Cosmos, un viatge per l'Univers (amb Jaume Mas)

Mario Cervera

El Contracorrent

Cosmos, un viatge per l'Univers (amb Jaume Mas)

El Contracorrent

El Contracorrent, un podcast de Màrio Cervera.

The Contracorrent, a podcast by Màrio Cervera.

I llavors també és un plaer tornar i tornar aquí amb el Jaume

And then it is also a pleasure to return and come back here with Jaume.

que tindrem l'oportunitat d'entrevistar-lo i conèixer tots aquests secrets i curiositats.

that we will have the opportunity to interview him and learn all these secrets and curiosities.

Molt bé, comencem amb una pregunta obligada.

Very well, let's start with a mandatory question.

Què és per tu i com definiries aquest espai que és el Planetari?

What is it for you and how would you define this space that is the Planetarium?

Mira, el Planetari és un equipament de ciutat que per mi és màgic.

Look, the Planetarium is a city facility that is magical to me.

És un indret molt modest, és un indret amb mitjans relativament...

It is a very modest place, it is a place with relatively...

però amb un gran potencial i sobretot també el més interessant del Planetari

but with great potential and above all also the most interesting thing about the Planetarium

és que està molt dedicat als escolars.

It is that he is very dedicated to the students.

Aleshores és un lloc on els visitants aporten molta alegria, molt d'interès, moltes inquietuds

So it is a place where visitors bring a lot of joy, a lot of interest, and many concerns.

i el Planetari intenta reforçar aquestes inquietuds, intenta potenciar-les,

and the Planetarium tries to reinforce these concerns, tries to enhance them,

intenta fer que les persones es facin preguntes

try to make people ask questions

i es conscienciïn de la importància de tot el que tenim.

and they become aware of the importance of everything we have.

Per exemple...

For example...

Moltes vegades ens queixem del que no tenim, però ens costa valorar el que tenim.

Many times we complain about what we don't have, but we find it hard to appreciate what we do have.

I penso que com a éssers humans i habitants d'aquest planeta som superafortunats.

I think that as human beings and inhabitants of this planet we are super fortunate.

El Planetari fa una funció en aquest sentit educativa i divulgativa de l'astronomia,

The Planetarium plays an educational and informative role in this sense regarding astronomy.

però que l'astronomia és el fonament de...

but that astronomy is the foundation of...

Jo penso que és una ciència fonamental dels pilars, de les més importants que tenim.

I think it is a fundamental science of the pillars, one of the most important we have.

A què es dedica un astrònom? I on es forma?

What does an astronomer do? And where do they train?

Depèn. Un astrònom és tota aquella persona que vol endinsar-se dintre del món de l'astronomia.

It depends. An astronomer is anyone who wants to delve into the world of astronomy.

L'astronomia és una ciència que tant la pot fer un físic, un astrofísic,

Astronomy is a science that can be practiced by both a physicist and an astrophysicist.

que s'ha format amb una educació arreglada, superior,

who has been educated with formal, higher education,

però també pot ser qualsevol altra persona que tingui una professió, la que sigui,

but it can also be anyone else who has a profession, whatever it may be,

però tingui una inquietud personal pel món.

but have a personal concern for the world.

De l'univers que ens envolta.

Of the universe that surrounds us.

Aleshores, és l'única ciència que comparteix i col·labora de la mà

Then, it is the only science that shares and collaborates hand in hand.

entre el món professional i el món amateur.

between the professional world and the amateur world.

Bàsicament és perquè és una ciència que no podem experimentar amb ella habitualment

Basically, it's because it is a science that we cannot usually experiment with.

i és fonamentalment observacional.

and it is fundamentally observational.

Per tant, requereix moltíssims ulls i molts treballs individuals

Therefore, it requires a great many eyes and a lot of individual work.

que siguin capaços de sumar, col·laborar, compartir,

that they are able to add, collaborate, share,

i avançar tots junts.

and move forward together.

I és tan àmplia com a ciència que permet fer molts treballs compartimentats

And it is as broad as a science that allows for many compartmentalized tasks.

que després es pot fer un estudi global.

that then a global study can be done.

Per tant, astrònom, doncs, depèn.

Therefore, astronomer, it depends.

És a dir, no calen uns estudis especials.

That is to say, no special studies are required.

Un pot ser astrònom autodidacte, i més avui en dia que tenim tants mitjans

One can be a self-taught astronomer, especially nowadays with so many resources available.

com per poder accedir a informació, que això també és una sort.

as for being able to access information, which is also a blessing.

Som molt afortunats de poder tenir aquesta facilitat d'accedir.

We are very fortunate to have this ease of access.

Ho hem de valorar, també.

We also have to assess it.

I tant, sí, sí.

Sure, yes, yes.

Escolta, portes molts anys aquí al Planetari.

Listen, you have been here at the Planetarium for many years.

Han passat quants milers de nens, potser?

How many thousands of children have passed, perhaps?

Sí, ben bé, cada any en passen gairebé 8.000 nens.

Yes, indeed, nearly 8,000 children go through it each year.

Cada any, eh?

Every year, huh?

Sí, potser porto 40-50.000 nens, ben bé.

Yes, maybe I bring 40-50,000 children, really.

Són molts nens, eh?

There are many kids, huh?

Sí, però és una satisfacció perquè, ja et dic, veig que hi ha molt d'interès.

Yes, but it is a satisfaction because, as I said, I see that there is a lot of interest.

De fet, els nens tenen cor científic de quan són petits.

In fact, children have a scientific heart from a young age.

Comencen, i tu ho saps segur que a tu també t'ha passat,

It begins, and you know for sure that it has happened to you too.

comenceu pels dinosaures, no?

Let's start with the dinosaurs, shall we?



I després l'astronomia, l'astronàutica, no?

And then astronomy, astronautics, right?

Són temes que capten l'atenció, que t'atreuen, que són molt interessants

They are topics that capture attention, that attract you, that are very interesting.

i val la pena, paga la pena estimular-ho, no, això?

It's worth it, it's worth stimulating it, isn't it?

Estimular la ciència, l'interès per la ciència.

Stimulate science, interest in science.

Que bé, Jolín.

How nice, wow.

Clar, és important també en aquesta feina, imagino, i ja ho sé de primera mà,

Of course, it's also important in this job, I imagine, and I know it firsthand,

és important que t'agradi la teva feina i saber com fer arribar la informació

It is important that you like your job and know how to convey information.

a un públic tan especial com poden ser nens, perquè és això.

to an audience as special as children, because that is what it is.

Abans de començar em deies que la teva tasca com a divulgador

Before starting, you told me that your task as a popularizer

és saber traduir la informació al públic al qual t'estàs dirigint.

It is about knowing how to translate the information to the audience you are addressing.

Sí, clar.

Yes, of course.

Efectivament, aquí potser podries posar un astrofísic

Indeed, here you could perhaps put an astrophysicist.

i no seria un bon divulgador, no?

And I wouldn't be a good communicator, would I?

És a dir que, o potser sí, però que sí que és important

That means, or maybe yes, but that it is indeed important.

que la feina de divulgació, és a dir, de vulgaritzar la ciència,

that the task of outreach, that is, to popularize science,

que es deia així antigament i encara es diu així,

which was called that in ancient times and is still called that.

el terme és posar a l'abast la ciència de qualsevol persona, no?

The aim is to make science accessible to anyone, right?

Has de tenir la capacitat d'improvisar, no?

You have to have the ability to improvise, right?

És a dir, estàs en un entorn de persones que et venen a veure

That is to say, you are in an environment of people who come to see you.

i no pots tenir un guió tancat, no?

And you can't have a closed script, can you?

No et pots quadricular, no?

You can't square up, can you?

Has de mutar sobre la marxa per tal d'adaptar els continguts

You have to adapt on the go to modify the contents.

a aquells receptors que tens a l'altra banda, no?

to those receptors you have on the other side, right?

És a dir, en aquest sentit crec que és molt important

That is to say, in this sense I think it is very important.

ser capaç de captar les peculiaritats de cada una

be able to capture the peculiarities of each one

de les persones que tens aquí

of the people you have here

i ser capaç de donar-los allò que els cal a cada un, no?

And to be able to give them what they need for each one, right?

Vull dir que és important complementar coneixement

I mean that it is important to complement knowledge.

amb capacitat de transmetre.

with the ability to convey.

I sí que és cert,

And it is indeed true,

estic totalment d'acord amb tu,

I totally agree with you,

que l'has d'estimar la feina, no?

You have to love your job, right?

I això ho veiem en qualsevol tipus de persona.

And we see this in any type of person.

Hi ha persones que fan feines que no els agraden

There are people who do jobs that they don't like.

i es nota, no?

And you can tell, right?

En canvi, si una feina la gaudeixes,

On the other hand, if you enjoy a job,

t'ho passes bé i disfrutes,

you have a good time and enjoy,

doncs el resultat final sempre és molt millor, no?

So the final result is always much better, right?

Està clar, sí.

It's clear, yes.

Que maco sentir-ho, no?

How nice to hear that, right?

Que professionals que es dediquen a això

What professionals are dedicated to this?

reafirmin, no?

reaffirm, right?

I exposin que és això que és la teva passió,

And I expose that this is what your passion is,

que t'agrada i és...

what you like and it is...

Sí, sí, clar. Sí, sí.

Yes, yes, of course. Yes, yes.

És maco de sentir després que ho reps, no?

It's nice to feel that after you receive it, right?

Perquè també el públic, ostres, doncs,

Because the audience, wow, well,

és molt diferent que algú t'expliqui la informació

It's very different from someone explaining the information to you.

per explicar-te o que realment ho visqui, no?

to explain to you or what I really experienced, right?

Que sigui una cosa que porta a dins.

It should be something that comes from within.

Això em porta a la següent pregunta, que és que

This brings me to the next question, which is that

quin va ser el teu Big Bang particular?

What was your particular Big Bang?

Quin va ser aquesta espurna

What was that spark?

que et va fer que et dediquessis

what made you dedicate yourself

al que et dediques actualment?

What are you currently working on?

El meu Big Bang va ser una atrapalleria meva,

My Big Bang was my own entrapment,

que, bueno, jo a casa,

Well, I at home,

quan la meva germana marxava de casa,

when my sister was leaving home,

era més gran que jo,

she was older than me,

i la meva feina era explorar la seva habitació, no?

And my job was to explore his room, right?

Com bon trapella que era, no?

As the good rascal that he was, right?

I un dia, remenant uns prestatges

And one day, sifting through some shelves.

amb llibres que hi havia a la seva habitació,

with the books that were in his room,

em va caure un llibre que es deia

a book fell on me that was called

Secrets del cosmos, del Colin A. Roman,

Secrets of the cosmos, by Colin A. Roman,

que era d'astronomia.

that was about astronomy.

Se'm va caure i se'm va quedar obert

It fell and stayed open.

a terra amb una fotografia

on the ground with a photograph

de l'alèxia de l'Andròmeda, no?

of the alexia of Andromeda, right?

Em vaig quedar flipat.

I was blown away.

Tenia jo sis anys.

I was six years old.

Des d'aquell dia ja...

Since that day already...

Bueno, vaig quedar absolutament

Well, I was absolutely left.

absorbit per l'astronomia i vaig començar

absorbed by astronomy, I started

a moure'm i a fer de tot.

to move and do everything.

És a dir, que són ja molts anys

That is to say, it has been many years already.

amb l'astronomia, sí, sí.

with astronomy, yes, yes.

I ja no m'he pogut desenganxar mai, eh?

And I haven't been able to detach myself ever since, have I?

Vull dir que...

I mean that...

Sí, sí, totalment.

Yes, yes, totally.

Fins i tot jo recordo que tenia a casa

Even I remember that I had at home.

una Olivetti, d'aquelles antigues, no?

an Olivetti, one of those old ones, right?

I escrivia llibres d'astronomia, per mi, eh?

And I wrote books on astronomy, for me, huh?

És a dir, que llegia,

That is to say, I was reading,

buscava, que llavors

I was looking for, then

buscar recursos era molt més complicat,

finding resources was much more complicated,

hi havia biblioteques específiques, no?,

There were specific libraries, right?

d'aquests temes, però sí, sí,

about these topics, but yes, yes,

recollia informació i en feia jo els meus propis llibres

I collected information and made my own books from it.

per tenir la informació

to have the information

més a l'abast i tal, sí, sí.

more within reach and such, yes, yes.

Molt raro, sí.

Very rare, yes.

Molt raro, però bueno. Sí, sí. Però bueno,

Very strange, but okay. Yes, yes. But okay,

que és, realment, sí, és un món que t'atrapa molt, eh?

What it is, really, yes, it’s a world that traps you a lot, huh?

I escolta'm una cosa.

And listen to me for a moment.

Creus que s'ensenya suficient

Do you think enough is taught?

als centres escolars? Perquè la teva feina

to school centers? Because of your work

és, diguéssim,

it's, let's say,

extraescolar a la que pot portar

extracurricular that you can take him/her to

cada centre. Creus que

each center. Do you think that

ens queda encara molt per aprendre?

Do we still have a lot to learn?

Hem d'aprendre a mirar el cel?

Do we need to learn to look at the sky?

A les escoles

In the schools

es fan projectes molt interessants.

Very interesting projects are being made.

També és cert que els nens remen

It is also true that the children row.

en la mateixa direcció. Hi ha molts nens que

in the same direction. There are many children who


they propose

projectes relacionats amb l'univers, no?

Projects related to the universe, right?

