Episodi #21 - El gat del Botero 🐈‍⬛​📍

We Love Cats

We Love Cats

Episodi #21 - El gat del Botero 🐈‍⬛​📍

We Love Cats

Últim episodi de la temporada. Què t'ha semblat, Vane?

Last episode of the season. What did you think, Vane?

Se t'ha fet curt, se t'ha fet llarg...

It has felt short, it has felt long...

La veritat és que aquesta temporada hem conegut molts gats il·lustres

The truth is that this season we have met many illustrious cats.

i també ens han visitat persones molt il·lustres.

And we have also been visited by very distinguished people.

Molt, molt. Tant els uns com els altres.

Very, very. Both the one and the other.

De fet, hem tingut alguna convidada que si abans de començar aquesta segona temporada

In fact, we have had some guests that if before starting this second season

ens diuen que vindria al podcast, la veritat és que ni ens ho creiem, sí o no?

They tell us that he would come to the podcast, the truth is that we don't believe it, do we?

És veritat, és veritat. Convidats molt sorprenents.

It's true, it's true. Very surprising guests.

Molt, molt.

Very, very.

Doncs tots aquests personatges felins i humans ens han permès viatjar per tot el món,

Well, all these feline and human characters have allowed us to travel all over the world,

per l'espai també, i fins i tot a altres èpoques de la història.

for space too, and even in other periods of history.

I és que hem conegut històries superinteressants i hem après un munt.

And we have encountered super interesting stories and learned a lot.

Però, com diu l'Edita, roda el món i torna al Born.

But, as Edita says, the world goes round and comes back to the Born.

I en aquest últim episodi volem tornar a Barcelona, la nostra ciutat.

And in this last episode, we want to return to Barcelona, our city.

El gatete protagonista d'aquest episodi és tot un símbol de la ciutat,

The little cat protagonist of this episode is a true symbol of the city.

de fet, i en especial del barri del Raval.

in fact, and especially from the Raval neighborhood.

No és un gat de carn i ossos, però és un gat rodanchó, de bronza,

It is not a flesh-and-blood cat, but it is a round cat, made of bronze.

de 7 metres de llarg, 2 metres d'alçada i 2 d'amplada.

7 meters long, 2 meters high, and 2 meters wide.

No us espanteu. Estem parlant del gat del Botero,

Don't be scared. We are talking about Botero's cat,

obra de l'escultor colombià Fernando Botero.

work of the Colombian sculptor Fernando Botero.

Ha situat des de fa més de 20 anys a la Rambla del Raval

It has been located on the Rambla del Raval for over 20 years.

i protagonista de les fotos de molts turistes que han vingut a Barcelona.

I am the protagonist of the photos of many tourists who have come to Barcelona.

I també de molts dels turistes que visiten la ciutat.

And also from many of the tourists who visit the city.

Segur que algun cop hi heu quedat al davant o us heu fet una foto tocant-li els bigotis.

I'm sure you've stood in front of it at some point or taken a photo touching its mustache.

Ara tenim molt interioritzat que el gat de Botero es troba a la Rambla del Raval,

Now we are very aware that Botero's cat is located in the Rambla del Raval,

però no sempre ha estat així.

but it hasn't always been this way.

L'escultura va ser comprada per l'Ajuntament de Barcelona l'any 1987,

The sculpture was purchased by the City Council of Barcelona in 1987.

pocs mesos després que la capital catalana fos proclamada

a few months after the Catalan capital was proclaimed

seu dels Jocs Olímpics de Barcelona 92.

headquarters of the Barcelona 92 Olympic Games.

A la vila de Barcelona, Espanya.

In the town of Barcelona, Spain.

Però va ser una compra a caprici, fruit segurament de l'eufòria i el despilfarro de l'època,

But it was an impulsive purchase, a result probably of the euphoria and extravagance of the time,

perquè el Consistori ni tan sols havia pensat on l'ubicaria.

because the Council had not even considered where it would be located.

I aquí va començar el periple de 15 anys del gat de Botero,

And here began the 15-year journey of Botero's cat,

per trobar el seu lloc definitiu.

to find its definitive place.

Primer va anar a parar al parc de la Ciutadella.

First, he/she ended up at the Ciutadella Park.

Després, aprofitant la celebració dels Jocs Olímpics,

Afterwards, taking advantage of the celebration of the Olympic Games,

l'Ajuntament va traslladar-lo al costat de l'Estadi Olímpic.

The City Council moved it next to the Olympic Stadium.

I uns anys més tard va acabar mig amagat en una petita plaça.

And a few years later, he ended up half hidden in a small square.

La plaça Blanquerna, a tocar dels Jardins del Baluart,

Blanquerna Square, near the Baluart Gardens,

darrere de les Dressanes de Barcelona.

behind the Shipyards of Barcelona.

No va ser fins l'any 2003 que el gat va trobar el seu lloc definitiu

It was not until the year 2003 that the cat found its permanent home.

a la nova Rambla del Raval, que va ser inaugurada l'any 2000.

to the new Rambla del Raval, which was inaugurated in 2000.

I molt aviat es va convertir en un símbol d'aquest nou passeig i de tot el barri.

And very soon it became a symbol of this new walkway and of the whole neighborhood.

De fet, per molta gent no és el gat del Botero,

In fact, for many people, it is not Botero's cat.

sinó el gat de la Rambla del Raval.

but the cat from the Rambla del Raval.

Aquest gat rodanchó ha estat testimoni de diversos moments històrics importants de la ciutat.

This round cat has witnessed several important historical moments of the city.

Per exemple, durant el procés.

For example, during the process.

De fet, un matí de 2017, l'escultura de Botero va aparèixer coberta de llaços grocs,

In fact, one morning in 2017, Botero's sculpture appeared covered in yellow ribbons,

símbol dels presos polítics durant aquest període tan convuls.

symbol of the political prisoners during this turbulent period.

També durant la pandèmia de la Covid-19, el 2020,

Also during the Covid-19 pandemic, in 2020,

un dia va aparèixer amb una mena de mascareta,

one day she appeared with a kind of mask,

amb un missatge que convidava tothom a quedar-se a casa.

with a message inviting everyone to stay home.

Segurament, el fet d'estar tan exposat a la via pública

Surely, the fact of being so exposed to the public road

també l'ha convertit en víctima de la performance de molts artistes.

It has also made him a victim of the performance of many artists.

Ja fa alguns anys, l'any 2012, l'artista polonesa Agata Olek

A few years ago, in 2012, the Polish artist Agata Olek

va celebrar el seu aniversari fent-li un vestit de ganxet,

he celebrated his birthday by making a crochet outfit for him,

que el va convertir per unes hores en un tigre blanc amb alguns detalls coloristes.

that turned him into a white tiger with some colorful details for a few hours.

Us hem deixat l'enllaç a una fotografia a la descripció de l'episodi perquè el pugueu veure.

We have left you the link to a photo in the episode description so you can see it.

És heavy, eh?

It's heavy, huh?

Aquesta imatge, perquè, bueno, la imatge i el que representa,

This image, because, well, the image and what it represents,

perquè les hores que hauria d'estar teixint per poder-li fer aquest vestit a mida.

because the hours I would have to spend weaving to make this custom dress for him.

Sí, sí, sí, moltes hores i també per instal·lar-li.

Yes, yes, yes, many hours and also to install it for him.

Sí, sí, no, realment, aquí hi ha moltíssima, moltíssima feina.

Yes, yes, no, really, there is a lot, a lot of work here.

A més, va ser super efímer, perquè el dia següent ja el van treure.

Moreover, it was super ephemeral because they took it down the following day.

Hòstia, molts mesos de feina, no?, per una obra de 24 hores, no?, poc més.

Wow, many months of work, right? For a project of 24 hours, right? Just a little more.

Doncs l'any 2022, Daryl McCree, considerat el primer grafiteller,

So in 2022, Daryl McCree, considered the first graffiti artist,

Sí, sí, sí, poc més. Doncs l'any 2022, Daryl McCree, considerat el primer grafiteller,

Yes, yes, yes, just a little more. Well, in 2022, Daryl McCree, considered the first graffiti artist,

modern, va estampar la seva assignatura sobre el gat.

Modern, he printed his subject on the cat.

El succés no va agradar gens als veïns del barri, que van mostrar obertament el seu rebuig.

The incident was notliked at all by the neighborhood residents, who openly expressed their rejection.

S'estimen molt el gat de la Rambla del Raval i creuen que en altres zones de la ciutat

They cherish the cat from Rambla del Raval very much and believe that in other areas of the city...

aquest tipus d'actes, més vandàlics que no pas artístics, doncs no passarien.

This type of acts, more vandalistic than artistic, would not be tolerated.

De fet, una altra cosa que passa sovint és que, com que l'escultura es troba instal·lada

In fact, another thing that often happens is that, since the sculpture is installed

directament al terra, sense cap pedestal, també hi ha algun valent o valenta

directly to the ground, without any pedestal, there is also some brave man or woman

que s'anima a escalar-la per fer-s'hi una foto a sobre.

who encourages to climb it to take a picture on top of it.

És que, clar, amb això del selfie...

It's just that, of course, with this selfie thing...



...i tot l'Instagram i tot això se'ns ha anat de les mans, eh?

...and all the Instagram and all that has gotten out of hand for us, right?

Una mica, i és una mica perillós perquè deu relliscar.

A little, and it's a bit dangerous because it must be slippery.

Home, segur, segur.

Home, safe, sure.

El que és molt curiós i potser molta gent no sap és que el gat de la Rambla del Raval

What is very curious and perhaps many people do not know is that the cat of the Rambla del Raval.

no és l'únic esculpit per Botero.

it is not the only sculpture by Botero.

N'hi ha tres més repartits pel món, així que són bastant exclusius, també, no?

There are three more scattered around the world, so they are quite exclusive, aren't they?



Un d'ells es troba a la Gran Avinguda de Nova York i és molt semblant al de Barcelona.

One of them is located on the Grand Avenue of New York and is very similar to the one in Barcelona.

I els altres dos, també molt semblants entre si, perquè en aquest cas són dos gats asseguts,

And the other two, very similar to each other as well, because in this case they are two sitting cats,

a diferència del de Barcelona.

unlike that of Barcelona.

Un es troba a la ciutat d'Erevan, a Armènia, i l'altre a Medellín, que és la ciutat natal

One is located in the city of Yerevan, in Armenia, and the other in Medellín, which is the hometown.

de Botero.

of Botero.

També us hem deixat els enllaços a les fotografies d'aquests gatetes germans del nostre a la descripció

We have also left you the links to the photographs of these sibling kittens of ours in the description.

de l'episodi.

of the episode.

I com és que a Botero li va donar per fer aquests gats rodonets i gegants?

And how is it that Botero decided to make these round and giant cats?

Deuria ser un cat lover, oi?

You must be a cat lover, right?



La veritat és que no ho hem descobert, eh, que no?

The truth is that we haven't discovered it, right?



No se sap del cert.

It is not known for sure.

No hi ha informació... no hi ha informació certa de... que ens diguis...

There is no information... there is no certain information about... that you tell us...

I fiable, no?

And reliable, right?

I fiable, de que Fernando Botero fos cat lover o no.

I reliable, whether Fernando Botero was a cat lover or not.

Si busquem per internet, no trobem fotos d'ell amb felins, ni cap indici que ens faci pensar

If we search the internet, we don't find any photos of him with felines, nor any hint that makes us think.

que li agradaven els peluts.

that he/she liked the furry ones.

I és que, a banda de felins, també ha esculpit altres animals, com gossos o cavalls.

And it's that, aside from felines, he has also sculpted other animals, such as dogs or horses.

De fet, a Barcelona, podem trobar un altre cavall d'aquest gos.

In fact, in Barcelona, we can find another horse of this dog.

Podem trobar un altre cavall de Botero, que està a la terminal 2 de l'aeroport del Prat.

We can find another Botero horse, which is at terminal 2 of the Prat airport.

Bueno, en tot cas, sí que és veritat que, a més de les escultures, els gats són molt

Well, in any case, it is true that, in addition to the sculptures, the cats are very

presents, això sí, en la seva obra pictòrica.

presents, this yes, in his pictorial work.

Sempre són gats fidels al seu estil, voluptuosos i contundents, i de vegades fins i tot desproporcionats

They are always cats faithful to their style, voluptuous and forceful, and sometimes even disproportionate.

amb la resta d'elements que apareixen a l'escena.

with the rest of the elements that appear in the scene.

Sí, això sí que és veritat.

Yes, that is indeed true.

Trobem gats al llarg de tota la seva trajectòria.

We find cats throughout his entire career.

Tots sovint són un personatge més d'un retat familiar,

All too often, they are just another character in a family portrait.

però moltes altres vegades són el protagonista de l'obra.

but many other times they are the protagonist of the work.

Ens quedarem amb la intriga de si Botero era un cutlover o no,

We will be left wondering whether Botero was a cutlover or not.

tot i que nosaltres estem convençudes que sí que ho era.

although we are convinced that it was.

