Oriol Burés - Setembre 2024


L'entrevista del mes

Oriol Burés - Setembre 2024

L'entrevista del mes

L'entrevista d'aquest mes la dediquem a un actor que ha participat en molts muntatges de teatre musical a Catalunya i a Madrid,

This month's interview is dedicated to an actor who has participated in many musical theater productions in Catalonia and Madrid.

com Matilda, el Rei León, campanades de boda a la Cubana, Gente Vient, la Jaula de les Loques i molts altres,

like Matilda, The Lion King, Wedding Bells in the Cuban Way, People Coming, The Birdcage and many others,

que ara també repassarem, i és l'Oriol Borés.

that we will also review now, and it is Oriol Borés.

Crec que vinc a ser el repte de fer l'entrevista de mes.

I think I'm about to be the challenge of doing the most difficult interview.

No, no, gràcies a vosaltres, permiso. És un honor estar aquí.

No, no, thank you, it's my pleasure. It's an honor to be here.

Repassarem la teva trajectòria i ara som aquí al Teatre, un camerino del Teatre Nacional.

We will review your career and now we are here at the Theatre, a dressing room of the National Theatre.



Per què som aquí al Teatre Nacional?

Why are we here at the National Theatre?

Uf, doncs som aquí al Teatre Nacional perquè ara al setembre estrenem un musical de creació en català a la Sala Gran

Phew, well we are here at the National Theatre because this September we are premiering an original musical in Catalan in the Main Hall.

i estem molt emocionats, ara mateix una mica nerviosos i un puntet espantats, no t'enganyaré,

and we are very excited, right now a little nervous and a bit scared, I won't lie to you,

però molt, molt, molt, molt il·lusionats i emocionats de ser aquí fent-ho.

but very, very, very, very excited and thrilled to be here doing it.

Ho has dit molt ràpid, ho has dit, musical en català, creació i nacional.

You said it very quickly, you said, musical in Catalan, creation and national.

Són uns conceptes que s'han...

They are concepts that have...

Hi ha arribat...

It has arrived...

Arribarem a...

We will arrive at...

Arribarem, arribarem.

We will arrive, we will arrive.

Després del viatge del test, però vull dir que som...

After the test journey, but I want to say that we are...

Sí, sí. He de dir que una cosa que ens passa en general tant a l'equip creatiu com a la companyia

Yes, yes. I have to say that one thing that happens to us in general, both to the creative team and to the company.

és que moltes vegades quan estem assajant agafem la inèrcia d'assajar

It's that many times when we are rehearsing, we pick up the momentum of rehearsing.

i d'entrada en tant notes que algú es para i assimila tots aquests conceptes i fa un...

And at first, as a note, it seems that someone stops and assimilates all these concepts and makes a...



Està passant això i tinc la gran sort de poder-hi formar i part.

This is happening and I have the great luck to be able to be a part of it.

I quan passa això és un sentiment superxulo.

And when this happens, it is a super cool feeling.

Jo l'equiparo moltes vegades quan vaig a veure un espectacle i des de fora penso

I compare it many times when I go to see a show and from the outside I think.

jo vull fer això, saps?

I want to do this, you know?

Que tens com aquestes ganes de voler fer teatre.

What do you have that makes you want to do theater like this?

Ens passa molt sovint assajant aquí, que ens sentim molt privilegiats, molt afortunats

It often happens to us while rehearsing here that we feel very privileged, very fortunate.

i això, alineem els conceptes i ens dona una energia per seguir que és meravellosa.

And this aligns the concepts and gives us an energy to continue that is wonderful.

Doncs comencem aquest viatge en el temps.

So let's start this journey through time.

Vinga, va.

Come on, let's go.

Recordes com va descobrir l'Oriol al teatre?

Do you remember how Oriol discovered the theater?

Uf, sí que ho recordo.

Ugh, yes, I do remember it.

Mira, jo he tingut una gran sort a casa,

Look, I have been very lucky at home,

que és que la meva família són molt de teatre, moltíssim, els ha agradat sempre

My family is very into theater, very much so; they have always liked it.

i a casa meva tenien gravat amb VHS el Mikado de Dagoll de Gom.

And at my house, they had recorded Dagoll de Gom's Mikado on VHS.

A mi el Mikado em va marcar.

The Mikado marked me.

Hi ha potser espectacles que m'han marcat a la meva vida que són el Mikado de Dagoll de Gom

There are perhaps shows that have marked my life, such as Dagoll de Gom's Mikado.

i Com amb el coco negro de la Cobana.

And like with the black coconut from Cobana.

Jo diria que són dos piles bastant importants.

I would say that they are two quite important batteries.

Vull dir, mentre els nens de la meva edat creixien veient pel·lícules d'animació,

I mean, while the children my age grew up watching animated movies,

no ens enganyem, jo també ho he fet i he crescut,

let's not deceive ourselves, I've done it too and I've grown.

crec que si mirem el còmput d'hores, el Mikado i Com amb el coco negro...

I think that if we look at the count of hours, the Mikado and How with the black coconut...

Aquells VHS que estaven, pels joves que ja no sàpiguen què és un VHS,

Those VHS tapes that were, for the young people who no longer know what a VHS is,

aquelles cintes de vídeo grosses que a més a mesura que les anaves passant

those big video tapes that as you were fast-forwarding them

es naven, entre cometes, deteriorant.

they were sailing, in quotes, deteriorating.

Gastant i estaven fatal, al final ja saltava algun moment.

Spending and they were terrible, in the end, it would jump at some point.

Hi havia uns zzzz i a sota hi havia uns zzzz.

There were some zzzz and underneath there were some zzzz.

Jo les rebobinava endavant i endarrere, allò que et deien

I rewound them back and forth, what they told you.

no, però para'l per rebobinar, i jo amb el play rebobinant endavant i endarrere

No, but stop it to rewind, and I with the play rewinding back and forth.

i hores i hores i hores i hores.

And hours and hours and hours and hours.

I crec que són dos espectacles que...

I believe that they are two shows that...

Pe a pa, i de cop i volta, jo amb tres anys,

Step by step, and all of a sudden, I at three years old,

els barnussos de casa eren kimonos, els paraigües volaven tots,

the house robes were kimonos, the umbrellas were all flying,

plumes, no sé com ho feia, però algú ho feia per fer les plumes de les vedets,

feathers, I don't know how it was done, but someone did it to make the plumes for the stars.

i jo sempre he hagut de fer el xou per casa, i crec que això ja m'ha marcat.

And I have always had to put on a show at home, and I think that has marked me.

Crec que en el meu cas, en el moment en què vaig dir

I believe that in my case, at the moment when I said

vull fer teatre, no va sorprendre ningú.

I want to do theater, it didn't surprise anyone.

Si hagués sorprès, hagués dit vull ser matemàtic, per exemple.

If I had been surprised, I would have said I want to be a mathematician, for example.

Tenim la descoberta del teatre, la descoberta de la música?

Do we have the discovery of theatre, the discovery of music?

Clar, la música, és que l'he tingut sempre a casa.

Of course, music, I have always had it at home.

El meu pare ha sigut músic, va ser escolanet de Montserrat, va ser gran músic,

My father was a musician, he was a choirboy at Montserrat, he was a great musician.

i a més a més treballava, era coordinador de Catalunya Música,

and in addition to that, I was working as a coordinator for Catalunya Música,

amb el que música a casa ens sonava cada dos per tres.

with the music at home playing every now and then.

A més feia molts arranjaments per altres compositors.

In addition, he made many arrangements for other composers.

De cop, el Rosmar Balli encarregava que arranjés alguna cosa,

Suddenly, Rosmar Balli ordered that something be fixed.

i aleshores tenia el seu programa i anava sentint.

And then he had his program and was listening.

Sí que a vegades era una mica feixuc perquè senties el mateix compàs 70 vegades.

Yes, sometimes it was a bit tedious because you heard the same beat 70 times.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

I et vas de mitja hora i pensaves que passi el següent compàs, per favor,

You left for half an hour and you thought that the next beat would pass, please.

perquè allò que fas nota per nota, perquè la feina dels arranjadors és molt desconeguda

because what you do note by note, because the work of arrangers is very unknown

i és molt important, i és una mica tediosa, no?

And it's very important, and it's a bit tedious, isn't it?

Perquè has d'anar fent nota per nota tots els arranjaments de tots els músics.

Because you have to go through each note for all the musicians' arrangements.

Sí, que quan no el resultat és meravellós, però...

Yes, when the result is wonderful, but...

Clar, però hi ha moltes hores darrere.

Of course, but there are many hours behind it.

I el meu pare ho feia molt bé i la família ens agradava molt, però també ho patíem.

And my father did it very well and the family liked it a lot, but we also suffered from it.

Tenim el teatre, la música i la dansa.

We have theater, music, and dance.

Home, la dansa.

Man, the dance.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Mira, jo he tingut la gran sort també, que és que em sento molt, molt, molt afortunat,

Look, I have been very lucky too, which is that I feel very, very, very fortunate,

que és que a casa meva han estat molt, molt, molt, molt vinculats a...

...that at my house they have been very, very, very, very linked to...

Jo soc de Rubí i han estat molt vinculats a una entitat molt important de Rubí,

I am from Rubí and I have been very connected to a very important organization in Rubí.

que és l'esbart de Rubí, l'esbart dansera de Rubí.

what is the Rubí dance group, the Rubí dance group.

Tant la meva mare, que ja ha ballat molts anys, ha sigut mestra

Both my mother, who has danced for many years, has been a teacher.

i després s'encarregava del vestuari,

and then he/she took care of the wardrobe,

com el meu pare, que feia els arranjaments per la copla i era el director musical,

like my father, who made the arrangements for the musical group and was the musical director,

i algun cop anava als assajos a tocar el piano

And sometimes I would go to the rehearsals to play the piano.

i jo la dansa la vaig descobrir de molt petit ballant amb l'esbart.

And I discovered dance when I was very young, dancing with the esbart.

Ballant a l'escola de l'esbart i fent muntatges amb l'escola de l'esbart.

Dancing at the folk dance school and doing performances with the folk dance school.

A més, he de dir que l'esbart no només em va descobrir la dansa,

Furthermore, I must say that the dance group not only introduced me to dance,

sinó que em va descobrir el món del teatre des de dintre.

but it introduced me to the world of theater from the inside.

Està entre caixes, no?

It's in between boxes, right?

Està entre caixes, totalment,

It's totally among the boxes.

perquè la meva família l'ha estat tan vinculada amb l'entitat

because my family has been so closely tied to the organization

i al ser una entitat que fa uns anys tenia molta, molta feina,

and being an entity that a few years ago had a lot, a lot of work,

vull dir que pràcticament cada cap de setmana hi havia algun bolo,

I mean that practically every weekend there was some gig,

algun lloc de Catalunya, i aleshores agafàvem...

some place in Catalonia, and then we took...

anàvem al matí a fer caixes, encaixar la roba, encaixar la trets,

we used to go in the morning to make boxes, fit the clothes, fit the features,

o tot, carregaves furgoneta, agafaves el cotxe

or everything, you loaded the van, you took the car

i anaves al teatre.

You were going to the theater.

Avui on toca.

Today where does it hit?

On toca, doncs cap allà, vinga, i tiraves cap allà.

So we go there, come on, and you threw it over there.

I veies com muntaven els focus, com preparaven per ficar la copla,

And you saw how they set up the lights, how they prepared to play the band.

com es planxava la roba i organitzaven tot,

how the clothes were ironed and everything was organized,

com arribava a l'esbart i feia una passada tècnica pel lloc, marcaven...

as I arrived at the group and made a technical pass through the place, they marked...

Vull dir que era el mateix que fas en un musical, però aplicat a l'art.

I mean it was the same as what you do in a musical, but applied to art.

I sense saber-ho, de moment.

I feel like knowing it, for now.

Sense saber-ho.


I aleshores jo, hores de furgoneta, de plegar cortines,

And then I, hours in the van, closing curtains,

que a més m'encantava perquè cada cop tenia el referent del coco,

that I also loved because each time I had the reference of the coconut,

que és veure com desmuntatges, doncs plegaves cortines,

what it is to see as you dismantle, then you fold curtains,

era meravellós.

it was wonderful.

I és fantàstic perquè a més a més em va descobrir, per exemple,

And it's fantastic because it also discovered me, for example,

el món de la il·luminació, i meva mare sempre ho diu,

the world of lighting, and my mother always says so,

en el moment en què vas descobrir que ficant un paperet de color

at the moment you discovered that by putting in a colored paper

davant del foc, allò canviava, van desaparèixer les llanternes de casa

In front of the fire, everything changed, the lanterns from home disappeared.

i el paper de cel·lofan.

and the cellophane paper.

Aleshores jo em dedicava a fer llanternes amb focus

At that time, I was dedicated to making lanterns with lights.

i quan hi havia un apagón no funcionava mai perquè no teníem piles,

and when there was a power outage it never worked because we didn't have batteries,

perquè jo em passava el dia fent focus amb les llanternes.

because I spent the whole day focusing with the flashlights.

Tenim ja la descoberta del teatre, de la música, de la dansa

We already have the discovery of theater, music, and dance.

i de l'ofici.

and of the trade.

Sí, de l'ofici teatral, però potser hem trobat, no sé si és cert,

Yes, from the theatrical profession, but maybe we have found, I don't know if it's true,

per això t'ho preguntem, que va ser un taller de teatre musical

that's why we ask you, it was a musical theater workshop.

del 2005, de Flor de Nit, i no sé si això, Flor de Nit,

from 2005, from Flor de Nit, and I don't know if this, Flor de Nit,

és una meravella d'espectacle, no sé si això va ser el clic

it's a wonderful show, I don't know if that was the click.

potser definitiu de dir, aquest que no va sorprendre a ningú,

perhaps definitive to say, this that did not surprise anyone,

però interiorment et va dir, em vull dedicar a l'espectacle.

but inside she told you, I want to dedicate myself to the show.

Perquè sempre hi ha un punt de por a l'hora de fer com el,

Because there is always a point of fear when it comes to doing like him,

de dir, vaig a dedicar-me a fer una carrera que no és gens estable,

to say, I am going to dedicate myself to pursuing a career that is not stable at all,

que és un món molt complicat.

it's a very complicated world.

Sobretot, segurament, fa uns quants anys, m'hi poso jo en la mateixa pell,

Above all, probably, a few years ago, I put myself in the same shoes.

que pràcticament tothom tenia una feina fixa.

that practically everyone had a permanent job.

Fixada, exacte.

Fixed, exactly.

Ara, per desgràcia, no és tant així.

Now, unfortunately, it is not quite like that.

Però fa uns quants anys era així.

But a few years ago it was like this.

Absolutament, absolutament.

Absolutely, absolutely.

I en aquell moment vaig tenir la gran sort, que a més va coincidir

And at that moment I had the great luck, which also coincided

amb la primera reposició de Maricel, que a més érem superfans,

with the first replacement of Maricel, who additionally we were superfans,

jo, per mi, la primera reposició de Maricel,

I, for me, the first reissue of Maricel,

va ser molt important, perquè vaig començar a crear

it was very important, because I started to create

el meu vincle d'amics de teatre.

my bond of theater friends.

Perquè fins ara, fins aquell moment, jo anava a l'institut

Because until now, until that moment, I was going to the institute.

i era la rara avis de la classe, no?

And she was the odd one out in the class, right?

Almenys que li agradava el teatre, és una cosa que no passa.

At least that he liked the theater, it's something that doesn't happen.

I de cop va haver-hi un moment, que recordo que fa molts anys

And suddenly there was a moment, that I remember was many years ago.

hi havia un foro que es deia Sat General,

there was a forum called Sat General,

on tota la gent es connectava i comentava amb coses de teatre,

where everyone connected and commented on things about theater,

i van organitzar una trobada amb tots els fans de Maricel al Victoria.

They organized a meeting with all the fans of Maricel at the Victoria.

