99. Bulgària

Jan Pedrol i Àlex Pedrol

El Dia Blanc

99. Bulgària

El Dia Blanc

Bon dia a tots i totes, benvinguts, benvingudes al Dia Blanc, un podcast de...

Good morning everyone, welcome to the White Day, a podcast about...

I amb Pedro Almillán.

And with Pedro Almillán.

I de...

And of...

És Pedro González.

It's Pedro González.

I avui...

And today...

I unes veus fondes d'aquí amb Pedro Almillán.

And some deep voices from here with Pedro Almillán.

Tens raó. I avui és un episodi especial, és l'episodi número 99.

You are right. And today is a special episode, it is episode number 99.

Estem a dia 21 de setembre de 2024 i és l'episodi número 99.

It is September 21, 2024, and it is episode number 99.

I per què és especial, Jan? Avui, què posarem?

And why is it special, Jan? Today, what will we wear?

Els mini-podcasts d'un i dos minuts de Bulgària.

The one and two-minute mini-podcasts from Bulgaria.

I de Roma.

And from Rome.

Vam avisar que a Bulgària vam gravar cada nit o cada tarda-vespre un minut o a vegades dos minuts

We warned that in Bulgaria we recorded every night or every afternoon-evening for a minute or sometimes two minutes.

del que havíem fet durant el dia i ho hem agrupat tot i ho posarem, si et sembla, Jan.

of what we had done during the day and we have grouped it all together and we will put it, if you think so, Jan.



Alguna cosa que vols dir?

Is there something you want to say?





Què us agradarà?

What will you like?

Bé, ja veureu si us agrada i ara tornem, d'acord?

Well, you'll see if you like it and now we're coming back, okay?

Bé, ara, d'aquí una estona. Adéu.

Well, now, see you in a bit. Goodbye.

Agafem un avió?

Shall we take a plane?



Hola, avui és dia 16 d'agost i avui anirem...

Hello, today is August 16th and today we will go...

Anem a Bulgària.

Let's go to Bulgaria.

Bé, és molt xulo perquè és molt divertit, Bulgària, i bé, des de Barcelona hem anat amb un avió fins a Sofia

Well, it's very cool because it's a lot of fun, Bulgaria, and well, from Barcelona we flew by plane to Sofia.

i a Sofia hem llogat un cotxe i d'aquell cotxe hem anat fins a Plotdiv...

Sofia and I have rented a car and from that car we went to Plovdiv...

Amb una pedra pamplona. Plotdiv.

With a stone Pamplona. Plotdiv.

Plotdiv i després hem anat a aquest apartament.

Plotdiv and then we went to this apartment.

Ara estem en un apartament que a mi m'agrada molt, jo crec que és molt bonic i, bueno,

Now we are in an apartment that I really like; I think it is very beautiful, and well,

hem menjat un menjar molt bo, amb uns fingers molt bons i, bueno, espero que us agradi. Adéu.

We have eaten a very good meal, with some very good fingers, and, well, I hope you like it. Goodbye.

Hola, avui és dia 17 d'agost, doncs avui hem esmorzat aquí a casa i hem anat cap al centre

Hello, today is August 17th, so today we had breakfast here at home and went to the center.

que hi havia coses romanes i coses que m'han agradat molt.

there were Roman things and things that I liked very much.

I avui és el primer dia sencer de Plotdiv.

And today is the first full day of Plotdiv.

Què és el que t'ha agradat més del que has vist?

What did you like the most about what you saw?

Les cases romanes.

The Romanesque houses.

I mentrestant, el Quim i jo parlàvem d'un massatge que hem fet ara fa pocs minuts el papa i la mama, d'una història molt xula.

In the meantime, Quim and I were talking about a massage that Dad and Mom just gave us a few minutes ago, a really cool story.

Ara ho explicarem. I després, a la tarda, què hem visitat?

Now we will explain it. And then, in the afternoon, what have we visited?

Hem visitat coses molt xules, un pont, que hi havia carretera a dalt i hem passat per baix i hi havia un lleó pintat.

We have visited some very cool things, a bridge, which had a road on top and we passed underneath, and there was a painted lion.

I després hem anat a un barri.

And then we went to a neighborhood.

Que hi havia tot de cafeteries. Digues, digues.

There were a lot of cafes. Go on, go on.

Sí, era molt divertit i hi havia unes coses d'aigua que el Quim i jo tota l'estona volíem estar allà. Adéu.

Yes, it was very fun and there were some water things that Quim and I wanted to be there all the time. Goodbye.

Hola, avui és dia 18 d'agost, avui hem esmorzat i hem anat cap a les afores de Plotdiv a veure un monestir molt xulo.

Hello, today is August 18th, today we had breakfast and went to the outskirts of Plovdiv to see a very cool monastery.

Que es diu Bacobo?

What is Bacobo called?



