Pesant Figues 1x24 || Copa del Món btt: Post Lenzerheide i pre Leogang.

Kilian Folguera

Pesant figues

Pesant Figues 1x24 || Copa del Món btt: Post Lenzerheide i pre Leogang.

Pesant figues



Hola, què tal?

Hello, how are you?

Benvinguts i benvingudes a un altre episodi de Pesant Figues

Welcome to another episode of Pesant Figues.

El 24 ja

The 24 already

Què vol dir això?

What does this mean?

Doncs que portem 24 setmanes d'any

Well, we have completed 24 weeks of the year.

i que d'aquí poc s'acabarà la primera temporada

and that the first season will end soon

perquè el podcast ha de fer una mica de vacances

because the podcast needs to take a little vacation

i res, no replantejar-se la temporada que ve

And nothing, not reconsidering next season.

sinó deixar una mica d'espai

but leave a little space

per tornar a portar-nos convidats

to take us as guests again

i bé, aquest cop no hi ha convidat

And well, this time there is no guest.

Per què? Perquè vull fer balanç

Why? Because I want to take stock.

de l'XCO i descens de l'Enserheit

of the XCO and descent of the Enserheit

i com aquest cap de setmana

and like this weekend

bé, ahir ja va haver short track a Leogang del Sub-23

Well, yesterday there was already short track in Leogang for the U-23.

i a la Copa del Món de Leogang

and at the Leogang World Cup

doncs això us vull posar una mica al dia

so I want to bring you up to speed a bit

com la setmana passada, de com anirà tot

Like last week, how everything will go.

què va passar i què pot passar

what happened and what can happen

així que res

so nothing

posant-vos una mica amb antecedents a l'Enserheit

putting you a bit in context about the Enserheit

només recordar

just remember

referir una mica unes quantes pinzellades

to refer to a few strokes a little

que amb Noies del Short Track ho va guanyar la Jenny Risbets

that with Short Track Girls, Jenny Risbets won it

la Sandra Keller segona i la Pauline Ferrand-Prévot tercera

Sandra Keller second and Pauline Ferrand-Prévot third.

la veritat que va ser bastant xulo

the truth is that it was quite cool

lo que passa que la Jenny allà va fer una demostració de potència brutal

What happens is that Jenny put on a brutal display of power there.

i amb Ja m'home's va guanyar la setmana passada

And with Ja m'home's won last week.

amb en Luca Schorsbauer

with Luca Schorsbauer

que també va fotre allà tota la carn de la graella

that also put all the meat from the grill there

i el tio no es va deixar res

and the guy didn’t leave anything behind

i com estem habituats, hòstia

And as we are used to, damn.

bueno, no molt perquè clar, tampoc ha pogut guanyar molt

well, not much because, of course, he hasn't been able to win much either

però vull dir que ja és un club favorit a guanyar a la General del Short Track

But I mean that it is already a favorite club to win the Overall of the Short Track.

segons va fer el Jordan Sagú

according to what Jordan Sagú did

que la temporada no la va començar molt bé

that the season didn't start very well for her/him

simplement perquè s'havia lesionat

simply because he had injured himself

però ostres, ara està en un estat de forma brutal eh

but wow, he's in incredible shape now, huh?

perquè després direm els resultats del cross country

because then we will announce the results of the cross country

però bé, ha fet dos podis el passat cap de setmana

but well, he has made two podiums this past weekend

i tercer Sebastián Fini, el danès

and third Sebastián Fini, the Danish

que també està en un estat de forma molt molt bo

which is also in very, very good shape

que dir, que el Nino per exemple va fer em sembla que el 14 o 15

What to say, that Nino for example did, I think on the 14th or 15th.

perquè va caure, el Sam Gueix va arriscar

because he fell, Sam Gueix took a risk

i ells van portar el Nino

and they brought Nino

això va ser el divendres

this was on Friday

després el dissabte com hi havia la cursa de cross country

later on Saturday since there was the cross country race

perdó, de descens

sorry, for descent

debutava un anglès

an Englishman debuted

o sigui, era la seva primera cursa mèl·lit amb una copa del món

In other words, it was her first honey race with a World Cup.

