The POdcast #14 - Update

Produccions Orden

The POdcast - Produccions Orden

The POdcast #14 - Update

The POdcast - Produccions Orden

Bona nit a tots, benvinguts al nou capítol de podcast.

Good night to everyone, welcome to the new episode of the podcast.

Ens portàvem molt de temps sense fer el podcast de Produccions d'Orden, que és fantàstic.

We hadn't done the Produccions d'Orden podcast for a long time, which is fantastic.

I hem sortit de la quarantena, estem a la fase 3 i ja no hi ha estat d'alarma en teories, normalitats,

We have come out of quarantine, we are in phase 3 and there is no longer a state of alarm in theories, normalities.

a no ser que hi hagi un rebrot.

unless there is a resurgence.

I som a Mora, tornem al nostre lloc original, no som a la taula, ens hem canviat de lloc,

We are at Mora, we return to our original spot, we are not at the table, we have changed places.

canviem una mica d'aires.

Let's change things up a bit.

I com sempre tenim els dos germans que portem aquí, català i irlandès.

And as always, we have the two brothers that we bring here, Catalan and Irish.

I els germans de la gent.

And the brothers of the people.

Moltes gràcies.

Thank you very much.



Com esteu, nois?

How are you, guys?



Espanya i català.

Spain and Catalan.

Com esteu, nois? Com ha passat tot aquests dies?

How are you, guys? How has everything been during these days?

Tot és absurd encara.

Everything is still absurd.

No ho he entès al 100% però pitjors coses han passat.

I didn't understand it 100% but worse things have happened.

La història segur, sempre.

The story for sure, always.

Tenim el francès per a la selectivitat. Ara, al juliol, li han passat un mes després de

We have French for the selectivity. Now, in July, a month has passed since then.

lo que seria normal. Jo la vaig fer el juny passat, quan no cau. I els que han estat aquest

what would be normal. I did it last June, when it doesn't fall. And those who have been this



de batxillerat, doncs tenim la mala sort de fer-ho ara, sense professors, sense tanta

of high school, so we have the bad luck of doing it now, without teachers, without so many

ajuda com caldria, però esperem que el nivell sigui prou nou.

Help as needed, but we hope the level is new enough.

Sí, es veu que han reduït molts nivells, han pujat l'optimitat, només per a que sigui

Yes, it seems that they have reduced many levels, they have increased the optimality, just so that it is.

més fàcil que els anys anteriors. Sé que venim menys preparats, però a veure com va.

easier than previous years. I know we come less prepared, but let's see how it goes.

I ara de moment vas a classe, no?

And right now you're going to class, right?

Es veu que, jo recordo, a finals de maig, quan no m'acabà de ser un debat, que estàvem

It seems that, I remember, at the end of May, when it wasn't quite a debate, we were

dient, em va dir que les dues últimes setmanes de juny podeu vindre a repassar. Ens han

saying, he told me that the last two weeks of June you can come to review. They have us

contat que es podien quedar una hora o dos amb un professor, preguntar-li dubtes, clar,

They said they could stay with a teacher for one or two hours, asking him questions, of course.

quinze alumnes màxim, taules separades, tothom amb màscara, bueno, un cop sentenç, no, però...

fifteen students maximum, separate tables, everyone with a mask, well, once sentenced, no, but...

Està complicadíssim, eh? Com separes tot i després a l'hora de descans la gent s'ajunta

It's extremely complicated, right? How do you separate everyone and then during the break, people come together?







A veure si hi ha...

Let's see if there is...

Nosaltres mateixos.


Sí, vam començar amb mascareta, igual que amb la nostra iaia, i després d'una setmana

Yes, we started with masks, just like with our grandmother, and after a week.

i pico...

I bite...

Quan seré amb la teva?

When will I be with yours?

És que és com inevitable, és...

It's just that it's kind of inevitable, it's...



I te n'oblides.

And you forget it.

És més que te n'oblides, no?

It's more that you forget about it, right?

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Perquè, per exemple, vam estar gravant al garatge de la vostra iaia i, clar, amb mascareta

Because, for example, we were filming in your grandmother's garage and, of course, with a mask.

sempre, no sé...

always, I don't know...

Sí, sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes, yes.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

No sé què, però quan hem d'actuar no ens en sortim mascaretes.

I don't know what, but when we have to act we can't manage without masks.

Per exemple, avui he anat a l'institut...

For example, today I went to the institute...

El que volia dir és que han organitzat sessions però ens havien promès classes setmanals,

What I wanted to say is that they have organized sessions but they had promised us weekly classes.

per tant, diàries, per tant, al ser una sessió curta jo els dic, bueno, ja m'apanyaré a

therefore, daily, therefore, since it is a short session I tell them, well, I'll manage to



Per tant, avui he tornat per primer cop des del febrer a...

Therefore, today I have returned for the first time since February to...

A l'estiu.

In the summer.

A l'institut Escola Julio Antonio de Mare d'Ebre.

At the Julio Antonio School Institute of Mare d'Ebre.





No sé...

I don't know...

Ja no...

Not anymore...

Ho pots dir l'any que ve?

Can you say it next year?

L'any que ve ja no hi serà res, o sigui que no estem...

Next year there will be nothing there, so we are not...

No crec que no estem.

I don't think we're not.

Bé, per l'any que ve sí.

Well, for next year yes.

Un de les dues.

One of the two.

Però pot ser, si dic que poden anar-hi, pot ser...

But maybe, if I say they can go there, maybe...



He anat a buscar les orles a fer...

I went to get the awards to do...

Orles i comiente el tutor.

Orles and the tutor comments.



Això ho heu fet, també.

You have done this, too.

Hem fet, sí, sí, hem fet, hem fet.

We have done, yes, yes, we have done, we have done.

Sí, sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes, yes.

En el cas de la Mare de l'Ebre.

In the case of the Mother of the Ebro.



Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Hem fet fotos amb la tutora, eh, a una distància respectuosa, i després ve el directe

We took photos with the tutor, at a respectful distance, and then the live event comes.

i posa així el tutor.

And put the tutor like this.

I després...

And then...

Senyor d'esquí.

Mr. Ski.

I l'altre, l'altre que no ha sortit de la foto li dic, deixa'm la màscara, deixa'm

And the other one, the other who hasn't left the photo I say, leave me the mask, leave me.

la màscara.

the mask.

I poden tocar la màscara i tot.

And they can touch the mask and everything.

No, m'ha fet molta gràcia, molta gràcia, perquè no hi servia a respondre.

No, it made me laugh a lot, a lot, because it wasn't helpful to respond.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

Té, veig que t'ho han estudiat a cara el director i ja...

Well, I see that the director has studied it face-to-face with you and that's it...

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.



Andreu, el que tenim aquí sempre amb les samarretes d'Irlanda...

Andreu, the one we always have here with the Ireland shirts...

Quantes n'hi tens a casa?

How many do you have at home?





És que sempre et veig amb aquest tip.

It's just that I always see you with that look.

Totes són de rúcbio, cos' així.

They are all of rubium, like that.

Tots són de rúbio, cos' així.

They are all of a blonde nature, like this.

Tots els n'hi tens a casa?

Do you have them all at home?



Tots els n'hi tens a casa?

Do you have all of them at home?



Tots els n'hi tens a casa?

Do you have all of them at home?

És que tenen...

It's just that they have...

Aquesta és la nostra casa.

This is our house.

És de casa?

Is he/she/you from around here?

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Sí, este va ser un regal d'un amic de nostre pare.

Yes, this was a gift from a friend of our father.

Tu creus que Presu... Presu... Presu William?

Do you think Presu... Presu... Presu William?

Tu creus que Presu William del futbol viva?

Do you think Presu William from football lives?

No, no, no, del rumbi, del rumbi.

No, no, no, about the rumba, about the rumba.

Per què no ho digues per això?

Why didn't you say it for that?

Són del futbol. Són dos sandals de futbol de dos anys.

They are from football. They are two football sandals that are two years old.

Una és, no sé què és, és una samarreta d'esports sobre guanta.

One is, I don't know what it is, it's a sports t-shirt about gloves.

I este va ser un regal d'un amic, que jugava, i ens va donar...

And this was a gift from a friend, who was playing, and gave us...

Em va donar la camisa que juguen a casa, que a mi no s'ha més donat.

He gave me the shirt they play with at home, which hasn't been given to me anymore.

Em va donar la camisa fora. Tu te la poses.

He gave me the shirt outside. You put it on.

No, però ja la tens.

No, but you already have it.

No, però jo recordo que s'havien de disfressar,

No, but I remember that they had to dress up.

perquè a primària...

because in primary school...

Fa 4 anys que ja era molt...

It has been 4 years that it was already very...



4, 4.

4, 4.

A primària, perdó, del Carnestoltes, durant tota la setmana o un parell de dies?

In primary school, sorry, for Carnival, all week or a couple of days?

Tota la setmana.

All week.

Des de sisè, diuen una...

Since sixth grade, they say a...

És que l'institut d'aquí, jo trobo que és un dels millors llocs perquè

It's just that the institute here, I find it to be one of the best places because

hi va gent més...

there are more people...



A veure, pobra no, però que no s'hagis permès altres situacions i, per tant,

Let's see, not poor, but that you haven't allowed other situations and, therefore,

estadísticament coneixes gent de diferents llocs,

statistically, you meet people from different places,

desenvolupes després una ment més oberta,

you develop a more open mind afterwards,

i amb els professors i tot, som tots una família,

and with the teachers and all, we are all one family,

perquè som tan poca gent que trobo que és molt bé.

because we are so few people that I think it's very good.

I, per tant, fan aquestes celebracions que en altres llocs se consideren ridícules,

And therefore, they hold these celebrations that are considered ridiculous in other places,

però, vull dir, són molt divertides.

but, I mean, they are very funny.

Durant el Carnestoltes, durant el Carnaval, el Carnestoltes,

During Carnival, during Carnival, the Carnival King,

els iríguals de sisè que vagin dient com s'han de disfressar els alumnes el dia següent.

The sixth-graders should say how the students should dress up the next day.

Això ho pot fer tothom, però està acceptat que a partir de primera edat no cal.

Anyone can do this, but it is accepted that it is not necessary from an early age.

Sí, és com allò del Montse i l'Albúi.

Yes, it's like that thing with Montse and Albui.

Ara parlem del Montse i l'Albúi, que em semblava més...

Now let's talk about Montse and Albúi, who seemed to me more...

Sí, semblava una secta satànica.

Yes, it looked like a satanic cult.

Ara ho explicarem, és ridícul.

Now we will explain it, it's ridiculous.

I, bueno, eh...

I, well, uh...

Un dia s'havien de disfressar d'esportistes

One day they had to dress up as athletes.

i l'altre els volia disfressar de jugadors de futbol d'Irlanda.

And the other wanted to dress them up as football players from Ireland.

Jo entenc que els dos preferim la meua sabatera,

I understand that we both prefer my shoebox,

perquè és la verda, és la de casa, la blanca aquesta.

because it's the green one, it's the home one, this white one.

I, per tant, me va dir...

And, therefore, he/she told me...

Me la puc posar, és el que puc posar.

I can put it on, it's what I can wear.

Des d'aquí a dia no sé on està.

From here, I still don't know where it is.



Se l'ha quedat...

He/she has kept it...

Sí, suposo que està al...

Yes, I suppose it is at the...



Al caix.

To the drawer.

A l'escola.

At school.

Al caix, és per anar al...

To the cashier, it's to go to the...

Molt rellevant.

Very relevant.

No, no, però explica-ho, perquè no me la poso mai.

No, no, but explain it, because I never put it on.

Sí que sé on està, però des d'aquí a dia...

Yes, I know where it is, but from here on out...

L'altre, amb això del Montse i l'Albúi,

The other one, with this thing about Montse and Albúi,

era una cosa que els decís a ell com que...

it was something that you told him like...

Era com un repte, saps?, cada dia d'això.

