



Aclipsa, un podcast per a la gent guapa.

Aclipsa, a podcast for beautiful people.

Se me cuidan.

They take care of me.

Va, reparto el tema de la gala 8 de l'Hotel 2018.

Okay, I will share the theme of gala 8 of the Hotel 2018.

Bon dia, Catalunya! Com estem?

Good morning, Catalonia! How are we?

Aquí no m'heu conegut encara.

You do not know me yet here.

Què tal?

How are you?

Bé, mira, anà fent, anà fent.

Well, look, it kept going, it kept going.

Anà fent, avui estem...

Little by little, today we are...



Hi ha alguns més acabats que altres.

There are some that are more finished than others.

Sí, ja estem...

Yes, we are already...

Comencem la guerra.

Let's start the war.

Bé, doncs tenim aquí una gran persona, un gran amic, un gran...

Well, we have here a great person, a great friend, a great...

Que pilota, no?

What a ball, right?

Tio, que pilota!

Dude, what a ball!

Boing, boing.

Boing, boing.

Tenim aquí l'Ivan, també conec com...

We have Ivan here, I also know him as...

És veritat, es diu Ivan.

It's true, his name is Ivan.

Ivan PC, PC Compositor.

Ivan PC, PC Composer.

Hi ha gent que no coneix com a Ivan,

There are people who don't know someone like Ivan,

hi ha gent que només en coneix com a termi.

There are people who only know him as Termi.

Hi ha gent que coneix com Ivan PC.

There are people who know him as Ivan PC.

Ivan PC.

Ivan PC.

Suposo que l'Instagram afecta.

I suppose that Instagram has an effect.

Coses que passen.

Things that happen.

Hi ha vegades que...

There are times when...


They pass.

Hi ha gent que més que el nom d'Instagram que pel nom en si.

There are people who care more about the name of Instagram than about the name itself.

A mi.

To me.

A mi també em passa.

It happens to me too.

Com em dic jo?

What is my name?

Pula, va, pula.

Fuck, come on, fuck.

Diguem-li així.

Let's call it that.

Sí, no?

Yes, right?

Per mi l'Eric és Erosbert.

For me, Eric is Erosbert.



Però jo no em dic que l'Ivan està pulant, va, pula.

But I don't say that Ivan is jumping, come on, jump.

Pel Twitter...

On Twitter...

Hola, hola.

Hello, hello.

Alerta, maduïsiu.

Alert, mature.

Per què hem portat l'Ivan avui?

Why have we brought Ivan today?

Això ho pregunto jo.

I'm asking this.

Perquè m'ho has demanat.

Because you asked me to.

Bum, barres.

Boom, bars.

Perquè l'Ivan és músic.

Because Ivan is a musician.

Va, digues tot el que ets.

Go on, tell me everything you are.

Jo no ho diré.

I won't say it.

És músic, és filmògraf.

He is a musician, he is a filmmaker.



És el...

It is the...

No sé com és.

I don't know what it is like.

És actor, també.

He is an actor, too.

Actor, no.

Actor, no.

Actor, galletes...

Actor, cookies...

Galletes, espatinar.

Cookies, to spread.

És actor, és filòsof.

He is an actor, he is a philosopher.

I és...

And it is...

PC Component.

PC Component.

Un aplauso.

A round of applause.

No, però a l'Ivan li ha fet molts vídeos.

No, but Ivan has made a lot of videos.

Bueno, molts vídeos, dos vídeos a la Sandra.

Well, many videos, two videos to Sandra.

Dos vídeos a la Sandra.

Two videos to Sandra.

És el tio que me hace los videoclips.

He's the guy who makes my music videos.

També té una cançó.

She also has a song.

Link a la descripció.

Link to the description.



Per la cançó.

For the song.

Com has dit la cançó?

What is the name of the song?

Fes-la a la promo perquè després no faràs més promo.

Do it in the promo because you won't do any more promo afterwards.

A veure, no vull fer promo, però bueno.

Let's see, I don't want to promote, but anyway.

No, la cançó...

No, the song...

Hem acabat la promo.

We have finished the promo.

La cançó es diu de zero i la vaig treure al genet.

The song is called "De Zero" and I released it on Genet.

De zero.

From scratch.

La vaig treure al genet i, bueno, se vienen cositas.

I took her out on horseback and, well, things are coming.

Més coses.

More things.

Se vienen cositas.

Things are coming.

No, però digueu alguna cosa.

No, but say something.

No vull fer promo, bueno, se vienen cositas.

I don't want to promote, well, things are coming up.

Es veu un altre tema?

Do you see another topic?

Col·labos, tema, potser un EP, mai se sap.

Collabs, theme, maybe an EP, you never know.

Un EP!

An EP!

Però mai se sap.

But you never know.

Se viene arriba.

It's getting exciting.

Col·labos amb qui?

Collaborate with whom?

No, digues un nom de col·labo, va.

No, say a collaborator's name, come on.

No, no diré cap nom de col·labo.

No, I will not name any collaborator.



Sandra, Sandra, Sandra.

Sandra, Sandra, Sandra.

No, la veritat és que no diré cap nom de col·labo.

No, the truth is that I will not say any collaborator's name.

Perquè, bueno.

Because, well.

La discogràfica no em deixa.

The record label won't let me.

Bueno, bueno, bueno.

Well, well, well.



Jo, la cara que ha posat la Sandra m'ho ha dit tot, eh?

I, the look on Sandra's face has told me everything, huh?



Tu no interpretis coses.

You don't interpret things.

Ai, tema, però, vamos.

Oh, come on, let's go.

No, jo crec que té una col·labo amb Abraham Mateo.

No, I believe he has a collaboration with Abraham Mateo.

Remix de senyorita.

Miss remix.

Si diu una col·labo amb Abraham Mateo potser acabo la meva carrera aquí.

If I have a collaboration with Abraham Mateo, maybe I will end my career here.



Ah, bueno.

Ah, well.



Chicón playo.