També és cert que els mestres tenen

It is also true that teachers have

moltíssima feina, no?, de molts tipus,

a lot of work, right?, of many types,

i tenen poc temps disponible com per poder

and they have little time available to be able to

crear ells per si mateixos projectes,

create projects for themselves,



Per tant, no és cap crítica

Therefore, it is not a criticism.

a ningú, eh?, però sí que és cert, no?, que

to no one, right?, but it is true, isn't it, that

l'astronomia és

astronomy is

és quelcom que sembla que estigui

it's something that seems to be

lluny de nosaltres, no?, i no

far from us, right? and no

s'estudia amb profunditat, no?

It's studied in depth, right?

Fins i tot gent adulta, hi ha molta gent

Even adults, there are a lot of people.

adulta que té, vamos, no té ni

adult who has, let's say, has not even

nocions bàsiques de temes

basic notions of topics

d'astronomia, i sí

of astronomy, and yes

que és important, és molt important perquè

what is important, is very important because

estem dins de l'univers, no?, formem

we are inside the universe, right?, we form

part de l'univers, no?, a nivell de

part of the universe, right?, at the level of

planeta i a nivell de certs, no? És a dir,

planet and at a certain level, right? That is to say,

i això, estem atrapats en

and this, we are trapped in

una rutina diària, no?, que ens dona

a daily routine, right?, that gives us

una falsa sensació de rutina i

a false sense of routine and

de seguretat, que

of security, that

darrerament ja hem vist que és totalment

lately we have seen that it is totally

fictícia, no?, amb la Covid, etc.,

fictional, right?, with Covid, etc.,

etc., coses que t'assalten i dius

etc., things that assault you and you say

com pot ser això, no? Bé, estem a

how can this be, right? Well, we are at

l'univers, ens poden assaltar coses també, no?,

The universe can also assault us with things, right?

formem part de

we are part of

d'un entorn, no?, i vivim

of an environment, right?, and we live

amb una bombolla que ens protegeix,

with a bubble that protects us,

que és la Terra, que ens

what is the Earth, that we

protegeix realment de coses que ens podrien matar

it really protects against things that could kill us

en qualsevol moment, no?, però

at any moment, right?, but

que no en som conscients, i

that we are not aware of, and

ens quedem amb lo que hi ha per sota, no?, de

we stay with what is underneath, right?, of

l'atmosfera, que és el nostre entorn

the atmosphere, which is our environment

de comoditat, no?, el nostre entorn

For convenience, right?, our environment.

fàcil, no?,

easy, isn’t it?

i perdem aquesta consciència,

and we lose this awareness,

no?, i és important

no?, and it's important

sobretot saber lo que tens

above all, know what you have

per poder-ho valorar a la justa

to be able to assess it correctly

mesura, no? Potser ens canviaria

Measure, right? Maybe it would change us.

una mica la personalitat, no?

a bit of the personality, right?

Diuen que l'astronomia és una ciència

They say that astronomy is a science.

que t'ajuda a madurar, no?, com ser

that helps you grow up, right?, like being

com ser

how to be

intel·lectual, no?, en el sentit de que

intellectual, right?, in the sense that

prens consciència d'una sèrie de coses

become aware of a series of things

que mundanament potser no

that mundanely perhaps not

es tenen en compte, no?, i jo estic d'acord, no?,

They are taken into account, right?, and I agree, right?,

crec que tens una consciència

I believe you have a conscience.

més global, no?

more global, right?

Quina és la pregunta més estranya que t'ha fet

What is the strangest question someone has asked you?

algun infant?

any child?

Uf, és una pregunta

Phew, that's a question.

molt complicada, aquesta,

very complicated, this one,

perquè, mira,

because, look,

depèn, hi ha nens que em venen aquí,

it depends, there are kids who come to me here,

que són grandets, eh?, que em diuen

they're quite big, aren't they?, they tell me

Jaume, les estrelles són persones que han mort?

Jaume, are the stars people who have died?



Sí, clar, llavors... Això t'ho han preguntat, eh?

Yes, of course, so... They have asked you that, huh?

Sí, i evidentment els dic

Yes, and I obviously tell them.

que no, no?, i que no,

that no, right?, and that no,

no són persones que han mort, sinó

they are not people who have died, but

que són sols, no?,

they are only, right?

en planetes al seu entorn,

in planets surrounding it,

però que jo, quan miro les estrelles,

but that I, when I look at the stars,

no?, sí que em fa pensar

No?, yes, it makes me think.

en els meus familiars que han mort, no?,

in my relatives who have died, right?

perquè quan miro les estrelles,

because when I look at the stars,

és un entorn, no?, d'intimitat, no?,

It's an environment, right?, of intimacy, right?,

de connexió amb l'univers, no?,

of connection with the universe, right?

que et permet reflexionar

that allows you to reflect

i recordar-te de coses positives a la teva vida,

and remind you of positive things in your life,

no?, però, bueno, als nens no se'ls

no?, but, well, the children are not given

hi ha de mentir mai, no?, se'ls hi ha d'explicar les coses,

One should never lie, right? Things need to be explained to them.

no?, i fer-les veure d'una altra manera,

no?, and to show them in a different way,

no?, vull dir que la ciència

No? I mean that science

en aquest sentit no ha de destruir

in this sense it should not destroy



sinó al contrari, no?, estimular-les, no?

but on the contrary, right?, to stimulate them, right?

Però també han vingut

But they have also come

nens aquí parlant-me de que si

kids here talking to me about whether

rebem neutrins de l'espai,

we receive neutrinos from space,

no?, és a dir, clar,

no?, that is to say, of course,

avui en dia hi ha nens increïbles,

today there are incredible children,

però increïbles, eh?,

but incredible, huh?

que et venen amb 7 o 8 anys

that they sell you at 7 or 8 years old

i et quedes flipat, flipat

and you stay amazed, amazed

amb el grau de coneixement

with the level of knowledge

que tenen, eh?, o sigui, no són preguntes

What do they have, huh? I mean, these aren't questions.

tontes, sinó que s'han documentat, eh?,

silly, but they have been documented, right?

o sigui, és increïble. Creus que hi ha

I mean, it's incredible. Do you think there is

un esperit de recerca ara,

a spirit of research now,

comparativament potser amb fa uns anys? A veure,

comparatively perhaps with a few years ago? Let's see,

potser són un 10% dels nens, eh?,

perhaps it's about 10% of the children, right?

o entre un 5 i un 10%

or between 5 and 10%

dels nens, però hi ha nens aquí que a vegades els dic,

of the children, but there are children here that I sometimes tell them,

després m'oblido, eh?, perquè jo tinc moltes coses

then I forget, okay?, because I have a lot of things

al cap, però els dic, com et dius tu?

at the end, but I tell them, what is your name?

Perquè estàs convençut de que

Because you are convinced that

dintre de 20, 25 anys

within 20 to 25 years

el seu nom serà conegut,

his name will be known,

perquè ho veus, no?,

because you see it, right?

que hi ha una fusta allà que dius,

there's a wood there that you say,

mare meva, tela, xaval, xapo.

my goodness, wow, dude, great.

Que maco. Sí, sí. Escolta,

How nice. Yes, yes. Listen,

quin és l'objecte celeste que més et fascina?

What is the celestial object that fascinates you the most?

Mart. Mart, eh?

March. March, huh?

Sí. El tenim aquí darrere, no sé...

Yes. We have it back here, I don't know...

Sí, sí. El planeta Mart.

Yes, yes. The planet Mars.

Mart, eh? Sí, sí. Mira que està proper

March, huh? Yes, yes. Look how close it is.

a nosaltres, eh?, però

to us, eh?, but

a Mart hi ha algun misteri que s'ha

On Mars, there is some mystery that has

d'acabar de lligar, sí, sí, és un planeta

just tied up, yes, yes, it's a planet

interessant. Sí, eh?

Interesting. Yes, huh?

Sí, sí, no sé,

Yes, yes, I don't know,

jo, clar, a veure, això ja no té res que

I, of course, let's see, this has nothing to do with it anymore.

veure amb la ciència, és una sensació,

to see with science, it is a feeling,

no?, que tots pensem molt en Mart com

"Don't we all think a lot about Mars as..."

origen de la vida, no?, i

origin of life, right?, and

potser, potser

maybe, maybe

l'origen de la vida a la Terra hagi estat Mart, no?

The origin of life on Earth may have been Mars, right?

Si ara

If now

l'estem estudiant com destí de la humanitat.

We are studying it as the destiny of humanity.

Sí. Però potser va ser l'origen

Yes. But perhaps it was the origin.

de la humanitat, eh?, vull dir que...

of humanity, huh?, I mean that...

Que això també ho hem de tenir present. Sí, és un planeta

That we also have to keep in mind. Yes, it is a planet.

interessant d'estudiar i

interesting to study and

espero que en les properes dècades

I hope that in the coming decades

puguem explorar-lo en persona,

we can explore it in person,

no?, és a dir, que realment es pugui

no?, that is to say, that it can really be

trepitjar a Mart i buscar,

tread on Mars and search,

buscar coses allà, no?

Looking for things there, right?

Després profunditzarem això

Later we will delve into this.

amb el tema de Mart.

with the topic of Mars.

En què penses si et dic el somni

What do you think of when I say the dream?

de Júria? Bueno, és

of Júria? Well, it is

una novel·la que vaig escriure,

a novel that I wrote,

de fet, és una novel·la que vaig

In fact, it is a novel that I wrote.

acabar escrivint

end up writing

com una espina que tenia clavada al meu cor,

like a thorn that was stuck in my heart,

que el meu pare sempre, quan era jove, em deia

that my father always, when he was young, used to tell me

Ja, home, és que tu comences moltes coses

Yes, well, it’s just that you start many things.

però no acabes mai res, no? Això em sona, eh?

But you never finish anything, do you? This sounds familiar, huh?

Sí, i em vaig fer

Yes, and I made myself.

la proposta de realment acabar la novel·la

the proposal to actually finish the novel

i la vaig acabar, i a més que era

And I finished it, and besides, it was.

una cosa que jo volia fer, no?, és

One thing that I wanted to do, right?, is

un compendi de mi, és a dir,

a compendium of me, that is to say,

també té a veure amb un viatge

it also has to do with a trip

que vaig fer a Islàndia, que feia molts anys

what I did in Iceland, many years ago

que jo volia anar a Islàndia, té

that I wanted to go to Iceland, has

a veure amb l'astronomia, té a veure amb la vida

Let's see, with astronomy, it has to do with life.

fora de l'univers, té

out of the universe, it has

a veure amb com veig jo el món

let's see how I see the world

i amb el món que crec que ens estem equivocant

and with the world that I think we are making a mistake

en moltes coses, no?, amb l'estructura

in many things, right?, with the structure



social, econòmica, no?,

social, economic, right?

com funciona el món, no? I és un

how the world works, right? And it is a

compendi de tot plegat, no?, que

a summary of it all, right?

vaig fer un poti-poti amb un format

I made a mishmash with a template.

de novel·la i de novel·la d'aventures,

of novels and adventure novels,

no?, per intentar entretenir la gent,

no?, to try to entertain people,

no?, amb l'absoluta modèstia

no?, with absolute modesty

personal, eh?, perquè

personal, huh?, because

evidentment jo no sóc

obviously I am not

literari ni molt menys, però

literary by no means, but

sí que m'agrada parlar i comunicar

I do like to talk and communicate.

i com que des de fa molts anys tothom em deia

and since many years ago everyone has been telling me

però per què no escrius? Que tu escrius molt bé

But why don't you write? You write very well.

i tal, doncs mira, vaig dir, doncs vaig

And so, look, I said, then I'm going.

a fer-ho i és el primer de

to do it and he is the first of

jo crec que un seguit de llibres que

I believe that a series of books that

vull anar escrivint, perquè costa molt

I want to keep writing because it’s very hard.

trobar temps lliure, costa

finding free time is hard

moltíssim i l'escriptura

very much and the writing

necessites ser

you need to be

perseverant, no?, necessites agafar

perseverant, right?, you need to take

la inspiració i ta-ta-ta-ta-ta.

the inspiration and ta-ta-ta-ta-ta.

Però clar, sí que és cert que

But of course, it is true that

tens moltes coses per explicar, moltes.

you have a lot of things to explain, many.

Bueno, però això és bo. Sí, sí,

Well, but this is good. Yes, yes,

i tant. I això vol dir que també tens feina, per tant.

Of course. And this means that you also have work, therefore.

Sí, sí, i si no en tinc me'n busco.

Yes, yes, and if I don't have one, I'll look for one.

Sí, clar, és que la vida és molt important

Yes, of course, it's just that life is very important.

buscar-te feina, sí, sí.

Looking for a job, yes, yes.

Si et sembla, canviem una mica de

If you like, let's change a bit of

dinàmica, menys personal i més

dynamic, less personal and more

coneixements, a veure si estàs

knowledge, let's see if you're there

preparat i no et pillo per sorpresa.

Get ready and I won't catch you by surprise.

Quina és la teoria que

What is the theory that

tenim actualment

we currently have

més formada sobre la creació de l'univers?

more educated on the creation of the universe?



Actualment el Big Bang.

Currently the Big Bang.

Perquè sembla que hi ha proves que hi va haver

Because it seems that there is evidence that there was.

alguna cosa, no?, fa 13.800

Something, right?, costs 13,800.

milions d'anys, no?

millions of years, right?

I a partir d'allà es va

And from there it was

expandint el que coneixem com univers, no?

expanding what we know as the universe, right?

Però dic actualment, eh?, actualment

But I mean currently, right? Currently.

és perquè sí

it's just because

que com ens caracteritza els humans

what characterizes us humans

és que som força

it's that we are quite

prepotents i sempre

arrogant and always

pensem que la nostra

we think that our

època és la

what time is it

possedora de la veritat

holder of the truth

absoluta, no? És a dir, que

absolute, right? That is to say, that

llavors això sempre ho hem de relativitzar molt.

then we always have to put this into perspective.

