1X08 | cutre milenio

la casa franca

la casa franca

1X08 | cutre milenio

la casa franca

Fins demà!

Until tomorrow!

Que ja vas recibir unes xicotetes queixes

That you already received some small complaints.

de que no se us escoltava precisament bé.

that you were not exactly heard well.

Arroba el urne.

Add the urn.

Sí, però bueno, no passa res.

Yes, but well, it's okay.

Que parlant de la meva germana,

Speaking of my sister,

m'ho va dir el diumenge

he told me on Sunday

perquè el diumenge me'n vaig anar a

because on Sunday I went to

passar el dia al menar amb les meves cosines

spending the day at the farm with my cousins

i tinc una anècdota

I have an anecdote.

que he contat.

that I have counted.

Anècdota! Ai no, sorprès tu que ara me suena l'olita

Anecdote! Oh no, surprised you that now the little wave sounds familiar to me.

que asco. Bueno,

how disgusting. Well,

és prou patètic, la veritat, però bueno, no passa res.

It's pretty pathetic, to be honest, but okay, it's no big deal.

A veure, explica.

Let's see, explain.

Jo vaig anar a casa de la meva germana

I went to my sister's house.

perquè se n'anàvem.

because we were leaving.

I em van donar una bolsa

They gave me a bag.

de brossa, no?

rubbish, right?

I jo vaig dir, pilla-la.

And I said, grab it.

I jo vaig pillar la bolsa de brossa, no?

And I took the garbage bag, didn’t I?

Bé, vam anar a Paula, a la panaderia,

Well, we went to Paula, to the bakery,

i la meva germana estava dins de Paula

and my sister was inside Paula

i jo estava esperant-me fora perquè duia la bolsa.

And I was waiting for myself outside because I had the bag.

Llavors vaig dir, doncs mira, mentre la meva germana

Then I said, well look, while my sister

està esperant en Paula, vaig ser la millor persona del món

Paula is waiting, I was the best person in the world.

i vaig tirar la brossa.

I took out the trash.

Llavors jo arribe

Then I arrive.

i em pregunta la meva germana, i la bolsa?

And my sister asks me, and the bag?

A saber què hi ha en la bolsa.

To know what is in the bag.

I jo, eh, en la brossa

And me, huh, in the garbage.

i començo a veure-me histèrica i fa

and I'm starting to see myself as hysterical and it makes

però, però, que això era el peix

but, but, this was the fish

de la paella, no sé què.

I don't know what about the paella.

O sigui, que vas tindre que

So, you're saying that you had to...

vas tirar el peix de la paella, bueno,

you threw the fish from the pan, well,

de l'arròs, a la basura.

from the rice, to the trash.

I va tindre que vindre Rafa

Rafa had to come.

en un palo de hockey, va pillar

in a hockey stick, it hit

la brossa, que era el peix

the trash, which was the fish

que feia l'hora brossa, però bueno, eh.

that it was the rubbish hour, but well, eh.

No, que asco tampoc, a veure.

No, that's also disgusting, let's see.

Jo, després d'això,

Me, after that,

no podria menjar-me la paella a gust.

I couldn't enjoy the paella.

Que va, però a veure, si això... Mira, estava

No way, but look, if this... Look, I was

dins d'una bolsa hermètica, dins d'una bolsa de brossa,

inside a hermetic bag, inside a garbage bag,

dins d'una bolsa de brossa.

inside a garbage bag.

Ah, no és sua.

Ah, it's not soft.

Ja és que he dit

That's what I said.

uic primícia. És molt bo, és molt bo.

UIC primacy. It's very good, it's very good.

Parlant de primícies, bueno,

Speaking of first fruits, well,

terres que volen. Ui, ui, ui.

lands that want. Oh, oh, oh.

Anem a introduir el tema d'avui. Veritat.

Let's introduce today's topic. True.

Avui anem a parlar sobre

Today we are going to talk about

teories conspiratives. Uau!

conspiracy theories. Wow!

Uuuh! Hi ha gent així

Uuuh! There are people like that.

que no té molta idea de teories conspiratives,

who doesn't have much idea about conspiracy theories,

però... Arrebassa la xapna.

but... It snatches the cap.

Perquè no s'ha vist tots els podcasts

Because not all the podcasts have been seen.

de Jordi Wild, els vídeos...

from Jordi Wild, the videos...

Jo no n'he vist ningú, perquè

I haven't seen anyone, because

no em cau gens bé, però bueno,

I don't like him/her at all, but well,

cada un amb el seu. Uau!

Each one with their own. Wow!

Uau! Bueno...

Wow! Well...

En plan, no em cau bé, ja està, no em cau bé.

Like, I don't like him/her, that's it, I don't like him/her.

Bueno, uno con lo suyo. Bueno,

Well, one with his own. Well,

dejemos estar. Sí, i bueno,

let's leave it. Yes, well,

Sara vindrà, com sempre, a sotar

Sara will come, as always, to chat.

les seues borraes i ja està.

his/her drunkenness and that's it.

Què passa? M'han arribat fontes externes de que la gent

What's happening? I've received external sources that people

li encanta les coses de lesbianes. Què dius tu?

He loves lesbian things. What do you say?

En plan, que li encanta quan dius borraes de lesbiana.

Like, she loves it when you say lesbian nonsense.



Les que siguen. Bueno, això després.

The ones that follow. Well, that later.

Això me ho diràs després. Vale.

You'll tell me that later. Okay.

Comencem, vale? Vaig a començar

Let's start, okay? I'm going to begin.

jo en un tema així un poc més general

me on a topic like this a little more general

que jo veia molt quan era més xicoteta.

that I used to see a lot when I was younger.

Que eren teories conspiratives sobre

That they were conspiracy theories about

dibuixos animados. Ai, que creen

cartoons. Oh, they create

que em donaven aixes coses, eh?

that they gave me those things, huh?

A mi, em feia gràcia

I found it amusing.

aixes teories, perquè

those theories, because

sempre era, o

it was always, or

havia tingut un accident i no tenia

had had an accident and did not have

cames, o estava mort

legs, or was dead

o era un somni o alguna cosa així.

either it was a dream or something like that.

Era sempre...

It was always...

Està en un hospital, me'n recordo, era

He is in a hospital, I remember, it was

el de Novita, bueno, el de Doraemon,

the one from Novita, well, the one from Doraemon,

el de Campeones...

the Champions...

Tenen igual, s'havien tingut un accident, no tenien

They don't care, they had an accident, they didn't have.

cames. No, no, no.

legs. No, no, no.

I tot era un somni.

And it was all a dream.

I el de Doraemon em feia molta pena, eh?

And the one with Doraemon made me feel very sorry, huh?

No, a mi també. A mi, jo vaig veure un TikTok

No, me too. I saw a TikTok.

i vaig casi plorar. Estava patint.

I almost cried. I was suffering.

Jo és que aixes coses no anem crides

I just don't shout about those things.

en plan, però aixes històries, a santo de què?

I mean, what's the point of those stories?

Ara ho veus i dius, uau.

Now you see it and say, wow.

Ja, però jo ja pensava en el seu

Yes, but I was already thinking about his.

moment, jo diria, però això per què?

Wait, I would say, but why is that?

Si és una sèrie. Com va haver

If it's a series. How it was.

un trasfondo en aixa sèrie? Si és una sèrie.

A background in that series? If it is a series.

A mi la que m'ha marcat quan era més

For me, the one that marked me when I was younger

xicoteta era la de Peppa Pig.

She was small, Peppa Pig.

Quina és la de Peppa Pig?

What is Peppa Pig's?

T'ho dius de Peppa Pig, hòstia?

Are you talking about Peppa Pig, damn it?

A veure,

Let's see,

era com que estaven en una granja, no?

It was like they were on a farm, right?

I eren cerdos.

And they were pigs.

Primícia. Peppa Pig és un cerdo.

Premise. Peppa Pig is a pig.

I, doncs,

I, therefore,

no sé què va passar, que son pare

I don't know what happened, that his father

era així un poquet malo.

he was a bit bad.

No me'n recorde bé, però jo sé que

I don't remember it well, but I know that

Peppa Pig al final va acabar morint.

Peppa Pig eventually ended up dying.