I llavors jo hi vaig anar i vaig conèixer tot de gent

And then I went there and met a lot of people.

que avui dia són grans amics meus, entre ells,

that today are great friends of mine, among them,

el Víctor Gómez, que és com el meu germà,

Victor Gómez, who is like my brother,

que sempre diem que ens vam conèixer a la punta del barco de Maricel,

that we always say we met at the tip of Maricel's boat,

va ser un hola, soc el Víctor, hola, soc l'Oriol,

it was a hello, I'm Víctor, hello, I'm Oriol.

i arrel d'aquí ja vam començar a caminar junts i a crear junts.

And from here we started to walk together and to create together.

I justament va ser el Víctor que em va dir

It was Victor who told me.

fan un taller de flor de nit, eòlia, i el fa el Bozzo,

they are holding a night flower workshop, Eòlia, and it is being run by Bozzo.

i vam dir, va, que ho provem!

And we said, come on, let's give it a try!

I ens vam apuntar, ens vam apuntar.

And we signed up, we signed up.

I llavors va ser un estiu estupendi, ho recordo moltíssim.

And then it was a wonderful summer, I remember it very well.

I el fet de fer aquest taller, i el Bozzo també ens va animar molt,

And the fact of doing this workshop, and Bozzo also encouraged us a lot,

a dir, nois, si us agrada, feu-ho, perquè ara mateix,

I mean, guys, if you like it, go ahead, because right now,

si pots fracassar a tenir una carrera i un màster,

if you can fail to have a career and a master's degree,

com havent estudiat teatre.

as having studied theater.

El fracàs ara mateix és una cosa que està per allà, per tant,

Failure right now is something that is out there, therefore,

i dius, doncs per què no?

And you say, so why not?

Ho he volgut fer sempre, aquest home m'anima,

I have always wanted to do this, this man encourages me,

doncs tira, tira cap aquí.

So go on, come over here.

I fins aquí.

And until here.

Ara comencem a repassar muntatges,

Now we begin to review edits,

però clar, també hi ha una època de formació.

but of course, there is also a training period.

Com la recordes, no?

How do you remember her, right?

Des de l'Eoli a la Coco, a diferència d'escoles, no?

From Eoli to Coco, unlike schools, right?

La recordo molt cansada.

I remember her being very tired.

Molt cansada perquè, en aquell moment,

Very tired because, at that moment,

em dedicava a anar escola per escola agafant el que més m'interessava.

I used to go from school to school taking what interested me the most.

No vaig saber trobar una escola que digués...

I couldn't find a school that said...


The academic.

No, vaig començar a Eòlia,

No, I started in Eòlia.

perquè com que venia de fer el curs de flora de nit,

because since I had just completed the night flora course,

que el vam fer a Eòlia, vaig començar allà,

that we did at Eòlia, I started there,

però aleshores em feien falta hores de dansa,

but then I needed hours of dance,

aleshores vaig voler entrar a la Coco,

then I wanted to go into Coco,

clar, a més a més els estudis me'ls pagava jo,

Of course, moreover, I paid for my studies.

amb la qual cosa al matí treballava donant classes de dansa

with which in the morning he worked giving dance classes

a les escoles de Rubí, al migdia agafava el tren,

At the schools in Rubí, I took the train at noon,

anava a la Coco, feia Coco de la una fins a les cinc de la tarda,

I went to Coco, I was doing Coco from one until five in the afternoon.

llavors com plegava, metro fins a Eòlia,

then I would take the subway to Eòlia,

que entrava a les set, i fins a les onze de la nit,

that started at seven and lasted until eleven at night,

que plegava, i se'n tornem.

that it was folding, and we return.

Jo no soc de Barcelona, jo soc de Rubí,

I am not from Barcelona, I am from Rubí.

per tant era ferrocarril damunt i avall,

therefore it was a railway up and down,

i recordo que era una època molt cansada.

I remember it was a very tiring time.

De dormir poc.

From sleeping little.

De dormir poquet.

To sleep very little.

Fins que vaig fer un plantejament de dir

Until I made a proposal to say

ostres, aquest ritme de vida era molt cansat,

wow, this pace of life was very tiring,

i em vaig plantejar entrar a l'Institut del Teatre,

and I thought about applying to the Theatre Institute,

a fer teatre musical.

to do musical theatre.

I aleshores sí que vaig fer les proves per entrar a l'Institut,

And then I did take the tests to get into the Institute,

i vaig entrar a l'Institut.

I entered the Institute.

Tot i així, com que soc un colinquiet, feia Institut matí i tarda,

Nonetheless, since I am a restless person, I attended high school in the morning and afternoon,

i quan acabava anava corrents a aules a fer classes de cant,

and when it ended, I would run to the classrooms to take singing lessons,

classes de repertori, i alguna classe de coreografies de musical.

repertory classes, and some classes of musical choreography.

Vull dir que anava també combinant.

I mean that I was also mixing.

Som al Nacional, però en uns inicis una mica més llunyans,

We are at the Nacional, but in some slightly more distant beginnings,

hi havies estat, no? A l'Esbar havíeu vingut aquí?

You had been, right? You had come here to Esbar?

A l'Esbar hi havia vingut, sí.

He had come to the Esbar, yes.

A més, me'n recordo que a l'Esbar fa uns anys va tenir la gran sort

Furthermore, I remember that a few years ago at Esbar, they had the great fortune.

de venir a la sala de tallers a fer una setmana amb un espectacle,

to come to the workshop room to do a week with a show,

que jo ja no ballava a l'Esbar.

that I no longer danced at the Esbar.

Jo en aquella època ja...

I at that time already...

Jo vaig entrar quan era molt petit a fer un muntatge,

I started doing a production when I was very young,

que es deia Castell Tarsol, que ja n'hi havia dos nens,

that was called Castell Tarsol, where there were already two children,

que si ho busqueu per TV3 està penjat,

that if you search for it on TV3 it's uploaded,

ja us ho dic ara, podeu buscar-ho, que riureu.

I'm telling you now, you can look it up, you'll laugh.

Sorto moníssim, vestit de mariner, moníssim.

I look very cute, dressed as a sailor, very cute.

Però en aquell moment jo ja havia deixat de ballar a l'Esbar

But at that moment I had already stopped dancing at the Esbar.

perquè havia crescut més i volia ser un nen més petit.

because I had grown up more and wanted to be a smaller child.

Però l'Esbar va venir aquí i com que sabien

But the Esbar came here and since they knew

que em faria molta il·lusió poder venir,

it would make me very happy to be able to come,

des de l'Esbar em van fer una acreditació,

from the Esbar I received an accreditation,

que encara la guardo,

that I still keep,

del Teatre Nacional que posa Oriol Borés,

of the National Theatre that Oriol Borés sets up,

i vaig venir cada dia i me sentava en una cadireta

I came every day and sat on a little chair.

aquí al costat d'una bambalina a la sala de tallers,

here next to a curtain in the workshop room,

que em fa gràcia perquè ara ja estem assajant,

which makes me laugh because now we are already rehearsing,

i veia l'espectacle.

I was watching the show.

I també com a cosa així fugaz vas aparèixer en una òpera.

And also as something fleeting, you appeared in an opera.

Amb dues!

With both!

Perquè just va ser l'època...

Because it was just the time...

L'opció del Liceu i de París, no?

The option of the Liceu and Paris, right?

Sí, sí, una de París i crec que l'altra venia de Boston.

Yes, yes, one from Paris and I think the other one was coming from Boston.

Va ser just quan estàvem estudiant a la Coco Comín dansa,

It was right when we were studying dance at Coco Comín.

van penjar un cartell que buscaven ballarins per una òpera al Liceu.

They hung a sign looking for dancers for an opera at the Liceu.

I jo vaig trucar i vaig preguntar si puc fer l'audició.

And I called and asked if I can do the audition.

Dic, escolta, puc fer l'audició?

I say, listen, can I do the audition?

I ja em van dir, sí, sí, clar, mires-te el dia, tal, tal...

And they already told me, yes, yes, sure, look at the day, this, this...

Em van dir, l'únic que t'he de dir una cosa,

They told me, the only thing I have to tell you is one thing,

si t'agafem, hauràs de ballar amb calçotets dalt de l'escenari.

If we catch you, you'll have to dance in your underwear on stage.

És... t'has de treure les calçotets.

It's... you have to take off your underwear.

T'has de treure la roba i et quedaràs amb calçotets i ballaràs amb calçotets.

You have to take off your clothes and you will be left in your underwear and you will dance in your underwear.

I vaig pensar, no m'agafaran?

I thought, won't they catch me?

Doncs sí, sí, jo... jo vinc.

Well yes, yes, I... I'll come.

Jo vinc perquè, total, com que no m'agafaran, doncs jo vinc.

I come because, well, since they won't catch me, I'll come.

I em vaig presentar a aquell càsting i de cop van agafar un grupet de nois

I went to that casting, and suddenly they picked a group of guys.

i ens van dir, vosaltres podeu venir aquí?

And they told us, can you come here?

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Podeu tornar a fer la variació que ens van ensenyar

Can you do the variation that they taught us again?

com una variació de dansa contemporània?

like a variation of contemporary dance?

La podeu tornar a fer? Sí.

Can you do it again? Yes.

Us podeu treure la samarreta? Sí.

Can you take off your shirt? Yes.

Us podeu treure els pantalons? Sí.

Can you take off your pants? Yes.

I de cop em vaig veure amb calçotets fent una audició al Liceu

And suddenly I found myself in my underwear doing an audition at the Liceu.

i pensant, ai, que m'agafaran.

And thinking, oh, that they will catch me.

I de cop em van dir, esteu dins.

And suddenly they told me, you are inside.

I vaig pensar, ara això ho he de fer a l'escenari davant de tothom.

I thought, now I have to do this on stage in front of everyone.

I vaig tenir el susto un parell de dies.

I was scared for a couple of days.

Després ja se'm va passar i ho vaig normalitzar.

Afterwards, I got over it and normalized it.

Va ser molt divertida aquella experiència

That experience was very fun.

perquè, a més a més, era una obra que ens tiràvem pintura per sobre.

because, in addition, it was a work where we threw paint over each other.

I clar, una cosa és assajar fent veure que et tires pintura.

And of course, one thing is to practice pretending to throw paint.

Però jo recordo molt el dia que vam portar els pots de pintura, de veritat.

But I really remember the day we brought the paint pots.

Ens la vam començar a tirar.

We started to throw it at her.

I la gent va començar a relliscar.

And people started to slip.

Bé, cames amunt, cops per...

Well, legs up, hits for...

Bé, meravellós, meravellós, divertidíssim.

Good, marvelous, marvelous, hilarious.

Ho faria 50.000 vegades.

I would do it 50,000 times.

I això que dèiem, que hi ha amistats teatrals, no?

And what we were saying, that there are theatrical friendships, right?

Segurament les anem trobant amb la D.O.

Surely we will find them with the D.O.

Amb l'Ara Vall de Neu, no? Una companyia.

With Ara Vall de Neu, right? A company.

Exacte. I a veure si ho dic bé.

Exactly. And let's see if I say it right.

Jo... T.M.

I... T.M.

Jo T.M.

I T.M.

Jova teatre musical. Jo T.M.

Jova musical theater. Me T.M.

Sí. Això va ser època eòlia.

Yes. That was the Aeolian period.

Eòlia vam fer unes audicions

Eòlia, we had some auditions.

perquè volíem tenir com un grup de gent

because we wanted to have like a group of people

per si hi havia bolos o coses

in case there were balls or things

poder portar un grup d'alumnes que cantessin

to be able to take a group of students to sing

diferents temes. I la Nava Vall de Neu

different themes. And the Nava Vall de Neu

i el Gustavo Llull

and Gustavo Llull

vam fer com un càsting per seleccionar gent.

We did something like a casting to select people.

I ens van agafar a mi uns quants més.

And they caught me and a few others.

Va ser molt maco. A més, feien

It was very nice. Besides, they made

arranjaments superxulos.

super cool arrangements.

I va ser una gran escola perquè crec que una cosa

It was a great school because I believe that one thing

que és molt important que aprens quan fas musical

that it is very important that you learn when you do musical

és el cantar veus, el fer cors,

it is the singing voices, the making of choirs,

el fer contracants. Són coses molt complicades.

making counterclaims. They are very complicated things.

I per mi va ser una superescola

And for me, it was a super school.

fer tots aquests medleys

to make all these medleys

i totes les coses que ens proposaven.

and all the things they proposed to us.

I també, paral·lel a això,

And also, parallel to this,

amb la colla d'amics

with the group of friends

d'Eòlia vam crear un grup

From Eòlia we created a group.

de teatre musical

of musical theater

que vam crear un espectacle

that we created a show

que es deia Cançons entre la pols

which was called Songs Among the Dust

que era com un medley de cançons de musical.

It was like a medley of musical songs.

Era molt divertit perquè hi havia

It was very funny because there were

la Gara Roda, hi havia el Víctor Gómez,

At the Gara Roda, there was Víctor Gómez.

hi havia la Paula Amalia,

there was Paula Amalia,

l'Andrea Marinelo, la Sara Lupin,

Andrea Marinelo, Sara Lupin,

el Sego Kompoy,

the Sego Kompoy,

bueno, és que eren moltíssims.

Well, there were a lot of them.

La Cristina Arenas...

Cristina Arenas...

I vam fer uns quants bolos d'això.

We did a few gigs of that.

Vam fer una temporada breu al Teatre Neu

We had a brief season at the Neu Theatre.

molt divertit

very entertaining

que a més, en el fons nosaltres fèiem un final de curs

that furthermore, in the end we were doing a final term

perquè eren cançons de musical així lligades

because they were songs from a musical thus connected

com bonament s'havien.

As they should have.

Com bonament s'havien en aquell moment.

As well as they were at that time.

Nosaltres ens pensàvem que érem les joves promeses del musical.

We thought we were the young promises of the musical.

Però va ser molt divertit.

But it was very fun.

Està bé la mentalitat de dir

It's okay to say

si no truquen, fem nosaltres.

If they don't call, we'll call.

Jo crec que és una cosa important

I believe it is an important thing.

en el món de l'espectacle.

in the world of entertainment.

Perquè a vegades s'ha tingut la imatge de dir

Because sometimes the image has been portrayed as saying

espero que em truquin o em presento a l'audició.

I hope they call me or I will show up to the audition.

Si pots presentar igualment, però si no, fes.

If you can still present, but if not, do it.

Fem coses.

We do things.

Nosaltres sempre ho diem.

We always say it.

Mentre els nens de la nostra edat fèiem botellón,

While the kids our age were partying in the streets,

nosaltres ens n'anàvem a casa meva, a Rubí,

we were going to my house, in Rubí,

veníem tots, tots, tots, tots,

we all came, all, all, all, all,

pujàvem a les golfes, ens retiràvem els mobles,

we would go up to the attic, we would move the furniture out of the way,

ficàvem com un llit de matalassos

we made it like a bed of mattresses

un al costat de l'altre,

side by side,

dormíem allà,

we slept there,

vèiem musicals, vèiem pel·lícules

we watched musicals, we watched movies

i al matí assajàvem.

And in the morning we rehearsed.

Al matí assajant i agafant disfresses

In the morning rehearsing and getting costumes.

i fent teatre.

And doing theater.

I d'aquí sortien aquests espectacles

And from here came these shows.

o diferents bolos que ens trucaven per fer

or different bowling alleys that called us to do

a diferents llocs.

to different places.

I segurament d'això aquest bagatge va néixer

And probably from this, this baggage was born.

un espectacle que crec que ha crescut

a show that I believe has grown

en vosaltres perquè

in you because

s'ha anat trobant molts cops

has been found many times

en moltes temporades diferents que era l'acústic Broadway.

in many different seasons that it was the acoustic Broadway.

L'acústic Broadway.

The acoustic Broadway.

Que potser avui,

Maybe today,

el 2024,

in 2024,

parlar de Next to Normal, Avenue Q,

talk about Next to Normal, Avenue Q,

Sun for a New World, 9 to 5,

Sun for a New World, 9 to 5,

pot ser, per la gent que està

maybe, for the people who are there

habituada al teatre musical,

used to musical theatre,

més normal.

more normal.

