#48 Més Yuk

Els Més Frescos

Els Més Frescos

#48 Més Yuk

Els Més Frescos

Els Més Frescos, un podcast sobre menjar i beure que no et voldràs perdre.

Els Més Frescos, a podcast about food and drink that you won't want to miss.

Benvinguts als Més Frescos, el primer podcast sobre menjar i beure gravat a una botiga.

Welcome to Més Frescos, the first podcast about food and drink recorded in a shop.

Sí, sí, una botiga. Un programa totalment autoproït per Narravins i el Boca Moll.

Yes, yes, a store. A totally self-produced program by Narravins and Boca Moll.

Avui tenim amb nosaltres un artista que porta la música a l'ànima i l'espectacle als peus.

Today we have with us an artist who brings music to the soul and performance to our feet.

Un showman amb una energia que contagia i un estil inconfusible.

A showman with an infectious energy and an unmistakable style.

Amb el seu somriure i carisma ha deixat la seva empremta als escenaris d'eufòria.

With his smile and charisma, he has left his mark on the stages of euphoria.

I avui ha vingut als Més Frescos per compartir amb nosaltres una mica de la seva màgia.

And today he came to Més Frescos to share a bit of his magic with us.

Amb tots vosaltres, en Lluc.

With all of you, Lluc.

Però abans, deixeu-me saludar en Xavi, el meu company d'aventures i l'Anna,

But first, let me greet Xavi, my adventure partner, and Anna.

que sempre ens posa una mica d'ordre.

that always puts us a little in order.

A mi.

To me.

Amics, que comenci el xou.

Friends, let the show begin.

Que comenci.

Let it begin.

Bé tal, com esteu?

Well, how are you?

Molt bé.

Very good.

Com va?

How are you?

Molt bé.

Very good.

Bé, bé, bé, bé, bé.

Well, well, well, well, well.



Molt bé, eh?

Very good, huh?

Ja hem tornat aquí, sembla que hagi passat molt de temps, eh?

We are back here, it seems like a long time has passed, huh?

Primer, primer episodi de tercera temporada. Esteu preparats?

First, first episode of the third season. Are you ready?

Molt preparats.

Very prepared.

Ha anat bé l'estiu? Us recordeu una mica de com va la cosa?

How was the summer? Do you remember a little bit about how things are going?

No ho sé, a veure com sortirà avui.

I don't know, let's see how it turns out today.

No? Doncs vinga, jo us ho recordo, jo us ho recordo.

No? Well then, I'll remind you, I'll remind you.

Primer de tot, saludem el nostre públic i els nostres patrocinadors.

First of all, we greet our audience and our sponsors.

Ous a sorba, ous frescos, apagesos, collonuts.

Sour eggs, fresh eggs, boiled, big ones.

I espècies, el mic d'espècies que revolucionen la nostra cuina i el nostre podcast i tant.

And species, the mix of species that revolutionizes our cuisine and our podcast so much.

És així que va venir Arnau París, va enviar un bon pollastre, Anna, ara sí, al menú d'avui.

That's how Arnau París came, he sent a good chicken, Anna, now yes, on today's menu.

Doncs vinga, avui començarem ja, coneixem, coneixerem i xerrarem amb el nostre convidat, en Lluc.

Well then, let's get started today; we will meet, get to know, and chat with our guest, Lluc.

Després farem la secció del racó curió, recordeu que esbrinarem una curiositat del nostre convidat.

Later we will do the curious corner section, remember that we will uncover a curiosity about our guest.

Vés pensant.

Keep thinking.

Llavors tenim la secció dels moments especials, després ja ve la secció d'en Xavi, ja baixarem la persiana, provant.

Then we have the section for special moments, after that comes Xavi's section, we will lower the blinds, testing.

I després, recordeu que torna la secció d'en Xavi Va, de Carmanyola.

And then, remember that Xavi Va's section from Carmanyola is coming back.

I en Xavi es posa la xiruca, la camisa de quadres i viatja per tot el país a mostrar-nos aquella gastronomia que tant ens agrada, Xavi.

And Xavi puts on the scarf, the checked shirt, and travels across the country to show us that cuisine that we love so much, Xavi.

Què ens portes per avui?

What do you have for us today?

Avui ens anem a un dels, per mi, dels pobles més macos de Catalunya, que és a Cadaqués.

Today we are going to one of the, for me, the prettiest villages in Catalonia, which is in Cadaqués.

I també ens anem a un dels restaurants més ben ubicats, jo crec també de la Costa Brava, que es diu El Talla.

And we also go to one of the best-located restaurants, I believe also on the Costa Brava, called El Talla.

El Talla?

The Talla?

El Talla, Cadaqués.

The Cut, Cadaqués.



Està just al final de tot el passeig.

It is right at the end of the entire promenade.

Vistes espectaculars de tot Cadaqués.

Spectacular views of all of Cadaqués.

És una cuina així, molt moderna i d'autor.

It's a kitchen like this, very modern and of the author.

Cuida molt el producte, són grandíssims cuiners i, a més a més, el món del vi també el tenen molt ben posicionat i ho valoren moltíssim.

They take great care of the product, they are excellent chefs, and furthermore, they are also very well positioned in the world of wine and value it highly.

Servei de Déu, vistes de Déu i menjar, excel·lentíssim.

Service of God, views of God, and food, excellent.

Ostres, no el coneixia, eh?

Wow, I didn't know him, huh?

No el coneixia.

I didn't know him.

Sí, a mi em sona, eh?

Yes, it sounds familiar to me, huh?

Jo l'he vist en xarxes.

I have seen him/her on social media.

En xarxes, però no hi hem anat.

On social media, but we haven't gone there.

No, no hi hem anat.

No, we haven't been there.

Em pensava que no vas a dir el compartir, eh?

I thought you weren't going to mention sharing, huh?

Bé, bé, està bé, està bé que has anat per una altra via.

Well, well, it's okay, it's okay that you have gone by another way.

Està molt bé.

It's very good.

I això que tinguin una bona carta de vins, sabeu que és molt important, que ens ho han dit ja molts convidats d'aquí, que si tenen una bona carta de vins poden...

And the fact that they have a good wine list, you know it's very important, many guests here have already told us that if they have a good wine list they can...

Què vol dir, què vol dir, què vol dir?

What does it mean, what does it mean, what does it mean?

Que cuiden molt bé la carta i el present.

They take great care of the menu and the gift.

Molt bé, doncs fantàstica recomanació.

Very well, then fantastic recommendation.

Ens convides, dius?

You’re inviting us, you say?

Ens convides.

You invite us.

Home, guanyarem, guanyarem, guanyarem.

We will win, we will win, we will win.

Molt bé, Xavi.

Very good, Xavi.

Doncs, què us sembla si ara sí donem la benvinguda al nostre convidat d'avui, en Lluc, sisplau.

Well, what do you think if we now give a warm welcome to our guest today, Lluc, please.

Hola, hola, bon dia.

Hello, hello, good morning.

Què tal, Lluc?

How are you, Lluc?

Doncs molt bé, super content.

Well, very good, super happy.

Quines ganes teníem que vinguessis.

We were looking forward to you coming.

Ens encanta que vinguin els concursants d'Eufòria i que aquí ens animen una mica el cotarro.

We love that the contestants from Eufòria come and liven up the atmosphere a bit.

He de dir, abans de res, que us he portat un regal.

I have to say, before anything else, that I have brought you a gift.

Home, home, home, de debò.

Home, home, home, really.

Mira, mira, quina por, quina por.

Look, look, what fear, what fear.

Perquè veig aquí com tot el set que teniu és xulo i sí.

Because I see here how cool all the set you have is, and yes.

T'haig de dir que avui no ens en recordem gaire com es muntava, perquè és primer episodi de la tercera temporada i no ens en recordem gaire.

I have to tell you that today we don't really remember how it was put together, because it's the first episode of the third season and we don't remember it very well.

Sí, sí, no ens en recordàvem on anaven les llums.

Yes, yes, we didn't remember where the lights were going.

A mi m'agrada.

I like it.




I wear.

Perquè és que quedarà bé, eh?

Why will it look good, huh?

A sobre amb Albert, és que és perfecte.

About Albert, it's that he is perfect.

És la gorra oficial de l'últim single que vaig treure, que és més fantàstic.

It's the official cap of the last single I released, which is more fantastic.


Well done!

Un aplaudiment, sisplau.

A round of applause, please.

Moltes gràcies.

Thank you very much.

Molt bé, molt bé.

Very good, very good.

Xavi, Xavi, posa-te'n a la cara, que a mi no em queden bé les gorres.

Xavi, Xavi, put it on your face, because hats don't look good on me.

A mi no em queden mai bé.

They never look good on me.

Molt bé.

Very good.

Ostres, sí, queda molt bé.

Wow, yes, it looks great.

Com hi farem un programa així?

How will we make such a program?

Et queda molt bé.

It looks great on you.

Tot el flow, eh?

All the flow, huh?

Moltes gràcies, eh?

Thank you very much, huh?

I es combina molt bé amb la samarreta, tio.

And it goes very well with the t-shirt, dude.

Sí, sí, tu ja està, eh?

Yes, yes, you're done, right?

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Avui ja em quedo així.

Today I'm just going to stay like this.

Et quedes així, ja ho veus?

You stay like this, don't you see?

A mi, sisplau, me la posaré al revés, eh?

Please, I'll put it on backwards, okay?

Home, exacte, a la teva secció, eh?

Home, exactly, in your section, right?

A la teva secció.

In your section.

Això ja ens està dient que el nostre convidat és detallista, eh?

This is already telling us that our guest is detail-oriented, isn't it?

És detallista.

She is meticulous.

Molt bé, molt bé.

Very good, very good.

Ens ha de ser agraït.

We must be grateful to him/her.

Home, doncs moltes gràcies.

Well, thank you very much.

Home, ja està bé que això ens porti un regalet.

Well, it's okay for this to bring us a little gift.

Això ho hauríem d'imposar, eh?

We should impose this, right?

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Els convidats.

The guests.

He deixat la llavor, jo.

I have left the seed, I have.

Exacte, molt bé, molt bé.

Exactly, very good, very good.

Norma de la tercera temporada.

Rule of the third season.

Ens hem de portar un obsequi.

We have to bring a gift.

Bueno, el nostre obsequi és que vingueu, ja ho sabeu.

Well, our gift is that you come, you know that.

Doncs, moltes gràcies.

Well, thank you very much.

A Sant Saloni, què, havies vingut alguna vegada?

At Sant Saloni, had you ever come?

Doncs just, jo crec que no havia vingut mai.

Well, I just think that I had never come before.

Just la setmana passada, el diumenge, vaig venir amb un grup d'animació infantil

Just last week, on Sunday, I came with a children's entertainment group.

en el que formo part

in which I am part

i vam tocar aquí la Festa Major del poble.

And we celebrated the town's Festival here.



Preciós, Sant Saloni, m'agrada.

Precious, Saint Saloni, I like it.

Quina prestància.

What a prestige.

Sí, sempre diem que tenim les millors rotondes de la comarca, eh?

Yes, we always say that we have the best roundabouts in the region, right?

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Ahir la van acabar de decorar, eh?

Yesterday they finished decorating it, right?

Sí, hem fet una rotonda nova.

Yes, we have made a new roundabout.

No, després t'ho ensenyarem.

No, we'll show it to you later.

I un cotxe la va...

And a car it goes...

La va estrenar, probablement.

She probably premiered it.

La cigareta de la rotonda.

The cigarette of the roundabout.

A mi m'encanten les rotondes.

I love roundabouts.

Com es diu el grup que tens?

What is the name of the group you have?

Els Escarbats.

The Beetles.

Escarbats d'animació.

Animation beetles.

Molt bé, doncs els oients ja ho saben.

Very well, then the listeners already know.



Molt bé.

Very good.

Lluc, que teníem això, moltes ganes.

Lluc, we really wanted this.

Bé, explica'ns una mica això de portar el braç,

Well, tell us a little about wearing the arm,

aquest braç que portes diferent sempre en els concerts.

this arm that you always wear differently at the concerts.

I aquest joc de peus a l'Ojac Esparro.

And this game of feet at the Ojac Esparro.

A veure, i el nom de Lluc, d'on ve?

Let's see, and where does the name Lluc come from?

Totes aquestes identitats teves, de dones d'estrès.

All these identities of yours, of women under stress.

Doncs, lo de la màniga, realment va ser una amiga meva

Well, as for the sleeve, it was really a friend of mine.

que és dissenyadora de roba.

she is a clothing designer.

I, bueno, jo vaig fer un viatge bastant transcendent

Well, I took a pretty significant trip.

a la meva vida a l'Equador.

to my life in Ecuador.

Si voleu ja en parlem més.

If you want, we can talk more about it.

Un moment, sí, perquè després tenim una secció de l'Anna

One moment, yes, because then we have a section from Anna.

que fem aquesta pregunta i la desenvolupes després.

Let's ask this question and develop it later.



I allà em van passar moltes coses i vaig voler fer un àlbum de música

And there many things happened to me and I wanted to make a music album.

explicant tota aquesta moguda que m'havia passat

explaining all this mess that had happened to me

i parlant amb...

and talking with...

Amb aquesta amiga, doncs, li vaig explicar la meva paranoia

With this friend, then, I explained my paranoia.

i em va dissenyar un traje que era amb la màniga

And he designed a suit for me that had a sleeve.

d'un vestit de la meva mare de fa 60 anys

from a dress of my mother's from 60 years ago

que se'n havien ficat tots els meus germans.

that all my brothers had gotten into.

La broma, no?, que tens el vestit bé i que es fica a tothom.

The joke, right?, that you have the dress well and that it fits everyone.