Sempre. Tot. Ho hem de relativitzar

Always. Everything. We have to put it into perspective.

molt. I sempre hem de pensar, com tu

very. And we must always think, like you.

dius, no?, actualment quina

You say, right?, currently which

és la hipòtesi

it is the hypothesis

o teoria que creiem que és vàlida.

or theory that we believe is valid.

Ara, en aliançament

Now, in alliance

amb l'enlairement del James Webb, no?, que es va enviar

with the launch of the James Webb, right?, that was sent out

a l'Espai fa un any i mig,

a year and a half ago at the Space,

aproximadament, el telescopi

approximately, the telescope

aquest de 6 metres i mig de diàmetre,

this one has a diameter of 6 and a half meters,

ja està començant a trontollar la teoria

The theory is starting to falter.

del Big Bang, val?

from the Big Bang, okay?

Bé, almenys, si més no,

Well, at least, if nothing else,

la temporalitat


que li estàvem donant, no?,

that we were giving him/her, right?

perquè amb aquest instrument que és capaç

because with this instrument that is capable

de fotografiar

of photographing

objectes molt llunyans,

very distant objects,

galàxies, que es calcula que

galaxies, which it is estimated that

es van formar als 300, 500

they were formed at 300, 500

primers milions d'anys

first millions of years

d'existència teòrica de l'univers,

the theoretical existence of the universe,

no?, doncs es veuen

No? Then they can be seen.

unes galàxies totalment evolucionades

totally evolved galaxies

i que segons els models

and that according to the models

actuals, doncs es considera que

current, so it is considered that

no haurien hagut de tenir prou temps

they should have had enough time

com per evolucionar tant, no?

How to evolve so much, right?

Per tant, alguna cosa grinyola allà, no?

So, something is creaking there, right?

És evident

It is evident.

que conforme tenim més mitjans

that as we have more means

per analitzar l'univers, doncs

to analyze the universe, then

les coses van mutant

things are changing

i van canviant, no? Les peces,

They change, don't they? The pieces,

els engranatges van canviant, no?

The gears are changing, right?

I això, de fet, no ens ha d'inquietar,

And this, in fact, should not concern us,

això és interessant, és la ciència, no?

this is interesting, it's science, right?

Avances amb el coneixement

Advances with knowledge

i van canviant les coses, no?

Things are changing, right?

El pitjor que han fet els humans, no?

The worst thing humans have done, right?

Ja no parlo amb el món de la ciència,

I no longer speak with the world of science,

sinó amb el món de la cultura i de la...

but with the world of culture and...

societat, és quedar-nos

society, is to stay with us

tancats en unes idees

locked in some ideas

i intentar defensar-les

and try to defend them

contra... contra l'evidència,

against... against the evidence,

no? Que això és terrible

No? That this is terrible.

i ens ha passat històricament moltes vegades, no?

And it has happened to us historically many times, right?

Interessant això, eh?

Interesting this, isn’t it?

Posar en dubte el Big Bang, eh?

Doubting the Big Bang, huh?

Sí, bueno...

Yes, well...

Sí, sí, sí...

Yes, yes, yes...

No, som posseïdors de la veritat

No, we are possessors of the truth.

absoluta, a veure, ens ha servit durant un temps,

absolute, let's see, it has served us for a while,

però no sabem ben bé...

but we don't really know...

Sí que sabem que l'univers s'expansiona,

Yes, we do know that the universe is expanding,

sembla que tot apunta

it seems that everything points

a que s'expansiona, però bueno,

to which it expands, but well,

d'això a dir que tot ha nascut

from this to say that everything has been born

d'un petit punt i ha aparegut

from a small dot it has appeared

tot allà, la pregunta és

there, the question is



i d'on venia tot això, no?

And where was all this coming from, right?

Una singularitat,

A uniqueness,

que és el terme elegant

what is the elegant term

per dir no tenim ni idea, no?

To say we have no idea, right?



Encara hi ha dubtes, llavors, no?

There are still doubts, then, aren't there?

Sempre han d'haver dubtes.

There must always be doubts.

I ens hem de ficar al servei de que

And we have to put ourselves at the service of what

les coses moltes vegades no tenen resposta,

things often have no answer,

vale? Però ens hem d'anar acostant

Okay? But we need to start getting closer.

a les respostes. Per tant, ara

to the answers. Therefore, now

de moment la més resposta millor és el Big Bang.

At the moment, the best answer is the Big Bang.

Quan tinguem un altre model que expliqui

When we have another model that explains

moltes més coses, doncs serà un altre.

many more things, so it will be another.

No hi ha problema, és anar avançant.

No problem, it's about moving forward.

Sí, sí...

Yes, yes...

Res, quan parlem de l'univers tenim molt present els

Nothing, when we talk about the universe we are very aware of the

conceptes matèria oscura

dark matter concepts

i energia. Tot això

and energy. All of this

per nosaltres,

for us,

què vol dir això? Com ens ho prenem?

What does this mean? How do we take it?

Què vol dir la matèria oscura?

What does dark matter mean?

La matèria fosca és una matèria que no tenim

Dark matter is a matter that we do not have.

ni idea de què és exactament,

no idea what it is exactly,

vale? Això

Okay? That

qui va

who goes

destapar la llebre va ser

to uncover the hare was

la Vera Rubin, una astrònoma nord-americana

Vera Rubin, a North American astronomer

que de fet, bueno,

that in fact, well,

una astrònoma que com moltes astrònomes

an astronomer who, like many female astronomers

van patir el sexisme

they suffered sexism

i els hi va costar moltíssim

and it cost them a lot

més que als homes obrir-se pas, no?

more than for men to pave the way, right?

I per intentar combinar

And to try to combine

la seva vida familiar amb la seva

his family life with his

vocació, no?, es va dedicar

vocation, right? he/she dedicated himself/herself

a estudiar objectes que en principi

to study objects that in principle

havien de tenir moltes complicacions

they must have had many complications

com eren les galàxies, no?

what were the galaxies like, right?

La Vera Rubin es va especialitzar

Vera Rubin specialized.

en l'anàlisi de la rotació de les galàxies,

in the analysis of galaxy rotation,

no? Les galàxies roten, giren sobre

No? The galaxies rot, they spin around.

sobre si mateixes. Nosaltres

about themselves. We


the star,

la nostra estrella gira

our star rotates

en un període de 230 milions d'anys

in a period of 230 million years

al voltant del centre galàctic, no?

around the galactic center, right?

Al voltant d'un forat negre, de fet, estem girant,

Around a black hole, in fact, we are spinning.

no? Doncs

no? Well then

la Vera Rubin es va dedicar a aquest camp

Vera Rubin dedicated herself to this field.

i, oh, sorpresa

Yes, oh, surprise.

que ella va ser

that she was

capaç de mesurar que en funció

capable of measuring that depending

de la massa de la galàxia que estava

of the mass of the galaxy that was

observant, la quantitat de matèria,

observing, the amount of matter,

no?, matèria baryònica,

no?, baryonic matter,

que és la que nosaltres estem fets, no?,

that is what we are made of, right?

la que ens constitueix,

the one that constitutes us,



la velocitat de rotació era

the rotation speed was

molt elevada i, per tant,

very high and, therefore,

s'hauria hagut com de desmembrar

it would have been like dismembering

la galàxia que estava observant, no?

the galaxy you were observing, right?

Per tant, hi havia

Therefore, there was

alguna altra cosa allà que li donava

something else there that he/she/it gave him/her/it

cohesió i que interactuava

cohesion and that interacted

gravitàriament per tal de mantenir-la

gravely in order to maintain it

unida, no? Doncs va descobrir

united, right? Well, she discovered

la matèria fosca. És a dir,

dark matter. That is to say,

sabem que és una matèria

we know that it is a subject

que no la podem captar, però

that we cannot capture it, though

que interactua gravitàriament amb la

that interacts gravitationally with it

amb la matèria ordinària, no?,

with ordinary matter, right?

que coneixem.

that we know.

Per això se li diu fosca, perquè de moment

That's why it's called dark, because for now

som incapaços a detectar-la, no?,

we are unable to detect it, aren't we?

només de manera indirecta.

only indirectly.

I quan a l'energia fosca,

And when it comes to dark energy,

doncs, bueno, l'energia fosca

well, um, dark energy

sembla ser que és la responsable

it seems she is the one responsible

de que l'univers s'està expandint, no?

That the universe is expanding, right?

I de manera accelerada.

And in an accelerated manner.

És a dir, que hi havia molts models

That is to say, there were many models.

quan es va implementar la teoria

when was the theory implemented

del Big Bang, que parlaven d'un

of the Big Bang, which spoke of a

Big Crunch, és a dir, que

Big Crunch, that is, that

primer l'univers s'expandiria i després

first the universe would expand and then

tiraria enrere, començaria a guanyar,

I would turn back, I would start to win,

o sigui, un primer moment d'expansió

that is, a first moment of expansion

s'aniria frenant

it would be slowing down

i la força gravitària tornaria a concentrar-la

and the gravitational force would concentrate it again

fins a un Big Crunch, no? És a dir,

until a Big Crunch, right? That is to say,

que tot tornaria al punt d'origen.

that everything would return to the starting point.

Hi havia un altre que parlava de que

There was another one that talked about that.

es continuaria expandint i tal, cap al Big Freeze,

it would continue expanding and such, towards the Big Freeze,

que seria el refredament de l'univers.

what would be the cooling of the universe.

Bueno, doncs, quin model

Well then, which model?

sembla que ara està funcionant? Doncs el del Big Freeze,

It seems that it is working now? Well, the Big Freeze one.

en el sentit que cada cop anem

in the sense that we are going every time

més acceleradament

more rapidly

expandint-nos, no? I sembla

expanding ourselves, right? And it seems

ser que aquesta energia

to be that this energy

que potencia aquesta expansió

that powers this expansion

progressiva de l'univers seria

progressive of the universe would be

l'energia fosca, no?

dark energy, right?

Però la seva naturalesa encara

But its nature still

no es pot

it cannot be done

avaluar, no?

to evaluate, right?

Són els camps que actualment

They are the fields that currently

doncs hi ha més per

well, there is more for

descobrir, no? A la pregunta hi ha

to discover, right? There is the answer to the question.

un reforç a la de si l'univers es pot expandir

a reinforcement to whether the universe can expand

i ja ens has dit que sí, però

and you have already told us that yes, but

l'univers té una edat?

Does the universe have an age?

Perquè això a mi sempre m'ha costat

Because this has always been hard for me.

entendre, en general, quan parlem de planetes

to understand, in general, when we talk about planets

o qualsevol cos,

or anything,

l'edat, no? No sé,

the age, right? I don't know,

parlàvem abans dels dinosaures, sempre m'ha costat

We were talking about dinosaurs before, it has always been difficult for me.

molt tirar tant enrere, no?

a lot to throw back, right?

Milions d'anys enrere, però

Millions of years ago, however.

l'univers té edat? S'estima,

Does the universe have an age? It is estimated.

s'estima, que té uns 13.800

it is estimated that it has about 13,800

milions d'anys, però

millions of years, but

s'estima, és a dir, segons els models

it is estimated, that is to say, according to the models

actuals. Això no vol dir

current. This does not mean

que dintre de quatre dies algú digui, no, no,

that in four days someone says, no, no,

és molt més antic, vale?

It's much older, okay?

O que, com

Or what, like

es pensava abans, pugui ser etern,

it was thought before, it can be eternal,

no? Perquè a començaments del segle

No? Because at the beginning of the century

passat, del segle XX, hi havia els

last century, there were the

dos models, no? Que era quelcom

two models, right? That was something

etern, no? Inerte,

eternal, isn't it? Inert,

i altres que parlàvem que estava en expansió, no?

and others that we were talking about that were expanding, right?

Bueno, no ho sabem, no?

Well, we don't know, do we?

Ara, de moment,

Now, for the moment,

funciona el model que tenim,

the model we have works,

però, ja et dic, tot ho hem de posar

but, I tell you, we have to put everything

amb un

with a

instrument, no?, provisional.

instrument, right?, provisional.

Si tenim moltes coses a fer encara

If we still have a lot of things to do

i moltes coses encara a descobrir, no?

And many things still to discover, right?

Bueno, bàsicament, és que

Well, basically, it is that

som, acabem de sortir del rovell

we are, we just came out of the rust

de l'ou, és a dir, els humans tenim uns mitjans

from the egg, that is to say, humans have certain means

molt rudimentaris per estudiar

very rudimentary for studying

una cosa que és tan gran, no?

One thing that is so big, right?

És immensament gran, l'univers, no?

The universe is immensely large, isn't it?



tot just hem començat, no?

We've just started, haven't we?

Hem iniciat, i els instruments que tenim

We have started, and the instruments we have

són molt, molt, molt, molt

they are very, very, very, very

rudimentaris, molt modestos.

rudimentary, very modest.

Per tant,


bueno, sí que és cert que

well, it is true that

la capacitat d'inventiva del ser humà

the capacity for invention of the human being

i la seva capacitat d'extrapolar,

and its ability to extrapolate,

no?, conclusions,

no?, conclusions,

doncs ha permès treure conclusions

so it has allowed drawing conclusions

que, en molts casos, doncs

that, in many cases, therefore

sembla que funcionen, no?, i que

It seems that they work, right? And what?

contrastant-ho amb la realitat observacional

contrasting it with the observational reality

de l'astronomia, doncs funcionen.

of astronomy, so they work.

