La Polca 3x19

La Polca

La Polca

La Polca 3x19

La Polca

Ara sí, ara sí, doncs, molt bones a totes, tornem a estar aquí una setmana més

Now yes, now yes, well, very good to everyone, we are back here for another week.

als tres rebentats de sempre per rajar de tot el món casteller.

to the three usual complainers about everything in the casteller world.

En un cap de setmana on s'ha fet la diada de la represa a Tarragona

On a weekend where the day of revival was held in Tarragona.

i per sorpresa de moltes, i molts, ens incluem entre ells,

and for the surprise of many, we include ourselves among them,

els xiquets de Tarragona s'han consolidat com la colla

The children of Tarragona have established themselves as the group.

en millor estat de forma després de la represa.

in better shape after the restart.

No està mal, una remuntada.

Not bad, a comeback.

Bueno, que tens emojis que són un poquillo pesados, eh?

Well, you have emojis that are a bit annoying, huh?

De Tarragona?

From Tarragona?

Ah, vale, em vaig a dir, a tu casa.

Ah, okay, I'm going to say, at your house.

No, però està molt bé, entre tercera i quarta posició, a primers en solitari, guai.

No, but it's very good, between third and fourth position, in first place alone, cool.

A més, en solitari, perquè...

Furthermore, alone, because...

La nostra pressió els hi ha servit, de res.

Our pressure has been of no use to them.

Escolta, s'exigents?

Listen, are they demanding?

De res.

You're welcome.

Ha donat els seus fruits.

It has borne fruit.

Ah, vol dir que...

Ah, you mean that...

Podríem dir-te alguna cosa a veure?

Could we say something to you to see?



Tota la pressió.

All the pressure.



S'han reactivat.

They have been reactivated.

Hi ha molta gent que ha passat amb naltros, eh?

There are many people who have been through with us, right?

Jo, home, home.

I, man, man.

Eh, eh.

Eh, eh.

De res.

You're welcome.

Tot el que serveix per millorar el món casteller, aquí som, xaval.

Everything that serves to improve the world of castells, here we are, mate.

Ara, el proper pas anima molt fortament la desil·lusió de les colles Bolet.

Now, the next step strongly encourages the disappointment of the Bolet groups.

Ho estem fent ja també una mica.

We are already doing a bit of it too.

A la Jove Tarragona Petit amb el 4 de 8, que van haver de fer un intent desmuntat

To the Jove Tarragona Petit with the 4 of 8, who had to make a dismantled attempt.

i a la descarregada no els va ser fàcil,

and in the download it was not easy for them,

Sant Pere i Sant Pau i Serrallo van patir una caiguda.

Saint Peter and Saint Paul and Serrallo suffered a fall.

Moixis clava freno de mà al Raval Monsat de Terrassa

Mice put the handbrake on Raval Monsat in Terrassa.

i es deixa el 2 de 8 enfolrar les cotxeres

and lets the 2 of 8 get trapped in the garages

perquè no eren més de 140 per fer aquell castell,

because there were not more than 140 to build that castle,

però acaben fent una meritoria clàssica de 8 amb certa facilitat

but they end up doing a commendable 8-classic with some ease

que fot bastanta, bastanta...

that really sucks, really...

Crec que era el primer 3 de 8 que feien.

I think it was the first 3 of 8 they did.

És possible, Joan?

Is it possible, Joan?

Era el primer de la temporada.

It was the first of the season.

És possible?

Is it possible?

Primer de la temporada, perfecte.

First of the season, perfect.

Per tant, presenten totes les seves credencions,

Therefore, they present all their credentials,

per anar a Sant Fèlix, ara mateix hi podrien anar,

to go to Sant Fèlix, they could go there right now,

però clar, com que Minyons també ha fet la clàssica,

but of course, since Minyons has also done the classic,

igual que les dues colles de Valls,

just like the two groups from Valls,

crec que queden fora descartats automàticament.

I think they are automatically ruled out.

Però es coneixen els administradors, ens fan fora nantros.

But they know the administrators, they kick us out.

Bueno, no seria...

Well, it wouldn't be...

Com sempre que hi ha dubtes.

As always when there are doubts.

Home, si algú caigués a Castellasset jo també el faria fora, eh, Alexandre?

Man, if someone fell at Castellasset I would also kick him out, right, Alexandre?

No hem caigut a Castellasset.

We have not fallen in Castellasset.

Depèn, el vostre Twitter no deia el mateix.

It depends, your Twitter didn’t say the same.

Ara sí.

Now yes.

Ara ja sí.

Now yes.

Després de 4 dimissions, ara ja sí.

After 4 resignations, now it's final.

S'ha aconseguit, s'ha aconseguit.

It has been achieved, it has been achieved.

Ens ho expliques, això, després?

Will you explain that to us later?

Però no us ho puc explicar, cap problema.

But I can't explain it to you, no problem.

Vale, acabem la introducció i després en parlem.

Okay, let's finish the introduction and then we'll talk about it.

Castellasset Barcelona completa una altra vegada

Castellasset Barcelona completes once again.

una actuació sense 3 castells de 7,

a performance without 3 towers of 7,

com ja ha vist la tònica habitual,

as you have already seen, the usual tone,

i han fet el 3, el 4...

and they have done the 3, the 4...

T'estan insultant.

They are insulting you.

Felicitats, Tamara, gràcies.

Congratulations, Tamara, thank you.

Però per què estem llegint el xat?

But why are we reading the chat?

Llegirem després.

We'll read later.

Sabadell fot un cop de puny sobre la taula

Sabadell strikes a fist on the table.

i descarrega el 4 de 8.

And unload the 4 of 8.

És l'única colla...

It is the only group...

Calla, Joel, calla, calla.

Shut up, Joel, shut up, shut up.

Això ho he sentit ja 13 vegades.

I've heard this 13 times already.

De moment, de moment.

For the moment, for the moment.

Està Barcelona ahir, ahir, eh, entrant aquesta puna.

Barcelona was there yesterday, yesterday, huh, entering this punch.

Pero, pero...

But, but...





El 2 de 7 encara.

The 2 of 7 still.

No, ni el faran.

No, neither will they make it.

No està.

He is not.

De fet, van ajuntar un castell de 8 amb un castell de 6 o va ser...

In fact, they combined a tower of 8 with a tower of 6 or it was...

No, no, no.

No, no, no.

El Betxo Calcetina em va dir que sí.

The Betxo Calcetina told me yes.

Però potser em va mentir.

But maybe he lied to me.

Jo vaig dir que sí a què?

I said yes to what?

Amb un 5 de 6, amb un 5 de 6.

With a 5 out of 6, with a 5 out of 6.

Barcelona, estàvem parlant de Barcelona.

Barcelona, we were talking about Barcelona.

Ah, estàvem parlant de Barcelona.

Ah, we were talking about Barcelona.

No puneu context als whatsapps i jo em perdo en plena ressaca.

Don't put context in the Whatsapps and I get lost in the middle of a hangover.

Glòria, si m'han escoltat bé,

Glòria, if they have listened to me well,

he dit una meritoria clàssica de 8.

I said a meritorious classic of 8.

Respecte, aquest cop ho he dit bé.

Regarding that, I said it right this time.

Amb això, avui comencem l'última polca

With this, today we begin the last polka.

de la tercera temporada,

of the third season,

que no ha estat fàcil, ja que hem tingut

that it has not been easy, since we have had

una pandèmia entre mig i hem hagut de fer

a pandemic in between and we have had to do

moltes hores de contingut sense un

many hours of content without a

puto castell a plaça.

fucking castle in the square.

I tot això hem aconseguit fer més de 20 hores

And all of this we have managed to do in more than 20 hours.

de contingut a Twitch.

content on Twitch.

Calla, calla, que només faltava ser jueus per fer aquests 40 anys treballant pel desert, eh?

Shut up, shut up, as if it wasn't enough to be Jews to have spent these 40 years working for the desert, huh?

I des d'aquí vull aprofitar per donar les gràcies

And from here I want to take the opportunity to give my thanks.

a tots els que ens heu escoltat, criticat

to all of you who have listened to us, criticized

i insultat per suportar a totes les

I insulted for putting up with all the...

convidades que han passat per aquí

guests who have passed through here

al llarg d'aquestes 22 setmanes.

over the course of these 22 weeks.

Però mira que arribes a ser pilota.

But look how you end up being a sycophant.

Saps què passa? Que la gent que ens insulta, el que busca és que t'agraguem i llorem, també.

Do you know what happens? The people who insult us are looking for us to become upset and cry, too.

És la crítica

It is the criticism.

constructiva al quadrat.

constructive squared.

O te construeix un insult

Either you build an insult.

o tu millores com a programa.

or you improve as a program.

Però, bueno, al cap i a la fi

But, well, after all

s'ha d'agrair que aquest projecte

it must be appreciated that this project

vagi agafant forma i cada cop més detractors

it is taking shape and increasingly more detractors

i menys adepts. Que parlin de tu ni que sigui bé.

And fewer followers. Let them talk about you, even if it's good.

Exacte. Avui el Xatín

Exactly. Today the Xatín.

no s'ha estat de res i ha preparat

has not been idle and has prepared

una xarxa social amb 11

a social network with 11

imatges. El Jordi ens ha portat una secció

images. Jordi has brought us a section

més picadeta que els dits d'un leprós tocant la guitarra.

more picked than the fingers of a leper playing the guitar.

No t'he dit que portaria. Ja ho sé,

I didn't tell you that I would bring it. I know.

per això m'he inventat una merda.

That's why I've made up some crap.

Per la meva banda, avui he fet un quiz

As for me, today I did a quiz.

a fet molt

has done a lot

alupolcocentrista. Jo és que ara

alupolcocentrist. I that now

es treballa en despatx i puc fer aquestes coses.

I work in an office and I can do these things.

Dit això, bona tarda, Jordi.

That said, good afternoon, Jordi.

L'outfit del Xatín, que avui ens ve

The outfit of Xatín, which is coming to us today.

amb una camisa... No, això és perquè he anat

with a shirt... No, that's because I went

a veure la mama. No, és perquè

Let's see the mom. No, it's because.

d'excel·lència em torna d'embarra.

excellence brings me embarrassment.

Bona tarda, Jordi. Bona tarda. Bona tarda, Xatín.

Good afternoon, Jordi. Good afternoon. Good afternoon, Xatín.

I què tal? Com ha anat?

And how about you? How did it go?

Cap de setmana, què? Com l'heu vist? Camisa maca del Xatín.

Weekend, what? How did you find it? Nice shirt from Xatín.

Torno a recalcar, perquè no ho estigui veient,

I want to emphasize again, so that you are not overlooking it,

si us plau, aneu a veure el vídeo i mireu

please go watch the video and see

la camiseta, la camisa que ens porta

the t-shirt, the shirt that he/she brings us

el Xatín. Una camisa

the Xatín. A shirt

de lligar. De lligar? De color

to untie. To untie? Of color

de... De que combina

From... What combines

amb tot, Xatín. Te la fiques amb uns taxans i quedes bé.

With everything, Xatín. You get along well with some taxans.

Sí, sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes, yes.

Uns xinos de color beige, eh?

Beige chinos, huh?

Hem convertit la polca en un programa de modem, ara.

We have turned the polka into a modem program, now.

Estava buscant un color de camisa d'una colla

I was looking for a shirt color for a group.

castellera, però és que crec que no hi ha... Nois de la

castellera, but I think there are no... Boys from the

torre? No, però allò és com...

tower? No, but that is like...

Més pel cel, poder, no? No vull caure.

More in the sky, perhaps, right? I don't want to fall.

Caminant. Té com taquitos

Walking. It has like little lumps.

blancs, molt bé.

whites, very good.



l'has clavat bastant fortament, eh?

You hit it pretty hard, huh?

És que el Xatín té la samarreta... També és veritat.

It's just that Xatín has the jersey... That's also true.

Sí, la veritat és que l'ha encertat.

Yes, the truth is that he/she has hit the nail on the head.

M'ha guanyat. De cara a la polra

He has won me over. Facing the dust.

tens un minipuntó. A tot això de què estàvem parlant?

You have a little point. What were we talking about again?

D'una mica com ha anat el cap de setmana. Ah, bé.

A bit about how the weekend went. Oh, good.

Comencem pel dissabte, si voleu. Avui he fet una cosa,

Let's start with Saturday, if you want. Today I did something,

gràcies d'aquí a Torreño, perquè ja ha penjat

Thank you from here to Torreño, because he has already hung it up.

tots els castells del cap de setmana. Bueno,

all the castles of the weekend. Well,

no sé si les haurà penjat bé, eh?

I don't know if she has hung them well, huh?

No, hi ha un error, hi ha un error. Mira que raro, eh?

No, there is a mistake, there is a mistake. Look how strange, huh?

He trobat, que és que, segons això,

I have found that, according to this,

Sant Pere i Sant Pau, el 4-7 amb el Pilar

Saint Peter and Saint Paul, the 4th-7th with the Pillar.

el va descarregar. Bueno, no passa res, eh?

He unloaded it. Well, it’s fine, right?

I la llar de baix va

And the house below goes

caure o no va caure? No, no va caure.

fall or did not fall? No, it did not fall.

Bueno, segons el Torreño, sí.

Well, according to Torreño, yes.

Segurament, no? Fets a destacar

Surely, right? Key points to highlight.

Diada de Berga, Diada de Berga

Berga Day, Berga Day

amb Minyons de Terrassa fent

with Minyons de Terrassa doing

3 de 8, 4 de 8, 5 de 7,

3 out of 8, 4 out of 8, 5 out of 7,

C.U.L. Castell de Nou a la seva diada,

C.U.L. Castell de Nou on its day,

C.U.L. bastant fort. C.U.L., C.U.L.

C.U.L. quite strong. C.U.L., C.U.L.

Bueno, jo, però, no feia falta...

Well, I, but it wasn't necessary...

Sí, estaríem parlant

Yes, we would be talking.

de... Ens va plantar en una diada

from... He left us at a holiday.

sense que ningú sàpigués res d'ells i et va plantar

without anyone knowing anything about them and she stood you up

una clàssica de 8. A veure, estem parlant

a classic of 8. Let's see, we are talking about

d'una clàssica de 8, eh? 8 tampoc és...

of a classic 8, huh? 8 isn't...

No, és una clàssica, nois. 3 de 8,

No, it's a classic, guys. 3 of 8.

4 de 8, 5 de 7, no és una clàssica.

4 out of 8, 5 out of 7, it's not a classic.

Va fer el 2. No, no, a la diada

He scored 2. No, no, at the celebration.

que va presentar jo, que va dir que ningú havia sentit

that I presented, that said that no one had heard

parlar de Minyons i de cop, ui, avui hem tornat a Minyons.

Talking about Minyons and suddenly, oh, today we've returned to Minyons.

Pam! Tornem una mica a la història.

Pam! Let's go back a bit to the story.

Vilafranca ho prova i Minyons

Vilafranca tries it and Minyons.

ho fa, com en el 3 de 10, com en el 2

It does it, like in 3 out of 10, like in 2.

de 9, una mica com s'ha anat veient

from 9, a bit like has been seen

en els últims anys

in recent years

d'història. Estan aquí darrere.

of history. They are right behind.

Vale. Pots treure els cascos, si vols

Okay. You can take off the headphones if you want.

crec que t'arriben. No, no cal.

I think they reach you. No, it's not necessary.

Sorprenent, per allò que hem de dir tan molt

Surprising, for what we have to say so much.

de fort. Altres punts a comentar.

strong. Other points to discuss.

