E10 - Això no és un interrogatori

Emma Mussoll

Mai no ho sabreu

E10 - Això no és un interrogatori

Mai no ho sabreu

Mai no ho sabreu. Un podcast de ficció d'Emma Mussol.

You'll never know. A fictional podcast by Emma Mussol.

Episodi 10.

Episode 10.

Potser és millor així. Potser prefereixo no saber-ho.

Perhaps it's better this way. Perhaps I prefer not to know.

Ui, que tard s'ha fet. És l'hora de dinar i, si perdo el torn, no em deixaran menjar res fins a l'hora de sopar.

Oh, it's gotten late. It's lunchtime, and if I miss my turn, they won't let me eat anything until dinner time.

Això és pitjor que una presó.

This is worse than a prison.

No n'hi deu haver, per tant.

There must not be any, therefore.

No em facis parlar. Si vols, continuem després.

Don't make me talk. If you want, we can continue later.

Menja una mica tu també, agent. Demana que et facin un plat de croquetes.

Eat a bit too, agent. Ask them to make you a plate of croquettes.

És l'únic bo que fan, creu-me. No te la jugués amb res més.

It's the only good thing they do, believe me. Don't risk it with anything else.

No et faré cas.

I won't pay attention to you.

Espera, Mònica, que et deixes la gravadora.

Wait, Mònica, you forgot your recorder.

Porta-me-la després.

Bring it to me later.

Agent Durant, ets a la cafeteria?

Agent Durant, are you at the cafeteria?

Ara vinc. Demana'm un plat de croquetes.

I'll be there soon. Order me a plate of croquettes.

Ja ho sé, que tenen gluten, però me les han recomanat.

I know they contain gluten, but they have been recommended to me.

Doncs mira, crec que faràs bé demanant-les també.

Well, I think you will do well to ask for them too.

Sí, ara t'ho explico.

Yes, I'll explain it to you now.

Tenies raó, eh? Les croquetes estaven boníssimes.

You were right, huh? The croquettes were delicious.

A mi també m'agraden molt les croquetes, però mai he provat les d'aquest centre.

I also really like croquettes, but I have never tried the ones from this center.

Me les recomanes?

Do you recommend them to me?



Això, Mònica. Mònica Noguera.

That's it, Mónica. Mónica Noguera.

Sóc una mal educada. No m'he presentat. Jo sóc l'agent Rodríguez.

I am rude. I haven't introduced myself. I am Agent Rodríguez.

Però, si...

But, if...

Senyora Noguera, vull deixar clar d'entrada que això no és un interrogatori.

Mrs. Noguera, I want to make it clear from the outset that this is not an interrogation.

Mònica, no pot ser que...

Mònica, it can't be that...

Vol que li digui pel nom? Cap problema. Mònica, millor?

Do you want me to call you by name? No problem. Mònica, is that better?

Millor, sí.

Better, yes.

Mònica, volem que ens expliquis quina relació tenies amb l'Arnau Bertran.

Mònica, we want you to tell us what relationship you had with Arnau Bertran.

Era el meu padrastre.

He was my stepfather.

Per què et va trucar la nina? Què volia?

Why did the girl call you? What did she want?

Et volia treure d'aquí.

I wanted to get you out of here.

Quina nina? La teva germana?

Which girl? Your sister?

No he parlat pas amb la teva germana. Ho hauria d'haver fet?

I haven't spoken to your sister. Should I have done that?

Us feu greu del centre? Quin dia?

Do you feel bad about the center? Which day?

Mònica, jo puc marxar d'aquí sempre que vulgui. Et sembla bé si tornem al tema?

Mònica, I can leave here whenever I want. Do you think it's okay if we return to the topic?

L'Arnau Bertran?

Arnau Bertran?



Ja ho sé. És mort. Un suïcidi. Una llàstima. Però què hi farem?

I know. He's dead. A suicide. A pity. But what can we do?

Ens consta que el senyor Bertran va estar casat amb la teva mare.

We understand that Mr. Bertran was married to your mother.

Sí. Puc marxar ja?

Yes. Can I leave now?

No vulguis córrer tant.

Don't want to rush so much.

Ja, que potser necessites que això duri.

Yes, perhaps you need this to last.

Necessito que m'ajudis amb el cas. L'actual parella de l'Arnau també ha desaparegut.

I need you to help me with the case. Arnau's current partner has also disappeared.

A quina hora et recull la nina?

What time does the girl pick you up?



Crec que has de ser fora de la zona de màxima seguretat perquè és l'única forma de sortir d'aquí, oi?

I think you need to be outside the maximum security zone because it's the only way to get out of here, right?

Per això necessites allargar això nostre.

That's why you need to extend this of ours.

Això nostre...

This of ours...

Aniré al gra.

I will get to the point.

Penses que l'Arnau Bertran podria haver mort la seva actual parella i després suïcidar-se?

Do you think that Arnau Bertran could have killed his current partner and then committed suicide?

Podria haver-ho fet, sí.

I could have done it, yes.

I què t'ho fa pensar?

And what makes you think that?

Que té antecedents.

That has a background.

Veig aquí que a la primera declaració, hores després de la mort de la teva mare,

I see here that in the first statement, hours after your mother's death,

ja vas insinuar que l'Arnau podria ser-ne el responsable.

You already hinted that Arnau could be responsible for it.

No ho vaig insinuar.

I didn't imply that.

Per què no se'l va investigar?

Why wasn't he investigated?

Perquè ningú es creu una noia fantasiosa.

Because nobody believes a fanciful girl.

Però ma mare duia les meves sabatilles quan va caure per les escales.

But my mother was wearing my slippers when she fell down the stairs.

