Taula Rodona International Space University

WIA-E Barcelona

Entre galàxies: Un podcast de WIA-E Barcelona

Taula Rodona International Space University

Entre galàxies: Un podcast de WIA-E Barcelona

3, 2, 1, lliure.

3, 2, 1, free.

Aquest viatge ens portarà als llocs més llunyans,

This journey will take us to the farthest places,

coneixent noves idees de la mà de referents diverses, reals i properes,

discovering new ideas through various, real, and close references,

des del lloc més especial de l'univers, el planeta Terra.

from the most special place in the universe, the planet Earth.

Esteu preparades per viatjar entre galàxies?

Are you ready to travel between galaxies?

Hola a tothom, benvingudes i benvinguts una vegada més al podcast de Women in Aerospace.

Hello everyone, welcome once again to the Women in Aerospace podcast.

Jo sóc l'Oma Cladelles, sóc astrofísica, actualment treballant a la missió Gaia de l'ESA

I am Oma Cladelles, I am an astrophysicist, currently working on the ESA's Gaia mission.

i actualment formo part de l'equip de lideratge de Women in Aerospace a Barcelona.

I am currently part of the leadership team of Women in Aerospace in Barcelona.

Avui estic aquí amb tres companyes i amigues amb les que vaig tenir l'oportunitat

Today I am here with three colleagues and friends with whom I had the opportunity.

de compartir la meva experiència al programa de Space Studies Program

to share my experience in the Space Studies Program

o programa d'estudis espacials de la International Space University o ISU.

the space studies program of the International Space University or ISU.

La International Space University és una institució sense ànim de lucre

The International Space University is a non-profit institution.

amb la seu a Estrasburg, a França, i es va fundar el 1987.

with its headquarters in Strasbourg, France, and was founded in 1987.

Té com a motors tres característiques principals o pilars,

It has three main features or pillars as its engines,

que són la interculturalitat, la interdisciplinaritat i la internecriminalitat.

What are interculturality, interdisciplinarity, and intercriminality?

Organitza programes educatius, de recerca i conferències en àrees com ciència,

Organizes educational programs, research, and conferences in areas such as science,

enginyeria, polítiques i negocis, i tot enfocat en l'àmbit espacial.

engineering, policies and business, all focused on the space sector.

El programa que destaca és el programa en el que vam assistir nosaltres aquest estiu al Brasil,

The program that stands out is the program we attended this summer in Brazil.

que és el programa d'estudis espacials, i és un curs intensiu de 9 setmanes

what is the space studies program, and it is an intensive 9-week course

que atrau a participants de tot el món.

that attracts participants from around the world.

Ofereix una experiència completa en disciplines espacials i el que busca és fomentar la cooperació internacional

It offers a comprehensive experience in space disciplines and aims to promote international cooperation.

pacífica de l'espai i formar la pròxima generació de líders en el camp espacial.

peaceful use of space and training the next generation of leaders in the field of space.

Noies, us podeu presentar, si us plau?

Girls, could you please introduce yourselves?

Hola a tots i a totes, sóc l'Alba González, sóc enginyera aeroespacial i de sistemes de telecomunicacions

Hello everyone, I am Alba González, I am an aerospace engineer and telecommunications systems engineer.

i actualment estic treballant per un projecte anomenat Instint Telescope.

And currently I am working on a project called Instinct Telescope.

Hola, bon dia, jo sóc la Mercè Cuixart, jo sóc enginyera aeroespacial de formació

Hello, good morning, I am Mercè Cuixart, I am an aerospace engineer by training.

i actualment treballo com a gestora de projectes.

I currently work as a project manager.

d'innovació i transferència tecnològica en el camp espacial.

of innovation and technology transfer in the space field.

Hola, bones, jo em dic Georgina, jo sóc enginyera en sistemes aeroespacials

Hello, good, my name is Georgina, I am an aerospace systems engineer.

i ara mateix estic fent el màster a França, a Toulouse.

And right now I am doing my master's in France, in Toulouse.

Moltes gràcies, doncs m'agradaria escoltar una mica més sobre el motor

Thank you very much, so I would like to hear a little more about the engine.

que us va motivar a participar en aquest programa d'estiu.

What motivated you to participate in this summer program?

Quins van ser els vostres objectius? Què buscàveu en la ISU?

What were your objectives? What were you looking for in the ISU?

Doncs sincerament, el que més m'ha captivat d'aquest programa

Well, honestly, what has captivated me the most about this program

és la diversitat de camps que abraça, des de l'enginyeria fins a les humanitats.

It is the diversity of fields it encompasses, from engineering to the humanities.