Castellers de Correllà. Ah, sí, sí, amb qui va actuar?

Castellers de Correllà. Ah, yes, yes, with whom did they perform?

Amb Berga. Amb Berga. I què tal, Berga?

With Berga. With Berga. And how are you, Berga?

5 de 6, 3 de 7, 4 de 7. Correcte.

5 out of 6, 3 out of 7, 4 out of 7. Correct.

Aprove. No tenim

Go ahead. We don't have any.

suc a treure el gui d'aquí. No, no hi ha més.

juice to get the guide out of here. No, there is nothing more.

Diada de Mariona Galindo, molt light

Celebration of Mariona Galindo, very light

aquest any pels Minyons. Em va fer gràcia un tuit del Cugat

This year for the Minyons. I found a tweet from Cugat amusing.

que deia... El Minyons no serà capgrossos. Perdona, capgrossos.

What did I say... The Minyons will not be capgrossos. Sorry, capgrossos.

Em va fer una gràcia un tuit del Cugat que deia

A tweet from Cugat made me laugh saying

com, hòstia, estic amb el gossanito de tornar

How the hell am I going to get the dog back?

a les places. Dic, collons, és que...

to the squares. I mean, damn, it's just that...

Jo crec que tots quan hem tornat a la represa, a la nostra

I believe that all of us, when we returned to the resumption, to our...

plaça estimada o a les places estimades, per molt

estimated square or at the estimated squares, for very much

que hagi fet castells de 7... Capgrossos, que no ha fet

that they have made 7-story castles... Capgrossos, which they have not made.

castell de 8, eh? Tampoc. Es van omplir

Castle of 8, huh? Neither. They filled up.

la boca molt fort amb el castell de 8, perquè

the mouth very loud with the 8 castle, because

la... Com es diu la cap de colla? Sopta molt.

The... What is the name of the group leader? She is very skilled.

La Rú. La Rú. Ho va dir

The Rú. The Rú. He/She said it.

com en dues o tres entrevistes, el castell de 8 està a punt,

As in two or three interviews, the 8 castle is ready.

el castell de 8 està a punt. Sembla que és el... Sopta molt

The castle of 8 is ready. It seems that it is the... Very surprising.

que Capgrossos no hagi fet castell de 8, eh? A més...

that Capgrossos hasn't built a tower of 8, right? Besides...

Pot estar a punt per desenals, pot estar a punt

It may be ready to be unrolled, it may be ready.

per les santes, no ha especificat data.

For the saints, no date has been specified.

Està a punt. El que sí que... Ella també

She's ready. What is true is... She too.

està a punt, però de parir.

she is about to give birth.

El que crec que és que aquest any

What I believe is that this year

no van a la diada

they are not going to the celebration

de Minyons, si no tinc mal entès, Capgrossos.

of Minyons, if I'm not mistaken, Capgrossos.

Ja han acabat temporada. I qui va?

The season has already finished. And who goes?

Barcelona i Sants. Sant Cugat?

Barcelona and Sants. Sant Cugat?

Sant Cugat, puto Sant Cugat de merda.

Sant Cugat, fucking shit Sant Cugat.

Bueno, enviarem el Nacho a veure si ens explica alguna cosa.

Well, we'll send Nacho to see if he can explain something to us.

Sants és un castell habitual. Sí, bueno, també

Sants is a usual castle. Yes, well, also.

hi havia nat castells de Barcelona, crec, que van fer aquell nou d'avui dramàtic

There had been castles from Barcelona, I think, that made that dramatic new one today.

fa uns anys. Sí, jo el recordo.

a few years ago. Yes, I remember him.

Però no va ser l'any del 4 de 10?

But wasn't it the year of 4 out of 10?

Sí, crec que era el 4 de 10.

Yes, I think it was the 4th of October.

De l'intent parlo, eh? D'aquell que es va ensurrar.

I'm talking about the attempt, okay? The one that got buried.

No és del descarregat. No, no, el descarregat

It is not the downloaded one. No, no, the downloaded one.

segur que a Barcelona no hi era. No, no, no.

sure he wasn't in Barcelona. No, no, no.

Doncs era l'intent, però sí, sí, sí, el recordo, el recordo.

Well, that was the attempt, but yes, yes, yes, I remember it, I remember it.

Més cosetes. Maduixots de l'Almeresma

More little things. Strawberries from Almeresma.

van anar a la diada de Mariona Galindo

they went to Mariona Galindo's day

a Mataró,

in Mataró,

però només van fer dos pilars de quatre. El viatge

but they only made two four-pillar structures. The journey

no haurà sortit tan car, tampoc.

it won't have cost that much, either.

Encara et surt bé. Espera,

It's still good for you. Wait,

demaneu quantos, que a veure si les joves

ask how many, let's see if the young ones

a la Vila de Gràcia van fer pilars de cinc

In the Vila de Gràcia, they made five-tiered human towers.

i els pilars de quatre solventaven.

and the four pillars solved it.

Això no ho va dir. Vull dir, a les joves de Mariona

She didn't say that. I mean, to Mariona's young women.

va sortir més car el viatge a Gràcia que aquella gent.

The trip to Gràcia cost more than those people.

També això va passar a la diada de...

This also happened on the day of...

A mi sí que em va sortir més car, eh? A tu seguríssim.

It was definitely more expensive for me, huh? For you, for sure.

Sí. Bueno, però després vas tenir permut gratis

Yes. Well, but then you had a free exchange.

que vam fer... Sí, menys mal que vam

What we did... Yes, thank goodness we did.

recuperar. Vam xerrar en altres i ens en donàvem

recover. We talked in others and we gave ourselves.

gratis. No, jo no em vaig recuperar, eh? De fet, és

free. No, I didn't recover, huh? In fact, it is

l'únic programa que hem tingut en què ens servien cervesa

the only program we had where they served us beer

mentre estàvem xerrant, que era increïble.

while we were chatting, it was incredible.

I aquí s'ho han de fer en altres. Sí, aquí se'n serveix.

And here they have to do it differently. Yes, it is served here.

Sí, però tristíssim. És un polcauto.

Yes, but very sad. It's a polcauto.

A les vigílies de Castellers de Cornellà

On the eve of the Castellers of Cornellà

també només vam fer dos castells de sis

we also only built two six-story towers

perquè no podien més. Vam fer el tres i el quatre

because they could take no more. We made a big fuss.

de sis. Més coses a destacar.

from six. More things to highlight.

Si pots fer el quatre de sis, pots fer

If you can do four out of six, you can do it.

el tres de sis pilar, no? Bueno, l'has de tenir

The three of six pillar, right? Well, you have to have it.

sejat i tenir gent i saber.

to be seated and have people and knowledge.

No és tan fàcil. Hi ha una cosa que segurament no

It's not that easy. There's one thing that certainly isn't.

et surti aquí, que jo crec que és digna de comentar

it appears here, which I think is worth commenting on

també. Els castells de cinc?

Also. The five castles?

La diada de Ganàpies. Sí, sí, sí.

The day of Ganàpies. Yes, yes, yes.

Fem un break. Ves a dir, comentem cap de setmana

Let's take a break. Go say, let's discuss the weekend.

i fem un break diada de Ganàpies. És que no sé per què no hem

Let's take a break on Ganàpies Day. I don't know why we haven't.

començat per dijous.

started on Thursday.

És que jo anava en ordre

It's just that I was going in order.

cronològic, eh?

chronological, huh?

Ordre cronològic.

Chronological order.

Rebobina el Twitch este

Rewind this Twitch.

i tornem a començar.

And we start again.

I que se senti i tal.

And let it be felt and such.

Seria increïble.

It would be amazing.

No sé què he tocat, però ara m'entro

I don't know what I touched, but now I get it.

una merda a les orelles. A tots, a tots.

a shit in the ears. To everyone, to everyone.

No, a mi no. Perquè tens

No, not me. Because you have.

el volum baixíssim, tu. Per això.

the very low volume, you. That's why.

Què més ha passat del cap de setmana?

What else happened over the weekend?

Fem cap de setmana i després ens anem a diada de Ganàpies.

Let's spend the weekend and then we will go to the Ganàpies celebration.

Gol del Tenerife, torna a perdre

Goal from Tenerife, loses again.

el Girona. Una setmana més.

Girona. One more week.

A Vilarrudona. On estàs, Tuani, xaval?

In Vilarrudona. Where are you, Tuani, lad?

On estàs, Tuani?

Where are you, Tuani?

Encara deu estar buscant les barraques

He must still be looking for the shacks.

de sal allà a Festumallet.

from salt there to Festumallet.

Hòstia, no sé si em voldria trobar a Tuani de festa, eh?

Damn, I don't know if I would want to run into Tuani at a party, huh?

Sí que fa pinta de tenir un mal veure, eh?

It does look like it has a bad appearance, doesn't it?

Estudiant un vigardo a la festa.

Studying a big guy at the party.

I el que no és veure, eh? Aquestes ojeres

And what is not seen, huh? Those dark circles.

ja me les conec jo, eh?

I already know them, okay?

A veure, Xatín, les joves van anar a Vilarrudona.

Let's see, Xatín, the young women went to Vilarrudona.

Què va passar amb el 4-7? Tu que estaves a plaça i tal.

What happened with the 4-7? You were there in the square and all.

Estic massa fort.

I am too strong.

Estava allà girat. Xatín afluixa

He was turned around there. Chill out, Xatín.

i jo allà motivat i el vam haver de baixar.

And I was there motivated and we had to bring him down.

Anaves de primer girat.

You were going the wrong way at first.

Una merda, eh? Si jo estava...

A shit, right? If I was...

El vau baixar, però hi ha gent de la teva colla

You brought it down, but there are people from your group.

que no diu el mateix. Però ja no estan a la meva colla.

that does not say the same. But they are no longer in my group.

Li hem tret la camisa, el passaport,

We took off his shirt, the passport,

el Covid i tot. Pots posar-ho en context, sisplau?

Covid and everything. Can you put it in context, please?

Ah, no, bueno, en realitat, bueno,

Ah, no, well, actually, well,

es va equivocar la persona que porta el Twitter de la colla

The person who runs the group's Twitter made a mistake.

i en lloc de ficar...

And instead of putting...

És que, clar, no et pots equivocar

It's just that, of course, you can't make a mistake.

dient intent quan és intent desmuntat, que en dia molt, eh?

saying intention when it is dismantled intention, which is very much, huh?

O sigui, intent de 4-7. En el Twitter posava

So, attempt of 4-7. On Twitter I was saying.

intent de 4-7 i era un intent... Sí, sí, sí.

attempt of 4-7 and it was an attempt... Yes, yes, yes.

Un moment, vale. Parèntesi.

One moment, okay. Parenthesis.

Un intent desmuntat de 4-7 ja és tristíssim.

A disassembled attempt of 4-7 is already very sad.

Bueno, t'ho explico. Et recordo que tu fas

Well, I'll explain it to you. I remind you that you do

castells amb xiquets de Reus.

castles with children from Reus.

No diguis res si el castell és un 4.

Don't say anything if the castle is a 4.

Joel, xiquets de Reus fa

Joel, kids from Reus ago

intents de 4, és tristíssim.

Attempts of 4, it's very sad.

I això és una cosa que també t'ho puc comprar, eh? A vegades.

And this is something that I can also buy from you, right? Sometimes.

Vull dir, que lo cortes no quita lo valent.

I mean, that being polite doesn't take away from being brave.

No, no, no va ser dramàtic. Vull dir, estrenava

No, no, it wasn't dramatic. I mean, it premiered.

l'escanalla i ja està.

the scum and that's it.

Però l'escaneta no es podia pujar, una cosa d'aquestes, no?

But the ladder couldn't be climbed, one of those things, right?

A procs. No, no, a procs no.

In processes. No, no, not in processes.





3-7 Pilar, 4-7 Pilar.

3-7 Pilar, 4-7 Pilar.

De senals, què?

About signs, what?

Bueno, depèn

Well, it depends.

dels altres. Això és com s'entofla.

of the others. This is how it gets stuffed.

No, no, no. Aquesta puta actitud

No, no, no. This fucking attitude.

de perdedors. Deixeu la casa, ja.

of losers. Leave the house, now.

Mira, jo pensava que s'havia perdut

Look, I thought it was lost.

això, eh?

this, huh?

L'actitud aquesta, tio. Ara torna

That attitude, man. Come back now.

el que m'agrada a mi. Ara torna.

What I like. Now it returns.

Jo crec que és actitud guanyadora.

I believe it is a winning attitude.

Si tu fas això, jo també ho faig, perquè també ho puc fer.

If you do this, I will do it too because I can do it as well.

Però no, vés a rebentar-los.

But no, go burst them.

Surt de dos. Tot depèn de la moneda.

It comes out of two. It all depends on the coin.

Tot depèn de la moneda.

It all depends on the currency.

Però tu surts de dos sense manilles. Què?

But you come out of two without handcuffs. What?

Primer a la plaça del Blat. Ara què? Va, apreta.

First at the Wheat Square. Now what? Come on, hurry up.

No poden. Que pereza.

They can't. What a drag.



Sempre a favor de l'especulació

Always in favor of speculation.

del joc brut i de...

from the dirty game and of...

I ara començarem a especulació.

And now we will begin to speculate.

Que joves obre de dos sense manilles

That young man opens the door without handcuffs.

i que la vella obre de tres net,

and that the old one opens with three grandsons,

ha muert, eh? Segona ronda, segurament

He's died, huh? Second round, probably.

les dues colles faran el 3 de 6. Però bueno.

The two groups will do the 3 of 6. But well.

Bueno, 3 de 6 és... no.

Well, 3 out of 6 is... no.

Tu descarregues el 2 net a la plaça del Blat, què fas a segona ronda?

You download the 2 clean at the Grain Square, what do you do in the second round?

No faig segona ronda.

I'm not doing a second round.

Canalla. Fai un piladú carregat.

Brat. Make a loaded pile.

Sí, salta. Com un llenguado.

Yes, jump. Like a sole.

El que sí que m'agradaria... Fai la carpa al berenc.

What I would really like... is to make the tent at dawn.

Hòstia. Fa temps... S'està perdent la carpa.

Damn. It's been a while... The tent is getting lost.

Hòstia, la carpa. És com l'avioneta, s'està perdent.

Damn, the marquee. It's like the little plane, it's getting lost.

Xatín, m'agradaria que ens expliquessis

Xatín, I would like you to explain to us.

el 2 dels altres.

the 2 of the others.

Fatal. Horrible. Sempre

Fatal. Horrible. Always.

ficant-la amb els llavis i quan dius

putting it with the lips and when you say

ara, no.

not now.

Què cabrons, eh? Com el controles, eh? Ara.

What bastards, huh? How you control them, huh? Now.

No, no el controlaven gaire, eh?

No, they didn't control him much, did they?

Quan vaig veure les cares de les persones

When I saw the faces of the people

que baixaven del tronc i no l'estaven controlant gaire, eh?

that were coming down from the trunk and weren't being controlled very much, huh?

Aviam, Cora.

Let's see, Cora.

No ens flipem.

Let's not get carried away.

Tots sabem que les joves un dia

We all know that young people one day

han de descarregar el 2 de 9 sense manilles.

They have to unload the 2 of 9 without handholds.

Està perquè ho facin a desenals. Perquè jo el 2 de 8

It is so they do it by dozens. Because I the 2 of 8.

sense forro ja l'he vist moltes vegades de vermell.

I have seen it many times already in red without lining.

