54. Curs de C2 reconegut! 🥳🎉



54. Curs de C2 reconegut! 🥳🎉


Podcast C2, català.cat, episodi 54è.

Podcast C2, catalĂ .cat, episode 54.

El podcast que t'ajuda a provar el C2

The podcast that helps you prepare for the C2 exam.

i a comunicar-te en catalĂ  correcte.

and to communicate with you in correct Catalan.

Bon dia a tothom.

Good morning everyone.

A C2catalĂ .cat estem molt satisfets

At C2catalĂ .cat we are very satisfied.

perquè el Departament d'Educació ha reconegut el nostre curs

because the Department of Education has recognized our course

com a formaciĂł permanent del professorat

as permanent training for teaching staff

en un total de 100 hores.

in a total of 100 hours.

I ens omple de goig perquè ara,

And it fills us with joy because now,

a més a més de servir per a preparar-se per a l'examen de C2

in addition to serving to prepare for the C2 exam

o per a aprendre llengua a un nivell elevat,

or to learn a language at a high level,

dona punts als docents de cara a oposicions

gives points to teachers for competitive exams

o a un concurs de trasllat.

or a transfer competition.

I també serveix, els substituts que ho necessitin,

And it also serves, the substitutes who need it,

per cobrar el mes de juliol.

to collect for the month of July.

Ja veieu si en podem estar de satisfets.

You can see how satisfied we can be.

I és que tot allò que és un procés

And it is that everything that is a process

un reconeixement, el domini i Ăşs de la nostra llengua

an acknowledgment, the mastery and use of our language

ens omple de joia.

fills us with joy.

Des de C2catalĂ .cat volem conscienciar la gent

At C2catalĂ .cat we want to raise awareness among people.

que aquesta anomalia l'hem de revertir.

that we must revert this anomaly.

Perquè, si no ho fem,

Because, if we don't do it,

si seguim abandonant les formes que caracteritzen

if we keep abandoning the forms that characterize

i distingeixen la nostra llengua d'una altra

and distinguish our language from another

i, contĂ­nuament, la substituĂŻm

and, continuously, we substitute it

per expressions i formes d'altres llengĂĽes,

for expressions and forms of other languages,

tard o d'hora, la nostra llengua,

sooner or later, our language,

desapareixerĂ .

will disappear.

Desapareixerà perquè ja no la distingirem

It will disappear because we will no longer distinguish it.

prĂ cticament en res de l'altra que l'haurĂ  engolit.

practically nothing of the other that will have swallowed it.

Ho sentim a dir.

We hear it said.

La nostra llengua estĂ  en perill.

Our language is in danger.

I ho estĂ  per raons diverses.

I am it for various reasons.

Ja sabem que una, i segurament la més greu,

We already know that one, and probably the most serious,

Ă©s no fer-la servir.

it's not to use it.

Abandonar-la i substituir-la per una altra.

Abandon it and replace it with another.

Però aquí poc hi podem fer nosaltres.

But there's little we can do about it.

MĂ©s enllĂ  de demanar-la a la gent,

Beyond asking people for it,

volem demanar-vos, si Ă©s que ho feu,

we want to ask you, if you do it,

que us pregunteu per què l'abandoneu.

that you ask yourselves why you abandon it.

Tots just us diuen buenos dies.

They just say good morning to us.

O quan esteu mantenint una conversa en catalĂ 

Or when you are having a conversation in Catalan.

i arriba algĂş de parla habitual castellana

And someone who normally speaks Spanish arrives.

que no vol pas dir que no entengui el catalĂ .

that doesn't mean I don't understand Catalan.

I passeu automĂ ticament a parlar en la llengua

And you automatically switch to speaking in the language.

del que s'acaba d'incorporar.

of what has just been incorporated.

Doncs això, us demanem que reflexioneu.

Well, that's it, we ask you to reflect.

Que reflexioneu i us pregunteu per què ho feu.

That you reflect and ask yourselves why you do it.

Ja que, com deia la nostra preciada,

Since, as our dear one said,

Carme Junyent, una llengua mor si no s'usa.

Carme Junyent, a language dies if it is not used.

BĂ©, nosaltres, a part de convidar-vos a fer aquesta reflexiĂł,

Well, we, aside from inviting you to reflect on this,

volem col·laborar a revertir una altra raó

we want to collaborate to reverse another reason

per la qual pot desaparèixer,

for which it may disappear,

la que us hem apuntat al començament.

the one we signed up for at the beginning.