Les sabatilles, eh?

The slippers, huh?

No cal que busquis la imatge.

You don't need to search for the image.

M'hauràs de creure.

You will have to believe me.

Et crec.

I believe you.

Continua, sisplau.

Continue, please.

L'Arnau la va matar perquè ella va descobrir què em feia.

Arnau killed her because she discovered what he was doing to me.

I què et feia?

And what did it make you?

L'Arnau Bertran abusava de mi i de la nina.

Arnau Bertran was abusing me and the girl.

Que dur.

How tough.

Necessites que parem?

Do you need us to stop?



Només vull dir que...

I just want to say that...

Ja sabia que s'havia matat.

I already knew that he had killed himself.

Perquè el vaig ajudar.

Because I helped him.

Com que el vas ajudar?

How did you help him?

L'Arnau em va venir a veure.

Arnau came to see me.

Al centre?

In the center?





Això és tot?

Is that all?

Quin dia et va venir a veure?

What day did he/she come to see you?

Fa tres dies.

Three days ago.

I com saps que es volia suïcidar?

And how do you know that he wanted to commit suicide?

T'ho va dir ell?

Did he tell you?

Li vas suggerir tu?

Did you suggest it?

Em va dir que es volia matar.

He told me that he wanted to kill himself.

I jo li vaig facilitar el medicament.

And I provided him with the medication.

I no vas preguntar per què volia fer-ho?

And didn't you ask why I wanted to do it?

M'era igual.

I didn't care.

No volia saber res d'ell.

I didn't want to know anything about him.

Si volia matar-se,

If he wanted to kill himself,

jo podia robar antipsicòtics d'aquests que s'enxufen per vena.

I could steal these antipsychotics that are injected into the vein.

Un moment.

One moment.

T'informo que la conversa està sent gravada.

I inform you that the conversation is being recorded.

Estàs confessant que vas robar medicaments del centre?

Are you confessing that you stole medication from the center?

Suposo que després del que em va fer

I suppose that after what he/she did to me

és comprensible que volgués veure el mort.

It is understandable that he/she wanted to see the dead person.

Podrien culpar-te d'incitació.

They could accuse you of incitement.

A part de robatòria.

Apart from robbery.

N'ets conscient d'això?

Are you aware of this?

Jo no vaig incitar-lo.

I did not incite him.

Només vaig agafar un parell de paquets de xeringues del quartet.

I only grabbed a couple of packets of syringes from the quartet.

Com saps que no ho va fer servir contra algú altre?

How do you know that he didn't use it against someone else?

Les xeringues?

The syringes?

És mort, no?

He's dead, isn't he?

Per sobredosi.

Due to overdose.

Ja saps com les va fer servir?

Do you know how he used them?

Però no localitzem la seva actual parella.

But we cannot locate his/her current partner.

I si també ho va fer servir...

And if he also used it...

Ell està bé. M'ha trucat.

He is fine. He called me.

I no ho dius fins ara?

And you don't say it until now?

Així què? Tot resolt? Puc marxar ja?

So what? Is everything solved? Can I leave now?

No, no. Espera un moment.

No, no. Wait a moment.

Necessito fer una trucada.

I need to make a call.


Thank you.

No deies que havies de fer una trucada?

Didn't you say you had to make a call?

Sí. Quina hora és?

Yes. What time is it?

No ho sé. No tinc rellotge.

I don't know. I don't have a watch.

Algú em podria dir l'hora?

Could someone tell me the time?

Són un quart de cinc de la tarda.

It's a quarter past five in the afternoon.


Thank you.

Tot bé?

Everything okay?



Necessito fumar. Tu fumes, Mònica?

I need to smoke. Do you smoke, Mònica?

Aquí no em deixen.

They don't let me here.

Però fumava, sí.

But he/she smoked, yes.

Et deixaria en acompanyar-me a l'entrada?

Would you let me accompany you to the entrance?

Tu manes, aquí?

Do you rule here?

Doncs som-hi.

So, let's go.



Sí, ara.

Yes, now.

Bé, a buscar-te a dos quarts.

Okay, I'll pick you up at two thirty.

Ai, sempre m'oblido la gravadora.

Oh, I always forget the recorder.

Agent Rodríguez?

Agent Rodríguez?



Deixarem de buscar la Nina.

We will stop looking for Nina.

Però no podem permetre que fugis del centre.

But we can't allow you to run away from the center.

No t'andalïm.

Don't worry.

Això ja ho veurem.

We'll see about that.

Deixem de buscar la Nina.

Let's stop looking for Nina.

Obedient ifreda.

Obedient ifreda.

Escapes d'una vida de veritat.

Escapes from a life of truth.

Estic esfadada per molestar laτικament amb la meva vida.

I am upset for bothering you with my life.

És el Felip Anua.

It is Felip Anua.

Gràcies, Flen hub

Thank you, Flen hub.

I des de avui foxen una revetlla d'enver ionos.

And from today they throw a party of envy ionos.

Em llup.

I am a wolf.


Thank you.

Més notícies jakieś?

More news, any?

Mai no ho sabreu

You will never know.

és un podcast de ficció

it's a fiction podcast

escrit per Emma Mussol

written by Emma Mussol

interpretat per Eva Coll i Lola Sanz

interpreted by Eva Coll and Lola Sanz

disseny sonor a càrrec de

sound design by

José David del Pueyo, Sune

José David del Pueyo, Sune

enregistrat a l'UPA Audio

registered at the UPA Audio

amb la col·laboració de Laura Gonzalvo

with the collaboration of Laura Gonzalvo

i el suport de l'ISEC

and the support of the ISEC

Fins demà!

See you tomorrow!

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