EP 208_tot són riures fins que algú es mulla

Marc Arnau i Oscar Freitag

Fem una pizza?

EP 208_tot són riures fins que algú es mulla

Fem una pizza?

Que tal Marc?

How are you, Marc?

Molt bé Òster, tu que tal?

Very well Òster, how about you?

Sí, te l'he.

Yes, I have it for you.

Té tot el nudillo aquí exterior.

It has the entire knuckle here on the outside.

Sí, sempre em rebentes.

Yes, you always irritate me.

No, és que no saluda.

No, it's just that he doesn't say hello.

Ui, aquesta tos!

Oh, that cough!

Què ha passat aquesta setmana, Marc? Per què estàs així?

What happened this week, Marc? Why are you like this?

He suat molt aquesta setmana, Òscar.

I have sweated a lot this week, Òscar.

Per què?


Per la calor.

For the heat.

I per això t'ho uses?

And is that why you use it?

No, per canvis de temperatura que he tingut, acampaments i això.

No, due to temperature changes that I've had, camping and that sort of thing.

Passen què coses?

What things happen?

Els nens, que els mataré.

The children, I will kill them.

No, no el fons sense estímuls.

No, not the background without stimuli.

Sí, però...

Yes, but...



Quan estigui calient...

When it is hot...

Has de controlar la ira.

You need to control your anger.

Sí, efectivament.

Yes, indeed.

Entrar en la ira, controlar la ira, Marc.

Enter into the rage, control the rage, Marc.

Déu m'ajudarà.

God will help me.

I tant.

I sure do.

Sí, Déu t'ajuda ja.

Yes, God helps you already.

Perquè si no hi ha víctimes, és que Déu t'ajuda ja.

Because if there are no victims, it means God helps you already.



Ai, senyor.

Oh, Lord.

Tu què tal, Òscar?

How are you, Òscar?

Què tal la setmana?

How's the week going?

Molt bé, molt bé, molt bé.

Very good, very good, very good.

Més relaxadeta, més tranquil, o sigui que...

More relaxed, more calm, so...





Bé, bé, bé, bé.

Good, good, good, good.

Encara any i a l'estiu, amb bones ganes.

Still year and in the summer, with good spirits.



Ja queda poc.

There's not much left.



Ja queda poc.

There's not much left.

Tinc moltes ganes que arribi l'estiu, tio.

I can't wait for summer to arrive, dude.

Moltes ganes.

A lot of desire.

Clar, però a tu l'estiu t'arriba en un mes?

Of course, but does summer arrive for you in a month?

A mi l'estiu m'arriba en quatre setmanes.

Summer arrives for me in four weeks.

Quatre o cinc.

Four or five.

Ara no ho sé.

Now I don't know.

Més i pic.

More and more.

Sí, Marc, no creixis.

Yes, Marc, don't grow up.

No et facis gran.

Don't make a big deal out of it.

Anda, que no.

Come on, no.

No, hola.

No, hello.

Avui parlàvem amb el meu jefe, perquè el tio ha arribat avui de vacances.

Today we were talking with my boss because the guy just got back from vacation.

S'ha pres una setmana ara.

A week has been taken now.



I la seva filla estava comentant que l'estiu es tornava negre.

And his daughter was saying that the summer was turning black.



I li deia, buà, no.

And I said to him, ugh, no.

En plan, jo aquesta setmana també he començat a agafar morenito.

Like, I have also started to get a bit tanned this week.

I s'ha tornat a acompanyar i diu, però si tu ets negre també.

And she has accompanied herself again and says, but if you are black too.

I li dic, no, tio, jo abans em ficava molt més negre.

And I tell him, no, dude, I used to get much angrier before.

I li dic, això és que em faig gran i ja perdo la capacitat d'agafar color.

And I tell him, this is that I am getting older and I am already losing the ability to get a tan.

I el meu jefe diu, o que et fas gran i treballes més hores i tens menys vacances.

And my boss says, either you grow up and work more hours and have less vacation.

I li dic, pues sí, tio, sí.

And I tell him, well yes, man, yes.

Pues sí.

Well, yes.

I principalment és tu culpa, o sigui que també vacaciones.

It's mainly your fault, so you take a vacation too.

Però, bueno, no ha funcionat.

But, well, it didn’t work.

Ha sigut una estratègia nula.

It has been a null strategy.

Doncs mira, és molt curiós que jo, en tots els aspectes, em vull fer gran i tot això,

Well, look, it's very curious that I, in all aspects, want to grow up and all that.

excepte en aquest.

except in this one.

Excepte en l'estiu.

Except in the summer.

I hi ha molta gent que m'ho diu, eh.

And there are many people who tell me that, you know.

Perquè jo miria que jo he treballat estius sencers,

Because I would say that I have worked whole summers,

que vaig treballar un estiu amb el meu amic i tal.

that I worked one summer with my friend and such.