Home, i tant, no?

Sure, why not?

O sigui, en el moment en què decideixes que són inspiració per tu,

That is, at the moment you decide that they are inspiration for you,

algun vincle ja es va tenir, segurament.

Some link was already established, probably.

Bueno, en tot cas, Fernando Botero va morir el setembre de 2023,

Well, in any case, Fernando Botero died in September 2023.

amb 91 anys.

at 91 years old.

A més a més de la Rambla del Raval,

In addition to the Rambla del Raval,

podem trobar obres seves a algunes de les places i avengudes

We can find his works in some of the squares and avenues.

més famoses del món, com ja us dèiem,

most famous in the world, as we were already saying,

a llocs tan icònics com la Gran Avinguda de Nova York,

to iconic places like New York's Grand Avenue,

però també a la Plaça del Comerç de Lisboa,

but also at the Praça do Comércio in Lisbon,

la Plaça de la Senyoria de Florencia

the Piazza della Signoria of Florence

o fins i tot les Piràmides de Giesa.

or even the Pyramids of Giza.

Fa uns mesos va venir l'exalcaldessa de Barcelona, Ada Colau,

A few months ago, the former mayor of Barcelona, Ada Colau, came.

al podcast i li vam demanar si Barcelona era una ciutat de gossos o de gats.

In the podcast, we asked him if Barcelona was a city of dogs or cats.

I ens va dir això.

And he told us that.

A veure, si és pel debat públic ja t'ho dic que és de gossos, eh?

Let's see, if it's for the public debate I'm telling you it's dog-related, okay?

Perquè jo com a alcaldessa ja et dic que anava a trobades als barris

Because as mayor, I can tell you that I was going to meetings in the neighborhoods.

i feia trobades obertes on la gent podia plantejar el que volgués,

and I held open meetings where people could raise whatever they wanted,

no hi havia ordre del dia, no hi havia temes prohibits

there was no agenda, there were no forbidden topics

i el tema de gossos era un tema molt recorregut.

And the subject of dogs was a very well-trodden topic.

I aleshores sovint passava que la sala de forma espontània

And then often it happened that the room spontaneously

gairebé es dividia en dos, entre aquells que tenien gossos i els que no tenien gossos.

it was almost divided in two, between those who had dogs and those who did not have dogs.

I aleshores els que tenien gossos reclamaven lògicament més espais

And then those who had dogs logically requested more spaces.

perquè els gossos poguessin tenir zones d'esbarjo i tal,

so that dogs could have play areas and such,

i en canvi els que no tenien gossos deien que es trobava moltes caques de gossos

And those who didn't have dogs said that there were many dog feces around.

per tot arreu i que la gent que era incívida no havia de tenir gossos

everywhere and that people who were deceitful should not have dogs

i hi havia autèntiques tensions.

and there were real tensions.

Tot i això, nosaltres sabem que és una ciutat de gatetes també

However, we know that it is also a city of kittens.

i per això el convidat d'avui en sap moltíssim de la ciutat

And that's why today's guest knows a lot about the city.

i ens demostrarà que la nostra estimada Barcelona també és felina.

and will show us that our beloved Barcelona is also feline.

Es tracta del periodista i divulgador David Martínez,

It is about the journalist and communicator David Martínez,

creador del perfil Històries de Barcelona,

creator of the profile Stories of Barcelona,

que tant a Twitter com a Instagram aglutina milers de seguidors.

that both on Twitter and Instagram gathers thousands of followers.

Cada dia ens explica curiositats, llegendes i secrets de Barcelona,

Every day he tells us curiosities, legends, and secrets of Barcelona.

ja sigui de l'època medieval, moderna o fins i tot romana.

whether from the medieval, modern, or even Roman era.

I avui ha vingut a explicar-nos la relació de la nostra ciutat amb els felins.

And today he came to explain to us the relationship of our city with felines.

Benvingut David!

Welcome David!

Hola, què tal?

Hello, how are you?

Escolta, tenim... bueno, venim sense guió perquè has dit

Listen, we have... well, we come without a script because you said.

no, no, jo no us explico res, no us faig cap espòiler previ, sinó que...

no, no, I won’t explain anything to you, I won’t give you any spoilers beforehand, but...

No, perquè si no, no té gràcia, no?

No, because if not, it's not funny, is it?

Ens vols sorprendre.

You want to surprise us.

I tant, i tant.

Of course, of course.

Vull sorprendre amb algunes històries de gats per demostrar que realment

I want to surprise with some cat stories to prove that really

Barcelona és una ciutat felina, encara que...

Barcelona is a feline city, although...

O sigui, aquest és el titular, eh? Podríem dir que sí, eh?

So, this is the headline, right? We could say yes, right?

Sí, hi ha una... jo crec que hi ha una gran...

Yes, there is a... I believe there is a great...

hi ha una llarga història de gats relacionats amb Barcelona

There is a long history of cats related to Barcelona.

que anirem descobrint avui

what we will be discovering today

i potser no...

and maybe not...

Ja sabeu que a Madrid els que són de Madrid els hi diuen gatos, no?

You know that in Madrid they call those from Madrid "gatos," right?

Exacte, sí.

Exactly, yes.

Aquí no ho tenim això, però sí que tenim moltes històries curioses

We don't have that here, but we do have many curious stories.

vinculades als gats i molts indrets lligats als gats

linked to cats and many places tied to cats

que podem avui recórrer, si voleu.

that we can visit today, if you want.

I tant, i tant.

Of course, of course.

Així que tu, Manas, tu ets l'encarregat d'explicar-nos-ho tot això.

So you, Manas, you are in charge of explaining all of this to us.

Doncs mira, si voleu comencem, parlàvem de l'edat mitjana.

Well, look, if you want, we can start; we were talking about the Middle Ages.

No sabem quan van arribar els gats a Barcelona,

We don't know when the cats arrived in Barcelona,

aquesta dada no la tenim,

we do not have this data,

però sí que sabem que a l'edat mitjana

but we do know that in the Middle Ages

els gats ja convivien habitualment amb els barcelonins.

Cats were already regularly living alongside the people of Barcelona.

De fet, durant molts anys, fins no fa gaire,

In fact, for many years, until not long ago,

a Barcelona la gent tenia molts animals a casa seva,

In Barcelona, people had many animals in their homes.

vull dir, tot tipus d'animals, però molts els sacrificaven,

I mean, all kinds of animals, but many were sacrificed.

molts eren per alimentació.

many were for food.

Evidentment, no els gats,

Obviously, not the cats,

ni els gossos,

not even the dogs,

però els gats, a més a més, feien una gran funció

but the cats, moreover, played a great role

i eren molt apreciats perquè, clar, caçaven els ratolins.

and they were very much appreciated because, of course, they hunted the mice.

Un clàssic, sí, sí.

A classic, yes, yes.

Això crec que ja ho heu comentat diverses vegades aquí, no?

I think you have already discussed this several times here, haven't you?

Llavors, clar, això ajudava, eren animals molt apreciats per això,

Then, of course, this helped, they were animals very much appreciated for that.

perquè, a més, els ratolins, les rates,

because, moreover, the mice, the rats,

eren els animals que portaven les epidèmies.

they were the animals that brought the epidemics.

I, de fet, hi ha una rondalla, mira, que s'explica

And, in fact, there is a tale, look, that is told.

que antigament a Barcelona hi havia una rondalla

that in ancient times there was a tale in Barcelona

que explicava per què els gats caçaven els ratolins,

that explained why cats hunted mice,

que no sé si la coneixeu.

that I don't know if you know her.

Ah, no, no, no.

Ah, no, no, no.

I ens encanta.

And we love it.

És una rondalla, vull dir,

It's a fairy tale, I mean,

és una història que s'explicava antigament a Barcelona

It is a story that was told long ago in Barcelona.

per explicar per què aquesta falera falina pels ratolins.

to explain why this moth frenzy for the mice.

Doncs es diu que antigament els gossos i els gats

Well, it is said that in ancient times dogs and cats

es barallaven pels carrers de Barcelona

they were fighting in the streets of Barcelona

per aconseguir menjar.

to obtain food.

I estaven contínuament barallant-se,

And they were constantly fighting,

fins que un dia van decidir, doncs, mira, anem a fer un pacte.

Until one day they decided, well, look, let's make a pact.

Els gossos i els gats van fer un pacte

The dogs and the cats made a pact.

per repartir-se els aliments.

to distribute the food.

I van dir, mira, els gossos es quedaran amb els ossos dels animals

They said, look, the dogs will keep the bones of the animals.

i els gats amb les espines.

and the cats with the thorns.

I fins i tot es diu que van firmar un contracte per escrit

And it is even said that they signed a written contract.

on deia, per als gossos seran els ossos

It was said, for the dogs there will be bones.

i les espines per als gats.

and the thorns for the cats.

I això ho van posar per escrit en un paper.

And they put this in writing on a piece of paper.

Tot això és una rondalla que s'explicava, eh?

All of this is a tale that was told, right?

I es va guardar en un calaix, en un armari,

And it was stored in a drawer, in a cabinet,

el van guardar durant molt de temps.

They kept him for a long time.

Fins que es veu que van tornar a tenir,

Until it is seen that they had it again,

vull dir, van conviure molt temps bé,

I mean, they lived together very well for a long time,

però van tornar a tenir problemes amb els gossos.

but they had problems with the dogs again.

I llavors, què van fer?

And then, what did they do?

Els gats van dir, ei, ja no us podeu menjar les espines,

The cats said, hey, you can no longer eat the thorns,

que són per nosaltres.

what they are to us.

Van anar a buscar aquell contracte que tenien guardat per ensenyar-los-hi

They went to fetch that contract they had stored to show it to them.

i què havia passat?

And what had happened?

Que els ratolins s'havien arrossegat part del paper del contracte

That the mice had dragged part of the contract paper.

i s'havien menjat la frase final.

and they had eaten the final phrase.

Llavors, total, que el paper només posava

So, in total, the paper only said

per als gossos seran els ossos i les espines.

For the dogs, there will be bones and spines.

Clar, no deia per als gats.

Of course, I wasn't referring to the cats.

Llavors, clar, això els deixava sense res.

So, of course, this left them with nothing.

Llavors, la rondalla, la llegenda,

Then, the tale, the legend,

diu que d'aquí ve, doncs, aquesta...

it says that this comes from here, then, this...

Per això els gats,

That's why cats,

segueixen els ratolins,

the mice follow,

que és una història d'aquestes curioses que...

that is one of those curious stories that...

Que bonica.

How pretty.

És maca, no és molt coneguda, no?

She is beautiful, she is not very well-known, is she?

Sí, sí, no, no.

Yes, yes, no, no.

S'ha perdut una mica,

It has been lost a bit,

però és una història que s'explicava antigament

but it is a story that was told in ancient times

a Barcelona, a Catalunya,

in Barcelona, in Catalonia,

per explicar, bueno,

to explain, well,

era la manera que es tenia d'explicar,

it was the way it was explained,

justificar, doncs, algunes coses.

justify, then, some things.

Això era molt típic a partir de rondalles.

This was very typical from folk tales.

Ostres, que bonica, eh?

Wow, it's beautiful, isn't it?

I a més, també que curiós, no?,

And also, how curious, isn't it?

que la llegenda són els ratolins

that the legend is the mice

els que es mengen la paraula gats.

those who eat the word cats.

Sí, és veritat, mira, no?

Yes, it's true, look, isn't it?

Sí, sí, curiosament, sí.

Yes, yes, curiously, yes.

Sí, diu,

Yes, he says,

mira, el nostre enemic és el gat,

look, our enemy is the cat,

diu, anem aquí a...

he says, let’s go here to...

Però els surt malament, eh?, la jugada.

But it goes wrong for them, right?, the play.

Sí, els hi ha tornat en contra.

Yes, it has turned against them.



Doncs això,

Well, that's it,

que eren, els gats eren,

what they were, they were the cats,

tornem dient que els gats eren molt apreciats,

we keep saying that cats were very appreciated,

tot i que la dada mitjana,

although the average data,

com ja ho heu explicat moltes vegades,

as you have explained many times,

crec que ja ho heu explicat,

I think you have already explained it.

quan vau parlar dels gats negres,

when you talked about black cats,

doncs eren també...

so they were also...

Ets un bon oient, eh?, del pot, eh?

You are a good listener, aren't you?, from the pot, right?

Sí, i tant.

Yes, of course.

Doncs els gats eren molt associats al dimoni,

Well, cats were very associated with the devil,

mira, tinc aquí apuntat una frase del Joan Amades,

Look, I have a sentence from Joan Amades written down here.

que era folclorista,

who was a folklorist,

que anirà sortint molt,

that will come out a lot,

perquè és una de les persones

because she is one of the people

que més ha documentat llegendes sobre gats,

that has documented legends about cats,

i ell deia, per exemple,

and he said, for example,

atenció, eh?,

attention, eh?

el dimoni és el pare de tots els gats,

the devil is the father of all cats,

i tots l'ho vaeixen com a tal.

