"Supervivents, pàrrocs i doctors" - Amb Lluís Marco i Manel Barceló - Els Imprescindibles de TeatreBarcelona

Teatre Barcelona

Els Imprescindibles - Teatre Barcelona

"Supervivents, pàrrocs i doctors" - Amb Lluís Marco i Manel Barceló - Els Imprescindibles de TeatreBarcelona

Els Imprescindibles - Teatre Barcelona

Què és original i què no ho és?

What is original and what is not?

Té algun valor l'originalitat,

Does originality have any value,

ara que la tecnologia i la intel·ligència artificial

now that technology and artificial intelligence

creen coses perfectes, que agafen d'aquí i d'allà,

they create perfect things, that take from here and there,

fan un col·legi impol·lut, que tot es pot reproduir

they make an impeccable college, where everything can be reproduced

i el consum és tan accelerat que no dona temps

and the consumption is so accelerated that there is no time.

a parar l'atenció a quin gust tenen les coses.

to pay attention to what things taste like.

Si agafes una cosa que ja existeix i la canvies

If you take something that already exists and change it.

i te la fas a mida, això és original?

And you get it custom-made, is this original?

Es pot crear alguna cosa nova en un món

Something new can be created in a world.

on està tot inventat, Rubén?

Where is everything invented, Rubén?

Ei, ei, ei, crec que comences com molt intens,

Hey, hey, hey, I think you're starting off very intense.

amb moltes preguntes,

with many questions,

i això que el febrer hagi tingut un dia extra,

and this that February has had an extra day,

crec que t'ha afectat una mica.

I think it has affected you a little.

Absolutament, a mi els anys de traspàs

Absolutely, the years of transition for me.

em deixen una mica com d'escavalcat, Rubén.

They leave me a bit like I'm a derelict, Rubén.

Però escolta'm una cosa, això que comentaves

But listen to me one thing, what you were mentioning.

té teca, té suquillo,

it has a small amount, it has a little bit,

i d'aquestes coses i de moltes altres més

and about these things and many more.

parlarem avui amb dos intèrprets

we will talk today with two interpreters

que són absolutament impossibles de falsificar,

that are absolutely impossible to counterfeit,

ja t'ho dic ara.

I'll tell you now.

Perquè són dos imprescindibles,

Because they are two essentials,

i això són Els Imprescindibles.

And this is The Essentials.

1, 2, 3, no!

1, 2, 3, no!

Els Imprescindibles

The Essentials

amb Andreu Rani

with Andreu Rani

i Rubén García.

I Rubén García.

Un podcast de Teatre Barcelona i BTV.

A podcast from Teatre Barcelona and BTV.

Benvinguts, benvingudes i benvingudis

Welcome, welcome, and welcome.

a un nou capítol dels Imprescindibles,

to a new chapter of the Essentials,

un podcast de TeatreBarcelona.com

a podcast from TeatreBarcelona.com

que fem colze a colze amb BTV,

that we are shoulder to shoulder with BTV,

la ràdio i televisió pública de Barcelona.

the public radio and television of Barcelona.

Els Imprescindibles d'avui ens acompanyen

Today's Essentials are with us.

dos actorassos que no fallen mai.

two terrific actors who never fail.

No fallen, no fallen, són un tret assegurat.

Don't fall, don't fall, they're a sure shot.

Totalment, quan trien els projectes

Totally, when the projects are chosen.

ho fan amb un criteri que, déu-n'hi-do,

they do it with a criteria that is quite impressive,

i que formen part, escolta'm,

and that are part of, listen to me,

de la història recent del teatre,

of the recent history of theater,

de la història de la cultura,

of the history of culture,

del nostre país.

from our country.

Patrimoni, patrimoni pur i dur.

Heritage, pure and hard heritage.

Donem la benvinguda a Lluís Marco i Manel Barceló.

We welcome Lluís Marco and Manel Barceló.



Hola, bon dia.

Hello, good morning.

Benvinguts, benvinguts als Imprescindibles.

Welcome, welcome to the Essentials.

Com esteu?

How are you?



Us heu trobat aquí a la porta, no sabíeu que estaríeu junts?

You found yourselves here at the door, didn't you know you would be together?

No, no, no.

No, no, no.

Ha sigut una grata sorpresa i estem encantats

It has been a pleasant surprise and we are delighted.

d'haver-nos trobat tots dos.

of having found each other.

Perquè us coneixeu de fa anys, suposo.

Because you have known each other for years, I suppose.

Sí, hem treballat junts, sobretot en televisió.

Yes, we have worked together, especially in television.

A televisió, al Quis, des del Quis.

On television, at Quis, from Quis.

Al Quis, i sí, i Sitges.

To Quis, and yes, and Sitges.

I Sitges, sí.

In Sitges, yes.

Home, Sitges, Déu-n'hi-do, gran sèrie, gran sèrie.

Home, Sitges, well done, great series, great series.

Doncs tots dos, Andreu, estan de...

Well, both of them, Andreu, are...

Bé, estan justament ara mateix

Well, they are just right now.

sent protagonistes de la cartellera

being the stars of the billboard

de la nostra ciutat, de Barcelona.

from our city, from Barcelona.

Concretament, el Lluís Marco

Specifically, Lluís Marco.

està a la sala Atrium

it is in the Atrium hall

compartint escena amb el Raimon Molins

sharing the stage with Raimon Molins

amb una proposta que es diu

with a proposal called

Una còpia, que és un text

A copy, which is a text.

de l'autora britànica Carole Churchill,

by British author Carole Churchill,

reconegudíssima dramaturga,

highly acclaimed playwright,

que parla...

that speaks...

que parla de molts temes en les seves obres.

that speaks about many topics in its works.

Parla, doncs, d'abusos de poder,

So, it speaks of abuses of power,

de l'explotació de la política sexual,

of the exploitation of sexual politics,

també d'altres temes feministes,

also other feminist topics,

i ha utilitzat moltes tècniques teatrals innovadores.

and has used many innovative theatrical techniques.

Però aquest cop, a una còpia,

But this time, to a copy,

planteja, Lluís, un debat molt interessant,

Lluís raises a very interesting debate.

que és la clonació humana.

what is human cloning.

Com està funcionant aquest espectacle?

How is this show going?

Doncs està funcionant força bé

Well, it's working quite well.

i penso que és un espectacle

I think it's a show.

que, a part de la intel·ligència artificial,

that, apart from artificial intelligence,

de la clonació, etcètera,

of cloning, etcetera,

parla, sobretot,

speech, above all,

de les relacions paterno-filials.

of parent-child relationships.

És a dir, que com els homes,

That is to say, that like men,

inclús quan aborden l'educació dels fills,

even when they address the education of their children,

per si sols en sabem poc.

We know little by itself.

Ella és una persona molt feminista

She is a very feminist person.

i realment té raó.

And he's really right.

L'educació dels fills és difícil

The education of children is difficult.

i feta per un home només,

and made for a man only,

doncs, provoca una sèrie de problemàtiques.

well, it causes a series of problems.

Però estem encantats amb la funció aquesta.

But we are delighted with this function.

De fet, el teu personatge descobreix

In fact, your character discovers

que és un clon d'un original, no?

which is a clone of an original, right?

Parteix d'aquí, l'obra?

Does the work start from here?

No, parteix de que...

No, it starts from the fact that...

El meu personatge té un fill que tenia

My character has a son who had.

el qual repudia en una època,

which repudiates in an era,

ell fa una clonació

he is making a cloning

i a partir d'aquesta clonació

and from this cloning

un hospital li fa unes quantes còpies

a hospital makes a few copies for him

i ell es dedica a averiguar

and he is dedicated to figuring out

com són els seus fills,

what are your children like,

hasta tres.

up to three.

Li fan hasta 20,

They even do it for 20.

per tant, hi ha un mostreig de tres fills

therefore, there is a sample of three children

amb cada un d'ells s'equivoca

with each of them he makes a mistake

d'una manera diferent.

in a different way.

Com ens equivoquem?

How do we make mistakes?

Dos per dos no són quatre,

Two plus two is not four,

amb l'educació dels fills.

with the education of the children.

No, no, això és fort.

No, no, this is strong.

Dos germans criats exactament amb la mateixa família,

Two brothers raised in exactly the same family,

amb la mateixa educació.

with the same education.

Com poden ser tan diferents?

How can they be so different?

Si la matèria prima és la mateixa

If the raw material is the same

i l'educació és la mateixa,

and the education is the same,

i després surten...

and then they go out...

La genètica, o sigui, l'educació familiar,

Genetics, that is, family upbringing,

després l'entorn, les escoles,

after the environment, the schools,

o sigui, els països,

that is, the countries,

o sigui, tota una sèrie de concadenacions

that is to say, a whole series of concatenations

i avui en dia la globalització de tot això

and nowadays the globalization of all this

ho eleva a una categoria superior

it elevates it to a higher category

perquè ja destriar el gra de la palla

to separate the wheat from the chaff

és cada cop més difícil.

it is becoming increasingly difficult.

Per la més,

For the more,

d'intel·ligència artificial,

of artificial intelligence,

vosaltres com ho gestioneu, això?

How do you manage this?

És a dir, heu fet alguna cosa amb intel·ligència artificial?

That is to say, have you done anything with artificial intelligence?

Us atreviu?

Do you dare?

Com veieu la intel·ligència artificial

How do you see artificial intelligence?

des del vostre punt de vista?

from your point of view?

O sigui, jo no m'atreveixo encara,

So, I'm not daring yet,

però sí que demano que la gent tingui poca por,

but I do ask that people have little fear,

perquè jo recordo quan va sortir internet

because I remember when the internet came out

que no hi havia res legislat

that there was nothing legislated

i tots pensàvem que allò seria el campo de Bramante.

And we all thought that would be the Bramante field.

I bé, s'ha anat gestionant

And well, it has been managed.

i s'ha d'agafar sempre la part,

and you always have to take the side,

la positiva de les coses.

the positive side of things.

Jo crec que amb la intel·ligència artificial

I believe that with artificial intelligence

sortiran una sèrie de problemes enormes

a series of enormous problems will arise

perquè l'home per naturalesa és destructiu,

because man is destructive by nature,

però llavors hem de positivitzar

but then we have to be positive

i intentar utilitzar-la per bé.

and try to use it for good.

Jo penso que serà com totes les coses.

I think it will be like all things.

Ha vingut per quedar-se

It has come to stay.

i haurem d'aprendre a gestionar-la.

and we will have to learn to manage it.

I tu, Manel, quina relació hi tens

And you, Manel, what relationship do you have with it?

amb la intel·ligència artificial?

with artificial intelligence?

Hi estic bastant d'acord

Hi, I mostly agree.

amb el que ha exposat el Lluís,

with what Lluís has exposed,

perquè les coses,

because things,

els homes inventen en principi per bé,

men invent for good at first,

però sempre acaben sent maldestres

but they always end up being clumsy

amb aquests invents.

with these inventions.

Però, per exemple, a internet,

But, for example, on the internet,

una cosa com Twitter fa molta por

something like Twitter is very frightening

perquè realment l'opinió assenyada o no

because really the opinion sensible or not

queda en mans de la població

it is left in the hands of the population

i amb la qual cosa tu et pots expressar

and with which you can express yourself

quan a vegades abans

when sometimes before

els mitjans de comunicació

the media

feien unes limitacions a l'expressió.

they placed limitations on expression.

És bo o és dolent?

Is it good or is it bad?

No ho sé.

I don't know.

És que depèn de nosaltres.

It depends on us.

Que sigui bo o dolent.