Però jo sempre que puc és, a mi em deixes en pau l'estiu,

But whenever I can, you leave me alone in the summer.

me'n vaig de campaments,

I'm going to camp.

faig més coses,

I do more things,

deixa'm dos mesos i mig,

give me two and a half months,

vés a treballar el que vulguis.

Go work on what you want.

Però a mi deixa'm descansar, saps què vull dir?

But just let me rest, you know what I mean?

I jo sóc una mica Peter Pan amb això, no?

And I'm a bit of a Peter Pan about this, aren't I?

És que és això, o sigui, l'etapa, jo crec que si aconseguíssim mantenir

It's just that this is it, I mean, the stage, I think that if we could manage to maintain

el que fem,

what we do,

l'estil de vida d'un adult treballant

the lifestyle of a working adult

i l'estiu dels nens seria brutal.

And the children's summer would be amazing.

Els professors...

The teachers...

No et creguis, perquè aquesta gent també fa coses.

Don't believe it, because these people also do things.

Sí, però té dos mesos de festa.

Yes, but he/she has two months off.

Sí, però, a veure...

Yes, but let's see...

Estic intentant defendre un Grammy, vale?

I'm trying to defend a Grammy, okay?

Fóu-me'l fàcil, por favor.

Make it easy for me, please.



No foten molt, ja ho sé, però...

They don't mess around much, I know, but...

No foten, però quan... quan toca...

No way, but when... when it comes...

Després descansen.

Then they rest.

Sí, sí, sí, això serà com ha de ser.

Yes, yes, yes, this will be as it should be.



En fi.


Bueno, després de deixar els professors per terra...

Well, after leaving the teachers on the ground...



Fa molt bona feina, la que fan.

They do very good work.

Sí, mi mare és professora de fer-ho.

Yes, my mother is a teacher of doing it.



Treballa quan toca, com ha de ser.

Work when it's time, as it should be.

A l'estiu és per descansar.

In summer, it's for resting.

I realment té dos mesos de vacances?

Does he really have two months of vacation?

Té mare?

Do you have a mother?



No fa res?

It's nothing?



He triat molt malament, eh, la meva vida.

I have chosen very poorly, eh, my life.

Bé, què t'agradaria ser professor si poguessis, Òscar?

Well, what would you like to be a teacher if you could, Òscar?





Quina necessitat?

What necessity?

Què vol dir, quina necessitat?

What does it mean, what necessity?

Jo no conec...

I don't know...

Vatxillerat de què?

What baccalaureate?

Ah, batxillerat tecnològic.

Ah, technological baccalaureate.



Sí, jo vull ensenyar a gent que estigui allà perquè vol.

Yes, I want to teach people who are there because they want to.

Ah, doncs, no vagis a batxillerat.

Ah, well, don't go to high school.

Clar, és el que no em quadra.

Of course, that's what doesn't add up for me.

Vatxillerat no m'agradaria els troncals.

I wouldn't like the core subjects in high school.

O sigui, batxillerat...

So, high school...

O sigui, jo, per exemple, ser professor de dibuix tècnic em fliparia.

I mean, for example, being a technical drawing teacher would blow my mind.

A part de...

Apart from...



I per עגsia de dibuix tècnic em fliparia.

And for technical drawing, I would be thrilled.

A part de les raons obvies.

Apart from the obvious reasons.

Però bàsicament perquè és una optativa i si la fas és perquè realment t'agrada.

But basically because it is an elective and if you take it, it’s because you really like it.




You know?



De universitat ja és un partit.

It's already a party at university.

Jo en el meu cas la feia perquè era fàcil.

In my case, I did it because it was easy.




Each one...

Era un humanitari.

He was a humanitarian.

Cuant sus capacidades.

As far as his abilities.



Igual que informàtica...

Just like computer science...

En informàtica a vere hubbes no s'havia de fer Professor d'informàtica.

In computer science at Vere Hubbes, one did not have to become a computer science professor.

A mi també

Me too.

De universitat sí que seria professor.

Yes, I would be a professor at the university.

depèn, si vols ser associat

depends, if you want to be a member

ja estaria, amb això ja estàs

That would be it, with that you're all set.

però si vols ser professor

but if you want to be a teacher

en plan oficial

in an official capacity

necessites estar en un doctorat

you need to be in a doctorate

o estar fent un doctorat

or doing a doctorate

el qual no tinc

which I do not have

suficients neurones, ara mateix

sufficient neurons, right now

ara quan es regenerin

now when they regenerate

correcte, quan deixin de ser mocs

correct, when they stop being snot

potser podré pensar una mica més

maybe I can think a little more

no passa res

it's okay

assumim el que tenim Marc

let's accept what we have, Marc

tinc mocs per neurones, ara mateix

I have mucus for neurons, right now.

sí, sí, sí, i ja està

yes, yes, yes, and that's it

molt bé, jo les poques que tinc

Very well, the few that I have.

les escupo per la boca cada gasto seu

I spit them out of my mouth every expense of yours.

doncs ja està Marc

Well, that's it, Marc.

eh, gran podcast, subscriviu-vos, doneu-li like

Hey, great podcast, subscribe, give it a like.

activeu la campaneta

activate the bell

dues persones altament capacitades

two highly skilled individuals

en fi Marc

well Marc

de què venim a parlar avui?