Però fa uns quants anys

But a few years ago

enrere no ho era tant.

It wasn't that much of a problem before.

No ho era tant.

It wasn't that much.

I tampoc hi havia tantes gravacions a internet,

There weren't that many recordings on the internet either,

no hi havia la facilitat de trobar partitures,

there was no ease in finding sheet music,



Va ser complicat.

It was complicated.

L'acústic el recordo

I remember the acoustic.

amb moltíssim carinyo.

with very much affection.

Va ser el meu primer any d'institut del teatre.

It was my first year at the theater school.

Jo tenia moltes ganes

I was very eager.

de fer un tipus d'espectacle així,

to put on a show like this,

perquè a més a més

because furthermore

venia de seguir molt el musical més petit

I came from following the smallest musical very closely.

i crec que el tu, jo, ell, ella,

and I think that you, me, him, her,

que jo recordo veure'l de molt petit

that I remember seeing him when he was very small

al Teatre del Sol i sempre ho dic

at the Sun Theatre and I always say it

i a vegades quan em trobo el Dani o la Pili

and sometimes when I meet Dani or Pili

sempre els dic que jo vaig anar-hi un dia

I always tell them that I went there one day.

que van suspendre l'espectacle i recordo molt

that they canceled the show and I remember a lot

aquell moment d'estar allà i dir

that moment of being there and saying

no, no ho podré veure

no, I won't be able to see it

i que a casa meva se les van tenir i retenir

And that in my house they were held and retained.

per consolar-me perquè no hi havia manera

to console me because there was no way

i després sí que vaig tornar i recordo molt

And then I did come back, and I remember a lot.

aquell tu i jo,

that you and I,

aquelles cançons de Weber, de Schoenberg

those songs by Weber, by Schoenberg

i seguint una mica

and following a bit

aquest record

this memory

vaig voler portar aquestes cançons

I wanted to bring these songs.

de musical desconegut

of unknown musical

que a més a més totes tenien una cosa molt peculiar

that moreover all of them had a very peculiar thing

que eren una història

that they were a story

en si mateixes, no et calia

In themselves, you didn’t need it.

un argument. Escoltant aquella història

an argument. Listening to that story

ja en tenies prou. Si a més a més

you had already had enough. If furthermore

la linkaves o la continuaves al llarg de l'espectacle

you linked it or continued it throughout the show

que és una cosa que feia amb l'acústic

what is something I used to do with the acoustic?

ja era meravellós. I ens vam ajuntar

It was already wonderful. And we gathered together.

amb la Laura Ventura, amb la Berta Peñalver,

with Laura Ventura, with Berta Peñalver,

amb el Dani Campos

with Dani Campos

que era el nostre pianista en aquell moment

who was our pianist at that time

i vam tornar al pati

and we returned to the courtyard

de casa meva. O sigui, va ser una cosa

from my house. I mean, it was something

que jo sempre dono gràcies a la família

that I always give thanks to the family

que tinc, a la que dic, faré això

What I have, as soon as I say, I will do this.

i em diuen, doncs vinga, què s'ha de fer?

And they tell me, well, what needs to be done?

Pengem cortines, pengem...

We hang curtains, we hang...

I vam fer com tres funcions al pati de casa

And we did like three shows in the backyard.

i vam posar potser

and we put perhaps

unes cinquanta persones

about fifty people

per passe, allà apretats com podien

for passes, there they were squeezed as best they could

que a més va anar bé, perquè quan feia una mica de fred

that it also turned out well, because when it was a little cold

els teníem apretats

we had them pressed

i la cosa passava com millor.

And things happened as better.

I arrel d'aquí

And I root from here.

va venir una programadora del Teatre de Rubí

A programmer from the Rubí Theatre came.

del meu poble,

from my village,

i el vam poder fer al Teatre de Rubí

and we were able to do it at the Rubí Theatre

i va anar creixent, fins que vam petar el Molino.

It kept growing until we broke the Molino.

Vam arribar al Molino.

We arrived at the Mill.

Un teatre mític de Barcelona i del paral·lel.

A legendary theater in Barcelona and the Paral·lel.

Meravellós. Vam fer un dublet

Wonderful. We made a double.

al Molino, que el recordem moltíssim.

to the Mill, which we remember very much.

Quin equipament tan fantàstic.

What a fantastic piece of equipment.

Va ser molt guai.

It was really cool.

La Berta a l'entrevista de l'any passat

Berta at last year's interview.

vam parlar amb ella

we talked to her

i va dir que era com confeti, no sé què...

and he said it was like confetti, I don't know what...

Era de tot.

It was of everything.

De cop tenies totes les possibilitats del món

All of a sudden, you had all the possibilities in the world.

i a més és molt bonic perquè tens

and it's also very beautiful because you have

un teatre amb totes les possibilitats

a theatre with all the possibilities

i tot l'equipament, però de la mida de l'espectacle.

And all the equipment, but the size of the show.

Que moltes vegades

That many times

un espectacle demana un espai petit,

a show requires a small space,

un espai tancat. No tots els espectacles són per fer.

A closed space. Not all shows are meant to be done.

Palàcia La Gran del Nacional, per exemple.

Palace La Gran del Nacional, for example.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Moltes vegades s'han

Many times they have been

verganyat els espectacles

embarrassed by the shows

perquè no s'han presentat a la sala que necessitava.

because they did not show up in the room that was needed.

Exacte. I moltes vegades

Exactly. And many times.

una sala petita

a small room

no té la quantitat

does not have the quantity

d'efectes i de gadgets i de mitjans

of effects and gadgets and media

que de cop tenia el Molino

that suddenly had the Mill

sent una sala petita. Clar, de cop i volta

being a small room. Of course, all of a sudden

és meravellós perquè tens la mida

It's wonderful because you have the size.

que necessita l'espectacle.

What the show needs.

Vinga, pantalla de leds, amb un hidràulic,

Come on, LED screen, with a hydraulic system,

tira! I pot ser clar que hi podem fer el que vulguem.

Go ahead! And it can be clear that we can do whatever we want.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Doncs ja dic, un espectacle que va créixer

Well, I say, a show that grew.

amb vosaltres. I tu has dit que havies crescut

with you. And you said that you had grown

amb el Mikado

with the Mikado

i amb una altra companyia, que és la Cubana.

and with another company, which is the Cuban.

La Cubana. Però clar,

La Cubana. But of course,

això era com un somni fet veritat perquè tu vas

this was like a dream come true because you go

entrar a la Cubana.

to enter the Cuban way.

Exacte. Amb el Campanades.

Exactly. With the Chimes.

Clar, això com ho vas viure?

Of course, how did you experience it?

Com va ser la teva entrada a la Cubana?

How was your entry into La Cubana?

Va ser, va ser meravellós.

It was, it was wonderful.

Va ser, l'entrada a la Cubana va ser meravellós

It was, the entrance to the Cubana was wonderful.

i molt dura, al mateix temps.

and very tough, at the same time.

No ho negarem, eh?

We won't deny it, right?

Perquè a més a més va ser el meu primer espectacle així com

Because it was also my first show as well as

com gran,

as great,

amb una companyia gran, anem a dir professional.

with a large company, let's say professional.

Però és veritat que en aquell moment el Jordi Milán,

But it is true that at that moment Jordi Milán,

que jo sempre dic que tinc la gran sort

that I always say I have the great luck

perquè jo considero que el Jordi Milán

because I believe that Jordi Milán

és el meu pare teatral,

he is my theatrical father,

a vegades ho diem amb el Bernat Cot

sometimes we say it with Bernat Cot

que vam entrar els dos junts a fer Campanades de Boada

that we both entered to do the Campanades de Boada together

i hem tingut molta sort que el Jordi Milán

and we have been very lucky that Jordi Milán

ha sigut com el nostre pare teatral

it has been like our theatrical father

i de cop entres a treballar en una companyia com la Cubana

And suddenly you start working in a company like Cubana.

que és una companyia

what is a company

de teatre a teatre

from theatre to theatre

en el que aprens a fer de tot

in which you learn to do everything

i et dóna un bagatge

and gives you a background



Si estimes el teatre és dels millors llocs

If you love theater, it's one of the best places.

on pots anar a petar a la Cubana.

You can go to hang out at La Cubana.

És molt dur perquè fas molta feina,

It's very hard because you do a lot of work,

fas moltes hores,

it's been many hours,

però és meravellós.

but it is wonderful.

Jo és una cosa que la repetiria, però ara mateix.

I would repeat it, but right now.

Em dius vols tornar a fer Campanades de Boada i començar?

Do you want to make Campanades de Boada again and start?

Sí, i torno.

Yes, and I'm coming back.

I torno.

I'm back.

I ho recordo molt emocionant.

I remember it as very exciting.

La Cubana va fer un curs de creació de personatges.

La Cubana held a character creation workshop.

Jo recordo que amb el Víctor,

I remember that with Víctor,

que sempre anem de costat,

that we always stand side by side,

va haver una època

there was a time

que vam enviar currículums a tot arreu.

that we sent resumes everywhere.

I vam enviar un currículum a la Cubana.

I sent a resume to La Cubana.

I em van dir

They told me.

que si de tant en tant

that if from time to time

vols fer algun càsting, busqueu gent,

do you want to do a casting, are you looking for people,

doncs endavant.

so go ahead.

Perquè no, aquí estem.

Because why not, here we are.

Perquè jo al pati de casa faig molts espectacles.

Because I do a lot of shows in my backyard.

Un cop, ben muntó,

Once, quite a lot,

en Comú i el Cocó Negro,

in Common and the Black Cuckoo,

tots fent les vedes per allà,

everyone doing the vines over there,

hi ha un vídeo també,

there is also a video,

ja us el passarem.

We will pass it on to you.

I al cap d'un any d'enviar aquest currículum

And a year after sending this resume

ens van enviar un mail

they sent us an email

dient que fèiem un càsting

saying that we were doing a casting

per fer un curs de creació de personatges.

to take a character creation course.

I justament ens van agafar.

They just caught us.

I vam estar un mes treballant

We worked for a month.

amb el Jordi, amb el Jaume,

with Jordi, with Jaume,

amb el Xavi, que t'explicaven

with Xavi, what were they telling you

totes les tècniques que tenen ells per fer personatges,

all the techniques they have for creating characters,

de cop venia la Cristina

Suddenly, Cristina was coming.

i el Joan Alonso i et vestien

and Joan Alonso dressed you

i el traies a passejar...

and you take him for a walk...

Clar, va ser un mes meravellós.

Of course, it was a wonderful month.

I això es va acabar.

And this is over.

Jo estava fent primer l'Institut del Teatre,

I was first attending the Theatre Institute,

vaig fer aquest mes de...

I did this month of...

L'últim trimestre, un dels tres mesos,

The last quarter, one of the three months,

maig o juny, no ho recordo,

May or June, I don't remember.

va ser aquest curs

it was this course

i després jo no vaig saber res de la Cubana

and then I didn't hear anything from the Cubana

fins al cap d'un any,

until the end of a year,

que sí que estava acabant segon a l'Institut

that I was indeed finishing second at the Institute

i em van trucar.

And they called me.

Per si volia fer càstings per campanades de boda.

In case I wanted to do auditions for wedding bells.

Que també et diré una cosa,

I'll also tell you one thing,

els càstings amb la Cubana

the castings with la Cubana

són els millors càstings

they are the best castings

que he fet a la meva vida,

what have I done with my life,

perquè el Jordi més ho té claríssim,

because Jordi is absolutely certain about it,

que no vol que estiguis nerviós,

that doesn't want you to be nervous,

que t'ho vol poder explicar bé

I want to be able to explain it to you well.

i, escolta, t'ho explico avui,

Yes, listen, I will explain it to you today,

és així que jo vaig estar fent càstings

That's how I was doing auditions.

de campanades de boda des de finals de juny

wedding bells since late June

fins a principis de setembre.

until the beginning of September.

Vaig estar tot l'estiu,

I was there all summer,

que a més a més jo aquella època treballava

that besides I was working at that time

a l'hotel Kruger del Tibidabo,

at the Kruger hotel in Tibidabo,

espantant a gent, que també va ser una època molt divertida,

scaring people, which was also a very fun time,

i anava combinant la feina

I was combining the job.

amb aquest matí me'n vaig a la Cubana

This morning I'm going to the Cubana.

i faig càsting amb el Jordi.

I'm doing casting with Jordi.

Estàs allà treballant i et proposa coses

You're there working and he/she proposes things to you.

i vas jugant i ara vas testa, tal, tal, tal...

And you keep playing and now you go head, such, such, such...

I en aquest procés

And in this process

el Jordi tenia un bolo que havia de fer una cosa a Bellvitge

Jordi had a gig to do something in Bellvitge.

i em va dir, escolta,

and he told me, listen,

tu ets un personatge en aquest bolo.

You are a character in this gig.

I vaig pensar, perfecte.

I thought, perfect.

Llavors al matí jo anava a assajar el bolo

Then in the morning I was going to rehearse the gig.

i a la tarda feia càsting.

And in the afternoon, I was auditioning.

Fins que va arribar aquest bolo de Bellvitge

Until this gig from Bellvitge arrived.

i quan vam acabar, això era a principis de setembre,

and when we finished, it was at the beginning of September,

em va dir, bueno, què estàs fent?

He said to me, well, what are you doing?

Dic, estic treballant aquí i tal dia començo l'institut.

I say, I am working here and on such a day I start high school.

Vale, no ho tinc clar, ja et diré alguna cosa.

Okay, I’m not sure about it, I’ll let you know something.

Dic, vale.

I say, okay.

I jo me'n vaig a treballar al Tibidabo

And I'm going to work at Tibidabo.

i me'n recordo estar pintat de Freddy Krueger,

and I remember being painted as Freddy Krueger,

és que ho recordaré tota la vida,

I will remember it for the rest of my life.

jo pintat de Freddy Krueger, a un descans,

I painted Freddy Krueger, at a rest,

em sona el mòbil, jo agafo i dic, hola,

my mobile rings, I pick it up and say, hello,

jo sóc el Frederic de la Cubana, que el Frederic és de la producció,

I am Frederic from La Cubana, who Frederic is from the production,

diu, escolta, que comencem a assajar el dimarts,

He says, listen, that we start rehearsing on Tuesday.

que el dimarts tens el primer assaig,

that on Tuesday you have the first rehearsal,

aleshores has de venir, primer farem assaig sueltos

Then you have to come, first we will do loose rehearsals.

de personatges, fins al dia no entrem tota la companyia,

of characters, until the day we don't enter the whole company,

i ja tal, tal.

and so on, so forth.

Diu, ah, vale, vale, perfecte.

He says, ah, okay, okay, perfect.

Doncs, val, gràcies.

Well, okay, thank you.

I recordo penjar, girar el cap,

I remember hanging, turning my head,

tenir tots els monstres del Krueger mirant-me

having all the Krueger monsters staring at me

en plan, de què ha passat?

Like, what happened?

I jo dir als nois, crec

And I tell the boys, I think.

que m'han agafat a la Cubana.

that I've been caught by the Cuban.

Perquè clar, és com que no ho tenia com molt clar.

Because, of course, I didn't have it very clear.

De fet, vaig haver d'anar al primer assaig

In fact, I had to go to the first rehearsal.

i dir-li, Jordi, jo això ho faré.

And telling him, Jordi, I will do this.

Diu, sí, sí, això ho faràs tu.

He says, yes, yes, you'll do this.

Perfecte, ja està.

Perfect, it's done.

Van així.

They go like this.

I Campanades va ser meravellós, meravellós.

The bells were wonderful, wonderful.

Vam estar un any al Tívoli, el teatre ple,

We spent a year at the Tívoli, the theater full.

aquell espectacle era una bogeria.

that show was crazy.

20 capemeles amunt i avall,

20 capes up and down,

era una festa.

It was a party.