Tota aquesta amplitud d'aprenentatge m'ha permès comprendre millor

All this breadth of learning has allowed me to understand better.

tant els aspectes tècnics com els impactes humans en l'exploració espacial

both the technical aspects and the human impacts of space exploration

i crec que és fascinant veure totes aquestes disciplines interconnectades

I think it's fascinating to see all these interconnected disciplines.

i tot l'enriquiment que t'aporten.

and all the enrichment they bring you.

Potser per complementar aquí, Alba, jo potser diria que també a mi em motivava

Maybe to complement this, Alba, I would say that it also motivated me.

a sortir una mica de la bombolla més local, la que estava acostumada,

to step out a bit from the more local bubble I was used to,

i potser a fer una passa endavant i veure què s'està movent al món.

and maybe take a step forward and see what is happening in the world.

Com deia l'Oma a la presentació, és un sector internacional,

As Oma mentioned in the presentation, it is an international sector.

per tant, potser és una mica limitant.

therefore, it may be a bit limiting.

I des del meu punt de vista potser em sentia una mica massa acostumada

And from my point of view, perhaps I felt a little too accustomed.

a veure el que s'està evacuant aquí, i aquesta oportunitat em va permetre

let's see what is being evacuated here, and this opportunity allowed me

fer aquesta passa endavant i poder continuar.

to take this step forward and be able to continue.

M'ha agradat molt el que heu dit perquè, en el meu cas,

I really liked what you said because, in my case,

em va ajudar adquirir una perspectiva molt més global del sector que abans desconeixia.

It helped me gain a much broader perspective of the sector that I was previously unaware of.

Va estimular molts coneixements, tant personals com també tècnics.

It stimulated many skills, both personal and technical.

I a més em va ajudar, en aquest ambient tan multicultural,

And it also helped me, in this very multicultural environment,

a veure tot des de diferents perspectives.

to see everything from different perspectives.

A més, compartir aquestes experiències amb gent molt experta,

Furthermore, sharing these experiences with very experienced people,

d'empreses molt importants o d'agències espacials de tot el món.

of very important companies or space agencies from around the world.

I de les quals aportaven coses perquè a més els agradava compartir

And from which they contributed things because they also liked to share.

tot aquest coneixement que tenien amb les altres persones.

all this knowledge they had with other people.

En el teu cas, Josina, a tu quin va ser el motor principal?

In your case, Josina, what was the main driving force for you?

Bàsicament, el que vaig pensar quan vaig veure aquesta convocatòria

Basically, what I thought when I saw this call.

va ser sortir de la meva zona de confort, que no era el que jo m'hagués imaginat mai,

it was stepping out of my comfort zone, which was not what I would have ever imagined.

que podria participar en un programa així.

that could participate in a program like this.

Aleshores, jo recordo que una de les activitats que a mi més em va agradar

So, I remember that one of the activities that I liked the most

i que em va impactar bastant, per exemple,

and it impacted me quite a lot, for example,

una de les que vam fer va ser el scuba diving,

one of the things we did was scuba diving,

que era com un entrenament d'astronautes.

it was like astronaut training.

I, de veritat, vaig tenir la sort que em van seleccionar per fer-ho.

I truly was fortunate to be selected to do it.

I havíem d'arreglar un suposat satèl·lit que estava sota l'aigua,

We had to fix a supposed satellite that was underwater,

i ho havíem de fer amb una mà i amb un temps màxim,

and we had to do it with one hand and within a maximum time,

que si no recordo malament...

that if I remember correctly...

eren dos minuts.

it was two minutes.

I el que em va impactar molt era que havies de treballar en un entorn

And what impacted me a lot was that you had to work in an environment

que no era el que normalment estem acostumats

that it was not what we are normally used to

i que depenem de l'equipament que portem a sobre.

and we depend on the equipment we carry with us.

Llavors, és com sortir d'aquesta zona de confort

Then, it's like stepping out of this comfort zone.

i de fer alguna cosa que no havies fet mai abans.

and to do something you have never done before.

Sí, la veritat és que és molt interessant totes aquestes oportunitats

Yes, the truth is that all these opportunities are very interesting.

que la ISU t'aporta, coses que abans ni tan sols havies escoltat.

that the ISU brings you, things you hadn't even heard of before.

Hi ha gent que potser no sabia que els astronautes es preparaven així,

There are people who perhaps didn't know that astronauts prepare this way,

sota l'aigua, perquè els efectes que el teu cos pateix

underwater, because of the effects that your body suffers

són similars als que es pateix després la microgravetat

they are similar to those experienced after microgravity

a la International Space Station.

to the International Space Station.

