El drac sense foc

ice blu

El drac sense foc

El drac sense foc

El drac sense foc

Avui, al mig i en cinc segons, juguen a fer un llibre.

Today, in the middle and in five seconds, they are playing to make a book.

L'un hi vol pintar els colors de la primavera, a l'altre li agradaria que hi sortís un drac.

One wants to paint the colors of spring, the other would like a dragon to appear.

Al cap d'un moment, ja s'han posat d'acord.

After a while, they have agreed.

Ve d'aquí un drac que volia treure foc pels queixals, però no sabia com fer-ho.

Here comes a dragon that wanted to breathe fire from its teeth, but didn't know how to do it.

De la seva boca no en sortia ni fum ni flamar.

From his mouth came neither smoke nor flame.

Ve d'aquí un inventor que pintava, retallava i enganxava amb un paper fi i un tub de cartró.

Here comes an inventor who painted, cut, and glued with thin paper and a cardboard tube.

Va construir un foc especial.

He built a special fire.

Al drac li va agradar molt aquell invent i se'l va emportar.

The dragon really liked that invention and took it away.

Un avió va passar volant com una fletxa.

A plane flew by like an arrow.

De l'ensurt, a l'inventor li van dir...

From the shock, they told the inventor...

No s'hi veia gens i no les trobava.

I couldn't see them at all and couldn't find them.

Ve d'aquí un cavaller, valent, que no li feia por ni el foc ni el vent.

Here comes a knight, brave, who was not afraid of either fire or wind.

Des de dalt del seu cavall va veure una cosa que brillava.

From atop his horse, he saw something that was shining.

Eren les ulleres! Les va donar a l'inventor i va seguir el seu camí.

It was the glasses! He gave them to the inventor and continued on his way.

Rau! Rau! La panxa del cavaller...

Roar! Roar! The knight's belly...

Va començar a fer soroll de gripau.

It started making a frog noise.

Quina gana que tenia!

How hungry I was!

Ve d'aquí un pagès que treballava a la terra.

Here comes a farmer who worked the land.

Va posar a la taula una plata de tomàquet i enciam ben amanida amb oli i sal.

He placed on the table a plate of tomato and lettuce well dressed with oil and salt.

I dues plates i tres plates.

And two dishes and three plates.

El cavaller es va atipar i se'n va anar a fer la migdiada.

The knight stuffed himself and went to take a nap.

Quan el pagès va tornar a l'hort, la regadora ja havia desaparegut.

When the farmer returned to the garden, the watering can had already disappeared.

Sense regadora? No podia regar!

No watering can? I couldn't water!

Ve d'aquí la princesa del sorral, que feia pastetes amb la sorra i aigua de la regadora.

Here comes the princess of the sandpit, who made little cakes with sand and water from the watering can.

La va tornar el pagès i li va dir gràcies.

The farmer gave it back to her and said thank you.

La princesa es va treure les sabates perquè se li havien omplert de sorra.

The princess took off her shoes because they had filled with sand.

Ve d'aquí les amigues de la princesa, que també eren princeses,

Here come the friends of the princess, who were also princesses.

es van posar a ballar una dansa.

they started to dance a dance.

Girant com molinets de vent, van voltar i voltar sense parar.

Turning like pinwheels, they went round and round without stopping.

Quan es van cansar, les princeses es van estirar a l'herba.

When they got tired, the princesses lay down on the grass.

La més petita va dir que li agradaria sentir un conte.

The youngest said she would like to hear a story.

I les altres hi van estar d'acord. Totes volien un conte!

And the others agreed. They all wanted a story!

I hi havia una vegada un drac petit que no li sortia el foc per la boca.

Once upon a time, there was a small dragon that couldn't breathe fire.

Pel seu aniversari, els amics li van preparar un pastís especial

For her birthday, the friends prepared a special cake for her.

amb totes les espelmes apagades.

with all the candles extinguished.

El drac va demanar un desig i va bufar molt i molt fort.

The dragon asked for a wish and blew very, very hard.

Totes les flames juganeres van encendre les espelmes.

All the playful flames lit the candles.

Visca! Visca! El drac ja tenia foc!

Hooray! Hooray! The dragon already had fire!



I ve d'aquí un gos i un gat que aquest conte s'ha acabat.

Here comes a dog and a cat, and this story is over.

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