Whether it's good or bad.

I això sí que requeriria

And this would require

que els éssers humans

that human beings

prenguéssim consciència

let's become aware

de quin és aquest món,

whose is this world,

de quines han de ser les nostres relacions.

of what our relationships should be.

En una societat

In a society

que cada vegada és més individual,

that is becoming more and more individual,

doncs és un perill,

so it is a danger,

però qui diu que les coses

but who says that things

no es poden capgirar?

Can't they be turned over?

Està en mans nostres.

It is in our hands.

No hi podem fer més.

We can't do anything more about it.

Inventar sempre és bo,

Inventing is always good,

facilitar les coses sempre és bo,

making things easier is always good,

però no és un perill.

but it is not a danger.

T'adones que, per exemple,

You realize that, for example,

per tenir un mòbil

to have a mobile phone

hi ha gent que està explotada al Congo, no?

There are people who are exploited in Congo, right?

I aleshores aquí és on te dius

And so here is where you say.

la limitació potser hauria de ser

the limitation might have to be

que no tornem als esclavatges,

that we do not return to slavery,

que no tornem per mort

that we do not return for death

de tenir una tecnologia

to have a technology

que permet que una part de la població

that allows a part of the population

sigui més feliç,

be happier,

estigui més realitzada,

be more accomplished,

perquè sembla una mica que la intel·ligència artificial

because it seems a bit that artificial intelligence

ve d'això, no?,

You see that, right?

de realitzar-se com a artista.

to become established as an artist.

Vull dir, tu pots ser una patata dibuixant

I mean, you can be a potato at drawing.

i amb intel·ligència artificial

and with artificial intelligence

pots fer un quadre meravellós.

You can make a wonderful painting.

I aquesta persecució, també,

And this persecution, too,

de sempre estalviar temps,

always saving time,

anar guanyant temps al temps

slowly making up for lost time

i les coses que abans potser trigaves...

and the things that before maybe took you...

I de ser més productiu, no?

And to be more productive, right?

Aquesta cosa del capitalisme de vinga, vinga, vinga,

This thing about capitalism, come on, come on, come on,

anem a facilitar que puguem produir

let's make it easier for us to produce

el màxim dels màxims.

the maximum of the maximums.

Fer un bon quadre trigaves sis mesos,

To make a good painting took you six months,

i ara, amb un clic,

and now, with a click,

t'apareix allà. Allà ho tens.

It appears to you there. You have it there.

Acceleraria un procés d'assaig amb intel·ligència artificial,

It would accelerate a process of trial with artificial intelligence,

si poguéssiu, us agrada gaudir-la.

If you could, you would enjoy it.

No, no, no, no.

No, no, no, no.

Afortunadament el teatre és molt artesanal

Fortunately, theatre is very artisanal.

i ho serà tota la vida.

and it will be for life.

Aquest és un gran ofici per viure

This is a great profession for living.

i estar-hi

and to be there

tots els anys que puguis.

all the years you can.

Fa poc algú ens preguntava

Recently, someone asked us.

si creiem que d'aquí un temps,

if we believe that in some time,

ara, com tot, amb les ulleres de realitat virtual,

now, like everything, with virtual reality glasses,

la transformació

the transformation

de com es veuen les pel·lícules,

of how movies are seen,

està canviant moltíssim,

it is changing a lot,

la gent ara ja a casa es pot posar unes ulleres

People can now put on glasses at home.

i apareix en un cinema.

and appears in a cinema.

Té sentit dedicar-se al teatre,

It makes sense to dedicate oneself to theater,

ara que està avançant tant,

now that it's advancing so much,

que tot és immersiu,

that everything is immersive,

que tot és amb realitat virtual?

that everything is in virtual reality?

Què en penseu?

What do you think about it?

Més que mai té sentit dedicar-se al teatre,

More than ever, it makes sense to dedicate oneself to theater,

perquè jo ara, per exemple,

because I now, for example,

que he experimentat després de molts anys

what I have experienced after many years

les sales aquestes de proximitat,

these nearby rooms,

on treballes com el menjador de casa,

you work like the dining room at home,

és a dir, amb 50, 100 persones,

that is to say, with 50, 100 people,

és quan notes les coses més maques del teatre,

it's when you notice the most beautiful things about the theater,

que és la paraula,

what is the word,

però també el silenci.

but also the silence.

El silenci és una cosa

Silence is a thing.

que no la pots observar tu sol,

that you can't observe it alone,

però és el pensament que et provoca tu aquest silenci,

but it is the thought that you provoke in this silence,

o aquelles paraules,

or those words,

una forma d'escriure-les,

a way to write them,

una forma de fer-les,

a way of doing them,

és una manera de transmetre

it is a way to convey

l'interior de cadascun de nosaltres.

the interior of each one of us.

Tot l'altre,

Everything else,

amb quant a imatge,

as for image,

més i artificial o menys,

more and artificial or less,

és una mica més buit,

it's a little emptier,

és una mica més superficial,

it's a little more superficial,

és una mica més endogàmic,

it is a bit more insular,

o sigui,

that is,

si un es posa unes ulleres d'aquelles

if one puts on those glasses

a sol, ell i jo,

alone, he and I,

allà estàs compartint,

there you are sharing,

i per tant el teatre

and therefore the theatre

és molt difícil carregar-se'l,

it's very difficult to get rid of him,

perquè si ve dels grecs,

because if it comes from the Greeks,

o de més lluny,

or further away,

el teatre per això no mora,

the theatre therefore does not die,

perquè la gent necessita

because people need

de la paraula en viu,

of the spoken word,

i això és insubstituïble,

and this is irreplaceable,

i jo me n'alegro

And I am glad about it.

de cara a tenir

in order to have

la voluntat, les ganes,

the will, the desire,

la il·lusió i l'amor

the illusion and love

de la gent.

of the people.

I la forma física?

And the physical condition?



Has d'estar

You must be.

en plena força física

in full physical strength

per tirar endavant una obra de teatre,

to move forward with a theater play,

per senzilla que sembli.

no matter how simple it may seem.

També hi ha un punt,

There is also a point,

que és que el teatre,

what is that the theater,

com que està fet per éssers humans,

as it is made by human beings,

té aquest punt d'imperfecció,

it has this point of imperfection,

cap imperfecció,

no imperfection,

vull dir que potser

I mean, maybe.

amb intel·ligència artificial

with artificial intelligence

es pot inventar un món perfecte,

one can invent a perfect world,

però aquest món perfecte

but this perfect world

mai satisfarà.

he will never be satisfied.

En canvi, el teatre,

On the other hand, the theatre,

amb aquests petits dubtes que puguis tenir,

with these small doubts that you may have,

o la manera d'abordar un text

or the way to approach a text

un dia és així,

one day is like this,

l'altre dia serà d'una altra manera,

the other day will be different,

el que fa és la sorpresa.

What it does is the surprise.

Les persones podran veure

People will be able to see.

50 funcions de la mateixa obra

50 functions of the same work

i veuran 50 funcions diferents.

and they will see 50 different functions.

Això no té preu.

This has no price.

A més, és impagable

Moreover, it is priceless.

i és la màgia del teatre,

and that is the magic of theatre,

i això és el que ha fet

and this is what he/she has done

el Manel Barceló,

Manel Barceló,

és a la sala Versus Glòries

It is in the Versus Glòries room.

que acull una adaptació feta a mida

that hosts a tailored adaptation

per ell i per la Lloll Beltrán

for him and for Lloll Beltrán

d'un clàssic contemporani

of a contemporary classic

com és el Pink Marió de Bernard Shaw,

how is the Pink Mario by Bernard Shaw,

amb un text que també va inspirar

with a text that also inspired

el musical My Fair Lady,

the musical My Fair Lady,

l'obra es diu Tot fent Pink Marió,

The work is called While Doing Pink Mario.

i té l'adaptació dramatúrgica

and has the dramaturgical adaptation

de Marc Rosic que dirigeix l'espectacle

by Marc Rosic who directs the show

juntament amb Jordi Andújar,

together with Jordi Andújar,

i té música original i direcció musical

and it has original music and musical direction.

també amb la Lloll,

also with Lloll,

que va ser un gran èxit

that it was a great success

i ara també està portant un munt de gent

And now he/she is also bringing a lot of people.

a la sala Versus Glòries.

in the Versus Glòries room.

Doncs sí, està funcionant molt bé

Well yes, it is working very well.

i és un espectacle que,

and it is a show that,

darrere d'una aparença molt amable,

behind a very friendly appearance,

perquè ho és, és un espectacle feliç

because it is, it is a happy show

perquè la gent surti contenteta

so that people go out happy

i digui que han passat una bona estona.

And say that they had a good time.

Que, perdoneu que us digui,

That, excuse me for saying,

és un gran valor perquè també hi ha molts espectacles

It is a great value because there are also many shows.

amb molta reivindicació,

with a lot of demand,

però l'espectacle d'anar a entretenir-se,

but the spectacle of going to be entertained,

a sortir feliç,

to go out happy,

és necessari, també.

it's necessary, too.

Surs feliç però t'endús unes quantes càrregues

You swim happily but take on a few burdens.

de profunditat


que ja te les trobaràs.

that you will find them.

Te les trobes durant l'espectacle.

You encounter them during the show.

O sigui, l'espectacle és,

So, the show is,

en principi, és l'homenatge

In principle, it is the tribute.

a Bernard Shaw,

to Bernard Shaw,

sobretot a la versió de Joan Oliver,

especially in the version by Joan Oliver,

que va fer una versió esplèndida,

that made a splendid version,



i com que la Lloll

and just like Lloll

hi era en el muntatge del Pic Marió,

There I was in the assembly of Pic Marió,

que em sembla que tu també hi eres, oi?

I think you were there too, right?

Era el seu pare.

It was his father.

Sí, doncs...

Yes, well...

Més vincles entre els dos,

More ties between the two,

entre el Manel i el Lluís.

between Manel and Lluís.

I en aquest cas,

And in this case,

el projecte era,

the project was,

després de Cartes d'Amor,

after Love Letters,

li van proposar a la Lloll

They proposed it to Lloll.

fer un espectacle

to put on a show

una mica a la seva mida,

a bit to her size,

potser fer un clàssic català,

maybe make a Catalan classic,

i ella va dir, i per què no

And she said, and why not?

repetir Pic Marió, no?

Repeat Pic Marió, right?

Pic Marió ajustat a dos actors.

Pic Marió adjusted to two actors.

Dos actors que feu tots els papers de l'Aucan.

Two actors who play all the roles of the Aucan.

Tots els papers de l'Aucan.

All the papers of the Aucan.

L'únic personatge que ha caigut

The only character that has fallen.

d'aquest muntatge és justament el paper del pare,

in this arrangement, it is precisely the father's role,

perquè el paper del pare,

because the role of the father,

que és un paper molt bonic, molt important

it is a very beautiful, very important paper

en l'obra,

in the work,

realment serveix per donar

it really serves to give

un punt de vista social,

a social point of view,

el fet d'aquest

the fact of this


garbage collector,

que és capaç

who is capable

de vendre la seva filla,

of selling his daughter,

i que té aquesta...

and what does it have...

aquesta filosofia

this philosophy

de tant de barri,

so much neighborhood,

tant de...

so much...

de sobreviure, no?

about surviving, right?

I que la seva...

And that her...

i que la seva moral diu,

and that its morality says,

a veure, vostès parlen de moral,

let's see, you talk about morals,

però jo no tinc...

but I don't have...

jo no puc ser moral,

I cannot be moral,

perquè no tinc diners per ser-ho, no?

because I don't have money to be one, right?