Vaja, no sé si va acabar mort

Wow, I don't know if he ended up dead.

o esquizofrènic perdut.

or lost schizophrenic.

Tio, però també hi ha teories que no són

Dude, but there are also theories that are not.

soles sobre el sentit de la sèrie, sinó

soles about the meaning of the series, but

per exemple teories sobre personatges o sobre

for example theories about characters or about

coses que passen. A mi m'agrada veure-ho,

things that happen. I like to see it,

no sé, és curiós.

I don't know, it's curious.

Per exemple, a mi em diuen molts de Gumball.

For example, many people call me Gumball.

En plan, moltes coses...

Like, many things...

De molt de més vam treure el vídeo

We took out the video a long time ago.

i així com estàs bé, no tu i jo.

And just as you are well, not you and me.

Buah, els vam veure jo i Sara l'altre dia

Wow, Sara and I saw them the other day.

amb a casa un vídeo de 40 minuts

at home a 40-minute video

de teories de Gumball.

of Gumball theories.

Colló, no sabia que era tan llarg.

Colló, I didn't know it was so long.

Jo no sé per què a eixos plans no convideu.

I don't know why you don't invite to those plans.

És que no estava previst, vam quedar

It was not planned, we agreed.

per fer-lo d'inglès.

to do it in English.

Ara vaig introduir jo la meva teoria

Now I will introduce my theory.

que tot això és

that all this is

bé d'un vídeo que m'ha eixit

good of a video that has come out for me

dos voltes en TikTok, però una

two turns on TikTok, but one

va ser fa com un any, un poc més.

It was about a year ago, a little more.

I ara m'ha tornat a eixir i m'han

And now it has come back out and they have me

recordat que és una

remember that it is a

teoria prou interessant,

quite an interesting theory,

almenys per a mi. I parla

at least for me. And speak

que el Titanic,

that the Titanic,

en realitat, el barco que es va ondir, no era

In reality, the ship that sank was not.

el Titanic. Ai, mira, ho vaig veure ahir.

the Titanic. Oh, look, I saw it yesterday.

El de l'Olímpic i tot això.

The one about the Olympic and all that.

Era un vídeo de 5 minuts. No ho sé,

It was a 5-minute video. I don't know.

però era alguna cosa del segur i tot això.

but it was something about the insurance and all that.

Ai, comptau, comptau. És que aquesta teoria

Oh, count, count. It's just that this theory

anava encara més enllà.

went even further.

I deia

And he/she said.

que totes les persones,

that all people,

que estaven en el Titanic,

that were on the Titanic,

casualment, eren

casually, they were

totes les que estaven en contra

all those who were against

de fer la

to do the

Reserva Federal dels Estats Units.

Federal Reserve of the United States.

I justament, és que també tenien

Exactly, it's just that they also had.

que embarcar, eixe dia, que estaven

to embark, that day, that they were

a favor de la Reserva Federal.

in favor of the Federal Reserve.

No van embarcar. Ui, que bé m'ho has agradat.

They didn't board. Oh, how much I liked it.

Uau. I a més, el que ha dit

Wow. And besides, what he said.

Arnau del Segur,

Arnau del Segur,

el Titanic no estava, no,

the Titanic was not, no,

estava assegurat, però l'Olímpic no.

It was insured, but the Olympic was not.

I van com fer una espècie de canviat,

They made a sort of change.

van fer una ximena falsa. I li van

they made a fake ximena. And they gave her

canviar el nom. Però i entonces és

change the name. But then it is

supervivents? No, no, i

survivors? No, no, and

supervivents, doncs jo què sé, serien gent ràndom, però

survivors, well I don't know, they would be random people, but

moltes coses que es botes van

many things that are thrown go

llevar, que dien que era una raja

to take off, they said it was a gash

de 120 metres que no existís, perquè la van

of 120 meters that did not exist, because they built it

veure i n'hi haven com

see and there are how



que eren com, doncs, explosions que havien fet a posta,

that were like, then, explosions that they had done on purpose,

bombes. Des de dins? Clar, des de dins.

bombs. From the inside? Of course, from the inside.

Jo vaig dir, uau, curiós.

I said, wow, curious.

Molt curiós.

Very curious.

I això és molt... Però bueno,

And this is very... But well,

la qüestió és, Jack va salvar arrels o no?

The question is, did Jack save roots or not?



Podia salvar-lo, però no ho va fer.

He could have saved him, but he didn't.

Que fort, és que aixa pel·lícula, aixa pel·lícula, és...

How strong, that movie, that movie, is...

És terrorisme sentir...

It's terrorism to feel...

Que acaba de soltar Sara?

What did Sara just say?

Que no l'he vist. No l'has vist Titanic?

I haven't seen it. Haven't you seen Titanic?

No. Mare meva. Jo l'he vist, però és que

No. My goodness. I have seen him, but it's just that

ho sé molt, però n'hi ha escenes que em fan molta gràcia.

I know a lot, but there are scenes that make me laugh a lot.

Com pot fer Teresa Titanic?

How can Teresa make Titanic?

Però, perquè jo no estic,

But, because I am not,

o sigui, jo no estic en el context

that is to say, I am not in the context

d'estar mirant Titanic, sinó jo a voltes la tinc

"From watching Titanic, but sometimes I have it."

de fondo i veig certes escenes que, fora

in the background and I see certain scenes that, outside

de context, em fan molta gràcia.

In context, they make me laugh a lot.

A mi em posa trista. Jo la vaig veure en 3D

It makes me sad. I saw it in 3D.

i molt xula, la veritat.

and very cool, really.

No ha arribat a veure-la en 3D, eh? Això ja és massa nivell, Maribel.

You haven't seen it in 3D, have you? That's too much level, Maribel.

Ja, jo tampoc. Jo vaig veure cars en 3D, eh?

Yes, me neither. I saw Cars in 3D, you know?

Súper eso. Pepe li encanta cars

Super that. Pepe loves cars.

i, ojo, ja haurà pagat

And, watch out, he/she will have already paid.

milions per veure cars en 3D. No.

Millions to see cars in 3D. No.

Ah, no, va ser tu d'història, perdó.

Ah, no, it was you in history, sorry.

Colló. Ja que a mi, eh?

Bastard. So it's me, huh?

Bueno, d'això jo

Well, about that, me.



les altres teories que també

the other theories that also

hem de veure un poc en el govern

we need to see a little in the government

dels Estats Units. I són

from the United States. And they are

tipus, qui va matar la Joan F. Kennedy?

Dude, who killed Joan F. Kennedy?

Què és això? Ah, d'acord, sí,

What is this? Ah, okay, yes,

JFK, sí.

JFK, yes.

Un president d'Estats Units

A president of the United States

que va matar en el cotxe.

that killed in the car.

Sí, el 9-11

Yes, the 9-11

va ser un treball

it was a job

interior dels Estats Units

interior of the United States

i totes aquestes teories.

And all these theories.

Això, en plan, el primer que has dit de

This, like, the first thing you said about

JFK Kennedy.

JFK Kennedy.

Ui, ja m'hi he deixat clar. Bueno, sí,

Oh, I've already made it clear to myself. Well, yes,

que d'això que el van matar i tal,

that about them being killed and such,

això n'hi ha moltes teories d'estes

there are many theories about this

en raperos, que ha passat

in rappers, what happened

en molts, en veritat, eh?

In many, indeed, huh?

El van matar un rapero. Encantant, no?

They killed a rapper. Charming, right?

El típic que... Algú parla de més?

The typical one... Is anyone talking about more?

Està parlant de teories.

He is talking about theories.

De teories externes que són paregudes.

Of external theories that are similar.

Ah, pensava que dius que JFK el va matar un rapero

Ah, I thought you were saying that JFK was killed by a rapper.

i jo dic, què?

And I say, what?



Han passat coses molt paregudes en molts cantants

Very similar things have happened to many singers.

i així, no? Sí, famosos, que parlen de més

And so, right? Yes, famous people who talk too much.

i... Sí, és que és això.

I... Yes, that's it.

A mi em pareix molt curiós

I find it very curious.

i m'agrada molt buscar sobre això perquè

I really enjoy researching about this because

la gent que fa cançons criticant

the people who make songs criticizing

coses del govern

government matters

sobretot cançons perquè és el que més busca, no?

above all songs because that’s what he/she looks for the most, right?

