Hit Parade a GUM FM


Hit Parade a GUM FM

Fins demà!

See you tomorrow!

Alcances fins dilluns? És molt possible, eh?

Are we reaching it by Monday? It's very possible, huh?

Molt bé, tenim un bonic WhatsApp, Gama FM, 973-64-3015,

Very well, we have a nice WhatsApp, Gama FM, 973-64-3015,

973-64-3015, per dir la vostra,

973-64-3015, to say your piece,

i, com més habitual, encetem aquest programa

and, as is more usual, we begin this program

que es diu Hit Parade.

that is called Hit Parade.

Per què Hit Parade?

Why Hit Parade?

Doncs perquè quan era petit tenia...

Well, because when I was little I had...

Els meus pares tenien uns casets que posava Hit Parade.

My parents had some cassettes that played Hit Parade.

Hi havia unes fotos d'unes noies amb pantalons de potes d'elefant

There were some photos of girls with bell-bottom pants.

i allò em va quedar marcat.

And that left a mark on me.

Aquelles noies roses, no sé si eren sueces o què,

Those pink girls, I don't know if they were Swedish or what,

i aquells casets, aquelles cintes de caset,

and those cassette cases, those cassette tapes,

que posava Hit Parade,

that played Hit Parade,

que anys més tard vaig descobrir

that years later I discovered

que en anglès es pronunciava Hit Parade.

that in English was pronounced Hit Parade.

Molt bé, doncs res, anem encet al programa.

Very well, then let's start the program.

Salutacions, nois i noies, que m'esteu escoltant online a Goon.cat,

Greetings, boys and girls, who are listening to me online at Goon.cat,

des dels apps per Android o iPhone,

from the apps for Android or iPhone,

que us podeu descarregar des de les seves botigues pertinents,

that you can download from their respective stores,

també des d'un altaveu intel·ligent,

also from a smart speaker,

com un Bose, un HomePod d'Apple,

like a Bose, an Apple HomePod,

el Google Nest o Home,

the Google Nest or Home,

o un Alexa Echo Dot.

or an Alexa Echo Dot.

També algunes persones ens escolteu des de TuneIn

Some people also listen to us from TuneIn.

o des d'Apple.com.

or from Apple.com.

I també, òbviament, saludem aquestes persones

And also, of course, we greet these people.

que ho esteu de vacances, o viviu, o esteu de pas,

whether you are on vacation, or living here, or just passing through,

a la Cerdanya, al Pallars, Jussà, Pallars, Sobirà,

in Cerdanya, in Pallars, Jussà, Pallars, Sobirà,

la Val d'Aran, l'Alta Ribagorça,

the Val d'Aran, the Alta Ribagorça,

o bé a la província d'Osca, Comunitat d'Aragó.

or in the province of Huesca, Community of Aragon.

Molt bé, encetem el programa d'avui

Very well, let's begin today's program.

directament al costat de la cantonada,

directly next to the corner,

amb una cançó, ahir els vaig posar i vaig dir

with a song, yesterday I played them and said

que demà els tornaré a posar,

that tomorrow I will put them back on.

i ara mateix el que farem és tornar a escoltar

And right now what we will do is listen again.

aquest gran clàssic dels vuitantes.

this great classic of the eighties.

Cançó que sona a cadena 13.

Song that plays on chain 13.

Eren Cook Robin amb Just Around the Corner.

They were Cook Robin with Just Around the Corner.

Cançó que sona a cadena 13.

Song that plays on cadena 13.

Eren Cook Robin amb Just Around the Corner.

They were Cook Robin with Just Around the Corner.

Half from out of heaven

Half from out of heaven

Strong enough to hold you

Strong enough to hold you

Star for some affection

Star for some affection

Darling, come quickly

Darling, come quickly.

Come into my mind

Come into my mind

For my prayers were lost and answered

For my prayers were lost and answered.

And I won't forget you

And I won't forget you.

For a long time

For a long time

I've already made my bed

I've already made my bed.

Like it or not

Like it or not

As long as there's no regrets

As long as there are no regrets.

I'll be here when the ride stops

Estaré aquí quan el passeig s'aturi.

It's coming to me

It's coming to me.

I'll be here when the ride stops

Estaré aquí quan la volta s'aturi.

It's coming to me

It’s coming to me.

With which we live

With whom we live

Just around the corner

Just around the corner

Half from out of heaven

Half from out of heaven

Strong enough to hold you

Strong enough to hold you

Star for some affection

Star for some affection

Baby, I can't drag you into this mess

Baby, I can't drag you into this mess.

And I'm gonna be alright

I vaig a estar bé.

