Grans Dones de la Història #37 - Estée Lauder

Grans Dones de la Història

Grans Dones de la Història

Grans Dones de la Història #37 - Estée Lauder

Grans Dones de la Història

L'Ara de Miguel és fundadora del Club Minerva

Miguel's Ara is the founder of the Minerva Club.

i ens porta i descobreix sempre dones que han fet història.

And it brings us and always discovers women who have made history.

Avui el torn per una senyora molt lligada,

Today it's the turn of a very connected lady,

us ho deia fa uns moments, al sumari, a la cosmètica.

I was telling you a moment ago, in the summary, in the cosmetics.

Però primer de tot, l'Ara de Miguel, bona tarda, benvinguda.

But first of all, the Ara de Miguel, good afternoon, welcome.

Bona tarda.

Good afternoon.

I primeríssim de tot, benvenida a la realitat.

And first of all, welcome to reality.



Que dirien a Madrid.

What would they say in Madrid?

A Madrid.

To Madrid.

Perquè després de Sant Jordi, un Sant Jordi molt maco,

Because after Saint George, a very beautiful Saint George,

amb molt de fred, però molt maco...

with a lot of cold, but very beautiful...

Gèlid, gèlid.

Icy, icy.

Gèlid, gràcies, sí.

Icy, thank you, yes.

Molt fred, no, gèlid.

Very cold, no, icy.

Ve la Fira de Madrid.

The Fair of Madrid is coming.



I benvinguda a la realitat.

Welcome to reality.

I serà present.

I will be present.

Sí, però amb la versió castellana.

Yes, but with the Spanish version.

Exacte, benvenida a la realitat.

Exactly, welcome to reality.

A la realitat.

To reality.

Aprofitar que dimarts vam celebrar el dia de Sant Jordi,

Take advantage of the fact that on Tuesday we celebrated Saint George's Day,

doncs ja el vam posar a disposició de les llibreries del Principat,

so we already made it available to the bookstores in the Principality,

i si tot va bé, doncs el més segur és que el puguem trobar també a Andorra,

and if all goes well, then the most likely is that we can also find him in Andorra,

que tindrà a la Fèria del Libre de Madrid,

that will have at the Madrid Book Fair,

el cap de setmana, el primer cap de setmana de juny, si no m'equivoco.

the weekend, the first weekend of June, if I'm not mistaken.

Primer cap de setmana de juny.

First weekend of June.

31 de maig, 1 i 2 de juny.

May 31, June 1 and 2.

Molt bé.

Very well.

Això passa ràpid.

This happens fast.

Això passa rapidíssim.

This happens extremely quickly.

D'aquí quatre dies ja hi som.

In four days we will be there.



En fi.


Escolta'm, Lara, primer, felicitats.

Listen to me, Lara, first, congratulations.

Moltíssimes gràcies.

Thank you very much.

Felicitats, això, que vagi per endavant.

Congratulations, may it go forward.

Pot haver-hi segona part de benvinguda a la realitat?

Could there be a second part of welcome to reality?

Un benvinguda a la realitat 2?

A welcome to reality 2?

Podríem pensar-nos-ho.

We could think it over.





Ostres, molt bé.

Wow, very good.

Si m'animo, doncs estaria bé, oi?

If I get motivated, then that would be good, right?

Dona, sí.

Woman, yes.

Home, és que benvinguda a la realitat ha estat molt ben acollit.

Well, welcome to reality has been very well received.

Està molt bé.

It's very good.

Ha estat molt ben acollit.

He has been very well received.

La veritat és que estic molt contenta, precisament, per això,

The truth is that I am very happy, precisely because of that,

per l'acollida que ha tingut,

for the warm welcome it has received,

i sobretot, doncs, pels comentaris i el feedback que he rebut,

and above all, therefore, for the comments and feedback I have received,

que és el de que realment he aconseguit l'objectiu del llibre,

that is what I have really achieved the goal of the book,

que és el de començar a trencar consciències

what it is to begin to break consciences

i veure els comportaments i posar-hi nom, no?,

And to see the behaviors and name them, right?

en aquests rols i estereotips de gènere.

in these roles and gender stereotypes.

Quan tothom em diu que l'objectiu s'ha aconseguit,

When everyone tells me that the goal has been achieved,



jo feliç i potser, doncs, em plantejo...

I happy and perhaps, then, I consider...

Vinga, va, ja ens ho aniràs explicant.

Come on, you'll explain it to us later.

Ja us aniré actualitzant.

I will keep you updated.

Lara, senyora molt lligada a la cosmètica,

Lara, a lady very connected to cosmetics,

també ho deia al sumari, avui t'ho he desvetllat tot,

it was also mentioned in the summary, today I have revealed everything to you,

estil Lauder, perquè és mita, això.

Lauder style, because it's half, this.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Ara parlarem d'ella, sabrem algunes curiositats sobre la seva vida,

Now we will talk about her, we will learn some curiosities about her life,

i, sobretot, també, els motius pels quals estil Lauder

and, above all, also, the reasons for which Lauder style

ha aconseguit un imperi en el món,

has achieved an empire in the world,

perquè podem dir que ella pot presumir

because we can say that she can brag

de ser la marca de cosmètica més important del món.

to be the most important cosmetics brand in the world.

