Ep. 3 - el de Ginestà

El Panorama

El Panorama

Ep. 3 - el de Ginestà

El Panorama

Aviam, què és millor? Sortir amb nosaltres o amb un ximple enrasca-guitarras?

Let's see, what’s better? Going out with us or with a fool who just messes around with guitars?

Amb vosaltres, suposo.

With you, I suppose.

Però és que no puc evitar que m'agradi, no hi puc fer res, tinc debilitat pels músics.

But I can't help but like him, there's nothing I can do about it, I have a weakness for musicians.

Hola, benvingudes i benvinguts al Panorama, un podcast de música on parlarem amb els i les artistes dels vostres llistes de reproducció.

Hello, welcome to Panorama, a music podcast where we will talk with the artists from your playlists.

Tornem a la rutina una mica més tard, però tornem.

We'll get back to the routine a little later, but we will return.

Sóc en Guillem Roman i m'acompanyen la Sara Renjat. Què tal, Sara?

I am Guillem Roman and I am joined by Sara Renjat. How are you, Sara?

Molt bé.

Very good.

I en Martí Puig de Rajols. Com estàs, Martí?

And Martí Puig de Rajols. How are you, Martí?

Molt bé, moltes ganes de tornar a fotre-li.

Very well, I'm really looking forward to hitting it again.

Heu fet alguna última descobriment musical?

Have you made any recent musical discovery?



Bé, jo he posat com a descobriment musical Trista a Miami, de Maria Jaume i Julieta.

Well, I have listed "Trista a Miami" by Maria Jaume and Julieta as a musical discovery.

Jo sempre he sigut molt fan d'en Galgolento, que de fet també va venir aquí al programa fa no gaire,

I have always been a big fan of Galgolento, who actually came here to the program not long ago.

i la setmana passada va treure 4 minuts, que també la va estrenar en directe als Andarrock,

And last week she released 4 minutes, which she also premiered live at Andarrock.

en parlarem d'aquí no gaire, i bé, sempre tot el que treu la veritat bastant fan.

We'll talk about it shortly, and well, everything that reveals the truth always creates quite a stir.

Molt bé. Sara, avui qui ens acompanya?

Very well. Sara, who is joining us today?

Bé, doncs, en aquest nou episodi del Panorama ens acompanyen els germans La Júlia i Pau Tarrasolses.

Well then, in this new episode of Panorama, we are joined by the siblings Júlia and Pau Tarrasolses.

Difícil de pronunciar.

Difficult to pronounce.

Però tu t'equivoques, no passa res.

But you are mistaken, it's okay.

Mira que el meu cognom és molt difícil de pronunciar, també.

Look, my surname is very difficult to pronounce, too.

I el seu déu-n'hi-do.

And his god-given.

Bé, sí, he hagut de practicar, eh?

Well, yes, I had to practice, huh?

Que formen el conjunt el conegut duet de Ginastà.

That forms the well-known duet of Ginastà.

La seva música es caracteritza per la barreja de diferents estils musicals,

Their music is characterized by the blend of different musical styles,

com ara el pop, sons experimentals i el folk.

like now pop, experimental sounds, and folk.

Ginastà és un duet molt conegut per la seva trajectòria.

Ginastà is a duo well-known for their career.

El 2018 van publicar el seu primer disc, anomenat Neix,

In 2018, they released their first album, called Neix,

i a partir de llavors van començar a créixer molt dins l'indústria catalana.

And from then on they began to grow a lot within the Catalan industry.

L'any 2019 van tornar a publicar un altre disc,

In 2019, they released another album.

amb el qual van guanyar els Premis d'Enderrock del 2020,

with which they won the Enderrock Awards of 2020,

com a millor disc de cançó d'autoautor.

as the best self-published song album.

El 21 va sortir la conegudíssima cançó de l'Eva i la Jana,

On the 21st, the well-known song by Eva and Jana was released.

que l'any següent va formar part del tercer disc,

that the following year was part of the third album,

Suposo que la mort és així.

I suppose that's how death is.

La mort.


És això, com va, eh?

That's it, how's it going, huh?

Canvia, canvia.

Change, change.

Aquest passat febrer van treure el seu darrer disc, anomenat Vida meva,

This past February they released their latest album, called Vida meva,

i avui ha vingut a nosaltres a parlar sobre aquest nou disc.

And today he came to us to talk about this new album.

Molt bé.

Very good.

Per fer-te gran, vols l'or, vols l'art, la nit i el sol,

To make you great, you want gold, you want art, the night and the sun,

però tot se te'n fot, sí, tot.

but you don't care about anything, yes, nothing.

Sempre fem una pregunta obligatòria, i és,

We always ask a mandatory question, which is,

quina és l'última cançó que heu escoltat?

What is the last song you listened to?

Clar, venim de tessejar.

Of course, we come from weaving.

És tràfic.

It's traffic.

Si podeu treure els mòbils, i si ja heu vingut allà a l'Utibic amb l'Spotify,

If you can take out your phones, and if you have already come there to the Utibic with Spotify,

que surten coses interessants.

that interesting things come up.

Bé, perquè aquest matí...

Well, because this morning...



Sí, si no és vostre.

Yes, if it is not yours.

Bé, l'última que vaig escoltar va ser una cançó que es diu

Well, the last one I heard was a song called

Aunque es de noche remix, que és un remix de la cançó de la Rosalía,

Although it's a night remix, which is a remix of Rosalía's song,

però en plan com tecnero.

but like in a techy way.

I és d'un artista, bé, no sé, que es diu Rob, amb moltes zetes.

And it's from an artist, well, I don't know, named Rob, with many z's.

Aunque es de noche.

Although it is night.

Aunque amb K.

Although with K.

Ets de les meves, jo també m'agraden aquests remixes tecno-raros,

You are one of mine, I also like these weird techno remixes.

tope, tope, a velocitats infrahumanes.

maximum, maximum, at subhuman speeds.

I jo, les dues torres.

And me, the two towers.

Si és verd.

Yes, it's green.

Mm, te les agraeixo.

Mm, I appreciate them.

Molt bé, ens agradaria molt sentir de vosaltres com va néixer aquest projecte.

Very well, we would love to hear from you how this project was born.

Com va néixer?

How was it born?

Doncs va néixer bastant per casualitat.

Well, it was born quite by chance.

O sigui, sí que és veritat que nosaltres,

So, yes, it is true that we,

de fet que sempre teníem com molta inquietud amb tocar instruments,

in fact, we always had a lot of eagerness to play instruments,

i en cap cas d'una manera gaire professional,

and in no case in a very professional manner,

tampoc hem estudiat gaire música,

we haven't studied much music either,

però va haver-hi un dia que la Maia i jo,

but there was a day that Maia and I,

que compartíem un altre projecte,

that we were sharing another project,

que es deia Aquelarre,

that was called Aquelarre,

o no, que es diu Aquelarre,

or no, it's called Aquelarre,

perquè mai morirà,

because it will never die,


we went...

Ens van dir d'anar a fer un concert a Vic, no sé què,

They told us to go to a concert in Vic, I don't know what.

i la Maia va dir que no podia,

and Maia said that she couldn't,

i aleshores el Pau i jo vam decidir tirar endavant,

and then Pau and I decided to move forward,

vam assajar quatre o cinc covers,

we rehearsed four or five covers,

i vam anar allà.

and we went there.

I llavors ja ens vam començar a plantejar,

And then we began to consider,

en plan, buah, està sent divertit,

Like, wow, it’s being fun,

pot ser xulo,

it can be cool,

les nostres veus estan bastant guai,

our voices are quite cool,

i el Pau va començar a fer cançons,

and Pau began to make songs,

i va ser quan vam dir, vale,

and it was when we said, okay,

doncs ara per de covers comencem a fer un projecte una mica més seriós, no?

So now for a change we are starting to work on a slightly more serious project, right?

I abans ens dèiem la porria abans de ginestar.

And before we called ourselves the porria before ginestar.

Hòstia, és bastant diferent,

Damn, it's quite different.

no és que fa bastants anys, eh, de la porria,

It's not that it's been quite a few years, huh, since the mess,

fa set...

It's been seven...

