La bolera i els milkshakes

El teu swiftie de confiança

El teu swiftie de confiança

La bolera i els milkshakes

El teu swiftie de confiança

Benvinguts a tots i a totes al teu cifre de confiança.

Welcome everyone to your trusted figure.

Avui parlarem...

Today we will talk...

Avui parlarem d'un tema molt interessant que va ser el meu primer podcast, el meu capítol 1 del meu podcast, va ser de Heartstopper.

Today we will talk about a very interesting topic that was my first podcast, my episode 1 of my podcast, which was about Heartstopper.

O sigui, anem a parlar del capítol 6 i 5, o sigui, del 5 i el 6.

So, let's talk about chapter 6 and 5, that is, 5 and 6.

Perquè me vaig quedar allí, tal, you know, like, you know what I mean, you know, everything is happening right now, so we're gonna talk.

Because I stayed there, like, you know, like, you know what I mean, you know, everything is happening right now, so we're gonna talk.

Amb la tassa de Nadal, always, always a Nadal.

With the Christmas cup, always, always at Christmas.

Val, comencem.

Okay, let's begin.

El 5è capítol, 5è capítol, que és per on em vaig quedar, crec, crec, és on van anar a la bolera, val?

The 5th chapter, 5th chapter, which is where I left off, I think, I think, is where they went to the bowling alley, right?

Van anar a la bolera, tots feliços.

They went to the bowling alley, all happy.

Like, everything is happy.

Like, everything is happy.

Però abans, abans, la tia aquella, you know, saps quina tia, t'estic parlant.

But before, before, that aunt, you know, you know which aunt I'm talking about.

La tia...

The aunt...

La tia aquella.

That aunt.

La que és una besada que li demana la cita al Nick, val?

The one who is a kiss asking Nick for the date, okay?

Aquella tia, no em recordo el nom.

That girl, I don't remember the name.

Doncs aquella tia, li demana, en plan, per sortir per fer una cita.

So that aunt asks him, like, to go out on a date.

I el Nick li diu, sí, clar, no sé què, perquè...

And Nick says to him, yes, of course, I don’t know what, because...

La tia, tu, que ha salit a morar el gos.

Aunt, you, who has gone out to walk the dog.

I doncs el Nick, en plan, com a bona persona, és molt caritatiu.

And so Nick, in a way, as a good person, is very charitable.

I doncs ella accepta.

And so she agrees.

Ella accepta, perquè, like, she's a good person.

She accepts, because, like, she's a good person.

She's a good person.

She's a good person.

Everything is perfect.

Everything is perfect.



Cada ell li diu que sí.

Each one tells him yes.

Però després, Val, Charlie, li diu, saps què et disapta?

But then, Val, Charlie says to him, you know what bothers you?


It is...

saps que aquest dissabte

do you know that this Saturday

és el meu aniversari, no?

It's my birthday, right?

i ell fa, no m'ho havies dit, no sé què

And he does, you hadn't told me, I don't know what.

t'hauria d'haver comprat un

I should have bought you one.

un regal

a gift

no m'ha sortit avui les paraules

I haven't found the words today.

això és molt heavy

this is very intense

t'hauria d'haver comprat un regal

I should have bought you a gift.

i què fa?

And what does he/she do?

doncs el Nick

so Nick

el que ha de fer

what has to be done

va a la festa d'aniversari

go to the birthday party

del Charlie

of Charlie

i deixa la tia que et va

And let the aunt who goes you.

tirada sola

single throw

no la deixa perquè, xica, t'has de pensar un poc

Don't leave her because, girl, you need to think a little.

a plan

a plan

si tu

if you

si tu veus la sèrie

if you want the series

no la pots veure perquè

you can't see her because

no existeix la sèrie allà

the series does not exist there

si tu penses una miqueta

if you think a little bit

i veus que estan tot el dia junts

and you see that they are together all day

i que, tia, ja veus el comportament

And what, girl, you can already see the behavior.

que té ell amb tu

what does he have with you

doncs no, vaja

well no, wow

don't go

don't go

don't go that way

don't go that way

bé, la cosa és

well, the thing is





, van anar de bolera

they went bowling

molt feliços

very happy

tot perfecte de moment

everything perfect for now

eh, he de dir que van

Eh, I have to say that they go.

fan 15 anys

they are 15 years old

o sigui, el Charlie fa 15 anys

So, Charlie is turning 15 years old.

sí, el Charlie fa 15 anys

Yes, Charlie is 15 years old.

i, clar, perquè tot això

yes, of course, because of all this

tot això

all this

eh, és que el Nick té un any més

eh, it's just that Nick is one year older.

i el Charlie té un any menys

And Charlie is one year younger.

en plan, el Charlie va a la festa d'aniversari

So, Charlie is going to the birthday party.

i el Nick va a la festa d'aniversari

And Nick is going to the birthday party.

en la primera batxillerat

in the first year of high school



va anar a la bolera

he went to the bowling alley

i el Nick, a part que el Nick sempre guanya

And Nick, besides the fact that Nick always wins.

perquè jo que estic amb xicots

because I am with boys

sempre gana

always hungry

he's so good

he's so good



el Toe està molt gelós

Toe is very jealous.

de que el Nick hagi vingut

that Nick has come

una realitat

a reality

que este bé

that it be good

que es veu

what is seen

és una realitat

it is a reality

i no passa res

and it doesn't matter

it's like

it's like







Tau, no em sortia el nom, el Tau està molt gelós, i dius, xicó, per què, like, they're happy, per què estàs tan gelós, tio, it's the best, it's the best friend forever, i està gelós perquè ella es pensa que, com és el tio del Rubi, el Nic, com és el tio del Rubi,

Tau, I couldn't remember the name, Tau is very jealous, and you say, dude, why, like, they're happy, why are you so jealous, man, it's the best, it's the best friend forever, and he's jealous because she thinks that, since he's Rubi's uncle, Nic, since he's Rubi's uncle.

doncs ella es pensa que li està fent de broma, no sé què, no sé quantos, no, no, no, perquè tot això, és que ara ho diré, ara ho diré, ara ho diré, després de tot això, no sé què, no sé quantos, el Charlie va al lavabo,

so she thinks he's joking, I don't know what, I don't know how much, no, no, no, because all this, I'm going to say it now, I'm going to say it now, I'm going to say it now, after all this, I don't know what, I don't know how much, Charlie goes to the bathroom,

a plan, doncs el xicó s'està meando, o té molt ganes de cagar, no passa res, són necessitats humanes que té el món, no?

A plan, then the kid is peeing, or he really needs to take a dump, it's nothing, these are human needs that the world has, right?

I el Tau, va, li diu, he d'anar a dir...

And Tau, come on, tells him, I have to go say...

I la Elle, fa, no, és el seu aniversari, a plan, no pots, justament avui, justament avui, carinyo, no, però ell li sua i va, a dir, no passa res, no passa res perquè, perquè tenim el Nic, no? Tenim el Nic.

And Elle, well, no, it's her birthday, a plan, you can't, just today, just today, darling, no, but he sweats it off and goes, to say, it's fine, it's fine because, because we have Nic, right? We have Nic.