Fer-la servir amb deixadesa,

Use it carelessly,

amb despreocupaciĂł,

with nonchalance,

amb una despreocupaciĂł preocupant.

with a concerning carefreeness.

Emprèn un lèxic,

Undertake a lexicon,

unes estructures morfosintàctiques i fonètiques

some morphosyntactic and phonetic structures

no genuĂŻnes,

not genuine,





d'altres llengĂĽes com aquell qui res.

from other languages as if nothing.

Com si substituir les formes genuĂŻnes per altres d'estrangeres

As if substituting genuine forms with foreign ones.

fos d'allò més normal.

was just the most normal thing.

Però de normal no en té res.

But usually it has nothing to do with it.

No Ă©s normal tractar amb deixadesa la llengua.

It is not normal to treat the language with neglect.

Perquè si ens fixem en altres llengües,

Because if we look at other languages,

fins i tot en la que té més bona salut,

even in the one that is in the best health,

veurem que es protegeixen de la contaminaciĂł lingĂĽĂ­stica externa.

we will see that they protect themselves from external linguistic contamination.

Analitzen qualsevol element forĂ 

They analyze any foreign element.

que pretén incorporar-se

that intends to join

i l'accepten o el rebutgen

and they accept it or reject it

segons decideixin els experts.

according to what the experts decide.

Segons, per exemple,

According to, for example,

si l'expressiĂł o mot

if the expression or word

que s'ha introduĂŻt o es vol introduir

that has been introduced or is wanted to be introduced

Ă©s necessari

it is necessary

perquè la llengua enveïda

because the envied language

no el té i el necessita.

he doesn't have it and needs it.

Això és el normal.

This is normal.

No pas el que passa amb el catalĂ .

Not the same as what happens with Catalan.

Perquè el normal,

Because the normal,


let's not deceive ourselves,

Ă©s que les persones siguin sensibles

it is that people are sensitive

al bon Ăşs de la seva llengua.

to the good use of their language.

I que els sĂ piga greu quan no l'usen correctament.

And I hope it makes them feel bad when they don't use it correctly.

Fins al punt de justificar-se

To the point of justifying oneself.

o demanar disculpes si cometen algun error

or to apologize if they make any mistake

i algĂş els el fa observar.

And someone makes them observe it.

Per què ho entenguem?

Why do we understand it?

Si a algĂş se li escapa una catalanada

If someone slips a Catalan saying.

com, per exemple,

like, for example,

«saca't la chaqueta»

"Take off your jacket."

o «com ho ha de ser»

or "how it should be"

o «vamos a hacer unas copas»

or "let's go have some drinks"

i si el receptor se n'adona

And if the receiver realizes it.

d'aquestes catalanades

of these Catalan sayings

advertirĂ  qui ha dit el missatge

will warn who said the message

o directament se'n riurĂ .

or he will just laugh at it.

I a l'emissor,

And to the sender,

l'emissor que ha comès aquest error,

the sender who has made this error,

si això passa, li sabrà greu.

If this happens, he/she will feel sorry.

I, sobretot,

I, above all,

evitarĂ  tornar a cometre l'error.

it will avoid making the mistake again.

Però a l'inrevés,

But the other way around,

això no passa gairebé mai.

this hardly ever happens.

Es considera normal

It is considered normal.

cometre errors en catalĂ 

to make mistakes in Catalan

l'un darrere l'altre.

one after the other.

No, ja hem dit

No, we've already said that.

que no ho Ă©s de normal.

that it is not normal.

És totalment anòmal.

It is completely abnormal.

És excepcional.

It is exceptional.

El normal seria vetllar

The norm would be to oversee.

i interessar-se per usar correctament

and to be interested in using correctly

la nostra llengua.

our language.

Ens preocupem de pronunciar bé una paraula

We are concerned aboutpronouncing a word correctly.

d'una llengua estrangera,

from a foreign language,

com l'anglès.

like English.

Per exemple,

For example,

ens preocupem d'ampliar-ne el lèxic,

we are concerned with expanding its vocabulary,

de conèixer i aplicar

to know and apply

les seves particularitats.

their peculiarities.

Per què?


Perquè no ens sentim còmodes

Because we don't feel comfortable.

si l'usem incorrectament.

if we use it incorrectly.