Vent malament,

Wind bad,

29 anys, sí.

29 years, yes.

Sí, sí,

Yes, yes,

eren més punquis.

they were more punk.

Ara ho anava a dir,

I was just about to say that,

m'imaginaria un grup més puncàrrega,

I would imagine a more lively group.

i de quatre a la matinada molles bastant considerable.

And from four in the morning quite a considerable amount.

No, era puncàrrega en el sentit d'una guitarra desafinada,

No, it was out of tune in the sense of an out-of-tune guitar.

i dues veus, eh?

And two voices, huh?

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

I anar a fer bolos,

I'm going to do gigs.

on en lloc d'un peu de micro tenies un pèl d'escombra,

where instead of a microphone stand you had a broom hair,

i dormies a porais, saps?

And you slept in a drowse, you know?



M'estic imaginant d'anar-hi, eh?

I'm imagining going there, right?

Vull dir, jo vaig un poquenazo.

I mean, I'm doing a bit poorly.

Vale, a què creieu que en pensarien els vostres jo's

Okay, what do you think your selves would think about it?

de quan teníeu vuit anys?

How old were you when you were eight?

No s'ho creurien, jo en penso.

They wouldn't believe it, that's what I think.

Bueno, just quan tenia vuit anys jo sí que estava estudiant música

Well, just when I was eight years old, I was indeed studying music.

aquí a l'Escola de Música i les Iglesies,

here at the School of Music and the Churches,

que ara no sé si està oberta encara.

that now I don't know if it is still open.







Ni idea.

No idea.

Doncs sí, jo just feia guitarra elèctrica i cant,

Well yes, I was just doing electric guitar and singing.

però mai vaig tenir la perspectiva

but I never had the perspective

que això que començava a fer quan era petit

that this is what I started to do when I was little

desemboqués en alguna cosa

you went crazy over something

semblant al que és avui.

similar to what it is today.

El que ens està passant ara, així que jo crec que el meu jo de petit

What is happening to us now, just as I believe my younger self.

diria, estàs boig.

I would say, you are crazy.

I el meu també, o sigui, també diria que estàs boja

And mine too, I mean, I would also say that you're crazy.

perquè jo vaig estar molts anys cantant a una coral

because I spent many years singing in a choir

i al final una coral és un lloc on ningú destaca

And in the end, a choir is a place where no one stands out.

perquè la gràcia és que ningú destaca i que sigui com el tot, no?

because the point is that no one stands out and that it is like the whole, right?


I understand.

Llavors no tenia cap mena de pretensió de fer cap mena de ser solista

At that time, I had no intention of being a soloist at all.

o de cantar, no sé.

or to sing, I don't know.

Però bueno, mira, doncs ara fliparia, estaria molt contenta

But well, look, I would be really surprised, I would be very happy.

i tindria moltes ganes que arribés.

I would really like it to arrive.



I diria, calma'm, et puc al·lucinar.

I would say, calm me down, I can make you hallucinate.

Passa pas.

Step by step.



I sempre heu tingut tan bona relació?

Have you always had such a good relationship?

En plan, creu que ha millorat a través d'aquest projecte?

In a way, do you think it has improved through this project?

Sí, sempre hem tingut molt bona relació, la Julià i jo.

Yes, Julià and I have always had a very good relationship.

I després sí que, bueno, evidentment jo vaig marxar a viure a Girona,

And then yes, well, obviously I moved to live in Girona,

la Julià va marxar a viure fora de casa també durant una època

Julià also left to live away from home for a while.

i passa sovint, doncs et distancies una mica,

And it happens often, so you distance yourself a little.

però a nivell de relació sempre ha sigut superbona.

but at a relational level, it has always been excellent.

I ara que, a més a més, des de germans som socis,

And now that, moreover, as brothers we are partners,

som companys d'empresa, ho tenim tot una mica lligat,

we are business partners, we have everything a bit tied up,

crec que hem après també a gestionar bé aquesta dualitat.

I think we have also learned to manage this duality well.

Jo no sé, l'altre dia, no sé, era amb la Maia o amb el Joan,

I don't know, the other day, I don't know, I was with Maia or with Joan,

no sé amb qui ho parlava, que deia,

I don’t know who I was talking to, who said,

si el Pau i jo no fóssim companys de feina,

if Pau and I were not work colleagues,

o sigui, companys de professió, quina relació tindríem?

So, colleagues in the profession, what kind of relationship would we have?

I jo li deia, doncs jo crec que com...

And I told him, well I think that like...

que quedaríem per fer birres, en plan, crec que quedaríem bastant.

We would meet up for beers, like, I think we would meet up quite often.

Sí, ens veuríem menys.

Yes, we would see each other less.

Perquè ens portem molt bé, en plan, som...

Because we get along very well, like, we are...

Però molt.

But a lot.



És que ara ens veiem cada dia amb el cor.

It's that now we see each other every day with the heart.

Jo, referent a això,

I, regarding this,

me l'havia apuntat per, quan sortís més o menys el tema,

I had noted it down for when the topic came up more or less.

llançar aquesta pregunta,

to throw this question,

que com és treballar en família?

What is it like working with family?

Més que res, també, perquè l'ISARFES és un projecte molt familiar,

More than anything, also, because ISARFES is a very family-oriented project,

hi ha la meva germana aquí darrere, a les càmeres,

my sister is right here behind the cameras,

que no es veu,

that cannot be seen,

però tot i així també hi tenim molts membres,

but even so we have many members there,

i en si també, a nivell d'amistats,

and in itself also, at the level of friendships,

és un projecte molt comú en aquest aspecte.

It is a very common project in this regard.

I us volia preguntar com és això,

I wanted to ask you how this is,

aquest aspecte d'estar sempre junts, en família,

this aspect of always being together, as a family,

suposo que també els dinars familiars,

I suppose that family lunches too,

per suposat que esteu junts,

of course you are together,

i els altres moments més distesos també ho compartiu.

And you also share the other more relaxed moments.

Com s'equilibra tot això?

How is all this balanced?

Clar, jo crec que molt bé,

Of course, I think very well,

també perquè, com que el de ser germans no ho pots trencar mai,

also because, since you can never break the bond of being siblings,

vull dir, és una cosa que és així,

I mean, it's something that is like this,

has de... jo crec que t'esforces el doble,

you have to... I think you are trying twice as hard,

perquè les coses estiguin en pau

so that things may be at peace

i perquè, a nivell, jo què sé, comunicatiu,

and because, on a level, I don’t know, communicative,

estigui tot en ordre i que tot estigui molt cuidat.

everything is in order and that everything is very well taken care of.

No m'ha passat de compartir projecte així, en plan,

I haven't had the chance to share a project like this, you know.

tants socis, amb algú que no sigui el meu germà,

so many partners, with someone who is not my brother,

o germana, perquè sempre he fet el mateix,

oh sister, because I have always done the same,

però, bueno, no sé, ho fa més senzill

but, well, I don't know, it makes it easier

i també, a vegades, fa que això, que t'hagis d'esforçar el triple.

And also, sometimes, it makes it so that you have to effort three times more.

També, el Pau i a mi ens va anar molt bé separar-nos,

Also, it worked out well for Pau and me to separate.

vam estar vivint junts tres anys,

we lived together for three years,

i també ens va anar molt bé poder separar les coses de,

and it also went very well for us to be able to separate things from,

vale, ara som comens de pis, ara som germans,

ok, now we are flatmates, now we are brothers,

ara estem amb coses de ginestant,

now we are dealing with things from ginestant,

i crec que també va ser com una decisió xula de dir, vale,

And I think it was also like a cool decision to say, okay,

quan fem una... quan prenem una decisió així,

when we make a... when we make a decision like this,

al final quan ens trobem és per fer feina,

In the end, when we meet, it's to work.

o és per posar-nos al dia i preguntar-nos com estem,

or it’s to catch up and ask how we are,

o fer una birra, o...

or have a beer, or...

o plorar.

or cry.

I estar bé tranquil·lament, sí.

I will be fine quietly, yes.


Of course.

I quantes hores dediqueu al dia a ginestar?

And how many hours do you dedicate to gym time each day?



Jo, jornada completa.