Bueno, quan parlen al lavabo, que estan tenint la discussió de, eh, eh, por qué hiciste tú eso, saps?

Well, when they talk in the bathroom, they are having the discussion of, eh, eh, why did you do that, you know?

Això, estava llegint, que havia ficat jo aquí el meu guió, a plan, no entenia què volia dir.

This, I was reading, that I had put my script here, in a plan, I didn’t understand what it meant.

Doncs el Tau li diu al Charlie, a plan, he escoltat el partit de rugby, val? He escoltat que el Nic, eh, ha quedat amb la tia, no me'n recordo com es diu, avui serà tia, es dirà tia, vale?

So Tau says to Charlie, a plan, I've listened to the rugby match, okay? I heard that Nic, uh, has a date with the girl, I can't remember her name, today she'll be a girl, she'll be called girl, okay?

Amb la tia, mmm, aquella. I li diu, a plan, eh, escoltat això, no sé què, no sé quantos. I fa, bueno, pues, a plan, té una cita, té una cita.

With the aunt, mmm, that one. And she says to him, like, hey, listen to this, I don't know what, I don't know how many. And he goes, well, then, like, she has a date, she has a date.

I el Charlie, eh, no me'n recordo la seva reacció, però, bueno, a plan, mmm, va allà, però no sé què, no passa res, no sé quantos, no sé quantos.

And Charlie, eh, I don't remember his reaction, but, well, like, mmm, goes there, but I don't know what, nothing happens, I don't know how much, I don't know how much.

I el Nic va demanar, a plan, li diu a l'Elle i al Isaac, que és aquest, I don't remember.

And Nic asked him, as a plan, he tells Elle and Isaac, which is this, I don't remember.

I, que, pues, va, va a pedir. I fa, no, invito jo, no sé què, no sé quantos.

I, that, well, goes, is going to ask. And it does, no, I invite, I don’t know what, I don’t know how many.

I, bueno, pues, el Isaac, com a buena persona i com a buen rata que és, com seríem tots, eh, si algú invita, pues, si invites tu, pues, clar, vull això, no?

I, well, Isaac, as a good person and as the good cheapskate he is, like we all would be, right, if someone invites, well, if you invite, of course, I want this, right?

I, doncs, mentre ell va a escoltar, a plan, mentre ell va a demanar, ella a escoltar, ella a escoltar el Tau i el Charlie discutint, a plan, no, no sé què, no sé quantos.

And so, while he goes to listen, to plan, while he goes to ask, she listens, she listens to Tau and Charlie arguing, to plan, no, I don't know what, I don't know how much.

Me debes, eh, mil milions d'euros.

You owe me, huh, a thousand million euros.

¿Por qué te compro yo en la casa?

Why do I buy you in the house?

You know, everything.

You know, everything.

I, bueno, tot això, en plan, i escolta, en plan, el Nic, escolta, s'apropa a la porta i escolta, en plan, el Tau, eh, di estereotipos de gent que juga al rugby.

I, well, all of this, like, and listen, like, Nic, listen, approaches the door and listen, like, Tau, eh, say stereotypes of people who play rugby.

Que això ho hem de treure, hem de treure els estereotipos de la gent.

We need to get rid of this, we need to eliminate the stereotypes of people.

Això ho hem de treure, en plan, si ell està jugant a, mmm, eh, tirar una merda, val?

We need to take this out, like, if he's playing at, mmm, uh, throwing crap, okay?

I això, eh, està jugant a futbol.

And this, you know, is playing football.

Anem a dir futbol.

Let's play football.

Ja que estàs haciendo todo esto, el mundial, y todo esto, mmm, has hecho una futbol, val, eh, le podrán, le podrán agarrar a las noias, like, it's okay, it's okay, val, perquè el Tau li estaria en plan, eh, no, no es fia d'ell perquè, com sempre l'ha vist jugar a, a rugby, doncs ella està en plan, no, le agarraran a las noias, no sé què, no sé quantos, pues sí que le agarraran a las noias.

Since you are doing all this, the World Cup, and all this, mmm, you have made a football, okay, eh, they will be able to, they will be able to get the girls, like, it's okay, it's okay, okay, because Tau would be like, eh, no, he doesn't trust him because, as she has always seen him play rugby, well she is like, no, they will get the girls, I don't know what, I don't know how many, well yes, they will get the girls.

En este caso, le gustan los chicos y la chica, le gustan los dos.

In this case, he likes boys and the girl; he likes both.

Eh, mmm, i, en plan, ella està dient estereotipos que s'han fet per gent que juga a jocs de pilota de tota la vida, saps?

Eh, mmm, and, like, she's saying stereotypes that have been created for people who have always played ball games, you know?

Que dius, no, no, no, hem de treure aquests estereotipos, yeah, right now, because it's like so bad.

What are you saying, no, no, no, we have to get rid of these stereotypes, yeah, right now, because it's like so bad.

Eh, no, però s'han de treure ara, de veritat, o sigui, a fora, a fora, a fora, no passa res.

Eh, no, but they have to be taken off now, really, I mean, outside, outside, outside, nothing's happening.

No passa res, pots jugar al futbol, pots jugar al rugby, pots jugar a tirar una merda, literalment, en plan, en plan, a agafar un cagalló, eh, home, ara per sort, ara per sort, en plan, hi ha l'equip, som amb nins, no sé què, no sé quantos, però s'han de, bla, vi.

It's okay, you can play football, you can play rugby, you can play throwing a crap, literally, like, as in, to pick up a turd, huh, man, luckily now, luckily now, like, there is the team, we're with the kids, I don’t know what, I don’t know how much, but they have to, blah, yes.

La gent ho ha de veure més, en plan, tenen que estar en, en l'ojo, en la, en, en l'ojo de la gent.

People need to see it more, like, they have to be in, in the eye, in the, in, in the eye of the people.

I, bueno, això, imagina't.

Well, this, just imagine.

I sempre ho han jugat noies.

And girls have always played it.

Al joc del cagalló.

In the game of poop.