And everyone sees him as such.

A la casa on hi ha gats,

At the house where there are cats,

el diable sempre hi té una cama posada.

The devil always has one leg in.

I, d'entre tots els gats,

I, among all the cats,

els preferits del dimoni

the devil's favorites

són els gats negres que li serveixen de confidants.

They are the black cats that serve as his confidants.

Mare meva.

My goodness.


Goodness gracious.

Era un hater, eh?, dels gats aquest home.

He was a hater, huh?, of cats this man.

Sí, però fixa't, perquè...

Yes, but notice, because...

Però també això deia que el que suposava

But it also said that what it implied

és que ningú s'atrevia,

it's just that no one dared,

a fer mal als gats,

to harm the cats,

perquè, clar, llavors el dimoni vindria per tu

because, of course, then the devil would come for you

si li fes mal a un gat.

if it hurt a cat.

Perquè, clar, llavors això,

Because, of course, then this,

per això hi havia un gran respecte als gats.

For this reason, there was a great respect for cats.

Una altra cosa que explica,

Another thing it explains,

una altra història que explica en Joan Amades,

another story that Joan Amades tells,

el folclorista,

the folklorist,

és que a Barcelona, curiosament,

it's that in Barcelona, curiously,

els gats tenien, antigament,

cats used to have, in the past,

un patró, un patró propi, un sant,

a patron, a patron of one's own, a saint,

que era Sant Fèlix de Nola.

that he was Saint Felix of Nola.

No sé si ho havíeu sentit alguna vegada.

I don’t know if you had ever heard it.

Ostres, no, no, no.

Wow, no, no, no.

O sigui, avui estem ja descobrint moltíssimes coses, eh?

So, today we are already discovering a lot of things, huh?

Doncs tenia aquest patró, Fèlix de Nola,

Well, I had this patron, Felix of Nola,

que es celebra el 14 de gener,

what is celebrated on January 14,

i que també se l'invocava si tu tenies un gat,

and that he was also invoked if you had a cat,

tu podies invocar-lo,

you could invoke him,

doncs per dir-li que el gat no et mossegués,

so to tell him that the cat wouldn't bite you,

no t'esgarrapés,

don't scratch yourself,

perquè no agafés la ràbia...

so that he/she wouldn't get angry...

És a dir, era el patró també protector a tu,

That is to say, he was the patron also protector to you,

per protegir-te i, sobretot, per protegir els teus gats.

to protect you and, above all, to protect your cats.

I ara, diguéssim,

And now, let's say,

que hi ha una celebració que ha substituït aquesta,

that there is a celebration that has replaced this one,

potser, que és la de Sant Antoni Abat,

perhaps, it is that of Saint Anthony the Abbott,

que ara va començar com una celebració,

that has now started as a celebration,

això és el 1800,

this is 1800,

va començar com una celebració

it started as a celebration

per venir els animals,

to come the animals,

sobretot els carros, els carruatges, els cavalls, els burros,

especially the carts, the carriages, the horses, the donkeys,

però que s'ha anat extenent a tot tipus d'animals

but which has spread to all types of animals

i als animals domèstics,

and to domestic animals,

que antigament no era tan habitual

that wasn't so common in the past

venir els animals domèstics,

bring the domestic animals,

ara sí que ja s'ha consolidat,

now it has consolidated.

i diguéssim que aquesta celebració

let's say that this celebration

de Sant Antoni Abat i els Tres Toms

of Saint Anthony the Great and the Three Tomes

ha fet oblidar una mica,

has made one forget a little,

ha fet oblidar totalment a Sant Fèlix de Nola,

has completely made people forget about Saint Felix of Nola,

que, per cert,

that, by the way,

hi ha una altra cosa també bastant curiosa,

there is another thing that is quite curious as well,

és que Sant Fèlix de Nola

it's that Saint Felix of Nola

tenia una capella,

I had a chapel,

al claustre de la catedral,

in the cloister of the cathedral,

i a la catedral hi havia, antigament,

and in the cathedral there was, formerly,

la casa dels gats.

the house of the cats.



A dins de la catedral?

Inside the cathedral?

Sí, al claustre de la catedral

Yes, in the cloister of the cathedral.

hi havia el que s'anomenava la casa dels gats,

there was what was called the house of cats,

que era un espai on acollien els gats orfes,

that it was a space where they took in orphaned cats,

o que estaven abandonats,

or that they were abandoned,

o que la gent potser el volia portar allà,

or that people maybe wanted to take him there,

diguéssim, era com el primer, en certa manera,

let's say, it was like the first one, in a way,

com el primer refugi de gats.

as the first cat shelter.

Doncs això existia des de l'edat mitjana,

So this existed since the Middle Ages,

i tenien la capella del Sant Fèlix,

and they had the chapel of Saint Felix,

i allà molta gent portava els gats,

and there many people brought their cats,

i si hi anem, creus...

And if we go there, do you think...

Ai, perdona, que t'he tallat, David.

Oh, sorry, I interrupted you, David.

No, digues, digues, si encara hi és el...

No, tell me, tell me, if he is still there...

Sí, sí, sí, podem veure aquesta capella,

Yes, yes, yes, we can see this chapel,

però també hi ha les oques,

but there are also the geese,

no sé si allà, amb les oques de Santa Eulàlia...

I don't know if there, with the geese of Santa Eulàlia...

No, ara ja no, clar, ara ja no hi ha...

No, not now, of course, now there is no...

Ara ja ho sé, que no...

Now I know, that no...

Sí, però m'imagino que a l'edat mitjana,

Yes, but I imagine that in the Middle Ages,

si hi havia les oques de Santa Eulàlia...

if there were the geese of Santa Eulàlia...

És que no sabem exactament el tema de les oques

It's just that we don't know exactly the topic of the geese.

quan va arribar, perquè és veritat que

When he/she arrived, because it is true that

va haver-hi un temps en què el claustre de la catedral

there was a time when the cloister of the cathedral

realment era com un...

it was really like a...

Li deien que era quasi com un petit zoològic,

They said it was almost like a little zoo,

perquè hi ha diversos animals, i a part d'oques,

because there are several animals, and besides geese,

hi havia molts altres ocells,

there were many other birds,

hi havia moltes aus.

there were many birds.

Les úniques que han arribat avui en dia són les oques.

The only ones that have arrived today are the geese.

I en algun moment

And at some point

es va decidir que fossin 13,

it was decided that there would be 13,

però no sempre havien estat 13.

but they had not always been 13.

Ara són 13 pels martiris de Santa Eulàlia,

Now there are 13 for the martyrs of Santa Eulàlia,

però abans hi havia oques

but there were geese before

i hi havia molts més ocells.

And there were many more birds.

No sé com es feia la convivència amb els gats.

I don't know how living with cats was.

És que, clar...

It's just that, of course...

No sé si els ocells potser van arribar després dels gats,

I don't know if the birds maybe arrived after the cats,

sí que sabem que els gats van estar durant molts anys,

we do know that cats were around for many years,

perquè, a més a més,

because, furthermore,


let's say,

està documentat a les cròniques

it is documented in the chronicles

que l'Ajuntament destinava

that the City Council allocated

una partida de diners

a sum of money

per la manutenció d'aquells gats

for the maintenance of those cats

que estaven a la catedral.

that were at the cathedral.

Per tant, sabem que sí que els acollien

Therefore, we know that they did welcome them.

els gats orfes, o que la gent

the orphan cats, or that people

els volia deixar.

I wanted to leave them.

Ai, que bonica aquesta història!

Oh, how beautiful this story is!

A la catedral hi havia la casa dels gats.

At the cathedral, there was the house of the cats.

N'hi havia molts?

Were there many?

Sí, es veu que n'hi havia molts.

Yes, it seems that there were many.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Es veu que hi ha algun gravat fins i tot

It seems that there is even some engraving.

on es pot veure algun monjo d'allà

where can one see any monks from there

rodejat de gats,

surrounded by cats,

quan es veu que hi ha un monjo d'allà

when it is seen that there is a monk from there

on els van donar de menjar.

where they were fed.

Uau, ara estic flipant, eh?

Wow, now I'm freaking out, huh?

Els monjos eren les boges dels gats.

The monks were the crazy ones of the cats.

Exacte, en aquell moment.

Exactly, at that moment.

Hi ha una part també més no tan agradable

There is also a part that is not so pleasant.

d'històries lligades als gats.

of stories related to cats.

Bueno, això sempre passa.

Well, that always happens.

I ara és la part més bonica,

And now is the most beautiful part,

han dit, dels gats.

They have said, about the cats.

També és veritat que el mateix Joan Amades

It is also true that the same Joan Amades

parla que a Barcelona

talk that in Barcelona

del segle XVII-XVIII

from the 17th-18th century

van aparèixer alguns establiments

some establishments appeared

que pel que sembla s'explica

that it seems is explained

incluïen el menú...

included the menu...





Oh, gat!

Oh, cat!

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Però i el...

But what about the...

De fet, ja ell parla,

In fact, he already speaks.

penseu Joan Amades també,

think of Joan Amades too,

amb aguades, no sabem exactament...

with waters, we don't know exactly...

si la història és al 100% fidel, no?

if the story is 100% true, right?

Però allà el que explica

But there what it explains

és que hi havia al carrer de la Carassa,

it was that there was on Carassa Street,

que això està al bord,

that this is on the edge,

hi havia l'hostal de la Llebre.

there was the inn of the Hare.



Que el plat estrella era la Llebre.

That the star dish was the Hare.

Ja, clar, gat per Llebre.

Yes, of course, a cat for a hare.

El que passa és que pel que s'explica,

What happens is that for what is explained,

i d'aquí vindria l'expressió,

and from here would come the expression,

el propietari de l'hostal

the owner of the hostel

el que feia era efectivament

what he did was indeed

donar gat per Llebre.

to give a cat for a hare.

I fins i tot hi havia gent

And there were even people there.

que es dedicava a caçar els gats del carrer

who was dedicated to hunting street cats

i els venien...

and they sold them...

a l'hostaler.

to the innkeeper.

Gent, diguéssim...

People, let's say...

Que per guanyar-se la vida, no?

To earn a living, right?

I d'aquí, de fet, també ve la paraula

And from here, in fact, also comes the word.



Es dedicaven a capturar-los,

They were dedicated to capturing them,

bueno, li treien el vestit i...

well, they were taking off the dress and...

Aquest és un pelagats, que és una persona amb pocs recursos.

This is a pelagats, which is a person with few resources.

Efectivament, doncs perquè es guanyava la vida

Indeed, that's how he/she earned a living.

amb caçant gats i venent-los.

with catching cats and selling them.

I de fet, també n'hi ha d'altres

And in fact, there are others as well.

que s'expliquen, doncs, que hi havia

that they explain, then, that there was

el Raval, doncs, que n'escorxegats,

the Raval, then, that of the flayed,

que també era una fonda,

that it was also an inn,

doncs, que us podeu imaginar, doncs,

well, as you can imagine, well,

quin tipus...

what type...

Què acabava passant allà amb els gats, no?

What was happening there with the cats, right?

Efectivament, i de fet,

Indeed, and in fact,

mira, ja acabo aquesta part més...

look, I'm finishing this part more...

La gore.

The gore.

La part més gore, em sap greu, eh?

The goriest part, I'm sorry, okay?

Però tenien clientela, d'aquests llocs.

But they had clientele from those places.

Sí, sí, i sobretot, bé, era gent

Yes, yes, and above all, well, they were people.

sobretot molt bohèmia.

above all very bohemian.

Per exemple, els que parlo... Mira, els que comento ara

For example, the ones I’m talking about... Look, the ones I’m commenting on now.

que estaven situats a la part del

that were located at the part of the

Raval, això era com la part...

Raval, this was like the part...

l'entrada de la ciutat.

the entrance of the city.

Estaven aquí a Sant Antoni, al carrer...

They were here in Sant Antoni, on the street...

Bueno, al carrer Riera Alta, Riera Baixa,

Well, on Riera Alta street, Riera Baixa,

doncs aquí s'explica que hi havia unes fondes,

well, it is explained here that there were some inns,

portes d'entrada, i venia molta gent,

entrance doors, and many people were coming in,

doncs que o eren pobres, o eren gent

so they were either poor, or they were people

bohèmia, gent de mala vida,

bohemia, people of ill repute,

i llavors, fins i tot, es veu que es va posar de moda

and then, it even turns out that it became fashionable

durant un temps una tradició

for a time a tradition

una mica sàdica, que era que els joves

a bit sadistic, which was that the young

aquí et servien

here they served you

el plat, diguéssim, però tu

the plate, let’s say, but you

havies de portar... Ai, no, no, no, no.

you had to bring... Oh, no, no, no, no.

I hi havia una cançoneta que...

