ho sabia, exacte.

Of course, everyone knew it, exactly.

Però una de les coses és això,

But one of the things is this,

o sigui, tenir-ho super...

I mean, to have it super...

No posar-t'ho en dubte, no donar espai al dubte,

Not to doubt it, not to give space to doubt,

perquè al final després això influeix.

because in the end this influences.

Per tant, jo sabia que marxaria.

Therefore, I knew I would leave.

I si no era amb l'empresa en què estic ara,

And if it wasn't with the company I'm currently with,

seria d'una altra manera.

it would be different.

De fet, jo quan vaig ser amb el jefe li vaig dir

In fact, when I was with the boss, I told him.

jo l'any que ve vull marxar.

Next year I want to leave.

Si és amb aquesta empresa, genial,

If it's with this company, great,

però si no buscaré altres maneres.

but if not I will look for other ways.

I de fet ell em va dir, i si l'empresa,

And in fact he told me, and if the company,

o sigui, si els d'Austràlia d'allà et diuen que no,

that is, if the ones from Australia over there tell you no,

els hi demanem a veure si coneixen altra gent

we ask them to see if they know other people

que et pugui donar l'espai de marxar.

may it give you the space to leave.



Uau. Molt bé, molt bé.

Wow. Very good, very good.

Que xulo poder treballar en un espai així.

How cool to be able to work in a space like this.

Sí, sí, sí, genial.

Yes, yes, yes, great.

I això és molt important, la manera en què parles.

And this is very important, the way you speak.

Però també en tot.

But also in everything.

Vull dir, com et parles a tu mateix,

I mean, how do you talk to yourself,

és el que estàvem dient abans.

It's what we were saying before.

Surt de dins cap a fora.

Come out from inside to outside.

Sí, sí, sí, total.

Yes, yes, yes, totally.

Vull dir, abans la Marta em posava l'exemple

I mean, before Marta was giving me the example.

de quan... Ai, que tonta, que tonta.

Since... Oh, how silly, how silly.

És que al final tu creus.

It's just that in the end you believe.

Sí, al final, o sigui, jo, per exemple,

Yes, in the end, I mean, I, for example,

treballo en una empresa de venda de llibres

I work in a book selling company.

i venda d'electrònica.

and sale of electronics.

I jo estic a la secció de llibres.

And I am in the books section.

Llavors és com col·locar els llibres...

Then it's like placing the books...

Jo soc molt perfeccionista i molt exigent, eh?

I am very perfectionist and very demanding, huh?

Sí, molt.

Yes, very much.



Llavors era com que sempre em repetia

Then it was like I always repeated to myself.

Ai, que burra, ai, que tonta, hòstia, Marta, joder.

Oh, how stupid, oh, how silly, damn it, Marta, fuck.





Però és que això no ho diria ni a les persones que estimo, potser.

But I probably wouldn't even say this to the people I love.

Ja, gens.

Yes, nothing.

Que potser en algun moment sí, no?

That maybe at some point yes, right?

Perquè la meva exigència hi és i, joder, ho sento,

Because my demand is there and, damn it, I'm sorry,

no va amb mala intenció, però...

it is not meant with bad intention, but...

De dins surt cap a fora.

It comes out from the inside.

Cap a fora, total.

Outward, totally.

I si tu canvies el llenguatge,

And if you change the language,

uau, és una revolució que flipes.

Wow, it's a revolution that blows your mind.



De fet,

In fact,

que sembla una tonteria,

which seems silly,

però jo li dic a tothom, o sigui,

but I tell everyone, I mean,

jo en parlo molt, a mi mateixa,

I talk a lot to myself.

i abans no ho feia,

and before I didn't do it,

però ara en parlo molt, jo què sé,

but now I talk about it a lot, I don't know,

jo estic caminant,

I am walking,

sobretot en el fet d'agrair.

especially in the act of thanking.

No ho faig cada dia, s'hauria de fer cada dia,

I don't do it every day, it should be done every day.

però, tio, jo què sé,

but, dude, what do I know,

quan vaig a passejar amb els gossos,

when I go for a walk with the dogs,

dic al meu altre, dic,

I tell my other, I say,

hòstia, estic molt agraïda per viure en aquest lloc,

Wow, I'm very grateful to live in this place.

per tenir aquest moment sola

to have this moment alone

i per passejar els gossos,

and to walk the dogs,

estic molt agraïda perquè avui ha sigut un dia

I am very grateful because today has been a day.

superproductiu a la feina.

super productive at work.

Vull dir,

I mean,

aquest exercici de dir-ho en veu,

this exercise of saying it aloud,

en veu alta, ja ho estàs projectant

out loud, you are already projecting it

cap a on fora, saps?

Where are you going, you know?

I t'ho creus.

You believe it.

I ets present,

And you are present,

perquè estàs fent un exercici de dir,

because you are doing an exercise of saying,

vale, ara mateix...

okay, right now...

De què estic agraïda.

What I am grateful for.



I, de fet, vull dir una cosa que...

I actually want to say something that...

Jo tinc una amiga a Austràlia,

I have a friend in Australia,

que també us hauré d'explicar aquesta història

that I will also have to explain this story to you

perquè és molt fort,

because it is very strong,

però, bueno, aquesta amiga fa poc em va dir...

but, well, this friend of mine told me recently...

que va escoltar un podcast que deia

that he/she listened to a podcast that said

en canvi de preguntar-li a una persona

instead of asking a person

com estàs,

how are you,

perquè si tu preguntes a una persona com estàs,

because if you ask a person how they are,

li estàs donant espai a que et digui malament,

you are giving him space to say bad things to you,

o, pues bueno,

oh, well,


Do you know?

Si tu li preguntes, en canvi de preguntar com estàs,

If you ask him, instead of asking how you are,

pregunta de què estàs agraïda avui.

Question about what you are grateful for today.



Saps? Per tant, aquesta persona està obligada

You know? Therefore, this person is obligated.

a pensar en alguna cosa positiva

thinking of something positive

del qual està agraïda avui.

for which she is grateful today.



I és molt guai fer aquest exercici.

And it's really cool to do this exercise.

És un camí energètic que flipes.

It's an energetic path that blows your mind.

Doncs, això ja entrem en llei de l'atracció a tope

Well, this is where we really get into the law of attraction.

d'exemples reals que m'han passat

of real examples that have happened to me

i aquest és un molt heavy

and this is very heavy

que jo,

that I,

crec que jo, no sé si t'ho vaig explicar,

I believe that I, I don't know if I explained it to you,

jo vaig fer l'Erasmus a Copenhague

I did my Erasmus in Copenhagen.

i, clar, mesos abans

Yes, of course, months before.

et diuen amb qui compartiràs pis

they tell you with whom you will share the flat

i jo tenia un amic que ja havia anat a Copenhague

And I had a friend who had already been to Copenhagen.

i ell m'havia dit que hi havia gent d'Austràlia.

And he had told me that there were people from Australia.

Per tant, jo sabia que hi havia

Therefore, I knew that there was

australians que anaven a Copenhague

Australians who were going to Copenhagen.

en Erasmus. I, clar, jo pensava

in Erasmus. And, of course, I thought

si us plau que em toqui algú d'Austràlia,

please let someone from Australia contact me,

si us faig contactes, tal, no sé què...

if I make contacts for you, like, I don't know what...

Però és que jo ja m'ho imaginava.

But I already imagined it.

O sigui, jo m'imaginava

So, I imagined.

visquent amb una australiana

living with an Australian

parlant en anglès,

speaking in English,

i portant-me superbé, vull dir,

and taking it very well, I mean,

és que ja ho tenia en ment.