Si hi juga un noi, pues, potser,

If a boy plays there, then maybe,

en plan diran, ah no sé què, no sé

they will say, oh I don't know what, I don't know

quantos grados, no es

how many degrees, is it not

bla bla bla

bla bla bla



perquè és tirar un caralló

because it is throwing a piece of trash

no és

it is not



no sé

I don't know.

no és, no és

it isn't, it isn't

no sé què dir

I don't know what to say.



al taulibu això, val

I'll take care of this, okay?

seguim perquè vam avançant

we keep going because we are making progress

que si no, no acabo

that if not, I won't finish

eh, al Charlie

Hey, to Charlie.

no pot dir la veritat, per què no pot dir la veritat

he cannot tell the truth, why can he not tell the truth

perquè si volguem a

because if we wanted to



al Nick

to Nick

demana al Charlie

ask Charlie

que, eh, per favor, no sé quantos

that, eh, please, I don't know how many

en plan, quan diuen que estan

like, when they say they are

oficialment sortint

officially exiting

al Nick

to Nick

és que no m'ha sortit els noms, o sigui, avui estic molt malament

It's just that I haven't remembered the names, I mean, I'm feeling really bad today.

allò, al Nick

that, to Nick

diu, per favor, lo podemos

Say, please, we can.

mantener en secreto porque yo, like

keep it a secret because I, like

I don't wanna know, like

I don't wanna know, like.

al Nick

to Nick

li diu, demana, en plan, podem portar això en secret

he says, asks, like, can we keep this secret

o sigui

that is to say

perquè encara no sé quina és la meva sexualitat

because I still don't know what my sexuality is

encara no estic molt segur, no sé què, no sé quantos

I'm still not very sure, I don't know what, I don't know how many.

i al Charlie li fa

and Charlie feels

sí, sí, tranquil, no passa res, no sé quantos

yes, yes, calm down, nothing's wrong, I don't know how many

en plan, everything is ok, like, I have

like, everything is ok, like, I have



i, clar

Yes, of course.

això, el Charlie

this, Charlie

no pot dir-ho, perquè, en plan, li va fer la promesa

you can't say it, because, like, he made her the promise

i això el Nick ho escolta, i quan ho escolta

and Nick hears this, and when he hears it

el Nick, en plan, se pone, en plan, tope

Nick, like, gets really, like, intense.

dramàtic, o sigui, comença a escoltar, en plan

dramatic, like, start listening, you know

folklore, i speak now, i red

Folklore, I speak now, I red.

o sigui

that is to say

està molt malament, o sigui

it's very bad, I mean

el Nick, en aquell moment, s'ha ficat

Nick, at that moment, got involved.

els auriculars, no passa l'escena, però

the headphones, the scene doesn't pass, but

s'ha ficat els auriculars interiors

he has put in his earbuds

i es fica, eh, folklore

And it gets involved, you know, folklore.

eh, com es diu

eh, what is it called

speak now, reds

speak now, reds

like, so bad

like, so bad



que ja sent com fatal, i de fet

that already feels like fatal, and in fact

el Charlie, diu, en plan

Charlie says, in a way.

és el meu amic, en plan, és el meu

he's my friend, like, he's mine

diu, és el meu

says, it’s mine



no pot dir-ho, i això és com

he can't say it, and this is like

que ho va escoltar el Nick, i és com

that Nick heard it, and it's like

val, seguim

Okay, let's continue.

el Tau es tranquil·litza

the Tau calms down

no sé què, no sé quantos, en plan, va

I don't know what, I don't know how many, like, come on.

ok, like, you were right

OK, like, you were right.





però, eh

but, hey

en plan, diu

like, he/she says

en plan, que si fa alguna cosa, doncs, lo va

Like, if he does something, then, he goes.

a rebentar

to burst

lo va a rebentar

he is going to blow it up



like, això no passarà

like, this won't happen

i, en plan, el perdona, he ficat, en plan

I, like, forgive him, I’ve put, like.

aquí he ficat, el Tau es tranquil·litza i el perdona

Here I have put, the Tau calms down and forgives him.

el perdona, perquè és com

he forgives her, because it is like

l'ha de perdonar, el Charlie

He has to forgive him, Charlie.

amb ell, perquè

with him, because

és el Tau que

it is the Tau that

ha començat la discussió, aquest, en plan, de

the discussion has started, this, like, of

dir-li això

tell him this

que és com

that is like

estan sortint junts

they are going out together


Do you know?

estan sortint junts, però clar, ningú sap

they are going out together, but of course, no one knows

love it


love this book

I love this book.

so much

so much

i, el Nick està molt trist

And Nick is very sad.

surt el Tau i el Charlie

Tau and Charlie are coming out.

i el Nick està molt trist, en plan

And Nick is very sad, like.

so bad

tan malament



bé, en plan

well, like

el Charlie va

Charlie is going.

és una escena callada

it is a quiet scene

callada, en silenci

silent, in silence



t'edic el que passa, t'edic el que passa

I'll tell you what happens, I'll tell you what happens.

el Nick surt

Nick is going out.

amb una escena callada

with a silent scene

callada, en silenci

silent, in silence



és molt heavy, perquè és com

it's very heavy, because it's like

el Nick l'abraça

Nick hugs him.

el Charlie no sap què passa, però

Charlie doesn't know what's happening, but

el Charlie està content, però el Nick està en plan

Charlie is happy, but Nick is in a mood.

eh, ho sento molt, no sé com és

Eh, I'm very sorry, I don't know what it's like.

però té com un text molt heavy

but it has a very heavy text

que li diu, amb una abraçada

that he tells her, with a hug







el té en aquí

The tea is here.

en plan

in plan

oh my god

oh my god

en plan

in plan

surt en les

comes out in the

las fullas

the leaves

les líneas

the lines


of those

en plan

in plan





és molt heavy

it's very heavy

aquesta scena

this scene





so much

so much





Ho veus? Ho tinc aquí, ho tinc aquí

Do you see it? I have it here, I have it here.

S'abracen perquè el Nick ha escoltat tot

They hug because Nick has heard everything.

I es té en la ment

And it is kept in mind.

Amb la connexió

With the connection


It is

Després de tot això

After all this

Fan una altra partida, juguen

They play another game.

Guanya la L

Win the L



Van a jugar

They are going to play.

Però abans d'això

But before that

Abans d'això

Before this

Abans, quan acaben la partida

Before, when the game ends

Guanya la L, tot

Win the L, everything.

El Nick se'n va a sentar, se sent acusat del Tao

Nick is going to sit down, he feels accused of the Tao.

I el Tao li diu en plan

And the Tao says to him like this

Si li fas alguna cosa al Charlie

If you do something to Charlie.

I'm gonna punch you in the face

I’m going to punch you in the face.

Just when you know

Just when you know

Et pagarà molt heavy

It will pay you very well.

Te va a pagar

He/She is going to pay you.

I ja està

And that's it.

Això és la primera part

This is the first part.

Després van a jugar tots

Then they all go to play.



Bueno, van a jugar

Well, they are going to play.

El Nick i el Charlie jugant a la màquina del ganxo

Nick and Charlie playing at the claw machine.

No fan res

They do nothing.

Se queda sense diners

He runs out of money.

Li demana al Charlie

He asks Charlie.

Mira que gran

Look how big.

Mira que alt

Look how tall.

El Nick

The Nick

Li demana diners al Charlie

He asks Charlie for money.

En plan, no me queda dinero

Like, I don't have any money left.

I don't have money

I don't have money.



Pues eso

Well, that.

Acaben parlant

They end up talking.

I don't have money

I don't have money.

Al Nick li diu

He tells Nick

Escuta la conversa

Listen to the conversation.

No sé qué, no sé cuántos

I don't know what, I don't know how many.

Ho sento molt

I'm very sorry.

I el Charlie fa en plan

And Charlie is acting all like



What girl?

What girl?



El Charlie fa en plan

Charlie is acting like...

Oh my god

Oh my god


Què, ho has escoltat tot?

What, have you heard everything?