And there was a little song that...

O sigui, l'havies de portar viu? No.

So, you had to bring him alive? No.

No, bueno, el que saben i el...

No, well, what they know and the...

Havies de portar l'exemplar.

You had to bring the copy.

L'exemplar, sí. I, de fet, hi havia una cançoneta

The specimen, yes. And, in fact, there was a little song.

que corria que deia, els del Raval són

"that ran that said, those from the Raval are"

molt trempats, tots els dissabtes escorxen

very spicy, every Saturday they skin

gats. I fins aquí. Però això, vull dir,

cats. And so far. But this, I mean,

està... Que fort, eh? Sí, sí, hi havia

It's... How strong, huh? Yes, yes, there was.

una cançoneta perquè es va posar de moda

a little song because it became fashionable

entre els joves, eren un salvatge, eren una mica

among the young, they were wild, they were a bit

salvatges, eh? De quina època has dit que parlàvem

Wild, huh? What era did you say we were talking about?

això? Això parlaríem segle XVI,

This? We would be talking about the 16th century.

segle XVII, sí. Bueno, com que portà

17th century, yes. Well, since it brought

una llagosta... Perdó, segle XVIII,

a lobster... Sorry, 18th century,

segle XVIII i XIX. Ja, ja, ja.

18th and 19th centuries. Ha, ha, ha.

Bé, llavors, clar, els gats encara no tenien...

Well, then, of course, the cats still didn't have...

Però, clar, la llagosta,

But, of course, the lobster,

o sigui, l'exemplar que poses,

that is, the example you give,

malauradament s'ha mantingut

unfortunately has been maintained

fins al dia d'avui, que la gent s'ho segueix

until today, that people still do it

menjant. Però, clar, gats...

eating. But, of course, cats...

Clar, ens xoca molt, però en realitat

Of course, it shocks us a lot, but in reality

és com portar un porquet, també.

it's like carrying a pig, too.

Sí, sí, sí, bueno, perquè aquí

Yes, yes, yes, well, because here

som les dues vegetarianes, no?

We are both vegetarians, right?

Però, però, no, estic...

But, but, no, I am...

Estic flipant, eh? Vull dir que...

I'm freaking out, right? I mean that...

Bueno, mira, acabo... Perdó, mira, últim, ja, et prometo.

Well, look, I'm done... Sorry, look, last one, okay, I promise you.

Un altre personatge, que és el burro

Another character, which is the donkey.

de la gatera. No sé si el coneixeu,

from the cat flap. I don't know if you know him,

el burro de la gatera. No, no, no.

the donkey of the gutter. No, no, no.

Quin descobriment, que t'ho has deixat.

What a discovery that you've left it behind.

Doncs, eh, em sap greu portar-vos

Well, eh, I'm sorry to bring you



Oblidem que a Barcelona, no oblidem que a Barcelona

We forget that in Barcelona, we do not forget that in Barcelona.

també hi ha bé la casa dels gats, eh? Sí, sí, sí.

There is also the house of the cats, right? Yes, yes, yes.

Això de la catedral... Un reforç positiu.

This about the cathedral... A positive reinforcement.

Se t'ha arribat el coneixement. Molt, molt.

Knowledge has come to you. Very, very much.

Jo ja aniré, ja aniré a veure si...

I'll go, I'll go to see if...

Que hi trobem. Sí, no sé,

What we find there. Yes, I don't know,

potser hi ha alguna figura d'algun gat

perhaps there is some figure of a cat

en algun capitell o... Jo he estat buscant

in some capital or... I have been looking

i no he sabut trobar, però vaja, a vegades

and I haven't been able to find it, but well, sometimes

s'ha de rebuscar bé. L'hi haurem de preguntar, també.

We need to dig deep. We will have to ask him/her about it too.

Bueno, el Joan Pauvia ens va portar coses, no de la catedral,

Well, Joan Pauvia brought us things, not from the cathedral,

però sí que ens va explicar moltes coses, també.

but he did explain many things to us, too.

Digues, digues. Doncs, mira, el burro de la gatera

Tell me, tell me. Well, look, the donkey from the cat flap.

hem de pensar que fa

we have to think that it does

cinc o sis segles la gent tenia gats,

for five or six centuries people had cats,

els de Proceba, perquè caçaven ratolins, però

"those from Proceba, because they were hunting mice, but"

no era com actualment.

it was not like it is now.

Llavors, quan l'animal de companyia

Then, when the pet


I was dying,

fos un gat o un gos,

it was a cat or a dog,

moltes vegades, simplement, el tiraven per la finestra.

many times, they simply threw it out the window.

Llavors, l'Ajuntament...

Then, the Town Hall...

Sí, sí. Llavors, l'Ajuntament

Yes, yes. Then, the City Council.

va posar un... El primer

he put a... The first

servei municipal de neteja, això és del segle XV,

municipal cleaning service, this is from the 15th century,

era el burro de la gatera,

it was the donkey of the cat flap,

que era un senyor que passava

that he was a gentleman who was passing by

amb un burro pel carrer... I anava

with a donkey down the street... And I was going

recollint els cadàvers. Efectivament, anava amb un sac,

collecting the corpses. Indeed, he was carrying a sack,

anava amb unes quelles sonant, i anava recollint

I was walking with some bells ringing, and I was collecting.

els gats, els

the cats, them

gossos morts, els animals

dead dogs, the animals

que estaven... Per resulta que aquest

that they were... It turns out that this

va ser el primer servei

it was the first service

de neteja de Barcelona, i que va durar

of cleaning in Barcelona, and that lasted

doncs... Fa 200 anys

well... 200 years ago

encara anava. Ostres, el burro de la gatera, eh?

still going. Wow, the donkey from the cat flap, huh?

Sí, de fet, mira, he trobat a la premsa

Yes, in fact, look, I have found in the press.

buscant, així per documentar-me, el diari de Barcelona

Searching, thus to document myself, the newspaper of Barcelona.

1820, o sigui, fa

1820, that is, ago

200 anys, una queixa,

200 years, a complaint,

és una queixa, però que diu

it's a complaint, but it says

Aún se encuentran por estas calles

They can still be found on these streets.

a las 10 de la mañana perros y gatos

At 10 in the morning dogs and cats

muertos. Se suplica al señor

dead. It is requested of the Lord

burro de la gatera que madrugue más,

donkey of the gutter that rises early,

y si no puede cargarlos todos de una vez,

and if you can't load them all at once,

que pida uno o más ayudantes.

that one or more assistants are requested.

Ostres... Que es queixaven que els carrers

Wow... They were complaining that the streets

no estaven prou nets.

they were not clean enough.

Que és una cosa que contínuament

What is something that continuously

passa, però que en aquest cas

it happens, but in this case

passava i els recollia, després els portava

I would pick them up, then I would take them.

a enterrar, diguéssim.

to bury, let's say.

I els enterraven, eh? Això ho sabem.

And they buried them, huh? We know that.

O els cremaven, no se sap, això. Això normalment

Either they burned them, it is not known, this. This normally.

el que es feia era

what was done was

portar-los al que es deia el Canyet,

take them to what was called the Canyet,

que era una fossa

that it was a pit

pels animals.

for the animals.

Potser algun temps més

Perhaps some more time.

antigament, inclús, s'havien arribat a llançar al mar,

even, they had even been thrown into the sea,

però sí que és veritat que en els últims temps

but it is true that in recent times

hi havia fosses, a vegades al costat dels camins,

there were ditches, sometimes next to the paths,

on s'enterrava els...

where they buried the...

Aquests animals. Ah, els animals, sí.

These animals. Ah, the animals, yes.

Els animals, diguéssim, domèstics,

Domestic animals, let's say,

que estaven a les llars, sí.

that were at home, yes.

Déu-n'hi-do, eh? Sí, sí.

Well, well, eh? Yes, yes.

Déu-n'hi-do. Quantes històries.

Wow. How many stories.

Però en portes més, em sembla a mi, eh?

But you're bringing more, it seems to me, right?

Bueno, no, ara, si voleu, ja,

Well, no, now, if you want, already,

deixem ja les històries.

let's stop the stories now.

De part més gore. De part més gore.

From the more gory side. From the more gory side.

I fem una petita ruta per la Barcelona

Let's take a little tour of Barcelona.

felina. Vinga, som-hi. I descobrim els gatetes

Feline. Come on, let's go. And let's discover the kittens.

que podem trobar pels carrers de Barcelona.

what we can find in the streets of Barcelona.

Som-hi, som-hi.

Let's go, let's go.

Sí, són llocs que podeu trobar

Yes, they are places you can find.

realment, no són llegendes.

Really, they are not legends.

Si voleu, podeu començar per la

If you want, you can start with the

catedral, tot i que ara mateix només queden les oques.

cathedral, although right now only the geese are left.

Però, vaja, aviam si

But, well, let's see if...

hi ha hagut un lloc. Ara fem llocs en què encara

there has been a place. Now we make places where still

podeu trobar figures de gats.

you can find cat figures.

Jo crec que heu parlat del més conegut,

I think you have talked about the best known.

que és, no? És el símbol, ara,

what is it, right? It is the symbol, now,

potser segurament és el símbol més feli de Barcelona, no?

Perhaps it is surely the happiest symbol of Barcelona, isn't it?

Sí, almenys del Raval, sí.

Yes, at least about the Raval, yes.

Sí, i de la ciutat.

Yes, and from the city.

Jo crec que no n'hi ha cap més. Jo crec que a poc a poc, sí.

I don't think there are any more. I believe that little by little, yes.

És l'escultura potser més famosa.

It is perhaps the most famous sculpture.

Realment no hi ha cap escult. Ara repassarem

There really isn't any sculpture. Now we will review.

algunes, sí que hi ha algunes figures de gats,

there are indeed some figures of cats,

però realment no hi ha una escultura d'un gat. I tampoc d'aquesta

but there really isn't a sculpture of a cat. And neither of this one.

magnitud, que és molt grossa. És molt grossa, sí.

magnitude, which is very big. It is very big, yes.

Sí, sí, i és molt icònic, i és curiós com

Yes, yes, and it is very iconic, and it's curious how

va donar moltes voltes.

he went around a lot.

Jo, per exemple, no el recordo... Jo el primer

I, for example, don't remember him... I remember the first one.

record que tinc del gat de Botero

memory I have of Botero's cat

és allà al...

it's there at the...

quan estava adreçant, a la part de darrere de l'adreçada.

when I was addressing, at the back of the addressed.

Sí, a la plaça Blanquerna. A la plaça Blanquerna,

Yes, at Blanquerna Square. At Blanquerna Square,

que encara estava en un...

that was still in a...

bé, en un sub... diguéssim, en una...

well, in a sub... let's say, in a...

Com un pedestal. Un pedestal, que jo crec que un altre

Like a pedestal. A pedestal, which I believe is another.

encert va ser treure'l del pedestal, i a més

the trick was to take him off the pedestal, and furthermore

és curiós perquè posar-lo a la Rambla del

It's curious because putting it on the Rambla of

Raval, ha servit per...

Raval has served to...

una, ha servit per donar personalitat a la Rambla,

one has served to give personality to the Rambla,

i l'altra ha donat... bueno, ha recuperat

and the other has given... well, has recovered.

l'obra, que estava com molt...

the work, which was very...

no hi huia. No hi huia, és veritat,

I didn't run away. I didn't run away, it's true.

sí. I és veritat que ara molta

Yes. And it is true that now many

gent, que és el que explicaven precisament a l'inici

people, what they were explaining precisely at the beginning.

d'aquest episodi, que molta gent

of this episode, which many people

hi va, no?, per veure'l i per fer-se

Sure, right? To see it and to make oneself.

fotografies, i alguns per pujar-se

photographs, and some for climbing up

al damunt, perquè gent n'hi ha per tot.

above, because there are people everywhere.

I de fet, és un... i és curiós perquè

And in fact, it is a... and it's curious because

la Rambla del Raval és un espai

the Rambla del Raval is a space

que li va costar

that it cost him/her

arrencar, perquè és un espai que neix

to take off, because it is a space that is born

d'enderrocar molts edificis,

of demolishing many buildings,

i és un... té un punt

and it's a... has a point



Clar, és un

Sure, it's a

enderroc important, que això de fet

important demolition, that this in fact

forma part d'un projecte que hi havia,

it is part of a project that existed,

que teòricament havia de continuar cap amunt

that theoretically was supposed to continue upwards

fins a arribar a l'Eixample, però ho diria si s'ha fet

until reaching the Eixample, but I would say if it has been done.

aquest tros. Llavors, un altre

this piece. Then, another

gat que, per exemple, podem trobar molt

cat that, for example, we can find a lot

més discret, i que a mi m'agrada perquè

more discreet, and that I like because

va en certa manera lligat a

it is in a way linked to

aquest gat de Botero, que no té res a veure,

this cat by Botero, which has nothing to do with it,

però és el gat amagat que hi ha a la plaça

but it is the hidden cat that is in the square

dels Països Catalans. La plaça dels Països

of the Catalan Countries. The square of the Countries.

