Com puc deixar de sentir-me inferior?

Jana Bosch Casellas

Ets la millor i ho saps.

Com puc deixar de sentir-me inferior?

Ets la millor i ho saps.

Bon dia!

Good morning!

Que tal esteu, noies?

How are you, girls?

A veure,

Let's see,

vaig a deixar una zona perquè penseu

I'm going to leave an area for you to think.

que esteu.

that you are.

O nois. Quan dic noies

Oh boys. When I say girls.

realment no

really not

parlo només per les noies, parlo per tothom.

I speak not only for the girls, I speak for everyone.

L'únic que em surt més

The only thing that comes to me more.

noies que nois.

girls than boys.

M'agrada més noies. Sí, noies

I like girls more. Yes, girls.

a partir d'ara inclourà a tothom.

From now on, it will include everyone.

Perquè clar,

Because of course,

noies també és només

girls it is also just

una franja

a streak


of age.

Llavors, comencem

Then, let's begin.

amb el podcast d'avui.

with today's podcast.

Primer de tot, en context actual,

First of all, in the current context,

perquè això s'ha de convertir en una

because this has to become a

nova categoria del podcast.

new category of the podcast.

Cada dia canvio i clar,

Every day I change and clarify,

vull que estiguem

I want us to be.

si estigueu

if you were

presents. Llavors, ara mateix

presents. Then, right now

torno a estar al meu cotxe, ja no estic a l'habitació.

I'm back in my car, I'm no longer in the room.





visc en una família de

I live in a family of

cinc persones i per tant

five people and therefore

és difícil

it's difficult



a vegades no hi hagi...

sometimes there isn't...

que no hi hagi ningú a casa.

that there is nobody at home.

Llavors, el podcast d'avui vosaltres

So, today's podcast is for you.

ja sabeu de què va. Jo també sé

you already know what it's about. I know too.

de què va. Però farem veure

what it's about. But we will pretend.

que no ho sabeu, d'acord? Perquè així

that you don't know, okay? Because like this

més emoció. Així que...

more emotion. So...

M'encanta donar clicopets al micròfon.

I love clicking on the microphone.



Com em deixo de sentir inferior?

How do I stop feeling inferior?

Però, primer de tot,

But first of all,

què vol dir sentir-se inferior?

What does it mean to feel inferior?

A veure, és una para...

Let's see, it's a word...

O sigui, és bastant lògic, no?

So, it's quite logical, isn't it?

Té lògica.

It makes sense.

Rallo, sentir-se inferior per mi

Rallo, feeling inferior to me.

és, literalment,

it is, literally,

estar en una habitació,

to be in a room,

en una habitació, en una...

in a room, in a...

Sí, en una habitació, en un lloc, en un espai,

Yes, in a room, in a place, in a space,

on dius

where do you say

que, literalment, tothom aquí

that, literally, everyone here

és millor que jo.

he is better than me.

Que pot ser que no ho sigui.

It may be that it isn't.

I pot ser que, a vegades, també sigui que

And it may be that sometimes it is also that

literalment tothom és millor que tu, perquè estàs

literally everyone is better than you, because you are

en un lloc de superdotat i estàs fent un examen de matemàtiques

in a gifted place and you are taking a math exam

i tu no ets superdotat. Però,

and you are not gifted. But,

no és el fet de...

it's not the fact that...

Bueno, és que tampoc és

Well, it’s just that it isn’t either.

fer, o sigui,

to do, I mean,

ser inferior, no ser

be inferior, not to be

superdotat ni res. Però, vull dir,

super gifted or anything. But, I mean,

no és el fet de

it is not the fact of

que tens menys

that you have less



o menys capacitats

or fewer abilities

per fer una cosa, sinó

to do one thing, but instead

és com el sentiment

it's like the feeling

de que et sents inferior a la resta

that you feel inferior to the rest

i de que la resta, per tant, són

and that the rest, therefore, are

superiors a tu.

superiors to you.

Què passa amb això? Et preguntaràs.

What's going on with this? You'll ask yourself.

