Pau Vargas


Allò Que No Sona

Pau Vargas

Allò Que No Sona

Allò que no sona

That which does not sound.

amb Coco Jean Davies i Jordi Ramírez

with Coco Jean Davies and Jordi Ramírez

Tercera temporada

Third season

Capítol 7

Chapter 7

Capítol 8

Chapter 8

Capítol 9

Chapter 9

Capítol 10

Chapter 10

Capítol 11

Chapter 11

Capítol 12

Chapter 12

Capítol 13

Chapter 13

Capítol 14

Chapter 14

Capítol 15

Chapter 15

Quines bandes organitzàveu concerts o si hi ha alguna d'aquella llavors que s'ha fet famosa o eren grups del poble o com era?

Which bands organized concerts or are there any from that time that have become famous, or were they local groups, or how was it?

Hi havia bandes del poble que eren del poble o de la zona de Santa Coloma, Viluví, La Selva, això que no han passat a més.

There were bands from the village that were from the village or the area of Santa Coloma, Viluví, La Selva, which have not progressed beyond that.

Però el meu primer concert va ser una banda de hardcore metal que és l'Eya Spirit, que és la banda prèvia al grup de metal català que és Coop.

But my first concert was a hardcore metal band called Eya Spirit, which is the predecessor to the Catalan metal group Coop.

Ah mira.

Oh look.

I vaig començar fent un concert, el meu primer concert va ser amb aquesta banda que per mi és la millor banda que hi ha hagut al món de hardcore i metal.

I started by doing a concert, my first concert was with this band that for me is the best band that has ever existed in the world of hardcore and metal.

Sí o què?

Yes or what?

Sí, i després d'aquí vaig derivar a uns altres concerts que vaig tenir l'honor també de treballar

Yes, and after this I was directed to some other concerts that I also had the honor of working on.

amb una banda de hardcore metal.

with a hardcore metal band.

Sí o què? Sí, i després d'aquí vaig derivar a uns altres concerts que vaig tenir l'honor també de treballar amb una banda de hardcore metal.

Yes or what? Yes, and after that I moved on to other concerts where I also had the honor to work with a hardcore metal band.

Sí, i després d'aquí vaig derivar a uns altres concerts que vaig tenir l'honor també de treballar amb una banda de hardcore metal.

Yes, and after that I went on to some other concerts where I also had the honor of working with a hardcore metal band.

De Saragossa que per mi són referents, que és el corazón del sapo i que per mi són pilars de per què vaig començar tot això.

From Zaragoza, which for me are references, which is the heart of the toad and which for me are the pillars of why I started all this.

Ah bueno, mira.

Ah well, look.

Per lletres, per música, per tot plegat en aquell moment. Ara ho escoltes i dius, hòstia, no sonava tan bé, però en aquell moment ens sonava meravellós.

By letters, by music, by all of it at that moment. Now you listen to it and say, damn, it didn't sound that good, but at that moment it sounded wonderful to us.

En Pau dels 17 anys sonava increïble.

Pau, at 17 years old, sounded incredible.

Uau, genial.

Wow, cool.

Pau, ja que som a Vic, abans que comencem amb tota la història,

Peace, since we are in Vic, before we start with the whole story,

per qui ens escolti, que a vegades et trobes amb gent que ve per primer cop al mercat

For those who listen to us, sometimes you find people who are coming to the market for the first time.

o que ve amb una idea equivocada i no sap molt bé com es troba la fira,

or that comes with a wrong idea and doesn't quite know how to find the fair,

pots explicar una mica què vens tu a fer a Vic

Can you explain a bit about what you are doing in Vic?

i quina importància té el mercat, tant el de Vic com d'altres,

And what importance does the market have, both the one in Vic and others?

a l'hora de planificar temporades cada any?

when planning seasons each year?

Doncs mira, jo a Vic és la primera fira que vaig venir,

Well, look, the first fair I came to was in Vic.

perquè, de fet, justament aquests dies que m'estic anant a Santa Coloma a casa a dormir

because, in fact, just these days that I am going to Santa Coloma to sleep at home

i no m'estic quedant aquí a fer negocis de nit, només els faig de dia,

I'm not staying here to do business at night; I only do it during the day.

que ja en tinc prou, i me n'estic tornant a casa

I'm fed up, and I'm going back home.

i just vaig començar a remenar caixes velles en un moment

I just started rummaging through old boxes for a moment.

i vaig trobar una bossa amb moltíssimes fotos,

I found a bag with a lot of photos.

moltíssimes fotos d'aquells primers anys,

a lot of photos from those early years,

d'allà més de professional, no al principi, però de professional,

From there more than professional, not at first, but professional,

que amb la Clau Produccions, la meva empresa que teníem abans, de Panda,

that with Clau Produccions, my company that we had before, from Panda,

que vaig trobar fotos dels primers mercats de la música viva que vaig venir.

that I found photos from the first living music markets I attended.



Que em portava cabell llarg quan en tenia,

That I had long hair when I had it,

i amb el Johnny de Hace Color vam muntar un estant amb la Clau i Hace Color,

And with Johnny from Hace Color, we set up a stand with Clau and Hace Color.

que ja era quan vaig començar a conèixer en Perico també,

that was when I started to get to know Perico too,

i va ser aquella època i veia i deia, uau, uau, uau.

And it was that time, and I saw and said, wow, wow, wow.

I vaig estar molts anys venint i he apostat molt per mercat,

I spent many years coming and I have bet a lot on the market.

després em vaig sentir una mica...

afterwards I felt a bit...

com que no volíem que hi estiguéssim i vaig estar molts anys sense venir i ara fa...

As we didn't want to be there and I spent many years without coming and now it's been...

I això per què?

And why is that?

Perquè al final és molt d'esforç que fas per venir a les fires,

Because in the end it's a lot of effort you make to come to the fairs,

gastes molts calés en aquest negoci que tot és tan mil·limetrat

You spend a lot of money on this business where everything is so precise.

que qualsevol despesa és un forat i que estem a uns marges tan petits

that any expense is a hole and that we are at such small margins

i donem tant a la nostra vida que al final és molt complicat tenir l'equilibri econòmic

We give so much to our lives that in the end it becomes very complicated to have economic balance.

i em va semblar que al final...

and it seemed to me that in the end...

Després de portar tant, de presentar tantes coses,

After carrying so much, after presenting so many things,

no s'escoltava perquè era música alternativa, perquè no sé què,

it wasn't listened to because it was alternative music, because I don't know what,

perquè un parell de coses que vaig decidir que, si no volen que participem, doncs no venim.

Because a couple of things I decided that if they don't want us to participate, then we won't come.

I és veritat que ara no és que participem més, però tinc una altra mirada.

And it's true that now we don't participate more, but I have another perspective.

I crec que com a empresa que està a diferents zones geogràfiques,

I believe that as a company that is in different geographic areas,

crec que a Vic em ve molt de gust que sigui una referència per nosaltres,

I think that in Vic it pleases me a lot that it is a reference for us,

que és la mateixa referència que volia...

that is the same reference I wanted...

El que passa és que molts anys després, això que perdones,

What happens is that many years later, this that you forgive,

o perdones, tampoc és perdó perquè tampoc...

or forgiveness, it’s not forgiveness because neither...

Bueno, les coses van canviant...

Well, things are changing...

No has de perdonar a ningú perquè cadascú fa el que vol amb la seva...

You don't have to forgive anyone because everyone does what they want with their...

Però sí que dius, bueno, hem de tornar i mirar-nos-ho d'una altra manera,

But you do say, well, we have to go back and look at it from another perspective,

o simplement, bueno, si som els lletjos i no ens volen, doncs no ens volen i ja està, no passa res.

or simply, well, if we are the ugly ones and they don't want us, then they don't want us and that's it, it doesn't matter.

Nosaltres a la nostra, que és una mica la filosofia de sempre.

We are doing our own thing, which is somewhat the philosophy as always.

Tu creus que el mercat de música de Vic, o qualsevol altre mercat,

Do you think the music market in Vic, or any other market,

va canviant segons temporada o any, o té com una manera de fer les coses,

it changes with the season or year, or has a certain way of doing things,

o no sé, quins són els canvis que veus a lo bueno, o si, no sé...

Oh, I don't know, what are the changes you see in the good stuff, or if, I don't know...

Jo crec que cada director del mercat ha marcat una mica les diferències.

I believe that each market director has marked the differences a bit.

Jo crec que en Carles Sala era un tipus, que en Jordi Tortós,

I believe that Carles Sala was a guy, that Jordi Tortós,

em sembla que era Jordi Tortós, si no m'equivoco, ja fa molts anys això,

I think it was Jordi Tortós, if I'm not mistaken, that's many years ago.

era amb el que jo vaig marxar...

it was with whom I left...

Tenia bona relació amb ell, però, bueno, veig a veure que no tenim espai,

I had a good relationship with him, but, well, I see that we don't have space.

i després ara amb en Marc, crec que en Marc ha fet molta feina i que també es nota un canvi, també.

And now with Marc, I believe that Marc has done a lot of work and that a change is noticeable, too.

O sigui, segons el president es noten els canvis.

In other words, according to the president, the changes are noticeable.

No sé si n'hi ha hagut al mig, perquè m'he perdut jo, que segurament n'hi ha hagut.

I don't know if there has been one in the middle, because I've gotten lost, but there probably has been.

No ho recordo perquè el Marc ja porta molts anys i tinc poca memòria, perquè ara el Marc...

I don't remember because Marc has been around for many years and I have a poor memory, because now Marc...

El Gratacós va ser?

Was the Gratacós?

No, el Gratacós no em sona.

No, the Gratacós doesn't ring a bell for me.

El Gratacós és fundador del mercat, és l'ideòleg, però no...

The Gratacós is the founder of the market, he is the ideologue, but not...

Ah, no, era del mercat.

Ah, no, it was from the market.

L'arc, perdona, potser era de l'arc.

The bow, forgive me, maybe it was from the bow.

Bueno, si et sembla, anem als inicis de la teva carrera dins el món de la música.

Well, if you agree, let's go back to the beginnings of your career in the world of music.

Ja ens vas explicar una mica les rels, que m'encantava,

You already explained a bit about the roots to us, which I loved.

però anem a l'any 97, que comences com a programador de la sala 9, Zeppelin, de Riu d'Arenes,

but let's go to the year 97, when you start as a programmer in room 9, Zeppelin, in Riu d'Arenes,

i tres anys que vas estar-hi, oi?

And you were there for three years, right?

Com aconsegueixes aquella feina i quin record tens d'aquells dies?

How did you get that job and what memories do you have of those days?

Doncs mira, aquella feina...

Well, look, that job...

Va ser... Bé, feina no es podria dir.

It was... Well, it couldn't be called work.

D'acord, comencem.

Okay, let's begin.

Podríem dir militància, però va ser perquè jo estava, després dels concerts de Bilobí,

We could say militancy, but it was because I was there, after the Bilobí concerts,

vaig anar a viure a Santa Coloma amb la família, i a Santa Coloma vam crear un Ateneu,

I went to live in Santa Coloma with the family, and in Santa Coloma we created an Ateneu.

un Ateneu que es deia Ateneu Alternatiu Salvatà,

an Ateneu called Alternative Salvati Ateneu,

on vam fer moltes dinàmiques, sobretot de concerts i moltes altres coses,

we did a lot of activities, especially concerts and many other things,

però sobretot concerts, perquè érem una colla, l'Eugeni, gent diferent de Santa Coloma,

but above all concerts, because we were a group, Eugeni, different people from Santa Coloma,

que ens movíem a molts concerts i vam començar a programar concerts,

that we moved to many concerts and began to organize concerts,

i jo em vaig conèixer, per exemple, el Johnny de Hace Color, que ara és Cashba Music,

and I met, for example, Johnny from Hace Color, who is now Cashba Music,

que jo encara el tinc com a Hace Color a l'agenda, clar,

that I still have him as Hace Color in the agenda, of course,

que és un dels meus mestres i referències,

who is one of my teachers and references,

que... amb ell vam començar a organitzar concerts en una sala que hi havia a Santa Coloma,

that... with him we started organizing concerts in a venue that was in Santa Coloma,

que això crec que va ser molt important perquè jo estigui aquí,

that I believe this was very important for me to be here,

que és una sala que es deia El Dingo,

that is a room that was called El Dingo,

que Dingo es deia...

that Dingo was called...

perquè no es digués Bingo, perquè no es podien fer bingos,

so that it wouldn't be called Bingo, because bingos couldn't be done,

i antigament, no sé quina època, 1900, no sé quan,

and in ancient times, I don't know which era, 1900, I don't know when,

vam fer aquell edifici que és teatre, auditori, i la sala, i bar, i...

we made that building that is a theater, auditorium, and the hall, and bar, and...

és un espai molt... centre cultural...

it is a very... cultural center...

Encara existeix.

It still exists.

Encara existeix, però està canviat.

It still exists, but it has changed.

La sala existeix, però ja no es fan concerts, ja no es deixa per fer concerts el jovent de Santa Coloma.

The venue exists, but concerts are no longer held there, and young people from Santa Coloma are no longer allowed to hold concerts.

Però en aquella època, a través de l'Ateneu, vam començar a fer concerts,

But at that time, through the Ateneu, we started to hold concerts,

allà teníem unes bones condicions,

there we had good conditions,

i vam començar a treballar amb el Johnny,

and we started working with Johnny,

que vam fer Color Humano,

that we did Color Humano,

en aquella època vam fer Todos Tus Muertos,

At that time we made Todos Tus Muertos,

després vam seguir fent un vol on va tornar a venir Corazón del Sapo,

afterwards we continued flying where Corazón del Sapo came back again,

on després vam portar també bandes com Hechos Contra el Decoro,

Later we also brought bands like Hechos Contra el Decoro,

bandes com Sociedad Alcohòlica, que va ser l'any 96,

bands like Sociedad Alcohòlica, which was in '96,

i vaig fer un concert amb Sociedad Alcohòlica, on les bandes...

I did a concert with Sociedad Alcohòlica, where the bands...

i vaig fer un concert amb Sociedad Alcohòlica on les bandes...