I em va quedar una cosa preciosa

I was left with something beautiful.

i als càstings d'Euphoria em vaig presentar amb allò

And for the Euphoria auditions, I showed up with that.

i el programa me'ls va agradar

And I liked the program.

i va seguir com a senya d'identitat.

and continued as a hallmark of identity.

Com a senya d'identitat, l'icona.

As a hallmark of identity, the icon.

I el joc de peus aquest que fas, també,

And that footwork you do, too,

amb les bambes estrafolàries.

with the extravagant sneakers.

Estrafolàries, també.

Estrafolari, too.

O la fantasia, no?, que és una mica també la teva identitat, no?

Or the fantasy, right? Which is also a bit your identity, isn’t it?

Sí, sí, sí, com aquesta color, alegria, no?,

Yes, yes, yes, like this color, joy, right?

d'espèndre una mica com aquesta energia guai

to spread a bit like this cool energy

que generi com aquesta empatia i aquest bon rullisme

that generates empathy and this good vibe

que és el que soc i el que vull transmetre

that is what I am and what I want to convey

i crec que la manera en què vestim parla molt de...

And I believe that the way we dress says a lot about...

Jo em pensava avui que vindries també una mica disfressadot

I was thinking today that you would come a bit dressed up too.



La fantasia la porto per mi.

I carry the fantasy for myself.

Ah, així m'agrada, així m'agrada.

Ah, this is how I like it, this is how I like it.

Així m'agrada. Bona, bona, bona, molt bé.

That's how I like it. Good, good, good, very good.

Bueno, a veure, una pregunta que fem sempre

Well, let's see, a question that we always ask.

a tots els que venen d'Euphoria

to all those coming from Euphoria

i vam començar quan va venir el Trikey

And we started when Trikey came.

i és una pregunta que fem sempre.

And it is a question we always ask.

A veure, el càtering d'Euphoria, què tal?

Let's see, how is Euphoria's catering?

A veure...

Let's see...

El càtering, una mierda.

The catering, a mess.

No, no millorem, eh? No millorem, eh?

No, we're not improving, okay? We're not improving, okay?

Tres anys d'Euphoria i no millorem.

Three years of Euphoria and we're not improving.

Ja pensàvem que aquest any potser hauríem millorat

We thought that this year we might have improved.

i jo veig que no.

And I see that not.

Hòstia, però no pot ser, però...

Holy shit, but it can't be, but...

Tres anys d'Euphoria.

Three years of Euphoria.

Sí, sí, d'Euphoria, sisplau, a veure.

Yes, yes, from Euphoria, please, let's see.



A part, jo sóc especialista en el menjar.

Besides, I am a specialist in food.

Espera un moment, productors d'Euphoria, sisplau,

Wait a moment, Euphoria producers, please,

fem una crida d'aquí dels més frescos.

Let's make a call from here of the freshest ones.

Missatge oficial.

Official message.

Lluc, sisplau, ajuda'm.

Lluc, please help me.

Ja està bé, ja està bé, el càtering d'Euphoria

It's all right, it's all right, the catering of Euphoria.

ha de millorar, ha de millorar.

It has to improve, it has to improve.

No pot ser per la quarta temporada

It cannot be for the fourth season.

una mica de...

a little bit of...



Gambes o...

Prawns or...



Eh, nutrients, una mica d'avocat, no?

Hey, nutrients, a little avocado, right?

D'energia bona.

Of good energy.

La comissió d'exconcursants d'Euphoria.

The former contestants committee of Euphoria.

Exacte, exacte.

Exactly, exactly.

Fa una petició oficial.

Make an official request.

Una petició oficial.

An official request.

Una queixa, una queixa.

A complaint, a complaint.

Que es millori el tema del menjar.

That the food situation improves.

Atenció que farem el seguiment, eh?

Attention that we will keep track, okay?

Farem el seguiment.

We will follow up.

Sí, es confirma.

Yes, it is confirmed.

Es confirma, es confirma el pronòstic, eh?

It is confirmed, the forecast is confirmed, right?



Bueno, fa uns dos mesos que va acabar Euphoria

Well, it's been about two months since Euphoria ended.

i ha estat el tema més fantasia.

It has been the most fantasy topic.

Què tal, com està anant?

How are you, how is it going?

Com està funcionant?

How is it working?

Més novetats?

More news?

Nova cançó?

New song?

Cançó per capes?

Song for layers?

No, sí, més fantasia va ser...

No, yes, more fantasy it was...

A mi, bueno, ha funcionat molt bé.

For me, well, it has worked very well.

És molt guai la cançó, la veritat.

The song is really cool, to be honest.

Estic supercontent de com va quedar.

I'm super happy with how it turned out.

A mi tot el que visc i per mi la música és com aquesta...

For me, everything I experience and for me, music is like this...

El poder expressar el que sento i el que em passa a la meva vida.

The ability to express what I feel and what happens in my life.

I aquesta cançó és un resum meravellós de tot el que va ser Euphoria.

And this song is a wonderful summary of everything that was Euphoria.

Molt xula, eh?

Very cool, huh?

Molt xula.

Very cool.

I ara seguim.

And now we continue.

Sí, sí, ara a finals de setembre trec una nova cançó.

Yes, yes, I’m releasing a new song at the end of September.

I encara no sabem més detalls, no?

And we still don't know more details, do we?

Vull dir...

I mean...

Només diré que és un reggaetonazo.

I'll just say it's a reggaeton hit.

Bueno, bueno, bueno.

Well, well, well.

Sí, em va sortir per aquí.

Yes, it came out for me here.

Quan la faràs oficial?

When will you make it official?

Això s'emet d'aquí unes setmanes, eh?

This will be broadcast in a few weeks, right?





A veure, sí, sí.

Let's see, yes, yes.

Ens atrevim? Sí, sí, sí.

Shall we dare? Yes, yes, yes.



Atenció, que tenim l'exclusiva d'en Lluc.

Attention, we have the exclusive of Lluc.



Pels més frescos.

For the freshest.

Nova cançó.

New song.

La cançó...

The song...

Clar, això s'emetrà i jo ja hauré dit moltes coses, no?

Sure, this will be broadcasted and I will have already said many things, right?

Clar, és igual.

Sure, it doesn't matter.

Però aquí, oficialment, ningú més ho sap excepte nosaltres dos.

But here, officially, nobody else knows it except for the two of us.

Que ho sabem ara mateix.

We know it right now.

La cançó es diu...

The song is called...

Espera un moment, un moment. Els tinc, els tinc, els tinc.

Wait a moment, a moment. I have them, I have them, I have them.

Ja no sé.

I don't know anymore.

Molt bé.

Very well.

Podria ser que no ho sabíem, però sí que ho sé.

It could be that we didn't know it, but yes, I know it.

Es diu Ja no sé.

It's called I don't know anymore.

Exacte, ja no ho sé. Ja no me'n recordo.

Exactly, I don't know anymore. I don't remember it anymore.

No, no, no.

No, no, no.

O sigui, quina era?

So, which era was it?

No, no, es diu Ja no sé.

No, no, it's called I don't know anymore.

Ja no sé amb Y.

I no longer know with Y.

Sí, amb Y.

Yes, with Y.

Per què fas aquest joc de...

Why are you playing this game of...





Tant de com la gent a Foria, clar, t'hem de dir Lluc perquè és amb Y.

As much as the people in Foria, of course, we have to call you Lluc because it's with a Y.

Clar, clar, clar.

Clear, clear, clear.

Però a mi no m'agrada.

But I don't like it.

O sigui, a mi com es pronuncia el Lluc, la ella és meravellosa i l'estimo i...

I mean, to me how Lluc is pronounced, she is wonderful and I love her and...

Però t'agrada...

But you like it...

Forma part de la identitat.

It is part of the identity.

Però és visual i em sembla més... pam!

But it's visual and it seems to me more... bam!

Sí, sí, és que a mi em sembla...

Yes, yes, it seems to me...



Amb K, també.

With K, too.

La K és com...

The K is like...

Més trencador, no?

More of a breakthrough, right?

Més poderós, més...

More powerful, more...

És que és una bona... aquest és un bon tema perquè els que entren que us diuen Carlos

It's just that it's a good... this is a good topic because those who enter, what do they tell you, Carlos?

o Joan...

oh John...

Això no és nom d'artista.

This is not an artist name.

Perquè el nom us el trieu vosaltres.

Because you choose the name yourselves.

O ells us diuen us el podreu també.

Or they tell us you will also be able to.

Bueno, et poden recomanar...

Well, they can recommend you...

Clar, el meu nom artístic és Bambo Lluc, per exemple.

Of course, my artist name is Bambo Lluc, for example.

I a mi em van dir que millor...

And I was told that it was better...

Massa Lluc.

Too much Lluc.

La Marta Dorné potser no se'n recorda.

Marta Dorné may not remember.

No, ho han dit malament.

No, they have said it wrong.

Ho han dit de tot, eh?

They have said everything, haven't they?



Lluc m'agrada.

I like Lluc.

Bueno, i això de la fantasia.

Well, and this about fantasy.

A veure, què és per tu la fantasia i per què és tan important?

Let's see, what is fantasy for you and why is it so important?

Bé, trobo que en general...

Well, I find that in general...

No sempre i no tothom, no?

Not always and not everyone, right?

Però hi ha com un...

But there is like a...

Una certa...

A certain...

Una certa grisor en molta...

A certain greyness in much...

En la gent o en la societat, no?

In people or in society, right?

Quan entres com en aquesta dinàmica del dia a dia, de la rutina, no?

When you get into this dynamic of day-to-day life, of routine, right?

Que tot sembla que és faixuc i tot.

That everything seems to be heavy and all.

I trobo que és meravellós quan en trobes persones que...

I find it wonderful when you meet people who...

Que de manera natural, orgànica i en el seu dia a dia...

That in a natural, organic way and in their daily life...

No perquè se'n vagin de festa i se'n pillin la papa i siguin molt graciosos, sinó...

Not because they go out partying and get drunk and are very funny, but...

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Que en el seu dia a dia parteixin aquesta, no?

That they share this in their day-to-day, right?

Aquest color, aquesta, no?

This color, this one, right?



El riure, el...

The laughter, the...

T'haig de dir que l'Anna quan t'ha conegut avui ho ha dit, eh?

I have to tell you that Anna said today when she met you, okay?

Que eres molt maco, que...

You are very handsome, that...

Bueno, en el programa va transmetre com molta calma.

Well, in the program, he conveyed things very calmly.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

No? Perquè...

No? Because...

És que et seguim des dels càstings, eh?

We've been following you since the auditions, right?

Ens molaves molt el rotllo que t'esprenies, tio.

You were really annoying with the vibe you were giving off, dude.

És que sóc un...

It's just that I'm a...

Jo sempre dic que sóc un...

I always say that I am a...

Sóc un fallo de Matrix, jo.

I am a glitch in the Matrix, I am.

Jo no havia d'estar...

I shouldn't have been...

Jo no havia de ser-hi.

I was not supposed to be there.

Després començarem el bloc d'eufòria i una de les preguntes que et faré serà aquesta.

Then we will start the euphoria block and one of the questions I will ask you will be this one.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.



Però sí, per mi aquest punt de fantasia, aquest punt de...

But yes, for me this point of fantasy, this point of...

D'això, no?

Of this, right?

De disfressar-nos en el nostre dia a dia.

Of disguising ourselves in our day-to-day lives.

De portar alguna cosa divertida.

To bring something fun.

No sé, com de sorprendre'ns i sorprendre la gent i...

I don't know, like surprising ourselves and surprising people and...

I no sé, fer la cosa una mica més divertida, més alegre i més...

And I don't know, make the thing a little more fun, more cheerful, and more...

I més...

And more...

Això, no?

This, right?

Més tranquil·la i sense tanta expectativa i tanta...

More relaxed and without so much expectation and so...





Llavors, per mi, per això és...

Then, for me, that's why it is...

No tant la fantasia de...

Not so much the fantasy of...



De unicornios i d'imaginar co...

Of unicorns and imagining co...

O sigui que també està bé, no?

So it's also fine, right?



És més una fantasia realista i...

It's more of a realistic fantasy and...

I que no fa falta això, no?

And this isn't necessary, is it?

Anar disfressat d'unicornio per...

Going dressed as a unicorn for...



Per ser fantasiós, no?

To be fanciful, right?

Per mi això, no?

For me, this, right?



Això, tenir aquesta bona energia, aquesta bona vibra i transmetre això ja és...

This, to have this good energy, this good vibe and to transmit this is already...

Que guai.

How cool.

És el que per mi és fantasia.

It is what is fantasy for me.

Que guai, que guai.

How cool, how cool.

Cruda, fantasia crua.

Raw, raw fantasy.

Crua, crua.

Raw, raw.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

De veritat.


Fantasia de veritat.

Fantasy of truth.

De veritat.


I què és el que has après sobre aquest viatge musical que has fet a Euphoria i prèviament

And what have you learned from this musical journey you've taken to Euphoria and before?



Què has après de tu mateix?

What have you learned about yourself?

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Què destacaries?

What would you highlight?

Jo m'ho prenc tot molt com un viatge personal, més enllà de l'experiència de...

I take everything very much as a personal journey, beyond the experience of...



De sortir a la tele o de...

"To appear on TV or to..."



En lo personal és lo que deia l'Anna i no?

On a personal level, it's what Anna said, right?

D'això de lo que vaig transmetre.

Of this that I transmitted.

Estic súper content del que vaig poder transmetre en molt poquet.

I am super happy with what I was able to convey in a very little time.

Van ser tres...

There were three...

Tres programes.

Three programs.

Però tot el feedback de la gent era com missatges súper macos i textos, no?

But all the feedback from the people was like super nice messages and texts, right?

D'ostres, lo que desprens, la energia, això, no?