A més, doncs, va revolucionar aquesta indústria,

Moreover, then, it revolutionized this industry.

evidentment, en el moment en què estava, doncs, neixent, diguéssim.

obviously, at the moment in which I was, well, being born, let's say.

Podríem dir, potser, que la va fer néixer ella, també,

We could say, perhaps, that she also made her be born.

ara ho explicarem,

now we will explain it,

però, com ja,

but, as already,

tenim acostumats amb els nostres oients,

we are used to our listeners,

Xavi, el primer de tot, de tot, que sempre diem...

Xavi, the first of all, of all, that we always say...

Una frase, sempre portes una frase.

A phrase, you always carry a phrase.





Sí, sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes, yes.

Així que, som-hi amb la frase.

So, let's go with the sentence.

Estil Lauder deia que ella mai va somiar en l'èxit,

Estée Lauder said that she never dreamed of success,

que ella va treballar per arribar a l'èxit.

that she worked to achieve success.

Això està bé.

This is fine.



Això està bé.

That's fine.

Crec que aquesta frase, sobretot, avui en dia,

I think that this sentence, above all, nowadays,

en aquest món tan digitalitzat en el que estem vivint,

in this highly digitized world we are living in,

en el que tot ho volem immediatament,

in which we want everything immediately,

en el que ens pensem, doncs, que, potser, obrint una pàgina web,

in which we think, then, that perhaps, by opening a webpage,

doncs, ja ens forrarem i que ja ho tenim tot fet,

well, we'll get it all done, and we already have everything ready,

doncs, m'ha semblat una frase del tot acertada

Well, it seemed to me a completely accurate sentence.

per recordar, sobretot, en el meu camp,

to remember, above all, in my field,

jo escombro cap a casa, no?, doncs, als emprenedors,

I sweep towards home, right? Well, to entrepreneurs,

que, bueno, que no és tot fer algo

Well, it's not just about doing something.

i que arribi immediatament al resultat o a l'èxit, no?

And that it arrives immediately at the result or success, right?

I, bueno, doncs, mira, Estil Lauder ens ho recorda, no?,

Well, look, Estée Lauder reminds us of that, right?

doncs, que s'ha de treballar per arribar a aquest èxit.

Well, one must work to achieve this success.

Així que, ningú millor que el seu exemple,

So, no one better than his example,

i ara veurem tot el que va treballar Estil Lauder

And now we will see everything that Estée Lauder worked on.

per arribar a construir aquest imperi que encara avui dia, doncs, ho és

to build this empire that still is today, then

i que ha aconseguit moltes fites.

and has achieved many milestones.

Per tant, podem dir que Estil Lauder és una empresària

Therefore, we can say that Estée Lauder is a businesswoman.

que va revolucionar la indústria de la cosmètica en el segle passat.

that revolutionized the cosmetics industry in the last century.

El seu nom real no és Estil Lauder,

Her real name is not Estil Lauder,

el seu nom real és Josefin Ester,

her real name is Josefin Ester,

va néixer l'1 de juliol de 1908

was born on July 1, 1908

i va morir el 24 d'abril del 2004,

and died on April 24, 2004,

és a dir, fa no res, fa dos dies,

that is to say, not long ago, two days ago,

doncs, es va celebrar el 20è aniversari de la seva mort.

So, the 20th anniversary of his/her death was celebrated.

I va morir força gran, eh?, perquè tenia 95 anys,

He died quite old, huh? Because he was 95 years old.

vull dir, va gaudir d'una bona salut

I mean, he/she enjoyed good health.

i d'una vida, doncs, molt longeva, no?

And a life, then, very long-lived, right?

Molt bé.

Very good.

Aquests cognoms,

These surnames,

com bé haurà adivinat l'espectador,

As the viewer will have guessed,

doncs, no són propis dels Estats Units,

well, they are not typical of the United States,

perquè la família de l'Estil Lauder, doncs, va emigrar als Estats Units.

because the Lauder family, therefore, emigrated to the United States.

Això sí, ella ja va créixer en el barri de Queens, a Nova York.

However, she already grew up in the neighborhood of Queens, in New York.



La seva mare era d'origen hongarès.

His mother was of Hungarian origin.



A més a més, de la seva mare es diu que era una dona molt, molt vella,

Furthermore, it is said that his mother was a very, very old woman,

vella en vella, eh?, de maca, guapa.

old in old, huh?, of pretty, beautiful.

Molt bé.

Very well.

I el seu pare era descendent,

And his father was a descendant,

tendenciat xeca, i era el propietari d'una ferreteria, doncs, com bé diem,

tendency joke, and he was the owner of a hardware store, so, as we say,

en el barri de Queens.

in the neighborhood of Queens.

Molt bé.

Very well.

Es diu, doncs, que l'Estil Lauder va prendre força

It is said, then, that the Estil Lauder gained strength.

sobre consells de màrqueting i de venda, no?,

about marketing and sales advice, right?

doncs, convisquent a anar a la ferreteria amb el seu pare.

so, he/she is going to the hardware store with his/her father.