Doncs aquest personatge sí que ha caigut

Well, this character has indeed fallen.

perquè realment el que importava

because what really mattered

en aquest muntatge és la relació

in this montage it is the relationship

entre el professor Jordana i la Roseta Fernández.

between Professor Jordana and Roseta Fernández.

El capdavall és

The end is

com una noia

like a girl

amb moltes capacitats,

with many abilities,

però que no ha nascut en un entorn

but who was not born in an environment

que li sigui favorable,

may it be favorable for him/her,

arriba a la superació,

reaches overcoming,

arriba a dominar

manages to dominate

la llengua

the language

i pot passar per una duquesa,

and she can pass for a duchess,

però no li interessa passar per una duquesa,

but she is not interested in passing herself off as a duchess,

sinó que li interessa és emancipar-se,

but what interests him is to emancipate himself,

i com s'allibera

and how to free oneself

de la pressió del professor.

from the pressure of the teacher.

Perquè l'obra de Bernard Shaw

Because the work of Bernard Shaw

acaba amb aquella famosa frase

ends with that famous phrase

d'aquí que ens dien

hence they told us

que no hi ha més lepes,

that there are no more lepers,

on són les meves sabatilles,

where are my sneakers,

perquè ella ha tornat.

because she has returned.

Però Joan Oliver deixa la cosa oberta,

But Joan Oliver leaves the matter open,

ella se'n va,

she's leaving,

i ell pot somiar

and he can dream

que la Roseta Fernández tornarà,

that Roseta Fernández will return,

però físicament no torna,

but physically does not return,

i el més probable és que no torni,

and the most likely thing is that he/she won't return,

perquè s'ha empodrat,

because it has been empowered,

perquè ara és una dona

because she is now a woman

amb eines per desenvolupar la seva vida,

with tools to develop their life,

i bé,

and well,

tot això ve també a tall

all of this also comes as a conclusion

un homenatge a la llengua catalana.

a tribute to the Catalan language.

Aquí volíem anar més amb el valor

Here we wanted to go more with the courage.

que li dóna Joan Oliver amb la traducció,

what Joan Oliver gives him with the translation,

el pes en les paraules,

the weight in the words,

la picabaralla dialèctica,

the dialectical skirmish,

però posant molt molt valor en les paraules.

but placing a lot of value on the words.

Però a més a més,

But furthermore,

al fer aquesta reducció, aquesta síntesi de l'obra,

in making this reduction, this synthesis of the work,

i la versió del Marc Rosic,

and the version by Marc Rosic,

hi ha una cosa que a mi m'enamora especialment,

there is one thing that especially captivates me,

que és que els exercicis

what are the exercises

de superació de l'idioma,

of language improvement,

doncs evidentment hi ha la frase

well obviously there is the phrase

Espanya al maig, la pluja cau a raig,

Spain in May, the rain falls in torrents,

que acaba convertint-se en una cançó,

that ultimately becomes a song,

però l'autèntic

but the authentic



que fa la Roseta

what is Roseta doing

és amb la

it is with the



de la tira llonga dels monosíl·labs,

from the long strip of monosyllables,

que és una peça

what is a piece

preciosa de la poesia catalana,

precious of Catalan poetry,

i que realment

and that really

aquí és on poses a prova

this is where you put to the test

la teva experiència com a actor,

your experience as an actor,

perquè donar-li sentit

to give it meaning

a paraules tan curtes,

to such short words,

però que tinguin el sentit emocional,

but that they have emotional significance,

el sentit físic,

the physical sense,

és feina d'actor.

It's an actor's job.

I amb això serveix

And with that, it is useful.

els anys de bagatge que portem al terreny.

the years of experience we bring to the field.

Perquè a més també canteu

Because you also sing.

en aquest espectacle.

in this show.

Que si

That yes

una borda sorria

a wharf smiled

tu sortiries

you would go out

per sorpresa

by surprise

d'una llum.

of a light.

Inclueu adaptacions,

Include adaptations,

cançons senceres del musical

complete songs from the musical

My Fair Lady,

My Fair Lady,

Dance All Night

Dance All Night

On The Streets Where You Live,

On the Streets Where You Live,

que tu en cantes una,

that you sing one.

la cançó del jove galant.

the song of the young gallant.

Sí, el jove galant.

Yes, the gallant young man.

Lluís, el jove galant encara, saps?

Lluís, the young gallant still, you know?

És una qüestió d'actitud.

It's a matter of attitude.

És una qüestió d'edat.

It's a matter of age.

És molt curiós

It is very curious.

perquè realment

because really

i aquí és on entra

and here is where it comes in

la gran sort

the great luck

de fer teatre,

of doing theater,

que és que cada nit tu t'has de convertir

What is it that you have to become every night?

en un noi d'uns

in a boy of about

vintipocs anys.

twenty-something years.

27, va, tirem 27.

27, come on, let's go for 27.

Quan em porto uns quants més a sobre.

When I carry a few more on me.

I realment hi ha alguna cosa

And there really is something.

en l'expressió corporal,

in body language,

fins i tot hi ha un moment en què jo

even there is a moment when I

em miro el mirall i em nego mirar-me

I look at the mirror and refuse to look at myself.

perquè, o sigui, que jo

because, I mean, that I

demano a l'oficial de policia

I ask the police officer.

aquesta adreça, podria indicar-me al carrer

this address, could you tell me the street

i vam jugar que ho faríem

and we pretended that we would do it

en un mirall que hi ha allà.

in a mirror over there.

Em miro

I look at myself.

i em veig.

and I see myself.

Rebutjo la imatge que em dona

I reject the image you give me.

el mirall perquè jo tinc la meva

the mirror because I have my own

imatge de jove enamorat,

image of a young person in love,

bojament enamorat

madly in love

i que ve

and what comes

a buscar la noia

to look for the girl

que li agrada.

that he/she likes.

I aleshores fas això i cantes

And then you do this and sing.

i després sents la teva veu i dius

and then you hear your voice and say

escolta, aquesta és la veu d'un tio jove,

listen, this is the voice of a young guy,

no és la teva, no?

It's not yours, is it?

I és veritat perquè, a veure,

And it's true because, let's see,

he treballat, eh?

I've worked, right?

Vaig agafar una professora

I got a teacher.

de veu per fer aquest repte.

of voice to tackle this challenge.

Ja n'havia tingut una fa molts anys

I had one a long time ago.

i havia compartit aquesta professora

I had shared this teacher.

amb la Lloll Bertran, que era la Dolors Cortés

with Lloll Bertran, who was Dolors Cortés

i ara la Tània Bou, que

and now Tània Bou, who

ha sigut la persona que m'ha dit

it has been the person who told me

has de fer això perquè

you have to do this because

tants anys de no fer

so many years of not doing

classes de cant, l'eina

singing classes, the tool

s'acaba distorsionant.

it ends up being distorted.

S'ha de tornar a posar.

It has to be put back.

Sí, que sí, que

Yes, indeed.

dedicar-te al teatre vol dir

dedicating yourself to the theater means

tota la vida

all my life

anar estudiant i anar aprenent

going studying and going learning

perquè si no et quedes enrere.

because if you don't, you'll fall behind.

I veient que pots interpretar un paper de jove galant,

And seeing that you can play the role of a gallant young man,

Lluís, Manel, hi ha algun altre jove galant,

Lluís, Manel, is there any other gallant young man,

algun paper d'aquests que dius

some paper like the one you mention

mira, per edat no em correspondria però em veig amb cor

Look, by age I shouldn't be doing this but I feel up to it.

de fer-lo i m'agradaria poder-lo fer.

to do it and I would like to be able to do it.

No, jo,

No, I,

això és una circumstància actoral

this is an acting circumstance

que pots transpolar-la

that you can transpose it

i fer-ho, però no hi ha cap

And do it, but there is none.

necessitat, és a dir, que jo penso

need, that is to say, that I think

que hi ha molts papers a la diferent

that there are many papers in the different

edat que un va tenint per

age that one has for

poder-los assolir i el contrast amb escena

be able to achieve them and the contrast with the scene

està, això, per exemple, amb el Raimon Molins

it is, this, for example, with Raimon Molins

que interpreta tres fills

that interprets three sons

i jo faig el seu pare, jo podria ser

And I play its father, I could be.

el seu pare perfectament i

his father perfectly and

podria fer algun personatge? Sí, perquè el teatre

Could you create a character? Yes, because of the theater.

et permet això. I abans

it allows you that. And before

es reescrivia molt d'aquesta manera.

It was rewritten a lot in this way.

Jo recordo, per exemple, el baile de l'Edgar Neville

I remember, for example, the dance of Edgar Neville.

que comencen amb 25 anys

that begin at 25 years old

els personatges, a la meitat

the characters, in the middle

en tenen 50 i acaben amb 75.

They have 50 and end up with 75.

Un actor lògic

A logical actor

per interpretar-lo seria un de 50

to interpret it would be one of 50

que és quan pot tenir els 25

what is when he can turn 25

i pot encara pensar

and can still think

com fer els 75, però també

how to do the 75, but also

el de 75 podria fer

the one of 75 could do

l'últim personatge, agafar

the last character, to take

el del mig amb 50 i tornar-te un nano

the one in the middle with 50 and turn you into a kid

de 20 anys, perquè els has

of 20 years, because you have them

tingut i llavors la imaginació,

held and then the imagination,

la capacitat de treball,

the work capacity,

el col·locar la veu més amunt o més avall,

placing the voice higher or lower,

o sigui, és el que

that is, it is what

deia el Manel, és un exercici

Manel said, it's an exercise.

sempre de vida, és un exercici

always about life, it's an exercise

d'estar en forma, és un exercici

to be fit, it's an exercise

d'anar aprenent cada dia,

of learning every day,

no com els nostres polítics

not like our politicians

actuals, que ja ho saben,

current, who already know it,

aquests ja ho saben tot, i com que ja ho saben tot

they already know everything, and since they already know everything

fan res.

do nothing.

Bueno, aquesta humilitat d'ofici.

Well, this humility of profession.

Doncs parlem i diem al principi

Well, let's talk and say at the beginning.

que tots dos sou llegendes

that you both are legends

de la nostra història

of our history

del teatre,

from the theater,

però tota la llegenda té un inici,

but every legend has a beginning,

té un origen, i en el teu cas, Lluís,

it has an origin, and in your case, Lluís,

el teu origen, el teu inici

your origin, your beginning

es situa a Badalona.

It is located in Badalona.

Sí, sí, sí, allà vaig néixer,

Yes, yes, yes, that's where I was born,

és el meu...

it's mine...

Badalona és el bressol del bàsquetbol,

Badalona is the cradle of basketball,

però a més a més també de teatre,

but besides that, also from theater,

quan jo era jovenet hi havia set grups de teatre,

when I was young there were seven theater groups,



vull dir, o sigui, aficionat,

I mean, well, amateur,

i es feien concursos, o sigui,

and there were competitions, that is,

es vivia, es palpava el teatre,

one lived it, one felt the theater,

i després allà,

and then there,

molts actors d'allà

many actors from there

van professionalitzar-se,

they became professionalized,

com el Víctor Valverde, com el Kreml,

like Víctor Valverde, like the Kremlin,

vull dir, o sigui, com l'Anna Maria Mauri,

I mean, like Anna Maria Mauri,

l'Enric Borràs, o sigui,

Enric Borràs, that is,

Badalona era una ciutat

Badalona was a city.

que tenia, dic tenia,

that I had, I mean I had,

perquè ja no té, les ciutats van perdent,

because they no longer have, the cities are losing,

sobretot Catalunya

above all Catalonia

va perdent tradició,

is losing tradition,

i els pobles sense tradició,

and the towns without tradition,

memòria i respecte,

memory and respect,

són molt difícils

they are very difficult

de seguir-los lligant,

to keep tying them,

i això és el que el teatre fa,

and this is what the theater does,

o intenta, que és recuperar

or try, which is to recover

sempre el respecte i sempre la tradició,

always respect and always tradition,

i és bo

and it is good

que un país recordi els actors

that a country remembers the actors

de la nostra edat

of our age

i tinguin en compte els que van naixent,

and take into account those who are being born,

Catalunya és una ciutat

Catalonia is a city.

que de vegades va tan de pressa

that sometimes goes so fast

que als 60 o els 55 anys

that at 60 or 55 years old

et fan ja gran,

they make you feel grown up,

et retiren.

they remove you.