Oh wow, what you exude, the energy, that, right?

La tranquil·litat, el...

The tranquility, the...

I a mi això m'omplia el cor.

And this filled my heart.

Va dir...

He said...

Poc parlo.

I speak little.







Al final van ser com tres intervencions d'un minut i mig de cançó.

In the end, they were like three interventions of a minute and a half of song.

Vull dir, molt poqueta cosa, molt...

I mean, very little, very...

I amb això ja vaig poder transmetre una mica el que sóc.

And with that, I was able to convey a bit of what I am.



I tots aquests missatges va ser...

And all these messages were...

Va ser algo com molt reconfortant a la vegada que, anímicament i emocionalment, és una

It was something very comforting while, emotionally and mentally, it is a

muntanya russa que...

roller coaster that...

Una muntanya.

A mountain.

Que, bueno, que...

Well, that...

Bé, jo estava molt...

Well, I was very...

Has de ser fort, no?

You have to be strong, right?

Molt tranquil.

Very calm.

I és això, no?

And that's it, right?

Si jo que...

If I that...

Sóc dels més grans juntament amb el Julien, no?

I am one of the oldest along with Julien, right?



I ja per mi va ser com un...

And for me, it was like a...



Imagina't, no?

Imagine that, right?

Amb gent més joveneta...

With younger people...

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Si no estàs preparat psicològicament...

If you are not psychologically prepared...

Però bueno, també la inconsciència juga a favor en aquest sentit, no?

But well, unconsciousness also plays in favor in this sense, doesn’t it?

A vegades com més inconscient no...

Sometimes the more unconscious you are...

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Fas, vull dir.

You do, I mean.

Jo també he tingut vint anys i...

I have also been twenty years old and...

Bueno, això...

Well, this...

Això ho diuen molt els jugadors de futbol.

Football players say this a lot.

Que els que...

That those who...

Els més jovenets o els que no pensen gaire...

The youngest ones or those who don't think much...

Clar, per això els hi...

Of course, that's why I...

No tenen tants problemes.

They don't have so many problems.



Perquè no els hi...

Because I don't...

Les coses no els hi xoquen tant o no...

Things don't hit them as much, or not...



No es ratllen tant amb les coses.

They don't get so upset about things.



Bueno, tu ara has dit que...

Well, you just said that...

Que la teva fantasia no venia...

That your fantasy did not come...

No era tant d'unicornios i...

It wasn't so much about unicorns and...

I mons de fantasia, però justament t'he fet una...

In worlds of fantasy, but I have just made you a...

Una secció que és tot això.

A section that is all of this.


I love it.

Bueno, he de dir que tinc un grup...

Well, I have to say that I have a group...

Un grup de versions, entre cometes, versions, que fem el que volem, que es diu unicornios

A group of "versions," in quotes, versions, that we do what we want, called unicorns.




Do you see?

Home, ja està.

Home, that's it.

Ja està.

That's it.

Home, ja està.

Home, that's it.

Tens moltes coses, eh?

You have a lot of things, huh?

Tinc moltes coses.

I have many things.

Tens molts projectes, eh?

You have a lot of projects, huh?

I si tens alguna queixa, doncs parla amb el nostre becari, el dinista o el xatgepiter.

And if you have any complaints, then talk to our intern, the manager, or the chat support.



Doncs aquesta secció, aquesta petita prova, que és una prova que fem sempre els que

Well, this section, this little test, which is a test that we always do for those who

venen, els cantants que venen d'Euphoria, sempre els hi fem una petita prova.

They come, the singers coming from Euphoria, we always give them a small audition.



No és una prova musical com així, sinó per passar una bona estona nosaltres.

It's not a musical test as such, but to have a good time for ourselves.

Nosaltres no ho...

We do not...

No sé si...

I don't know if...



Bé, hauràs de versionar una canció catalana amb un estil que ara te la diré després.

Well, you will have to cover a Catalan song in a style that I will tell you later.


I love it.

Amb un estil musical segons un ambient fantàstic.

With a musical style according to a fantastic atmosphere.

Has d'escollir entre aquests tres ambients fantàstics.

You have to choose between these three fantastic environments.

Has d'escollir un d'aquests tres.

You have to choose one of these three.



El drac i la princesa.

The dragon and the princess.



El fosc de les fades.

The dark of the fairies.

I el castell flotant.

And the floating castle.

Has d'escollir un d'aquests.

You have to choose one of these.

De fet, jo te'ls desenvoluparé com són aquests ambients, però ara has d'escollir

In fact, I will explain to you how these environments are, but now you need to choose.

només pel títol.

only by the title.

El castell flotant m'ha flipat.

The floating castle blew my mind.

M'ha flipat, eh?

I've been blown away, huh?

El castell flotant t'ha flotat.

The floating castle has floated you.

El castell flotant.

The floating castle.

Molt bé.

Very good.

Doncs ara hauràs de cantar una cançó més animada, com si estiguessis viatjant en un

Well, now you'll have to sing a more upbeat song, as if you were traveling in a...

castell flotant.

floating castle.



Saps com és viatjar en un castell flotant, no?

You know what it's like to travel on a floating castle, right?



Cada dia, cada nit...

Every day, every night...

L'energia ha de ser altíssima, com si estiguessis celebrant amb personatges màgics.

The energy has to be at its highest, as if you were celebrating with magical characters.

Bueno, o amb nosaltres.

Well, or with us.



Amb un ritme encara més frenètic, com si estiguessis volant per damunt dels núvols.

With an even more frenetic pace, as if you were flying above the clouds.

I la cançó és Corren dels gossos.

And the song is "Corren dels gossos."

O sigui, amb la melodia de Corren...

That is, with the melody of Corren...

Amb la lletra de Corren, has de fer una melodia que t'evoqui a un castell flotant, tal com

With the lyrics of Corren, you have to create a melody that evokes a floating castle, just like

t'he dit.

I told you.

Amb personatges màgics i...

With magical characters and...

Em riu tant d'eufòria, eh?

You laugh at me so much with joy, huh?

Això sí que és divi, xaval.

This is really divine, man.

Això sí que és divi.

This is definitely divine.

I no ho sabia, eh?

I didn't know that, huh?

S'ha de dir als espectadors que no els hi diem res.

We have to tell the spectators that we are not telling them anything.

No ho entenem ni nosaltres.

We don't understand it either.

Però bueno, jo crec que te'n sortiràs.

But hey, I believe you'll make it.

Bueno, pots fer el que vulguis.

Well, you can do whatever you want.

Aquí et donem la lletra de Corren.

Here we give you the lyrics of Corren.

Me la sé.

I know it.

Just aquesta sí.

Just this one, yes.

Bueno, almenys.

Well, at least.

Sí, perquè sabem que t'agrada.

Yes, because we know that you like it.

Sabíem que t'agradaria cantar.

We knew you would like to sing.

L'hem fet aquí una mica d'estalquejada.

We've done a little bit of stalking here.

Estila, d'estil.

Style, of style.

Va, el més fresco.

Come on, the coolest.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

No et poso la melodia, perquè, clar...

I won't put the melody for you, because, of course...

No, no, no.

No, no, no.

Cru, cru, cru.

Raw, raw, raw.

Tu la fotràs al teu rotllo, no?

You'll deal with it in your own way, right?

Doncs com vulguis, com vulguis.

Well, as you wish, as you wish.

És aquí el castell flotant?

Is this the floating castle?

Sí, passi, passi.

Yes, come in, come in.

Sóc un cantant que ve d'un país molt llunyà.

I am a singer who comes from a very distant country.

D'acord, però si vols entrar en aquest castell flotant, hauràs de cantar una cançó.

Okay, but if you want to enter this floating castle, you will have to sing a song.

Ostres, doncs...

Wow, well...

M'encantaria cantar aquesta cançó.

I would love to sing this song.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

cantar d'una cançó. Però ha de ser

singing a song. But it has to be

una cançó especial, una que parli

a special song, one that talks

de, no ho sé, de córrer.

of, I don't know, of running.

Oh, perfecte! Doncs saps què? La meva

Oh, perfect! So, you know what? My

cançó preferida és Córren dels gossos.

My favorite song is "Córren dels gossos."

Doncs canti i valorarem

Well, sing and we will evaluate.

si entra al castell o no.

whether or not he/she enters the castle.

Diu així.

It says so.

És tard,

It's late,

no sé a quina hora és.

I don't know what time it is.

Aquesta cançó m'encanta, jo també me la sé!

I love this song, I know it too!

I és fosc, fa estona

And it is dark, has been for a while.

cantem junts.

let's sing together.

És fàcil veure

It's easy to see.

que no hi ets tu

that you are not there

ni un paper.

not a single piece of paper.

El foc

The fire


it matters.

Pots veure els peus a terra

You can see the feet on the ground.

avui que... Perfecte!

today that... Perfect!

Molt bé! Perfecte! Pots allotjar-te

Very good! Perfect! You can stay.

al castell

to the castle

flotant. Encantat!

floating. Delighted!

Molt bé!

Very good!

Bravo! Bravo!

Bravo! Bravo!



Semana d'una

Week of one

rica de les flancs, eh!

rich in the flanks, huh!


Very tough!

A veure, a veure...

Let's see, let's see...

Molt bé! Però tu no t'has plantejat ser actor

Very well! But haven't you considered being an actor?

o doblador?

or the voice actor?

He plantejat tantes coses, aquest és el meu problema.

I've thought about so many things, that's my problem.

Tu tens una carrera musical també,

You also have a music career.

però de doblador tens...

but as a voice actor you have...

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Interpretació de puta mare, tio!

Fucking great performance, dude!

És que justament amb els unicornis

It's just that with the unicorns.

locos, una de les coses divertides

crazy, one of the funny things

és que enmig del bolo

it's that in the middle of the gig

demanem al públic

we ask the audience

que ens digui un estil de música,

to tell us a style of music,

i tres paraules,

and three words,

i amb això fem una cançó.

And with that we make a song.

Ostres, mira...

Wow, look...

L'hem clavat, l'hem clavat!

We've nailed it, we've nailed it!

Si mai estem malalts, que vingui a doblar-nos!

If we are ever sick, let him come to take care of us!

Ja està!

That's it!

Avui no em va bé, hem sortit...

Today doesn't work for me, we've gone out...

Estava pensant d'imaginar...

I was thinking of imagining...

De crear una cançó amb el que estic flotant,

Of creating a song with what I am floating in,

vull dir, ja la meva ment anava...

I mean, my mind was already...

I muntem una cançó dels més frescos,

We put together a song of the freshest.

i la posem de malodia, tu!

And we put it as a melody, you!

Ai, si després, quan surtis d'aquí,

Oh, if later, when you leave here,

t'hem transmès alguna cosa

we have transmitted something to you

i ens fas una cançó...

and you make us a song...

Encara farem la boixa, aquí, ja ho veus...

We'll still do the damage, here, as you can see...

Si em tornen a invitar, us la canto en directe i...

If they invite me again, I'll sing it live for you and...

La trompeta ja la tens, no busquis...

You already have the trumpet, don’t look for it...

El pianet, amb el que hi ha aquí...

The piano, with what is here...

Sí, és el que hi ha, eh?

Yes, that's how it is, right?

Una boixina, un piano, una trompeta, un timbre...

A bassoon, a piano, a trumpet, a bell...

És el pressupost que hi ha...

It is the budget that exists...

No en tenim més...

We don't have any more...

Molt bé, doncs ara, amb aquest super bon rotllo,

Very well, so now, with this super nice vibe,

entrem amb l'àper fosca,

we enter with the dark aperitif,

que és el bloc d'eufòria...

what is the euphoria blog...

I l'obscuritat...

And the darkness...



A veure, tinc la sensació que ni el jurat, ni Mitja Catalunya,

Let's see, I have the feeling that neither the jury nor half of Catalonia,

va entendre el teu rotllo.

He/she understood your vibe.

Pot ser?

Can it be?

I t'haig de dir que nosaltres el vam entendre la primera

I have to tell you that we understood him the first time.

des del càsting que et seguíem, eh?

Since the casting that we followed you, right?

Pot ser, això?

Could this be?

Tens aquesta sensació?

Do you have this feeling?

Bé, és la meva...

Well, it is my...

Ja em mullo, eh, jo?

I'm getting wet, huh, me?

És la meva sensació.

It is my feeling.

No, sí...

No, yes...

Bé, des del jurat...

Well, from the jury...



Tranquil, perquè a fora ja està clar que no ens senten,

Calm, because outside it is already clear that they don't hear us,

perquè si no haguéssim millorat el càsting, per tant...

because if we hadn't improved the casting, therefore...

No, no...

No, no...

No em preocupa...

I'm not worried...

Ostres, Xavi, amb la gorra estàs fantàstic...

Wow, Xavi, you look fantastic with the cap...

M'hi queda molt bé, eh?

It looks very good on me, doesn't it?

Tio, porta-la sempre, eh?

Dude, always bring it, okay?

No, no, no...

No, no, no...

Però vés-la rentant de tant en tant, eh?

But make sure to wash it from time to time, okay?

Però porta-la sempre.

But always carry it.

El Benji, t'ho juro que em sento...

Benji, I swear that I feel...

El Benji, eh?

Benji, huh?

El Benji, el Benji, el Benji.

The Benji, the Benji, the Benji.

El Benji, el Benji.

The Benji, the Benji.

Em sento...

I feel...

Perdona, va, no interromprem el...

Sorry, come on, we'll not interrupt the...

No, no, cap problema.

No, no, no problem.

No, sí, el tema del jurat era curiós perquè, bé,

No, yes, the topic of the jury was interesting because, well,

al final ells d'alguna manera havien fet el càsting i no vam...

in the end, they had somehow done the casting and we didn't...