I already had it in mind.

I m'han arribat els correus amb la gent

I have received the emails with the people.

amb qui compartia pis i m'havia tocat

with whom I shared an apartment and had touched me

amb un noi de Corea i una noia de Turquia.

with a boy from Korea and a girl from Turkey.

I va ser com merda.

It was like shit.


You know?

I al cap d'una setmana

And after a week

em torna a arribar un correu

I receive an email again.

que al final hi ha hagut un canvi,

that in the end there has been a change,

que la noia de Turquia no ve,

that the girl from Turkey is not coming,

i em posen el correu de la nova noia

and they give me the email of the new girl

i veig que posa .au

And I see that it says .au

i dic, no pot ser.

I say, it can't be.

I era una noia australiana

And she was an Australian girl.

que, a més, es deia de segon nom, Sara,

who also went by the name Sara.





Sí, sí, sí, molt heavy, molt heavy.

Yes, yes, yes, very heavy, very heavy.

Es diu Kelly Sara.

Her name is Kelly Sara.

Hòstia, que fort.

Wow, that's intense.

I vaig pensar,

I thought,

buà, que fort,

Wow, that's intense.

i dic, bueno, no tinc il·lusions,

I say, well, I have no illusions.

que després, jo què sé, us porteu malament,

that then, I don't know, you behave badly,

i dic, com...

I say, like...

I què va, o sigui, des del primer moment,

And what do you mean, I mean, from the very first moment,

súper, súper amigues.

super, super friends.

Vull dir, és molt fort perquè jo ho vaig projectar molt

I mean, it's very strong because I projected it a lot.

i va ser tal qual com, o sigui,

and it was just like, I mean,

jo què sé, jo abans de saber

I don't know, I before knowing.

que conviuria amb ella

who would live with her

ja m'imaginava anar a passejar juntes,

I could already imagine going for a walk together,

cuinar, i és que després ho fèiem.

to cook, and it's just that afterwards we did it.

Que heavy.

How heavy.

És que és molt fort.

It's just that it's very strong.

I de quina zona és ella?

And which area is she from?

Ella és de Melbourne, que, de fet,

She is from Melbourne, which, in fact,

al principi jo havia d'anar a Melbourne,

at first I had to go to Melbourne,

que ja va ser com no pots, o sigui, és molt fort.

that it was already as if you can't, I mean, it's very strong.

No, però al final les noves oficines estan a Queensland.

No, but in the end the new offices are in Queensland.

Que està molt lluny.

It's very far away.

Que està...

What is...

Bueno, en cotxe està lluny,

Well, it’s far by car,

però en avió són dues hores o així.

but by plane it's about two hours.

És que allà tot és...

It's just that everything there is...

A lo grande.

In a big way.

Sí, sí, però bueno.

Yes, yes, but well.

I coses així de...

And things like that of...

Exemples m'han passat mil.

Examples have happened to me a thousand.

Jo què sé, per exemple,

I don't know, for example,

fa poc també

not long ago either

havia d'aparcar al Parc Migdia.

I had to park at Parc Migdia.



I mai hi ha lloc al Parc Migdia.

There is never a place at Parc Migdia.



Bueno, doncs jo anava...

Well, then I was going...

Madrenes, perfes pàrquings, tio.

Mothers, perfect parks, dude.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

I jo anava,

And I was going,

i jo pensava,

and I thought,

vale Sara, sempre penso,

okay Sara, I always think,

no trobaré pàrquing,

I won't find parking.

i mai trobo pàrquing.

I never find parking.

I aquell dia vaig pensar,

And that day I thought,


Will you arrive?

Jo també ho vaig pensar.

I thought so too.


You will arrive,

i en aquest lloc trobaràs

and in this place you will find

un lloc buit i a sobre l'ombra.

an empty place and above it the shadow.

I vaig arribar i estava allà a l'ombra,

I arrived and was there in the shade,


waiting for me.



Va ser com,

It was like,

que fort.

how strong.

O per exemple,

Or for example,

abans treballava en un supermercat.

I used to work in a supermarket.

No et passa que dubtes a vegades?

Don't you sometimes have doubts?

És a dir,

That is to say,

ai Sara, no pensis així.

Oh Sara, don't think like that.

Sí, sí, sí,

Yes, yes, yes,

a vegades m'ho penso.

Sometimes I think about it.

Sí, sí, sí,

Yes, yes, yes,

a vegades m'ho penses.

Sometimes you think about it.

I Marta,

I Marta,

no siguis tan burra

don't be so stupid


to try,

de creir-te esto.

to believe this.



però ho has de fer,

but you have to do it,

ho has de fer perquè passa.

You have to do it because it happens.

I no hi perds res.

And you lose nothing.

I quan treballava en el supermercat,

And when I worked in the supermarket,

em passava que jo,

it happened to me that I,

què sé,

what do I know,

pensava en un client

I was thinking about a client.

que feia molt de temps

that was a long time ago

que no veia,

that I didn't see,

i al cap de dos minuts

and after two minutes

entrava per la porta.

He/she entered through the door.

Això és molt heavy.

This is very heavy.

I m'ha passat,

It has happened to me.

i m'ha passat molt.

It has happened to me a lot.

I aquelles coses de

And those things of

quan tu somies amb algú

when you dream of someone

és perquè aquell algú

it's because that someone

també està somiant amb tu.

she is also dreaming of you.

És molt fort això.

This is very strong.

Això és verda?

Is this green?

No ho sé,

I don't know,

allà ja sí que no.

there definitely not.

Em petaria el cap, eh.

I would hit my head, huh.

Em petaria el cap.

I would smash my head.

Però coses així de,

But things like that,

o jo què sé,

or what do I know,

o sensacions,

or sensations,

i després passa.

and then it happens.

Jo això ho vaig parlar

I talked about this.

amb la psicòloga

with the psychologist

i em va dir que

and she told me that

això és perquè

this is because

soc una persona molt intuitiva,

I am a very intuitive person,

per tant,


no és que jo sigui una bruixa.

It's not that I'm a witch.

El que passa és que,

What happens is that,

o sigui,

that is,

com tu,

like you,

per exemple,

for example,

jo soc una bruixa,

I am a witch,

és el del pàrquing.

It is the parking lot.



Aquell pàrquing ja existia,

That parking lot already existed,

ja estava passant.

it was already happening.

Però com soc tan intuitiva,

But since I am so intuitive,

jo ja sabia que ja...

I already knew that...

T'havies avançat.

You had been ahead.


You know?



O sigui,

That is,

és tenir aquesta sensibilitat d'intuïció

it is to have this sensitivity of intuition

de dir,

to say,

aquella cosa ja està passant

that thing is already happening

i tu saps,

and you know,

si tens aquella sensibilitat

if you have that sensitivity

de que saps que passarà.

that you know what will happen.

No sé si m'explico.

I don't know if I'm making myself clear.



O sigui,

That is,

ja ets sensible.

You are already sensitive.

Sí, exacte.

Yes, exactly.



I clar,

And of course,

a vegades fa por

sometimes it is frightening

perquè tinc pensaments en plan,

because I have thoughts like,

imagina't que es mor aquesta persona

imagine that this person dies

i penso,

and I think,



perquè després

because later

passen coses,

things happen,


Do you know?



portat a lo grande,

brought to the big stage,

sí que,


o sigui,

that is,

quan reflexiono

when I reflect

en lo d'Austràlia,

in the matter of Australia,

per exemple,

for example,

sí que és veritat

it is true

que soc una persona que poder,

that I am a person who can,

perquè soc molt tossuda,

because I am very stubborn,

però sempre he tingut

but I have always had

tot el que he volgut.

everything I have wanted.