Vale, diverses coses.

Okay, several things.

La primera de totes, que, òbviament,

The first of all, which, obviously,

la teva autoestima i tal

your self-esteem and such

no podrà estar

will not be able to be

del tot bé, no? Perquè

all good, right? Because

si et sents inferior tota l'estona

if you feel inferior all the time

comparant-te amb la resta,

comparing yourself with the rest,

no podràs,

you won't be able to,

o sigui, no podràs viure. És que,

that is to say, you won't be able to live. It's just that,

literalment, no podràs fer res perquè

literally, you won't be able to do anything because

pensaràs tota l'estona que

you will think all the time that

la resta són superiors a tu i, per tant,

the rest are superior to you and, therefore,

tenen més poder, tenen més opinió,

they have more power, they have more opinion,

tenen més veu, etcètera, etcètera.

they have more voice, etcetera, etcetera.

Llavors, no.

Then, no.

I, l'explicació

I, the explanation

sobre què és, comencem amb les solucions.

about what it is, let's start with the solutions.

Vale, primera de tot,

Okay, first of all,

la famosa frase de

the famous phrase of

No comparis!

Don't compare!

És que, encara que

It's just that, even though

sembla una tonteria, és bastant, o sigui, és molt real.

It seems silly, it's quite, I mean, it's very real.

No ens hauríem de comparar i tal.

We shouldn't compare ourselves and so on.

Però, esclar, què fas aquí?

But, of course, what are you doing here?

Que des de sempre ens comparem.

That we have always compared ourselves.

O sigui, literalment,

That is to say, literally,

quan tens un any, no, és que quan tens

when you are one year old, no, it's that when you are

dos mesos ja t'estan dient

two months they are already telling you

Ai, és que el meu nen

Oh, it's just that my boy

media tres centímetres

half three centimeters

i el teu mateix dos.

and your same two.

Vale, què passa amb això? Res, simplement

Okay, what's going on with this? Nothing, just

t'estàs comparant. No hi ha cosa bona ni cosa dolenta,

you're comparing yourself. There is no good thing or bad thing,

però t'estàs comparant. Llavors,

but you are comparing yourself. Then,

és normal que

it's normal that

al llarg de la teva vida

throughout your life

ens haguessis comparant, perquè t'has comparat

you would have compared us, because you have compared yourself

tota la teva vida i

your entire life and

és que el teu cap, jo crec que és, bueno, no sé si està

it's that your head, I think it's, well, I don't know if it's

puro o gramat o no, però jo crec que

pure or grammatical or not, but I believe that

el teu cap

your head

es compara, o sigui, es compara

it is compared, that is, it is compared

òbviament de manera

obviously in a way

inconscient, no? Llavors,

unconscious, right? Then,

què passa quan et compares?

What happens when you compare yourself?

Que estàs dient

What are you saying?

és que aquella persona

it's that person

és, és

it is, it is

és que aquella persona és més llesta,

it's that person is smarter,

és que aquella persona és més guapa,

it's just that that person is prettier,

és que aquella persona és

it's that person is

aquella persona és més

that person is more

en plan, no sé,

like, I don’t know,

o sigui, veus aquella persona d'allà?

So, do you see that person over there?

És que sí, que joer,

It's just that yes, damn it,

ojalà és tan guapa.

I wish she is so beautiful.

Vale, què estàs fent amb això?

Okay, what are you doing with that?



posant-te en una situació d'inferioritat

putting yourself in a position of inferiority

i tu sol. És que

And you alone. It's just that

aquest sentiment d'inferioritat

this feeling of inferiority

te'l poses tu sol, te l'apliques tu sol, perquè ningú

you put it on by yourself, you apply it by yourself, because no one

en el món t'ha posat el

the world has placed you the

sentiment d'inferioritat.

sense of inferiority.

Llavors, t'estàs comparant amb la gent

Then, you are comparing yourself to people.

i de què et serveix comparar-te?

And what good does it do you to compare yourself?

Et serveix d'alguna cosa?

Does it help you?