I did a concert with Sociedad Alcohòlica where the bands...

tu els oferies una estructura i ells venien i feien el seu concert, el seu propi concert,

you offered them a structure and they came and did their concert, their own concert,

i ells es quedaven a l'entrada i nosaltres ens quedàvem a la barra.

And they stayed at the entrance while we stayed at the bar.

I nosaltres els hi fèiem tota l'estructura de vendre les entrades, cartells, publicitat, tot això...

And we would do all the structure of selling the tickets, posters, advertising, all that...


The office.



Clar, tot allò era militància i amateur.

Of course, all of that was militancy and amateurism.

Sí, des de casa, gairebé, no?

Yes, from home, almost, right?

Sí, sí, des de casa, i sense mòbil, sense internet, amb faxos i...

Yes, yes, from home, and without a mobile phone, without internet, with faxes and...



Bé, per als joves que estan escoltant, un fax és...

Well, for the young people listening, a fax is...

Exacte, fent de boomers.

Exactly, acting like boomers.



Llavors, en un moment m'arriba una proposta del... crec que era el Tequila, de Madrid,

Then, at one moment I receive a proposal from... I think it was the Tequila, from Madrid,

de fer boicot, i no ho podíem fer a Santa Coloma,

of boycotting, and we couldn't do it in Santa Coloma,

i just havien obert una sala, que es deia No Zeppelin,

They had just opened a room called No Zeppelin.

que era una sala, un pub de vidreres, que s'havia mogut a Riberenes,

that it was a room, a pub in Vidreres, that had moved to Riberenes,

que és un altre poble.

that is another town.



Al costat de Santa Coloma, on començaven a programar música com el pub,

Next to Santa Coloma, where they started programming music like in the pub,

però allà en una sala grossa, amb escenari i tal, una mica més professional.

but there in a large hall, with a stage and all, a bit more professional.

Llavors, vam fer boicot en aquesta sala.

Then, we boycotted this room.

No, perdona, aquí hi ha un impàs, que és una petita idea d'empresa,

No, sorry, here there is a pause, which is a small business idea,

la primera idea d'empresa que tinc, que es diu Del 4, que érem quatre persones,

the first business idea I have, which is called Del 4, which consisted of four people,

del 4 produccions, que va ser molt pocs mesos, però que va sortir amb...

from the 4 productions, which was very few months, but that came out with...

va sortir amb un amic de Santa Coloma que tenia bars, pubs i tot això de Santa Coloma,

he went out with a friend from Santa Coloma who had bars, pubs, and all that in Santa Coloma.

que tenia control del tema d'hostaleria, un altre, el meu partner, que era l'Eugeni,

who was in charge of the hospitality aspect, another, my partner, who was Eugeni,

que fèiem tot el dia concerts i anàvem amunt i avall,

that we spent all day doing concerts and going up and down,

i després la meva germana, que també feia cartells, estava com implicada allà,

and then my sister, who was also making posters, was kind of involved there,

i d'aquí van sortir com diverses coses.

And from here various things came out.

Vam fer un concert del Salseta del Poble Sec, en aquesta sala del Dingo,

We had a concert by the Salseta del Poble Sec in this Dingo venue.

i d'aquí, que ens va anar molt bé, ha sigut el concert que més calés he guanyat a la meva vida.

And from here, it went very well for us; it was the concert where I made the most money in my life.

Ah, mira!

Ah, look!

Encara avui?

Still today?

Encara avui, sí.

Still today, yes.

Perquè el volum en aquella època eren molts.

Because the volume at that time was very high.

I que em va anar molt bé, i el primer que vam fer és anar a fer una mariscada, evidentment,

And it went very well for me, and the first thing we did was go for a seafood feast, obviously.

i l'ús de nosaltres, no sabíem el que ens en venia.

And the use of us, we did not know what was coming for us.

I després vam començar a programar en aquesta sala.

And then we started programming in this room.

I després, tot això es va diluir, es va perdre una mica aquest concepte d'empresa,

And then, all of this diminished, the concept of a company was somewhat lost.

i em vaig quedar jo a la sala, i de cop em començava a trucar moltíssima gent,

and I stayed in the room, and suddenly I started receiving calls from a lot of people,

discogràfiques m'enviaven discos, bandes que volien presentar,

record labels sent me albums, bands that wanted to be introduced,

jo estava sempre escoltant la ràdio, escoltant no sé què, revistes, fanzines,

I was always listening to the radio, listening to who knows what, magazines, fanzines,

estava molt posat en tota l'escena en aquell moment,

I was very immersed in the whole scene at that moment,

i sempre anava mirant i xequejant qui hi havia.

And I was always looking and checking who was there.

Estava girant i escrivia les discogràfiques,

I was turning and writing the record labels,

i sempre anava mirant i xequejant qui hi havia.

And I was always watching and checking who was there.

Estava girant i xequejant qui hi havia.

I was turning and checking who was there.

O escrivia els managements, que aquell no sé si n'hi havien tants,

Or I wrote the managements, which I don't know if there were that many.

però era una mica... jo tampoc me'n recordo com ho tenia separat,

but it was a bit... I also don't remember how I had it separated,

ara ho tinc molt més clar, però en aquella època era...

Now I have it much clearer, but at that time it was...

Tot això a Santa Coloma?

All this in Santa Coloma?

Tot això a Santa Coloma.

All of this in Santa Coloma.

Uau, jo no sabia que hi havia tanta acció a Santa Coloma.

Wow, I didn't know there was so much action in Santa Coloma.

I va haver en aquella època.

There was at that time.

Pensa que a l'Ateneu vam acabar... va haver-hi un moment que teníem socis,

Think that at the Ateneu we ended up... there was a moment when we had members,

no sé si érem 300 o 400 socis, que vam arribar a tot l'Institut de Santa Coloma,

I don't know if we were 300 or 400 members, but we reached all of the Institute of Santa Coloma,

que tot l'Institut de Santa Coloma estava molt bolcat,

that the entire Institute of Santa Coloma was very involved,

fèiem moltes festes, moltes coses.

we had many parties, many things.

També fèiem xerrades, vam fer una petita distribuïdora de material alternatiu,

We also held talks, we set up a small distributor of alternative material.

vam fer moltes coses.

we did a lot of things.

També, mira, aquells dies vaig coincidir amb un noi

Also, look, those days I ran into a guy.

que parlava d'una associació contra el racisme que es fa a fer a Santa Coloma,

that talked about an association against racism that takes place in Santa Coloma,

que és la Samba-Cobali, que també vam organitzar concerts per ells,

what is the Samba-Cobali, which we also organized concerts for them,

o els ajudàvem, o fèiem activitats i tot això,

either we helped them, or we did activities and all that,

que la Samba-Cobali va ser una cosa molt important a Santa Coloma.

that the Samba-Cobali was a very important thing in Santa Coloma.

Com es deia, perdó?

What was your name again, sorry?



Un projecte de... Bé, a Santa Coloma va haver-hi molta immigració,

A project of... Well, there was a lot of immigration in Santa Coloma,

va haver-hi molts problemes de racisme i de xoc cultural,

there were many problems of racism and cultural shock,

i aquesta associació va fer molta feina.

And this association did a lot of work.

Integració social.

Social integration.

Nosaltres estàvem dintre de tot aquest...

We were inside all this...

No dintre de l'associació, sinó que estàvem dintre una mica de l'ambient

Not within the association, but we were kind of in the atmosphere.

de fer coses d'aquest estil.

of doing things like this.

Llavors, com vam anar fotent-nos en verders,

Then, as we kept getting into greens,

jo vaig acabar fent els bolos de...

I ended up doing the gigs of...

la Nou Zeppelin,

the New Zeppelin,

i vaig començar a portar grups cap a la Nou Zeppelin.

I started to bring groups to the Nou Zeppelin.

Però era gratuï...

But it was free...

Vull dir, era militància.

I mean, it was militancy.

No era una feina perquè era militància.

It was not a job because it was militancy.

Tu feies la feina i el senyor de la Nou Zeppelin s'emportava els diners.

You did the work and the man from Nou Zeppelin took the money.

Sí, el Che, que ja no hi és,

Yes, Che, who is no longer here,

que va morir fa uns anys, però

who died a few years ago, but

ell el que va fer és poder pagar el lloguer i poc més.

What he did was to be able to pay the rent and not much more.

Tampoc et pensis que ningú es va fer ric allà.

Don’t think that anyone got rich there either.

Vam perdre tots molts calés.

We all lost a lot of money.

Però en aquell moment,

But at that moment,

en Che i jo vam començar a fer cartells

Che and I started making posters.

i enganxades de cartells per tot arreu.

and posters stuck everywhere.

Perquè les bandes ens enviaven molts cartells,

Because the bands sent us many posters,

no com ara, que no te n'envien,

not like now, when they don’t send you any.

no n'enviem,

we do not send it,

que abans enviaven centenars i milers.

that before they sent hundreds and thousands.

Oh, els cartells!

Oh, the posters!

Havíem acabat fent enganxades per Warner, per exemple,

We ended up doing stickers for Warner, for example.

per Miguel Ángel Sánchez, que ens va donar molt de cap

for Miguel Ángel Sánchez, who gave us a lot to think about

i ens va enviar moltes bandes allà, Narco, Defcon 2...

and he sent many bands there, Narco, Defcon 2...

Bueno, vam fer moltes bandes d'aquestes.

Well, we made a lot of these bands.

I vaig estar tres anys cobrant de les enganxades que fèiem,

I spent three years getting paid from the stickers we made.

de la programació.

of the programming.

Era gratis, ho feia perquè volia.

It was free, I did it because I wanted to.

I feies calés enganxant cartells.

And you made money by putting up posters.

Enganxant cartells.

Sticking up posters.

Vam fer enganxades per sau, també, moltes enganxades,

We did a lot of stick-ups for Sau, too, many stick-ups.

i fotíem enganxades de...

we used to stick them on...

Clar, perquè les bandes et contractaven...

Of course, because the bands hired you...



Ens contractaven per fer enganxades perquè es veien molt

They hired us to do stickers because they were very visible.

i voltaven molt i estàvem tot el dia a la carretera,

We traveled a lot and spent all day on the road,

pim-pam, pim-pam,

ping-pong, ping-pong,

tancant bolos amb un telèfon mòbil d'aquella buga,

closing strikes with a mobile phone like that bug,

que era caríssim.

that it was very expensive.



Però, a més a més, enganxant cartells tot el dia a la furgoneta

But, besides that, pasting posters all day on the van.

amb la cola, aquesta cola que es fa amb farina,

with the glue, this glue that is made with flour,

sosa càustica i tot això.

caustic soda and all that.

La pudor que em feia.

The smell that it gave me.

I vaig estar tres anys, sí, vaig estar tres anys

I was there for three years, yes, I was there for three years.

barallant-me en tots els circos que venien per Girona

fighting in all the circuses that came to Girona

enganxant cartells.

sticking up posters.

I això va ser la primera part professional

And this was the first professional part.

i aquí, en aquest punt, va ser una mica la meva universitat,

and here, at this point, it was somewhat my university,

on vaig conèixer i vaig estar en contacte amb molts estils de música

where I met and came into contact with many styles of music

i gent que d'aquella època

and people from that time

no eren tan coneguts que avui en dia sí que són coneguts.

they were not as well known as they are today.

Que ja ens explicaràs, no t'hi adelantis massa,

That you'll explain to us later, don't get ahead of yourself too much.

però que ens estan encantant.

but they are enchanting us.

Això ens has dit que era l'any 96 o 97, més o menys,

You told us that was in 96 or 97, more or less,

i que t'hi estaves tres anys,

and you spent three years there,

i llavors, a partir d'aquí, cap a l'any 2000,

and then, from here, around the year 2000,

el següent pas ja és crear l'empresa teva,

the next step is to create your company,

que és la Clau Produccions,

what is Clau Produccions,

o entre mig hi ha algun impàs amb alguna altra...

or in between there is some interlude with someone else...

No, no, és just això.

No, no, it’s just that.

Jo crec que a la Clau, no sé si era el 2000 o el 99,

I think it was in Clau, I don't know if it was 2000 or 1999,

perquè això crec que ho heu agafat del LinkedIn

because I think you've taken this from LinkedIn

i ho tinc posat una mica així, del que jo recordo,

and I have it set up a little like this, from what I remember,

i anar sumant-hi els restos una mica així...

and keep adding the leftovers a bit like this...

Però, vamos, sé que el 96 era el concert de S.A.

But, come on, I know that '96 was the concert of S.A.

perquè vaig trobar un cartell no fa massa

because I found a sign not long ago

i ho tenia posat, el 96,

and I had it on, the 96,

però després, l'altre ha sigut una mica reconstruir una mica

but then, the other has been a bit of reconstruction a bit

l'arqueologia de la memòria, que no en tinc massa,

the archaeology of memory, which I don't have much of,

i ho he anat fent.

And I have been doing it.

I la Clau sorgeix del tècnic de la Vietnam,

And the Key arises from the technician of Vietnam,

del 9 Zeppelin, exacte, en aquell moment,

from 9 Zeppelin, exactly, at that moment,

que era en Chaplin,

that it was Chaplin,

i de l'Enxeta, que en Perico el coneix molt bé,

and from Enxeta, that Perico knows him very well,

que era el mànager de Comando Moriles

who was the manager of Comando Moriles

i era un mànager a Girona que també feia,

I was a manager in Girona who also did,

i ens trobàvem molt sovint perquè ells feien molts concerts allà,

and we would meet very often because they had many concerts there,

i veníem, i com que teníem una mica l'afinitat

We were coming, and since we had a bit of affinity.

del que volíem o que sentíem de la música,

of what we wanted or what we felt from the music,

i vam fer la Clau Produccions,

and we made Clau Productions,

i jo ja em vaig traslladar a viure a Girona,

and I have already moved to live in Girona,

i vam jugar a un pis en un cinquè sense ascensor,

and we played in an apartment on the fifth floor without an elevator,

i vam fer l'oficina al costat de la meva habitació,

and we set up the office next to my room,

que era una habitació de dintre del pis,

that it was a room inside the apartment,

i vam muntar la primera empresa,

and we set up the first company,

que era la Clau Produccions Management,

which was Clau Produccions Management,

i vam estar, no me'n recordo quants anys,

and we were there, I don't remember how many years,

segurament ho teniu més clau vosaltres.

you probably have it more crucial.