Però, tipus, gent que sap coses del govern

But, like, people who know things about the government.

que no volen que sàpiga

that they don't want me to know

i acaben morint de formes rares.

and they end up dying in strange ways.

I la gent acaba com ningú, saps?

And people end up like nobody, you know?

Va, tu vas veure esta...

Come on, you saw this...

És que a mi em va ser una volta un vídeo, no?

It's just that I saw a video once, didn't I?

Que era d'una xava, és un poc ridícula

That it was from a girl, is a bit ridiculous.

però, bueno, jo ho conté.

but, well, I'll tell it.

Que dia que no sé què, que eren reptilianos...

What day it was that I don't know what, that they were reptilians...

Ah, i és reptilianos.

Ah, and it's reptilian.

És la reina Isabel

It is Queen Isabel.

i merdes d'estes, no?

And these kinds of crap, right?

Sempre la reina Isabel.

Always Queen Isabel.

En blanc, diuen que eren reptilianos

In white, they say they were reptilians.

i que portaven diners i tal, no sé què.

and they brought money and such, I don't know what.

I al final va desaparèixer la xava.

And in the end, the xava disappeared.

Entonces estaba como...

So I was like...

Era reptiliana, no?

It was reptilian, wasn't it?



Això de reptilianos no m'ho crec.

I don't believe in this reptilian stuff.

A mi no m'ho crec.

I don't believe it.

A veure, jo no creurem res d'aquestes coses.

Let's see, I won't believe any of these things.

Jo no ho veig, jo no ho sé.

I don't see it, I don't know it.

Segur que n'hi ha alguna cosa que nosaltres no sabem.

Surely there is something that we do not know.

Això està claríssim, però jo què sé.

This is very clear, but what do I know.

No em clave molt.

Don't stick it to me too much.

Que hi ha una espècie de secta

That there is a kind of cult.

amb totes les persones

with all the people

influencials del moment.

influencers of the moment.

Això sí que pot ser, veus?

This could be, see?

I això de, com es diu, l'illuminati, vos ho creu?

And what about that, what's it called, the Illuminati, do you believe it?

No massa.

Not too much.

No com s'hi ha plantejat.

Not as it has been posed.

Ja, jo tampoc m'estimo a centrar.

Yes, I don't like to focus either.

El que sí que em va pegar,

What did hit me,

un dia va ser preveure vides de la família Rothschild,

One day it was predictable to foresee the lives of the Rothschild family.

que és com la família més ultrarica del món,

which is like the richest family in the world,

però que realment quasi ningú la coneix.

but practically no one really knows her.

No, jo no sé qui són.

No, I don't know who they are.

Però són gent que literalment caga diners.

But they are people who literally shit money.

O sigui, gent que caga monedes d'un euro.

That is, people who poop one-euro coins.

D'on trauen els diners?

Where do they get the money from?

D'on els trauen? Jo què sé d'on els trauen.

Where do they get them from? I don’t know where they get them from.

De tots els llocs.

From all the places.

Multimilionaris, no.

Multimillionaires, no.

Súper ultramilionaris i fan coses súper loques.

Super ultramillionaires do super crazy things.

N'hi ha una festa súper famosa que van fer fa molts anys

There is a super famous party they had many years ago.

que ells penyen màscara.

that they wear a mask.

Màscara d'animals.

Animal mask.

Sí, que són com súper raros.

Yes, they're really super weird.

És un ambient súper rar.

It's a super strange atmosphere.

Vull traure, que no sé si tu ho has vist,

I want to bring out, I don't know if you've seen it,

perquè Jordi igual té un vídeo,

because Jordi might have a video,

per a mi de les meves teories favorites,

for me of my favorite theories,

que és l'isla de Jeffrey Epstein.

What is Jeffrey Epstein's island?

També vas veure el documental del Jeffrey Epstein?

Did you also watch the documentary about Jeffrey Epstein?

Era un P?

Was it a P?

Vaig a introduir-ho per als desconeguts.

I am going to introduce it for the unknowns.

No vull dir-ho.

I don't want to say it.

Crec que podem...

I think we can...

No, però fa violència.

No, but it is violent.

Vale, anem a introduir-ho per als desconeguts

Okay, let's introduce it for the unknowns.

que no coneguen l'isla.

that they do not know the island.

El Jeffrey Epstein, el T.T. Epstein.

The Jeffrey Epstein, the T.T. Epstein.



Jeffrey Epstein era una persona normal,

Jeffrey Epstein was a normal person,

però que es veu que tenia com molta gràcia al parlar

but it seems that he had quite a charm in his speech

i diguem que va arribar a tindre molts contactes amb moltes persones,

and we say that he/she came to have many contacts with many people,

però tot era com una espècie de...

but everything was like a kind of...

Era falso.

It was false.

O sigui, ell en realitat no era ninguna persona important,

So, he actually wasn't any important person,

però tenia molts contactes amb moltes persones,

but he had many contacts with many people,

tipus de tot el món, Bill Gates...

types from all over the world, Bill Gates...

Les persones més importants que us pugueu imaginar,

The most important people you can imagine,

les coneixia.

he knew them.

Què passava?

What was happening?

Que Jeffrey Epstein tenia una illa.

That Jeffrey Epstein had an island.

A on?


No me'n recorde, tindré que buscar-ho.

I don't remember it, I will have to look for it.

Ho posarem.

We will put it.

Què passava en esta illa?

What was happening on this island?

Doncs tot normal,

Well, everything's normal,

però resulta que es veu que ahir

but it turns out that it seems that yesterday

Jeffrey Epstein invitava a persones en poder

Jeffrey Epstein invited people in power.

i es veu que hi organitzava festes,

and it seems that he organized parties,

festes, entre cometes,

festivities, in quotes,


do you know,

amb menors, prostitució, etcètera.

with minors, prostitution, etcetera.

Què va passar?

What happened?

Que el van agafar, no?

They caught him, right?

I fins i tot així podries dir,

And even so, you could say,

bé, una persona més horrible

well, a more horrible person

com les mil que s'agafen a l'any.

like the thousand that are collected in a year.

Però, quan estava en la presó,

But, when I was in prison,

en la presó més segura dels Estats Units,

in the most secure prison in the United States,

que hi ha guàrdies 24-7...

that there are guards 24-7...

En Alcatraz?

In Alcatraz?





Alcatraz està tancada.

Alcatraz is closed.

Això és molt recent, això és de 2018.

This is very recent, this is from 2018.

Pensava que Alcatraz existia encara.

I thought Alcatraz still existed.

No, està tancada des de fa molt de temps.

No, it has been closed for a long time.



Bé, la presó federal,

Well, the federal prison,

la presó federal dels Estats Units o algú aixina.

the federal prison of the United States or someone like that.

Què va passar?

What happened?

Moltes casualitats juntes.

Many coincidences together.

Jeffrey Epstein, que tenia que estar sols en la celda,

Jeffrey Epstein, who was supposed to be alone in his cell,

no, que tenia que estar acompanyat en la celda,

no, he had to be accompanied in the cell,

perdó, en una persona més,

sorry, in one more person,

justament eixe dia, en el trasllat,

just that day, during the move,

no estava sols, no estava acompanyat.

he was not alone, he was not accompanied.

Tendria que haver-hi un guàrdia vigilant-lo,

There should be a guard watching him.

no hi havia un guàrdia.

there was no guard.

I què va passar?

And what happened?

Li van trobar...

They found him/her...



A Epstein.

A Epstein.

I això no està mort.

And this is not dead.

En la càrcel.

In prison.

No m'haig d'acabar el documental.

I don't have to finish the documentary.

I'm so sorry.

Ho sento molt.



Ja, un poc.

Yes, a little.

El van trobar

They found him.

i justament també

and just as well

les càmeres de seguretat no funcionaven.

The security cameras were not working.

Les boletes de la vida.

The little balls of life.

T'hem escassat.

We have castrated you.



Si tu comences a atar fills,

If you start to tie up children,





Fills, sí.

Children, yes.

Comences a atar fills.

You start to tie up children.