Me, full-time.

O sigui, jo em llevo pel matí, i ara, per exemple,

So, I wake up in the morning, and now, for example,

estem preparant la cançó per l'estiu, una cançó nova,

we are preparing the song for the summer, a new song,

i estic en això.

And I am on this.

I llavors, mentrestant, assajant el bolo,

And then, meanwhile, rehearsing the gig,

i contestant whatsapps cada dos per tres de qualsevol cosa,

I respond to WhatsApps every now and then about anything.

perquè estem amb l'Stage i estem preparant tot de coses, també,

because we are with the Stage and we are preparing a lot of things too,

així que avui, fins que acabem aquest podcast,

so today, until we finish this podcast,

des del matí fins que acabem aquest podcast.

from the morning until we finish this podcast.

I també...

And also...

Llargar la jornada.

Lengthen the workday.

Ai, que perdó.

Oh, I'm sorry.

Us hem allargat la jornada.

We have extended your day.

No, que va, està bé.

No, not at all, it's fine.

I és que al final jo estan... és que com que estàs tot el dia pendent.

And it's that in the end I am... it's just that you're constantly on guard all day.

O sigui, tota l'estona tens alguna cosa aquí al cap,

So, all the time you have something on your mind,

i com que tenim 800 grups de whatsapp per gestionar 800 coses,

and since we have 800 WhatsApp groups to manage 800 things,

doncs més o menys com que de mitja hora

so more or less about half an hour

hi ha alguna cosa a ginestar que tens aquí.

Is there something in Ginestar that you have here?

No, perquè jo anava a preguntar als seus germans,

No, because I was going to ask her brothers,

relacionat amb el que hem dit abans,

related to what we have said before,

podeu desconnectar del projecte en si,

you can disconnect from the project itself,

tenir un moment per dir,

to have a moment to say,

ara no penso en ginestar, penso en mi o...

now I don't think about ginestar, I think about myself or...

Sí, sí, també va molt per necessitats.

Yes, yes, it also depends a lot on needs.

És a dir, hi ha coses que, per exemple, gestiona un.

That is to say, there are things that, for example, one manages.

Saps com tenim càrrecs dins de la feina, no?

You know how we have positions within the job, right?

Per exemple, a la Júlia ara li tocarà encarregar-se

For example, Julia will now be in charge.

de trucar-se amb el màger per gestionar una moguda que tenim davant.

to call the manager to handle a situation we have ahead.

Ja ho he fet.

I've already done it.

I jo m'encarrego, per exemple,

And I take care of it, for example,

d'acabar de composar la cançó que hem de preparar

just finished composing the song that we have to prepare

per entrar a gravar d'aquí a res.

to start recording in a moment.

És com que el fet dels germans també et permet

It is as if the fact of the siblings also allows you.

parlar amb confiança de quines tasques té cadascú

speak confidently about what tasks each person has

i que després no és res una competició

and that afterwards it is not a competition at all

de qui ha fet més, qui ha fet menys, saps?

who has done more, who has done less, you know?

O sigui, simplement és més màgic.

In other words, it's just more magical.

És molt bé.

It's very good.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

En el vostre últim àlbum, Vida meva,

In your latest album, My Life,

feu força col·laboracions a la primera part del disc,

there are many collaborations in the first part of the album,

però a la segona cap, té algun sentit per vosaltres?

But in the second head, does it make any sense to you?

A la segona, una.

On the second, one.



La de Mayo.

The one in May.

Ah, clar.

Oh, of course.

A la cançó de la mama.

To the song of the mama.

Però com que era single, segon, clar.

But since he was single, second, of course.

Bueno, sí que és veritat que a la segona part,

Well, it is true that in the second part,

és veritat que no des de vegades també ens oblidem

It's true that sometimes we also forget.

que la col·laboració de Mayo és una col·laboració més del disc

that Mayo's collaboration is just another collaboration on the album

perquè com que va sortir abans és com...

because since it came out earlier it's like...

I a més a una cançó que és tan íntima,

And besides, a song that is so intimate,

a vegades també ho penso.

Sometimes I think about it too.

Sí que és veritat que, clar, la primera part del disc

It is true that, of course, the first part of the album

és la part A que és com molt d'amor,

it's part A that is like a lot of love,

és molt... té una part com molt més optimista

it's very... it has a much more optimistic side

i és molt més fàcil compartir, pensem, no?,

And it's much easier to share, we think, right?

com compartir això amb altres artistes.

how to share this with other artists.

I la part B és una part molt, molt més per dintre, no?,

And part B is a part that is much, much more inward, right?

com molt més íntima, sí, reflexiva,

as much more intimate, yes, reflective,

i jo crec que en aquest sentit tampoc ho vam fer a posta, no?

And I think that in this sense we didn't do it on purpose either, did we?

Va ser com que va sorgir així.

It was as if it arose like this.



I també perquè la part B es va fer després.

And also because part B was done later.



Bueno, això, que l'amor és un tema tan universal

Well, that love is such a universal theme.

que era molt més fàcil encaixar a qualsevol persona.

that it was much easier to fit in with anyone.

I la part B, això, és més nostre

And part B, this, is more ours.

i va sortir així.

And it turned out like this.

Res és buscat, eh?

Nothing is sought after, right?

Vull dir, primer fem la cançó

I mean, first let's do the song.

i llavors decidim a qui li donem, saps?

And then we decide who we give it to, you know?

No estem buscant...

We are not looking...

Mai hem buscat una col·labo perquè sí.

We have never looked for a collaborator just for the sake of it.

De fet, fèiem molts anys que no fèiem col·labos.

In fact, it had been many years since we did any collaborations.



A més, no vam fer cap...

Moreover, we didn't do any...

Suposo que l'amor és això.

I suppose that love is this.

Anna, a nivell més personal,

Anna, on a more personal level,

teniu alguna rutina que sigui diària per vosaltres molt important,

do you have any daily routine that is very important to you,

rotllo meditar, fer ioga, anar a córrer?

Meditate, do yoga, go running?

Sí, jo des de fa no gaire,

Yes, I for not long ago,

perquè em vaig començar a llegir un llibre,

because I started reading a book,

que es diu Hàbits Atòmics,

which is called Atomic Habits,

un llibre una mica de criptobros.

a book a bit about cryptobros.

Sí, sí, sí, és que m'ha recomanat un criptobró,

Yes, yes, yes, it’s just that a crypto expert has recommended it to me.

però amb molt d'amor.

but with a lot of love.

Sí, i m'ha enviat per sobre...

Yes, and he/she has sent me above...

A mi el meu pare, que és tot el contrari a un criptobró,

My father, who is the complete opposite of a crypto bro,

és un hippie, però...

he's a hippie, but...

Està bé, no?

It's okay, isn't it?

En els extrems, no?

At the extremes, right?

Sí, i em vaig començar a llegir la setmana passada

Yes, and I started reading it last week.

que estàvem a Donosti,

that we were in Donosti,

el tren i això,

the train and that,

i fa dues setmanes tot just que he començat

And it's been just two weeks since I started.

com a tenir una rutina més sèria,

to have a more serious routine,

perquè si no se me'n va de les mans,

because if it doesn't slip out of my hands,

amb tot el dia per endavant i treballant a casa.

with the whole day ahead and working from home.

I ara em llevo un cafè,

And now I have a coffee.

faig unes sèries de flexions abdominals,

I do some sets of abdominal crunches,

esmorzo una mica més,

I have a little more breakfast,

i em poso a treballar.

And I start working.

Sí, i jo fins fa poc tenia la rutina

Yes, and until recently I had the routine.

que era la meva altra feina, que no és dinastar,

that was my other job, which is not dynast,

i fa poc vam començar a fer classes de cant

And recently we started taking singing lessons.

i la profe de cant em va fotre les piles

And the singing teacher gave me a push.

en plan, tia, no pot ser

Like, dude, it can't be.

que hagis de fer una gira d'aquí res

that you have to go on tour soon

i no facis res d'esport,

and don't do any sports,

i no estiguis tenint rutines de salut física, no?

And you don't have any physical health routines, do you?

I llavors he començat a fer esport al matí

And then I started to exercise in the morning.

i llavors em sento molt millor.