Chicón beach.

Oh, oh, oh.

Oh, oh, oh.

Hasta que nos caiga la noche.

Until night falls on us.

Diu aquesta cançó malament.

This song says it wrong.

Espero que Abraham Mateo no escolti aquest podcast.

I hope Abraham Mateo doesn't listen to this podcast.

Eh, pues sí, és un oient, eh?

Oh, well yes, it's a listener, huh?

Un oient té más.

A listener has more.

Hi, Abramers.

Hi, Abramers.

Tengo que irme a Miami.

I have to go to Miami.

Tengo que hacerme la maleta.

I have to pack my suitcase.

Pero no me cabe todo en la maleta.

But I can't fit everything in the suitcase.

Help me, please.

Help me, please.

Ui, és que està bo.

Oh, it's delicious.

És un vídeo que feia l'Abraham Mateo, falses Abramers, el 2012.

It's a video that Abraham Mateo made, fake Abramers, in 2012.

I estava com...

I was with...

Hoy es el aniversario de mis papis.

Today is my parents' anniversary.

I feia així amb la gorra.

I was doing it like this with the cap.

Todo el mundo saltando.

Everyone jumping.

Después te ensenyem el vídeo.

Later we'll show you the video.

Todo el mundo saltando por Marta en su cumple.

Everyone jumping for Marta on her birthday.

Bueno, avui el tema, com ja heu vist, el...

Well, today the topic, as you have already seen, the...

El títol.

The title.

Que avui no em surten les paraules, ho sento.

I'm sorry, but today I can't find the words.

Hòstia, avui no hi va.

Damn, it's not happening today.

Les fets i portem dues setmanes sense gravar.

The facts are that we have been without recording for two weeks.

Sí, cosetes.

Yes, little things.

Per què dius això?

Why do you say that?

Perquè sí.

Because yes.



No ho dius de veritat.

You’re not serious.

És la primera vegada, així que tampoc no sé què passa.

It's the first time, so I don't know what's going on either.



Llavors, el títol és...

Then, the title is...

Sèries de la infància.

Childhood series.

Ah, sí?

Oh, really?

Quina era la vostra sèrie preferida?

What was your favorite series?

Hannah Montana.

Hannah Montana.


Holy crap.



Jo tirava per Detective Conan.

I was into Detective Conan.



Detective Conan.

Detective Conan.

És molt bona.

It is very good.

Molt bona.

Very good.

La meva era Phineas i Ferb.

My era was Phineas and Ferb.





També molt bona.

Also very good.

També molt, molt acceptable.

Also very, very acceptable.

Em sento tan candat.

I feel so tired.



Jo era fan de...

I was a fan of...



i després Doraemon

and then Doraemon

jo és que Doraemon era

I am that Doraemon was.

Doraemon sempre entrava bé

Doraemon always came in well.

jo a les 8 del matí mirant Doraemon

Me at 8 in the morning watching Doraemon.

cada dia

every day

no, Art Attack

no, Art Attack

a la puta nit sempre era Art Attack

it was always Art Attack at night

era l'hora de l'Art Attack

it was time for Art Attack

t'estic dient a les 8 del matí, no a la nit

I'm telling you at 8 in the morning, not at night.

no, doncs a les 8 del matí

no, so at 8 in the morning

una mica de Shin-Chan

a bit of Shin-Chan

una mica de Shin-Chan així tontet

a bit of Shin-Chan being silly

Shin-Chan al migdia quan arribaves a casa

Shin-Chan at noon when you arrived home

era Shin-Chan o Dragon Ball

was it Shin-Chan or Dragon Ball

o Pokémon

or Pokémon

Pokémon també

Pokémon too

m'agradaven només els dolents

I only liked the bad ones.

em feien tanta gràcia

they made me laugh so much

els dolents

the bad ones

el Team Rocket

Team Rocket

eren tan divertits

they were so funny

jo cada dia mirava Shin-Chan a fons

I used to watch Shin-Chan thoroughly every day.

era la meva passió

it was my passion

pel cap de setmana

for the weekend

de fet jo em fico el Shin-Chan

In fact, I put on the Shin-Chan.

a la tele

on the TV

jo també miraria Shin-Chan

I would also watch Shin-Chan.

hi ha un compte que va penjant clips de Shin-Chan en català

There is an account that posts Shin-Chan clips in Catalan.

no sé si els seguiu, és molt graciós

I don't know if you follow them, they are very funny.

no, no, no

no, no, no

no, perquè jo per mirar el meu clip

no, because I to look at my clip

em miro el capítol, si ho sé

I watch the episode, if I know it.

Shin-Chan està ple de moments icònics

Shin-Chan is full of iconic moments.

és impossible no tenir un moment icònic

It is impossible not to have an iconic moment.

sí, eh

yes, eh

és que és bastant

it's just that it's quite

però no parla bastant de sèries

but he/she doesn't talk enough about series

bueno, Shin-Chan és una sèrie

Well, Shin-Chan is a series.

ja, però és que només està dient dibuixos animats

Yes, but it's just saying cartoons.

digues una sèrie

give me a series

Hannah Montana, Buena Sorte Charlie

Hannah Montana, Good Luck Charlie

tota aquesta era Disney

this was all Disney

jo sóc The Next Step Lover

I am The Next Step Lover.

ja vam comentar el The Next Step Lover

We already discussed The Next Step Lover.

i també Violeta

and also Violeta

no mirava Violeta

I didn't look at Violeta.

jo és que ja et dic que la Disney Channel res

I’m just saying that Disney Channel is nothing.

hotel, hotel, hotel, aquell de

hotel, hotel, hotel, that one from

Zaki Kodi i tot això

Zaki Kodi and all that

és que Disney Channel era molt

It's just that Disney Channel was very

consumidora, Disney Channel

consumer, Disney Channel

jo també

me too

jo només mirava Disney Channel

I only watched Disney Channel.

i el Super 3

and the Super 3

i el Super 3 a fons

and the Super 3 in depth

jo anava a sopar més tard

I was going to have dinner later.

quan em tocava ficar Violeta

when it was my turn to be Violeta

dic, sofo més tard perquè és que toca Violeta

I say, I will soften later because it's Violeta's turn.

i no ho saltava

and I didn't skip it

a mi sempre em deien, puc ficar notícies?

