Un cafè amb les meves germanes: la infància, la maternitat, ser DJ i una sorpresa final

Ada Colau

Un cafè amb...

Un cafè amb les meves germanes: la infància, la maternitat, ser DJ i una sorpresa final

Un cafè amb...

Fins demà!

Until tomorrow!

Començo presentant-vos, no? O sigui, Lucy, tu ets la mitjana.

I'll start by introducing you, right? So, Lucy, you are the middle one.

I després tenim Clara, Ali, Ali, Clara, que són les bessones.

And then we have Clara, Ali, Ali, Clara, who are the twins.

Aquí sempre hem dit les petites encara que ja passeu als 40.

Here we have always called them "the little ones" even if they are already over 40.

A veure, jo era la gran amb bastanta diferència d'edat.

Let's see, I was the oldest by quite a difference in age.

O sigui, em porto 7 i 9 anys.

That is, I am 7 and 9 years old.

En realitat viviu una mica en la clandestinitat

In reality, you live a bit in secrecy.

perquè no compartim el primer cognom.

because we do not share the first surname.

Jo sóc Ada Colau i vosaltres no us dieu Clara Colau, Lucy Colau ni Ali Colau.

I am Ada Colau and you do not call yourselves Clara Colau, Lucy Colau, or Ali Colau.

Però us agraeixo que doneu la cara i sortiu de l'armari d'alguna manera

But I thank you for showing your face and coming out of the closet in some way.

perquè esteu sortint de l'armari i tenint en compte

because you are coming out of the closet and considering

que hi ha molt d'amor en aquesta ciutat, però també hi ha hate, ho sabem, no?

There is a lot of love in this city, but there is also hate, we know that, right?

I és molt guai que vingueu a fer el cafè amb mi aquí.

And it's really cool that you come to have coffee with me here.

Però tens un orgull també que la nostra germana sigui alcaldessa

But you also take pride that our sister is the mayor.

però també la nostra germana gran.

but also our older sister.

Obrim el meló de la germana gran.

Let's open the can of worms of the older sister.

La infància...


És un meló molt gran, evidentment.

It is a very big melon, obviously.

Aquest és un meló molt intens.

This is a very intense melon.

No, no, sense censures.

No, no, without censorship.

Però què vols saber?

But what do you want to know?

Amb molta gent que l'he convidat a aquest cafè, com el Marc Giró o la Sílvia Abril,

With many people I have invited to this coffee, like Marc Giró or Sílvia Abril,

els he dit, mira, és que aquest cafè és on jo em refugiava d'adolescent

I told them, look, it's just that this café is where I used to take refuge as a teenager.

quan fugia de casa.

when I was running away from home.

La teva adolescència igualment era solitària.

Your adolescence was equally lonely.

Era solitària i vosaltres éreu tres monstruïtes, perdona, que m'ho tocava tot.

I was lonely and you three were little monsters, sorry, who touched everything.

Vosaltres, quan teníeu, imagina't, si ens portem 7 i 9 anys,

You all, when you were, imagine, if we are 7 and 9 years apart,

quan teníeu vosaltres tres i ella cinc,

when you three had five,

éreu com els gremlins, així, com els gremlins.

you were like the gremlins, like those gremlins.

Em tocava tots els llibres, em tocava tota la roba,

I touched all the books, I touched all the clothes,

o sigui, era heavy.

That is, it was heavy.

Jo crec que els professors...

I believe that teachers...

Us estimo, eh?

I love you, okay?

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Era bèstia.

It was beastly.

A mi em deien, donar crèdit, que fossin germanes.

They told me to give credit that they were sisters.

A l'escola.

At school.

On està la gent que comparteixen?

Where are the people who share?

No, però és cert que tu sempre estaves llegint molt.

No, but it is true that you were always reading a lot.

També estic d'una època que he escoltat molt casets en italià.

I am also in a phase where I have listened to a lot of cassettes in Italian.

No, perquè feia tretora.

No, because it was treacherous.

Vaig fer l'Erasmus a Itàlia.

I did my Erasmus in Italy.

Perquè feies tretora.

Why were you being a traitor?

Sí, sí, fer l'Erasmus i després ens apreníem els discursos.

Yes, yes, do the Erasmus and then we would learn the speeches.

Ma che cosa fa?

But what is he/she doing?

De fet, tu ets la DJ de moltes festes.

In fact, you are the DJ of many parties.

Això no se sap.

This is not known.


Do you see?

DJ Colau.

DJ Colau.

DJ és com molt guai, no?

DJ is really cool, right?

Perquè dones felicitat a la gent cada vegada que treballes.

Because you give happiness to people every time you work.

I ho fas bé, perquè hi ha gent que també ho vol fer, però no ho fa bé.