Jo m'he apuntat aquí fins al 2005,

I signed up here until 2005.

però no sé exactament si és això que...

but I don’t know exactly if it is that that...

Enxeta va estar un parell d'anys,

Enxeta was there for a couple of years,

i després va plegar i es va dedicar a la política,

and then he quit and dedicated himself to politics,

i està en iniciativa, no sé com és,

and it is in initiative, I don't know what it is like,

crec que segueix encara, fa temps que no el veig,

I think it’s still going on, I haven’t seen him for a long time.

però quan l'he vist, l'he vist a l'Ajuntament de Girona,

but when I saw him, I saw him at the Girona City Hall,

vull dir que estava allà fent alguna cosa de la feina.

I mean that I was there doing something for work.

És molt curiós perquè gairebé tots els nostres convidats

It's very curious because almost all of our guests

tenen una història bastant similar a aquella època, no?

They have a story quite similar to that time, don't they?

Alguns van estudiar una mica de direcció artística,

Some studied a bit of art direction,

quina educació, vas fer alguna cosa d'uni, periodisme,

What education did you have, did you do something at university, journalism?

o va ser infiltrar-te i...?

or was it to infiltrate yourself and...?

No, no, jo crec que soc una mica estrany,

No, no, I think I'm a bit strange.

perquè jo vaig estudiar FP electricitat,

because I studied vocational training in electricity,

feia instal·lacions elèctriques,

I was doing electrical installations,

i jo sospenia totes les d'especialitat,

and I suspected all the specialties,

crec que totes les d'especialitat i vaig arribar fins a quart

I believe I did all the specialties and I reached up to fourth grade.

i ho vaig deixar perquè no tenia temps per al col·legi

and I quit because I didn't have time for school.

perquè estava enganxant cartells i anant a fer bolos,

because I was putting up posters and going to do gigs,

i anant a mirar...

I am going to take a look...

La passió era la música, el món de la música, no?

The passion was music, the world of music, right?

És que quan et sento parlar sento una nostàlgia d'aquells temps,

It's just that when I hear you speak, I feel a nostalgia for those times.


I love it.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

En aquella època era més divertit que ara.

At that time it was more fun than now.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

En quins artistes vas treballar a la clau?

Which artists did you work with in La Clau?

A la clau...

To the key...

En qui treballàveu?

Who were you working with?

I què en vau aprendre tots aquells anys?

And what did you learn during all those years?

Perquè suposo que entre passar de fer aquest voluntariat,

Because I suppose that between doing this volunteer work,

com a mínim com a programador,

at least as a programmer,

a passar a fer-ho professionalment,

to move on to doing it professionally,

o deixar d'enganxar cartells,

or stop putting up posters,

o no sé si ho compaginaves o no,

or I don't know if you were balancing it or not,

a començar a treballar directament amb artistes,

to start working directly with artists,

perquè ja treballàveu amb artistes propis,

because you were already working with your own artists,

també suposo que, com a tots ens ha passat,

I suppose that, like it has happened to all of us,

que és quan ha començat a caure tòsties per tot arreu,

that is when it started to fall toasts everywhere,

per aprendre'n,

to learn it,

que aquells sí que són assignatures sospeses,

that those are indeed failed subjects,

una darrere l'altra.

one after the other.

Allò sí que és la universitat.

That is indeed the university.



Doncs mira, la clau es va formar, bàsicament,

Well, look, the key was formed, basically,

perquè hi havia Comando Moriles com a cap de cartell,

because there was Comando Moriles as the headliner,

hi havia els tipus així, també, que crec que van entrar,

there were the types like that, too, that I think they came in,

hi havia Betagarri, crec que també van començar a treballar amb nosaltres,

Betagarri was there, I think they also started working with us.

perquè nosaltres...

because we...

És veritat que en l'època aquesta final del nou CEP,

It is true that in this final period of the new CEP,

durant l'estiu tancaven la sala.

During the summer, they closed the room.

I molta gent que venia als concerts,

And many people who came to the concerts,

que eren festes majors,

that they were major festivities,

gent que programava a altres pobles o a altres festes,

people who performed in other towns or at other festivals,

venia i els demanava els contactes o els demanava ajuda

I came and asked them for contacts or asked them for help.

per negociar els catxers de l'estiu de les seves festes.

to negotiate the cashiers for the summer of their festivals.

I jo ja vaig començar a introduir-me una mica,

And I already started to get a little involved,

mica en mica, a tot això.

little by little, to all this.

A dir, bueno, tu vols no sé què, doncs mira, m'han demanat això,

To say, well, you want I don’t know what, so look, they have asked me for this,

i aquí tu t'emportaves una comissió com a representant o com a...

and here you took a commission as a representative or as a...





Sí, sí, sí, sí, pucker, pucker, sí.

Yes, yes, yes, yes, pucker, pucker, yes.

Era comissionista, no sé com ens ho dèiem, intermediari, però no ho sé.

I was a commission agent, I don't know how we called it, intermediary, but I don't know.

I vaig començar així una mica abans,

I started a little earlier like this,

i això em va portar una mica a la clau,

and this brought me a bit to the point,

a dir, bueno, necessitem una empresa,

that is to say, well, we need a company,

anem a mirar el tema, en Chaplin feia tot el tema tècnic de producció,

let's look into the matter, Chaplin did all the technical production work.

i en Cheta i jo érem una mica més els comercials.

Cheta and I were a little more the salespeople.

Així, a grans trets.

Thus, in broad strokes.

I crec que en aquella època

I think that in that time

hi havia diverses bandes a la clau que, però, vamos,

there were several bands at the key that, well, let's say,

Comando Marises era l'eix amb què es va passar tot,

Marises Command was the axis around which everything revolved.

la primera gira italiana que vaig fer,

the first Italian tour I did,

que vaig portar, tot per gent que havia conegut de gires

that I brought, all for people I had met on tours

i de gent que havia aparegut al Vietnam,

and of people who had appeared in Vietnam,

havia agafat molts i molts, al Vietnam, no a Chaplin,

I had taken many and many, in Vietnam, not in Chaplin.

que després va ser a Vietnam, però,

that later was in Vietnam, but,

que vaig agafar molts i molts contactes de tot arreu,

that I took many, many contacts from all over,

però vam fer molts i molts concerts en aquests tres anys,

but we did many, many concerts in these three years,

molts, molts, una bestiesa.

lots, lots, nonsense.

Mare meva, Déu n'hi do.

Oh my God, that's something!

Tots els cap de setmana de l'hivern fèiem

Every winter weekend we used to...

La vaca azul, també, que després es de Pedro,

The blue cow, also, that afterwards belongs to Pedro,

moltes bandes d'aquestes així,

many bands like these,

així més amples, però jo estava més en un perfil més alternatiu,

thus broader, but I was more in a more alternative profile,

i després al nou Chaplin vaig acabar fent de tot, una mica, de tot.

And then at the new Chaplin, I ended up doing a bit of everything, a little bit of everything.

I depenent de managements,

I depend on management.

després vas fer això, no?

Then you did this, right?

Mira, amb la Clau vam estar no sé quants anys,

Look, I was with Clau for I don't know how many years,

que ja us ho dirà el LinkedIn.

that LinkedIn will tell you.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

No sé quants anys vaig estar a la Clau,

I don't know how many years I spent at La Clau,

però jo va haver-hi un moment que no em sentia

but there was a moment when I didn't feel myself

massa identificat amb el tema de producció.

too identified with the production theme.

Amb la Clau vam fer moltes coses de producció tècnica,

With the Clau we did many things of technical production,

festivals, producció per festivals, per festes majors,

festivals, production for festivals, for major celebrations,

això, a mi, això no em...

this, to me, this does not...

no em motivava tant com el management.

it didn't motivate me as much as management did.

A mi m'agradava més treballar amb una banda...

I preferred working with a band...

Treballar amb altres artistes.

Working with other artists.

Jo ja... havíem començat a treballar amb Betaharri,

I had already started working with Betaharri,

amb Berri, amb Beretxarrà, que ho havíem fet, també,

with Berri, with Beretxarrà, that we had done, too,

en aquella època havíem fet Burman Flash,

At that time, we had done Burman Flash,

Ned Flanders,

Ned Flanders,

Akita Amche, Glissando,

Akita Amche, Glissando,

vam treballar molt amb Jordi Ariadna Records de l'Empordà,

we worked a lot with Jordi Ariadna Records from Empordà,

però vam fer moltes coses, vam fer moltes gires, vam...

but we did a lot of things, we went on many tours, we...

però a mi em motivava més el management que el tema de producció.

but I was more motivated by management than by production.

Llavors, Jan Xeta ja havia plegat i es va quedar en Chaplin

Then, Jan Xeta had already finished and stayed in Chaplin.

i jo quan vaig veure que no em motivava tant

And I, when I saw that it didn't motivate me that much.

o que jo volia fer altres coses d'una altra manera

or that I wanted to do other things differently

li vaig regalar l'empresa al meu soci, en Chaplin,

I gave the company to my partner, Chaplin.

que l'ha portat fins fa uns anys,

that has brought him until a few years ago,

que ara em sembla que ja no està actiu a l'empresa,

that now seems to me that he is no longer active in the company,

però ha estat treballant durant molts i molts anys,

but he has been working for many, many years,

ha fet moltes coses.

He has done many things.

I jo vaig donar el salt al Panda Management,

And I made the leap to Panda Management,

que va ser la primera part de Panda,

what was the first part of Panda,

que vaig començar sol,

that I started alone,

i vaig començar enfocant-me només a dues bandes,

I started by focusing only on two sides,

que era Berri Txarrak i Ariadna Pollo,

who were Berri Txarrak and Ariadna Pollo,

que era una rapera de Girona,

who was a rapper from Girona,

és una rapera de Girona que viu a Mèxic actualment,

she is a rapper from Girona who currently lives in Mexico,

i em vaig enfocar només al management d'aquests dos artistes.

And I focused solely on the management of these two artists.

Jo havia fet gires pel Japó, per tot Europa,

I had done tours in Japan, throughout Europe,

amb Beta Garri i tot això,

with Beta Garri and all that,

i vaig veure que no podia sumar més

I saw that I couldn't add anymore.

si no podia portar tot el management complet.

if it couldn't carry the entire management complete.

Llavors vaig parlar amb en Perico,

Then I spoke with Perico,

i en Perico es va quedar amb Beta Garri,

and Perico stayed with Beta Garri,

i jo em vaig dedicar a Berri Txarrak i a Ariadna Pollo.

I dedicated myself to Berri Txarrak and Ariadna Pollo.

Vas triar...

You chose...

Vas fer una tria bona, per lo menys.

You made a good choice, at least.

O els Beta Garri van triar malament,

Either the Beta Garri chose poorly,

perquè les coses van anar molt diferents per uns cap als altres.

because things went very differently for some towards others.

Bueno, jo crec que a Beta Garri els va anar molt bé,

Well, I think that Beta Garri did very well.

el que passa és que també estaven en aquella època

What happens is that they were also there at that time.

o fotien un salt més endavant o endavant enrere,

either they took a step further ahead or backward,

o es quedaven igual.

or they would stay the same.

I també jo crec que és una mica la situació de les...

And I also think that it's a bit the situation of the...

que puyes, tens el hype, i després, si no ho fas,

you get hyped, and then, if you don't do it,

coses diferents, baixes.

different things, lows.

I jo crec que aquests Beta Garri van allargar molt la Catalunya.

And I think that these Beta Garri greatly extended Catalonia.

Jo vaig començar fent Beta Garri amb en Joni,

I started doing Beta Garri with Joni,

que ell feia Barcelona i Lleida, o Barcelona i Tarragona,

that he was doing Barcelona and Lleida, or Barcelona and Tarragona,

i jo feia Girona i Lleida.

And I used to go to Girona and Lleida.

I clar, avui en dia penso, què fèiem?

And of course, nowadays I think, what were we doing?

No teníem els bolos.

We didn't have the pins.

Em van fer molts i molts.

They made many, many of me.

Jo crec que vas fer molt bona feina.

I think you did a great job.

Quant temps vas estar amb ells, Jordi?

How long were you with them, Jordi?

Doncs fins al darrer any que van treballar,

Well, until the last year they worked,

després han fet una mica d'intens de tornada,

then they made a bit of intensity on the way back,

però crec que aquest any fan dos concerts a final d'any al País Basc.

But I think that this year they are doing two concerts at the end of the year in the Basque Country.

A Vitoria, diria, crec que fan dos.

In Vitoria, I would say, I think they do two.

Fan dos a Vitoria, o una a Vitoria,

They do two in Vitoria, or one in Vitoria,

dos a Vitoria,

two to Vitoria,

una a Bilbao i una a Iruña.

one in Bilbao and one in Iruña.

Jo tinc relació amb ells i els estic fent algunes coses.

I have a relationship with them and I'm doing some things for them.

Com va ser aquesta entrada teva a treballar tant

How was your entry into working so much?

en grups bascos de cop i volta?

In Basque groups all of a sudden?

Doncs mira, vaig veure Beta Garri en un concert

Well, look, I saw Beta Garri at a concert.

que tocava Spirit, Beta Garri,

that played Spirit, Beta Garri,

crec que Def Con 2 era l'altre grup,

I think Def Con 2 was the other group,

i alguna banda més,

and some other band,

i va ser la banda que va tancar el festival.

It was the band that closed the festival.

Vaig dir, hòstia, mira, això és divertit.

I said, wow, look, this is fun.