I'm gonna be alright

Estaré bé.

I'm holding your hand

I'm holding your hand.

I'm trying with both hands

I'm trying with both hands.

Yeah, yeah

Yeah, yeah

Just around the corner

Just around the corner

Half from out of heaven

Half from out of heaven

Bona nit.

Good night.

D'una a tres de la tarda, Hit Parade amb Jordi Casas.

From one to three in the afternoon, Hit Parade with Jordi Casas.

Bona nit.

Good night.

Conecta el Sonotoni per escoltar Hit Parade,

Connect the Sonotoni to listen to Hit Parade,

un programa amb capacitat de remoure els teus records

a program with the ability to stir your memories

amb les cançons que van marcar dècades.

with the songs that marked decades.

Apuja el volum del teu radiocasset

Turn up the volume of your cassette player.

per escoltar Hit Parade.

to listen to Hit Parade.

Hit Parade.

Hit Parade.

Aquesta noia és d'orígens africans,

This girl is of African descent.

es diu Xade

His name is Xade.

i es va aposentar a Madrid.

and he/she retired in Madrid.

I bé, doncs aquí tenim una de les seves cançons,

And well, here we have one of their songs,

una de les seves vàries cançons,

one of her several songs,

que van ser èxit,

that were successful,

com aquesta que es deia Smooth Operator.

like this one called Smooth Operator.

Per cert, d'on us heu tret en Parramon?

By the way, where did you get Parramon from?

Diu, veus com està plovent?

He says, do you see how it's raining?

Diu, ara d'aquí una estona caurà pedra

He says it will start hailing soon.

i tots els cotxes...

and all the cars...

Quan mati un?

When do I kill one?

Home, sisplau.

Home, please.

Bé, doncs res,

Well, then nothing,

Xade, Smooth Operator,

Xade, Smooth Operator,

i ara mateix aquí al Hit Parade

and right now here at the Hit Parade

d'una 3 a Gamma FM

from a 3 to Gamma FM

una mica de jazz.

a bit of jazz.

De jazz.

Of jazz.

Jazz de finals dels 80,

Jazz from the late 80s,

una cosa que era una mena de fusió,

one thing that was a kind of fusion,

que es deia AC Jazz

what was called AC Jazz

amb Swing Out Sisters

with Swing Out Sisters

des de UK.

from the UK.

Això es deia Breakout.

This was called Breakout.



When explanations make no sense

When explanations make no sense

When everything else is wrong

When everything else is wrong

You're fighting with lost confidence

You're fighting with lost confidence.

All expectations come

All expectations come.

The time has come

The time has come.

To make a break

To take a break

Move on

Move on

Don't hesitate

Don't hesitate.

Break out

Break out

Don't stop

Don't stop

To ask

To ask

Now you've found

Ara ho has trobat.

A break to make at last

A break to make at last.

It's just to find

It's just to find

Bona nit.

Good night.

Això passa quan apretes el mateix

This happens when you tighten the same thing.

quan estàs saltant a pretes.

when you are jumping to pretense.


Let's see?

Ara, home.

Now, man.

Bona nit.

Good night.

A Gamifa M hem parit

A Gamifa M has given birth to me.

Hit Parade per remoure els teus records.

Hit Parade to stir your memories.

Te van las motos grandes,

You like big motorcycles.

te va el pop,

do you like octopus,

te va el rock

do you like rock?

y como siempre

and as always

lo tuyo es escuchar

yours is to listen

music box.

music box.

Desde hace


un siglo,

a century,

Román Armengol te presenta

Román Armengol presents you.

Music Box.

Music Box.

Music Rocks.

Music Rocks.

Los éxitos

The successes

que hacen vibrar

that make vibrate

a toda una generación.

to an entire generation.

Music Box

Music Box

con Román Armengol,

with Román Armengol,

el locutor que va contigo.

the presenter that goes with you.

Yep, al loro.

Yep, I'm on it.

Music Rocks a la Gam tots els dijous

Music Rocks at Gam every Thursday.

a les 9 del vespre.

at 9 in the evening.

Tu visita a la Val d'Aran

Your visit to the Val d'Aran

descobre una experiència relajante

discover a relaxing experience

para tu cuerpo y mente,

for your body and mind,

para tu piel y en medio de la naturaleza.

for your skin and in the middle of nature.

En un complejo lúdico termal adaptado

In an adapted thermal leisure complex.

para toda la familia y edades.

for the whole family and all ages.

Las aguas termales de Arties.

The thermal waters of Arties.

Visítanos a partir de las 10 y media de la mañana

Visit us starting at 10:30 in the morning.

y prueba las aguas sulfurosas de nuestra piscina.

and try the sulfur waters of our pool.