Ara també m'agradaria parlar una mica sobre els projectes,

Now I would also like to talk a little about the projects,

perquè la ISU les últimes setmanes ens incita a participar

because the ISU has been encouraging us to participate in recent weeks

en projectes del sector espacial, però afrontat des de diferents perspectives.

in space sector projects, but approached from different perspectives.

Aquest any, a quin projecte vau participar vosaltres?

This year, which project did you participate in?

Suposo que parles del Team Project, no?, de les últimes fases del curs.

I suppose you are talking about the Team Project, right?, from the last phases of the course.

Exacte, aquest, aquest.

Exactly, this one, this one.

Jo vaig formar part del projecte de Water Security.

I was part of the Water Security project.

Consistia en veure totes les possibilitats que tenia l'espai

It consisted of seeing all the possibilities that the space had.

per fer front a tots els problemes de l'aigua

to address all the water issues

que tenim mundialment i localment a molts llocs del planeta.

that we have globally and locally in many places on the planet.

Nosaltres, el nostre grup, va centrar el projecte a Brasil

We, our group, focused the project in Brazil.

i vam explorar els diferents satèl·lits que havien estat impulsats pel mateix Brasil

and we explored the different satellites that had been launched by Brazil itself.

a veure com podíem amplificar les possibilitats que donen aquests satèl·lits

let's see how we could amplify the possibilities provided by these satellites

per poder resoldre problemes relacionats amb catàstrofes naturals,

to solve problems related to natural disasters,

per dir-ho d'alguna manera, amb inundacions, sequeres, etc.

to put it in some way, with floods, droughts, etc.

Teníem moltes més possibilitats d'abarcar, també,

We had many more possibilities to cover, also,

però el que havia de fer eren tres setmanes a coordinar entre 25 persones

but what I had to do was coordinate between 25 people for three weeks

i gairebé era més complicat totes les feines de management per anar tots a la una

It was almost more complicated than all the management tasks to get everyone on the same page.

que no les hard skills, no?

that not the hard skills, right?

I estem bastant satisfets, va quedar un projecte molt xulo

We are quite satisfied, it turned out to be a really cool project.

i a veure si d'aquí poden continuar des del Brasil

And let's see if they can continue from Brazil from here.

a seguir aprofitant els satèl·lits per ajudar-nos en reptes sociohumanitaris.

to continue leveraging satellites to assist us in socio-humanitarian challenges.

Sí, jo estic d'acord, és un programa molt xulo, no?

Yes, I agree, it's a very cool program, isn't it?

Perquè, a més, la gent que es supervisa és gent experta, no?

Because, moreover, the people being supervised are experts, aren't they?

Que treballa en aquest sector i que tenen molta idea sobre el tema del que s'està investigant.

Who works in this sector and has a lot of knowledge about the subject being researched.

Vosaltres, Alba i Georgina, en el vostre cas, quin projecte va formar RIPART?

You, Alba and Georgina, in your case, which project did RIPART form?

Jo vaig formar part del projecte de Metaverse.

I was part of the Metaverse project.

Realment va ser una experiència que vaig veure que no sabia com relacionar el Metaverse amb l'espai,

It really was an experience where I saw that I didn't know how to relate the Metaverse to space.

perquè dius, bueno, és una realitat virtual, però com serveix, no?

Because you say, well, it's a virtual reality, but it works, right?

I vam aconseguir veure que pot ajudar de moltes maneres,

We were able to see that it can help in many ways,

tant com per ajudar a la medicació, el benestar dels propis astronautes

as much as to assist with the medication, the well-being of the astronauts themselves

i també el propi entrenament dels astronautes.

and also the training of the astronauts themselves.

I també va estar molt bé perquè vam poder treballar amb experts, com tu has comentat, Uma,

And it was also very good because we were able to work with experts, as you mentioned, Uma.

i vam poder treballar amb gent de diferents edats

and we were able to work with people of different ages

i de diferents cultures, que crec que és un punt a favor d'aquest programa.

and from different cultures, which I believe is a point in favor of this program.

Sí, hi estic totalment d'acord.

Yes, I completely agree.

També hi ha una cosa que m'agrada molt i és que potencia molt aquesta col·laboració cap a l'èxit global.

There is also something that I really like, which is that it greatly enhances this collaboration towards global success.

Vosaltres, com creieu que això és d'important dins el sector espacial?

You, how do you think this is important within the space sector?

Bé, clar, jo des del meu punt de vista, com acabo de dir,

Well, of course, from my point of view, as I just said,

doncs eren els diferents tipus de backgrounds i les diferents cultures

so they were the different types of backgrounds and the different cultures

i el que m'han ajudat a veure és que treballem de moltes maneres diferents

And what they have helped me see is that we work in many different ways.

i que realment t'adaptes a les altres persones per poder portar el nostre objectiu a terme.