En aquella època començava una mica també tot el moviment aquest de les trompetes

At that time, the whole movement of the trumpets was also just starting a bit.

i l'escai, o l'escapunc, o tot això,

and the escai, or the escapunc, or all that,

i va ser divertit, els vaig contactar per una festa,

It was fun, I contacted them for a party.

vam tenir molt bon rotllo,

we had a really good vibe,

i de mica en mica en Beta Garri jo pujava al País Basc

and little by little in Beta Garri I was going up to the Basque Country

a veure els seus bolos, no sé què,

let's see their gigs, I don't know what,

a mi les bandes del País Basc sempre m'havien, tal,

I have always been fond of the bands from the Basque Country, such,

Neu Gòria, actors, referències i tal,

Snow Gòria, actors, references and such,

i Socia Alcohòlica, bueno, tot el tema aquest,

I'm an alcoholic, well, all this topic.

i pujant al País Basc vaig conèixer més de la música d'allà,

And going up to the Basque Country, I got to know more about the music from there.

i després em va arribar una vegada un disc de la discogràfica Gorr,

And then I once received an album from the Gorr record label.

que era el disc de Berrit Xàrrec de Lee Kasten,

that it was the disc of Berrit Xàrrec by Lee Kasten,

vaig posar allò a casa i vaig dir, hòstia, és increïble això,

I put that at home and said, wow, this is incredible.

per fi rock and roll, de veritat, bueno, metal, transmetal,

finally rock and roll, really, well, metal, transmetal,

aquell moment, New Metal,

that moment, New Metal,

quina etiqueta li posarien als periodistes,

what label would they put on journalists,

que per mi és música que emociona i n'hi ha prou,

which for me is music that evokes emotions and that's enough,

i me'n recordo de posar el volum màxim al País Basc,

And I remember turning the volume up all the way in the Basque Country,

que no hi havia ningú a casa, per sort,

that there was nobody at home, fortunately,

i els veïns segurament estarien treballant,

and the neighbors would probably be working,

i vaig dir, com són això, és increïble,

I said, how is this, it's incredible.

i vaig dir, hòstia, quina llàstima que aquesta banda basca

I said, damn, what a shame that this Basque band

no pugui venir a Catalunya a fer bolos com es feia uns anys,

I can't come to Catalonia to do shows like I did a few years ago.

perquè l'escena hardcore i tot això més dura

because the hardcore scene and all that is tougher

s'havia com una mica apagat,

she had become a bit dim.

i havia entrat una mica més l'escena de l'escapum,

I had delved a little deeper into the scene of the escapum,

i llavors vaig quedar sempre així,

and then I stayed like this forever,

i en el moment que vaig poder treballar amb ells,

and at the moment I was able to work with them,

vaig començar a conèixer-los i vaig coincidir

I started to get to know them and I coincided.

en una gira de cop i showfly per tot l'estat,

on a tour of cop and showfly throughout the state,

i vam acabar a la mítica sala de llamp de Vergara,

and we ended up in the legendary Vergara lightning room,

i vaig conèixer el Gorka i l'Aitor,

I met Gorka and Aitor.

i d'allà vam començar a agafar una mica de relació,

and from there we started to build a bit of a relationship,

i després els vaig tancar un bolo,

and then I booked them a gig,

després els vaig tancar un altre, un altre, un altre,

then I closed another, another, another,

fins que em van dir, hòstia, porta'ns a Catalunya,

until they told me, damn, take us to Catalonia,

i vaig començar a fer tots els bolos a Catalunya,

I started doing all the gigs in Catalonia,

va arribar un moment que Catalunya era com massa petit,

There came a moment when Catalonia was like too small,

perquè vaig començar a portar tot, tot, excepte el País Basc,

because I started to carry everything, everything, except the Basque Country,

i després, al cap d'uns anys, els vaig dir, nois,

and then, a few years later, I told them, guys,

jo necessito portar tot el País Basc perquè al final

I need to take all of the Basque Country because in the end

estem fent gires a Europa, al Japó, no sé què,

we are doing tours in Europe, in Japan, I don’t know what,

però econòmicament això és un drama.

but economically this is a disaster.

Està molt guai, anímicament, i coneixes molta gent,

It's really cool, socially, and you meet a lot of people.

però jo també necessito pagar factures en algun moment.

but I also need to pay bills at some point.

És el glamur que ve tothom des de fora, però que la realitat és...

It's the glamour that everyone sees from the outside, but the reality is...

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

I t'he fet a la Vietnam, al 9 Zeppelin, aquest,

I did it in Vietnam, at 9 Zeppelin, this one.

venien moltes bandes també basques,

many Basque bands were also coming,

però no només de música tan forta o tan alternativa,

but not only of such loud or alternative music,

van començar a passar bandes d'indi, de rap,

they started to have Indian bands, rap,

a mi m'agrada molt el rap, també,

I really like rap a lot, too.

i en aquella època vaig portar Violadores,

and at that time I brought Violators,

vaig portar La Mala Rodríguez,

I brought La Mala Rodríguez,

Falsa Alarma, bueno, un piló de grups de rap de l'època.

False Alarm, well, a bunch of rap groups from that time.

Tot això tenint en compte que estem parlant d'Espanya,

All of this considering that we are talking about Spain,

tenint en compte que estem parlant de Riu d'Arenes,

considering that we are talking about Riu d'Arenes,

que no estem parlant ni tan sols de Girona o Figueres,

we are not even talking about Girona or Figueres,

pensant en ciutats grans de la província de Girona.

thinking about big cities in the province of Girona.

Estem parlant de Riu d'Arenes, que quants habitants té?

We are talking about Riu d'Arenes, how many inhabitants does it have?

Deu tenir 1.000, 2.000, 3.000, no sé, algo així.

It must have 1,000, 2,000, 3,000, I don't know, something like that.

Està al costat de Santa Coloma, que són 15.000 habitants,

It is next to Santa Coloma, which has 15,000 inhabitants.

i que està a 25 km de Girona,

and which is 25 km from Girona,

i que té Vidreres, que tindrà 2.000 o 3.000 més,

and that Vidreres, which will have 2,000 or 3,000 more,

i que tindrà Massanet i no sé què,

and what Massanet will have, I don't know what,

i Viloví, que tindrà 1.000,

and Viloví, which will have 1,000,

però bueno, és un espai una mica...

but well, it's a somewhat...

Ara passo i dic, com fèiem bolos aquí?

Now I pass by and ask, how did we do gigs here?

Com la gent venia aquí?

How did people come here?

Perquè, clar, era...

Because, of course, it was...

I especialment portant una sala fora d'una ciutat petita,

And especially taking a room outside a small town,

o d'una ciutat gran,

or of a big city,

no sé si això condicionava una mica l'oferta...

I don't know if this influenced the offer a bit...

Sí, sí, evidentment a Girona no hi havia alternativa de sales,

Yes, yes, obviously there was no alternative to venues in Girona,

fins que no hi havia la Girona,

until there was no Girona,

no hi havia hagut una sala a Girona com a sala professional,

there hadn't been a hall in Girona as a professional venue,

i clar, era així, no hi havia més sales,

And of course, it was like that, there were no more rooms,

i si volies tocar a Girona havies de tocar al...

and if you wanted to play in Girona you had to play at the...

al 9 Zeppelin,

to 9 Zeppelin,

i va passar moltíssima gent,

and a lot of people passed by,

gent de pop, mainstream,

people of the pop, mainstream,

jo me'n recordo que una de les bandes...

I remember that one of the bands...

I bandes de fora també?

And outside bands too?

Bandes guiris també venien.

Tourist gangs also came.

Guiris també.

Tourists too.

Sí, que en Perico m'havia provat unes quantes

Yes, Perico had tried a few on me.

d'escà internacional, d'aquests que...

of international scale, of those that...

que en Perico era el...

that in Perico it was the...

el capo de capos.

the boss of bosses.

Era o encara ho és.

It was or it still is.

És, és.

It is, it is.

Encara ho és, eh?

It still is, huh?

I van passar moltes bandes de molts estils,

Many bands of many styles passed through.

és a dir, molt barret.

that is to say, very hat.

I també em va donar una mica el background de...

And he also gave me a bit of the background of...

de l'amplitud de...

of the amplitude of...

de música, perquè jo venia d'escoltar

of music, because I had just been listening



i Canya tot el dia a dir

And I'm caning all day long.

ei, el rap, que quina meravella.

Hey, rap, what a wonder.

Me'n recordo el concert de Violadores,

I remember the concert of Violadores,

que va ser molt especial perquè Violadores tenia un problema

which was very special because Violadores had a problem

amb Gironación, i tot plegat,

with Gironación, and all that,

i que creaven allà un ambient

and that created an atmosphere there

diferent, i...

different, and...

i bueno, no, no...

And well, no, no...

va ser meravellós. Sí, no?

It was wonderful. Yes, wasn't it?

Sí, sí. I després, i després a la clau vam anar professionalitzant-nos,

Yes, yes. And then, and then at the key we started to professionalize ourselves,

i després a la clau vam anar professionalitzant-nos,

and then at the key we became more professional.

tot això, i ja quan jo vaig decidir

all of this, and already when I decided

no, no, a mi lo que m'agrada és

no, no, what I like is

programar una sala, que és una cosa

to schedule a room, which is a thing

que vaig al darrere de fa anys,

that I've been behind for years,

i fer management.

and do management.

I vaig començar amb Berri i Ariadna Pollo

I started with Berri and Ariadna Pollo.

com a objectiu.

as a goal.

I vaig estar uns anys

I was there for a few years.

que en principi

that in principle

només volia treballar amb dos bandes

I only wanted to work with two bands.

i una banda de cada estil. No volia tenir

and a band of each style. I didn't want to have

vàries bandes de cada estil.

several bands from each style.

Després això se'n va anar a la merda.

After that, it went to hell.

I els teus principis te'ls vas saltar.

And you skipped your principles.

Exacte. Ràpid.

Exactly. Fast.

De totes maneres ens hem saltat una mica

In any case, we have skipped a bit.

aquest pas de la clau a Panda.

this key step to Panda.

Coincideix amb que

It coincides with that

agafis també la sala a Vietnam.

take the room in Vietnam as well.

És tot al mateix temps? Panda, ets tu sol i agafes

Is it all at the same time? Panda, are you alone and taking?

al mateix temps la Vietnam?

At the same time Vietnam?

Ens has dit que no tens molta memòria, però com va anar

You told us that you don't have a good memory, but how did it go?

això cronològicament? Van passar un

This chronologically? A day went by.

parell d'anys, crec que jo vaig estar sol

A couple of years, I think I was alone.

amb l'Ari

with Ari

i amb Berri.

and with Berri.

Van fer gires, les primeres gires

They made turns, the first turns.

als Estats Units amb l'Ariadna Pollo

to the United States with Ariadna Pollo

i Mèxic, i...

and Mexico, and...

i vam començar a fer gires internacionals

and we started to do international tours.

i després ja

and then already

va arribar la proposta de

the proposal arrived from

de la sala

from the room



jo ja tenia un soci

I already had a partner.

que era de Barcelona perquè vivia a País Basc

He was from Barcelona because he lived in the Basque Country.

que va tornar

that returned

i vam començar a portar l'oficina

and we started to bring the office

i després va arribar la proposta del...

and then the proposal of the... arrived.

en aquell mateix moment crec que era

at that very moment I think it was

i al final vam agafar

and in the end we took

un altre soci

another partner

que era d'ADAM

that was of ADAM

amb el Manel

with Manel

i jo vam agafar la sala

And I took the room.

que ja no era Nou Zeppelin

that it was no longer Nou Zeppelin

era Vietnam

it was Vietnam

i vam posar aquest nom

and we gave it this name

i vam estar oberts durant 4 anys

and we were open for 4 years



i va ser un drama també

it was also a drama

perquè les coses ja havien canviat

because things had already changed

no era tan potent com el Nou Zeppelin

it was not as powerful as the New Zeppelin

els concerts van costar més de programar

the concerts cost more to program

perquè hi havia alternatives

because there were alternatives

més competències

more competencies

s'havia professionalitzat més

had become more professional

la gent... abans

the people... before

tot era molt més amateur

everything was much more amateur

però no només nosaltres

but not just us

tothom era molt més amateur

everyone was much more amateurish

un equip de sort era molt més barat

a lucky team was much cheaper

perquè no érem

because we weren't

un equip de sort real

a real luck team

era algú que feia soroll

he was someone who made noise

però que no

but no

feia servir marques

I used brands.



que després al Vietnam

that later in Vietnam

quan vam obrir el Vietnam ja no funcionaven

When we opened it, Vietnam was no longer working.

ja demanaves unes taules

you were already asking for some tables

de so que ja valien no sé quants

of which were already worth I don't know how many

milers i milers d'euros

thousands and thousands of euros

que evidentment una sala

that obviously a room

no s'ho podia permetre

he couldn't afford it

ja va començar un altre tipus

another type has already started

i va ser una mica més complicat

It was a little more complicated.

el tema d'organitzar concerts

the topic of organizing concerts

però sí que com a discoteca vam poder treure una mica

but yes, as a nightclub we were able to make a bit of an impact

però és veritat que nosaltres combinàvem

but it is true that we combined

l'agència amb la sala

the agency with the room

i va ser anys de

it was years of

començar a les 8 del matí

to start at 8 in the morning

i acabar a les 6 del matí

and finish at 6 in the morning

i després acabant netejant els vòmits

and then finishing by cleaning the vomit

i de molts caps de setmana

and many weekends

empalmats que això és una mica

"excited because this is a bit"

la tònica de la meva vida

the tonic of my life

però que va ser molt dur

but it was very hard

i era molt complicat treure rendiment

it was very complicated to get performance

dels concerts en aquella època

of the concerts at that time

ja no era com el nostre

it was no longer like ours

Quina etapa, quins anys creus

What stage, which years do you think?

que eren els més complicats

that were the most complicated

o que es va fer aquest canvi de

or what this change was made from

les coses funcionen

things work

i no sé quina dècada

and I don't know which decade

o quin canvi

Oh, what a change!

jo crec que era el 2000

I think it was 2000.

jo crec que quan jo vaig

I believe that when I go

muntar Panda

ride Panda

ja era l'època

it was already the time

que tothom

that everyone

ens començava a professionalitzar

we were starting to professionalize

i a voler certes coses

and wanting certain things

jo com a mànager em trobava això

I, as a manager, found this.

jo anava a sales

I was going to sales.