No sé qué, no sé cuántos

I don't know what, I don't know how many.

Ho sento molt

I'm very sorry.

No sé qué, no sé cuántos

I don't know what, I don't know how many.

I'm done

He acabat.

Estic molt enamorat de tu

I am very much in love with you.





, I

, I



No, tranquil, està bé, jo estic bé

No, don't worry, it's okay, I'm fine.

Mentre tu estiguis bé amb mi

As long as you are good with me.

Ens fem petons, estem parlant de la relació

We kiss each other, we are talking about the relationship.

Doncs jo estic parlant

Well, I am talking.



Jo estic parlant perfect

I am speaking perfectly.

I ja són un petó

And it's already a kiss.

En plan, el Nick mira a darrere, mira al costat

Like, Nick looks behind, looks to the side.

Mira davant, mira darrere, mira a l'altre costat

Look ahead, look behind, look to the other side.

Mira a dalt, mira a baix, mira a tot arreu

Look up, look down, look everywhere.

I ja són un petó

And now it's a kiss.

Primer petó en públic

First kiss in public

I una escena

And a scene

Una escena molt heavy

A very intense scene

He d'agafar aire

He has to catch his breath.

El tau

The bull

I la Elf, bueno, ells van a jugar

And the Elf, well, they are going to play.

Jueguen, saps?

They play, you know?

I li donen un regal, el Nick li dona un regal

And they give him a gift, Nick gives him a gift.

Que és un marc amb una foto de

What is a frame with a photo of

De la neu

Of the snow

De la neu, super bonic

Of the snow, super beautiful.

Es fa una mica

It gets a little bit.


You know?

Molt xula

Very cool

O no, sabia dir

Oh no, I knew how to say.

Es fan un petó, vale?

They kiss each other, alright?

El tau i la Elf

The bull and the Elf

Tenen una connexió

They have a connection.

Molt heavy de mirades

Very heavy with looks.

Mentre juguen a matar aliens

While they play at killing aliens.

Tenen una connexió

They have a connection.

Molt heavy

Very heavy

I el Nick

And Nick

Passa el dia següent

The next day passes.

Perdó, he mogut el micròfon

Sorry, I moved the microphone.

Passa el dia següent

It happens the next day.

El Nick

The Nick

queda amb la tia, amb la Nelly, que és el seu gos,

he stays with his aunt, with Nelly, who is his dog.

la tia, encara no sabem com es diu,

the aunt, we still don't know what her name is,

i no sabrem com es dirà,

and we will not know what it will be called,



i queda amb la tia,

and stay with the aunt,

i li diu en plan,

and he tells him in a way,

que a vegades, en plan,

that sometimes, like,

de vegades em sento que estic ben tot,

sometimes I feel that I am doing well,

perquè estic en blanca,

because I'm blank,

ho faig perquè la gent vegi que estic,

I do it so that people see that I am here,

en plan,

in the sense of,

no sóc raro, que no sé què, no sé quantos,

I'm not weird, I don't know what, I don't know how many,

que estic tot seguint com una massa de gent,

that I am following like a crowd of people,

que és la d'allí, que és el Harry aquell,

what is that one over there, who is that Harry,

crec que es deia Harry,

I think he was called Harry,

capullo aquell, vamos,

that prick, come on,

fill de puta,

son of a bitch,

i clar,

and of course,

i la tia fa,

and the aunt does,

o sigui, el Charlie diu,

that is, Charlie says,

deixa-ho estar en blanc, és una estupidesa,

leave it blank, it's a stupidity,

i la tia fa, no, no és una estupidesa,

And the aunt does, no, it's not a nonsense,

en blanc, t'entenc, o sigui,

in white, I understand you, so,



la gent de l'institut,

the people from the institute,

del col·le, de la guarderia,

from school, from the nursery,

de la panxa de la teva mare,

from your mother's belly,

bueno, tan ràpid, no,

well, not that fast,



la gent, en plan,

people, like,

has de fer el que tu vulguis, o sigui,

you have to do what you want, that is,

això ja ho han dit molta gent,

many people have already said this,

però és que,

but it's that,

has de fer el que tu, literalment,

you have to do what you, literally,

el que tu vulguis, o sigui,

whatever you want, that is,

no has de seguir

you don't have to follow

a la gent que és popular,

to the people who are popular,

en plan,

in a way,

la Regina George, pues sí, perquè

Regina George, well yes, because

she's the best, she's the queen, she's like everything,

she's the best, she's the queen, she's like everything,



per, però, per exemple,

for, but, for example,

el tio que tens al costat,

the guy next to you,

que és el que parla tothom,

what is it that everyone is talking about,

em, saps, el popular,

well, you know, the popular,

de classe,

of class,

el capullo del costat, bàsicament,

the jerk next door, basically,

anem a dir les coses clares, el capullo del costat,

let's be clear, the jerk next to me,

no, no està, en plan,

no, it's not, like,

si et diu, tira't per un pont, tu no te tiris,

if they tell you, jump off a bridge, don't jump.

o, caga't a damunt, tu no t'hi caguis,

Oh, just shit on top of it, you don't shit on it.


you know,

en plan, si et diu, tira't per un pont,

like, if he tells you, jump off a bridge,

pues tu tira't per un riu,

well, you can throw yourself in a river,

si et diu, caga't a damunt, pues no,

if he tells you, shit yourself, well no,

tu, tu no et cagues a damunt,

you, you don't shit yourself,

tu, eh, et pixes a damunt,

you, eh, you piss on yourself,

like, you know what I mean, you know what I'm saying,

like, you know what I mean, you know what I'm saying,

tu fas el contrari,

you do the opposite,

no li fas cas a ell,

don’t pay attention to him,

si et diu, eh,

if it tells you, huh,

però, no,

but, no,

si et diu algo,

if it tells you something,

no facis cas, ja està,

don't pay attention, that's it,

s'ha acabat, s'ha acabat,

it's over, it's over,

i ja està, això és el capítol 6,

And that's it, this is chapter 6.

s'acaba així, en plan, s'acaba

It ends like this, like, it ends.

que el Nick li diu a la tia aquesta,

that Nick tells this girl,

en plan, els sentiments

like, the feelings

de que està sent com la gent,

of what people are being like,

el Harley,

the Harley,

que ets, en plan,

what are you, like,

perquè no diguin que és una,

so they don't say it's one,

que l'acceptin perquè

let them accept it because

en xitingi like friends,

in xitingi like friends,

bueno, seguim,

well, let's continue,

capítol 6,

chapter 6

he d'agafar aire, no agafo aire,

I have to take a breath, I am not taking a breath.

aquest capítol està sent molt intens per mi,

this chapter is very intense for me,

és molt heavy, eh,

it's very heavy, isn't it,

és molt heavy, quan jo parlo de Harry Soper,

it's very heavy, when I talk about Harry Soper,

m'estic adonant que em fico

I'm realizing that I'm getting involved.

amb una cosa molt heavy, bueno,

with something very heavy, well,

capítol 6,

chapter 6,

comença, comença,

begin, begin,



ho tinc aquí apuntat i m'està ficant ja

I have it noted down here and it's already getting me into it.

molt heavy,

very heavy,

comença que la tarea de l'Arsic,

it starts that the task of the Arsic,

comença amb la tarea de l'Arsic,

it starts with Arsic's task,

i és, en plan,

and it is, like,



que estan tocant

what they are playing

l'instrument, no sé què toquen ara mateix,

the instrument, I don't know what they're playing right now,

doncs, estan tocant l'instrument,

so, they are playing the instrument,

i, doncs, les nenes

and, therefore, the girls

tontes, bàsicament,

silly, basically,

que els hi peguen

let them hit them

a casa,

at home,

peguen allà,

they hit there,

se donen xocazos contra la paret

they crash against the wall

elles mateixes, perquè, bueno,

themselves, because, well,

se'ls agrada, no passa res,

if they like it, nothing happens,

hem d'acceptar totes les persones, no?

