L'ESPURNA FINAL | Espurnes Barroques 2024



L'ESPURNA FINAL | Espurnes Barroques 2024


Per a qui hi hagi inicis, calen finals.

For those who have beginnings, endings are needed.

I això és el que li passa cada juny al Festival Espurnés Barroques,

And this is what happens to him every June at the Espurnés Barroques Festival,

que després de quatre caps de setmana de programar música, gastronomia, pintura i cultura

that after four weekends of programming music, gastronomy, painting, and culture

arreu del territori barroc, li toca tancar carpeta i hivernar.

Throughout the baroque territory, it is time to close the folder and hibernate.

Però no podíem tancar aquesta edició tan especial del festival sense la cirereta del pastís.

But we couldn't close this special edition of the festival without the cherry on top.

Sense aturar-nos, abandonar, i no poder-nos aturar.

Without stopping, abandoning, and being unable to stop ourselves.

I no poder-nos aturar un moment les presses i mirar enrere.

And we cannot stop for a moment the rush and look back.

Parar, reflexionar i fer balanç del goig, dolor i glòria de la setena edició d'Espurnés Barroques.

Stop, reflect, and take stock of the joy, pain, and glory of the seventh edition of Espurnés Barroques.

Bé, nosaltres vam descobrir el festival fa uns set anys,

Well, we discovered the festival about seven years ago.

perquè un conegut nostre tocava en un dels concerts que vau fer i a partir d'aquí us vam descobrir.

because a friend of ours was playing at one of the concerts you did and from there we discovered you.

Realment, aquella descoberta va ser per nosaltres molt impactant,

Indeed, that discovery was very impactful for us.

perquè vam descobrir un territori que no coneixíem.

because we discovered a territory that we did not know.

Nosaltres venim relativament lluny d'aquí, no som d'aquesta zona.

We come from relatively far away from here, we are not from this area.

Vam descobrir tot un munt d'entorns, un munt de pobles, un munt de productes

We discovered a whole bunch of surroundings, a whole bunch of villages, a whole bunch of products.

i realment ens va entusiasmar i des de llavors, portem set anys venint no tots als concerts, per suposat,

And it really excited us, and since then, we have been coming for seven years, not all to the concerts, of course.

però sempre triem i ja som un grup que venim de Reus,

but we always choose and we are already a group that comes from Reus,

un grup de Reus que arribem, crec que ja som deu amics d'Espurnés de Reus,

a group from Reus that we have arrived, I think we are already ten friends from Espurnés de Reus,

i estem molt entusiasmats de poder participar, de poder assistir a aquests concerts

And we are very excited to be able to participate, to be able to attend these concerts.

i amb moltes ganes de poder anar repetint els propers anys.

and I am very eager to be able to go again in the coming years.

Doncs la veritat és que no havia estat mai aquí, en aquest festival.

Well, the truth is that I had never been here, at this festival.

És la primera vegada, però no serà l'última, això segur.

It's the first time, but it won't be the last, that's for sure.

De fet, em sembla que el posaré a l'agenda per venir cada any.

In fact, I think I'm going to put it on the agenda to come every year.

Ens ho hem passat superbé.

We had a great time.

Els intèrprets eren d'un altíssim nivell.

The interpreters were of a very high level.

Les obres que s'han tocat també són espais magnífics a nivell de monuments, arquitectònics,

The works that have been touched upon are also magnificent spaces in terms of monuments and architecture.

ens heu fet conèixer la gastronomia del territori,

you have made us aware of the local gastronomy,

tot aquest lligam entre la terra, els productors, tot és fantàstic.

All this connection between the land, the producers, everything is fantastic.

Estem fascinats, de veritat que sí, i hem pogut sentir peces que no té preu.

We are fascinated, really we are, and we have been able to hear pieces that are priceless.

Ara sortim de sentir les sonates del Rosari de Viver, amb la Lina Tur, que acaba de passar per aquí darrere,

Now we just heard the sonatas of the Rosari de Viver, with Lina Tur, who just passed behind here.

i els de música alquèmica, que ha estat magnífic, perquè els teníem a un pam.

And the ones from Alquèmica music, which has been magnificent, because we had them just a hand away.

I ens ha fet unes explicacions, de fet semblava una classe magistral.

And he gave us some explanations, in fact, it felt like a master class.

Hem disfrutat moltíssim, i els madrigals de Monteverdi, el fet que cada concert sigui en un lloc diferent,

We have enjoyed it immensely, and the madrigals of Monteverdi, the fact that each concert is in a different place,

ens està permetent conèixer tot aquest territori.

is allowing us to learn about all this territory.

Molt bé, molt bé, fantàstic, us felicito.

Very good, very good, fantastic, I congratulate you.