Després hem vist...

Afterwards, we saw...

Després hem pujat a un lloc d'allà...

Afterwards we went up to a place over there...

A una muntanya?

To a mountain?

No, que hi havia una font, animals...

No, there was a fountain, animals...

Després ens hem anat cap a un lloc, hi havia una muntanya...

Later we went to a place, there was a mountain...

Hi havia una fortalesa d'accent.

There was a strong accent.



I hem tornat, no?

And we have returned, haven't we?

Sí, hem tornat aquí. Després hem dinat pasta que hem comprat al Vila, que és el mercat del centre comercial que tenim aquí.

Yes, we have come back here. Then we had pasta for lunch that we bought at Vila, which is the market in the shopping center we have here.

I què has fet tu amb la mama després?

And what did you do with mom afterwards?

Després hem anat la mama i jo a fer un passeig i...

Afterward, my mom and I went for a walk and...

Per l'Old Town.

Through the Old Town.

Sí, per l'Old Town, perquè volíem mirar una cosa però al final no l'hem pogut mirar perquè era l'únic lloc on es podia mirar i hi havia molts errors.

Yes, for the Old Town, because we wanted to see something but in the end we couldn't look at it because it was the only place where it could be viewed and there were many errors.

Després hem anat al Lleó, a un Lleó a fer-nos un selfie.

Afterwards we went to the Lion, to a Lion to take a selfie.

Avui ens hem fet una foto amb el Lleó aquell que us hem explicat d'ahir.

Today we took a photo with that Lion we told you about yesterday.

Després hem anat a sopar i després hem anat aquí al departament.

Afterwards, we went to have dinner and then we came here to the department.

No, departament no, a l'apartament.

No, department no, to the apartment.

Bueno, em diu que estic molt cansat.

Well, it tells me that I am very tired.

Hola, avui és dia 19 d'agost, doncs avui hem marxat de Plotif i hem anat a Xipca, que hi havia una cosa, una església i un parc per mi i per mi que hem fet unes coses.

Hello, today is August 19th, so today we left Plotif and went to Xipca, where there was something, a church and a park for me and for me that we did some things.

Després hem anat a veure un museu, després hem anat a veure una cosa d'un òpni.

After that, we went to see a museum, then we went to see something about a UFO.

És com una cosa d'un òpni molt abandonada.

It's like something from a very abandoned sci-fi.

Li diuen l'òpni, no?, i és un monument, una estructura que van crear durant el comunisme i ara està...

They call it the opni, right?, and it is a monument, a structure that was created during communism and now it is...

Què és el comunisme?

What is communism?

Buf, amb un minut que tenim cada dia no es pot explicar.

Phew, with just a minute that we have each day, it can't be explained.

I quan va caure el mur el 89, doncs va quedar superabandonat i què t'ha semblat aquesta estructura que semblava un òpni?

And when the wall fell in 89, it was left super abandoned and what did you think of this structure that looked like a UFO?

Què diries?

What would you say?

M'ha agradat molt.

I liked it very much.

I quina forma té?

And what shape does it have?

Té un òpni que darrere té com...

It has a back that looks like...

Saps? És com un quadradet.

You know? It's like a small square.

L'òpni hi ha darrere, hi ha com una estructura tota quadrada però, o sigui...

The UFO is behind, there is like a completely square structure but, I mean...

Però no està.

But it is not.

No està. I després hem anat a Cazanla, que és on estem nosaltres ara, que ho farem servir durant tres dies de ciutat...

He isn't here. And then we went to Cazanla, which is where we are now, and we will be using it as a city for three days...

Però ja està, menys o menys.

But that's it, more or less.

Menys o menys. De ciutat base, no? I a la tarda què hem fet pel poble?

More or less. A base city, right? And what have we done in the village in the afternoon?

Hem anat a visitar unes coses que hi havia aquí en un parc.

We went to visit some things that were here in a park.

Sí, però no...

Yes, but no...

I hem sopat i on estem ara?

And we have had dinner, and where are we now?

Ara estem aquí fent coses aquí millor, jugant. Bueno, adeu!

Now we are here doing better things here, playing. Well, goodbye!

Hola, avui estem a Cazanla i estem ara gravant perquè avui hem passat moltes coses xules.

Hello, today we are in Cazanla and we are currently recording because we have experienced a lot of cool things today.

Ho faré des del principi, d'acord?

I will do it from the beginning, okay?

Avui hem anat a Bellicota Arnovo.

Today we went to Bellicota Arnovo.

Que jo... Ens han donat un mapa i llavors hi havia com molts llocs, uns ponts, moltes figures xules

That I... They gave us a map and then there were like many places, some bridges, many cool figures.

i ens hem fet moltes fotos per allà i cases i era superbonic.

And we took a lot of pictures there and in the houses, and it was super beautiful.