Catalans és aquesta plaça que hi ha davant

Catalans, it is this square that is in front.

de l'estació de Sants,

from Sants station,

que és coneguda com

that is known as

una de les primeres places dures que va haver-hi a Barcelona,

one of the first hard squares that existed in Barcelona,

també molt criticada per això,

also very criticized for this,

no sé si la teniu en ment, és aquella plaça on...

I don't know if you have it in mind, it's that square where...

De ciment. De ciment. On hi ha molts

Of cement. Of cement. Where there are many.

skaters. On hi ha bàsicament molts skaters.

skaters. There are basically many skaters.

Al damunt hi ha una pèrgola,

Above there is a pergola,

i en aquella pèrgola,

and in that pergola,

molt discretament, hi ha una figura d'un gat

very discreetly, there is a figure of a cat



és un petit gat metàl·lic, que es va

it is a small metallic cat, that goes

col·locar allà, doncs,

put there, then,

per donar-li una mica de vida.

to give it a bit of life.

I, de fet, jo crec que enllaça una mica

I actually think it connects a bit.

amb la idea de...

with the idea of...

El gat va ser... El van col·locar els arquitectes,

The cat was... The architects placed it,

ells no ho han explicat mai, però suposo que

they have never explained it, but I suppose that

d'humanitzar, tot i que és un gat,

to humanize, even though it is a cat,

diguéssim, per donar

let's say, to give

més caliu a la plaça,

more warmth in the square,

que és una mica també el que

which is also somewhat what

passa, jo crec, amb el gat de Botero,

it happens, I think, with Botero's cat,

com els gats es converteixen en un element

how cats become an element

per donar-li més vida a un lloc,

to give more life to a place,

en el cas de la plaça,

in the case of the square,

com que era una plaça dura, molt criticada,

since it was a tough square, much criticized,

tot i que va guanyar un premi FAD,

although he won a FAD award,

i va ser molt premiada, és un espai que...

It was highly awarded, it is a space that...

És una mica hostil, no? Vull dir que és que...

It's a bit hostile, isn't it? I mean, it's just that...

És com de pas, no?

It's just a passing thing, isn't it?

Totalment. Trebassem això.

Totally. Let's work on this.

Aquesta plaça, de fet, és per cobrir l'estació,

This square, in fact, is to cover the station,

perquè abans l'estació, abans d'aquesta plaça,

because before the station, before this square,

aquí no hi havia... L'estació estava a l'aire lliure.

there was nothing here... The station was outdoors.

Llavors, quan la van cobrir,

Then, when they covered her,

clar, l'argument era que com que

of course, the argument was that since

baixen les vies, no s'hi poden posar

The tracks go down, they can't be placed there.

arbres, i aquest és l'argument per quan la plaça

trees, and this is the argument for when the square

és dura. Llavors, bé,

it's tough. Then, well,

diguéssim que el gat... A més,

let's say that the cat... Besides,

has d'anar allà i has d'anar a buscar-lo, eh?

You have to go there and you have to go get him, okay?

Ai, jo ho faré. Jo no l'he vist mai.

Oh, I'll do it. I've never seen him/her.

Jo tampoc. L'he passat moltes vegades.

Me neither. I have passed it many times.

És que, si no t'ho diuen, no te n'adonaries

It's just that, if they don't tell you, you wouldn't realize it.

mai, eh? No, segur que no. Perquè, a més a més, la pèrgola

never, huh? No, surely not. Because, moreover, the pergola

té com un

has like a

reixat que, clar,

grated that, of course,

no et deixa veure segons com. Sí, sí.

It doesn't let you see it depending on how. Yes, yes.

L'haurem de buscar, eh? Sí, sí, sí.

We'll have to look for him, right? Yes, yes, yes.

Bueno, de fet, ara la volen renovar, la plaça

Well, in fact, they want to renovate the square now.

que està en això, diuen. Sí.

what is in this, they say. Yes.

Ja fa uns quants anys que estem pendents de...

It's been a few years now that we have been waiting for...

No sé què passarà si el gat... No ho sé.

I don't know what will happen if the cat... I don't know.

No sabem on anirà per al gat, però, bueno, aquí tenim

We don't know where the cat will go, but, well, here we have.

el gat, diguéssim, amagat de la

the cat, let’s say, hidden from the

plaça dels Països Catalans.

square of the Catalan Countries.

Anem ara a la plaça dels Gats.

Let's go to the Cats' Square now.

Hi ha una plaça dels Gats?

Is there a Cats' Square?

No oficialment. I aquí, jo crec

Not officially. And here, I believe.

que hauríem de parlar-ho. Però és

we should talk about it. But it is

popularment, per algunes persones, coneguda

popularly, known by some people

com la plaça dels Gats, i és la plaça que està

like the Cats' Square, and it is the square that is

al carrer Xuclar, en Pintó-Fortuny,

on Xuclar Street, in Pintó-Fortuny,

que és... Hi ha una mitgera,

what is it... There is a half wall,

una paret mitgera, segur que l'heu vist.

a party wall, you must have seen it.

Diguéssim, això és la... Penseu

Let's say, this is the... Think.

en la Rambla, al carrer Pintó-Fortuny,

on the Rambla, at Pintó-Fortuny street,

que és un dels carrers que s'emboca. Ja està, ja m'he ubicat.

It's one of the streets that leads into it. That's it, I've found my bearings.

Correcte. Doncs allà es va enderrocar

Correct. So it was demolished there.

un edifici, i va quedar com

a building, and it was left as

una plaça, diguéssim...

a square, let's say...

Sí, com rectangular, no? Com rectangular,

Yes, like rectangular, right? Like rectangular,

i llavors una paret d'aquestes mitgeres,

and then one of those party walls,

d'aquestes quina tantes a Barcelona, perquè n'hi ha

Of these, how many are there in Barcelona, because there are many.

un munt de parets mitgeres, i llavors

a pile of party walls, and then

a l'any... Ho tinc apuntat per aquí...

In the year... I have it noted down here...

A l'any 98,

In the year 98,

això. Allí era

this. There it was

una paret, res, paret que s'havia

a wall, nothing, a wall that had been

enderrocat, i llavors l'any 98 es va fer una intervenció

demolished, and then in 1998 an intervention was carried out

artística, que va fer

artistic, which made

el MACBA, de

the MACBA, of

decorar espais, diguéssim,

decorate spaces, let's say,

una mica hostils. I un d'aquests espais

a little hostile. And one of these spaces

que es va triar va ser aquella paret mitgera,

what was chosen was that party wall,

i llavors va haver-hi un artista,

and then there was an artist,

que és l'Arnald Ballester,

who is Arnald Ballester,

que va pintar una sèrie de gats.

that painted a series of cats.

És veritat, sí. En aquella mitgera.

It's true, yes. In that wall.

I de fet, ella el que explica és

And in fact, what she explains is

que ella es va pujar, va muntar

that she climbed up, got on

una vestida, i ell va anar allà a fer una intervenció

a dressed woman, and he went there to make an intervention

artística, però no sabia el que faria.

artistic, but I didn't know what I would do.

I que va veure uns gats pels terrats,

And he saw some cats on the rooftops,

i que això és el que el va inspirar

And this is what inspired him.

a pintar aquests gats. Ah, molt bé.

to paint these cats. Ah, very good.

I de fet, aquesta intervenció

And indeed, this intervention

es van fer vàries, vull dir,

they were made several, I mean,

una intervenció artística a diversos espais,

an artistic intervention in various spaces,

aquesta havia de desaparèixer. Però va tenir

this had to disappear. But it had

tant èxit, que de fet

so much success that in fact

es va consolidar, i la paret s'ha restaurat.

It was consolidated, and the wall has been restored.

I s'ha mantingut, de fet.

It has indeed been maintained.

I ara s'ha mantingut. I de fet,

And now it has been maintained. In fact,

hi ha molta gent ja que aquest espai ja li diu

There are a lot of people since this space already indicates.

com la paret... Perquè aquell tros,

like the wall... Because that piece,

allò és que no té nom, allò és

that is that it has no name, that is

carri xuclar. Bé, jo t'he de dir que li diria

suck it. Well, I have to tell you that I would tell him.

canguiri, perquè clar, està ple de

cangaroo, because of course, it's full of

terrassetes. Sí, però clar, això podria ser

little terraces. Yes, but of course, that could be

aplicable a molts espais a Barcelona. Sí, és veritat.

applicable to many spaces in Barcelona. Yes, it is true.

Jo crec que aquí,

I think that here,

bé, el nom, no ho hauríem de dir,

well, the name, we shouldn’t say it,

és oficial, hi ha molta gent que li diu

It's official, many people call it that.

la plaça dels Gats, jo crec que igual

the Cats' Square, I think it's the same

hauríem d'aconseguir que... Ja estima que

we should try to... Already loves that

no sé, haurem de portar algun alcalde

I don't know, we'll have to bring some mayor.

de Barcelona, algun més, perquè... Perquè a veure

from Barcelona, someone else, because... Because let's see

si el podem convèncer, no?

If we can convince him, right?

Doncs em sembla una bona proposta.

Well, it seems like a good proposal to me.

És un espai que, mira, és un espai

It's a space that, look, it's a space.

que no té...

that does not have...

Vull dir, no té nom,

I mean, it has no name,

que no afecta realment

that doesn't really affect

a veïns, l'enumeració ni res.

to neighbors, neither the enumeration nor anything.

Jo crec que, escolta, la plaça dels Gats,

I believe that, you know, the Cats' Square,

una mica en homenatge a la història

a little in homage to history

dels Gats de Barcelona? Doncs, per què no?

About the Cats of Barcelona? Well, why not?

Ja farem la proposta a través

We will make the proposal through.

de les xarxes, demanarem suport

from the networks, we will ask for support

als seguidors i, escolta... Jo crec que...

to the followers and, listen... I believe that...

Bé, jo és una idea que deixo aquí. No sé si

Well, I leave an idea here. I don't know if

estarà molt per la labor.

he will be very much for the work.

L'haurem de convidar al podcast, a veure...

We'll have to invite him to the podcast, let's see...

Doncs, a veure, s'ha de...

Well, let's see, we have to...

Potser té algun gat a casa, no ho sé. I no ho sabem,

Maybe she has a cat at home, I don't know. And we don't know.

no ho sabem, per això, escolta... Vinga, més Gats?

We don't know, so listen... Come on, more Cats?

Som-hi, som-hi! Doncs vinga, la casa dels Gats,

Let's go, let's go! Come on, the house of the Cats,

a Sarrià. Ah, una altra

to Sarrià. Ah, another one.

casa dels Gats, perquè la de la

house of the Cats, because the of the

catedral, no? Sí.

Cathedral, right? Yes.

Bé, aquesta és perquè... És actual.

Well, this is because... It is current.

És actual, sí. És una...

It is current, yes. It is a...

És una casa que està al carrer

It is a house that is on the street.

major de Sarrià, molt a prop

Sarrià mayor, very close.

de l'església, cantonada

from the church, corner

amb el carrer Paletes, o sigui que és pràcticament

with Paletes Street, so it's practically

la nostra casa de la vila, si coneixeu Sarrià.

our town hall, if you know Sarrià.

Doncs, en aquesta casa es van posar

Well, in this house they set up

a la façana unes figures d'uns Gats

on the facade, some figures of Cats

metàl·lics, molt semblants, de fet, als que hi ha

metallic, very similar, in fact, to those that exist

a la plaça aquesta

in this square

dels Països Catalans, una mica

from the Catalan Countries, a little

per espantar els coloms. Era la idea.

to scare the pigeons. That was the idea.

És bona idea. És bona idea.

It's a good idea. It's a good idea.

I llavors té la façana decorada

And then it has the decorated facade.

amb... Ai, ja no em sortia el nom en català,

with... Oh, I couldn't remember the name in Catalan anymore,

la cornissa, bé...

the cornice, well...

Ah, és la cornissa, no?

Ah, it's the cornice, isn't it?

No ho sé, no ho sé, ara no m'ho feu...

I don't know, I don't know, please don't do this to me now...

Ho vaig buscant. A sobre les finestres

I'm looking for it. Above the windows.

diguéssim que hi han col·locat

let's say that they have placed

figures de Gats metàl·lics

metallic cat figures

i llavors també aquesta casa

and then also this house

se la coneix la casa dels Gats perquè

it is known as the house of the Cats because

hi ha els Gats

There are the Cats.

a diversos punts de la façana. Doncs és una

at several points of the facade. So it is a

idea bonica perquè en comptes de posar

nice idea because instead of putting

punxes, que són molt lletges,

spikes, which are very ugly,

doncs és bonic. És cornissa, eh?

Well, it's nice. It's a cornice, right?

És cornissa. Sí, a més a sonora

It's a cornice. Yes, moreover in a sonorous way.

cornissa. Doncs està.

cornice. So it is.