I, en canvi,

I, on the other hand,

amb la nostra llengua, el català, això no passa.

with our language, Catalan, this does not happen.

Sempre tenim excuses.

We always have excuses.

Excuses si cometem errors

Sorry if we make mistakes.

i si algĂş ens els fa notar.

And if someone points them out to us.

Ens justifiquem.

We justify ourselves.

Ho trobem d'allò més normal, entre cometes.

We find it perfectly normal, in quotes.

Però ja hem dit

But we have already said

que Ă©s una anomalia

what is an anomaly

de dalt a baix.

from top to bottom.

I fixeu-vos on arriba aquesta anomalia.

Notice how this anomaly arrives.

Que quan una persona Ă©s

That when a person is

curosa amb l'Ăşs del catalĂ ,

careful with the use of Catalan,

de vegades,


o sovint,

or often,

Ă©s tillada de purista

it's labeled as purist

o de perapunyetes.

or of very little importance.

I Ă©s fins i tot motiu de burla.

And it is even a reason for mockery.

I se senten comentaris

There are comments being heard.

com, i això qui ho diu?

how, and who says that?

O, qui vols que t'entengui parlant aixĂ­?

Oh, who do you want to understand you by speaking like this?

Parlant com?

Talking how?

Si diem d'acord

If we agree

en comptes de vale?

instead of okay?

Si diem bon dia en comptes de bones?

If we say good morning instead of good?

Si diem diòptria

If we say dioptry

en comptes de dioptria?

instead of diopter?

Qui no ens entendrĂ ?

Who will not understand us?

Va home, va.

Come on, come on.

Això són excuses de mal pagador.

These are excuses of a poor payer.

Doncs bé, reprenent el fil,

Well then, picking up the thread,

l'objectiu de C2catalĂ .cat

the objective of C2catalĂ .cat


it is

ajudar a trencar

help to break

aquests estereotips,

these stereotypes,

conscienciar els usuaris de la llengua

raise awareness among language users

que no tot s'hi val

that not everything is acceptable

i ensenyar a detectar i corregir errors diversos

and teach to detect and correct various errors

que conviuen amb nosaltres

that live with us

amb la complicitat de tots.

with the complicity of everyone.

I si algĂş

And if someone

es vol presentar a l'examen del nivell superior

he wants to take the higher-level exam

de coneixements de la llengua catalana,

of knowledge of the Catalan language,

el C2, ha de conèixer,

the C2 must know,

entendre i aplicar

understand and apply

les formes correctes

the correct forms

normatives de la llengua.

language regulations.

Ha de demostrar

It must demonstrate.

que té un bon domini del català

who has a good command of Catalan

en tots els Ă mbits.

in all areas.

Sintàctic, morfològic,

Syntactic, morphological,

lèxic, fonètic,

lexicon, phonetic

ortogrĂ fic, etc.

orthographic, etc.

I des de C2catalĂ .cat

And from C2catalĂ .cat

us ajudem a aconseguir-ho.

we help you achieve it.

El nostre curs de C2

Our C2 course

ho tractem tot.

We handle everything.

Tractem les tres Ă rees de l'examen

We will address the three areas of the exam.

exhaustivament, però també

exhaustively, but also

us revelem els errors

we reveal the errors

que quan examinem detectem

that when we examine we detect

cada dos per tres

every now and then

i a cada convocatòria.

and at each call.



i a més a més del curs, que insistim

and in addition to the course, which we insist on

que ha estat reconegut pel Departament

that has been recognized by the Department

d'EducaciĂł, doncs

of Education, then

a més a més del curs, hem creat

besides the course, we have created

més de 50 episodis de podcast

more than 50 podcast episodes

per ajudar tothom que vulgui

to help everyone who wants to

millorar en l'Ăşs de la llengua.

improve in the use of the language.

I també diàriament

And also daily

proposem exercicis

we propose exercises

i reptes diversos

and various challenges

com a entrenament per a l'examen de C2

as training for the C2 exam

o com a entrenament personal

or as personal training

per tenir cura de la nostra llengua.

to take care of our language.

Ara ja ho sabeu

Now you know

i si ens voleu conèixer

and if you want to get to know us

seguiu-nos des de Youtube,

follow us on YouTube,

Instagram, etc.

Instagram, etc.

A reveure.


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