46. Avui fas 16 anys - Perfect - Ed sheeran - Cançó personalitzada

Mateu Peramiquel i Mar Puig

El Teu Concert - Tu Concierto

46. Avui fas 16 anys - Perfect - Ed sheeran - Cançó personalitzada

El Teu Concert - Tu Concierto

Hola, bon dia, benvinguts a un nou episodi del Teu Concert.

Hello, good morning, welcome to a new episode of Your Concert.

Soc el Mateu Pere Miquel i això és el podcast de El Teu Concert,

I am Mateu Pere Miquel and this is the podcast of El Teu Concert.

un projecte on acostem la música en directe a les cases de la gent.

a project where we bring live music to people's homes.

I en aquest podcast trobeu tant les versions que interpretem en directe

In this podcast, you will find both the versions we perform live.

com també les cançons personalitzades que recentment estic pujant als últims episodis

as well as the personalized songs that I have recently been uploading in the latest episodes

perquè m'agrada molt compartir-les i són cançons on personalitzem la lletra

because I really enjoy sharing them and they are songs where we personalize the lyrics

perquè hi ha gent que vol regalar un regal únic i fer-ho emotiu

because there are people who want to give a unique gift and make it emotionally significant

i guardar com aquella petita història per sempre a través d'una cançó

and keep it like that little story forever through a song

i nosaltres doncs ens encanta fer aquestes cançons i ens encanta fer aquests regals

And we then love to make these songs and we love to make these gifts.

i encara més ens encanta interpretar-les en directe el dia del concert,

and we absolutely love performing them live on concert day,

el dia de la vostra celebració.

the day of your celebration.

Avui us porto una cançó d'una persona o d'una família molt especial

Today I bring you a song from a very special person or family.

perquè jo recordo molt el dia, jo estava al Teatre Poliorama

because I remember the day very well, I was at the Poliorama Theatre

fent la presentació del nostre espectacle, que si no ho sabem,

making the presentation of our show, which if we don't know it,



la Mar i jo, els fundadors del teu concert,

Mar and I, the founders of your concert,

també ens dediquem a fer espectacles de teatre musical

we also dedicate ourselves to producing musical theater shows.

i estàvem presentant el nostre nou espectacle

and we were presenting our new show

que podreu veure al Teatre Poliorama el mes de març del 2025,

which you will be able to see at the Poliorama Theatre in March 2025,

encara que de temps, si escolteu aquest programa abans,

even though you have time, if you listen to this program beforehand,

doncs estàvem presentant i rebo una trucada, allò entre cametes,

so we were presenting and I receive a call, that in between

dic, ostres, ara pot ser un client o una clienta i estic ocupat

I say, wow, now it could be a client and I'm busy.

i no l'hi vaig agafar.

and I didn't take it from him/her.

I de cop torno a trucar.

And suddenly I call again.

Quan ja estic acabant, torno a trucar, dic, hola, tinc una trucada seva.

When I am almost done, I call again, I say, hello, I have a call from you.

I em diu, ai, sí, i em va respondre una dona,

And she said to me, oh, yes, and a woman answered me,

dient, escolta, com estàs, Mateu? Ja em coneixia.

saying, listen, how are you, Mateu? You already knew me.

I jo, uà, no sé qui ets ara mateix.

And me, wow, I don't know who you are right now.

Diu, sóc la iaia Asunción.

She says, I am grandma Asunción.

Dic, ostres, iaia Asunción.

I say, wow, grandma Asunción.

No sabia que tenia una iaia Asunción.

I didn't know I had a grandmother Asunción.

La meva àvia es diu Montserrat

My grandmother's name is Montserrat.

i l'altra, el Cel sigui, es deia Carmela.

And the other, Heaven willing, was named Carmela.

Diu, no, no, jo sóc la iaia Asunción per tothom.

She says, no, no, I am Grandma Asunción to everyone.

I dic, ah, fantàstic.

I say, ah, fantastic.

Fantàstic, iaia Asunción.

Fantastic, grandma Asunción.

Doncs, iaia Asunción guardada al WhatsApp com a iaia Asunción.