You do it well, because there are people who also want to do it, but they don't do it well.

Però tu barreges bé les cançons.

But you mix the songs well.

Ah, sí, eh?

Oh, yes, huh?





Jo crec que sí.

I believe so.

Tens futur per mi.

You have a future for me.



Això és una de les opcions de futur, postalcaldessa.

This is one of the future options, post-mayor.

Mira, aquesta ens agrada molt perquè ens convideix a totes les festes.

Look, we really like this one because it invites us to all the parties.

Ostres, ja fas malament.

Wow, you are already doing it wrong.

Ja vols dir que ara et convideix a totes les festes?

So you mean that now he invites you to all the parties?

Sí, que no ho fas malament.

Yes, you don't do it badly.

No ho fas malament.

You're not doing it wrong.

L'humor i la música ens han salvat sempre.

Humor and music have always saved us.

Sí, és veritat.

Yes, it's true.

I quan has estat molt estressada o alguna cosa,

And when you have been very stressed or something,

ens ha passat alguna cosa,

something has happened to us,

el primer que hem fet és anar a casa d'alguna,

the first thing we've done is go to someone's house,

posar-nos un cafè i portar molta xocolata.

let's have a coffee and bring a lot of chocolate.

I patates, feixines, nosaltres mesclem les dues coses.

And potatoes, we mix the two things.

I pipes.

I pipe.

I riure i ballar.

And laugh and dance.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Perquè en realitat ens ha salvat sempre això.

Because this has actually saved us all along.

Què és el que més us ha molestat?

What has bothered you the most?

Que recordeu que dius, o sigui,

What do you remember that you say, I mean,

quan han dit que tenim cases o que ha enxufat a la família,

when they have said that we have houses or that he has plugged in the family,

o que si recordeu alguna cosa que dius,

or if you remember something you say,

mira, si fins aquí podíem arribar a sobre,

look, if we could get this far above,

haver d'escoltar això, haver d'augmentar aquestes tontes.

having to listen to this, having to increase these nonsense.

A mi em fa patir la mama.

I worry about my mom.

O sigui, no és tant perquè puguin dir de tu,

So, it’s not so much about what they can say about you,

perquè jo sé que tu ets forta.

because I know that you are strong.


You know?

Vull dir que hem vist la teva progressió.

I mean that we have seen your progress.

Hem vist de quan ens obligaves a anar a manifestacions,

We saw when you forced us to go to demonstrations,

no ho passava bé.

He/She wasn't having a good time.

No ens obligàvem.

We were not obliging ourselves.

No ens ho passava bé.

We weren't having fun.

I llavors d'això a qui ets ara.

And then from that, who are you now?

I té la seva part bona i la seva part dolenta, com tot.

It has its good part and its bad part, like everything.

I sé que tu pots assumir.

I know that you can handle it.

Però a mi,

But to me,

però a mi,

but to me,

m'hi preocupa la mama.

I worry about mom.

És una dona que ve de Sòria, que al final...

She is a woman who comes from Soria, who in the end...

I que ets la seva filla.

And you are his daughter.

I si a nosaltres ens toca als ous o als ovaris

And if we are hit in the balls or the ovaries

que algú es fiqui amb tu o digui coses que no són,

that someone picks on you or says things that aren't true,

imagina't que el teu fill

imagine that your son

sigui el blanc continu

be the continuous white

de la crítica...

of the criticism...

La iaia que anava a l'estany i deia

The grandmother who went to the pond and said

no voy a volver a este estaco.

I am not going back to this status.

No voy a volver porque he oído.

I am not going back because I have heard.

Qui això?

Who is this?

La mama.

The mom.

Ah, dos cosas le he dicho.

Ah, I have told him two things.

Dos cosas le he dicho.

I have told him two things.

I clar, dius, ostres, pobra, no?

And of course, you say, wow, poor thing, right?

Com ha de...

How should...

Com ha de viure una persona que, a més,

How should a person live who, moreover,

amb aquest orgull que la seva filla,

with this pride that his daughter,

que ve del no-res,

that comes from nothing,

perquè ella ve del no-res, no?

because she comes from nowhere, right?

Però que en el seu dia a dia ha de lluitar amb tothom

But in his daily life, he has to fight with everyone.

per dir-li...

to tell him...

Una pobra mama fa molt poc...

A poor mom just recently...

És que no està aquí perquè, si no, ja ploraríem.

It's just that he/she isn't here because, if not, we would already be crying.

Sí, ploraríem massa.

Yes, we would cry too much.

Jo he procurat que no us esquitxés...

I have tried not to splash you...

O sigui, el mínim...

That is, the minimum...