What are we here to talk about today?

això no ho he dit, de què venim a parlar avui Òscar?

I didn't say that, what are we here to talk about today, Oscar?

el títol, és que m'agrada molt el títol

The title, I really like the title.

l'episodi d'avui, com es diu el títol?

What is the title of today's episode?

tots somriure's fins que algú es mulla

we all smile until someone gets wet

si el trobo tan suggerent

if I find it so suggestive

i a la vegada no diu absolutament res

and at the same time says absolutely nothing

és tan polític

he is so political

perdó, he ficat aquí la meva cunya

Sorry, I've put my wedge in here.

tan pesó

so heavy

perdó, perdó

sorry, sorry

te m'has copat

you've caught me

no volia dir-ho de veritat

I didn't really want to say it.

que d'aquí a setmanes tenim eleccions

that in a few weeks we have elections

és broma, és broma

it's a joke, it's a joke

sabem que pesó

we know that he/she weighed

tots riem fins que

we all laugh until

algú fa la pregunta

someone asks the question

fins que algú surt client

until someone becomes a client

ho has dit tu, no jo

you said it, not me




let's proceed


let's read

us llegeixo el verset d'avui

I read you the verse of today.

avui és llarg, avui no tenim slider Marc

Today is long, today we don't have a slider Marc.

em sap greu

I'm sorry.

espero que em perdonis

I hope you forgive me.

perdona, perdona

sorry, sorry


thank you

Mateu 14, del 22 al 32

Matthew 14, verses 22 to 32.

és llarguet i estic refredat

It's a bit long and I have a cold.

així que anem a fer-ho tot el bé que puguem

so let's do everything as well as we can

no passa res

it's okay

a continuació en Jesús

next in Jesus

hizo que sus discípulos subieran a la barca

he made his disciples get into the boat

para que llegaran antes que él a la otra orilla del lago

so that they would arrive before him at the other shore of the lake

mientras él

while he

despedía a la gente

said goodbye to the people

después de despedirla subió al monte para orar a solas

after saying goodbye to her, he went up the mountain to pray alone

y todavía allí

and still there

y todavía seguía allí

and still it was there

él solo al llegar la noche

he alone when night falls

entre tanto la barca ya estaba ya muy lejos de tierra

Meanwhile, the boat was already very far from shore.

y las olas la azotaban con violencia

and the waves were beating her violently

pues el viento les era contrario

for the wind was against them

en las últimas horas de la noche

in the last hours of the night

Jesús se dirigió a ellos andando sobre el lago

Jesus approached them walking on the lake.

cuando los discípulos lo vieron caminar sobre el lago

when the disciples saw him walking on the lake

se asustaron

they got scared

creyendo que era un fantasma

believing it was a ghost

y llenos de miedo se pusieron a gritar

and filled with fear they started to scream

pero enseguida Jesús se dirigió a ellos

but immediately Jesus spoke to them

diciendo, tranquilizaos, soy yo, no tengáis miedo

saying, calm down, it's me, don't be afraid

Pedro contestó, señor, si eres tú

Pedro replied, sir, if it is you.

manda que yo vaya hasta ti caminando sobre el agua

command that I walk to you on the water

Jesús le dijo, ven

Jesus said to him, come.

Pedro saltó de la barca y echó a andar sobre el agua

Pedro jumped out of the boat and started walking on the water.

para ir hacia Jesús

to go towards Jesus

pero al sentir la violencia del viento se asustó

but upon feeling the violence of the wind, he/she got scared.

y vio cómo comenzaba a hundirse

and saw how it began to sink

gritó, señor, sálvame

I shouted, sir, save me.

Jesús, tendiéndole enseguida la mano

Jesus, immediately extending his hand to him

lo sujetó y le dijo

he grabbed him and said to him

que dèbil és tu fe

how weak is your faith

¿por qué has dudado?

Why have you hesitated?

luego subieron a la barca

then they got into the boat

y el viento cesó

and the wind ceased

Recordo una de las primeres vegades que vaig escoltar una reflexió sobre aquest verset

I remember one of the first times I heard a reflection on this verse.

érem una església que està a tot el món

we were a church that is all over the world

i que té seu a Austràlia

and has its headquarters in Australia

Ah, d'acord, sí

Ah, okay, yes.