Però això no ens ha d'enganyar, eh?,

But this shouldn't deceive us, okay?

a pensar que estem en possessió de la

to think that we are in possession of the

realitat, ni molt menys. És a dir,

reality, far from it. That is to say,

conforme tenim instruments més

as we have more instruments

potents o més acurats,

more powerful or more accurate,

fem descobriments nous, no?

We're making new discoveries, aren’t we?

I ens adonem que estàvem equivocats, no?

And we realize that we were wrong, right?

Només que al mirar, doncs,

Just by looking, then,

fa 50 anys

fifty years ago

l'únic lloc on hi havia aigua era

the only place where there was water was

la Terra, no?, i per tant només podia haver-hi

the Earth, right?, and therefore there could only be

vida la Terra. Ara hi ha aigua

Life on Earth. Now there is water.

a les llunes de Júpiter, hi ha aigua

On the moons of Jupiter, there is water.

a la Lluna, hi ha aigua

On the Moon, there is water.

a molts indrets, fins i tot hi ha nebuloses

In many places, there are even nebulas.

molèculars d'aigua a l'univers

molecules of water in the universe

perdudes entre les estrelles.

lost among the stars.

Per tant...


Va canviant, no?, és el que dèiem.

It's changing, isn't it? That's what we were saying.

Tot va canviant, sí.

Everything is changing, yes.

Alguna curiositat sobre les estrelles

Any curiosity about the stars?

que a tu personalment t'agradi?

that you personally like?

Home, hi ha una que m'encanta

At home, there is one that I love.

i que m'agrada sempre compartir amb ells, no?,

And I always like to share with them, right?

amb els visitants, tant joves com adults,

with the visitors, both young and adults,

no?, que és que realment

no?, what is it really?

nosaltres som fills d'una estrella, no?

we are children of a star, right?

I això no és una poesia,

And this is not a poem,

és cert, no?

It's true, isn't it?

Això sí que ho sabem, no?,

We do know this, right?

que a l'univers primigeni

that in the primordial universe

hi havia bàsicament només dos elements químics,

there were basically only two chemical elements,

que eren l'hidrogen i l'heli, no?

that were hydrogen and helium, right?

Tots els altres elements químics,

All the other chemical elements,

tots els que tenim actualment, no?,

All of us that we currently have, right?

tots els que formen part de nosaltres, no?,

all those who are part of us, right?

és a dir, l'oxigen, el carboni,

that is to say, oxygen, carbon,

el ferro que circula per les nostres venes, no?,

the iron that flows through our veins, right?

tots aquests elements químics,

all these chemical elements,

només hi ha un indret a l'univers

there is only one place in the universe

on es fabriquen, que és

where they are manufactured, what is it

el nucli de les estrelles més grans, no?

the core of the largest stars, right?

Les estrelles que després de fabricar-les

The stars that after making them

i sintetitzar tots aquests elements químics

and synthesize all these chemical elements

a partir d'una evolució

based on an evolution

de la cadena, no?,

of the chain, right?

d'hidrogen, heli, carboni, oxigen, tal,

hydrogen, helium, carbon, oxygen, such,

quan exploten, no?,

when they explode, right?

en forma de supernova,

in the form of a supernova,

hi ha tots aquests elements químics a l'espai,

there are all these chemical elements in space,

al seu entorn, no?,

in your surroundings, right?

i d'aquestes restes neixen noves estrelles

And from these remains, new stars are born.

i planetes que contenen aquests elements.

and planets that contain these elements.

Per tant, si nosaltres estem formats

Therefore, if we are trained

a aquests elements químics, vol dir que

to these chemical elements, it means that

som fills d'una estrella

we are children of a star

que va crear tots aquests elements químics

who created all these chemical elements

dels quals nosaltres

of which we

estem fets, no?

We're done, right?

Això ens hauria de fer reflexionar i pensar

This should make us reflect and think.

que formem part, no?, d'això.

that we are a part of, right?, of this.

No som observadors, no?

We are not observers, are we?

No som observadors d'una pel·lícula,

We are not spectators of a movie,

sinó que som protagonistes, no?

but we are protagonists, right?

I formem part, no?, d'aquest univers.

We are part of this universe, right?

És a dir, estem fets de la mateixa matèria

That is to say, we are made of the same matter.

que estrelles,

that stars,

planetes i tot el que hi ha al nostre entorn, no?

planets and everything around us, right?

Que bé,

How good,

sona increïble, eh?

sounds incredible, huh?

Sí, sí, és que és increïble, realment,

Yes, yes, it's just incredible, really.

és increïble. Tenim molta sort d'estar vius, no?,

It's incredible. We are very lucky to be alive, aren't we?

i de poder, amb la nostra

and to be able, with our

humilitat, no?,

humility, right?

ser capaços d'analitzar, no?,

to be able to analyze, right?

el nostre entorn, no?,

our environment, right?

i fer-nos preguntes tan interessants

and asking us such interesting questions

com la que deies tu, no?, de

like the one you mentioned, right?, of

quants anys, no?, fa que va existir,

how many years ago was it that it existed, right?

que va néixer tot això, no?

that all this was born, right?

O sigui, aquesta capacitat de

That is to say, this ability to

de raciocini, no?, és la part bona

Of reasoning, right? It's the good part.

de l'humà. Hi ha altres

of the human. There are others

no tan bones, no?, però aquesta

not so good, right?, but this one

és molt potent, és molt

it is very powerful, it is very



I sobre la immensitat,

And about the immensity,

jo ja, a nivell personal, també tinc molts dubtes,

I, personally, also have many doubts.

però com podríem

but how could we

fer-nos una idea del

get an idea of the

tamany de, per exemple, els planetes del sistema

size of, for example, the planets of the system

solar o...

solar or...

És que a mi em costa molt, eh?, ja dic, a nivell personal

It's just that it's very hard for me, you know? I'm saying this on a personal level.

ja és una bogeria. A tots ens costa molt.

It's already crazy. It's very difficult for all of us.


It is...



Parlar de dimensions és...

Talking about dimensions is...

és aclaparador, vale?

It's overwhelming, okay?

Per què? Doncs mira,

Why? Well, look,

imagina't, el planeta Mercuri, el primer que tens

imagine, the planet Mercury, the first one you have

allà, vale?

there, okay?

Imagina't que diguessis, va, vaig a fer

Imagine you said, come on, I'm going to do

una maqueta del sistema

a model of the system

solar. Molt bé.

solar. Very good.

Moltes escoles ho fan, eh?, i totes

Many schools do it, right?, and all.

les escoles acaben pillant, és a dir,

schools end up taking, that is,

fracassen. Per què?

they fail. Why?

Tu pots fer els planetes a escala.

You can scale the planets.

Comencem per un planeta, el més petit,

Let's start with a planet, the smallest,

vale?, Mercuri.

Okay?, Mercury.

El fas de dos mil·límetres,

The phase of two millimeters,

una petita esfera de dos mil·límetres.

a small sphere of two millimeters.

El Sol tindria

The Sun would have

uns cinquanta-sis centímetres

fifty-six centimeters

de diàmetre, vale?

of diameter, okay?



el problema no és aquest, és a dir,

the problem is not this, that is to say,

tu pots fer els planetes a escala

you can make the planets to scale

i el Sol a escala. Però si ho vols

and the Sun to scale. But if you want it

posar a les distàncies que pertoca,

put at the appropriate distances,

aquí és on ja t'enganxes.

this is where you get stuck.

Vale? Per què?

Okay? Why?

Perquè la distància entre

Because the distance between

el Sol i Plutó,

the Sun and Pluto,

per exemple, el millor

for example, the best

representat dels planetes nans,

representative of the dwarf planets,

doncs estaria Plutó a dos

so Pluto would be at two

quilòmetres i mig

kilometers and a half

de l'esfera de mig metre, no?

of the half-metre sphere, right?

Sí, en escala, eh? Sí, a dos quilòmetres

Yes, on a scale, right? Yes, two kilometers.

i mig de distància, vale? És a dir,

and halfway distance, okay? That is,

una escola no es pot permetre el luxe

a school cannot afford the luxury

de fer anar un nen a dos quilòmetres

to take a child two kilometers away

i mig per posar el planeta

and a half to put the planet

Plutó allà, vale? Però

Pluto over there, okay? But

clar, si ja ens en anem a

of course, if we're already leaving for

de representar la distància

to represent the distance

que està l'estrella més propera a nosaltres

that is the closest star to us

després del Sol, pròxima

after the Sun, next

a Centauri, no?, la constel·lació de Centaura,

to Centauri, right?, the constellation of Centaurus,

doncs aquesta persona

so this person

hauria d'anar a 14.000 quilòmetres

I should go to 14,000 kilometers.

de distància. És a dir,

from a distance. That is,

el diàmetre de Terra són 12.800

The diameter of Earth is 12,800.

quilòmetres aproximadament, per tant,

approximately kilometers, therefore,

és bastant més enllà

it's quite a bit further on

dels límits del planeta, no?

of the planet's limits, right?

I això l'estrella més propera, vale?

And that's the nearest star, okay?

Per tant, quan parles

Therefore, when you speak

de dimensions és una autèntica

of dimensions is an authentic

bajanada, no som conscients.

nonsense, we are not aware.

L'únic que ens pot fer pensar

The only thing that can make us think.

una mica amb les dimensions és

a bit with the dimensions is

l'escala de la llum, no?, l'escala de la llum

the ladder of light, right?, the ladder of light

quan penses, doncs, que

when do you think, then, that

un aparell, o sigui,

an apparatus, i.e.,

una nau que anés al costat de la llum

a ship that went beside the light

ens permetria a tu i a mi ara fer un viatge

it would allow you and me to take a trip now

a la Lluna durant la entrevista

to the Moon during the interview

perquè tardaríem 1,2 segons

because we would take 1.2 seconds

a arribar a la Lluna, però ja està inclòs

to reach the Moon, but it is already included

dintre l'entrevista, no? Sí, eh?

During the interview, right? Yes, huh?

Amb aquesta nau tardaríem 8 minuts a arribar

With this ship, we would take 8 minutes to arrive.

al Sol, però per arribar pròxima

to the Sun, but to arrive nearby

a Centauri n'estaríem 4,2 anys,

At Centauri, we would be 4.2 years.

val? Actualment

Okay? Currently.

les naus tardarien a fer aquest viatge

the ships would take a long time to make this journey

a uns 75.000 anys.

about 75,000 years.

75.000 anys? A l'estrella més

75,000 years? To the nearest star?

propera, sí. Per tant, clar,

next, yes. Therefore, of course,

estem parlant de distàncies

we are talking about distances

que ultrapassen

that surpass

les capacitats d'

the capacities of

imaginació que tenim, no?

imagination that we have, right?

Sí, sí. I

Yes, yes. And

quan veus galàxies, doncs la galàxia

when you see galaxies, then the galaxy

gran, més famosa,

great, more famous,

propera, és l'Andròmeda.

next, it is Andromeda.

L'Andròmeda, la llum tarda dos milions

Andromeda, the light takes two million.

i mig d'anys en viatjar

and a half years traveling

des d'Andròmeda a nosaltres

from Andromeda to us

o de nosaltres a Andròmeda.

or us in Andromeda.

Si tinguéssim un cosí

If we had a cousin

a l'Andròmeda, ens estigués observant

in Andromeda, was watching us

un supertelescopi,

a supertelescope,

no ens estaria veient a tu i a mi aquí.

he wouldn't be seeing you and me here.

Estaria veient els primers homínids

I would be seeing the first hominids.

de fa dos milions i mig d'anys.

two and a half million years ago.

I el més curiós és que

And the most curious thing is that

si estigués viatjant amb una nau

if I were traveling with a ship

en direcció cap a la Terra,

towards the Earth,

aniria veient tota la història

I would be seeing the whole story.

de la humanitat. Què dius? De manera...

of humanity. What do you say? In a way...

Clar, perquè aquesta llum està viatjant per l'Espai.

Of course, because this light is traveling through Space.

La llum

The light

està viatjant per l'Espai.

he is traveling through space.

Tu imagina't que és com una...

Just imagine it's like a...

És un flux continu de fotons

It is a continuous flow of photons.

i cada un d'aquests fotons ha sortit

and each of these photons has exited

en un moment de la història de la Terra.

at a moment in the history of the Earth.

Per tant, si t'estiguessis acostant d'una galàxia

Therefore, if you were approaching from a galaxy

com Andròmeda en direcció cap a la Terra,

like Andromeda towards the Earth,

aniries trobant tots aquests fotons

you would be finding all these photons

que aniries veient una pel·lícula rebobinant-la

that you would be watching a movie by rewinding it

des del passat

from the past

fins al present quan arribessis a la Terra.

until the present when you arrived on Earth.

Això és el que a mi em resulta realment...

This is what really seems to me...

Clar, jo també és un tema que

Sure, it's a topic that

clar, no toco ni...

of course, I don't touch even...


let's say...

Valoro ni estudio cada dia, però

I value or study every day, but

cada cop que ho penso i dic...

every time I think about it and say...

Realment és una cosa que...

It really is something that...

No sé si és abrumadora a mi,

I don't know if it's overwhelming to me,

però realment em deixa bastant

but it really leaves me quite

tocat perquè dius, aviam, què està passant aquí?

touched because you say, let’s see, what is happening here?

Sí, sí...

Yes, yes...

Bueno, és una sacsejada, no?

Well, it's a shake-up, isn't it?

Sí, sí que et fa un cop amb la realitat.

Yes, it does hit you with reality.

Escolta, et proposo un repte.

Listen, I propose a challenge to you.

Si fem un repàs de tots els planetes

If we review all the planets

del Sistema Solar, em sabries dir

"Of the Solar System, could you tell me"

una curiositat o defineix-los

a curiosity or define them

amb una paraula només?

With just one word?