We have to accept all people, right?

S'enriuen d'elles dues,

They mock those two,

perquè elles dues han fet públic la seva relació,

because the two of them have made their relationship public,

la Tara i la Darcy han fet públic

Tara and Darcy have made it public.

la seva relació a Instagram,

their relationship on Instagram,

i diuen, en plan,

and they say, like,

oh my god, like, she's the weird one,

oh my god, like, she's the weird one,



de fet, hi ha una part que diu,

in fact, there is a part that says,

no t'apropis a ella, que se't pagarà,

Don't get close to her, it will cost you.

és com, te'l voy a pegar jo a ti,

it's like, I'm going to hit you.

si se't pagarà,

if you will be paid,

si, si, se'm pagarà,

Yes, yes, I will be paid.

se'm pagarà la mala hòstia,

I will be paid for the bad mood.

segurament se'm pagarà la mala hòstia que tindria,

I will probably be paid back for the bad mood I would have.



el Nick,

the Nick,

després de tot això,

after all this,

amb la Tara, la Darcy, la Tara,

with Tara, Darcy, Tara,

a la Tara li ha agafat una tacla de xatirat,

Tara has developed a case of chatterbox.

en plan, jo no volia que això tot passés tan ràpid,

Like, I didn't want all this to happen so fast,

jo no volia que la gent no m'acceptés,

I didn't want people not to accept me,

en plan, ella ha perdido free hands,

It's like she has lost free hands.

ha perdido,

has lost,

en plan, ha perdido,

like, he/she has lost,



ha perdido,

he has lost,

en plan, best friends forever,

like, best friends forever,

best friends forever,

best friends forever,

en plan, ha sigut com,

like, it has been like,

reputation de la Taylor Swift,

reputation of Taylor Swift,

la Tara en aquell moment estava reputation,

Tara was at that moment leaning over.

o sigui, literalment,

that is, literally,

en aquell moment, la Tara reputation,

at that moment, Tara's reputation,

o sigui, super romàntica, amb la Darcy, en plan,

I mean, super romantic, with Darcy, like,

I wanna be with you,

Vull estar amb tu,

I want you to kiss me,

I want you to kiss me.

but, like, there's people that are so annoying,

but, like, there are people who are so annoying,

o sigui,

that is,



la Tara reputation en aquell moment,

Tara's reputation at that moment,

o sigui, està en plan, fatal, plorant, en plan,

so, she's like, in a bad way, crying, like,

tot això que a mi, eh, eh,

all this that to me, huh, huh,

amigues me les han marxat, no sé què,

my friends have left me, I don't know what,

perquè m'han dit que soc rara, no sé què,

because they told me I'm strange, I don't know what,

però, a dir,

but, to say,

amigues, bones, per sort,

friends, good, luckily,

que diuen sí, ok, like, you're the best,

they say yes, ok, like, you're the best,


Do you know?

En plan, està en reputation,

Basically, it is in reputation,

perquè també estima molt la Darcy i la Tara,

because she also loves Darcy and Tara very much,

en aquell moment, i sempre, però,

at that moment, and always, however,

en aquell moment és reputation,

at that moment it is reputation,

la Tara, la Tara reputation total,

the Tara, the total reputation of Tara,

la Tara reputation total,

the total Tara reputation,

super romàntica, la Tara,

super romantic, Tara,

la Tara super romàntica, en realitat,

the super romantic Tara, actually,

vamos a decir las cosas claras,

let's say things clearly,



la Tara super romàntica, o sigui,

the super romantic Tara, I mean,

que jo recordi, eh,

as far as I remember, eh,

que jo recordi,

as far as I remember,

és romàntica,

she is romantic,



passant tot això, passant tot això,

passing all this, passing all this,

arribem a la situació del Nick,

we reach Nick's situation,

i el Nick està veient

and Nick is watching

un vídeo de,

a video of,





està veient un vídeo d'un tio,

he is watching a video of a guy,

no sé com es diu,

I don't know what it's called,

d'un tio,

of a guy,

que està dient que com va descobrir que era bissexual,

he is saying how he discovered that he was bisexual,

i doncs allí, el Nick,

And so there, Nick,

en plan, para el vídeo,

like, for the video,

i fa en plan,

and it makes a plan,

oh my god,

oh my god,

soc bissexual,

I am bisexual.

en plan,


volen els nois i les noies,

the boys and girls want,


do you know?





que per cert,

by the way,

el Nick va sortir forçat a l'armadi,

Nick was forced out of the closet.

en plan, dient, que era vi, en Twitter,

like, saying, it was wine, on Twitter,

no sé què, no sé quantos,

I don't know what, I don't know how many,





però això ja va passar fa molt de temps,

but that happened a long time ago,

això, ja no podem

this, we can no longer

el tema.

the topic.

El vamos a deixar a banda,

We're going to leave him aside.

i seguimos.

And we continue.

El dia següent,

The next day,

el dia següent,

the next day,

el Nick li diu a la Tara,

Nick tells Tara,

en plan,

in plan,



we are fucking dating,

we are fucking dating,

Charlie and I,

Charlie i jo,

we are fucking dating.

we are fucking dating.

No ho diu així,

It doesn't say it like that,



això ho dic jo.

I say this.



estem sortint,

we are leaving,

el Charlie i jo.

Charlie and I.

i la Tara, la Tara fa en plan

And Tara, Tara plays like

oh my god

oh my god



i després per anar al pati

and then to go to the yard

amb la Darcy també, i la Darcy també s'entera

with Darcy too, and Darcy also finds out.