Abierto todos los días

Open every day

con servicio de snack bar en la terraza exterior

with snack bar service on the outdoor terrace

y amplio parking.

and large parking.

Aguas termales de Arties.

Thermal waters of Arties.

Cuerpo y mente en plena naturaleza.

Body and mind in full nature.

Y esta temporada la entrada incluye

And this season the ticket includes

el gorro,

the hat,

baño y una limonada

bathroom and a lemonade

para hacer más placentera tu estancia en los baños.

to make your stay in the baths more enjoyable.

Camino de los baños.

Path to the baths.

Arties. Descúbrelo.

Arties. Discover it.

El buen estado de tu vehículo

The good condition of your vehicle.

resulta esencial para mantener

it is essential to maintain

tu ritmo de vida.

your lifestyle.

Ante cualquier imprevisto,

In case of any unforeseen event,

confía en Talleres Garona.

trust Talleres Garona.

Talleres Garona.

Garona Workshops.

Servicio de planchistería y pintura del automóvil.

Car upholstery and painting service.

Somos rápidos, mimamos tu coche

We are fast, we pamper your car.

y utilizamos los sistemas más avanzados.

and we use the most advanced systems.

Modernos, ecológicos

Modern, ecological

y respetuosos conectados.

and respectful connected.

En medio ambiente.

In the environment.

Talleres Garona.

Garona Workshops.

Polígono Micharán.

Micharán Industrial Park.

Nave 3.

Dock 3.

Teléfono 973-640209.

Phone 973-640209.



Siente la caricia del agua salpicando tu cara

Feel the caress of the water splashing on your face.

navegando a toda vela.

sailing at full sail.

La sensación de libertad haciendo windsurf.

The feeling of freedom while windsurfing.

La emoción haciendo donuts o banana.

The emotion making donuts or banana.

Dibujando caminos en el agua con el esquí acuático.

Drawing paths in the water with water skiing.

O la tranquilidad de los patines a pedales.

Or the tranquility of the pedal skates.

Las canúas canadienses o alquilando una motora.

Canadian canoes or renting a motorboat.

Y sobre todo,

And above all,

el wakeboard, el wake skate o el stand-up paddle surf

wakeboarding, wakeskating, or stand-up paddleboarding

o simplemente ven y refrescate en nuestro bar.

or simply come and cool off at our bar.

Nautic Rivagorsa vuelve a estar abierto este verano.

Nautic Rivagorsa is open again this summer.

Vive la emoción del verano en el Pantano de Escalas.

Experience the thrill of summer at the Escalas Swamp.

Carretera Nacional 230 a 2 km del Pondasuer, dirección Lleida.

National Road 230, 2 km from Pondasuer, towards Lleida.


Contact us.

Nauticrivagorca arroba gmail.com

Nauticrivagorca at gmail.com

Consulta precios y disponibilidad

Check prices and availability.

para el descenso de barrancos o las excursiones en lancha.

for canyoning or boat excursions.

Verano intenso en plena naturaleza.

Intense summer in the heart of nature.

Bona nit.

Good night.

Bon dia.

Good morning.

Bona nit.

Good night.

Bon dia.

Good morning.

Bona nit.

Good night.

Quim Pop.

Quim Pop.

El programa de K-pop de GAMM FM cada dimecres a partir de les 9 del vespre a la GAMM.

The K-pop program on GAMM FM every Wednesday starting at 9 PM on GAMM.

La millor música pop coreana de GAMM FM.

The best Korean pop music from GAMM FM.

Quim Pop presentat per Fèlix Loengo.

Quim Pop presented by Fèlix Loengo.

Doncs bé, avui, dimecres, justament de 9 a 10,

Well, today, Wednesday, precisely from 9 to 10,

com és habitual, arriba Fèlix Luengo,

as is customary, Fèlix Luengo arrives,

en aquest cas, l'holograma de Fèlix Luengo,

in this case, the hologram of Fèlix Luengo,

per un programa que es diu Kim Pop,

for a program called Kim Pop,

amb edició estiu, edició no hi soc,

with summer edition, edition I'm not there,

presentant els èxits del K-pop.

presenting the successes of K-pop.

Molt bé, estàvem sentint abans d'aquesta petita pausa

Very good, we were listening before this little pause.

una bonica cançó de Matt Bianco que es deia

a beautiful song by Matt Bianco called

Don't blame it on that girl,

Don't blame it on that girl,

un tema que dona pas a una bonica sessió de vuitantes

a topic that leads to a beautiful eighties session

que us encantarà.

that you will love.