i va guanyar, o sigui, una cosa bestial

and he won, which is an incredible thing

el Jordan Williams

Jordan Williams

segons va fer l'Oris Vergier

according to what Oris Vergier did

i tercer el Lluid Bruni

and third the Lluid Bruni

és a dir, dos francesos completant el podi

That is to say, two Frenchmen completing the podium.

i amb noies la Rachel Atherton, mare

and with girls Rachel Atherton, mother

i guanyadora de la copa del món

and winner of the World Cup

una cosa també bastant bèstia

a rather crazy thing

o sigui, que amb fèmines guanya una mare

That is to say, that with females, a mother wins.

i amb l'espartat masculí guanya un xavalet

And with the male sparring, a young boy wins.

i segona amb fèmines va fer la Camille Balanche

And the second with females was done by Camille Balanche.

i tercera la Nina Hoffman

and third, Nina Hoffman

tema sub-23 no ho he comentat

I haven't mentioned the U23 topic.

però el cross country el va guanyar el Dario Lilo

but the cross country was won by Dario Lilo

segons l'Adrien Boixis i el Carter Woods

according to Adrien Boixis and Carter Woods

i amb noies la Ronja Blochinger

and with girls Ronja Blochinger

segona la Ginia Caluori

according to Ginia Caluori

que les dues són suïsses

that both are Swiss

i tercera la danesa que anava de líder

And third, the Danish girl who was in the lead.

la Sophie Pedersen

Sophie Pedersen

després, què va passar el divendres?

What happened on Friday?

doncs això, que teníem els platfors

so that’s it, we had the platforms

amb sub-23

with under-23

com acabo de dir el seu nom

as I just said your name

va guanyar la Sophie Pedersen

Sophie Pedersen won.

segona la Ronja Blochlinger

according to Ronja Blochlinger

la que va fer primer el short track

the one who did the short track first

i tercera la Sara Cortinovis

and third Sara Cortinovis

que vaja, pel que estan demostrant

well, from what they are demonstrating

per mi les que faran un xaval molt bèstia

for me, those will make a very tough guy

i les que amb elit crec que ho faran molt bé

And those with elite, I think they will do very well.

seran la Sophie Pedersen i la Cortinovis

they will be Sophie Pedersen and Cortinovis

jo crec que són dos valors bastant segurs

I believe they are two fairly safe values.

de cara quan passin a elit

face when they move to elite

i amb noies va guanyar el Dario Lilo

And with girls, Dario Lilo won.

segona el Carter Woods

according to Carter Woods

i tercer l'Adrien Boixis

and third Adrien Boixis

ja veieu que els noms sempre són una mica els mateixos

You can see that the names are always somewhat the same.

van canviant de posició una miqueta

they change position a little bit

res, això ho passo ràpid

Nothing, I'll go through this quickly.

perquè al final, ja us dic

because in the end, I'm telling you

el platfors venia una mica més tard

the platform arrived a little later

amb les noies

with the girls

i què va passar?

And what happened?

doncs que va tornar a guanyar

so they won again

després d'uns quants mesos

after a few months

la Loana Lecompte

Loana Lecompte

que, bueno, la veritat que sempre està allà

well, the truth is that it's always there

però últimament amb aquestes curses

but lately with these races

no havia pogut guanyar

I had not been able to win.

no havia pogut estar de favorita

I hadn't been able to be the favorite.

perquè últimament ningú la posava a la casa d'apostes

because lately nobody was placing bets on her at the betting house

de les tres primeres, per dir alguna cosa

of the first three, to say something

sí que sempre se la posa al top 10, top 5

yes, she always makes it to the top 10, top 5

però això va atacar

but that attacked

em sembla que va ser l'última volta

I think it was the last lap.

i ostres, l'atac va ser bastant bèstia

And wow, the attack was quite brutal.

perquè tampoc es va aixecar de la bici

because he/she also did not get off the bike

no sé, es va fotre allà sentada

I don't know, she got seated there.