They always told me, can I put in news?



la Violeta està a punt de fer un petó amb el leó

Violeta is about to kiss the lion.

a cara del Tomàs

the face of Tomàs

uau, dramot

wow, drama

i el pare de la Violeta

and the father of Violeta

està a punt de fer un petó

is about to give a kiss

amb l'Angie

with Angie

que és la tieta

what is the aunt

que dur

how hard

sona estrany

sounds strange

és la germana

she is the sister

de la

of the

padre-madre de la Violeta

father-mother of Violeta

la mare se murió

the mother died

la mare té una germana

the mother has a sister

doncs la germana

so the sister

se lia con el padre

he gets involved with the father

hermana muerta

dead sister

sí que és turbio

it is indeed murky

a mi em semblava molt turbio de patina

it seemed very murky to me of patina

però jo el dia següent

but I the next day

tothom a la classe em van comentant els capítols

Everyone in the class keeps commenting on the chapters.

Paula, és tan trist que no t'hagués conegut abans

Paula, it’s so sad that I didn’t get to know you earlier.



a mi em va dir el mateix, que no et vengui la moto

He told me the same thing, don't let him sell you a story.



breaking news

breaking news

no és meu el micro

the microphone is not mine

breaking news

breaking news

no, no, no

no, no, no

ai, ai

oh, oh

de l'odi a l'amor

from hate to love

però bueno, quina sèrie és més?

but well, what series is it more?

us ha agradat?

Did you like it?

clar, és que jo no vaig estar

Of course, it's just that I wasn't there.

a la temporada passada

last season

parlant del súper 3

talking about the super 3

la família dels súpers

the family of the supers



has anat a la festa dels súpers?

Have you been to the super's party?

jo també he anat

I have also gone.

jo no hi vaig arribar mai

I never got there.

fatal, fatal

fatal, fatal

no, perquè els meus pares no em deixaven llum

No, because my parents didn't let me have light.

mirava per la tele i plorava perquè no anava

I was watching on TV and crying because it wasn't happening.

tot malament

everything wrong

és una de les coses

it is one of the things



sé que tenia la samarreta

I know I had the t-shirt.

evento canónico

canonical event

en sèrio?


és que et pega tant

it's just that it suits you so well

hòstia, és que era l'únic que mirava avui

Damn, it was the only thing I was watching today.

o sigui, veure's, friki fan

that is to say, to see each other, fan freak

deixa'l en pau

leave him alone



la millor sèrie

the best series

la millor pura sèrie

the best pure series

quina dito feo

what an ugly thing



les divines

the divine ones



eren el meu exemple a seguir

you were my role model.

de fet jo vaig tenir una distresa de l'Antonella

In fact, I had a distress from Antonella.

i jo em sentia tan Antonella

And I felt so Antonella.

jo fa un any portant el llibre de Petito Feo a tot arreu

I was carrying the book "Petito Feo" everywhere a year ago.

és veritat

it's true

a cada concert

at each concert

a cada

to each

jo anava a un concert

I was going to a concert.

insertem vídeo

let's insert a video

no insertaré vídeo perquè no sé on estava, hola tio

I won't insert a video because I don't know where I was, hi dude.

jo te'l passo

I'll pass it to you.

jo així sèries rollo boing i tal

I like series like Boing and stuff.

també mirava

also looked

el l'assombroso mundo de Gumball

The Amazing World of Gumball

anava dir el mateix tio

I was going to say the same thing, dude.

és un seriote

he's a serious guy

però això era quan no podies dormir

but that was when you couldn't sleep


o històries correntes

or current stories

això ja ens l'ha pillat una mica més tard

this has already caught us a bit later

a mi m'ha pillat més tard

It caught me later.

però era quan no podies dormir

but it was when you couldn't sleep

que ficaves el boing que ho feien per la nit

that you put on the boing that they did it at night

històries correntes a mi

ordinary stories to me

aixicava el disney

that's how Disney was

la gira

the giraffe

al girar

when turning

tu i jo

you and I

al girar

upon turning

no, no

no, no

no, però jo històries correntes

no, but I ordinary stories

sí que tinc un trauma en plan

yes, I do have a trauma like

perquè tenien com una música en plan

because they had like a music vibe

sí, sí, la intro

yes, yes, the intro

i clar, com ho ficava a les dues del matí

And of course, how I was feeling at two in the morning.

i jo ho ficava perquè no

and I said it because why not

històries correntes

common stories

em feia una mica de por

it scared me a little

aquesta música

this music

però a les dues del matí

but at two in the morning



però ho feien durant tot el dia

but they did it all day long

però a les dues del matí no ho feien

but at two in the morning they weren't doing it

quan no tenien programació fotien

when they didn't have programming, they would mess around

històries correntes

common stories


per això, perquè per la nit ho ficaven

that's why, because they put it in at night

no, però el boing

no, but the boing

per la matinada

in the early morning


they put/placed

a galles el perro cobarde

to Wales the coward dog

no sé, jo no mirava el boing

I don't know, I wasn't watching the boing.

jo aquí no hi arribava

I couldn't get here.



jo no mirava el boing

I wasn't watching the boing.



era una sèrie

it was a series

molt úrbia

very urban

era una sèrie molt úrbia

it was a very urban series

si voleu

if you want

després de


després, a l'acabar el capítol

afterwards, at the end of the chapter

us ensenyo

I will show you.

algun capítol

some chapter

alguna cosa, no?