And you really adapt to other people in order to achieve our goal.

Perquè, clar, tenir tres setmanes, com ha dit la Mercè,

Because, of course, having three weeks, as Mercè said,

per portar un projecte que potser necessitaries, jo què sé, potser tres mesos,

to carry out a project that you might need, I don't know, maybe three months,

és un repte en què estàs sota pressió

It's a challenge in which you are under pressure.

de persones que poden desenvolupar-se d'una manera que per mi va ser increïble.

of people who can develop in a way that was incredible to me.

També una altra coseta que volia afegir és que tu veies que tots els companys

Also, another little thing I wanted to add is that you saw that all the colleagues

que estaven allà al programa també estaven disposats a adaptar-se,

those who were there on the show were also willing to adapt,

a conèixer les diferents cultures, la manera de treballar que tenia cadascú en particular.

to get to know the different cultures, the way each person worked in particular.

Llavors, tota aquesta disposició positiva per part de tots els companys ho feia més possible i més fàcil.

Then, all this positive disposition from all the colleagues made it more possible and easier.

Moltes gràcies.

Thank you very much.

Jo crec que també el fet que hi hagi gent de tants països i de tot arreu del món

I think that the fact that there are people from so many countries and from all over the world.

et fa crear una mena de connexions que són molt fortes i molt potents.

it makes you create a kind of connections that are very strong and very powerful.

I al final allò que la gent ens diu del networking,

And in the end, what people tell us about networking,

que hem d'estar preparats per al nostre futur, per la nostra carrera,

that we must be prepared for our future, for our career,

mirar de connectar amb gent del sector precisament per això.

try to connect with people in the industry for exactly that reason.

Però al final jo crec que aquesta xarxa que hem teixit d'amistats és molt fonamental

But in the end, I believe that this network of friendships we have woven is very fundamental.

i la veritat és que va molt més enllà d'un simple networking.

And the truth is that it goes far beyond simple networking.

Jo crec que al final són amistats que seran per tota la vida

I believe that in the end, they are friendships that will last a lifetime.

i no dubto que m'ajudin en el meu futur professional,

and I have no doubt that they will help me in my professional future,

però sobretot això que ens uneix, que és aquesta passió que tenim totes i tots per l'espai.

but above all this that unites us, which is this passion that we all have for space.

Esteu d'acord vosaltres? També va ser així?

Do you agree? Was it also like that?

Totalment, totalment.

Totally, totally.

Me'n recordo els primers dies que jo pensava

I remember the first days when I was thinking.

«ostres, això és un congrés que no s'acaba mai».

"Wow, this is a congress that never ends."

És com tenir una actitud superprofessional en cada punt.

It's like having a super professional attitude at every point.

Però al final estàs esmorzant, dinant, sopant,

But in the end, you are having breakfast, lunch, and dinner,

fent totes les sessions amb aquestes persones

doing all the sessions with these people

i acabes sent una mica gairebé família

and ended up feeling almost like family

i trencant aquestes barreres professionals.

and breaking these professional barriers.

Quan trenques aquestes barreres professionals

When you break these professional barriers.

allà és quan per mi s'estableixen aquestes amistats.

That is when these friendships are established for me.

I amb les persones que tampoc acabes formant un vincle tan estret,

And with the people you also don't end up forming such a close bond.

també has compartit molts moments.

you have also shared many moments.

Moments bons i dolents.

Good and bad moments.

És a dir, estar rodejada de gent tan potent

That is to say, being surrounded by such strong people.

també et fa sentir dèbil en certs moments.

it also makes you feel weak at certain times.

A l'hora que t'encoratja de dir «ostres, jo formo part d'això també».

At the moment that encourages you to say "wow, I am part of this too."

Però aquesta gent t'ha vist passar per tot tipus de vivències.

But these people have seen you go through all kinds of experiences.

Tu t'has obert, t'has mostrat més vulnerable.

You have opened up, you have shown yourself more vulnerable.

El que deia abans, és un congrés permanent.

What I was saying before, it is a permanent congress.

No pares de fer contactes, però amb certes persones al final

You don't stop making contacts, but with certain people in the end.

acabes establint vincles que van molt més enllà de

you end up establishing connections that go far beyond

«et dono la meva targeta i saps qui sóc».

"I give you my card and you know who I am."

Ara que parles d'això, de vegades de sentir-te inferior o no capaç

Now that you mention it, sometimes feeling inferior or incapable.

de fer les coses que la gent que et rodeja en el programa

to do the things that the people around you in the program

potser ja han assolit.

perhaps they have already achieved it.