i va deixar a la Pauline

and left Pauline

que a la Pauline jo crec que se li va fer una mica llarg

that Pauline I think it was a bit long for her

perquè clar, anava segona

because, of course, I was in second place

i de la segona posició va caure a la quarta

and from the second position, he fell to the fourth

a la meta

to the finish line

i segona va fer una corredora

and second she made a runner

que ja porta molts anys

that has been going on for many years

que va guanyar aquí a Bainor un any

who won here at Bainor one year

la Netterspra

the Netterspra

i tercera l'Alessandra Keller

and third Alessandra Keller

que per mi està sent la més regular

which for me is the most average

i a part de la Pauline

and besides Pauline

ostres, amb l'edat que té la Keller i tal

Wow, with Keller's age and all that.

jo crec que ara ja sí que s'està consolidant al top mundial

I believe that it is now indeed consolidating at the world top.

cinquena la Puck Peters

fifth the Puck Peters

la que anava líder de la Copa del Món

the one that was leading the World Cup

i després amb nois, què va passar?

And then with the boys, what happened?

doncs res, que un noi

well, nothing, that a boy

anomenat Nino Schurter

named Nino Schurter

només li faltava una victòria

he only needed a victory

per desempatar amb l'Absalon

to break the tie with Absalon

amb victòries de Copa del Món

with World Cup victories

i va guanyar

and won

clar, aquest cop

sure, this time

no tenia el Matthias Flukiger

I didn't have Matthias Flukiger.

és a dir, al principi de cursa sí que el tenia

That is to say, at the beginning of the race, I did have it.

però com el Matthias estava

but as Matthias was

s'estava recuperant d'una lesió

he was recovering from an injury

no estava del tot fixat

I wasn't completely focused.

doncs clar, el Nino va aprofitar

so of course, Nino took advantage

i com menys rivals millor

And the fewer rivals, the better.

i això

and this

34ena victòria

34th victory

amb una Copa del Món

with a World Cup

em sembla que a ella no li queda res

It seems to me that she has nothing left.

per batre

to beat

clar, és un corredor que per exemple

sure, it's a runner who for example

europeus, només n'ha aconseguit un

Europeans, he has only managed to get one.

però perquè no s'hi presenta mai

but why does he/she never show up there

és una de les curses que

it is one of the races that

no li interessa com a preparació

He is not interested in preparation.

perquè normalment per dates

because normally for dates

no li cau molt bé

he doesn't like him/her very much.

o bé, simplement, potser personalment

or, simply, perhaps personally

no li agrada fer-les

he/she doesn't like to do them

i segon, sorprenentment

and second, surprisingly

un Alan Hatterley

an Alan Hatterley

super fort

super strong

de menjar més

to eat more

que casualment, no sabem si

that coincidentally, we don't know if

ha sigut casualitat

it has been a coincidence

o causalitat

or causality

hi havia la seva nòvia

his girlfriend was there

que clar, sent de Sud-àfrica no sempre pot estar

Of course, being from South Africa, you can't always be there.

doncs això, la seva nòvia va venir a veure'l

So that's it, his girlfriend came to see him.

i va fer por

and it was scary

trobo que l'Alan Hatterley

I think that Alan Hatterley

li falta guanyar

he needs to win

perquè ho ha fet bastant, quasi tot

because he has done quite a lot, almost everything

l'any passat va tenir una molt bona temporada

Last year he had a very good season.

va guanyar la General del Short Track

won the General of the Short Track

o sigui que aviam si aquest any

so let's see if this year

segueix així

continue like this

i tercer, com ja havia dit

And third, as I had already said.

el Jordan Sagó, que està fent una temporada

Jordan Sagó, who is having a season.

un inici de temporada bestial

a monstrous start to the season

fer tercer això

to do this third

va arribar l'esprint amb el Thomas Griot

the sprint arrived with Thomas Griot

el seu compatriota de l'equip Canyon

his teammate from the Canyon team

i res

and nothing

per unes

for some

per unes mil·lisimes

for a few milliseconds

es va quedar davant

he/she stayed in front

i sí que va arribar el David Valero

And yes, David Valero did arrive.