que eren com la meva

that were like mine

i que moltes vegades havia de dir que no

and that many times I had to say no

perquè no em sortien els números

because the numbers didn't add up for me

perquè jugar a una furgoneta

why play in a van

donar d'alta autònoms

register self-employed individuals

tot això ja començava

all this was just beginning

abans no venia ningú donat d'alta

Before, no one was discharged.

tot era, la majoria de coses

everything was, most things

era negre, vendre d'entrades

it was black, ticket sales

hi havia moltíssim caos

there was a lot of chaos

de tot

of everything

que per sort ja no és així

that fortunately is no longer the case

però també ha fet que

but it has also made that

encareixi molt

it is very expensive

el negoci

the business

i també suposo que

and I also suppose that

el tracte amb els artistes

the treatment of artists

hi havia com una altra manera de fer

there was almost another way of doing things

te lo pago por el sobre

I'll pay you for the envelope.

el famoso sobre

the famous envelope

no era ni així

it wasn't like that either

era com, aquí tens les entrades

Here you go, here are the tickets.

són les teves entrades

they are your tickets

jo no sé res d'això

I don't know anything about that.

jo t'he venut les entrades

I have sold you the tickets.

i tu no saps què es passava

and you don't know what was happening

també els preus de les entrades

also the prices of the tickets

en aquella època

at that time

un grup guiri et cobrava 2.500 pesetes

A group of foreigners was charging you 2,500 pesetas.

que avui són 12 euros

that today they are 12 euros

i jo me'n recordo

and I remember it

o 3.000 i pico

or 3,000 and something

en un concert de sepultura

at a Sepultura concert

que era ja en aquella època

what it was already at that time

avui en dia són 18 euros

Nowadays it is 18 euros.

més que jo

more than me

cobrava 60 euros un grup guiri

a group of tourists was charged 60 euros.

per fer una entrada

to make an entry

i en aquella època era això

and at that time it was this

els grups guiris

the tourist groups

imagina què podíem demanar nosaltres

imagine what we could ask for

d'entrades, quan venia un grup

of tickets, when a group would come

a nivell estatal

at the state level

eren 1.200 pesetes

it was 1,200 pesetas

900 a anticipada i 1.200 a la guixeta

900 in advance and 1,200 at the box office.

i no hi havia distribució digital

and there was no digital distribution

era tot, les botigues de discos

it was everything, the record stores

els bars, les cafeteries

the bars, the cafes


the institute

tu amb l'institut venent entrades

You with the institute selling tickets.

era un altre món

it was another world

Tornant un altre cop al tema

Returning once again to the topic.

Berrit Xàrrec

Berrit Xàrrec

que em sembla molt simptomàtic

that seems very symptomatic to me

no sé si és la banda de la teva vida

I don't know if it's the band of your life.

o no, em sembla que ho ha de ser

oh no, it seems to me that it has to be

diria que sí

I would say yes.

però ja ens has explicat una mica

but you have already explained a little to us

com arribes a ells

how do you get to them

i com acabes treballant més a Euskadi

And how did you end up working more in the Basque Country?

però totes aquestes voltes al món

but all these turns around the world

que van donar Berrit Xàrrec

that they gave Berrit Xàrrec

et va sorprendre la popularitat

Did the popularity surprise you?

de metal, encara que tu no li volguis posar etiquetes

of metal, even if you don't want to label it

i cantant a Neusquera

and singing in Neusquera

o és algo que des del primer minut

or it's something that from the very first minute

tot i que ja has dit que que guai

even though you've already said that's cool

entre pensar-ho a casa

between thinking it at home

quan escoltes el disc i fer-ho real

when you listen to the record and make it real

és algo que estava molt planificat

It is something that was very well planned.

o fins i tot per tu i per ells va ser

or even for you and for them it was

una mica sorpresa arribar a aconseguir això

a bit surprised to achieve this

Planificat no estava

It was not planned.

planificat no estava, evidentment

it was not planned, obviously

jo crec que estem en l'època

I believe we are in the era

que es parla molt de les estratègies

There is much talk about strategies.

però que moltes vegades hi ha

but that many times there are

darrere una actitud

behind an attitude



que surtis a fora no és una estratègia

Going outside is not a strategy.

en aquella època

at that time

era una necessitat vital de dir

it was a vital necessity to say

jo vull viatjar amb la música

I want to travel with music.

el Gorka, l'Aitor

Gorka, Aitor

i jo estàvem com molt en la línia

and I were very much in line

hem d'anar a fora, hem de viure coses

we must go outside, we must experience things

ja teníem la referència

we already had the reference

de Nego Gorriak

of Nego Gorriak

que havia anat per tot el món

that had gone all over the world

i vèiem les seves gires i dèiem

and we saw their turns and said

no ho fa tant

it doesn't do that much

i el Hito que era la madreta del Fermín

and the Hito who was Fermín's mother.

a mi em va passar molts i molts contactes

I was given many, many contacts.

jo si no arriba a ser pel Johnny

I wouldn't have made it if it weren't for Johnny.

pel Hito

for the milestone

per en Perico, per en Cheta

for Perico, for Cheta

hi ha molta gent que ja havia fet gires

there are many people who have already done tours

jo per exemple me'n recordo

I for example remember.

els meus primers temps d'emanagement

my first times of e-management

amb la Clau que comando

with the key that I command

ja anava per gira per Alemanya

I was already going to go to Germany.

i jo sentí

and I felt

que els del Tor Calypso havien anat

that those from Tor Calypso had gone

uns mesos abans i havien fet una gira increïble

a few months earlier and they had done an incredible tour

per allà i era tot, tots estaven

over there and it was all, everyone was

intentant viatjar cap a fora

trying to travel abroad

perquè també era una necessitat vital

because it was also a vital necessity

no era tant una necessitat de negoci

it wasn't so much a business need

després jo crec que la popularitat

then I believe that popularity

i l'economia

and the economy

ve després, primer has de tenir l'actitud

Come later, first you need to have the attitude.

que és una cosa que

what is something that

per mi és com un leitmotiv

for me it’s like a leitmotif

que és de fet

what it actually is

el nostre assaig discogràfic

our record album

i editorial i tot això és com

the editorial and all this is like

P&A que vol dir passió i actitud

P&A means passion and attitude.

records, que és el que nosaltres estem

records, which is what we are

desenvolupant perquè

developing why

l'estratègia avui en dia

the strategy nowadays

per tant de l'estratègia digital

therefore of the digital strategy

tot és una puta merda

everything is a fucking mess

i a més a més

and moreover

hi ha molt molt molt

there is very very very much



desnobisme amb tot això

snobbery with all of this

que en realitat si tens una música

that in reality if you have a music

que funciona

that works

pots fer moltes estratègies

you can make many strategies

però si tens una música que no funciona

but if you have a song that doesn't work

ja pots fer les estratègies i posar els calés que vulguis

You can now make the strategies and put in whatever money you want.

que allò no funciona

that it doesn't work

les coses són, la música és emocional

things are, music is emotional

i per sort no hi ha un algoritme

And fortunately, there is no algorithm.

que ara les grans empreses

that now large companies

puguin comprar perquè tot sigui així

they can buy so that everything is like this

poden posar molts calés però també en perden molts

They can put in a lot of money, but they also lose a lot.

perquè moltes vegades

because many times

fan tiró

they shoot

a metralleta ta ta ta ta ta

a submachine gun ta ta ta ta ta

i a veure què toca, ha tocat un, vinga aquest és bo

And let's see what comes next, it has hit one, come on this one is good.

fotem els calés i tal

let's make some money and stuff

llavors jo crec que el tema estratègic

then I believe that the strategic issue

d'en Berrit Xàrrec no era tant així

Berrit Xàrrec wasn't quite like that.

sinó era una estratègia de

but it was a strategy of

anem a fora, anem a sortir, si ho ha fet ningú

let's go outside, let's go out, if nobody has done it

ho podem fer nosaltres

we can do it ourselves

internament no ens

internment does not us

vèiem com una banda de metal

we saw it as a metal band

en Gorka i l'Editor

Gorka and the Editor

ens vèiem com una banda més

we saw ourselves as just another band

d'handy hardcore per dir-ho

of handy hardcore to put it that way

d'alguna manera


emos en alguna època no sé què

we're in some time I don't know what

però són gent que consumia molta música

but they are people who consumed a lot of music

i no molta música només d'un estil

and not much music from only one style

és a dir, en Gorka

that is to say, in Gorka

en Gorka Urbizu es pot repejar

Gorka Urbizu can be climbed.

de dalt a baix discos de pilota del verso

from top to bottom ball discs of the verse

com de Michael Jackson

like Michael Jackson

com de

as of

qualsevol estil musical

any musical style

des del més mainstream

from the most mainstream

al més underground

to the most underground

molt oberta mentalment amb la música

very open-minded with music

i tot això, per això el Gorka també

And all this, that's why Gorka too.

Berrit Xàrrec és una part molt important

Berrit Xàrrec is a very important part.

però té una altra banda paral·lela que va ser Catamalo

but it has another parallel side that was Catamalo

que era poesia musicada

that was set to music poetry

i que va acabar parant-la perquè

and ended up stopping it because

ja omplia tots els teatres una altra vegada

he was once again filling all the theaters

i no, si jo ho feia això per

and no, if I did this for

sortir una mica d'aquest estrès de la pressió

to get a little out of this pressure stress

popular i va fer una altra banda

popular and formed another band

de power pop

of power pop

que també la va tenir que parar perquè

that she also had to stop it because

se li escapava perquè és un tio que fa unes

he slips away because he's a guy who makes some

melodies increïbles i llavors la gent li arriba

incredible melodies and then people get to it

i l'emoció arriba

and the emotion arrives

però també era sense estratègies

but it was also without strategies

sortim i a veure què passa

Let's go out and see what happens.

i era bueno

and it was good

són professionals

they are professionals

a País Basc, a Catalunya, a l'estat

to the Basque Country, to Catalonia, to the state

i fem fora coses

let's throw things out

perquè ens enriqueixin

to enrich us

ens enriqueixin

they enrich us

a nivell anímic, a nivell personal

on an emotional level, on a personal level

a nivell que ens omplin

at a level that fills us

viatjar al Japó i veure

travel to Japan and see

que fas gràcies al Shogo

What do you do thanks to Shogo?

Komiyama que està per aquí també

Komiyama, who is around here too.

que és un amic de fa molts anys

that is a friend from many years ago

el Shogo ens va portar a la festa

Shogo took us to the party.

d'inauguració de Fuji Rock

inauguration of Fuji Rock

i de cop estàvem anant a Fuji Rock

And suddenly we were heading to Fuji Rock.

i hi havia 6.000 japonesos que no entenien res

And there were 6,000 Japanese who understood nothing.

que van entrar com bojos, que no teníem imatges

they came in like crazy, that we didn’t have images

d'aquell dia, però que va ser

of that day, but what was it

com, no ens ho creiem

how, we don't believe it

no ens ho creiem, estàvem allò vivint

we don't believe it, we were living that



que estàvem allà

that we were there

en aquella estació d'esquí de Narita

at that ski resort in Narita

a l'ascensor

in the elevator

amb Iron Wine

with Iron Wine

i Gogoro Bordello

and Gogoro Bordello

i de cop, nosaltres fent

and suddenly, us doing

això que nosaltres dèiem

this that we were saying

música que no era metal

music that was not metal

que era una altra cosa, jo crec que també

that it was something else, I believe so too

és perquè les melodies són molt poperes

It's because the melodies are very catchy.

encara que tinguin una base molt rockera

even though they have a very rock-based foundation

i soni molt dur

It sounds very hard.

en realitat era molt melòdic

it was actually very melodic

i sobretot amb les lletres també

and especially with the letters too

crec que si tu entenies l'euskera

I think that if you understood Basque

té una part molt important

it has a very important part

la lletra a Berrizarra

the letter to Berrizarra

perquè és una cosa molt emocional

because it is a very emotional thing

i que arriba molt i enganxa molt la gent

and it reaches a lot and grabs people's attention a lot

tot això que va passar a Berrizarra

all that happened in Berrizarra

era una

it was a

és circumstancial

it's circumstantial

perquè artísticament era una cosa

because artistically it was one thing

que enganxava la gent

that stuck to people

i hi ha molta gent que no ho entén perquè no l'enganxava

And there are many people who do not understand it because it didn't catch him.

però molta gent es va enganxar

but many people got hooked

però és que la música de la UENA da igual el idioma

But the music of UENA doesn't care about the language.

una mica

a little bit

així com diuen que totes les cançons bones es poden tocar amb una acústica

just as they say that all good songs can be played with an acoustic guitar.

això és una mica això

this is a bit like this

totes les cançons de Berrizarra es poden tocar quasi

All Berrizarra's songs can be played almost.

amb una acústica

with an acoustic

perquè tenen melodies molt poperes

because they have very catchy melodies

i això és una conseqüència

and this is a consequence

i crec que hauria de ser així

I believe it should be like this.

crec que a vegades a mi em passa al dia a dia

I think that sometimes it happens to me in my daily life.

que si anem a fer una gira a Alemanya

that if we are going to go on a tour in Germany

necessitem una estratègia

we need a strategy

que passin coses

let things happen

crec que a vegades els músics estan molt obsessionats

I think that sometimes musicians are very obsessed.

que passin coses

let things happen

has de fer coses perquè passin coses

You have to do things for things to happen.

sí, o sigui

yes, I mean

crec que a vegades volem

I think that sometimes we want.

no, no, ensenyem els calés que ja vindré

No, no, show me the money and I'll come.

anem a fer coses que ja vindran els calés

Let's go do things and the money will come later.

perquè moltes vegades

because many times

jo he vist bandes

I have seen bands.

com Bluefoot Lesbian

like Bluefoot Lesbian

les he vist a grans recintes de l'estat

I have seen them in large venues of the state.

o de Mèxic

or from Mexico

que és increïble, que és superemocional

that is incredible, that is super emotional

però no els he vist

but I haven't seen them

el feeling

the feeling

d'una sala com a París

of a room like in Paris

on veus el Santi Balmes

Where do you see Santi Balmes?

gaudint com un nen petit

enjoying like a little child

o el Jordi, o el Juli

either Jordi or Juli

o l'Uri, o el Dani o el Ricky

either Uri, or Dani, or Ricky

els veus una cosa diferent

you see them a different thing

i dius, hòstia

and you say, damn

allò potser no et dóna de menjar

that might not feed you

però et dóna un oxigen

but it gives you an oxygen

personal, a nivell anímic

personal, on an emotional level

a nivell de tal

at the level of such

quan tu vols que allò sigui una cosa econòmica

when you want that to be an economic thing

és molt complicat

it's very complicated

te vendes al diablo

you sell yourself to the devil

una mica

a little bit

no és que estigui malament

it's not that it's wrong

et apartes una mica de la identitat

you step away a bit from your identity

de per què va començar tot allò

of why all that started

la història del rock and roll

the history of rock and roll

és tot feeling

it's all feeling

jo crec que

I believe that

Rolf Lesbian que té una actitud molt de sortir fora

Rolf Lesbian who has a very outgoing attitude.

molt de

a lot of

ei, volem viure això

Hey, we want to live this.

volem estar als Estats Units

we want to be in the United States

et cansa eh, perquè això és cansat

it tires you out, huh, because this is tiring

és cansat

it's tiring

i més quan tens una edat, et canses

And more so when you get older, you get tired.

a mi em passa, jo no paro mai quiet

It happens to me, I never stay still.

però també em canso

but I also get tired

i també vull dormir

I also want to sleep.

les hores que toquen

the hours that are due

però a vegades has de fer esforços

but sometimes you have to make an effort

i jo crec que l'estratègia és fer coses

And I believe that the strategy is to do things.

perquè passin coses

to make things happen

comparant una mica Love of Lesbian

comparing a bit Love of Lesbian

que has mencionat i els Berrits

that you have mentioned and the Berrits

i el Xàrac

and the Xàrac

veus algun

do you see any



de manera de treballar

working way

entre els catalans i els

between the Catalans and them

bascos o tenen

Basques or they have.

actitud similar

similar attitude

ui, ui, ui

oh, oh, oh

¿quién lo hace mejor?