Doncs el dones compte és de...

Well, the bottom line is...



Totes les persones poderoses,

All powerful people,

que això inclou molts presidents.

that this includes many presidents.



Com sempre.

As always.

Dels EUA, normalment.

From the USA, normally.

I m'han recordat perquè

They reminded me why.

la família Rothschild,

the Rothschild family,

entre altres famílies,

among other families,

com la dels Rockefeller,

like that of the Rockefellers,

també estaven...

they were also...

Es va filtrar una llista

A list was leaked.

de totes les persones

of all people

que visitaven la illa d'Epstein.

that visited Epstein's island.

Això vas veure?

Did you see this?

No sé si sempre és veritable,

I don't know if it is always true,

aquesta llista,

this list,

però es veu que sí.

but it seems that yes.

I hi havia un munt de persones.

And there were a lot of people.

Però, o sigui,

But, I mean,

llavors la idea és

then the idea is

que algú va manar

that someone ordered

que el matessin, no?

That they kill him, right?



I que segurament,

And that surely,

i és el que diuen moltes persones,

and that's what many people say,

en l'elit

in the elite

dels més rics

of the richest

i poderosos del món,

and the powerful of the world,

que hi ha ja

what is there already

es mena

it means

d'una xarxa

of a network



de drogues.

of drugs.

No anem a dir-ho

We're not going to say it.

per tota l'era, d'acord?

for the whole era, okay?

És que no m'agrada

I just don't like it.

pronunciar aixes paraules.

pronounce those words.

Em sent violent.

I feel violent.



i de drogues,

and drugs,

i bé,

and well,

tot el que us pugueu imaginar.

everything you can imagine.

I això.

And that.

És la teoria

It is the theory.

de Jeffrey Epstein.

of Jeffrey Epstein.

Tinc que veure'm

I need to see myself.

el documental sense veus.

the documentary without voices.

És bona la veritat.

The truth is good.

Ara estic interessat.

Now I am interested.

Sí, és interessant.

Yes, it's interesting.

I també volia investigar

And I also wanted to investigate.

jo també sobre la família Rothschild.

me too about the Rothschild family.

És que és una cosa

It's just that it's one thing.

que m'inquieta molt,

that worries me a lot,

no sé per què.

I don't know why.

Em causa molta curiositat.

It makes me very curious.

Va bé.

It's going well.

I l'estètica de la festa

And the aesthetics of the party.

és com molt inquietant,

it's kind of unsettling,

perquè és tot gent

because it's all people

amb màscares

with masks

random d'animals.

random animals.

Sí, sí, és molt...

Yes, yes, it is very...

Però no sé,

But I don’t know,

és com que interessa.

it's as if it matters.

Vosaltres, bueno,

You all, well,

és un poc...

it's a little...



vaig a ensenyar-vos una foto.

I am going to show you a photo.

En el joc del calamar...

In the squid game...

Seguís cantant.

He kept singing.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Necessitem comparacions.

We need comparisons.

Què calamar?

What squid?

El joc del calamar.

The Squid Game.

Què passa?

What's happening?

Hi ha un vídeo

There is a video.



L'has vist?

Have you seen it?

La sèrie sí.

The series yes.

Doncs que els rics

Well, let the rich...

que estan mirant

What are they looking at?

com és que estan ahir

How come they are here yesterday?

estan fent...

they are doing...

Ah, veritat.

Ah, true.

Estan amb màscares d'animal

They are wearing animal masks.

reginades de diamants

diamond queens

i coes i estan ahir

And things were yesterday.

amb coques i de tot.

with cakes and everything.

Mira, veus?

Look, see?

Veus com és?

Do you see what it is like?

Estic ensenyant...

I am teaching...

Estic ensenyant

I am teaching.

el que és rar.

what is rare.

El de la festa de Rocha

The one from the Rocha party

que és una tia

what is an aunt

amb un cap d'alça

with a raised head



amb uns corns enormes

with enormous horns

i el tio està allà

And the guy is over there.

en un traig

in a drag

amb un gorro

with a hat

ple d'animals d'alça.

full of game animals.

És superrar.

It's super rare.

Jo vaig veure un vídeo

I watched a video.

que eixia com...

that came out like...

Em llama.

She calls me.

...des més importants,

...of the most important,

com és caps,

how is it, heads,

el cap de la família Rothstein.

the head of the Rothstein family.

I estava com en el carrer.

I was with him on the street.

I anava un tio

There was a guy.

i li deia

and I told him/her

què opines

What do you think?

o eres del

or you are from the

nou ordre mundial?

new world order?

L'ho deia en anglès.

I said it in English.

Del New World Order

Of the New World Order

o alguna cosa així.

or something like that.

I com que

And since



quan li va dir això

when he told her this

va somriure a la cama

he smiled at the leg

i no li va dir res més.

and he/she didn't tell him/her anything more.

I això.

And this.

A qui que m'he perdut?

Who have I lost?

Al cap.

At the head.

Ah, d'acord.

Ah, okay.



Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

No sé...

I don't know...

És un home calb,

He is a bald man,

de veritat.


Sí, i no és des de conill.

Yes, and it's not from a rabbit.



No sé, molt pertorbador,

I don't know, very disturbing,

la veritat.

the truth.

Sí, és un exemple rar.

Yes, it is a rare example.

I realment,

And really,

és gent...

it's people...

O sigui, per què és rica?

So, why is she rich?

És que és el que jo no acabo de pillar.

It's just that it's what I don't quite get.

Igual que...

Just like...

és el que feia de petroli,

it's what used to be oil,



Ah, bueno, sí.

Ah, well, yes.

Mare de Déu.

Mother of God.



les persones més riques

the richest people

són d'això.

They are from this.

Que mundos.

What worlds.

I parlant d'això,

And speaking of that,




of Anonymous

i tot això...

and all this...



Clavat ahí en calceta.

Stuck there in knitting.

Que emplamados sabeu.

What you know we are in trouble.

Algunes coses.

Some things.

Parlant de...

Talking about...

el juego de la ballena funda.

the whale game case.



això també és un bon tema.

this is also a good topic.





això no és un bon tema,

this is not a good topic,

però bueno.

but okay.



això d'Anonymous,

this about Anonymous,

si sabeu alguna cosa

if you know anything

que heu de treter

what do you have to take out

i que estigui així d'interessant.

and that it is that interesting.

Sincerament, no.

Honestly, no.

No conec res d'Anonymous,

I don't know anything about Anonymous,

és una cosa...

it's a thing...



Jo, quasi, tampoc.

Me, almost, neither.

O sigui, no sé ni què...

I mean, I don't even know what...

És una mentida

It's a lie.

i una merda.

and a shit.

Anonymous és com una red

Anonymous is like a network.

de meritat, no?

deserved, right?

Anonymous és un grup de persones

Anonymous is a group of people.



Filtren mentides?

Do they filter lies?



Mínimes skills

Minimum skills



de hacking.

of hacking.



Que, bàsicament,

That, basically,

el que fan és...

what they do is...

es posen d'acord

they come to an agreement

i creen vots

and they create votes

i ells entren tots

and they all enter

a una mateixa pàgina web

on the same webpage

i la tomben.

and they knock it down.

I ja està.

And that's it.

Almenys l'activitat

At least the activity

que han tingut

that they have had

els últims anys.

the last few years.

Lo de la pandèmia

The pandemic situation.

va ser això.

it was that.

Lo de la pandèmia...

The pandemic situation...

Ah, ja sé, res, res.

Ah, I know, nothing, nothing.

Van treure el nombre de compte

They removed the account number.

de Donald Trump, no?

of Donald Trump, right?

Doncs no ho sé.

Well, I don't know.

Uf, què tal, Donald Trump?

Phew, how are you, Donald Trump?

Vés-se'n, mare de Déu.

Go away, mother of God.

... una segona teta

... a second breast

i la van tindre que suspendre.

and they had to suspend it.

La de coses que no sabrem

The number of things we will never know.

és Donald Trump, saps?

It's Donald Trump, you know?

És gent d'una mare llibre.

They are people of a free mother.

I de Joe Biden,

And of Joe Biden,

a mi Joe Biden...

I like Joe Biden...

No, sí, en general,

No, yes, in general,

el que és...

what it is...