Que bo, molt bé.

How good, very well.

I precisament aquest nom d'Estil és una variació del seu sobrenom,

And precisely this name Estil is a variation of his nickname,

el diminutiu d'Esther, que és Esti.

the diminutive of Esther, which is Esti.

Ah, ja.

Ah, already.

A casa seva li deien Esti.

At home they called her Esti.

Esti, però no com nosaltres ho coneixem.

Summer, but not as we know it.

La marca està escrita amb E-S-T-E-E, però a casa no era així,

The brand is spelled E-S-T-E-E, but it wasn't like that at home.

a casa era E-S-T-Y.

At home it was E-S-T-Y.

Val, val, val.

Okay, okay, okay.

Després ja va com evolucionar el nom.

Then it goes how the name evolved.

Molt bé.

Very well.

I bé, la seva...

And well, her...

La primera curiositat.

The first curiosity.

Molt bé.

Very well.

Però bé, la seva passió per la bellesa i el tractament de la pell

But well, her passion for beauty and skin care.

ja li ve de molt, molt, molt petita.

she has been like this since very, very, very young.

De pressa.


Quan ella anava a l'escola secundària,

When she was going to high school,

és a dir, comptem entre 11 i 12 anys,

that is to say, we count between 11 and 12 years,

el seu oncle va venir també,

his uncle came too,

el seu oncle, que era hongarès,

his uncle, who was Hungarian,

es va ajuntar amb la seva família allà als Estats Units,

he joined his family there in the United States,

i aquest oncle creava cremes hidratants suaus.

and this uncle created soft moisturizing creams.

Ah, mira.

Ah, look.

És a dir, i a més ho feia d'una forma molt casualana,

That is to say, and moreover, I did it in a very casual way.

perquè ell primer va començar amb una cuina,

because he first started with a kitchen,

tot i que després ja van arribar al laboratori.

although they later arrived at the laboratory.

Ells van començar a casar la cuina.

They started to marry the kitchen.

Per tant,


Estir ja veia el seu oncle com, doncs, bueno, agafant ingressos,

Stretch already saw his uncle how, well, taking in income,

feia la seva formuleta de la crema,

he was making his little formula for the cream,

i ella ja va, doncs, començar per tot aquest món.

And she already started with this whole world.

I és per tant que gràcies al seu oncle,

And it is therefore thanks to his uncle,

l'Estir no sols va aprendre el mode de preparar les cremes,

L'Estir not only learned how to prepare the creams,

sinó també com aplicar-les al rostre de les dones.

but also how to apply them to women's faces.

Ara, aquí, aquí, aquí.

Now, here, here, here.

Que això potser era el pas que li faltava una mica, no?,

That this was perhaps the step he was missing a bit, right?

en el seu oncle.

in his uncle.

Llavors, bueno, una mica de...

So, well, a little bit of...

de la seva trajectòria, de la seva vida.

of their trajectory, of their life.

Al final de la dècada de 1920,

At the end of the 1920s,

Estir coneix el seu home,

Estir knows her husband,

a Josep Lauter,

to Josep Lauter,





Sí, sí, que no, Lauter, ara sabrem per què.

Yes, yes, no, Lauter, now we will know why.

Ah, val, d'acord.

Ah, okay, alright.

I al 1930 es casen i es muden al districte de Manhattan.

And in 1930 they get married and move to the Manhattan district.

És a dir, ja surt de Queens

That is to say, it is already coming out of Queens.

per anar-se'n ja cap a Manhattan.

to head towards Manhattan.



Poc després, doncs, la parella adopta

Shortly after, then, the couple adopts.

el comnom de Lauter,

the surname Lauter,

no amb la T.

not with the T.



Perquè ja podem corregir un error ortogràfic

Because we can now correct a spelling mistake.

que remuntava a l'època

that dated back to the time

en què el pare del Josep

in what the father of Josep

va emigrar d'Àustria als Estats Units

he emigrated from Austria to the United States

i havia sigut un error ortogràfic.

It had been a spelling mistake.

I aquí ja el van poder modificar.

And here they were able to modify it.

O sigui, en austríac deu ser alguna cosa així com l'O-B-L.

So, in Austrian, it must be something like the O-B-L.

Ah, segurament.

Ah, surely.

Això, allò de les pronunciacions,

This, that about pronunciations,

és que sempre se t'ha adonat molt millor en atú, eh?

It's just that you have always noticed much better in tuna, huh?

I bé, doncs, situem-nos.

And well, then, let's position ourselves.

Estem al primer quart del segle XX, d'acord?

We are in the first quarter of the 20th century, right?

I, bueno, evidentment, en aquella època,

Well, obviously, at that time,

doncs, les dones potser encara

well, maybe women still

no estaven tan empoderades.

they were not so empowered.

Era molt complicat, doncs,

It was very complicated, therefore,

veure una dona destacar

to see a woman stand out

en algun àmbit, no?

In some area, right?

Llavors, doncs, bueno,

So, then, well,

les mares es solien juntar

the mothers used to gather

en una perruqueria d'un barri d'allà de Manhattan.

in a hair salon in a neighborhood over there in Manhattan.