Who does it better?

no, no, no hi ha una bona manera

no, no, there is no good way

hi ha la teva manera

there is your way

jo sí que

I do.

en bandes catalanes veig poca

I see little in Catalan bands.

poca ambició

little ambition

però no ambició econòmica

but not economic ambition

que sí que en tenen

that yes they do have them

crec que

I believe that

ambició a l'hora de

ambition when it comes to

sortir cap a fora

to go outside

a l'hora d'exportar música

when exporting music

per què és això? creus que té alguna cosa a veure

Why is this? Do you think it has something to do with it?

amb l'actitud

with the attitude

entre comies nacionalista?

nationalist, in quotes?

no, no

no, no

en Catalunya, aquí som els catalans

In Catalonia, here we are the Catalans.

o no

or not

tenen una visió del món

they have a worldview

una mica més cap enllà

a little further beyond

el que tenen una visió molt

those who have a very vision

petita del

little of the

del seu projecte

of his project

perquè, mira, jo justament a Vic

because, look, I was just in Vic

em vaig trobar fa molts anys un músic

I met a musician many years ago.

que crec que a vegades treballa en Perico

that I think sometimes works in Perico

que em va dir

that it told me

hòstia, a veure, Xàrac, quant teniu de cachet?

Damn, let's see, Xàrac, how much do you charge?

en aquella època

at that time

crec que eren 20.000 o 10.000 euros

I think it was 20,000 or 10,000 euros.

no sé què teníem de cachet

I don't know what we had in cachet.

i heu fet 80 bolos a l'any

and you have done 80 gigs a year

i va fer una... hola

And she made a... hello

quants calés, i jo vaig pensar

how much cash, and I thought

aquest nano no gira el rodó

this kid doesn't get it

és impossible que un professional

it is impossible for a professional

de la música faci aquestes

from the music make these

contes directament quan està

stories directly when it is

parlant amb mi, que jo dic el cachet és aquest

Speaking with me, I say the fee is this.

però que fem mil concerts

but that we do a thousand concerts

que no sona

that doesn't sound

el cachet evidentment, quan estàs fora ningú

The cachet obviously, when you are out nobody.

paga 10.000 euros per anar

pays 10,000 euros to go

un grup que no porta gent a una sala

a group that does not bring people to a room

que jo vaig i toco davant de 150 persones

that I go and perform in front of 150 people

de 25 o d'una o de 6.000

of 25 or of one or of 6,000

però no depèn de mi

but it doesn't depend on me

depèn de la situació que hi hagi allà

it depends on the situation that is there

crec que a Catalunya hi ha poca

I think that in Catalonia there is little.

ambició a sortir

ambition to get out

crec que hi ha un menyspreu propi

I believe there is a specific disdain.

del projecte

of the project

crec que els bascos no ho tenen això

I think the Basques don't have that.

les seves referències són molt més de sortir

their references are much more about going out

i d'exportar

and to export

sent un idioma més complicat si vols

being a more complicated language if you want

en el món

in the world

crec que les bandes catalanes

I believe that the Catalan bands

si haguessin d'agafar de referència Obrim Pas

if they had to use Obrim Pas as a reference

que Obrim Pas va agafar de referència

that Obrim Pas took as a reference

Neu Gòrregs segurament

Snow Gòrregs surely

si haguessin d'agafar de referència Obrim Pas

if they were to use Obrim Pas as a reference

una banda mítica importantíssima

a very important mythical band

en la música en català

in Catalan music

i haguessin seguit el seu camí

they would have followed their path

ara tindríem un piló de bandes

now we would have a pile of bands

viatjant pel món

traveling the world

i avui en dia no està passant

and nowadays it is not happening

jo m'he reunit amb bandes molt grans aquí a Catalunya

I have met with very large bands here in Catalonia.

i els hi expliques i no ho veuen

And you explain it to them, but they don’t see it.

de fet bandes que tenen

in fact bands they have

però per què? perquè canten en català

but why? because they sing in Catalan

i diuen no ens entendran

and they say they will not understand us

però crec que és una excusa

but I think it's an excuse

perquè el que falta és actitud

because what is lacking is attitude

perquè és igual amb l'idioma que cantis

because it doesn't matter which language you sing in

i és igual

and it doesn't matter

tu vindràs

you will come

fas una part de l'economia

you are part of the economy

si una banda anglès americana

if an English-American band

pot venir aquí i que ningú li entén ni pipa

he can come here and nobody understands him at all

perquè no pots sortir tu

because you can't go out

donant la mateixa emoció

giving the same emotion

exacte, si si

exactly, yes yes

els anglesos surten i fan

the English go out and do

els anglosaxons surten i fan

the Anglo-Saxons come out and do

nosaltres hem de sortir i fer

we have to go out and do

perquè si no sortim i fem ens quedem aquí

because if we don't go out and do, we'll stay here

és que cada vegada et tanques

It's just that every time you shut yourself off.

jo si que veig que les bandes catalanes

I do see that the Catalan bands.

estan com en una bossa

they are like in a bag

en una bossa

in a bag

que allò està i respiren totes allà

that there is and they all breathe there

no hi ha com

there is no like

10 dissidents que vulguin sortir

10 dissidents who want to leave

ara per exemple he vist

now for example I have seen

que Buho s'està fent com intentant sortir cap a fora

that Buho is trying to push outwards

però des d'un altre punt

but from another point

crec jo

I believe so.

crec que falta actitud

I believe there is a lack of attitude.

de voler conquerir el món

to want to conquer the world

no conquerir potser no és la paraula

not conquering might not be the word

però portar el teu missatge

but to convey your message

arreu del món, exportar

around the world, export

perquè no és impossible

because it is not impossible

així com crec que Leon Benavente

just as I believe Leon Benavente

que té un discurs que és internacional

that has a discourse that is international

o Love Lesbian

o Love Lesbian

o Berri Txarrak

O Berri Txarrak

o Zeta que és una altra banda

or Zeta which is another band

de música electrònica que portem

of electronic music that we bring

o Vulego que és una altra banda de pop indi

o Vulego is another indie pop band.

que portem que canten en euskera

what we bring that sings in Basque

o que canten en castellà

or that sing in Spanish

quan vas i veus la reacció de la gent

when you go and see people's reaction

dius hòstia és que són bandes que aporten

You say damn, it's just that they are bands that contribute.

i que estan

and what are they

transmetent el seu discurs

transmitting his speech

la seva emoció

his/her emotion

però tu no creus que part d'aquesta

but don't you think that part of this

no sé això també depèn

I don't know, this also depends.

d'un representant o un manager de fora

of a representative or an outside manager

perquè és aquest

because it is this

el pas aquest que és difícil

the step that is difficult

és que algú de fora compri

it's that someone from outside buys



o sigui aquesta connexió

so this connection

comunicació entre Catalunya

communication between Catalonia

i els de fora o els de fora

and the outsiders or the outsiders

i ja passa a Espanya

and it already happens in Spain

que hi ha moltes bandes espanyoles

that there are many Spanish bands

de per tot Espanya

from all over Spain

que són boníssimes

they are very good

que no aconsegueixen

that they do not achieve

entrar a Catalunya o a Barcelona

enter Catalonia or Barcelona

no hi ha

there isn't

bandes de Madrid

bands from Madrid

no digo de las grandes

I'm not talking about the big ones.

pero de las emergentes

but of the emerging ones

o de las medio tal

or of the half such

perquè aquí no es contracten

because they are not hired here

llavors jo crec que potser

then I think that perhaps

també és el

it is also the

que nosaltres no

that we do not

we don't welcome

we don't welcome

coses de fora

things from outside

llavors no hi ha aquesta comunicació

then there isn’t this communication



per una banda crec que

on one hand I think that

el mercat català

the Catalan market

té un mercat molt propi

it has a very unique market

i que té molta producció de música

and that has a lot of music production

que no surt d'aquí

that doesn't leave here

i que fa que no hi hagi tant espais

and that means there aren't as many spaces

per a altra gent de fora

for other people from outside

crec que les bandes de fora ja venen aquí

I think the bands from outside are already coming here.

però clar a vegades també

but of course sometimes also

tu quan vas a França

You when are you going to France?

és pitjor

it is worse

a França sí que no entra cap banda de fora

In France, no outsiders are allowed in.

com que no?

Of course not!



França és un mercat super hermètic

France is a super hermetic market.

super hermètic

super hermetic

i molt protegit que està molt guai

and very protected, which is very cool

si entra en el mainstream

if it enters the mainstream

però no

but no

tu vas en una banda i costa moltíssim

you go in a band and it's very difficult

jo he creuat França anant i pujant

I have crossed France going and climbing.

i baixant i baixant i baixant

and going down and going down and going down

durant anys sense fer cap bolo allà

for years without doing any gigs there

perquè no t'obrien la porta

because they didn't open the door for you

pues mira

well, look

jo porto 15 anys

I have been here for 15 years.

que toco més a França que a Espanya

I play more in France than in Spain.

i cap altre país

and no other country

o sigui són els més oberts

that is, they are the most open

com a artista dic

as an artist I say

són els

they are the

hi ha de tenir la sort de trobar

you have to be lucky to find

a França que vulgui treballar

to France that wants to work

amb algú a Catalunya

with someone in Catalonia

mira m'agrada el vostre

Look, I like yours.

però hi ha d'espai per a tothom

but there is space for everyone



tu puc comprar

I can buy you.

però el mercat més obert del món

but the most open market in the world

és Alemanya

It is Germany.


sense dubte

without a doubt

depenent de l'estil pot ser?

depending on the style, can it be?



no crec

I don't believe.

crec que les grans gires europees

I believe that the big European tours

són a Alemanya

they are in Germany

tenen ciutats

they have cities

que totes les gires internacionals

that all international tours

passen per Alemanya d'una manera molt heavy

they go through Germany in a very heavy way

i és el lloc on et tracten millor del món

And it's the place where they treat you the best in the world.

i en canvi

and instead

França té una producció

France has a production

molt potent

very powerful

de música, música rap francesa

of music, French rap music

està pel nivell de l'americà

it's at the level of the American

i tenen una producció musical

and they have a musical production

tan bèstia, tan bona

so beastly, so good

i tan multicultural com és

and as multicultural as it is

França que és brutal

France, which is brutal.

però el que ve de fora

but what comes from outside

costa molt d'entrar perquè tenen molta producció

it's very hard to get in because they have a lot of production

i és una mica el que passa a Catalunya

and it's a bit of what is happening in Catalonia

que tenen tanta producció

that have such high production

que costa d'entrar perquè tens molta producció pròpia

it's hard to enter because you have a lot of your own production

i que no surt d'aquí

and it doesn't come out of here

què passa a França?

What's happening in France?

tu vols contractar una banda

you want to hire a band

de la meva època com

from my time as



i és molt difícil de comprar perquè allà són gegants

And it is very difficult to buy because there they are giants.

i no pots contractar-los

and you cannot hire them

perquè són immens

because they are immense

i a França

and in France

tenen tal

they have such

tu vols entrar

do you want to come in

i costa molt més

and it costs much more

perquè hi ha molt nivell

because there is a high level

i crec que és meravellós

And I think it's wonderful.

el que passa és que França

what happens is that France

gira en el món francès a nivell mundial

turns in the French world globally

i no té tants espais com girar

and it doesn't have as many spaces to turn.

com els americans

like the Americans

potser els últims anys

maybe the last few years

ja ha canviat una mica això

this has changed a little bit now

no sé de quan parles tu

I don't know what you're talking about.

però és que avui en dia

but the fact is that nowadays

no sé

I don't know.

que hi ha festivals per a dar

that there are festivals to give

i vendre

and sell

jo no dic que no hi hagi

I am not saying that there isn't.

i sempre que vaig

and whenever I go

el line up és molt internacional

the lineup is very international

de bandes britàniques

of British bands





espanyoles no n'hi ha tantes

There aren't that many Spanish ones.

n'hi ha

there is/there are

però no tantes

but not so many

igual aquí no n'hi ha de franceses

there aren't any French people here either



jo crec que és més culpa del

I think it's more the fault of the

del manager o del promotor

of the manager or the promoter

que no fa el pas de vendre cap en fora

that does not take the step to sell outside

hi ha espai però bueno

there is space but well

podríem discutir tot el dia

we could discuss all day

Jordi volies dir alguna cosa?