que com ja ens està acostumats

that as we are already used to

una cursa de menjar més també

a race of eating more too

o sigui que va estar bastant entretinguda

So it was quite entertaining.

lo que passa que, no sé

What happens is, I don't know.

es trobava a faltar la veritat

he was missing the truth

un personatge tipus

a type of character

Pitcock, Van Der Poel

Pitcock, Van Der Poel

o algú que posés bastant d'espectacle

or someone who made quite a spectacle

però bé

but well

allà sempre hi ha molts espectadors

There are always many spectators there.

i ostres, és una passada

Oh wow, it's amazing!

com a experiència

as experience

viureu tot allòs

you will live all that

i avui

and today

què tenim?

What do we have?

doncs avui tenim Short Track

So today we have Short Track.

de la Copa del Món d'Elit

of the Elite World Cup

però ahir hi havia Short Track

but yesterday there was Short Track

de Sub-23

of Under-23

que va guanyar l'Adrien Boixís

that Adrien Boixís won

el francès del Trinity Racing

the French of Trinity Racing

segon el Riley Amos

according to Riley Amos

del Trek Factory

from the Trek Factory

i tercer Luke Whitman

and third Luke Whitman

tots aquests tres no van fer podi

none of these three made the podium

al Short Track de l'Enzerheit

at the Enzerheit Short Track

o sigui que està bé perquè les cadires

So it's fine because of the chairs.

i amb l'apartat femení

and with the women's section

ha tornat a guanyar el Short Track

He has won the Short Track again.

la Ronja del Leaf Factory

the Ronja of the Leaf Factory

que seria el Giant

what would the Giant be

però amb l'apartat femení

but with the female section

segona la Pedersen

according to Pedersen

la danesa del Willier

the Danish girl from Willier

i tercera la Noëlle Boury

and third Noëlle Boury

del Bigs Performance

from Bigs Performance

que és un equip on hi ha el Marcel Guerini

What is a team where Marcel Guerini is?

i alguns el recordareu

and some of you will remember him

el Lucas Flukiger

Lucas Flukiger

el germà del Matías

Matías's brother

i aquest cop a Leogang

and this time in Leogang

clar, hi ha Enduro

of course, there is Enduro

Enduro Eléctriques

Electric Enduros

el Short Track, el Cross Country

Short Track, Cross Country

i descens

and descent

només falta que hi hagi el marató

only the marathon is missing

per fer el pleno

to hold the plenary

que el pleno serà a Léguer

that the meeting will be in Léguer

a França

to France

per l'última prova de Copa del Món

for the last World Cup test

però bé, ja ho tenim quasi tot

but well, we have almost everything now

i ahir també hi havia les primeres proves

And yesterday there were also the first tests.


of Enduro

que vull mencionar

that I want to mention

a l'Adrià Cuellar

to Adrià Cuellar

per ser company d'equip

to be a teammate

i a mi el vull mencionar

And I want to mention him.

si o si perquè va fer un carreron

either way because he did a great job

va acabar en la posició 13 ahir

he finished in 13th place yesterday.

o sigui que moltíssimes felicitats

that is to say, many congratulations

perquè el que està fent aquest xaval

because what this kid is doing

és molt bèstia

it's very wild

fa uns dies que està per allà

He has been around there for a few days.

i ahir això va fer el 13

And yesterday this made 13.

o sigui que també és això

so it is also that

us volia actualitzar

I wanted to update you.

com li ha anat a l'Adri

How has it gone for Adri?

i bé, què ens espera?

And well, what awaits us?

doncs aquesta tarda

so this afternoon

el Short Track

Short Track

les hores són les mateixes

the hours are the same

a partir de les 5

from 5 o'clock onwards

ja comencen les fèmines

the females are starting now

i més tard els nois

and later the boys

dissabte el descens

Saturday the descent

per deixar un espai

to leave a space

entre el Short Track

between the Short Track

i el Cross Country

and the Cross Country

i doncs el diumenge

and so on Sunday

el Cross Country

Cross Country

tant amb Sub-23

both with Sub-23

com amb Elite

like with Elite

què pot passar?