I també hi havia unes muralles per l'Anorcastell que ens ho hem passat genial i hem fet moltes fotos.

And there were also some walls for the Anorcastell where we had a great time and took many photos.

I després hem anat... Bueno, sí, després m'hem fet unes coses perquè m'he fet unes fotos tan xules

And then we went... Well, yes, then we did some things because I took some really cool photos.

que m'han encantat.

that I have loved.

Després hem anat a dinar.

Afterwards, we went to lunch.

Després, com ha plogut tant, el papa ens ha vingut a...

Afterwards, since it has rained so much, the pope has come to...

He anat a buscar el cotxe, no?

I went to get the car, didn't I?

I m'he mullat, que m'he hagut de canviar la samarreta dintre el cotxe.

I got wet, because I had to change my shirt inside the car.

Sí, l'altre l'hem fet servir perquè aquí potser li mulles tan sol de vegades.

Yes, the other one we have used because here you might just get it wet sometimes.

I bueno, després hem anat per un parc, després a la tarda i hem anat fent vols per Bellicota Arnovo

And well, afterwards we went through a park, then in the afternoon we made flights over Bellicota Arnovo.

perquè després hem anat a sopar.

because then we went to dinner.

I fins aquí.

And until here.

Bueno, adéu, que jo estic molt cansat i vull dormir d'una vegada.

Well, goodbye, because I am very tired and I want to sleep once and for all.

Bueno, adéu, eh?

Well, goodbye, huh?

Hola, avui és dia 21 d'agost i avui hem anat a un lloc que no me'l recordo com es diu...

Hello, today is August 21st and today we went to a place whose name I can't remember...

Però espera't, digues on estem, on hem arribat avui?

But wait, tell me where we are, where have we arrived today?

A Sofia.

To Sofia.

Ara estem a Sofia, un balcó que tenim que està plovent bastant, eh?

Now we are in Sofia, a balcony we have that is raining quite a lot, huh?

Jo diria que una miqueta.

I would say just a little bit.

Però bueno, digues, digues.

But well, go on, tell me.



Digues, però com es deia el lloc que hem anat abans de Sofia?

Tell me, what was the place we went to before Sofia?

Sí, espera, hem sortit del nostre hotel de Cazanlac i hem arribat a Sofia.

Yes, wait, we have left our hotel in Kazanlak and arrived in Sofia.

I hem parat al mig d'un poble que què?

And we have stopped in the middle of a village that what?

Que no me'l recordo com es deia.

I don't remember what it was called.

No te'n recordes com es deia el poble?

Don't you remember what the village was called?



Tenia un nom molt complicat.

He had a very complicated name.

Ho saps?

Do you know?

Copribix... ja, o alguna cosa així, no sé com es pronuncia.

Copribix... yes, or something like that, I don't know how it's pronounced.

És un poble que està a mig camí, no?

It's a town that is halfway, isn't it?



I què t'ha semblat?

And what did you think of it?

Bé, era molt bonic.

Well, it was very beautiful.

L'únic que no m'agrada és que hi havia un gos i nosaltres, com que teníem molta gana,

The only thing I don't like is that there was a dog and we, since we were very hungry,

que si no havíem esmorzat, llavors ens perseguia perquè estàvem menjant pallitos de sal.

that if we hadn't had breakfast, then it would chase us because we were eating breadsticks.

I era un poble que com eren les cases d'aquest poble?

It was a village, and what were the houses in this village like?

Súper boniques.

Super beautiful.

I també hi havia com museus, però nosaltres no ens volem complicar la vida.

And there were also things like museums, but we don't want to complicate our lives.

No, i a part també hi havia com uns ponts.

No, and besides, there were also some bridges.

Era un poble com enfonsat en una vall, súper guapo.

It was a village as if sunk in a valley, super beautiful.

Ens ha fet una miqueta de poc sol avui.

It has been a little sunny today.



I abans d'agafar el cotxe...

And before getting in the car...

Hem passat el matí allà.

We spent the morning there.



Després és que on heu anat abans d'agafar el cotxe vosaltres?

Where did you go before taking the car?



Hem anat a un parc.

We have gone to a park.

Després hem agafat el cotxe i ja hem anat cap a on?

Then we took the car and headed where?

On estem?

Where are we?

Cap a Sofia.

Towards Sofia.

Cap a Sofia, oi que sí?

Towards Sofia, right?

Hem agafat avui el metro de Sofia i res.

We took the metro in Sofia today and nothing.

Hem sopat unes coses de pollastre, tots.

We all had some chicken for dinner.



I ara estem aquí de Terrassa gravant.

And now we are here in Terrassa recording.

Està ploguent una miqueta, estem veient la pluja.

It's raining a little, we are seeing the rain.

Farem una partida a...

We're going to have a game of...

Al virus.

To the virus.

I anirem a...

We will go to...

3 o 2.