T'està ajudant a avançar

It's helping you to move forward.

amb la vida?

with life?

T'està ajudant a millorar?

Is it helping you improve?

T'està ajudant a aconseguir les teves metes?

Is it helping you achieve your goals?

T'està aconseguint? És que vaig veure

Are you succeeding? It's just that I saw

una cosa per TikTok que era

something for TikTok that was

com? Que només faràs dues

How? Are you only going to do two?

coses, o que

things, or what

et facin més ric, o que

make you richer, or that

et facin més

make you more

en plan, jod, però no jod,

In a way, wow, but not wow.

que et facin més bona

may they make you better

persona, vale? Llavors,

person, okay? So,

t'estàs ajudant a comparar-te?

Are you helping yourself to compare?

Ai que no!

Oh no!

Vale, també et dic, és molt fàcil

Okay, I'll also tell you, it's very easy.

dir, no et comparis, haha, però

say, don't compare yourself, haha, but

és que és una, o sigui,

it's that it's a, I mean,

és una lluita interna que té el teu cap

it's an internal struggle that your mind has

comparar-te, que és

to compare yourself, what is it

literalment, jo crec que

literally, I believe that

dins el cap hi ha dues persones.

Inside the head, there are two people.

Llavors, per una part, la part

Then, on one hand, the part

que vol comparar que ha sent inferior

that wants to compare that has felt inferior

i l'altra part, la que sap que no s'ha

and the other part, the one that knows that it hasn't

de comparar. Llavors,

to compare. Then,

dins el teu cap, sempre hi ha la

inside your head, there is always the

batalla entre aquestes dues persones, no?

battle between these two people, right?

Què passa?

What's happening?

Que, per exemple, escoltant podcast,

That, for example, by listening to podcasts,

estàs intentant

are you trying

que la baralla es decanti

let the cards fall where they may

cap a la

towards the

banda de la persona que vol

band of the person you want

deixar de comparar-se. Per què?

stop comparing yourself. Why?



estàs intentant millorar, estàs

you are trying to improve, you are

escoltant literalment un podcast que es diu

literally listening to a podcast called

com deixar-se de sentir inferior.

how to stop feeling inferior.

Estàs intentant, això està bé.

You are trying, that is good.



un cop sabent

once knowing

que la comparació no és bona i que costa de fer i tal,

that the comparison is not good and that it is difficult to make and so on,

literalment, intenta

literally, try

cada vegada que

every time that

et vingui dins el teu cap.

it comes to your mind.

Bua, és que aquella persona, no sé,

Wow, it's just that that person, I don't know,

que en comparació... No.

that in comparison... No.

Para ja.

Stop now.

O sigui, literalment és el que faig jo.

So, it's literally what I do.

És com, bua, és que

It's like, wow, it's just that

aquella persona, per exemple, oh,

that person, for example, oh,

és que és més llesta que jo. És que se li

It's just that she is smarter than me. It's just that it happens to her.

dóna més bé tirar la pilota.

It's better to throw the ball.

És que se li dóna més bé

It's just that it comes more naturally to him/her.

jugar a futbol. És que

play football. It's that

és més guapa. És que és més llesta.

She is more beautiful. It's just that she is smarter.

Literalment, cada vegada

Literally, every time.

que em ve un pensament d'aquests és com, prou.

When a thought like that comes to me, it's like, enough.

O sigui, literalment, ja estàs

So, literally, you are already there.

ja no. És que no em serveix de res

Not anymore. It's just that it doesn't help me at all.

comparar-me. Llavors,

compare me. Then,







molt amb el comparar-se.

very much with the comparison.

Deixa de pensar que quan

Stop thinking that when

aconseguiràs X cosa

you will achieve X thing

ja no seràs

you will no longer be

inferior. Llavors,

inferior. Then,

a què em refereixo amb això?

What do I mean by this?

Em refereixo a M.

I am referring to M.

No sé, per exemple.

I don’t know, for example.

Bua, és que si jo aconsegueixo

Wow, it's just that if I manage to

esforçar-me més i treure

to make more effort and to take out

notes de nou,

notes again,

ja em deixaré de sentir inferior.