What could happen?

tema circuit

theme circuit

no és un circuit

it is not a circuit

que li vagi molt bé al Nino

I hope everything goes very well for Nino.

per si algú pensa

in case someone thinks

ostres el Nino tornarà a guanyar

Wow, Nino is going to win again.

jo penso que no

I think not.

els que em conegueu

those who know me

no soc molt de Nino

I'm not really into Nino.

i una raó més per dir

and one more reason to say

que no guanyarà

that will not win

però és un circuit de molta pujada

but it is a circuit with a lot of uphill

per algun escalador

for some climber

i la baixada és bastant tècnica

and the descent is quite technical

si no plou

if it doesn't rain

estarà bé

it will be fine

però vaja

but well

pensant en els resultats

thinking about the results

que hi ha hagut

that there has been

per mi un clar favorit és

for me a clear favorite is

Jordan Sagú

Jordan Sagú

perquè a part de tenir la motivació

because besides having the motivation

que va guanyar el seu Mundial

that won its World Cup

a Leogang fa uns anys

In Leogang a few years ago.

doncs és algú que

so it is someone who



està dotat per

is endowed for

escalar molt bé

climb very well

és molt tècnic baixant

it's very technical going down

un Alan Hatterley per exemple

an Alan Hatterley for example

jo no acabo de veure

I still don't see.

que un Alan Hatterley guanyant

that an Alan Hatterley winning

espero equivocar-me

I hope I'm wrong.

després pensant en l'Enzerheit

after thinking about the Enzheit

els que van fer millor resultat

those who achieved the best results

un Thomas Griot és un molt bon escalador

A Thomas Griot is a very good climber.

un Valero també

a Valero too

Daniel Ebraidot també

Daniel Ebraidot too

Sam Gage no li anirà molt bé

Sam Gage will not do very well.

però bueno

but well

recordo que l'any passat

I remember that last year.

sé que vaig dir per exemple

I know that I said, for example

a uns amics que el Schwarzbauer

to some friends that the Schwarzbauer

no se li donaria molt bé el circuit

he wouldn't do very well on the circuit

i bueno al principi va estar allà

And well, at the beginning, it was there.

perquè al final és tenir motivació

because in the end it's about having motivation

i que és el que compta

and what matters is

tots sortiran aviam

everyone will find out let's see

perquè clar està tan obert ara

because of course it is so open now

perquè respecte

because respect

al resultat de l'Enzerheit

to the result of the Enzerheit

cap dels que

none of those

o sigui al darrere del Nino ningú ha guanyat mai

In other words, no one has ever won behind Nino.

una prova de Copa del Món

a World Cup test

a part del Daniel Ebraidot

apart from Daniel Ebraidot

i clar és algo que

and of course it's something that

ostres et deu canviar la carrera esportiva

Wow, it must change your sports career.

així que


estarem molt atents

we will be very attentive

així que

so that

ara faré una porra

now I will make a bet

mullaré una miqueta així

I'll wet it a little like this.

si m'ho desretrobaré algo

if I will rediscover something

doncs ja m'ho direu

well, you'll tell me then

dilluns o diumenge al vespre

Monday or Sunday evening

així que


per l'apartat femení

for the women's section

jo crec que la Loana

I believe that Loana.

tornarà a guanyar

he will win again

i segona farà la

and second will make the



perquè primera la Loana

Why Loana first?

perquè tal com està de forma i tal com és el circuit

because as it is shaped and as the circuit is

crec que li anirà molt bé

I believe it will go very well for him/her.

i la Polin també és un circuit que

and the Polin is also a circuit that

li va molt molt bé i tal com està ara

it is doing very very well and just as it is now

de regular crec que també

I think it's also regular.

estarà segona

will be second

del podi i tercera

from the podium and third

jo posaria la Puck Peters que també

I would also put Puck Peters.