Something, right?

no, gràcies

no, thank you


it is

jo crec que si fas un revisionat

I think that if you do a revision.

d'algunes sèries que has vist

of some series that you have watched

en plan ara de més gran

like now, when I'm older


you say

jo mirava això

I was looking at this.

ja, ja, ja

ha, ha, ha

sí, sí

yes, yes

i no per la sèrie en si

and not for the series itself

sinó pel missatge

but for the message

o sigui era

that is to say it was

pot arribar a ser estrany

it can be strange



estrany, molt úrbia

strange, very urban

jo era

I was

no, això no és una sèrie

no, this is not a series

és una pel·li

it's a movie

però jo era molt fanàtica

but I was very fanatical

de Camp Rock

from Camp Rock

Camp Rock

Camp Rock

el cringe que dona

the cringe it gives

la Demi Lovato

Demi Lovato

fent el paper de Michi

playing the role of Michi

la Demi Lovato

Demi Lovato

this is real

this is real

a la seva habitació

in his/her room

de cop toca tots els instruments

suddenly plays all the instruments

de cop està tot mesclat

all of a sudden everything is mixed up

de cop ho fa tot perfecte

suddenly it makes everything perfect

el ton eficat

the effective tone

és la millor

it's the best

bueno, però què és anar al camp?

Well, what does it mean to go to the countryside?

no, la segona pel·li és pitjor

No, the second movie is worse.

que es presenten com

that are presented as

al campament rival

to the rival camp

fent un dance break

doing a dance break

camp rock

rock camp



Canet Rock

Canet Rock



Canet Rock

Canet Rock



Acampada Jo

Camping Me

o Camp Rock

or Camp Rock

és que

it's that

totes les pel·lis

all the movies

de Disney Channel

from Disney Channel

en el seu moment

at the time

eren bones

they were good

en el seu moment

at the time

tu les miraves i deies

you looked at them and said



m'ha encantat

I loved it.

la única que

the only one that

ara les tornes a veure

now you see them again

perquè semblen de comèdia

because they seem comedic



la única que és així

the only one that is like this

el que passa és que

what happens is that

no han ballat malament

they haven't danced badly

han ballat molt malament

they have danced very poorly

no, no, no

no, no, no

l'únic que no han ballat malament

the only ones who haven't danced badly

Lemonade Mouths

Lemonade Mouths

no saps tu que m'agrada aquesta pel·li

Don't you know that I like this movie?

no l'heu vist

you haven't seen it

li vaig ficar aquesta pel·li

I showed her this movie.

al Nil

to the Nile

qui és el Nil?

Who is Nil?

el de Madrid

the one from Madrid

me la va fer treure tio

he made me take it off, dude

perquè s'estava avorrint

because she was getting bored

i jo

and me

però tu no veus l'emoció

but you don't see the emotion

que està sent?

What is happening?

la s'andran plorant

She'll go crying.



acaben de cantar

they have just sung

una cançó

a song





quan està

when is it



la prota

the prota

del cabell rosc

of curly hair

i l'altra

and the other

la Bridget Mendes

the Bridget Mendes

parla amb propietat

speak with confidence

i el teclista

and the keyboardist

qui se us explica

who explains to you

que se li

what is happening to him/her

que se li morirà la gata

that her cat will die

que està molt velleta

that is very old

però no

but no

després és loca

then she is crazy

li queda de ser mare

she has yet to become a mother

no sé què

I don't know what.



jo vull fer una pregunta

I want to ask a question.

veu veure

to see



heu vist

have you seen

Bob Esponja?




us en recordeu

do you remember you

d'un capítol

of a chapter

un capítol

a chapter

que era

what it was





que se'n va

that is leaving

amb un autobús

by bus

jo recordo perfectament

I remember perfectly.

perquè em va

because it works for me

canviar la vida

change life

que parlen

that speak




i va

and goes

com al fondo del mar

like at the bottom of the sea

i està tot

and that's all

com tot

like everything

super fosc

super dark

amb la música

with the music

super creepy

super creepy

és que és super creepy

it's just super creepy

aquell capítol

that chapter

no sé per què

I don't know why.

però em vol sonar

but he wants to sound to me

però no sé si l'he vist

but I don't know if I have seen it

és un rotllo

it's a drag

igual he vist clips separats

I have probably seen separate clips.


però és molt creepy

but it's very creepy



o perquè

or because

parlant de Bob Esponja

talking about SpongeBob SquarePants

la pel·lícula

the movie

del 2004

from 2004

jo no m'he vist cap pel·lícula

I haven't seen any movie.

de Bob Esponja

of SpongeBob

la primera

the first



SpongeBob Squarepants

SpongeBob SquarePants

the movie

the movie







molt específic

very specific

aquest capítol era

this chapter was




és que

it's just that

és que és heavy

it's just heavy

anava com a una part d'atraccions

I was going as if to an amusement park.

a un lloc ràpid

to a quick place

però no

but no

és que no hi havia ningú

it's just that there was no one there

i era tot molt

and it was all very

va anar amb el Patricio

he went with Patricio

o amb algú

or with someone

i el van deixar

and they left him

i el van abandonar

and they abandoned him

van abandonar

they abandoned

van entrar al bus

they got on the bus

i ell no

and he not

no va viure

did not live

que no havia mort

that had not died

no, sí que torna al final

no, it does return in the end

no me'n recordo

I don't remember.

sí que torna

yes it does return

no sé quan

I don't know when.

però torna

but come back

no me'n recordo

I don't remember.


the help

l'altre dia

the other day

me surt un TikTok

I get a TikTok.



podria haver-hi una

there could be one

una ardilla

a squirrel

que ve aquí

what comes here

però ve que hi ha una ardilla

but look, there is a squirrel

doncs l'altre dia

so the other day

me surt un TikTok

I get a TikTok.

de teories

of theories

de Bob Esponja

of SpongeBob

les teories

the theories

de Bob Esponja

of SpongeBob

les teories

the theories

en general

in general

de la sèrie

of the series

de Gohan

of Gohan

no, no

no, no

però les de Bob Esponja

but those of SpongeBob

són bones

they are good

com amagada

as hidden

o algo así, no sé, ho vaig veure

or something like that, I don’t know, I saw it.

potser, o ho vaig somiar

maybe, or I dreamt it

o no sé si ho vaig veure

or I don't know if I saw it

no, no

no, no

la persona en qüestió

the person in question

la Paula


era jo

it was me

qui vive en la piña debajo del mar

Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?