Bé, tinc la sensació, això, no?, que tampoc van voler entrar

Well, I have the feeling that they didn't want to get involved either, right?

ni entendre ni compartir.

neither understand nor share.

I des del públic, no ho sé, al final...

And from the audience, I don't know, in the end...

O sigui, jo he de dir que el primer programa,

So, I have to say that the first program,

quan em vaig veure amb qui estava, no?,

when I saw myself with whom I was, right?

amb la Tamara, amb l'Hugo, el Pau i...

with Tamara, with Hugo, Pau and...

Jo i qui més érem?

Me and who else were there?

Hòstia, no me'n recordo perquè ja fa molt de temps.

Shit, I don't remember because it's been a long time.

Bé, bueno, sí, érem nosaltres quatre.

Well, yes, it was the four of us.

I, ostres, jo em veia folla, em veia folla, em veia folla.

I, wow, I saw myself as crazy, I saw myself as crazy, I saw myself as crazy.

Em veia fora, vull dir, ostres.

I saw myself outside, I mean, wow.

I el fet que em salvessin em va semblar fort,

And the fact that they saved me seemed strong to me,

em va semblar bastant fort.

It seemed quite strong to me.

Jo crec que era un rotllo completament diferent

I think it was a completely different thing.

del que hi havia...

of what there was...

En general, a tota la família.

In general, to the whole family.

I que demanen, no?

And what are they asking for, right?

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Al final és com un producte.

In the end, it's like a product.

Clar, el que volen és un producte, però després també moldejar-lo.

Of course, what they want is a product, but then also to shape it.

Jo crec que ell, vam veure que potser tampoc el podrien...

I think that we saw that maybe they couldn't either...

Hi va passar una mica en Julien, en Julien també,

Hi happened a bit with Julien, with Julien too.

que mola que friqueixi una mica, però no et passis,

it's cool that it freaks out a bit, but don't overdo it,

perquè llavors, si et passes, ja no entres

because then, if you go over, you no longer get in

dintre dels cànons del programa, eh?

within the standards of the program, huh?

Són simpàtics, els del jurat? Parleu amb ells o no?

Are the jury members friendly? Do you talk to them or not?

És que no vaig compartir gaire amb ells, la veritat.

I didn't spend much time with them, to be honest.

Però sí, bona gent, no sé si més.

But yes, good people, I don't know if more.



Al final, quan no comparteixo amb algú tampoc...

In the end, when I don't share with someone either...

No, sí, no sé si...

No, yes, I don't know if...

El judici el faig des del que vaig viure al programa.

I judge it based on what I experienced in the program.

Un programa, sabeu que hi ha un punt de ficció i de guió i d'això...

A program, you know there is a point of fiction and script and that...

Al final és un xou.

In the end, it's a show.

Jo no tinc res personal amb ningú d'ells.

I have nothing personal against any of them.

Jo no sé si...

I don't know if...

Perquè és que hi ha molta gent que no ho ha pillat,

Because there are many people who haven't got it.

però la cançó de més fantasia hi ha un petit guinyo.

But in the most fantastical song, there is a little wink.

Ah, sí?

Oh, really?



El fred no m'agrada.

I don't like the cold.

Ah, hòstia!

Ah, damn!

El fred.

The cold.

Que bo!

So good!

L'Alfred no m'agrada.

I don't like Alfred.



Només el piques, eh?

Just the nuts, right?

Només el piques.

Only the teasing.

Rollo, només el piques.

Dude, just chop it up.

Prefereixo la calor, que aquí la calor...

I prefer the heat, because here the heat...

Si he de pintar el verd...

If I have to paint green...


Holy shit.

És el meu color.

It is my color.

Hi ha bif.

There is bif.

Aquí hi ha bif, eh?

Here there is beef, huh?

Ah, que bo!

Ah, how good!

Aquí hi ha bif.

Here there is beef.

Ah, doncs fas molt bé de dir-ho.

Ah, well, you're right to say that.

Molt suau i molt cuco i molt...

Very gentle and very cute and very...

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

No vaig voler...

I didn't want to...

No, no, molt...

No, no, very...

No és que tinguis res en compte.

It's not that you have anything in mind.

No, és molt delicat.

No, it's very delicate.

Molt enginyós, molt enginyós.

Very clever, very clever.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.



Molt sutil, sutil.

Very subtle, subtle.



Va ser com superigualat, vull dir, no és que, no sé, marxés amb un 10% de...

It was like super equalized, I mean, it's not like, I don't know, I left with a 10% of...

No, vull dir...

No, I mean...

No, jo crec que sí, jo crec que al final vaig mostrar el que vaig mostrar, el que també

No, I think so, I think that in the end I showed what I showed, what also

em van deixar, perquè em van posar en tres registres molt tiki-winkis.

They left me because they placed me in three very tiki-winkis registers.

Sí, és que s'assemblava molt bé.

Yes, it looked very much like it.

I jo crec que si hagués seguit avançant jo crec que hauria enganxat més gent perquè...

And I believe that if it had continued to progress, I think it would have caught the attention of more people because...



I també depèn de les...

And it also depends on the...



Depèn de les cançons que...

It depends on the songs that...

I depèn de les cançons que...

It depends on the songs that...

I depèn molt del...

It depends a lot on...

Això és un tema, això és un tema de les cançons perquè hi ha gent...

This is a topic, this is a topic of the songs because there are people...

I de la performance que et munten.

And from the performance they set up for you.

Clar, clar.

Sure, sure.

O sigui, a mi la d'I don't care fot amb focs artificials i confeti i quinze ballarins

So, for me, the "I don't care" comes with fireworks and confetti and fifteen dancers.



Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

I si ells volen ho pinten d'una manera i ja et fan, a tu t'ho fan creure.

And if they want, they paint it one way and they make you believe it.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.


You know?

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Si et fiquen a...

If they stick you into...

Amb tot el respecte, quatre pelutxos que...

With all due respect, four plush toys that...



Amb tot el respecte.

With all due respect.

Massa, massa.

Too much, too much.

O sigui, va ser com...

So it was like...

Molt ràpid.

Very fast.



Bueno, ok.

Well, okay.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Ho faig i me'ho...

I do it and I...

I llavors...

And then...

No hi ha cap problema.

There is no problem.

I llavors aquesta gala de rapesca, que ells no van dir rapesca però al final era com una

And then this gala of fishing, which they didn't call fishing but in the end it was like one.



Hi ha un moment que tu dius...

There comes a moment when you say...

O sigui, em van trucar però no vaig agafar o no sabia que m'havien trucat o estava fora.

So, they called me but I didn't pick up or I didn't know they had called me or I was out.

Quan et van trucar al programa per fer aquesta gala, a tu aquesta...

When they called you on the show to hold this gala, you...

Et venia de gust tornar a cantar en aquesta rapesca i quan ja hi havies...

You felt like singing again in this rapesca and when you had already...

Un miqueta trencat, un miqueta lligam?

A little broken, a little bonding?



Si em vas...

If you go...

Bueno, si ve...

Well, if it comes...

O sigui, jo...

So, I...

Mira, al final és una decisió que, parao per bé, vaig prendre i anava amb totes i

Look, in the end it's a decision that, for the better, I made and I went for it completely.

amb tot lo que vingués per davant i a tope i amb bona cara i òbviament no em venia com

with everything that came my way and at full speed and with a good face and obviously it didn't come to me as

súper de gust però és una experiència molt xula i és una cosa que no tornaré a viure

super enjoyable but it's a really cool experience and it's something I won't live again

mai més i...

never again and...

I va de pena.

It's going poorly.

I va de pena i els companys que jo me'ls estimava molt i me'ls estimo moltíssim aleshores...

It's a shame, and the colleagues that I loved very much and I still love them immensely, then...

Aquí va ser més, bona relació més lligam?

Here was more, good relationship more bond?

És que cadascú té aquesta cosa especial, hi ha gent amb qui has compartit més, gent

It's just that everyone has that special something, there are people with whom you have shared more, people

amb qui has compartit menys i que...

with whom you have shared the least and that...

Som com unes colònies, no?

We are like colonies, aren't we?

Sí, sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes, yes.

Amb la Valeria vaig tenir molta relació perquè anàvem junts amb el cotxe perquè érem

I had a lot of contact with Valeria because we went together in the car because we were

veïns pràcticament.

practically neighbors.

Era bo, hòstia.

It was good, damn it.

Aleshores, clar, com més temps també més d'això, no?

So, of course, the longer the time, the more of this, right?

Com més compartisses.

The more you shared.

No ho sé, amb tots, és que no sé, cadascú té el seu punt...

I don't know, with everyone, it's just that I don't know, everyone has their own point...

Bueno, jo trobo...

Well, I find...

És que jo no he vist mai Euphoria, eh?

It's just that I've never seen Euphoria, you know?

Però jo trobo que...

But I find that...

Ni quan tu cantaves?

Neither when you were singing?

Ni quan jo cantava.

Not when I was singing.

I com és que et presentes?

And how do you introduce yourself?

Em presento perquè els meus nebots són ultramegafans, fansíssimos d'Euphoria i jo cap...

I introduce myself because my nephews are ultra mega fans, super fans of Euphoria and I'm not...

I és una oportunitat al final.

And it's an opportunity in the end.

M'havien recolzat sempre.

They had always supported me.

Sí, però jo tampoc ho veia...

Yes, but I didn't see it either...

És que no m'hagués...

It's just that I wouldn't have...

És que a mi la tele...

It's just that for me the TV...

No perquè sigui Euphoria, no perquè no m'agradi Euphoria, és que no m'agrada aquest tipus

Not because it's Euphoria, not because I don't like Euphoria, it's just that I don't like this type.

de programes, no?

of programs, right?

Tampoc la tele, no tindràs en compte.

Neither the TV, you won't take into account.

Jo em recorda molt...

He/she reminds me a lot...

No tinc tele, tampoc.

I don't have a TV, either.

El teu discurs em recorda molt al Trikei, quan va venir, que també s'havia presentat

Your speech reminds me a lot of Trikei, when he came, as he had also presented himself.

i tal, havia...

And so, I had...

Al final has participat en el xou, però ja està.

In the end, you've participated in the show, but that's it.



Vull dir, tampoc ho vaig promovent ni...

I mean, I'm not promoting it either nor...

Però jo ni promovent ni criticant.

But I am neither promoting nor criticizing.

No, ja, ja, sí, sí.

No, already, yes, yes.

És super...

It's super...

O sigui, a mi jo no tinc...

So, I don't have...

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

No criticaré el programa, no criticaré la manera, per exemple.

I will not criticize the program, I will not criticize the way, for example.

No, no, no.

No, no, no.

No ni volem que ho facis.

No, and we don't want you to do it.

No, no, òbviament.

No, no, obviously.

Senzillament, van ser la circo...

Simply put, they were the circus...

Però ja està.

But that's it.

Jo em vaig apuntar i...

I signed up and...

Molt bé.

Very good.

És que l'últim que em pensava és que entraia.

It's just that the last thing I thought was that I would go in.

Que entraia.

What would it be like.

És que si tu veus les meves cares, és com...

It's just that if you see my faces, it's like...

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

És broma.

It's a joke.

És en plan...

It's like...



Perquè no veia que hi hagués amb el... amb el... amb el programa ni amb el d'això.

Because I didn't see that there was with the... with the... with the program nor with the thing.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.



Quina actuació?

What performance?

Va passar.

It happened.

Ana, digues, digues.

Ana, say, say.

M'ha vingut al cap una...

Something has come to my mind...

Després del programa sortíeu?

Did you go out after the program?


You were going...

Sortíeu o cadascú se n'anava a dormir?

Did you all go out or did everyone go to sleep?



Estàveu molt cansats, no?

You were very tired, weren't you?

Moltes hores, oi?

Many hours, right?



Molt mentalment, perquè eren moltes hores de...

Very mentally, because there were many hours of...

Suposo que...

I suppose that...

D'estar allà amb una tensió que no... que no...

Being there with a tension that doesn't... that doesn't...

Et fiques a la llit i després ja no dorms, no?

You lie down in bed and then you don't sleep anymore, right?


I suppose.

Jo arribava amb una ansietat a casa...

I arrived home with anxiety...

Moltes emocions.

Many emotions.

Passar tot el dia...

Spending the whole day...

I de menjar...

And to eat...

No, i arribar i no sé què, i pelomitar i menjar i...

No, and arriving and I don't know what, and to vomit and eat and...



Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Mira que no...

Look that you don't...

Ets més de menjar abans del programa o després?

Are you more of a person who likes to eat before the show or after?

O abans no pots...

Or before you can't...



Abans se'm talla el...

Before it cuts off...

Se'n talla l'estómac.

He cuts his stomach.

Se'm talla l'estómac.

I feel sick to my stomach.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

A mi també.

Me too.

No puc, eh?

I can't, right?

No puc.

I can't.

Ah, després?

Ah, afterwards?

Ah, jo no.

Ah, not me.

Jo normalment te feu el put i ja ho veus.

I usually make you the whore and you already see it.

No, abans...

No, before...

Sí, clar, tu vas agafant res.

Yes, of course, you take nothing.

Tu vas agafant, eh?

You’re getting it, aren’t you?

Tu vas agafant.

You are picking up.

Tinc costat d'estar menjant, no?

I have to be eating, right?

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

No vull dir res.

I don't want to say anything.

Bueno, i...

Well, and...

Si ara en Lluc agafés una màquina del temps i anés al començament, abans del càsting,

If Lluc were to take a time machine now and go back to the beginning, before the casting,

abans d'entrar al programa, què li diria, en el Lluc del passat?

Before entering the program, what would you say to Lluc from the past?

És que amb aquest tipus de preguntes, això de tornar al passat i moure coses em genera...

It's just that with this kind of questions, this thing of going back to the past and moving things makes me...