Encara que hi ha moltes coses que no depenen de mi,

Although there are many things that do not depend on me,

perquè el que diuen els mitjans no depenen de mi,

because what the media say does not depend on me,

els bolos i les fake news no depenen de mi,

the bowling and the fake news do not depend on me,

però he intentat que no us afectés.

but I have tried not to let it affect you.

I jo què sé, almenys he pogut venir al prerrogó de la Mercè,

And what do I know, at least I was able to come to the preliminary event of the Mercè.

alguna cosa, però no us he fet.

Something, but I haven't done it to you.

El teu fill?

Your son?

El teu fill està encantat amb la filla.

Your son is thrilled with the daughter.

Ell és superfan del prerrogó de la Mercè.

He is a superfan of the Mercè's prerogative.

O sigui, la meva filla...

So, my daughter...

És que ho viu, ens ho diuen.

It's that they experience it, they tell us.

Vosaltres patiu...

You suffer...

I com a mínim els vostres fills ho disfruten.

At least your children enjoy it.

No ho patim, patim per tu.

We don't suffer, we suffer for you.

Us en recordeu de la primera vegada que us vaig dir

Do you remember the first time I told you

que em anava a presentar a les eleccions?

That I was going to run for the elections?

Jo no me'n recordo.

I don't remember.

Tu no te'n recordes?

Don't you remember?



I la mama quina gara va fer?

And what did mom do?

Ja ho tenia clarissa.

I already had it clear.

Fa ciutat.

It's city.

Ja ho tenia un pollo avall, diguem-ne.

I already had a chicken down, let's say.

El que sí que me'n recordo també és de...

What I do remember is...

Se vuelve a presentar.

It is presented again.

Aquest moment.

This moment.

No, jo recordo la primera nit electoral a la Fabra i Coat.

No, I remember the first election night at Fabra i Coats.

Sí, que vam venir tots amb les criatures.

Yes, we all came with the kids.

Estàvem embarassades de 8 minuts.

We were pregnant for 8 minutes.

Jo era amb croces, estava operada.

I was with crutches, I had surgery.

Estava la resta amb nenes petits.

The rest was with little girls.

Tots dormits.

Everyone is asleep.

Tots dormits allà.

Everyone asleep there.

Jo me'n recordo aquell moment que vas sortir,

I remember that moment when you went out,

es va obrir la porta d'aquell passillo

The door of that hallway opened.

i vas sortir.

and you went out.

I ens va dir...

And he told us...

M'acabo de trucar al Trias.

I just called Trias.

He guanyat?

Have I won?

I totes.

And all.

Què dius?

What are you saying?

He guanyat les eleccions.

I have won the elections.

Totes plorant.

All crying.



Va ser molt emotiu aquell...

It was very emotional that...

Aquella primera vegada va ser molt heavy.

That first time was very intense.

No vaig dormir res, tota la nit.

I didn't sleep at all, the whole night.

I després, quan va ser la primera investidura,

And then, when was the first investiture,

que vau venir al Saló de Cent,

that you came to the Saló de Cent,

i jo me'n recordo del moment

And I remember the moment.

que ens vam quedar soles nosaltres amb la mama

that we were left alone with mom

al despatx que havia sigut sempre l'alcalde

to the office that had always been the mayor's

i ara l'alcaldessa.

And now the mayor.

Era tot com surrealista.

It was all like surreal.

I estàvem totes allà

And we were all there.

amb el síndrome de la malaltia.

with the syndrome of the disease.

Amb la imposta de l'I.

With the tax on the I.

Podem estar aquí?

Can we be here?

És que és treure la gent que està habituada

It's about taking away the people who are used to it.

a estar allà per posar gent del carrer.

to be there to put people from the street.

I aquest contrast, tu sempre el notes

And you always notice this contrast.

amb molts petits detalls,

with many small details,

que és molt difícil d'explicar.

that is very difficult to explain.

Els amics que tenen els altres i tu no tens,

The friends that others have and you do not have,

la gent que tenen uns i tu no tens...

the people who have some and you don't have...

És la coherència, per mi, això.

It's coherence for me, that's what it is.

Però és la coherència, però també...

But it's the coherence, but also...

Perquè has seguit així.

Because you have continued like this.

Sí, sí, però no deixes de sentir-te...

Yes, yes, but don't stop feeling...

El síndrome de l'imposta ho has dit molt bé.

The tax syndrome, you said it very well.

No se'm deixa bon.

I am not being left well.

I està molt bé que estiguem

And it is very good that we are.

aquí perquè no se'm deixa bon

Here because I am not allowed to be good.

i tothom ha d'arribar aquí.

and everyone has to arrive here.

Però et segueixen recordant en els detallets

But they still remember you in the little details.

que tu no ets deixa bon.

that you are not good enough.

I vosaltres ja m'enteneu.

And you all already understand me.