Paula Manel

Paula Manel



sí, no, bueno

yes, no, well

hi ha moltes teories d'Ovesponja

there are many SpongeBob theories

molt turbies

very muddy

tens pinta que et mires molt teories d'Ovesponja

You look like you watch a lot of SpongeBob theories.

teories de pel·lícules

movie theories

és empíric, és empíric

it's empirical, it's empirical

et mires les teories directament

you look at the theories directly



teories de Violeta

Violeta's theories

exacte, jo no miro Violeta

exactly, I don't watch Violeta

Germán no existe, es su primo

Germán does not exist, he is his cousin.

jo em miro els vídeos

I watch the videos.

de dues hores de

of two hours of

teoria de Violeta

Violeta's theory

Germán no existe

Germán does not exist.



com es nota que no mires eclipses

How it shows that you don't watch eclipses.

hi ha un aeroport a Terrassa?

Is there an airport in Terrassa?


i ara és a por a Terrassa?

And now is it scary in Terrassa?


crec que aquí a Vilafranca anava fent un aeroport

I think they were building an airport here in Vilafranca.

que es deia Fèlix o alguna cosa així

who was called Fèlix or something like that

ja ho vam explicar això

we already explained this

crec que sí

I think so.

per això deia, amb qui ho he parlat?

That's why I was saying, who have I talked to about it?

ja vaig ser jo mateix

I was myself.

bueno, doncs cosetes

well, then little things

sèries de la infància

childhood series

és guai tornar al passat

it's cool to go back to the past

per veure

to see

recordar tot el camí

remember all the way

jo em tornaré a veure

I will see myself again.

fins i tot


hi havia una pel·lícula

there was a movie

m'ha vingut de gust ara

I've felt like it now.

hi havia una pel·lícula al Disney

There was a movie at Disney.

que és d'ella

what is hers



és la millor pel·lícula de la munt

It's the best movie ever.

deixa de fer això

stop doing that

el què?




això que fas amb els ulls

what you do with your eyes

que malament és ell

how bad he is

a veure, a mi m'agrada

let's see, I like it

m'agrada aquella pel·lícula

I like that movie.

és tan divertida

she is so funny

molt bona

very good

està sent interès?

Is there interest?

sincerament jo crec que era una plantilla

Honestly, I think it was a template.

i començaven a rellenar informació

and they started to fill in information



era super random tot

it was all super random

era tan divertit

it was so fun

sempre hi havia el pibe, la piba

there was always the boy, the girl

s'enamoren, s'agusten

they fall in love, they like each other

després venia un altre

then another one came

i tot el que passi al voltant

and everything that happens around

tant fa

it doesn't matter

amb Hannah Montana

with Hannah Montana

no t'has vist Hannah Montana a la pel·lícula

Haven't you seen Hannah Montana in the movie?

estem parlant de sèries

we are talking about series

que pinta un gallinero i tot

what a chicken coop paints and everything

i munta cavall

I ride a horse.

tu, pibe donde ves pibe

you, kid where do you see kid

hay pibe pero que surts dos segons y ya está

There are guys, but you go out for two seconds and that's it.

no me ves el pibe

you don't see the kid

Hannah Montana lluvia diferent

Hannah Montana different rain



no, però sí

no, but yes

Hannah Montana és el millor que m'ha passat a la vida

Hannah Montana is the best thing that has happened to me in my life.

les Disney de sèries

the Disney of series

la campanilla de tan divertit

the bell so funny

les sèries de Disney eren com super random

Disney series were like super random.

en plan, jo què sé, Jessie

Like, I don't know, Jessie.

que hi havia un lagarto gegant

that there was a giant lizard

en quin moment

at what moment

tu deies que Jessie hi haurà un nen d'Índia

You said that Jessie will have a boy from India.

un nen d'Àfrica

a boy from Africa

i el nen d'Índia té un lagarto

and the Indian boy has a lizard

d'un metre de llarg

one meter long

a un metre de llarg

one meter long

a casa

at home

jo tenia consciència racial en aquell moment, suposo

I had racial awareness at that time, I suppose.

però quants eren adoptats allà?

but how many were adopted there?



tots menys l'Emma

everyone except Emma

saps què vaig veure en Teories Conspiratoria?

Do you know what I saw on Conspiracy Theories?

i deia que estava basat en l'Angelina Jolie

And I said it was based on Angelina Jolie.

i el Brad Pitt

and Brad Pitt

perquè com tenien molts fills adoptats

because they had many adopted children

i els pares eren actors

and the parents were actors

però el Luke també era

but Luke was also

l'Emma era l'única

Emma was the only one.

la única rubia i la mare rubia

the only blonde and the blonde mother

però el Luke també era adoptat

but Luke was also adopted

de México

from Mexico

molt malament

very bad



l'un de México, l'altre d'Àfrica, l'altre de l'Índia

one from Mexico, the other from Africa, the other from India

un nen

a boy

no pot ser adoptat un nen del mateix país

A child from the same country cannot be adopted.

per això estic preguntant

that's why I'm asking

perquè dic potser era del mateix país però no...

because I say maybe it was from the same country but no...

no sé, a mi em sembla que era de México

I don't know, it seems to me that it was from Mexico.

pues no tenía acento mexicano

Well, he didn’t have a Mexican accent.



el Rabi sí

the Rabbi yes

Rabi, eh?