No, no n'hi ha mai

No, there are never any.

massa d'això, eh? Sí, sí.

Too much of this, huh? Yes, yes.

Masses vegades i de masses colors diferents.

Many times and in many different colors.

Ja no té gràcia aquest castell.

This castle is no longer fun.

A partir d'ara val el mateix que el 9 de 6.

From now on, it is worth the same as 9 out of 6.

Ara, hòstia.

Now, damn.

Potser fer 9s de 6 a muerte.

Maybe do 9s from 6 to death.

La jove a Tarragona ho diu.

The young woman in Tarragona says so.

Que és més difícil el 9 perquè puja més gent.

What's more difficult is the 9 because more people get on.

La puta, la teoria aquesta.

The whore, this theory.

Fes un 12 de 8.

Make a 12 out of 8.

Fes un puto 12 de 8.

Do a fucking 12 out of 8.

Allà sí que puja gent.

There, people do go up.

Tot això, vella.

All of this, old woman.

3 de 8, 5 de 7.

3 out of 8, 5 out of 7.

Descenals 2031, sí, home.

Descendants 2031, yes, man.

Aquí ja les estan allargant més.

Here they are already lengthening them more.

No sé si seran 2030 o 2031.

I don't know if it will be 2030 or 2031.

Seran 31.

They will be 31.

A no ser que torni a haver un coronavirus

Unless there is another coronavirus again.

que no, que ja estigui vacunat.

no, that I am already vaccinated.

No sé aquest any si ha pagat l'hipoteca

I don't know if he has paid the mortgage this year.

d'aquestes desenals o si hipotecarà

of these decades or if it will be mortgaged

aquest any, però seran uns anys o dos avall.

this year, but it will be a year or two down the line.

Sí, ja m'he demanat 3 setmanes de vacances.

Yes, I have already asked for 3 weeks of vacation.

Què més tenim?

What else do we have?

Tenim la diada de la represa a Tarragona, que com hem comentat

We have the day of the resumption in Tarragona, which as we have discussed

doncs, xiquets,

well, kids,

de Tarragona, ok, molt bé.

from Tarragona, ok, very good.

3 de 8.

3 out of 8.

Escolta, escolta, em veig a quedar quadres amb aquell 3.

Listen, listen, I see myself getting stuck with that 3.

No era de llets de postal, però estava molt millor

It wasn't picture-perfect, but it was much better.

que el quadre dels velletos, eh.

that the painting of the old men, huh.

És que el quadre de jove de...

It's that the painting of a young...

Estava molt millor que el quadre dels velletos.

It was much better than the painting of the old men.

Les fotos del quadre de l'altra colla

The photos of the painting from the other group.

de la jove de Tarragona

of the young woman from Tarragona

semblava que aquella,

it seemed that that one,

i era una foto, eh.

It was a photo, huh.

A l'intent desmuntat...

At the disassembled attempt...

La foto es movia, sí.

The photo was moving, yes.

L'intent desmuntat de segona ronda,

The dismantled attempt of the second round,

amb quins col·locats no anava?

with which placed ones was he not going?

L'intent desmuntat de segona ronda, amb quins col·locats no anava?

The dismantled attempt of the second round, which positions were not suitable?

Era dramàtic. Però no anava enlloc.

It was dramatic. But it was going nowhere.

No el vaig veure, però estic convençut que no anava enlloc.

I didn't see him, but I'm convinced he wasn't going anywhere.

No, no, és que els quarts...

No, no, it's just that the quarters...

Veient la foto que vaig veure, no anava enlloc.

Looking at the photo I saw, it was going nowhere.

I, aviam, que el van treballar...

Well, let's see, they worked on it...

Bé, eh.

Well, eh.

El descarregat...

The downloaded...

Home, treballen que flipes per treballar.

At home, they work so hard that it's unbelievable.

Hi havia ofici, com diuen, hi havia ofici.

There was craftsmanship, as they say, there was craftsmanship.

Hi havia experiència.

There was experience.

T'aqueden 40 minuts.

You have 40 minutes left.


Holy shit.

D'altra banda, em va sorprendre

On the other hand, it surprised me.

que Sant Pere i Sant Pau

that Saint Peter and Saint Paul

caien de Pilar de Cinc.

they fell from the Pilar de Cinc.

Jo no diré per qui li va caure.

I will not say for whom it fell.

Jo només diria que era el de sempre i faltava una peça.

I would only say it was the same as always and one piece was missing.

Sí, però, aviam, que també s'ha de dir.

Yes, but, let's see, it also has to be said.

La cotxadera molt petit...

The little car park...

La part de dalt no pot ser la mateixa.

The upper part cannot be the same.

La cotxadera petitíssim...

The tiny little car...

Si em pots entendre, tu m'has entès, Alexandre.

If you can understand me, you understood me, Alexandre.

És que no et vull entendre.

I just don't want to understand you.

Ja ho sé, que no em pots entendre mai.

I know that you can never understand me.

Ets de l'altra colla B, Vilafranca.

You are from the other group B, Vilafranca.

L'altra colla B alta.

The other group B high.

De Vilafranca.

From Vilafranca.

I Vilafranca, si ets de B alta, fa mal als ulls molt fort.

In Vilafranca, if you are from B alta, it hurts your eyes very much.

Va sorprendre i...

It surprised and...

Potser el que hauràs escrit tu per Twitter, eh?

Maybe what you wrote on Twitter, huh?



És molt fàcil saber

It is very easy to know.

quin tuit és seu i quin no, eh?

Which tweet is yours and which isn't, huh?

Sí, sí, sí. No l'estem perdint aquí.

Yes, yes, yes. We are not losing it here.

Totalment. Collons, si vam anar a l'altre concurs

Totally. Damn, we went to the other competition.

i m'havies de corregir cada cop que escrivia la pissarra...

You had to correct me every time I wrote on the board...

És veritat. Hi havia pissarra?

It's true. Was there a blackboard?

Sí. La podries haver portat aquí pel programa?

Yes. Could you have brought her here for the program?

Pel sorteig del programa cap d'any?

For the New Year's Eve program draw?

Ai, programa final de temporada, tio.

Oh, season finale, man.

La pissarra aquí a l'esquena, ficada, saps?

The blackboard here behind the back, stuck, you know?

Si que ets del Serrallo,

Yes, you are from Serrallo,

es va menjar el 4 de 7,

He/she ate the 4 out of 7.

s'ha de dir que el 4 de 7 aquell...

It should be said that the 4 of 7 that...

No el vaig veure, aquest 4 de 7.

I didn't see it, this 4 of 7.

Va patir molt a nivell de quart.

He suffered a lot at the level of fourth.

Aquest 4 de 7 va rebentar moltes porres, eh?

This 4 of 7 broke many batons, huh?

Sí, moltíssimes, perquè molta gent

Yes, very many, because many people.

confiava en 3 i 4 descarregat.

I relied on 3 and 4 downloaded.

No, i les caigudes les ficava en el 3.

No, and I would put the falls in the 3.

Sí? Hòstia.

Yes? Wow.

Està en un moment... Tens la porra actualitzada?

Are you in a moment... Do you have the updated stick?

Clar que no. Ah, vale.

Of course not. Ah, okay.

Ara que no hi ha el despatx, tio... Va ser ahir diumenge...

Now that there’s no office, dude... It was yesterday, Sunday...

Des que estàs a l'oficina i ara...

Since you are in the office and now...

Per això tinc secció.

That's why I have a section.

Secció i porra...

Section and stick...

No ho podem donar a tot. Poc a poc. M'he d'instal·lar encara.

We can't give it all at once. Little by little. I still need to settle in.

També t'he de dir, Serrallo està en un moment complicat, eh?

I also have to tell you, Serrallo is in a complicated situation, huh?

No m'agradaria estar en el moment en què està Serrallo.

I wouldn't like to be in the moment Serrallo is in.

Jo crec que Serrallo està en el nivell

I believe that Serrallo is at the level.

que ha d'estar una colla que és conscient

that must be a group that is aware

d'on venia i què ha de fer.

where it came from and what it has to do.

A nivell de... Estan...

At the level of... They are...

Tampoc eren tanta gent abans.

There weren't that many people before either.

Vull dir, doncs ara... I també tenien problemes

I mean, so now... And they also had problems.

de canalla a nivell que tenien canalleta molt gran.

From a childhood level that they had a very big child.

Els problemes de canalla s'han multiplicat

The problems with children have multiplied.

per 10.000, eh?

for 10,000, right?

I no passa res.

And nothing happens.

La progressió que ha fet el Serrallo no em sembla dolenta.

The progress that Serrallo has made doesn't seem bad to me.

Vull dir, ha fet dues o tres actuacions amb castells de 6...

I mean, he has made two or three performances with 6-level human towers...

Ah, no, no. Està molt ben complicat.

Ah, no, no. It is very well complicated.

Sí, però... Tampoc se'm...

Yes, but... I also don't...

També et veia dir que el cap de colla

I also saw you say that the group leader

era pataquer. Sí.

It was a pest. Yes.



Aquí ja es diu tot.

Here it all is already said.

Mira, on hi ha hagut pataquers

Look, where there have been those who complain.

al capdavant d'una colla?

at the head of a group?

Al Serrallo. Com estan? Castells de 6.

At the Serrallo. How are you? Six-story castles.

Xicots. No cal dir com estan xicots.

Boys. It goes without saying how they are boys.

I ja està.

And that's it.

Ha actuat xicots?

Has he acted, boys?

No ha tornat, xicots.

He hasn't returned, guys.

Deixem-ho confirmar al baròmetre, però diria molt

Let's confirm it with the barometer, but I would say a lot.

diria molt que no...

I would say very much not...

És que no tenim ni idea del que passa al nostre voltant

It's just that we have no idea what is happening around us.

i tenim els sants collons de potres davant un micro.

And we have the holy balls of horses in front of a microphone.

Com estan els pilars de xicots de Reus? Mal.

How are the castells (human towers) of Reus? Bad.

Per què? Perquè el cap de colla va ser... I guapa.

Why? Because the leader was... and beautiful.

Va ser? Guapa.

Was it? Beautiful.

Què? Guapa?

What? Beautiful?

Però Guapa no ha sigut cap de colla xicot de Reus mai.

But Guapa has never been a member of a group, boyfriend, from Reus.

Per això, però com us van els pilars?

For that reason, but how are the pillars going for you?

Perquè fa ella el pilar.

Why does she do the pillar?

Ah, vale, vale.

Ah, okay, okay.

Això sí, això sí.

That’s right, that’s right.

Per cert, Castellers de Terrassa,

By the way, Castellers de Terrassa,

fent el que és com una mica

doing what is like a little

l'actuació... És a dir, des del meu punt de vista

the performance... That is to say, from my point of view

ara mateix tenim com tres grans grups

Right now we have about three main groups.

de colles. Colles que hi ha

of groups. Groups that exist

per sobre el 2 de 7,

over the 2 out of 7,

colles que hi ha per sota el 2 de 7

groups that are below the 2 of 7

i... A mi m'han sortit dos.

I... I have two.

Colles que estan per damunt i colles que estan per sota.

Groups that are above and groups that are below.

Vull dir... No, i colles que no han ni tornat.

I mean... No, and groups that haven't even come back.

I el que està per damunt és petit. Vull dir, no és un

And what is above is small. I mean, it's not a

gran grup. Per tant, hi ha un gran grup que és el de

large group. Therefore, there is a large group that is that of

que estan per sota el 2 de 7... I que ho estan

that are below the 2 of 7... And that they are

tots amb 5 de 7, 4 de pilar. És com

everyone with 5 out of 7, 4 from the pillar. It's like

els dos castells de la represa. El 5 de 7 i el 4 de pilar

the two castles of the recovery. The 5 of 7 and the 4 of pillar

són els castells que les colles

they are the castles that the teams

podem dir mitjanetes o grans...

we can say medium or large...

Com Cagrossos. No, Cagrossos

Like Cagrossos. No, Cagrossos.

ha fet el 2 de 7, tio. Sí, exacte.

He's done the 2 of 7, man. Yes, exactly.

Ja, però el 2 requereix menys gent.

Yes, but the 2 requires fewer people.

I quin 2 de 7, eh? Però em refereixo, hi ha com

And what about 2 out of 7, huh? But I mean, there is like...

el grup aquest de colles de gama extra,

this group of extra level teams,

colles de nou, que han aconseguit fer el 2 de 7,

groups again, who have managed to complete the 2 of 7,

colles que s'han quedat

groups that have stayed

en 5 de 7, 4 de 7, pilar, que és

in 5 out of 7, 4 out of 7, pillar, what is it?

com un gran grup de colles, que era abans el gran grup

like a large group of teams, which was once the great group

de colles que feien el 3 i 4 de 8.

of groups that made the 3 and 4 of 8.

I, de fet, mira... Aviam, aviam

I, in fact, look... Let's see, let's see.

com ho tenim, això. Ara tenim, ara mateix hi hauria...

how we have it, this. Now we have, right now there would be...

No, no, però mira el rànquing del concurs, que això

No, no, but look at the ranking of the contest, because this

està en marxa, eh? No, no, mira, està fet, no està fet.

It's in progress, huh? No, no, look, it's done, it's not done.

No està enlloc, no està enlloc. Qui està dalt de tot,

It's nowhere, it's nowhere. Who is at the very top,

Joel? No està bé. Qui està dalt de tot? Els verds.

Joel? He's not well. Who is at the very top? The greens.

Els verds. La Franca està dalt de tot. És a dir, hi ha

The greens. La Franca is at the very top. That is to say, there is

8 colles per sobre el 2 de 7... Sí, sí, però

8 groups on top of the 2 of 7... Yes, yes, but

contra més amunt, pitjor és la caiguda, eh?

the higher you go, the worse the fall, right?

Ja prefereixes caure d'un primer

You'd rather fall from a first.

o des del pis vintè?

or from the twentieth floor?

Jo prefereixo caure... Jo, no caure.

I prefer to fall... I, not to fall.

Però bueno, d'un 3 de 10, que depèn de quin

But well, a 3 out of 10, depending on which one.

pilar de 5, que potser et rebentes

five pillar, which maybe you'll blow up

per tot arreu. Mira, confirmem.

everywhere. Look, we confirm.

Colles que no han tornat. Bequerisses, Foix,

Groups that have not returned. Bequerisses, Foix,

Castelldefels, Els Maretes... Bequerisses no n'hi ha

Castelldefels, Els Maretes... There are no Bequerisses.

ningú en tant, xaval. Espera, espera, espera.

No one so much, kid. Wait, wait, wait.

Colles, hem dit. Vale.

Groups, we said. Okay.

Xicots de Vilafranca, castellers de

Young men of Vilafranca, builders of human towers

Alguerresa, castellers de Tortosa, Xerrics d'Oló, castellers

Alguerese, castellers from Tortosa, Xerrics from Oló, castellers

de Fulla, castellers de Roquetes, castellers de Viladecans, castellers de Sarriaga,

of Fulla, castellers of Roquetes, castellers of Viladecans, castellers of Sarriaga,

Esquerra de l'Eixample, castellers de la Selva...

Left of the Eixample, castellers of La Selva...

Pilars de 4, eh? Pilars de 4 sí, però no comptem com a castells.

Pillars of 4, huh? Pillars of 4 yes, but we don't count them as castles.

O sigui, de moment ningú... cap colla.

So, for now, no one... no group.