Well, grandma Asunción saved on WhatsApp as grandma Asunción.

Us ho prometo.

I promise you.

I una dona tan aixerida i tan trempada i tan fantàstica

And a woman so lively, so spirited, and so fantastic.

em va dir, escolta, us he vist per l'internet

He told me, listen, I have seen you on the internet.

i vull que vingueu a fer un concert a casa meva

I want you to come and do a concert at my house.

el dia de l'aniversari de la meva neta, Nuri, que fa 16 anys.

the birthday of my granddaughter, Nuri, who is turning 16 years old.

I vull això, que vingueu i que canteu tot això magnífic que feu.

I want this, for you to come and sing all this magnificent stuff that you do.

Escolta, va ser tan emotiu, va ser tan fantàstica aquesta trucada.

Listen, it was so emotional, that call was so fantastic.

Em va fer tanta il·lusió parlar amb la iaia Asunción

It made me so happy to talk with Grandma Asunción.

que el dia que la vaig conèixer,

the day I met her,

no sé, va ser com si ja la conegués i va ser fantàstic, de veritat.

I don't know, it was as if I already knew her and it was fantastic, truly.

Jo, quan tinc la sort de treballar amb aquesta gent,

I, when I have the luck to work with these people,

amb aquests clients que teniu tantes ganes de celebrar la vida

with these clients who are so eager to celebrate life

i que vinguem i de formar part de la vostra història

and that we come and be part of your history

i de la vostra família,

and of your family,

perquè esteu compartint el vostre moment més íntim,

because you are sharing your most intimate moment,

jo recordo, la festa era amb la família, els amics de la Nuri,

I remember, the party was with family, Nuri's friends.

i en total que eren 20 persones.

And in total there were 20 people.

Estàvem allà, la mare i jo,

We were there, my mother and I,

interpretant les cançons preferides que havien escollit,

interpreting the favorite songs they had chosen,

del repertori.

of the repertoire.

I va ser molt maco, perquè, ostres,

It was very nice, because, wow,

ens vau fer partíceps del vostre dia especial, no?

you made us part of your special day, didn't you?

I sempre ho recordarem.

And we will always remember it.

Doncs la iaia Asunción sempre la recordaré,

Well, I will always remember Grandma Asunción,

la tinc al WhatsApp gravada i de tant en tant li escric

I have her saved on WhatsApp and every now and then I write to her.

Ei, iaia Asunción, com va?

Hey, Grandma Asunción, how's it going?

Com va tot? Com va l'estiu?

How is everything going? How is summer?

En fi, em va fer molta il·lusió.

Well, it made me very happy.

Doncs aquesta cançó és una cançó que em van demanar

Well, this song is a song that I was asked for.

la iaia Asunción i la mare de la Nuri,

grandma Asunción and Nuri's mother,

que és la filla de l'Asunción, intueixo.

that is Asunción's daughter, I suspect.

Ara ja no sé si és la filla,

Now I don't know if it's the daughter,

o era el fill, el de l'Asunción,

or was it the son, the one from Asunción,

però en qualsevol cas, una família molt unida.

but in any case, a very close-knit family.

Entre tots em van demanar

They all asked me.

la cançó personalitzada

the personalized song

en la base de Perfect,

at the base of Perfect,

de l'Ed Sheeran, que és una de les cançons

of Ed Sheeran, which is one of the songs

que li agrada més a la Nuri,

what Nuri likes the most,

que aquell dia feia 16 anys

that day I turned 16 years old

i van voler-li fer un recorregut

and they wanted to give him a tour

per la seva vida i pel que havia significat

for his life and for what it had meant

l'arribada de la Nuri

the arrival of Nuri

a la vida d'aquesta família,

in the life of this family,

de la iaia Asunción i de la mare i del pare

from Grandma Asunción and from mom and dad

de la Nuri.

of Nuri.

Així que un record des d'aquí,

So a memory from here,

si m'esteu escoltant,

if you are listening to me,

va ser un concert molt maco

It was a very beautiful concert.

i, de fet, la foto final

and, in fact, the final photo

que vam fer allà a casa vostra,

what we did there at your house,

que era allà per Sagaró,

that was there for S'Agaró,

Sant Feliu de Guíxols, exacte,

Sant Feliu de Guíxols, exactly,

és brutal. Una casa on estava

It's brutal. A house where I was.

posant una mica l'alçada

putting a little height

i es veia un paisatge meravellós.