I will stop feeling inferior.

No et deixaràs de sentir inferior

You will not stop feeling inferior.

per treure una nota de nou. No et deixaràs

To get a grade of nine. You won't let yourself.

de sentir inferior per pesar X quilos.

to feel inferior for weighing X kilograms.

No et deixaràs de sentir inferior

You won't stop feeling inferior.

per tirar, per xutar

to throw, to shoot

la pilota a l'esquerra, a la banda

the ball on the left, on the side

de no sé on.

from I don't know where.

Per què? Perquè és un sentiment.

Why? Because it is a feeling.

És una cosa més

It's one more thing.

deep, en plan, una cosa més

deep, like, one more thing

un sentiment. Llavors,

a feeling. Then,

si tu estàs dient

if you are saying

que per aconseguir

that to achieve

que deixaràs de sentir inferior en el moment

that you will stop feeling inferior in the moment

en el qual aconsegueixis allò, què passarà quan

in which you achieve that, what will happen when

aconsegueixis allò? Òbviament el teu

do you achieve that? Obviously yours

cap està acostumat a comparar-se. Està acostumat

no one is used to comparing themselves. They are used to it.

a dir que no...

to say no...

a dir que

to say that

ets inferior etc. Llavors, quan aconsegueixis

you are inferior etc. Then, when you achieve

allò, el teu cap bàsicament no farà pa!

That, your head basically won't make bread!

Doncs ho deixo de fer.

Then I'll stop doing it.

El teu cap seguirà fent-ho. I

Your boss will keep doing it. And

mentre va passant el temps

while time goes by

seguiràs dient, vale, doncs ara

you will keep saying, okay, then now

en lloc d'em

instead of them

ser quan, en plan,

to be when, like,

deixar de ser inferior, quan aconsegueixi

stop being inferior, when I succeed

un vuit i mig, serà

an eight and a half, it will be

quan aconsegueixi un nou, o quan aconsegueixi

when I get a new one, or when I achieve it

un deu.

a god.

Què passa? Que aconseguiràs

What's happening? You'll achieve it.

la màxima

the maximum

i seguiràs sentint-te inferior.

and you will continue to feel inferior.

Per tant, deixa de pensar

Therefore, stop thinking.

que quan aconseguiràs

when will you achieve

una X cosa acabaràs sent

you will end up being a X thing

igual a la resta.

the same as the rest.

Perquè és un sentiment.

Because it is a feeling.

No és una cosa física

It is not a physical thing.

ni una cosa tangible.

not a tangible thing.

És un sentiment.

It is a feeling.



relacionat amb això també,

related to this as well,

sigues conscient

be aware

de les coses que has aconseguit.

of the things you have achieved.

Per què? Per què no ser conscient de les coses

Why? Why not be aware of things?

que hem aconseguit i tal? Perquè llavors

what we have achieved and such? Because then

aquest sentiment de deixar, o sigui,

this feeling of letting go, I mean,

de pensar que quan aconseguiré

of thinking about when I will achieve

allò M

that M

ja no serà inferior,

it will no longer be inferior,

saps que has

you know that you have

aconseguit altres coses.

achieved other things.

I per tant, en lloc de mirar com

And therefore, instead of looking at how

cap amunt, en plan

head up, in a way

buà, és que si aconseguís allò no sé què,

well, it's just that if I were to achieve that thing, I don't know what,

és com

it's like

que en lloc de mirar,

that instead of looking,

de posar la mirada cap a

to focus the gaze towards

les coses que hauries d'aconseguir per ser no sé què,

the things you should achieve to be I don't know what,

per ser millor,

to be better,

pos la mirada cap a

put the gaze towards

l'altra banda, per mirar les coses que has

the other side, to look at the things you have

aconseguit, per ser

achieved, for being

la persona que ets ara, perquè realment

the person you are now, because really

és que, oh,

it's that, oh,

o sigui,

that is to say,

100% ets una persona

100% you are a person.