Matussets de Molinxalet, xiquets de Vilaseca,

Matussets of Molinxalet, kids of Vilaseca,

esparxats de la Sant Xica... Home, esparxats!

sparks of Saint Chica... Well, sparks!

Què hi va passar amb esparxats? Esparxats va tornar

What happened with the asparagus? Asparagus came back.

a fer què? Pilars de 4.

For what purpose? Four pillars.

I algun castell de 5 lligadet també va fer,

And he also made some 5-linked castles.

i algun pom elevat. Sí, sí, sí. Molt bé.

And some raised pom. Yes, yes, yes. Very good.

Manyacs de Palets, castellers de la Bisbal del Penedès, castellers

Palets bullies, castellers from La Bisbal del Penedès, castellers.

de Cerdanya, leitams de Gravenet, privats de Cornell,

from Cerdanya, the leitams of Gravenet, deprived of Cornell,

castellers d'Andorra, castellers de Castellà...

castellers of Andorra, castellers of Castellà...

Això sí que em sap greu, eh? Castellers d'Andorra, eh?

I'm really sorry about that, huh? Castellers of Andorra, huh?

Per la festa, eh? Copi. Castellers de

For the party, huh? Copy. Human Towers of

Cerdanyola, Gavà, Adroc, Gavarres, Mallorca,

Cerdanyola, Gavà, Adroc, Gavarres, Mallorca,

Madiona, Montcadi, Araixac, París, Rubí, Sant Adrià,

Madiona, Montcadi, Araixac, Paris, Rubí, Sant Adrià,

Santa Coloma, Sidney, Londres, San Vicenç...

Santa Coloma, Sydney, London, San Vicente...

Ai, Londres! Londres també, eh? Sí, Sidney va

Oh, London! London too, huh? Yes, Sydney is fine.

tornar, que va fer el castellers de 6

to return, which the six-story human towers did

amb cadira de rodes, tio. Nyerros de la Plana,

in a wheelchair, dude. Nyerros de la Plana,

castellers de Madrid, Jove l'Hospitalet, Encantats

castellers of Madrid, Jove l'Hospitalet, Encantats

de Vega, Santa Cristina d'Adro, Conflent, Súria,

de Vega, Santa Cristina d'Adro, Conflent, Súria,

Gelida, Baileig de l'Empordà, xiculers del Delta

Gelida, Baileig de l'Empordà, xiculers of the Delta

i, finalment, xiculers de Copenhague. I per què

And finally, losers from Copenhagen. And why.

no has dit el Lodz de Llevant? Perquè el

Haven't you said the Lodz of the Levant? Because the

Lodz de Llevant va fer el 2 de 6 i el 3 de 6.

Lodz de Llevant did 2 out of 6 and 3 out of 6.

Suficient. M'acabo amb aquest de gent.

Enough. I'm done with this kind of people.

Aquests t'agraden, eh? Sí.

You like these, don't you? Yes.

És a dir, ara mateix han tornat... Xiculers de Cambrils ha tornat

That is to say, right now they have returned... Xiculers from Cambrils have returned.

fent només un 3 de 6. Sí. Increïble. Sí, sí, sí, sí.

only making a 3 out of 6. Yes. Incredible. Yes, yes, yes, yes.

Han tornat. Però orgullosos, eh? Perquè

They have returned. But proud, huh? Because

ho han ficat al Twitter. De fet, hi ha

they have put it on Twitter. In fact, there are

quatre colles, Riberalt, Torredembarra, Figueres i

four groups, Riberalt, Torredembarra, Figueres and

Cambrils, que només han fet el 3 de 6. I després

Cambrils, who have only completed the 3 of 6. And then

hi ha un gran grup de

there is a large group of


group of friends

que han fet castells de 6.

they have built 6-tier castles.

I després el que dèiem, les colles

And then what we were saying, the groups.

que antigament feien castells de 8, com

that in the past they made castles of 8, like

Marrec de Sal, Vendrell, Sants,

Marrec de Sal, Vendrell, Sants,

Granollers, Terrassa, Sant Pere i Sant Pau,

Granollers, Terrassa, Saint Peter and Saint Paul,

Udones, Lluves, Sagrada Família, Barcelona...

Udones, Lluves, Sagrada Família, Barcelona...

I algun gama extra tonto també t'havien fet

And some extra dumb guy had also been made for you.

de Sants, eh? Alguna vegada.

From Sants, huh? Sometimes.

Verga, Vilagràcia, Tirallongues, Poblesec

Verga, Vilagràcia, Tirallongues, Poblesec

han fet castells de 7, com el 5 de 7

they have built 7-story towers, like the 5 of 7

o el 4 de 7 Pilar. Però Poblesec

or the 4 of 7 Pilar. But Poblesec

ha fet algun castell de 8 i així una miqueta de refilón, eh?

Has he done any 8-level castles and just a little bit on the side, huh?

Vull dir, Poblesec potser està al nivell top, ja.

I mean, Poblesec might already be at the top level.

Com els games extras de Sants.

Like the extra games of Sants.

No, crec que Sants ha fet més games

No, I think Sants has made more games.

extras... Ui, hauria de tirar de números, eh?

extras... Oh, I should rely on numbers, huh?

Mira, Sants...

Look, Sants...

Comparativa games extras de Sants... Un moment, un moment.

Comparison of extra games from Sants... One moment, one moment.

Sants t'ha fet més 2 de 9 forres remenilles

Saints has made you more than 2 of 9 for the pesky removables.

que castells de 8, t'ha fet poc Poblesec. No ha fet

The eight towers, Poblesec has not done much. It hasn't done.

tan pocs, eh? No n'ha fet tants, eh?

So few, huh? He hasn't done that many, huh?

N'ha fet 3, com a molt. De 2 de 9 forres remenilles?

He has done 3, at most. From 2 of 9 remees?

Sí. Descarregats, Sants. 3 o 4.

Yes. Downloaded, Saints. 3 or 4.

Hauria de fer números, eh? Pilar's de 8

I should do the math, right? Eights of Pilar.

ha fet 3. Un descarregat, un carregat i un intent.

He has made 3. One unloaded, one loaded, and one attempt.

Jo et diria que t'ha fet molts més games extras

I would tell you that he/she has done many more extra games for you.

Sants que castells de Poblesec, t'ha fet castells

Saints that castles of Poble Sec, have made you castles.

de 8. Podríem fer aquest estudi.

From 8. We could do this study.

Però no el farem. No, no el farem perquè

But we won't do it. No, we won't do it because

això seria fer periodisme. Ho deixem de deures

that would be doing journalism. We'll leave it as homework.

a la nostra audiència. A l'audiència.

to our audience. To the audience.

Qui porti el número correcte

Whoever has the correct number.

té el megapremi.

he has the mega prize.

Que és un

What is a

pedo girant xatín així. Ja ho veurem.

I'm not sure what that means. We'll see.

Ui, que pereza. El que hem dit.

Oh, what a drag. What we said.

Moixis, Clàssica de 8. Olé, tus huevos cuadrados.

Moixis, Classic of 8. Olé, your square eggs.

Això ja estava dit, no? Sabadell,

That was already said, right? Sabadell,

4 de 8, 7 de 7, 4-7 al Pilar.

4 out of 8, 7 out of 7, 4-7 at the Pilar.

Sabadell ha fet el que fa Sabadell.

Sabadell has done what Sabadell does.

Un castell gran, una puta merda com el 7 de 7.

A big castle, a fucking piece of shit like 7 out of 7.

Com, com? Jordi, si vas muntant

What, what? Jordi, if you keep getting on.

el micro, entres al ruidito.

the mic, you enter the little noise.

Pues, pues, chaval, lo que te espera...

Well, well, kid, what awaits you...

Pues, marra, aniràs als timpans d'una manera bestia.

Well, mate, you'll go to the drums in a wild way.

Eh... Vendrell, vas

Eh... Vendrell, you're going.

fer aquella actuació de Sants de Caries, que és

to do that performance of Saints of Caries, which is

3 de 7, 4-7 i 3 de 6 femení.

3 out of 7, 4-7 and 3 out of 6 women's.

Aquella. La allà tradicional.

That one. The traditional one over there.

La nova diada dels xitxarel·los de la

The new day of the xitxarel·los of the

zona tradicional.

traditional zone.

Sant Sagrada Família, 3 de 7,

Holy Family, 3 of 7,

intentes muntar 4-7, 4-7 i 3 de 6

you try to mount 4-7, 4-7 and 3 of 6

per sota. Què ha fet, Xavi?

below. What has Xavi done?

3 de 7, intent desmuntat

3 out of 7, attempt dismantled.

de 4-7, 4-7

from 4-7, 4-7

descarregat i 3 de 6 per sota.

downloaded and 3 out of 6 below.

Se viene, eh?

It's coming, huh?

Se viene.

It's coming.

Allà s'ha onat l'àlia, jo crec que

There the eagle has soared, I believe that

el veiem, eh? I, atenció, perquè

we see him, right? And, pay attention, because

ha tornat el mite,

the myth has returned,

el mite del 3 de 6

the myth of the 3 of 6

desmuntat, que el va fer Castellers de Badalona.

dismantled, which was done by Castellers de Badalona.

Una diada. És que estan de dol,

A day. It's that they are in mourning,

perquè han fet moció de censura, ara. No, no.

Why have they made a motion of censure now? No, no.

Aju, aju. Actuaven a Santa Coloma

Garlic, garlic. They were performing in Santa Coloma.

de Gramenet. Un moment, un moment. Parem-ho, parem-ho, parem-ho.

from Gramenet. One moment, one moment. Let's stop it, let's stop it, let's stop it.

És que això no ho havia vist jo. Jo això no ho havia vist tampoc, eh.

I hadn't seen that before. I hadn't seen that either, you know.

Santa Coloma de Gramenet. Vale, actuació de diumenge.

Santa Coloma de Gramenet. Okay, Sunday performance.

Cinquena diada del castell

Fifth castle day

de tothom. No sé quin és el concepte,

of everyone. I don't know what the concept is,

el castell de tothom es diu la diada. Devia ser el castell

The castle of everyone is called the Diada. It must have been the castle.

del poble. L'Aietans de Gramenet

from the village. The Aietans of Gramenet

no fa castells. Perquè potser va fer castells

It doesn't make castles. Because maybe it made castles.

de 6. A la seva diada. És que no surt

from 6. To their celebration. It's just not happening.

ni un pilar de 4 a l'Aietans de Gramenet.

Not a four-pillar from the Aietans of Gramenet.

És a dir, que potser es van presentar, es van anar hasta el bar i van dir

That is to say, perhaps they went in, went to the bar and said

ja, fer el que vulguis. No, això té pinta de castells de 5

Yes, do whatever you want. No, this looks like 5-story castles.

i pilars de 3. Sí.

and the pillars of 3. Yes.

Algo així. I... Aquí coincidiríem

Something like that. And... here we would agree.

amb el nostre amic, el Torrenyo. Torrenyo, aquestes

with our friend, Torrenyo. Torrenyo, these

coses no s'han de muntar. Fins i tot, o fins i tot,

things should not be assembled. Even, or even,

pilar de 4. No ho haurien posat, eh.

4 pillar. They wouldn't have put it, right?

Pilar de 4 no es posen, eh.

Four pillars are not used, okay?

Potser no, potser no.

Maybe not, maybe not.

Castellers de Badalona intenta es muntar de 3 de 6.

Castellers de Badalona tries to build a 3 of 6.

3 de 6 descarregats.

3 out of 6 downloaded.

Sí que es posen perquè Maduixoix va fer

Yes, they do get up because Maduixoix did.

dos pilars de 4 i s'han apuntat els dos pilars de 4.

two pillars of 4 and the two pillars of 4 have been noted.

Però no quan és resum de diada. Depèn del Twitter.

But not when it's a day summary. It depends on Twitter.

Depèn del... Perquè per exemple, Carissa els ha ficat

It depends on... Because for example, Carissa has put them in.

pilars de 4, Poder, Gramenet...

four pillars, Power, Gramenet...

El Torrenyo no està tot a les places ni de broma.

The Torrenyo is not all in the squares, not even joking.

Doncs hauria, perquè per això li paguen.

Well, it should, because that's what they're paying him for.

Nosaltres paguem per anar. I nosaltres

We pay to go. And we

puguem mitges veritats. Ell també.

we can share half-truths. He too.

Paguem, paguem. Tant que ens deia, eh.

We pay, we pay. So much that he used to tell us, huh.

Tu quan pagues a Rodalies és perquè vols.

You pay for Rodalies because you want to.

Ah, si jo no pago mai.

Ah, if I never pay.

Què, diada de ganàpies. És l'únic que ens falta per comentar.

What, day of gluttons. That's the only thing left for us to comment on.

És veritat. A veure, jo diria...

It's true. Let's see, I would say...

Què va passar? Ah, actuàvem a Castellers de la il·lusió.

What happened? Ah, we were performing at Castellers de la il·lusió.

Hòstia, molt. Doncs mira, ha tornat. Castellers de la il·lusió

Damn, a lot. Well, look, it's returned. Castellers of illusion.

abans que Xicots de Vilafranca. Imagina't-ho.

before Xicots de Vilafranca. Imagine that.

Castellers de la il·lusió... Mira.

Castellers of illusion... Look.

Full de respect. No, no, no.

Full of respect. No, no, no.

Joel és una pilota brutal

Joel is an awesome guy.

al centre de l'àrea per...

in the center of the area for...

A veure, ensofati. Estupide

Let's see, you're being ridiculous. Stupid.

volea. Ensofati.

flying. Stunned.

El tantum l'inscret ideal.

The amount of the indiscreet ideal.



Poc se'n parla de pilota 4 que els va caure

Not much is said about the 4-ball that fell on them.

Minyons. Bueno.

Minions. Well.

Bueno. I a l'altra 4 cauen...

Well. And the other 4 fall...

Bueno. Estem ficant

Good. We are putting in.

massa centros a l'àrea

too many centers in the area

i t'està cremant la boca. Però no.

And your mouth is burning. But no.

A mi m'han agarrat. Això és penal.

They have caught me. This is a penalty.

Perquè jo l'estava tirant, eh.

Because I was throwing it, you know.

Mira, Xatín, te'n dic una altra cosa.

Look, Xatín, I'll tell you another thing.

Intent de castell de 6 de ganàpies.

Attempt at a 6-person human tower.

Sí, ho sé, ho sé. Estic molt informat.

Yes, I know, I know. I am very informed.

Ara remata, collons. Diguem-ho tot.

Now finish it, damn it. Let's say it all.

Un moment. Tu saps què va passar a ganàpies?

One moment. Do you know what happened in Ganàpies?

Sí, sí, sí. Com saps què va passar a ganàpies?

Yes, yes, yes. How do you know what happened in Ganàpies?

Perquè... Però al Twitter no.

Because... But not on Twitter.

Al Twitter no hi era. És que per... Mira.

He wasn't on Twitter. It's just that for... Look.

A Instagram tampoc. Si t'explico aquí

Not on Instagram either. If I explain it to you here.

el 4 de 7. O sigui,

the 4 out of 7. That is,

heu vist el 4 de 8 de la Jove a Tarragona?

Have you seen the 4 of 8 from the Jove in Tarragona?

Traieu-li un pis. Sí.

Take away a flat from him/her. Yes.

I fiqueu-li un mig metro més

You put in half a meter more.

de moviment. És el 4 de 7 del Serrallo?

of movement. Is it the 4 of 7 from Serrallo?

No, no, no, no.

No, no, no, no.

No. Més? Més?

No. More? More?

Clar, és que hi havia el llorc. Més.