Al seu vol, la propietària

At her will, the owner

de l'establiment

of the establishment

es va dirigir a l'estir

he/she headed towards the east

i li va demanar com s'ho feia

and he asked him how he did it

per tenir una pell tan cuidada.

to have such well-cared-for skin.

Ai, aquest és el cop de sort.

Oh, this is the lucky break.



I, doncs, en aquell moment

And so, at that moment

va ser quan ella, Esti Lauder,

it was when she, Esti Lauder,

veu l'oportunitat de comercialitzar

sees the opportunity to market

la fórmula de les seves cremes.

the formula of their creams.



I és així com, en el 1937,

And this is how, in 1937,

Esti arriba a un acord

Esti reaches an agreement.

amb la propietària de l'establiment

with the owner of the establishment

per transformar la perruqueria

to transform the hairdressing

en un saló de bellesa

in a beauty salon

i aquí comença a vendre les seves cremes

And here she starts selling her creams.

que, evidentment, resulta, doncs, tot un èxit.

which, obviously, results in a complete success.

Que bo, que bo.

How good, how good.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.



Això és emprenedora, eh?

This is entrepreneurship, huh?

Això és emprenedora.

This is entrepreneurial.

Està parlant 29 anys, eh?

He has been talking for 29 years, right?

El 37 tenia 29 anys.

The 37 was 29 years old.

I molt visionària.

And very visionary.

I tant.


Més que emprenedora, molt visionària

More than an entrepreneur, very visionary.

i molt valenta, evidentment,

and very brave, obviously,

és el que acabem de mencionar a les dones.

It's what we just mentioned to the women.

A les dones no se'ls hi ocorria, no?

Women didn't think of it, did they?

Per elles mateixes emprendre un projecte.

To undertake a project for themselves.



Doncs Esti va dir, vinga, va,

So Esti said, come on, let's go,

que jo aquí vindré a vendre les meves cremes.

that I will come here to sell my creams.

Jo ara no vull ser dolent,

I don't want to be bad right now,

però parles de 1937.

but you're talking about 1937.

Aquella època que una dona tingués èxit,

That time when a woman had success,

igual el marit...

just like the husband...



S'ho prenia...

He/She took it...

Vas per bon cap.

You are on the right track.

Va ser com un camí, va ser com un camí.

It was like a path, it was like a path.

I tant.

Me too.

Sí, sí, perquè aquest gran èxit, no?,

Yes, yes, because this great success, right?

en un període bastant curt de temps,

in a fairly short period of time,

genera tensions entre el seu matrimoni.

It generates tensions within their marriage.

I aquell mateix any, també, el 1937,

And that same year, also, 1937,

doncs l'Esti i el Josep es divorcien.

So Esti and Josep are getting a divorce.

Per culpa de la tonteria del Josep, de bon rotllo.

Because of Josep's nonsense, in a good mood.

Exactament, exactament.

Exactly, exactly.

Noobstant, noobstant,

However, however,

quatre anys més tard,

four years later,

a causa d'una malaltia del seu fill,

due to an illness of their son,

que la tindré, doncs, a paperes,

that I will have her, then, at mumps,

decideixen tornar a ajuntar-se...

they decide to come together again...

Molt bé, Josep.

Very good, Josep.

...per cuidar, doncs, de la malaltia del seu fill. take care of the illness of her son.

I un cop que s'ajunten,

And once they come together,

aquí ja no es tornaran a separar mai més.

they will never be separated again here.



I fan les paus tenint un altre fill o coses d'aquestes que normalment...

They make peace by having another child or things like that which normally...

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Sí? De veritat?

Yes? Really?

De veritat, de veritat.

Really, really.

I tenen un altre fill.

And they have another son.

Veus? És el que té fil a les paus.

You see? It's what has thread in the seams.



Jo per això mai vull fil a les paus.

I never want to have a thread in the peace for that reason.

Així que el 1946,

So in 1946,

Esti i Josep llancen ja oficialment...

Esti and Josep are officially launching...

oficialment la marca amb el seu nom.

officially the brand with its name.

O sigui, aquí el Josep ja va entendre

So, here Josep already understood.

que la de l'èxit a casa era la senyora.

That the one of success at home was the lady.



I va dir, més val tenir-la de l'aliada que no pas com a enemiga.

He said it's better to have her as an ally than as an enemy.



Molt bé, molt bé, Josep, molt bé.

Very good, very good, Josep, very good.

Sí, sí, i aquí ja...

Yes, yes, and here already...

Ha costat una miqueta, però bé.

It has been a bit difficult, but it's fine.

Sí, i aquí ja permet, doncs,

Yes, and here it allows, then,

que oficialment es llanci la marca i amb el nom seu.

that the brand is officially launched with its name.

Molt bé, val.

Very well, okay.

També hem de dir que, bueno,

We also have to say that, well,

adopta el cognom d'ell amb el matrimoni,

she takes his surname with marriage,

per tant...


Tens raó.

You are right.

Sí que és el nom d'ella, però tot i així,

Yes, it is her name, but still,

bueno, ell pot creure-s'ho que era el seu cognom, no?

Well, he can believe that it was his last name, right?

Exacte, exacte, sí, sí, sí.