50.000 canvis de roba, perquè això és una cosa

50,000 clothing changes, because that is one thing.

que tens a la Cubana, que arribes i t'has de canviar

What you have at the Cubana, that you arrive and have to change.

de 50.000 personatges, però meravellós.

of 50,000 characters, but wonderful.

I tornarem d'aquí uns anys, no?

We'll come back in a few years, right?

Tornarem d'aquí uns anys.

We will return in a few years.

A la Cubana, però també

In the Cuban way, but also.

trobem una...

let's find a...

No estaves com a intèrpret, no?

You weren't there as an interpreter, were you?

El 2014, un musical sobre el Harry Potter.

In 2014, a musical about Harry Potter.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Això va ser una cosa molt divertida, que em va proposar

This was something very fun that he/she suggested to me.

la Marina Schiaffino,

Marina Schiaffino,

que en aquell moment estava de directora de l'espectacle,

who was at that moment the director of the show,

i em va dir, escolta,

and he told me, listen,

necessito algú que m'ajudi a fer coreografies.

I need someone to help me make choreographies.

Com ho veus? Vols venir?

How do you see it? Do you want to come?

Ah, dic sí, perfecte.

Ah, I say yes, perfect.

Si tinc temps, poques vegades...

If I have time, very rarely...

M'apunto un bombardeig.

I'll sign up for a bombing.

M'apunto un bombardeig. I com que el material

I'm signing up for a bombing. And since the material...

estava superinteressant

it was super interesting

i era molt divertit,

and it was very fun,

em vaig liar la ment al cap i vaig anar allà

I got my mind tangled up and went there.

a fer coreografies al musical del Harry Potter.

to choreograph in the Harry Potter musical.

Va ser molt divertit.

It was very fun.

I això era un projecte molt petit?

And was this a very small project?

Era una cosa molt petitoneta

It was a very tiny thing.

que feien, crec que l'Alba Grau,

what they were doing, I think it was Alba Grau,

ho portava l'Alba Grau,

it was worn by Alba Grau,

la Marina Schiaffino,

Marina Schiaffino,

i el Pepo, diria que el Pepo també ho portava.

And Pepo, I would say that Pepo was also carrying it.

Ara no ho recordo, però sí, sí.

Now I don't remember it, but yes, yes.

Era una mica també aquesta sensació

It was also a bit of this feeling.

de gent que vol muntar alguna cosa

of people who want to set up something

i es fa.

And it is done.

Es lia la ment al cap i es fa.

The mind gets tangled in the head and it happens.

Amb els recursos que tens i tal...

With the resources you have and such...

De fet, és el que dius, que molts cops fas coses sense cobrar

In fact, it's what you say, that many times you do things without being paid.

i en aquell moment vaig fer-ho sense cobrar

And at that moment I did it without being paid.

ni m'ho plantejava i no ho hauria fet mai.

I wasn't even considering it and I would never have done it.

Vaig fer-ho perquè et ve de gust,

I did it because you feel like it.

perquè creus en el projecte i veus que aquella gent

because you believe in the project and see that those people

està tirant allà endavant i dius

it's pulling up ahead and you say

si puc aportar qualsevol cosa,

if I can contribute anything,

fes-ho perquè ho hem fet tots en algun moment

do it because we have all done it at some point

i tots ho farem en algun moment.

and we will all do it at some point.

I això que dèiem, un projecte petit,

And what we were saying, a small project,

després també un de gran,

then also a big one,

un 2015,

in 2015,

un Shakespeare amb Cole Porter,

a Shakespeare with Cole Porter,

amb ja aquest binomi

with this binomial already

d'Àngel Llàcer i Manu Guix.

of Àngel Llàcer and Manu Guix.



Com es va viure això?

How was this experienced?



A més, mira, ara t'explicaré una anècdota

Furthermore, look, now I'll tell you an anecdote.

que poca gent sap, però...

how few people know, but...

A partir d'ara també ho sabrà tothom.

From now on, everyone will know it too.

Ara ho sabrà tothom.

Now everyone will know.

Resulta que jo, l'Àngel,

It turns out that I, Ángel,

vaig conèixer els càstings del Petit Príncep,

I got to know the auditions for The Little Prince,

que vaig arribar bastant a la final.

that I reached the final quite a bit.

Vaig arribar bastant a la final.

I reached the final quite far.

I arrel d'aquí

And root from here

em va dir, escolta, al final

he told me, listen, in the end

no t'he agafat, crec que la trucada de no

I haven't got you, I think the call is not.

del Petit Príncep és el cop que m'ha trucat més gent

From The Little Prince is the call that has attracted the most people to me.

per dir-me que no, de quin greu, quin greu, quin greu,

to tell me no, how serious, how serious, how serious,

però no pot ser, perquè crec que

but it can't be, because I think that

m'ha trucat l'Àngel, em va trucar la productora,

Angel called me, the producer called me,

em va trucar... I va ser molt malco.

He called me... and he was very rude.

Va ser un no molt bonic, s'ha de dir.

It was not very beautiful, it must be said.

Està bé que passi això.

It is okay for this to happen.

Està molt bé.

It's very good.

Quan et diuen, mira, escolta, és que no,

When they tell you, look, listen, it's just not.

però ens has agradat, ens has agradat el que hem vist,

but we liked you, we liked what we saw,

però al final no has encaixat pel que sigui.

but in the end you haven't fit in for some reason.

Els repartiments són així?

Are the distributions like this?

S'agraeix moltíssim, perquè moltes vegades t'envien

It is greatly appreciated, because many times they send you.

un mail que s'agraeix, però

an email that is appreciated, but

és molt fred, o moltes vegades no saps res

it's very cold, or many times you don't know anything

més d'aquella prova. Fins que es trenen.

more than that test. Until they break.

Fins que es trenen. Vull dir que de cop, rebre

Until they break. I mean that suddenly, receiving

tres trucades dient-te que no, d'aquella

three calls telling you no, from that one

manera tan ben dit i tan maco, va ser

so well said and so beautiful, it was

va ser trist,

it was sad,

perquè no estava a l'espectacle, però va ser molt bonic.

because I wasn't at the show, but it was very beautiful.

I arrel d'aquí

And rooted here

jo vaig audicionar per Fels Miserables.

I auditioned for Les Misérables.

I em van agafar per Fels Miserables.

I was cast as Les Misérables.

I aleshores jo m'anava a Madrid

And then I was going to Madrid.

a fer Miserables.

to make Miserable.

I en aquest

And in this

primer pas, l'Àngel em va trucar i em va dir

the first step, Ángel called me and said

escolta, que no t'has presentat al Montseroll, que estàs enfadat

Listen, you haven't introduced yourself to Montseroll, are you angry?

amb mi. Dic, no home, no, només

with me. I say, no man, no, just

faltaria. Dic, no, no, mira Àngel, m'han agafat

It would be missing. I mean, no, no, look Angel, they've caught me.

per fer els

to make the

Miserables, me'n vaig a Madrid. Ah, que bé, perfecte, escolta,

Miserable, I'm going to Madrid. Ah, how nice, perfect, listen,

fantàstic, disfruta-ho moltíssim, que

fantastic, enjoy it a lot, that

vagi molt bé. I jo m'anava a Madrid

Take care. And I was going to Madrid.

i de cop i volta

all of a sudden

aquesta producció de Miserables es va cancel·lar.

this production of Les Misérables was canceled.

Però a una setmana de començar

But a week before starting.

Sajos, van dir, no es fa.

They said it's not done.

I jo em vaig quedar sense feina.

And I was left without a job.

A més recordo que tenia uns bolos

I also remember that I had some gigs.

i del 18 vaig perdre la veu.

And on the 18th, I lost my voice.

I no podia cantar.

I could not sing.

I de cop

And suddenly

van passar la notícia,

they passed on the news,

es cancel·la la producció i de les primeres persones

the production is cancelled and of the first people

que em va trucar va ser l'Àngel. Com estàs?

The one who called me was Àngel. How are you?

Dic, fatal, bueno. Tens feina?

I say, fatal, good. Do you have work?

Dic, no. Jo encara no he tancat els càstings.

I say no. I still haven't closed the castings.

Vols venir? Si vols

Do you want to come? If you want.

venir, et faig la prova.

come, I'll give you the test.

Dic, sí, sí.

I say, yes, yes.

Si encaixo amb un personatge puc venir? Sí.

If I fit with a character, can I come? Yes.

Diu, t'he de passar el material i

He says, I have to send you the material and

veiem si encaixes i si

let's see if you fit and if

vaig venir, vaig fer càsting

I came, I auditioned.



No, no, no.

No, no, no.

I al final vaig tenir la gran sort

And in the end, I was very lucky.

d'acabar a quadrar i vaig poder

to finish squaring and I was able

entrar a fer la producció del Molseroll

to start the production of the Molseroll

que va ser una festa.

it was a party.

Una festa, va ser divertidíssim.

A party, it was so much fun.

Clar, fer un Shakespeare amb l'Àngel

Of course, to do a Shakespeare with the Angel.

que és una persona de teatre

what is a person from the theatre

que es coneix Shakespeare

What is known about Shakespeare

superbé, amb cançons del

superb, with songs from the

Colport i amb arrenjaments del Manu Guix.

I carry it with arrangements by Manu Guix.

Clar, el teatre nacional era com

Of course, the national theatre was like

què més?

what else?



d'aquestes produccions

of these productions

grans, anem a una producció

Great, let's go to a production.

mitjana segurament

probably average

pels recursos que a vegades es

for the resources that sometimes are

destinen al país, va ser una substitució,

destined for the country, it was a substitution,

no sé si una substitució express, que era

I don’t know if an express substitution, which was

el Sugar, perquè

the Sugar, why

a vegades passen a la professió, que és demà

Sometimes they happen in the profession, which is tomorrow.

tens una setmana?

Do you have a week?

No, no va ser express

No, it wasn't express.

perquè justament ja se sabia

because it was already known

que per la

that for the

durada del Sugar coincidia

the duration of the Sugar coincided

amb el Petit Príncep i com que

with the Little Prince and how

el Xavi Duc no podia faltar

Xavi Duc couldn't miss it.

a aquelles funcions, doncs jo el

to those functions, so I the

cobria, de fet van ser unes

covered, in fact they were some

quantes funcions, en vaig fer 11 o així

how many performances, I did about 11 or so

del personatge

of the character

de Dafne i de Jerry

of Dafne and Jerry

que era divertidíssim.

that it was hilarious.

Amb el Lluís Canet

With Lluís Canet

que era l'alternant també de l'Ivan Lavanda

that he was also Ivan Lavanda's alternate

que era l'altre

that was the other



El recordo,

I remember him/her.

va ser una època molt xula.

It was a very cool time.

Crec que aquell any que vaig

I believe that year I went

agrupar tres musicals

group three musicals

molt diferents

very different

que em van marcar molt,

that left a strong impression on me,

casualment recordo molt aquella època

I casually remember that time very well.

de fer el Molts Rull, de fer el Sugar

to do the Molts Rull, to do the Sugar

el Gaudí, de fer el Rent,

the Gaudí, of doing the Rent,

ara anem al Rent.

Now we are going to Rent.

Has dit diferents i

You have said different and

segur que és el que falta.

sure it's what’s missing.

Un Rent

A Rent

en català a l'aliança de Poblenou

in Catalan to the Poblenou alliance

i que una mica neix

and that a little is born

amb aquest concepte de liar-se la manta

with this concept of rolling up the blanket

al cap.

to the head.

N'he anat parlant

I have been talking about it.

amb gent que havia participat

with people who had participated

en diferents papers

in different roles

d'aquest espectacle i és

of this show and it is

volem fer això? Hola,

do we want to do this? Hello,

Musical Theatre, ho podem fer?

Musical Theatre, can we do it?

Quant val fer això?

How much does it cost to do this?

Fem-ho? Una mica va sortir així.

Shall we do it? It came out like this a bit.



I jo crec que a més a més aquest Rent

And I think that furthermore this Rent

em va donar com la visió

it gave me like the vision

d'una gran liada manta al cap.

of a big mess blanket on the head.

Tu quan lies la manta al cap dius

When you lie under the blanket, you say

jo he arribat fins aquí, però de cop veus

I have arrived so far, but suddenly you see

unes persones que es lien la manta al cap

some people who wrap the blanket around their head

i arriben moltíssim més enllà

and they reach far beyond

a l'horitzó fa

on the horizon it does





he de dir que el recordo

I have to say that I remember him.

que és un musical que

what is a musical that

sempre que el veig m'agrada moltíssim

Whenever I see him/her, I like him/her a lot.

i em posa molt la pell de gallina

and it gives me goosebumps.

però recordo que fer-lo va ser molt dur.

but I remember that doing it was very hard.

El recordo molt dur de fer.

I remember it very hard to do.

Maco, eh? Però sí que hi ha un punt que sempre

Nice, eh? But there is always a point that...

que penso en el Rent recordo

When I think of the Rent, I remember.

que a més jo feia un tracte

that moreover I made a deal

d'ensemble que a vegades


no està prou valorat a l'ensemble d'un musical

it is not valued enough in the context of a musical

sempre pensem en els protes i sobretot en Rent

we always think about the protagonists and especially about Rent

que són com els que porten la funció

they are like those who carry the function

però en aquest cas tot l'ensemble del Rent

but in this case all the ensemble of the Rent

era molt dur de fer

it was very hard to do

perquè les cançons passaves d'estar

Because the songs went from being.

de no cantar res a cantar coses

from not singing anything to singing things

molt intenses, molt agudes

very intense, very sharp

segments de cantar molt

singing segments a lot

i recordo que és dels primers

I remember that he is one of the first.

cops que he notat

hits that I have noticed

la veu cansada

the tired voice

la veu cansada, però tot i així

the tired voice, but still

també ho faria 50.000 vegades

I would do it 50,000 times too.

recordo molt, a més a més

I remember a lot, moreover.

quan et lies la manta

when you lie under the blanket

al cap passa una cosa

something happens at the head

que és que es fa molta pinya amb tota la gent

It means that a strong bond is formed with all the people.

que està fent aquell projecte

What is that project doing?

i això sempre marca moltíssim

and this always matters a lot

i que moltes vegades també és

and that many times it also is



no és una garantia

it is not a guarantee

perquè allò pugui acabar de fluir

so that it can finally flow

però és important

but it is important

jo crec que els espectacles

I believe that the shows

que creen una companyia que està compacta

that create a company that is compact

i que hi ha un vincle

and that there is a bond

crec que això traspassa el públic sempre

I believe this always transcends the audience.

crec que és una cosa que per exemple l'Àngel ho fa molt bé

I think it's something that, for example, Àngel does very well.

l'Àngel aconsegueix fer espectacles de gran format

Àngel manages to put on large-scale shows.

però si hi ha unes companyies

but if there are some companies

que hi ha un vincle tan heavy

that there is such a heavy bond

crec que això sempre traspassa la barrera

I think this always crosses the barrier.

i sí que és veritat que amb els muntatges

And it is true that with the montages

de petit format, amb els que són més una cosa

small format, with those that are more of a thing

de liars de la manta al cap

from liars with a blanket over their head

es genera més de forma natural

it is generated more naturally

aquest vincle

this link

per exemple en el cas de l'Àngel

for example in the case of Àngel

és un dels grans mèrits

it is one of the great merits

que té

what does it have

a part de ser un gran director

besides being a great director

i una gran persona de teatre

and a great person of the theater



que per molt que estiguis fent

that no matter how much you are doing

una producció gran

a large production

no ets un número més

you are not just a number

ets un membre més de la companyia

you are another member of the company

i aquella companyia és una cosa compacta

and that company is a compact thing

que fa que aquella energia

that makes that energy

traspassi fins a la fila 20

transfer up to row 20

del teatre on estàs

from the theater where you are

és vital

it is vital

una altra companyia

another company

on segur que no eres un número més

I'm sure you are not just a number.

perquè a més ja havies participat

because you had already participated

la Cubana

the Cuban

tornem amb el Gente bien

we return with the Gente bien

que sempre dic que allà va ser un espectacle

I always say that it was a show over there.

on potser el primer

or perhaps the first

molta gent el coneixia per l'obra

many people knew him for his work

de Santiago Rosiñol

of Santiago Rusiñol

però el mestre Vives

but Master Vives

va fer una partitura

he made a score

que jo sempre li dic un dia l'heu de fer

that I always tell him one day you have to do it

tal qual sense els entrebancs

just as it is without the obstacles

que tenen els espectacles de la Cubana

what the shows of La Cubana have

i que formen la marca de la casa

and that form the hallmark of the house

per aquella partitura

for that score

era brillant

it was brilliant

a mi el Joan Vives composant m'agrada moltíssim

I like Joan Vives' compositions very much.

començant pel Cau de mil secrets

starting with the Den of a Thousand Secrets

o seguint pels 50 milions de segons que ha fet la Cantania

or following the 50 million seconds that Cantania has made

són coses que jo sempre dic

These are things I always say.