Of course, it was because there was the owl. More.

Hòstia. El cap de colla de ganàpies

Damn. The leader of the gang.

de Reus. No, si no és culpa...

from Reus. No, it's not my fault...

Bueno, si era el cap de colla sí que

Well, if he was the team leader, yes.

era culpa seva. Sí, clar que era culpa seva.

It was his fault. Yes, of course it was his fault.

Va a vendre els 4 de Reus, potser, i...

He is going to sell the 4 from Reus, maybe, and...

Però no tinc clar a qui ficaria la culpa

But I'm not sure who I would blame.

d'aquell castellà. A tothom.

from that Spanish. To everyone.

Per existir. Vull dir, si després fas el 4

To exist. I mean, if later you do the 4.

de 7 dramàtic i caus de 4

of 7 dramatic and causes of 4

de 6 pilar, ves que la idea

of 6 pillar, see that the idea

del 4... Que no només queda l'intent

from the 4... That the attempt is not the only thing left

sinó que no s'arriba ni a carregar el 4.

but it doesn't even reach to charge the 4.

Hòstia. Per això és intent.

Damn. That's why it's an attempt.

No, no, no. Un moment. Tu pots carregar el 4

No, no, no. One moment. You can load the 4.

però si te la tonya... No, no, no. Quan és de 6

but if you have Tonya... No, no, no. When it's 6

no. Quan és de 6, si carregues el 4

No. When it is 6, if you load the 4.

el pilar s'aguanta. Home, clar

The pillar stands. Well, of course.

que s'aguanta. És impossible.

It stands. It's impossible.

O sigui, no. Pots carregar el 4, despenjar-se

So, no. You can charge the 4, hang up.

els dosos mentre està baixant el cotxador i segueix en intent.

the two while he is going down the car ramp and continues in attempt.

No. El que em refereixo és...

No. What I'm referring to is...

Una vegada carregues un 4 de 6, ja el

Once you load a 4 out of 6, you've already done it.

pilar ja el treus. Perquè ni que sigui

Pilar, you can take it out now. Because even if it's just a little.

es van tirant els terços un a un

they are throwing the thirds one by one

i ja compta per descarregat. Bueno,

and it already counts as downloaded. Well,

esclar, a la que els terços es deixen anar

of course, when the thirds let go

ja està carregat, allò. Vull dir que...

It's already loaded, that. I mean that...

És que aquí... Primer de tot,

It's just that here... First of all,

em vaig enterar

I found out.

de rebot, perquè evidentment això no està publicat

by rebound, because obviously this is not published

a cap puesto. Ho van acabar publicant.

with a cap on. They ended up publishing it.

Com que no? I jo perquè ho sé. En un moment.

Why not? And why do I know it? Just a moment.

Tenien ganàpies tancats com si fossin

They had closed jaws as if they were

en una puta jaula de so.

in a fucking sound cage.

No sé si us ho vau veure. Ho veurem, ho veurem.

I don't know if you saw it. We'll see, we'll see.

Ho veurem.

We'll see.

No es pot parlar res. No, si es pot parlar, però ho veurem.

Nothing can be said. No, if it can be talked about, but we’ll see.

Doncs ja ho veurem. Bueno, la gent

Well, we'll see. Well, the people

que no escolta per Spotify, no. Bueno, però jo

"Who doesn't listen on Spotify, no. Well, but I..."

faré una picture description del pet.

I will do a picture description of the pet.

De fet, el que podríem

In fact, what we could

fer, què ens dóna quartos? Spotify o

do, what gives us money? Spotify or

YouTube? Absolutament res. Doncs

YouTube? Absolutely nothing. Well.

el que ens doni quartos.

the one who gives us money.

Potenciar que la gent es mogui YouTube i ens fem...

Empower people to move YouTube and make us...

YouTube parlen que no existeix. Ja diem, però

YouTube says it doesn't exist. We say, but

els tonteries de gratis, imagina't que ens paguen

the silly things for free, imagine if they paid us

per dir-les.

to say them.

No es pot.

It cannot be done.

El fet important, ganàpies.

The important thing, you fools.

Si fas una actuació, no me facis la zorrada

If you make a move, don't act sneaky with me.

de dir, 4 set descarregat de primera

to say, 4 sets downloaded first

ronda, no dir res més i després

round, say nothing more and then

dir, primera actuació de la represa universitària completa.

to say, first act of the complete university resumption.

Cabrón, però digue'm què has fet.

Bastard, but tell me what you've done.

Però també t'ho dic una cosa, no et fa sospitar

But I also tell you one thing, doesn't it make you suspicious?

que s'han fotut un hòstia.

that they've had a crash.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

A tot això, com ho sabeu,

To all this, how do you know?

vosaltres? Perquè vaig parlar amb el Llorca el divendres.

you? Because I spoke with Llorca on Friday.

I tu, Chetín? Per cert.

And you, Chetín? By the way.

A Twitter no hi era.

It wasn't on Twitter.

El diumenge ho van penjar?

Did they post it on Sunday?

El dissabte o el diumenge ho van penjar.

They posted it on Saturday or Sunday.

No, no. Vull dir, jo no

No, no. I mean, not me.

ho vaig mirar per Twitter, jo.

I watched it on Twitter, I did.

Però que Twitter està penjat. No hi ha així una actuació

But Twitter is down. There's no action like that.

de dijous que la pengis diumenge?

On Thursday, are you going to hang it up on Sunday?

Molt ha de durar la ressaca. Quan jo era

The hangover has to last a long time. When I was

CM de Pataqués, les actuacions del dijous

CM of Pataqués, the actions of Thursday

no es penjaven. Ja se'n palmava molt

they didn't hang them up. It was already very flat.

la del dijous següent, eh? Cuidado.

The one on the following Thursday, huh? Be careful.

Dijous passat van fer tal i avui actuem

Last Thursday they did so and today we act.

a... Potser no seria

a... Maybe it wouldn't be

l'exemple de BGM.

the example of BGM.

Jo crec que sí. O potser sí.

I think so. Or maybe yes.

Com a acció de gratis, Pataqués ha tornat a ficar 2 o el 2 de set?

As a free action, has Pataqués put in 2 or 2 out of 7 again?

Sí, jo el dia... Sabeu el més divertit?

Yes, I the day... Do you know the funniest thing?

Que encara no han fet el 2 de sis forra a terra ni el 2 de signet.

That they still haven't done the 2 of six in the air or the 2 of signet.

És igual, jo el dia... El dia 2

It doesn't matter, I... On the 2nd.

estaré allà. Cosa que ens encanta moltíssim.

I will be there. Something we love very much.

Donant pit, poder no, però estaré allà.

Giving my all, power no, but I will be there.

Home, clar, com tots. Home, jo com...

Man, of course, like everyone. Man, I like...

Jo em diré allà amb corbata, eh? Has dit dia 2 de desembre, eh?

I'll be there in a tie, okay? You said December 2nd, right?

Sí, m'he de demanar el dia de festa el 3, per si de cas. I el 4?

Yes, I need to request the day off on the 3rd, just in case. And the 4th?

No, el 4 és dissabte. Demà tal de festa

No, the 4th is Saturday. Tomorrow is a holiday.

també, per si un cas. No fos...

also, just in case. Just in case...

No, perquè és inútil perquè el dilluns és 5

No, because it's useless because Monday is the 5th.

i és sis i és pont. És veritat.

And it is six and it's on the dot. It's true.

Però tu hauràs acabat l'Oliva allà o encara no?

But will you have finished the Oliva there or not yet?

Sí. Jo no.

Yes. Not me.

Doncs sabeu què... Però fota't, no és el meu problema.

Well, you know what... But screw it, it's not my problem.



No tenir secció

No section available

no em fa por.

I am not afraid.

Bueno Jordi, avui he dit que ens portaves una secció picadeta

Well Jordi, today I said that you were bringing us a small segment.

i... Cosa que és malmentida.

i... Something that is wrongly said.

Et poso la musiquinha...

I'll play you the little music...

Ens has dit.

You have told us.

Ah, molt bé. Jo no sabia res.

Ah, very well. I didn't know anything.

Jo tampoc.

Me neither.

Jo de fet no sabia que no se'ns suportava fins avui a la feina

I actually didn't know that I was not being tolerated at work until today.

a mitja hora de plegar que he dit merda

Half an hour before finishing, I said damn.

i he de fer alguna coseta. Jordi, deixem un segon

I have to do something. Jordi, let's take a second.

de música.

of music.

Què ens has portat avui?

What have you brought us today?

A mi m'agafen ganes de córrer.

I feel like running.

Aviam, hi ha una colla que ha tornat

Let's see, there is a group that has returned.

i ha tornat per la Porta Gran.

He has returned through the Great Door.

Xiquets de Tarragona. Sí, sí, sí.

Kids from Tarragona. Yes, yes, yes.

Un moment, un moment. Però és que no només s'ha tornat...

One moment, one moment. But it's not just that it has become...

Com es nota que és de Vilafranca, que Xiquets de Tarragona

How it shows that he is from Vilafranca, that Xiquets de Tarragona.

són més freds, eh? No només s'ha tornat a fer el 3 d'avui

They are colder, huh? Not only has it happened again today the 3rd.

sinó que ha recaput una altra cosa.

but it has recovered something else.

Xiquets de Tarragona ha posat data per l'Intercasteller.

Xiquets de Tarragona has set a date for the Intercasteller.

Ep! Això va arribar ahir al vespre, no?

Hey! This arrived yesterday evening, right?

Sí, tinc comunicat.

Yes, I have a message.

Tinc comunicat.

I have a message.

Aquesta gent està a tope.

These people are on fire.





Llàstima. Una miqueta després del de l'11M

Shame. A little after the 11M.

per això del respecte i poca cosa més.

that's about respect and not much else.

Deixem de ficar pilotes

Let's stop messing around.

entradetes a punt de rematar.

little entries ready to finish off.

Xiquets de Tarragona ahir al vespre

Children from Tarragona yesterday evening.

va passar comunicat que

it was reported that

farien Intercasteller el 14 d'octubre.

They would hold Intercasteller on October 14th.

Està tornant una exclusiva des de la Polca, gairebé.

It is almost returning an exclusive from La Polca.

Otra més.

Another one.

No parem, una temporada exclusiva.

We don't stop, an exclusive season.

Llavors, vosaltres voldríeu anar a l'Intercasteller?

So, would you like to go to the Intercasteller?

Jo hi aniré.

I will go there.

Seré jo el representant de la Polca.

I will be the representative of the Polca.

Les hòsties que em fotin a mi us les repartiré.

The beatings that I take will be shared among you.

Jo els diré un següent.

I will tell them the following.

Aquí l'Alexandre, que porto la solució per tu.

Here is Alexandre, bringing the solution for you.

He pensat formes de com podríem entrar a l'Intercasteller

I have thought of ways we could enter the Intercasteller.

sense que ens vegin.

without them seeing us.

Amb entrada? De pivota.

With entry? As a pivot.

Tinc unes de millors. Primer de tot, evidentment,

I have some of the best. First of all, obviously,

tu quan vols entrar a un puesto, que és el primer d'amagat,

When you want to enter a place, what is the first thing you hide?

què penses? Vaig al bar.

What do you think? I'm going to the bar.

On em fico les cerveses perquè no me les pilli el segurete?

Where should I hide the beers so that the security doesn’t catch me?

Tres, tio, amb una cabardina molt gran.

Three, dude, with a very large raincoat.

Ha de ser gran, aquesta cabardina, eh?

It must be big, this raincoat, right?

Un segon, Jordi. El primer que hauríem de fer

One second, Jordi. The first thing we should do.

per entrar a l'amagat seria fotre'ns una sobre l'altra

To enter the hiding place would be to stack one on top of the other.

i una cabardina enormíssima.

and a huge raincoat.

Feu més de metro setanta i jo no.

You are more than seven hundred and I am not.

Però són més de cinc metres de cabardina.

But it’s more than five meters of gabardine.

Tu fas metre vuitanta-cinc,

You are one meter eighty-five.

jo faig metre noventa i pico.

I am about one meter ninety and a bit.

El Xatín fa metre noventa-tres.

The Xatín is one meter ninety-three tall.

El xubasquero del Tutuquisplash.

The raincoat of the Tutuquisplash.

El tenim.

We have it.

I fent la carreretilleta.

I making the little cart.

Per davant.

In front.

Jo crec que alguna cosa així podríem solucionar.

I think we could solve something like that.

Qui ficava cara, però?

Who was putting up with it, though?

El Xatín, perfecte.

The Xatín, perfect.

Perquè queda com si fossis un criu.

Because it makes you look like a child.

Ens demanaran si tenim DNI per entrar.

They will ask us if we have an ID to enter.

Més divertit.

More fun.

Hòstia, si ho feia tot ens ho demanen, eh?

Damn, if I did it all, they ask us for it, huh?

Ah, no em coneixeran, no fica Xatín al DNI.

Ah, they won't know me, Xatín isn't on the ID.

És increïble.

It's incredible.

Com oïla tot quadra.

As I hear it, everything fits.

Imagina't el dia que et fiquin Xatín al DNI.

Imagine the day they put Xatín on your ID.

Ho vaig demanar, eh?

I asked for it, right?

Però havia d'anar al registre civil i és un merder.

But I had to go to the civil registry and it's a mess.

Però es pot fer, eh?

But it can be done, right?

Tenim altres opcions, eh, germans, per poder entrar.

We have other options, right, brothers, to be able to enter.

Millor que aquesta?

Better than this?

Segurament Punxi, DJ Seba, a.k.a. Reche.

Surely Punxi, DJ Seba, a.k.a. Reche.

Tenim l'opció de fer un sarri-sarri

We have the option to do a sarri-sarri.

i entrar dins dels bàfles de DJ Seba.

and enter inside DJ Seba's baffles.

Com a tècnics?

As technicians?

No, no, no.

No, no, no.

Dins dels bàfles?

Inside the speakers?

A los sarri-sarris que es van escapar de la presó

To the sarri-sarris who escaped from prison.

dins dels bàfales?

inside the baffles?

Tinc el comunicat.

I have the communiqué.

El vols llegir?

Do you want to read it?

Que si vull o que si puc.

Whether I want to or whether I can.

Per voler, no.

For wanting, no.

El vols ensenyar a càmera?

Do you want to show him/her to the camera?

Una miqueta més elaborada.

A little more elaborate.

Sí, perquè a més són quatre línies, eh?

Yes, because it's only four lines, right?

Mira, toma.

Look, here.

Jo no m'aixecaré que estic en plena secció

I will not get up as I am in the middle of a section.

i m'esteu tallant el ritme cap tipes.

You are cutting my rhythm towards girls.

És això que és el comunicat, eh?

Is this what the statement is, huh?

El comunicat.

The statement.

És igual, Xatín, és igual.

It doesn't matter, Xatín, it doesn't matter.

Vale, Jordi.

Alright, Jordi.

Mira, mira.

Look, look.



No es veurà absolutament res.

Nothing will be seen at all.

Xatín, no es llegirà, ja t'aviso.

Chatin, it won't be read, I warn you.

És horrorós. Ja t'aviso que no es llegirà.

It's horrible. I warn you that it won't be read.

Mira, t'aplaudeixen.

Look, they are applauding you.

Què més podríem fer?

What else could we do?

Què passa als intercastellers?

What happens to the intercastellers?

És que són set línies amb un Ipone, eh?

It's just that they are seven lines with an iPhone, right?