Però això també crec que et dona una força.

But I also think that this gives you strength.

Perquè, per exemple,

Because, for example,

notes que totes venim del mateix.

You notice that we all come from the same place.

Al final, si tu pots córrer,

In the end, if you can run,

tu córres 3 vegades més

you run 3 times more

perquè tens el síndrome d'impostora,

because you have imposter syndrome,

que has dit molt bé,

You said it very well.

i realment sents que tu no has estat...

and do you really feel that you haven't been...

I com que sents això,

And how do you feel about that,

fas 80 vegades més

you do it 80 times more

perquè tens aquest sentiment

why do you have this feeling

que és algú que no et pertany.

that is someone who does not belong to you.

Però per què no et pertany?

But why doesn't it belong to you?

Però és veritat que...

But it's true that...

Sempre et sents com que véns d'un altre lloc.

You always feel like you come from another place.

Bueno, és que en part de coses dolentes,

Well, it's just that partly because of bad things,

però també he tingut alguna cosa bona.

but I have also had something good.

T'he casat a tu, al Saló de Cent, tia.

I married you, in the Saló de Cent, aunt.

Quina plorera!

What a crying!

La vas casar a la misma clave.

You married her to the same key.

És tot un bloc i t'ha plorat, oi?

It's a whole block and it has cried for you, right?

O sigui, era molt fort.

That is to say, it was very strong.

Te'n recordes?

Do you remember?

És que va ser molt fort.

It was very intense.

No, no.

No, no.

És que quan es deia allò del despatx,

It's just that when that was said about the office,

era, no treguis el tema,

come on, don't bring up the topic.

però estava amb allà...

but I was there...

Jo recordo

I remember

que estàvem allà, al despatx.

that we were there, in the office.

Estava esticada, esticada,

I was lying down, lying down,

esticada, esticada.

stretched, stretched.

Em quedava més, germana.

I had more left, sister.

Tu em vas dir

You told me.

¿estàs nerviosa?

Are you nervous?

I et vaig dir

I told you.

i vaig dir

I said.



No, jo no.

No, not me.

Jo no, jo no estic nerviosa.

Not me, I'm not nervous.

Vam sortir,

We went out,

vas començar

you started

i et vas posar a plorar.

and you started to cry.

I no vaig parar de plorar

And I didn't stop crying.

tota la hora.

the whole hour.

Però això sí que va ser heavy, eh?

But that was definitely heavy, huh?

Va ser heavy.

It was heavy.

Un altre tema

Another topic

que és que és molt fort

what is it that is very strong

i ens germana encara més.

and it makes us siblings even more.

O sigui, perquè nosaltres érem germanes

So, because we were sisters.

i ja vam viure una infància heavy, així,

And we already lived a heavy childhood, like that,

amb els cosos.

with the bodies.



Però després va arribar un dia

But then a day came

en què la Lucy,

in which Lucy,

es va quedar embarassada

she got pregnant

i això va ser molt fort

and that was very strong

perquè ho va canviar tot.

because it changed everything.

Va començar una nova etapa

A new stage has begun.

on ara ja,

now already,

o sigui, nosaltres som una tribu

So, we are a tribe.

que no la toca, vamos, ni dir.

that it doesn't touch her, come on, not even to say.

Bueno, és com que ens vam retrobar, no?

Well, it's like we reunited, right?

Que la Lucy va ser mare

That Lucy became a mother.

i això, com que...

and this, since...

Bueno, és com amb tothom, no?

Well, it's like with everyone, right?

Que tens molt...

That you have a lot...

No, que la Lucy va ser mare

No, because Lucy became a mother.

i hi ha 8 nens.

and there are 8 children.

Però si algú n'havia de ser mare

But if someone had to be a mother

primer a la Lucy.

First to Lucy.

És veritat, és veritat.

It's true, it's true.

Perquè sempre has tingut

Because you have always had

aquest infirmenat.

this infirmary.

Sempre ha cuidat els nens petits.

She has always taken care of young children.

Mogudeta és la petitona,

Mogudeta is the little one,

és la responsable dels nens petits.

She is responsible for the small children.

I ens va marcar el camí a totes.

And it showed us the way to all of us.

Jo, en canvi,

I, on the other hand,

mai m'havia plantejat ser mare

I had never considered being a mother.

i és que va ser viure la teva maternitat

And it was about living your motherhood.

i se'm va despertar tot.

and everything woke up in me.

Sí, és veritat.

Yes, it is true.

Sí, sí, de forma irracional.

Yes, yes, irrationally.

O sigui, sense pensar-ho

In other words, without thinking about it.

i de cop ja tenia clar

and all of a sudden I was clear.

que volia ser mare.

who wanted to be a mother.