And a wonderful landscape could be seen.

És la millor foto final

It's the best final photo.

del teu concert que hem fet mai.

of your concert that we have ever done.

De veritat, les vistes

Really, the views.

amb un sol espaterrant, en ple estiu,

with a blinding sun, in mid-summer,

meravellós, meravellós.

wonderful, wonderful.

De veritat que ho guardo sempre en el record

I truly always keep it in my memory.

i va ser molt bonic.

It was very beautiful.

Una abraçada ben forta.

A big hug.

Espero veure'ns ben aviat

I hope to see you very soon.

amb vosaltres, Nuri, Asunción,

with you, Nuri, Asunción,

tota la família.

the whole family.

I a tots els oients, si voleu

And to all the listeners, if you want.

una experiència com aquesta

an experience like this

d'acostar la música en directe,

to bring live music closer,

però no només la música, sinó l'emoció

but not just the music, but the emotion

i el record, perquè la música

and the memory, because of the music

té la màgia de guardar-ho

it has the magic of keeping it

per sempre en el record i en la vostra memòria

forever in the memory and in your thoughts

un moment únic i especial

a unique and special moment

en un dia de celebració especial.

on a special celebration day.

Per tots vosaltres, aquesta cançó

For all of you, this song

personalitzada per la Nuri.

personalized by Nuri.

Una abraçada.

A hug.

Ja fa setze anys

It has been sixteen years.

que vas arribar

that you arrived

vas capgirar-ho tot

you turned it all upside down

ens vas fer somiar

you made us dream

al secador

to the dryer

les nits ens vas salvar

the nights saved us

de ben petit ens feies riure

From a very young age, you made us laugh.

i això no ha canviat

and this has not changed

a poc a poc et vas anar

little by little you started to go

i et vas deixar

and you let yourself go

fent gran

growing up

vas començar a parlar

you started to talk

les happy hours

the happy hours

amb els pares

with the parents

vuit pedres dits

eight so-called stones

del nas

from the nose

i tu amb només

and you with only

dos anys

two years

a l'escenari

on stage

vas pujar

you went up

que per molts anys

may you have many more years

puguis fer-te

you can become



amb tots al teu voltant

with everyone around you

veient com fa reals

seeing how he/she/it makes real

tots aquells somnis somiats

all those dreamed dreams

i els problemes solucions

and the problems solutions

omplim la vida d'il·lusions

let's fill life with dreams

com sempre

as always

al final

at the end

tot surt bé

everything turns out well

I estem orgullosos de la persona que has creat,

And we are proud of the person you have created,

treballadora, responsable, bona estudiant i creativa.

hardworking, responsible, good student, and creative.

I una fan dels musicals, del teatre i de la música, no et canses mai.

And as a fan of musicals, theater, and music, you never get tired.

I ets bona amiga dels teus amics, alguns des de petits,

And you are a good friend to your friends, some since childhood,

junts heu anat creixent plegats.

together you have grown together.

I la família és el que t'estimes més,

And family is what you love the most,

compartint moments especials,

sharing special moments,

que per molts anys puguis fer-te gran,

may you grow up for many more years,

amb tots al teu voltant,

with everyone around you,

veient com fas reals tots aquells somnis somiats

seeing how you make all those dreamed dreams come true

i els problemes solucions,

and the problems solutions,

omplint la vida d'il·lusions com sempre.

filling life with illusions as always.

Al final tot surt bé.

In the end, everything turns out well.

Que per molts anys puguis fer-te gran,

May you grow up for many years to come,

amb tots al teu voltant,

with everyone around you,

veient com fas reals tots aquells somnis somiats

seeing how you make all those dreamed dreams come true

i els problemes solucions,

and the problems solutions,

omplint la vida d'il·lusions com sempre.

filling life with dreams as always.

Al final tot surt bé.

In the end, everything turns out well.

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