En el sentit,

In that sense,

jo què sé,

I don't know.

la universitat.

the university.



Nosaltres hem estudiat

We have studied.

a una uni

to a university

que a veure,

let's see,

no és barata.

it's not cheap.




You know?

I jo al principi

And I at the beginning.


I thought,

és que hi haurà dels meus pares,

it's just that there will be of my parents,

no me la pagaran,

they won't pay me.

tal, no sé què.

such, I don't know what.



volent anar a viure a Girona,

wanting to go live in Girona,

compartir pis amb la Fàtima,

sharing an apartment with Fàtima,

ho parlàvem,

we were talking about it,

el primer any de carrera

the first year of the degree

dèiem que guai seria

we said how cool it would be

compartir pis,

share an apartment,

doncs vam estar

so we were

dos anys

two years

visquent juntes.

living together.



lo d'entrar a Cave Home,

the thing about entering Cave Home,

a l'empresa,

at the company,



era com que

it was as if

ojalà m'agafin,

I hope they take me.




You know?

És com,

It's like,

no sé si és perquè soc molt tossuda

I don't know if it's because I am very stubborn.

i és com,

and it is like,

fins que no aconsegueixo

until I achieve

no paro,

I don't stop.

però sí que

but yes that

el fet de projectar

the act of projecting

sempre m'ha funcionat.

It has always worked for me.

Sempre m'ha portat

It has always brought me.

on jo he volgut,

where I have wanted,


do you know?

Al Carme.

To Carmen.



Vull dir,

I mean,

al final,

in the end,

al final m'ho he guanyat

In the end, I earned it.

i al final m'ho he currat.

And in the end, I really put in the effort.

Vas sembrando,

You are sowing,


little females.



I luego,

And then,





jo no sé,

I don't know,

tu creus en el Carme?

Do you believe in the Carme?



és que això de les creences

it's just that this thing about beliefs

se'm fa molt gros,

it feels very big to me,







és com que t'encassilles,

it's like you get stuck,

de dir,

to say,



crec en això,

I believe in this,



al 100%.




no tens espai d'equivocar-te

you don't have room for error

o de dir,

or rather,



però sí que crec que

but I do believe that

si tu

if you

siembres semellitas,

you sow seeds,

si tu projectes algo

if you project something

i li dones molta energia,

and it gives you a lot of energy.

les regues,

the furrows,









si tu siembres males vibres,

if you sow bad vibes,

doncs passa a tenir males vibres,

then it turns to have bad vibes,

perquè això és a sembrar-ho.

because this is to sow it.



I no passa res, eh?

And it's nothing serious, right?

Al final,

In the end,

també és un avantatge,

it is also an advantage,

no tot és positiu

not everything is positive





vull dir.

I mean.



però sí,

but yes,

o sigui,

that is,

et retornen,

they return you,

les coses et retornen.

things come back to you.

Ja, total.

Yes, totally.

I això del karma

And what about karma?

ho visc com,

I experience it as,

més la manera en la que tu vius dia a dia,

more the way you live day by day,

al final després és el que et torna.

In the end, it is what comes back to you.

Per tant,


ara com m'ho explico això,

now how do I explain this to myself,

també m'ha servit molt

it has also helped me a lot

crec que aconseguir-ho d'Austràlia

I think achieving it from Australia.

és com,

it's like,

jo sé,

I know,

o sigui,

that is,

jo tinc com una imatge

I have something like an image.

que això també m'ha portat problemes,

that this has also brought me problems,

de la Sara Perfecta.

of the Perfect Sara.


You know?

És com,

It's like,

la Sara Perfecta té 27 anys,

Sara Perfecta is 27 years old,

viu aquí,

lives here,

s'aixeca al matí per anar a fer ioga,

he/get up in the morning to go do yoga,

va a la feina,

go to work,

li encanta la seva feina,

he loves his job,

és superproductiva,

she is super productive,

és una boss,

it's a bag,

és la puta jefa,

she is the fucking boss,

fa tot, saps?

It does everything, you know?

Després arriba a casa...

Then he/she arrives home...



és com que tinc com una imatge de la Sara Perfecta

It's like I have an image of the Perfect Sara.

que jo vull arribar aquí.

that I want to get to here.

Per tant,


el que m'ha ajudat molt

what has helped me a lot

crec que aconseguir això també és

I think achieving this is also

si tu tens aquesta imatge

if you have this image

de com vols ser,

of how you want to be,

comença a fer-ho ja.

start doing it now.

No esperis a tenir 27 anys a fer-ho.

Don't wait until you're 27 to do it.

Per tant,


si jo sé com vull viure a Austràlia,

if I know how I want to live in Australia,

comença a fer-ho aquí.

start doing it here.

Clar, sempre ets a temps.

Of course, you're always in time.



I jo crec que la manera en la que tu actues cada dia

And I believe that the way you act every day

amb què tractes la gent

with what do you treat people

i com la tractes a tu mateix,

and how you treat yourself,

al final,

in the end,

després se't torna de...

then it comes back to you from...

que al final

that in the end

és l'energia que rebràs, saps?

It's the energy you'll receive, you know?

I per tant, això,

And therefore, this,

jo ara,

I now,

m'aixeco al matí,

I wake up in the morning,

vaig al gimnàs,

I am going to the gym,

soc la puta amb la feina,

I am the whore with the job,

o sigui,

that is,

no és per flipar-me,

it's not to blow my mind,

però m'ho crec,

but I believe it,

m'ho crec

I believe it.

i intento fer-ho al màxim de bé

I try to do it as well as possible.

i menjo bé.

I eat well.

O sigui,

That is,

és com...

it's like...

hi haurà gent que et digui que sí,

there will be people who tell you yes,

hi haurà gent...

there will be people...

vull dir,

I mean,

que et reafirmi el que tu estàs dient

to reinforce what you are saying

i hi haurà gent que et digui

and there will be people who will tell you

el completament contrari,

the complete opposite,

però mentre tu estiguis tranquil·líssima,

but as long as you are super calm,

estiguis en pau,

may you be at peace,



de resta.

of the rest.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Perquè hi ha moltes envídies,

Because there is a lot of envy,

hi ha moltes coses

there are many things

i això és cosa seva.

and this is his/her business.

Però és això,

But it is this,

el fet de,

the fact that,

si tu saps com vols viure,

if you know how you want to live,

per què has d'esperar

why do you have to wait

a estar,

to be,

per exemple,

for example,



per què he d'esperar a estar a Austràlia

Why do I have to wait to be in Australia?



un moment,

one moment,

perquè hi ha els meus gossos que estan...

because my dogs are there...

És que,

It's that,

és una cosa seva

it's a thing of hers/his

que viuen a una masia.

that live in a farmhouse.



Qui hi ha?

Who is there?

No ho sé.

I don't know.

Els teus veïns.

Your neighbors.



No ho sé.

I don't know.







Per aquells que ens esteu veient

For those of you who are watching us

des de YouTube.

from YouTube.

Això és que em pixa.

This is what makes me pee.


Come on,

aquí sí.

here yes.

La vida de poble!

The life of a village!

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Que moni.

How cute.





Se sent molt?

Do you feel it a lot?



una mica.

a little.



no sé,

I don't know,

si no ho intentaré baixar,

if I don't try to lower it,

que anava a dir això,

I was going to say this,

que per què esperar a estar...

that why wait to be...

A Austràlia.

To Australia.

A Austràlia per viure la vida,

In Australia to live life,

o sigui,

that is,

començo a fer-ho ara.