Joan jo m'ho escolto

Joan, I listen to it.

jo m'ho compro i m'ho escolto

I buy it and listen to it.

perquè m'agraden molt les cançons

because I really like songs

que quan arriba amb la partitura de Gente bien

that when he arrives with the score of Gente bien

allò era un regal

that was a gift

allò cantalló era un disfrute

that little corner was a delight

a vegades quan les veus estan ben fetes

sometimes when the voices are well done

són tan fàcils

they are so easy

que te la toques un cop la veus

that you touch it once you see it

i ja està ja hi vas

And that's it, you're already going.

i el Gente bien era fàcil de cantar

And the Gente bien was easy to sing.

jo sempre ho dic que vaig tenir moltíssima sort

I always say that I was very lucky.

perquè es van ajuntar les meves dues grans passions

because my two great passions came together

que eren els musicals i la Cubana

what the musicals and la Cubana were

que eren un espectacle

that they were a spectacle

i jo vaig ser vamos

and I was like, let's go

a més amb un espectacle de gran format

in addition with a large format show

que era dedicat al gran públic

that was aimed at the general public

amb un terreny estrany

with a strange terrain

que és el gran públic

what is the general public

però ens entenem que és el gran públic

but we understand that it is the general public

el concepte que tenim de gran públic

the concept we have of the general public

i a més a més que hi havia capes

and besides that there were layers

perquè hi havia

because there was

què passava amb la llengua

what was happening with the language

amb el català i el castellà

with Catalan and Spanish

que això ja ve de temps ençà

that this has been going on for some time now



i què passa també

And what happens too?

amb el teatre musical

with musical theatre

que a vegades és l'espectacle

that sometimes it is the show

de les carres que entren

of the streets that enter

els decorats que pugen i baixen

the sets that go up and down

però a més a més aquí hi hauria d'haver un actor

but in addition there should be an actor here

exacte a part de tot l'artifici

exactly apart from all the artifice

què passa amb la història

What happened to the story?

crec que és un espectacle

I think it's a show.

que a la Cubana

that in the Cuban style

no li agrada gaire recuperar

he doesn't like recovering much

malgrat que vas recuperar el coco

despite the fact that you recovered the coconut

el Jordi sempre ens diu que cada espectacle

Jordi always tells us that each show

és de cada moment

it is of every moment

sempre hi ha teatre

there is always theater

sempre es parla del teatre

they always talk about the theater

en aquest

in this

jo crec que se'n parla molt

I think there is a lot of talk about it.

i que analitzant-lo potser et podries conèixer molt bé

and by analyzing it, you might get to know yourself very well

l'ofici teatral

the theatrical profession

perquè està centrat en el teatre

because it is focused on theater

molts cops a la Cubana parlen del teatre

Many times in Cuba they talk about theatre.

que et trobes a la vida

what do you find in life

del teatre que pot haver-hi en un casament

of the theater that can be present at a wedding

del teatre que pot haver-hi

of the theatre that may exist

que és totalment cert

that is totally true

el Jordi ho diu i té tota la raó del món

Jordi says it and he is absolutely right.

vas al mercat i cada paradeta és una obra de teatre

you go to the market and each stall is a play

d'aquella senyora venent el que t'ha de vendre

of that lady selling you what she has to sell

en aquest cas era centrar-te

in this case it was to focus on you

en el teatre un altre cop i centrar-te en l'ofici

in the theater once again and focus on the craft

i posant tots aquests temes

and putting all these topics

sobre la taula

on the table

era divertidíssim

it was hilarious

jo recordo que gent de Vient

I remember that people from Vient

molt cansat

very tired

crec que és de l'espectacle a la Cubana

I think it's from the show at la Cubana.

que ha fet més personatges

that has created more characters

que més metros de velcro s'han gastat pels canvis ràpids

how many meters of Velcro have been used for the quick changes

perquè en teníem

because we had them

en teníem moltíssims

we had a lot of them

i més llapis d'ulls he gastat

and I've used more eyeliner

per pintar-me

to paint me

i tovalloletes per desmaquillar-me

and makeup remover wipes



el recordo moltíssim

I remember him/her very much.

sobretot perquè tenia com molts elements que m'agradaven molt

especially because it had many elements that I liked a lot

la partitura del Vives era fantàstica

the score by Vives was fantastic

tot el joc que plantejava el Jordi

the whole game that Jordi proposed

de trencar la funció

to break the function

a més a més el Jordi va incorporar petits homenatges

Furthermore, Jordi included small tributes.

de la Cubana

of the Cuban

dintre de l'espectacle

within the show

clar que jo com a fan de la Cubana

Of course, as a fan of La Cubana.

de cop em podia posar

suddenly I could get up

un vestit

a dress

d'abneris de la nit d'òpera

of Abner is the night of opera

i clar de cop passava fent un cameo

And suddenly, I was just passing by making a cameo.

i clar jo era feliç

And of course I was happy.

amb el vestit de l'Estrellita Verdiales

with the dress of Estrellita Verdiales

que passava

what was happening

clar hi havia tota cosetes que com a fan

Of course, there were all sorts of little things that like fans.

jo ja ho disfrutava

I was already enjoying it.

a més amb tots els referents musicals

in addition with all the musical references

que me'ls estimo i els adoro i me'ls conec

that I love them and adore them and I know them

ja era perfecte

it was already perfect

i clar d'això que has dit ara de la Cubana

And of course about what you just said about La Cubana.

saltant una mica en el temps

jumping a little in time

també devies gaudir d'una raritat

you must have also enjoyed a rarity

en l'aniversari

on the anniversary

que es va fer recordar

that made [someone] remember

l'enterrat a Sitges

the buried one in Sitges



va ploure tot el dia

It rained all day.

menys en el moment

except at the moment

de l'actuació

of the performance

va ser meravellós

it was wonderful

també recordo molt la trucada del Jordi

I also remember Jordi's call very well.

escolta vull fer això i vull que cantis aquesta cançó

Listen, I want to do this and I want you to sing this song.

i dic

I say

doncs que no m'ho has de dir dos vegades

then you don't have to tell me twice

si cal deixo feines per fer-ho

If necessary, I will leave jobs to do it.

perquè em fa moltíssima il·lusió

because it makes me very excited

aquella exposició va ser preciosa

that exhibition was beautiful

aquell tinglador que teníem muntat a Sitges

that tent we had set up in Sitges

per fer l'aniversari de la Cubana

to celebrate the anniversary of La Cubana

era preciós

it was beautiful

la inauguració, l'estrena i va celebrar

the inauguration, the premiere and celebrated


the anniversary

i va posar Seixell Cubana

and put Seixell Cubana



i no va ser una cosa fàcil

and it was not an easy thing

perquè recordo que jo feia com dos números

because I remember that I used to do like two numbers

un primer cantava

a first was singing

una cançó del terrat

a song from the rooftop

de l'exposició

from the exhibition

i mentre jo acabava de cantar

and while I had just finished singing

hi havia una companyia de dansa

there was a dance company

que baixava ballant per un carrer

that was dancing down a street

i després pujàvem a l'altre terrat

and then we climbed to the other rooftop

i fèiem un altre número

we did another number

un vídeo d'això també

a video of this too

saltava corrents una balla

a fence was jumped over quickly

baixava uns graons de 5 en 5

went down a few steps five at a time

sortia corrents pel carrer

ran out into the street

anava donant la volta corrents

was running around in circles

per colar-me camuflat entre el grup de dansa

to blend in camouflaged among the dance group

que entrava a l'altra casa

that was entering the other house

per poder pujar a l'altre terrat

to be able to go up to the other roof

que anava deixant peces de roba per entre mig

that was leaving pieces of clothing scattered everywhere

i anava canviant per les escales

I was changing on the stairs.

per arribar a fer la còria final

to reach the final score

de l'altre terrat

from the other rooftop

que era la cançó final de Campanades de Boda

What was the final song of Wedding Bells?

i clar, inevitablement

and of course, inevitably

era un sentiment nostàlgic de tornar a cantar allò

It was a nostalgic feeling to sing that again.

La Cubana

The Cuban

i hem parlat del Mostroroll

and we talked about the Mostroroll

són grans formats

they are large formats

però també hi va haver un espectacle

but there was also a show

jo el recordo del teatre Regina

I remember him from the Regina theater.

d'Unilla del Tresor

of Unilla del Tresor

clar, això era molt petit

of course, that was very small

però recordo el Regina molt transformat

but I remember the Regina very transformed

amb totes les lianes

with all the vines

amb els acústics 5

with the acoustics 5

els acústics 5

the acoustics 5

com el recordes això?

How do you remember this?

perquè clar, éreu 5

because of course, there were 5 of you

va ser molt divertit

it was very fun

justament ells tenien un projecte

they actually had a project

van fer un CD

they made a CD

amb tot de cançons molt xules

with all very cool songs

que va composar l'Oriol Pedrós

that was composed by Oriol Pedrós

i les lletres eren del Dani

and the letters were from Dani.

i ells tenien aquest projecte

and they had this project

i van voler fer l'espectacle

and they wanted to put on the show

vinculat al CD

linked to the CD

i llavors li van proposar al Víctor

and then they proposed to Víctor

si el volia dirigir

if he wanted to lead it

i a mi si volia fer com de narrador

and if he wanted to make me as a narrator

i portava

and I was carrying

com uns quants personatges

with a few characters

i anava com conduint la història

I was going as if driving the story.

i com que ens agrada liar

And since we like to get tangled up.

no us levanta el cap

don't raise your head

doncs vam dir que si

so we said yes

i ens hi vam posar

and we got to work on it.

va ser molt divertit

it was very fun

va ser el primer cop que vaig treballar al Regina

It was the first time I worked at the Regina.

no coneixia l'espai

I didn't know the space.

em va encantar

I loved it.

primer pel lloc on està

first for the place where it is

que estàs com una mica al cor de Barcelona

that you are somewhat in the heart of Barcelona

frontera entre Gràcia i Eixample

border between Gràcia and Eixample

és una zona com que

it's an area like that

que ve com molt de gust d'anar-hi a treballar

that comes with great pleasure to go there to work

té aquest punt familiar de teatre familiar

it has this familiar aspect of family theater

i amb ells

and with them

em vaig portar molt bé

I behaved very well.

va ser molt divertit

it was very fun

i a més teníem una anècdota

And moreover, we had an anecdote.

que a mi sempre em van dir

that they always told me

Oriol tu aquí tindràs una cançó

Oriol, you will have a song here.

i aquella cançó al final no va arribar mai

And that song never arrived in the end.

no va haver-hi cançó

there was no song

i jo dic home no tinc cançó

And I say man, I don't have a song.

i llavors vam incorporar un gag

And then we included a gag.

que és que l'última cançó de l'espectacle

What is the last song of the show?

sempre semblava que l'anava a cantar jo

It always seemed that I was going to sing it.

i sempre m'anaven tallant tots

And they were always cutting me off.

perquè jo no podia tenir la meva cançó

because I couldn't have my song

i els meus nebots que eren petits quan van venir

and my nephews who were little when they came

van sortir i estaven molt enfadats

they went out and they were very angry

amb la companyia

with the company

és que no heu deixat cantar el meu tiet

it's that you haven't let my uncle sing

i dic no però és que era una broma

I say no but it was just a joke.

estaven enfadadíssims

they were very angry

El 2020 trobem el

In 2020 we find the

Ordinar i lleis

Ordinary and laws

amb la versió en castellà

with the version in Spanish

que ja s'havia fet aquí

that had already been done here

la versió catalana

the Catalan version

i aquí estem potser molt acostumats

And here we are perhaps very accustomed.

a això de dir ara no us levanta el cap

to this of saying now does not lift your head

no sé si encara encetarem l'etapa de Madrid

I don't know if we will still start the stage in Madrid.

no sé si allà

I don't know if there.

ha arribat més tard o arriba menys

has arrived later or arrives less

o és perquè no ens arriben tantes coses

or is it because we don't receive so many things

però perquè

but why

amb la web que ens dediquem a documentar

with the website that we dedicate ourselves to documenting

a Catalunya hi ha moltíssimes

In Catalonia, there are a lot of.

produccions aquestes de petit format

productions of this small format

que a vegades si no estàs molt al cas

that sometimes if you're not very aware

ja t'han passat per alt

they have already overlooked you

no sé si a Madrid també

I don't know if in Madrid too.

n'hi ha tantes o són els catalans que estan a Madrid

There are so many of them or are the Catalans in Madrid?

que fan aquestes?

What are they doing?

Sí que és veritat que a Madrid

It is true that in Madrid

hi ha molta producció de microteatre

there is a lot of microtheater production

de coses de text

of text things

però musical de petit format

but small format musical

que just ara es comencen

that just now are beginning

a animar

to encourage

sí que és veritat que a Barcelona

it is true that in Barcelona

en aquest aspecte va molt més avançat

in this aspect it is much more advanced

i hi ha moltes més companyies

And there are many more companies.

i es porta fent des de fa molt més temps

and it has been done for much longer

que a Madrid

that in Madrid

de fet quan vam estrenar

in fact when we premiered

Ordinary Days a Madrid

Ordinary Days in Madrid

vam fer els dies normales a Madrid

we had the normal days in Madrid

era una de les coses

it was one of the things

que posaves com a reclam

that you used as a lure

que és una cosa que no es fa

what is something that is not done

que es considerava que era una cosa nova

that was considered to be a new thing

de petit format

small format

no n'hi havien gaires

there weren't many of them

passava com molt d'antanant

it happened like a long time ago

i era una cosa que estava

and it was something that was

potser dos dies, tres dies

maybe two days, three days

però intentar fer una temporada sencera d'un mes cada dilluns

but to try to do a whole season of one month every Monday

perquè clar, a més a més nosaltres en aquella època

because clearly, besides, we at that time

tot el repetiment fèiem musicals de gran format

All the repetition we did was large-scale musicals.

per tant només agafàvem el dilluns

therefore we only took the Monday

que és el dia de festa

what is the holiday

ens trobàvem i fèiem Ordinary Days

we met and made Ordinary Days

al Teatre Alcalá

at the Alcalá Theatre

i Madrid sí que hi ha una gran producció

Yes, there is a large production in Madrid.

de gran format

large format

amb un espectacle rècord

with a record show

que tu hi vas estar

that you were there

fent de Zazu

playing as Zazu

i cover d'Scar

I cover of Scar

que és el Rei Llou

what is the Lion King

la versió en castellà de Lion King

the Spanish version of Lion King

entrar en un espectacle

to enter a show

en l'engranatge d'aquest espectacle

in the machinery of this show

i a més un espectacle

and also a spectacle

que és referent

what is referent

segurament tu l'havies anat a Londres

surely you had gone to London

o a Nova York

or to New York

a veure'l

let's see him

com és això?

What is this like?