Com afronteu aquesta situació de sentir-vos més petits

How do you face this situation of feeling smaller?

o més petites o incapaçes?

or smaller or incapable?

Jo, que sóc una de les més petites que hi va anar,

I, who am one of the smallest who went there,

en un principi jo pensava «com puc estar jo aquí,

At first I thought, "how can I be here,"

sent tan petita?».

"Do you feel so small?"

I dient «jo no tinc la mateixa experiència que ells tenen».

And saying "I do not have the same experience that they have."

I clar, un dels reptes va ser que jo vaig ser acceptada

And of course, one of the challenges was that I was accepted.

i vaig dir «vale, hi vaig».

I said, "Okay, I'm going."

I quan vaig arribar vaig veure gent de 40 anys, de 30,

And when I arrived, I saw people in their 40s, in their 30s,

de totes les edats.

of all ages.

I clar, hi havia activitats en què es necessitava ser líder

Of course, there were activities that required being a leader.

o col·laborar amb tots.

or collaborate with everyone.

I clar, jo el coneixement,

And of course, my knowledge,

vaig veure que jo també podia aportar el meu coneixement.

I saw that I could also contribute my knowledge.

Llavors, un dels reptes era aprendre a veure

Then, one of the challenges was learning to see.

que aquest coneixement el poden utilitzar,

that this knowledge can be used,

es pot expressar i es pot col·laborar de la mateixa forma

It can be expressed and collaboration can take place in the same way.

encara que siguem de les més petites.

even though we are one of the smallest.

Sí, jo crec que a vegades va molt més enllà

Yes, I believe that sometimes it goes much further.

d'un coneixement simple.

of a simple knowledge.

Tu, per exemple, tens una iniciativa increïble.

You, for example, have an incredible initiative.

Tu estaves organitzant sempre activitats aquí i allà

You were always organizing activities here and there.

i això ajuda molt.

and this helps a lot.

Ajuda molt també l'estat d'ànim de les persones

The mood of the people also helps a lot.

que estan involucrades en el programa.

that are involved in the program.

Ja busquen gent que sigui així, que tingui ganes de fer coses

They are already looking for people who are like that, who want to do things.

i de millorar-les també.

and to improve them as well.

Sí, una de les activitats que jo vaig organitzar,

Yes, one of the activities that I organized,

el que passa que a mi m'agrada molt, per exemple, la música,

what happens is that I really enjoy, for example, music,

i vaig organitzar nits de karaoke,

I organized karaoke nights.

que així ens podien fer desconnectar de tota la pressió

so that they could make us disconnect from all the pressure

que teníem allà al programa.

that we had there in the program.

I sí, sí, va estar molt bé.

And yes, yes, it was very good.

És una de les activitats guais.

It's one of the cool activities.

I ara, així com a més objectius professionals,

And now, just as with more professional objectives,

com ha influït o quin impacte ha tingut aquest programa?

How has this program influenced or what impact has it had?

Jo voldria comentar que, en el meu cas, actualment,

I would like to comment that, in my case, currently,

com que estic treballant per un projecte enfocat a l'espai,

as I am working on a project focused on space,

però estic més en el sector de computació,

but I am more in the computing sector,

però després d'aquest programa puc perfectament veure

but after this program I can perfectly see

que, independentment des d'on treballis,

that, regardless of where you work,

sempre pots aportar a algú,

you can always contribute to someone,

sigui enfocat a l'espai,

be focused on space,

i per tant em sento molt bé d'haver pogut veure això més clarament.

And therefore I feel very good about having been able to see this more clearly.

Amb tu, Georgina, a tu com t'ha afectat

With you, Georgina, how has it affected you?

o com t'ha ajudat aquest programa en la teva carrera?

or how has this program helped you in your career?

Doncs ara mateix jo em sento...

Well right now I feel...

Sí, abans era com una mica més poc atrevida, no?

Yes, before it was a bit less daring, wasn't it?

Com que no em tirava per fer les experiències que volia fer,

As I wasn't being pushed to do the experiments I wanted to do,

no em tirava endavant.

I couldn't move forward.

I aquest programa m'ha transformat completament

And this program has completely transformed me.

perquè ara tinc una confiança en mi mateixa que és brutal

because now I have a confidence in myself that is incredible

i que em tira...

and that it pulls me...

aconsegueixo tot el que em vull proposar

I achieve everything I set out to do.

i és algú que sempre m'ajudarà en tot moment.

And it is someone who will always help me at any moment.

Que xulo, que bé, me n'alegro molt.

How cool, that's great, I'm very happy about it.