Sí, per mi tot el que passa és com ha de ser i d'això...

Yes, for me everything that happens is how it should be and about that...

El destí.

The destiny.

Sí que li diria com no pensis tant i disfruta més.

I would tell him to not think so much and enjoy more.

Però a la vegada crec que era un mecanisme també meu de defensa de...

But at the same time I think it was also my own mechanism of defense for...



Era curiós, perquè dins meu hi ha hagut sempre, no?, com aquest conflicte d'ostres, estic

It was curious because inside me there has always been, right?, like this conflict of wow, I am.

aquí, no sé si vull estar aquí...

here, I don't know if I want to be here...

I mira, una de les coses, per mi, una de les pel·lícules que a mi més m'ha marcat i de tant

And look, one of the things, for me, one of the movies that has marked me the most and so much

en tant segueixo mirant és Forrest Gump.

As I keep watching, it's Forrest Gump.

Perquè per mi és un exemple aquesta cosa de a lo que venga.

Because for me it is an example of whatever comes.

I a lo que venga amb tot, vull dir, si vaig a, no?, que se'n va la guerra de Vietnam

And whatever comes with it, I mean, if I'm going, right?, that the Vietnam War is ending.

i els tios a tope amb allò i no jutja ningú, no?

And the guys are all into that and don’t judge anyone, right?

I trobo que tenir aquesta actitud davant de la vida de no jutjar, de que ve això, doncs

I think that having this attitude towards life of not judging, that this comes, then

vaig a tope, què s'ha de fer, això, tal, em sembla com una actitud meravellosa.

I'm going all out, what needs to be done, this, such, it seems to me like a wonderful attitude.

A la vegada sí que hi ha coses i filtres que tu t'has de ficar i que trobo que és

At the same time, there are things and filters that you have to get into, and I find that it is

un mecanisme de defensa per dir jo vull estar aquí o no.

a defense mechanism to say I want to be here or not.

I, bueno, era com aquesta cosa de a tope, però hi havia alguna cosa que no em deixava

I, well, it was like this thing of being on top, but there was something that wouldn't let me.

com acabar de disfrutar perquè veia que no era un moment.

as I finished enjoying because I saw it was not a moment.

Al programa vas tenir aquesta actitud, però, de a lo que vingui, perquè tot el que et deien

In the program, you had this attitude, but whatever comes, because everything they told you

tu agafaves bé, jo me'n recordo quan el jurat te deia alguna cosa, tu sempre somreies

You took it well, I remember when the jury said something to you, you always smiled.

i sempre et transmeties aquest bon rotllo, no?

And you always transmitted this good vibe, right?

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

No se't deia mai ni preocupat o enfadat, no, no, què va, al contrari, ah, pues vale,

You were never told to be worried or angry, no, no, what are you talking about, on the contrary, ah, well, okay,

no?, sempre agafat. Crec que la vas tenir.

No? Always taken. I believe you had it.

No, i tant, i tant.

Yes, of course, of course.

I després, al final no podem criticar el programa perquè et posa una oportunitat a

And then, in the end, we can't criticize the program because it gives you an opportunity to

la teva vida, a la teva vida.

your life, to your life.

Sí, sí, suposo que t'ha obert portes, no?, també.

Yes, yes, I suppose it has opened doors for you, right?

T'obre portes, és veritat que el jurat també, segons quins comentaris oi, denota una mica

It opens doors; it's true that the jury too, according to certain comments, shows a bit.

certs favoritismes a vegades.

certain favoritism at times.

Sí, però per això que ells...

Yes, but for that reason that they...

Les cançons que hi ha per un tipus de cantant a part l'altre no sempre estan pensades al

The songs that are there for one type of singer apart from the other are not always intended for the

mateix criteri. Clar, també hi ha cosetes que dius, hòstia, al final estàs jugant una

same criterion. Of course, there are also little things that you say, wow, in the end you are playing a

mica amb el concursant, eh?, digues.

A little with the contestant, huh?, tell me.

Ah, i una cosa, l'ordre a les cançons.

Ah, and one thing, the order of the songs.

Qui canta primer, segon, tercer, com ho feu?

Who sings first, second, third, how do you do it?

És una cosa que a vegades ens pregunten.

It's something that we are sometimes asked.

No, no, això ho decideixen.

No, no, they decide this.

Ho decideixen ells?

Do they decide it?

Ho decideixen tot ells.

They decide everything.

No és a sorts?

Isn't it to luck?

No, no.

No, no.

A vegades ens pensem, perquè sempre un és l'últim, a vegades, saps?, o els altres...

Sometimes we think, because one is always the last, sometimes, you know?, or the others...

Això també és important, clar, és que tot fa, tot fa.

This is also important, of course, it's that everything matters, everything matters.

Ho decideixen.

They decide it.

Clar, clar.

Of course, of course.

Qui canta últim els nervis l'estan menjant per dins.

Whoever sings last, the nerves are eating them from the inside.

Tot és...

Everything is...


Of course.

Cada detall...

Every detail...

Clar, clar, exacte.

Sure, sure, exactly.

Està pensat.

It is intended.

I en un xou no pots deixar res per l'atzar.

And in a show, you can't leave anything to chance.



El producte que és.

The product that it is.



I al final...

And in the end...

I si entens això també vas més relaxat.

And if you understand this, you are more relaxed too.



Perquè no t'ho prens com a algo personal.

Because you shouldn't take it personally.

Clar, clar.

Of course, of course.

No és que et vulguin putejar a tu, no és que tinguin algo personal.

It's not that they want to screw you over, it's not that they have something personal against you.

No, no, és que ells tenen una idea...

No, no, it’s just that they have an idea...


Of course.

De programa, una idea de com s'ha de desenvolupar el programa...

From the program, an idea of how the program should be developed...



I ho faran així i és super lícit i jo vaig firmar un contracte amb ells que era així...

They will do it this way and it is totally legitimate, and I signed a contract with them that was like this...

I ja està.

And that's it.

I ja topem això.

And we already bump into this.

I si volen...

And if they want...

Doncs cap problema.

So no problem.

Molt bé, molt bé.

Very well, very well.

Cadascú posarà els límits on els posi i això, doncs...

Everyone will set their limits where they choose, and that, well...

Molt bé.

Very well.

Fem el bloc d'Euphoria, si us sembla, i ara explica'ns una mica el teu projecte, cap

Let's do the Euphoria blog, if you think so, and now tell us a bit about your project, boss.

a on vols tirar, perquè al final Euphoria està molt bé, però ara ets tu.

Where do you want to throw it, because in the end Euphoria is very good, but now it's you.

Els projectes.

The projects.



Cantant, cantor, doblador...

Singer, chantor, dubber...

El doblador que a mi m'agrada.

The voice actor I like.

Doncs us explico que...

So I'll explain that...

Ens farà una falca, eh?

He'll give us a wedge, won't he?

Ho sabeu, eh?

You know it, right?

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Ens farà una falca al final, eh?

He'll give us a plug at the end, right?

Ens la farà.

He will do it for us.

Aviam, jo tinc el meu projecte, amb el meu nom artístic, que és...

Let's see, I have my project, with my artist name, which is...



És Bamboyuk, i que vaig gravar un àlbum que es diu Ser tu, precisament, i parla d'un

It's Bamboyuk, and I recorded an album called Being You, precisely, and it talks about a

viatge que...

trip that...

Això després crec que us explicaré una mica, molt resumit, perquè és un any i mig de vida,

I think I'll explain this to you a bit later, very briefly, because it's a year and a half of life.

vull dir.

I mean.

I bé, darrere d'això, doncs això, vaig voler explicar-ho en un àlbum, amb...

And well, behind that, so this, I wanted to explain it in an album, with...

Bé, són 12 cançons, 4...

Well, there are 12 songs, 4...

13 cançons, 4 intros amb el que explico en cada bloc de cançons que vaig treure, doncs,

13 songs, 4 intros with what I explain in each block of songs that I released, so,

que estava vivint.

that was living.

Totes les cançons tenen videoclip, no?

All the songs have a music video, right?

Per mi va molt lligat, com aquesta cosa de la imatge i el so, vull dir, poder expressar

For me, it is very much linked, like this thing of image and sound, I mean, being able to express.

i poder...

and to be able to...

I la portada, perquè també fas tu les portades, potser?

And the cover, because you also make the covers, perhaps?

No totes.

Not all.

No totes, però algunes sí.

Not all, but some yes.

Algunes sí.

Some yes.

I bé, amb això vaig crear una banda, també, amb gent del poble, gent que coneixia, per

And well, with this I created a band, too, with people from the village, people I knew, to

poder cantar aquestes cançons, i a part d'això, doncs tinc un grup d'animació infantil, que

being able to sing these songs, and apart from that, I have a children's entertainment group, which

són els Escarbats, que mola molt, de veritat, i també fem cançons pròpies i...

they are the Beetles, which is really cool, honestly, and we also make our own songs and...

Escarbats per...

Beetles for...

Que fas versions dels Beatles, no?

You do covers of the Beatles, right?

Sí, versionem algunes cançons dels Beatles.

Yes, we cover some songs by the Beatles.

Després estic amb un grup que és com de versions, però que fem el que...

Afterwards, I am with a group that is like a cover band, but we do what...

Més o menys el que volem, que és els unicornios locos, que és això que també improvisem i...

More or less what we want, which is the crazy unicorns, which is also something we improvise and...

Ah, mira, com aquí.

Ah, look, like here.

Això és el que fem aquí.

This is what we do here.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Això ja sabem de què parles, ja.

We already know what you're talking about, yes.



I després també vaig entrar a una xaranga l'any passat, com per fer muntar un espectacle

And then I also joined a band last year, just to put together a show.

com de màgia.

like magic.

Que jo era un mag que feia funcionar la xaranga i no sé què, i hi havia com diferents gags

That I was a magician who made the band play and I don't know what, and there were like different gags.



Que bo.

How good.

I també estic en aquest projecte, i de moment, bé, ara la idea és seguir fent cançons,

And I am also in this project, and for now, well, the idea is to keep making songs,

seguir creant i seguir, no sé, no només és la música el que m'agrada, també m'agrada

to keep creating and to keep, I don't know, it's not just the music that I like, I also like

això, també m'agrada actuar, també m'agrada tot el que sigui show, espectacle...

I also like to act, I also like anything that is show, spectacle...



Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Tiraràs pel show, vaja.

You will go for the show, right.

Sí, a mi m'encanta.

Yes, I love it.

Jo estic sempre obert i soc força creatiu i sempre estic rumiant projectes i coses, aleshores

I am always open and quite creative, and I am always pondering projects and things, so then

no sé per on sortiré.

I don't know where I'll come out.



Que has estudiat?

What have you studied?

O tens quina...

Or you have which...

Som un estudiant...

We are a student...



Sí, autodidacte de la vida i vaig començar...

Yes, self-taught in life and I started...

Tinc un grau superior d'esports, que el vaig fer per fer alguna cosa i passar-m'ho bé.

I have a higher degree in sports, which I did to do something and have fun.

I després vaig començar a treball social i el tercer any, que ho tenia força encarrilat,

And then I started social work and by the third year, I had it quite on track.

ho vaig deixar tot, però vaig deixar la feina, vaig deixar la carrera, vaig deixar l'envol,

I left everything, but I left my job, I left my studies, I left my surroundings.

que jugava en vol...

that played in flight...

Que és quan vas anar en viatge.

What is when you went on a trip.

I sí, va ser l'any següent que ho vaig deixar tot, vaig deixar el grup, que tenia un grup

And yes, it was the following year that I left everything, I left the band, as I had a band.

que es deia La Barraca, que era molt guai, així, tipus, riguescar, fusió, tipus, una raït,

that was called La Barraca, which was very cool, like, a kind of, risqué, fusion, like, a ray,

així, molt xulo.

cool, very cool.

Ho vaig deixar tot i vaig començar a muntar-me jo i a entendre que volia jo, una vegada despullat,

I left everything and began to put myself together and to understand what I wanted once I was stripped bare.

o sigui, figuradament, que volia fer amb la meva vida.

In other words, what I wanted to do with my life.



Que volia fer amb la meva vida i amb aquest viatge vaig descobrir que la música, que

What I wanted to do with my life and with this journey I discovered that music, that

la gent i que tota aquesta cosa de transmetre i d'actuar és el que em flipava i ja, per

the people and that all this thing of transmitting and acting is what amazed me and that's it, for

això estic...

this is what I am...

A tope, a tope amb això.

Full speed ahead with this.

A tope.

Full throttle.

Molt bé.

Very good.



Doncs vinga, Anna, a la teva secció.

Well then, Anna, to your section.

Doncs vinga, m'espero música.

Well then, I'm waiting for music.

Sempre, sempre.

Always, always.

Home, aquesta cançó l'hem d'estar a l'Empordà gravant un cap de setmana sense dormir.

Man, we must be in the Empordà recording this song on a weekend without sleep.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Em sap millor.

I'm sorry to hear that.

Ens en vam anar, vam fer una mica d'estàix.

We left, we did a bit of a standoff.

Una mica d'estàix, sí, sí.

A little bit of stash, yes, yes.



I amb la gorra al revés.

And with the cap on backwards.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

I vam estar aquí amb el pianillo, amb la caida.

We were here with the little piano, with the fall.

La base aquesta.

This base.

És com...

It's like...

És clar, tot un cap de setmana.

Of course, an entire weekend.

Vinga, tots.

Come on, everyone.




Come on.

Vinga, el racó curiós de l'Anna.

Come on, Anna's curious corner.

Anna, endavant.

Anna, go ahead.

Doncs vinga, ara descobrirem una curiositat teva.

Well then, now we will discover a curiosity of yours.

Té, té, té, té.