A mi em passa amb el Gael

It happens to me with Gael.

el que a tu et va passar

what happened to you

amb la Júlia.

with Julia.

Quan tu vas tenir el Gael,

When you had Gael,

jo vaig començar,

I started,

jo ja tenia la Matilda

I already had Matilda.

i vaig començar.

I started.



Tinc que tenir el segon,

I have to have the second.

tinc que tenir el segon.

I have to have the second.



No es va dir això?

Wasn't that said?

Però què és això?

But what is this?

És que...

It's just that...

Mare meva!

My goodness!

¿Esto quién lo ha hecho?

Who did this?

Ahora ya todas han plorado,

Now they have all cried.

todas han plorado.

all have cried.

No, no, no han plorado.

No, no, they haven't cried.

No, qué fuerte.

No, how strong.

Esto es traición.

This is treason.

Ahora ya están plorando.

Now they are crying.

Yo creo que no sabía res.

I think I didn't know anything.

Oiga, qué fuerte.

Hey, how intense.

De verdad, que no sabía res.

Really, I didn't know anything.

Ay, ven, ven, mamá, ven.

Oh, come, come, mom, come.

Bueno, ¿qué os parece la sorpresa?

Well, what do you think of the surprise?

Mamma mia.

Mamma mia.

Mejor dicho.

Better said.

Qué fuerte, qué fuerte, mami.

How strong, how strong, mommy.

Ha sido el equipo,

It has been the team,

que el paquete ha hecho muy bien.

that the package has done very well.

Lo ha hecho muy, lo hemos llevado muy en secreto.

He has done it very, we have kept it very secret.

Pero que tú tampoco hayas dicho nada ni a nosotras.

But you haven't said anything to us either.

No, de eso se trataba, me pide.

No, that's what it was about, he/she asks me.

O sea, a la Ada vale, porque su, su, ¿sabes esto?

I mean, Ada is fine, because her, her, you know this?

Pero yo qué sé.

But what do I know.

Nada, nada, era para todas.

Nothing, nothing, it was for everyone.

Es una sorpresa, forca, forca, forca.

It’s a surprise, strength, strength, strength.

Pero, ¿nos has escuchado o no?

But, have you heard us or not?

No, yo no sé nada.

No, I don't know anything.

Es que justo estábamos hablando que habíamos puesto toda la noche en tu comedor,

We were just talking about how we had spent the whole night in your dining room,

que cuando vimos a la Luz y con la Yulia

that when we saw Luz and with Yulia

todas flipamos y todo.

We all freak out and everything.

La Ada ya está en mood, en lagrimita, on.

Ada is already in the mood, in a tearful state, on.

Home, es que ahora la cosa está chunga.

Man, right now things are tough.

O sea, es que esto ha escapado de mi control. Sí. Entonces ahora ya nos has escuchado.

I mean, this has escaped my control. Yes. So now you have heard us.

Es que esto ha escapado de mi control. Sí. Entonces ahora ya nos has escuchado.

This has escaped my control. Yes. So now you have heard us.

No sé muy bien qué hacer, la verdad.

I don't really know what to do, to be honest.

Lo siento.

I'm sorry.

No, tú siempre has sido bienvenida, mami.

No, you have always been welcome, mommy.

Ha sido muy bien, gracias.

It has been very good, thank you.

O sea, se me han cruzado los cables

In other words, I've lost my mind.

y te miraba y yo, mama.

and I looked at you and I, mom.

¿Pero qué haces aquí en la puerta?

But what are you doing here at the door?

Muchas veces hemos dicho que faltabas aquí en esta mesa.

Many times we have said that you were missing here at this table.

Sí, pues recién.

Yes, just recently.

No, pues es que justo estábamos diciendo eso,

No, well, we were just saying that.

que la Luz iba a tener la Yulia

That Luz was going to have Yulia.

y empezó otra fase, ¿no?

And another phase started, didn't it?

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Empezó otra fase y de hacer unas germanas gamberras

It started another phase and to make some mischievous sisters.

que se discutían que no sé cuántos,

that were being discussed that I don't know how many,

empezamos a parir.

we're starting to give birth.

Como cubillas.

Like small cups.

Se convirtieron en unas madres responsables.

They became responsible mothers.

Bueno, survivors.

Well, survivors.

Yo prefiero el término survivor que responsable

I prefer the term survivor to responsible.

porque hacemos lo que podemos.

Because we do what we can.

No, no, no.

No, no, no.

Yo estoy muy orgullosa de todas vosotras.

I am very proud of all of you.

Porque tú estarías orgullosa todas nosotras

Because you would be proud of all of us.

en cualquier circunstancia.

in any circumstance.

No, pero siempre he sido objetiva, siempre.

No, but I have always been objective, always.

