
La Fruiteria

La Fruiteria


La Fruiteria

Què tal, Júlia Blum, com estàs?

How are you, Júlia Blum?

Hola, Maria López.

Hello, Maria López.

Amb moltes ganes de començar, de fet, la segona entrevista de Daliran

Eager to start, in fact, the second interview of Daliran.

a uns artistes que diríem ja que són bips d'aquí de casa nostra,

to some artists that we would say are already locals from our home,

de pick-up, de delirics.

of pick-up, of delirians.

Ells són Bones Twice, el duet que arriba des de Sabadell.

They are Bones Twice, the duet that comes from Sabadell.



Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Epis, eh, tio?

Epis, huh, dude?

La música urbana, que de fet ho està petant ara mateix

Urban music, which is actually blowing up right now.

i ja des de fa molt de temps,

and for a long time now,

i a l'abril amb el seu àlbum debut Ray Vaughn,

and in April with his debut album Ray Vaughn,

que ha estat tot un èxit i ja està sonant a tot arreu.

it has been a great success and is already playing everywhere.

Com esteu, Efren Cairos, Lila Aiden?

How are you, Efren Cairos, Lila Aiden?

Molt bé.

Very good.

Molt bones.

Very good.



Ens fa molta il·lusió estar aquí en aquest programa.

We are very excited to be here in this program.

Hola, Bones Twice.

Hello, Good Twice.

Lila Aiden, que et direm Cris a partir d'ara,

Lila Aiden, we will call you Cris from now on,

però perquè tothom sàpiga, perquè abans amb la Júlia dèiem...

but so that everyone knows, because earlier with Julia we were saying...

Direm Lila Aiden, després direm Cris i diran...

We will say Lila Aiden, then we will say Cris and they will say...

Clar, és una mica bizarro.

Sure, it's a bit bizarre.

De fet, això és una cosa que sempre em passa.

In fact, this is something that always happens to me.

Fa poc, quan vam estar a l'Apolo, em passava que em deien

Not long ago, when we were at the Apolo, I was told that

quin és el teu nom?

What is your name?

I a Cris, no, no, però tu Aka, o tu...

And Cris, no, no, but you Aka, or you...

Tu, un home d'artista, no...

You, an artist man, no...

Com que no relaciono amb cares.

As I don't associate with faces.

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