Estats Units dona molt de mal rotllo.

The United States gives off a lot of bad vibes.

Sí, Estats Units dona mal rotllo.

Yes, the United States gives bad vibes.

Sí, és de veres.

Yes, it's true.

Jo crec que tot està

I think everything is.

construït a base de...

built on the basis of...

D'Estats Units.

From the United States.

... de mentides

... of lies

i de guerres.

and of wars.

Mira, lo que he dit antes

Look, what I said earlier.

de l'atemptat

of the attack

de les Torres Gemelles.

of the Twin Towers.

Això també m'inquieta molt.

This worries me a lot too.

Ai, imagina't.

Oh, imagine that.

Al principi,

At first,

quan he acabat

when I have finished

lo del Titanic,

the Titanic thing,

he dit introduir-ho

I said to introduce it.



John F. Kennedy...

John F. Kennedy...

A mi quan arriba setembre

When September arrives for me

sempre a mi se'm mou

it always moves me

i hi ha vídeos

And there are videos.

de les Torres Gemelles.

of the Twin Towers.

És que és més curiós

It's just that it's more curious.

perquè, clar...

because, of course...

A mi en TikTok

To me on TikTok

prou vídeos

enough videos

de teories conspiratives

of conspiracy theories


of this.

No, no, conspiratives no.

No, no, conspiratorial ones no.

No em recorda gaire, però sí.

He doesn't remember me much, but yes.

A mi em semblen vídeos

To me, they seem like videos.

del moment

for now

que dius, bueno,

What are you saying, well,

bé, és això.

Well, that's it.

Van fer l'atemptat

They carried out the attack.

i dos anys

and two years

o tres anys després

or three years later

ja estaven invadint

they were already invading

Oriente Medio.

Middle East.

Ja estaven posant bases militars

They were already establishing military bases.

allà en l'excusa

there in the excuse

que tenien

that they had

armes nuclears

nuclear weapons

i en l'excusa

and in the excuse




the attack.

Sí, no, és supertrú.

Yes, no, it's super true.

I per què ho van fer?

And why did they do it?

Per petroli,

For oil,

per diners...

for money...

I ara vinc jo

And now I come.

a aportar un poquet

to contribute a little bit

de cultura

of culture

en la...

in the...

I sóc jo

It is me.

la que clava temes

the one that hits issues

que no tenen amores.

that they have no loves.

Pepe està desesperat.

Pepe is desperate.

Perdó, Pepe,

Sorry, Pepe,

és el que hi ha.

It is what it is.

Que no, que també va...

No, it also goes...

És una teoria conspirativa

It is a conspiracy theory.

de Lady Gaga.

of Lady Gaga.

No, no, tira-hi, tira-hi.

No, go ahead, go ahead.

No, no, vale, vale.

No, no, okay, okay.

A veure,

Let's see,

Stephanie Germanotta,

Stephanie Germanotta,

també coneguda com Lady Gaga,

also known as Lady Gaga,

una pedaça de diva

a piece of diva

i referent mundial,

and global benchmark,

tenia una millor amiga

I had a best friend.

que es deia...

what was it called...

Who knows?

Who knows?

No ho sé com es deia,

I don't know what it was called,

però bueno...

but well...

She knows...

She knows...

Es veu que tenia

It seems that he/she had.

una espècie de teoria

a kind of theory


super shady

perquè va manèixer suïcidar

because he decided to commit suicide

i diuen que l'havien matat

And they say that they had killed him.

Lady Gaga.

Lady Gaga.

Lady Bach.

Lady Bach.

Sí, Lady Bach.

Yes, Lady Bach.

No, i diuen que la va matar

No, and they say that he killed her.

Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga



Lina Morgana.

Lina Morgana.

Això, Lina Morgana.

This, Lina Morgana.

Això va ser en 2008.

This was in 2008.

Sí, no, que és una...

Yes, no, what is a...

Era una de les millors amigues

She was one of the best friends.

de Lady Gaga

by Lady Gaga

i, doncs, es veu

and, therefore, it is seen

que es va suïcidar

that committed suicide

entre còmics

between comics

però diuen que

but they say that

Lady Gaga la va matar

Lady Gaga killed her.



Però per què ho diuen?

But why do they say that?

Perquè Lina Morgana...

Because Lina Morgana...

Això és perquè Lina Morgana

This is because Lina Morgana

estava començant a fer música

I was starting to make music.

i era quan Lady Gaga

and it was when Lady Gaga

va treure Poker Face.

She released Poker Face.

Tot el món sap

Everyone knows

què és Poker Face,

what is Poker Face,





No, ningú sap.

No, nobody knows.



Estelhan va també voler

Estelhan also wanted.

ser famosa,

to be famous,



La gent va començar

The people started.

a dir...

to say...

I els cascos, els cascos,

And the helmets, the helmets,

que quasi es cauen.

that they almost fall.

Bueno, la gent va començar

Well, people started.

a dir que l'havien matat

to say that they had killed him

per por a la rivalitat

for fear of rivalry

amb el superar.

with the overcoming.

Jo què sé.

I don't know.

I això jo crec

And I believe this.

que està clar

that is clear

que és mentida

which is a lie

perquè, al final i al cap,

because, in the end and after all,

Lady Gaga ha matat algú?

Has Lady Gaga killed someone?

S'entén que és Lady Gaga.

It's understood that it's Lady Gaga.

És majíssima.

She is amazing.

Jo la conec personalment.

I know her personally.

Vaig anar a la visita

I went to the visit.

l'altre dia

the other day

i vaig dir

I said.

Eh, Lady?

Eh, Lady?

Què tal?

How are you?

Què tal, Estefa?

How are you, Estefa?

A mi Lady Gaga no,

Not for me, Lady Gaga.

però a mi algú més famós

but someone more famous for me

si mata algú...

if he/she kills someone...

Més famós que Lady Gaga?

More famous than Lady Gaga?

Què vull dir?

What do I mean?

Que si mata algú

That if someone kills.

no s'entraríem.

we wouldn't enter.

No, això està clar.

No, that is clear.

Jo crec que més d'algun famós

I believe that more than one famous person

haurà matat gent.

he will have killed people.





Més que...

More than...

Camila Cabello.

Camila Cabello.

Què dius?

What are you saying?

Camila Cabello ha matat algú.

Camila Cabello has killed someone.

I Xaumet, né?

I'm Xaumet, right?



Que volia contar-vos

What I wanted to tell you.

una altra cosa.

another thing.

Ah, d'acord.

Ah, okay.

Jo per aquí deixo de Camila.

I leave here from Camila.

No m'havia mirat a mi igual.

I had never looked at myself the same way.

I el fons, sí.

And the background, yes.

L'altre dia em va eixer

The other day I was surprised.

una teoria que em va eixar

a theory that left me



Boca badada.




Em va eixer Zela.

Zela came out to me.

M'ho ha eixert ella, sa.

She has done it for me, yes.

Que era de Britney Spears.

What was Britney Spears like.

A veure.

Let's see.

Conta, conta.

Tell, tell.

Heu vist que últimament

Have you seen that lately

Britney Spears en Instagram

Britney Spears on Instagram

està tornant-se loca.

she is going crazy.

De veritat que no.

Really not.

No, no.

No, no.

No la sé ell.

I don't know her.

Jo no la sé ell.

I don't know him.

Sí que són països un poc raros

They are indeed somewhat strange countries.

que comencen a girar

that start to turn

i a pegar voltes

and to go round in circles

i és com...

and it's like...

Però això ja fa temps, no?

But that's been a while ago, hasn't it?

Sí, no, això ja fa prou, eh?

Yes, no, that's enough already, right?

Sí, però a veure.

Yes, but let's see.

Es veu que últimament

It seems that lately

diuen que està molt diferent,

they say that she is very different,



I n'hi ha una teoria

There is a theory.

que és que la que està fent

What is she doing?

els vídeos

the videos

no és ella

it's not her

perquè en un vídeo,

because in a video,



Que jo vaig veure

That I saw

aquest vídeo,

this video,

si us fixeu,

if you pay attention,

és com que

it's like that

el típic que quan és un filtre

the typical one when it’s a filter

i et passes la mà

and you stroke the hand

per davant de la cara

in front of the face

que se te'n va el filtre.

the filter is slipping away from you.