Ah, ara sí, eh, gruta música molt famosa també

Ah, now yes, huh, cave music very famous too.



no recordo a qui anava a la prèdica, realment

I don't remember who I was going to the sermon with, really.

però recordo molt la imatge que hi havia

but I remember a lot the image that was there

de fons i em va encantar

I loved it from the background.

perquè la trobava molt curiosa

because I found her very curious

perquè era com una foto feta des de dintre de l'aigua

because it was like a photo taken from inside the water

on es veia la mà

where the hand could be seen

i un rostre ajudant-te

and a face helping you

i em va semblar supermàcul

and it seemed super masculine to me

el fet que es quedessin

the fact that they stayed

amb la idea d'estar enfonsat

with the idea of being sunk

i hi ha algú de fora que et ve a ajudar

And there is someone from outside who comes to help you.

hi ha algú que ha superat això

there is someone who has overcome this

que et ve a donar una mà

that comes to lend you a hand

però bueno, perdó, que m'avanço

but well, sorry, I'm getting ahead of myself

la idea clau

the key idea

la idea principal

the main idea

sobre la qual m'agradaria que parléssim una estoneta

about which I would like us to talk for a little while

a veure què et sembla

let's see what you think

és el fet de ser conseqüents

It is the fact of being consistent.

amb les nostres pregàries

with our prayers

agafem l'exemple

let's take the example

situació completament anòmala

completely anomalous situation



una mica de por per part dels deixebles

a little bit of fear on the part of the disciples

el que espera

the one who waits

respon amb una pregunta

respond with a question

respon amb una petició

respond with a request

una petició

a request

que bàsicament


es podria considerar avui dia una pregària

It could be considered a prayer nowadays.

si ets tu

if it's you

digue'm que jo vagi

tell me to go

ensenya'm com fer-ho

teach me how to do it

ensenya'm per on tirar

show me where to throw

amb una situació

with a situation

em va traslladar d'un exemple personal

he transferred me from a personal example

amb una situació de

with a situation of

no saber cap on tirar

not knowing which one to throw away

ensenya'm el camí, mostra'm cap on anar

show me the way, show me where to go

la resposta de Jesús

the response of Jesus

amb aquest verset és literal

with this verse it is literal



o sigui

that is to say

fàcil, directe

easy, direct

la resposta que nosaltres podem rebre avui

the response that we can receive today

no és tan literal probablement

it's probably not so literal

perquè no hi ha una persona que aturi directament

because there isn't a person who stops directly

sinó que és l'esperit

but it is the spirit

i entendre l'esperit

and understand the spirit

i escoltar l'esperit

and listen to the spirit

i discernir l'esperit potser a vegades

and discern the spirit perhaps sometimes

és complicat

it's complicated

és complexa

it is complex

perquè fiquem molts filtres

because we put many filters

però potser sí que és literal

but perhaps it is indeed literal

en plan de prou

in a good way

o per aquí

or around here

o se't fan les coses molt òbvies

or things become very obvious to you

com perquè sàpigues cap on tirar

so that you know which way to go

i la part crucial és com responem davant d'aquesta resposta

And the crucial part is how we respond to this answer.

o sigui, quina és la nostra contrarresposta

so, what is our counter-response

l'acció de Pere

the action of Pere

quan Jesús l'hi va adivinar

when Jesus figured it out

va ser batx

it was high school

i va començar

and it began

i va tirar

and threw it

i va caminar

and he/she walked

però després va sentir por i va caure

but then he felt scared and fell

però ell va tirar

but he threw

o sigui, s'ho va creure

that is to say, he/she believed it

quan a nosaltres se'ns respon qualsevol pregària

when we are answered any prayer

o qualsevol cosa que sigui

or anything that is

qualsevol cosa que puguem demanar

anything we can ask for

o qualsevol dubte que intentem esclarir

or any doubt that we try to clarify

moltes vegades

many times

opció 1

option 1

entorbim aquesta resposta

we hinder this answer

amb mil dubtes nostres directament

with a thousand doubts our directly

i en plan de

and in plan of

ja, sí, bueno, pero i sí

Yeah, yes, well, but what if.

o no, no, jo crec que ara no és el moment

Oh no, no, I believe that now is not the time.


Do you know?

tio, estaves demanant alguna cosa

Dude, were you asking for something?

s'ho està fent evident

it is becoming evident

els senyors t'estaven donant una resposta

The gentlemen were giving you a response.

per què ara ho envoltes tot amb un precinto

why are you surrounding everything with a seal now



bueno, és que avui hi ha molt clar

Well, it's just that today it's very clear.

per la de vegades que fem això nosaltres

for the times that we do this ourselves

i no ens n'entenem

and we don't understand each other

és monumental, no, no, però per això et dic

it's monumental, no, no, but that's why I'm telling you

o sigui, com tots els altres temes que tractem

that is, like all the other topics we discuss

o sigui, és un exercici d'autoconsciència

so, it's an exercise in self-awareness

en plan de, cometo aquest error

In the sense of, I make this mistake.

anem intentant seguir-lo cometent

let's try to follow him making mistakes


do you know?

i la segona cosa que jo mateix m'he trobat fent

and the second thing that I have found myself doing

moltes vegades és a la primera

many times it is at the first one

dir si som-hi

say if we go for it

i després en plan de

and then in a way of

no sé lo que he dit que sí

I don't know what I said that I did.

que ha passat? sí

What happened? Yes.

saps? que s'assimila més a l'exemple

Do you know? It's more similar to the example.

de Pere

of Peter

i a les dos jo crec que la resposta de Jesús seria

and at two o'clock I believe that Jesus' response would be

la mateixa, en plan de per què tens tan poca fe?