And then I feel much better.

Això és el que he de dir.

This is what I have to say.

Bueno, és el que té, no?

Well, that's what you get, right?

L'esport, ho feu junts?

Do you play sports together?

No, jo a casa meva...

No, I at my home...

Jo, a més a més, jugo a futbol,

I, moreover, play football,

i llavors hi ha quatre dies a la setmana

and then there are four days in the week

que ja els tinc també ocupats d'esport.

that I already have them occupied with sports as well.

Igualment, al matí faig feina igual.

Likewise, in the morning I work the same.

Guai, guai.

Cool, cool.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

De veritat.


Dins del panorama de música catalana,

Within the landscape of Catalan music,

teniu algun grup preferit, o...?

do you have a favorite group, or...?

Una mica controversial, aquesta, però...

A bit controversial, this one, but...


To uncover.

Podríeu retallar, després...

Could you trim it down, later...

No, a mi no...

No, not to me...

O sigui, per exemple, Ocas Grasses,

That is, for example, Fat Geese,

dins del panorama musical gros,

within the larger musical landscape,

sempre ha sigut un dels grups que m'ha agradat

it has always been one of the groups I have liked

més a nivell històric,

more at a historical level,

des que tinc la consciència d'escoltar música

since I became aware of listening to music

d'adolescent, vull dir.

as a teenager, I mean.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

I Manel, evidentment.

I'm Manel, obviously.

Sí, i Manel.

Yes, and Manel.

I després, si se li pot dir panorama,

And then, if it can be called a panorama,

perquè al final panorama a vegades

because in the end panorama sometimes

sembla com que siguin quatre varets molt petites, no?

It looks like they are four very small sticks, doesn’t it?

I després hi ha artistes com Maria Arnal

And then there are artists like Maria Arnal.

o Silvia Pérez Cruz,

or Silvia Pérez Cruz,

que també formen part del panorama,

that also form part of the landscape,

però no és tan...

but it's not so...

No és mainstream, no?

It's not mainstream, is it?

No és com el circuit...

It's not like the circuit...



...de festa major i de festivals.

...of major festivals and festivals.

De texta.

From text.



Nosaltres sempre hem agafat el panorama, no?,

We have always taken the panorama, right?

que vosaltres us referiu,

that you are referring to,

que creiem que és tot, no?

that we think is everything, right?

Des de l'artista més petit que està començant fins...

From the smallest artist who is just starting out to...

Clar, clar, fins al que hi ha mainstream com l'estadi.

Of course, of course, up to what there is mainstream like the stadium.



Crec que tots hem de poder entrar en aquesta indústria, no?

I think we all should be able to enter this industry, right?

Sí, una d'elles.

Yes, one of them.

A l'hora de composar, com treballeu?

When composing, how do you work?

Doncs treballo jo sol a casa la majoria de...

So I work alone at home most of...

Bueno, la majoria de cops sí.

Well, most of the time yes.

La majoria de cops sí, amb els quatre discos.

Most of the time yes, with the four albums.

Composar amb idees que vaig recollint durant la vida

Composing with ideas that I collect throughout life.

i tinc com una carpeta amb idees així

I have a sort of folder with ideas like that.

i quan arriba el moment doncs les sacsejo una mica

And when the moment comes, I shake them a little.

i trigo una mica el que em ve més de gust.

I take a little longer with what I enjoy the most.

I així treballant,

And so working,

composant amb la guitarra i veu a casa

composing with the guitar and voice at home

i llavors fem una preproducció amb el Xico,

and then we do a pre-production with Xico,

el nostre productor,

our producer,

que crec que va venir aquí també al podcast.

that I think came here to the podcast as well.

Ara ho parlava a l'assaig.

Now I was talking about it at the rehearsal.

I després ja anem a l'estudi.

And then we go to the studio.

Bueno, es passa com evidentment un feedback

Well, it obviously comes as feedback.

amb la Júlia quan acabo de fer la primera composició, no?

With Julia when I just finished the first composition, right?

Com d'enviar una nota de veu del mòbil.

How to send a voice note from the mobile.

Està guai la idea, tal, no sé què, tirem endavant amb això.

The idea is cool, like, I don't know, let's go ahead with this.

Canviaries coses i anem fent una mica de...

Would you change things and let's do a little bit of...

el ping-pong, no?, amb això.

the ping-pong, right?, with that.

I ara el meu cap li donarà voltes.

And now my head will spin.

Que comentes, no?, que ho fas tu a casa teu sol.

What do you say, right? You do it at home by yourself.

Això també pot ser que condicioni el fet

This may also affect the fact.

que les vostres cançons generalment siguin molt més íntimes?

Do your songs generally tend to be much more intimate?

Que parlin de coses més, no transcendentals, però, no?,

Let them talk about less transcendent things, right?

sobre l'amor, sobre el cuidar, la responsabilitat,

about love, about caring, responsibility,

no sé com dir-ho, no?

I don't know how to say it, right?

Això també pot ser que ho condicioni?

Could this also be a factor?

O ja és una forma que creieu vosaltres

Or is it already a form that you believe?

que és el que vosaltres voleu comunicar

What is it that you want to communicate?

i ja ve de sèrie, entre cometes, no?

"And it comes as standard, in quotes, right?"


Of that.

No, jo anava a dir que crec que sí.

No, I was going to say that I think so.

O sigui, condiciona que és el Pau

So, it conditions that it is Pau.

el que ha de treure les eines per fer cançons,

the one who has to take out the tools to make songs,

per tant, ha de parlar de les coses que l'inspiren,

therefore, he/she must talk about the things that inspire him/her,

que crec que en aquest cas és com...

that I think in this case is like...

les coses que a ell li passen,

the things that happen to him,

però crec que

but I think that

el guaidà, com escriu el Pau,

the guaidà, as Pau writes,

és que ho fa des d'un lloc

it's just that he/she does it from a place

que no és molt individual.

that is not very individual.

És a dir, no...

That is to say, no...

no sento que mai acabi de posar com a exemples tan concrets

I don't feel that I ever manage to give such concrete examples.

com perquè qualsevol persona no es pugui sentir identificada amb això, no?

"How could anyone not feel identified with this, right?"

Llavors, és la part que fa que aquesta feina tan individual

Then, it's the part that makes this work so individual.

de cop sigui una feina que...

suddenly it's a job that...

que és súper col·lectiva, no?

which is super collective, right?

Col·lectiva en el sentit de quan algú l'escolta, no?,

Collective in the sense that someone listens to it, right?

com que es sent súper...

as she feels super...

La part és que, clar, jo quan escric cançons

The part is that, of course, when I write songs

penso... tinc la idea com...

I think... I have the idea like...

molt clara, però quan la porto

very clear, but when I take it

a la pràctica, és a dir, a una cançó,

in practice, that is, to a song,

jo ja tinc previst que aquella cançó

I already have planned that song

l'hem de cantar junts, saps?

We have to sing it together, you know?

Per tant, per exemple, doncs intentem

Therefore, for example, let's try.

que no sigui tot en femení, per exemple, o en masculí,

that it is not all in feminine, for example, or in masculine,

i jugar bé les cartes en aquest sentit.

And play the cards well in this sense.

Que guai, guai.

How cool, cool.



Teniu... bueno, tens alguns referents en ment a l'hora de composar?

Do you have... well, do you have any references in mind when composing?

Cada cop menys.

Less and less.

Intento que...

I try to...

o sigui, intento...

so, I try...

que sigui un pas més

may it be a step further

a nivell de qualitat, més aviat,

in terms of quality, rather,

respecte al que he fet abans.

regarding what I did before.

És com la meva motivació i el meu referent és com

It is like my motivation and my reference is like.

el pau d'abans, saps?, com...

the peace of before, you know?, like...

i llavors em vaig empapant de tot el que va sortint,

and then I was soaking up everything that was coming out,

perquè evidentment ho escolto una mica tot el que va sortint per aquí,

because obviously I listen to a bit of everything that comes out around here,

intento que tot sigui una...

I try to make everything...

una evolució.

an evolution.

És a dir,

That is to say,

no em vull tampoc intoxicar de...