It was like a challenge, you know?, every day of this.

Potser era...

Maybe it was...

Avui he de venir en pijama.

Today I have to come in pajamas.

Una cosa, tots anàvem en pijama.

One thing, we all were in pajamas.

Òbvio d'anar.

Obvious to go.

La cosa és que a mi em semblava bé que aquestes coses se facin.

The thing is that it seemed right to me that these things are done.

La cosa és que me'n recordo que si no ho feies

The thing is that I remember that if you didn't do it

tenies com una espècie de càstig.

you had sort of a punishment.

Que era que, t'ho juro, havies de ballar davant de la cosa i era com...

That it was, I swear, you had to dance in front of the thing and it was like...

A veure, entenc per la tonteria, però...

Let's see, I understand about the nonsense, but...

Hi ha nens que potser ho passen malament fent això

There are children who might have a hard time doing this.

i me'n recordo que jo de vegades com que no volia, no volia, no volia...

And I remember that sometimes, since I didn't want to, I didn't want to, I didn't want to...

I després, doncs, era com...

And then, it was like...

Si no ho has de fer perquè si no, ben bé...

If you don't have to do it, because if not, well...

És que els professors ja t'ho deien.

It's just that the teachers already told you so.

Venga, va, hòstia, com...

Come on, damn it, how...

Jo recordo la de pintar la cara.

I remember the one about painting the face.

La de pintar la cara jo tinc un trauma, perquè jo no la volia fer mai, això.

I have a trauma about face painting because I never wanted to do that.

Jo una vegada al Consell del Boi...

Once I was at the Council of Boi...

Bueno, cada any sempre...

Well, every year always...

Això es fa al llarg de la setmana de Carnestoltes.

This takes place during the week of Carnival.

Dilluns i març fins al divendres, que se les dispersa i no sé què.

Monday and March until Friday, which they disperse and I don't know what.

I, doncs, cada any un dels dies és això.

And so, each year one of the days is this.

I bueno, passarem pel sofriment de ballar o del que sigui, i ja està.

And well, we will go through the suffering of dancing or whatever, and that's it.

I fins i tot els professors estaven com pitjors d'ahir.

And even the teachers seemed worse than yesterday.

Sí, és que era una cosa...

Yes, it was just a thing...

I si no et disfraçaves era davant del col·le.

And if you didn't dress up, it was in front of the school.

Lo deia aquell que estaven com tots allà.

He said that they were all there like everyone else.

O estaven davant de tot el col·le i ara com?

Either they were in front of the whole school, and now what?

No hi havia classe i ja ja que no anava directament.

There was no class and I was already not going directly.

Lo pitjor és que feia una cosa del Consell del Boi,

The worst part is that it was something from the Boi Council,

lo del pijama ho fan cada any, no sé si ara a partir d'ara ho fan,

They do the pajama thing every year; I don't know if they will do it from now on.

però hi havia una que crec que ara ja no la deuen fer,

but there was one that I think they probably don't make anymore,

que era lo de que los nois havien d'anar de noies,

what was it about the boys having to dress as girls,

i les noies havien d'anar de nois.

And the girls had to dress as boys.

Això és ofensiu.

This is offensive.

Jo crec que avui en dia ja ho fan,

I believe that nowadays they already do it.

però és que en aquell moment me'n recordo que com...

but I remember that at that moment it was like...

Zora vols vostes pares de la mare i tal...

Zora, do you want your mother's parents and so on...

I me'n recordo que jo només ho he fet una vegada,

I remember that I have only done it once.

o sigui, aquell any,

that is, that year,

i justament aquell dia la persona estava malalt,

and just that day the person was ill,

i no era... Estaves malalt? No, no, estava malalt de veritat.

And I wasn't... Were you sick? No, no, I was really sick.

I vaig vindre, vaig haver de vindre al col·le com ell,

I came, I had to come to school like him.

per anar-te a buscar tu.

to go pick you up.

Perquè t'havien d'anar a buscar,

Because they had to come to get you,

i me'n recordo que va veure tots els meus companys

And I remember that he saw all my classmates.

vestits... els meus amics de noies i les noies de nois,

dressed... my friends of girls and the girls of boys,

i era com...

it was like...

En aquell moment ja em semblava ridícul,

At that moment, it already seemed ridiculous to me,

però és que ara ho puc arribar a trobar ofensiu i tot, saps?

But now I can find it offensive and everything, you know?

Era com...

It was like...

Però bueno...

But good...

És que ha canviat molt...

It has changed a lot...

Justament ahir que va ser tot lo del...

Just yesterday when everything happened with the...

LGTB, i tot això, mira si no podem parlar...

LGBT, and all that, look if we can't talk...

Sí, és tot lo més, no?

Yes, it is the best, isn't it?

Què? És tot lo més, però ahir sense res.

What? It’s all the most, but yesterday nothing.

Com ha canviat?

How has it changed?

Però noia de fa... han sigut 50...

But girl, from... it has been 50...

No, no, és que fa 4 anys no era lo mateix.

No, no, it's just that 4 years ago it wasn't the same.

Sí, s'ha posat la...

Yes, she has put on the...

Anem a dir-ho, la moda,

Let's say it, fashion,

de que les companyies,

that the companies,

justament aquell tot lo més,

just that everything the most,

tenen lo logo de LGTB.

they have the LGBT logo.

No, no, sí, i dic que és una moda perquè

No, no, yes, and I say that it is a trend because

a partir de les companyies,

based on the companies,

després han sortit totes les d'Instagram

then all the ones from Instagram came out

canviant-se la foto de perfil o el que sigui,

changing the profile picture or whatever,

o posant les històries...

or putting the stories...

I quan han...

And when they have...

Durant tot l'any,

Throughout the year,

no els donen suport.

they do not support them.

No, no, sí, clar, però no és de moda

No, no, yes, of course, but it's not fashionable.

perquè han vist a...

because they have seen at...

a la Cruz fent-ho i diuen

at the Cross doing it and they say

ah, vinga, jo també ho adoptaré.

Ah, come on, I'll adopt it too.

És perquè sabem que així...

It is because we know that this way...

aquestes empreses

these companies

que no són...

that they are not...

sense cara, que no tenen cara,

without a face, that they have no face,

semblen més... es personifiquen d'aquesta manera,

they seem more... they are personified in this way,

i que sí que...

and yes that...

hi havia memes molt gracioses de...

there were very funny memes about...

a l'inici de juny,

at the beginning of June,

perquè és tot el mes,

because it's the whole month,

a l'inici de juny,

at the beginning of June,

un altre tema molt tòpic,

another very topical topic,

el moviment Black Lives Matter,

the Black Lives Matter movement,

i bueno, els memes de les empreses

And well, the memes from companies.

no saben si elegir el Black Lives Matter

they don't know whether to choose Black Lives Matter

o el LGTB.

or the LGTB.

No, bueno, jo crec que les empreses

No, well, I think that companies

en aquest cas s'aprofiten,

in this case they take advantage of,

s'aprofiten per fer el menjar d'eixi,

they take the opportunity to make food from that,

i en realitat no els importa una menja.

And in reality, they don't care about a meal.

És així, és així, no?

That's right, isn't it?

No sé si vas veure que...

I don't know if you saw that...

PlayStation té com diferents comptes,

PlayStation has different accounts,

hi ha PlayStation, la oficial, per tot,

there is PlayStation, the official one, for everything,

i després hi ha PlayStation Spain,

and then there is PlayStation Spain,

PlayStation, no sé què i tal,

PlayStation, I don't know what and such,

i em recordo que tots ho van canviar,

And I remember that they all changed it,

lo de la LGTB, menys Canadà,

the LGBTQ matter, except for Canada,

que era com...

that it was like...

En Canadà hi ha un altre.

In Canada, there is another one.

I ara vas...

And now you go...



Però... en Canadà era com de...

But... in Canada it was kind of...

Jo no sé què opines d'això,

I don't know what you think about this,

que ho canvien o si ho troben de...

that they change it or if they find it...

I que les empreses ho fan...

And that companies do it...

Sí, ho troben o escolten.

Yes, they find it or hear it.

És un guanys, però a la mateixa vegada

It's a gain, but at the same time

s'estan tirant.

They are being thrown.

Jo entenc que...

I understand that...

Jo soc d'estos que diuen que la intenció

I am one of those who say that intention

és el que compta.

it is what matters.

Però i la seva intenció, què és?

But what is his intention?

La intenció és beneficiar-se ells mateixos.

The intention is to benefit themselves.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Al mateix moment, tot ajuda.

At the same time, everything helps.


I suppose.



Veure... no ho sé...

See... I don't know...



que moltes empreses

that many companies

mostren el seu suport,

they show their support,

clar que és benefici,

of course it is a benefit,

però si no penséssim

but if we didn't think

d'aquesta manera,

in this way,

no crec que es sacrifici.

I don't think it's a sacrifice.

Si ells ho veuen com algo dolent,

If they see it as something bad,

seria com fer un sacrifici gran

it would be like making a big sacrifice

penjar aquesta foto.

to post this photo.

Veure que...

See that...

jo què sé...

I don't know...

en el moviment Black Lives Matter

in the Black Lives Matter movement

sí que es veu moltes...

yes, many can be seen...

en el Black Lives Matter

in the Black Lives Matter

jo trobo que va ser molt poderoso.

I think it was very powerful.

Va fer moltes...

He did many...

clar, van fer moltes empreses per beneficiar-se,

of course, they made many companies to benefit.

però empreses que...

but companies that...

empreses que tenen un públic en concret.

companies that have a specific audience.

Un públic que és

An audience that is

els dos bàndols

the two sides



Sí, s'estan jugant

Yes, they are playing.

aquí també.

here too.

S'estan jugant 50% de...

They are playing 50% of...

Bueno, 50% però s'estan jugant

Well, 50% but they are playing.

part dels seus...

part of their...

Bé, jo crec que estem parlant de Nica Vives i això.

Well, I think we are talking about Nica Vives and that.

Sí. Bueno, que...

Yes. Well, that...

però els bàndols, per dir-ho d'alguna forma, és un...

but the factions, so to speak, are a...

bueno, pot estar l'altre és com...

well, the other one can be like...

L'altra cosa és...

The other thing is...

És de ser molt boig, és de veritat.

It is really crazy, it's true.

Sí, l'altra cosa que pensava

Yes, the other thing I was thinking.

és lo del...

it's about the...

Ai, aquest any no s'ha fet per lo coronavirus,

Oh, this year it hasn't happened because of the coronavirus.

és totalment normal,

it's completely normal,

però sortien.

but they were going out.

O sigui, hi havia com una celebració,

So, there was like a celebration,

saps? Hi havia com una festa,

You know? There was like a party,

que era el dia de l'orgull.

that it was Pride Day.

La cosa és que no sé què passa, que justament amb això

The thing is I don't know what is happening, that just with this

de l'orgull i tal, no passa amb res

nothing happens with pride and such

ni amb lo de Black Lives Matter,

nor with the Black Lives Matter issue,

ni amb lo del feminisme,

nor with the feminism thing,

ni amb lo de l'ecologisme,

not with the issue of environmentalism,

saps? Tot això de l'escapament global i tal.

You know? All this stuff about global warming and all that.

I és que lo seu és

And what belongs to you is

una festa.

a party.

Sortir amb carrossa, sortir de...

To go out in a carriage, to go out of...

Lo altre són manifestacions.

The other things are manifestations.

Saps què vull dir?

Do you know what I mean?

És gent empancant cartes, exigint imposts,

It's people dealing cards, demanding taxes,

tot lo de la bretxa salarial,

all the issue of the wage gap,

o justícia pels Floyd, i tot això.

Oh justice for the Floyd, and all that.

Però amb allò és una cosa diferent.

But with that, it is a different thing.

Per quin...

For which...

És més que no...

It's more than not...