Llavors, has aconseguit moltes coses

Then, you have achieved many things.

encara que no t'ho creguis. És que fins

even if you don't believe it. It's just that until

i tot si són xorrades, vull dir,

and even if it's nonsense, I mean,

jo què sé. Que has aconseguit

I don't know. What have you achieved?

aprovar una recuperació de

approve a recovery of

mates, que has aconseguit

mates, what have you achieved

superar un problema, que has aconseguit

overcoming a problem that you have achieved

no sé, aprovar l'ESO,

I don't know, passing the ESO.

que has aconseguit

what have you achieved

trobar una feina, que has aconseguit

finding a job that you have achieved

no sé, mil coses.

I don't know, a thousand things.

Has aconseguit

You have achieved.

moltes coses a la teva vida. O sigui,

many things in your life. That is,

de fet, és que has aconseguit caminar,

in fact, you have managed to walk,

has aconseguit respirar, has aconseguit

you have managed to breathe, you have managed

viure. O sigui,

to live. That is,



saps la

do you know the

la de possibilitats

the possibilities one

que hi havia de que no

what was there that was not

ho visquessis? O sigui,

Did you live it? That is,

és d'una bogeria,

it's insane,

però és que és molt heavy,

but it's really intense,

en plan,


no sé ben bé el percentatge,

I don't really know the percentage.

però és molt gran.

but it is very big.

O sigui, és molt petit el percentatge

So, the percentage is very small.

que tu visquessis. Llavors,

that you were living. Then,

has aconseguit viure, has aconseguit

you have managed to live, you have managed

caminar, has aconseguit respirar,

walking, you have managed to breathe,

has aconseguit créixer,

you have managed to grow,

has aconseguit formar-te com una persona,

you have managed to develop as a person,

has aconseguit

you have achieved

formar-te com una persona bona,

to become a good person,

has aconseguit superar-te a tu mateixa

you have managed to surpass yourself

en diverses ocasions,

on several occasions,

has aconseguit

you have achieved

és que has aconseguit moltes

it's just that you have achieved many

coses. I ets

things. And you

l'única persona que pot veure, que pot ser conscient

the only person who can see, who can be aware

de les coses

of things

que has aconseguit. Per tant,

what you have achieved. Therefore,

et demano

I ask you.

que quan tinguis temps

that when you have time

vagis donant llista de totes les coses

keep giving a list of all the things

que has aconseguit, i de totes les coses

what you have achieved, and of all the things

que estàs orgullosa.

that you are proud.

Perquè d'aquesta manera, estàs canviant

Because in this way, you are changing.

la mirada de, he d'aconseguir

the gaze of, I have to achieve

allò per ser inferior a,

that for being inferior to,

ai, per ser igual

oh, to be equal



he aconseguit tot això.

I have achieved all this.

I he aconseguit tot això jo,

I have achieved all this myself,

no ho ha aconseguit

he/she has not achieved it

l'altra persona.

the other person.

L'altra persona deu haver aconseguit coses

The other person must have achieved things.



Però, no ha aconseguit

But, it has not achieved

el que tu has aconseguit. No ha passat

what you have achieved. It hasn't happened

per el que tu has passat.

for what you have been through.

Llavors, estàs

So, you are

comparant amb una persona

comparing with a person

que no ha tingut la vida que tu has tingut,

who has not had the life that you have had,

que no ha passat per les coses que tu has

that hasn't gone through the things that you have



i per tant,

and therefore,

no seràs mai tu.

you will never be you.

I com que no seràs mai tu,

And since it will never be you,

t'estàs comparant

you are comparing yourself

amb una cosa

with one thing

que, òbviament, és com si compares

that, obviously, is like when you compare

les fruites, doncs, una poma amb una pera.

the fruits, therefore, an apple with a pear.

Vale, molt bé, són fruites, són persones.

Okay, very good, they are fruits, they are people.

Però a part d'això,

But apart from that,

què, què,

what, what,

què tenen de semblant?

What do they have in common?

Que són rodones, molt bé.