I don't want to get intoxicated either...

He de fer alguna cosa semblant a això, saps?

I have to do something like this, you know?

Això no em passa quasi bé mai.

This hardly ever happens to me.

Crec que no.

I don't think so.

Sé que siguis com bastant friqui d'un grup,

I know you are quite a geek about a group,

mai acabes de saber com composa la gent, no?

You never quite know how people compose, do you?

O sigui, com que és una cosa que sembla bastant secreta.

So, since it is something that seems quite secret.

En plan, no sé, o sigui, si em dius referent de compositor,

Like, I don't know, I mean, if you tell me reference of composer,

de quina manera fa,

in what way does it do,

doncs jo no tinc ni idea, per exemple,

well, I have no idea, for example,

de com composa la gent.

of how people compose.

Però el resultat sí, però no sé com a nivell de...

But the result yes, but I don't know how at the level of...

de les coses.

of things.

Hi ha gent que sí que...

There are people who do...

Clar, o com, no sé,

Sure, or how, I don’t know,

més tipus urban i tal,

more urban types and such,

de pintar de primer,

to paint first,

tirant la base i provant coses a sobre, no?

pulling the base and trying things on top, right?


Of course.





L'amor és una peça clau,

Love is a key piece,

si no una peça clau en les vostres lletres,

if not a key piece in your letters,

però això em soportava pensar abans,

but that used to support my thoughts before,

hi ha una part autobiogràfica en tot això?

Is there an autobiographical element to all of this?

Tot, tot.

Everything, everything.

I més...

And more...



No, clar.

No, of course.

És un diari aquest disc.

This disc is a diary.

I més en aquest últim disc, sí.

And more in this latest album, yes.

Vam decidir que aquest disc

We decided that this album

anés en l'ordre en el que va ser composat.

it went in the order it was composed.

És cronològic,

It is chronological.

és tota una història des del començament fins al final.

It's a whole story from beginning to end.

Són dos anys.

It's two years.

Dos anys.

Two years.

Des del començament fins al final.

From the beginning to the end.

Dividen en dues parts,

They divide into two parts,

la part de relació i l'altra part de la relació,

the part of the relationship and the other part of the relationship,

que és quan ja no hi ha relació.

that is when there is no longer a relationship.

I sí,

And yes,

és totalment literal,

it is totally literal,

excepte quan ens inventem alguna història,

except when we invent some story,

perquè també tanta intensitat junta

why so much intensity together

doncs també es fa com pesat, saps?

well, it also feels quite heavy, you know?

Tant per un com per l'oient, suposo.

Both for one and for the listener, I suppose.

Sortir una mica de personatge.

Get a little out of character.

Clar, clar.

Of course, of course.

Vam fer la cançó de l'espia de veritat

We made the real spy song.

i la cançó de la Déu

and the song of God

amb un procés diferent

with a different process

que també va fer que sortissin coses

that also made things come out

com allunyades del personatge, no?

as distanced from the character, right?

De la història.

From history.

I alhora també formen part molt de la història, vull dir.

And at the same time, they are also a big part of history, I mean.

Com que tot és molt metafòric, finalment.

Since everything is very metaphorical, ultimately.

Molt bé.

Very good.



És intens, eh?

It's intense, isn't it?



Bé, no et recordes?

Well, don't you remember?

No, però em va semblar molt maco.

No, but I thought it was very nice.

Heu tingut alguna experiència random amb algun fan?

Have you had any random experiences with any fans?

Ens ho ha passat uns quants cops, de...

It has happened to us a few times, to...

Em pots escriure en un paper, que no?

Can you write it down on a piece of paper, right?

Em pots escriure en un paper que em vull tatuar o coses així.

Can you write down on a piece of paper that I want to get a tattoo or things like that?

Em pots escriure una frase en un paper que me la vull tatuar o...

Can you write a sentence for me on a paper that I want to get tattooed or...



Cogudes d'aquestes.

Caught of these.

Però no és...

But it is not...

A mi em va passar una cosa de random

Something random happened to me.

que va ser que m'anava...

that was going to leave me...

Jo fa dos anys i pico m'anava cap a Galícia

Two years ago, I was heading towards Galicia.

a fugir d'una mica de situació.

fleeing from a bit of a situation.



I de cop pujo a l'avió

And suddenly I get on the plane.

i hi havia un noi...

And there was a boy...

No, com va ser?

No, how was it?

Vaig pujar a l'avió

I boarded the plane.

i vaig fer una història amb la...

I made a story with the...

Me'n vaig cap a Galícia, no sé què.

I'm off to Galicia, I don't know what.

I de cop puja el xaval,

And suddenly the kid stands up,

es posa al meu costat

he stands by my side

i veig que surto jo a les seves històries.

And I see that I appear in their stories.

I dic...

I say...

Era molt massa, però clar,

It was way too much, but of course,

llavors has d'estar com totes les hores xerrant

Then you have to be talking like every hour.

perquè jo sóc així.

because I am like this.

Vull dir, com que m'anava preguntant moltes coses,

I mean, since he/she was asking me many things,

la gent està... no sé què.

People are... I don't know what.

I va ser una situació una mica estranya, en plan,

It was a somewhat strange situation, like,

no m'esperava de cop sortir el mòbil, no?

I didn't expect the phone to suddenly go off, right?

En plan...




I va fer així...

And he did it like this...





No, que et volia assegurar que...

No, I wanted to assure you that...



I va ser tot el viatge fins a Galícia.

It was the whole trip to Galicia.

I després vaig tornar a trobar la tornada.

And then I found the return again.



Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Bueno, clar, jo ho sabia tot d'ahir.

Well, of course, I knew everything from yesterday.



No, clar, és que si ja éreu coneguts, quasi bé, però...

No, of course, it's just that if you were already acquainted, almost, but...

Fueu una abraçada, el noi de l'Instagram.

Give a hug, the boy from Instagram.

Se me'n recorda com es deia.

I remember what it was called.

Un saludo, va ser.

A greeting, it was.



Bon viatge.

Safe travels.





Teniu alguna mania o un ritual abans d'actuar?

Do you have any quirks or rituals before performing?

O abans de composar?

Or before composing?

Abans de composar, no.

Before composing, no.

Abans d'actuar...

Before acting...

Ara, abans d'assejar, també estem fent molts exercicis de veu,

Now, before rehearsing, we are also doing a lot of voice exercises.

perquè després també ens dona molta seguretat,

because it also gives us a lot of confidence later.

i abans de pujar a l'escenari fem un saludo.

And before going on stage, we do a greeting.



És una mica raro, en plan...

It's a bit weird, like...

No és tan raro, però és...

It's not that rare, but it is...

Bueno, diem...

Well, we say...

Ah, és d'inestar in Sud-àfrica,

Ah, it's from Inestar in South Africa.

com perquè algun dia anirem a tocar a Sud-àfrica,

as why one day we will go to play in South Africa,

i perquè fa molt de temps vam fer un concert,

and because a long time ago we had a concert,

així com Acústica, a la Taneo de Baicarca,

just like Acústica, at the Taneo de Baicarca,

i vam passar per allà a dos guiris,

and we passed by there with two tourists,

que segurament baixaven del Parkway,

that they were probably coming down from the Parkway,

i els va agradar molt, i ens van dir...

And they liked it very much, and they told us...

que volien que anéssim a tocar a Sud-àfrica,

that they wanted us to go play in South Africa,

i vam cantar això, i ens ho vam quedar.

And we sang this, and we kept it.



I ara és com que no ens volem desprendre,

And now it's as if we don't want to let go.

perquè ens ha donat sort, i fa com cosa,

because it has brought us luck, and it feels like a thing,

i llavors sempre ho diem.

And then we always say it.

Vale, ens ho quedem.

Okay, we'll keep it.

Ens ho quedem, segur.

We'll keep it, for sure.



Després de 6 anys, hi ha alguna cançó que heu cremat?

After 6 years, is there any song that you have burned?



Hem cremat les antigues, les del primer disc,

We have burned the old ones, those from the first album,

que no volem tocar mai més,

that we never want to touch again,

perquè són cançons que vam produir nosaltres,

because they are songs that we produced ourselves,

i que, per tornar-les a tocar,

and that, to touch them again,

hauríem de fer-les un maquillatge,

we should give them a makeover,

un xava i pintura...

a guy and painting...