Hi ha una part que sí que és una protesta,

There is a part that is indeed a protest,

però hi ha una altra que és com...

but there is another one that is like...

És una festa.

It is a party.

Saps? No és res.

You know? It's nothing.

Una reivindicació.

A claim.

Però cadascú que expressi com vulgui.

But everyone should express themselves as they wish.

Sí, que expressi el que vulgui.

Yes, let him express whatever he wants.

L'única vegada és com...

The only time it's like...

És més adequat fer-me una festa

It is more appropriate to throw me a party.

i no sortir al carrer a dir-los tipus.

and not going out on the street to tell them types.

No, escolta, l'altre dia

No, listen, the other day

van agredir a una parella homosexual d'ells,

they attacked a gay couple of them,

a més de dir, eh, mira que orgullosa estic.

Besides saying, hey, look how proud I am.

I l'únic problema,

And the only problem,

per exemple, parlant-ne del Pablo Alborán,

for example, speaking about Pablo Alborán,

fa res, justament.

just now, precisely.

Què és el Pablo Alborán?

What is Pablo Alborán?

És un cantar espanyol.

It is a Spanish song.

Molt famós.

Very famous.

Fa com dos setmanes

It was about two weeks ago.

o una, va fer un vídeo

or one, made a video

dient que era gay.

saying that he was gay.

És com dir-ho així

It's like saying it this way.

dient com, eh,

saying how, eh,

doncs mira, això, una gran notícia,

well look, this is great news,

diu, doncs no.

says, well no.

Creieu que està bé?

Do you think it's okay?

Perquè jo crec que no ho normalitzes així.

Because I believe you shouldn't normalize it like that.

Sí, jo crec que tampoc

Yes, I don't think so either.

no ho normalitzo.

I don't normalize it.

Clar, fer com una cosa especial, dir que,

Sure, make it something special, say that,

ei, ho sóc, no estàs normalitzant

hey, I am, you're not normalizing

perquè ho estàs fent com creant

because you are doing it as if creating

una cosa especial.

a special thing.

És com si estàs dient a la càmera,

It's as if you are speaking to the camera,

com va passar amb l'Odani Rovira,

as happened with Odani Rovira,

va dir, va fer un vídeo dient

he said, he made a video saying

tinc un càncer.

I have cancer.

No és una malaltia.

It is not an illness.

No, no, no va ser només,

No, no, it wasn't just.

va fer una foto amb allò

he took a picture with that

aquest putxe quan fa escriure i tal,

this dude when he makes you write and stuff,

i no sé què, i va dir, l'Odani Rovira,

and I don't know what, and said, Odani Rovira,

l'home humorista preferit,

the favorite humorous man,

ho respeto, m'encanta,

I respect it, I love it,

va dir, escolta, que tinc un càncer

He said, listen, I have cancer.

molt vestit i tal.

very dressed and such.

En aquest cas és com si no estàs

In this case, it's as if you are not there.

normalitzant això.

normalizing this.

Això trobo que ho hagués de dir, perquè...

I think I should say this because...

Fa ser el que vulgui i ja està.

Let it be what it wants, and that's it.

Jo estic completament d'acord

I completely agree.

que aquestes coses

that these things

no s'orienten, no cal

they don't orient themselves, no need

que es diguin, perquè sí, destaquen.

Let them say it, because yes, they stand out.

El problema és que

The problem is that

no estan normalitzades.

they are not standardized.


I understand,

jo també ho

I also do it.

deia això, que...

said this, that...

No t'has sentit fer una

You don't feel like doing one.



Per tant, ara us diré

Therefore, now I will tell you.

un exemple que

an example that

sé que no estic d'acord

I know that I do not agree.

amb mi, però bueno.

with me, but well.

Si ho recordo bé,

If I remember correctly,

no crec que m'ho invento, però jo diré

I don't think I'm making it up, but I will say.

que és així,

that it is like this,

a Canadà

to Canada


they are



que els

that the



o alguna cosa, no sé

or something, I don't know

quin és el sistema polític de Canadà,

what is the political system of Canada,

estan obligant que els parlamentaris

they are forcing the parliamentarians

siguin 50% homes i 50% persones.

be 50% men and 50% people.



jo això ho trobo

I find this

dolent, però

bad, but

perquè si

because if

els millors polítics que hi ha

the best politicians there are

són tots homes, doncs que siguin tots homes.

they are all men, then let them all be men.

Si els millors polítics que hi ha

If the best politicians that exist

són tots dones,

they are all women,

quin és el problema? És que si no fas

What is the problem? It's that if you don't do it



no votaran mai a dones,

they will never vote for women,

perquè la majoria de gent,

because the majority of people,

és el que m'has dit avui, que era

it's what you told me today, that it was

un gran gel contra

a great gel against

una dona

a woman


super prepared.

La gent té

People have

aquests prejudicis,

these prejudices,

aquests ideals incorrectes, però que els defensaran

these incorrect ideals, but they will defend them

fins a la mort. Per tant,

until death. Therefore,

jo crec que

I believe that

és dolent.

It is bad.

És el que dic, te perjudiques

It's what I'm saying, you're harming yourself.

a tu mateix, perquè

yourself, because

si els millors polítics,

if the best politicians,

les més bones persones, són tots homes,

the best people are all men,

que ho siguin.

let them be.

Això no...

This not...



Però no votaran

But they will not vote.

les dones, perquè la gent és així.

women, because people are like that.

Per tant, jo trobo que durant un període,

Therefore, I find that during a period,

fins que arriben al punt en què...

until they reach the point where...

Clar, tot això és molt complicat,

Sure, all of this is very complicated.

però durant un període fins que s'arriba al punt en què

but for a period until reaching the point where

la gent diu

people say

ah, bueno, doncs durant els últims

oh, well, during the last

20 anys, o

20 years, or

6 anys, o espero que sol un any,

6 years, or I hope that only one year,

hem tingut

we have had

50% dones

50% women

i ho han fet millor que els homes.

and they have done it better than men.

Potser els hauríem de donar una oportunitat així

Maybe we should give them a chance like this.

perquè sí. Per tant, jo trobo

because yes. Therefore, I find



sí que s'està obligant.

Yes, it is being enforced.

S'estan traient

They are being taken out.

decisions, o sigui,

decisions, that is,



D'una manera,

In a way,

t'estan obligant a funcionar

They are forcing you to function.

d'una manera... Això passa amb la policia.

in a way... This happens with the police.

Sí, amb la policia

Yes, with the police.

les dones tenen proves més fàcils

Women have easier tests.

i els homes tenen

and the men have

proves més difícils,

more difficult tests,

que fa que hi hagi dones

that makes there be women

que entrin, que pot ser

let them in, it might be

que han superat, o sigui,

that have surpassed, that is,

han tingut un rendiment físic pitjor

they have had a worse physical performance

i han entrat

and they have entered

i altres que l'han tingut millor que la dona que ha entrat

and others who have had it better than the woman who has entered

no han pogut entrar, no?

They haven't been able to enter, have they?

Llavors, a vegades es debatia això

Then, sometimes this was debated.

si havien de posar proves diferents o

if they had to put different tests or

una prova per tothom i que entrin els millors

a test for everyone and let the best enter

i així tenim la millor seguretat del carrer

And thus we have the best security on the street.

perquè bueno, ja hem vist els dies que no.

because well, we have already seen the days that don't.

I tal, però bueno...

And so, but well...

Sí, per exemple,

Yes, for example,

a mi em va passar, aquest any al col

It happened to me this year at school.

em van posar com, és que no sé què

they put me in a situation that I don't know what

però és el que és el punt, Gil.

but that is the point, Gil.

És a dir, que

That is to say, that

quan vas al col, és que

when you go to the cabbage, it's that

és com un departament

It is like a department.

un departament per joves, per si

a department for young people, just in case

tens la depressió, tens alguna cosa per tenir allà

you have depression, you have something to have there

i parlar amb algú. No és una psicòloga

And talk to someone. She is not a psychologist.

Sí, és com una persona

Yes, it's like a person.

que està allà, organitzant coses, està molt bé.

who is there, organizing things, is very good.

La cosa és que ara tu no hi ets

The thing is that now you are not here.

però van posar un que era només

but they put one that was only

sobre el feminisme.

about feminism.

Un departament de feminisme. La cosa és que

A department of feminism. The thing is that

no es va fer com un...

it was not done like a...

Va ser a l'Auditori del col

It was at the Auditorium of the col.

a la sala d'actes

in the auditorium

i em van convidar tres noies

And three girls invited me.

de vint-i-dos quants anys

of twenty-two how many years

a explicar-nos això, que eren les que em portarien al col

to explain this to us, they were the ones who would take me to school

i ens van dir

and they told us

que se pot apuntar

that can be pointed out

que vulgui, però

whoever wants, but

que prefereixin que hi hagi més dones

that prefer more women to be there

aquí al departament

here in the department

que homes.

what men.

Que es pot apuntar que vulguin

What can be noted that they want.

però que elles prefereixen que hi hagi més dones que homes.

but they prefer that there are more women than men.

Ser feminisme

Being feminism

és igualtat.

it's equality.

Fes el que tingui la gana

Do what you feel like.

i si vols...

And if you want...

Ara, jo ho trobo una mica dubtable.

Now, I find it a bit doubtful.

L'altra cosa que vam fer és com una activitat

The other thing we did is like an activity.

molt rara que era...

very rare it was...

Tots estàvem amb els ulls tancats i aixecats

We all had our eyes closed and raised.

i drets. I si deien frases

and rights. And if they said sentences

i si t'havia passat

and if it had happened to you

t'havies de seure.

you had to sit down.

Llavors, el que passava al final

So, what happened in the end.

és que a mi m'he quedat drets

It's just that I have stood still.

les noies, perquè era com

the girls, because it was like

has passat un poc pel carrer, has passat...

you've passed a little through the street, you've passed...

L'última era esta.

The last one was this.



I els nois se van quedar també drets

And the boys also stood up.

i van preguntar

and they asked

i per què us heu quedat drets amb el poc pel carrer?

And why did you stay standing with the little bit in the street?

I a mi també em van preguntar

And they also asked me.

i jo vaig dir home, perquè a Barcelona de vegades

And I said, well, because in Barcelona sometimes

atraquen o roben

they mug or steal

i torno dels entrenaments a les 9 de la nit

I return from training at 9 o'clock at night.

i jolim tu passar pel parc

And I like you to walk through the park.

o no sé què i tal.

or I don't know what and such.

I encara te miraven malament per això.

And they still looked at you badly for that.

Era com, no tindré por

It was like, I will not be afraid.

per anar al carrer o no puc.

I can’t go to the street.

I jo, per exemple,

And I, for example,

jo no em vaig quedar drets perquè no vaig acabar d'entendre la pregunta

I didn't stand up because I didn't fully understand the question.

i vaig seure.

I sat down.

A mi em va quedar drets un noi

A boy was left standing for me.

però va ser com...

but it was like...

Però va ser com...

But it was like...


You know?

Entenc perfectament el que voleu dir

I understand perfectly what you mean.



També podem passar por, saps?

We can also pass by, you know?

Jo el que he de dir

What I have to say

és que és molt important

it's just that it's very important

no deixar que aquestes tres noies

don't let these three girls

representin el feminisme.

representing feminism.


Of course.

Hi ha...

There is...

Hi ha gent dolenta

There are bad people.



al feminisme

to feminism

que es diu feminista que no representa

what is called feminist that does not represent

el que està escrit.

what is written.

I, bueno,

I, well,

què he de dir? Hi ha gent bona

What should I say? There are good people.

que als Estats Units

that in the United States

es considera republicana.

It is considered republican.

Vull dir,

I mean,


it is...

Les coses no són blanc i negre.

Things are not black and white.

És de blanc

It is white.

a negre.

to black.

Hi ha una transició de grisos

There is a transition of grays.

entre mig.

in between.