òbviament, en plan, el Nick li diu a la Darcy

obviously, like, Nick tells Darcy



i la Darcy diu, per què no fem una doble

And Darcy says, why don't we do a double?



una doble cita

a double date

i el Nick fa en plan

and Nick acts all like

què és això, no sé què, no sé quantos

What is this, I don't know what, I don't know how many.

no, què és això, no ho diu

no, what is this, it doesn't say it

no me'n recordo, és que m'he mirat

I don't remember, it's just that I've looked at myself.

m'he mirat els capítols ara, però me'ls he mirat molt per a sobre

I have looked at the chapters now, but I have only looked at them very superficially.

per a fer els apunts

to make the notes

perquè fa molt de temps que jo no em miro

because I haven't looked at myself for a long time

o sigui, va haver-hi un moment que

that is, there was a moment when

me'l mirava cada dia

He looked at me every day.

però ja és com o no

but it is already like it or not

perquè, o sigui, tinc altres coses

because, I mean, I have other things

com a mirar-me Young Royals

like watching me Young Royals

però no està mal

but it’s not bad

això, la cita doble

this, the double date

us agrada el meu pop

do you like my octopus

és la Britney Spears

It's Britney Spears.

un dia parlar del meu fons

one day I will talk about my background

i de coses que hi ha

and of things that are there

perquè són molt heavys

because they are very heavy

són molt heavys les coses que hi ha en el meu fons

The things in my depths are very heavy.

o sigui, un dia parlaré

that is, one day I will speak

i que aquest fons anirà canviant

and that this background will change

sempre vaig canviant aquell llibre

I always keep changing that book.

avui he ficat la Nintendo

Today I plugged in the Nintendo.

amb el joc de la Hannah Montana

with the Hannah Montana game

s'ha caigut el pelit

The pelit has fallen.

el joc de la Hannah Montana

the game of Hannah Montana

no em diguis que és xulo

don't tell me it's cool

fiqueu un moment en el vídeo

put a moment in the video

o sigui, és una passada

I mean, it's amazing.

Hannah Montana, la pel·lícula, el joc

Hannah Montana, the movie, the game.

el millor joc

the best game

en el fucking world

in the fucking world

o sigui

that is to say

oh yeah

oh sí

come on

come on

o sigui, és una passada

so, it's amazing

deixem així que estava aquí així

let's leave it as it was here thus

i tinc aquí la càmera

I have the camera here.

aquesta càmera que fa fotos molt xules, la veritat

this camera takes really cool pictures, to be honest

tinc aquí l'àlbum de

I have the album of

Born Pink, Reputation

Born Pink, Reputation

tinc aquí el pop de

I have the octopus here from

The Eternals, The Snitcher Things

The Eternals, The Snitcher Things

aquí hi ha Lover, Lover

here is Lover, Lover

la meva Polaroid

my Polaroid

la Frozen, la Bichito, el Young Arise

the Frozen, the Bichito, the Young Arise

la Harley Quinito

the Harley Quinito

I Love It So Much, Harley Quinn

I Love It So Much, Harley Quinn

Harry Potter

Harry Potter

home, doncs

man, then

la Britney Spears, Arian Beauty

the Britney Spears, Arian Beauty

i el Born Book

and the Born Book

o sigui, una passada tinc aquí a l'Olaf

So, I have a blast here with Olaf.

la meva mando d'Animal Crossing

my Animal Crossing controller

la meva Nintendo Switch

my Nintendo Switch

els meus vinils, el meu reproductor de vinils

my vinyls, my vinyl player

els meus bons pòsters

my good posters

aquí tinc Reputation i Lover

Here I have Reputation and Lover.

i aquí tinc més Lover i Sour

And here I have more Lover and Sour.

i Blackpink i Sour

and Blackpink and Sour

o sigui aquí Blackpink

So here is Blackpink.

si el meu habitació és com un santuari de vegades

if my room is like a sanctuary sometimes

aquí tinc晚上

Here I have the evening.

això és sour

this is sour

i aquí hi ha molts CD's

And here there are many CDs.

que un dia parlaré bé

that one day I will speak well

que la callà de against par damunt

that the calla of against for above

un dia parlaré bé de tot allò que hi ha allà dins

One day I will speak well of everything that is in there.

i de tot el xulo

and all the cool stuff



la cita dobla?

the double date?

que la cita dobla? que hi ha? la cita dobla?

What, is the appointment double? What's happening? Is the appointment double?

això, que ara diuen que sí

this, which now they say yes

que no sé què, que no sé quantos

I don't know what, I don't know how many.

i hi ha una escena

and there is a scene

bueno, hi ha una escena, això és encara més endavant

Well, there is a scene, this is even further ahead.

el Nick va a casa del Charlie

Nick is going to Charlie's house.

i fan els deures

they do the homework

i hi ha una escena que també m'encanta molt

And there is a scene that I also love very much.

que és

what is it



o sigui

that is to say

el Charlie, o sigui el Nick li diu

Charlie, that is, Nick tells him.

estan fent els deures al mateix, crec que és

they are doing homework at the same time, I think it is

i el Nick li diu

and Nick says to him

demà tenim una cita, no sé què, no sé quantos

Tomorrow we have an appointment, I don't know what, I don't know how much.

cita doble, amb la Dara i la Darcy

double date, with Dara and Darcy

crec que això ho heu d'explicar

I think you should explain this.



el cita la Dara i la Darcy

He invites Dara and Darcy.

que estem sortint, no sé què, no sé quantos

that we are going out, I don't know what, I don't know how many

i el Nick, Charlie

and Nick, Charlie

es fica en plan super feliç

She acts super happy.

me dejo que contene

I let myself be contained.

perquè això a mi em fica molt feliç també

because this makes me very happy too

em fica molt eufòric

it makes me very euphoric

el Nick

the Nick

el Charlie, perdó

Charlie, sorry.

en plan, es fica super feliç

like, he gets super happy

i fa, really?

Oh really?

i el Nick, yeah

and Nick, yeah

i bueno, són una abraçada, es fan un petó

And well, they are hugging, they give each other a kiss.

like, so, so, so fucking happy

like, so, so, so fucking happy

i després al sortir de casa

and then when leaving home

en plan, el Nick surt de casa

Like, Nick is leaving the house.

del Charlie, fa

from Charlie, makes

demà tenim una cita doble, no sé què, no sé quantos

Tomorrow we have a double date, I don't know what, I don't know how much.

i els dos diuen, és la meva primera cita

And they both say, it's my first date.

fa, pues mañana nos vemos

Well, see you tomorrow.

cita doble

double date

i després hi ha una escena de nit

And then there is a scene at night.

que és de nit que estan parlant, han fet un grup de Whatsapp

What they are talking about at night, they have created a WhatsApp group.

ja todo bien

Already everything is fine.

i que és que la Dara, la Darcy

And what is it that Dara, Darcy...

i el Nick i el Charlie

and Nick and Charlie

estan en plan dient d'ajuntar

they are saying they want to come together

a la L i el Tao

to the L and the Tao

per fer la cita

to make the appointment

i doncs, se converteix en cita triple

And so, it becomes a triple quote.

que per cert, comentari

by the way, comment

en aquella escena, la Darcy

in that scene, the Darcy

sembla que estigui en eufòria

it seems like I am in euphoria

o sigui, ficarà una foto

that is, you will put a photo

sembla que sigui

it seems to be

puta eufòria, o sigui

fucking euphoria, I mean

aquell llit

that bed

aquella il·luminació, ella en si

that illumination, she in herself

és com eufòria

it's like euphoria

bueno, perdó

Well, sorry.

ho veus?

Do you see it?

la Darcy sembla que està en eufòria

Darcy seems to be in euphoria.