I’m starting to do it now.

I a més a més,

And furthermore,



o sigui,

that is,

el que deies de la Sara perfecta de 27 anys.

What you said about Sara, the perfect 27-year-old.

Tens 23

You are 23.

i ara vols tenir la Sara dels 27.

And now you want to have the Sara of 27.



Quan tinguis 27 voldràs ser

When you are 27, you will want to be

com estàs pensant ara.

How are you thinking now?



Perquè això no ho saps.

Because you don't know this.



Això no ho saps.

You don't know that.







Però això m'ajuda molt

But this helps me a lot.

i també

and also

el fet de...

the fact of...

rodejar-te amb gent

surround yourself with people

que tingui la mateixa vibra que tu.

may it have the same vibe as you.



Això és tan important.

This is so important.



I això ho he après tant amb els anys

And I have learned this over the years.



Jo ho estic aprenent ara.

I am learning it now.



És molt important, tio,

It's very important, dude.

perquè al final,

because in the end,

jo sempre hi ha una frase

I always have a phrase.

que m'agrada dir

that I like to say

que és

what is it

your vibe attracts your tribe.

your vibe attracts your tribe.

Que és com

What is like

la teva vibra

your vibe

atrau la teva tribu

attract your tribe

al final, saps?

In the end, you know?

I és veritat,

And it is true,

perquè si tu al final

because if you in the end

tens una vibra de merda

you have a shitty vibe

ho trauràs gent de merda.

You will take out shit people.



I si tens una vibra guai,

And if you have a cool vibe,



i tal,

and so on,

que estàs atraint.

that you are attracting.



I jo ara mateix estic

And I right now am

tant que això

as much as this

em costarà molt

It will be very difficult for me.

quan marxi a Austràlia,

when I leave for Australia,

però estic en un moment

but I am at a moment

que en quant a amistats

as for friendships

estic tan bé.

I am so well.

I és gent tan ambiciosa,

And they are such ambitious people,



que també...

that also...

Que va en tu,

What's wrong with you?

en tu misma línia.

in your same line.



I això és molt important.

And this is very important.



La manera en què

The way in which

t'atracten els demés

you are attracted to others

i com tu tractes també.

and how you treat too.

Jo m'ha passat

It has happened to me.

amb la sensibilitat.

with sensitivity.

O sigui,

That is,







sempre he sigut molt sensible,

I have always been very sensitive,

però d'alguna manera

but somehow

em vaig apagar.

I shut down.



Jo sola,

Just me,

em vaig apagar jo sola

I turned off by myself.

en el que siguin circumstàncies

in which they are circumstances

i coses.

and things.

I ara,

And now,

que estoy rebrotando

that I am re-sprouting

des de l'essència,

from the essence,



tothom és tan sensible

everyone is so sensitive

al meu voltant.

around me.





És molt maco.

It's very beautiful.


The soul...







És que és molt maco.

It's just that it's very beautiful.







Perquè al final...

Because in the end...



tenim 23 anys

we are 23 years old

i que realment som joves

and that we really are young

i ja estem...

And we're done...

O sigui,

That is,

tenim tot el dret

we have every right


to make mistakes

amb el que fem.

with what we do.







I això és el que m'ha fet

And this is what it has done to me.

molt mal.

very bad.

És que no tinc ganes

It's just that I don't feel like it.

d'invertir energia meva

of investing my energy

en gent que no m'aporta res,

in people who do not bring me anything,


Do you know?

I és aprendre

And it is to learn.

a dir que no...

to say no...

O sigui,

That is,

no passa res

it's okay

per no voler quedar amb algú

for not wanting to meet with someone

que no t'aporta res.

that does not bring you anything.



Però és com que som

But it is how we are.

tan estrictes

so strict

amb nosaltres mateixos

with ourselves

i tu...

and you...

És com,

It is like,

no has de quedar bé

you don't have to please anyone

amb tothom,

with everyone,

has de complir

you have to comply

a tothom.

to everyone.

Posa els teus límits,

Set your limits,

digues no

say no

i punt.

And point.

A no apalancar-me,

To not leverage myself,

no sé,

I don't know,

a no conformar-me

to not settle for

amb el que tinc.

with what I have.

I que no és que això

And it's not that this

estigui bé

be well

ni malament,

not bad,

simplement és perquè

it's simply because

tu és el que vols

you are what you want

i això t'ajuda

and this helps you

a brotar-te

to sprout you

en essència.

in essence.









Vull dir que potser

I mean that maybe

jo no hi connecto

I don't connect to it.

perquè a mi ser ambiciosa,

because for me being ambitious,



no ho sé.

I don't know.





però tu,

but you,

per exemple,

for example,

necessites gent sensible.

you need sensitive people.



Estàs rodegada

You are surrounded.

de gent sensible.

of sensitive people.

I també saps

And you also know

els teus valors,

your values,


Do you know?

Per exemple...

For example...

La pensada m'ha canviat,

The thought has changed me,

però almenys...

but at least...



ara mateix,

right now,

quins valors tinc jo?

What values do I have?

Per exemple,

For example,

jo sempre poso

I always put

el tema

the topic

del vegetarianisme.

of vegetarianism.

Per mi és un valor

For me, it is a value.

el no menjar animals

not eating animals





a vegades


també m'ho he de reafirmar

I also have to reaffirm it to myself.

de dir

to say

és que això no va amb mi,

it's just that this doesn't suit me,

no ho vull,

I don't want it.


Do you know?

I què passa?

And what happens?

Que jo estic rodegada

That I am surrounded.

de gent vegetariana

of vegetarian people

i això,

and this,

volguis o no,

whether you want it or not,

t'ajuda molt més

helps you much more

amb el que jo sé,

with what I know,

amb el que jo

with what I

em sento com soc

I feel how I am.

i amb el que

and with what

vull rodegar-me.

I want to surround myself.



si fos l'única vegetariana

if I were the only vegetarian

en el meu cercle,

in my circle,

seria molt més difícil.

it would be much more difficult.



I conèixer

And to know

el que tu creus

what you believe

com a valors

as values

que està bé

that it is fine

i que està malament...

and that it is wrong...

I creure-te en el poder

And to believe in your power.

també d'influir, eh?

also to influence, right?





Que al final també molta gent

That in the end also many people

és com,

it's like,



jo ho tinc mig clar,

I have it half clear,

però la resta és com

but the rest is like

fes el que tu vulguis,

do what you want,

que sí està bé.

That yes is fine.

Però si tu

But if you

ho tens tan segur,

you are so sure of it,

al final potser inspires algú

In the end, maybe it inspires someone.



però alimenta,

but it nourishes,

al final.

in the end.




let's communicate.





és tan important,

it is so important,

és molt important,

it is very important,



La gent no es comunica.

People do not communicate.

No gens.

Not at all.

També s'ha de dir

It must also be said.

que potser,

that perhaps,

a mi m'ha passat

it has happened to me

per experiència pròpia,

from personal experience,

que potser no et comunica

that perhaps does not communicate with you

prou perquè no et coneixes prou.

enough because you don't know yourself well enough.





Llavors jo...

Then I...

Tampoc saps què.

You don't know what either.



he perdut total la consciència

I have completely lost consciousness.

de les coses.

of things.