Vull dir que això, quan l'obrim a l'ordinador, és mitja línia.

I mean that this, when we open it on the computer, is half a line.

Diuen que poden quedar en intent d'esmuntat.

They say they can end up in an attempt to dismantle.

Veient com estaven...

Seeing how they were...

No m'atreveixo a ningú.

I don't dare anyone.

Seria el tercer, perquè no oblidem

It would be the third, because let's not forget.

que van fer el 8M,

what they did on 8M,

el van aplaçar la setmana següent,

they postponed it the following week,

van ficar per la Diada de Minyons,

They put it in for the Diada de Minyons,

el van anul·lar per ficar-lo la setmana següent

they canceled it to schedule it for the following week

de la Diada de Minyons i és la cinquena data d'intercasteller.

of the Minyons Day and it is the fifth date of inter-castle.

Jo tinc una altra forma d'entrar.

I have another way to enter.

La cosa seria ficar-nos

The thing would be to get ourselves in.

a la porta, molt a prop de la porta,

at the door, very close to the door,

i començar a regalar condons,

and start giving out condoms,

lubricants i altres coses.

lubricants and other things.

Què passaria? La gent s'excitaria

What would happen? People would get excited.

una miqueta, la gent començaria a follar

a little bit, people would start to have sex

de forma descontrolada pel pavelló, i què passa quan acabes de follar?

uncontrollably around the pavilion, and what happens when you finish having sex?

Que venen nens. Fumes.

That children are coming. Smokes.

Que la gent comença a fumar

That people start to smoke.

com a putes carreteres, es crea una

As a bitch of roads, it creates one.

boira superespessa a tot el pavelló

super thick fog throughout the hall

i es col·lega a través de la boira.

and he/she connects through the fog.

No veig un puto fallo. Jo sí.

I don't see a damn mistake. I do.

Que a la festa es fa un recinte de dins

At the party, an area is set up inside.

dintre, no de fora. Llavors el fum

inside, not outside. Then the smoke

surt cap a fora. No entrarà dintre.

go outside. It will not come in.

Quan el fum surt cap a fora és quan entrem naltros.

When the smoke goes outside is when we enter.

Però dintre no hi ha fum.

But inside there is no smoke.

Dintre te veuen.

They see inside you.

Però ja estarem dins. No passa res.

But we will already be inside. It's ok.

Però ens fan fora. Al segon menys quatre...

But they are kicking us out. At two minutes to four...

Tinc una altra idea

I have another idea.

que crec que podria funcionar molt bé.

that I think could work very well.

Venir maquillats

Come made up.

com si ens haguessin hostiat.

as if they had hosted us.

Del pal. Ja venim empenats,

From the pole. We're already coming tired,

amb els ulls morats, tot això.

with the purple eyes, all of this.

Aquesta crec que és la més bona.

I think this is the best one.

Entrar amb una crossa... M'estàs dient

Entering with a crutch... Are you telling me

de canviar el càntic de que soy compañero coño

to change the chant of "I'm a companion, damn it"

a que llama hostia a tu compañero, joder?

Why do you call your partner a damn host?

Què vas tallar, no?

What did you cut, right?

Ens han pagat ja, sisplau.

They have already paid us, please.

No més. I si ho fem més graciós?

No more. And what if we make it funnier?

Ens hostiem naltros tres, de veritat.

We are hosting ourselves three, really.

Cadascú amb un bat de béisbol

Everyone with a baseball bat.

i hostat. És a dir, mentre un rep

I host. That is, while one receives

hostia l'altre fent un triangle.

Holy shit, the other one making a triangle.

I així per lo menos xalem. Ho farem per Twitch.

And so at least we have fun. We will do it on Twitch.

Ho farem per Twitch.

We'll do it on Twitch.

No, però ja que patim...

No, but since we suffer...

I fem-ho el divendres al vespre

Let's do it on Friday evening.

perquè així les cops s'inflin.

because that way the blows are inflated.

No, el divendres no, perquè potser jo tinc assaig.

No, not Friday, because maybe I have rehearsal.

Va, no et venim a hostiar l'assaig.

Come on, we're not here to mess up the rehearsal.

Ah, també podríem fer-ho. Surt una pinya

Ah, we could also do it. A pineapple comes out.

i pam! Vale, però després haurem d'anar al bar

And boom! Okay, but afterwards we'll have to go to the bar.

a buscar una copa per refredar.

to fetch a glass to cool down.

Perquè l'alcohol, l'infecte i el gel...

Because alcohol, the infection, and the ice...

Es calfa. Què més tenim?

It's getting hot. What else do we have?

Podríem disfressar-nos de... O sigui,

We could dress up as... I mean,

podríem convidar xicats de Hanzú a disfressar-nos

We could invite kids from Hanzú to dress up.

de xicats de Hanzú, pero, pero, pero, pero...

of Hanzú's bullshit, but, but, but, but...

Que ja m'he negat. Quan celebren l'any nou xinès

I have already denied it. When do they celebrate the Chinese New Year?

i entrar dins d'un drac d'aquests que porten

and enter inside one of those dragons they carry

durant l'any nou xino, i entrar els tres dins del drac

during the Chinese New Year, and entering the three into the dragon

així, uuuh, i no sortir-ne en tota la festa.

so, uuuh, and not getting out of it the whole party.

I no sortir-ne en tota la festa. Que el drac vagi a la barra i digui

And not come out at all during the party. Let the dragon go to the bar and say

tres mitjanes, sisplau. M'agrada perquè

three mediums, please. I like it because

així podem fer submarinos.

this way we can make submarines.

Ben vist aquí. Seria divertidíssim.

Well seen here. It would be hilarious.

Ben vist aquí. Necessitem, però,

Well seen here. We need, however,

una quarta persona per la nevera.

a fourth person for the fridge.

Això ja ho gestionarem ràpid. No, perquè vagi

We'll manage this quickly. No, so it goes.

a robar la nevera de la barra.

to steal the fridge from the bar.

Amb la cua. Apujar la cua a l'autòntom.

With the tail. Raise the tail at autumn.



Ah, sí. Ui, aquesta m'agrada molt.

Ah, yes. Oh, I really like this one.

Ens hi prestem de paletes que venen d'arreglar

We lend ourselves to palettes that come to fix.

el local i passem.

the place and we pass.

Llavors sí que no. A més,

Then definitely not. Besides,

li veig moltes feines d'aquestes. Tinc un col·lega

I see him with a lot of these jobs. I have a colleague.

que té una teoria i és que tu, si carregues

that has a theory and it is that you, if you load

una escala d'aquestes de paletes entre dos persones,

a scale of these palettes between two people,

pots entrar on vulguis i ningú et preguntarà res.

You can go wherever you want and nobody will ask you anything.

Jo tinc un col·lega que ho feia amb el xeleco del cotxe.

I have a colleague who did it with the car's vest.

Es ficava la samarreta negra al xeleco del cotxe i entrava a tots els concerts.

He would put on the black t-shirt over his car vest and enter all the concerts.

Guau. Per darrere de l'escenari...

Wow. Behind the stage...

Jo què sé, la puta seu de la ONU

I don't know, the fucking UN headquarters.

i sou dos tios i esteu carregant una escala.

You are two guys and you are loading a ladder.

Qui et para? No, tira recte.

Who stops you? No, keep going straight.

Vas a arreglar alguna cosa. Ets el de l'aerocondicionat.

You are going to fix something. You are the one with the air conditioning.

Jo què sé. Tires.

I don’t know. You throw.

I si portes reformes Martínez, molt millor.

And if you bring renovations, Martínez, much better.

Estem parlant de la colla que va estar

We are talking about the group that was.

sense local per una reforma.

without a place for a renovation.

Que segueix sense local.

It still has no location.

Potser seria millor anar de nosaltres

Maybe it would be better to go ourselves.

que de gent que arregla coses.

What a lot of people fix things.

Si anem de nosaltres,

If we go of ourselves,

tinc un últim punt, que és parlar de nosaltres.

I have one last point, which is to talk about us.

Per anar protegit és portar

To be protected is to wear

un penjoi de 5 de 8 de forma de...

a pendant of 5 out of 8 in the shape of...

Com funciona el live, com els vampirs.

How live works, like vampires.

Saps que hi ha un camp al voltant

Do you know that there is a field around?

i crec que no es puguin acostar.

I think they cannot get close.

Un penjoi amb el 5 de 8 posat

A pendant with the 5 of 8 set.

i ja està. Hem d'anar amb compte perquè

And that's it. We need to be careful because

com es caigui una persona del 5 de 8

how a person falls from a human tower (known as "5 de 8")

i es torni un quadre, nosaltres jugarem

And if it becomes a painting, we will play.

una repulsió pròpia.

a peculiar repulsion.

Potser implosionem.

Maybe we implode.

M'ha agradat aquest mecanisme.

I liked this mechanism.

Podríem anar-hi.

We could go there.

Si m'enfado amb vosaltres, us trec una regla

If I get angry with you, I'll take away a ruler.

i ja està.

And that's it.

És genial.

It's great.

Tu pots anar traient regles que fins que no et quedi el 2

You can keep taking out rules until you are left with the 2.

estaràs tranquil.

you will be calm.

I ens acaben d'aplaudir, tanquem secció per ara.

And they have just applauded us, we close this section for now.

Mira, mira, avui...

Look, look, today...

Trec la música.

I turn off the music.

Qui ens està aplaudint?

Who is applauding us?

La música i...

Music and...

Camí del concurs.

Path of the contest.

Bueno, i al col que fiquem la música,

Well, and when we play the music,

perquè s'ha trencat tota la màgia,

because all the magic has been破裂.

però la música que sí que ficarem...

but the music that we will include...

és aquesta.

it's this one.

Jo, fins que no som-

I, until we are-

Una setmana més al concurs on l'important

One more week in the contest where the important

no és la pregunta sinó entendre

It's not the question but understanding.

és la resposta.

It is the answer.

Jo, fins que no surti la canció de

Me, until the song by

¿Quién quiere ser millonario?

Who wants to be a millionaire?

No jugaré bé.

I will not play well.

Doncs vinga, Xatín, comencem per tu.

Alright then, Xatín, let's start with you.

Avui, com he dit, farem un quiz polcocentrista.

Today, as I said, we will do a polkocentrist quiz.

I les preguntes seran sobre nosaltres.

And the questions will be about us.

El que seria fer-se una autofalació.

It would be like performing autofellatio.

M'he deixat la calculadora, espera.

I left my calculator, wait.

Quantes temporades

How many seasons

portem fent la polca?

how long have we been doing the polka?

El número de 3 de 8

The number 3 out of 8.

que han descarregat

that they have downloaded

els caçallers de Vilafranca.

the hunters of Vilafranca.

El número de 4 de 8

The number 4 out of 8.

que han descarregat els Moixigangués d'Iolada.

that the Moixigangués of Iolada have downloaded.

Òbviament estic parlant durant aquesta temporada.

Obviously, I'm talking during this season.

Doncs això s'hauria d'especificar.

Well, this should be specified.

Bueno, és que si em dius que Moixigangués

Well, it's just that if you tell me that Moixigangués

ja hagués descartat les dues primeres.

I would have already ruled out the first two.

Jo estava descartant les dues primeres.

I was dismissing the first two.

La primera és perquè dic no, no.

The first is because I say no, no.

El número de sets de sets

The number of sets of sets

que ha descarregat Minyons durant aquesta temporada.

that Minyons has downloaded during this season.

No, aquesta no és.

No, this one is not.

O el número de pilars de cinc que ha descarregat

Or the number of five pillars that he has unloaded.

les Joves de Valls aquesta temporada.

The Young Women of Valls this season.

No, aquesta tampoc és.

No, this one isn't either.

No sé com fundar les temporades.

I don't know how to establish the seasons.

Tres de vuit dels verds, quatre de vuit de Moixigangués,

Three of eight from the greens, four of eight from Moixigangués,

set de set de Minyons o pilars de cinc de les Joves.

seven of the seven Minyons or five pillars of the Joves.

Espera, tres de vuit dels verds.

Wait, three out of eight of the greens.

La B.

The B.

Minyons? En Moixigangués?

Minions? In Moixiganga?

No sé, però si estava entre la A i la B

I don’t know, but if it was between A and B.

i sé que no és la A, ha de ser la B.

I know it's not A, it has to be B.

Correcte! Són tres, no?

Correct! There are three, right?

Tres, tres, tres. Tres quatres de vuit.

Three, three, three. Three quarters of eight.

Una Reus, Igualada, Reus i Terrassa.

A Reus, Igualada, Reus, and Terrassa.

Perquè tresos de vuit són quatre.

Because threes of eight are four.

Són dos. Són dos?

They are two. Are they two?

Han fet dos. Moixi és un, xaval.

They have made two. Moixi is one, kid.

Què dius? Estava parlant dels verds.

What are you saying? I was talking about the greens.

Moixi són tres quatres de vuit,

Moixi is three quarters of eight,


very sure.

Estàvem parlant d'un tres de vuit de Moixi.

We were talking about a three of eight from Moixi.

Sí, dels verds n'ha fet dos.

Yes, he has made two of the greens.

Jordi, quants programes

Jordi, how many programs?

va tenir la primera temporada

had its first season

de la Polca?

of the Polka?

El dia

The day

en què Minyons va descarregar

in what Minyons unloaded

el primer tres de deu

the first three of ten

amb Folra i Manilles?

with Folra and Manilles?

El dia que la Jove de Tarragona

The day that the Young Woman of Tarragona

va convertir el Vendrell

he turned Vendrell

en plaça de deu?

in square of ten?

El dia en què la Bella dels Xiquets de Valls

The day when the Beauty of the Children of Valls

va carregar el primer tres de deu

he loaded the first three of ten

a la plaça del Blat?

to the Wheat Square?

O el dia en què Girona

Or the day when Girona

va veure el tres de deu

he saw the three of ten

amb Folra i Manilles?

with Folra and Manilles?

Et diria

I would tell you.

que la C.

that C.

Quina era la C?

What was the C?

El dia en què la Colla Bella dels Xiquets de Valls

The day when the Beautiful Group of the Xiquets de Valls

va carregar el primer tres de deu

he loaded the first three of ten

amb Folra i Manilles?

with Folra and Manilles?

No! Era el dia en què Minyons

No! It was the day when Minyons

va descarregar el primer tres de deu

he downloaded the first three out of ten

amb Folra i Manilles.

with Folra and Manilles.

La resposta era 22...

The answer was 22...

No sabíeu quina era per final de mes...

You didn't know what it was by the end of the month...

Com que sigui 22 demanaré el concurs.

As it is the 22nd, I will request the contest.

Quants minuts

How many minutes?

duren els primers programes

they last the first programs

de la Polca?

of the Polka?

El número de 5 de 8

The number 5 out of 8

que ha descarregat Sabadell

that has downloaded Sabadell

en llarga tota la seva història?

in its long history?

El número de cincs de vuit que han carregat les joves de Valls al llarg de la seva història.

The number of fives of eights that the young people of Valls have performed throughout their history.

No sé quants minuts durava.

I don't know how many minutes it lasted.

El número de cincs de vuit que han deixat en intent l'altra colla del poble de Valls.

The number of fives of eights that have been left on attempt by the other group from the town of Valls.

O el número de cinc de vuit que ha descarregat Sants.

Or the number five of eight that Sants has downloaded.

Déu-n'hi-do, eh?

Well, I’ll be!

Tu te vas i tu te quedes la...

You go and you stay there...



Ah, no?

Oh, no?