és que és veritat?

Is it true?

o sigui, la Darcy és molt eufòria

So, Darcy is full of euphoria.

de vegades


hem de dir

we have to say

la cita del milkshake

the milkshake date

és com la he nombrat jo

it's how I named her

cita milkshake

date milkshake

la Darcy intenta

Darcy is trying.

tot el rato ajuntar

the whole time joining together

la L i el Tao

the L and the Tao

és com molt obvi, però el Tao no s'entera

it's quite obvious, but the Tao doesn't realize.

la L sí, i la Darcy

the L yes, and the Darcy

i el Nick i el Charlie

and Nick and Charlie

i en plan, totes les coses que hi ha

and I mean, all the things that are there

i totes les coses que hi ha

and all the things that are there

tot el poble, però menys el Tao

the whole village, except for Tao

després d'això

after that

el Nick i el Charlie

Nick and Charlie

van demanar més milkshake

they asked for more milkshake

i tenen una plan

And they have a plan.

que diuen quin és pitjor, quin és millor

they say which is worse, which is better

en plan, el gust de xicle

like the taste of gum

o el gust de xocolata

or the taste of chocolate

i òbviament està millor el gust de xocolata

And obviously, the taste of chocolate is better.

que no el gust de xicle

that the taste of gum

això és una cosa

this is one thing

que s'ha de dir

what needs to be said

però bueno, no passa res

but well, it’s no big deal

està millor el gust de xocolata

the taste of chocolate is better

el gust de xicle és descarós

the taste of chewing gum is cheeky

criden el Tao

they call it the Tao

el Nick i el Charlie criden el Tao

Nick and Charlie are calling Tao.

perquè els haurien de portar

why they should take them

els batuts

the milkshakes

i milkshake

and milkshake

i diuen

and they say

quan marxa el Tao

When does the Tao leave?

la L fa en plan, què està passant

the L is like, what's happening

per què estàs fent això, no sé què, no sé quantos

Why are you doing this, I don't know what, I don't know how much.

i la Darcy

and Darcy

no, la Tara, perdó, me l'hi diu

No, Tara, sorry, she tells me.

m'estic liant ja molt

I'm getting very tangled up already.

ja serà molt malament

it will be very bad

molt ràpid

very fast

sortirà un capítol molt dolent

a very bad chapter will come out

no passa res

it's okay

la Tara

the Tara

en plan, s'ha ficat com de part

Like, she has gone into labor.

de la de Jonses, de la L

of the Jonses, of the L

i la Darcy la mira en plan

and Darcy looks at her like

però si estaves amb mi ahir a la nit

but you were with me last night

i tu deies, és que sí, que sí

And you said, it's true, it's true.

xica, xica

girl, girl



la cosa és

the thing is





, després tornava amb el milkshake

, then I would come back with the milkshake.

el Tao s'ha d'esperar

the Tao must be awaited

que acabin de fer el milkshake

that they just finished making the milkshake

i donen el Nick i el Charlie

They give Nick and Charlie.

la L

the L

i fan, la L pregunta

And then, L asks.

vosaltres dos sabíeu que en plan, què és això

Did you two know what this is about?

en plan, que m'esteu ajuntant

It's like you're trying to set me up.

aquest cita, això, aquesta cata d'aire

this quote, this, this air tasting

per ajuntar-me amb el Tao

to unite with the Tao

i el Nick fa, eh, sí

And Nick does, eh, yes.

però és que volíem fer una

but we wanted to make one

cita triple

triple quote

la Tara, la Tara i la Darcy

the Tara, the Tara and the Darcy

tu i el Tao

you and the Tao

i fa

and it does

la L fa

the L makes

you and Nick

tu i Nick

fa, yes

does, yes

you are dating

you are dating

o sigui, és molt heavy

I mean, it's really intense.

molt heavy

very heavy

aquella escena que s'entenen

that scene that is understood

i fa en plan, la Tara fa

And she goes like, Tara does.

no, la L fa en plan

no, the L does it in a way

estic molt orgullosa de tu

I am very proud of you.

I'm so proud of you

Estic tan orgullós de tu.

fa, I'm so proud of you too

Wow, I'm so proud of you too.

però fa, o sigui, estic molt orgullosa de tu

But, I mean, I am very proud of you.

també que esteu sortint, però

also that you are going out, but

l'has tingut

you have had it

m'has tingut en plan

you've had me in plan


suffering it

d'una manera molt heavy aquests mesos

in a very intense way these months

perquè tothom es pensava

because everyone thought

que, eh, no t'agraven els nois

what, eh, you don't like boys

saps, o sigui

you know, like

xico, xico, dilo

boy, boy, say it



m'agrada més d'aquella manera

I like it more that way.

que tu ets feliç

that you are happy

like so happy

molt feliç



que està molt feliç

that is very happy

i diuen en plan

and they say it like

la L diu

the L says

però el Tao, saps

but the Tao, you know

i l'Isaac

and Isaac

i amb l'Isaac

and with Isaac

pues se lo huele

Well, he/she senses it.

de ter primer minut

of the first minute

uno, eso dice el Charlie

one, that's what Charlie says

i el Tao

and the Tao

encara no l'ha dit

he still hasn't said it

però és que

but it's that

el Tao, o sigui

the Tao, that is

el Charlie vol dir

Charlie means

en el moment adequat

at the right moment

o que és un besti

or what a beast is

li vol dir bé

it means well

vale que no ets el primer

okay, you're not the first

ok, ok, ok, ok

ok, ok, ok, ok

nos vamos a enseñar reglas

We are going to teach rules.





en cas que no m'ha quedat més tard

In case I don't have any left later.

va que tu vol dir

come on, you mean

en un moment perfecte

in a perfect moment



perquè vol dir

because it means

que tu ets perfecte

that you are perfect

perquè ets el meu amic

because you are my friend

i en plan

and in plan

te cuidan mucho

They take good care of you.


you know

si te mola la conta

if you like the account





també està bé

it’s also fine



ve el Tao

come the Tao

i fa en plan

and he/she acts like

queden 15 minuts

15 minutes left



hem d'anar ràpid

we need to go fast

i bueno

And well

van cap allà

they are going there

cap al concert de música

to the music concert

perquè clar

because of course

tenen un concert de música

they have a music concert

a la Tara

to Tara

a Darcy

to Darcy

i al Charlie

and Charlie

i bueno

and well


we arrive

veiem a les nenes

we see the girls



tontes homofòbiques

homophobic fools

like so bad

like so bad

i pues

and then

torna a ser

is again

torna a fer comentaris

makes comments again

que jo hagués sigut

that I would have been

pues una persona del públic

well, a person from the audience



i l'hagués estampat el violí

and I would have smashed the violin

contra la seva cara

against her face



que has escoltat els comentaris

that you have heard the comments

i la

and the

Tara se'n va corrents

Tara runs away.

en plan

in plan

li tornava a agafar

he was taking it back again

amb l'atac d'ansietat

with the anxiety attack

o sigui

that is to say



que puto heavy

what a fucking heavy (thing)

o sigui

that is to say



a la tia

to the aunt

en plan

in plan

a la tia

to the aunt

que ha fet el comentari

who made the comment

en plan

in plan



me caon tu

I f*** you.