Bé, has de sobre...

Well, you have to over...

Sí, una mica passa,

Yes, a little bit happens.

no estic culpant a ningú,

I'm not blaming anyone,

és una mica la forma aquesta

it's a bit this way

que abans tu anomenaves,

that you mentioned earlier,

perquè potser ja no som tan rentables,

because maybe we are not so profitable anymore,

perquè llavors ja tu agafes un caixer,

because then you just take an ATM,

agafes un respecte econòmic,

you take an economic respect,

perquè ja has fet allò de

because you have already done that of

que guai, això ho faig per amor a l'arte,

how cool, I do this for the love of art,

però esclar, arriba un moment

but of course, a moment arrives

que comences a cobrar,

that you start to charge,

i quan ja tens 60 anys

and when you are already 60 years old

i realment tens una forma de cobrar,

And do you really have a way to charge?

diuen, ui, aquest és molt car,

they say, oh, this is very expensive,

agafem-ne un de 50,

let's take one of 50,

que aquest encara ho farà per allò del que guai,

that this one will still do it for what’s cool,

i et van deixant en el que guai,

and they leave you with what's cool,

i bueno, el bueno aquest ara

And well, this good one now.

em renyaria el professor Jordà

Professor Jordà would scold me.

amb un estirador d'orelles.

with an ear stretcher.

És a dir,

That is to say,

els pobles necessiten

the towns need

respecte, tradició,

respect, tradition

i el teatre,

and the theatre,

mireu Londres, mireu París,

look at London, look at Paris,

mireu Finlàndia, mireu Noruega,

look at Finland, look at Norway,

o sigui, països també de 4 milions,

that is to say, countries also of 4 million,

de 5 milions de persones,

of 5 million people,

el respecte, veus a les seves sèries

the respect, you see in their series

senyors de 70, de 80 anys,

gent of 70, 80 years old,

que ja no fan el paper protagonista,

that no longer play the leading role,

però en fan falta

but they are needed

per estar en un consell d'administració,

to be on a board of directors,

per ser el pare d'algú, l'avi d'algú,

to be someone's father, someone's grandfather,

i tot això és quan els pobles

and all this is when the towns

creen, creuen

they believe

amb la seva gent,

with his/her people,

el rotllo. Tu formaves part d'alguna agrupació

the deal. Were you part of any group?

d'aquestes de Badalona?

of these from Badalona?

Jo vaig començar amb un grup de teatre

I started with a theater group.

aficionats, vaig començar al centre parroquial

fans, I started at the parish center

de Sant Josep, i llavors vam fundar el grup Arrels,

from Saint Joseph, and then we founded the group Arrels,

llavors competíem

then we competed

amb la palestra de Sabadell,

with the auditorium of Sabadell,

aquella època el teatre off de Catalunya

that time the off theatre of Catalonia

era el teatre aficionat,

it was amateur theater,

ara hi ha aquestes sales, que estem al Manel,

now there are these rooms, that we are at Manel,

que estic jo, però abans

that I am, but before

el teatre una mica off,

the slightly off theater,

perquè professional hi havien 4 grups,

because there were 4 professional groups,

vull dir, de goll, de gom,

I mean, of a kick, of a rubber band,

jugolars, o sigui, no hi havia...

jugglers, that is to say, there weren't...

no hi havia un enorme...

there wasn't a huge...

el Capsa, que hi havia el Pau Barçabat,

the Capsa, where Pau Barçabat was,

però no hi havia aquí una tradició,

but there was no tradition here,

som la nostra generació,

we are our generation,

aquests últims 40-50 anys,

the last 40-50 years,

que sí que es va crear el centre dramàtic,

that the dramatic center was indeed created,

aflotats, és a dir,

floated, that is to say,

hi ha hagut una sèrie de

there has been a series of

moviments aquí, que el que

movements here, that what

era una mica desert, ho hem convertit

it was a bit deserted, we have turned it into

en un bon jardí,

in a good garden,

i ara el que es tracta és de,

and now what it is about is to,

amb respecte i amb tradició,

with respect and with tradition,

de no anar més avall, sinó que al contrari,

not to go further down, but on the contrary,

que això continuï evolucionant,

that this continues to evolve,

és cap a bé, i les sales off,

it's all good, and the off rooms,

jo ara les recomano, perquè

I now recommend them, because

jo em sento molt a gust

I feel very comfortable.

treballant allò, de veritat,

working on that, really,

acabo ja, eh?,

I'm done now, okay?

una frase que es diu sempre, és que fa teatre,

a phrase that is always said is that he/she is acting.

no, l'únic lloc on no es fa

no, the only place where it doesn't happen

teatre és el teatre,

theatre is the theatre,

o sigui, el teatre cada dia

that is, the theater every day

és veritat, és el que deia el Manel,

it's true, it's what Manel was saying,

farem 50 funcions, però

we will do 50 performances, but

són 50 diferents, mai

they are 50 different, never

és la mateixa, amb la intel·ligència

it's the same, with intelligence

artificial, amb el cine,

artificial, with the cinema,

allò sempre és el mateix,

it's always the same,

el teatre mai, depèn de l'estat anímic,

the theater never, depends on the mood,

depèn del públic, depèn de tantes coses...

it depends on the audience, it depends on so many things...

És veritat, tot i que en el text de

It is true, although in the text of

Tot fent fi amb la lió, una de les frases de

While finishing with the lion, one of the phrases of

l'obra és que la vostra feina, justament

the work is that your job, precisely

la dels actors, és la d'enganyar.

the one of the actors is to deceive.

La mentida, ben dita, no?

The lie, well said, right?

És la mentida pactada,

It is the agreed lie,

tothom sap que allò és mentida,

everyone knows that is a lie,

però l'emoció flueix d'una manera,

but the emotion flows in a way,

jo recordo una experiència

I remember an experience.

brutal, fa molts anys,

brutal, many years ago,

vaig anar a un refugi

I went to a shelter.

antiaèric, que hi ha

anti-aircraft, what's there

al carrer 9 de la Rambla,

on 9th Street of the Rambla,

i que jo vaig néixer molt

and that I was born a lot

a prop d'allà, de petit havia

near there, as a child I had

entrat alguna vegada, feia

had entered at some point, it was

besarda perquè allò era

"beyond because that was"

fosc i era humit,

dark and it was damp,

i semblava que hi havia

and it seemed that there was

fantasmes i tot, no? Vaig anar a veure

ghosts and everything, right? I went to see

una lectura sobre textos

a reading about texts

que havien tret

that they had taken out

de les veïnes del poble

of the village's neighbors

sec, un grup d'actrius,

dry, a group of actresses,

i elles recitaven

and they recited

aquests textos que havien fet sobre

these texts that they had made about

l'experiència d'aquestes veïnes.

the experience of these neighbors.

Aquestes mateixes

These same ones

experiències les havien explicat a casa meva,

experiences had been told at my home,

la meva mare, i

my mother, and

les meves tietes, i els meus

my aunts, and my

pares, ells eren, mon pare

parents, they were, my father

era al front,

it was at the front,

el meu tiet, també

my uncle, too

els meus tiets eren al front,

my uncles were at the front,

i elles vivien la realitat del

and they lived the reality of the

bombardeig continu a Barcelona.

Continuous bombing in Barcelona.

Doncs aquelles anècdotes

Well, those anecdotes.

que m'explicaven a la família,

that they were telling me in the family,

a mi em semblaven com aventures.

To me they seemed like adventures.

En el moment en què ho recitaven

At the moment they recited it.

les actrius, va agafar una dimensió

the actresses took on a dimension

que em vaig posar a plorar,

that I started to cry,

perquè allò sí que era veritat.

because that was indeed true.

Sembla mentida, però

It seems incredible, but

jo estava...

I was...

Estaven dins del refugi, d'acord,

They were inside the shelter, okay,

l'ambient acompanyava, però era

the atmosphere was supportive, but it was

el valor de la paraula ben

the value of the word well

dita, ben expressada,

saying, well expressed,

que transcendia la

that transcended the

realitat, i en canvi

reality, and yet

la feia més palpable,

made it more palpable,

i vaig adonar

I realized.

del valor del que

of the value of what

podien viure la meva família

my family could live

que es va quedar aquí a Barcelona,

who stayed here in Barcelona,

que va haver de suportar l'afam,

that had to endure the hunger,

els bombardeig,

the bombing,

la inquietud perquè feien els seus homes

the restlessness because of what their men were doing

al front, si arribarien, si tornarien...

to the front, if they would arrive, if they would return...

Això s'aconsegueix amb el teatre.

This is achieved with theater.

La mateixa història explicada

The same story explained.

en un context, en una...

in a context, in a...

Explicat pels protagonistes

Explained by the protagonists

mateix, no té la dimensió

same, it does not have the dimension

que li dona l'actor,

that gives him the actor,

perquè l'actor fa com una separació,

because the actor makes a separation,

o sigui,

that is,

una separació vital,

a vital separation,

allò no ho he viscut jo,

I haven't experienced that.

però l'emoció sí que hi surt,

but the emotion does come through,

mentre que el protagonista

while the protagonist



fa una separació emocional

it creates an emotional separation

i t'ho explica com una anècdota,

and he tells you about it as an anecdote,

perquè eren anècdotes, i ens feien riure

because they were anecdotes, and they made us laugh

la gana que havien passat,

the hunger they had gone through,

la picaresca que havien utilitzat

the trickery they had used

per sobreviure dia a dia,

to survive day by day,

però després això t'ho explica

but then this will explain it to you

un actriu, t'ho diu un actriu,

an actress, an actress tells you,

i aleshores és que arribes

and then is when you arrive

a les llàgrimes. Clar.

to the tears. Of course.

Lluís, a tu això de ser actor, per això

Luis, this acting thing is for you, that’s why.

no et venia de família?

Wasn't it handed down in the family?

Sí, sí, sí,

Yes, yes, yes.

jo tenia dos oncles, o sigui,

I had two uncles, that is,

en Lluís Marco, que també es deia,

Lluís Marco, who was also called,

i en Josep Marco,

and Josep Marco,

en Josep Marco havia treballat amb l'Enric Borràs,

Joseph Marco had worked with Enric Borràs.

jo tinc un cartell a casa que posa

I have a sign at home that says

primer actor de la companyia Enric Borràs,

first actor of the Enric Borràs company,

Josep Marco.

Josep Marco.

I amb la vella Dorita, no, també?

And with old Dorita, no, also?

I en Lluís va treballar amb la vella Dorita,

And Lluís worked with the old Dorita,

però era aquella època del teatre bohemi

but it was that time of bohemian theater

en el qual les famílies deien

in which the families said

avui, és sinònim de bohemi,

today, is synonymous with bohemian,

de golf... El fill d'escarriat, la vella negra.

of golf... The son of the scoundrel, the old black woman.