Per tant, l'únic que he de dir és que

Therefore, the only thing I have to say is that



que et mirin d'esta manera

that they look at you this way

trobo que, clar, està...

I find that, of course, it is...

està malament.

it's wrong.

I que...

And that...

Lo següent es ve

The following is seen

allò de la...

that of the...

quasi psicòloga

almost psychologist

del feminisme, és això, no?

It's about feminism, isn't it?

Que era per donar suport...

That was to provide support...

Era com un departament d'ajuda...

It was like a help department...



Jo entenc perquè

I understand why.

ells han d'utilitzar les paraules

they must use the words

per fer això, no? No és...

to do this, right? It's not...

Jo entenc per què prefereixen les dones,

I understand why women prefer.

perquè... Sí, perquè

because... Yes, because

són les víctimes al final, no?

They are the victims in the end, right?

Exacte, les víctimes. Però...

Exactly, the victims. But...

Jo crec que, encara que...

I believe that, even though...

La vida, la vida

Life, life

m'ha agradat més així. Jo trobo que no hauria

I liked it better this way. I think it shouldn't have.

ser que...

to be that...

ho haguin de millorar, però...

they should improve it, but...

Si un noi negre

If a black boy

té problemes...

has problems...

del racisme, la millor persona

of racism, the best person

per entendre'l és un home negre.

To understand him, he is a black man.

O sigui, algú negre que li pugui donar consells.

So, a black person who can give him advice.

El mateix amb les dones,

The same with women,

i les dones, o sigui, és...

And the women, that is, it's...







les... els dubtes que has tingut,

the... the doubts you have had,



l'esport que has tingut, el que has passat,

the sport you have had, what you have gone through,

els... les malalties...

the... the diseases...

No, les malalties mentals, no. O sigui,

No, mental illnesses, no. I mean,

eh... els dolors mentals

eh... the mental pains

que passes, probablement,

what happens, probably,



els han passat...

they have happened to them...

Sí, jo entenc, la cosa és que...

Yes, I understand, the thing is that...

Clar, o sigui, hi ha...

Of course, I mean, there is...

hi haurien d'haver més.

There should be more.

Sí, això, però...

Yes, that, but...

crec que és una cosa que

I think it is something that

s'hauria d'haver format, per dir-ho d'una forma

it should have been formed, to put it one way

com sola, saps?

As alone, you know?

S'hauria d'haver fluït sol

It should have flowed alone.

i no haver-ho dit d'esta forma.

And I shouldn't have said it this way.

De i tal, perquè pot ser, després...

And such, because it may be, later...

Jo, un que diu, estic...

Me, one who says, I am...

per si no m'apunto, saps?

In case I don't sign up, you know?

Un noi pot ser perquè diu, estic...

A boy can be because he says, I am...

Jo puc aportar coses...

I can contribute things...

Què passa si arribo i hi ha més nois, saps?

What happens if I arrive and there are more guys, you know?

Si som més nois que nois, esclar, potser sentirem

If there are more boys than boys, of course, maybe we will feel.

que no hem vingut a riure i tal.

that we haven't come to laugh and such.

Jo crec que és una cosa que hauria d'haver

I think it's something that should have happened.

fluït i dir-ho. Si heu viscut

flow and say it. If you have lived

coses així, saps?

things like that, you know?

Més pel que heu viscut, per...

More for what you have lived, for...

Si teniu alguna cosa a portar o pis i tal,

If you have anything to bring or an apartment and such,

llavors aquí sí que s'apuntaran dones.

Then here women will sign up.

Saps? Per això.

You know? That's why.

Però no pots dir de preferim abans...

But you can't say we prefer before...

No pots dir això.

You can't say that.

Crec, eh? Crec que...

I believe, huh? I believe that...

Sí que ho hauríem de dir, però no d'esta forma.

Yes, we should say it, but not in this way.

T'entenc completament. Jo crec que

I completely understand you. I believe that

l'ús de la paraula prefereixo no és tan dolent.

The use of the word prefer not is not that bad.

Però això és la meva...

But this is my...

Sí, sí, però... No, sí, jo

Yes, yes, but... No, yes, me.

estic d'acord amb el que van dir.

I agree with what they said.

Però no hauríem d'haver dit així, crec.

But we shouldn't have said it like that, I think.

No sé, ara...

I don't know, now...

No sé si te'n saps d'alguna cosa així, no?

I don't know if you know about something like that, right?

Encara que tant... Era locament.

Even though so much... It was madness.

Aquí a Mora

Here in Mora

ja tot ha passat alguna cosa, eh? Alguna cosa així.

Something has happened now, hasn’t it? Something like that.

No, és que una vegada

No, it's just that once

un cumple podia marxar a casa

A birthday could go home.

i la mare

and the mother

de la nena deia

of the girl said

no, no, et vaig riure o et vindré a buscar?

No, no, should I laugh at you or should I come to pick you up?

Jo vaig dir

I said

no cal, escolt, perquè a mi, com que

no need, listen, because for me, as...

soc d'un poble

I am from a village.

i ja sé que és una tonteria,

And I know it’s silly,

però sóc ràpid.

but I am fast.

Jo sempre he pensat, una, aquí no passa res,

I've always thought, well, nothing happens here,

passarà res, i si passa alguna cosa,

nothing will happen, and if something happens,

doncs me'n vaig corrents.

Well, I'm leaving in a hurry.

Mai he tingut el problema de

I have never had the problem of

que m'atraqui algú aquí, perquè

let someone approach me here, because

de veritat, el pitjor que et pot passar és un gat.

Honestly, the worst thing that can happen to you is a cat.

No sé, jo

I don't know, me.

jo igual, jo...

me too, I...

No, no...

No, no...

Jo ara estic molt segur de mi mateix,

I am now very confident of myself,

tinc molta confiança en mi,

I have a lot of confidence in myself,

però de petit era insegur,

but as a child I was insecure,

bàsicament perquè sóc molt prim.

Basically because I am very thin.

Jo sé que no sóc la persona més forta del món,

I know I am not the strongest person in the world,

però mai m'ha passat por.

but I have never been afraid.

Ni per aquí,

Not here either,

ni quan hem anat de viatge

not even when we have gone traveling

a Roma i a Berlín,

to Rome and to Berlin,

jo he passejat sense mòbil

I have walked without a phone.

sense cap preocupació.

without any concern.

I m'ha passat

It has happened to me.

un parell de cops

a couple of times

que amigues m'han demanat

that friends have asked me

que les acompanyi, sí,

that accompanies them, yes,



Però a Barcelona, quan hi vagis

But in Barcelona, when you go there

l'any que ve, no et confiïs.

Next year, don't let your guard down.

Sí, això és una cosa que...

Yes, this is something that...

La cosa que has dit de

The thing you said about

sense mòbil i tal, jo en veritat,

without a mobile and such, I really,

jo als entrenaments vaig sense mòbil,

I go to training without my phone,

perquè no vull que me'l robin.

because I don't want them to steal it from me.

Sí, és el que vull dir.

Yes, that's what I mean.

No em porto per si em passa algú a trucar,

I won't be around in case someone calls.

no, no, jo no em porto perquè no vull que me'l robin.

No, no, I don't carry it because I don't want someone to steal it from me.

És que va anar pel mòbil.

It was that he went by mobile.

Sí, sí, va anar pel mòbil.

Yes, yes, it was done by mobile.

L'únic que porto als entrenaments són les colles,

The only thing I bring to training is the groups.

el patinet per anar i les claus.

the scooter to go and the keys.

Per entrar a casa, perquè si no,

To enter the house, because if not,

però el mòbil mai el porto.

But I never take my phone.

El deixo allà perquè no vull que me'l robin.

I leave it there because I don't want them to steal it from me.

I a més, vull dir,

And moreover, I want to say,

l'altre valia

the other was worth

una meua, vull dir,

a mine, I mean,

ara me l'hauria pogut comprar amb els meus diners

Now I could have bought it with my money.

sense cap problema i tot això,

without any problem and all that,

però el d'ara no em penso arriscar una meua.

but the one now I don't intend to risk one of mine.

Vull dir, des del que

I mean, from what

m'ha costat en insistència,

it has taken me insistence,



i el valor que d'ús,

and the value of use,

perquè l'uso molt per fer moltes coses

because I use it a lot to do many things

i tal,

and such,

no em puc permetre perdre'l.

I can't afford to lose him.

Això sí que no.

Not at all.

Però si no la crec

But if I don't believe it.

que s'havia de fer,

what had to be done,

si tens el mòbil normal,

if you have a regular phone,

i després per anar al carrer

and then to go to the street

te compres un Nokia i tot va a tocar.

You buy a Nokia and everything will be fine.

És un walkie talkie.

It's a walkie-talkie.

Si te traca el 1,

If it hits you at 1,

no el veurà i 2,

he will not see it and 2,

si el vol, l'hi tires.

If you want it, you throw it.

És una arma de destrucció.

It is a weapon of destruction.

És un noiet,

He is a young boy,

un mòbil antic,

an old mobile phone,

sense SIM,

without SIM,

crec que pot trucar al 112.

I think you can call 112.

No és l'únic número que podria trucar.

It's not the only number I could call.

Això està bé.

This is fine.

Però jo crec que si canvies la SIM o alguna cosa així,

But I think that if you change the SIM or something like that,

perquè a mi en veritat el que fot més és la SIM.

Because for me, what annoys me the most is the SIM.


You know?

Has d'anar a l'ordinador,

You have to go to the computer,

l'has de desactivar perquè no vegin res amb els teus datos.

You need to disable it so they don't see anything with your data.

Perdràs tot.

You will lose everything.

El número, les fotos...

The number, the photos...

És com un quàntic aquell,

It's like a quantum that one,

una mica així.

a little like this.

Ho has de canviar tot.

You have to change everything.

A mi em va passar amb l'Spotify.

It happened to me with Spotify.

I amb l'Spotify

And with Spotify

vaig dir...

I said...

M'ha notificat Google d'això.

Google has notified me about this.

Està el meu compte de Gmail

Is my Gmail account.

o Spotify.

or Spotify.

Llavors vaig canviar tot.

Then I changed everything.

I tenia l'error

I had the mistake.

que utilitzava poques contrassenyes.

that used few passwords.

Quasi sempre les mateixes.

Almost always the same.

I ara

And now

ja no sé quines són.

I don't know what they are anymore.

Tinc una plataforma,

I have a platform,

que és clau per a tots.

that is key for everyone.

I allà

And there

se'm genera sola la contrassenya.

The password is generated for me automatically.

I és com aquesta la tinc.

And it's like this, I have it.

La guardo, és de 20 characters.

I keep it, it's 20 characters long.

Són tot de símbols allà.

They are all symbols there.

Jo no la sent, la copio i la poso

I don't feel it, I copy it and I put it.

quan he d'entrar al costat que toca.

When I have to enter on the side that matters.

Vols que et passi una aplicació que has fet un paquet?

Do you want me to send you an application that you have packaged?

Has fet un paquet?

Have you made a package?



Te'n recordes una

Do you remember one?

una mini

a mini

una mini contrassenya

a mini password

que sempre la tens.

that you always have it.

No l'utilitzis mai, però sempre la tens.

Never use it, but you always have it.

Poses la pàgina web

You set up the website.

i després te genera

and then it generates you



contrassenya llarga

long password

de 4, 8, 16...

from 4, 8, 16...

Sí, jo veig utilitzar una cosa així.

Yes, I see using something like that.

La del pare

The one of the father

està molt orgullosa.

She is very proud.

Jo et reconec que

I recognize that you.

utilitzava una altra versió,

I was using another version,

però aquesta versió és millor

but this version is better

amb l'altra.

with the other.

Imagina't que la contrassenya que heu curt

Imagine that the password you have shortened

aquesta és 1, 2, 3, 4.

this is 1, 2, 3, 4.

El Gmail

The Gmail

i la contrassenya nova és

and the new password is

10, 11, 12, 13, 14.

10, 11, 12, 13, 14.