Doncs passava això.

So this was happening.

Llavors la Tere es va

Then Tere leaves.


to flutter

i estan dient

and they are saying

que no és ella

that it is not her

que és una...

what is a...

una xica

a girl

que és...

what is...

Una farsante.

A fraud.

Sí, en plan,

Yes, like,

no sé si...

I don't know if...

No sé si no me recorde

I don't know if I don't remember.

si era una amiga

if she was a friend

o al revés,

or the other way around,

però que l'estaven

but that they were bothering him/her

com suplantant la identitat.

as impersonating identity.

Mare de Déu.

Mother of God.

D'això hi ha moltes teories

There are many theories about this.

de molta gent.

of many people.



De MJ, també.

From MJ, too.

Michael Jackson.

Michael Jackson.

I d'Abril Labats

And April Labats

o alguna cosa així.

or something like that.

Sí, Abril...

Yes, April...

Sí, Abril Lasanya.

Yes, April Lasagna.

Abril Labing.

April Labing.

No m'ho matarem, d'acord?

We won't kill ourselves over it, okay?

Què passa amb MJ?

What’s happening with MJ?

No, no m'ho matarem,

No, we won't kill each other.

però també tinc que dir-ho.

but I also have to say it.

I per què?

And why?

Estan dient

They are saying.

que el mateix està passant

that the same is happening

en Kanye West,

in Kanye West,

que no és ell.

that it is not him.

A mi m'ho ha eixit en TikTok, això.

I saw this on TikTok.



Com que no és ell?

Why isn't it him?

En plan, hi ha gent que diu

Basically, there are people who say

que és una frase

What is a sentence?

que és una cosa en plan

what is something like

de si me'n vaig i torno

of whether I leave and come back

o no soc ell mateix.

or I am not myself.

Va eixir...

He/She went out...

Això és una entrevista

This is an interview.

que li van fer a Kanye

What they did to Kanye

que va dir

what did he/she say

si desapareixo

if I disappear

i també va dir

and he also said

jo mai em suïcidaria

I am never suicidal.

amb el de la Xina.

with that of China.



Com deixen clar

As they make clear

que si li...

that if he...

Si passa alguna cosa...

If something happens...

L'han matat.

They have killed him/her.

I ara,

And now,

a veure,

let's see,

que jo això no m'ho crec,

I don't believe this.


Do you know?

Perquè Kanye,

Because Kanye,

si el veus

if you see him



Tota la seva història

All of his/her history

ha canviat de look

has changed her look

i de forma

and in form

moltes vegades.

many times.

Com tot.

Like everything.

I ara està major,

And now she is older,

o sigui,

that is,

ha tingut quasi 50 anys

has been almost 50 years

i és normal.

And that's normal.



I a més,

And moreover,

s'ha estat com desaparegut

has been somewhat disappeared

tres o quatre anys.

three or four years.

Doncs igual que Lady Gaga,

Well, just like Lady Gaga,



Ara veus i dius

Now you see and say.

uh, mare, Lady Gaga.

uh, mother, Lady Gaga.

Ja no és la de Pogreface.

It is no longer the one from Pogreface.



Fa com 12 anys

It's been about 12 years.

de ser cançó,

to be a song,

i això.

and that.

Però jo crec que

But I think that

això és mentida.

this is a lie.

Home, clar, això...

Home, of course, this...

Però sí que és veritat

But yes, it is true.

que Kanye té motius

that Kanye has reasons

per a que el desapareguin.

so that they make it disappear.

Els té.

He has them.

És el meu torn

It's my turn.

de portar alguna cosa,

to bring something,

ja que he estat buscant

since I have been searching

a post o a passau

a post or a passau

perquè no en tinc ni puta idea.

because I have no fucking idea.


Come on.

Vinc a portar una teoria

I come to present a theory.

que he vist,

that I have seen,

la qual vaig a...

which I am going to...

A la porta.

At the door.

...a veure,

...let's see,

perquè tampoc me'n recorde.

because I don't remember either.



És, bueno,

It is, well,

m'imagino que heu escoltat

I imagine that you have heard.

que Walt Disney

that Walt Disney

està criogenitzat.

It is cryogenized.

Que és això.

What is this?

Que no.


Que està congelat.

That is frozen.

Que està congelat

That is frozen.

i en teoria en uns anys

and in theory in a few years

el podran descongelar

they will be able to defrost it

i podrà seguir-ho.

I will be able to follow it.

Crec que en vaixell

I believe by ship.

d'alguns anys.

of some years.

I, bueno, curios.

Well, curious.

Doncs hi ha una teoria

Well, there is a theory.

que diu que

that says that

ell es va congelar

he froze

fins que trobaran la cura

until they find the cure

del càncer de pulmó

of lung cancer

o alguna cosa així.

or something like that.

Ah, imagino.

Ah, I imagine.

I que va fer

And what did he/she do?

la pel·lícula de Frozen

the movie Frozen

perquè Frozen significa congelat.

because Frozen means frozen.



Perquè quan la gent buscara

Because when people will search

en internet o el que sigui

on the internet or whatever

doncs caurà sobre...

so it will fall on...

Disney Frozen

Disney Frozen

que no hi era ell

that he was not there

que hi era la pel·lícula.

that the movie was there.

Exacte, hi era la pel·lícula.

Exactly, it was the movie.



És bona.

It is good.

Que coses.

What things.

La gent és molt curativa, eh?

People are very healing, right?



Ja, el millor és que sí.

Yes, the best thing is that it is.

Perquè jo, a veure,

Because I, let's see,

jo senzalment pensava

I simply thought.

que era una teoria

that it was a theory

que us pategués

that it would kick you

que n'hi ha en el món.

that there is in the world.

És una mentida.

It's a lie.

Però dius, això,

But you say, this,

s'ho ha inventat algú?

Did someone invent it?

O sigui, n'hi ha gent

That is, there are people.

que té un cabet...

that has a little head...

No hi ha, però...

There isn't, but...

Sí, però a vegades

Yes, but sometimes

la gent no fa coincidir

people do not match

de manera...

in a way...

Sí, no.

Yes, no.

Perquè la gent...

Because people...

La gent que és molt bona

The people who are very good

fent-te, com, tipus...

making you, like, types...


Wanting you...

Fer-te creure.

Make you believe.

...creure alguna cosa.

...to believe something.

Hi ha gent que és molt bona

There are people who are very good.

en això.

in this.

Arroba, jw.

At sign, jw.

No, què va.

No way.

Oye, acaba...

Hey, finish...

Era fasta, home.

It was a party, man.

M'he vist

I have seen myself.

fent cares rares, perdó.

making rare faces, sorry.

Acaba de buscar

Just searched.

Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga

a internet

to the internet

i acaba de veure

and I just saw

que només té

that only has

37 anys.

37 years.

Oye, home, és rar...

Hey, man, it's weird...

Pensava que tenia prou més.

I thought I had quite a bit more.

No, Lady Gaga va...

No, Lady Gaga is going...

Era sorpresa benet

It was a good surprise.

quan vam fer

when we did

Poker Face, eh,

Poker Face, huh,

i tot això.

and all this.

Jo pensava que era

I thought it was

prou més major, la veritat.

enough older, the truth.

M'he quedat sorpresa.

I was surprised.

37 anys tampoc està mal, ja.

37 years isn't too bad, either.

Ja, però...

Yes, but...

En plan perillada, no sé.

In a dangerous plan, I don't know.

Però la veig, mira-la,

But I see her, look at her,


very fresh.

No sap fer boomerangs

He can't make boomerangs.


from Instagram,

és el que fa molta gràcia.

it is what is very funny.

Com puja coses a Instagram

How to upload things to Instagram

com si fos un boomerang,

like a boomerang,

però no és un boomerang,

but it's not a boomerang,

és un vídeo normal

it's a normal video

i comença a fer, en plan...

And it starts to make, like...

És que, clar, bueno...

It's just that, well...

Comença a pillar-se el munyó,

It starts to get the hang of it,

fa pa carrer,

it makes bread street,

i llavors pa carrer.

and then bread street.



què vergonya,

what a shame,



I és que és supericònic,

And it's really super ironic,

i clar,

and of course,

es va fer supericònic això

it became super iconic this

i després ja, pues...