They are round, very good.

Tu també tens dos ulls, dues boques,

You also have two eyes, two mouths,

dos ulls, un nas i una boca, saps?

two eyes, a nose, and a mouth, you know?

Per tant,


si és, o sigui,

if it is, or rather,

has de canviar la mirada.

You have to change your perspective.

I veure les coses positives

And see the positive things.

de la vida. No, això també és molt tòpic.

of life. No, this is also very cliché.

Però és que és

But it is that it is

veritat. O sigui,

truth. That is,

si aconsegueixes

if you succeed

veure i aconsegueixes

see and you achieve

ser conscient de les coses que has

be aware of the things you have



i de les teves virtuts

and of your virtues

i de les teves coses

and of your things

bones, perquè estic segura que fas

Good, because I'm sure you do.

mil coses bé, l'únic que no n'ets conscient,

a thousand good things, the only thing is that you are not aware of it,

o sigui, hi ha gent que dibuixa de puta

I mean, there are people who draw like shit.

mare, hi ha gent

mom, there are people

que se li dona el respost super bé, hi ha gent que se li

that responds very well, there are people who...

dona super bé les matemàtiques, hi ha gent

she does really well in math, there are people

que se li dona super bé fer podcast.

He is really good at making podcasts.

A mi.

To me.

Hi ha gent que se li

There are people who have it.

dona super bé cuidar

woman super good at taking care

els altres. Hi ha gent que se li dona

the others. There are people who are good at it.

super bé ensenyar

super great to teach

coses. Llavors, literalment,

things. Then, literally,

el món hi ha espai per a tots.

The world has space for everyone.

No cal sentir-te inferior a un altre

You don't need to feel inferior to anyone else.

perquè no tens les mateixes

because you don't have the same ones

qualitats que la resta.

qualities that the rest.

Perquè, òbviament, no tindràs les mateixes qualitats.

Because, obviously, you won't have the same qualities.

Vull dir,

I mean,

coneixes algú que tingui

do you know anyone who has

les mateixes qualitats entre ells? Oi que no?

the same qualities between them? Right?



Llavors, ara,

So, now,

fufufufufu, canvi de tema.

fufufufufu, change of subject.

O sigui, no canvi de tema, però

So, I'm not changing the subject, but...

que abans tot estava relacionat

that before everything was related

i ara no és tan relacionat les coses.

And now things are not so related.



literalment, ningú

literally, nobody

s'està fixant en tu.

He is looking at you.

Si t'estàs sentint

If you are feeling

inferior perquè et fa poca

inferior because it makes you little

la resta, pensi

the rest, I think

que t'ho tens molt cregut.

you think very highly of yourself.

Perquè la resta

Because the rest

diguin, buah, tio,

say, wow, dude,

és que aquesta tia no sap res.

It's just that this woman knows nothing.

Bé, és que per què està opinant?

Well, why are you giving your opinion?

Per què està parlant? Per què està intentant això?

Why is he/she speaking? Why is he/she trying this?

Si no en sap.

If you don't know.

Ningú s'està fixant en tu. O sigui,

No one is paying attention to you. I mean,

és que

it's that

saps la de gent

you know a lot of people

que has de tenir el mateix

that you must have the same

sentiment que tu ara mateix.

feeling that you right now.



Un huevo.

An egg.



si ningú s'està fixant en tu,

if no one is paying attention to you,

aquest sentiment

this feeling

es torna inútil.

it becomes useless.

Per què?


Aquest sentiment està molt bé per quan penses

This feeling is very good for when you think.

que la gent s'està fixant en tu

that people are noticing you

i llavors,

and then,

doncs, clar, la gent opinarà

well, of course, people will have their opinions

de tu. Vigila, eh? Que si la gent

of you. Be careful, okay? Because if people

opinarà de tu també, uf, horrible.

He will think of you too, ugh, horrible.

Però bé, deixant

But well, leaving

això a part,

apart from that,

ningú s'està fixant en el que fas.

nobody is paying attention to what you do.



pots fer.

you can do.