Rabbi, huh?

el rei indió

the Indian king

és a dir, quin és...

that is to say, what is...

i Suri

and Suri

el nom de Rabi

the name of Rabi

el nom de Rabi em sona d'haver-lo vist en altres sèries

The name Rabi sounds familiar to me as if I've seen it in other series.

rotllo perquè també era com un metavers

"Roll because it was also like a metaverse."

perquè hi havia alguns que com que eren el mateix actor

because there were some who were the same actor

a vegades interpretaven com que és el mateix

sometimes they interpreted as if it were the same

i era rotllo metavers

it was a metaverse vibe

em sembla que era com l'actor era el mateix actor

I think it was like the actor was the same actor.

però era una trama diferent

but it was a different plot

però es deia igual

but it was the same name

es deia igual

it was called the same

a mi realment li tenia tanta tirria a la Jessy

I really had such a strong dislike for Jessy.

de fet el de Campamento Kikiwaka

in fact the Camp Kikiwaka

és el mateix, no?

It's the same, right?

és una extensió d'ara

it is an extension of now

surt el Rabi, la Turi

The Rabi comes out, Turi.

a mi Campamento Kikiwaka em va venir molt lluny

Camp Kikiwaka came to me from very far away.

a mi també

me too

però ja era com que romàntic

but it was already kind of romantic

jo ho vaig pillar però de gotes rollo que algun dia

I got it, but in drops, like someday.

opinava perquè és el que hi havia però...

I thought so because that's what there was, but...

jo estic traumada perquè...

I am traumatized because...

perquè com que es va morir el Camerón Boys

because Cameron Boys died

jo no...

not me...

jo tinc prohibit parlar d'aquestes coses

I am prohibited from talking about these things.

d'aquests llocs

of these places

com que no hagi sortit ell perquè ho passo molt malament

I hope he doesn't go out because I'm having a really hard time.

jo vaig plorar tant

I cried so much.

ah sí?

Oh really?

però tant

but so much

també no es fan eh

they also don't do it, huh

és que a mi m'agrada molt el Camerón Boys

I really like the Camerón Boys.

però molt

but very



era el meu crush

he was my crush

era el teu crush?

Was he your crush?

tothom que m'agrada

everyone I like

es mor

he/she dies

al Camerón Boys

to the Cameron Boys

coder tia

coder aunt

al Mac Miller

to Mac Miller

molt inspirador això eh

very inspiring this, isn't it?

al Tomàs

to Tomàs

però és que el Mac...

but it's just that Mac...

jo tindria por la veritat

I would be afraid of the truth.

al Mac Miller

to Mac Miller

és que

it's that



noi de Madrid vés amb compte

boy from Madrid, be careful

em diu el noi de Madrid

he tells me the guy from Madrid

qui és?

Who is it?

jo el Mac Miller

I the Mac Miller

i em diu

and he/she tells me

i què fa?

And what does it do?

en tant

so long



en què fa?

What does it do?


I say

pues està ballant

Well, she is dancing.



ara no

not now

perquè està mort

because he is dead

què fa?

What is he/she doing?

en fi


jo crec que

I believe that

jo no riguis

I don't laugh.

que avui m'afecta

that affects me today

ve la secció de la Paula

come to Paula's section

fins aquí la sèrie

That's the end of the series.





encara no ha acabat

it is not over yet

perquè la meva secció

because my section


it is

la secció

the section


it is

la mateixa secció

the same section

de cada setmana

of each week

holy shit

santa merda

de sempre


quins menjars són

what foods are they

els personatges

the characters

de les sèries?

of the series?

quines exactament?

which ones exactly?



llavors comencem

then let's get started





tu dius

you say

que de baix

that from below

molt bikini

very bikini







què és un cheddar?

What is a cheddar?

jo t'hauria dit uns

I would have told you some.



ni t'he dit

I haven't told you.

a part de per la cara

aside from for the face

llueix a bikini

wears a bikini

en plan

in plan

tenen moltes

they have many

bocadillo mixto

mixed sandwich

a sobre

on top

heu vist una cosa

have you seen something

heu vist alfínies de frente?

Have you seen the alfinetes from the front?



que feo

how ugly





per això

that's why

ficar alfínies de frente

put in front of the pins

està feo

it's ugly

està molt feo

it's very ugly

no no

no no

qualsevol personatge

any character

de qualsevol sèrie

of any series

en 2D

in 2D

de frente

straight ahead

és molt turbio

it's very murky


it is









detectiu conan

Detective Conan



Ostres, jo t'hauria dit ous ferrats, eh? No sé per què.

Wow, I would have said fried eggs, huh? I don't know why.

És que és com classe, en pla cine.

It's just like class, in a movie way.



Què més? Doraemon.

What else? Doraemon.



Per què rudo?

Why rude?

Perquè el packaging és blau com ell.

Because the packaging is blue like him.



Molt bàsic.

Very basic.

Bueno, molt bàsic, tio, però prou.

Well, very basic, dude, but enough.

M'està una mica més.

It's bothering me a little more.

Per mi, el Doraemon és com...

For me, Doraemon is like...

Un got de llet.

A glass of milk.

Per mi sí, un got de llet.

For me, yes, a glass of milk.

Ho hauria dit un Frankfurt.

I would have said a Frankfurt.

Frankfurt, no.

Frankfurt, no.

Una hamburguesa.

A hamburger.

Una hamburguesa amb fast food.

A hamburger with fast food.

Sí, alguna cosa de fast food.

Yes, something from fast food.

Una hamburguesa perquè pot portar moltes coses.

A hamburger because it can have many things.

Saps? I el Doraemon té una butxaca màgica

Do you know? Doraemon has a magic pocket.

on porta moltes coses.

It brings many things.

Un kebab, tio.

A kebab, dude.

Vale, pues un kebab.

Okay, then a kebab.

Un kebab, eh?

A kebab, huh?

M'agrada tant el kebab.

I like kebab so much.

És que una cosa, no es pot superar

It's just that one thing cannot be overcome.

el delfí ni el del biquini, m'agrada molt, eh?

I like both the dolphin and the bikini very much, you know?

Eh, espies de veritat.

Oh, real spies.

Espies de veritat.

Real spies.

100% són una amanida.

100% are a salad.



Patates fregides.