Això que has dit

What you have said.

de perdre la consciència,

of losing consciousness,

això és tan,

this is so,

o sigui,

that is,

lo de...

the thing about...



que en principi

that in principle

hauria de fer silenci

I should be silent.

enmig del camp,

in the middle of the field,

però no és el cas.

but this is not the case.



lo que has dit

what you said

de prendre consciència

to become aware

és tan difícil

it's so difficult

de ser conscient

to be aware

i ser present,

to be present,



que això al final

that this in the end

també és algo

it is also something



per exemple,

for example,

jo que sé que marxo,

I know that I am leaving,

doncs he d'aprendre

so I have to learn

a fer-ho ara,

let's do it now,



I la psicòloga

And the psychologist

també em va dir,

he also told me,

fes un exercici de...

do an exercise of...

Tu quan et dutxes,

When you take a shower,

et dutxes?

Are you taking a shower?



Jo em vaig...

I'm leaving...

vaig estar molt temps

I was a long time.



perquè no notava

because I didn't notice

el cap.

the head.



és que és molt fort.

It's just that it's very strong.

Però molt heavy, eh?

But very intense, huh?

O sigui,

That is,

estava completament

I was completely



estava aquí.

I was here.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.



I estàs pensant

And you are thinking.

en què faria després?

What would I do after?

El cap,

The head,



per aquells que no ens veien,

for those who did not see us,

per aquells que no ens veien

for those who did not see us

estava tocant el cap.

I was touching my head.



en això de tu

in this of you

quan et dutxes,

when you shower,

et dutxes,

you take a shower,

és fer la reflexió

it is to reflect

de jo quan em dutxo

of me when I shower

realment estic disfrutant

I am really enjoying it.

de com l'aigua

of how the water

toca els braços

touch the arms

i ara les cames

And now the legs

i ara el cap

and now the head

i el massatge del cap,

and the head massage,

però perquè tota l'estona

but why all the time


we are

és que he de fer això,

it's that I have to do this,

és que després

it's just that later

i les idees

and the ideas

i com em sento

and how I feel

i és que aquesta persona

and it is that this person

m'ha fet sentir així.

it made me feel this way.



hem d'aprendre

we have to learn

a ser presents,

to be present,

a sentir-nos

to feel us

i a desconnectar

and to disconnect

una mica

a little bit

i a respirar

and to breathe

i és molt difícil

and it is very difficult

però en el moment

but at the moment

que tu aconsegueixes

that you achieve

fer aquesta connexió...

make this connection...



I que hem de ser molt compassius,

And we must be very compassionate,





perquè no hem nascut

because we were not born



ensenyats a fer això.

taught to do this.









Hi ha moltes coses

There are many things.

a la nostra vida

to our life

per fer-ho.

to do it.



i a poc a poc,

and little by little,

vull dir,

I mean,

jo no ho faig cada dia.

I don't do it every day.



Però sí que a vegades

But yes, sometimes

és com

it's like

quan hi penso

when I think about it

ho intento fer

I try to do it.

o per exemple,

or for example,

això no sé

I don't know this.

si crec que t'ho vaig comentar,

yes, I think I mentioned it to you,

no sé,

I don't know,





fa temps

a long time ago

estava en una altra casa

I was in another house.



i tenia com

I had like

al mig del jardí

in the middle of the garden

havia d'anar a agafar alguna cosa,

I had to go get something,

no tenia sabates,

I didn't have shoes,



al final vaig dir

in the end I said



vaig descalçar.

I am barefoot.



la vaig sentir tant

I felt it so much.





no ho fem mai

we never do it

d'anar descalços.

to go barefoot.

I el fet d'estar descalços

And the fact of being barefoot

estàs com

you are like

tot el teu cos

all your body

està connectat amb la terra

is connected to the earth

i sembla una cosa

and it seems like something

anar de dolla total,

to go completely wild,

però et sents tan present.

but you feel so present.



i els peus,

and the feet,



és una cosa,

it's one thing,



a la uni anava descalça.

I used to go to university barefoot.





és que a la uni era molt guai,

it's just that university was really cool,



A la uni ens ho passàvem teta.

We had a blast at university.

Perquè si anaves descalç

Because if you were barefoot

ningú et mirava malament

nobody was looking at you badly

perquè era la norma.

because it was the norm.



T'ho he dit,

I told you,

a Austràlia la gent va molt descalça

In Australia, people go barefoot a lot.



jo què sé,

I don't know.

de casa,

from home,

a la platja

to the beach

i a deu minuts caminant

and ten minutes walking

doncs vas descalç.

so you are barefoot.

O al supermercat

Or at the supermarket

la gent va descalça

people are barefoot

perquè condueixen descalços,

because they drive barefoot,

no tenen sabates

they don't have shoes

i els hi és igual.

And they don't care.

I ho veig tan guai

I see it so cool.



la notaria.

the notary.

que estem perdent

that we are losing

com el contacte final

with the final contact

amb la terra

with the earth

i amb

and with

i amb l'essència

and with the essence

una mica del que som,

a little bit of what we are,



I no sé,

I don't know,

que sembla una tonteria,

that seems silly,



fer aquests exercicis

do these exercises

de dutxar-te

to take a shower

quan dutxes,

when you shower,


produce yourself.



O quan vas a caminar,

Oh when are you going for a walk,

o quan,

or when,


come on,

lo de menjar,

the thing about eating,

lo de menjar

the eating

és molt fort.

it's very strong.

Jo engullo.

I swallow.



El fet de,

The fact that,

quan estàs menjant,

when you are eating,

menja bé.

eat well.

O sigui,

That is,

saborea el que has acuïnat

Savor what you have brined.

o no has cuïnat,

or you haven't cooked,



intenta distingir

try to distinguish

les diferents

the different

les textures,

the textures,

els gustos.

the tastes.

Jo és una lluita

I am a struggle.

que estic tenint ara.

that I am having now.



a mi no,

not me,

jo no puc

I can't.

perquè a més,

because moreover,

jo sóc una persona que...

I am a person who...

Podes si pots.

You can if you can.



no ho estic fent

I'm not doing it.

i no,

and no,

poder no ho vull fer,

I can, but I don't want to do it.



el fet de

the fact of

no tenir una pantalla davant

not having a screen in front

quan estàs menjant,

when you are eating,


Do you know?

I estar menjant

I am eating.

i mirant a fora

and looking outside

i tio,

Hey dude,

agafar-te el teu temps.

take your time.




To swallow.

Un tomàquet.

A tomato.





aquest tomàquet,

this tomato,


Do you know?

Que sembla una tonteria,

It seems like a silly thing,



totes aquestes coses

all these things

al final et porten

in the end, they take you

a aprendre

to learn

a ser present

to be present

i el fet d'aprendre

and the act of learning

a ser present

to be present

et porta

it carries you

a valorar

to assess

molt més.

much more.



I és un aprenentatge

And it is a learning experience.

que si ho vas practicant

that if you keep practicing it

al final

in the end

et sabràs

you will know

per tota la vida.

for life.

És que la mirada

It is that the gaze

et canvia

it changes you





i t'allibera.

and it frees you.



Perquè ets tan compassiva

Why are you so compassionate?

amb tu mateixa.

with yourself.

Som gent

We are people.

molt exigent

very demanding

i molt estricta

and very strict

i no ens deixem

and we don't let ourselves go



a marge

on the edge

a equivocar-nos.

to make mistakes.



Perquè és el que ens ensenya.

Because it is what teaches us.

Però que després penses

But then you think.



tinc 23 anys,

I am 23 years old.

sóc un bebé.

I am a baby.

I si tens 40,

And if you have 40,

no passa res.

It's okay.







un consell

a piece of advice



anar a la psicòloga

go to the psychologist

o al psicòleg.

or to the psychologist.

Jo crec que

I believe that

això cadascú

this each one

ho ha de provar.

He/She has to try it.



no et funciona

it doesn't work for you

el psicòleg

the psychologist

no et preocupis.

don't worry.