And then, well...

Ho fa ja

He/She does it already.

a sabent


des que es poden fer boomerangs,

since boomerangs can be made,

però bueno,

but well,

ara ho fa a posta,

now he's doing it on purpose,

espero que ho faci a posta,

I hope he does it on purpose,



Jo vull seguir-la,

I want to follow her.

no m'hi faureixo.

I won't do it.

Sí, la seguis,

Yes, you follow it,

és molt bona.

It's very good.

És que Lady Gaga és...

It's just that Lady Gaga is...

Mira, m'encanta,

Look, I love it,

és una cosa que dius.

It's something you say.

Trau àlbum, ja.

Take out the album, now.

O sigui,

That is,

des d'així,

from here,

des de la Casa Franca

from the French House

demanem a Lady Gaga

we ask Lady Gaga

que tragui àlbum.

let it take out an album.

I a Canyet, també.

And in Canyet, too.

Canyet ja ha tret una,

Canyet has already taken one out,

ja ho té bé.

It's all good.

No, quan?

No, when?

Aquest any.

This year.

No va treure-ho,

He didn't take it out.

no fa com unes setmanes.

It's not like a few weeks ago.





doncs perdó,

then sorry,

primer en dar-me-ho.

first in giving it to me.

Algo va treure.

Something came out.

La que no ha tret és Lady Gaga.

The one who hasn't released is Lady Gaga.

No estaria així,

It wouldn't be like this,

estaria escoltant l'àlbum.

I would be listening to the album.



I si Lady Gaga ha tret àlbum,

And if Lady Gaga has released an album,

jo també.

me too.


Of course.



O sigui,

That is to say,

anem-hi a fer Lady Gaga.

Let's go do Lady Gaga.

No, no, no.

No, no, no.

Anem a acabar

Let's finish.

en les stories conspiratives

in conspiracy stories

i anem a passar

and let's pass

a les nostres seccions

to our sections

més populars.

more popular.

Les que demanen

Those who ask for them

els nostres fans,

our fans,

sempre, eh?

always, huh?

El Momento Iconic

The Iconic Moment

i Recomanacions.

i Recommendations.





Comencem amb Recomanacions,

Let's start with Recommendations,

perquè no tenim Momento Iconic

because we don't have Moment Iconic

i vaig a buscar-lo.

I'm going to look for him.

És que comencem per...

It's just that we start with...



No em toqui les pilotes,

Don't touch my balls,

jo no vull començar el primer.

I don't want to be the first to start.

Vale, comencem jo.

Okay, I'll start.

Sempre jo primer.

Always me first.

Doncs va, Pepe.

Well, come on, Pepe.

Vull recomanar...

I want to recommend...

Això va quedar així de...

This ended up like this...

Sóc únic i diferent,

I am unique and different.

però bueno.

but well.

Vull recomanar un llibre.

I want to recommend a book.

Hashtag literària.

Literary hashtag.

Vull recomanar...

I want to recommend...

El diari de Grey.

The Diary of Grey.

Sí, el diari de Grey.

Yes, Grey's diary.

No, Jerónimo Stilton.

No, Geronimo Stilton.

No, vull recomanar

No, I want to recommend.

el llibre

the book

de los 7 maridos

of the 7 husbands

de Evelyn Hugo,

of Evelyn Hugo,

perquè ja me l'he acabat.

because I've already finished it.

I n'hi ha una...

There's one...


It is...

Xica Lleus, eh?

Light girl, huh?

Pepe, ixa cara de sap

Pepe, that frog face

o què en dus.

or what do you say.



És bàsicament

It is basically.

d'una actora de Hollywood

of a Hollywood actress

dels anys 50, 60, 70, 80.

from the 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s.

Una vida molt agitada i això, no?

A very hectic life, isn't it?



És una dona...

She is a woman...

Ixa dona, doncs,

That woman, then,



Avui en dia...


O sigui, bueno, avui en dia,

I mean, well, nowadays,

en el 2017,

in 2017,

que és quan està fet el llibre,

what is when the book is finished,

quidra una dona

keep a woman

que és redactora

what is a writer

en una revista super ràndom

in a super random magazine

perquè ella faig una entrevista

because I am doing an interview for her

i ella no ha fet una entrevista

and she hasn't done an interview

en feia molts anys.

It was many years ago.

Llavors va ser com...

Then it was like...





I bueno, ja...

And well, already...

Després passa el que passa, tal...

Then what happens, well...

Descobrís per què

Discover why.

la quidra ella, precisament,

the square her, precisely,

que és superimpactant, per cert.

which is super shocking, by the way.

I el llibre és xulíssim

And the book is really cool.

perquè n'hi ha trames

because there are plots

per a lesbiques, o sigui...

for lesbians, that is...

O sigui,

That is,

en els anys...

in the years...

Això és el que més m'agrada, Sara.

This is what I like the most, Sara.

Trames lesbiques

Lesbian plots

en els anys 50-60,

in the 50s-60s,

que dius...

what are you saying...



I és molt...

And it is very...

M'agrada perquè damunt és...

I like it because on top it is...

És molt xula.

It's really cool.

És molt xulo, perdona, el llibre.

It's very cool, sorry, the book.



Sí, sí, recomanat.

Yes, yes, recommended.

I el final és...

And the end is...



Les últimes 50 pàgines,

The last 50 pages,

o sigui,

that is,

són les 9 de la nit,

it's 9 o'clock at night,

demà tinc examen,

tomorrow I have an exam,

però és que me la suda,

but I couldn't care less,

o sigui,

that is,

necessito acabar amb este llibre.

I need to finish this book.

Ai, no?

Oh, no?


Oh dear.

Que incòmodo final.

What an awkward ending.

Los siete maridos de Belén Hugo,

The Seven Husbands of Belén Hugo

per si no se'n recordeu, vale?

just in case you don't remember, okay?

El nom és Jacques.

The name is Jacques.



d'on deixaries el llibre, eh?

Where would you leave the book, huh?

Ni de conya.

Not in a million years.

Això no t'he de comprar, però.

I don't have to buy you this, though.

Calla't, continua.

Shut up, continue.

Que m'agrada.

That I like.



jo vinc a recomanar

I come to recommend.

una sèrie

a series

que em vaig començar fa

that I started a long time ago

una setmana

a week

i ja vaig per la tercera temporada,

I'm already on the third season.



I damunt són llarguetes,

And on top, they are a bit long,

però bueno,

but well,

és que estic molt enganxada.

It's just that I'm very hooked.

Es diu

It is said.



Vale, sé quina és.

Okay, I know which one it is.

I a mi m'agrada.

And I like it.



És tan retinguda.

She is so reserved.

Jo vull veure-la.

I want to see her.



És molt llarga.

It's very long.

Però és molt llarga.

But it is very long.

Li la vas recomanar a l'Aïla,

You recommended it to Aïla.

que sí.

that yes.





Li la vas recomanar a tu a l'Aïla?

Did you recommend her to Aïla?

No te la recomanat en èxit?

Haven't I recommended it to you successfully?

Doncs que l'Aïla va tindre

So that Aïla had

una època de

a time of

ai, vull veure'm Shameless

Oh, I want to see myself Shameless.

i després la època de

and then the time of

ai, m'estimiran Shameless.

Oh, they will love me shamelessly.

I després tindrem l'època

And then we will have the season.

d'ai, me vist Shameless.

Oh, I've seen Shameless.

Ai, me vist Shameless

Oh, I saw Shameless.

i començar a recomanar-me-la.

and start recommending it to me.

No, jo...

No, I...

És que m'he vist en TikTok

It's that I've seen myself on TikTok.

i vaig dir

I said.

quina és?

Which one is it?

I vaig buscar i vaig veure

I searched and I saw.

uh, doncs me la veig.

uh, well, I see it.

I doncs me l'estic veient.

And so I'm watching it.

I el que passa és que

And what happens is that

és molt llarga.

It is very long.

Té com 11 demorades

It has about 11 delays.

però està molt xula.

but it's very cool.

La recomanem.

We recommend it.