Una cosa es que os quieran y otra cosa es que no reconozcas.

One thing is for them to love you, and another thing is for you not to recognize it.

Sí, porque la mama sí me se ha encargado

Yes, because mom has taken care of me.

del look de hada, de que... Sí.

from the fairy look, that... Yes.

Siempre me ha dicho,

He has always told me,

que eres alcaldesa, por favor, peinate, vístete bien.

Since you are the mayor, please do your hair and dress well.

Es así, la mama no es fácil.

That's right, mom is not easy.

Y el sol también es una cosa de la mama.

And the sun is also a thing of the mom.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

La broma, la broma de

The joke, the joke of

¿por qué no te haces eurodiputada?

Why don't you become an MEP?

Sí, sí, y lo sigo diciendo.

Yes, yes, and I keep saying it.

¿Por qué? A ver, explícalo, explícalo.

Why? Come on, explain it, explain it.

¿Por qué? ¿Por qué eurodiputada?

Why? Why an MEP?

Hombre, porque es mucho más cómodo.

Man, because it's much more comfortable.

Más anónima.

More anonymous.

¿Quién conoce un eurodiputado?

Who knows a Member of the European Parliament?

Importante. Puedes hacer muchas cosas siendo eurodiputado.

Important. You can do many things as a Member of the European Parliament.

Claro, por supuesto.

Of course, of course.

Una cosa que es un poco tu

One thing that is a little bit you.

actitud en la vida, ¿no?

attitude in life, right?

Sí. Ser generosa,

Yes. Be generous,

de hacer cosas por la comunidad,

to do things for the community,

mejorar la vida de la gente.

improve people's lives.

¡Qué bien habla!

How well you speak!

Perfectamente siendo eurodiputada,

Perfectly as a Member of the European Parliament,

no estando expuesta 24 horas sobre 24 horas,

not being exposed 24 hours a day,

que la gente diga barbaridades,

that people say outrageous things,

que opina...

what do you think...

Bueno, me callo.

Well, I'll keep quiet.

¿Tú cómo has vivido como madre,

How have you experienced being a mother?

teniendo una hija que la están atacando todo el rato?

having a daughter who is being attacked all the time?

Con mentiras. Un momento.

With lies. One moment.

Has fet una pregunta que esperé molts kleenex.

You asked a question that I expected many tissues.



Bueno, a ver, he aprendido mucho.

Well, let's see, I have learned a lot.

He aprendido a poner distancia

I have learned to put distance.

entre mi hija y la alcaldesa.

between my daughter and the mayor.

Entonces, que eso no quiere decir que no ha habido momentos

So, that doesn't mean that there haven't been moments.

en los que no me he podido controlar

in which I have not been able to control myself

y he saltao y salto en esa ruta.

and I jumped and I jump on that route.

Donde todo el mundo ha quedado

Where everyone has met.

paralizado porque nadie sabía

paralyzed because no one knew

que eras un madre y de pronto he salido ahí.

that you were a mother and suddenly I came out there.

¡Vaya fan! ¡Deba ser una cúmulo!

What a fan! It must be a blast!

Pero que es verdad

But it is true.

que a todo el tiempo ha arribado

that has always arrived

que ha patido molt, que es difícil,

who has suffered a lot, that it is difficult,

pero que también

but also

estic molt orgullosa de tu.

I am very proud of you.

Per nosaltres, no és fàcil,

For us, it is not easy,

la teva germana no és alcaldessa.

Your sister is not the mayor.

Va així, va així.

It goes like this, it goes like this.

No és un cafè, és una telenovela.

It's not a coffee, it's a soap opera.

La teva germana no és alcaldessa.

Your sister is not the mayor.

Jo què heig de fer per invertir a la mama?

What should I do to invest in mom?

Ser mamà.

Being a mom.

Aquí estic d'acord.

Here I agree.

És veritat, la mama ens valora tot.

It's true, mom values us all.

I tant, i tant.

Of course, of course.

De cop la teva germana es fa alcaldessa

Suddenly your sister becomes mayor.

i és en plan, vale, i jo?

And it's like, okay, and what about me?

Què he de fer?

What should I do?

Es torna alcaldessa i és super.

She becomes mayor and is awesome.

Mira, tu tens dos fills, oi?

Look, you have two children, don't you?

No sé si ho he arreglat, no sé si ho he arreglat molt.

I don't know if I have fixed it, I don't know if I have fixed it a lot.

Un moment, un moment.

One moment, one moment.

Cadascú busca el seu paper.

Everyone seeks their role.

El seu lloc al món, sí.

Their place in the world, yes.

Doncs imagina't quatre

Well, imagine four.

i que una de cop és alcaldessa.

and all of a sudden she is mayor.

Aquest és l'únic comentari.

This is the only comment.