En aplicació veia

In application, I saw.

si li tragués el 4 i posaves 1, 2, 3

if you took out the 4 and put in 1, 2, 3

la nova era

the new era

10, 11, 12, 13

10, 11, 12, 13

no sé fins quan he dit.

I don't know how long I've been saying it.

Una a menos.

One less.

Una a menos, algo así.

One less, something like that.

Però amb la nova tu canvia completament.

But with the new you, it completely changes.

1, 2, 3, 4 te sortirà algo

1, 2, 3, 4 something will come out for you.

si poses 1, 2, 3

if you put 1, 2, 3

te ho canviarà completament.

It will change you completely.

Per tant és més segura.

Therefore it is safer.

Amb coses així d'entrar, per exemple

With things like that to enter, for example.

quan Apple

when Apple

ho ha posat Face ID

he has set up Face ID

ara fa

now it is

3 anys ja,

Already 3 years,

totes les empreses van començar

all the companies started

a posar el reconeixement facial

to enable facial recognition

perquè és una cosa que sempre passa

because it is something that always happens

que sempre Apple

that always Apple

no és que creï noves coses

it's not that I create new things

sinó que les agafen

but they take them

d'una forma que dius

in a way that you say

hòstia, quin gran pas d'això.

Wow, what a great step from this.

Per exemple, el gran angular este any

For example, the wide-angle this year.

ho va fer LG fa com un any

LG did it about a year ago.

i ningú li va fer cas.

And nobody paid attention to him.

Tothom va dir què és això.

Everyone said, what is this?

Ho va fer Apple i ara tothom ho està posant.

Apple did it and now everyone is doing it.

Però el Face ID crec que també ho tenia una altra marca.

But I think another brand also had Face ID.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Jo amb el meu mòbil LG

Me with my LG mobile.

tenia el Face ID.

I had Face ID.

Un acudit és que vaig posar la meva cara

A joke is that I put my face.

i un pare

and a father

va posar la seva també i va entrar

he put his in too and went in

i vaig dir a partir d'ara faré

I said from now on I will do.

i va posar la seva cara

and put his face

i clar, no funciona.

And of course, it doesn't work.

Sí, això passava molt

Yes, that happened a lot.

d'un amic meu

of a friend of mine

que sempre diu

that always says

no, és que us assempleu

No, it's just that you resemble each other.

i som

and we are

un cabell negre d'així

a black hair like this

normal, no sé què

normal, I don't know what

i tenia un Samsung

I had a Samsung.

que tenia el Face ID

that had Face ID

que fa un munt de temps això

that's been a long time ago

fa 4 anys

four years ago

que literalment era una imatge

that was literally an image

i tu posaves la cara

and you put on a face

i crec que t'agafava com 5 punts

I think I would have given you about 5 points.



i un dia vaig agafar jo el pau

And one day I took Paul.

Això va passar

This happened.

sí, el que deia

yes, what I was saying

que ho van posar i tal

that they put it and such

i el Face ID ara

and the Face ID now

per exemple ara que ha passat

for example now that it has happened

amb el primer iPhone sí que

with the first iPhone yes

ja per exemple si eres bessons

for example, if you are twins

eres una persona que era

you are a person who was

moltes, no tot, no sempre

many, not everything, not always

però moltes vegades sí. Ara per exemple

but many times yes. Now for example

Apple també i tot això

Apple too and all that

Apple abans tenia una contrassenya

Apple used to have a password.

de 4 números

of 4 digits

ara pots fer 6, 8, 10, tot el que vulguis

now you can do 6, 8, 10, whatever you want

i amb el Face ID

and with Face ID

va ser com

it was like

no sé com ho fan

I don't know how they do it.

però si tu agafes el meu mòbil

but if you took my phone

i me'l poses així a la cara

and you put it like this on my face

no sé

I don't know.

per què no s'obre mai?

Why does it never open?

és com que l'has d'agafar tu

it's like you have to take it yourself

amb la teva mà, apropar-te'l

with your hand, bring it closer to you

i llavors quan s'obre

and then when it opens

Suposo que de detectar els angles...

I suppose that detecting the angles...

perquè per exemple si jo me'n recordo

because for example if I remember

o també ho vaig provar amb una foto

or I also tried it with a photo

era com que l'havies d'agafar tu

it was as if you had to take it yourself

i veus ara si mòbil

And you see now if mobile.

però amb una foto...

but with a photo...

Això de la foto es pot explicar

This in the photo can be explained.

amb infraroig

with infrared

les distàncies te canvien el to

Distances change your tone.

de les dues dimensions

of the two dimensions

exacte, aquí amb l'infraroig

exactly, here with the infrared

veus tres dimensions

you see three dimensions

jo crec sí, segur que una cosa així

I think yes, surely something like that.

a més vam fer lo del

also we did the

és impressionant perquè

it is impressive because

funciona igualment allà de quan t'acabes de despertar

it works the same way there as when you just woke up

que de vegades...

that sometimes...

un amic meu tenia el primer iPhone

A friend of mine had the first iPhone.

quan me desperto no em detecta

when I wake up, it doesn't detect me

perquè estic al cabell

because I am at my wit's end

ara si saps

now you know

l'altre dia que vam gravar jo

the other day when we recorded me

amb les ulleres aquelles

with those glasses

me detectava

it detected me

l'únic problema que van dir tal

the only problem they mentioned such

és que Apple va dir que estava treballant

it's just that Apple said it was working

perquè detectes amb mascareta

why do you detect with a mask

perquè claro

because of course

ara què passa saps

Now what happens, you know?

quan volien posar aquesta actualització

when did they want to put this update in place

van dir que ho posarien i després ho van treure

They said they would put it in and then they took it out.

perquè no devia funcionar i tal

because it probably didn't work and stuff

doncs que em la donen amb mascareta, claro

so they give it to me with a mask, of course

i jo me l'haig de treure perquè m'ho detecta

And I have to take it off because it detects me.

i tot això

and all this

no, o sigui haig de posar la contrasenya i tal

No, I mean I have to enter the password and stuff.



no sé per què Apple deien que en este iPhone 11

I don't know why they said that about this iPhone 11.

posaríem lo de l'altre

we would put the other one

lo de que tornes lo Touch ID

The fact that you're bringing back Touch ID.

de que apretessis un rat

that you squeezed a mouse

lo teu TNO

your TNO

i que entressis

and that you would enter

però van dir que s'hi queden amb lo Face ID

but they said they are sticking with Face ID

perquè van veure que era més segur

because they saw it was safer

i van dir

and they said

no sé com ho fan lo del DIT

I don’t know how they do the DIT thing.

jo crec que lo del DIT sempre serà lo més

I believe that the DIT will always be the best.

fàcil de fer

easy to do

i es veu que ja ve un estudi

And it seems that a study is already coming.

i diu no, no, lo Face ID és lo més segur

And he says no, no, the Face ID is the safest.

no m'entenc

I don't understand myself.

que t'agafen la informació

that they take your information

i li passen a la màfia russa

and they hand it over to the Russian mafia

canyters coreans

Korean singers

hi havia aplicacions

there were applications

tipo Face App

Face App type

et canvia la cara a noia

it changes your face girl

o et diu

or it tells you

un percentatge per països

a percentage by countries

que ets de nacionalitat

what is your nationality

que s'ho inventa quasi tot

who invents almost everything

diuen que allò vol

they say that it wants

que hi ha aplicació

there is an application

i clar, tots sospitaven

And of course, everyone suspected.

de que realment això

that really this

s'ho queden i després fan

they keep it and then they do

un identity theft

an identity theft

no se sap mai això

you never know this

a veure tu també quan baixes l'aplicació

let's see when you also download the app

estàs acceptant un contracte que no t'has llegit

You are accepting a contract that you haven't read.

ja, ja

ha, ha

és molt raro

it's very rare

que hi ha una intel·ligència artificial

that there is an artificial intelligence

que genera

that generates

com fotos

with photos

de gent de nombres cap a dalt

of people of numbers up

així automàticament

thus automatically

però ningú existeix

but nobody exists

ja, ja

ha, ha

i és que dius

and you say

és com

it's like

allò sí que em genera

that indeed generates me

no em fa por però

I'm not afraid, but...

m'agobia molt

It overwhelms me a lot.

és com aquesta gent no existeix

it's as if these people don't exist

o si

or yes



no veuràs

you will not see

per tant


això del

this of the



que canvien la cara

that change the face

i l'únic que cal és

and all that is needed is

canviar la veu

change the voice

clar, jo ho veig

Of course, I see it.

suposo que

I suppose that

jo lo que penso és

What I think is

no és perfecte

it is not perfect

puc veure que no és aquesta persona

I can see that this is not this person.

però a mi em pareu

but you seem to me

Jo el trobo increïble, clar, perquè ell ha vist la creació d'això.

I find him incredible, of course, because he has witnessed the creation of this.

El que passa amb el de la veu, amb el de la veu és increïble.

What happens with the voice, with the voice is incredible.



El de allò de...

The one about...

Crec que m'ho vas passar tu, no sé quin era exactament, però el de John F. Kennedy

I think you sent it to me, I don’t know exactly which one it was, but the one by John F. Kennedy.

explicar l'història de Dark Plagueis o...

to explain the story of Dark Plagueis or...

No ho sé.

I don't know.

I tu dius, hòstia, si és ell o l'Obama, hi ha versions de l'Obama.

And you say, damn, if it's him or Obama, there are versions of Obama.

És que sembla que ho hagi dit ell.

It seems like he has said it.

L'Obama dient coses raríssimes, fins i tot ofensives.

Obama saying very strange, even offensive things.

I les diu en un discurs, fins i tot en el vídeo.

And she tells them in a speech, even in the video.

Vocalitza aquelles paraules i tot el que està amb ella és...

Vocalize those words and everything that is with her is...

Fa por, fa por.

It scares, it scares.

A veure, aportarà moltes coses bones i, evidentment, coses dolentes.

Let's see, it will bring many good things and, of course, bad things.

Sí, sí. Però jo entenc que això és comptat.

Yes, yes. But I understand that this is counted.

També és veritat que amb el coronavirus, sobretot m'ho ha demostrat el coronavirus,

It is also true that with the coronavirus, especially the coronavirus has shown me this.

és que hi ha una...

it's just that there is a...

Lo de les fake news surten superràpides, que són fake news,

Fake news spread super fast, which are fake news.

perquè hi ha com departaments ara que es dediquen només a les fake news,

because there are now departments that focus solely on fake news,

de dir que és veritat i que és falsa.

to say that it is true and that it is false.

No, no, en veritat, m'agraeixo molt això perquè...

No, no, really, I appreciate this a lot because...

Perquè, és clar, si no ho superaríem tot.

Because, of course, if we didn't, we would overcome everything.

I això ha sortit molt, per exemple, i t'han dit, no sé,

And this has come up a lot, for example, and they have told you, I don't know,

per exemple, la nostra, que és la nostra iaia,

for example, our, which is our grandmother,

di'estos dies l'últim vídeo de la gent gran que es passa missatges d'estos de cadenes de WhatsApp de

these days the latest video of the elderly passing these WhatsApp chain messages of

no ha sortit a la tal hora, no sé què i tal.

he hasn't left at that time, I don't know what and so on.

I moltes vegades eren fake news, per exemple, que era una

And many times they were fake news, for example, that it was a

que no es tanquessin a les 9 de la nit de no sé quin dia,

that they do not close at 9 at night of I don't know which day,

que hi haurien helicòpters tirant desinfectants.

that there would be helicopters spraying disinfectants.

No, no, és que entreguis.

No, no, it's just that you deliver.

Però això, gent del meu grup d'amics de, crec, tres anys o dos més que nosaltres diem,

But this, people from my friend group of, I think, three years or two more than us say,

què paper és oficial de la Generalitat que, a partir d'ara, si surt...

what official paper of the Generalitat that, from now on, if it comes out...