Hi ha altres tendències

There are other trends.

que potser vibraràs

that maybe you'll vibrate

en aquesta sintonia

in this tune

o potser no és

or maybe it isn't

el que necessites ara.

what you need now.



a mi m'ha funcionat

It has worked for me.

a la Sara també

to Sara too



també depèn molt

it also depends a lot

de quina psicòloga

from which psychologist

o psicòleg

or psychologist

que sigui.

So be it.



per exemple,

for example,

he provat tres psicòlogues

I have tried three psychologists.

diferents fins a trobar

different ends to find

una persona que funcioni,

a person who functions,

però el fet de

but the fact of

el primer pas és dir

the first step is to say



no cal que siguis fatal,

there's no need for you to be fatal,

però el fet de voler

but the fact of wanting

aprendre una mica més de tu

learn a little more about you

i aprendre eines noves

and learn new tools

I que no has de solucionar

And what you don't have to solve

un diagnòstic.

a diagnosis.



No, no.

No, no.

Primer de tot

First of all

no tens res a solucionar.

you have nothing to solve.



És simplement

It is simply.

entendre i comprendre

to understand and to comprehend

i dir

and say





és que sóc així.

It's just that I'm like this.



Però tinc totes les eines

But I have all the tools.

però és això,

but it is this,

tothom poder,

everyone can,

hi ha una mica de tabú

there is a bit of a taboo

que has d'estar malament

you must be feeling bad

per anar al psicòleg

to go to the psychologist

i tal,

and so on,

però al final

but in the end



mai seràs

you will never be

el tot de tu

the whole of you

i el fet de tenir

and the fact of having

una mica de curiositat

a bit of curiosity

per entendre't

to understand you

és molt maco.

It's very beautiful.



Perquè jo sempre faig

Because I always do

la reflexió de

the reflection of

només et tens a tu

you only have yourself

tota la vida.

all my life.



És que l'únic que t'asseguren

It's just that the only thing they assure you.

és que estaràs tu

it's that you will be there

amb tu mateixa

with yourself

fins que moris.

until you die.



És que ja està.

It is already done.

Això és real.

This is real.

A més amb la mort

In addition to death

mai conviuràs.

you will never coexist.

Perquè el dia que et moris

Because the day you die

o sigui,

that is,

l'única persona

the only person

que estarà al teu costat

that will be by your side

ets tu.

it's you.

Per tant,



take care

com tu estàs cuidant

how you are taking care

les teves amigues

your friends

com cuides els teus familiars

how do you take care of your family members

t'has de cuidar tu

You have to take care of yourself.

al final.

in the end.



I moltes vegades

And many times

ens parlem molt malament

we talk to each other very badly

a nosaltres mateixes

to ourselves

i jo faig aquesta reflexió

And I make this reflection.

de dir

to say

a les meves amigues

to my friends

en la vida els diria

In life, I would tell them.

el que m'estic dient

what I am telling myself

a mi mateixa

to myself

per què tu estàs fent

why are you doing

a tu.

to you.

I el fet d'aconseguir

And the fact of achieving

aquesta harmonia

this harmony

amb tu mateixa

with yourself



és molt maco.

it's very pretty.

És perfecte.

It's perfect.

Però també

But also

un aprenentatge

a learning

és donar-te espai

it's giving you space

també a dir

also to say



doncs no passa res.

then nothing happens.

M'he equivocat?

Have I made a mistake?

No passa res.

It's okay.

El pitjor

The worst

que pot passar

what can happen

què és?

What is it?

Això és una pregunta

This is a question.

que també em faig molt

that I also do a lot

perquè jo soc molt exigent

because I am very demanding

i és com

and it's like

ah, merda

ah, shit

no he col·locat bé aquest llibre.

I haven't placed this book correctly.



i el pitjor

and the worst

que podria passar

what could happen

és que estigués mal col·locat.

it's that it was improperly placed.



és que ningú és mort

it's that no one is dead

no passa res.

It's okay.

És que quina mandra

It's just that it feels so lazy.

ser tan exigents

to be so demanding

perquè al final

because in the end

després també ho projectem

then we will project it as well

amb les altres persones

with the other people

i som exigents

and we are demanding

i el primer pas

and the first step


it is

conèixer-te a tu mateix

to know yourself


to listen to you


write you

o sigui,

that is,

jo què sé

I don't know.

jo ara no ho faig tant

I don't do it as much now.

però escriure't

but to write to you

em va tan bé.

it's going so well for me.

Jo també.

Me too.

I llegir.

And to read.

Però a mi

But to me

llegir m'ajuda

reading helps me

jo llegeixo

I read.



molt d'assaig

a lot of rehearsal

perquè les narratives

because the narratives





em disassocio moltíssim

I disassociate myself a lot.

i precisament

and precisely

no m'ajuda

doesn't help me

a ser conscient

to be aware

però m'ajuda

but it helps me

a veure que

let's see what

pots pensar molt diferent

you can think very differently

i no passa res.

And nothing happens.

I no passa res.

And nothing happens.

És tan important

It is so important.

aquí eh

here huh

tatuada al cap

tattooed on the head

és que

it's that

i jo m'ho repeteixo moltes vegades

And I repeat it to myself many times.

perquè és això

because it is this

són persones molt exigents

they are very demanding people

i a la mínim

and at the minimum

és com

it is like

em castigo a mi mateixa

I punish myself.

jo també

me too

i és com

and it is like

Sara, no passa res

Sara, it's okay.





no et moriràs

you won't die

i és molt maco això

And this is very nice.

poder conèixer-te

to be able to know you


to be able to

que alguna persona

that someone

et doni unes eines

give you some tools

que després tu puguis aplicar

that you can apply later

o no a la teva vida

or no to your life

al final

in the end

a tu et donen el coneixement

they give you the knowledge

i tu després fas el que vulguis

and then you do whatever you want



jo per això

I for that.

a tothom li dic

I tell everyone.

perquè el primer pas

because the first step

és acceptar

it is to accept

o sigui

that is to say

que no ho pots amb tot no?

that you can't handle it all, right?



sí sí total

yes yes totally

i dir

and say



doncs potser que em vull conèixer

then maybe I want to get to know myself

una mica més

a little more

i aprendre

and learn


i que

and that

potser allò

maybe that

no hi resones

you do not resonate

i dius

and you say



però és que això no

but this is not

però és que està tan bé

but it's just so good

saber el que no vols

knowing what you don't want

ja ja ja

ha ha ha



ja tens per on començar

You already have somewhere to start.

però quan

but when

quan estàs perdut

when you are lost

clar és això

of course that's it

i que no passa res

and that nothing happens

per estar perdut eh

to be lost, huh

perquè després aprens

because then you learn

d'això saps?