Exactly, exactly, yes, yes, yes.

Llavors, com hem dit, en el 1946 llancen oficialment la marca

Then, as we said, in 1946 they officially launched the brand.

i un any més tard, mira la visionària,

and a year later, look at the visionary,

Esti aconsegueix tancar un acord

Esti manages to close a deal.

amb el propietari del centre comercial Saks

with the owner of the Saks shopping center

a la quinta avinguda de Nova York

on Fifth Avenue in New York

un contracte per valor de 800 dòlars

a contract worth 800 dollars

perquè es comercialitzi

for it to be marketed

la seva marca.

its brand.

La seva marca, en aquest establiment...

Her brand, in this establishment...

Para, para.

Stop, stop.

Avinguda de Nova York, que és el rovell de l'ou,

Avenue of New York, which is the heart of the matter,

no de Nova York, no, del món.

not from New York, no, from the world.

Del món.

Of the world.

1.946, contracte de 800 dòlars.

1,946, contract of 800 dollars.



Un pastifal.

A pastry.

Un pastón.

A fortune.

Que es diu vulgarment.

What is commonly called.

Sí, sí, però espera't, que això no acaba aquí.

Yes, yes, but wait, this is not over yet.

Ah, no acaba aquí.

Ah, it doesn't end here.

No, no, no, no.

No, no, no, no.

I què fas tu quan aconsegueix aquest acord?

And what do you do when you reach this agreement?

Doncs ella diu, mira, saps què?

Well, she says, look, you know what?

Ara dissenyaré unes invitacions

Now I will design some invitations.

per les meves clientes que ja són recurrents.

for my clients who are already recurring.

Clar, no ens oblidem que Estilauder venia,

Of course, let's not forget that Estilauder was coming.

les seves cremes, en el Saló de Bellesa.

their creams, at the Beauty Salon.

Correcte, sí.

Correct, yes.

Clar, ara hem fet el pas del Saló de Bellesa

Of course, now we have made the step from the Beauty Salon.

a vendre'l a Saks, no?

to sell it at Saks, right?

I diu, bueno, jo, clar, això hauré d'avisar

And she says, well, I, of course, I will have to warn.

a la meva clientela, no?

to my clients, right?

Bé, doncs ella va dissenyar unes targetes

Well, she designed some cards.

d'invitació dient, doncs, que a partir d'ara

of invitation saying, therefore, that from now on

la seva marca es comercialitzaria

his brand would be marketed

en aquest centre comercial

in this shopping center

i en només dos dies

and in just two days

va esgotar totes les existències

it ran out of stock

que havia pactat amb Saks.

that he had agreed with Saks.

Què dius, ara?

What are you saying now?

El Saks també es devia estar fregant les mans,

Saks must also have been rubbing his hands.

però ella...

but she...

Dos dies!

Two days!

És que això es diu molt ràpid, però...

It's just that this is said very quickly, but...

A més a més, no ens hem posat en context,

Furthermore, we haven't put ourselves in context.

però el context és el següent, és a dir,

but the context is as follows, that is,

fins en el moment, les dones no tenien

until now, women did not have

aquest hàbit d'una rutina, no?,

this habit of a routine, right?

de cuidar-se la pell,

to take care of the skin,

no tenien l'hàbit, doncs, de...

they did not have the habit, therefore, of...

També és veritat que avui només parlarem

It is also true that today we will only talk.

de les...

of the...

Doncs, no de tota la cosmètica d'Estilauder,

Well, not all of Estée Lauder's cosmetics,

sinó que avui ens centrarem només

but today we will focus only

en el partit de les cremes,

in the party of the creams,

però, bueno, Estilauder, a partir d'aquí,

but, well, Estilauder, from here on,

ella, doncs, ja treu una línia de fragràncies,

she, then, is already bringing out a line of fragrances,

una línia de maquillatge, etcètera, etcètera, no?

a makeup line, etcetera, etcetera, right?

Clar, ella ja revoluciona tot aquest món, no?,

Of course, she already revolutionizes this whole world, doesn't she?

del cuidador integral, no?, de la dona,

of the integral caregiver, right?, of the woman,

tant des de la pell com el de, doncs, sentir-te empoderada,

both from the skin and, therefore, feeling empowered,

sentir-te una dona, doncs, això, que portes perfum cada dia

to feel like a woman, then, that you wear perfume every day

i no només en ocasions especials, etcètera, etcètera, no?

And not just on special occasions, etcetera, etcetera, right?

I bé, doncs,

And well, then,

clar, per què Estilauder aconsegueix això?

Of course, why does Estilauder achieve this?

Doncs perquè, a més a més, el seu model de negoci

Well, because, in addition, their business model

va ser molt disruptiu i innovador.

it was very disruptive and innovative.

Ella creia, doncs, com ja hem comentat abans,

She believed, then, as we have discussed before,

que ho va aprendre de la ferreteria del seu pare, no?,

that he learned from his father's hardware store, didn't he?

que havia de connectar amb el client,

that had to connect with the client,

mostrar els resultats.

show the results.

Petit comerç al poder.

Small commerce in power.