Vull dir...

I mean...



Mira que és fàcil.

Look how easy it is.


It was...

No, no, sí, era...

No, no, yes, it was...

Si surts pel carrer i parà la policia has de tindre este document sempre per dir on vas, on vens i...

If you go out on the street and the police stop you, you must have this document with you to say where you are going, where you are coming from, and...

Vull dir, raro perquè quin benefici treu el que ho agrada això.

I mean, it's strange because what benefit does someone get from liking this.

No, el que has de tindre és un document...

No, what you need to have is a document...

Havies de tindre un document per sortir de la zona sanitària.

You had to have a document to leave the health zone.

Ah, no, no.

Ah, no, no.

Si vols una falseta i si te veus a la fase 1 necessites un document per anar pel carrer.

If you want a falseta and if you see yourself in phase 1, you need a document to go out on the street.

No, sí, el que deia aquest és que... No, no, no.

No, yes, what I was saying is that... No, no, no.



Simplement anar pel carrer.

Simply walking down the street.

No, no, no.

No, no, no.



Això, això...

This, this...

Treballar per la companyia de paper.

Working for the paper company.

Ah, amb el paper.

Ah, with the paper.

Sí, te poses a imprimir.

Yes, you start printing.

Te poses a imprimir.

You start to print.

Però això va destacar en Facebook.

But this stood out on Facebook.

Que Facebook és una de les...

That Facebook is one of the...

Crec que és l'única xarxa social que no verifica els articles...

I believe it is the only social network that doesn't verify the articles...



Tu pots penjar el que sigui i Facebook diu.

You can post anything and Facebook says.

No, no, no.

No, no, no.

Però tu pots penjar el que sigui i et vegi un niu.

But you can post whatever you want and a nest will see you.

Lo més divertit són amb la cara aquella del meme i fa...

The funniest thing is with that meme face and it does...

Lo pitjós a Instagram que hi havia com...

The worst thing on Instagram was like...

Hi ha com també la ia esta que et diu que és fake new i que no.

There is also the AI that tells you what is fake news and what isn't.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Saps que ara també es fa molt aquesta aplicació que pots agafar un Twitter, un missatge...

Do you know that now this application is also very popular where you can take a Twitter, a message...

Un post de Twitter i canviar les lletres.

A Twitter post and change the letters.

I posar l'artista que vulguis.

And put the artist you want.

O sigui que...


Des d'una vegada abans de treure el meme, d'entrar un meme, et diu...

Since a time before taking out the meme, entering a meme, it tells you...

Hi ha...

There is...

Ojo, que això és una feina que veies com, a veure, a veure, lo que fa de, lo que fa de Sheldon a Big Bang Theory,

Careful, because this is a job that you see as, let’s see, what Sheldon does in Big Bang Theory.

dient-la n-word, no m'ho crec gaire.

Calling her the n-word, I don't really believe it.

A vegades, a vegades se passen, però, a vegades se passen. Vaig veure, vaig veure...

Sometimes, sometimes they go too far, but sometimes they go too far. I saw, I saw...

Jo vaig veure que a The Vox li van posar un, li van posar The Fake News, al Trump li van posar Twitter,

I saw that The Vox was given one, they called it The Fake News, Trump was given Twitter.

després, un d'això que es diu Prager University, digues, així com de dret, és també...

afterward, one of those things called Prager University, say, so as a right, is also...

Li han posat, li han posat molts amb este. El que posa al dalt és que no hi ha la font.

They have put it, they have put many with this one. What it says at the top is that there is no fountain.

Que coi és la font? Que us esteu inventant aquí per fer l'àlbum, eh?

What the hell is the source? What are you making up here for the album, huh?

Clar, molta gent s'ho creu i jo s'ho creu. El mal, el mal està fet ja des del principi.

Sure, many people believe it and I believe it. The evil, the evil has already been done from the beginning.

Allò d'una mentida repetida mil vegades converteix en una veritat.

A lie repeated a thousand times becomes a truth.

Hi ha moltes coses que naltros critiquem.

There are many things that we criticize.

Que la gent, la gent de la societat critica, que en realitat són mentides.

That people, the people of society criticize, which are actually lies.

O sigui, has d'explicar tota la història per entendre que tot això que està dient és veritat.

In other words, you have to explain the whole story to understand that everything he is saying is true.

Però s'ha repetit tantes vegades. És com el cas del Jordi Pujol,

But it has been repeated so many times. It's like the case of Jordi Pujol,

que era, bueno, va ser el president de Catalunya durant molts anys.

he was, well, the president of Catalonia for many years.

Més que el Putin.

More than Putin.

I clar, sempre, ara mateix quan dius Pujol ja s'associa amb corrupte, no?

Of course, always, right now when you say Pujol it’s already associated with corrupt, right?

Perquè sempre ja ha estat acusat...

Because he has always been accused...

Pel cas de corrupció.

For the case of corruption.

De casos de corrupció. Però porta molts anys investigant-se i no s'ha trobat res.

Of cases of corruption. But it has been investigated for many years and nothing has been found.

Llavors, ell és innocent. Els seus fills sí que són molt culpables i tot això.

Then, he is innocent. His children are indeed very guilty and all that.

Té set fills. Els set són culpables de molts de coses.

He has seven sons. The seven are guilty of many things.

No sé quin va ser...

I don't know which one it was...

Però ell no és res, o sigui, ell no ha fet res.

But he is nothing, I mean, he has done nothing.

I no s'ha demostrat el contrari, vamos.

And it hasn't been proven otherwise, you know.

I clar, ara és una cosa que és una mentida.

And of course, now it is something that is a lie.



Igualment, doncs clar, ja la seva imatge està tachada per sempre.

Similarly, of course, her image is forever tarnished.

Ja ha de tenir 90 anys i és com que passarà a la història.

He must be 90 years old and it's as if he will go down in history.

No per ser un bon president durant 25 anys.

Not for being a good president for 25 years.

En la frase de son fill de...

In the phrase of his son of...

Ah sí?

Oh really?

De jo soc riquet.

From me, I am rich.

Jo sóc bobo.

I am silly.

Jo només et dic aquella frase des que li van preguntar una cosa de...

I'm just saying that phrase since they asked him something about...

Perquè vostè, no sé què tal, té molt patrimoni, no sé què tal.

Because you, I don't know how things are, have a lot of wealth, I don't know how things are.

Bueno, jo...

Well, I...

I es posa alguna cosa així.

And something like this is put.

Bueno, a veure, jo soc riquet, no sé de tots.

Well, let's see, I am Riquet, I don't know about everyone.

És pitjor.

It's worse.

Sí, riquet.

Yes, rich.

Sí, està empitjorat.

Yes, it has worsened.

Digues, hostimós.

Say, you bastard.

Jo tinc patrimoni.

I have patrimony.

Mira el piquet on va anar la resistència.

Look at the stake where the resistance went.

Li van preguntar, quants diners tens?

They asked him, how much money do you have?

És un programa que sempre pregunten quants diners tens.

It's a program that always asks how much money you have.

Jo dic, tinc més que l'Espanyol.

I say, I have more than the Spanish.

Diu, tinc més que l'Espanyol.

He says, I have more than Espanyol.

I aleshores ho miren i diu, busqueu, busqueu.

And then they look at it and say, search, search.

I diu, quin patrimoni té l'Espanyol?

And it says, what heritage does Espanyol have?

I diu, aquí Google posa cinc-quanta-cent milions i el piquet fa, no, no, no, són més, són més.

And he says, here Google puts five hundred fifty million and the picket says, no, no, no, it's more, it's more.

I sents a comptar la seva dona, eh?

And are you counting on your wife, huh?

Sents a comptar que la dona de la Shakira té cinc vegades més.

You hear them say that Shakira's wife has five times more.

És que... és que l'Espanyol...

It's just that... it's just that Espanyol...

Hem vist que justament ho va dir i dos dies després era l'odervi de l'Espanyol que jo vaig anar al camp

We saw that he said it just before, and two days later it was the Espanyol's farewell that I went to the stadium.

i ho va dir, saps?

And he said it, you know?

I si tot el rato se n'anava a fumar de l'Espanyol aquest, després t'ho passarà.

And if he keeps going to smoke from this Spaniard, then he'll pass it on to you.

És clar, és clar.

Of course, of course.

És com, quin mesura? Quants diners tens?

It's like, what measure? How much money do you have?

Quants diners tens? Crec que tinc dos o tres espanyols.

How much money do you have? I think I have two or three Spanish coins.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Home, jo crec que té dos vegades més que l'Espanyol.

Man, I think he has twice as many as Espanyol.

I ara que vaig anar a Barcelona, bueno...

And now that I went to Barcelona, well...

No, però no sé si ho heu dit, estava buscant, però la frase esta de que si repeteixes una mentida...

No, but I don't know if you said it, I was looking for it, but this phrase that if you repeat a lie...

Sí, o qui l'haurà de dir?

Yes, or who will have to say it?

El que veus.

What you see.

El que veus, no, sí.

What you see, no, yes.



El que veus.

What you see.

Estava buscant...

I was looking for...

Home, mira, ell va anar dient lo de la rasaria a la rasaria i l'Alemanya s'ho va creure.

Dude, look, he kept saying the thing about the wool factory to the wool factory, and Germany believed it.

No, però és que hi ha coses que siguen veritats sempre, vull dir.

No, but there are things that are always true, I mean.

Ja, com lo que han vist a Mortus.

Yes, like what they saw in Mortus.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

La guerra és plana, coses d'estes.

The war is flat, things like that.

No, no, és que...

No, no, it's just that...

Pero si littimes de gent esfoliatòria em van dir que la Comic que posaren va di...

But if I remember correctly, they told me that the Comic they put was...

No, no, no, no que Vigila això es falso, lo de Vigila que això es elas que esillery òti.

No, no, no, no that Watch out this is false, the Watch out that this is they who is elaser that sillery ot.

Ah, sí, sí, sí.

Ah, yes, yes, yes.

Ano dins, si, si.

Year inside, yes, yes.

varieties sex Kas constueix-te de un dелен.

Varieties sex Kas consists of a delen.

Jo no soporto eixo i una foto de la Mar general i jo no soporto això i no sé que era.

I can't stand this and a photo of the General Mar and I can't stand this and I don't know what it was.

Per tant, si tu no soportes això, que era una furgoneta de correus pintada amb la bandera

Therefore, if you cannot stand this, it was a mail van painted with the flag.

i sembra que era...

and it seems it was...

Jo eren buckers ambulance que estaven...

I was ambulance buckers that were...



la bandera espanyola, com que jo pago l'altre però no ho suporto, no, espanyola no, correus

The Spanish flag, since I pay for the other one but can't stand it, no, not Spanish, mail.

amb la bandera LGTB. Si jo no suporto això però ho he de pagar, tu et pots aguantar.

with the LGTB flag. If I can't stand this but I have to pay for it, you can deal with it.

I ho va, Instagram ho va dir, vigila que és contigo insensible.

I go, Instagram said, watch out because he's insensitive with you.

Home, això va també per quan fas report, si hi ha molts reports automàticament que surt això, però moltes vegades ho fan manualment, és raro que surti això.

Well, this also applies when you make a report; if there are many reports, it automatically shows this, but many times they do it manually, it's rare for this to come up.

A més, amb com funciona això de, com YouTube, saps? La cosa amb YouTube és que ara aquella YouTuber que s'ha retirat ara fa poc perquè va dir coses molt blestes i YouTube li ha tirat,

Moreover, with how this works, like YouTube, you know? The thing with YouTube is that now that YouTuber who recently retired because she said very stupid things and YouTube has kicked her out,

no sé com se deia, o el primer de paio va posar allò de post de YouTube, saps?

I don't know what it was called, or the first guy put that on the YouTube post, you know?

Ah, sí, no, se n'ha anat de YouTube.

Ah, yes, no, he has left YouTube.

Per insults, per una gent amarga.