3 or 2.

No, que anirem on anirem després del virus?

No, where will we go after the virus?

Dormir, dormir.

Sleep, sleep.

A part...




Hola, avui és 22 d'agost i hem sortit molt d'hora avui al matí

Hello, today is August 22nd and we left very early this morning.

i hem anat al monestir de Rila, que és un lloc molt bonic d'un monestir

And we went to the Rila Monastery, which is a very beautiful place of a monastery.

i ens he fet moltes fotos gracioses allà.

And I've taken many funny photos there.

Perquè teníeu la boca... Heu menjat unes caletes de xocolata?

Why did you have your mouth... Have you eaten some chocolate treats?

Sí, oreos.

Yes, Oreos.

Unes oreos, i teníeu la boca bastant bruta.

Some Oreos, and you had quite a dirty mouth.

Com és aquest monestir? On estava? Al mig d'on?

What is this monastery like? Where was it? In the middle of where?

D'unes muntades?

About some mounts?

D'unes muntanyes, no?

From some mountains, right?

Sí, això.

Yes, that.

I bé, ens ha agradat molt.

And well, we liked it very much.

És dels llocs més visitats de Bulgària.

It is one of the most visited places in Bulgaria.



I creiem que val molt la pena, és superguapo.

And we believe it's really worth it, it's super cool.

Sí, és superbonica.

Yes, it is super beautiful.

Per pots entrar a llocs i és genial.

You can enter places and it's great.

Té unes formes superboniques.

It has super beautiful shapes.

I uns colors molt macos.

And some very beautiful colors.



Després hem agafat el cotxe una altra vegada.

Then we took the car again.



I hem anat fins a on?

And we have gone up to where?

Hem agafat el cotxe i hem anat als Seven Lakes, que són els set llacs, oi?

We took the car and went to the Seven Lakes, which are the seven lakes, right?

Sí, unes muntanyes.

Yes, some mountains.

Unes muntanyes.

Some mountains.

Que tenen...

What do they have...

Els set llacs. Nosaltres hem vist tres.

The seven lakes. We have seen three.

Ui, quin soroll aquí fora, oi?

Oh, what a noise out here, right?



Bé, és igual. Com has pujat a aquestes muntanyes?

Well, it doesn't matter. How did you climb these mountains?

Amb un telecadira, que és la cosa que més m'ha agradat de Bulgària.

With a chairlift, which is the thing I liked the most about Bulgaria.

De moment és el que més t'ha agradat, aquest telecadira?

For the moment, is this chairlift the one you liked the most?

Sí, sí, de Bulgària. Ara vaig dir, de Bulgària no, de Sofia.

Yes, yes, from Bulgaria. Now I said, not from Bulgaria, but from Sofia.

Ah, sí, Sofia és la capital.

Ah, yes, Sofia is the capital.

I què hem fet per les muntanyes aquestes?

And what have we done for these mountains?

Hem caminat molt, eh?

We've walked a lot, haven't we?

Me n'hem descansat també molt, perquè només una passa i et cantes.

We have also rested a lot, because just one step and you start singing.

Ah, perquè hi havia molta pujada i les vistes eren espectaculars.

Ah, because there was a lot of uphill and the views were spectacular.



Hi havia els llacs...

There were the lakes...

Jo crec que val la pena.

I believe it's worth it.

T'has fet molts selfies amb la mama?

Have you taken a lot of selfies with mom?



Això t'ha fet molta gràcia, oi?

That made you laugh a lot, didn't it?



I el telecadira amb qui anaves?

And the chairlift you were going with?

Amb la mama.

With mom.

I només us escoltava la mama i a tu parlar? Déu-n'hi-do.

And was it just your mom and you that I heard talking? Goodness.

Quina xerrameca que tenies.

What a chatter you had.

I després de les muntanyes ja feia... començava a fer una miqueta de mal dia, no ens ha plogut?

And after the mountains, it was already... starting to turn into a bit of a bad day, hasn’t it rained on us?



Però hem agafat el telecadira i hem anat cap a baix, cap a l'hotel.

But we took the chairlift and went down towards the hotel.

Bueno, a l'hotel no, cap a l'apartament aquest d'aquí.

Well, not to the hotel, but to the apartment over there.

Allà ens hem preparat una mica les coses i després hem anat a portar el cotxe.

There we prepared things a bit and then we went to take the car.

Ai, estàs una mica trist, que m'ha abandonat el cotxe ja.

Oh, you seem a little sad; my car has already broken down.

Sí, jo ho dic perquè ja avui no tornarem a l'hotel, ah, ja a l'hotel, a l'apartament.

Yes, I say it because today we won't return to the hotel, ah, to the hotel, to the apartment.

No, sí que tornarem a l'apartament però sense cotxe.

No, we will return to the apartment but without a car.