Exacte, no?, i ella creia fermament, doncs,

Exactly, right? And she firmly believed, then,

que s'havia de demostrar els resultats

that the results had to be demonstrated

a la pell de les clientes, explicar els productes,

on the clients' skin, explain the products,

i, a més a més, ella va ser la creadora

And, moreover, she was the creator.

de les mostres gratuïtes.

of the free samples.

Què dius, ara?

What are you saying now?

O sigui, això que ens donen ara les perfumeries

So, what the perfumeries are giving us now.

és gràcies a Estilauder?

Is it thanks to Estilauder?

Ella va començar aquest fenomen, perquè ella deia,

She started this phenomenon because she said,

bé, he vingut jo, personalment, a explicar-te això,

well, I have come here, personally, to explain this to you,

he vingut jo, personalment, a demostrar-te que això funciona.

I have come myself to show you that this works.

Per tant, ara seré jo la que et demostri

Therefore, now I will be the one to show you.

amb una mostreta que te l'emportis a casa,

with a sample to take home,

provis el producte, que estic convençuda

I tried the product, and I am convinced.

que tornaràs a comprar-me'l.

that you will buy it for me again.

I, per tant, ella és la que...

And, therefore, she is the one who...

I com deia aquell de la visió del detergent,

And as that one said about the vision of the detergent,

i si s'hi troba alguna cosa millor, compre-ho.

And if you find something better, buy it.

Exactament, no? Doncs ella, amb aquest model de negoci,

Exactly, right? Well, she, with this business model,

doncs, podem dir que va ser la primera

so we can say it was the first

que va crear aquesta estratègia, no?,

who created this strategy, right?

de màrqueting, podríem dir, de les mostres gratuïtes.

of marketing, we could say, of free samples.

Molt bé, xapo.

Very good, dude.

I el que us deia ara també, no?, doncs, a més a més,

And what I was just saying to you now, right? Well, in addition,

ella assistia a totes i cada una

She attended every single one.

de les noves botigues,

of the new stores,

que s'obrien de la marca,

that opened from the mark,

i allargava l'estada fins a una setmana

and it extended the stay to a week

per instruir ella mateixa a les seves assessores de bellesa,

to instruct herself to her beauty advisors,

o sigui, les seves tècniques de vendes.

that is, their sales techniques.

Això és estar sobre el negoci.

This is being on top of the business.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Això és buscar-se la sort.

This is looking for luck.

Ai, quina sort va tenir aquesta senyora!

Oh, what luck that lady had!

No, no, no, s'ho va currar.

No, no, no, he put in a lot of effort.

No, no, això és l'èxit.

No, no, this is success.

Ella es desplaçava per tot Estats Units cada vegada

She was traveling across the United States every time.

que volia una botiga perquè ella volia

that she wanted a store because she wanted

fer realment aquest control de qualitat,

to really carry out this quality control,

i ella volia poder dir

and she wanted to be able to say

que a qualsevol dels seus establiments

that at any of its establishments

l'atenció era la mateixa,

the attention was the same,

i per tant, se n'anava ella mateixa

and therefore, she was leaving herself

a formar a totes les venedores

to train all the saleswomen

perquè totes les botigues

because all the stores

transmetessin el valor de l'empresa.

convey the value of the company.

Quina passada de la dona.

What a sensation of the woman.

I això ho feia només ella, eh?

And she was the only one who did that, right?

Ella una sola, ella única.

She alone, she unique.

Per tot Estats Units, eh?

Throughout the United States, huh?

Vull dir, quan diuen que quin èxit, quina sort,

I mean, when they say what a success, what luck,

no, les coses no són amb sort,

no, things are not about luck,

les coses, doncs, com hem dit,

the things, then, as we have said,

es treballen, no?

They are worked on, right?

I, a més a més, doncs, Estilauder, també,

I, furthermore, then, Estilauder, also,

ella mateixa, doncs,

herself, then,

ja venia en la imatge, no?

It was already in the image, right?

Ella sempre vestia molt elegant,

She always dressed very elegantly.

ella sempre olorava molt bé, doncs, precisament per això,

she always smelled very good, therefore, precisely for that reason,

per transmetre tots aquests valors,

to convey all these values,

i també era ella

and it was also her

la que travessava el país,

the one that crossed the country,

estigués on estigués,

wherever it was,

doncs, per reunir-se tant amb els compradors

well, to meet so much with the buyers

com amb els editors de les revistes

as with the editors of the magazines

de vellesa,

of old age,

així com per parlar, també,

just as for speaking, too,

amb les seves clientes.

with their clients.

Per tant, ella era la personificació

Therefore, she was the personification.

de tot un departament de recerca,

of an entire research department,

innovació i atenció al client.

innovation and customer service.

Sense cap mena de dubte, sí, sí, ho feia tot.

Without any doubt, yes, yes, I did everything.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

I ho feia tan i tan bé

I did it so, so well.

que va arribar fins i tot a aconseguir

that even managed to achieve

que la redactora cap de la revista

that the editor-in-chief of the magazine

Bazar, de Nova York,

Bazar, from New York,

publiqués un article sobre les meravelles

published an article about the wonders

dels seus productes.

of their products.