Amb una paraula, sí, sí, cap problema.

With one word, yes, yes, no problem.

Sí? Sí. Arrenquem?

Yes? Yes. Shall we start?

Vinga, va. Vinga. Mercuri?

Come on, come on. Mercury?

Desert. Venus?

Desert. Venus?

Un infern.

A hell.



Un miracle.

A miracle.



Futur o passat?

Future or past?


It depends.

Júpiter? L'emperador.

Jupiter? The emperor.



La bellesa.

The beauty.

Urà? El misteri.

Uranium? The mystery.

I tu?

And you?

El fred.

The cold.

Sí, sí. M'ha agradat molt, eh?

Yes, yes. I liked it a lot, you know?

T'ha agradat molt poètic, eh?

Did you like it very poetic, huh?

Bueno, és que... I molt científic.

Well, it's just that... and very scientific.

Pensa que, a veure, és cert.

Think that, let's see, it's true.

Mercuri és un autèntic desert.

Mercury is a true desert.

Està a 400 i escaig graus

It's at 400 and something degrees.

de temperatura. És com la Lluna, però

of temperature. It's like the Moon, but

està cremant-se. Venus és

is burning. Venus is

un infern. Està a temperatura de 520

a hell. It is at a temperature of 520

graus, amb volcans en erupció, centenars

degrees, with erupting volcanoes, hundreds

de volcans en erupció, amb pluges

of erupting volcanoes, with rain

àcides... És horrorós.

Acids... It's horrific.

La Terra

The Earth

és un miracle. És increïble que

it's a miracle. It's incredible that

bueno, que hagi evolucionat la vida

well, that life has evolved

i que estiguem en aquest precís instant

and may we be in this precise moment

gaudint de la vida, no? Perquè

enjoying life, right? Because

fa milions d'anys Mart sí

Millions of years ago, Mars yes.

semblava molt a la Terra, segons els models actuals,

it resembled Earth a lot, according to current models,

no? I ara no hi ha vida.

No? And now there is no life.

Per tant, ens hem de sentir afortunats

Therefore, we should feel fortunate.

d'estar en aquest moment a la Terra, no?

"to be at this moment on Earth, right?"

Concretament. Júpiter,

Specifically. Jupiter,

bueno, és tan gran

well, it is so big

que és capaç de fer que

that is capable of making that

el Sol tremoli, no? Que oscili,

the Sun trembles, doesn't it? Let it oscillate,

no? Té un tiró gravitatòric.

No? It has a gravitational pull.

Que fa que un observador és d'alguna

What makes an observer is of some.

altra estrella. Veuria el Sol que té un petit

another star. I would see the Sun that has a small

tremolor i és Júpiter que està tirant

tremor and it is Jupiter that is pulling

d'ell, no? Saturn, home,

of him, right? Saturn, man,

si veus Saturn ja veus que és una autèntica

if you see Saturn you can see that it is a true

meravella de bellesa, no? És el meu preferit, eh?

wonder of beauty, isn't it? It's my favorite, you know?

Suposo que és el de tothom, però és que a mi

I suppose it's everyone's, but for me...

em sembla tan atractiu. Sí.

I find him/her so attractive. Yes.

Urà ens ho amaga tot. Urà té aquesta capa,

Uranus hides everything from us. Uranus has this layer,

no?, de gas que

no?, of gas what

no ens deixa veure res.

it doesn't let us see anything.

I Neptú és que fa un fred

On Neptune, it's really cold.

allà que té, que demore, esclar.

there it is, that lingers, of course.

L'estrella, el Sol, és com

The star, the Sun, is like

poc més brillant que una estrella

a little brighter than a star

normal, no?, vull dir que de les que

normal, right?, I mean that of those that

veiem en el cel, no?, per tant,

we see in the sky, right?, therefore,

és fàcil. És un exercici

It's easy. It's an exercise.

fàcil. I Plutó, enano.

easy. And Pluto, dwarf.

Ara, ara tiraré de Plutó.

Now, now I will pull from Pluto.

Sí, sí. Escolta, si ens apropem una mica,

Yes, yes. Listen, if we get a little closer,

què sabem dels mars de la Lluna?

What do we know about the seas of the Moon?

Els mars de la Lluna

The seas of the Moon

és un indret molt interessant, que

it is a very interesting place, that

a més només està a una de les seves bandes.

besides, it is only on one of its sides.

Es diuen mars perquè antigament,

They are called seas because in ancient times,

clar, amb la capacitat observacional

of course, with observational capacity

que hi havia, es pensaven realment que eren

what there was, they really thought they were

oceans d'aigua líquida, no?, i que realment

oceans of liquid water, right?, and that really

hi havia els selenites, no?, els habitants,

there were the selenites, right?, the inhabitants,

de la Lluna, no? Ara el que

of the Moon, right? Now what

sabem és que els mars

we know is that the seas

de la Lluna són gegantins cràters

there are gigantic craters on the Moon

d'impacte, no? Tots,

of impact, right? Everyone,

si t'hi fixes i mires un mapa de la Lluna,

if you pay attention and look at a map of the Moon,

tenen forma circular.

they have a circular shape.

Són restes d'impactes meteòrics

They are remains of meteoric impacts.

que van venir per una banda,

that came from one side,

no?, i van impactar

didn't they?, and they impacted

tots a la banda que veiem nosaltres,

everyone on the side that we see,

no?, la que està

no?, the one that is

mirant cap a la Terra, no?

looking towards Earth, right?





Al principi es va produir quan es va formar

At first, it happened when it was formed.

el sistema solar, quan es va formar la Lluna,

the solar system, when the Moon was formed,

també, i aquests

also, and these

impactes van fer sortir un material,

impacts made a material come out,

no?, el magma

no?, the magma

de l'interior de la Lluna, que en

from the interior of the Moon, which in

contacte amb les temperatures de 270 graus

contact with temperatures of 270 degrees

sota zero de l'espai exterior,

sub-zero of outer space,

el no tenir atmosfera, es van quedar congelades

the lack of atmosphere left them frozen

i van formar unes superfícies,

and they formed some surfaces,

unes grans planures d'una tonalitat

vast plains of a hue

totalment diferent, no? Això són

totally different, right? This is

els mars a la Lluna, sí, que veiem nosaltres.

the seas on the Moon, yes, that we see.

En canvi, a la cara

On the contrary, in the face.

oculta, no?, doncs no hi ha mars,

hidden, right? so there are no seas,

no hi ha res, no n'hi ha ni un.

there is nothing, there isn't even one.

Sí, sí, és una cosa molt curiosa.

Yes, yes, it's a very curious thing.

Abans comentàvem amb el Jaume

Earlier we were talking with Jaume.

que a mi la Lluna, especialment,

that the Moon, especially,

m'atrau molt i, realment,

it attracts me a lot and, really,

una de les coses que també m'atrau molt

one of the things that also attracts me a lot

és el tema de les fases lunars

It is the topic of the lunar phases.

i la meva pregunta aquí era

and my question here was

està comprovat científicament

it is scientifically proven

que les fases lunars

that the lunar phases

afectin directament el nostre comportament,

affect directly our behavior,

animals, humans,

animals, humans,

natura en general?

nature in general?

Que ens afecta la Lluna, això és evident

That the Moon affects us is evident.

en molts aspectes, no? Vull dir, a veure,

In many aspects, right? I mean, let's see,

tu, si passeges un dia per la muntanya

you, if you walk one day in the mountains

amb la Lluna plena, la llum que fa

with the full Moon, the light it makes

la Lluna és brutal, és a dir,

the Moon is brutal, that is to say,

pots caminar tranquil·lament sense

you can walk peacefully without

cap problema, no hi estàs cap

no problem, you're not there at all

llanterra, no hi estàs res, pots viure-t'hi

brickworks, you don't belong there at all, you can live there

perfectament bé. Evidentment, això,

perfectly fine. Obviously, this,

històricament, als humans ens deu haver

Historically, humans must have owed us.

afectat en el sentit de tenir uns costums concrets

affected in the sense of having specific customs

a les nits de Lluna plena, que potser

on full moon nights, perhaps

els antics homes, doncs,

the ancient men, then,

caçaven en aquelles nits, aprofitàvem

They hunted on those nights, we took advantage.

per caçar d'una manera més eficient,

to hunt more efficiently,

etcètera, etcètera. Ara, si parlem,

etcetera, etcetera. Now, if we talk,



d'efectes que pugui produir-nos

of effects that it may produce on us

a nosaltres en el sentit

to us in the sense



jo crec que, segurament,

I believe that, probably,

que també ens afecta d'alguna manera, perquè,

that also affects us in some way, because,

a veure, bé que crea marees,

let's see, it does create tides,

no?, en els oceans, la força

no?, in the oceans, the force

gravitatòria, nosaltres som un 85%

gravitational, we are about 85%


of water,

molt probablement hi ha uns efectes

very likely there are some effects

fisiològics, no?, que ens han d'afectar d'alguna forma.

Physiological, right?, that they must affect us in some way.

Ara bé,

Now well,

tu quan veus

you when you see

un oceà ets capaç de mesurar com puja

An ocean, you can measure how it rises.

i baixa, però com pots avalar

and lowers, but how can you guarantee

tu que el comportament

you, that the behavior

psicològic d'una persona està

a person's psychological state is

fonamentat amb la lluna. És impossible,

founded on the moon. It is impossible,

perquè els humans tenim

because humans have

molts factors, molts inputs

many factors, many inputs

que ens influeixen, no?, i cada

that influence us, right?, and each

humà, a més, és diferent, no?

Human, besides, is different, isn't it?

Jo puc dir, bueno,

I can say, well,

doncs aquest mes analitzaré com es

So this month I will analyze how it is.



el Mario durant tot el mes, segons

Mario throughout the month, according to

les fases lunars. Clar, però és que, igual,

the lunar phases. Of course, but it's just that, equally,

una setmana has tingut un disgust

you have had a bad week

amb la teva família que lo flipes,

with your family, you’ll be amazed,

i això ja t'ha afectat psicològicament

And this has already affected you psychologically.

i ja em trenca totalment el cicle.

And it completely breaks the cycle for me.

És a dir, com que som incapaços

That is to say, since we are incapable

a acotar, no?, les variables

to narrow down, right?, the variables

que ens afecten a nosaltres i al nostre

that affect us and our own

comportament, jo diria que és impossible

behavior, I would say it is impossible

avaluar-ho, això, no? Ens hem de

evaluate it, this, right? We have to

caçar més aviat amb la vessant més

hunt rather with the aspect more

romàntica. No tenim la capacitat analítica

romantic. We do not have the analytical capacity.

com per tenir en compte totes les variables.

as to take all variables into account.

Si no es poden tenir en compte

If they cannot be taken into account

ni per la ciència de l'economia, per dir alguna cosa,

not even for the science of economics, to say something,

no?, doncs imagina't tu, no?

no? Well, just imagine, right?

És impossible contenir

It is impossible to contain.

tantes variables per treure conclusions.

so many variables to draw conclusions.

Jo diria que és molt, molt difícil.

I would say that it is very, very difficult.

Fort, eh?

Strong, huh?

Escolta, recuperem el tema dels planetes nans

Listen, let's get back to the topic of dwarf planets.

perquè m'interessava.

because I was interested.

Per què,


per què van destronar

why was he/she/they dethroned

a Plutó? Hi ha característiques,

to Pluto? There are characteristics,

Plutó, no? Vale.

Pluto, right? Okay.

Per què el van destronar

Why was he dethroned?

i quines són les característiques que,

And what are the characteristics that,

una altra pregunta, qui decideix?

Another question, who decides?

Com es classifiquen els planetes, diguéssim.

How are planets classified, let's say?

Perquè això també és com, bueno,

Because this is also like, well,

això és tu, no?

this is you, right?

El van destronar per un cafè, diria jo.

They dethroned him over a coffee, I would say.

Sí, bueno, això, sí, sí.

Yes, well, that, yes, yes.

És una anècdota,

It's an anecdote.

jo crec que és certa, eh?, però és una anècdota

I think it's true, right? But it's an anecdote.

que diuen que, clar,

they say that, of course,

aquestes decisions que semblen

these decisions that seem

arbitràries es prenen consensuadament

arbitrary decisions are made consensually

amb la Unió Astronòmica Internacional, no?,

with the International Astronomical Union, right?

que és un organisme, doncs, que es té en compte

What is an organism, then, that is taken into account?

tot a les veus de diferents centres,

all to the voices of different centers,

no?, de referència i astrònoms,

No?, of reference and astronomers,

no?, rellevants, etcètera, etcètera,

no?, relevant, etcetera, etcetera,

on es prenen totes aquestes decisions.

Where all these decisions are made.

De fet, a partir de l'any 2003 van començar

In fact, starting from the year 2003, they began.

a trobar molts planetes petits, no?,

to find many small planets, right?

a una zona molt allunyada

to a very remote area

del Sol, més enllà de

of the Sun, beyond

l'òrbita de Neptú, que es diu el síndrome

the orbit of Neptune, which is called the syndrome

Kuiper, i,

Kuiper, and,

bueno, van començar a descobrir Omea, Makemake,

well, they started to discover Omea, Makemake,

Setna, Eris, un munt de planetes petits.

Setna, Eris, a bunch of small planets.

I això va fer que

And this made that

es replantegessin, doncs,

they would reconsider, then,

com havíem de considerar

as we had to consider

el sistema solar, perquè, clar,

the solar system, because, of course,

era poc,

it was little,



poc seriós que

not very serious that

tu i jo estiguéssim parlant que avui

You and I could be talking today.

tenim 12 planetes

we have 12 planets

i potser la setmana que ve en tinguéssim 13, no?