No, crec que són sobretot les del primer disc,

No, I think they are mostly from the first album.

la majoria del primer disc.

the majority of the first album.

Però no per cremar-les, sinó perquè

But not to burn them, but because

ja no et sents representat

you no longer feel represented

pel Pau i la Júlia d'aquella època,

for Pau and Júlia of that time,

potser tant.

perhaps so.

I a nivell personal,

And on a personal level,

com veieu el panorama musical d'artistes joves?

How do you see the musical landscape of young artists?

Molt ric.

Very rich.

Crec que és molt guai,

I think it's very cool.

perquè cada vegada hi ha moltes més propostes en català,

because there are more and more proposals in Catalan,

també és veritat que cada vegada hi ha moltes més propostes en català,

it is also true that there are increasingly more proposals in Catalan,



moltes dones que estan començant a explicar moltes coses

many women who are starting to explain many things

que abans no s'explicaven,

that were not explained before,

com per exemple una muixca que està parlant de relacions lèsbiques,

like, for example, a girl who is talking about lesbian relationships,

o una Maria Hein que parla des d'un punt de vista més poètic,

or a Maria Hein who speaks from a more poetic perspective,

però de cop amb un to urbà també,

but suddenly with an urban tone as well,

una Julieta que és increïble,

an incredible Julieta,

la Venus, la Mayo...

Venus, May...

Jo no sé, crec que se'ns està quedant un panorama molt xulo,

I don't know, I think we're creating a really cool picture.

que espero que ara totes aquestes nenes que estan creixent

that I hope now all these girls who are growing up

i que estan creixent també a les escoles d'aquí de Catalunya

and that are also growing in the schools here in Catalonia

les vegin i diguin, jo també puc fer-ho.

let them see and say, I can do it too.

I la resta del panorama guai.

And the rest of the cool panorama.

Bueno, hi ha els de sempre,

Well, there are the usual ones,

que estan allà,

that are there,

i després hi ha una nova fornada

And then there is a new batch.

en la que ens inclouem una mica també,

in which we also include ourselves a bit,

perquè per tant, més que res i per generació,

because therefore, more than anything and by generation,

que estem allà com pujant i apretant,

that we are there like climbing and pushing,

que està guai.

that's cool.

Per pujar una mica de merder.

To stir up a bit of trouble.

No creieu,

Don't believe,

tu vas comentar que estem pujant i apretant,

you mentioned that we are going up and tightening,

i n'estic completament d'acord,

and I completely agree.

no creieu però que aquests nous artistes

don't you think that these new artists

que vindran, o que sembla

that they will come, or so it seems

que estan vinguent, es tornarà

that are coming, it will return

a quedar tot com era abans

to leave everything as it was before

en quant a, són els mateixos,

as for, they are the same,

són nous però són els mateixos,

they are new but they are the same,

i que sembla

and it seems

que no es recicli del tot

that it is not completely recycled

l'indústria que potser

the industry that perhaps

no portava molts anys estancats

I had not been stagnant for many years.

i ara potser que es torni a estancar, vols dir?

And now perhaps it will stagnate again, do you mean?



Amb els grups que...

With the groups that...

Pot passar, però també

It can happen, but also

crec que el que té

I believe that what you have.

els temps que estem vivint ara

the times we are living now

és que tot caduca molt de pressa

it's just that everything expires very quickly

i quan algú puja molt ràpid

"And when someone climbs very quickly."

lo més normal és que no baixi igual de ràpid

the most normal thing is that it doesn't go down as quickly

però que no es mantingui

but that it is not maintained

durant molt temps.

for a long time.

Jo crec que canviarà la tendència d'aquí un temps

I believe that the trend will change in some time.

i crec que farà que altres grups com

and I believe it will make other groups like

no sé, jo què sé,

I don't know, what do I know,

gent que puja...

people that is climbing...

com es diuen els xavals aquests?

What are these guys called?

L'Itskid, no sé, Dani Six i l'Itskid

L'Itskid, I don't know, Dani Six and l'Itskid.

això, doncs, aquests xavals doncs

so, these kids then

potser fan un pet d'aquí dos dies

maybe they'll have a party in two days

i van superamunt, però crec que

and they go super high up, but I think that

al final tot ve una mica de tendències

In the end, everything comes down to a bit of trends.

i això, que tot el que puja

and this, that everything that rises

si està molt ben fet es manté

if it is very well done it lasts

i si no està tan ben fet

and if it's not done so well

doncs baixa, això va així.

Well, that's how it goes.

Per això nosaltres fem pop.

That's why we make pops.

A qui no li ha agradat el pop?

Who hasn't liked octopus?

En la seva vida?

In her life?

No, potser a vosaltres.

No, maybe to you.


Let's listen.

No, no, vull dir que en aquest sentit

No, no, I mean in this sense.

nosaltres hem tingut moltes converses

we have had many conversations

sempre de, al final

always from, in the end

el que hem de fer és el que a nosaltres ens agrada

What we have to do is what we like.

escoltar i el que ens vingui de gust

listen and whatever we feel like

i és molt important que estiguem molt contents amb això

And it's very important that we are very happy about this.

perquè al final, quan tu vols seguir moltes tendències

because in the end, when you want to follow many trends

aquestes tendències al cap de dos anys no t'agradaran

you won't like these trends in two years

i no t'ha de fer vergonya

And it shouldn't be embarrassing for you.

la música que fas.

the music you make.

Vale, una mica de

Okay, a little of

preguntes ràpides, a veure què surt.

quick questions, let's see what comes out.

Si la vostra última àlbum

If your last album

hagués de ser un color,

it would have to be a color,

quin seria?

which one would it be?

Aquest, el vermell, aquest vermell.

This, the red one, this red one.

No el podeu enfocar, no?

You can't focus it, can you?

Després, sí, després el posarem.

Later, yes, later we will put it.

Sí, bueno, també és que

Yes, well, it's just that

sóc una xapa, però com que és un...

I'm a bore, but since it's a...

Són preguntes ràpides.

They are quick questions.

És ràpid, no ho he sentit.

It's fast, I didn't hear it.

Has de pensar ràpid.

You have to think fast.

Vermell. Vermell, vermell, vermell.

Red. Red, red, red.

Vermell, una mica pujat de to.

Red, a little high in tone.







I si hagués de ser

And if it had to be

un animal?

an animal?

Un aguineu.

A Christmas gift.

Un gat.

A cat.

Ha anat a Pau Vermell, més o menys,

He has gone to Pau Vermell, more or less.

també, aguineu. Sí, sí, sí.

also, you too. Yes, yes, yes.

Com mig feliç, no?

Like half happy, right?

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Però que és un feliç.

But what a happy person he is.

Estació de l'any preferida?

Favorite season of the year?

La primavera. També.

The spring. Also.

Què t'enduries a una illa deserta?

What would you take to a deserted island?

Aquesta pregunta és...

This question is...

no és ràpida, eh? No és ràpida.

It's not fast, huh? It's not fast.

La típica, una guitarra. No.

The typical one, a guitar. No.

No, no.

No, no.

És que en plan

It's just like, you know.

supervivència o en plan...

survival or like...

El que creieu, el que creiem.

What you believe, what we believe.

Escenàries. Ja.

Scenarios. Already.

No sé, algo per sobreviure

I don't know, something to survive.

a un canivet o algo així.

to a small knife or something like that.

Jo una tardeta de so

I a little evening of sound

he portat illi.

I have brought it to him.

D'acord. D'acord.

Alright. Alright.

Sembla ja els sons de l'illa, no?

It seems like the sounds of the island, doesn’t it?

Sí. Per aprendre.

Yes. To learn.

Bueno, tens electricitat, eh?

Well, you have electricity, huh?

No ho saps. És deserta de menjar,

You don't know. It is deserted of food.

però d'electricitat? No.

But electricity? No.

El que duraria la

What would last the

bateria del portàtil seria...

the laptop battery would be...

No, estic mort.

No, I am dead.

Molt bé.

Very well.