Sí, sí. A l'element arquitectòric

Yes, yes. To the architectural element.

sortint, generalment

going out, generally

horitzontal i molt llorat, o sigui que

horizontal and very cried, so

doncs molt bé. Doncs ho podeu trobar a

well then. So you can find it at

carrer Major de Sarrià, 87.

Major Street of Sarrià, 87.

Molt bé, doncs apuntat. Cantonal de carrer Paletes.

Very well, so noted. Street Paletes corner.

Va, un gat més. Aviam.

Come on, one more cat. Let's see.

Aquest també és bastant desconegut,

This is also quite unknown,

és el gat de Rodinger?

Is it Schrödinger's cat?

Sí, el de la caixa

Yes, the one from the box.

que si diuen s'està viu o no

that if they say you are alive or not

està viu, no?, tot això. Correcte.

It's alive, isn't it? That's right.

O que està viu i mor a la vegada. Està també present

O that is alive and dies at the same time. It is also present.

a Barcelona. Ostres. Sí,

in Barcelona. Wow. Yes,

a la facultat de física

at the faculty of physics

de l'UB, a la zona universitària,

from the UB, to the university area,

ells tenen un pati que

they have a yard that

comparteixen amb la, crec que és amb

they share with her, I think it is with

química, que li diuen, m'ho he apuntat

chemistry, they call it, I’ve noted it down.

perquè és un nombre curiós, la Trisolar. No és que soc

because it is a curious number, the Trisolar. It's not that I am

de lletres i a les facultats de ciència no hi vaig

I don't go to letters and the faculties of science.

a veure. Com li diuen? La Trisolar.

Let's see. What do they call her? The Trisolaran.

La Trisolar. La Trisolar, crec que perquè té unes plaques

The Trisolar. The Trisolar, I think it's because it has some plates.

solars. És una plaça central, diguéssim, que

plots. It's a central square, let's say, that

tenen enmig de les facultats, i aquí

they have in the middle of the faculties, and here

fa uns anys van pintar

A few years ago they painted.

un mural de diversos científics.

a mural of various scientists.

Hi ha Einstein,

There is Einstein,

hi ha Marie Curie,

there is Marie Curie,

hi ha Galileu, hi ha

there is Galileo, there is

Arquímedes, hi ha científics o gent

Archimedes, are there scientists or people?

de ciència, de tota la...

of science, of all the...

història, i llavors a l'hora de pintar Rödinger

history, and then when it comes time to paint Rödinger

el que van pintar és el gat

what they painted is the cat

dintre la caixa. Ostres!

Inside the box. Wow!

Traient el caparró. I hi ha un mural

Taking out the caparró. And there is a mural.

allà preciós amb el gat de Rödinger

there precious with Schrödinger's cat

que és molt poc conegut, també, aquest gat.

that this cat is also very little known.

Sí, sí, és molt poc. És que saps que

Yes, yes, it's very little. It's just that you know that

ara ens estàs creant necessitats.

now you are creating needs for us.

Bueno, jo he donat alguns punts pels

Well, I have given some points for the

catlovers. Tant a vosaltres com a

catlovers. Both to you and to

tots els dos. Jo estic pensant com ho faré

Both of them. I am thinking about how I will do it.

comparant tots els llocs, perquè

comparing all the places, because

bueno, Països Catalans

Well, Catalan Countries.

em queda a prop, però s'ha riat.

It is close to me, but it has laughed.

Bueno, farem ruta, no?

Well, shall we hit the road?

Hem de fer una ruta, si no. Exacte.

We have to make a route, otherwise. Exactly.

I ara anem ja a...

And now let's go to...

jo crec que els més coneguts, probablement

I think that the most well-known, probably.

potser un dels més coneguts sigui la Font del Gat.

Perhaps one of the most well-known is the Cat Fountain.

Home, i tant, a Montjuïc, no?

Sure, in Montjuïc, right?

La Font del Gat de Montjuïc, que el seu nom

The Font del Gat de Montjuïc, whose name

segons s'explica, és perquè

as it is explained, it is because

l'any 1855 la va trobar un gat.

In 1855, a cat found her.

Ah, va trobar la font.

Ah, he found the source.

Sí, algú passejant

Yes, someone walking.

un gat i el gat el va portar fins a la font.

a cat and the cat took it to the fountain.

Ostres. Llavors, a partir d'aquí es va

Wow. So, from here it goes

fer molt... al segle

do a lot... in the century

XIX, diguéssim, 1800,

XIX, let's say, 1800,

fins ben bé, fins segle XX,

until well into the 20th century,

mitjans del segle passat, era molt popular

mid-twentieth century, it was very popular

el que es deia les fontades, que és que la gent anava

what was called les fontades, which is that people used to go

a les fonts de Montjuïc

at the Montjuïc fountains

a passar l'estona, a fer berenars,

to spend time, to have snacks,

sobretot en dies festius, per exemple, doncs per Sant Joan,

especially on public holidays, for example, for Saint John,

pel dimecres de cendres

for Ash Wednesday

fer l'enterro de sardina, quan hi havia

to hold the sardine burial, when there was

certes festivitats, el dilluns aquest

certain festivals, this Monday

de la Pasqua, doncs

of Easter, then

tots aquests dies, era molt típic

all these days, it was very typical

anar a Montjuïc, clar, la gent, evidentment,

go to Montjuïc, of course, the people, obviously,

no tenia cotxe, no hi havia

I didn't have a car, there wasn't one.

avions low cost, i per tant, la gent es quedava

low-cost airlines, and therefore, people were left behind.

a Barcelona, i el que feia era anar

in Barcelona, and what I did was go

al més lluny de Barcelona, al més exòtic

the farthest from Barcelona, the most exotic

que podia ser anar a Montjuïc, que era

that could be going to Montjuïc, which was

enmig de la natura. Llavors, la gent anava a fer

in the middle of nature. Then, people would go to do

fontades. Llavors, hi havia moltes fonts,

fountains. Back then, there were many fountains,

doncs la font del Geparut, la font

then the Geparut fountain, the fountain

Trobada, la font dels Tres Pins,

Meeting, the spring of the Three Pines,

la font... hi ha un munt, eh?

the fountain... there are plenty, aren't there?

I una d'aquestes fonts era la font del gat. Moltes eren

And one of these sources was the cat's fountain. Many were.

això, fonts que s'havien trobat

this, sources that had been found

i que es van tornar molt populars.

and they became very popular.

Totes aquestes, pràcticament,

All of these, practically,

l'única que més o menys continua és la font del gat.

The only one that more or less continues is the cat's fountain.

El que ara...

What now...

Hem de pensar que aquesta font,

We have to think that this source,

antigament, simplement, era això, era

anciently, simply, it was this, it was

un lloc, una font natural...

a place, a natural spring...

On sortia aigua.

Water was coming out.

Després, el mes endavant,

Later, the following month,

als anys 20,

in the 1920s,

es va fer, diguéssim,

it was done, let's say,

l'urbanització de tot allò, que va ser

the urbanization of everything that was

quan es va fer... es va posar

when it was made... it was put

la figura d'un... l'aigua, la font del gat,

the figure of a... the water, the cat's fountain,

diguéssim que l'aigua surt pel cap d'un gat.

Let's say that water comes out of a cat's head.

Doncs aquest gat es va fer

Well, this cat was made.

és a l'any mil...

it's in the year one thousand...

crec que és 1908, 1909,

I think it is 1908, 1909.

que és quan es va enjardinar

what is when it was landscaped

tota aquella zona.

all that area.

Dintre hi havia el projecte que havíem de fer

Inside there was the project we had to do.

l'exposició que es va fer a Montjuïc.

the exhibition that took place at Montjuïc.

Es va fer tota l'urbanització de la muntanya

The entire mountain development was built.

de Montjuïc, i aquí ja es va fer també

from Montjuïc, and here it was also done

la font del gat, i es va construir el restaurant

the cat's fountain, and the restaurant was built

que hi havia al costat, Modernista,

what was next to it, Modernist,

que això ho va fer Puig i Cadafalch.

that this was done by Puig i Cadafalch.

Llavors, ara, aquí, a la font del gat, tenim el gat,

So, now, here, at the cat's fountain, we have the cat,

la cap del gat a la font,

the head of the cat at the fountain,

i també, a més, hi ha l'entrada...

And also, in addition, there is the entrance...

Si aneu, podeu trobar

If you go, you can find.

diverses figures de gats,

various figures of cats,

dintre la font del gat,

inside the cat's fountain,

que també és famosa, sobretot en aquella època,

which is also famous, especially in that era,

per la cançó de

for the song of

Baixant de la font del gat.

Descending from the cat's fountain.

Una noia, una noia. I un soldat.

A girl, a girl. And a soldier.

Per què? Perquè les fonts, a part d'anar a fer

Why? Because the sources, apart from going to make

aquestes fontades familiars,

these family outings,

i sobretot la font del gat, eren habituals, doncs,

and above all the cat's fountain, they were common, so,

era un lloc més o menys discret,

it was a more or less discreet place,

on podien anar les parelles,

where couples could go,

que en aquest cas, explica...

that in this case, explains...

bé, el soldat

well, the soldier

estava, diguéssim, al castell de...

I was, let’s say, at the castle of...

era un soldat, al Montjuïc hi havia un castell, hi havia militars,

he was a soldier, there was a castle on Montjuïc, there were military personnel,

era un soldat, i les mares

he was a soldier, and the mothers

doncs que l'anava...

so that I was going...

l'anava a buscar i baixaven... Fins la font del gat.

I was going to pick him up and they were coming down... To the cat's fountain.

Fins la font del gat.

To the cat's fountain.

A fer... A festejar.

To do... To celebrate.

Exacte. Sí, a festejar. Anava a dir

Exactly. Yes, to celebrate. I was going to say

arrumacos, com els gats. No, però festejar

cuddles, like cats. No, but to court.

és una paraula maquíssima. Sí, és veritat.

It's a very beautiful word. Yes, it's true.

Totalment. I això era...

Totally. And that was...

era més o menys habitual que també

it was more or less common that also

les fonts de Barcelona, doncs sí, anés a festejar.

the fountains of Barcelona, then yes, would go to celebrate.

I el que

And what

també no és tan conegut és que hi ha

it's also not so well known that there is

una segona font del gat a Barcelona. Ostres!

A second cat fountain in Barcelona. Wow!

Que està a

What is at

Sant Agustí, on hi ha

Saint Augustine, where there is

el convent...

the convent...

al barri de Sant Pere. Sí.

in the Sant Pere neighborhood. Yes.

Diguéssim, allà on hi ha el convent de

Let's say, there where the convent of

Sant Agustí, que també havia estat

Saint Augustine, who had also been

antigament, allò havia estat un...

formerly, that had been a...

una caserna militar. Sí.

A military barracks. Yes.

Doncs allà al concert de

Well, there at the concert of

la plaça Sant Agustí hi ha una font

In the square of Sant Agustí, there is a fountain.

que també és coneguda com la font del

which is also known as the fountain of

gat. I es diu que aquella font

cat. And it is said that that fountain

doncs tenia els sortidors, els

well, I had the spouts, the

caps d'un gat. Què passa? Que allò

Heads of a cat. What happens? That thing.

als anys 40 o així

in the 1940s or so

la van... la van... la van

they go... they go... they go

enderrocar, la van desfer, i la que

to overthrow, they dismantled it, and the one that

n'hi ha ara n'hi ha una, però es va reconstruir

There is one now, but it was rebuilt.

posteriorment. Però allà

later. But there

hi ha una placa que diu

there is a plaque that says

aquí és l'autèntica font del gat on

here is the authentic source of the cat where

venia la Marieta de Loiviu, perquè la

Marieta from Loiviu was coming because the

Marieta de Loiviu, segons diuen els veïns

Marieta from Loiviu, according to the neighbors.

d'aquella zona,

from that area,

era una noia, una minyona que treballava

she was a girl, a maid who worked

a un hostal d'allà de Sant Pere

to a hostel over there by Sant Pere

i el soldat era

and the soldier was

un soldat del que estava

a soldier of what it was

a la caserna de Sant Agustí. Llavors,

at the Sant Agustí barracks. Then,

en lloc de... diuen que la versió

instead of... they say that the version

original no és baixant de la font del gat, sinó

the original is not coming down from the cat's fountain, but rather

passant per la font del gat. Perquè clar, aquí no

passing by the cat's fountain. Because, of course, not here.

poden baixar. Aquí hi ha rivalitat, eh?

They can go down. There is rivalry here, huh?