és molt bona escaladora i

she is a very good climber and

i tècnicament no tindrà problema venint del

and technically he/she will have no problem coming from the

ciclocross allà però bueno

Cyclocross there but well

ja s'ha vist que és un circuit molt

It has already been seen that it is a very circuit.

ràpid baixant i poc

quickly going down and little

tècnic així que

technical so that

l'apartat femení

the women's section

el meu podi seria aquest i en masculí

my podium would be this and in masculine

doncs per

so for

mi ostres

my oysters

la veritat que m'agradaria que el Jordan

the truth is that I would like Jordan

segur guanyés crec que es mereix

I'm sure he deserves to win.

guanyar una copa

win a trophy

del món però clar

of the world but clear

estarà molt més obert jo

I will be much more open.

sincerament crec que el Luca Braidot

Honestly, I believe that Luca Braidot.

o el Jordan segur estaran

or Jordan will surely be there

primers o sigui que va posaré

first or so that I will put

Segur primer

Sure first

Braidot segon i

Braidot second and

i no sé per què no posa

and I don’t know why it doesn’t say

l'Alan Hatterley

Alan Hatterley

o el Thomas Griot tercer o quart

or Thomas Griot third or fourth

no sé l'ordre

I don't know the order.

és una mica igual però bueno

it's a bit the same but okay

crec que amb nois aquest any està molt

I think that with boys this year is very...

més obert cosa que és xula

more open thing that is cool

així que aviam aviam

so let's see let's see

si encerto o no

whether I get it right or not

no sé si

I don't know if

ho penjaré o no la setmana següent

I will post it or not the following week.

aviam depèn de quin convidat portem

Let's see, it depends on which guest we bring.



res aquest cop

nothing this time

volia fer això una mica de prèvia

I wanted to give a bit of background on this.

no tan humorística sinó

not so humorous but

una mica més seria doncs

a little more then

que sigui una mica més objectiu

to be a little more objective

de cara això aquest cap

facing this this weekend

de setmana i

of the week and

i el descens aviam si França

and the descent let's see if France

segueix regnant i

continues reigning and

seguint el podi o no

following the podium or not

o per primer cop amb bastant

or for the first time with enough

de temps sortent del podi però bueno

"Sometimes they come off the podium, but well."

veig difícil que almenys algun francès

I find it difficult that at least some Frenchman.

ja sigui amb nois o amb noies

whether with boys or with girls

no sigui al podi

do not be on the podium

després sortint

after going out

del BTT

of mountain biking

la setmana passada

last week

que vam fer l'episodi

that we made the episode

doncs divendres el dia abans el dijous

so Friday the day before Thursday

va sortir la

it got out



del Tour de França

of the Tour de France

en chainet

in chainet

o Cours du peloton

or Course of the squad

que es diu en francès

what is it called in French

ho han traduït diferent

they have translated it differently

i res jo per exemple em sembla

And nothing, I think for example.

que em queden 4 capítols o algo així

I have 4 chapters left or something like that.

i la veritat que us la recomano

And the truth is that I recommend it to you.

us la recomano més que res

I recommend it to you more than anything.

per veure

to see

com es viu de dins un Tour de França

What is it like to live inside a Tour de France?

no per la narrativa perquè al final

not for the narrative because in the end

no parlen tots els equips

not all teams speak

està una mica

it's a bit

trobo que edulcorat perquè al final

I find it sweetened because in the end.

els equips que han pagat

the teams that have paid

doncs han sigut els que han sortit

well, they have been the ones who have left

no donem veu a tothom

we do not give a voice to everyone

es nota que hi ha molta selecció

It is evident that there is a lot of selection.

i jo trobo que és algo que no

And I find that it is something that not

a mi personalment no m'agrada perquè doncs

I personally don't like it because then

està molt tot molt seleccionat

everything is very selected

i hi ha molts moments al Tour que

and there are many moments in the Tour that

que pensàvem que

that we thought that

potser podríem veure i

maybe we could see and

es veu molt que ho volen tapar

It's very clear that they want to cover it up.