Do you know about this?



però jo crec que també estem

but I think that we are also

en una societat

in a society



a part d'exigent

apart from demanding





amb nosaltres mateixos

with ourselves

perquè estem envoltats

because we are surrounded

d'exercicis socials

of social exercises

de gent

of people


of opinions


of stereotypes

de normes

of rules

que no ens donem temps

that we don't give ourselves time

de desconnectar

to disconnect

i dir

and say



però realment qui sóc?

but really, who am I?

quin és el

what is the

perquè també

because also

l'altre dato que tinc

the other piece of information I have

és lo del ego

it's the ego thing

i el ser

and the being



o sigui

that is to say

saber diferenciar

to know how to differentiate

quin és el teu ego

what is your ego

i quin és el teu ser

And what is your being?

diferenciar des de

differentiate from

quin punt tu estàs actuant

At which point are you acting?

si realment estic actuant

if I am really acting



sóc la Sara de veritat

I am the real Sara.

o és el meu ego

or is it my ego

que m'he cregut fins ara

that I have believed until now

que sóc així

that I'm like this

d'aquesta manera

in this way


do you know?

clar és difícil

of course it’s difficult

clar no ho saps tot

of course you don't know everything



o sigui

that is to say

no pots conèixer-te al 100%

you cannot know yourself 100%

perquè què és el 100%

because what is 100%

un altre cop

one more time





si més no

at least


to know

com et sents ara

How do you feel now?





com és la teva tristesa

how is your sadness

i sentir-te trist

and to feel you sad

i dir

and say



m'ho vaig a permetre

I'm going to allow myself.

perquè estic trista

because I am sad



no sé

I don't know.

crec que estem en una societat

I believe we are in a society



molt estricta

very strict



és necessari

it is necessary

que ho sigui

so be it

per mantenir-se

to maintain oneself

és a dir

that is to say

és necessari

it is necessary

que la societat et digui

let society tell you

que és exigent

that is demanding

i que per tant

and therefore

has de fer això

you have to do this

això i això

this and this

per controlar-te

to control you

i que no surtis de la norma

and that you do not deviate from the norm

perquè al final

because in the end

hem això

let's do this

hem creat aquests sistemes simbòlics

we have created these symbolic systems

per controlar-nos

to control us

o sigui

that is to say

perquè no

why not

o sigui

that is to say

perquè el sistema simbòlic en si

because the symbolic system itself

la societat

the society

és possible

it's possible



sí sí totalment

yes yes totally

perquè és la veritat suprema

because it is the supreme truth



tots seguirem la línia del

we will all follow the line of

del capitalisme

of capitalism



però és molt maco

but it is very pretty




to understand

que no ha de ser així

that it shouldn't be like this

és molt maco

it's very pretty

donar-te espai

give you space

a estar bé

to be fine

a estar malament

to be upset

a conèixer-te

to meet you

a tenir gent al voltant

to have people around

que també vibri

that it also vibrates

de la mateixa manera

in the same way

i és molt maco

and it is very nice



poder aconseguir objectius

to achieve goals

com estic fent jo

how am I doing



poder projectar-ho

to be able to project it

i poder veure un dia a dia

and to be able to see a day-to-day basis

que al final

that in the end

jo crec que la clau de la vida

I think that the key to life


it is

ja estar en pau

already be at peace



jo també ho penso

I think so too.

vull dir

I mean

quina mandra

what a drag

crec que morir

I think I am dying.

en pau

in peace

és ja

it's already

ja està

it's done

mira una altra cosa que em va dir

look at another thing that she told me

la psicòloga

the psychologist

que vaig pensar

that I thought

que maco

how beautiful

perquè jo tenia un problema de

because I had a problem of

sempre necessitava estar amb algú

I always needed to be with someone.





bueno no és un problema

well it's not a problem

és una cosa que tu tenies

It's something that you had.



i que volies resoldre

and what did you want to resolve

molt bé

very well

canviant el vocabulari

changing the vocabulary

no molt bé

not very well



i li deies

and you told him/her

a la parella

to the couple

i porten molts anys

and they have been many years

i penso

and I think

tio jo també vull

dude, I want it too

tenir algú

to have someone

i no necessitar ningú més

and I don’t need anyone else


you know

i em va dir

and he told me

i després

and then

jo crec

I believe.

no sé si tu vas explicar això

I don't know if you explained this.

que després

that later

vam estar xerrant xerrant

we were chatting chatting

i al final em va dir

and in the end, he/she told me

però tu

but you

en quins moments

in which moments


you think

no necessito res més

I don't need anything else.

i els únics moments

and the only moments

que jo he sentit

that I have heard

que no necessito

that I don't need

que podria morir

that could die

en aquell moment

at that moment

era per exemple

it was for example

quan estava flotant

when I was floating

a l'aigua a la platja

in the water at the beach







com es posa el sol

how the sun sets



des de la meva terrassa

from my terrace

i em va dir

and he told me

primer de tot

first of all

quan tu sents això

when you feel this

estàs sola

you are alone

no estàs amb ningú

you are not with anyone

i segon

and second

quan tu sentis

when you hear

quan tu puguis

when you can



quins moments

what moments

no et falta de res

you lack nothing

fes-los cada dia

do them every day



em va dir

he told me

mira més postes de sol

look at more sunsets

ves més a la platja sola

go to the beach alone more


you know

o si

or yes

hem de

we have to

fer aquest

do this



aquest exercici

this exercise

de dir

to say

en quin moment

at what moment

jo sento que estic en pau

I feel that I am at peace.

i quan tu sàpigues

and when you know

quin moment és aquest

what moment is this

fes-lo més

make it more



i al final

and in the end

i després aniràs descobrint

and then you will start discovering



i més

and more

i diràs

and you will say



però és que vaig flipar

but I was blown away

perquè és veritat

because it is true

que em va dir

that he/she told me

és que això

it's just that this

quan tu m'estàs explicant

when you are explaining to me

aquestes coses

these things

tu estàs sola

you are alone

no estàs amb cap altra persona

you are not with anyone else

per això significa

that means

que tu estàs

that you are



quan tu estàs

when you are

amb tu mateixa

with yourself

una cosa

one thing

i una altra cosa

and another thing

una necessitat real

a real need



tens pipi

you have to pee

vas a fer pipi

are you going to pee

però el tens

but you have it

sí sí sí total eh

yes yes yes totally huh

i al final

and in the end

vaig aprendre això

I learned this.

de dir

to say

és veritat

it's true

és com més tranquil estic

it's when I'm most at peace

estic sola

I am alone.

i és molt maco

and it is very nice

poder detectar-ho

to be able to detect it

i dir

and say



és maquíssim detectar-ho

it's wonderful to detect it



m'he de distanciar una mica

I need to distance myself a bit.

del que m'han colcat

of what they have told me

de que

of that

jo per estar bé

I to be well

he d'estar amb una parella

he must be with a partner

he d'estar amb una persona

I have to be with a person.

que em cuidi

that takes care of me



per això també tinc ganes

that's why I'm also looking forward to it

d'anar a Austràlia sola

of going to Australia alone

per tant m'estic distanciant

therefore I am distancing myself

de tot el cercle

of the whole circle


of friendships


of loves

de casa

from home



és que t'independitzes sola

it's that you become independent alone

sí sí sí

yes yes yes

a Austràlia

to Australia

per això

for this reason

i jo sé que això m'anirà

And I know that this will go well for me.

tan bé

so good

però tan bé

but so well

per aprendre això

to learn this





ja tinc ganes de visitar-te

I can't wait to visit you.

ja estàs aquí

you are here now

ja tio

Yeah man

has de venir amb la furbi

You have to come with the furbi.

estem aquí

we are here



amb la furbi

with the cunning



tardaràs eh

You will be late, huh?

es moriria eh

he would die, huh

es moriria

he/she would die


would arrive

poso fred a mà

I put cold by hand.

i fa pua

and it makes a point

m'agraden les rodes

I like wheels.



saps que tinc ganes

Do you know that I feel like it?

de quan vagi a Austràlia

when I go to Australia

perquè allà

because there

els jeep

the jeeps

i els 4x4

and the 4x4s

són molt baratos

they are very cheap



i tinc ganes de comprar-me

I feel like buying myself

un puto 4x4

a fucking 4x4

posar-li un llit

putting a bed for him/her

i fer ruta

and go on a route

jo vull un Defender

I want a Defender.