Ara mateix, propaganda i una cançó del 1985

Right now, propaganda and a song from 1985.

que va ser una de les primeres que vaig publicar

that was one of the first ones I published

a Montslenco amb una cançó que es deia

to Montslenco with a song that was called

P. McInnery, des d'Alemanya.

P. McInnery, from Germany.



Bona nit.

Good night.

Fins demà!

Until tomorrow!

Amadeus, com t'estimes a ti més?

Amadeus, how do you love yourself more?

És el missatge d'aquesta cançó del 1985 amb Falco.

It is the message of this song from 1985 with Falco.

Rock me, Amadeus.

Rock me, Amadeus.

Una cançó de Johan Hans Hötzel, més conegut com a Falco.

A song by Johan Hans Hötzel, better known as Falco.

Era un ràper, vocalista, compositor.

He was a rapper, vocalist, songwriter.

Austríac, que, malauradament, ens va deixar un 6 de febrer de l'any 98

Austrian, who, unfortunately, left us on February 6, 1998.

en un accident de cotxe a la República Dominicana

in a car accident in the Dominican Republic

mentre enregistrava un videoclip d'una de les seves cançons.

while recording a music video for one of her songs.

Anem a recuperar més temes de Falco Arender, com és el?

Let's recover more topics from Falco Arender, what is it like?

Ha! Ha!

Ha! Ha!











Ha! Ha-ay!

Ha! Ha-ay!

Ha-ay!a- kalo!

Ha-ay!a- kalo!

Gente, a la vida!

People, to life!

Ha-ay-hey! Ha-ay-hey! Ha-ay-hey! Ha-ay-hey! Ha-ay! Ha-ay-hey! Holi!

Ha-ay-hey! Ha-ay-hey! Ha-ay-hey! Ha-ay-hey! Ha-ay! Ha-ay-hey! Holi!

Bona nit.

Good night.

A Gam FM hem parit Hit Parade

At Gam FM we have given birth to Hit Parade.

per remoure els teus records.

to remove your memories.

Hit Parade amb Jordi Casas, el pinxadiscurs de la GAM.

Hit Parade with Jordi Casas, the DJ of the GAM.

Música de casset de benzinera a GAM FM.

Gas station cassette music on GAM FM.

Música de casset de benzinera.

Gas station cassette music.

Si notes que algun disc està ratllat, deixa-lo estar i ja li passarà.

If you notice that a disc is scratched, leave it alone and it will be fine.

Música de casset de benzinera.

Gas station cassette music.

Gran cançó que suposo us durerà un munt de records amb Roderick David Stewart.

Great song that I suppose will bring you a lot of memories with Roderick David Stewart.

Més conegut com a Rod Stewart, creador de grans i grans cançons com Young Tarts,

Better known as Rod Stewart, creator of great and iconic songs like Young Tarts,

un home que va començar a la Jeff Beck Group com a vocalista i també a una banda que es deia Faces.

a man who started in the Jeff Beck Group as a vocalist and also in a band called Faces.

Facebook, eh?

Facebook, huh?

Molt bé, això es deia Creus que sóc sexy?

Very well, this was called Do you think I'm sexy?

Do you think I'm sexy?

Do you think I'm sexy?

Anys 80, Rod Stewart,

80s, Rod Stewart,

i ara mateix, directament, seguim endavant aquí al Hit Parade,

and right now, directly, we continue onwards here at the Hit Parade,

camí cap a les dues en punt

way to two o'clock

amb una gran cançó que estava en un àlbum anomenat Chess

with a great song that was on an album called Chess

amb una banda, doncs, realment no massa coneguda.

with a band, then, really not very well known.

Una cançó que, per cert, està prohibida

A song that, by the way, is prohibited.

a Tailàndia, degut a que el que diuen aquí

to Thailand, due to what they say here

no és en absolut veritat

it is not true at all

i parlen molt malament de Bangkok.

And they speak very badly of Bangkok.

Murray Head, One Night in Bangkok i Cheese Medley.

Murray Head, One Night in Bangkok and Cheese Medley.

Una nit a Bangkok.

A night in Bangkok.

Una nit a Bangkok i Cheese Medley.

One night in Bangkok and Cheese Medley.

Pilotant GAM FM, Jordi Casas, l'home immobiliària.

Piloting GAM FM, Jordi Casas, the real estate man.



One night in Bangkok makes the hard man humble

One night in Bangkok makes the hard man humble.

Not much between despair and ecstasy

Not much between despair and ecstasy.

One night in Bangkok and the tough guys tumble

One night in Bangkok and the tough guys tumble.

Can't be too careful with your company

Can't be too careful with your company.

Bona nit.

Good night.

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