The same, in the sense of why do you have so little faith?

si t'atreves...

if you dare...

si tens la fe suficient per demanar-m'ho

if you have enough faith to ask me for it

per què no tens la fe suficient

Why don't you have enough faith?

com per creure'n?

How to believe it?

perquè és la mateixa

because it is the same

és més, necessites més fe

In fact, you need more faith.

per lo segon, per lo segon

for the second, for the second

lo qual sí que...

which indeed...

però perquè clar, tu li demanes i després Déu fa la seva feina

But because, of course, you ask Him and then God does His job.

i després quan diu, vale, toca fer-la la teva

And then when he says, okay, it's time to do yours.

després ets tu el que no pot fer-la

then it's you who can't do it

perquè clar, tu demanaves dient

because of course, you were asking saying

va, estàs tu que Déu em donarà

Come on, you are the one that God will give me.

i clar

Of course.

sí, això amb peticions, però sí

Yes, this with requests, but yes.

per exemple, ara explico un exemple

for example, now I will explain an example

personal que és amb el que he estat pensant

personal that is what I have been thinking about

o sigui

that is to say

vaig treure el màster i pel mig hi havia un estiu

I completed my master's degree and in between, there was a summer.

en aquest estiu

this summer

a mi se'm va oferir de cara a setembre

I was offered it for September.

començar amb un projecte

start with a project

de l'església

of the church

el qual no podia acceptar per falta de temps

which I could not accept due to lack of time

dintre d'això

within this

estava dintre de dubtes també de dir

I was also in doubt about saying.

què faig, li dedico més temps a la feina

What should I do, dedicate more time to work?

li dedico més temps a l'església

I dedicate more time to the church.

al misteri

to the mystery

i recordo que

I remember that

era una temporada en la que

it was a season in which

li vaig demanar als meus pares, li vaig demanar a la meva parella

I asked my parents, I asked my partner.

també, que em recolzés un pregari i tal

also, that a prayer and such supported me



recordo que una setmana o dues setmanes més tard

I remember that a week or two weeks later

em van fotre fora de la feina

I got fired from my job.

i per mi va ser en plan de

and for me it was like

què ha passat?

What has happened?

saps? i

do you know? and

recordo també que

I also remember that

vaig poder triar entre diferents feines

I was able to choose between different jobs.

vaig triar aquella feina que no era la que millor em pagava

I chose that job that was not the one that paid me the best.

que no era la més tal però era la que

that it wasn't the most such but it was the one that

més possibilitat de recorregut em donava

gave me more room for maneuver

la que més promeses m'havia fet i era en plan de

the one who had made me the most promises and was in the mood of

per què ara se'm perd tot? o sigui

Why does everything get lost for me now? I mean

poden haver triat qualsevol altra i poden haver estat

they could have chosen any other and they could have been

per què ho perdo ara?

Why am I losing it now?

i setmanes més tard vaig acabar i vaig dir

And weeks later I finished and said.

tio, tu vas estar pregant perquè el senyor

Dude, you were praying because the lord

t'ensenyés cap a on tirar

showed you where to throw

tu vas estar pregant perquè el senyor tingués

you were praying for the lord to have

més temps a la feina o més temps a l'església

more time at work or more time at church

tens la resposta, a peixuga

you have the answer, to fishy

sí, t'agradi o no t'agradi

yes, whether you like it or not

t'ha fet mal que et fotin fora

Has it hurt you that they're kicking you out?

perquè estàs dubtant de les teves decisions

because you are doubting your decisions

t'ha fet mal perquè estàs dubtant

It has hurt you because you are doubting.

de les teves capacitats, t'ha fet mal

your abilities, it has hurt you

per les formes, però

for appearances, though

és la resposta que Déu t'està donant

It is the answer that God is giving you.

sigues conseqüent

be consistent

sí, siguem conscients de que

yes, let's be aware that

si ho demano

if I ask for it

ho he d'assumir

I have to accept it.

i això parlo des de l'experiència

and I say this from experience

vull dir en plan de moltes vegades

I mean like many times.

m'ha passat

It has happened to me.

aquest matí o ahir

this morning or yesterday

m'he demanat una cosa

I have asked myself a question.

i el senyor m'ha demanat molt clarament

And the gentleman asked me very clearly.



si inconscientment

if unconsciously

ja, però potser ho es pot fer d'unes altres maneres

Yes, but perhaps it can be done in other ways.


perquè ets així tio

why are you like this man



t'ha passat alguna cosa?