No t'hi dediquis, a mi,

Don't dedicate yourself to me,

a totes les paraules, per mi, era

to all the words, for me, it was

prohibir-m'ho, perquè

forbidding me to do it, because

els teus oncles, ja ho veus, és veritat

your uncles, you see, it's true

que un d'ells era una mica, diem-ne,

that one of them was a bit, let’s say,

l'escapada del Victorio Gassman,

the escape of Victorio Gassman,

jo pertanyo a aquesta

I belong to this.

generació bohèmia,

bohemian generation,

que per sort,

that luckily,

vull dir, s'ha professionalitzat el teatre,

I mean, theater has become professionalized.

la televisió ens va ajudar molt,

the television helped us a lot,

t'havies de llevar a les sis del matí

You had to get up at six in the morning.

a la tele i ja no podies anar a dormir

on the TV and you could no longer go to sleep

a les sis i deu.

at six ten.

Això ho va fer canviar tot.

This changed everything.

Però jo els veia vells

But I saw them as old.

i quan feia falta un nen,

and when a child was needed,

m'importaven, vull dir, a fer

they mattered to me, I mean, to do

no sé, l'huracan sobre el Caine

I don't know, the hurricane over the Caine.

i sortia i m'anava a veure la mama

I would go out and go see mom.

de les camèlies i sortia un nen

of the camellias and a boy would come out

i ballava. O sigui, el teatre

I was dancing. I mean, the theater.

em va emocionar des que

it moved me since

tenia set anys, vaig substituir

I was seven years old, I replaced

inclús un oncle meu recitant un poema

even an uncle of mine reciting a poem

als set o vuit anys

at seven or eight years old

perquè ell no podia anar, perquè estava

because he could not go, because he was

en un viatge i m'hi van posar a mi

on a trip and they put me in it

perquè em deia Lluís Marco.

because he called me Lluís Marco.

El teatre em perseguia.

The theater was chasing me.

No van enganyar, no van enganyar.

They didn't deceive, they didn't deceive.

Li poso Lluís Marco a quin?

I put Lluís Marco to which?

Sí, aprofitem, em vaig enamorar fent

Yes, let's take advantage, I fell in love while doing.

Terra Baixa a Tarragona, que el meu oncle

Terra Baixa in Tarragona, where my uncle

dirigia Terra Baixa i jo feia el Nando

I directed Terra Baixa and I played Nando.

o el Perruca, no sé, un d'aquells

or the Perruca, I don't know, one of those

que sortia per allà. Hi havia una nena

who went out over there. There was a girl.

i em vaig enamorar, no sé si era la Nuri,

and I fell in love, I don't know if it was Nuri,

però em vaig enamorar de la Nuri.

but I fell in love with Nuri.

En fi, el teatre

Well, the theater.

els meus pares no volien

my parents didn't want

però jo sí. Vaig estar estudiant

but I did. I was studying

fins a primer d'econòmica,

until the first year of economics,

però jo era un baliga-balaga,

but I was a blabbermouth,

allò no anava, fins que em vaig arruïnar

that didn't work, until I went bankrupt

als 33 anys i llavors vaig decidir

at 33 years old, I then decided

que l'única cosa que jo creia

that the only thing I believed

que podia fer era teatre

What I could do was theater.

i soc molt autodidacte

I am very self-taught.

però he tingut molta sort, he tingut

but I have been very lucky, I have had

grans mestres al meu costat.

great masters by my side.

L'Ariel García Valdés, el Lluís Pasqual,

Ariel García Valdés, Lluís Pasqual,

etc, etc, etc.

etc, etc, etc.

Gent de la que jo he xupat

People from whom I have sucked.

com un bàrbar, o sigui, he mamat

like a barbarian, in other words, I have suckled

i els he pres

and I have taken them

tot el que he pogut i més.

everything I could and more.

Això sí que ha sigut trepa, molt trepa.

This really has been very pushy, very opportunistic.

I Marel, tu com et vas enamorar del teatre?

I Marel, how did you fall in love with theatre?

Jo tinc moltes anècdotes divertides.

I have many funny anecdotes.

Una d'elles

One of them

és que jo tenia 3 anys

it's just that I was 3 years old

i al gremi

and to the guild

dels Musclaires, a casa meva,

from the Musclaires, to my house,

la meva àvia i la meva tieta

my grandmother and my aunt

tenien parada al mercat

they had a stall at the market

de Santa Catarina

of Santa Catarina

i vam fer un viatge a Rupit.

And we took a trip to Rupit.

O sigui, jo tenia 3 anys

That is, I was 3 years old.

i això era el 56.

and that was in '56.

Anar a Rupit era tota una odissea.

Going to Rupit was quite an odyssey.



es veu que es va muntar un sarau

It seems that a party was thrown.

fàcil de muntar perquè aquella gent

easy to assemble because those people

eren de cantar sarsueles

they were singing zarzuelas

i tot això, i jo sense

and all this, and me without

encomanar-me ni a Déu ni a ningú

to entrust myself neither to God nor to anyone

em vaig posar a cantar La Campanera.

I started singing La Campanera.

La Campanera?

The Bell Ringer?

Porque ha pintado tu sujera

Because your mother-in-law has painted.

la flor del lirio real.

the flower of the royal lily.

I el dia següent

And the next day

la senyora de l'hostal

the lady of the inn

on ens quedàvem a dormir

where we would stay overnight

va demanar un plat de patates fregides.

He ordered a plate of fries.

Una platra de patates fregides,

A plate of fried potatoes,

pel nen que ha cantat La Campanera.

for the boy who sang La Campanera.

I jo dic que català com sóc

And I say that I am Catalan.

hauria de pensar, home,

I should think, man,

ja sé per on haig de tirar

I already know where I need to go.

si em vull menjar guanyant

if I want to eat while winning

les garrofes.

the carobs.

Però fora d'això, a mi el que m'impressionava

But apart from that, what impressed me was

jo soc del poble sec,

I am from Poble Sec,

el paral·lel està al costat,

the parallel is next to,



jo tenia molta mà

I had a lot of skill.

pel dibuix, el meu pare

for the drawing, my father

era pintor, pintor

he was a painter, painter

de quadres d'escola,

of school boards,

mai s'hi va voler dedicar professionalment

he never wanted to dedicate himself to it professionally

perquè a la guerra li va escapsar la carrera

because the war interrupted his career

i va voler que la pintura

and he wanted the painting

fos el seu espai de llibertat.

it was his space of freedom.

I jo dibuixava molt bé

And I used to draw very well.

i semblava que tirava cap a

and it seemed that it was heading towards

velles arts i tot plegat.

fine arts and all that.

Però jo era

But I was

dels que li agradava

of those he liked

jugar a ser coses.

play at being things.

I a més a més

And furthermore

m'enamoraven els teatres

I was in love with the theaters.

i m'enamoraven els decorats.

I was enamored with the scenery.

I això ho dic a la funció

And I say this in the function.

del Tot fent pic malió.

From everything making a big fuss.

I és cert, els teatrins em tornaven boig

And it's true, the little theatres drove me crazy.

i els decorats.

and the decorations.

I potser hi havia aquesta connexió dibuix

And maybe there was this connection drawing.

la realitat

the reality

fingida, però després

feigned, but then

vaig descobrir que sí

I found out that yes.

que m'agradava transformar-me

that I liked to transform myself

en altres persones. Però jo tenia molta

in other people. But I had a lot

por a dir-ho a casa.

afraid to say it at home.

Als 16 anys em vaig atrevir a dir-ho

At 16 years old, I dared to say it.

perquè el meu

because my

el meu pare em va dir

my father told me

t'hauries de posar a treballar

you should get to work

i les coses passaven.

And things happened.

I jo vaig dir, però és que jo vull fer teatre.

And I said, but I want to do theater.

Aleshores, mon pare em va acompanyar a l'Institut del Teatre

Then, my father accompanied me to the Theatre Institute.

que era al carrer Elisabets.

that it was on Elisabets street.

Vam entrar i em vaig trobar tot de

We entered and I found everything of

nois i noies amb malles i vaig dir

boys and girls with leggings and I said

ai, és que no sé si

oh, I don't know if

no sé si em quedaran bé les malles.

I don't know if the leggings will look good on me.

No sé si això a mi em va.

I don't know if this suits me.

I a més a més

And furthermore

era conscient que sí, que a casa faltava

I was aware that yes, that something was missing at home.

faltava un sou

a salary was missing

i vaig dir, doncs això potser són

I said, well, this might be

bestieses. Tinc 16 anys i jo què sé

nonsense. I am 16 years old and what do I know

si sé prou. Però

yes, I know enough. But

la vocació no em va deixar mai.

The vocation never left me.

I finalment, a base de fer

And finally, by doing

corsets i corsets i corsets

corsets and corsets and corsets

i vinga corsets i embolicar-me en tot

and come on corsets and wrap myself in everything

em vaig trobar amb el Pep Bou

I met Pep Bou.

amb un curs de

with a course of



un mime que es deia Fujishimaru

a mime named Fujishimaru



em va dir, Manel

he told me, Manel

t'hi has de dedicar. I el Pep Bou

You have to dedicate yourself to it. And Pep Bou.

en aquell moment ja feia bombolles i...

at that moment I was already making bubbles and...

El Pep Bou feia mime.

Pep Bou did mime.

Ell feia coses de mime.

He did mime things.

I curiosament quan va haver

I curiously when there was

d'anar a l'hospital

to go to the hospital

jo vaig quedar molt amic amb ell

I became very good friends with him.

i si jo haig de fer la mili

And if I have to do military service?

quan hagi acabat la mili

when I have finished the military service

doncs ara diré un secret a veus

so now I will tell a secret to you

no vaig fer la mili.

I did not do military service.

A prescrit no el vingueu a buscar.

Do not come looking for it at the office.

No anireu a jurar banderes ara.

You are not going to swear allegiance to flags now.

I va haver

There was

la tancada

the closure

pel tema de juglars

regarding the topic of jongleurs

i aleshores jo estava treballant

And then I was working.

a feixa i em va trucar el Pep Bou

a strip and Pep Bou called me

i em va dir, Manel, ens tanquem

And he said to me, Manel, we are closing.

a l'Institut del Teatre.

at the Theatre Institute.

Allà a la casa de la Bonmesson.

There at Bonmesson's house.

Si véns

If you come

ens tanquem tots plegats

we all close together

i fem un espectacle.

And we put on a show.

I jo me'n vaig anar al meu cap de secció

And I went to my section head.

i li vaig dir, me'n vaig.

And I told him, I'm leaving.

Com? Que me'n vaig,

What? I'm leaving,

que agafaré uns dies de vacances

that I will take a few days off

i ja està. I ja tornaré,

And that's it. And I will return.

no sé quan tornaré. No sabia quan havia de durar

I don't know when I will return. I didn't know how long it was supposed to last.

la tancada. No sabia res de res.

the closure. I didn't know anything at all.

I vaig anar

I went.

i van fer un numeret

and they made a scene

que va ser preciós

that was beautiful

i aquest va ser el primer espectacle.

And this was the first show.

Després vaig superar el tema de l'Emili

Later I got over the issue with Emili.

i vaig complir la promesa

I kept the promise.

que li vaig fer al Pep Bou. Si m'allibero

What I did to Pep Bou. If I free myself.

de l'Emili, jo em dedico a teatre.

From Emili, I dedicate myself to theatre.

I vau muntar la companyia de teatre infantil

You set up the children's theater company.