Eren el número de cincs de vuit que ha deixat la colla joves dels ciguets de Valls

They were the number of fives of eights that the youth group of Ciguets de Valls has left.

encarregats al llarg de tota la seva història, que n'han estat quinze.

commissioned throughout their entire history, which has been fifteen.

Només hem deixat quinze, per fer-nos màquines, eh?

We have only left fifteen, to make machines, right?

Però n'heu deixat més de vint-i-vint-un d'intent.

But you have left more than twenty-one of an attempt.

Bueno, clar, però és que aquí compten els dels vuit-tanta.

Well, of course, but here they count those at eight-thirty.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

On els cinc brillaven per les seves...

Where the five shone for their...

Ni la força.

Not even the strength.

Jordi, l'última pregunta.

Jordi, the last question.

Ni l'equilibri.

Nor the balance.

Ni els cascos de canalla, ni aquestes coses.

Neither the kids' helmets, nor these things.

Quantes diades hem emès en directe?

How many days have we broadcasted live?

Ah, legalment una.

Ah, legally one.

Número de colles que han provat el tres de vuit per sota.

Number of groups that have tried the three of eight from below.

El número de colors de camisa que han tingut els teus estimats castellers de Vilafranca.

The number of shirt colors that your beloved castellers from Vilafranca have had.

El número de folres que han portat a plaça els castellers de Terrassa.

The number of supporters that the castellers of Terrassa have brought to the square.

O el número de pilars de sis que han descarregat els bordegassos de Vilanova.

Or the number of six pillars that the bordegassos of Vilanova have unloaded.

Quina era la pregunta?

What was the question?

Quantes diades hem emès en directe?

How many days have we broadcast live?

Què entens per emetre en directe?

What do you mean by broadcasting live?

Doncs tot el que és en directe, eh?

So everything that is live, huh?

En directe.


Emetre, emetre...

Emit, emit...

Què vol dir? Un moment, un moment, un moment.

What does it mean? One moment, one moment, one moment.

A veure, el concepte...

Let's see, the concept...

A mi no m'està fent tanta gràcia això mateix, ara.

I'm not finding this very funny right now.

A veure, emetre i directe és bastant fàcil el concepte.

Let's see, broadcasting and live is quite an easy concept.

Vale, entenc, entenc, entenc, entenc poca cosa.

Okay, I understand, I understand, I understand, I understand little.

No sé per què s'està rient tant el xatín.

I don't know why the little guy is laughing so much.

Diada, directe, són dues paraules que ja no entens.

Diada, direct, are two words that you no longer understand.

Que quan passa una cosa nosaltres estem en directe explicant què està passant.

That when something happens we are live explaining what is happening.

Quantes vegades hem fet això?

How many times have we done this?

Ara entenc que a les dues de setembre, per exemple,

Now I understand that at two in September, for example,

eren uns dos de setembre, eren uns dos de setembre...

it was the second of September, it was the second of September...

No entenc, no m'ho puc dir.

I don't understand, I can't tell myself.

Era filagós, capró, filagós.

It was a filly, a goat, a filly.

Si no, no faig el mateix.

If not, I don't do the same.

No, perquè estaríem a Barcelona.

No, because we would be in Barcelona.

El xatín és el programa que millor s'ho està passant.

The chatty is the program that is having the best time.

És igual, tampoc no em silenciaràs.

It doesn't matter, you won't silence me either.

Tornaràs a repetir les respostes i te'n dic alguna i silenciaràs.

You will repeat the answers and I will say some and you will be silent.

Número de colles que han volat el 3 de 8 per sota,

Number of teams that have performed the 3 of 8 below,

número de colors de camisa que han tingut els verds,

number of shirt colors that the greens have had,

número de folres que han portat de plaça els castellers de Terrassa

number of layers that the castellers of Terrassa have carried in place

o número de pilars de sis que han descarregat els bordegassos.

the number of pillars of six that the dockers have unloaded.

La B.

The B.

El número de colors de camisa dels teus estimats.

The number of shirt colors of your loved ones.

No, me la sé.

No, I know it.

Quina diries que és, tu?

What would you say it is, you?

M'ha més 4, no?

It gives me more than 4, right?



Doncs la A.

Well, the A.

La de els 3 per sota.

The one with the 3 below.

És la A.

It is A.

Xatín ha rebentat el concurs i l'ha guanyat, finalment!

Xatín has blown away the competition and finally won it!

El xatín...

The chat...

Per tant, Jordi paga sopar.

Therefore, Jordi pays for dinner.

Va a remuntar.

It will turn around.

No, no, que pagava el guanyador, xaval.

No, no, the winner paid, kid.

Què dius?

What are you saying?

Sí, home, des de sempre.

Yeah, man, always.

Van dir que qui guanyava pagava.

They said that whoever wins pays.

Doncs l'he perdut.

Well, I've lost it.

Ha aclarit el tema.

He has clarified the issue.

Segur que no és un empat.

Surely it isn't a tie.

Hem de repetir.

We have to repeat.

Passa la història, empat tècnic paga el jove, eh?

History unfolds, technical draw pays off for the young one, huh?

Jo crec que és empat, crec que és empat.

I think it's a draw, I think it's a draw.

Doncs pagues tu.

Then you pay.

Pago jo, pago jo.

I'll pay, I'll pay.

No hi ha problema.

No problem.

Tinc un Frankfurt de nevera, un paquet d'aquests de 6 de 70 cèntims,

I have a fridge sausage, a pack of those 6 for 70 cents.

que quedaran boníssims a la planxa.

they will be delicious on the grill.

Algú va dir un Ferran Ferro per aquí, eh?

Someone mentioned a Ferran Ferro around here, right?




We have.

Exacte, tenim.

Exactly, we have.

Per tant, el pagaràs una mica tu també.

Therefore, you will pay a little bit too.

Dit això...

That said...

La veu de la plaça, o del carrer, o la cruïlla, o l'àgora, o el xamfrà.

The voice of the square, or the street, or the intersection, or the agora, or the corner.

El concurs!

The contest!

No, ara no.

No, not now.

Ara toca aquella musiqueta que tant s'agrada.

Now the music that everyone loves is playing.

Però crec que ho he tornat a fer tan malament,

But I think I've done it wrong again,

que vol dir que quan fiqui l'altre, no sonarà la musiqueta.

What does it mean that when I put the other one in, the music won't play?

No sonarà la música, eh?

The music won't play, right?

Però bueno.

But well.

No, però serveix.

No, but it works.

Vols que vagis xiulant de fons, així?

Do you want me to whistle in the background like this?



Vinga, ets atent.

Come on, you are attentive.

Vai de memòria, eh?

You're going by memory, huh?

És veritat, no portes papers avui.

It's true, you don't have papers today.

Clar, l'has fet a la feina i també no l'has imprès, no?

Sure, you did it at work and you also didn't print it, right?

Sí que l'he imprès, però me l'he deixat a l'impressor.

Yes, I have printed it, but I left it at the printer.

Molt bé!

Very well!

Ah, m'imagino el supervisor veient allò,

Ah, I can just imagine the supervisor seeing that,

tuit número 1 i el tuit ben...

tweet number 1 and the tweet well...

A més, imprès...

Moreover, printed...

Demà al matí potser tu trobaràs una carta de despedida.

Tomorrow morning you might find a farewell letter.

No, els hi caic bé.

No, they like me.

Perquè hi ha gent que fa castells i tal,

Because there are people who build castles and such,

i, bueno, a un no...

I, well, not yet...

De quina colla són?

Which group are you from?

D'una colla tarragona, tampoc cal saber quina.

From a Tarragona group, it doesn't matter which one.

És fàcil.

It's easy.

Deu ser del Serrallo.

It must be from the Serrallo.

Jo crec que...

I think that...

Encara no fiquis la primera imatge.

Don't put the first image yet.

Crec que és aquesta.

I think it's this one.

Crec, eh?

I think, right?

És d'una diada que se'n va oblidar la setmana passada

It's about a celebration that was forgotten last week.

perquè, entre altres coses, tenia ressaca.

because, among other things, I had a hangover.

No me'n recordo què va fer, però tenia ressaca, segur.

I don't remember what he/she did, but he/she definitely had a hangover.

I és una imatge d'una part de...

And it is an image of a part of...

gent que formava part de la diada,

people who were part of the demonstration,

és a dir, no del públic.

That is to say, not from the public.



No ho ha imaginat, no ho he fet.

I haven't imagined it, I haven't done it.

Ara ja ens torna a ser.

Now it's us again.

Ara sí?

Now yes?

Ara ja ens torna a ser.

Now it is happening to us again.

M'he fet oi, eh, no?

I've made it, right?

És una imatge que a simple vista, doncs, no hi ha gaire cosa.

It's an image that at first glance doesn't seem to have much.



Tu ho ves dient, Xavi, tu ho ves dient.

You keep saying it, Xavi, you keep saying it.

És que m'estic perdent, no sé què estàs fent.

I am getting lost, I don't know what you are doing.

Jo no entenc què és la imatge.

I don't understand what the image is.

Això també ho ve la gent, eh?

People see this too, right?

El que estàs fent.

What you are doing.

No, no, no.

No, no, no.

Ah, vale.

Ah, okay.

He ficat la música.

I have put on the music.

Doncs això és la imatge.

Well, this is the image.

Sisplau, fem una miqueta de zoom.

Please, let's zoom in a little bit.


Let's put...

Un segonet, fico zoom.

One second, I'm zooming in.





És que ja no són pantalons blancs estripats, ja no són pantalons blancs curts, ja no són

It's just that they are no longer ripped white pants, they are no longer short white pants, they are no longer.

pantalons blancs pirates, ja són pantalons blancs amb línies...

white pirate pants, they are already white pants with stripes...





Pantalons tripelobskis.

Tripelobskis pants.

Hòstia puta.

Holy shit.

Són pantalons tripelobskis.

They are tripelobskis pants.

Però, però...

But, but...

Bilineal, eh?

Bilineal, huh?

Bilineal, negre, vermell...

Bilinear, black, red...

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Hòstia puta.

Holy shit.

És a dir, de veritat, trobar uns pantalons blancs a qualsevol botiga on t'haverin roba

That is to say, really, finding white pants in any store where they have clothes.

és simplíssim.

It's very simple.

Mercat, en trobes.

Market, you find it.

Al xino, en trobes.

To the Chinese, you find.

Hi ha gent que no ho veu tan clar, eh?

There are people who don't see it so clearly, huh?

Hòstia puta.

Holy shit.

Vull dir, al llarg d'aquests tres anys ens han arribat imatges molt, molt dures, eh?

I mean, over these three years we have received very, very harsh images, right?

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Molt, molt dures.

Very, very hard.

Molt, molt, molt dures.

Very, very, very hard.

La segona imatge, no me'n recordo de què era.

I don't remember what the second image was.

Un tuit, Xatín.

A tweet, Xatín.

Et puc informar que és un tuit.

I can inform you that it is a tweet.

És un tuit.

It's a tweet.

Ah, sí, me'n recordo, me'n recordo.

Ah, yes, I remember, I remember.

Com aguanta memòria.

How does memory hold up?

L'estàs posant, ja.

You're putting it on now.



Això sí que és un tuit.

This is indeed a tweet.

Bueno, és una mica per destacar que capgrossos continuen fortament amarrats a Convergència.

Well, it is worth noting that the giants are still strongly tied to Convergència.

Cuida, piolosos també?

Take care, are you also pesky?

Ara m'estaràs dient que els capgrossos de Mata Franca també comparteixen l'afiliació a Convergència?

Now you're going to tell me that the giants from Mata Franca also share the affiliation with Convergència?

A mi, Xatín, això m'ho has d'explicar amb dibuixats.

You have to explain this to me with drawings, Xatín.

Què vol dir que Junts em permetarà oferir un tuit dient, eh, hi ha una diada, a què...

What does it mean that Junts will allow me to offer a tweet saying, hey, there is a day, to what...

Jo t'ho puc explicar.

I can explain it to you.

A més, estan buscant votants.

In addition, they are looking for voters.

Dispensi, és de la foto mateixa que vam comentar la setmana passada en la qual es veu clarament la divisió entre els capgrossos de Mata Franca?

Excuse me, is it from the same photo we discussed last week in which the division between the capgrossos of Mata Franca is clearly visible?



Una coca amb Déu.

A cake with God.

És la soca de pinya del quadre de Serpilà.

It is the pineapple stem from the Serpilà painting.

Soc-ho, soc-ho una safària.

I am it, I am a safari.

És que clar, és plaça de Vila i com és la més més més castellera que tota la resta del món mundial, doncs ja soca directament.

Well, it's clear, it's Plaça de Vila and since it's the most, most, most castellera (human towers) place in the entire world, I just dive right in.

Has de dir peu.

You have to say foot.

Segur que és la més?

Are you sure it is the most?

Ells diuen que sí.

They say yes.

Has de dir peu, eh.

You have to say foot, huh.

Tu com dius el mateix?

How do you say the same?

Jo no.

Not me.

Si és a Vila Franca has de dir peu.

If it's in Vila Franca, you have to say "foot."

Terci avís.

Third warning.

A Vila Franca, casoleta, torre i merdes que van dintre el castell que no s'opila.

In Vila Franca, a small house, a tower, and messes that are inside the castle that are not to be taken lightly.

Castells torrens i pilans.

Towers, turrets, and pillars.

A banda de Vila Franca, capgrossos, fa una hora vergrossos de Mata Franca.

Aside from Vila Franca, big heads, an hour of big heads from Mata Franca.

Vila Franca emulant els seus amics de Vila Franca.

Vila Franca emulating its friends from Vila Franca.

I quan parlo de Vila Franca no parlo de la ciutat i la colla, sinó del color que camisa que comparteix justament un partit polític.

And when I talk about Vila Franca, I am not talking about the city and the group, but about the color of the shirt that is shared by a political party.

Que això també ho ens hauríem de fer mirar, eh.

We should also take a look at this, huh.



El color de Junts i Vila Franca.

The color of Junts and Vila Franca.

Ai, ai.

Oh, oh.

Després què més tenia jo?

After what else did I have?

No me'n recordo, és que no me'n recordo el que tenia.

I don't remember, it's just that I don't remember what I had.

Ah, sí, el de Canàpies, que hem comentat abans.

Ah, yes, the one from Canàpies that we mentioned before.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Bueno, això ja ho has dit, ja no cal dir que Canàpies va actuar en una jaula.

Well, you've already said that; there's no need to mention that Canàpies performed in a cage.

Però anem a veure la gàbia.

But let's go see the cage.

No sé si es veu des d'aquí, jo l'he vist.

I don't know if it can be seen from here, I have seen it.

És una puta gàbia.

It's a fucking cage.

És una gàbia, vull dir, són tanques d'aquelles de l'obra, quan fiquen la valla aquella plegada...

It's a cage, I mean, they're those construction fences, when they put up that folded barrier...

Hola, tio!

Hello, dude!

Sí, sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes, yes.

Estàs fent una obra en un carrer perquè estàs també en una canonada.

You are doing work on a street because you are also working on a pipe.

Que només faltava que donessin cacahuets al voltant per poder tirar cacahuets.

That would just be missing them handing out peanuts around so that we could throw peanuts.

És el puto recepte de les obres típiques que hi ha hagut a Plaça de les Glòries els últims 15-25.000 anys.

It's the damn recipe of the typical works that have been at Plaça de les Glòries for the last 15-25,000 years.

Ah, però això no era lo natural.

Ah, but that wasn't natural.