Pots fer, perquè és que

You can do it, because it's just that

per mi el sentiment aquest d'inferioritat

for me, this feeling of inferiority

és literalment

it is literally

un sentiment

a feeling

que tens perquè

What do you have because

tens por de que la gent et jutgi.

you are afraid that people will judge you.

Perquè si no tinguessis por de que la gent

Because if you weren't afraid that people

et jutgi, no et sentiries inferior

if you were judged, you wouldn't feel inferior

a la resta. Perquè

to the rest. Because

te la sudaries. Te la sudaries

You will sweat it. You will sweat it.

inferior. Perquè saps que

inferior. Because you know that

és que

it's that

començant pel principi de inferior

starting from the principle of inferiority

per què? Vull dir, perquè no se t'adona

Why? I mean, why don’t you realize it?

bé l'examen de matèria. Perquè

Well, the subject exam. Because

no has sabut

you haven't known

posar la pilota dins la canasta

put the ball in the basket

de bàsquet.

of basketball.

Perquè no tens els mateixos

Why don't you have the same?

coneixements que un altre sobre un tema.

knowledge that another has on a topic.



és que aquella persona tampoc

it's just that that person neither


les coses que tu tens.

the things that you have.

I per això abans he dit que era important

And that is why I said earlier that it was important.

per tant


saber del que tu saps ser.

to know what you know how to be.

Perquè llavors entendràs

Because then you will understand.

que cadascú

that each one

òbviament té les seves

obviously has its

els seus punts forts

their strengths

i els seus punts febles.

and its weak points.

I perquè tu

And because of you

quan tinguis un punt feble

when you have a weak point

coincideixis amb una persona

you coincide with a person

que té un punt fort

that has a strong point

no vol dir que tu siguis inferior

it doesn't mean that you are inferior

a aquella persona. Per què?

to that person. Why?

És com

It is like

mira, com si ajuntéssim

look, as if we were joining together

gràfics, d'acord?

graphics, okay?

Que fan com fu, fu, fu, fu. Un fa

What they do is fu, fu, fu, fu. One does.

amunt, avall, amunt, avall,

up, down, up, down,

amunt, avall. L'altre fa

up, down. The other does

avall, amunt, avall, amunt, avall, amunt.

down, up, down, up, down, up.

Vale, quin d'aquests dos gràfics és millor?

Okay, which of these two graphs is better?

No, no, no és matemàtica això.

No, no, no is math this.

O sigui, no hi ha una resposta

So, there is no answer.

correcta. I per això

correct. And for that reason

perquè no hi ha una resposta correcta vol dir

because there is no correct answer means

que aquestes dues persones són diferents.

that these two people are different.

Perquè una sigui dona

Because one is a woman.

una cosa no vol dir que tu no puguis ser bona

one thing doesn’t mean that you can’t be good

en una altra. I no vol dir

in another. And it doesn't mean

que aquesta persona sigui superior a tu

that this person is superior to you

perquè se li ha donat bé una cosa.

because they have done well in one thing.

Ni que tu siguis

Even if you are

superior a aquella persona perquè

superior to that person because

a tu se t'ha donat bé una altra cosa.

You have done well with another thing.

O sigui que tots som iguals, nois.

So we are all equal, guys.

Llavors, per últim

Then, finally

crec que és un sentiment que òbviament

I think it is a feeling that obviously

va molt relacionat també

it is very related as well

amb el sentiment de

with the feeling of

és que jo em

it's that I

mereixo menys,

I deserve less,

no sé què. És que

I don't know what. It's just that

sí, va relacionat òbviament amb

yes, it is obviously related to

l'autoestima i amb la confiança.

self-esteem and with confidence.