I ara, en tema més igualtat de gènere i perspectiva,

And now, on the topic of gender equality and perspective,

com creieu que influeix una diversitat

How do you think diversity influences?

en la International Space University?

in the International Space University?

Bé, des de WIA el que busquem és fomentar vocacions

Well, what we seek at WIA is to promote vocations.

en el camp de carreres STEM a dones.

in the field of STEM careers for women.

Vosaltres creieu que això, no?

You think this, don't you?

Que tenir un percentatge més o menys equitatiu

That having a more or less equitable percentage

entre homes i dones en el programa beneficia els resultats?

Does the program benefit the results among men and women?

Totalment, i de fet vaig quedar supersorpresa

Totally, and in fact, I was super surprised.

de la igualtat que hi havia en aquest programa.

of the equality that existed in this program.

De fet, vaig preguntar també a gent de l'organització de...

In fact, I also asked people from the organization of...

això fa uns anys també era així,

this was also the case a few years ago,

i em van respondre, sí, sí, normalment els cursos de la ISO

And they answered me, yes, yes, normally the ISO courses.

són bastant paritaris.

they are quite egalitarian.

I dic, això no és la realitat del sector, vull dir, on s'és vist.

I mean, this is not the reality of the sector, I mean, where has it been seen.

I em sembla clau, em sembla clau dintre de la pluralitat que busquen

It seems key to me, it seems key within the plurality they are seeking.

que un d'aquests aspectes d'aquesta pluralitat sigui el gènere.

that one of these aspects of this plurality is gender.

Llavors, això també es viu en les experiències en el dia a dia.

Then, this is also experienced in daily life.

Tenir, com comentàvem abans, no?

To have, as we were discussing earlier, right?

Hi ha molta diversitat, però és que, vull dir,

There is a lot of diversity, but I mean,

quan parlem de diversitat tant estem parlant d'orígens diferents,

when we talk about diversity, we are talking about different origins,

com edats diferents, com gèneres diferents, com backgrounds diferents, es nota.

With different ages, with different genders, with different backgrounds, it shows.

Al final, entre tots i totes fem equip

In the end, together we all make a team.

i sumen totes aquestes experiències que portem a les nostres motxilles.

And all these experiences that we carry in our backpacks add up.

Llavors, la igualtat de gènere em sembla clau,

Then, gender equality seems crucial to me,

de la mateixa manera que també em semblen clau tota la resta de diversitats.

In the same way, I also find all the other diversities to be key.

I enfatitzar en aquest sentit que no és gens postureu,

I want to emphasize in this regard that it is not at all posturing,

que diguin que entre les tres is hi ha aquesta interculturalitat,

let them say that among the three there is this interculturality,

interdisciplinarietat, no és gens postureu, és la realitat

interdisciplinarity, it is not at all a pose, it is the reality

i és una de les claus de l'èxit del programa des del meu punt de vista.

And it is one of the keys to the success of the program from my point of view.

I també per mi és des del punt de vista que s'han d'afrontar els reptes

And for me, it is also from the standpoint that challenges must be faced.

en el nostre dia a dia, en el nostre dia a dia laboral també,

in our daily lives, in our workday as well,

en un món basat en la inclusivitat,

in a world based on inclusivity,

un món basat en la igualtat d'oportunitats per a tothom

a world based on equal opportunities for everyone

i que tothom pugui aportar.

and that everyone can contribute.

Llavors, ostres, viure-ho diàriament així,

Then, wow, to live it daily like this,

estic d'acord amb la Jorcina, que surt allà més que reforçat.

I agree with Jorcina, who comes out of there even more strengthened.

Clar, jo estic totalment d'acord i moltíssimes gràcies per aquestes paraules.

Of course, I totally agree and thank you very much for these words.

Jo crec que encara i així en el món espacial hi ha una diferència molt gran

I believe that even so, there is a very big difference in the spatial world.

entre posicions de lideratge entre homes i dones

between leadership positions among men and women

i també entre la representació.

and also among the representation.

Si veiem els percentatges, doncs ens n'adonem.

If we look at the percentages, then we realize.

Vosaltres, com creieu que les empreses del sector espacial podrien millorar això?

You, how do you think that companies in the space sector could improve this?

Quines iniciatives podrien prendre per millorar aquesta situació?

What initiatives could be taken to improve this situation?

Bé, segueixo responent jo i us passo després el micròfon.

Well, I'll keep answering and then I'll pass the microphone to you.

És a dir, això és un canvi estructural.

That is to say, this is a structural change.

No podem passar de 0 a 100.

We can't go from 0 to 100.