tu tira la torta

you throw the cake

la Darcy

the Darcy

la Tara

the Tara

la Darcy persegueix a la Tara

Darcy is chasing Tara.

perquè la Tara se'n va corrents

because Tara is running away

i la

and the

i ella la persegueix

and he is chasing her

saps en plan

do you know what I mean

eres la mort de mi vida

you are the death of my life

no te voy a dejar sola

I'm not going to leave you alone.





que la persegueix

that is chasing her

van a l'habitació

they are going to the room

aquella on van elles

that where they go



es tanca la porta

The door closes.

i no es pot obrir per dins

and it cannot be opened from the inside

està aixafada

it is crushed

estan tancades

they are closed



on chill down

on chill down


you know

on chill down

on chill down

en plan

in plan

el juego de terror

the horror game

molt bo aquest joc

very good this game

dels millors jocs

one of the best games

de por

of fear




to choose

el millor

the best


we continue

es queden tancades

they remain closed

es fan un petó

they kiss each other

en plan

in plan

recorden que aquella era

remember that it was

la sala on es van fer

the room where it took place

el primer petó

the first kiss

es torna a fer un petó

she kisses again

la Darcy tranquilitza la Tara

Darcy calms Tara.

en plan

in plan

it's ok

it's ok





Nick, Tao

Nick, Tao

Elle i Charlie

She and Charlie

es van a obrir

they are going to open

es van a plan

they are going to plan


to save

els obren la porta

they open the door to them

de que estan atrapades

that they are trapped

i van corrents

and they ran

es van a corrents

they are running



The Heartthrobber

The Heartthrobber

that I love so much

that I love so much



i ja està

and that's it

i aquí s'acaba el capítol

And here ends the chapter.

el Nick va ajudar

Nick helped.

la Tara en plan

Tara in plan

a treure el caniguete

to take out the dog

el que


no sé què és allò

I don't know what that is.

no sé què és

I don't know what it is.



l'instrument que toca

the instrument he/she plays

i s'acaba el capítol

and the chapter ends

s'acaba el capítol

the chapter ends

capítol 6 s'acaba

chapter 6 ends

i ens queda 7 i 8

and we have 7 and 8 left

com ho te quedes

how do you feel about it

se m'ha petat el dit

I have injured my finger.



s'ha escoltat

it has been heard

i s'acaba el capítol

the chapter ends

d'aquest podcast

of this podcast

s'acaba el capítol

the chapter ends

i s'acaba el capítol

the chapter ends

d'aquest podcast

of this podcast

com la fem?

How are we doing it?

és que jo volia fer un capítol curt

I wanted to make a short chapter.

però m'ha sortit de 40 minuts

but it took me 40 minutes

jo volia fer, jo què sé

I wanted to do, I don't know what.

30 minuts, 35 com a molt

30 minutes, 35 at most.

no, se m'ha allargat moltíssim

no, it has taken me a very long time

perquè tot el que tinc aquí apuntat

because everything I have written down here

jo ja estava pensant abans, és que això és massa

I was already thinking before, it's just that this is too much.

és que això és massa, un anàlisi de cada

it's just that this is too much, an analysis of each

un anàlisi

an analysis

de cada capítol de Henry Stauber

of each chapter of Henry Stauber

com jo ho faig, que el meu segurament

as I do it, that my probably

és petitíssim

it's tiny

o sigui, pot ser un anàlisi encara molt més heavy

that is, it can be an analysis even more intense

i que he comentat molt poc i he comentat molt malament

and that I have commented very little and I have commented very poorly

molt malament he comentat

very badly I have commented

o sigui, m'hauria d'anar a fer

so I should go do

20.000 hores, però

20,000 hours, but

volia fer curt i se m'ha quedat molt llarg

I wanted to keep it short and it ended up very long.

apa, i amb la meva despedida

Come on, and with my farewell.

que ja és llarga, la meva despedida ja és molt

my farewell is already very long

molt larga, molt larga, molt larga

very long, very long, very long

molt larga, molt larga

very long, very long

mira, mira, quasi que

look, look, almost that

trinco la S

I grab the S.

quasi que trinco la S

I almost grab the S.

aquesta corona, aquesta corona em va venir

this crown, this crown came to me

em va venir molt malament, la R

R came at a very bad time for me.

separada, la U en plan malament

separated, the U in a bad way

ficada, no com la foto, la O

inserted, not like the photo, the O

com així en plan volant i la S

like this in a flying way and the S



bueno, és la corona

well, it's the crown

oficial de la

official of the

Oliver Rodrigo

Oliver Rodrigo

què li vull fer jo, he pagat

What do I want to do to him, I have paid.

per això

for that reason

però m'encanta, també he pagat per el càrrec, també he pagat

but I love it, I have also paid for the charge, I have also paid.

per la sudadera de la Taylor

for Taylor's sweatshirt

que me l'he ficat un dia aquí

that I put it here one day

també he pagat per la Ney de Red

I have also paid for Ney from Red.

he pagat pels vinils

I have paid for the vinyls.

he pagat pels àlbums, pues xica

I have paid for the albums, well girl.

pago, m'aquí pago, no passa nada

I'm sorry, I pay, it's fine.

ja està

that's it

que això, que em podeu seguir

that this, that you can follow me

és el teu círcul de confiança

it's your circle of trust

el millor podcast que existe

the best podcast that exists

en el món mundial

in the global world

però bé

but well

em podeu seguir, no tinc Youtube

You can follow me, I don't have YouTube.

vaig decidir que no faria Youtube

I decided that I wouldn't do YouTube.

que faria tot per Spotify, el vídeo el podeu veure

I would do anything for Spotify, you can watch the video.

a Spotify, em podeu escoltar

You can listen to me on Spotify.

a Apple Podcast, a Spotify

on Apple Podcast, on Spotify

i a Anchor

and to Anchor

però a Anchor, qui ho escolta a Anchor?

but at Anchor, who listens to it at Anchor?



ja està

It's done.

que podeu seguir les meves xarxes socials

that you can follow my social media

a Instagram

to Instagram

no tinc res més

I have nothing more.

el teu círcul de confiança

your circle of trust

ja està

that's it

que os quiero, us adoro

I love you, I adore you.

compro un loro i adeu

I buy a parrot and goodbye.

que mireu

that you look

Young Royals

Young Royals



deixo alguna cosa

I leave something.

deixo una cosa molt bonica

I leave behind a very beautiful thing.

i molt heavy segurament

and very heavy probably

un moment

one moment

i jo suposo que ja està

And I suppose that's it.

doncs ja està, m'acabo així

Well, that's it, I'm ending like this.

el llibre

the book

l'ha passat

he/she has passed it

teniu el 3 i el 4

you have the 3 and the 4

molt heavy en català

very heavy in Catalan

qui lo diria?

Who would have thought?

jo no

not me

i ja està, adeu

And that's it, goodbye.



i ja està

and that's it

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