Millor ciutat de Catalunya.

Best city in Catalonia.



No passa res.

It's all right.

La vena girorina està ara començant.

The Gironina vein is now just beginning.

És una cara molt...

It's a very... face.

Molt maco, però...

Very nice, but...

Quina és

What is it?

la cosa més bonica que us poden dir?

the nicest thing someone can tell you?

Que bé que escrius.

How well you write.



No sé...

I don't know...



Que ets una persona molt

That you are a very good person.

bonica, com en

pretty, like in

tots els àmbits que pots ser bonica,

all the areas where you can be beautiful,

per exemple. Sí.

for example. Yes.

I la pitjor? Una red flag.

And the worst? A red flag.

Ets molt pesada.

You are very annoying.



Això és molt lleig.

This is very ugly.

Ui, crec que em quedo amb el mateix, eh?

Uh, I think I'll stick with the same, right?

Potser més uns minuts o dues.

Maybe just a few more minutes or two.

Insuportable, o alguna cosa així.

Unbearable, or something like that.

Ui, va, això.

Oh, come on, this.

Molt desagradable. Sí.

Very unpleasant. Yes.

Quins concerts

Which concerts

teniu ara a la pista?

Do you have it on the track now?

Doncs el 5 d'abril

Well, on April 5th

a Girona. Sí.

in Girona. Yes.

El 12 d'abril a Barcelona.

April 12 in Barcelona.

I després el 20

And then the 20th

i pico ja anem cap a

I'll go ahead, we're heading towards

Andorra, València,

Andorra, Valencia,

Manresa, Targa...

Manresa, Targa...

I després ja comencem girar de festivals

And then we start going to festivals.

i festes majors. Guai.

and local festivals. Cool.

Sí, sí. Que guai, que guai, doncs.

Yes, yes. How cool, how cool, then.

Que tothom s'apunti per anar-los a veure.

Let everyone sign up to go and see them.

Eh... que, bueno...

Uh... what, well...

Estem ja? Estem aquí?

Are we there yet? Are we here?

Estem aquí.

We are here.

I més d'això

And more than this

que tens a vullar

what do you have to fly

que no quedi res.

leave nothing behind.

Doncs res, començarem ja la

Well then, we'll start already the

minilligueta. Ui, hem de guanyar, eh?

minilligueta. Oh, we have to win, right?

Qui va primer? Podem saber, eh?

Who goes first? We can know, right?

És igual, si no després. Després us ho comentem.

It doesn't matter, if not later. We'll discuss it with you later.

Sí, perquè ara, clar, tenim la

Yes, because now, of course, we have the

nova d'aquesta temporada. O sigui,

new this season. That is,

som els primers. Sou... no, no, sou els...

we are the first. You are... no, no, you are the...

els segons.

the seconds.

Segons o tercers, ja? Tercers, tercers.

According to seconds or thirds, right? Thirds, thirds.

Hem de tenir...

We have to have...

Xeni, Boom Boom Fighters...

Xeni, Boom Boom Fighters...

Aquests són molts, trampa.

These are many, trap.

Vam venir-ne

We came from it.

dos o tres? No, dos?

Two or three? No, two?

Ah, sí, en Xavi i en Pep.

Ah, yes, Xavi and Pep.

Sí, sí, sí. Bé, ja te'n saben molt, eh?

Yes, yes, yes. Well, they already know a lot, huh?

Sí, no, no, en Pep, de fet,

Yes, no, no, Pep, in fact,

va ser allà un lince que, bueno,

there was a lynx that, well,

t'hi ha quina ràbia, el Pep. Sí.

You're so angry, Pep. Yes.

Molt llest. Sí, sí.

Very clever. Yes, yes.

El tenim massa

We have too much of it.

conegut, massa pro. Sí, sí.

known, too much pro. Yes, yes.

Res, mencionar, us llegirem

Nothing, mention, we will read you.

lletres de cançons, us donarem tres opcions,

song lyrics, we will give you three options,

i heu d'endevinar de quina de les tres opcions

and you have to guess which of the three options

de l'artista és. Si endevineu

of the artist is. If you guess

sense les tres opcions, hi haurà

without the three options, there will be

un punt extra.

an extra point.

Ho hem parlat a nosaltres i després comunicar-vos.

We have talked about it among ourselves and will communicate it to you later.

Sí, correcte. No ha de ser com les

Yes, correct. It shouldn't be like the ones.

preguntes ràpides de l'any. Doncs

quick questions of the year. Well

som-hi, anem per la primera.

Let's go, let's get started with the first one.

Amb la Matilda sortim

With Matilda we go out.

a caminar i em fa fotos

walking and taking pictures of me

amb flors obertes al costat.

with open flowers beside.

Amb la Matilda sortim a caminar

With Matilda, we go out for a walk.

i sempre em deixa més content

And it always makes me happier.

del que m'atua.

of what acts upon me.

Guillem Gisbert.

Guillem Gisbert.

Ni opcions, eh?

No options, huh?

Waltzing Matilda

Waltzing Matilda

de Guillem Gisbert.

by Guillem Gisbert.



Amb la Matilda sortim

With Matilda, we go out.

a caminar

to walk

i em fa fotos amb flors

and takes pictures of me with flowers

obertes al costat.

open to the side.

Amb la Matilda sortim a caminar

With Matilda, we go out for a walk.

i sempre

and always

em deixa més content.

it makes me happier.

Del que m'ha trobat.

Of what I have found.

Anem per la segona.

Let's go for the second one.

No fa falta mos diguem mentides.

There's no need to tell each other lies.

No fa falta mos

No need to bother us.

comptem ses vides.

we count our lives.

Si jo te mir i tu me mires,

If I look at you and you look at me,

si vols vine i rebobina.

If you want, come and rewind.



Ens donaran. Ja sé què ens donaran.

They will give us. I know what they will give us.

Maria Jaume, Maria Hein

Maria Jaume, Maria Hein

o Bert.

Oh Bert.

Jo diria...

I would say...

Maria Hein...

Maria Hein...

Sí, i Berber no perquè...

Yes, and Berber not because...



Podria haver posat una altra de les ses illes

He could have put another one of his islands.

però m'he controlat i dic no siguis tan...

but I have controlled myself and I say don't be so...

Maria Jaume. Sí?

Maria Jaume. Yes?

Sí. Doncs correcte.

Yes. Well, correct.

És del...

It is from...

del nou disc...

from the new album...

És molt competitiu.

It is very competitive.

És del nou disc que ha tret la Maria Jaume

It is from the new album that Maria Jaume has released.

que si no l'heu escoltat

that if you haven't listened to him/her

aneu-lo a escoltar perquè realment és una passada

Go listen to it because it really is fantastic.

que es diu Ressaca a sa platja.

that is called Hangover at the beach.

No fa falta mos diguem mentides.

There's no need to tell each other lies.

No fa falta mos comptem ses vides.

There's no need, we count our lives.

Si jo te mir i tu me mires,

If I look at you and you look at me,

si vols vine i rebobina.

If you want, come and rewind.

Si jo te mir i tu me mires,

If I look at you and you look at me,

si vols vine i rebobina.

if you want come and rewind.

I anirem per l'última.

We'll go for the last one.

És que la sabran també.

They will also know it.

Dono gràcies als meus pares

I thank my parents.

que una flauta em van comprar

that they bought me a flute

amb 15 anys,

at 15 years old,

vaig fer una banda però mai ens va funcionar.

I formed a band but it never worked out for us.

Els anys van anar passant,

The years went by,

els amics van anar tirant,

the friends went on throwing,

no ens escoltaven ni el tàtu,

they didn't listen to us, not even the tattoo,



És la secció que hi ha amb grup de tallets.

It is the section that has a group of small cuts.


Absolutely correct.



Sempre diem el mateix,

We always say the same thing,

que algú hem de posar més complicat,

that someone has to make it more complicated for me,

avui he intentat posar-ho més complicat

Today I tried to make it more complicated.

i és que si ho tinc ja vaig fent.

And it's just that if I have it, I'm already getting on with it.

Vaig posar grups com 31FAM.

I put groups like 31FAM.