Vale, continuem.

Okay, let's continue.





vaig recomanar una cançó

I recommended a song.

que a ningú li agrada.

that nobody likes.


Let's go.

A mi sí, a mi sí.

Yes, to me it does.

No, com recomanes eixa?

No, how do you recommend that?


Which one?

El pere.

The pear.

I dius, no, a mi sí.

And you say, no, for me yes.

I no sé quina és.

I don’t know which one it is.









Bueno, la cançó es diu

Well, the song is called

La cançó es diu

The song is called

La bebé.

The baby.

Ah, no, és el que jo pensava.

Ah, no, it's what I thought.

No és la de la...

It's not the one from the...

Vaig a posar la cançó.

I'm going to play the song.

No és la guarra iixa?

Isn't that the whore over there?

No és eixa guarra?

Isn't that the dirty one?

A veure, és una cançó

Let's see, it's a song.

que és una merda, vale?

it's a piece of shit, okay?

Les coses com són.

Things as they are.

Però em fa gràcia

But it makes me laugh.

perquè la posa i...

because she puts it and...

No, això no és.

No, this is not it.



Ah, bueno, això, aclarir-ho.

Ah, well, that's it, to clarify it.

La bebé

The baby


of Anoel,

no la del pes pluma iixa.

not the featherweight one.

És que t'hi ha morat

It's just that he/she has died there.

de pes o pluma

of weight or feather

i jo englocàs.

And I would engulf.

Pes o pluma, eh?

Weight or feather, huh?

Posa negre.

Put black.

Ja, no m'agrades pes o pluma.

Yes, I don't like you in weight or feather.





Mentre jo la posa.

While I put it on.

Bueno, i eixa cançó

Well, and that song

que la posa

that puts it

i, doncs, em peguen, bàsicament.

And so, they hit me, basically.

És que és horrible.

It's just horrible.

No, ningú el pega.

No, nobody hits him.

M'ho he escoltat.

I have listened to it.



Creu-me que eres més feliç d'eixina.

Believe me, you are happier that way.

Me pide...

He/She asks me...



Vale, ja.

Okay, enough.

Ah, eixa!

Ah, that!

És incòmode.

It's uncomfortable.

És horrible.

It's horrible.

Me la sé en plan...

I know it like...

Jo no sé si et trobes.

I don't know if you are okay.

Però per eix mem és de TikTok.

But for that meme, it's from TikTok.

Ja, jo també.

Yes, me too.

Així la cançó no l'he escoltat mai.

So I have never listened to the song.

És d'horrible.

It's horrible.

Em pareix un gos.

It seems like a dog to me.

El videoclip és molt graciós.

The music video is very funny.

Ho has vist?

Have you seen it?

Avança de llet.

Advance of milk.

Que cojones.

What the hell.

Se recordeu com hem dit-ho de les piscines?

Do you remember how we talked about the swimming pools?

No, no, no.

No, no, no.

No ho digues.

Don't say it.

I a Noel caminant per damunt de la llet.

And Noel walking on top of the milk.

És molt estrany.

It's very strange.





Que por.

What fear.

Això fa més por que les piscines, eh?

This is scarier than swimming pools, huh?







Que anava a recomanar jo?

What was I going to recommend?

No me'n recorda.

Don't remind me.

Vale, sí.

Okay, yes.


I was going...





Anava a recomanar

I was going to recommend.

perquè estos días he estado

because these days I have been

un poqueta adicta

a little addicted

a ver vídeos...

to see videos...

La metamfetamina.


La ketamina.


La ketamina, sí.

Ketamine, yes.

No, he estado adicta

No, I have been addicted.

a mirar vídeos de pel d'anyos

to watch hair videos from years ago

en YouTube.

on YouTube.

Pel d'anyos?

For the years?

Encara que sempre em marc de fam

Even though I'm always hungry.

cada vegada que veig un vídeo seu

every time I see one of his/her videos

i vull matar-lo.

And I want to kill him.

I també estic començant a veure vídeos d'Stick

I'm also starting to watch Stick videos.

perquè també m'agrada.

because I like it too.

Què és Stick?

What is Stick?

L'Eloi Stick.

The Eloi Stick.

Ningú el coneix?

Does anyone know him?



Doncs no.

Well no.

Què fa?

What is he/she doing?

És un xavo que fa retos de menjar i això.

He's a guy who does eating challenges and stuff.



Què perea, no?

What a shame, right?



Com els piscineros.

Like the fishmongers.

La veritat que no.

The truth is no.

A mi últimament

Lately, for me

m'he pegat

I have hit myself.

per mirar

to look



Este, com es diu?

This, what is it called?

Com es diu?

What is it called?

El bèstia este.

The beast is this.

El que dóna diners a tot el món.

The one who gives money to everyone.

Ah, Mr. Beast.

Ah, Mr. Beast.

Sí, el bèstia.

Yes, the beast.

Mr. Beast.

Mr. Beast.

Oye, a todas...

Hey, to all...

Me han mencionado

I have been mentioned.

que Winnerstein no la creo.

that Winnerstein did not create it.

Es verdad.

It's true.

Yo creo que ya podemos

I think we can now.

donar por supuesto

to take for granted

que no la creo.

I don't believe it.

No va a participar.

He/She is not going to participate.

Es que ahora digo...

It's just that now I say...

Bueno, yo vas a recomandar.

Well, I'm going to recommend.

Ha dit...

He has said...

Yo de momento no voy a participar.

For the moment I'm not going to participate.

Ha dit...

He said...

Bueno, això ja...

Well, this already...

Of the record.

Of the record.

O sea, la semana que ve.

So, next week.

Of the record.

Of the record.

Ay, lo dije.

Oh, I said it.

Merda, ay.

Shit, ay.

Estoy casi...

I'm almost...

Mr. Beast.

Mr. Beast.

Bueno, també recomano una cosa.

Well, I also recommend one thing.

Mai s'ofereix organitzar

Never offers to organize.

una graduació.

a graduation.

És molt estressant.

It is very stressful.

Estic d'acord.

I agree.



Estic d'acord.

I agree.

Sin vergüenza.


Vull dir,

I mean,

jo mai organitzaria això.

I would never organize this.

Em pensava, jo dic...

I was thinking, I say...

Mira, no tens la por

Look, you don't have the fear.

que desfetxater

what a disaster

de dir...

to say...

El tinc a tu al costat

I have you by my side.

tots els dies

every day

i sé que...

and I know that...

I això va estar la polla

And that was the shit.

de mi, de veritat.

of me, truly.



Però això...

But this...

Això des d'abans

This has been the case for a while.

de la graduació.

of the graduation.

Bueno, després d'estar

Well, after being

xicotet a pausa

little pause

és que m'he estat

it's just that I've been

desimplantant unes coses.

de-implanting some things.

I, Anna,

I, Anna,

que avui la professora de mates

that today the math teacher

i la dita Gemma

and the said Gemma

no el desumfles.

don't deflate it.

La professora de mates

The math teacher

i la dita Gemma.

and the said Gemma.

O sea...

In other words...

A Anna.

To Anna.

Que no el desumflarà.

That he will not deflate it.

Bueno, i ara...

Well, and now...

Jo no ho he entès.

I did not understand it.



I bueno, vaig a posar...

And well, I'm going to put...

A posar...

To put...

A posar un àudio

To play an audio.

molt gracioset

very funny

que sóc jo

who am I

mentre se me crema el dinar.

while my lunch is burning.

A privar-se d'amor

To deprive oneself of love

entre tu i jo.

between you and me.

Se n'està cremant

It's burning.

el sopar.

the dinner.

Llàgrimes d'amor.

Tears of love.

Hòstia puta,

Holy shit,

hòstia espant.

Holy shit.

Mira, vaig a pegar-te.

Look, I'm going to hit you.

I bueno, mos veiem

And well, see you later.

d'així dues setmanes.

in two weeks.



Adeu, bebès.

Goodbye, babies.

Adeu, amna.

Goodbye, friend.

Que finalment

That finally

escoltes tot a feina.

You hear everything at work.

Ai, m'ha guanyat.

Oh, I’ve been defeated.

Que folla, eh.

What a fuck, huh.

Vais a pegar.

You are going to hit.

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