Clar, que la redactora cap de Bazar

Of course, the editor-in-chief of Bazar

publiqui un article sobre les meravelles,

publish an article about the wonders,

dels teus articles,

of your articles,

dels teus productes,

of your products,

imagina't, no?

Imagine that, right?

Trampolí definitiu.

Ultimate trampoline.

Així que, bé.

So, well.

A més a més, paral·lelament,

Furthermore, parallelly,

no només feia això, sinó que constantment

not only did he/she do this, but constantly

també treballava amb noves fórmules.

I was also working with new formulas.

I va arribar el moment

The moment arrived.

que va llançar també

that also launched

una línia de cosmètica

a line of cosmetics

que es diu Renutri,

which is called Renutri,



Podem dir que aquesta línia era com la gama alta

We can say that this line was like the high end.

dels seus productes.

of their products.

Això ara moltes cases de cosmètica

Now many cosmetic companies.

també ho tenen.

they also have it.

Tenen, doncs, la seva marca principal

They have, therefore, their main brand.

i després, doncs, també tenen com una línia superior, no?

And then, they also have like a top line, right?

Home, jo ara de l'estil Auder

Man, I am now in the Auder style.

conec aquella d'Advanced...

I know that one from Advanced...



Ara vindrem a parlar d'això,

Now we will come to talk about this,

que aquest producte té una anècdota molt interessant.

that this product has a very interesting anecdote.

Bé, la línia de Nutrif

Well, the Nutrif line

era una crema

it was a cream

que costava 120 dòlars a l'època.

that cost 120 dollars at the time.

Valga'm Déu, senyor.

Good Lord, sir.

120 dòlars a l'època

120 dollars at the time

equivaldrien avui en dia

would correspond today

a més de 1.000 euros.

more than 1,000 euros.

Era un dineral.

It was a fortune.

I tot i així,

And even so,

era de la gama més venuda

it was the best-selling range

que tenia, també.

that I had, too.

Que fort. La gent volia qualitat.

How strong. People wanted quality.

La gent volia qualitat,

People wanted quality,

perquè, a més a més, una altra cosa,

because, moreover, another thing,

no tenia estil Auder,

he didn't have Auder style,

però també treballava amb els màxims estàndards

but I also worked with the highest standards

de qualitat de productes en tot.

quality of products in everything.

I jo crec que per això també va funcionar

And I think that’s why it worked as well.

molt bé.

very well.

Bé, com ja hem dit també,

Well, as we have also said,

a banda de tot això,

besides all this,

també va revolucionar tant els perfums

it also revolutionized both perfumes

com el maquillatge.

like the makeup.

I sempre sota els valors

And always under the values

de la màxima hidratació i qualitat

of maximum hydration and quality

dels ingredients, el que acabem de dir.

of the ingredients, what we just said.

Jo penso, per mi, opinió meva,

I think, for me, my opinion,

doncs que l'ingredient del seu èxit

so the ingredient of their success

és que en tot moment va estar sempre,

it was that at all times it was always,

sempre ella al capdavant

always her at the forefront

de la supervisió de cada pas

of the supervision of each step

del procés de fabricació

of the manufacturing process

dels seus productes.

of their products.

A més a més, com a curiositat,

Furthermore, as a curiosity,

ella, el 95%

she, 95%

de la fórmula

of the formula

de qualsevol producte

of any product

es produiria a la seva formació,

it would occur in its formation,

a la seva fàbrica.

to their factory.

Però el restant 5%

But the remaining 5%

només el coneixia ella.

Only she knew him.

I era ella

And she was.

la que anava a la fàbrica

the one who was going to the factory

a posar-lo personalment

to put it personally

a cada producte

to each product

perquè d'aquesta manera s'assegurava

because this way he ensured

que ningú pogués copiar-li

so that no one could copy him/her

la fórmula.

the formula.

Jo no sé d'on treia el temps,

I don't know where he/she found the time,

també t'ho he de dir, però

I also have to tell you, though.

has de ser molt intel·ligent i brillant

You must be very intelligent and brilliant.

per realment assolir...

to truly achieve...

I un punt desconfiada.

And a bit distrustful.

Però bueno, que està bé.

But well, it's fine.

Això la història ens ha demostrat,

This history has shown us,

Xavi, que si no ets...

Xavi, because if you are not...

La dita en castellà és

The saying in Spanish is

precavido vale por dos

Cautious is worth two.

o alguna cosa així.

or something like that.

Evidentment, i més

Obviously, and more.

una marca que

a brand that

ho estava petant moltíssim en aquell moment.

It was really thriving at that moment.

No podies córrer el risc

You couldn't take the risk.

que algú et copiés

that someone copied you

la fórmula. I ràpidament

the formula. And quickly

també destacar tots els premis

also highlight all the awards

que ella va arribar a aconseguir.

that she managed to achieve.

Ens queden tres minutets.

We have three little minutes left.

Doncs som-hi.

So let's go.

Estee Lauder va ser guardonada

Estee Lauder was awarded.

amb nombrosos premis durant tota la seva carrera.

with numerous awards throughout his career.