i que no volen saber que hi havia darrere

and they don't want to know what was behind it

però bueno la veritat que com no són molt llarguets

but well the truth is that since they are not very long

els episodis i

the episodes and

bé per exemple en un dels episodis

well for example in one of the episodes

doncs hi ha la victòria del Pitcock a l'Alpe d'Huez

So there is Pitcock's victory at Alpe d'Huez.

hi ha en un dels episodis que parlen del

there is in one of the episodes that they talk about the

Pinot sobretot i parlen

Pinot above all and they talk.

una mica de la seva vida extra esportiva

a bit of his extra-sporting life

parlen de l'atac

they talk about the attack

que quan el Vingegaard

that when Vingegaard

guanya l'etapa i es posa de líder

wins the stage and takes the lead

que el Pogacar li agafa

that Pogacar catches him

una mica de baixón bueno la veritat que

a bit of a low point, well the truth is that

que està bé per això per veure dins

that is fine for seeing inside

dels cotxes com

of the cars like

parlen els corredors i bueno alguna

the runners are speaking and well some

alguna curiositat que

any curiosity that

és xula de saber així que res

it's cool to know like this so nothing

us la recomano bastant

I recommend it to you quite a bit.

si la podeu mirar pels que no us agradi

If you can look at it for those who don't like it.

el ciclisme és una manera també

cycling is also a way

perquè us agradi perquè

because you like it because

a part de que parlin els

apart from them speaking

els jefes d'equip els directors

the team leaders the directors

i els corredors

and the runners

parla gent que ha sigut exprofessional

talks to people who have been ex-professionals

o periodistes

or journalists

que t'expliquen com funcionen una mica les coses

that they explain to you how things work a little bit

val és a dir al principi et posen

that is to say at first they put you

una mica en situació et diuen

a bit in situation they tell you

que s'ha de fer per guanyar el Tour de França

What needs to be done to win the Tour de France?

que és això el que

what is this that

arribi a París amb menys temps

arrive in Paris in less time

doncs és el que guanya i bueno la

so it is what wins and well the

veritat que no trobo que no

truth that I don't find that I don't

que no deixin a ningú enrere

that nobody is left behind

que al final és lo que fa una mica més de

that in the end is what makes a little more of

por quan algú no segueix algo

for when someone does not follow something

que no deixin a ningú enrere

leave no one behind

en aquest sentit o sigui que

in this sense or rather that

ja us dic que està en Netflix

I'm telling you it's on Netflix.

i bé qui

and well who

no l'hagi mirat i ho estigui pensant doncs

I haven't looked at it and I'm thinking about it then.

la veritat que és una bona manera

the truth is that it is a good way

de passar el temps i divertir-se

to pass the time and have fun

clar es troba a faltar

of course it is missed

doncs això i com jo no ho he acabat tant

well, that and since I haven't finished it either

però per exemple un Movistar no està

but for example a Movistar is not present

sí que un Movistar té la seva sèrie

Yes, a Movistar has its own series.

a Movistar i a Netflix però bueno

to Movistar and to Netflix but well

no sé hi ha equips com el UAE

I don't know if there are teams like UAE.

que no surten que sap

that do not come out that knows

una mica de greu que

a bit of a problem that

no parlin perquè clar al final és el que

don't speak because in the end it's what

va fer segon el Pogacar i que no

he finished second to Pogacar and that’s it.

hi siguin doncs

let it be then

no sé fa grinyolar una mica

I don't know, it creaks a little.

o dubtar una mica dels interessos

or to doubt a little about the interests

i al final clar hi ha

and in the end, of course, there is

diners per darrere i això

money behind and that

interessos extrasportius

extracurricular interests

doncs no sé no sé que pensar

well, I don't know what to think

la veritat però bueno divertida

the truth but well fun

i res us volia

And that's all I wanted to tell you.