Sí, aquí hi ha una rivalitat, sí, sí, i fa molta

Yes, there is a rivalry here, yes, yes, and it creates a lot.

gràcia perquè si vas a la... si vas a Sant Agustí

Thank you because if you go to... if you go to Sant Agustí

que ara també seria la plaça de Can Guiri

that would now also be the square of Can Guiri

perquè bàsicament hi ha moltes terrasses

because there are basically a lot of terraces

amb turistes,

with tourists,

al mig hi ha una font d'aquestes tipus

In the middle, there is a fountain of this type.

canaletes al mig de la plaça, i a un

canaletes in the middle of the square, and at one

lateral, allò fent cantonada

lateral, that cornering

amb el carrer Cardés, crec que, si no m'equivoco,

with Cardés street, I believe that, if I'm not mistaken,

doncs allà hi ha una placa on diu

so there is a plaque that says

aquí això, que aquí... l'autèntica Marieta

here this, that here... the authentic Marieta

de Loiviu és la que venia

of Loiviu is the one who came

aquesta font. Quina competició, eh?

this fountain. What a competition, huh?

Sí, sí, això també a vegades ja té

Yes, yes, this sometimes has that too.

a Barcelona. Boníssim, eh?

In Barcelona. Very good, huh?

O sigui, Déu-n'hi-do. La falta

That is to say, wow. The lack.

d'una, dos fonts al gat. Sí, dos fonts al gat. Aquesta no és tan

One, two fountains to the cat. Yes, two fountains to the cat. This one isn't so…

coneguda, potser, no? No, no és tan coneguda. Que per cert,

known, perhaps, right? No, it’s not that well known. By the way,

el restaurant que hi ha, no?, que va

The restaurant that is there, right? No way.

fer Puig i Cadafalch, no?, ara

make Puig i Cadafalch, right?, now

de nou tornarà a obrir.

it will open again.

Això diuen. Això diuen, sí, a vegades

That's what they say. That's what they say, yes, sometimes.

aquestes coses van lentes, i va ser molts anys

these things take time, and it was many years

restaurant de bodes,

wedding restaurant,

batejos i comunions,

baptisms and communions,

i ara porta molt de temps, és una pena molt

And now it has been a long time, it’s really a shame.

tancat. Està una mica deixat tot allò, eh? Sí, sí,

Closed. Everything there is a bit neglected, isn't it? Yes, yes,

aquesta zona està... Però,

this area is... But,

bueno, fa... Inclús hi ha una part dels jardins que

Well, there is... There is even a part of the gardens that

estan una mica fets pols,

they are a bit worn out,

i així que a veure si esperem que... Tant de bo,

And so let's see if we wait for... Hopefully,

tant de bo, sí, sí. Però, bueno, està molt bé, eh?

I hope so, yes, yes. But, well, it's very good, huh?

Jo t'he de dir que les aniré buscant

I have to tell you that I will be looking for them.

totes. Sí, sí. És una d'aquelles

All of them. Yes, yes. It's one of those.

coses que estaria bé que es puguin

things that it would be good if they can



Va, i... anem als

Come on, and... let's go to the

quatre gats, l'altre local per excel·lència.

four cats, the other establishment par excellence.

Mític. Mític de gats, els quatre gats,

Mythical. Mythical of cats, the four cats,

que és el...

What is the...

la Cerveceria Modernista, que està al carrer,

the Modernist Brewery, which is on the street,

al carrer Munció,

on Munció street,

va tocar el portal de l'Àngel,

he knocked on the Angel's door,

crec que tothom sap on està, no?, més o menys. Sí.

I think everyone knows where it is, right?, more or less. Yes.

I que va... és una casa modernista,

And of course... it's a modernist house,

que també va fer Puig i Cadafalch, la casa Martí,

which Puig i Cadafalch also designed, the Martí house,

i que els Baixos va obrir aquí

and that Baixos opened here

diguéssim que el 1897,

let's say that in 1897,

i va tancar

and closed

el 1903. O sigui, realment

in 1903. So, really

els quatre gats d'original,

the four original cats,

la Cerveceria Local

the Local Brewery

original, va tenir una vida pràcticament

original, had an almost

curta, perquè només va durar sis anys.

short, because it only lasted six years.

És un local que va obrir Pere Romeu,

It is a venue that Pere Romeu opened.

Pere Romeu era un senyor

Pere Romeu was a gentleman.

que havia treballat a l'Eixat

that had worked at the Eixat

Noir, a... Eixat

Noir, to... Eixat

Noir, ho he dit bé? Sí. Jo no en sé francès,

Noir, did I say it right? Yes. I don't know French.

però... Ens ha sonat molt francès.

but... It has sounded very French to us.

Era un cabaret molt cèlebre

It was a very famous cabaret.

bohemi, del país bohemi. Sí.

Bohemian, from the Bohemian country. Yes.

Sí, en Joan Pau ens en va parlar. Sí, i tant, i tant.

Yes, Joan Pau talked to us about it. Yes, definitely, definitely.

Sí, sí, doncs... Com en parla de...

Yes, yes, well... As for talking about...

Bueno, pel cartell que és tan icònic.

Well, for the poster that is so iconic.

Correcte. Que aquí sí que hi ha un gat,

Correct. Because there is indeed a cat here,

no en el cas... Ell va agafar la idea del gat

not in the case... He took the idea from the cat

i la va portar a Barcelona

and he took her to Barcelona

quan va obrir el seu local, que era els quatre

When he opened his shop, which was at four.

gats, que aquí sí que va jugar una mica amb el concepte

cats, where here it really played a bit with the concept

del gat, però també amb el

of the cat, but also with the



quatre replegats, de poca

four folded, of little

clientela, no? I era el local, va ser

clientele, right? And it was the premises, it was

el local per excel·lència de reunió

the venue par excellence for meetings

d'artistes modernistes, Santiago Rosiñol,

of modernist artists, Santiago Rusiñol,

Ramon Casas,

Ramon Casas,

fins i tot Gaudí, es diu que havia vingut

Even Gaudí, it is said, had come.

alguna vegada, és on Picasso va fer la seva primera exposició,

sometime, it is where Picasso had his first exhibition,

i tot i que no té una

and although it doesn't have one

iconografia molt felina,

very feline iconography,



sí que a l'interior hi havia hagut algunes figures

yes, there had been some figures inside

de gats, que ara ja n'hi són,

of cats, which are already there now,

perquè clar, és que realment això... Aquest local va tancar

because, of course, this... This venue closed.

el 1903, el local

in 1903, the venue

original, i no va ser fins al 83

original, and it wasn't until '83

que va tornar a obrir. O sigui,

that reopened. So,

del 1903 al 83 no existia els quatre

From 1903 to 83, the four did not exist.

gats. Ostres, no n'hi do.

Cats. Wow, that's quite something.

Va tenir altres usos, fins i tot va ser un

It had other uses, it even ended up being a

magatzem. Llavors va haver-hi un grup d'empresaris

warehouse. Then there was a group of entrepreneurs

que el van reobrir el

that they reopened it on the

83. I mira, ja que parlem

83. And look, since we're talking

de quatre gats, us explico

of four cats, I'll explain to you

que ja sortim de tema, però bueno, que té a veure amb

that we're already off topic, but well, it has to do with

els gats, i és

the cats, and it is

el... No sé si sou molt futboleres,

I... I don't know if you are very into football,

no ho sé, potser no, però vaja,

I don't know, maybe not, but well,

sabreu que als seguidors de l'Espanyol els hi diuen

you will know that the supporters of Espanyol are called

periquitos. Sí. Val.

parakeets. Yes. Okay.

I això té un origen

And this has an origin.

amb els gats. Ostres!

with the cats. Wow!

Sí, perquè resulta que als anys

Yes, because it turns out that in the years



s'editava una revista satírica, esportiva,

a satirical, sports magazine was published,

que llavors a la premsa satírica

that then in the satirical press

no hi havia memes, llavors això es feia

there were no memes, so this was done

amb diaris, amb revistes, i una revista

with newspapers, with magazines, and a magazine

que es deia El Xut. I aquest Xut

who was called El Xut. And this Xut

feia... Bueno, eren dibuixants,

they were... well, they were cartoonists,

humoristes, i llavors dibuixaven

humorists, and then they drew

els seguidors de l'Espanyol,

the followers of Espanyol,

s'emborraven d'ells, i els dibuixaven

they were getting drunk off them, and they drew them

com a quatre gats, perquè deien que

like four cats, because they said that

només hi anaven quatre gats. I aquests quatre

there were only four cats. And these four

gats els dibuixaven com el gat Fèlix,

they drew them like Felix the Cat,

el Fèlix de Cat, perquè

the Félix of Cat, because

era el personatge que estava més o menys a moda alhora,

he was the character that was more or less in fashion at the time,

llavors dibuixava quatre gats com Fèlix de Cat. Què passa?

Then I used to draw four cats like Felix the Cat. What's up?

Que el gat Fèlix de Cat

That the cat Felix from Cat

a Espanya es va conèixer

it was known in Spain

no com a Fèlix, sinó com a Gato Periquito.

not as Félix, but as Gato Periquito.

En època es traduïen tots els noms.

In the past, all names were translated.

Llavors li deien Gato Periquito.

Then they called him Gato Periquito.

I d'aquí ve

And here it comes

que a l'Espanyol eren els quatre gatos

that at Espanyol there were only four cats

Periquitos, els quatre gats Periquitos.

Budgies, the four cats Budgies.

I d'aquí es diu que ve el nom

And from here it is said that the name comes.

de Periquitos, que no té res a veure

of Parakeets, which has nothing to do with

probablement... amb l'animal...

probably... with the animal...

que no té res a veure correcte amb els pericos, amb els ocells,

that has nothing to do with the pericos, with the birds,

sinó que realment vindria dels gats,

but it would really come from the cats,

amb el nom dels espanyolistes.

with the name of the Spanish nationalists.

Ostres, que curiós això. Molt, molt, moltíssim.

Wow, that's very curious. A lot, a lot, a whole lot.

Sí, sí. Que tampoc no sé

Yes, yes. I also don't know.

si és una cosa molt sabuda.

if it is something very well known.

No, no, bueno, aviam, jo he de dir

No, no, well, let's see, I have to say

que sóc del Barça, però...

that I'm from Barça, but...

Però clar, no...

But of course, no...

En el cas del Barça són els culers, que té un altre origen.

In the case of Barça, they are the culers, which has a different origin.

Exacte. Bueno, i pels colors de la samarreta

Exactly. Well, and for the colors of the shirt.

de l'Espanyol són més semblants

are more similar to those of Espanyol.

als Periquitos, per això...

to the Parakeets, that's why...

Hi havia una teoria que deia que era perquè

There was a theory that said it was because

abans havia anat a groc, però jo...

before I had gone to yellow, but I...

Bueno, però com que hi ha Periquitos blancs

Well, but since there are white budgerigars

i blaus... Clar, no...

And blues... Of course, no...

Aquesta sembla la teoria més...

This seems to be the most... theory.

Sí, extesa. Extesa.

Yes, spread. Spread.

O sigui, la més documentada, perquè de fet

That is to say, the most documented, because in fact

hi ha les amoroteques,

there are the amoroteques,

hi ha els dibuixos, i tu pots veure perfectament

There are the drawings, and you can see perfectly.

que són els quatre gats, que són els gats fèlix,

what are the four cats, what are the felix cats,

llavors... Sí, vindria més d'això

so... Yes, there would be more of that

que no pas de la samarreta, dels colors de la samarreta.

not the shirt itself, but the colors of the shirt.

Correcte, sí. Que curiós, eh?

Correct, yes. How curious, huh?

De fet, els colors de la samarreta, la teoria

In fact, the colors of the T-shirt, the theory

és que ve de Roger...

it's that it comes from Roger...

Vull dir, dels almogàvers, és a dir...

I mean, of the Almogavars, that is to say...

Ostres. Però bueno, vull dir...

Wow. But well, I mean...

Ja sabeu que... Sempre hi ha moltes...

You already know that... There are always many...

Moltes coses tenen moltes teories, però aquesta

Many things have many theories, but this one

sembla la més acceptada.

seems to be the most accepted.

I ja, si voleu, em vaig acabant ja la ruta,

And well, if you want, I'm already finishing the route.

perquè si no ens estarem tot el dia a Pedralbes...

because if not we will spend the whole day in Pedralbes...

Bueno, nosaltres encantades, eh?

Well, we are delighted, right?

Ja t'ho dient. Hi ha molts llocs

I'm telling you. There are many places.

que podeu trobar gats, a Pedralbes,

that you can find cats, in Pedralbes,

per exemple, a monestir de Pedralbes hi ha

for example, at the Monastery of Pedralbes there is

el claustre dels gats, que...

the cloister of the cats, which...

Ara mateix no hi ha gats, però ha conservat

Right now there are no cats, but it has kept.

aquest nom.

this name.

Hi ha molts establiments que, per exemple, han tingut

There are many establishments that, for example, have had

els... O locals que han

the... or locals that have

tingut el gat com a...

having the cat as...

Diguéssim, emblema.

Let’s say, emblem.