Paderral. Paderral, sí.

Paderral. Paderral, yes.

A mi, lo de l'Emili

To me, the thing about Emili.

va ser al revés. Em va passar

it was the other way around. It happened to me

el desastre. Així jo, abans de l'Emili

the disaster. So I, before Emili

feia falta el capsa.

The box was needed.

Jo vaig substituir el Salvador Vives

I replaced Salvador Vives.

fent la Benta Fox. El príncep

doing the Benta Fox. The prince

va portar l'Albert Trifoll.

Albert Trifoll brought it.

Jo es feia teatre aficionat i vaig fer

I did amateur theater and I performed.

la Benta Fox i tal. Llavors

Benta Fox and such. Then

el Sergi Txaf em volia per una sèrie

Sergi Txaf wanted me for a series.

que es deia Sospetxa

who was called Sospetxa

pel Canal 2.

for Channel 2.

Havia d'estrenar Flor de Cactus

I had to premiere Flor de Cactus.

l'Alberto Clossos aquí, amb la Júlia

Alberto Clossos is here, with Júlia.

i en aquell moment

and at that moment

em van dir, ui aquest nen

They told me, oh this boy.

val, aquest nen fa bé això.

Okay, this boy does this well.

I llavors me'n vaig anar a l'Emili.

And then I went to Emili.

L'Emili em va fotre a l'aire tot això

Emili blew all this up for me.

i al tornar

and upon returning

la meva dona em va dir que

my wife told me that

posava'm o al teatre, perquè

"put me or to the theater, because"

coneixent-me amb el teatre ella

getting to know me with the theater her

no es veia amb cor de compaginar-me.

he didn't feel able to balance me.

I jo vaig decidir la meva dona.

And I chose my wife.

Amb la qual cosa vaig seguir fent

With which I continued doing

el meu teatre, els meus pinitos de teatre aficionat

my theater, my little forays into amateur theater

fins que em vaig arruïnar

until I went broke

i llavors li vaig dir jo a la meva dona

And then I told my wife.

mira ara, és el teatre

look now, it’s the theater

o el teatre, perquè no sé fer res més.

or the theatre, because I don't know how to do anything else.

I ella em va dir, va ara provem-ho

And she told me, well now let's try it.

i fins avui. Aquesta experiència

and until today. This experience

que comenta més, perquè clar, la teva

What comments more, because of course, yours.

família, igual que la de la Manel

family, just like Manel's

venia del gremi de musclaites, la teva família

You came from the mussel workers' guild, your family.

venia del gremi de carnissers o d'embotits.

he came from the guild of butchers or sausage makers.

Sí, teníem botigues.

Yes, we had stores.

Els meus avis van arribar de

My grandparents arrived from

Múrcia, el meu avi venia safrà.

Murcia, my grandfather sold saffron.

Li deien el safranero.

They used to call him the saffron vendor.

La meva mare era la filla del safranero.

My mother was the daughter of the saffron farmer.

I jo era el fill de la safranera.

And I was the son of the saffron grower.

I llavors venien a safrà.

And then they came to saffron.

I llavors vam

And then we

comprar una botigueta, en fi,

buy a little shop, anyway,

eren gent de mercat,

they were people of the market,

però esclar,

but of course,

venien de passar molta gana, tot

they had been very hungry, everything.

al contrari d'això que diu ara el Benito Zambrano.

on the contrary to what Benito Zambrano is saying now.

O sigui, la meva mare

So, my mother.

adora la moreneta,

she loves the little dark-skinned girl,

hasta el Jordi Pujol, perquè li està agraïda,

even Jordi Pujol, because she is grateful to him,

el botava,

he was throwing it,

perquè ella passava molta gana

because she was very hungry

a Múrcia, i aquí a Catalunya

to Murcia, and here in Catalonia

li van obrir els braços.

they opened their arms to him/her.

Ella no va aixecar Catalunya,

She did not raise Catalonia,

Catalunya la va aixecar amb ella.

Catalonia lifted it with her.

I em sap greu pel Benito Zambrano,

I am sorry for Benito Zambrano.

però com tanta gent de la cultura espanyola,

but like so many people from Spanish culture,

que no hi ha manera que moguin

that there is no way they can move

un peu en favor

a foot in favor

de la democràcia, és a dir, de gent

of democracy, that is to say, of people

que no vam fer res més que votar,

we did nothing more than vote,

i encara no he sentit

and I still haven't heard

a cap company una paraula

a cap company a word

d'amor, de carinyo,

of love, of affection,

de respecte cap a nosaltres,

of respect towards us,

que ens hem identificat

that we have identified ourselves

amb un moviment, i que estem simplement

with a movement, and that we are simply

demanant-lo. Per tant, bueno, ara

asking it. Therefore, well, now

m'he sortit del camí, però aquesta

I've gotten off track, but this

és la realitat, que a casa meva

it's the reality that in my house

la meva mare tenia una frase, diu,

my mother used to have a phrase, she said,

quan caien les bombes, jo m'amagava

when the bombs were falling, I would hide

a sota el llit. Això a mi se'm va

under the bed. This is something I forget.

quedar, però jo pensava, Déu meu,

stay, but I thought, my God,

que si el llit no pot protegir

that if the bed cannot protect

res, i m'imaginava aquella noia

nothing, and I was imagining that girl

joveneta a sota un llit,

young girl under a bed,

esperant que caigués un petardo,

waiting for a firecracker to fall,

i llavors és quan no he pogut

and then it is when I haven't been able to

mai entendre per què l'ésser

never understand why being

humà encara continua

human still continues

tirant bombes. Això a mi

pulling bombs. This to me

em subleva, no puc entendre

it outrages me, I can't understand

aquesta maldat, se m'escapa,

this wickedness escapes me,

i bé que tinc gèrit, he dit malallet,

And well that I have a sore throat, I said a silly thing,

i a vegades puc ser...

and sometimes I can be...

però sóc incapaç de fer mal.

but I am incapable of doing harm.

Verbalment, segurament,

Verbally, surely,

sí, tinc una llengua difícil,

yes, I have a difficult language,

no la corregeixo fàcilment,

I don't correct it easily,

però amb les mans

but with the hands

agredir, tirar trets,

attack, shoot shots,

hòstia, no ho puc

Damn, I can't do it.

entendre, encara se m'escapa.

To understand, still eludes me.

I viure aquesta experiència que comentaves,

And to live this experience that you were talking about,

el fet de passar

the fact of passing

per aquest moment complicat d'arruïnar-se,

for this complicated moment of financial ruin,

això va ser un punt d'inflexió,

this was a turning point,

que et va dir, ara vaig a pel teatre,

what did he/she tell you, now I'm off to the theater,

deies en una entrevista que la feina

you said in an interview that the job

no pot ser un càstig, i per això et vas fer actor.

It can't be a punishment, and that's why you became an actor.

Sí, i perquè

Yes, and why.

sobretot no he tingut por,

above all I have not been afraid,

segurament he sigut excessivament

I have probably been excessive.

de vegades imprudent,

sometimes reckless,

però vaig pensar que

but I thought that

un ha de tirar,

one has to throw,

et mires al mirall i et preguntes tu

you look in the mirror and ask yourself

què vols fer,

what do you want to do,

i jo volia fer teatre,

and I wanted to do theater,

i llavors això em va donar molta força,

and then that gave me a lot of strength,

recordo haver-me plantat

I remember having stood firm.

venint de Mèxic i no tenint

coming from Mexico and not having

un duro i fotut a la Diagonal

a tough and screwed-up situation at Diagonal

dient on són les empreses de teatre,

saying where the theater companies are,

jo buscava les empreses de teatre,

I was looking for theater companies,

venia d'una empresa,

I came from a company,

i vaig plantejar-m'ho així,

I thought of it like this,

vaig trucar a l'Albert Trifoll,

I called Albert Trifoll,

que tenia un estudi de doblatge,

that had a dubbing studio,

i em va dir, aquesta tarda vine a les 4

And he/she said to me, come this afternoon at 4.

a tal lloc, i vaig sortir d'allà

to such a place, and I left there

amb 5.000 pessetes, perquè vaig fer uns takes,

with 5,000 pesetas, because I made some takes,

em picava aquí a l'ombro i deia,

he was poking me here on the shoulder and saying,

quan jo te pega aquí, habla!

When I hit you here, speak!

i jo parlava,

and I spoke,

i em va donar 5.000, i diu, ja has guanyat això,

and he gave me 5,000, and he says, you have already won this,

i li vaig dir a la meva dona,

and I told my wife,

ja ens podem comprar un pis ara,

we can buy an apartment now,

jo començaré a fer doblatge,

I will start doing voice acting,

però després veniré a fer teatre,

but later I will come to do theater,

el doblatge,

the dubbing,

s'emparallaven amb mi,

they tangled with me,

el Pep Torrents, actors de debò,

Pep Torrents, real actors,

molt reconeguts,

very recognized,

que havien passat una miqueta de gala,

that they had spent a little bit of a gala,

i deien, estàs boig de voler fer teatre,

and they said, you are crazy for wanting to do theater,

el doblatge que fas,

the dubbing you do,

i jo li vaig dir, jo no vull fer només doblatge,

And I told him, I don't just want to do dubbing.

jo vull fer d'actor,

I want to be an actor,

i bé, llavors vaig entrar

And well, then I went in.

amb tota aquesta generació dels Rigola,

with this entire generation of the Rigolas,

els Belbel,

the Belbels,

l'altra generació de l'Enric Major,

the other generation of Enric Major,

jo això m'ho vaig perdre,

I missed that.

però m'ho vaig perdre

but I missed it

per les circumstàncies de la vida,

due to the circumstances of life,

i ja acabo.

And I'm done.

La Carme Contreras sempre em deia,

Carmen Contreras always used to tell me,

portes molt poc amb això,

you hardly wear this,

però tu sembles de tota la vida,

but you seem like you've been around forever,

i això jo li agraïa,

and for that, I thanked him.

perquè jo quan veia la Carme Contreras,

because when I saw Carme Contreras,

o veia el Graneri,

I saw the Graneri,

o veia el Lluís Torner,

either I saw Lluís Torner,

a mi m'emocionava,

it moved me,

perquè jo els havia anat a veure el teatre,

because I had gone to see the theater.

jo me'ls estimava,

I loved them,

jo sabia que aquesta gent

I knew that these people

havien passat molts trets per arribar

many shots had passed to arrive

on havien estat,

where they had been,

i que havien de moure les professions.

and they had to move the professions.

I parlant de punts d'inflexió,

And speaking of turning points,

hi ha un que

there is one that

et relaciona tu, Manel,

you relate, Manel,

que està relacionat amb una cançó

that is related to a song

que és també patrimoni teatral

which is also theatrical heritage

de la ciutat.

of the city.

Els oients dels imprescindibles,

The listeners of the essentials,

aquesta cançó era original

this song was original

de la revista Love Me,

from the magazine Love Me,

estrenada al Teatro Còmico de Barcelona

premiered at the Teatro Còmico in Barcelona

amb música d'Enrique Claray

with music by Enrique Claray

i lletra de Manuel Sugrañas.

and lyrics by Manuel Sugrañas.

Molts la coneixereu per la versió cinematogràfica

Many of you will know her from the film version.

de Laura Valenzuela,

by Laura Valenzuela,

o per una versió més histrònica d'Antonia San Juan

or for a more histrionic version of Antonia San Juan

a la sèrie La que s'avecina,

in the series La que se avecina,

però és una cançó que podríem dir

but it's a song that we could say

que també va influir en salvar-te la vida.

that also helped save your life.