És que tenim uns amics que tenen un altre podcast

It's just that we have some friends who have another podcast.

que es diu Desobediència Cruifista.

it is called Cruifist Disobedience.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Que tenen una barraca

That they have a shack.

i tenen barres de 31FAM.

And they have 31FAM bars.

Has de dir si és veritat o mentida

You have to say if it is true or false.

i estan molt guapos.

and they look very handsome.

És que el Pau Melera escriu molt bé.

It's just that Pau Melera writes very well.

Te la colen, te la colen.

They are pulling a fast one on you.

Doncs ens l'apuntem.

Well, we'll note it down.

Donen permís, els hi copiarem.

They give permission, we will copy it for them.

Tampoc és seu, segur.

It's not yours either, for sure.

És grup de pop

It is a pop group.

de sexenia en col·laboració amb detalls

from sexenia in collaboration with details

que no ho hem mencionat.

that we haven't mentioned it.

Dono gràcies als meus pares

I thank my parents.

que una flauta em van comprar

they bought me a flute

amb quinze anys vam fer una banda

At fifteen, we formed a band.

però mai no ens va funcionar.

but it never worked for us.

Els anys van anar passant

The years went by.

els amics van anar tirant

the friends were throwing

no ens escoltava ni el Tato

not even Tato was listening to us

però ho seguíem intentant

but we kept trying

i ara tinc un grup de pop

And now I have a pop group.

Bé, anirem ja

Well, let's go now.

per més l'última part

for more the last part

que és la part de novetats

what is the section of news

a comentar quatre notícies

to comment on four news items

del programa català

of the Catalan program

i sempre en comentem una d'internacional.

And we always comment on an international one.

Nosaltres hem anat

We have gone.

a les cinc i una cada setmana

at five and one every week

a veure si tornem

let's see if we come back

si no has aprofitat

if you have not taken advantage

per què tornes

why are you coming back

Fem menció

We make mention.

Semana passada ens van celebrar

Last week they celebrated us.

els Premis Andarock

the Andarock Awards

les han estat obligatòries.

they have been mandatory.

que viuen a res amb tot

that live with nothing and everything

que també creiem

that we also believe

que s'ho mereixen amb el disc

that they deserve it with the album

i sobretot el Coti Cap per Coti

and above all the Coti Cap per Coti

amb millor cançó de l'any

with the best song of the year

la Sílvia Pérez Cruz

Sílvia Pérez Cruz

també se'n van portar un parell

they also took a couple of them

merescudíssims, la Muixca també

well-deserved, Muixca too

i fer menció d'honor

and make a mention of honor

a l'homenatge, l'enterrat d'honor

at the tribute, the buried of honor

a Sisa

to Sisa

i després també m'agradaria fer la menció meva

And then I would also like to make my mention.

personal amb Pep

personal with Pep

som molt amics de Pep Saula

we are very good friends of Pep Saula

guanyar a millor productor

win best producer

i que des d'aquí li voldria felicitar

And I would like to congratulate him from here.

tot i que vam fer-ho allà

even though we did it there

els mateixos en derroc

the same in overthrow

perquè realment la feina i el curruc que es fa

because really the work and the effort that is put in

i les poques hores que dorm

and the few hours that he/she sleeps

sempre veiem que

we always see that

i més

and more

sí, sí, sí

yes, yes, yes

està malalt encara, segur

he is still sick, for sure

sí, sí, sí, de fet avui el Birrial

yes, yes, yes, in fact today the Birrial

encara era a casa seva lleida amb una cara

she was still at her home in Lleida with a face

de pobret

poor thing

que encara ha de recuperar-se

that still has to recover

fer menció

to make mention

que ja ha arrencat

that has already started

la nova edició del Sona Nou

the new edition of Sona Nou

per a tots aquells grups emergents

for all those emerging groups

que ens estan escoltant, tant de bo

"that they are listening to us, hopefully."

que és la 24a edició

what is the 24th edition

fins al 12 de maig

until May 12

estan obertes les convocatòries

the calls are open

per presentar-se

to introduce oneself

i sé que s'han ampliat els premis

And I know that the awards have been expanded.

i sobretot també les categories

and above all the categories too

a l'hora de presentar-se

at the time of introducing oneself

o sigui aquest any és un bon any

so this year is a good year

per presentar-se al Sona Nou

to apply for Sona Nou

un lloc on han sortit bastantes bandes

a place where quite a few bands have emerged

de fet del panorama

in fact of the panorama

que si us ho vull

that if I want it you

no està dins el panorama català

it is not within the Catalan landscape

i per a tots els grups emergents

and for all emerging groups

per últim la internacional

finally the international

i l'he agafat també

and I have taken it too

perquè l'he trobat una mica controvertida

because I found it a bit controversial

i al mateix moment m'ha sorprès bastant

and at the same time it has surprised me quite a bit

el titular perquè et deixa com

the headline because it leaves you like

de bones a primeres que dius

right from the start you say

el titular diu

the headline says

Oribeixen a Eurolívia Rodrigo

They shine in Eurolívia Rodrigo.

regalar pastilles anticonceptives

to give contraceptive pills as a gift

als seus concerts

at their concerts

jo m'he quedat igual

I have remained the same.

i després llegint

and then reading

que diu l'artista

what the artist says



repartia pastilles anticonceptives

distributed contraceptive pills

en el seu atur de Goods Tour

in his Goods Tour stop

i a Misúria en particular

and to Misúria in particular

que és un estat d'Estats Units

What is a state of the United States?

és bastant restrictiu

it is quite restrictive

amb la part de la llei de l'abort

with the part of the abortion law

i ella com a protesta

and she as a protest

regalava els seus concerts

he gifted his concerts

paquets de pastilles anticonceptives

packs of contraceptive pills

i preservatius

and condoms

a tots els seus fans

to all of her/his fans

i feia una campanya

and I was running a campaign

per sobretot

above all

donar a veure

to show

la visió de l'abort

the view of abortion

i amb la pressió

and with the pressure

sobretot d'aquest estat de Misúria

especially of this state of Misery

els seus managers han hagut de

their managers have had to

tirar enrere

to go back

de les grans pressions

of the great pressures

que estaven rebent

that they were receiving

perquè no realitzi

because I do not carry out

aquests actes

these acts

en els seus futurs concerts

in their future concerts

llavors a primeres

then at first

el titulat deixa com

the title leaves as

no entén res

doesn't understand anything

i després quan ho llegeixes

and then when you read it

li troba sentit

it makes sense to him/her

l'únic que bueno

the only good thing

de vegades sembla que anem

sometimes it seems that we go

més enrere que endavant

more behind than ahead

segons quins moments

depending on certain moments

però bueno

but well

volia fer una menció

I wanted to make a mention.

que també ho he trobat

that I have also found it

dintre de la sorpresa

within the surprise

el xoc

the shock

és una bona notícia

It's good news.

que els artistes

that the artists

s'impulsin també

they are also promoted

a la feina

to work

molt totes

very all

aquestes campanyes

these campaigns

i fins aquí

and that’s it

el panorama d'avui

the panorama of today

moltes gràcies per venir

thank you very much for coming

gràcies també

thank you too

a l'Emma Puig de Rajols

to Emma Puig de Rajols

i a la Marta

and to Marta

per tot el tema

for the whole topic

muntatge de xarxes

network assembly

i agrair també

and I also thank

al grup Esberlana

to the group Esberlana

per deixar-nos

to leave us

fer servir

to use

la seva moderna

her modern one

del Raval

from the Raval

com a sintonia

as a tuning

això és el panorama

this is the panorama

un podcast

a podcast

d'Isard Fest

of Isard Fest

ens sentim ben aviat

we'll feel good soon

que la sèrie

that the series

es tanca

it closes

sap abans

he knows before

i es va fer

and it was done

per les cinc

for five

de setmanes

of weeks

la sèrie

the series


I have arrived.

és molt bonina

she is very cute

i pot ser

it could be

molt bonic

very beautiful



i altres

and others



i açò

and this

és molt de voler

it's a lot of wanting

molt Council

very Council





com el

like the



i al кот

and to the cat

es diu

it is said









la sèrie

the series




we have









la sèrie

the series

Fins demà!

See you tomorrow!

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