No, no, no, allà hi havia cacahuets.

No, no, no, there were peanuts there.

Vull dir, no era part de l'altreigio aquestes obres, sinó que tenien una finalitat.

I mean, these works were not part of the other genre, but had a purpose.

Què m'he dit?

What have I told myself?

És com avui, que es veu que la segona família l'acabaran al final.

It's like today, when it seems that they will finish the second family in the end.

Ah, sí, que li posarem una cosa a sobre.

Ah, yes, we'll put something on top of it.

Jo ja, si no hi ha grues...

Me neither, if there are no cranes...

Jo ja no la veuré.

I will no longer see her.

Doncs aquesta és la gàbia.

Well, this is the cage.

La fotran a terra, la que l'acabin dient, bueno, ja ho hem fet, a terra.

They will throw her to the ground, the one they end up calling, well, we've done it, to the ground.

Després, ara, vaig a fer un olín.

Afterwards, now, I will take a little nap.

Sí? Te tires el triplazo, eh?

Yes? You’re going for the three-pointer, huh?

Crec que la següent imatge serà un seguit de tres tuits de gent imbècil.

I think the following image will be a series of three tweets from stupid people.

No dic d'on.

I'm not saying where from.

Clar, doncs l'has cagat de ple.

Of course, then you've really messed it up.

Bueno, encertarà la segona part.

Well, he will get the second part right.

Està inspiradíssim, avui.

He is very inspired today.

El tuit diu...

The tweet says...

Ostres, ens han descobert.

Wow, they've discovered us.

Us mostrem en exclusiva fotos dels assajos clandestins i legals que van fer durant la pandèmia.

We exclusively show you photos of the clandestine and legal rehearsals that took place during the pandemic.

Se'n recordeu que hi ha certs col·lectius i gent entre nosaltres, crec que ho hem dit alguna vegada,

Do you remember that there are certain groups and people among us, I think we've mentioned it at some point,

que hi havia colles que no han parat d'assajar?

that there were groups that have not stopped rehearsing?



Doncs una usuària de Twitter, que és una mica de castellers de Vilafranca,

Well, a Twitter user, who is a bit of a casteller from Vilafranca,

una mica,

a little bit,

va publicar una foto de la xarxa de l'assaj amb el que és la part interior del pavelló aquell que tenen buit.

He published a photo from the network of the rehearsal with what is the interior part of that pavilion they have empty.

També te dic una cosa.

I'll also tell you one thing.

Si jo feia una foto del local de les joves el dissabte...

If I took a photo of the youth center on Saturday...

No, millor, perquè se m'entengui bé.

No, better, so that I can be understood clearly.

Vaig un dissabte a les deu i mig al matí al pavelló de l'altra colla i feia una foto,

I went on a Saturday at ten thirty in the morning to the pavilion of the other group and took a photo.

estarà igual de buit, això.

it will be just as empty, this.

També és.

It is too.

Vull dir, a mi ensenya amb això, però amb castells.

I mean, teach me with this, but with castles.

No m'ensenyes una foto d'un local buit que has pogut anar tu en qualsevol hora,

Don't show me a photo of an empty place that you could have gone to at any time.

per fer-la, per dir, no, si no he massajat mai al febrer.

To do it, to say, no, if I have never massaged in February.

Ja, ve del fet, ve del fet.

Yes, it comes from the fact, it comes from the fact.

M'acabo de donar del vers en trisma que tenen, que tenen el terra del local del mateix color que la camisa.

I just realized that they have the floor of the venue the same color as the shirt.

Això ha de ser difícil de pregar.

This must be difficult to pray for.

Però això no t'havies adonat abans?

But hadn't you realized this before?

No, no, no, mai m'hi havia fixat.

No, no, no, I had never noticed it before.

Però això ha de ser difícil de pregar i de polir, eh?

But this must be difficult to pray and to refine, right?

No m'hi havia fixat.

I hadn't noticed that.

No sé, tu sabràs, és la teva colla.

I don’t know, you’ll know, it’s your group.

Ja ho sé.

I already know.

Segur que hi ha un tio amb un cortacéspet però amb una brillantador sota que va així...

I'm sure there's a guy with a lawnmower but with a polisher underneath that goes like this...

El propi Badet ho fa, no tot.

Badet himself does it, not everything.

Bueno, he fallat el primer triple, tiro el segon, ara sí són els tres tuits.

Well, I missed the first three-pointer, I shoot the second one, now yes, it’s the three tweets.

Me cago en Déu.

I shit on God.

Bueno, és igual, això ho he vist al Twitter i m'ha fet molta gràcia perquè diu

Well, it doesn't matter, I saw this on Twitter and it made me laugh a lot because it says

no em donis pit, dona maire.

don't give me breast, mother.

Que primer he pensat, hòstia, com a nucli està molt bé, però després he pensat,

At first I thought, wow, as a core it’s very good, but then I thought,

en època Covid, com a missatge, potser no està ben triat, eh?

During the Covid period, as a message, it may not be well chosen, right?

Dona maire.

Mother woman.



Pots crear un caos col·lectiu que t'acaba un 4 de 7.

You can create a collective chaos that ends with a 4 of 7.

Sí, bueno, o i de 5.

Yes, well, or and 5.

Com us va passar a d'altres dels segons a la vostra TM.

How did it happen to you like to others in your TM?

Bueno, o al Serrallo.

Well, or to the Serrallo.

Bé, que això sí que ha passat.

Well, that really has happened.

Això sí.

That is true.

Otro triple, va, a la tercera va l'avançador.

Another triple, come on, third time's the charm.

Vale, va.

Okay, come on.

El que passa és que, espera un moment, que no em vei.

What happens is that, wait a moment, I can't see me.

No ho veu, el Serrallo.

You can't see it, the Serrallo.

Porta els ulleres i no ho veu.

He wears glasses and doesn't see it.

A veure, és que està el zoom aquest.

Let's see, it's just that there's this zoom.

Bueno, en realitat, després us faré retuit perquè el veieu tots i ja toma el por culo.

Well, actually, I'll retweet it later so you can all see it, and that's it.


Come on.

És un seguit de tuits d'una persona de Sabadell que, entre altres coses, deia

It's a series of tweets from a person from Sabadell who, among other things, said

no serem la més castellera però portem 10 anys fent el 4 de 8.

We may not be the best castellers, but we have been performing the 4 de 8 for 10 years.

Dius, a veure, sí.

You say, let's see, yes.

Tota, tota, tota.

All, all, all.

No, ell hi ficava 10.

No, he put 10 in it.

Ah, vale, doncs porten 12.

Ah, okay, so they bring 12.

Ell hi ficava 10.

He put in 10.

Mostra el nivell de coneixement.

Show the level of knowledge.

No hi ha res més trist que voler treure pit i a sobre fallar-la.

There is nothing sadder than wanting to boast and failing at it.

O sigui, cagar-la.

So, to screw it up.

I si no hi ficava 10, jo dic que hi ficava 10 i fent veure que hi ficava 10 ja modificaré jo el seu tuit.

And if I didn't put 10, I say I put 10 and pretending to put 10, I'll modify his tweet myself.

Però, entre altres coses, m'ha fet molta gràcia perquè diu

But, among other things, it made me laugh a lot because it says

oh, sí, 4 de 8.

oh, yes, 4 of 8.

No, ell hi ficava des de 2010.

No, he has been doing it since 2010.

Molt bé, Alexandre, enhorabona.

Very good, Alexandre, congratulations.

Llavors no són 12.

Then it is not 12.

És que, clar, clar, t'ho he vist malament.

It's just that, of course, I saw it poorly for you.

Vull dir...

I mean...

Ai, que guai, això.

Oh, how cool this is.

No sé, és que t'ho diries com...

I don't know, it's just that I would tell you like...

No tenim 200 anys d'història, però sí 12 temporades de 4 de 8.

We don't have 200 years of history, but we do have 12 seasons of 4 out of 8.

Ah, a més, després ell fa servir el hashtag 12 temporades de 4 de 8.

Ah, besides, then he uses the hashtag 12 seasons of 4 out of 8.



No és la primera colla castellana, però sí la que porta els darrers.

It's not the first castells group, but it is the one that carries the latest.

Són 12 temporades, eh?

There are 12 seasons, right?

No tenim cast...

We don't have a cast...

Aquest és el millor.

This is the best.

Fica l'altra imatge.

Insert the other image.

Aquest és el més...

This is the most...



No, però l'has de baixar.

No, but you have to download it.

No tenim 300 castellers per fer un 5 de 7, però sí 12 temporades de 4 de 8.

We don't have 300 castellers to make a 5 of 7, but we do have 12 seasons of 4 of 8.

Si necessites 300 persones per fer un 4 de 7, un 5 de 7...

If you need 300 people to do a 4 of 7, a 5 of 7...

Un 5 de 7.

A 5 out of 7.

Ojo, eh?

Watch out, okay?

Ojo peligro, eh?

Watch out, danger, huh?

Tu saps el que faria una colla normal?

Do you know what a normal bunch would do?

Amb 300 persones?

With 300 people?

Ah, sí.

Ah, yes.

3 de 9 forres.

3 of 9 layers.

Forres mínim.

Minimum range.

Però molt mínim.

But very minimal.

O sigui, si no actua sol, castells com el 5 de 9 forres són plausibles.

That is, if it does not act alone, towers like the 5 of 9 forres are plausible.



Amb 300 sí.

With 300 yes.

També sentint, trobo que és un gran esforç per part teva haver de separar aquest jeroglífic

Also feeling, I find that it is a great effort on your part to have to separate this hieroglyph.



Per Twitter.

Through Twitter.

No tenim 300 castellers.

We don't have 300 castellers.



Hashtag 12 temporades 4 de 8.

Hashtag 12 seasons 4 of 8.

I espera que el tuit de sota segueix, eh?

I hope the tweet below continues, okay?

No, no.

No, no.

És que...

It's just that...


Holy shit.

No som...

We are not...









Els més puntuïs.

You score the most.

Molt bé.

Very good.



Ni xitxes, ni jiplis.

Neither chips nor jiplis.

Ni pastes.

Neither pastries.

És que m'ha agradat.

It's just that I liked it.



Ai, no.

Oh no.



Crec que et falta un tuit que és...

I think you are missing a tweet that is...


It is...



A mi m'ha agradat molt aquest.

I really liked this one.

On d'estar no se ve castells en xarxa que hem fet història.

Wherever you are, you can't see the human towers we've made history.

Perquè la rima és molt fàcil.

Because the rhyme is very easy.

És molt bona, eh?

It's very good, isn't it?

És boníssima.

It's very good.

Perquè xarxa rima amb 4 de 8.

Because "xarxa" rhymes with "4 de 8."

aquí està, aquí està

here it is, here it is

en rima sonant

in perfect rhyme

sempre, A B B A

always, A B B A

i ja per acabar

and to finish off

ha entrat cançó per cert

A song has entered, by the way.

qui? Ava

who? Ava

en serio, ha entrat cançó nova

Seriously, a new song has come out.

i ja per acabar que ja portem l'Horeta

And finally, we're already bringing the Horeta.

l'última imatge és una imatge

the last image is an image

Valtros diria que l'actuació

I would say that the performance

de la jove a Tarragona és una actuació per celebrar

The young woman's performance in Tarragona is a celebration.

si xiqueta de Tarragona

yes girl from Tarragona

et passa la mà per la cara d'aquesta manera

she runs her hand along your face like this

potser no

maybe not

i creieu que és un motiu suficient com per anar

And do you think it's a sufficient reason to go?

a 200 persones que devien ser al local així

about 200 people who must have been at the venue like this

sense mascareta i ni gore

without mask and no gore

estem nosaltres per dir res

are we here to say anything

Canalla Sant Pere i Sant Pau

Children of Saint Peter and Saint Paul

penja una foto tothom sense mascareta

post a photo of everyone without a mask

segona foto tothom amb mascareta

second photo everyone with a mask

jo no l'he vist, aquesta foto

I haven't seen it, this photo.

aquesta foto com l'has aconseguit Alexandre

How did you get this photo, Alexandre?

digues com l'has aconseguit aquesta foto

Tell me how you got this photo.

no, no, no

no, no, no

aquesta foto l'ha tret de Twitter

this photo was taken from Twitter

perquè tu aquesta captura de pantalla no l'has fet Alexandre

because you didn't take this screenshot, Alexandre

jo no l'he tret de Twitter

I didn't take it out of Twitter.

tu aquesta captura de pantalla no l'has fet Alexandre

You didn't take this screenshot, Alexandre.

clar que no, però si jo no faig servir l'Instagram

Of course not, but I don't use Instagram.

més que el matí i no segueixo la jove a Tarragona

more than the morning and I do not follow the young woman in Tarragona

i tu no has tret aquesta foto

And you didn't take this photo.

no ho sé la veritat, crec que l'he vist, me l'han passat pel Whatsapp

I don't know the truth, I think I've seen it, someone sent it to me via WhatsApp.

m'han fet una captura de pantalla

They took a screenshot of me.

van eliminar la foto es veu la jove

they deleted the photo, you can see the young woman

sí, aquesta foto és un tuit que ha fet

Yes, this photo is a tweet that he/she has made.

el comando a veritat

the command to truth

ah sí, l'he de buscar

oh yes, I have to look for it

sí, tenen només 10 likes, això és el que em va sorprendre

Yes, they only have 10 likes, that's what surprised me.

m'estàs dient que la festa

you are telling me that the party

tots els anys tothom portava mascareta

Every year everyone wore a mask.

jo això no ho he dit

I haven't said that.

però crec que no

but I don't think so



bueno família

good family

fins aquí la tercera temporada

this is the end of the third season

de la polca

of the polka

ens reservem

we reserve ourselves

un últim

a last one

ens reservem

we reserve ourselves

un últim programa especial

a final special program

que serà durant el mes de desembre

that will be during the month of December

quan s'hagin acabat totes les actuacions

when all the actions have been completed

que serà en fucking directe

that will be in fucking live

i presencial

and in person

perquè ara no

because not now

ara no

not now

ara són en directe

now they are live

però ara estem nats els tres

but now we are born the three of us

el programa aquell serà un dissabte al migdia

that program will be on a Saturday at noon

perquè farem el vermut amb la polca

because we will have the aperitif with the polka

ens trobarem tots en un lloc a determinar

We will all meet in a location to be determined.

que us informarem per xarxes

that we will inform you through social networks

on prendrem uns vermuts

we will have some vermouths

farem una horeta de programa repassant tota la temporada

We will spend an hour reviewing the entire season.

podreu venir a participar

you will be able to come to participate

entregarem els premis de la polra

we will award the prizes of the flea

que quan me vingui bé ja faré jo el resum

that when it suits me I will make the summary myself

i parlarem amb algun DJ de confiança

and we will speak with a trusted DJ

perquè ens amenitzi una mica

to entertain us a little

el que seria en els actes posteriors

what would be in the subsequent acts

a l'emissió

to the emission

i gravació de l'última polca de la tercera temporada

And recording of the last polka of the third season.

si, estem gestionant amb Tarragona per anar allà

Yes, we are coordinating with Tarragona to go there.

però no tenen local

but they don't have a place

fins aquí

up to here

el que s'ha fet aquí

what has been done here

ens queda el programa especial

we have the special program left

us estareu atents a xarxes

you will be attentive to networks

perquè us informarem

because we will inform you

gràcies a totes per haver-nos puto aguantat

thank you all for putting up with us

del Tarragoooooooooooooooooooooo

of the Tarragonaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

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