Des del Gato Negro, que també

From the Black Cat, which also

en vau parlar, la loteria del Gato Negro,

you talked about it, the Gato Negro lottery,

que tenia el gat, que aquí el gat, per exemple,

what the cat had, that here the cat, for example,

el gat negre és com un icona... El gat negre

the black cat is like an icon... The black cat

és una icona de sort. De bona sort, sí, sí.

It's a symbol of luck. Good luck, yes, yes.

L'editorial Bruguera, també,

The Bruguera publishing house, too,

que es va fer a Barcelona, també tenia un gat negre

what was done in Barcelona also had a black cat

com a logotip. O inclús hi havia uns grans

as a logo. Or there were even some big ones.

magatzems que estaven al carrer

warehouses that were on the street

Casp, que els seus...

Wow, their...

Els magatzems... Em sortirà el nom...

The warehouses... The name will come to me...

Això, el Tivoli, davant del Teatre

This, the Tivoli, in front of the Theatre.

Tivoli, que tenien com a logotip

Tivoli, which they had as a logo.

un gat, un gat

a cat, a cat

negre amb cinc potes. Ostres,

black with five legs. Wow,

mira... Una cosa bastant curiosa.

Look... A rather curious thing.

Que no sé si és perquè... No sé si

That I don't know if it's because... I don't know if

buscar-li les cinc... No sé...

to look for the five... I don't know...

No sé d'on venia, això. Però diguéssim que el tenien

I don't know where it came from, this. But let's say they had it.

com a icona.

as an icon.

I llavors, ja si voleu, per acabar,

And then, if you want, to finish,

o l'últim lloc

or the last place

indiret d'aquesta ruta de gats, doncs podem

indirectly from this cat route, so we can

acabar al Jardinet dels Gats.

to end up at the Cats' Garden.



Que ja és un punt ja molt conegut,

That is already a well-known point,

a la plaça del Canonja Colom.

in the Canonja Colom square.

Just davant del Teatre Romea.

Right in front of the Romea Theatre.

Efectivament. On teniu l'esperit

Indeed. Where do you have the spirit?

de Margarida Xirgo, que diuen

of Margarida Xirgo, they say

que es passeja per allà.

that strolls around there.

Que havia actuat moltes vegades al Teatre

That he had acted many times at the Theatre.

Romea. Doncs aquí tenim aquest

Romea. So here we have this

espai del Jardinet dels Gats, que acullen els gats.

space of the Cat Garden, which hosts the cats.

Del que havia estat abans, antigament,

Of what it had been before, in the past,

tot això formava part de l'Hospital

all of this was part of the Hospital

de la Santa Creu. De fet, aquí,

of the Holy Cross. In fact, here,

en aquest lloc hi havia el primer...

in this place there was the first...

Aquesta plaça, el Canonja

This square, the Canonja.

Colom, el nom

Colom, the name



d'un antic hospital.

of an old hospital.

Hem de pensar que els hospitals eren el lloc

We have to think that hospitals were the place.

on s'acollia els peregrins que venien

where the pilgrims who came were welcomed

a Barcelona. No era tant un hospital

in Barcelona. It wasn't so much a hospital

com l'entenem avui en dia on hi havia els metges,

as we understand it today where the doctors were,

sinó que era un lloc on la gent

but it was a place where people

anava, doncs, els peregrins,

thus went the pilgrims,

o gent que no tenia on anar,

or people who had nowhere to go,

treballava, llavors es feia com de refugi.

I was working, then it became like a refuge.

Ara aquest espai, diguéssim, és un refugi

Now this space, let's say, is a refuge.

no de persones, sinó de

not of people, but of

gats. Que bonic, eh?

Cats. How nice, huh?

Nosaltres, al Jardinet, la veritat és que tenim vincle

We, at the Jardinet, the truth is that we have a bond.

perquè les vegades que fèiem

because the times we did

al mercat, els hem donat,

at the market, we have given them,

hem fet donatius de les samarretes

we have made donations of the t-shirts

solidàries o dels beneficis del

solidary or of the benefits of

mercat, o sigui que... És la primera entitat

market, so... It is the first entity

a qui vam donar el

to whom did we give the

donatiu. I tenim un vincle molt especial

donation. And we have a very special bond.

i coneixem molt de prop la feina

We know the job very well.

que fan, que és molta. Igual que

what they do, which is a lot. Just like

hi ha moltíssimes altres entitats

there are many other entities

de la ciutat, que n'hi ha moltíssimes.

of the city, there are many of them.

N'hi ha moltíssimes, però segur que n'hi ha moltes.

There are many, but there are definitely a lot of them.

També està a prop de la

It is also close to the

plaça dels Gats. Sí, de fet

Cat Square. Yes, in fact.

està molt a prop. La ruta no l'he fet

It's very close. I haven't taken the route.

molt ordenada, com podeu veure.

very organized, as you can see.

No, és perfecte.

No, it's perfect.

Diguéssim que sí, està molt a prop

Let's say yes, it's very close.

de la plaça dels Gats. Un motiu de més

from the Cats' Square. One more reason

potser per batejar-la així.

maybe to name it that way.

Sí, estaria molt bé.

Yes, that would be great.

Doncs mira. Jo

Well, look. I

llenço aquesta proposta i

I put forward this proposal and

podem anar fent. Nosaltres

we can keep going. We

recollim el guant i, per què no,

we pick up the glove and, why not,

comencem a moure-la, no?

Shall we start moving it, right?

Arroba coi bonics.

@"Hey beautiful!"



un plaer de veritat. Encantat de ser

A true pleasure. Glad to be.

aquí amb vosaltres, parlant d'històries

here with you, talking about stories

felines. No, no,

felines. No, no,

ens has explicat un munt d'històries, un munt

you have told us a lot of stories, a lot

de coses que nosaltres, com a catlovers,

about things that we, as cat lovers,

desconeixíem. Totalment.

we were unaware. Completely.

I que segur que els nostres

And I’m sure that our

oients tampoc coneixien.

listeners also did not know.

Així que moltes, moltes gràcies.

So, thank you very, very much.

Ens acompanyaràs, no?, a fer aquesta ruta.

You'll accompany us, right?, to do this route.

Segurament, no?, algun dia. I tant.

Surely, right?, someday. Of course.

Si voleu la podem dur a la pràctica.

If you want, we can put it into practice.

Doncs mira, jo... Haurem de caminar

Well, look, I... We'll have to walk.

bastant, perquè hi ha unes quantes

quite a lot, because there are a few

distàncies, però vaja. Són punts una mica

distances, but well. They are points a little

separats uns dels altres. La podem fer en dos

separated from each other. We can do it in two.

o tres tours. Perquè veieu que tenim gats repartits

or three tours. So you can see that we have cats distributed.

per tota la ciutat. Per tota la ciutat.

Through the whole city. Through the whole city.

Sí, sí. Gràcies de veritat. Un plaer.

Yes, yes. Thank you very much. A pleasure.

Moltes gràcies.

Thank you very much.

Ets un catlover de debò?

Are you a true cat lover?

Doncs fes-te Patreon del Will of Cats

So become a Patreon of the Will of Cats.

podcast. Un episodi

podcast. An episode

molt rodó i redonxó.

very round and plump.

Exacte. Com el gat de Botero.

Exactly. Like Botero's cat.

Per acabar la segona temporada del podcast.

To finish the second season of the podcast.

Sí, sí, la veritat. Ha estat

Yes, yes, the truth. It has been

bonic acabar amb un personatge com el gat de

It's beautiful to end with a character like the cat from

Botero, que tot i que no és un gat de carn i

Botero, who although he is not a flesh-and-blood cat and

ossos, que a nosaltres ens agraden molt,

bones, which we really like,

no?, també és molt estimat

isn't it? he is also very loved

i molt fotografiat. I em sembla una

and very photographed. And it seems to me a

molt bona manera de posar punt i final

very good way to put a period at the end

aquesta segona temporada del podcast.

this second season of the podcast.

Una temporada que ha estat protagonitzada

A season that has been characterized

per gatetes il·lustres com Orangey,

for illustrious kitties like Orangey,

el gat actor, la Felicet,

the acting cat, Felicet,

la gata que va anar a l'espai, One Radio,

the cat that went to space, One Radio

el gat infermer, i també la

the nursing cat, and also the

Copycat, la primera gata clonada,

Copycat, the first cloned cat,

entre molts altres. I també per convidades

among many others. And also for guests

i convidats de luxe que han vingut a

and luxury guests who have come to

compartir el seu amor o coneixement gatú

share your cat love or knowledge

amb nosaltres, com l'exalcaldessa de

with us, like the former mayor of

Barcelona de Colau. Molt top això.

Barcelona under Colau. Very cool this.

Molt top. L'equip de meteoròlegs

Very cool. The team of meteorologists.

de BTV, que cada dia fan un tuit

from BTV, who tweet every day

amb la previsió del temps, amb un gatete com a

with the weather forecast, with a little cat as a

protagonista, que també va ser molt guai això.

protagonist, which was also very cool.

O els periodistes i divulgadors

Or journalists and communicators.

Joan Pau i Narejos, i

Joan Pau and Narejos, and

el mateix David Martínez, que en aquest mateix

the same David Martínez, who in this same

episodi ens ha explicat curiositats dels

the episode has told us curiosities about the

felins i de Barcelona. A tots ells,

felines and from Barcelona. To all of them,

moltíssimes gràcies. I gràcies

thank you very much. And thank you

també a RC66,

also to RC66,

la ràdio comunitària del barri de Sant Antoni

the community radio of the Sant Antoni neighborhood

de Barcelona, per deixar-nos

from Barcelona, to let us go

tot el material tècnic i un espai

all the technical material and a space

perquè les carlovers de turno, que som

because the usual car lovers, which we are

nosaltres, la Montsa Casas i la Vanessa

we, Montsa Casas and Vanessa

Carrasquilla, aquí present,

Carrasquilla, here present,

haguem pogut gravar els diferents episodis

we could have recorded the different episodes

d'aquesta segona temporada.

of this second season.

Però l'agraïment més especial

But the most special gratitude

és per vosaltres que ens escolteu.

it is for you who listen to us.

Esperem que hagueu gaudit

We hope you have enjoyed.

escoltant, doncs això, els diferents episodis,

listening, well this, the different episodes,

les diferents històries, tant com nosaltres

the different stories, as well as we do

ho hem fet mentre els preparàvem.

We did it while we were preparing them.

I gràcies també si us heu

And thank you also if you have

dedicat un moment a compartir el nostre podcast

dedicate a moment to share our podcast

amb aquelles persones que adoren els gatetes

with those people who adore kittens

tant com nosaltres, perquè

as much as us, because

això ens ha permès arribar fins aquí.

this has allowed us to get here.

I si no ho heu fet, doncs ja sabeu

And if you haven't done it, well, you know now.

que mai és tard per fer-ho. I com

that it is never too late to do it. And how

ho heu de fer? Doncs...

Do you have to do it? Well...

Amb alguna d'aquestes accions. Vinga,

With one of these actions. Come on,

anem a repassar-les. La primera de totes.

Let's go over them. The first one of all.

Deixant un comentari, estrelletes

Leaving a comment, little stars

i seguint el podcast des de la

and following the podcast from the

plataforma que ens escolteu. Exacte,

platform that listens to us. Exactly,

compartint aquest episodi a les vostres

sharing this episode with your

xarxes socials i amb tots els catlovers

social networks and with all the cat lovers

que coneixeu. Comprant una de

that you know. Buying one of

les nostres samarretes solidàries, xulíssimes,

our awesome solidarity t-shirts,

amb què cada any fem un donatiu

with which we make a donation each year

a una entitat que cuida dels gatetes

to an entity that cares for kittens

abandonats i de carrer. Fem-vos

abandoned and on the street. Let's make you

pàtrios del podcast, que també és una

podcast parents, which is also a

opció que ens ajuda molt.

option that helps us a lot.

I contestant les enquestes i preguntes

I answer the surveys and questions.

que us deixem a la descripció de l'episodi.

that we leave you in the episode description.

A Spotify. I ara sí,

To Spotify. And now yes,

punt i final a la segona temporada

period at the end of the second season

del Wheel of Cats Podcast.

from the Wheel of Cats Podcast.

Hi haurà tercera temporada?

Will there be a third season?

Ja ho veurem. Sorpresa.

We'll see. Surprise.

Al setembre ho decidirem. Bueno, d'aquí uns mesos.

We'll decide in September. Well, in a few months.



Sigui com sigui, gràcies per estar a l'altre costat

Whatever happens, thank you for being on the other side.

i fins aviat. Llarga vida als

and see you soon. Long live the

gatetes. Adeu.

Kittens. Goodbye.

Adeu, adeu.

Goodbye, goodbye.

We love cats.

We love cats.

El podcast de gatetes de la Munsa Casas

The podcast of kittens by Munsa Casas

i la Vanessa Carrasquilla.

and Vanessa Carrasquilla.

No sigueu rates

Don't be rats.

i apunteu-vos al podcast.

And sign up for the podcast.



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