Ara ens queden dos dies per Sofia, però ja no necessitem el cotxe i l'hem tornat a la companyia de lloguer, oi que sí?

Now we have two days left for Sofia, but we no longer need the car and we have returned it to the rental company, right?



L'hem niat, però l'hem niat.

We've drowned it, but we've drowned it.

Ah, hola, avui és dia 25.

Ah, hello, today is the 25th.

3 d'agost, i avui és l'últim dia que estem aquí a Sofia i a Bulgària,

August 3rd, and today is the last day we are here in Sofia and in Bulgaria.

perquè demà agafem l'avió al matí i al migdia en principi hauríem d'estar a Roma.

because tomorrow we're taking the plane in the morning and in principle, we should be in Rome by noon.

Avui hem anat a visitar més el centre, unes fonts molt calentes, després...

Today we went to visit more of the center, some very hot springs, then...

Una catedral.

A cathedral.

Sí, després hem anat a dinar pasta a l'apartament, després hem mirat més coses pel centre.

Yes, then we went for pasta lunch at the apartment, and afterwards we looked at more things around the center.

Què hem vist pel centre? Moltes què que a tu t'agraden molt?

What have we seen in the center? Many things that you really like?

Runes i unes coses de Roma que a mi m'agraden molt.

Runes and some things from Rome that I really like.

Els romans, que havíem fet els romans.

The Romans, who had made us the Romans.

Sí, demà hi haurà encara molt més, jo crec, i bueno...

Yes, tomorrow there will be even more, I believe, and well...

I per què has dit que l'hem liat? Ah, i hem anat a sopar a un lloc búlgar, un clubat tot de coses búlgares, oi que sí?

And why did you say that we messed it up? Ah, and we went to dinner at a Bulgarian place, a club full of Bulgarian things, right?



I per què has dit que l'hem liat? On estem ara?

And why did you say we messed it up? Where are we now?

Perquè havíem d'agafar un metro cap a un altre lloc.

Because we had to take a subway to another place.

I l'hem agafat cap a l'altra direcció?

And have we taken it in the other direction?

Cap a la dreta l'havíem d'agafar i l'hem agafat d'una altra direcció.

To the right, we were supposed to take it, and we took it from another direction.

I l'hem agafat cap a l'esquerra.

And we've taken it to the left.

I ara estem agafant un altre metro per tornar on havíem d'anar,

And now we are taking another subway to go back to where we were supposed to go.

i des d'allà agafarem un altre metro per anar on havíem d'anar.

And from there we will take another subway to go where we needed to go.



Bon dia, més ben dit bona nit.

Good morning, or rather good night.

Avui ja estic en un nou país que és Roma, bueno, Itàlia.

Today I am in a new country which is Rome, well, Italy.



Sí, Itàlia, que Roma és la capital.

Yes, Italy, whose capital is Rome.

I bueno, avui hem agafat...

And well, today we took...

Hem agafat amb l'avió i des d'allà hem anat a Roma.

We took a flight and from there we went to Rome.

Primer hem anat a menjar un gelat jo de xocolata.

First, we went to eat an ice cream, I had chocolate.

Primer de tot, com ha anat el viatge?

First of all, how was the trip?



Has fet una miqueta el ruc a l'avió o no?

Did you act a little silly on the plane or not?

Què has fet?

What have you done?

M'he agafat l'antifàs i feia que no veia res.

I put on the mask and it made it so I couldn't see anything.

I hem arribat a Roma, he agafat un taxi que ens ha portat

We have arrived in Rome, I took a taxi that took us.

a un apartament que tenim aquí al centre, centre, centre.

to an apartment that we have here in the center, center, center.



Però què passa? No ens han deixat... Fins a les tres no ens han pogut obrir.

But what's happening? They haven't let us... They couldn't open for us until three.

I què hem decidit? Que menjàvem què?

And what have we decided? What were we eating?

Unes coses que vosaltres vau mirar i ara les hem menjat,

Some things that you looked at and now we have eaten.

que estaven bastant bones, he de dir, les dues pastes.

I have to say, both pastries were quite good.

Una pasta que tenia més pebre, aquesta no us ha agradat tant,

A pasta that had more pepper, you didn't like this one as much.

i una altra. Sí que us ha agradat el postre.

And another one. You really liked the dessert.

Sí, que era gelat.

Yes, it was ice cream.

Ara, fèiem una miqueta la nota perquè ens hem assegut

Now, we were making a little note because we have sat down.

per allà a Plaça Espanya, sobre les maletes, no?

over there at Plaça Espanya, about the suitcases, right?



I hem dinat a sobre de les maletes. Una miqueta estrany tot.

We had lunch on top of the suitcases. A little strange, everything.

I després el gelat que vam dir que a Roma en faríem un...

And then the ice cream that we said we would have in Rome...



No? I de moment hem complert.

No? And for now we have fulfilled.