For insults, for a bitter people.

Se n'ha anat, no sé, no sé quin contingut feia, era com a...

It has gone, I don't know, I don't know what content it had, it was like...

Però va dir algo.

But he/she said something.

Era molt greu, portava molt de temps a YouTube.

It was very serious, it had been on YouTube for a long time.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

I no sé què va dir i tal, i és com que, però hi ha altres canals que han dit coses així, saps? I YouTube li ha tancat el canal.

I don't know what he said and all that, and it's like, but there are other channels that have said similar things, you know? And YouTube has closed his channel.

Ara el Van Pol ho va mencionar a una persona, va tardar bastant en fer-ho i tenia 600.000 likes.

Now Van Pol mentioned a person, it took him quite a while to do it and he had 600,000 likes.

Està protegit el Van Pol.

Van Pol is protected.

Però com pots...

But how can you...

És que jo no vaig veure el vídeo.

It's just that I didn't see the video.

Jo sí, jo el vaig veure perquè el Reddit estava explotant a la primera mitja hora que m'ha penjat.

Yes, I did, I saw it because Reddit was blowing up in the first half hour it was posted.

Jo recordo exactament on estàvem, però no vam acabar amb...

I remember exactly where we were, but we didn't end up with...

És que la imatge d'en Magón, aquella d'avi...

It's just that the image of Magón, that one of the grandfather...

Oh, és que ara no.

Oh, it's just that not now.

És com...

It is like...

Si jo el cos no l'he vist mai, però jo sí que aquesta imatge l'he vist.

If I have never seen the body, but I have seen this image.

No, o sigui, ell l'ha ensenyat pixelat, clar.

No, I mean, he showed it pixelated, of course.



A mi m'ha ensenyat la cara, només.

It has only shown me the face.

Clar, llavors se veu lo cos tal qual penjant de l'arbre amb les mans i tot, i li han fotut cap raó, saps?

Sure, then you see the body just hanging from the tree with the hands and everything, and they've given him no reason, you know?

És que, a part de que estàs sent superirrespectuós...

It's just that, apart from being super disrespectful...

Sí, això.

Yes, that.

A més, sent riu i tot, bueno, tampoc tinc un problema amb això, perquè és com, cadascú maneja de la seva manera la reacció amb una cosa així.

Moreover, being a river and all, well, I don't have a problem with that either, because it's like, everyone handles their reaction to something like that in their own way.



Bé, hi ha alguns que es posen a riure i no saben com reaccionar, ni res d'això.

Well, there are some who start laughing and don’t know how to react, or any of that.

Però, si tens una màtiga mental ho entenc, però ell en teoria...

But if you have a mental block I understand, but he, in theory...



No, no ho sabem, però això cadascú, eh, la veritat.

No, we don't know that, but that's up to each person, right, the truth.

O sigui, hi ha gent que es quedaria paralitzada, no diria res, hi ha gent que estaria tota la rata cridant, les altres plorant, o sigui, cadascú.

So, there are people who would be paralyzed, wouldn't say anything, there are people who would be screaming the whole time, others crying, so, each one.

Però el problema aquí és que està sent superirrespectuós.

But the problem here is that he is being very disrespectful.

Després, quan va treure el vídeo, va...

Later, when he released the video, he...

Deia, lo demonetitzaré.

I said, I will demonetize it.

Vamos, que això està demonetitzat ja per si.

Come on, this is already demonetized as it is.

Lo va treure, va posar un tuit, demanant perdó amb una deixa de notes.

He took it down, posted a tweet, apologizing with a note.

Amb un emoji.

With an emoji. 😊

Va posar un emoji i un hashtag.

He/She put an emoji and a hashtag.

I és que, com pots acabar una...

And it's that, how can you finish a...

Crec que era Logan Squad o una cosa així.

I think it was Logan Squad or something like that.

Logan for life, això.

Logan for life, this.

És que, a més, lo de for life, saps, que era com...

It's just that, moreover, the whole for life thing, you know, was like...

Lo pitjor era lo del cos este, lo que deies de la reacció.

The worst part was about this body, what you said about the reaction.

A veure, si tu...

Let's see, if you...

Un amic meu m'ha explicat que, quan li van dir que el seu tiet s'havia mort,

A friend of mine told me that when he was told that his uncle had died,

la primera vegada que li van dir va riure, però perquè pensava que era broma.

The first time they told him, he laughed, but because he thought it was a joke.

Li van dir, eh, pareu ja, home.

They told him, hey, stop it already, man.

Després li van dir, no, no, no.

Then they told him, no, no, no.

I, amor, després se va, però ho veureu.

I, love, then he/she leaves, but you will see.

I saber que està mort, és com, riure, has de tindre una...

And knowing that he is dead, it's like, laughing, you have to have a...

Has de tindre algo al cap malament per dir...

You must have something wrong in your head to say...

Però és que, a més, estaven tots riuts.

But the thing is, they were all laughing.

No, però és que, en mirar el vídeo del PewDiePie que ho analitza,

No, but when watching the video of PewDiePie that analyzes it,

ell s'està gravant així, no?

He's recording himself like this, right?

I l'amic se'l feia de, bring the camera, let's go, saps allà.

And the friend made himself, bring the camera, let's go, you know there.

I diu, sí, acabo de veure un mort i lo primer que se passa pel cap és,

And he says, yes, I just saw a dead person and the first thing that comes to mind is,

donem la càmera, l'anem a gravar, saps?

Let's give the camera, we're going to record, you know?

Sí, no, per això jo dic que han estat súper irrespetuosos.

Yes, no, that's why I say they have been super disrespectful.

La cosa és que, bueno, la reacció que tenen a càmera, doncs mira, jo què sé.

The thing is that, well, the reaction they have on camera, well, I don't know.

No, jo crec que això és lo de menys.

No, I think that's the least of it.

Lo problema és gravar-ho i, a més, enfocar-lo al prop i, si vols fer el vídeo igual,

The problem is recording it and, in addition, focusing on the near, and if you want to make the video the same,

doncs talla aquesta part, adreces lo tema, després.

So cut this part, address the topic later.

Perquè el Japó tenen un gran problema amb això.

Because Japan has a big problem with this.

Un problema molt seriós.

A very serious problem.

I que aquí no tenim, no sé.

And that we don't have here, I don't know.

A Falset, sí. A Falset se suïcida un...

In Falset, yes. In Falset, someone commits suicide...

Jo no sé si què passa, en Falset, sempre que anem los avis...

I don’t know what happens in Falset, every time we go with the grandparents...

S'ha suïcidat...

He has committed suicide...

I diu, i diu, anant-nos a Rubén, perquè el papa, coi, el deuria, coneix a tothom,

And he says, and he says, going to Rubén, because the dad, damn it, must know everyone,

i fa, per què no saps que es va suïciar l'altre dia?

And why don't you know that he committed suicide the other day?

I sempre són, o que es va penjar, o se va tirar pel barranc.

They always are, either they were hanged or they threw themselves off the cliff.

Moltes vegades, se va tirar pel barranc l'altre dia i és com...

Many times, he fell down the ravine the other day and it's like...

Però, però qui...

But, but who...

Ui, doncs sí, sí.

Oh, well yes, yes.

Jo no entenc què està passant a Falset.

I don't understand what is happening in Falset.

De lo del nou van port, l'altra cosa, que no només és això,

Regarding the new port, the other thing is that it's not just this,

no només ensenyar-ho, que això és lo pitjor,

not only to teach it, which is the worst,

sinó los arguments de defensa de...

but the defense arguments of...

Per exemple, se gravava, i hi havien com uns nens pel voltant del deixeu,

For example, they were filming, and there were some kids around the area.

i diu, què passa si un nene entra i tal?

And he says, what happens if a kid comes in and so on?

I li diu, pai, diu, un d'estos nens podria ser un fanteu.

And he says to him, dad, he says, one of these kids could be a fanteu.

I li has posat a la pantalla lo mort.

And you have put the dead on the screen.

I dos, vull dir,

And two, I mean,

hi havien unes zones, que si al bosc pots entrar legalment,

there were some areas where if you can enter legally into the forest,

ara hi ha unes zones que has de seguir un camí,

now there are some areas where you have to follow a path,

i les altres, perquè et pots trobar algú mort.

and the others, because you might find someone dead.

L'altra cosa és que tu t'ho vas saltar, tio.

The other thing is that you skipped it, dude.

Tu t'ho vas entrar i t'ho vas saltar.

You took it in and you skipped it.

El bosc, o sigui, ell va entrar amb plena consciència

The forest, that is to say, he entered with full awareness.

sabent lo que es trobaria, perquè el bosc és el bosc del suïcid.

knowing what you would find, because the forest is the forest of suicide.

Conegut perquè se suïcida gent.

Known for people committing suicide.

No, però està prohibit anar off-track.

No, but it is prohibited to go off-track.



I posa un cartell allà.

And put a sign there.

O sigui, ja, per començar, estàs gravant...

So, well, to start, you are recording...

per començar estàs gravant algo que estàs fent il·legal.

To begin with, you are recording something that you are doing illegally.

I a part d'això, si no t'haguessis trobat res,

And apart from that, if you hadn't found anything,

igualment estàs fent una cosa il·legal.

you are also doing something illegal.

No es volien quedar fora del camí.

They didn't want to be left out of the way.

Fora del camí.

Off the path.

No es volien quedar...

They didn't want to stay...

Sí, clar, el plan del vídeo era quedar-se a dormir allí,

Yes, of course, the plan of the video was to stay there overnight,

fer un vídeo llispuc i fer l'imbècil allà un rato.

make a funny video and act like an idiot there for a while.

Però, després de tot això, el blog en poc,

But, after all this, the blog in little,

és com que ha canviat totalment.

it's as if it has changed completely.

Després se va recuperar fent la lluita

Afterward, he recovered by fighting.

contra el que ja és allà el boxeo.

against what is already there, boxing.

I a partir d'aquí fa vídeos com...

And from here he/she makes videos like...

blogs, que continuen tenint un munt de vídeos.

blogs, which still have a lot of videos.

Jo recordo veure...

I remember seeing...

un meme dient

a meme saying

Logan Paul quan...

Logan Paul when...

Queden vuit minuts.

There are eight minutes left.

Per acabar, recordo el gener d'aquest any

To conclude, I recall January of this year.

un meme, Logan Paul quan

a meme, Logan Paul when

perd atenció

loses attention

per ser un dels pitjors youtubers.

for being one of the worst youtubers.

I després, Logan Paul què fa?

And then, what does Logan Paul do?

No és desigual veure-ho, però cap allà engega i va dir...

It's not unfair to see it, but there it goes and he said...

Jo crec que durant un mes

I believe that for a month.

intentaré ser gay.

I will try to be gay.

En un podcast.

In a podcast.

Sí, en un podcast.

Yes, in a podcast.

On va dir jo de

We said I of

I'm vegan now.

I'm vegan now.

Que es va convertir en un meme que era com

That became a meme that was like

ha matat un munt de persones.

he has killed a bunch of people.

Un ex de puta, no sé si és sincer.

A former whore, I don't know if he is sincere.

Ha matat un munt de persones.

He has killed a lot of people.

Li diu, per què no el tancareu?

He says to her, why don't you close it?

I el jutge fa, I'm vegan now.

And the judge says, I'm vegan now.

I el jutge fa, it's you.

And the judge says, it's you.

Li van fer una entrevista quan va passar

They interviewed him when it happened.

el Suicide Forest.

the Suicide Forest.

I va començar a dir

He started to say.

que ha canviat molt com a persona.

who has changed a lot as a person.

Després d'això, li diu

After that, he tells her.

I'm vegan now.

Estic vegà ara.

Jo crec que

I believe that

encara vinc jo gay,

I still come as gay,

és el seu germà.

He is his brother.

Aquell tio és estúpid.

That guy is stupid.

Em sembla que no acaba l'institut.