agafa't un Defender

grab a Defender

què és aquest

what is this

és un Land Rover

it's a Land Rover



és que m'encanta

I love it.

m'encanta aquest cotxe

I love this car.

de 9 places

for 9 people

què dius

what do you say

o sigui és

that is it

cotxe normal

normal car

i jo així de petita

and me like this as a child


driving it

perquè tampoc és tan gran eh

because it isn't that big either, right?



sí que és gran

yes, it is big



però molt petita

but very small

la gent se n'enriu

People laugh at it.

quan surto de la Furby

when I come out of the Furby

les espera

they are waiting for you

una persona

a person

pues que

well then

omple espai

fill space



i no no

and no no

surto jo

I'm going out.

que dius

What are you saying?



on està

where is it

que maco

how nice



el Defender

the Defender

que és un 4x4

what is a 4x4

de 9 places

of 9 seats




it is

un cotxe normal

a normal car

de 5 places

for 5 people

i llavors a darrere

and then behind

són 4

it's 4

que es miren

that look at each other

en plan com estem tu i jo

like we are you and me

que guai

how cool

joder que guai

f*** that's cool

i clar allò

and of course that

ja està

it's done

i ja

and already

i després ja

and then already

bueno és que

well it is that

si començo a parlar de coses de campers

if I start talking about camper things

ja no paro eh

I can't stop anymore, huh?

però hi ha

but there is

també com una tenda de campanya

also like a tent

que et pots posar a sobre

that you can put on top of yourself

que es desmunta

that is dismantled

en aquest cotxe

in this car

a tots

to everyone

ah vale vale

oh okay okay

i pots posar-la també

and you can put it too

en el teu eh

in your eh

vale vale vale vale

okay okay okay okay

és una tenda de campanya

it's a tent

que és com si fos un

which is as if it were one

com una vaca

like a cow

i llavors tu la pots desmuntar

and then you can dismantle it

i muntar

and to assemble

i té unes escales

and has some stairs

i tu dorms a dalt

And you sleep upstairs.



que maco

how beautiful

no no

no no

és que ho faré

I will do it.

ho faré

I will do it.

vull dir

I mean

ja vindrà

it will come






què com portem

what are we bringing

doncs mira portem

so look, we bring

són molt de temps no

it's been a long time, hasn't it?

hòstia 50 minuts

Holy shit, 50 minutes.

ah molt bé

oh very good

sí prou bé

yes quite well

ens ha quedat un

we have one left

un episodi guai

a cool episode

pues jo per acabar

well, as for me to conclude



és molt fort

it's very strong

perquè quan ho has mencionat

because when you mentioned it

ha sigut com

it has been like



el que

the what



o sigui

that is to say

l'única estructura

the only structure

que volia muntar

that I wanted to set up


for the

per la porta oberta

through the open door




to close

amb un espai de gratitud

with a space of gratitude



com, uau, que xulo

wow, that's cool



hem de dir tres coses

we have to say three things

per les quals ara ens sentim agraïdes

for which we now feel grateful



comença qui li surti primer

whoever comes first starts

ai, no sé

oh, I don't know

bueno, jo estic molt agraïda

Well, I am very grateful.

de compartir aquest espai amb tu avui

of sharing this space with you today

i és molt maco xerrar

and it is very nice to chat

m'arriba a l'ànima

it reaches my soul

és molt maco perquè a més

it's very nice because moreover

des que hem deixat l'Uni

since we left Uni

no ens veiem tant entre tots

we don't see each other as much anymore

i aquests moments

and these moments

de posar-nos al dia i de parlar

to catch up and talk

des de l'ànima

from the soul

i de parlar de coses tan interessants

and to talk about such interesting things

que al final no són converses buides

that in the end they are not empty conversations

jo crec que seria molt diferent

I think it would be very different.

parlar-ho en una circumstància diferent

to talk about it in a different circumstance

però és que aquí, en un espai tancadet

but it's just that here, in a small enclosed space

és com que és super

it's like it's super

no sé, i una cosa

I don't know, and one thing

agraïm la naturalesa que ens envolta

we appreciate the nature that surrounds us

per favor


per aquesta casa i per aquest espai

for this house and for this space

és que quan he arribat

it's just that when I arrived

ja, és molt maco

Yes, it is very beautiful.

brutal, i la cosa és que no tenim servei

brutal, and the thing is that we don't have service

cosa que també s'agraeix moltíssim

something that is also greatly appreciated

jo agraeixo molt que també

I really appreciate that too.

s'hagi volgut compartir aquest espai amb mi

has wanted to share this space with me

és que és preciós

it's just that it's beautiful

aquest projecte

this project

neix de dins cap a fora

born from within to outside

en plan, anem a provar

I mean, let's try.

i ja veus, el primer episodi

And you see, the first episode.

va ser una presentació que vaig penjar

It was a presentation that I uploaded.

fa dos mesos

two months ago

però també és maco que no et posis

but it is also nice that you don’t put on

com estricta

as strict as

d'he de fer això

I have to do this.

però llavors no ho faria a gust

but then I wouldn't enjoy it

i no sé, m'ha vingut molt de gust

and I don't know, I've really felt like it

passar aquest matí amb tu

spending this morning with you

és preciós, estic molt agraïda

It's beautiful, I am very grateful.

del meu propi procés

of my own process

per poder valorar les coses que hem parlat

to be able to evaluate the things we have talked about

una abella

a bee

ai, l'he sentit pel micro

Oh, I heard it through the microphone.

sí, clar, és que està sobre el micro

Yes, of course, it's that it's on the microphone.

marxa, sisplau

leave, please

Maria, Maria, Maria

Maria, Maria, Maria

doncs això, que estic molt agraïda

so that's it, I'm very grateful

del meu procés per poder valorar

from my process to be able to assess

i canviar la meva mirada per valorar aquestes coses

I can change my perspective to appreciate these things.

i poder-les compartir amb gent sensible

and to be able to share them with sensitive people

com tu, perquè m'arribes a l'ànima

like you, because you reach my soul

ja, és que és molt maco

Yes, it's very beautiful.

no, jo també estic molt agraïda

No, I am also very grateful.

tio, de la Sara d'avui

dude, about Sara today

perquè poder

because power

dos anys enrere

two years ago

jo no tenia aquest pensament

I did not have that thought.

i veure l'evolució que he fet

and see the evolution I have made

d'arribar fins a aquestes conclusions que estic fent

to reach these conclusions that I am making

i reflexions, i que al final

and reflections, and that in the end

encara estic aprenent

I'm still learning.

ho agraeixo molt

I really appreciate it.

jo també agraeixo molt

I also appreciate it a lot.

penso en nosaltres dos

I think about the two of us.

a primer

a primer

i no reconèixer-ho també ho agraeixo

and not recognizing it, I also appreciate it

perquè al final es tracta d'això

because in the end it is about that


to evolve

i anar aprenent i anar descobrint

and keep learning and keep discovering

i és molt maco

and it's very pretty

i és preciós

and it is beautiful


super cool

doncs t'agraeixo moltíssim que hagis passat per aquí

So I thank you very much for passing by here.

i res

and nothing

ens veiem a la pròxima

See you next time.

que tothom reflexioni

let everyone reflect

i no sé si serà a Austràlia

and I don't know if it will be in Australia

o on sigui

or wherever

però deixarem la porta oberta perquè entrin les coses

but we will leave the door open for things to come in

que maco

how nice

com has deixat, com has acabat

How have you ended up, how have you turned out?

vale, doncs fins a la pròxima

Okay, see you next time.



Fins aquí el programa d'avui

That's all for today's program.

Fins demà!

See you tomorrow!

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