Has something happened to you?

a mi m'ha passat

it has happened to me

moltíssimes vegades

very many times





per exemple

for example

m'agradaria estar aquí al Ministeri

I would like to be here at the Ministry.

jo em veig capacitat

I see myself capable.

jo m'expulsaré

I will expel myself.

se't presenta

is presented to you

potser no això, però

maybe not this, but

algú que és encara millor

someone who is even better

i tu dius ostres

and you say wow

això és molt compromís

this is very compromising

de veritat


és per no decepcionar

it's to not disappoint

és el que vull dir

it's what I mean

busques mil excuses

you look for a thousand excuses

no t'ho agafes com a excusa

don't take it as an excuse

el teu cervell t'està dient

your brain is telling you

per les quals no ho hauria de fer

for which I should not do it

i no, desperta

And no, wake up.

no, són excuses

no, they are excuses

tu estaves demanant una cosa

you were asking for something

a la qual tu ara no estàs responent

to which you are not responding now

i no hi ha més

and there is nothing more

és que és complicat

it's just that it's complicated

adonar-se'n en el moment

to realize it at the moment

perquè el teu subconscient

because your subconscious

t'està dient, no no Marc

It's telling you, no no Marc.

és que tu tens raó, tu no estàs preparat per això

It's that you are right, you are not ready for this.

tu no has demanat això

you did not ask for this

però és que aquí és on jo crec

but this is where I believe

que hem de fer més l'exercici fort

we have to do more intense exercise

de no prendre decisions

of not making decisions


do you know?

i vigilar molt el que es demana a Déu

And I watch very carefully what is asked of God.

jo això

I this

sóc de la filosofia de

I am from the philosophy of

com faldes i a lo loco

like skirts and wildly

si el senyor no t'ho dóna, no t'ho donarà

if the Lord doesn't give it to you, he won't give it to you.

però si tu tot el que vens t'ho dóna

but if everything you sell is given to you

i tu passes del que et vens

And you don't care about what you sell.

sí, però això no passarà tampoc

yes, but this won't happen either

o demanes sempre amb voluntat al senyor

or you always ask with willingness to the Lord

per lo qual, xapo por ti

for which, I applaud you

jo l'última vegada que li vaig demanar al senyor

the last time I asked the gentleman

senyor, vull créixer

Sir, I want to grow.

me'n vaig arrepentir

I regretted it.

perquè com es creix?

Because how does one grow?

a base de clatellots

by means of blows to the back of the neck

i ja vaig arribar un moment que vaig dir

And I already reached a moment when I said

senyor, jo no t'he demanat això

Sir, I did not ask you for this.

després vaig pensar i vaig dir

then I thought and said

sí, sí, li has demanat

yes, yes, you have asked him/her

sí, vas tallar, per favor

Yes, you will cut, please.

no sé si et dóna tregua

I don't know if it gives you a break.

i de vegades s'ha de dir

and sometimes it has to be said

senyor, vull millorar en aquest aspecte

Sir, I want to improve in this aspect.

i dius, vale, espera't Marc

And you say, okay, wait for me Marc.

estàs disposat a fer el que s'ha de fer

are you willing to do what needs to be done

per millorar en aquest aspecte?

to improve in this aspect?

és que la resposta sempre ha de ser sí

It's just that the answer always has to be yes.

clar, però

of course, but


Do you know?

tu quan ho demanes

you when you ask it

ho demanes, has de ser una mica conscient

If you ask for it, you have to be a little aware.

perquè si no et trobes amb una sorpresa

because if you don't, you will find yourself with a surprise

que no t'esperes

that you don't expect

o potser no, és el camí més fàcil

or maybe not, it's the easiest way

l'únic que l'experiència dels dos és dir el contrari

the only thing that the experience of both is to say the opposite

però per això jo et dic

but for that I tell you

jo sóc dels que quan faltes hi ha l'altra

I am one of those who, when you are absent, there is the other.

vols créixer, demana-ho

if you want to grow, ask for it



posa't les bragas

put on your panties

se n'ha de ser conscient

one must be aware of it

però és maco

but it's nice

perquè després te n'adones

because later you realize it

de la capacitat de respostes que té el senyor

of the capacity for responses that the gentleman has

i de l'enfadada que et fot

and from the anger that it gives you

i dius, olé tu

and you say, well done you

olé tu

bravo you

fes que és

make that it is

i moltes de les coses per les quals jo deia

and many of the things I used to say

senyor, ajuda'm a entendre

Sir, help me to understand.

el perquè m'estàs fent passar per això

why are you making me go through this

després estic fent jo una cosa

later I am doing something

un dia i recordo

one day and I remember

ostres senyor, jo et vaig demanar no sé què

Wow, sir, I asked you for I don't know what.

i després dic, un moment

And then I say, one moment.

i dius, merda

And you say, shit.

i en aquests moments

and at this moment

pots riure, pots plorar

you can laugh, you can cry

però sents una cosa dins que dius

but you feel something inside that you say



però fuà bé o fuà malament?

but was it good or was it bad?