I think he/she is not finishing high school.

És un d'estos

It's one of those.

de Disney Channel

from Disney Channel

que el van fitxar i va estar fent una sèrie

that they signed him and he was doing a series

no sé què, que s'ha alimentat

I don't know what, that has been fed.

de la fama esta barata

of the fame is cheap

de Disney Channel.

from Disney Channel.

I és que quan el veus parlar

And it's just that when you see him talk

li falta algo, em sembla.

It seems to be missing something.


Of education.

A ver, jo reconec

Let's see, I admit.

jo reconec

I recognize.

ara m'estàs fent pensar

now you're making me think

jo diria que sí que

I would say that yes, that

en un

in a

test de matemàtiques

math test

és millor.

it's better.

I així

And thus

els dos.

the two.

Jo crec que un és molt més fitxat.

I think that one is much more noticed.



pensa que tu vas veure

Think that you saw.

l'últim que va fer el Jake Paul

the last thing Jake Paul did

tot això de Black Lives Matter

all this about Black Lives Matter

de que sortien a lotejar coses

that they were going out to loot things

i van agafar coses.

And they took things.

I van detindre'l.

They arrested him.

Està a la presó encara?

Is he still in prison?

No, van detindre'l ja.

No, they have already arrested him.

Que va bo.

That's good.

No sé.

I don't know.

És que lo de la fiança

It's just that the bail.

vull dir lo policia aquell

I mean that police officer.

que va matar el George Floyd

that killed George Floyd

ha pogut pagar la fiança perquè la gent li va donar diners

He was able to pay the bail because people gave him money.

havia de conxar un milió

I had to get a million.

i els va conxir quant? Hores.

And when did they know? Hours.

Sí, saps que hi havia molts policies

Yes, you know there were many police officers.

darrere del George Floyd.

behind George Floyd.

El del Genoi, que este no sortirà

The one from Genoa, this one will not come out.

de per vida.

for life.

I després darrere hi havia més.

And then behind there was more.

Hi havia un de banc

There was a bank.

i hi havia un que estava als peus

and there was one who was at the feet

i tots els van detindre i van posar al presó.

and they all were arrested and put in prison.

Hi havia un que estava al peu, demanava

There was one who was at the foot, asking.

un milió per defiança

a million for defiance

o si no al presó

or if not in prison

durant anys.

for years.

I ell va posar un golfant a nivells d'estos

And he put a glutton at levels of these.

i tot

and everything

perquè ho va conxigir en una setmana.

because he/she completed it in a week.

Un milió de dòlars.

One million dollars.

Això vol dir que als Estats Units

This means that in the United States

hi ha molta gent que no està d'acord amb això.

There are many people who disagree with this.

Sí, el tramo al wax.

Yes, the stretch to wax.

Perquè 500 milions

Why 500 million

és un de cada

It's one of each.



però això sí que és bastant

but this is indeed quite

un de cada 500.

one in every 500.

I la guerra civil americana

And the American Civil War

encara existeix.

it still exists.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Pots parlar amb la professora

You can talk to the teacher.



Que la guerra civil nord-sud

That the north-south civil war

esto es, encara existeix.

that is, it still exists.

No, és que és la guerra civil

No, it's just that it's the civil war.

del sud i els normals.

from the south and the normals.

Els normals.

The normals.

És com

It is like

els Estats Units es conegut

the United States is known

per dos bàndols.

for two sides.

Els normals demòcrates

The normal democrats

que creuen en igualtat

that believe in equality

i els països que tenen esclavos

and the countries that have slaves

i si es casaven amb els cosins.

and if they married their cousins.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

És molt bo perquè

It is very good because

històricament no era així.

Historically, it was not like this.

La guerra civil era

The civil war was

que els demòcrates eren els del sud

that the Democrats were from the South

i era el partit del cubusclat, els demòcrates.

It was the party of the cubusclat, the democrats.

Sí, els republicans

Yes, the republicans.

era el del nord del partit de Lincoln.

it was the northern part of Lincoln.

I ara les coses

And now things

van anar canviant molt.

They changed a lot.

Això era un vídeo de...

This was a video of...

És que veia els 30 anys

It's just that I was seeing the 30 years.

que és com un diari

which is like a diary

doncs vam fer un vídeo d'això

so we made a video about it

de com ha canviat el partit republicà

of how the Republican Party has changed

i és...

and it is...

tampoc ha canviat des de fa molt temps

it hasn't changed for a long time either

però passa fa poc este canvi.

but this change has happened recently.

Sí, és que veia als 30 que

Yes, I was seeing at 30 that

els demòcrates van acabar

the democrats ended up

sent més liberals, crec.

being more liberal, I think.

Sí, perquè volien la voz latina.

Yes, because they wanted the Latin voice.

Sí, i per tant

Yes, and therefore

aquesta demòcrates va canviar el republicà

this democrat changed the republican



Jo crec que anava així.

I think it went like this.

De lo del Black Lives Matter

About the Black Lives Matter.

lo que em va semblar fatal va ser lo de

What seemed fatal to me was the thing about

tirar escultures

throw sculptures

lo de monuments

the monuments thing

i coses així de gent així

and things like that about people like that

i a HBO vam treure

and we took it to HBO

la de lo que el viento se llevó

Gone with the Wind

no sé com es fa la traducció.

I don't know how the translation is done.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Sí, és que és un clàssic

Yes, it's a classic.



sorten els claus

they do the nails

no eren els claus negres

they were not the black nails

sinó era el moment aquell que...

but it was that moment when...

No, eren els claus alegres

No, they were the cheerful nails.

Sí, d'aquestes de...

Yes, of those...

i la van treure perquè va dir

and they took her out because she said

bueno, hem de canviar...

well, we have to change...

Com pots dir això d'una pel·lícula de quasi fa cent anys?

How can you say that about a movie that was made nearly a hundred years ago?

Sí, jo crec que el que ho treu

Yes, I think that what takes it out.

ho has de posar per mostrar com han canviat les coses

You have to put it to show how things have changed.

a més en aquest moment

furthermore at this moment

en aquest moment era una cosa normalitzada

at that moment it was a normal thing

i la cosa és

and the thing is

suprimir l'art i tot

suppress art and everything

és així de tirar escultures

it's about throwing sculptures

és que bueno, este tio era un racista

It's just that, well, this guy was a racist.

és veritat que

it is true that

no era un esclavista directament

he was not a slave owner directly

era un racista

he was a racist



en el context era normal

In the context, it was normal.

mira, al passat...

look, in the past...

Sí, el problema

Yes, the problem

és que en unes quantes

it's just that in a few

d'aquelles estàtues és com si posessin

from those statues, it's as if they were placing

una de Hitler a Alemanya

a Hitler's one in Germany

Sí, no té sentit

Yes, it doesn't make sense.

en teoria

in theory

en el moment era un heroi

At that moment, he was a hero.

i un esto i un general

and a this and a general

però literalment van passar

but they literally happened

dos anys i ja pensaven

two years and they were already thinking

no, este es terrible

no, this is terrible

però a més ho van tirar

but they also threw it away

de pares fundadors

of founding parents

que era com la democràcia

that it was like democracy

la democràcia que tens ara l'has fet així

the democracy you have now you've made it this way

segurament eren racistes

they were probably racist

doncs no diré que no

then I won't say no

George Washington va tindre uns 300

George Washington had about 300.

esclavos i és com

slaves and that's how

què faràs, li tiraràs l'estàtua?

What will you do, will you throw the statue at him?

com es textualitza?

How is it textually represented?



però vull dir

but I mean

lo de

the one about

lo de la pel·lícula

the movie thing

la pel·lícula

the movie

entenc per què ho han tret

I understand why they took it away.

perquè no representa

because it does not represent

com les coses han canviat

how things have changed

perquè en la pel·lícula tothom està content

because in the movie everyone is happy

és igual s'esclaula

it doesn't matter, it's blank

els missatges són incorrectes

the messages are incorrect

però no trobo

but I can't find

que l'haurien d'haver tret

that they should have taken it away from him/her

trobo que haurien d'haver fet

I think they should have done.

lo que ha fet Disney Plus

what Disney Plus has done

Disney Plus ha dit

Disney Plus has said.

aquesta pel·lícula té coses

this movie has things

que en l'etapa eren normalitzades

that in the stage were normalized

són incorrectes en aquell punt

they are incorrect at that point

però no les eliminarem

but we will not eliminate them

no les borrarem

we will not erase them

per no oblidar-nos del

so we don't forget about the

del passat

from the past

i respecte a les estàtues

and regarding the statues

vull dir algo del

I want to say something about the

del meu

of my

del meu ídol Bernie Sanders

from my idol Bernie Sanders

en un

in a

en un debat va dir

in a debate he said

que va admirar molt

that greatly admired

la reforma educativa d'un dictador

the educational reform of a dictator



clar molta gent

sure a lot of people

bla bla bla

bla bla bla

no sé

I don't know.

ell no admira els dictadors

he does not admire dictators

ell admira la

he admires her

i que és això

And what is this?

que estic d'acord en que

that I agree that

la gent no és bona i dolenta

People are not good and bad.

se'ls ha d'anar recordant

they have to be reminded

per lo que van fer

for what they did

ha parat la gravació ja o no?

Has the recording stopped already or not?

és que crec que queden segons

It's just that I think there are seconds left.

i m'acaben mirant que queden dos minuts

They just looked at me that there are two minutes left.

un minut

one minute

parla por favor

speak please

George Washington se l'ha de recordar

George Washington must be remembered.

per lo bo que va fer

for the good that he did

però no es pot oblidar de lo dolent

but you cannot forget the bad things

vull dir que

I mean that

la gent no es boi ni dolenta

People are neither good nor bad.

és barrejada

it is mixed

és més complexa que això

it's more complex than that

per tant jo entenc lo de

therefore I understand the thing about

entenc que treuen estàtues

I understand that they are removing statues.

les estàtues a veure no importen

the statues to see do not matter

des del meu punt de vista

from my point of view

ja sabeu que jo sóc un noi

You already know that I am a boy.

acultural, apatriota

acultural, apathetic





així ja no he tingut

so I haven't had anymore

he buscat, crec que és l'Ofi del Castro

I have looked, I think it's Ofi del Castro.

de Cuba

from Cuba

pot ser


ja es fa el seu germà

his brother is already being made

com se diu, és que tinc poder que sents tallos

How do you say it, it's just that I have power that you feel stems.

també en una frase

also in a sentence

ho has aclarit?

Have you clarified it?

te n'atrec que ets tu el prestador

I attract you because you are the lender.



el deixarem aquí

We will leave it here.

perquè tenim aquesta càmera

because we have this camera

que dona una hora

that gives an hour

però ja està bé, jo crec que és un bon termini

but it’s fine, I think it’s a good deadline

i després

and then

si tenim més temps

if we have more time

ho farem més

we will do more

esperem fer-ne més aquest estiu

we hope to do more of it this summer

bueno noi se ens ha tallado

Well, boy, it has cut us off.

la càmera

the camera

doneu diners

give money

porta aquí tot el dia

bring it here all day

bueno hi ha una aranya al sostre

Well, there is a spider on the ceiling.



doneu el diners a Faccions Orden

give the money to Faccions Orden

perquè ens falta més espai

because we need more space

aneu al

go to

ens hauríem de fer una

we should get one

al cap d'un any

after a year

dos euros

two euros

per una cosa que mai veureu

for a thing you will never see

jo crec que les àvies

I believe that grandmothers

va moltes gràcies

well thank you very much

per veure el podcast d'avui

to see today's podcast

número 14

number 14

i esperem fer-ne més

and we hope to do more of it

en aquest futur estiu

in this upcoming summer

que hem d'esperar

what we have to wait for

que serà molt diferent

that will be very different

que venim d'una pandèmia

that we come from a pandemic

així que cuida-vos

so take care

i que estiguem

and that we are

molt bé

very good

a la propera

next time



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