El podcast us parla sobre la confiança

The podcast talks to you about trust.

si el voleu veure,

if you want to see it,

si el voleu escoltar

if you want to listen to him



Va molt relacionat

It is very related.

amb la confiança perquè si tu tens confiança

with the confidence because if you have confidence

doncs aquestes coses,

well these things,

normalment no et sentiràs

you normally won't feel it

inferior a la resta perquè te la sudarà

inferior to the rest because you won't care about it

la resta. O no te la sudarà,

the rest. Or it won't sweat you.

però sabràs que no passa res

but you will know that nothing is wrong

perquè no sàpigues el mateix

so that you do not know the same

que una altra persona. I per tant

than another person. And therefore

vull fer un friendly

I want to have a friendly (chat).

reminder pels que

reminder for those who

són anglès

they are English

un recordatori

a reminder



És molt cutre un recordatori

It's very tacky a reminder.

amigable. Bueno, un petit

friendly. Well, a little.



Que tot el que et passa és per

That everything that happens to you is for

que et mereixes allò.

you deserve that.



si tens

if you have

una parella, un amic

a couple, a friend

que tu consideres

that you consider

que és superior a tu

that is superior to you

no vol dir que tu et mereixis

it doesn't mean that you deserve it

menys que allò.

less than that.

Perquè tu estàs creient

Because you are believing

tots són pensaments.

they are all thoughts.

Si et passa allò

If that happens to you

és perquè tu ho mereixes.

It's because you deserve it.



o et mereixes allò

or you deserve that

o et mereixes més.

or you deserve more.

Mai et mereixeràs menys.

You will never deserve less.

És que, o sigui, quan

It's just that, I mean, when

t'hi poses a pensar, a l'igual et mereixes

You might want to think about it, maybe you deserve it.

menys. A l'igual

less. Likewise

vols menys.

you want less.

A l'igual et mereixes menys que una persona que

Just as you deserve less than a person who

t'està tractant bé.

You are being treated well.



a part d'això

aside from this

també, nois, busqueu

also, guys, search

nois, noies, busqueu

boys, girls, look for

llocs on no sigueu

places where you do not go

la sombra de ningú perquè

the shadow of nobody because

ser la sombra d'algú

to be someone's shadow



et crea

it creates

un espai on

a space where

et sents inferior i és normal perquè

you feel inferior and it's normal because

vull dir, estàs sent la sombra

I mean, you are being the shadow.

d'algú, saps?

of someone, you know?



amb això

with this


we have

dit això.

that said.

És que sou la polla.

You are awesome.

És que, literalment,

It's just that, literally,

o sigui,

that is,

no sé,

I don't know,

és que si poguéssiu veure

it's just that if you could see

el que les altres persones veuen

what other people see

de vosaltres, estic segura,

I am sure of you.

estic seguríssima

I am absolutely sure.



és que no us caldria ni escoltar-vos aquest podcast.

You wouldn't even need to listen to this podcast.

Però, bueno,

But, well,

mentre no ho veieu,

until you see it,

aquí estem, aquí estic jo,

here we are, here I am,

Jana Bosch, per

Jana Bosch, for

ajudar-vos en tot el que pugui

to help you in everything I can

i donar-vos

and give you


little tips.

O sigui que, un besito

So, a little kiss.

i ens veiem

and we see each other

d'aquí a poc.


O no, tampoc, perquè

Oh no, neither, because

comença un altre cop època

another era begins


of exams.

I què vol dir això?

And what does that mean?

Que us podeu escoltar al meu

That you can listen to me.

primer podcast!

first podcast!

Ai, al meu primer podcast!

Oh, my first podcast!

El meu podcast anomenat Autoexigència

My podcast called Autoexigència

que està molt bé,

that's very good,

dono molts consells

I give a lot of advice.

i dic molta estona, no passa res.

I say a long time, nothing happens.

Però, bueno.

But, well.

No passa res.

It's okay.

Un petonet, nois i noies.

A little kiss, boys and girls.

Espera, vaig a fer un petonet al micròfon.

Wait, I'm going to give a little kiss to the microphone.

Ui, és que s'ha mogut tot.

Oops, everything has moved.

A veure, tornem.

Let's see, let's go back.



Vaig a fer un petonet al micròfon.

I'm going to give the microphone a little kiss.

Un besito. I...

A little kiss. And...



Xau, xaito!

Bye, dude!

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