no, no, fuà

no, no, wow

en el sentit de fuà senyor

in the sense of fuà sir

jo estava ja desconfiant de tu

I was already distrustful of you.

en el sentit de pensar que ja m'estaves fent passar

In the sense of thinking that you were already making me go through it.

i jo no sabia per què

and I didn't know why

i com si només em poguessis fotre

And as if you could only mess with me.

i ho estaves fent perquè jo t'ho vaig demanar

and you were doing it because I asked you to

a mi això

this for me

a mi quan em va passar és un fuà per

When it happened to me, it's a mess for



i em van dir, tens raó

And they told me, you are right.

em meravella

It astonishes me.

la capacitat que tens

the capacity you have

d'utilitzar qualsevol cosa que passi

to use anything that happens

per bé

for good

i el privilegi que tenim de ser conscients

and the privilege we have of being aware

de que

of that

està la mà de Déu darrere de tot el que ens passa

God's hand is behind everything that happens to us.

aquest matí per exemple estava tenint una conversa

This morning, for example, I was having a conversation.

amb una companya de feina

with a work colleague

que es veu que

that it seems that

a la uni hi ha moltes denominacions

At university, there are many denominations.



dintre del cristianisme

within Christianity

hi ha gent de quasi totes les denominacions del món

There are people from almost all the denominations in the world.

i dintre del grupet

and within the little group

de classe hi havia moltes

There were many in class.

hi havia una

there was a

una companya a la qual se li va morir

a colleague whose partner died

el pare molt jove

the very young father

i una de les seves amigues cristiana

and one of her friends Christian

li diu, és que Déu

he says, it's that God

volia que el teu pare morís

I wanted your father to die.

a la que

to which

la meva companya de feina em diu

my coworker tells me

Òscar, tu què n'opines d'això?

Óscar, what do you think about this?

i jo dic, mira

and I say, look

jo això no ho hagués

I wouldn't have done this.

dit mai

said never

jo això no ho hagués dit mai

I would never have said this.



sí que puc arribar a entendre

I can indeed come to understand.

què és el que et volia dir probablement

what is it that I probably wanted to tell you

i no va saber com dir-ho

and did not know how to say it

que és el fet de dir Déu utilitza totes

what is the fact that God uses all

les coses que passen

the things that happen

amb un objectiu final

with a final objective

que veiem o no veiem

that we see or do not see

i en aquest sentit

and in this regard

extrapolant molt la idea perquè no és que estigui

extrapolating the idea a lot because it’s not that I am

pregant perquè es mori el meu pare

asking why my father is dying

o no ho facis

or don't do it

no me'l treguis

don't take it away from me

ara sí eh, que fem sempre el que diem senyor

Now yes, right? We always do what we say, sir.

com pots dir prou però no tant

how can you say enough but not too much

però el fet de dir

but the fact of saying

si volem créixer

if we want to grow

hi ha coses que ens passaran i que ens fotran mal

There are things that will happen to us and that will hurt us.

però el privilegi que tenim de ser conscients

but the privilege we have of being conscious

de que la mà del senyor està darrere

that the hand of the Lord is behind

ara m'estava venint al cap el salm 23 tio

I was just thinking of Psalm 23, man.

salm 23?

Psalm 23?

voy a leer-lo

I am going to read it.

explica'l que ho veus tio

Tell him you see it, man.



jo vaig fer una explicació sobre el salm 24

I gave an explanation about Psalm 24.

una vegada

one time

crec que era el salm 24

I think it was Psalm 24.


me'n recordo d'ella

I remember her.

salm 23

Psalm 23

que tira el xista

that throws the joke

no sé fer xistes

I don't know how to make jokes.

el señor es mi pastor, nada me faltará

The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.

en verdes pastos me hará descansar

He will make me lie down in green pastures.

junto a tranquilas aguas me conduce

by tranquil waters it leads me

me infunde nuevas fuerzas

it gives me new strength

me guía por sendas de justicia

he guides me along paths of righteousness

por amor a su nombre

for the love of his name

aun si voy por valles tenebrosos, no temo peces

Even if I walk through dark valleys, I fear no fish.

no tengo peligro alguno

I have no danger at all.

porque tú estás a mi lado

because you are by my side

tu vara de pastor me reconforta

your rod and your staff comfort me

dispones ante mi un banquete en presencia de mis enemigos

You prepare a banquet before me in the presence of my enemies.

has ungido con perfume mi cabeza

you have anointed my head with oil

has llenado mi copa al rebosar

you have filled my cup to overflowing

la bondad y el amor me seguirán

Goodness and love will follow me.

todos los días de mi vida

every day of my life

y en la casa del señor habitaré para siempre

and in the house of the Lord I will dwell forever

salm 23

Psalm 23

al cap

on the head

al barcet da

at the barcet da

junto a tranquilas aguas me conduce

it leads me by calm waters

me infunde nuevas fuerzas

it gives me new strength

me guía por sendas de justicia

he guides me along paths of righteousness

por amor a su nombre

for the love of his name

acompanyat del

accompanied by

tu vara de pastor me reconforta

Your rod and staff comfort me.