And maybe next week we would have 13, right?

D'alguna manera s'havia d'intentar acotar, no?

Somehow it had to be attempted to be limited, right?



l'any 2006 es van

in 2006, they were

reunir el mes de juny

meet in June

la Unió Astronòmica Internacional i van estar

the International Astronomical Union and they were

fent una votació de com

doing a vote on how

tractar aquest tema, i justament

address this topic, and precisely

en un moment en què van sortir els nord-americans

at a time when the Americans came out

a la reunió, i van anar a fer un cafè, eh?,

at the meeting, and they went to have a coffee, right?

es va fer la votació

the voting took place

i del resultat

and of the result

de la votació va sortir que Plutó

the voting resulted in Pluto

va ser un planeta principal

it was a main planet

del sistema solar.

of the solar system.

I els americans, quan van tornar, es van empipar molt

And the Americans, when they returned, got very angry.

perquè és el seu planeta,

because it is his planet,

és el planeta que l'any 1930

it is the planet that in 1930

va descobrir Clyde Tambo,

he discovered Clyde Tambo,

que era un astronòm nord-americà,

that he was an American astronomer,

és l'únic planeta que van descobrir els americans

It is the only planet that the Americans discovered.

i els va assentar com una patada

and it hit them like a kick

però molt dolorosa,

but very painful,

especialment perquè el mes de gener

especially because the month of January

de l'any 2006, d'aquell mateix any,

from the year 2006, from that same year,

havien enviat a l'Espai la missió

they had sent the mission to Space

New Horizons a explorar

New Horizons to explore

el seu planeta, que va tardar 12 anys

its planet, which took 12 years

i en va arribar Plutó, no?

And Pluto arrived, right?

És a dir, que es van ajuntar i hi ha un munt de coses

That is to say, they got together and there are a lot of things.

que ho porten com una espina clavada al cor

that they carry it like a thorn stuck in their heart

i jo crec que acabaran aconseguint

And I believe that they will eventually achieve it.

girar la truita i que Plutó

turn the tide and that Pluto

torni a ser un planeta.

return to being a planet.

Jo crec que ho acabaran aconseguint

I believe they will eventually achieve it.

perquè realment el que va enviar

because what was really sent

la New Horizons des de Plutó

New Horizons from Pluto

és que és un planeta

it's that it's a planet

geològicament increïble,

geologically incredible,

és el segon més interessant després de la Terra,

it is the second most interesting after Earth,

no?, és a dir, és un món

No? That is to say, it's a world.

que va sorprendre moltíssim, no?

that surprised a lot, didn't it?

Quines condicions

What conditions

es van establir? Doncs

Did they establish themselves? Well.

bàsicament tres.

basically three.

El planeta ha d'orbitar al voltant del Sol,

The planet must orbit around the Sun.

per tant no ha de ser un satèl·lit,

therefore it should not be a satellite,

sinó que ha de ser

but it has to be

que ell orbiti directament al voltant del Sol,

that it orbits directly around the Sun,

després que tingui una massa suficient

after it has sufficient mass

com per tenir equilibri

how to achieve balance

hidrostàtic, és a dir,

hydrostatic, that is,

que tingui forma esfèrica,

that has a spherical shape,

i tercer, que hagi

and third, that there is

netejat la seva òrbita, és a dir,

cleaned its orbit, that is to say,

que per allà on passa ell sigui

that where he goes, he is

l'objecte dominant, no?

the dominant object, right?

I això en el cas de Plutó no passa,

And this does not happen in the case of Pluto,

perquè interactua amb altres objectes,

because it interacts with other objects,

no?, i tots els planetes

no?, and all the planets

nans també interactuen entre ells, no?,

Dwarfs also interact with each other, right?

és a dir, comparteixen territoris, no?

That is to say, they share territories, right?

Llavors aquestes van ser les tres normes

Then these were the three rules.

que es van treure de la xistera

that they pulled out of the hat

en aquella reunió del mes de juny

in that meeting in June

i que van destronar Plutó com

and they dethroned Pluto as

planeta principal del sistema solar.

main planet of the solar system.

Però bueno, això és ara,

But well, this is now,

dintre d'un temps poden canviar criteri, és a dir,

within a time they can change criteria, that is,

que les lleis són

that the laws are

arbitràries i temporals, depèn dels

arbitrary and temporal, it depends on the

interessos a cada moment, no?

interests at any given moment, right?

I com a professional

And as a professional

i amant, perquè has dit també que t'agrada molt,

And lover, because you also said that you like it a lot,

què opines de les expedicions

What do you think of the expeditions?

a Mart?

to Mars?

Fan mitja por. A mi em fan

They half scare. They scare me.

mitja por, perquè, clar,

half fear, because, of course,

jo quan era un nen, les

When I was a child, the

expedicions a l'espai eren

space expeditions were

bàsicament, doncs,

basically, then,



per la NASA,

for NASA,

per poques entitats,

for few entities,

no?, diguem d'ahir,

no?, let’s say from yesterday,

principalment per un interès

mainly due to an interest

científic. Sí que és cert que

scientist. Yes, it is true that

l'arribada de l'home a la Lluna va ser més un tema

The arrival of man on the Moon was more of a topic

polític, no?, però bueno,

politician, right?, but well,

bàsicament s'han basat en

basically they have relied on

la investigació i la ciència, no?

Research and science, right?

Ara és un camp i qui pugui

Now it is a field and whoever can.

que hi ha molts organismes, tant

that there are many organisms, both

privats com

private as

públics, que

publics, that

estan enviant objectes a l'espai,

they are sending objects into space,

no? Per tant, des d'un punt

No? Therefore, from a point

de vista, crec que al final

In view, I believe that in the end.

acabarà imparant l'economia,

he will end up learning economics,

no?, i les missions

no?, and the missions

seran colonitzadores

they will be colonizers

amb criteris econòmics

with economic criteria

i de guanys, no?

And of profits, right?

I això, doncs, és un perill,

And this, then, is a danger,

no?, perquè, clar, abans enviar

No?, because, of course, before sending.

missions a colonitzar Mart,

missions to colonize Mars,

sobre el debat aquell de

about that debate of

l'ètica, no?, de... sabem

the ethics, right?, of... we know

segur que no hi ha vida a Mart?

Are you sure there is no life on Mars?

Encara que sigui bacteriològica,

Even if it is bacteriological,

tenim la capacitat de fer de Déu

we have the capacity to be like God

i destruir una vida existent en un

and destroy an existing life in a

altre món, no?

another world, isn't it?

Una mica com la pel·lícula Avatar,

A bit like the movie Avatar,

no?, que em deies que t'agradava, també,

No? You told me that you liked it, too.

el cinema, doncs, d'alguna manera

the cinema, therefore, in some way

estem en condicions de

we are in a position to

nosaltres imparar amb altres mons

we learn with other worlds

on pugui haver altra vida

where there may be another life

i sobretot

and above all

especialment perquè no som capaços

especially because we are not capable

de cuidar el nostre propi

to take care of our own

planeta, no? És a dir,

planet, right? That is to say,

estem en condicions de poder anar més enllà.

We are in a position to go further.

Des del meu punt de vista no hauria de ser així,

From my point of view, it shouldn't be like this.

no? S'hauria de limitar

No? It should be limited.

a temes d'investigació, científics

on research topics, scientists

i tal, però, malauradament, en tinc

And so, but, unfortunately, I have it.

la sensació que, com que és un tema econòmic,

the feeling that, since it is an economic issue,

de diners, els diners

of money, the money

surten d'on hi ha interessos

they come out from where there are interests

per recursos, no?

for resources, right?

I serà el motor que farà

And it will be the engine that will make

que l'astronàutica

that astronautics

tiri endavant.

keep going.

Alguna notícia que tinguis recent sobre

Any recent news you have about

propers llançaments o

upcoming launches or

que tinguem, bueno, que puguem estar

that we have, well, that we can be

també una mica el dia de... Home, el més immediat

also a bit the day of... Well, the most immediate

ara és el dia 13 d'abril, que

now it is April 13th, that

envien la missió JUIST als de

they send the JUIST mission to the

l'Agència Espacial Europea cap a

the European Space Agency towards

les llunes

the moons

gelades de Júpiter, no?

moons of Jupiter, right?

Que, bueno, són tres

Well, it's three.

llunes, Europa, Ganymedes i Calixto,

moons, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto,

que tenen un oceà d'aigua líquida

that have an ocean of liquid water

en el seu interior. Es vol

inside it. It wants

aprofundir en l'estudi d'aquestes llunes

to deepen the study of these moons

perquè on hi ha aigua i hi ha

because where there is water there is

aigua líquida, doncs, hi ha

liquid water, then, there is

candidatura a bebida, no? Sí.

candidacy for a drink, right? Yes.

El que passa és que, clar, és una mica

What happens is that, of course, it's a bit

trist el tema de

sad the topic of

que tardaran set anys en arribar

that it will take seven years to arrive

fins allà, no? És a dir, que ara,

up to there, right? That is to say, that now,

vale, veuràs com l'allancen, però fins dintre de set

Okay, you'll see how they will ally it, but until within a week.

anys no tindràs notícies, no?

You won't have news for years, right?

I el més interessant i imminent

And the most interesting and imminent

i això més engrescador des del meu punt de vista

and this is more encouraging from my point of view

són les missions Artemis

they are the Artemis missions

de la NASA, no?, que ja van enviar l'Artemis 1.

From NASA, right? They already sent Artemis 1.

Ara, el

Now, the

2024, enviaran l'Artemis 2, que ja

In 2024, they will send Artemis 2, which already

aniran amb humans fins a la Lluna.

they will go to the Moon with humans.

Què diu? Només orbitaran la Lluna,

What does it say? They will only orbit the Moon,

vale? És a dir, faran les

Okay? That is to say, they will do the

com les missions dels

like the missions of the

Apol·los previs a l'Apollo

Apollos before Apollo

11, no?

11, right?

Però l'Artemis 3,

But Artemis 3,

l'any 2025, ja aterrarà

In the year 2025, it will land.

a la Lluna, és a dir, els humans

to the Moon, that is to say, the humans

tornaran a la Lluna i, de fet, tornen

they will return to the Moon and, in fact, they are returning

per quedar-s'hi, és a dir, que la idea és

to stay there, that is to say, that the idea is

si primer es muntarà una

if first one will be set up a

base orbital, no?, al

orbital base, right?, at

seu voltant, és a dir, com una estació espacial

around it, that is to say, like a space station

internacional, com la que

international, as with which

tenim al voltant de la Terra, hi haurà

we have around the Earth, there will be



una base orbital i

an orbital base and

es preveu

it is expected

construir una base

build a foundation

lunar a nivell de Terra

lunar at the level of Earth

en un cràter que diu Shackleton,

in a crater called Shackleton,

vale?, que està al pol sud de

okay?, that is at the South Pole of

la Lluna, i que com a

the Moon, and that as a

peculiaritat que té, i per això l'han escollit,

peculiarity that it has, and for that reason they have chosen it,

és que a l'interior d'aquest cràter

it's because inside this crater

és un cràter amb muntanyes, amb una cresta

It is a crater with mountains, with a ridge.

al seu voltant de muntanyes molt elevades

surrounded by very high mountains

que fa que no li doni mai

that prevents me from ever giving it to him/her

la llum del Sol a l'interior del cràter

the sunlight inside the crater

i a gel,

and to ice,

hi ha grans masses de gel d'aigua.

there are large masses of water ice.

Per tant, és el lloc ideal, no?,

Therefore, it's the ideal place, isn't it?

per muntar una base

to set up a base

humana, perquè tens aigua disponible,

human, because you have water available,

no?, amb estat, doncs,

no?, with state, then,

sòlid, però que, bueno,

solid, but, well,

pots utilitzar, no?, per...

you can use it, right?, for...

i aquesta és la idea, és a dir,

and this is the idea, that is,

és ja muntar bases a la Lluna.

it's already about building bases on the Moon.

Em sembla que després de

It seems to me that after

50 anys, o gairebé 60,

50 years, or almost 60,

no?, d'esperar, pugui començar

No? To wait, I can start.

a tirar endavant alguna d'aquestes idees.

to move forward with any of these ideas.

No sé fins quin punt militar,

I don't know to what extent military,

estratègic, no sé,

strategic, I don't know,

però sembla que

but it seems that

hi haurà la tecnologia una mica més

there will be the technology a little more

a l'abast. I de quins mitjans

at hand. And what means

disposes per informar-te?

Are you available to inform you?

Home, Internet és una eina

Home, the internet is a tool.

superpotent, però

super powerful, but

també els llibres,

also the books,

revistes, i...

magazines, and...

bueno, una mica de recerca de tot arreu,

Well, a bit of research from all over.

no? I sobretot el que és molt important,

no? And above all, what is very important,

tant per un professional com

both for a professional and

per qualsevol persona, és

for anyone, it is

contrastar la informació. Has de

contrast the information. You must

tenir diferents fons

to have different backgrounds

i contrastar la informació d'uns llocs i d'altres,

and contrast the information from some places and others,

perquè sí que de vegades

because yes, sometimes

hi ha molt sensacionalisme en alguns indrets, no?

There is a lot of sensationalism in some places, right?

Val la pena anar a les fons

It's worth going to the sources.

originals, no?, de la informació,

originals, right?, of the information,

i també de contrastar coses

and also to contrast things

que veus por ahí, no? No t'has de

What do you see over there, right? You don't have to...

quedar amb la primera notícia, has d'escarbar

To settle with the first news, you have to dig.

una mica, no?, les coses, per veure si...