Bé, era la banda sonora

Well, it was the soundtrack.

que m'acompanyava,

that accompanied me,

mon pare cantant

my father singing

La mare està fresquibris, fresquibris, fresquibris,

The mother is fresh, fresh, fresh.

en un naufragi on van morir 42 persones

in a shipwreck where 42 people died

i que jo vaig patir

and that I suffered

amb un pare, la meva germana,

with a father, my sister,

el meu cunyat.

my brother-in-law.

Jo tenia 18 anys,

I was 18 years old,

era el viatge de tornada de Grècia

it was the return trip from Greece

i havíem agafat el vaixell

we had taken the boat

a Patras

to Patras

i el dia següent,

and the next day,

la nit següent,

the following night,

a les 4 de la matinada

at 4 in the morning

va començar un incendi

a fire started

que va cremar tota l'obra morta

that burned all the dead work

i ens va obligar a tots

and he forced us all

a saltar del vaixell i nedar.

to jump from the ship and swim.

Nedar 3 hores.

Swim for 3 hours.

3 hores vam estar davant.

We spent 3 hours in front.



18 anyets.

18 little years.

I el meu pare, que havia fet la guerra

And my father, who had fought in the war.

i era un home d'aquells de tota la...

and he was a man of those from all the...

Un home.

A man.

Era un home amb el sentit absolut,

He was a man with absolute sense,

literal de la paraula.

literal of the word.

Doncs jo patia per ell

Well, I worried about him.

perquè el meu pare era

because my father was

més gran, força més gran.

bigger, much bigger.

Ell devia tenir aleshores

He must have been around then.

48 anys.

48 years.

No, 58.

No, 58.

Sí, 58 anys.

Yes, 58 years.

I el meu pare deia

And my father said

que havia de venir enrere

that had to come back

perquè ell es quedava una mica enrere

because he was falling a little behind

i deia, tu tira, tira, tira.

And I said, you throw, throw, throw.

I amb unes onades enormes

And with huge waves.

que pujaves de sobte,

that you suddenly rose,

eres al cim i veies tot

you are on the summit and saw everything

i senties els crits de tothom

you heard everyone's shouts

i veies els vaixells

and you saw the ships

on t'adreçaves perquè et salvessin

you were addressing so that they would save you

i després baixaves a la vall

and then you went down to the valley

i no veies res

and you saw nothing

i sentia mon pare que anava cantant

I could hear my father singing.

La mare està fresquivris, fresquivris

The mother is feeling fine, feeling fine.

per ajudar.

to help.

Sí, sí, perquè és que realment

Yes, yes, because it really is

jo penso que...

I think that...

Sempre tinc la sensació que jo era una mica tauleta de nit.

I always have the feeling that I was a bit of a nightstand.

Què vols dir?

What do you mean?

Vull dir que sóc molt domèstic i molt...

I mean that I am very domestic and very...

No sé, sí,

I don't know, yes,

sóc actor, però tampoc

I am an actor, but not really.

aquesta professió

this profession

la gent l'entén d'una manera

People understand it in one way.

que nosaltres no la vivim

that we do not experience it

d'aquesta manera.

in this way.

És una feina molt dura, has de treballar molt,

It's a very hard job, you have to work a lot,

quan pots treballar, treballar, treballar,

when you can work, work, work,

treballar, però

to work, but

després sempre he pensat

afterwards I have always thought

sí, he tingut amors

Yes, I have had loves.

tinc un gran amor, la meva dona

I have a great love, my wife.

la Mariel

the Mariel

i tinc molts amics

I have many friends.

tot plegat sóc un ésser

all in all, I am a being

que viu feliç

who lives happily

però després penso

but then I think

a veure, si comencés

let's see, if I started

a mirar la meva vida

to look at my life

Déu-n'hi-do les que he passat

Goodness, the ones I’ve been through!

i una d'elles és el naufragi de l'Eleana

And one of them is the shipwreck of the Eleana.

Home, això ho tens destacat

Wow, you have this highlighted.

en el teu Twitter, suposo que això

in your Twitter, I guess that's it

et va fer relativitzar les coses

it made you put things into perspective

un cop passes per, o com la ruïna

once you pass by, or like ruin

que explicaves tu Lluís, suposo que

what you were explaining Lluís, I suppose that

et fa col·locar les coses diferents a la vida després

it makes you place things differently in life afterwards

Ho vaig viure en 18 anys

I lived it for 18 years.

i el que em va sorprendre més

and what surprised me the most

i del que més vaig aprendre va ser

and what I learned the most was

de la meva actitud durant tota l'estona

of my attitude throughout the whole time

perquè allò van ser hores, o sigui

because those were hours, I mean

el vaixell va començar a cremar a les 4

the ship started to burn at 4

i fins les 8 no saltàvem

And we didn't jump until 8.

quan vam veure que ens havia abandonat la tripulació

when we saw that the crew had abandoned us

que les barques

that the boats

de salvament no baixaven

they didn't lower the lifeboats

perquè les cadenes estaven repintades

because the chains were repainted

i allà era ja la desesperada

And there was the desperate one already.

hem de salvar la vida com sigui

we have to save our lives by any means necessary

abandonant el cotxe

abandoning the car

el garatge

the garage

i jo en tota l'estona

and I the whole time


I go

vaig mantenir una actitud

I maintained an attitude.

de testimoni

as a witness

és a dir, tot el que estava passant

that is to say, everything that was happening

jo no ho patia

I was not suffering.

sinó que ho observava

but was observing it

i després vaig pensar

and then I thought

segurament deies, si són les últimes hores

you probably said, if these are the last hours

de la teva vida, doncs

of your life, then

mira't la vida, què passa

look at your life, what’s happening

i això em va donar una tranquil·litat

and that gave me a sense of calm

o sigui

that is to say

no vaig cridar

I didn't shout.

jo veia la gent molt neguitosa

I saw the people very anxious.

i deia

and I said

penso que ens en sortirem

I think we will manage.

jo sé nedar, si salto a l'aigua sé nedar

I can swim, if I jump into the water I can swim.

per tant tinc una manera d'escapar-me

therefore I have a way to escape



la resta doncs

the rest then

que hi hagi sort

may there be luck

però no vaig patir

but I did not suffer

i tinc imatges claríssimes

I have very clear images.

si tingués intel·ligència artificial

if I had artificial intelligence

ara la recrearia

now I would recreate it

que era

what it was

s'aixecava el fum

the smoke was rising

darrere de la popa

behind the stern

i aleshores

and then

feia com un angle

it was like an angel

feia un angle així

it made an angle like this

i hi havia una noia intentant

And there was a girl trying

desllirar una barca

to untie a boat

d'aquestes inflables

of these inflatables

i una noia guapíssima

and a very beautiful girl

que feia

what was he/she doing

el mateix angle que el fum

the same angle as the smoke

i els cabells

and the hair

el vent li tirava endavant els cabells

the wind was blowing his/her hair back

i era com un dibuix

and it was like a drawing

i jo pensava

and I thought

quina cosa més bonica

what a beautiful thing

o sigui això és una imatge que jo tinc

So, this is an image that I have.

i que

and what

perviu en mi en la memòria

it lingers in my memory

aquesta imatge tan estètica

this aesthetically pleasing image

en un moment tan terrible

in such a terrible moment

i jo pensava fins i tot en els moments terribles

And I thought even in the terrible moments.

i a bellesa

and beauty

no sé

I don't know.

és que està molt relacionat

it is very related

no has pensat mai en pintar-ho això

Have you never thought about painting this?

és que ara jo visualitzo

it's that now I visualize

aquest angle de fum

this angle of smoke

i la noia amb els seus cabells

and the girl with her hair



i res, un tros de barco

and nothing, a piece of boat

jo no soc capaç de pintar

I am not able to paint.

però m'agradaria veure aquest quadre

but I would like to see this painting

a la meva dona que és il·lustradora li diré que m'ho pinti

I will tell my wife, who is an illustrator, to paint it for me.

a veure si estem d'acord

let's see if we agree

jo ara l'he visualitzat

I have visualized it now.

però jo soc incapaç

but I am incapable

jo soc un zero a l'esquerra per això

I am a zero to the left because of that.

i aquesta

and this

suposo aquesta capacitat d'observar

I suppose this ability to observe.

tot el que et passa

everything that happens to you

jo he vingut amb un monòleg

I have come with a monologue.

que t'ha acompanyat durant molts anys

that has accompanied you for many years

més de 20 anys

more than 20 years

La tigressa i altres històries

The tigress and other stories

un monòleg escrit pel Premi Nobel de Literatura

a monologue written by the Nobel Prize in Literature

d'Ariofor i Frank Carramé

of Ariofor and Frank Carramé

com ho has encarat això d'un mateix text

how have you approached this from the same text

anar-lo fent al llarg de diferents moments de la teva vida

doing it throughout different moments of your life

ha sigut el meu laboratori

it has been my laboratory

perquè jo vaig accedir a aquest text

because I accessed this text

que jo tenia 30 anys

that I was 30 years old

tenia una experiència molt limitada

I had a very limited experience.

sobretot limitada a nivell de paraula

especially limited at the word level

en canvi jo era un actor molt preparat

On the other hand, I was a very prepared actor.



corporalment, o sigui havia fet MIM

physically, that is, I had done MIM

si vas sobreviure 3 hores

if you survived 3 hours



segur que estaves ben preparat corporalment

sure you were well prepared physically

feu esport, no sabeu mai quan

do sports, you never know when

quan ho necessitareu

when will you need it

però a més a més la meva gestualitat era molt expressiva

but in addition my gesturality was very expressive

o sigui jo era un tio que dominava

I mean, I was a guy who dominated.

el cos i podia haver fet MIM

the body and could have done MIM

i podia haver fet moltes coses

I could have done many things.

vaig estar amb juglars

I was with jongleurs.

que també va ser una experiència divertida

which was also a fun experience



el que va passar va ser que

what happened was that

jo vaig arribar a aquesta experiència

I arrived at this experience.

per exemple jo dir un text

for example I say a text



jo passava el text

I was passing the text.

dir-lo no sé fins a quin punt

I don't know to what extent to say it.

si tu mantens durant 25 anys aquest espectacle

if you maintain this show for 25 years

vol dir


per una banda que tot el que tu vas aprenent

On one hand, everything that you are learning.

d'altres espectacles ho vas incorporant

you incorporate it from other shows

tot el que aprens de la vida

everything you learn from life

ho vas incorporant

are you incorporating it

tot el que aprens de tu mateix

everything you learn about yourself

sobre la feina ho vas incorporant i valorant

About the work, you are incorporating and valuing it.

de manera que aquest espectacle

so that this show

mai va baixar la qualitat

he never lowered the quality

i va començar a pujar pujar pujar

and started to rise rise rise

i realment

and really

quan vaig arribar a fer l'espectacle

when I arrived to do the show

pels teatres de Latinoamèrica

for the theaters of Latin America

i tot això

and all this

era un actor molt

he was a very actor

amb aquest espectacle

with this show

convencia que jo era algú molt especial

I was convinced that I was someone very special.

a mi em faltaven encara

I still needed.

algunes assignatures

some subjects

i l'assignatura que em va donar

and the subject that was given to me

de debò va rebre el clau

did he really receive the key?

va ser la Penny Cherens

it was Penny Cherens

una directora britànica

a British director

que feia un espectacle que es deia

that was putting on a show that was called

tant per tant Shakespeare

so much for so much Shakespeare

i que em va donar les claus

and that gave me the keys

perquè jo digués d'una vegada

so that I would say it at once

i per totes bé un text

And for everything, a text.