acompanyat del

accompanied by the

tu vara de pastor me reconforta

your rod and your staff comfort me

per què aquesta segona part?

why this second part?

va ser a través de fer un

it was through doing a

un devocional

a devotional

amb un grup d'estudi

with a study group

que vaig entendre una

that I understood one

una visió que no havia vist mai d'això

a vision I had never seen of this

la vara del pastor

the shepherd's staff

serveix per dos coses

it serves for two things

un, per pagar les ovelles

one, to pay for the sheep

per agafar-les humanament

to take them humanely

i per reconduir-les

and to redirect them

les agafen del coll i les porten

they grab them by the neck and take them away

cap de les dos agrada

Neither of the two likes it.

cap de les dos senta bé a l'ovella

Neither of the two feels good to the sheep.



però les dos convenen

but the two agree

i el ser guiats

and being guided

per sendes de justícia, per amor al seu nom

for the paths of righteousness, for the sake of His name

hi ha vegades que

there are times when

passarà per coses que no ens agraden

will go through things we don't like

però és que és necessari

but it is necessary

perquè és la manera

because it is the way

en la que som capaços

in which we are capable

de veure i entendre

to see and understand

o sigui, és allà on es demostra

that is, it is where it is demonstrated

realment la fe de dir

really the faith of saying

a pesar d'estar a la vall

despite being in the valley

sé que tu estàs al meu costat

I know that you are by my side.

sé que puc dir tranquil·lament

I know I can say calmly.

que estic a la teva presència i que estic bé

that I am in your presence and that I am fine

tot i no veient-ho

even if not seeing it

i crec que no hi ha cosa més maca

And I believe there is nothing more beautiful.

que aquesta

that this

t'he donat molt pocs fils

I've given you very few threads.

dels quals tirar per seguir la conversa

from which to continue the conversation

la veritat és que sí

the truth is that yes

en quina versió està?

In which version is it?

Marc, sisplau

Marc, please.

és que t'ho estava escoltant i dic

I was listening to you and I said

jo me'l vaig aprendre d'una altra manera

I learned it in a different way.

no, la versió internacional for the win

No, the international version for the win.



la versió internacional for the win

the international version for the win

et sonarà més maco però no passa res

It will sound nicer to you but it doesn't matter.

simplement que havia el Jehová

simply that there was Jehovah

és mi pastor

he is my shepherd

no, no és que a mi això

no, it's not that to me this

és maco

it's beautiful

tu vara y tu callado me infundirán aliento

Your staff and your rod will comfort me.

és que és molt diferent

it's just that it's very different



passa més

happens more

hi ha certes paraules que canvien

there are certain words that change

i que potser significadament no és el mateix

and perhaps it means significantly not the same

però jo de petit m'ho vaig aprendre diferent

but when I was little I learned it differently

aderezas más adelante de mi en presencia de mis angustiadores

you may set me up ahead of me in the presence of my tormentors

sona molt més maco

sounds much nicer

sona molt més rebuscat, complicat

sounds much more convoluted, complicated

no, sí

no, yes

també, però no passa res

also, but it's okay

ara he perdut la nova versió internacional

Now I have lost the new international version.

¿dónde está la official one?

Where is the official one?

dispones un banquete ante mi en presencia de mis enemigos

You prepare a banquet before me in the presence of my enemies.

easy peasy lemon squeezy

easy peasy lemon squeezy

no ha de ser fàcil la llibreta, Òscar

The notebook shouldn't be easy, Òscar.

tampoc ha de ser complicada

it shouldn't be complicated either

ho és

it is

el senyor és complicat

the gentleman is complicated

el senyor és un misteri

the lord is a mystery

el senyor és complicat

the gentleman is complicated

per la nostra ment sí

for our mind yes

el senyor és desconegut

the gentleman is unknown

però per la nostra ment és complicat

but for our mind it is complicated

jo crec, vull dir

I believe, I mean

encara que ens ho expliquéssim

even if we explained it to ourselves

ho haurem d'arribar a conèixer perquè és complicat per la nostra ment

we will have to come to know it because it is complicated for our minds

sempre que ho comparem

whenever we compare it

amb la nostra capsa de muntanya

with our mountain box

la cajita i la caja

the little box and the box

en fi


ja està, ja hem solucionat els drames

It's done, we've resolved the dramas.

no hem solucionat la fam

we have not solved hunger

però almenys ara

but at least now

la fam és per l'episodi de despedida

The hunger is for the farewell episode.

sí, pel següent

yes, for the following

pel següent episodi

for the next episode

ja arribarà la fam

hunger will come

molt bé Marc

very good Marc

doncs fins aquí, ens veiem la setmana que ve

So that’s it for now, see you next week.

efectivament, no ho sé

indeed, I don't know

més i millor

more and better

com sempre

as always

l'intermedi dic fem una pizza

the intermediary says let's make a pizza



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