A little bit, right?, things, to see if...

si allò té cap propers, o hi ha una

If that has any relatives, or there is a

errada, simplement, sense cap mala intenció,

mistake, simply, without any bad intention,

no?, que a vegades també es produeixen errades.

No? That sometimes mistakes also happen.

Una de les errades més comunes, i que això

One of the most common mistakes, and that this

us convido que ho mireu,

I invite you to take a look at it.

i que està en llibres, eh?, és

and what's in the books, eh?, is

que parlant de, per exemple,

that speaking of, for example,

bilions d'anys d'existència,

billions of years of existence,

bueno, bilions d'anys,

well, billions of years,

si l'univers té 13.800

if the universe is 13.800

milions d'anys,

millions of years,

bilions d'anys no n'hi han,

billions of years do not exist,

vale? Però és una traducció

Okay? But it's a translation.

errònia de l'anglès. Milers

English error. Thousands

de milions es diu billions, no?

Millions are called billions, right?

I això ho trobes en llibres de text, eh?

And you find this in textbooks, huh?

O sigui que és curiós com

So it's curious how

de vegades errades poden induir a l'error

sometimes errors can lead to mistakes

molt fàcilment, no? Has de contrastar molt la informació.

Very easily, right? You have to verify the information a lot.

Escolta, ¿series voluntari

Listen, would you be a volunteer?

expedicions a colonitzar

expeditions to colonize

altres planetes? No, no, no.

Other planets? No, no, no.

I no per por ni res, eh?, és perquè

And not out of fear or anything, okay?, it's because

crec que no ens toca, no ens ho mereixem

I don't think it’s our turn, we don't deserve it.

encara, no ens mereixem colonitzar altres

Still, we don't deserve to colonize others.

mons. Primer hauríem de cuidar el nostre.

Worlds. First, we should take care of our own.

És el primer pas i és

It is the first step and it is

un repte que ja veiem que som

a challenge that we already see we are

incapaços de posar-nos a cor.

incapable of getting to the heart of the matter.

Llavors crec que és un tema ètic.

Then I think it's an ethical issue.

Si no ets capaç de cuidar del planeta

If you are not able to take care of the planet

on vius, val?, com has

Where do you live, okay?, how are you?

d'anar a colonitzar d'altres

of going to colonize others

i en quin model, no?

And in which model, right?

És a dir, en quin model el colonitzaràs

That is to say, in which model will you colonize it?

si aquí no som capaços d'entendre'ns, no?

if we are not able to understand each other here, right?

No, no,

No, no,

no és quelcom. Anar a investigar-lo?

It is not something. Go investigate it?

Sí. Colonitzar és una paraula

Yes. Colonizing is a word.

amb maiúscules. Sí.




I si tornem una mica

And if we go back a bit

a aquest aspecte més cinematogràfic,

to this more cinematic aspect,

¿creus que seria possible,

Do you think it would be possible,

a nivell tècnic,

on a technical level,

fer un

make a

Armageddon, diguéssim,

Armageddon, let's say,

desviar algun objecte celeste

divert a celestial object

o no sé què era

or I don't know what it was

exactament a la pel·li? Sí, un asteroide.

Exactly in the movie? Yes, an asteroid.

Bueno, un cometa. L'Armageddon

Well, a comet. The Armageddon.

era un cometa, sí. Es podria

It was a comet, yes. It could be.

fer això? Bueno, l'any passat

Do this? Well, last year.

ja vam fer la prova de l'emissió

We already did the test of the broadcast.

d'art de la NASA.

NASA art.

Va ser un primer intent, però

It was a first attempt, but

bueno, és cert que van escollir

well, it is true that they chose

un objecte petit, no?, per

a small object, right?, for

fer la prova a veure si amb un impacte

do the test to see if with an impact

no eren capaços de provocar una

they were not capable of provoking one

desviació d'aquest objecte. I sembla

deviation of this object. And it seems

que va funcionar, però això no ens ha de donar molta tranquil·litat,

that worked, but that shouldn't give us too much peace of mind,

eh?, perquè depèn de la massa

Eh?, because it depends on the mass.

de l'objecte i depèn de

of the object and depends on

l'antelació en què es descobreixi,

the advance in which it is discovered,



podem tenir capacitat de reacció o no.

we can have the capacity to react or not.

Pensa que

Think that

el factor més important és el que es diu

the most important factor is what is said

el albedo, que és la capacitat reflectiva

the albedo, which is the reflective capacity

que té aquell objecte. És a dir, si té

what that object has. That is to say, if it has

un albedo molt elevat vol dir que reflecteix

a very high albedo means that it reflects

molt la llum del Sol,

a lot of sunlight,

perquè bàsicament són objectes

because they are basically objects

foscos, no?

dark, right?

Clar, si no el tens molt a prop,

Of course, if you don't have it very close.

si té una capacitat

if it has a capacity

reflectiva poca,

little reflective,

pobre, no?, doncs te n'adones

Poor thing, right? Well, do you realize it?

quan ja és massa tard, no?

when it is already too late, isn't it?

I jo això us convido que us copiïn a internet

And I invite you to copy this on the internet.

perquè hi ha pàgines com la

because there are pages like this

de Minor Planet Center, no?,

from the Minor Planet Center, right?

que et quedaries flipat.

you would be blown away.

Hi ha un apartat on et diuen

There is a section where they tell you

tots els objectes nous que s'han descobert

all the new objects that have been discovered

aquest any, no?

this year, right?

Es compten per centenars,

They are counted by the hundreds,

o milers, no?, és a dir,

or thousands, right?, that is to say,

que és un continuo descobriment d'objectes

that is a continuous discovery of objects

que són potencialment...

that are potentially...

Alguns no són perillosos, però

Some are not dangerous, but

alguns sí que, bueno, en un futur

some yes, well, in the future

poden ser perillosos, no?, però

they can be dangerous, can’t they?, but

que se'n descobreixen molts.

that many are discovered.

Així que la teva opinió, tu creus que la ciència

So your opinion, do you believe that science

ficció en general, eh?, a nivell literari,

fiction in general, huh?, at a literary level,

no només cinematogràfic,

not only cinematic,

la ciència ficció ha ajudat o perjudica

Does science fiction help or harm?



Bueno, no a la

Well, no to the

investigació, però sí potser a...

research, but yes maybe at...

Bueno, a les històries que s'expliquen.

Well, to the stories that are told.



El cinema de la ciència ficció

The cinema of science fiction

no és ni bo ni dolent

it is neither good nor bad

per si mateix, no? Hi ha pel·lícules

For itself, right? There are movies.

que són molt estimulants i que són capaces

that are very stimulating and that are capable

de despertar inquietuds

to awaken concerns

a les persones, no?, i això és molt bo, no?

to the people, right?, and that's very good, right?

Hi ha d'altres que són simplement, doncs,

There are others that are simply, well,

espectacles de ciència...

science shows...

d'efectes espacials que

of spatial effects that

bàsicament busquen entretenir i...

basically they seek to entertain and...

Però sí que és veritat que marquen

But it is true that they mark.

una certa consciència, no?, és a dir, que

a certain awareness, right?, I mean, that

al segle XX

in the 20th century

l'alienígena era el malo de la pel·lícula,

the alien was the villain of the movie,

sempre, no?

always, right?

És cert, no?, sempre, no?

It's true, isn't it? Always, right?

L'Edgar Rice Burroughs

Edgar Rice Burroughs

va ser el primer que va crear un marcià verd

he was the first to create a green Martian

i ara tots els marcians verds

and now all the green Martians

els identifiquem com a alienígenes, no?

We identify them as aliens, don't we?

Vull dir que és molt curiós

I mean it's very curious.

com, no?, cada època és capaç

what, right?, every era is capable

de marcar unes tendències, no? Però bueno,

of setting some trends, right? But well,

allà també entra la teva capacitat de reflexió,

there your ability to reflect also comes in,

no?, i d'agafar les coses amb el

no?, and to take things with him

context que toca, no? I jo crec que...

the context that fits, right? And I think that...

Com que a mi

As me

m'agrada, no?, el cinema i

I like it, right?, the cinema and

el cinema de ciència-ficció, no?, doncs m'agrada, no?

Science fiction cinema, right? Well, I like it, don't I?

Tot, ell, doncs penso

Everything, him, so I think.

que és positiu, no?

which is positive, right?

Ara, clar, has de saber interpretar.

Now, of course, you have to know how to interpret.

Això és una feina

This is a job.

personal de cadascú, no? Sí, sí.

Each person's own, right? Yes, yes.

Creus o

Do you believe or

què opines sobre el tema

What do you think about the topic?

d'alienígenes? No només a vida, hem vist que hi ha

of aliens? Not only life, we have seen that there are

vida fora de la Terra, però

life outside of Earth, but

què creus de les formes

What do you think of the shapes?

alienígenes com a...

aliens as...

Bueno, això. Home,

Well, that. Man,

a veure, fa 30 anys aquesta pregunta

let's see, 30 years ago this question

no te l'hauria contestat ningú perquè

nobody would have answered you because

implicava... És un tabú, no?,

it involved... It's a taboo, isn't it?

que te matrallen per tot arreu

that they bombard you from all sides

si dius una cosa o una altra. Avui en dia

whether you say one thing or another. Nowadays

això s'està obrint molt

this is opening up a lot

la ment i, a veure,

the mind and, let's see,

és que és absurd pensar que estiguem sols

It's absurd to think that we are alone.

a l'univers. És absurd.

to the universe. It's absurd.

I jo, quan venen

And me, when do they come?

crios aquí, ja els hi dic sempre, no?,

Kids here, I always tell them, right?

dic, a veure, és que no hem trobat a ningú

I say, let's see, it's just that we haven't found anyone.

i la ciència es basa

and science is based

en un protocol tancat,

in a closed protocol,

no?, de contrastar la

no?, to contrast it

informació, no?

information, right?

És el mètode científic que hem de

It is the scientific method that we have to

seguir sempre, sempre.

always, always continue.

Si no, això seria...

If not, that would be...

Bueno, cadascú podria dir el que vol

Well, everyone could say what they want.

sense cap problema, no? És a dir,

no problem at all, right? That is to say,

el mètode científic s'ha de continuar aplicant sempre.

The scientific method must always continue to be applied.

Però, a part, a banda

But, apart, aside

d'això, clar,

of this, of course,

quan veus la quantitat de

when you see the amount of

milers de milions de galàxies

millions of billions of galaxies

que hi ha a fora i que cada una conté

what is outside and what each one contains

200.000 milions d'estrelles, i

200,000 million stars, and

avui en dia sabem que la gran majoria d'estrelles

Nowadays, we know that the vast majority of stars

que tenim al nostre cel tenen planetes al seu voltant,

that we have in our sky have planets surrounding them,

no?, per un tema probabilístic,

no?, for a probabilistic reason,

no?, diguem-ne que...

no?, let's say that...

Costa imaginar que siguem els únics habitants,

It's hard to imagine that we are the only inhabitants,

no?, de l'univers. Per tant,

no?, of the universe. Therefore,

alienígenes n'han de bé. Ara,

aliens must do good. Now,

si jo a tu et dic, Mario,

if I tell you, Mario,

demà ens veiem al planetari, em diràs, fantàstic,

Tomorrow we'll see each other at the planetarium, you'll tell me, fantastic.

ens trobem aquí. Si jo et dic, ens

we meet here. If I tell you, we

trobem a Barcelona, em diràs, a on?

We'll meet in Barcelona, you'll tell me, where?

A plaça Catalunya o al Tibideu, no?

At Plaça Catalunya or at the Tibidabo, right?

I si jo et dic, ens trobem tu i jo demà a Europa,

And if I tell you, you and I will meet tomorrow in Europe,

em diràs, el Jaume està com una cabra, no?

You'll tell me, Jaume is like a goat, right?

Clar, trobar-te a l'univers

Of course, to meet you in the universe.

no és fàcil, eh?

It's not easy, is it?

No és fàcil. És a dir,

It's not easy. That is,

coincidint el temps i l'espai

coinciding in time and space

en un entorn tan gran com

in an environment as large as

és l'univers que ens envolta,

it is the universe that surrounds us,

és força complicat. No és

It is quite complicated. It isn't.

una feina fàcil, ni molt menys.

An easy job, not at all.

Però, bueno,

But, well,

per què no, no? Jo penso

Why not, right? I think.

que, evidentment,

that, obviously,

seria un trasbals molt gran, eh?

It would be a very big upheaval, huh?

Sí, a nivell, potser, científic,

Yes, at a scientific level, perhaps,

seria... Home, i les religions, com ho explicaríem?

It would be... Man, and religions, how would we explain it?

Haurien de mutar. Uf!

They should mutate. Ugh!

Totes haurien de mutar, eh? Perquè

They all should mutate, right? Because

l'home sempre és el centre de tot.

The man is always the center of everything.

Això no ens ho entren mai del cap.

They never teach us this.

Nosaltres mateixos ho fem.

We do it ourselves.

Diguem, a la part de baix de la Terra,

Let's say, at the bottom of the Earth,

què hi ha? A la part de baix? Què vols dir?

What's going on? At the bottom? What do you mean?

Que tu estàs a dalt, no? Tu ets

That you are on top, right? You are.

el referent. Els australians

the reference. The Australians

no ho són. Si parles

they are not. If you speak

amb els australians et diran, no, no, jo sóc

with the Australians they'll tell you, no, no, I am

el referent i tu estàs a cap part de baix, no? Vull dir que

The reference and you are not at the bottom part, right? I mean that

sempre som molt antropocèntrics,

we are always very anthropocentric,

no? Amb tot. Per tant,

no? With everything. Therefore,

bueno, estem sempre

Well, we are always.

les mateixes, no? I les religions, bueno,

the same ones, right? And the religions, well,

clar, segur que s'adaptaran, eh?