que fos expressiu, que fos sentit

that it was expressive, that it was felt

que fos emocional

that it was emotional

que ella deia

that she said

hi ha un problema amb els actors d'aquest país

There is a problem with the actors in this country.

que ella havia observat

that she had observed

i és cada paraula és important

And every word is important.

cada paraula

each word

fins i tot un pronom feble

even a weak pronoun

és important

it's important

si ho dius correctament

if you say it correctly

tu poses l'èmfasi a la paraula

you place the emphasis on the word

que sigui la més important

that it be the most important

però la resta no queden abandonades

but the others are not left abandoned

o sigui no és

so it is not

et fas expressiu

you become expressive

quan cada paraula té el seu sentit

when each word has its meaning

i aquí clar

and here clear

a partir d'aquí

from here on

jo recordo que jo feia La Tigressa

I remember that I was doing The Tigress.

i perdia tres quilos

and I lost three kilograms

eren dues hores i quart

it was a quarter past two

de salts i salts

of salts and salts

i bramuls

and the bellowing

i a partir que vaig començar

and from the moment I started

a dir-ho correctament

to put it correctly

i donant-li aquest sentit

and giving it this meaning

jo no suava

I did not soften.

jo feia l'espectacle

I was doing the show.

feia el mateix esforç físic

made the same physical effort

però la tensió que jo portava

but the tension that I was carrying

perquè les paraules

because the words

perquè arribés la força

so that the strength could arrive

la força perquè

the strength because


they would maintain

mantenien perfectament

they maintained perfectly

els meravellava igualment

they were equally amazed

o potser més

or perhaps more

i a més a més jo no em cansava

and moreover I wasn't getting tired

en totes aquestes experiències

in all these experiences

que ens heu explicat

that you have explained to us

mencionàveu persones propers a vosaltres

you mentioned people close to you

que són molt importants

that are very important

i que estimeu molt

and that you love very much

vosaltres sou persones molt familiars?

Are you very family-oriented people?


jo sí molt

I do, very much.

no he sigut un actor familiarment

I have not been a familiar actor.

de teatre

of theatre

he sigut un actor en família

I have been an actor in the family.

que pertany al món del teatre

that belongs to the world of theater

de fet

in fact

no és la meva família

it's not my family

el teatre és com una família

The theater is like a family.

sí però no

yes but no

jo tinc la meva família

I have my family.

és paral·lel

it is parallel

de fet aquest amor pel teatre

in fact, this love for theater

hi ha una persona de la teva família

There is a person from your family.

que l'ha heretat

that has inherited it

d'una manera molt potent

in a very powerful way

que sempre presumeixes de la teva filla

that you always boast about your daughter

de la Marta Marco

of Marta Marco

amb raó

with reason

i hi ha una cosa

And there is one thing.

que sí que sé que ha heretat

that yes I know that has inherited

que és la més important per mi

that is the most important to me

és el respecte

It is respect.

per la professió

for the profession

per la gent

for the people

des del més jove al més gran

from the youngest to the oldest

tot l'altre Déu li ha donat

everything else God has given him

una sèrie de talents

a series of talents

i els dic amb senzillesa

and I tell them simply

que sigui la meva filla

that she may be my daughter

perquè és una noia super treballadora

because she is a super hardworking girl

la música

the music

que és una de les meves assignatures pendents

that is one of my pending subjects

aquesta noia

this girl

la leva a la màxima

the lever to the maximum

el cant, la seva veu

the song, its voice

el seu pensament

his thought

és una dona que ha evitat la meva misogínia

She is a woman who has avoided my misogyny.

i el Lluís també forma part

and Lluís is also part of it

de la família de molts catalans

from the family of many Catalans

i espanyols perquè has fet diferents papers

And Spaniards because you have played different roles.

a la televisió

on television

com a doctor a la visita crepuscular

as a doctor at the twilight visit

el doctor Bosch a Poblenou

Dr. Bosch in Poblenou

molts doctors

many doctors

el Vidal Garriga

the Vidal Garriga

l'Òspital Central

the Central Hospital

jo t'he de dir que jo et vaig conèixer fent aquest personatge

I have to tell you that I met you while doing this character.

no vull ni pensar-ho

I don't even want to think about it.

qualsevol dia

any day

algú no ens saluda pel carrer

someone doesn't greet us on the street

i tot perquè ens ha caigut aquest maleït àtom específic

And all because we've been hit by this cursed specific atom.


let's reflect on it




let's reflect on it



un programa explosiu

an explosive program

amb els textos meravellosos del Paco Mir

with the wonderful texts of Paco Mir

aquest és un personatge que jo adoro

this is a character that I adore

el doctor Parquet

Doctor Parquet

que el va crear el Paco Mir

that was created by Paco Mir

jo li vaig posar la veu i el cos

I gave him the voice and the body.

però el Paco és l'artista del personatge

but Paco is the artist of the character

i ara t'haig de dir

and now I have to tell you

que dijous ve el Paco Mir al teatre

Next Thursday, Paco Mir is coming to the theater.

perquè li vaig deixar llegir una novel·la

because I let him read a novel

que és el castillo de la carta cifrada

what is the castle of the coded letter

del Javier Tomeu

by Javier Tomeu

és una novel·leta que és preciosa

It's a lovely little novel.

a mi l'Ariel García Valdés un dia em va dir

Ariel García Valdés once told me.

això ho tens que fer en teatre

you have to do this in theater

i li vaig dir soc molt jove per fer això

And I told him I'm too young to do this.

i la vaig guardar

and I kept it

i amb la pandèmia la vaig llegir tant

and with the pandemic, I read it so much

i li vaig deixar un dia al Paco

And I left it one day with Paco.

que ens vam trobar

that we met

digui llegeix-te això que és molt maco

Say read this because it is very nice.

i crec que vol

I think he/she wants.

perquè jo li vaig dir que volia fer allò

because I told him that I wanted to do that

però com a doctor Parquet

but as Dr. Parquet

que la canalla de la vostra edat

that the kids of your age

quan tenia 8 anys i 9

when I was 8 years old and 9

em parava pel carrer i deia

I was standing in the street and saying.

reflexionem i sisplau

let's reflect and please

i jo li deia al Paco

And I was telling Paco.

això ho has fet molt bé tio

you did this very well, dude

perquè els nens no enganyen

because children don't lie

és la prova del cotó

it's the cotton test

aquests és que els entusiasma

these are what excite them

els grans no però els nens

The adults not, but the children.

em feliciten pel personatge

They congratulate me on the character.

deu estar bé

you must be fine

i potser l'elevem a categoria de teatre

and perhaps we elevate it to the category of theater

tant de bo passi això

I wish that happens.

però per què creus

but why do you think

que has interpretat tants doctors

that you have interpreted so many doctors

fas cara de doctor o

you look like a doctor or

no ho sé va haver un moment que inclús ho vaig parar

I don't know, there was a moment when I even stopped it.

ho dic de debò perquè m'ho farien un altre metge

I mean it because another doctor would do it for me.

i els deia escolteu tio

and I used to say listen dude

no puc fer una altra cosa

I cannot do anything else.

ja t'ho convalidaven

they already validated it for you

puc fer una escombriaia

I can make a mess.

ja l'he fet en teatre

I have already done it in theater.

no cal que sempre hagi de ser metge

it's not necessary for me to always have to be a doctor

després del Jordi Pujol anava jo

after Jordi Pujol came I

ell era metge i jo tots els metges

he was a doctor and I all the doctors

no ho sé això passa molt a la nostra professió

I don't know, this happens a lot in our profession.

a les sèries un fa un policia

in the series one plays a police officer

després sempre fa policies

afterwards she always makes policies

un fa d'adolent i després sempre fa d'adolent

one pretends to be sad and then always pretends to be sad

entenem que et fonquin pel carrer

we understand that they melt you on the street

que algú li agafa un atac de cor i estigues tu per allà

that someone has a heart attack and you're there

i et diu mira un metge

and he tells you to see a doctor.

això m'ha passat

this has happened to me

un dia a l'avió es va marejar

One day on the plane, he/she got dizzy.

i diu escolti vostè és metge

And he says, listen, are you a doctor?

jo dic jo no soc metge

I say I am not a doctor.

el puc fer malbé amb aquest senyor

I can mess it up with this gentleman.

m'havia passat

it had happened to me

a tu Manel t'ha passat amb algun personatge

Has something happened to you, Manel, with any character?

a mi el que més m'ha tocat fer és capellans

What has affected me the most is being a priest.



em sembla que em porto molts

I think I'm taking a lot with me.

i soc un agnòstic

I am an agnostic.



fa temps vaig anar

I went a while ago.

al bisbat de Barcelona i vaig dir

to the diocese of Barcelona and I said

vull donar de baixa

I want to unsubscribe.



o que et donin directament

or that they give it to you directly

o que em facin papa

or they make me dad

jo reconec que si no hagués estat actor

I acknowledge that if I hadn't been an actor

la medicina

the medicine

jo tinc els primers llibres d'anatomia

I have the first anatomy books.

del curs de medicina a casa

from the medical course at home

la medicina m'interessava

I was interested in medicine.

era com a vocació

it was like a vocation

jo sempre el servei

I always serve him.

els demés

the others

suposo que també per generacionalment

I suppose also generationally.

perquè havíem passat gana

because we had gone hungry

necessitaves fer coses

you needed to do things

que t'omplissin molt

may they fill you up a lot

per dedicar-te als demés

to dedicate yourself to others

la medicina a mi sí que m'interessava

I was indeed interested in medicine.

la capellania

the chaplaincy

almenys així no us traureu els papers

at least this way you won't take off your papers

un a l'altre

one another

i fins aquí

and up to here

és l'hora d'acabar

It's time to finish.



ens trobem estona i estona

we meet for a while and a while

perquè ens han quedat pàgines i pàgines

because we have pages and pages left

que ens voldrien preguntar

what they would like to ask us

però si ja haureu de tornar un altre dia

but you will have to return another day

que som molt xerraïres

that we are very talkative

i ens encanta xerrar de teatre amb vosaltres

And we love chatting about theatre with you.

us podeu subscriure al podcast dels imprescindibles

you can subscribe to the must-have podcast

de Spotify, Apple Podcast, Google Podcast

from Spotify, Apple Podcast, Google Podcast

i per suposat a teatrebarcelona.com

and of course at teatrebarcelona.com

si no ens escolten és perquè no volen

if they don't listen to us it's because they don't want to

estem a tot arreu

we are everywhere

als imprescindibles de teatre Barcelona

to the essentials of theatre Barcelona

és un podcast desaixany

it's a podcast of despair

que és produït per teatrebarcelona.com

that is produced by teatrebarcelona.com

amb el suport de l'Institut Català d'Empreses Culturals

with the support of the Catalan Institute of Cultural Enterprises

de l'AGN

from the AGN

i nosaltres som el Rubén Garcia i l'Andreu Rami

and we are Rubén Garcia and Andreu Rami.

a la veu de la sintonia la Núria Deulofeu

to the tune of the theme, Núria Deulofeu

a la coordinació de BTV la Núria Ferrer

At the coordination of BTV, Núria Ferrer.

al sol el Jordi Bartomeus

to the sun Jordi Bartomeus

i a la realització el Carlos Fernández

and in the production Carlos Fernández

i aquí hem tingut el Manel Barceló i el Lluís Marcos

And here we have had Manel Barceló and Lluís Marcos.

gràcies a tots dos

thank you both

a vosaltres

to you

Fins demà!

See you tomorrow!

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