és d'aquells moments

it's one of those moments

conscients una miqueta

a little bit aware

jo recordo

I remember

també em vaig rebre una trucada

I also received a call.

d'estem renovant

we are renewing ourselves

el repartiment del Rei León

the cast of The Lion King

i ens agradaria que vinguessis

and we would like you to come

a fer un càsting per provar el Zazu

to do a casting to try out for the Zazu

un càsting que potser era amb 24 nois

a casting that might have been with 24 boys

que anaven passant per grupets de 4

that were passing by in groups of 4

lo típic que em passa a mi sempre

the typical thing that always happens to me

que els coneixen ja ho diuen

Those who know them already say so.

tu sempre dius allò de no t'agafaran

you always say that they won't catch you

ni t'agafen

they don't catch you

i vam fer una primera prova

and we did a first test

d'aquesta prova vam quedar-ne 4

From this test, we were left with 4.

i vam fer un workshop

and we held a workshop

que aquí ja sí que vam pujar a l'escenari

that here we really did get on stage

ens van deixar el pàpet

they left us the puppet

del tattoo

of the tattoo

perquè ells valoren molt

because they value a lot

quina habilitat tens

what skill do you have



perquè no és fàcil

because it is not easy

de cop i volta has de tenir moltes coses en compte

Suddenly, you have to take a lot of things into account.

i et fan com una preparació

and they make you like a preparation

des de fora em dóna la sensació

from the outside it gives me the feeling

que és una d'aquelles coses que ha de semblar molt fàcil

it is one of those things that must seem very easy

però que no ho és

but that it is not

no ho és gens

it is not at all

per què?


per què he de tenir això aquí?

Why do I have to have this here?

i al final te l'acabes estimant

and in the end, you end up loving it


very much

fins i tot et preparen per fer el càsting

they even prepare you for the casting

no és que et diguin agafa-li i fes la prova

It's not that they tell you to take it and do the test.

estàs una setmana fent el workshop

you are doing the workshop for a week

que t'ensenyen com funciona

that teach you how it works

perquè tu treballis

so that you work

i al final de setmana fas l'audició

And at the end of the week, you have the audition.

i d'aquesta audició encara

and of this audition still

dels 4 vam quedar-ne 2

Of the 4, 2 were left.

que vam ser el Marc Gomes i jo

that we were Marc Gomes and I

amics de tota la vida

friends for life

i vam anar a Londres

and we went to London

a fer el càsting final

to do the final casting

perquè clar, el Celri i Leon no trien els d'aquí

because, of course, Celri and Leon don't choose those from here

trien els directius de Broadway

They elect the Broadway executives.

perquè és franquícia

because it is a franchise

aleshores és el que ells diuen

then it is what they say

vam haver d'anar que els de Disney i de Broadway

we had to go with the Disney and Broadway people

diguessin qui agafaven

they said who they were taking

si el Marc o a mi

if Marc or me

o vam anar-hi amb dos nois

or we went there with two boys

que anaven per fer de Timon

that they were going to play Timon

vam fer el viatge

we made the trip

recordo molt entrar a una sala

I remember very well entering a room.

que entraves i posava assaig de Way 3 cap allà

that you were entering and putting Way 3 rehearsal over there

assaig de Wicked cap aquí

Wicked rehearsal coming here

càsting de Ray Leon cap allà

casting of Ray Leon over there

dic, bueno, però quan acabi passaré a veure aquell assaig

I say, well, but when I'm done, I'll come by to see that rehearsal.

a veure què estan fent

let's see what they are doing

i arribava un camió on hi van descarregar

and a truck arrived where they unloaded

dos pàpets del Timon

two puppets from Timon

un per cada noi i dos caixes

one for each boy and two boxes

amb els tazus

with the mugs

un pel Marc i un per mi perquè poguéssim practicar

One for Marc and one for me so we could practice.

per fer la prova

to take the test

i arrel d'aquí els dos dies em van trucar

And as a result, they called me two days later.

dient que entrava jo

saying that I was entering

i vaig dir, som-hi

I said, let’s go.

i cap a Madrid assajar moltes, moltes, moltes hores

And I go to Madrid to rehearse many, many, many hours.

sí que es fa una cosa molt interessant al Ray Leon

Yes, something very interesting is done at Ray Leon.

que és que a cada final de temporada fan una cosa

What is it that they do something at the end of each season?

que es diu el cast change

what is the cast change called

que durant una setmana, o sigui tota la gent

that for a week, in other words, all the people

que entra nova es prepara junta

that enters new is prepared together

en el meu cas va ser molt xulo

In my case, it was very cool.

perquè vam entrar molts nous

because we let many new ones in

va entrar el Pito Manovens a fer d'escar

Pito Manovens came in to act as a scarecrow.

entrava la Fela a fer de Nala

Fela entered to play Nala.

entrava jo a fer d'assassú, entraven tot de gent

I was coming in to be a hitman, everyone was coming in.

a fer d'ensembles i coses vàries

to make ensembles and various things

vam ser com un grup de potser 13 persones

We were like a group of maybe 13 people.

que entravem juntes

that we would enter together

i venen els americans

And the Americans come.

assages amb ells, t'expliquen totes les marques

You spend time with them, they explain all the brands to you.

perquè de cop i volta

because suddenly

les franquícies el que tenen

the franchises what they have

és una miqueta com jugar als barcos

it's a little bit like playing battleships

com si diguéssim, t'expliquen les marques

as if we were saying, they explain the brands to you

i els llocs on has d'anar

and the places you have to go

i dintre aquest espai de marques on t'has de moure

and within this space of marks where you have to move

tu com a actor tens un espai

you as an actor have a space

per crear una miqueta

to create a little bit

un altre, jo crec, regal com a actor

Another, I believe, gift as an actor.

si és que es pot dir regal

if it can be called a gift

perquè també és una feina important

because it is also an important job

va ser Matilda

It was Matilda.

no sé com et recordes

I don't know how you remember.

o quina va ser la teva sensació al veure't

Oh, what was your feeling when you saw yourself?

amb tota

with all

aquell artifici que té

that device that you have

la Trunxwell, no?

the Trunxwell, right?

aquell lleig que estava

that ugly one that was

prou orgullós que ho dius, no?

Proud enough that you say so, right?

sí, sí, sí

yes, yes, yes

va ser un gust fer la Trunxwell

It was a pleasure to do the Trunxwell.



esgotador, recordo la Trunxwell

exhausting, I remember Trunxwell

molt cansada, perquè a més a més

very tired, because moreover

clar, portaves tota aquella botarga

of course, you were carrying that whole clown suit

amb aquells pits, aquella cadera, aquella jepa

with those breasts, that hip, that hunch

aquelles botes

those boots

que et fan més alt

that make you taller

era tot un engorro

it was such a hassle

però he de dir que a mi els engorros m'agraden

but I have to say that I like the annoyances

a mi com que ja venia del Rei León

For me, since I already came from The Lion King.

que la roba no era gens fàcil

that the clothing was not easy at all

t'ho anava a dir perquè recordo alguns dels actors

I was going to tell you because I remember some of the actors.

que han passat per la vella i la bèstia

what have passed through the old and the beast

que encara el seu cos recorda

that her body still remembers

coses del vestuari

things of the wardrobe

ho recordes absolutament, el Rei León tot pesa moltíssim

You absolutely remember, The Lion King weighs a lot.

jo feia de Zazú

I used to be Zazú.

i el meu traje pesava 8 kilos

And my suit weighed 8 kilos.

aquella jaqueta era posar-te-la i dir

that jacket was putting it on and saying

no puc respirar

I can't breathe.

i era una jaqueta, com feies Descartes

And it was a jacket, like you did Descartes.

que et posaves aquella armatòstica

what you were putting on that bulky thing

que em pesava 18 o més

that weighed 18 or more

ja venia acostumat d'aquí

I was already used to this.

la Trunxwell sí que era una mica engorrosa

the Trunxwell was indeed a bit cumbersome

perquè en el fons era tubeta

because deep down it was a tube

la vas fer per tot arreu

you did it everywhere

encara tot és puma

still everything is puma

la vas fer per tot arreu

you did it everywhere

i això sí que era un personatge que demanava

And this was indeed a character that demanded.

moltíssima energia

a lot of energy


very much

una impostació de la veu molt forta

a very strong voice modulation



i era cansat

and was tired

a més a més em van ensenyar a fer una acrobàcia

Moreover, they taught me to do a trick.

que jo soc bastant negat

that I am quite negative

i de cop em van dir

And suddenly they told me.

has de fer un León

You have to make a lion.

i vas a trampolí

and you go to the diving board

passes volant per sobre del potro

you fly over the horse

i cal fer una tombarella

We need to make a turn.

i dic molt bé

I say very well.


let's go

em vaig passar tot un estiu fent-ho

I spent the whole summer doing it.

amb la broma

with the joke

enviava vídeos a casa

I was sending videos home.

mireu soc olímpic

look, I am an Olympic athlete

tot el procés de

the entire process of

he saltat i m'he aguantat sobre del potro

I have jumped and held on to the horse.



ara i el salto de llarg

now and the long jump

era un procés molt divertit

it was a very fun process

i treballar amb els 64 nens que hi havia

and work with the 64 children that were there

de cop és una cosa que jo no la contemplava

All of a sudden, it's something I didn't consider.

perquè fins ara sempre havia treballat

because until now I had always worked

en companyies amb adults

in companies with adults

el rei León però tenia dos nens

The Lion King but had two boys.

no eren 64

they were not 64

i de cop i volta a Matilda

And suddenly to Matilda

jo els adults no els vaig conèixer

I didn't know the adults.

fins que vam entrar a l'escenari

until we entered the stage

perquè els meus assajos de sala d'assaig

because my rehearsal room rehearsals

eren tots amb els nens

they were all with the children

i la Allende Blanco que feia de senyorita Honey

and Allende Blanco who played Miss Honey

però els adults no els vaig conèixer

but I didn't meet the adults.

fins molt endavant

until much later

i de cop tens 64 nens

And suddenly you have 64 kids.

segons tocava

as it should have been

i havies d'estar una mica

you had to be a little bit



perquè cada un tenia la seva coseta

because each one had their little thing

he de dir que eren xorrades

I have to say that they were nonsense.

perquè eren nens

because they were children

que anaven però com militars

they were going but like soldiers

jo no he vist tanta disciplina

I have not seen such discipline.

darrere un escenari com aquests nens

behind a stage like these children

ni jo soc tan disciplinat com aquests nens

nor am I as disciplined as these kids

darrere un escenari, espectacular

behind a stage, spectacular

i combinant amb aquesta etapa també de Madrid

and combining with this stage also in Madrid

hi ha alguns projectes de gran format

there are some large-scale projects

que són amb els de Nostromo Life

what are with those from Nostromo Life

La Jaula de les Locres

The Cage of the Locusts

per exemple

for example

que crec que és el gran èxit de la productora

which I believe is the great success of the producer

i que a més recordo

and that I also remember

la roda de premsa

the press conference

l'Àngel Llàcer diu

Angel Llàcer says

hi ha unes funcions que no en faig jo

there are some functions that I don't do

perquè no sé si ho sabeu

because I don't know if you know it

que això en els musicals hi ha covers

that there are covers in musicals

hi ha swings, hi ha tot de noms estranys

there are swings, there are all kinds of strange names

allò que ho explica d'aquesta manera

that which explains it in this way

i vaig pensar

I thought.

ho ha de fer algú que ho faci bé

Someone has to do it who does it well.

quan la gent que vingui no em vegi millor

when the people who come don’t see me better

aquest algú era l'Oriol Borrés

this someone was Oriol Borrés

aquest algú era jo

this someone was me

no sé si això és posar pressió

I don’t know if this is putting pressure.

o jugar conjuntament

or play together

no, jugar conjuntament sempre

no, always play together

amb l'Àngel és una gran sort

Being with Àngel is a great luck.

que he tingut

that I have had

de poder compartir aquest personatge amb ell

to be able to share this character with him

amb tota la llibertat

with all the freedom

que m'ha donat perquè en el primer moment

that has given me because at the first moment

em va donar molta llibertat

he gave me a lot of freedom

per poder-lo crear

to be able to create it

per poder jugar

to be able to play

després ell té una habilitat molt gran

afterwards he has a very great skill

per moldejar-te i fer-te treure les coses

to shape you and make you take things out

a favor i acaba de crear

in favor and has just created

aquesta Zaza

this Zaza

i després a partir d'aquí

and then from here on

va ser un procés molt interessant perquè

it was a very interesting process because

jo vaig muntar l'espectacle perquè ell el pogués dirigir

I set up the show so that he could direct it.

i les últimes setmanes ell va entrar

And in the last few weeks, he entered.

de base copiava el que jo feia

She basically copied what I did.

però ell anava afegint coses

but he was adding things

i aleshores jo l'anava incorporant

and then I was incorporating it

i aleshores anava creant un híbrid

And then I was creating a hybrid.



d'aquest personatge

of this character

clar, també té una part dura

of course, it also has a tough side.

perquè de cop i volta es veus l'Àngel fent allò

because all of a sudden you see the Angel doing that

i jo m'acollonia, dic demà ho he de fer jo

And I'm getting anxious, I say I have to do it tomorrow.

aquest home és un màquina

this man is a machine

com he de sortir jo ara a fer aquest personatge

How am I supposed to go out now to play this character?

jo la Zaza la vaig disfrutar moltíssim

I enjoyed Zaza very much.

moltíssim, he de dir que sempre estaré

very much, I have to say that I will always be

superagraït de que volguessin

super grateful that they wanted to

comptar amb mi per fer aquest espectacle

count on me to do this show

perquè sí que crec que

because I do believe that

és un d'aquells punts d'inflexió

it's one of those turning points

no et diré la meva carrera

I won't tell you my career.

et diré la meva vida

I will tell you my life.

la Zaza va ser

the Zaza was

jo crec que és una cosa que m'ha marcat molt

I think it's something that has marked me a lot.

i tot aquest procés

and this entire process

de poder treballar

to be able to work

tant amb l'Àngel com amb el Manu

both with Àngel and with Manu

com amb el Jordi, com amb la Núria

like with Jordi, like with Núria

són un equip

they are a team

meravellós i he tingut la gran sort

wonderful and I have been very lucky

que han sigut casa meva

that have been my home

durant tres produccions

during three productions

i és un gust

and it is a pleasure

que en vinguin moltes més

may many more come

que de fet ara hi arribarem

that in fact, we will arrive there now

però en vindran

but they will come

però de moment anem a que plogui

but for now let's hope it rains

sobre l'escenari

on stage

com es vivia tota aquesta

how was all this lived

cosa del cantando

thing of the singing

el cantando és un clàssic

The singing is a classic.

que l'havia vist 50.000 vegades

that he had seen it 50,000 times

i és una música que a mi em fascina

And it is a music that fascinates me.

recordo molt veure l'espectacle a Londres

I remember seeing the show in London very much.

amb la meva mare a la fila 3

with my mother in row 3

que havíem sortit xops

that we had come out wet

és veritat que a Londres

it's true that in London

en el número mullaven

in the number they soaked

mullaven i recordo sortir xops

they would soak and I remember coming out drenched

amb aquell fred que feia a Londres a l'hivern

with that cold it was in London in winter

i de cop poder-lo fer

and suddenly being able to do it

és meravellós

it's marvelous

va ser molt interessant

it was very interesting

jo recordo molt

I remember a lot.

el terra que relliscava moltíssim

the floor that was very slippery

hi havia com dues parts del terra

there were like two parts of the ground

hi havia un terra que era com més normal

there was a land that was more normal

però la part on plovia

but the part where it was raining

l'acabat de la fusta

the finish of the wood

era una pista de gel

it was an ice rink

aleshores tu sorties allà pensant

then you went out there thinking

que no caigui ningú

let no one fall

de fet teníem un marcador a dintre

In fact, we had a marker inside.

de caigudes

of falls

i sempre dèiem la broma

And we always said the joke.

a qui caigui més vegades

to whom it may concern

se li paga un bolneari

he is paid a salary

perquè pugui d'allò

so that I can do that

jo he dit caure, caure, caure

I have said to fall, to fall, to fall.

no vaig caure mai

I never fell.