French fries.

Unes patates fregides del gala.

Some fried potatoes from Gala.

Del gala, és molt específic, eh?

From the gala, it's very specific, huh?

I un smoothie d'aquests de framuesa i aràndanos.

And a smoothie of those with raspberry and blueberries.



Jo diria un micado.

I would say a micado.

Totes les tres.

All three.

Un brownie.

A brownie.

No, en plan tres.

No, like three.

Tres micados.

Three micados.

Un micado.

A micado.

Ja ho he entès.

I have understood it.



Jo, bueno, no sé.

Me, well, I don't know.

No sé.

I don't know.





Saps el...

Do you know the...



Ah, ja sé què són.

Ah, I already know what they are.

Els paquets aquests que veuen tres pebrots d'un color diferent.

The packages that show three peppers of a different color.

Són pebrots d'un color de cada oscura.

They are peppers of each dark color.

Creieu realment que els colors són a base del pebrot?

Do you really think that colors are based on pepper?



Tu creus?

Do you believe?

El què?

The what?

És a dir, els colors són fets en base del pebrot.

That is to say, the colors are made based on the pepper.

Les espies de veritat.

The real spies.

Podria ser, perquè realment és groc, verd i vermell.

It could be, because it is really yellow, green, and red.

Per això ho he dit.

That's why I said it.

Potser també un semàfor, eh?

Maybe also a traffic light, huh?

Potser també un semàfor.

Maybe also a traffic light.



Ja, però estem parlant de menjar.

Yes, but we are talking about food.

Seria veritat.

It would be true.

Per tant, són pebrots.

Therefore, they are peppers.

M'agraden totes les pebrots.

I like all the peppers.

Jo anava a dir...

I was going to say...

El gelat aquest de...

This ice cream of...

El gelat tan escuic...

The ice cream so scant...

Que eren com...

What they were like...

Que es pa...

What is bread...





Pues això.

Well, that's it.



Què menys?

What less?



La lila...

The lilac...

De la família de Subbots.

From the Subbots family.

La lila?

The lilac?

100% unes cèl·lules.

100% cells.



Una ceba.

An onion.



Molt, eh?

A lot, huh?



Molt, eh?

Very, huh?

De fet, et diria les pringles de cebolla.

In fact, I would tell you the onion Pringles.



No ho sé, eh?

I don't know, okay?

Jo diria una ceba.

I would say an onion.

Una ceba.

A onion.

És una habitació olorar pringles de cebolla.

It is a room that smells like onion Pringles.



Això potser sí.

This perhaps yes.

Més que...

More than...

Jo diria algo com...

I would say something like...

És que no...

It's just that no...

No em puc descriure.

I can't describe myself.

És que a mi ceba m'ha agradat bastant.

It's just that I've quite liked this onion.







Sí, m'ha agradat bastant la ceba.

Yes, I quite liked the onion.

Però era com...

But it was like...

Saps quan et menges bitxos?

Do you know when you eat bugs?

Per ser una ceba?

To be an onion?

Jo què sé, tio.

I don't know, man.

Algo super insípid, rollo una bleda o una cosa així.

Something super bland, like a chard or something like that.



Perquè era també molt...

Because it was also very...



Era molt insípida, també.

It was very bland, too.



Una ceba.

An onion.

A mi de petita em deien que em semblava la dina.

When I was little, they said I looked like Dina.

Em prenen físicament.

They take me physically.

I et prenies bé o...?

Did you take it well or...?

Sí, físicament.

Yes, physically.

A veure quant...

Let's see how much...

Quants aros portes, tio!

How many hoops are you wearing, dude!



Però el mateix forat!

But the same hole!





Per què és de l'arracada?

Why is it from the earring?

És així?

Is that so?



Sembla que portes...

It seems that you are wearing...



Que arracada!

What a great earring!

M'he quedat ratllada.

I am feeling overwhelmed.


I say...

Des de quan tens els forats?

Since when do you have the holes?

Ai, nena.

Oh, girl.

M'ha portat bé.

It has treated me well.



És molt bé.

It is very good.

Sí, no?

Yes, no?

Per això tenen tants aros.

That's why they have so many hoops.

Perquè ho van fer ells.

Because they did it.



Per cada...

For each...

3 de cada rei.

3 of each king.

Ara hi ha dos cois.

Now there are two things.



M'has anat, m'has anat.

You have gone away from me, you have gone away from me.



Digues un altre personatge.

Name another character.

Va, diré alguna persona no tan fictíssima.

Alright, I will mention someone not so fictional.



El Pol de Merlí.

The Pole of Merlí.

Que no ho han dit, mira.

They haven't said it, look.

És que...

It's just that...


Holy shit...

Qui era el Pol de Merlí?

Who was Pol from Merlí?

El Carlos Cuevas.

The Carlos Cuevas.



El Pol Rubio.

The Blond Policeman.

És que m'estava confonent amb el Bruno i el Pol.

I was getting them confused with Bruno and Pol.

O és el Pol o és el Bruno.

It is either Pol or Bruno.

El Pol és uns macarrons.

Pol is a brat.

És que...

It's just that...

Hi ha pizza, eh?

There is pizza, right?





És pizza.

It is pizza.



Pizza no.

Pizza no.

Jo diria més macarrons que pizza.

I would say more macaroni than pizza.

Macarrons, sí.

Macaroni, yes.

O uns espaguetis amb tomàquet.

Or some spaghetti with tomato.



Per mi això és el Bruno, perquè se'n va anar a Itàlia.

For me, this is Bruno, because he went to Italy.



No pots dir el Bruno és...

You can't say Bruno is...

Basta perquè se'n va anar a Itàlia.

Enough because he/she went to Italy.

El Bruno...

The Bruno...

El Bruno és una col.

Bruno is a cabbage.



El Bruno és algú en pla...

Bruno is someone in plain...

No ho sé.

I don't know.

Insípid, també.

Insipid, too.



És que és molt insípid.

It's just very bland.