I vull dir, potser personalment tampoc estic d'acord

And I mean, maybe personally I don't agree either.

en les polítiques de...

in the policies of...

Hi ha d'haver un percentatge de tantes dones perquè sigui equitatiu.

There must be a percentage of so many women for it to be equitable.

Aquest és el... quan deia, no podem passar de 0 a 100.

This is the... when I said, we can't go from 0 to 100.

Hi ha d'haver un esforç col·lectiu començant des de l'educació

There needs to be a collective effort starting from education.

perquè hi hagi més nenes que vulguin seguir aquestes carreres científiques i tecnològiques.

so that more girls want to pursue these scientific and technological careers.

Per part de les empreses, com ens preguntava Zuma,

On behalf of the companies, as Zuma was asking us,

també hi ha d'haver un esforç per intentar fer créixer les dones que hi estan dins,

there must also be an effort to try to elevate the women who are involved.

perquè moltes vegades aquestes dones,

because many times these women,

perquè moltes vegades tenim el famós sostre de vidre

because many times we have the famous glass ceiling

i no ens veiem capaços de tirar més amunt perquè no tenim referents

And we do not see ourselves capable of aiming higher because we have no references.

i aquests referents s'han de crear.

And these references must be created.

Per tant, hi ha d'haver un esforç des de la direcció de les empreses

Therefore, there must be an effort from the management of the companies.

perquè aquestes dones que hi estan dins puguin tirar més amunt.

so that these women inside can rise higher.

I per altra banda, entre nosaltres també és necessària iniciatives com Women in Aerospace

And on the other hand, initiatives like Women in Aerospace are also necessary among us.

perquè ens ajudin a creure més en nosaltres, a fer pinya

to help us believe more in ourselves, to come together

i que així ja ens catapultem una mica cap amunt entre nosaltres,

and that way we can catapult ourselves a bit upwards among us,

que també és molt positiu, que ens encoratgem de

which is also very positive, that we encourage each other to

vau, estàs fent molt bé, continua així.

Alright, you're doing very well, keep it up.

Moltes vegades ens odien poc a nosaltres

Many times they hate us little.

i que et donin aquest cop d'esquena extern és molt positiu.

And that they give you this external back hit is very positive.

Què més, noies?

What else, girls?

Estic totalment d'acord amb el que has dit.

I completely agree with what you said.

Jo crec que és molt important també visibilitzar totes les coses

I think it's very important to also highlight all the things.

que les dones aconsegueixen dins del sector,

that women achieve within the sector,

perquè a vegades és el que has dit tu, no?

because sometimes it's what you've said, right?

Hi ha les nenes així més joves, els hi falten referents,

There are younger girls like this, they lack role models,

saber persones que han assolit objectius increïbles

to know people who have achieved incredible goals

i la veritat és que n'hi ha moltes, però de vegades estan amagades

And the truth is that there are many, but sometimes they are hidden.

o no surten a la llum.

or they do not come to light.

Llavors és important fer aquest pas de dir, ostres,

Then it's important to take this step of saying, wow,

vaig a fer recerca o anem a organitzar conferències o iniciatives

I am going to do research or we are going to organize conferences or initiatives.

per visibilitzar tot el que han aconseguit durant el camí.

to make visible everything they have achieved along the way.

I ara com a última pregunta, més sobre consells,

And now as a final question, more about advice,

per a futurs participants.

for future participants.

Vosaltres què li diríeu a una persona que s'està plantejant

What would you say to a person who is considering?

participar en el programa de l'Space Studies Programme

participate in the Space Studies Programme

de la International Space University en els següents anys?

from the International Space University in the following years?

Des del meu punt de vista ja m'he trobat dues o tres persones

From my point of view, I have already met two or three people.

que m'han preguntat si haurien d'aplicar per aquest programa

They asked me if they should apply for this program.

i els he dit que sí, que haurien d'aplicar al 100%.

And I told them yes, that they should apply it 100%.

Vull dir, és una experiència que et quedarà per tota la vida

I mean, it's an experience that will stay with you for a lifetime.

i que és una experiència que no l'oblidaràs

and it is an experience that you will not forget

i que et farà créixer tant personalment com professionalment

and that will help you grow both personally and professionally

i coneixeràs un munt de persones que tenen la mateixa passió que tu,

and you'll meet a bunch of people who share the same passion as you.

que és l'espai.

What is space?

Aleshores, no veig cap prou.

Well then, I don't see any enough.

Si apliques i t'accepten és el que has de fer.

If you apply and get accepted, it's what you have to do.

És una oportunitat que no pots deixar passar.

It's an opportunity you can't miss.



Jo diria que és un sí a tot.

I would say it's a yes to everything.