però un cop

but once

fent justament de cover

just doing the cover

del senyor Simpson

of Mr. Simpson

que jo feia de Dexter

that I played Dexter

que era com el director de la pel·lícula

he was like the director of the movie

però cobria el senyor Simpson

but Mr. Simpson covered it

sempre em donen papers de més edat

they always give me papers of older age

jo no sé per què

I don’t know why.

perquè crec que tinc una pell fantàstica

because I believe I have fantastic skin

però sempre em donen papers de més edat

but they always give me older papers

i feia del senyor Grant

and I was making of Mr. Grant

que era el productor

that was the producer

que a més em posaven com a rugues

that they also made me feel like wrinkles

i em posaven una perruca com de canes

and they would put a wig on me like a Spaniel's

amb el vent que fa el paraigües

with the wind that the umbrella makes

quan l'obres i el tanques

when you open and close it

la perruca em va fer

the wig made me

i em va volar

and it flew away

vaig quedar tot així amb el cavall enrere

I ended up like that with the horse backwards.

amb la toga de color carn

in a flesh-colored gown

i la perruca que em penjava per aquí darrere

And the wig that was hanging behind me here.



ens miràvem amb la Mireia Portes

we were looking at each other with Mireia Portes

que la tenia al costat

that I had next to me

i no va cantar ningú aquell final

And no one sang that ending.

ningú no

nobody no

la Mireia Portes i jo

Mireia Portes and I

Mireia perdó t'acabo de delatar

Mireia, sorry, I just blew your cover.

aquell final no el vam cantar

we didn't sing that ending

ens vam mullar cada dia

we got wet every day

que s'ha de dir que les funcions d'estiu

that must be said that the summer functions

s'agraïa molt de cara al febrer

it was very much appreciated regarding February

ja no feia tanta gràcia però ho feies

it wasn't so funny anymore but you did it

i això caure no però alguna caiguda de perruca

and this falling no but some wig fall

crec que em va passar un parell de vegades

I think it happened to me a couple of times.



continuant amb el nostre homo

continuing with our man

The Producers

The Producers

aquí vas repetir una mica aquesta fórmula d'assaig

Here you are going to repeat this essay formula a bit.

que deies perquè compartíeu

What were you saying because you were sharing?

també personatge

also character

amb l'Àngel

with the Angel

sí sí

yes yes

vam fer el Roger de Bacle els dos

we both did the Roger de Bacle

exactament el mateix procés

exactly the same process

que la jaula

that the cage

amb un personatge bastant similar

with a character quite similar

bastant similar

quite similar

aquell director

that director

això va ser molt guai

that was very cool

perquè justament amb el JTM

because just with the JTM

que t'he explicat abans

that I explained to you before

que quedaven per obre pel·lícules

that were left to open movies

en aquella època el que quedaven

at that time what remained

va ser quan es va estrenar la pel·lícula

it was when the movie premiered

de The Producers

from The Producers

la pel·lícula de Nathan Lane

Nathan Lane's movie

i clar evidentment la gent que em coneix

And of course, obviously the people who know me.

em va dir home és que això ho has de fer

He told me, "Man, you have to do this."

ho has de fer

you have to do it

és de cop i volta va ser molt bo

suddenly it became very good

perquè quan vaig poder fer això

because when I could do this

tenir missatges de tota aquella gent

to have messages from all those people

Oriol que fort és que te'n recordes

Oriol, how strong it is that you remember!

quan vèiem la pel·lícula

when we were watching the movie

ara fora

now outside

i a més a més amb la gran sort

and moreover with great luck

d'alternar algunes funcions

of alternating some functions

amb l'Armando Pita que feia

with Armando Pita who was making

d'en Max Bialistock

of Max Bialistock

que jo era una cosa que no la tenia contemplada

that I was something I hadn't considered

sempre que pensava en The Producers

whenever I thought about The Producers

i res més

and nothing else

i l'Enric Cambray va dir jo crec

And Enric Cambray said I think.

que podies provar

that you could try

de fer el Max Bialistock

to play Max Bialistock

i si si em va donar el cover

And yes, he did give me the cover.

i va ser una sorpresa que em va encantar

It was a surprise that I loved.

i la vaig disfrutar moltíssim

and I enjoyed it a lot

amb aquella cançó

with that song

del bitreit

of the bitreit

del judici, de la presó

of the trial, of the prison

bitreit, quinte mazo

little strait, fifth club

que complicat però quinte mazo

how complicated but very cool



si fem una mica de futurologia

if we do a bit of futurology



que potser

that perhaps

denota un canvi de rumb

denotes a change of course

perquè potser la jaula, la tienda

because perhaps the cage, the tent

que no l'hem dit perquè no hi va ser

that we didn't tell him because he wasn't there

però The Producers

but The Producers

són uns espectacles que ja

they are shows that already

tenen una carta de presentació

they have a cover letter

important i ara aquí hi haurà un espectacle

important and now there will be a show here

amb canvi d'idioma en català

with language change in Catalan

i que potser

and maybe

pel micromón del teatre musical

for the micro-world of musical theatre

és conegut perquè és un autor

He is known because he is an author.

que ens acostuma a agradar

that tends to please us

que és Tim Minchin

What is Tim Minchin?

que és el mateix autor de Matilda

which is the same author of Matilda

i que pot recordar només una pel·lícula

and that can only remember one movie

que haurà de descobrir d'alguna altra manera

that will have to be discovered in some other way

i que serà el dia de la marmota

and it will be groundhog day

i és una cosa que precisament

and it is something that precisely

a mi m'agrada molt del teatre

I really like theatre a lot.

com fas aquest acte de fe

how do you perform this act of faith

d'anar a veure una cosa que no tens gaire referència

of going to see something that you don't have much reference for

però et crida i la vas a veure

but it calls you and you are going to see it

jo és de les coses que més disfruto

I am one of the things I enjoy the most.

el descobrir espectacles

the discovery of shows

a veure què és això

let's see what this is

i crec que

I think that

amb el dia de la marmota això els hi pot passar a molta gent

With Groundhog Day, this can happen to many people.

que tenen el referent de la pel·lícula

that they have the reference of the movie

a veure què és aquest musical

let's see what this musical is

és un musical

it's a musical



que s'estrenarà al desembre

which will premiere in December

al Teatre Coliseum a Barcelona

at the Coliseum Theatre in Barcelona

jo el vaig veure a la versió de Broadway

I saw it in the Broadway version.

que justament em va passar això

that just happened to me

vam anar amb el Víctor a passar uns dies a Nova York

We went with Víctor to spend a few days in New York.

i justament el feien i em van dir

And they were just doing it and they told me.

escolta que, va doncs anem-hi

Listen, let's go then.

i vam sortir encantat

And we left delighted.

de dir que ben fet

to say well done

que ben adaptat el tema a la pel·lícula

how well the theme is adapted to the movie

que és un musical que té molts efectes

it is a musical that has many effects

i moltes coses perquè jugant amb el temps

and many things because playing with time

és molt més complicat que en una pel·lícula

it's much more complicated than in a movie

quan trobes mecanismes

when you find mechanisms

i maneres de fer-ho que et fan saltar el temps

and ways of doing it that make you skip time

com espectadors meravellós

as wonderful spectators

t'explota el cap

your head explodes

a més a més amb les cançons que són

furthermore with the songs that are


very funny

jo recordo estar veient l'espectacle

I remember watching the show.

i de cop apareix un personatge cantant una cosa

And suddenly a character appears singing something.

que el Víctor que ve se'n gira i em diu

that Víctor who comes turns around and says to me

mira, ja tens paper

Look, you already have paper.

i efectivament

and indeed

ha passat

has happened

quin és el pròxim musical que vols veure a Londres?

what is the next musical you want to see in London?

perquè potser és el pròxim

because maybe he is next

que arriba a Catalunya

that arrives in Catalonia

crec que l'últim que he vist a Londres és

I believe the last thing I saw in London is

La Senyora d'Ockfire

The Lady of Ockfire

què he de dir?

What should I say?

aquí ho deixem

we'll leave it here

i de Madrid també trobem abans

And from Madrid, we also find before.

de tarrar aquí el Nacional

to tar here the National

la funció en què s'alema

the function in which it is fed

això també era els dies de descans?

was this also on the days of rest?

això era alternat amb Matilda

this was alternated with Matilda

em van dir, ens falta un swing

They told me, we need a swing.

hem pensat que ho podries fer

We thought you could do it.

i com que jo Matilda compartia personatge amb el Daniel Orgaz

And since I, Matilda, shared a character with Daniel Orgaz.

i el Ransbult

and the Ransbult

em van dir les funcions que no estiguis fent tu

they told me the tasks that you are not doing

que les faci el Dani

that Dani makes them

pots anar a la funció en què s'alema

Can you go to the function where it is fabeled?

i com que m'agrada

and since I like it

dormir poc

sleep little

mira, per què no?

Look, why not?

i a més era un repte

and it was also a challenge

perquè de cop era teatre de text que feia molt temps que no feia

because suddenly it was text theatre that I hadn't done in a long time

és alta comèdia, ritme trepidant

it's high comedy, breakneck pace

una mica Monty Python

a bit Monty Python

potser per si no el coneixen

perhaps for if they don't know him

i em va semblar molt interessant

and I found it very interesting

el projecte

the project

vaig gravar-me una audició

I recorded myself an audition.

perquè l'enviessin

so that they would send him/her

als de Londres

to the Londoners

perquè evidentment no poden ficar gent sense que donin autorització

because obviously they cannot put people in without authorization

perquè està supervisat

because it is supervised

per la gent de Londres

for the people of London

i d'aquí

and from here

vam entrar a fer

we went in to do

la funció en què s'alema alt

the function in which it is greatly praised

amb el director al·legent que és el Víctor Còndor

with the director alleging that he is Víctor Còndor

que és meravellós

that is wonderful

que coneix l'humor anglès

who knows English humor

a la perfecció

to perfection

coneix els tempos de comèdia

know the timing of comedy

i aleshores et condueix superbé

and then it drives you wonderfully

a cadascun dels personatges

to each of the characters

perquè tampoc no era entrar a fer un personatge

because it wasn't about playing a character either

ara cobreixo aquest, ara m'aprenc l'altre

now I cover this one, now I learn the other

a una funció que a més a més té molts efectes

to a function that also has many effects

l'escenografia és una trampa mortal

The scenery is a deadly trap.

jo recordo arribar el primer dia que et diuen

I remember arriving the first day they tell you.

Oriol, les zones segures són

Oriol, the safe areas are

aquesta, aquesta i aquesta

this one, this one, and this one

si no estàs on posar-te estàs perdut

if you don't know where to go, you're lost

aquí i no et passarà res

here and nothing will happen to you

clar ja fas

of course you do


thank you

si ho arribo a saber dic que no

If I had known, I would have said no.

va ser prou

it was enough

prou segur

quite sure

perquè avui som aquí

because today we are here

alguna rascada

some scraping

blaus, els que vulguis

blues, the ones you want

i més, però com que a Matilda no es veien

and more, but since they couldn't see Matilda

perquè anava ben tapat no passava res

because he was well covered, nothing happened

i algun hem dit torçat

and some have said crooked

res greu

nothing serious

i això que et deia som aquí al Nacional

and this that I was telling you we are here at the Nacional

perquè s'estrena Ànima

why Ànima is premiering

s'estrena Ànima

Soul premieres.

com neix aquest projecte?

How did this project come about?

Ànima neix

Soul is born

d'això, del cul inquiet

of this, of the restless buttocks

de moltes vegades de no esperar-te

many times of not waiting for you

que et truquin per fer algo

let them call you to do something

i sempre tenir ganes de generar

and always wanting to create

aquest és un dels motors d'ànima

this is one of the engines of the soul

és el que fa

it's what he/she does

que tot agafi una mica de

that everything takes a little bit of



i neix d'una nit

and is born from a night

sol al meu pis de Madrid

sun in my apartment in Madrid

després d'un assaig del Rei León

after a rehearsal of The Lion King

perquè clar jo vaig anar a Madrid estava sol

because of course I went to Madrid I was alone

i em posava les meves pel·lícules, tenia els meus llibres

and I would put on my movies, I had my books.





una capsa que sempre ho explico

a box that I always explain

d'aquestes de galetes antiga

of these old cookies

que és on guardo

that is where I keep

tots els dibuixos que em feia la meva àvia

all the drawings that my grandmother made for me

que és la persona que em va ensenyar a dibuixar

who is the person that taught me to draw

que va despertar aquesta faceta artística

what awakened this artistic facet

i que em va ensenyar que

and that taught me that

no necessites tenir grans recursos

you don't need to have great resources

per poder crear un teatre o per poder crear

to be able to create a theater or to be able to create

un món

a world

un tros de cartolina

a piece of cardboard

un llapis i una caixa de sabates

a pencil and a shoebox

pots fer el que vulguis

you can do whatever you want

amb un llapis n'hi ha prou

a pencil is enough

i aquesta capseta

and this little box

com que és un tresor per mi

as it is a treasure for me

i és una de les coses que em fa sentir una miqueta com a casa

and it's one of the things that makes me feel a little at home

sempre si me'n vaig a Madrid me l'emporto

If I go to Madrid, I'll take it with me.

i la tenia allà

and I had her there

i de remenar aquesta capseta

and to stir this little box

tenia aquest record

I had this memory.

i just amb un pensament crevat d'una pel·lícula que havia vist

I just have a thought sparked by a movie I had seen.

de les calculadores de la NASA

of NASA's calculators

i un llibre de documentació de Disney que tenia

and a Disney documentation book that I had

de les dones que entintaven acetats

of the women who printed on acetate

que el tenia per allà

that he had over there

que a mi m'encanten aquests dibuixos que són grans

I love these large drawings.

que t'expliquen històries i fotos

that they tell you stories and show you photos

i vaig fer com un link de tot plegat pum pum pum

I made a kind of link to everything, boom boom boom.

i va néixer ànima

and the soul was born

va néixer ànima amb la idea de ser un musical

it was born soul with the idea of being a musical

de gran format

large format

i es va començar a cuinar de mica en mica

and it started to be cooked little by little

aleshores en aquell moment

then at that moment

per mi vaig tenir la gran sort

for me I was very lucky

i la gran desgràcia d'acabar venint una pandèmia

and the great misfortune of ending up with a pandemic

i aleshores això va donar com una embranzida

And then that gave a boost.

molt molt molt gran perquè totes aquelles hores

very very very big because all those hours

d'estar a casa

from being at home

van servir

they served

van servir de motor

they served as a driving force

per poder tirar això endavant

to be able to move this forward

i a la que això es va començar a normalitzar

and when this started to normalize

i ànima tenia una miqueta de forma

and the soul had a little bit of shape

vam decidir de fer uns workshops

we decided to hold some workshops

per poder fer un dossier

to be able to make a dossier

per poder vendre l'espectacle

to be able to sell the show

a veure si a algú li interessava produir

let's see if anyone was interested in producing

aquest espectacle

this show

ens vam adonar que malauradament

we realized that unfortunately

no és tan fàcil

it's not that easy

moure un espectacle

move a show

i més quan neix

and even more when it is born

amb les ganes de ser un espectacle de gran format

with the desire to be a large-scale spectacle

és molt complicat

It's very complicated.

i que neix entre cometes

and is born in quotes

del no res

out of nothing

que no té una pel·lícula que això passa molt

that doesn't have a movie where this happens a lot

segurament crec

I probably believe

és el mal del segle XXI

it is the evil of the 21st century

segurament de Broadway

surely from Broadway

que si això no és molt conegut

that if this is not very well known

perquè té un títol d'una pel·lícula

because it has a movie title

jo no posaré els meus diners

I will not put my money.

perquè clar, també ho entens

because of course, you understand it too

són molts diners

that's a lot of money

i per tant tothom es va frenant

And so everyone is slowing down.

però això pot acabar frenant molt la creació

but this could end up significantly stalling creation

és un error també Peig perquè a vegades fas musicals

It's also a mistake, Peig, because sometimes you do musicals.

d'aquests que diem que són de fast food

of those that we say are fast food

es pot fer un musical de tot

You can make a musical out of anything.

l'altra dia parlava amb un company

The other day I was talking to a colleague.

si el fet de transformar

if the act of transforming

Miseria en un musical fos

Misery in a dark musical

perquè puc aportar alguna cosa amb les cançons

because I can contribute something with the songs

i puc aportar alguna cosa amb el còdic que li ajuda a favor a la història

Can I contribute something with the code that helps him in the story?

i puc fer alguna cosa

I can do something.

reinterpretar-la, mirar-la des d'una altra óptica

reinterpret it, look at it from another perspective

ho faria, però fer-ho perquè sí

I would do it, but doing it just because.

no, si en plan de transformar-ho perquè és un musical

No, it's just to transform it because it's a musical.

perquè fas diners i fas això de vinga, musicals com a xurros

because you make money and you do this like come on, musicals like churros

no, però si el musical li dóna

no, but if the musical gives it to him/her

una cosa més

one more thing

una cosa més a la història, clar que sí

one more thing to the history, of course

i això passa molt

and this happens a lot

clar, com que no és un títol conegut

Of course, since it is not a well-known title.