Com mongetes i patata.

Like beans and potato.


You know?



Clar, totalment.

Of course, totally.

És un tio, però...

He's a guy, but...

No sé.

I don’t know.



És que no em pots dir...

It's just that you can't tell me...

És una lasanya perquè se'n va a Roma a estudiar.

It's a lasagna because she's going to Rome to study.


You know?





Seguint aquesta lògica, jo soc una hamburguesa amb una Coca-Cola així de gran.

Following this logic, I am a hamburger with a Coca-Cola this big.



Feu això.

Do this.

A veure qui som cadascú d'aquí.

Let's see who each of us is here.

La Paula, per mi.

Paula, for me.





D'això no ho vam fer ja.

We already did that.

No ho sé.

I don't know.

Però, tornarem bé.

But we will return well.

Vam dir que era Eclipsa.

We said it was Eclipsa.

És veritat.

It is true.

Que no sé què va quedar al final.

I don't know what was decided in the end.

Però, per mi la Paula és un petit suís de fresa.

But for me, Paula is a little strawberry Swiss.



S'està molt bé trobat.

It feels very good to be found.



L'hauria de dir que sí.

I should say yes.

Te l'has pensat.

Have you thought about it?

Perquè treballo un any petit?

Why do I work a small year?

Mira, no ho havia pensat, però dos por uno, tu.

Look, I hadn't thought about it, but two for one, you.



Som de les vibes.

We are about the vibes.

Som de...

We are from...



No sé...

I don't know...

Jo sé.

I know.

Sabeu el McDonald's que vam ficar una pel paic?

Do you know the McDonald's we put a pacifier in?

Comencem malament.

We are starting off on the wrong foot.

Ets una pelpaia.

You are a pain.

Uns nuggets també, eh?

Some nuggets too, right?

Jo diria un brownie.

I would say a brownie.

Uns nuggets també.

Some nuggets too.

Un brownie...

A brownie...

No, un muffin, ets un muffin.

No, a muffin, you are a muffin.

Però d'aràndanos.

But of blueberries.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Body shaming?

Body shaming?





Vale, vale.

Okay, okay.

Un muffin d'aràndanos.

A blueberry muffin.


I was thinking.





Al tanto.

Be careful.

Es canalón, jo diria.

It's a downspout, I would say.

Sí, eh?

Yes, huh?

Doncs mira, aquí estic d'acord.

Well look, here I agree.

Hola, l'has cremat.

Hello, you have burned it.

Estic bastant d'acord, estic bastant d'acord.

I quite agree, I quite agree.

Uns canalons.

Some cannelloni.

Lloeixo canalons.

I praise gutters.

A veure si és canaló.

Let's see if it's a cannelloni.

Tu me llueixes el canaló.

You shine the gutter for me.

Jo què llueixo?

What do I shine?



Mi café.

My coffee.

Ei, vale.

Hey, okay.

Un cafè.

A coffee.

Però un cafè, en plan...

But a coffee, in a casual way...

El mejor café del mundo.

The best coffee in the world.

El de llevar.

The one to carry.


You know?

Mi café.

My coffee.

No, l'Starbucks.

No, the Starbucks.

No, l'Starbucks no.

No, not Starbucks.



No és la panta de pasta del Tim Hortons.

It's not the pasta dough from Tim Hortons.

Saps d'aquells que són així de petits?

Do you know those that are this small?

I posa coffee, cafè, coffee, coffee.

And put coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee.

Pues aquelles.

Well, those.

Coffee, coffee, coffee.

Coffee, coffee, coffee.

Que cutre, tio.

How cheap, man.

Un cafè per a llevar.

A coffee to wake up.

Per què?


Bueno, sí.

Well, yes.

Perquè sempre té...

Because it always has...

Jo crec que sí.

I think so.

Per què?


No, perquè...

No, because...

No, però no m'ha semblat vàlid.

No, but it didn't seem valid to me.

Ah, vale.

Ah, okay.

No digues, ara digues.

Don't say, now say.

Ara digues.

Now say.

No, ara dius.

No, you say now.



Però és jo social.

But it's social me.



30 minutets, eh?

30 little minutes, eh?

Jo volia fer menys, eh?

I wanted to do less, you know?

Hola, hola, hola.

Hello, hello, hello.

Alerta, B2C.

Alert, B2C.

B2C, estem bastant...

B2C, we are quite...

Al juny.

In June.



Ui, de Sagatau.

Oh, from Sagatau.

De Sagatau.

From Sagatau.

Ja ho he de casar.

I have to get married already.

De fet.

In fact.



Acabem ja.

Let's finish now.

Anem a acabar.

Let's finish.

Ara acabem els capítols amb...

Now we finish the chapters with...

Nut, nut.

Nut, nut.

És veritat.

It's true.

Sí, millor, millor.

Yes, better, better.

Que l'altre final ja...

That the other final already...



A la 3 fem...

On the count of 3 we do...

Nut, nut.

Nut, nut.

Hòstia, que tu et quinaves.

Damn, you really messed up.

Bueno, però primer...

Well, but first...





A la campanita.

To the little bell.





Seguiu-nos a tots.

Follow us all.

A l'Ivan, a la Sandra, que ha tret cançó.

To Ivan, to Sandra, who has released a song.

A l'Eric, que no ha tret cançó.

To Eric, who has not released a song.

L'Ivan també ha tret cançó.

Ivan has also released a song.

A mi, que no ha tret cançó.

To me, who hasn't released a song.

I a Eclipsa, que traurà una cançó.

And Eclipsa, who will release a song.



Tampoc li falta.

Neither does he/she lack it.

Eclipsa, tot.

Eclipse, everything.

La cançó d'Eclipsa.

The song of Eclipsa.

Tereu això?

Do you keep this?

Bueno, moltes gràcies per escoltar-nos.

Well, thank you very much for listening to us.

Que vagi molt bé.

Take care.

Un, dos, tres, nut, nut.

One, two, three, nut, nut.

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