Have, have, have, have.

Una raresa, una curiositat.

A rarity, a curiosity.

La portes pensada, sí?

You're thinking about it, right?



És que va.

It's just that it goes.

Justament està molt, molt...

Just now it is very, very...

Bé, jo...

Well, I...

Justament li explicava una mica, tinc una cosa, un toc pràcticament podria dir, que

I was just explaining to him a little, I have something, a touch you could almost say, that

la música és el que més m'agrada.

Music is what I like the most.



Sempre que menjo, sempre que vaig a fer un àpat, trec el pot d'olives.

Whenever I eat, whenever I go to have a meal, I take out the jar of olives.

Potser no menjo olives, però està el pot d'olives.

Maybe I don't eat olives, but there's the jar of olives.

Però hi és.

But it is there.

Hi és el pot d'olives.

Hi, it’s the jar of olives.

I ara, ara estava vivint sol i just ve aquest amic, ve a viure amb mi.

And now, I was living alone and just this friend comes, comes to live with me.

I va portar una compra, no sé què, haurà d'anar a veure i diu, jo què fots amb tants

He brought a purchase, I don't know what, he will have to go see and says, what the hell do I do with so many.

pots d'olives?

olive jars?

Clar, els obres, quan els pos a taula, els obres...

Of course, you open them, when you put them on the table, you open them...



No sé si menjaré olives.

I don't know if I will eat olives.

Són plens d'olives.

They are full of olives.

Queden oberts.

They remain open.

Llavors queden...

Then there are...

I cada cop que vaig a comprar...

And every time I go shopping...

Jo penso que no tinc olives a casa.

I think I don't have olives at home.

I compres olives i tens tot l'armari ple d'olives.

And you buy olives and have the entire pantry full of olives.

I vaig treure'ls i el teu company et va agafar un i va dir, no, no es toca, només són per

I took them out and your friend grabbed one and said, no, you can't touch them, they are only for

si de cas.

if applicable.

Per si de cas.

Just in case.

Queden bé amb una taula.

They look good with a table.

Queden bé.

They look good.

Sempre, sempre.

Always, always.

És el verd aquest, maco, com el de la gorra.

It's this green one, nice, like the one on the cap.


I have.

Sempre compres les mateixes?

Do you always buy the same ones?

O vas variant?

Or are you changing?

Les patxes.

The patches.

No sé, sí.

I don't know, yes.





Farcides de xova.

Stuffed with pork.



Aquí quan s'estira en Xavi, cada cop s'estira...

Here, when Xavi stretches, he stretches more each time...

Sí, poso unes de molt bones.

Yes, I put on some very good ones.

Floig d'unes amb xova de veritat, que és una passada.

Weak of some with real chova, which is amazing.

És que les olives...

It's just that olives...

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Però mira, d'on...

But look, from where...

I són bones perquè porten nutrients, les olives.

And they are good because they contain nutrients, the olives.

Ara en traurem unes.

Now we will take out some.

Però no el pots menjar, eh?

But you can't eat it, okay?

Només les traurem per decorar.

We will only take them out to decorate.

El pot.

The jar.



Molt bé, doncs, tia.

Very well, then, aunt.

És bastant rar.

It's quite rare.

Ésa és boníssima.

That is very good.

És bona, sí.

It's good, yes.

Jo tinc un amic que per exemple té fòbia a les olives.

I have a friend who, for example, is afraid of olives.

és molt estrany això també

this is very strange too

és molt estrany

it's very strange

desconfio d'aquest amic

I distrust this friend.

exacte, sí, sí

exactly, yes, yes

tu estàs més o menys allà

you are more or less there



i quan vas al restaurant demanes

And when you go to the restaurant, you order.

una tapeta d'olives

a plate of olives

no me la cobri, que potser no em menjo

Don't charge me for it, because I might not eat it.

jo demano olives

I ask for olives.

i si no te les porten, què?

And if they don't bring them to you, what?

tac d'ansietat allà, tot bé, no?

Spot of anxiety over there, everything okay, right?

he tingut problemes

I have had problems.

o miro

I look at myself.

el del costat i em relaxo

the one next to me and I relax

i t'agraden més les farcides

and you prefer the stuffed ones more

o la d'en Pinyol?

or the one from Pinyol?

si has de triar en un restaurant, per exemple

if you have to choose in a restaurant, for example

és que depèn

it depends

les d'en Pinyol també tenen aquesta cosa

Pinyol's ones also have this thing.

com més natural

the more natural

sí, sí

yes, yes

saps que va venir aquí l'Arnau París

Do you know that Arnau París came here?

i ens va dir que una de les proves

and he told us that one of the tests

per veure si un restaurant era bo

to see if a restaurant was good

era demanar abans unes olives

I was asking for some olives earlier.

i si et fotien unes olives bones

And if they gave you some good olives?

volia dir que allò la tocaven

I wanted to say that they touched her.

hi ha altres proves

there are other tests

els vins

the wines



els plats

the dishes

no traiem aquest tema

let's not bring up this topic

canvi, canvi

change, change

molt bé, doncs a veure

very well, let's see then

parlant de menjar i d'olives

talking about food and olives

tens algun ritual o superstició abans de sortir a l'escenari?

Do you have any rituals or superstitions before going on stage?



abans t'he preguntat si menjaves abans o després

I asked you earlier if you ate before or after.

m'has dit que abans no menjaves

You told me that you didn't eat before.

però alguna superstició que tingui a veure o no

but some superstition that may or may not be related

amb el menjar?

with the food?

no, és que, bueno

no, it's just that, well

intento estar el més tranquil possible

I try to stay as calm as possible.

no menjo, no bec

I don't eat, I don't drink.

sobretot això de...

especially this about...

no beus en general?

Do you not drink in general?

no bec en general

I don't drink in general.

però abans del concert

but before the concert

no puc beure

I can't drink.

no, no, no

no, no, no

jo tampoc

me neither

molt concentrat i molt

very concentrated and very

jo si bec aquí

I do drink here.

m'equivoco de tecles, tio

I'm pressing the wrong keys, man.



sí, sí, igual

yes, yes, the same

però és com supermental

but it's like supermental

perquè al final

because in the end

em prenc una cervesa

I'm having a beer.

o una copa de vi

or a glass of wine

no pas cervesa

don't drink beer

es nota, es nota, eh?

You can tell, you can tell, right?

la cosa

the thing

però quan has de fer alguna cosa

but when you have to do something

i estàs amb aquesta tensió

and you are with this tension

és com...

it's like...

et sembla que una cervesa

do you think a beer?

et puja més

it raises you more

del que realment està

of what is really

i llavors?

And then?

mira que hi ha grups, tio

Look at all the groups, man.

de música

of music

que jo he vist que

that I have seen that


they were going out

que no sabien

that they did not know

ni com havien entrat a l'escenari

nor how they had entered the stage

jo per exemple

I for example

tinc el company

I have the partner.

amb el que cantava

with what he/she sang

amb el grup aquest de la barraca

with this group from the barraca

ell entre cometes

he in quotes

necessitava aquesta cervesa

I needed this beer.

per una mica

for a bit

com desinhibir-se

how to let loose

i a mi aquesta cervesa

and this beer to me

et deixa cau

it lets you fall

et deixa fora

it leaves you out

sí, sí, sí

yes, yes, yes

et deixa fora

it leaves you out

a veure

let's see

el teu




el teu


guilty pleasure

guilty pleasure

ho he dit bé?

Did I say it correctly?

som una mica millennials

we are a bit millennials


guilty pleasure

guilty pleasure

jo soc més millenial

I am more millennial.

aquell plat

that plate



que t'encanta

that you love

a nivell gastronòmic

at a culinary level

i a nivell musical

and on a musical level

aquell plat

that dish

que t'encanta

that you love

però et fa molta vergonya

but you are very embarrassed


to say

o aquella cançó

or that song

que te la poses sempre

that you always put it on

però no dius mai

but you never say

que la poses

that you put it

jo m'agrada

I like myself.

guilty pleasure

guilty pleasure

sembles jo

you look like me

pel francès

for the French



desastre, tio

disaster, dude

això és el que fem

this is what we do

en català

in Catalan

la protoculca

the protocol





és que tinc

it's that I have

una relació

a relationship



amb el menjar

with the food

és el que

it's what

sí, perquè abans

yes, because before

has comentat

you have commented

alguna cosa



no menges de tot

don't eat everything

a casa meva

at my house

som nou germans

we are new brothers



jo soc el petit

I am the small one.

de nou germans

again brothers





o sigui el petit

that is the little one

clar, no menjaves

sure, you weren't eating

no et deixaves?

Wouldn't you let yourself?

no menjaves

you weren't eating

o sigui

that is to say

a part de que

apart from that

t'havies d'espavilar

you had to pull yourself together



a part que jo havia de menjar

apart from what I had to eat

molt calent

very hot

perquè ma mare anava fent tall

because my mother was making a cut

i els anava tirant

and I was throwing them away

el primer menjar

the first meal

però has crescut

but you have grown

has crescut

you have grown

sí, sí

yes, yes

tots estem grans

we are all grown up

i amb salut

and with health

però aquesta cosa

but this thing

de restaurant

of restaurant

per exemple

for example

jo en la vida

me in life

hem anat a restaurants

we have gone to restaurants

perquè no he donat-hi

because I haven't given it there

d'anar a un restaurant

to go to a restaurant


of this

aleshores la relació

then the relationship

jo i restaurant

me and restaurant

és pràcticament

it is practically





estant a Ecuador

being in Ecuador

em vaig adonar

I realized.

en moments

in moments

d'estar sol

of being alone

i d'anar a menjar sol

and to go eat alone

i dir

and say

per què menjo?

Why do I eat?

o sigui

that is to say

sí, sí, sí

yes, yes, yes

òbviament, òbviament

obviously, obviously



em vaig adonar

I realized.

el vuitè dia

the eighth day

que no menjava

that he/she was not eating



era per això

it was for that reason

però per mi

but for me

tenia un sentit

it had a meaning

que no menjava

that I didn't eat



o sigui

that is to say

per mi

for me

menjar era

to eat was

estar rodejat

to be surrounded

quan ho reuniu tots

when you gather them all

a dinar

to have lunch

i tots

and all

que quan vius sol

that when you live alone

quan vius sol

when you live alone

ja menges qualsevol cosa

you eat anything

i a l'hora que vols

and at the time that you want

encara no havia entès

I still hadn't understood.

aquest concepte

this concept

que menjar

what to eat

és una manera

it's a way


of loving you

que menjar

what to eat

és una manera

it's a way

de cuidar-te

to take care of you

que menjar

what to eat

és salut

it is health

que menjar

what to eat

és moltes coses

it is many things

una nuve

a cloud

un fosquito

a little mosquito

i un tigretón

and a tigretón

no val com a menjar

it is not worth as food

no, no és salut mental

no, it's not mental health

ni és salut

nor is it health

de cap tipus

of any kind



no sé

I don't know.

per mi

for me

com això

with this

com un menjar especial

like a special meal

que et diria

what I would tell you

és una cosa

it is one thing

que se'n va

he/she is leaving

a l'emocional

to the emotional

a un record

to a memory

els macarrons

the macaroni

del diumenge

of Sunday

de la mama

from the mom

t'haig de dir

I have to tell you.

que aquesta no era la pregunta

that this was not the question

la pregunta era

the question was

un menjar

a meal



és interessant

it's interesting

el que està

the one that is

és que ara

it's just that now

m'estic imaginant

I'm imagining.

és que m'estic imaginant

I'm just imagining.

ara a la taula

now at the table

de quan la mare

from when the mother

devia dir a dinar

I must have said at lunch.

i tots allà

and everyone there

nou fills

nine children

i lavabos

and the restrooms



quan un estava al lavabo

when one was in the bathroom

hi havia una cua

there was a queue

hi havia cua

there was a queue





que era

what it was

la meva anava a cara

my it was face

anava molt a cara

it was very face-up

i a nivell musical

and on a musical level

una cançó que et posis

a song that you play for yourself

però no la comparteixis

but don't share it

perquè et fa una mica

because it makes you a little

de coseta

little body

jo què sé

I don't know.

no sé

I don't know.





he deixat

I have left.



però a mi

but to me

un Alex Oago

an Alex Oago

un Sam Perea

a Sam Perea



no sé raro

I don't know, it's strange.

per mi

for me

no sé raro

I don't know, strange.

quants anys tens

how old are you



però ets més jove

but you are younger

jo tinc 38

I am 38.

hòstia però

holy shit but

clar però és el petit dels germans

of course but he is the youngest of the brothers

vull dir que clar

I mean that of course.

ja n'havia

I already had it.

clar ja ho havies mamat a casa

of course, you had learned it at home



ho escoltaves de fons això

you were listening to this in the background

a mi aquestes músiques romàntiques

I like these romantic songs.

que et trencaven el cor

that broke your heart

Alex Lombago

Alex Lombago

ara ho he deixat

Now I've quit.