és una idea que neix

it is an idea that is born

de llibres d'història

of history books

de voler explicar

to want to explain

és molt complicat

it is very complicated

i t'he de dir que vam intentar-ho moure

And I have to tell you that we tried to move it.

vam rebre molts nos

we received many no's

i ens vam desanimar molt

and we got very discouraged.

i ànima va quedar tancada a un calaix

and the soul was locked in a drawer

de casa

from home

un temps

a time

i vaig tenir la gran sort que tots els companys

I was lucky that all the colleagues

que hi havien participat a les workshops

that had participated in the workshops

em deien, escolta, i allò per què no ho tornem a moure?

They were telling me, listen, and what about we don't move that again?

és que allò estava bé, per què no ho tornem a moure?

It's just that it was good, why don't we move it again?

i vaig dir, hòstia, és que m'he quedat una mica cansat

I said, damn, it's just that I've become a bit tired.

i de cop i volta apareix

and suddenly appears



de cop apareix el ring

suddenly the ring appears

i de cop tenim la gran sort que el Toni Vinyals

And suddenly we have the great luck that Toni Vinyals...

juntament amb el Terrat i el Teatre Grec

together with the Terrat and the Grec Theatre

fan aquesta iniciativa

they make this initiative

i jo no ho tenia gaire clar

and I didn't have it very clear.

t'he de dir, de cop va ser el missatge

I have to tell you, suddenly it was the message.

que potser he rebut de més gent

that I may have received from more people

tota la gent que sabia que tenia aquest projecte

all the people who knew I had this project

em va enviar el link de

he sent me the link to

fan això, fan això, fan això

they do this, they do this, they do this

però vaig treure-ho com potser 30 missatges

but I managed to get rid of maybe 30 messages


very calmly

i parlant amb el Víctor

and talking with Víctor

un dia em va dir, escolta Oriol

One day he told me, listen Oriol.

va, intentem-ho

Come on, let's try it.

i si més no, l'haurem tret del calaix

And at the very least, we will have taken it out of the drawer.

i li haurem donat una volta

and we will have given him/her a turn

ho haurem provat

we will have tried it

i arrel d'aquí

and as a result of this

ens vam començar a enviar

we started sending each other

tot el que demanaven per les diferents

everything they asked for the different

fases de selecció per poder entrar a participar

selection phases to be able to participate

al ring

to the ring

vam anar passant totes les fases, vam arribar a la final

we went through all the phases, we reached the final

que això implicava anar a fer

that this involved going to do

la primera presentació

the first presentation

les escenes, exacte

the scenes, exactly

com vam poder allà

how we could there

i vam arribar a la final

and we reached the final

que va ser una gran sorpresa

it was a great surprise

jo el primer dia el recordo

I remember the first day.

jo el primer dia encara que no hagués guanyat

I the first day even if I hadn't won.

jo ja havia guanyat, només passant a la final

I had already won, just by making it to the final.

de la sorpresa, porto tant de temps creant això

Out of surprise, I have been creating this for so long.

i de cop és una cosa que

and suddenly it’s something that

l'estic ensenyant

I am teaching him/her.

i la gent hi respon bé i li agrada

and people respond well to it and like it

perquè fins ara la resposta que havíem tingut

because until now the response we had received

des d'una part més administrativa

from a more administrative side

no era favorable

it was not favorable

però quan ho agafes per la part artística

but when you take it from the artistic side

i t'ho compra i la gent et diu

And he'll buy it for you, and people will tell you.

tinc ganes de veure com va això endavant

I am eager to see how this goes forward.

això anima moltíssim

this is very uplifting

això ens va animar molt

this motivated us a lot

i a més a més guanyar el ring

and besides winning the ring

a millor projecte de teatre musical

the best musical theater project

i premi especial del públic

and special audience award

ens va animar moltíssim

it encouraged us a lot

nosaltres vam sortir del ring dient

we got out of the ring saying

nois, aquest estiu, ignoreu les vacances

Guys, this summer, ignore the holidays.

perquè ens posem a treballar

because we get to work

ens posem a treballar a tope

let's get to work full throttle

i no sé si vau anul·lar les vacances

I don't know if you canceled the vacation.

però va arribar una trucada

but a call came in

d'aquesta casa

of this house

on vam començar a treballar durant tot l'estiu

We started working throughout the summer.

no vam anul·lar vacances

we did not cancel the vacation

però ens vam veure molt freqüentment

but we saw each other very often

amb tot l'equip

with the whole team

i a finals de setembre-octubre

and at the end of September-October

ens van trucar al Teatre Nacional

they called us at the National Theatre

i ens van dir, escolta, ens volem reunir

And they told us, listen, we want to meet.

amb vosaltres

with you

i vam dir, doncs, vinga, som-hi

And we said, well, let's go for it.

i aquí estem

and here we are

a molt poc de l'estrena

almost at the premiere

i si lleguem amb el principi de l'entrevista

And if we start with the beginning of the interview?

que de tant en tant assajant

that from time to time practicing

és com mireu i respireu

it's how you look and breathe

des d'aquella caixa de galetes

from that box of cookies

fins al Nacional han passat moltes coses

Many things have happened since the National.

han passat moltíssimes coses

A lot of things have happened.

i les que passaran

and those that will happen

i què passarà amb Ànima

And what will happen with Ànima?

quan s'acabi el Nacional?

When will the National end?

no ho sabem, és un misteri

we don't know, it's a mystery

la idea és que Ànima tingui

the idea is that Ànima has

tingui vida fora del Nacional

have a life outside of the National



no és fàcil, com ja sabeu

it's not easy, as you already know

és un espectacle de cop i volta

it's a sudden spectacle

Ànima va néixer sent un petit projecte

Ànima was born as a small project.

que sempre diem que amb el temps

that we always say that with time

està convertint-se en un monstre

he is becoming a monster

de cinc caps

of five heads

preciós, fantàstic, és estupendo

precious, fantastic, it is wonderful

però no deixa de tenir l'embarcadura que té

but it still has the size that it has

aleshores, volem que tingui vida

then, we want it to have life

estem intentant donar-li

we are trying to give you

opcions n'hi ha

there are options

però com que encara no hi ha relligat

but since it is not yet bound

hem d'arribar com a la primera fita

we have to arrive like the first milestone

que és estrenar aquí el Nacional

what it means to premiere the National here

de moment estrenem el Nacional

for the moment we are launching the National

que ja és una gran cosa

that is already a great thing

i després ja ho intentem

And then we'll try it.

i només per acabar

and just to finish

l'Oriol també ha donat classes

Oriol has also taught classes.

de teatre

of theater

m'encanta donar classes de teatre

I love giving theatre classes.

dues preguntes

two questions

què creus que tenen els alumnes

What do you think the students have?

d'ara de teatre musical

of now of musical theater

que potser no teníem nosaltres

that perhaps we didn't have

en unes altres èpoques

in other times

jo crec que tenen molts més recursos

I believe they have many more resources.

i molta més informació

and much more information

a l'abast de la que tenia jo

within my reach

quan estudiava teatre musical

when I was studying musical theatre

tant com de referents de vídeos al Youtube

as much as references to videos on YouTube

plataformes meravelloses

wonderful platforms

on tenen quantitat de documentació

where there is a large amount of documentation

a nivell de referents

at the level of references

i d'accedir al material

and to access the material

ara mateix està

right now it is

internet en aquest aspecte

internet in this aspect

és molt més fàcil

it's much easier

un canvi brutal

a brutal change

jo també tenia internet

I also had internet.

quan escrivia teatre musical

when I wrote musical theater

però no hi havia les plataformes

but there were no platforms

que hi ha ara

what is there now

i moltes vegades

and many times

crec que els falta

I think they are missing.

un punt d'entendre l'ofici

a point of understanding the profession

que crec que és una cosa

that I believe is one thing

que a vegades es perd

that is sometimes lost

i que ens dona molta visibilitat

and it gives us a lot of visibility

del sector

of the sector

com poden ser programes com

how can programs be like

Operació Triunfos

Operation Triumphs

que et quedes amb la part bonica

that you keep the beautiful part

d'allò que llueix

of that which shines

i potser falten hores de furgoneta

and perhaps there are missing hours of van

i de carregar camions

and loading trucks

i jo sempre ho dic a les meves classes

And I always say it in my classes.

i sempre els dic als meus alumnes

And I always tell my students.

no espereu que algú us truqui

Don't expect someone to call you.

si teniu afinitat amb la gent de la classe

if you have affinity with the people in the class

munteu una companyia

start a company

i munteu alguna cosa

Do you set something up?

i també important

and also important

encerteu-la però equivoqueu-vos

Get it right but make a mistake.


very much

jo l'he cagat moltes vegades

I have messed up many times.

perquè és important això

why this is important

i tant, és on més aprens

Absolutely, that's where you learn the most.

això no hi tornarem

we won't return to that

o això que aquí la vaig cagar

or that I messed up here

fet així potser funcionaria

Done this way, it might work.

donar una altra marge

give another margin



doncs a veure si ja que estan registrats

Well, let's see if they are already registered.

les noves generacions fan cas

the new generations pay attention

fan prova-error

they try and error

i això és el que ens motiva

and this is what motivates us

d'aquí uns quants anys

in a few years

i estrena alguna cosa musical

And premiere something musical.

aquí al Nacional

here at the National

que a vegades costa

that sometimes it is hard

costa, però esperem que sigui el primer

It costs, but we hope it will be the first.

de molts musicals

of many musicals

que vinguin seguits

let them come in succession

un cada temporada

one each season

sempre acabem l'entrevista

we always end the interview

amb una bateria de preguntes ràpides

with a battery of quick questions

que no són ràpides de contestar

that are not quick to respond

va, ho intentaré

Okay, I will try.

quin va ser el primer espectacle musical

What was the first musical show?

si t'haguessis de quedar

if you had to stay

amb una peça, amb una cançó

with a piece, with a song

va, et diré que

go on, I will tell you that

I am what I am

I am what I am.

ja està, una declaració

That's it, a statement.

de principis, exacte

of principles, exactly

un autor

an author

Jason Robert Brown

Jason Robert Brown

m'agrada molt

I like it a lot.

un record que t'hagi donat el teatre

a memory that the theatre has given you

que no es pugui esborrar

that cannot be erased


very many

si m'haguessis de quedar amb un

if you had to choose one

complicat, eh?

complicated, huh?

diu ràpides, però no són

says fast, but they are not

ràpides, ah un record

quick, ah a memory

són ràpides de demanar

they are quick to request



jo crec que potser et diré que

I think that maybe I will tell you that

la primera funció de campanades de boda

the first wedding bell function

a Rubí

to Rubí

recordo bastant tot el que va passar

I remember quite a lot of what happened.


és potser de les que se m'han quedat

it is perhaps one of the ones that have stayed with me

més gravades

more taxed

te'n podria dir si aquest

I could tell you if this

o l'estrena de l'acústica al pati de casa meva

or the premiere of the acoustic in my backyard

són com dos records que els tinc com molt

they are like two memories that I hold very dear

que els veus

that you see them

sí, sí, però que podia dir-te fins i tot

yes, yes, but I could even tell you

detalls del dia

details of the day

són potser les coses que se m'han quedat com més

Perhaps these are the things that have stayed with me the most.

i l'última, què és

and the last one, what is it?

allò que per tu només

that which is only for you

té el teatre musical?

Does it have the musical theater?

és la més complicada de

it is the most complicated of

què és allò que per mi només té el teatre musical

What is it that only musical theatre has for me?

per mi el teatre musical

for me the musical theatre

o sigui, amb això

that is to say, with this

per favor, que no se'm malinterpreti

please, do not misunderstand me

per favor


per mi aquest plus

for me this plus

que li sumen les cançons

that the songs add up to him

a la manera d'explicar la història

in the way of telling the story

que per mi fa

that for me makes



sempre que hi ha el

whenever there is the

el tòpic de luz, color

the topic of light, color

i tots ballant i tot això

and everyone dancing and all that

que ho veus a vegades

that you see it sometimes

però com el fet que aquestes notes

but as the fact that these notes


they deepen

amb el que estàs explicant

with what you are explaining

i a mi m'arriben molt més a l'emoció

and they reach my emotions much more

perquè la música és bàsica

because music is basic

el teatre de text té música

the text theatre has music

les pel·lícules tenen música

Movies have music.

una escena romàntica sense

a romantic scene without

la música de fons no arribaria

the background music would not arrive

igual, doncs quan a més a més

same, then when also

poses aquesta música al servei del text

you put this music at the service of the text

i ho fa el mateix intèrpret

and the same interpreter does it

crec que la via

I believe that the way

és molt més directa

it is much more direct

i arriba molt més

and it comes much more

doncs que em repeteixo

so that I repeat myself

molta gent que mira l'entrevista

a lot of people who watch the interview

que trobi aquest canal tan directe

that I find this channel so direct

d'emocionar-se, d'anar al teatre

to be moved, to go to the theatre

sigui del gènere que sigui

whether of any gender

i que també els teatres

and that also the theaters

siguin, d'on siguin, públics, privats

whether they are public or private, from wherever they come.

obrin les portes també al teatre musical

open the doors also to musical theatre

que crec que és un gènere

that I believe is a genre

que moltes vegades

that many times

com em deies amb ànima

how you used to call me with soul

que heu rebut molts nos

that you have received many no's

el teatre musical en aquest país

musical theatre in this country

també ha rebut molts nos

he has also received many no's

moltes vegades no justificats

many times not justified

per tant, trenquem llances a favor

therefore, let us break a lance in favor

per favor, no

please, no

i a més estem molt agraïts perquè

and moreover we are very grateful because

realment creiem que el Teatre Nacional

we really believe that the National Theatre

ha trencat una gran aposta

he has broken a big bet

i és una cosa molt important

And it is a very important thing.

que és que s'ha reclamat molt des de fora

what has been highly demanded from outside

i crec que des d'aquesta casa

And I believe that from this house

s'ha escoltat aquest reclam

this complaint has been heard

i han accionat, que moltes vegades

and they have acted, many times

els reclams es fan però la gent fa orelles sordes

The calls are made, but people turn a deaf ear.

i no passa res

and it doesn't matter

tenim una institució com el Teatre Nacional

we have an institution like the National Theatre

que diu, escolto el vostre reclam

What does he say, I listen to your call?

i acciono amb això i produeixo un espectacle

I act on this and produce a show.

de gran format en català

large format in Catalan

que els hi agraïm doblement

that we thank them doubly

per l'espectacle

for the show

i per haver-nos cedit també

and for having also given us

aquest espai avui aquí

this space today here

amb tot de bombetes

with all the light bulbs

i tant, que això fa teatre

Absolutely, that's theatrical.

doncs, moltes gràcies

Well, thank you very much.

moltes gràcies a vosaltres, un plaer

thank you very much to you, a pleasure

i amb vosaltres

and with you

ens veiem d'aquí un mes

I'll see you in a month.

a la propera entrevista

at the next interview

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