Totes som superfelices en qui som.

We are all super happy with who we are.

Ja m'he dit que no seria alcaldessa mai.

I have already told myself that I would never be mayor.

Jo ara li dono una volta.

I will give it a turn now.

O sigui, jo soc alcaldessa.

So, I am the mayor.

Vosaltres sou estupendes en les vostres feines,

You are wonderful in your jobs,

per no rebadar la vostra vida privada,

to avoid infringing on your private life,

però sou totes estupendes.

but you are all wonderful.

Doncs dit això, per mi tot això no és res

Well, having said that, for me all of this is nothing.

quan penso que aquesta senyora

When I think that this lady

venint de Sòria i treballant sempre

coming from Soria and always working

de sol a sol, perquè no tenia diners

from dawn to dusk, because I had no money

i s'ho ha currat tot.

And he/she has put a lot of effort into everything.

Quatre filles, quatre filles.

Four girls, four girls.

Conecta-vos amb Sòria.

Connect with Soria.

I no està res.

And nothing is wrong.

Espera un moment.

Wait a moment.

O sigui, jo alcaldessa i vosaltres no alcaldesses,

So, I am the mayor and you are not mayors.

però totes ens ofeguem amb dos fills.

but we all drown with two children.

Totes pensem com ho va fer la mama.

We all think like mom did.

Però no li arribem a la sola de sabata, perquè insisteixo,

But we don't reach the sole of his shoe, because I insist,

nosaltres hi ha molts dies que diem

There are many days that we say.

no puedo más, esto me desborda.

I can't take it anymore, this overwhelms me.

O sea, extrascolares de una,

I mean, extracurricular activities for one,

el problema de celos del otro,

the problem of the other’s jealousy,

l'esmorzar al sopar...

breakfast for dinner...

Han de portar una disfressa

They have to wear a costume.

per una obra de teatre

for a play

que ha de ser un pregoner.

what a town crier must be.

La mama les feia a mà

Mom made them by hand.

4 a la matinada fent disfressa.

4 in the morning making costumes.

Seríem incapaçes.

We would be incapable.

De fet, jo

In fact, I

un dia vaig arribar a plorar a casa teva

One day I cried at your house.

perquè vaig tenir un poio al carrer

because I had a nits on the street

amb les meves filles.

with my daughters.

Em vaig abraçar i em vas dir

You hugged me and you said to me.

t'entenc, tranquil·la, passarà.

I understand you, don't worry, it will pass.

Se m'ha quedat gravat!

It has stuck with me!

És veritat!

It's true!

Si tot hem sobreviscut!

If we have survived everything!

Érem una mica... Intenses!

We were a bit... intense!

Intenses com ara!

Intense as now!

Té raó!

You're right!

I amb alegria i humor, encara més.

And with joy and humor, even more.

Això a casa nostra, per sort.

This at our home, fortunately.

No falta.

There's no doubt.

Som un matriarcat, perquè tot i que és el papa

We are a matriarchy, because even though it is the pope

i és una persona molt important per nosaltres,

and he is a very important person to us,

és cert que sempre hem tirat endavant

It is true that we have always moved forward.

a passar amb nosaltres.

to go through with us.

Ens hem recolzat sempre.

We have always supported each other.

A la mama.

To mom.

El que talla el bacallà és la mama.

The one who calls the shots is mom.

Jo estic molt contenta

I am very happy.

per les criatures,

for the creatures,

que tot són una pinya.

that they are all in it together.

Jo tinc una pregunta per vosaltres.

I have a question for you.

He decidit presentar-me una tercera vegada

I have decided to present myself a third time.

a les eleccions.

to the elections.

És l'última que deies, la següent.

It's the last one you mentioned, the next one.

Jo també!

Me too!

Ni m'ho he dit, estic porgrada!

I haven't even told myself, I'm embarrassed!



No ha estat el moment!

It has not been the time!



El cas és que em presento una tercera

The fact is that I am introducing a third one.

i última vegada,

and last time,

però a mi em fa il·lusió.

but I’m excited about it.

Espero que per vosaltres també.

I hope so for you too.

Amb tot el que hem patit,

With everything we have suffered,

tinc ganes d'acabar-les ben fetes.

I want to finish them well done.

Ho entenem perfectament.

We understand it perfectly.

I t'apoyem.

We support you.

A muerte!

To death!

Sí que et demanem,

Yes, we do ask you,

és que ja només...

it's just that only...

Totes hem treballat de moltes coses

We have all worked in many things.

en aquesta vida,

in this life,

així que m'imagino fent moltes coses.

so I imagine doing many things.

No cal que faci d'eurodiputada,

I don't need to be a Member of the European Parliament,

vull dir que no tinc per què seguir a la política,

I mean that I don't have to continue in politics,

puc fer moltes altres coses.