Jordi, did you want to say something?

si no estareu aquí tot el dia discutint

if you won't be here all day arguing

sobre si França és un bon lloc o no

about whether France is a good place or not

per anar

to go

és un bon lloc per anar segur

it's a good place to go for sure

de vacances o a fer bolos?

On holiday or performing gigs?

a fer bolos

to go on tour

molt bé

very well

Pau, el 2010

Pau, 2010

Panda Management

Panda Management

que crees tu al sortir de la clau

What do you think when you take the key out?

es transforma en Panda Artist Management

it transforms into Panda Artist Management

és només un canvi de nom

it's just a change of name

que té de concepte d'empresa

what it has as a concept of business

o d'alguna mena

or of some kind

si, si

yes, yes

hi ha un canvi de nom

there is a name change

perquè el soci que hi havia en aquella època

because the partner that was there at that time

ho deixa

it leaves it

i jo em quedo

and I stay

i jo estic visualitzant un management

and I am visualizing a management

més complet que no el management

more complete than management

que visualitzava

that visualized

quan va començar la Panda

when did the Panda start

que era un management més dedicat

that it was a more dedicated management

a l'estratègia del booking

to the booking strategy

en canvi Panda Artist

on the other hand Panda Artist

va començar a tenir 60 graus

it started to reach 60 degrees

i començar a tenir una visió

and start to have a vision

i un control més

and one more control

de tot el que envolta un artista

of everything that surrounds an artist

i era

and it was

a nivell discogràfic

at the record level

a nivell de presentatges

at the level of presentations

a nivell d'instrucció digital

at the level of digital instruction

com a estructurar tot el global

how to structure the whole global

que hi havia

that there was

vas parlar

you spoke

mencionar una mica la filosofia

mention a little about philosophy

del teu management

of your management

o de la banda amb qui treballaves

or with the band you were working with

però per tu

but for you

què vol dir tenir un grup

what does it mean to have a group

perquè vulguis treballar amb ells

because you want to work with them

i què diries

And what would you say?

que és el més difícil

what is the most difficult

de gestionar d'un artista

to manage an artist

el que ha de tenir

what one must have

és una actitud pel que fa

it's an attitude regarding

actitud i entrega al màxim

attitude and commitment to the maximum

és el que demanem

it is what we ask for

si nosaltres som management

if we are management

ens costa molt treballar amb bandes

it is very difficult for us to work with bands

que són el hobby del músic

what are the hobbies of the musician

perquè en tenim

because we have them

en tenim alguna

we have one

que no és la seva activitat principal

that is not its main activity

i genera molts conflictes

and generates many conflicts

de visió

of vision

hei, hauríem de fer això

Hey, we should do this.

ah no, és que jo no puc perquè tinc

oh no, it's just that I can't because I have

no sé què

I don't know what.

és que hem de fer

it is that we have to do

i les coses venen quan venen

And things come when they come.

vull fer gires a Setmana Santa i a l'estiu

I want to go on trips during Holy Week and in the summer.

a Setmana Santa i a l'estiu

at Easter and in the summer

no es poden fer gires

turns cannot be made

tu les vols fer, les farem

If you want to do them, we will do them.

però pagaràs el doble de bitllets

but you will pay double the tickets

no hi haurà la gent a les ciutats

there will be no people in the cities

que t'ha de veure

what does it have to do with you

costa molt més

it costs much more

que no pas

that it does not happen


to do it

en una temporada normal

in a normal season

i després per desenvolupar

and then to develop

el projecte en aquest espai

the project in this space

necessites que sigui en època

you need it to be in season

professional, no en l'època

professional, not in the era

que et ve de gust

What do you feel like?

o que et sobra

or what you have left over

i avui en dia les bandes confien

And nowadays the bands trust.

en els managers

in the managers

en aquest sentit

in this regard

o encara volen controlar

or they still want to control

hi ha un regerace

there is a regulator

de control

of control

és que per mi

it's that for me

un manager no està per

a manager is not there for

per imposar

to impose

una manera de fer

a way of doing

per mi un manager és

for me a manager is

sempre diem a Panda que nosaltres no treballem

we always tell Panda that we don't work

per les bandes

by the bands

treballeu amb les bandes

do you work with the bands

l'estratègia que jo faig servir

the strategy that I use

o la línia de treball que faig servir

or the line of work that I use

amb Lobo Lesbian

with Lobo Lesbian

no és la mateixa que amb Leon Benavente

it's not the same as with Leon Benavente

ni és la mateixa amb Ramon Miravet

nor is it the same with Ramon Miravet

ni és la mateixa amb l'Anna Tillux

nor is it the same with Anna Tillux

ni és la mateixa amb

nor is it the same with

amb Volego

with Volego

o amb Zetac o amb Olalla Inciarte

either with Zetac or with Olalla Inciarte

o amb Mi Capitan

or with My Captain

o Egon Soda o les Manuja Limón

either Egon Soda or the Manuja Limón

perquè amb cada banda és un món

because with each band it's a world

cada banda és un món

each band is a world

i les necessitats

and the needs

emocionals de cada banda

emotional on each side

són diferents

they are different

tu tens una banda que tenen

You have a band that they have.

20 anys i volen fer unes coses

20 years old and they want to do some things.

i són les coses que han de fer

and these are the things they have to do

no les que tu creguis

not the ones you think

hi ha coses que jo els diré

There are things that I will tell you.

potser això no, potser això l'any que ve

maybe not this, maybe this next year

però acabem fent el que tu creus

but in the end we do what you believe

que has de fer

what you have to do

m'ha passat moltes vegades que jo diria

It has happened to me many times that I would say.

a un grup, jo crec que aquest festival

to a group, I think this festival

no l'hauríem de fer per aquesta raó

we shouldn't do it for this reason

perquè t'estan pagant poc

because they are paying you little

o perquè et posaran una hora de merda

or because they'll give you a lousy hour

i les bandes necessiten fer-ho

and the bands need to do it

a vegades ho has de fer

sometimes you have to do it

ho fas, ho aprens

you do it, you learn it

i aprendre a picar pedra

and learn to quarry stone

aprendre a picar pedra

to learn to chip stone

és la part del creixement

it is the part of growth

exacte, hi ha moltes coses que tu pots dir cap a un costat

exactly, there are many things that you can say in one direction

i després dius

and then you say

ah, no era cap a un costat del grup

Ah, it wasn't any side of the group.

ni cap al teu

nor to yours

es negocia

it is being negotiated

ha acabat passant una altra cosa totalment diferent

it ended up being something completely different.

i també hi ha una cosa que és que

and there is also one thing which is that

val més fer que quedar-se al sofà

better to do than to stay on the couch

esperant que passin coses

waiting for things to happen

i això també és així

and this is also the case

i també jo crec que tots aprenem

And I also believe that we all learn.

nosaltres no tenim la veritat absoluta

we do not have the absolute truth

i que els artistes també els hem d'acompanyar

and that we must also support the artists

que facin aquestes coses que a vegades

let them do those things that sometimes

han de fer-ho anímicament

they have to do it mentally

a mi m'encanta el que ha dit perquè

I love what he/she said because

aquí en Perico té la mateixa

here in Perico has the same

crec que té la mateixa filosofia

I think it has the same philosophy.

manera de fer les coses i es veu que

way of doing things and it shows that

això és una cosa generacional

this is a generational thing

de manera de fer les coses

way of doing things

i veig un mirall aquí

I see a mirror here.

una sintonia

a harmony

Pau, anem acabant ja

Pau, we're almost done now.

els últims anys

the last few years

una mica el fitxatge estrella

a bit the star signing

o per almenys el més gran

or at least the biggest

de l'empresa ha sigut

of the company has been

que heu començat a treballar amb Love of Lesbian

that you have started working with Love of Lesbian


I suppose

perquè jo no ho he fet mai

because I have never done it

que treballar amb un grup d'aquestes dimensions

that working with a group of this size

obliga que l'empresa també s'adapti

it forces the company to adapt as well

a les necessitats de la banda

to the needs of the band

que suposa per vosaltres

what does it mean for you

no per tu només, per tota l'empresa

not just for you, for the whole company

començar a treballar amb un grup com Love of Lesbian

to start working with a group like Love of Lesbian

amb el volum que té com a banda

with the volume it has as a band

i de tot i les necessitats

and of everything and the needs

que m'imagino que tenen

that I imagine they have

que deuen ser diferents de les d'un grup

that must be different from those of a group

de vint anys

twenty years

Exacte, sí, Love of Lesbian ha sigut

Exactly, yes, Love of Lesbian has been



un impacte molt fort a Panda

a very strong impact on Panda



que al final sí que ens hem adaptat

that in the end we have indeed adapted

però com ens adaptem a totes les bandes

but how do we adapt to all the sides

que al final ens adaptem a les seves necessitats

that in the end we adapt to their needs

i sí que

and yes that

que és un

what is a

un desafiament

a challenge

fer un projecte tan gran

to undertake such a big project

que al final no diste tant

that in the end you didn't give that much

del que fan altres bandes

than what other bands do

però en volums més grans

but in larger volumes

som tres empreses

we are three companies

que una és Love of Lesbian

that one is Love of Lesbian

l'altra és Industrial Works

the other is Industrial Works

ara Magnus a partir d'avui

now Magnus from today

i l'altra és Panda

and the other is Panda

que som tres empreses que estem fent una estratègia

we are three companies that are developing a strategy

i un treball de management

and a management project

que això també costa

that this also costs

i també t'has d'adaptar

and you also have to adapt

i has de tenir molta cintura

You have to be very flexible.

que en tenim sempre

that we always have

que a vegades ens hem de tenir cintura

that sometimes we have to be flexible

per adaptar-nos també als estils

to adapt ourselves to the styles as well

que no tenim un estil marcat

that we don't have a defined style

a l'oficina

at the office

sinó que hi ha molts estils

but there are many styles

i cada estil té la seva cosa

And each style has its own thing.

i a més a més aquesta cosa

and furthermore this thing

que era entrar a la música més

that it was to enter music more

indie rock

indie rock

que ja havíem treballat

that we had already worked on

però no a nivells tan alts

but not at such high levels

de nou


i a una banda gran

and to a large band

amb una estructura

with a structure

i un impacte també important

and an important impact as well

és un desafiament molt guai

it's a really cool challenge

perquè a més a més

because furthermore

és fàcil i dur treballar

it's easy and hard to work


at that time

però és totalment enriquidor

but it is totally enriching

i també

and also

crec que són gent amb molta

I think they are people with a lot of

actitud de treball, molta

work attitude, a lot

que a vegades

that sometimes

és el més important

it is the most important

o sempre és el més important per mi

or is always the most important to me.

que tu ho diguis

that you say so

i pots discutir de moltes coses

And you can discuss many things.

en una banda o en una altra

on one side or the other

però si tenen actitud de treball

but if they have a work attitude

tens molt a guanyar ja

you have a lot to gain already

perquè al final

because in the end

ells volen arribar

they want to arrive

cadascú vol arribar pel seu costat

everyone wants to get there in their own way

el que vulguis

whatever you want

hi ha bandes amb les que

there are bands with which

crec que fan coses com

I think they do things like

sobretot les joves per exemple

especially young women for example

fan coses que a vegades

they do things that sometimes

em costa més d'entendre

it is harder for me to understand

per xoc generacional

due to generational shock

hi ha bandes que es dediquen

there are bands that dedicate themselves

més calés a coses que jo penso

more money for things that I think

que són tonteries

that they are nonsense

que les que són realment

than they really are.



discussions de per exemple

discussions of, for example

la gana d'influencers

the hunger for influencers

jo crec que és una cosa que s'hauria de fer

I think it's something that should be done.

ui, mare meva

oh my goodness

quina por em fa això

This makes me scared.

això està passant, s'estan invertint molts calés

this is happening, a lot of money is being invested

en aquest tipus de personatges

in this type of characters

que no estan aportant res

that are not contributing anything

i que la gent està gastant

and that people are spending

molts calés en això

a lot of money in this

vol més que enganxis cartells

You want to stick posters more than ever.

o facis una mica de publicitat

or do a bit of advertising

a les xarxes

on the networks

però fer-ho d'una altra manera

but do it another way

fer-ho més real

make it more real

que aquest tipus de coses

that this type of things

tu creus que avui en dia es pot fer a l'old school

Do you think that nowadays you can do it old school?

o realment la corrent

or really the current

ens està portant

is bringing us

a lo d'influencers i tot això

to the whole influencer thing and all that

ens està portant aquí

is bringing us here

però crec que ens estan enganyant

But I think they are deceiving us.

perquè fixa't que totes les empreses

because notice that all the companies

de management i producció

of management and production

estan enganxant cartells una altra vegada

They are posting signs again.

com si no hi hagués

as if there were none

a Barcelona si ho he vist

In Barcelona, yes, I've seen it.

s'hauria de parlar amb els enganxadors

It should be discussed with the stickers.

de Barcelona i de Madrid

from Barcelona and from Madrid

i organitza aquells concerts

and organizes those concerts

i són empreses grans

and they are large companies

hi ha una cosa molt clara

There is one very clear thing.

fa deu anys

ten years ago

tenim una situació que era

we have a situation that was

hòstia que guai les xarxes socials

Wow, social media is so cool!

portes al món

doors to the world

no necessitem intermediaris

we do not need intermediaries

podem arribar al públic directament

we can reach the audience directly.

posaves 10 euros

you put in 10 euros

i t'hi estalviaves una enganxada de mil

and you saved yourself a thousand stickies.

i deies hòstia que guai

and you said wow that's cool

avui en dia això no és així

Nowadays this is not the case.

tots estem farts

we're all fed up

jo bloquejo tot l'espam que m'entra al meu Instagram

I block all the spam that comes to my Instagram.

tota l'estona

all the time

perquè és que és impossible

because it is impossible

que tu poses mil euros ara en digital

that you put a thousand euros now in digital

i no tens un resultat com el que tenies abans

And you don't have a result like the one you had before.