Però no hem fet un avui, hem fet dos.

But we haven't made one today, we've made two.

Bueno, jo ho explicaré més endavant, més del dia.

Well, I will explain it more later, more in the day.

Hem fet dos gelats. Sí.

We have made two ice creams. Yes.

I després hem anat, bueno, hem anat a l'hotel que hi ha

And then we went, well, we went to the hotel that is there.

per fer el gelat obert, i hem fet una minisiesta.

to make the open ice cream, and we took a mini siesta.

I després hem anat a la botiga de la Roma que estava aquí a prop.

And then we went to the Rome shop that was nearby.

De futbol, perquè al papa li agradava molt la Roma, oi?

About football, because the pope really liked Rome, right?

Jo he vingut a veure partits de la Roma aquí a Itàlia.

I have come to see matches of Roma here in Italy.

Sí? Un cap de setmana, a veure un partit i tornar, una vegada.

Yes? A weekend, to watch a match and come back, once.

I després hem anat a la gelateria que teníem apuntada, que es diu Joliti.

And then we went to the ice cream shop that we had noted down, called Joliti.



Que ens ha agradat molt el gelat.

We really liked the ice cream.

Ja m'has fet el que volia dir, eh?

You've already done what I wanted to say, huh?

I després hem anat...

And then we went...

De què t'has menjat el gelat, tu?

What have you eaten the ice cream with?

De... com aquest matí.

From... like this morning.

Sí? De què era? De nozzola, no?

Yes? What was it about? About nozzola, right?



Hola, avui encara seguim a Roma i és dia 25 d'agost.

Hello, today we are still in Rome and it is August 25th.

Què hem fet aquest matí?

What have we done this morning?

Ens hem llevat bastant d'hora i hem anat a la Fontana de Trebia

We got up quite early and went to the Trebia Fountain.

a tirar una moneda del revés.

to flip a coin.

Perquè això vol dir que tornaràs a Roma.

Because this means that you will return to Rome.

Llavors no vam anar el primer dia perquè hi havia una boda i hi havia molta gent.

So we didn't go the first day because there was a wedding and there were a lot of people.

I després hem anat a menjar un croissant de pistatxo que estava boníssim.

And then we went to eat a pistachio croissant that was delicious.

A mi m'han deixat mossegar molt poc i m'he enfadat una miqueta, eh?

I have been bitten very little and I got a little angry, okay?

Sí, que t'has enfadat una miqueta.

Yes, you got a little angry.

Després hem fet una volta pel centre, no? Per les coses.

Then we took a walk around the center, didn't we? For the things.

Hem anat al Pantenó, que has entrat amb la mama i el...

We went to the Pantheon, that you entered with mom and the...



I el Quim.

And Quim.

I la mama m'ha explicat una mica la història.

And Mom has explained a bit of the story to me.

Jo m'he quedat per fora perquè nosaltres el papa i la mama ja havíem entrat un altre any

I stayed out because we, dad and mom, had already entered another year.

i he anat a fer un cafè.

I have gone to have a coffee.

Jo si puc, què faig?

I, if I can, what do I do?

Cafè cada dia. Cafè cada rato. Cafè cada hora.

Coffee every day. Coffee every moment. Coffee every hour.

Sí, una miqueta.

Yes, a little bit.

Després hem anat a un altre país que està dintre de Roma.

After that, we went to another country that is inside Rome.



Que és el Vaticà.

What is the Vatican?

Clar, és que com que no hem passat cap aeroport tu potser et penses que no és un país nou, però...

Of course, it's just that since we haven't passed through any airport you might think it's not a new country, but...

Sí, ja ho sé.

Yes, I know.

Però és un país nou. I què t'ha semblat?

But it's a new country. And what did you think of it?

És un país que és com la Roma i el país aquest nou que s'estiguin agafant tot el rato.

It is a country that is like Rome and this new country that keeps grabbing everything all the time.

I després per dinar on hem anat?

And then where did we go for lunch?

En un lloc de pasta que jo he menjat una pasta que estava boníssima

In a pasta place, I ate a pasta that was delicious.

i el papa amb la carbonara que és molt pesat amb la carbonara, cada dia carbonara.

And the dad with the carbonara, who is very annoying about the carbonara, every day carbonara.

És que a mi m'agrada molt la carbonara.

I really like carbonara.

I en la tarda vespre, tot i que tenim entrades per un altre dia, que hem anat a donar una volta per on?

And in the evening afternoon, although we have tickets for another day, where have we gone for a walk?

Pel Coliseu.

For the Coliseum.

Què t'ha semblat el Coliseu?

What did you think of the Colosseum?

Bé, per fora sembla petit. Gran, però...

Well, on the outside it looks small. Big, though...



Sí, gran, però és que quan vas per dins dius que petit.

Yes, it's big, but when you're inside you say it's small.