posar això

put this

a tou una mica

a little bit soft

per aquest cap de setmana recordar-vos

for this weekend to remind you

això que si no sabeu com sigui la cursa

this that if you don't know what the race is like

m'ho dieu i us passo l'enllaç per

you tell me and I'll send you the link for

seguir-ho tot si no vau

follow it all if you didn’t

poder mirar la cursa de Lanzerheit

to be able to watch the Lanzerheit race

us puc passar la repetició sense cap

I can send you the replay without any.

problema i

problem i

res gràcies a tothom que s'ha interessat

nothing, thanks to everyone who has shown interest

per l'últim episodi que no hi havia

for the last episode that was missing

no hi havia convidat

there was no guest

i us va agradar el

And did you like it?

episodi així una mica més humorístic

an episode that is a bit more humorous

aquest era una mica més pos al dia

this was a little more updated

així curtet perquè passi

just short enough to get by

bé i res farem

well, we will do nothing

com la setmana passada posaré una

like last week I will put one

cançó i a qui li interessi

song and to whom it may concern

i no sapigui quina és doncs

and I don't know what it is then

que m'ho demani així hi ha més

if you ask me like that, there is more

interacció i ja està

interaction and that's it

aviam aviam qui hi ha

let's see let's see who is there

no he comentat cap baixa perquè en principi

I haven't mentioned any absence because initially

no n'hi ha cap val així

there is not a single value like that

que això estarem pendents

that we will be on the lookout for this

un Sam Gage per exemple

a Sam Gage for example

em sembla que m'ho he deixat de dir el Sam Gage no hi va

I think I forgot to tell you that Sam Gage is not going.

perquè vol prioritzar la preparació

because he/she wants to prioritize preparation

cap a Val d'Isole ja sabem

towards Val d'Isole we already know

que el Pitcock en principi tampoc

that Pitcock, in principle, neither

hi és però bueno tots els que

Hi it's but well all those who

hi eren a l'Enserheit

hi they were at the Enserheit

doncs això

so this

aviam com va tot

let's see how it all goes

si no plou i això recordeu que

if it doesn't rain and remember that

les curses el diumenge doncs les

the races on Sunday so the

les femines

the females

són a les 11

It's 11 o'clock.

11-11 i mitja


i els nois després ja són a les 3

And the boys are already at 3 o'clock.

així que res

so nothing

us deixo amb la cançó de la setmana i ja

I'll leave you with the song of the week and that's it.

podríem dir

we could say

espero que hagueu pesat figues

I hope you have weighed figs.

durant tota la setmana senyal que

throughout the week sign that

hagueu treballat molt o el que sigui

you would have worked hard or whatever.

sigui el que sigui

whatever it may be

i això que vagi molt bé el cap de setmana

and have a great weekend

i ens retrobem

and we meet again

al següent episodi una abraçada

in the next episode a hug



i i i i最近

I i i i recently

n Què dius?

What do you say?



I'm grinding every day for you

Estic treballant cada dia per tu.

Yeah, yeah, yeah

Yeah, yeah, yeah

In this land of broken dreams

In this land of broken dreams.

Doing my thing by any means

Fent el meu a qualsevol preu.

That's why I gotta stay so fresh and so clean

Per això he de mantenir-me tan fresc i tan net.

Yeah, we're still here

Yeah, we're still here.

Did I make everything clear?

Did I make everything clear?

You feeling it?

Are you feeling it?

Yeah, we're gonna have a party over here

Yeah, we're gonna have a party over here.

Shit is getting crazy, they trying to deceive me

Shit is getting crazy, they're trying to deceive me.

Te lo traigo frisco, yeah, you better believe me

I'll bring it to you fresh, yeah, you better believe me.

On a different level, yeah, como el pibe

On a different level, yeah, like the guy.

I do this 24x7

I do this 24x7.

Just because I already built my heaven

Just because I already built my heaven

You know I'm the dude like Devin

You know I'm the guy like Devin.

Yeah, I got heart like Kevin

Yeah, I got heart like Kevin.

We ballin' like CR7

We are balling like CR7.

I do this 24x7

I do this 24/7.

Just because I already built my heaven

Just because I already built my heaven.

I do this 24x7

I do this 24/7.

Just because I already built my heaven

Just because I already built my heaven

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