amb 10 euros

with 10 euros

t'han vetat

they have banned you

hi ha tanta publicitat online

there is so much online advertising

que la gent no s'hi fixa

that people don't notice it

en canvi pel carrer

on the street instead

tothom hi passa

everyone goes through it

jo encara miro els cartells

I still look at the signs.

m'estimo molt més això

I love this much more.

perquè participes

because you participate

en la ciutat també

in the city too

és com aquesta banda

it's like this band

és part de la ciutat

it is part of the city

i no en l'ordinador

and not on the computer

és tot tan...

it's all so...

si si

yes yes

jo crec que aquestes coses

I believe that these things

amb les lofos lesbien

with the lesbian wolves

per exemple

for example

és molt guai treballar

it's very cool to work

amb una banda així

with a band like that

perquè tens molta afinitat

because you have a lot of affinity

per edat, per visió

by age, by vision

per moltes coses

for many things

i amb les bandes joves costa a vegades més

And with the youth bands, it is sometimes harder.

jo enganxaria més cartells

I would put up more posters.

i no pagaria ni un duro ni un influencer

And I wouldn't pay a dime to any influencer.

a no ser que comenci a enganxar cartells

unless I start putting up posters

pagaria l'enganxada

I would pay the fine.

però crec que s'està anant molt

but I think it is getting too much

i tot el tema digital i tot això

and all the digital stuff and all that

crec que hem de començar agafant pinces

I think we need to start taking things with a pinch of salt.

perquè ja no és el que era

because it is no longer what it used to be

de fet crec que hem tingut

In fact, I think we have had.

una adaptació del negoci

a business adaptation

molt important

very important

amb el tema de l'analògic

with the topic of the analogical

al digital

to the digital

i ara ja el digital ens ha menjat

and now the digital has already eaten us up

crec que ens està expulsant una altra vegada

I think it's expelling us again.

o l'offline

or the offline

perquè l'online és molt car

because online is very expensive

i a més a més molt carregós

and also very annoying

que has de tenir no sé què

that you have to have I don't know what

i és un estrès emocional

and it is an emotional stress

parlar dels músics, vosaltres

talk about the musicians, you


it is...

i a més a més hi ha l'engany aquest

and furthermore there is this deceit

de Hollywood

from Hollywood

tu si fas tal no sé què faràs tres estratègies

You, if you do such a thing, I don't know what you will do, three strategies.

i et faràs viral

and you will go viral

viral es fa a molt poca gent

Viral happens to very few people.

es fa a molt poca gent

it happens to very few people

i les carreres llargues són la gent que no es fa tan viral

And long races are the people who don't go viral as much.



hi ha tendències de YouTube

there are YouTube trends

aquesta setmana, aquest mes

this week, this month

que ningú sap qui són

that no one knows who they are

a mi m'està passant

it's happening to me

en una situació propera

in a nearby situation

d'un artista que està

of an artist who is

a tendències de YouTube

to YouTube trends

i en realitat el seu caché

and in reality its cache

no ho diu que estigui a tendències

it doesn't say that it is trending


from nowhere

i dius què passa aquí

and you say what's happening here

on estava aquesta panacea

where was this panacea

de l'estratègia digital

of the digital strategy

i què faràs no sé què

And what will you do I don't know what

evidentment hi ha estratègies i s'han de fer

obviously there are strategies and they must be implemented

perquè volo aquí

because I fly here

després passarà allò

then that will happen

i si faig aquesta entrevista aquí passarà no sé què

And if I do this interview here, I don't know what will happen.

no és només una cosa

it is not just one thing

però moltes vegades aquestes estratègies

but many times these strategies

són més coincidència

they are more coincidental

que realment estratègies

that really strategies

perquè si hi hagués una manera de fer estratègies

because if there were a way to make strategies

seria molt fàcil

it would be very easy

ei tinc la fórmula, em pagueu tant i us ho faig

Hey, I have the formula, you pay me this much and I'll do it for you.

i no passa això

and this doesn't happen

ni les grans empreses multinacionals

nor the large multinational companies

totes inverteixen calés

everyone invests money

i en perden molts també de calés

And many of them also lose a lot of money.

escoltar això

listen to this

d'una persona com tu

of a person like you

que porta tants anys

that has been going on for so many years

treballant en tot tipus de banda

working in all kinds of bands

jo crec que això és

I think that this is

a mi me da descanso com a artista

it gives me rest as an artist

i que les bandes emergents

and that emerging bands

que és el més important

what is the most important

que sàpiguen això

let them know this

que és casualitat

what is coincidence

i que encara hi ha managers

and there are still managers

que creuen en la vella manera

that believe in the old way

de fer les coses

to do things

old school way

old school way

i que és més positiva

and that it is more positive


I love it.

el Gorka de Berrizarra

the Gorka from Berrizarra

a l'última gira deia

in the last tour, it said

avui és dissabte, avui és el dia de concert

Today is Saturday, today is concert day.

però demà o dilluns

but tomorrow or Monday

vaig al local d'assaig

I am going to the rehearsal space.

s'ha de tornar a treballar

we have to get back to work

també crec que hi ha molta

I also think there is a lot.

amb tot aquest invent

with all this contraption

de les grans estratègies

of the great strategies

passarà això i faràs no sé què

this will happen and you will do I don't know what

no sé qui virà

I don’t know who will win.

tot aquest tipus d'històries

all this kind of stories

que s'expliquen perquè tots anem al darrere buscant això

that explain why we all follow behind searching for this

crec que falta molt

I think there's still a long way to go.

a la realitat del dia a dia

to the reality of day to day

i a vegades les carreres

and sometimes the races

són de vint anys, de cinquanta anys

they are twenty years old, they are fifty years old

de setanta anys

seventy years

tenim l'exemple de Joan Manel Serrat

we have the example of Joan Manel Serrat

que s'ha retirat amb setanta-vuit anys

who has retired at the age of seventy-eight

a mi que ningú m'ho expliqui

I don't want anyone to explain it to me.

que la carrera és per cinc anys o dos o tres

that the degree is for five years or two or three

no, no

no, no

vull pensar que arribaràs als vuitanta anys

I want to think that you will reach eighty years old.

i encara podràs tocar un concert

And you'll still be able to play a concert.

amb condicions

with conditions

i que sigui prou sostenible

and that it is sustainable enough

perquè el negoci sigui important

to make the business important

tenir deu mil persones davant

to have ten thousand people in front

o mil, però crec que les carreres són a llarg termini

or a thousand, but I think that careers are long-term.



el viralisme

the viralism

que si passa, meravellós

that if it happens, wonderful

jo he tingut casos

I have had cases.

en Berritxarra que han passat coses

in Berritxarra where things have happened

com el

like the

el més viral que es va fer

the most viral thing that was made

ha tocat Berritxarra davant d'una persona

it has touched Berritxarra in front of a person

en un concert de Toulouse

at a concert in Toulouse

això és el que li passa a la majoria de bandes

this is what happens to most bands

la majoria de bandes del món toquen davant d'una o dos o tres

most bands in the world play in front of one or two or three

o quinze persones, o vint o cent

either fifteen people, or twenty or a hundred

els que toquen davant de milers

those who perform in front of thousands

som els afortunats

we are the lucky ones

els que els artistes tenen

the ones that artists have

algo especial en el talent

something special in talent

que fa que passin aquestes coses

what makes these things happen

però la majoria de bandes són els que van al local d'assaig

but most of the bands are the ones that go to the rehearsal space

i no toquen

and they don't touch

i quan toquen, toquen davant de dues persones

And when they play, they play in front of two people.

es va fer viral

it went viral

i no va ser una estratègia

and it was not a strategy

Angorca va voler dir al món

Angorca wanted to tell the world.

que això és el rock and roll

that this is rock and roll

a País Basc tinc vint i cinc mil persones davant

In the Basque Country, I have twenty-five thousand people in front of me.

i vaig aquí a Bordeus

I am going here to Bordeaux.

tres dies més tard i foto una persona

three days later and I take a picture of a person

i dilluns vaig al local d'assaig

And on Monday, I go to the rehearsal space.

és la verda

it's the green one

ole, ole, ole

ole, ole, ole

estem a punt d'acabar, perdona

we are about to finish, sorry

però això és superfascinant

but this is super fascinating

m'encanta la teva manera de pensar

I love your way of thinking.

estàs treballant en algun projecte nou

Are you working on any new project?

que ens puguis explicar

that you can explain to us

per aquest any o el proper

for this year or next

doncs mira

well look

la veritat és que a nivell artístic

the truth is that on an artistic level

no estic treballant en res

I am not working on anything.

hi ha algunes coses així

there are some things like that

hi ha unes bandes que estem mirant

There are some bands we are looking at.

i parlant del món

and talking about the world

que ens agrada també

that we also like

el tema urbà i músiques així

the urban theme and music like that

més del rap i tot això

more about rap and all that

però bàsicament

but basically

estem immersos en un canvi

we are immersed in a change



i dintre l'empresa

and within the company

i tot això que estem mirant com ens organitzem

And all this that we are looking at how we organize ourselves.

i com fem totes les vies de negoci

And how do we do all the business avenues?

que tenim, discogràfic, merchandising

that we have, record label, merchandising



producció tècnica

technical production

tot el que fem a Panda

everything we do at Panda

que estem replantejant

that we are rethinking

i repensant

and rethinking

portem un any i pico de molts canvis

We have been through more than a year of many changes.

som un equip de 20 i pico persones

we are a team of 20-something people

que estem immersos en el canvi aquest

that we are immersed in this change

i en poder fer sostenible l'empresa

and to be able to make the company sustainable

amb la nostra visió

with our vision

del que volem de la música

of what we want from music

ha sigut un super plaer

It has been a great pleasure.

moltíssimes gràcies

thank you very much

com et podem trobar

how can we find you

o seguir la vostra història

or continue your story

seguint els vostres artistes

following your artists


I suppose.

sí, tenim les nostres xarxes

Yes, we have our networks.



que estan a Instagram

that are on Instagram

a web i tot això

a website and all that

i que és fàcil localitzar-nos

and that it is easy to locate us

aquí al mercat de la música viva

here at the live music market

crec que ens han dit que som l'empresa

I think they have told us that we are the company.

que més acreditats té

which has the most credentials

vull dir que

I want to say that

com que som una mica família

since we are a bit of family

a vegades ja no sé si som

sometimes I don't know if we are

companys de feina, família, no sé molt bé

colleagues at work, family, I don't really know

però sí que estem uns quants aquí

but there are indeed a few of us here

està rondant tothom

everyone is buzzing around

i la gent d'aquí de Catalunya

and the people here from Catalonia

i de Madrid, que estic jo a Madrid

And from Madrid, that I am in Madrid.

bàsicament, però bueno

basically, but well

estem tots per aquí molestant

We are all here bothering.

moltíssimes gràcies Pau

thank you very much Pau

ha estat un plaer, tu has passat bé?

It has been a pleasure, did you have a good time?

sí, sí, sí

yes, yes, yes

segurament no ho escoltaré això

I probably won't listen to this.

i segurament no ho diré a ningú

and I probably won't tell anyone.

que ho escolti perquè em farà vergonya

Let him hear it because it will make me embarrassed.

ja ho direm nosaltres

We will say it ourselves.

doncs moltes gràcies Pau per acceptar

Well, thank you very much, Pau, for accepting.

venir a parlar amb nosaltres

come to talk to us

i com sempre moltes gràcies a tots i a totes

And as always, many thanks to all of you.

per escoltar-nos

to listen to us

de fet aquest ha estat el darrer episodi

In fact, this has been the last episode.

d'aquesta temporada de

of this season of

L'allò que no sona

That which does not sound.

que com haureu notat és més curt

as you may have noticed, it is shorter

que les anteriors ja que

than the previous ones since

de fet quan vam començar a gravar aquest episodi

in fact, when we started recording this episode

encara no sabíem que seria

we still didn't know what it would be

el darrer de la temporada

the last of the season

així que a tots els que ens escolteu

so to all of you who are listening to us

moltes gràcies per aguantar-nos

thank you very much for putting up with us

durant aquests 37 episodis

during these 37 episodes

que hem gravat i sobretot moltes gràcies

that we have recorded and above all thank you very much

a tu Coco

to you Coco

i a tu també Jordi Mella

and to you too, Jordi Mella

per tota la feina que heu fet

for all the work you have done

perquè el podcast pogués anar endavant

so that the podcast could move forward

esperem poder reprendre'l

we hope to be able to resume it

més endavant


no i bueno

well no



no és un

it is not one

esperem que no sigui

we hope it is not

un final final

a final ending

un petit

a little

una petita pausa

a little break

que ja tornarem

that we will return

i gràcies òbviament a Jordi

And thanks obviously to Jordi.

buen tiempo

good weather

per confiar-me

for trusting me

per fer-me

to make me

participar en aquest programa

to participate in this program

hem après moltíssim

we have learned a lot

hi ha molta gent que ens ha volgut

there are many people who have wanted us

dir com important és

say how important it is

aquest programa per saber

this program to know

l'altra cara

the other side

del que vivim

of what we live

a la indústria musical

to the music industry

que és la cara més important

what is the most important face

que és

what is it

tot el que porta darrere

everything that comes before it

que faci que tot funcioni

make everything work

i crec que ha sigut

I think it has been.

un programa molt

a very program



que es pot utilitzar

that can be used

espero que la gent ho utilitzi

I hope that people use it.

com a

like a

com a eina

as a tool

per entendre millor

to understand better

com funcionen les coses

how things work

i les persones

and the people

les persones que hi ha darrere

the people behind

que són fantàstiques

that are fantastic

tots els convidats que han vingut

all the guests who have come

han sigut

they have been

i ha sigut un plaer

It has been a pleasure.

poder documentar

to be able to document

la seva història

his story

gràcies per tot el

thank you for everything the

gran missatge

great message

doncs res

well nothing

ho deixem aquí i com diu la Coco

We'll leave it here, and as Coco says.

esperem tornar-hi

we hope to return there

a reveure, adeu

goodbye, farewell



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