Of course, they will certainly adapt, right?

Segur. Perquè és un

Sure. Because it is a

poder massa interessant, com per deixar-lo

too interesting a power to let it go

a pedra, no? Però a nivell

the stone, right? But at level

sociològic i...

sociological and...

d'estructura, serà un canvi

of structure, it will be a change

brutal, eh? Entre tu i jo,

brutal, huh? Between you and me,

així, creus que l'home

So, do you think that the man

realment va arribar a la Lluna en 69? Sí,

Did he really arrive on the Moon in '69? Yes,

sí. De fet, ja

yes. In fact, already

en pots veure fotografies de

you can see photographs of

lo que és la

what is the

part de les Eagle que va quedar

part of the Eagle that remained

les plataformes. Sí.

the platforms. Yes.

De llançament de les,

Of the launch of the,

de la missió, no? Que quan tornaven cap

of the mission, right? That when they were returning towards

a posar-se

to put on

en òrbita lunar per enganxar-se

in lunar orbit to stick to

amb la càpsula per tornar a la Terra.

with the capsule to return to Earth.

Avui en dia tenim resolució

Nowadays we have resolution.

suficient com per poder fotografiar

sufficient to be able to photograph

on estan aquestes plataformes

where are these platforms

i, de fet, hi ha les marques,

and, in fact, there are the brands,

les roderes dels vehicles

the wheels of the vehicles

que van enviar a la Lluna i

that sent to the Moon and

els jocs fins on van arribar

the games as far as they reached

i després també hi ha els

and then there are also the

famosos miralls, no? Que cada

famous mirrors, right? That each

any van recalculant la distància a la Lluna

They kept recalculating the distance to the Moon.

amb láseres a la Terra. Sí

with lasers on Earth. Yes

que van arribar i encara que ens costi pensar

that they arrived and even though it is hard for us to think

que fa...

what does...

Per què hem esperat 50 o 60 anys

Why have we waited 50 or 60 years?

a tornar? És perquè en aquella època

to return? It's because at that time

hi havia una guerra freda bestial

there was a brutal cold war

hi havia dos models, el capitalista

there were two models, the capitalist

i el comunista

and the communist

que havien de mostrar

that they had to show

que eren els líders mundials, no?

that were the world leaders, right?

i hi havia mitjans econòmics

and there were financial means

a punta pala

in spades

per aquests projectes

for these projects

i això després es va tancar l'aixeta

and after that, the tap was closed.

i si es tanca l'aixeta les coses

and if the tap is turned off, things

no hi ha progrés, no?

There is no progress, is there?

O sigui que

That is to say that

ja estic convençut que van arribar, sí.

I am already convinced that they arrived, yes.

És que si no haguessin arribat

It's just that if they hadn't arrived.

què haurien dit els soviètics?

What would the Soviets have said?

Clar, tu penses

Of course, you think.

si els americans no haguessin arribat

if the Americans had not arrived

els soviètics haurien sigut els primers

the Soviets would have been the first

a descobrir-ho i destapar-ho

to discover it and to uncover it

Clar, però potser és això

Of course, but maybe it is this.

de posar en dubte, no? Per dir

to put in doubt, right? To say

fem veure, no? Ens gastem els diners a nivell tecnològic

Let's show it, shall we? We spend money on technology.

per aparentar una cosa

to pretend something

Jo crec que s'hauria sabut que no haurien anat

I believe it would have been known that they would not have gone.

jo crec que hauria estat del domini públic

I believe it would have been in the public domain.



Bueno, doncs anem acabant, Jaume

Well, let's wrap up then, Jaume.

hi ha una cosa, hi ha una pregunta

there is one thing, there is a question

que sempre, sempre, bueno

that always, always, well

plantejo als convidats del Contracorrent

I pose to the guests of Contracorrent.

que és que quan, bueno, quan

what is it that when, well, when

al teu voltant o la teva família

around you or your family

com veu la teva feina, no?

how do you see your work, right?

Que, no sé, si algú pregunta

Well, I don't know, if anyone asks.

per exemple del teu fill, deies

for example of your son, you were saying

que tenies un fill, quan li pregunten

that you had a son, when they ask him

què diu ell, no? O com

What does he say, right? Or how?

com és tot això?

How is all of this?

Home, aquesta feina es pot explicar

Man, this job can be explained.

jo havia fet feines anteriorment

I had done jobs previously.

que eren més difícils d'explicar, no?

which were more difficult to explain, right?

Em costava més, jo vaig estar molts anys

It was harder for me, I stayed for many years.

treballant al sector financer

working in the financial sector

i no entenien res, i jo també m'era

and they didn't understand anything, and I didn't either.

difícil expressar

difficult to express

quin sentit tenia la meva feina, no?

what was the point of my work, right?

Jo crec que ara sí que en té molt

I believe that now he/she really has a lot.

molt sentit, no?, la meva feina, és a dir

Very meaningful, isn't it? My work, I mean.

és intentar, doncs, prendre

it is to try, then, to take

consciència i despertar inquietuds, no?

awareness and awakening concerns, right?

Aquesta és la feina d'un divulgador, no?

This is the job of a communicator, isn't it?

És a dir, intentar despertar inquietuds

That is to say, trying to awaken concerns.

perquè la feina la fa cadascú, és a dir

because everyone does their own work, that is to say

cada una de les persones

each of the people

ha de ser capaç d'engegar

he must be able to start up

la seva maquinària per

their machinery for

ser millor en tots els aspectes, no?

to be better in every way, right?

Però sí que

But yes that

ha d'haver una espurna, no? Igual que quan engegues un cop

There must be a spark, right? Just like when you start a fire.

un cotxe hi ha una primera xispa, no?

In a car, there is a first spark, right?

Doncs per engegar aquests motors

Well, to start these engines

de consciència, no?, les persones.

of consciousness, right?, the people.

Com ho veuen? Doncs a mi em veuen molt

How do they see it? Well, they see me a lot.

feliç, actualment, i això

happy, currently, and this

bueno, és bo, no?

Well, it's good, isn't it?

Sí, i jo crec que és una lliçó de vida

Yes, and I believe it is a lesson in life.

per tothom, no?, que

for everyone, right?, that

has de lluitar pel que t'agrada, no?

You have to fight for what you like, right?

És a dir, has de lluitar pels teus projectes

That is to say, you have to fight for your projects.

personals, que de vegades no és fàcil, no?

personal things, which are sometimes not easy, right?

Però has d'intentar, doncs,

But you have to try, then,

obrir portes, no? I al final

open doors, right? And in the end

jo crec que si intentes treballar bé,

I believe that if you try to work well,

intentes treballar d'una manera honesta,

you try to work in an honest way,

intentes, doncs,

you try, then,

lluitar pel teu projecte, doncs,

fight for your project, then,

s'acaben obrint portes, no?

Doors eventually open, don't they?

Pots rebre moltes bufetades, eh?,

You can get a lot of slaps, huh?

pel camí, però

on the way, though

s'ha de tirar endavant, sí, sí.

We have to move forward, yes, yes.

Escolta, si la gent que ens està escoltant

Listen, if the people who are listening to us

volgués venir aquí a fer una visita especial,

I wanted to come here for a special visit,

especial a mà, i amb les dues,

special by hand, and with both,



com ho pots fer? Com reps

How can you do it? How do you receive?

els... Mira, actualment,

the... Look, currently,

entre setmana

during the week

rep, bàsicament, escoles, vale?

Basically, rep, schools, okay?

És a dir, els centres escolars que vulguin venir

That is to say, the school centers that want to come

al Planetari tenen un portal

At the Planetarium, there is a portal.

que és el PAE, el Programa d'Activitats

What is the PAE, the Activities Program?

Escolars de l'Ajuntament de Barcelona, que

Schoolchildren from the City Council of Barcelona, who

a través d'aquest portal es poden apuntar i poden venir.

Through this portal, they can sign up and can come.

Les famílies, un dissabte

The families, a Saturday

al mes, de moment, doncs, faig sessions

per month, for now, therefore, I am doing sessions

per famílies,

for families,

que és un espai on els més jovenets

that is a space where the youngest ones

i els que són joves però no

and those who are young but are not

tant, doncs, poden

so, then, they can

compartir, no?, una estona al Planetari.

share, right?, a while at the Planetarium.

I després, també, hem engegat,

And then, also, we have started,

doncs, cursos i tallers

well, courses and workshops

per a adults, que es fan

for adults, that are made

entre setmana, no?, amb horaris

During the week, right? With schedules.

que es permetin combinar

that are allowed to combine

amb les responsabilitats laborals de cadascú,

with everyone's work responsibilities,

no?, per tal d'intentar

no?, in order to try

arribar a tota mena

reach all kinds

de públics i de perfils,

of audiences and profiles,

no?, i, bàsicament, bueno, està fàcil

No? And basically, well, it's easy.

el tema perquè hi ha molts temes d'interès

the topic because there are many topics of interest

dintre del món de l'astronomia i de

within the world of astronomy and of

l'astronàutica. És a dir, que és fàcil

astronautics. That is to say, it is easy

anar tocant molts temes i

going through many topics and

es van tocant temes diferents per tal

they are touching on different topics in order to

d'intentar captar

to try to capture

interessos, no?, és a dir,

interests, right?, that is to say,

que hi ha molta gent que es repeteix, eh?,

that there are a lot of people who repeat themselves, right?

a, no solament a venir al Planetari,

oh, not only to come to the Planetarium,

sinó en tallers i conferències que fem

but in workshops and conferences that we hold

i tal, no?, que fidelitzem

And so on, right? That we build loyalty.

molta, molta gent, es tracta

a lot, a lot of people, it's about

de passar una bona estona, no?

had a good time, didn't you?

Us animem per això que feu un cop d'ull

We encourage you to take a look at this.

a la web, al centre cívic també del Guinardó

on the web, at the civic center also of Guinardó

Sí, sí, en allà és on es canalitza

Yes, yes, that is where it is channeled.

ara totes les activitats

now all the activities

que també es fan al Planetari, les canalitzem,

that are also held at the Planetarium, we channel them,

les publicitem a través de la pàgina

we advertise them through the page

web del centre cívic del Guinardó.

website of the Guinardó civic center.

Doncs, animeu-vos que

Well, cheer up that

us quedareu amb ganes de més, segur,

you will be left wanting more, for sure,

i resoldreu tots els dubtes. I ara sí,

and you will resolve all the doubts. And now yes,

última pregunta, no vull marxar

last question, I don't want to leave

d'aquí, ja t'ho dic, eh?, però hem d'acabar.

From here, I'm telling you, okay?, but we have to finish.

Última pregunta.

Last question.

Què creus que passarà

What do you think will happen?

en el futur

in the future

amb l'exploració espacial?

with space exploration?

Jo crec que l'exploració

I believe that exploration

espacial és

spatial is

quelcom que sí o sí

something that must be done

haurem de fer, val?,

we will have to do, okay?

perquè la continuïtat de

because the continuity of

l'espècie humana va lligada a l'exploració espacial.

The human species is tied to space exploration.

És a dir, a aquest planeta, un dia

That is to say, on this planet, one day.

o un altre se li cabran els recursos, i per tant

or another will be deprived of resources, and therefore

haurem d'anar a

we will have to go to

algun altre lloc, no? El nostre

somewhere else, right? Our place

pot estar a les estrelles, està clar,

it can be in the stars, it is clear,

però m'agradaria

but I would like

que fos tutelat

to be tutored

per uns principis ètics, no?,

for some ethical principles, right?

i morals, que fossin

and morals, to be

consensuats, no? Però,

consensual, right? But,



amb la meva experiència dels anys que fa

with my experience from the years that have passed

que habito aquest planeta i el que

that I inhabit this planet and what

he vist, dubto que això

I have seen, I doubt that this.

sigui així, i tinc la sensació

let it be, and I have the feeling

que començarem, com sempre,

that we will start, as always,



arrasar, arrasar a nivell

to devastate, to level

econòmic, arrasar

economic, to devastate

com hem fet cada cop que hem colonitzat un continent

as we have done every time we have colonized a continent

o d'altres pobles, no?

or other towns, right?

És a dir, crec que seguirem

That is to say, I think we will continue.

el mateix patró, perquè no estem prou

the same pattern, because we are not enough

evolucionats, no...

evolved, no...

No... Això ens ha de quedar clar,

No... This must be clear to us.

també, que no som... Tenim moltes

also, we are not... We have many

coses a aprendre i que hauríem de tenir

things to learn and that we should have

a l'abast, sí, sí, i no

within reach, yes, yes, and no

no som capaços d'aprendre d'això, no.

we are not capable of learning from this, no.

Tropassem cíclicament, una

We come across cyclically, one

i una altra vegada. Això només fa falta

And again. This is all that's needed.

que admiris la política

that you admire politics

i les eleccions, i que gent

and the elections, and that people

que ha fallat torna a sortir, torna...

what has failed comes out again, comes back...

Som incapaços de tenir

We are incapable of having

sentit crític i canviar models.

critical sense and changing models.

No tenim imaginació, no.

We have no imagination, no.

Però és una pena.

But it's a shame.

Bueno. Gràcies, Jaume, per...

Well. Thank you, Jaume, for...

Gràcies a vosaltres.

Thank you all.

...per fer-nos un lloc, per obrir-nos al planetari make a place for us, to open ourselves to the planetarium.

i gràcies per formar part del

and thank you for being part of the

Contracorrent. Un plaer.

Against the current. A pleasure.

Ha estat un plaer. Moltíssimes gràcies a tu.

It has been a pleasure. Thank you very much.

Gràcies a tu. Vinga.

Thank you. Come on.

Ens veiem.

See you.

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