Evidentment, una de les fites més importants

Obviously, one of the most important milestones.

de la seva vida és quan

of his life is when

la van nombrar la primera dona

she was named the first woman

condecorada per la Legió

decorated by the Legion

d'Honor Francesa, que és

of French Honor, what is it?

la més important i codeguda de les distincions

the most important and coveted of the distinctions



I a més a més va ser condenada a nombrosos

And furthermore, she was sentenced to numerous

programes culturals i cívics, així com a altres

cultural and civic programs, as well as others

causes benèfiques, perquè

charitable causes, because

fins i tot ella

even she

va participar de la restauració

he participated in the restoration

del Palau de Versalles

of the Palace of Versailles

i de la construcció de diversos parcs

and the construction of several parks

infantils a Central Park.

children's at Central Park.

En l'any 1998

In the year 1998

va ser l'única dona

she was the only woman

a la llista dels 20 genis comercials

to the list of 20 business geniuses

més influents del segle XX,

most influential of the 20th century,

evidentment, publicat

obviously, published

per la revista Tany.

for the magazine Tany.

A més a més, el 23 de juny de

Moreover, on June 23rd of

2004, és a dir, gairebé dos

2004, that is to say, almost two

mesos després de morir, va rebre

months after dying, he received

la medalla presidencial de la llibertat.

the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

Sí, sí. I per acabar,

Yes, yes. And to finish,

que no tenim massa temps més,

that we don't have much time left,

només dir-te que, bueno,

just to tell you that, well,

m'agradaria que destaquem

I would like us to highlight.

que Estilauder va convertir una petita

that Estilauder turned into a small

start-up, com acabem de parlar, de cosmètica

start-up, as we just talked about, of cosmetics

en un imperi mundial,

in a world empire,

que avui ja té més de

that today already has more than

148.000 treballadors

148,000 workers

i que està present a més de 150

and is present in more than 150

països. Més de 150

countries. More than 150

països, 148.000 treballadors.

countries, 148,000 workers.

Qui li anava a dir a l'Estí?

Who would have told Estí?

L'Ester, vull dir, eh?

Ester, I mean, right?

En aquella mare que anava a

In that mother who was going to

una perruqueria a passar les tardes,

a hair salon to spend the afternoons,

per allà a finals

over there at the end

del 1920...

from 1920...

Sí, sí. I no podem

Yes, yes. And we cannot.

deixar l'espectador amb la curiositat.

leave the viewer with curiosity.

Ara parlarem de l'anècdota.

Now we will talk about the anecdote.

Com bé has mencionat, Xavi, el

As you have rightly mentioned, Xavi, the...

best-seller de la marca és el

the brand's best-seller is the

Advanced Night Reaper, que és un cèl·lum.

Advanced Night Reaper, which is a cell.

Sí, és el que han anunciat constantment a la televisió.

Yes, it's what they have constantly announced on television.

El putet aquest marró. Per això m'ho sé de memòria.

This little brown thing. That's why I know it by heart.

Doncs molt bé. Aquest putet,

Well then. This little whore,

d'Ester, un meravellós,

of Ester, a wonderful,

que el va llançar en el

that threw him in the



El llança el 1982.

He throws it in 1982.

L'anècdota de la que parlarem ara és

The anecdote we will talk about now is

d'avui en dia. Vull dir, doncs, que té més de 40 anys.

Nowadays. I mean, it is more than 40 years old.

Aquesta petita

This little one

ampolla marró, que a més a més compte

brown bottle, which also includes

amb més de 25 patents arreu del món,

with more than 25 patents around the world,

es venen

are sold

8 unitats per minut

8 units per minute

a tot el món.

to everyone.

8 unitats? Per minut.

8 units? Per minute.

Mare de Déu. A tot el món.

Mother of God. To the whole world.

Avui m'has

Today you have me

deixat sense paraules. M'agrada molt

left speechless. I really like it

la història d'aquesta senyora. A mi també. Molt.

the story of this lady. Me too. A lot.

Molt. Sí. Sí.

Very. Yes. Yes.

Xapo. Sí, sí. Així que,

Great. Yes, yes. So,

quan ens diguin i escoltem pel carrer,

when they tell us and we hear in the street,

doncs que les dones no servim per res

so that women are good for nothing

i que... Bueno, jo crec que això,

And that... Well, I think that this,

una afirmació tan heavy

a statement so heavy

no serviu per res. Mira, qui la digui

You are good for nothing. Look, whoever says it.

de veritat el fotrem al riu. Així de clar t'ho dic.

We'll really throw him in the river. I'm telling you this clearly.

Desafortunadament, Xavi,

Unfortunately, Xavi,

el nostre jovent

our youth

està pujant

it's going up

no massa bé, t'he de dir.

not very well, I have to tell you.

Això és culpa del reggaeton entre tu i jo.

This is the fault of reggaeton between you and me.

Entre tu i jo, entre tu i jo.

Between you and me, between you and me.

Laura de Miguel,

Laura de Miguel,

de debò, moltíssimes gràcies.

Really, thank you very much.

Com ens agrada conèixer dones que han fet història al teu costat.

How we love to meet women who have made history alongside you.

Gràcies a vosaltres. Gràcies.

Thank you all. Thank you.

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