Alex Lombago

Alex Lombago

sí sí

yes yes

les he anat deixant

I have been leaving them.

perquè també no és salut

because it is also not healthy





el fosquitos de la música

the little flashlights of music

hòstia total

total host

sí sí

yes yes




Well done!

molt bé doncs

very well then

eren més preguntes

there were more questions

a nivell de menjar

in terms of food

però bueno

but well

si vols no es contesten

if you want, they don't answer

tira tira

pull pull

com posaries més fantasia

how would you add more fantasy

a la cuina catalana

to Catalan cuisine

molt orgullosos

very proud

els nostres plats tradicionals

our traditional dishes

però hi ha qui diu

but there are those who say

que a vegades

that sometimes

li falta una mica

he is missing a little bit

de diversió

for fun

de color

of color


above all

jo tenia

I had

els rostits

the roasts

tot això al final

all this in the end

tot acaba

everything ends



el catalanisme


i després encara més

and then even more





bon titular

good headline

sí m'encanta

Yes, I love it.

jo tenia

I had

tinc una

I have one.

una amiga

a friend



que és

what is it

que vaig conèixer

that I met







estava molt fotuda

she was very upset

en el tema

in the subject

de l'alimentació conscient

of conscious eating

i tal

and such

i dels dejuds

and of the debts



com a purificació

as purification

com tota aquesta muda

with all this silence

i parlava

and I was speaking

de la importància

of the importance

del color

of the color

en el menjar

in the food

com d'haver un plat

as if having a dish



i no sé

and I don't know

el pebrot

the pepper

i tal

and such

i pebrot vermell

and red pepper

i pebrot verd

and green pepper

i l'aguacate

and the avocado

i el

and the

que brilli

let it shine

que et faci

that it makes you

una amanida

a salad

el verd

the green

el taronja

the orange

de la pastanaga

of the carrot





com tots aquests colors

like all these colors



i tu tens un sentit

and you have a sense

tenen aquests colors

they have these colors

perquè sí

just because





jo li posaria

I would put it to him/her.

més cosa

more thing

és que jo soc molt fan

It's just that I'm a big fan.

de les amanides

of the salads


I love it.

les amanides

the salads


I love it.

com la cosa crua

with the raw thing

com el menjar

like the food

com cosa crua

as a raw thing








the avocado


I am

torna loco

drives you crazy


the avocado

i l'advocat

and the lawyer

que era per cert

what it was for sure

ara hi ha un cultiu

now there is a crop


of lawyers



n'hi ha aquí a Catalunya

there is here in Catalonia

que és important

what is important

que un dia el portem al programa

that one day we take him to the program



està molt bé

it's very good


the lawyer

però clar

but of course

si fot aquí un quilo

if it stinks here a kilo

de carosser

of bodywork

a cada peça

to each piece



molt bé

very good

aleshores jo li posaria

then I would put it to him/her

com més

the more

més color

more color





un moment

one moment




the species



la teva secció

your section

les meves espècies

my species



m'ho sento

I'm sorry.

la secció

the section

passa-li el guió

give him the script


come on

a la secció del moment especials

to the section of special moments

que la farà avui

What will she do today?



el nostre convidat

our guest

avui inaugurarem

today we will inaugurate

la nova secció

the new section

que es diu

what is it called

el moment especial

the special moment

i està patrocinat

and is sponsored

per especials

for specials

els mix d'espècies

the mix of spices

que revolucionen

that revolutionize

la nostra cuina

our kitchen

i el nostre podcast

and our podcast

100% ecològiques

100% ecological



i sense gluten

and without gluten

fetes per l'Arnau París

made by Arnau París

que ell sí

that he does

que ens va revolucionar

that revolutionized us

el programa

the program

molt bé

very good

ja tens la palca

you already have the palca

ja està

it's done

la intro

the intro

l'Arnau París

Arnau París

ens hi pugem la quota

we raise the fee



jo vull la comissió

I want the commission.

ja ho sé

I already know.

ja ho parlarem

We'll talk about it later.

va doncs vinga

Alright then, come on.

un viatge especial

a special trip

que vulguis fer

what you want to do

o que hagis fet

or what you have done

vinga va

come on

ara sí

now yes

ara per fi

now at last

el viatge

the journey

resumint molt

summarizing a lot

perquè és que

because it is that

si no

if not

puc estar

I can be

moltes hores

many hours

vaig fer un àlbum

I made an album.

de música

of music


imagine yourself



el 2019


vaig marxar 6 mesos

I left for 6 months.

a Sud-amèrica

to South America

amb un amic

with a friend

amb dos

with two

el que passa que

what happens is that

m'ho va estar només un mes

it was only a month for me

però hem estat 6 mesos

but we have been 6 months





abans de




abans de la pandèmia

before the pandemic

de gener a juliol

from January to July

hem estat a Equador

we have been to Ecuador

Perú i Bolívia

Peru and Bolivia

i va ser

and it was

un viatge d'aquests

a trip like that

que ho flipes

that you freak out

perquè Sud-amèrica

because South America

és meravellosa

it is wonderful

amb una motxilla

with a backpack

una motxilla

a backpack

la guitarreta

the little guitar



vam entrar

we entered

en aquesta onda

on this wave



llavors ell feia malabars

then he was juggling

feia macramé

I was doing macramé.

feia tal

it was such

jo anava amb la guitarreta

I was going with the little guitar.

i anava pels restaurants

I was going around the restaurants.



és una onda

it's a wave

que aquí ja no es porta molt

that it's not very popular here anymore

però allà encara

but there still

és el tema

it is the theme

d'anar al faro

to go to the lighthouse

d'anar al semàfor

to go to the traffic light

i fer malabars

and to juggle

d'anar als restaurants

to go to restaurants

i tocar un parell de cançons

and play a couple of songs

i passar la gorra

and pass the cap

i va ser

and it was

com aquesta experiència

with this experience


of oysters

puc viatjar

I can travel.

puc guanyar diners

I can make money.

a l'hora que estic viatjant

at the time I am traveling

pagar-me el menjar

pay me for the food


pay me

un hotel

a hotel

perquè tot allò

because all of that

és super barat

it's super cheap

i viatjo

and I travel



a cost zero

at zero cost

allà s'estira una mica

over there, it stretches a bit

perquè aquí

because here

em sembla

it seems to me

que som més agarrats

that we are more stubborn

però al final

but in the end

és com una cosa

it's like something

que necessites menys

what you need less of

i també

me too

et donen

they give you

és el just

it is just

per això

for that reason



i vaig tornar

I returned.

al juliol

in July

vaig estar 6 mesos aquí

I was here for 6 months.

i vaig dir

I said

no sé què fer amb la meva vida

I don't know what to do with my life.

no tinc gens clar

I don't have it clear at all.

cap on tirar

can't throw away

em va seduir molt

it seduced me a lot

aquesta idea

this idea

de viatjar

to travel

i d'anar tocant la guitarra

and playing the guitar

i anar-me guanyant la vida

and earning my living

i vaig tornar

I returned.

a anar a Ecuador

to go to Ecuador

amb la idea

with the idea

de pujar a Colòmbia

to go up to Colombia

que no havia estat

that had not been

amb això

with this

que el

that the

això va ser el 2020

that was in 2020

amb això que el març de 2020

with this that March 2020

va saltar una cosa

something jumped up

que es diu

what is it called

com era?

What was it like?

no en recordem

we don't remember it

ni ho diem

neither do we say it

no ho volem dir

we don't want to say it

jo ho recordo

I remember it.

jo recordo molt l'amor

I remember love very much.

perquè va ser

because it was

em va passar allà

it happened to me there

i en un moment

and at one moment

vaig trobar

I found.

un loquito francès

a crazy Frenchman

que em va

that suits me

just en el moment

just at the moment

una setmana abans

a week before

em va estar parlant

he was talking to me

d'un poble

of a village

que era preciós

that was precious

que no sé què

that I don't know what

que la platja

that the beach

que la gent

that the people

que no


els hippies

the hippies

estava com un viajero

I was like a traveler.

i va saltar això

and that jumped

i va dir

and he said

jo me piro a este pueblo

I'm getting out of this town.

tu fes el que vulguis

you do what you want

i jo era

and I was

o tornar aquí

or return here

a la capital

to the capital

o anar a casa meva

or go to my house

perquè és que no

because it is not

per estar tancat

for being closed

a una ciutat

to a city

estic a la meva ciutat

I am in my city.

o anar amb aquest loquito

or go with this little crazy one

i efectivament

and indeed

vaig anar

I went

amb aquest loquito

with this little crazy one

van passar moltes coses

many things happened

entre d'elles

among them


I go

vaig viure

I lived

durant molts mesos

for many months

en la màxima

at the maximum

com diria

how would you say







la meva casa

my house

eren quatre parets

there were four walls

no tenia porta

it had no door

no tenia finestres

it had no windows

era una taula

it was a table

no tenia llum

I had no light.

dos veles

two candles

la guitarra

the guitar

per sort tenia un veí

Fortunately, I had a neighbor.



bueno tenia el lavabo

Well, I had the bathroom.

tenia això

I had this.

tenia electricitat

it had electricity

la meva veïna

my neighbor

la dona Glòria

the woman Glòria

que també ens cuidava molt

who also took great care of us

i de tant en tant ens cuinava

and every so often she would cook for us

i ens deixava la cuina

and would leave us the kitchen

però cuinàvem a foc

but we cooked over a fire

o sigui havíem d'encendre

that is to say we had to light

un foc

a fire

cada cop

every time

cada cop que cuinàvem

each time we cooked

vull dir

I mean

imagina't el rotllo

imagine the hassle

la cosa és que estava amb res

the thing is that I was with nothing

però lliure

but free

perquè jo podia anar a la platja

because I could go to the beach

podia no sé què

I could not know what.

vull dir

I mean

allò era un rotllo

that was a drag

no hi havia confinament

there was no lockdown

no hi havia

there was not

toque de queda


que no sé què

I don't know what.



que no hi havia ni policia

that there was neither police

llavors era la gent del poble

then it was the people of the village


telling you

vete a casa

go home

vete a tu

go away to you

era una mica així

it was a bit like this

i amb això

and with this

que bueno

how good

la vida d'una volta

the life of a time

al final vaig sortir d'aquest poblet

In the end, I left this little village.

vaig anar viatjant

I went traveling.

i em vaig conèixer

and I met myself

no és un xist

it's not a joke

un català

a Catalan

un basqui

a basque

i un

and a

de la divisa

of the currency



a un poblet

to a small village

de la muntanya

of the mountain

sí, sí

yes, yes

amb dos amigues italianes

with two Italian friends

que vam fer també

that we also did

d'aquell poblet

from that little village

i vam dir

and we said

el català

the Catalan

que era el Javi

who Javi was

que va comprar una paella

that bought a paella

una paella gigante

a giant paella

a la platja

to the beach

y la liamos

and we messed it up

y con la música

and with the music

i el noi

and the boy

tenia un altaveu

I had a loudspeaker.

i la guitarra

and the guitar

i la liamos

And we messed it up.

i fem no sé què

and we make I don't know what

vaig dir

I said


come on

jo he estat a un poblet

I have been to a small village.

que és super preciós

it is super precious



però vinga

but come on

anem cap allà

let's go there

amb això

with this

que un dels meus col·legues d'allà

that one of my colleagues from there

tenia un

I had a

com un hostal

like a hostel

a primera línia de mar

at the seaside

allà just

right there

hi havia un restaurant

there was a restaurant

que havia tancat

that had closed

per la pandèmia

for the pandemic

i quan vam arribar

And when we arrived

amb la paella

with the frying pan

no sé què

I don't know what.

el tio aquest

this guy

va agafar


la dueña del lugar

the owner of the place

i va dir

and he/she said

era justament

it was exactly

era carnaval

it was carnival

i era els primers cops

and it was the first times

com que s'estava obrint

as it was opening

coses pel turisme

things for tourism

i li va estar menjant l'olla

and he was eating the stew

a la propietària

to the owner

no sé què

I don’t know what.



que vam obrir

that we opened

un restaurant

a restaurant

de la notxa a la mañana

from night to morning



patates braves

spicy potatoes





música en viu

live music

primer cop que es feia

first time it was done

música en viu

live music

des de feia un any

for a year now



i bueno

And well.

una altra cosa no

anything else no





si hi ha alguna cosa

if there is anything

que sabem aquí

what we know here

és de festes

it's party time

vull dir

I mean

ningú ens guanya festes

nobody beats us at parties

això era

this was

amb el divís a menys

with the divisor at less



amb el divís a menys

with the division at less

no no no

no no no

és que

it's that

però això el català

but this is Catalan

ho tenia

I had it.

no en plan

not in plan

hi haurà molta gent

there will be a lot of people

que s'ho passa bé

that has a good time

però la gent ve aquí

but people come here

per alguna cosa

for some reason

i és perquè ens ho sabem

And it's because we know it.

com és

how is it

no sé com era l'ambient

I don't know what the atmosphere was like.



llavors era paella

then it was paella

llavors em vaig inventar

then I made it up

el brillant nom

the brilliant name

del poble

of the village

es diu Allampe

it's called Allampe

va anar amb paella

he went with a frying pan

al restaurant es deia

at the restaurant it was called

Paella Ampe

Ampe Paella



molt bé

very good

encara existeix?