Poder participar en aquest programa t'obre moltes portes,

Being able to participate in this program opens many doors for you.

com ha comentat la Georgina,

as Georgina has mentioned,

i coneixes tanta gent, veus un món diferent,

you know so many people, you see a different world,

també tens l'experiència de viure fora durant una temporada

you also have the experience of living abroad for a while

que, si encara no has sortit de la teva zona de confort,

that, if you haven't stepped out of your comfort zone yet,

també t'ajuda i t'aporta més com a persona.

It also helps you and contributes more to you as a person.

Així que, totalment, un sí a tot.

So, totally, a yes to everything.

Home, també et volem escoltar tu, eh?

Man, we also want to listen to you, right?

Quins són els teus pros?

What are your pros?

Jo li diria totalment que sí,

I would totally say yes to him/her,

que s'animin, que participin al programa,

let them get excited, let them participate in the program,

perquè, de fet, jo he estat vivint fora cinc anys,

because, in fact, I have been living abroad for five years,

i a mi les experiències internacionals em molen molt.

And I really like international experiences.

Jo crec que aprens molt, però molt, quan estàs rodejat de gent de tot el món.

I believe you learn a lot, but a lot, when you are surrounded by people from all over the world.

La veritat és que t'obre molt els ulls,

The truth is that it really opens your eyes.

veus el món des d'una altra perspectiva,

you see the world from a different perspective,

surts d'aquesta bombolla de la que hem parlat abans,

you leave this bubble we talked about earlier,

de la teva zona de confort,

from your comfort zone,

i, a més, si realment tens aquesta passió per l'espai,

and, moreover, if you truly have this passion for space,

crec que no hi ha cap lloc millor on poder explotar-ho.

I believe there is no better place to exploit it.

Jo, per acabar de completar, potser diria que

I, to complete things, would perhaps say that

s'ha d'enfocar com una experiència,

it should be approached as an experience,

més que un programa formatiu.

more than a training program.

No seràs màster en cap dels camps que toquis.

You will not be a master in any of the fields you touch.

Vull dir, tindràs tres classes de dret espacial,

I mean, you will have three classes of space law,

tres classes d'astrofísica

three classes of astrophysics

i tres classes d'enginyeria aeroespacial.

and three classes of aerospace engineering.

Per tant, la clau del programa és que tindràs...

Therefore, the key to the program is that you will have...

tocaràs una mica de cada tecla sense ser experta en res.

You will touch a little bit of every key without being an expert in anything.

Per tant, jo...

Therefore, I...

ho vaig enfocar i crec que és de la manera que ho descriuria ara

I focused on it and I think it's the way I would describe it now.

com una experiència, com deien les meves companyes,

as an experience, as my colleagues said,

de sortir de la zona de confort

to step out of the comfort zone

i d'obrir els ulls al món,

and to open the eyes to the world,

de com ho estan fent, com funcionen,

how they are doing it, how they function,

com són les persones d'altres llocs i...

how are the people from other places and...

Això és molt positiu.

This is very positive.

No és cap doctorat, no et faràs experta en res,

It's not a doctorate, you won't become an expert in anything,

però tindràs una visió que poques entitats t'ho poden proporcionar.

but you will have a perspective that few entities can provide you with.

Així que sí, endavant.

So yes, go ahead.

I també el que sabem és que, com més d'hora apliquis,

And also what we know is that, the sooner you apply,

em sembla que més possibilitat de becas tens.

I think you have more chance of scholarships.

Així que afanyeu-vos, no trigueu gaire.

So hurry up, don't take too long.

I tant que sí.

Of course.

Doncs moltíssimes gràcies per haver estat aquí

Well, thank you very much for being here.

al podcast de Women in Aerospace.

to the Women in Aerospace podcast.

I res, noies, que ha sigut un plaer

And nothing, girls, it has been a pleasure.

compartir aquesta experiència amb vosaltres,

share this experience with you,

que sou unes supercracks.

you are superstars.

I tu, i tu.

And you, and you.

I ens veiem al següent programa.

And we'll see you in the next program.

Podeu conèixer tots els nostres projectes

You can learn about all our projects.

a l'Instagram de womeninaerospace-bcn.

on the Instagram of womeninaerospace-bcn.

Entre Galàxies, segona temporada.

Between Galaxies, second season.

Un podcast de Women in Aerospace Europe Barcelona.

A podcast by Women in Aerospace Europe Barcelona.

Amb la col·laboració dels Estudis d'Enregistrament

With the collaboration of the Recording Studies

de l'Associació Cultural La Núcleo Barcelona.

from the Cultural Association La Núcleo Barcelona.

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