Bueno, ja ho veurem això el proper dia. El dilluns tenim hora.

Well, we'll see about that next time. On Monday we have an appointment.

I després per sopar què? Hem fet un altre clàssic de Roma.

And then what's for dinner? We've made another classic from Rome.

Demà, no?

Tomorrow, right?

Demà passat anem, demà passat.

The day after tomorrow we go, the day after tomorrow.



Què hem fet per sopar?

What have we made for dinner?



Hola, avui és dia 26.

Hello, today is the 26th.

I avui encara estem a Roma.

And today we are still in Rome.

Bueno, després explicaré una cosa que m'ha agradat.

Well, later I will explain something that I have liked.

He de dir que jo em vaig equivocar ja al podcast al minut de la nit.

I have to say that I made a mistake already in the podcast at the minute of the night.

Vaig dir que anàvem demà al Coliseu i no.

I said that we were going to the Colosseum tomorrow and we're not.

No, demà passat.

No, the day after tomorrow.

Demà passat.

The day after tomorrow.

I hem anat avui. Què t'ha semblat?

We went today. What did you think?

Doncs genial. Era superbonic.

Well, great. It was super beautiful.

De fora es veia com molt gran, però de dintre dius, ai, que petit, no val la pena.

From the outside, it looked very big, but from the inside you say, oh, how small, it's not worth it.

Bueno, val la pena per les vistes.

Well, it's worth it for the views.

Però si anessis per baix i per dalt encara seria més bonic.

But if you went up and down it would still be more beautiful.

I per la història i tot el que es va fer allà, no? Els gladiadors, els animals.

And for the history and everything that happened there, right? The gladiators, the animals.



Potser et posaria algun joc.

Maybe I would put on some game.

Aquí va passar que els animals sortien i llavors...

Here it happened that the animals would go out and then...

Això tu hem anat explicant.

This is what you have been explaining to me.



Quan estàvem allà. Hem sortit d'allà i on hem anat?

When we were there. We left there and where did we go?

Davant mateix del Coliseu. Què hi havia?

Right in front of the Coliseum. What was there?

Doncs el Foro Romano.

Well, the Roman Forum.

I què? Què hi ha?

And what? What's going on?

Era molt bonic i és un lloc on hi ha moltes runes.

It was very beautiful and it is a place where there are many ruins.

El Quim i a tu us ha agradat molt?

Did Quim and you like it a lot?



Després hem anat a la boca de la veritat i que si se't tanca és que dius mentides.

Afterward, we went to the Mouth of Truth, and if it closes on you, it means you are lying.

I a tu se t'ha tancat la boca?

And has your mouth been shut?

No. Però quasi, eh?

No. But almost, huh?

Quasi. Jo crec que t'han vist la cara i han dit, bueno, un altre dia.

Almost. I think they saw your face and said, well, another day.

Si tornem l'any que ve a Roma potser se't tanca la mà.

If we return to Rome next year, you might close your hand.

Potser sí.

Maybe yes.

Llavors no anem, eh?

So we're not going, right?

I després hem agafat un autobús i hem anat a un barri que es diu?

And then we took a bus and went to a neighborhood called?

Com era?

What was it like?



Primer hem anat a un parc i hem anat a menjar.

First, we went to a park and then we went to eat.

I hem anat a prendre alguna cosa, no?

And we have gone to have something to drink, right?



Amb un bar bastant típic d'allà i que ens ha agradat molt.

With a rather typical bar from there that we liked very much.

I hem anat després a dinar a un lloc que vam trobar que hi havia com molts restaurants iguals i vam anar a un.

And then we went to have lunch at a place where we found there were many similar restaurants, and we went to one.

Sí. I a la tarda, tarda-vespre, vaja.

Yes. And in the afternoon, late evening, actually.

Vam menjar una entrapa molt bona.

We ate a very good sandwich.

De mortadela en un lloc que també havíem mirat.

From mortadella in a place that we had also looked at.

A tu et va agradar molt, eh? Aquesta entrapa de mortadela.

You liked it a lot, didn't you? This mortadella sandwich.



I ja està. I poca cosa més, no?

That's it. And not much more, right?



Avui ens ha agradat molt perquè ha estat un dia molt complet per Roma.

Today we have really enjoyed because it has been a very full day in Rome.



Moltes coses típiques i clàssiques.

Many typical and classic things.



Bueno, adéu, que jo estic molt cansat, eh?

Well, goodbye, because I am very tired, okay?

No pots dir-ho cada nit que estàs cansat.

You can't say it every night that you are tired.



És que realment hem fet molts quilòmetres, és veritat.

It is true that we have really done a lot of kilometers.

Sí, és veritat. 25, bueno, menys de 25.

Yes, it's true. 25, well, less than 25.

No, no tants, no tants.

No, not so many, not so many.

Però bueno, adéu.