I can do many other things.

Això ens agrada.

We like this.

Però també per tu,

But also for you,

perquè m'imagino la teva pèrdua...

because I can imagine your loss...

Cada dia, te'n aixeques pel matí...

Every day, you get up in the morning...

És que no hi ha diners al món

It’s just that there is no money in the world.

per pagar-me aquests sous.

to pay me these wages.

Està clar, és que per diners no es fa.

It is clear, it is just that it is not done for money.

És que per diners no ho pots fer.

It's just that you can't do it for money.

A més, veure que els altres inventen coses

Moreover, seeing that others invent things

que la teva vida no ha canviat.

that your life has not changed.

És a dir, quan tu has tingut la gran sort

That is to say, when you have had the great fortune

de que la teva germana o la teva filla

of your sister or your daughter

sigui alcaldessa de Barcelona,

she is the mayor of Barcelona,

i això, com que no és eurodiputada...

and this, since she is not a Member of the European Parliament...

I això no t'ha canviat la vida.

And this hasn't changed your life.

És a dir, la meva mare segueix vivint

That is to say, my mother is still living.

al pis on vivia,

in the apartment where I lived,

la meva germana segueix vivint

my sister still lives

al pis on vivia, que és a dalt de la meva mare,

in the apartment where I lived, which is above my mother's,

la meva mare segueix fent la vida

My mother keeps living life.

igual perquè no li ha canviat en res,

just because it hasn't changed for him at all,

i que a sobre vegis que la gent,

and that on top you see that the people,

amb una història tan xula,

with such a cool story,

ha vingut a la institució

he has come to the institution

i s'ha fet alcaldessa, que a més és dona,

and she has been made mayor, who is also a woman,

suma-li, i que això

add it, and let that be it

no ens ha canviat la vida. És a dir,

it hasn't changed our lives. That is to say,

que ho portem amb molt d'orgull, però és que cada dia

that we carry it with great pride, but it is that every day

a la nostra vida és igual que el dia anterior

in our life it is the same as the day before

que no ho fossis.

that you weren't.

Que al principi dius...

That at the beginning you say...

Estan predisposats a creure coses per...

They are predisposed to believe things for...

Però que fins i tot ens han dit que al barri

But they have even told us that in the neighborhood.

no funcionava internet perquè jo era alcaldessa

Internet wasn't working because I was the mayor.

i havíem ficat inhibidors dintre.

We had put inhibitors inside.

I que els helicòpters

And the helicopters

només estaven a sobre de casa de la de Colau

they were only on top of Colau's house

i que era un problema.

and that it was a problem.

Però que helicòpters?

But what helicopters?

Però és que ja fa riure.

But it's already funny.

Sí, perquè passen molt i tal, i sempre passen per sobre

Yes, because they pass a lot and such, and they always walk over.

perquè hi ha la de Colau.

because there is Colau's.

Però a nosaltres ens fa riure, però és que...

But it makes us laugh, but it's just that...

A mi em toquen molt els nassos.

It really gets on my nerves.

Però igual...

But still...

Però això s'ha estudiat i no és només amb mi.

But this has been studied and it's not just with me.

O sigui, que ara sí.

So, now yes.

No, no.

No, no.

Però a nosaltres ens toca perquè sabem la veritat.

But it is our turn because we know the truth.

Però hi ha un nivell de crueltat

But there is a level of cruelty.

i d'anar a matxacar

and to go smash



No, però que no s'atreveixen

No, but they don't dare.

amb nosaltres, que han estat

with us, who have been

banant sempre.

always bathing.

És el rollo del classismo.

It's the whole thing about classism.

El classismo és...

Classism is...

en Barcelona.

in Barcelona.

Sí, però nosaltres ho hem canviat.

Yes, but we've changed it.

Però aquestes altres van a dir

But these others are going to say

doncs aquí estem.

Well, here we are.

Per això et dic que la part que patim

That's why I tell you that the part we suffer.

ens la compensa aquesta part.

this part compensates us.

Perquè és com la maternitat.

Because it is like motherhood.

Eh, però compensa. Eh, però és dur, no?

Eh, but it's worth it. Eh, but it's hard, isn't it?

Però compensa, sí, és cert, compensa.

But it makes up for it, yes, it's true, it makes up for it.

Bueno, ja acabem aquí.

Well, let's finish here.

O sigui, jo, el que està clar

So, I, what is clear

és que no sabia qui soc,

it's just that I didn't know who I am,

ni com a persona, ni com a alcaldessa,

neither as a person, nor as mayor,

ni com a mare, sense vosaltres.

not as a mother, without you.

Que no vaig enlloc sense vosaltres.

I don't go anywhere without you.


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