Does it still exist?

no perquè va acabar

no because it ended

una mica com el Rosari

a bit like the Rosary

de l'Aurora

of the Aurora

tot gravat

everything recorded

perquè va durar sis mesos

because it lasted six months

però clar

but of course

obrir un restaurant

to open a restaurant


from there

dos dies vam fer

we spent two days

mil i pico dòlars

a thousand and a bit dollars

que no havíem vist això

that we hadn't seen this

en molt de temps

in a long time

i va ser com

and it was like



doncs venim aquí

so we come here

ens instal·lem

we settle in

i obrim el restaurant

and we open the restaurant

i parlant de restaurants

And talking about restaurants

hòstia això no hi havia caigut

Wow, I hadn't thought of that.

jo vaig obrir un restaurant

I opened a restaurant.

i vaig dir

I said



i atari

and Atari

entre cometes

"in quotes"

d'un restaurant

from a restaurant

i feien paella

and they made paella

feien comida espanyola

they were making Spanish food

per tenir una relació

to have a relationship

rara de menjar

rare to eat



ets propietari

you are the owner

d'un restaurant

of a restaurant

has menjat paella

Have you eaten paella?

molt de temps

a long time

i clar

and of course

tot el que era

everything that was

el marisc


i peix

and fish



perquè anàvem

because we were going

era sis del matí

It was six in the morning.

anàvem allà

we were going there

al port

to the port

i compraven

and they were buying



i estava molt bo

it was very good

i va ser com

and it was like

una experiència heavy

a heavy experience

i va ser això

And that was it.

de dormir al terra

to sleep on the floor

obrir un restaurant

to open a restaurant

i llavors vaig tornar aquí

and then I came back here

i va ser

and it was

tota la moda

all the fashion

de fer l'àlbum

of making the album

de fer la música

of making music

i d'explicar tot això

and to explain all of this

perquè era

because it was

com s'havia d'explicar

as it had to be explained

molt bona

very good

que bo

how good



va ara

go now

les següents

the following

una mica més ràpides

a little faster

anem una mica

let's go a little bit

malament de temps

bad weather

un restaurant

a restaurant

que sigui realment especial

that it be really special

per tu

for you

o algun que t'agradi

or someone you like

o que hagis d'anar

or wherever you have to go

o que abrís

or that you open

paella amb pe

paella with fish

és el més especial

it's the most special

home el seu restaurant

man his restaurant

no va

it doesn't work

no tothom practica

not everyone practices

un restaurant

a restaurant

jo si obrís un restaurant

If I opened a restaurant.

també diria

I would also say.

que el meu

that my

és el més especial

it is the most special

un plat especial

a special dish

i un plat

and a dish

que no te l'ha dit gens

that he/she hasn't told you at all



plat especial

special dish

és cutre

it's tacky.

és d'això

it's that

però a mi la pizza

but for me the pizza

em flipa

I love it.

i m'encanta

I love it.

i això

and this

i diria també

I would also say.


the salad

les amanides

the salads

qualsevol amanida

any salad

una bona pizza

a good pizza

sí sí

yes yes

però vull dir

but I mean

que és molt bàsic

that is very basic

però és que ja et dic

but I'm telling you already

amb el menjar

with the food

sóc bastant

I am quite

i els pizzallolos

and the pizzallolos

diuen que

they say that

una bona margarita

a good daisy

deixa d'estar

stop being

de la resta

of the rest

sí sí sí

yes yes yes

és que un bon tomàquet

it's a good tomato

i un bon formatge

and a good cheese

i un que no te l'ha dit gens

and one that hasn't told you anything at all

l'altre dia

the other day

vaig descobrir

I discovered

que pensava

what I thought

que la coliflor

that the cauliflower

i el bròcoli

and the broccoli

eren el mateix

they were the same

i no

and no

no són el mateix

they are not the same


they resemble

però no són iguals

but they are not the same

i em va decepcionar

and it disappointed me

estar en la coliflor

to be in the cauliflower

perquè sempre

because always

sempre menjo per sopar

I always eat for dinner.

sempre em faig una

I always make one for myself.

i què et va decepcionar?

And what disappointed you?

la coliflor

the cauliflower

em vull una mica de bròcoli

I want some broccoli.

una truita de formatge

a cheese omelette





i el bròcoli

and the broccoli

però no té tant de color

but it doesn't have much color



més blanc


clar clar

clear clear

el lloc més especial

the most special place

per fer una copa de vi

to have a glass of wine

per tu

for you


I go

quan em van passar

when they passed me

la pregunta

the question

vaig pensar

I thought

per la platja

to the beach

s'ha de dir

it must be said

que no passem cap pregunta

that we don't miss any question

només passem

we just pass



aquestes preguntes

these questions

perquè anem una mica

because we go a little

la resta

the rest

anem a pelo

let's go naked

sí sí

yes yes

que què dic

What do I say?



per mi

for me

un lloc

a place

un lloc íntim

an intimate place

a la muntanya

to the mountain

en un sofà

on a sofa

en un

in a

que hi hagi un finestral

that there is a window

que es puguin veure

that can be seen

les estrelles

the stars

però a dins de casa

but inside the house

que faci una mica de fred

that it's a bit cold

perquè el vi

because the wine

sempre puja la temperatura

the temperature always rises

molt bé

very well


I imagine.

quin ingredient

which ingredient

no suportes

you can't stand

i quin

and which



el teu menjar

your food

una mica més especial

a little more special



la coliflor

the cauliflower

per dir alguna cosa

to say something

és que no hi ha cap

it's just that there isn't any


of this

que no

that no


of this

parada en tots

stop for everyone

els condiments

the condiments

i això

and this

i sí

and yes

i lo que fas

and what you do

jo l'advocat

I the lawyer

el fico tot arreu

I stick it everywhere.

l'advocat i olives

the lawyer and olives

i olives

and olives

a la taula

at the table



un detall

a detail

que faci especial

that makes special

un moment en un restaurant

a moment in a restaurant

o quin detall

Oh, what a detail!

quan tu tenies el restaurant

when you had the restaurant




very important

per mi

for me


very important

per mi

for me

és el tracte

it is the deal

molt bé

very well

estem d'acord

we agree

més enllà


o sigui

that is



que ha d'haver-hi

that must be there

un bon menjar

a good meal

i un bon vi

and a good wine

no sé què

I don't know what.

però quan vas a un restaurant

but when you go to a restaurant

i aquí

and here

no sé

I don't know.



m'ho trobo molt

I find it very...

de gent que no estima la vida

of people who do not love life

la gent que no estima

the people who do not love



i ostres

and oysters

ets el pont

you are the bridge

al final

in the end

tu pots estar molt bo

you can be very good

vas amb la cara

you go with the face

de pastanada

of carrot

de peix bullit

boiled fish

i d'això

and about that

a mi em genera una bajona

It brings me down.

pot estar molt bo el menjar

The food can be very good.

però si el tracte

but if the deal

no és bo

it's not good



bé Xavi

well Xavi

a la teva secció

to your section



em giro la gorra

I turn my cap around.

home gira-te-la

man, turn it around

per favor


va vinga

Come on.




take it off you

dels cascos abans

of the helmets before

mira el lluc

look at the pike

es veu el lluc ara

You can see the pike now.

molt bé

very well

una mica més

a little more

o sigui

that is to say

et queda bé així

It looks good on you like this.



bastant floweros

quite flowery

sí sí

yes yes

no ha costat no

it hasn't been difficult, has it?



va jo et faré

Okay, I will do it for you.

et plantejaré

I will propose to you.

diverses situacions

various situations

va això de la música

this is about the music

que tenies a l'altre

that you had on the other

et plantejaré diverses situacions

I will present you with various situations.

i tu m'has de dir

and you have to tell me

amb què us relaciones

what do you relate to

m'has de dir una cançó

You have to tell me a song.

i un plat

and a plate

m'ho intentaré

I will try it.



això és ràpid

this is quick

sí és super ràpid

yes, it's super fast

per un dia trist

for a sad day

una cançó i un plat

a song and a dish

per un dia trist

for a sad day

una cançó

a song

Alex Obago

Alex Obago

i un menjar a pizza

and a pizza to eat





per compensar

to compensate

sí sí sí

yes yes yes

per celebrar una victòria

to celebrate a victory


I would say.

no ho sé

I don't know.

pizza també val

pizza is also valid

sí ja

yes already

com un pica pica

like a snack

com braves

as brave


gummy candies


of this

i una cançó

and a song

viva la vida

long live life

de Coldplay

by Coldplay



a veure

let's see


holy shit

per declarar-se algú

to declare oneself

jo posaria

I would put.

de menjar

to eat

ha de ser el guiauger

it must be the guidebook

perquè l'important

because the important

és el missatge

it is the message

i les de Can Putades

and those from Can Putades

van venir

they came

i van dir sobretot

and they said above all

que no et deixés

that you wouldn't let me go

per huevos

for eggs

a les dents

to the teeth



i que no et deixés

and that it wouldn't let you

llavors també

then also





algú cru

someone raw

una amanida

a salad

de César

of Caesar

o algo així

or something like that



i la cançó

and the song

per declarar-se

to declare oneself

algú èpic

an epic someone



no ho sé

I don't know.

tiraré cap a casa meva

I'll head towards my home.

no sé

I don't know.

com un

like a

alguna cançó

some song

de Love of Lesbian

Love of Lesbian

de Sam Vincenç

of Saint Vincent

els Horts

the Gardens

molt bé

very well

per superar una ruptura

to overcome a breakup

al revés

the other way around

al contrari

on the contrary

per superar una ruptura

to get over a breakup

algú que t'empoderi

someone who empowers you






no ho sé

I don't know.



un full de xocolata

a sheet of chocolate

el dolç

the sweet

el públic també

the audience too

no sóc molt de dolç

I'm not very into sweets.

no sóc molt de

I'm not really into.


to eat



i això

and this

però de tant en tant

but from time to time

quan estic

when I am

una mica de bajona

a bit downhearted

em menjo els

I eat the

com es diu

how do you say

els Hagen Daz


aquest xocles

this shocker





de clàssic

of classic



de estar trist

of being sad

el sofà

the sofa

o davant de la nevera

or in front of the fridge

i vinga

and come on

em prenc la llista

I will take the list.

la essència de fer-ho de tant en tant

the essence of doing it from time to time

de pel·li americana

of American film

això és

this is



del crema de

of the cream of





dulce de leche

milk caramel



que eres bèstia

that you are a beast

ja és full equip aquest

this one is already fully equipped

i la pregunta quina era?

And what was the question?

per superar una ruptura

to get over a breakup

la cançó

the song

i la cançó

and the song

algo animat

something lively




alguna cançó de Van Boyuk

any song by Van Boyuk

jo diria

I would say

es compra cap a casa

It is bought towards home.


el secreto terrenal

the earthly secret


big hit





per motivar-te

to motivate you

abans d'un concert

before a concert

d'una actuació

of a performance

o venir a aquest podcast

or come to this podcast



per venir a aquest podcast

to come to this podcast

pots venir amb dejú

You can come on an empty stomach.

perquè el que t'omple

because what fills you

compartir amb vosaltres

share with you


it is




well done

que bonic

how beautiful

apunto un tanto

I score a point.


anava a dir

I was going to say



el menjar

the food





avui en Xavi

today Xavi

no s'ha estirat res

nothing has stretched



perquè sabia

because I knew



no era

it was not

que no era

that it was not

que era una mica especial

that was a little special

el menjar

the food



i l'última cançó

and the last song

que he escoltat

that I have heard

ha sigut paratzar

it has been a surprise

però ha sigut

but it has been

la de la potra salvaje

the wild mare



ha sigut paratzar

it has been a paratrooper




great song

un bon temazo

a great track

penso el mateix

I think the same.

per un matí

for a morning

de diumenge

of Sunday





unes patatetes

some little fries

unes olivetes

some little olives




look at them


to color them


I imagine

i amb estrès

and with stress



i no sé

and I don't know

alguna cosa


d'un tipus

of a type

Joan Colomo

Joan Colomo

alguna cançó

some song

de la d'Ocell

of the Bird

és d'aquí

he is from here

l'hem de portar

we have to take it



sóc força fan

I am quite a fan.

i m'agrada molt

I like it a lot.

com canta

how it sings

i com

and how

les seves cançons

their songs

em semblen

they seem to me

molt curioses

very curious

molt boniques

very beautiful



doncs mira

well, look

que és la veritat

What is truth?

són molt bé

they are very good

per un viatge en cotxe

for a road trip

un menjar

a meal

no es pot menjar

it cannot be eaten

mentre es condueixes

while driving





des de


ni menjar

neither eat

ni el mòbil

not even the mobile phone




to smoke

no ho sé

I don't know.





no fem res

we do nothing



ni beure

neither drink

home no

man no

ni beure

not drinking



els dona per fet ja

it takes for granted already

no poden ni beure abans

they can't even drink beforehand





per mi

for me

un viatge

a trip



o sigui

that is to say

el que és

what it is



el cotxe

the car

em genera

it generates me

com una cosa

like a thing

de viatge

on a trip

com una cosa

like a thing

de transport

of transport


of this



quan he fet

when I have done

llargs viatges

long journeys

doncs he escoltat

so I have listened

grups així

groups like that




they have me

que m'han marcat

that have marked me



com la raïd

with the raid

o com

or how


I listen to myself.

cançons de la barraca

songs of the shack

del meu antic grup

from my old group



m'agrada fer

I like to do.

com una mica

like a little

com aquestes regressions

with these regressions



sí diria

I would say.

qualsevol cançó de la raïd

any song of raïd

i menjar

and to eat

no sé

I don’t know.

alguna cosa per picar

something to nibble on

un fruit sec

a dried fruit

soc bastant amant

I am quite loving.

dels fruits secs

of dried fruits

ah mira

oh look

en Xavi també

Xavi too.

em surt de llimona

it comes out of lemon

després de dinar

after lunch

no has volgut mai?

Have you never wanted?



doncs tinc moltes llimones

well, I have a lot of lemons

a casa

at home

llimones i figues

lemons and figs

ell li fot una mica d'alcohol

he gives her a little alcohol

per això


la llimona

the lemon

ell vol de limonxero

he wants lemon liqueur



el limon fred

the cold lemon



molt bé doncs Lluc

very well then Lluc



un fort aplaudiment

a loud applause

per Lluc

for Lluc



moltes gràcies

thank you very much

bé amics

good friends

això és el més fresco

this is the coolest

és un podcast

it is a podcast

que parlem de gastronomia

let's talk about gastronomy

i de música

and of music

ens podeu veure

you can see us

a TikTok

a TikTok

i Instagram

and Instagram

i sentir

and feel

a totes les plataformes

to all platforms

de podcast

of the podcast



a totes

to all


come on

adeu amics

goodbye friends





i podcast

and podcast

adeu amics

goodbye friends



adeu amics

goodbye friends

Continue listening and achieve fluency faster with podcasts and the latest language learning research.