But well, goodbye.

Hola, avui és dia 27 d'agost i ja estem a l'aeroport de fer mitjana.

Hello, today is August 27 and we are already at the airport for a layover.

Una molt estranya.

A very strange one.

I marxem cap a Barcelona.

And we are heading to Barcelona.



De moment tenim un mandarrit al vol 20 minutets, però jo crec que sortirà més o menys a l'hora.

At the moment we have a delay of about 20 minutes, but I believe it will leave more or less on time.

Aquest matí, encara que no te'n recordis, ens hem llevat superd'hora i hem anat amb unes escales.

This morning, even if you don't remember, we got up very early and went with some stairs.

D'on són aquestes escales?

Where are these stairs from?

A la plaça Espanya.

At Plaza España.

I no hi havia...

And there was no...

Quasi ningú.

Almost no one.

Ningú. Hem aprofitat, ho hem fet superbé, eh?

Nobody. We've taken advantage, we've done it super well, right?



I després hem anat a esmorzar. Primer hem fet això i després hem esmorzat.

And then we went to have breakfast. First we did this and then we had breakfast.



Jo crec que hem estat bastant intel·ligents. I després hem anat a donar una volta i què

I think we have been quite clever. And then we went for a walk and what.

ens hem trobat?

Have we met?

Una botiga de Lego.

A Lego store.

Mare de Déu.

Mother of God.



Una foto amb la boca de la verita. Ai, la boca de verita. No, la fontana de Trevi de

A photo with the mouth of truth. Oh, the mouth of truth. No, the Trevi Fountain of



De Lego. I després hem anat pels carrerons de Roma, que a mi m'agraden molt.

From Lego. And then we walked through the alleys of Rome, which I really like.

Són molt bonics. Són plantes.

They are very beautiful. They are plants.

Sí, de veritat és que tenien absolutament de tot. I hem anat a un lloc a menjar un postre

Yes, really they had absolutely everything. And we went to a place to eat a dessert.

que es diu tiramisu.

which is called tiramisu.



Un tiramisu que diuen que és el més bo de Roma, no sé què.

A tiramisu that they say is the best in Rome, I don't know what.

I també hem menjat el pompi.

And we also ate the pompi.



És a dir, que els dos llocs que diuen que és el millor tiramisu de Roma, que és bastant

That is to say, the two places that claim to have the best tiramisu in Rome, which is quite

turístic, són correctes i a mi no m'han agradat. En canvi, algun restaurant que hem

tourist, are correct and I haven't liked them. In contrast, some restaurant that we have

provat el tiramisu fet pel restaurant, espectacular.

Tried the tiramisu made by the restaurant, spectacular.



Molt bé, molt bé.

Very good, very good.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

I després hem comprat...

And then we bought...

Jo crec que és correcte això.

I believe this is correct.

És correcte. Hem comprat formatge, hem comprat guanxal, hem comprat coses per fer carbonara

It's correct. We have bought cheese, we have bought guanciale, we have bought things to make carbonara.

a casa, que a veure quan tornem si la fem.

At home, let's see when we come back if we do it.



Saps que a mi m'agrada molt la carbonara.

You know that I really like carbonara.

I jo en provaré la teva. Espero que sigui més bona que la d'Itàlia.

And I will try yours. I hope it's better than the one from Italy.

Què tal avui? Has fet gelat? Avui no, oi?

How are you today? Did you make ice cream? Not today, right?



Avui sí. Cada dia, eh?

Today yes. Every day, right?

Cada dia. I el primer dia dos o tres vegades.

Every day. And on the first day two or three times.

Però bueno, què fem?

But well, what do we do?

Bueno, ara estem a l'aeroport i bueno, té d'Arikea. Allà... Ah, mira, allà està el

Well, now we are at the airport and well, it's from Arikea. There... Ah, look, there it is the...

nostre avió. Bueno, us hem de deixar. Adéu. Eh, tu, a l'avió.

our plane. Well, we have to leave you. Goodbye. Hey, you, to the plane.

Això t'ho has inventat. No ens han cridat a cap avió, encara. Digues adéu a tothom.

You made that up. They haven't called us to any plane yet. Say goodbye to everyone.



Espero que us hagi agradat la meva experiència de Bulgària i de Roma, de lo bé que m'ho

I hope you enjoyed my experience in Bulgaria and Rome, how well I...

he passat amb la meva família, de lo bé que he gaudit. I, bueno, el podcast que ve

I have spent time with my family, how much I have enjoyed it. And, well, the next podcast.

ja és especial perquè és el 100 i escolteu coses que no heu escoltat mai. Adéu!

It's already special because it's the 100th, and you'll hear things you have never heard before. Goodbye!

Txau, txau, bacalaos! Esteu molt morts.

Bye, bye, cods! You are very dead.

Fins demà!

See you tomorrow!

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