Jo el veig un festival molt bonic, realment és un festival molt acurat, molt cuidadet,

I see it as a very beautiful festival, it is truly a very well-organized festival, very well taken care of.

i penso que aquesta cura que s'hi posa en tots els elements, tant en la part musical com en la part d'acollida, la part gastronòmica,

I think that this care that is given to all the elements, both in the musical part and in the welcoming part, the gastronomic part,

tot està molt cuidadet, i realment això t'arriba després, quan estàs sentint el concert,

everything is very well taken care of, and it really hits you afterwards, when you are experiencing the concert,

les peces les trobes espectaculars, les persones que venen, els músics que venen a tocar, també molt bonics,

you find the pieces spectacular, the people who sell them, the musicians who come to play, also very beautiful,

i t'arriba tot molt endins, realment, sento que t'arriba molt a l'ànima,

and it reaches you deeply, really, I feel that it touches your soul a lot,

és molt, aquesta cura t'arriba molt, que t'estan també cuidant directament a tu,

it's a lot, this care reaches you a lot, that they are also taking direct care of you,

i ho sento molt, un festival molt bonic, realment.

I'm really sorry, a very beautiful festival, indeed.

Doncs vaig descobrir el festival Les Purnes, perquè vaig conèixer el Josep,

Well, I discovered the Les Purnes festival because I met Josep.

quan va venir a Sant Llorenç, en aquell moment jo era consellera de cultura,

when he came to Sant Llorenç, at that time I was the councilor for culture,

i va venir a Sant Llorenç de Bruins, al poble on visc ara, a demanar si volíem col·laborar com a municipi,

and he came to Sant Llorenç de Bruins, the town where I live now, to ask if we wanted to collaborate as a municipality,

i vaig conèixer-ho, doncs, al començament de tot.

I met him, then, at the very beginning of it all.

La música barroca m'ha agradat sempre molt, i em va engrescar molt,

I have always liked baroque music a lot, and it really excited me.

i el segueixo, bé, ho seguim des del començament.

And I follow him, well, we have been following it from the beginning.

Hem vingut tots els anys amb alguns concerts, però aquest any se'ns va anar la pinça,

We have come every year with some concerts, but this year we lost the plot.

i hem vingut a catorze coses.

And we have come to fourteen things.

L'edició d'enguany, totes han sigut molt bones, però és que la d'aquest any ha sigut molt espectacular.

This year's edition, all have been very good, but this year's has been truly spectacular.

He descobert Viver, que no el coneixia, coneixia molts músics barrocs, però Viver molt poca cosa,

I have discovered Viver, whom I didn't know, I knew many baroque musicians, but very little about Viver.

i el d'aquest any, jo és que no sóc de posadeus, perquè la perfecció no existeix, però vaja, com s'hi acosta!

And this year, I'm just not into putting on airs, because perfection doesn't exist, but wow, how close it gets!

Conec Es Purnes perquè és una iniciativa cultural del poble,

I know Es Purnes because it is a cultural initiative of the village.

que és una iniciativa cultural de la nostra terra,

that is a cultural initiative from our land,

i per tant, si t'interessa la cultura és molt difícil no saber que existeix un festival de música barroca

And therefore, if you are interested in culture, it is very difficult not to know that a Baroque music festival exists.

d'aquest nivell, d'aquesta força i d'aquesta alegria.

of this level, of this strength, and of this joy.

Em sembla, cada any, el festival, jo no sé si augmenta de qualitat o simplement manté un nivell altíssim,

It seems to me that every year, the festival either increases in quality or simply maintains a very high level.

que emociona qualsevol de les persones que té la sort de poder-hi ser.

that moves anyone who is lucky enough to be there.

Jo l'any passat em va semblar una brutalitat la qualitat, la força i la vitalitat d'aquest festival,

Last year, the quality, strength, and vitality of this festival struck me as brutal.

i ara, aquest any, em sembla que encara inclús ha millorat, si és que això es pot dir així.

And now, this year, it seems to me that it has even improved, if that can be said that way.

I si no és igual, és un festival que omple l'esperit, l'ànima,

And if it's not the same, it's a festival that fills the spirit, the soul,

i ajuda d'alguna manera a entendre una terra que és meravellosa i una música que arriba al fons de l'ànima.

And it helps in some way to understand a land that is wonderful and a music that reaches the depths of the soul.

Començar va ser així, vam veure el diari, l'Ara, que som subscriptors, i vam veure l'anunci.

It started like this, we saw the newspaper, Ara, of which we are subscribers, and we saw the advertisement.

I vam dir, mira, podríem demanar entrades i aviam què tal.

We said, look, we could ask for tickets and see how it goes.

I clar, el primer any va ser una explosió d'emocions i de coses inesperades en un concert.

Of course, the first year was an explosion of emotions and unexpected things at a concert.

I a concerts hi havíem anat amb altres, d'altres llocs, però no era el mateix muntatge, no?

And at concerts, we had gone with others, from other places, but it wasn't the same setup, right?

Perquè em sembla que va ser el de fa tres anys, que realment cada concert era una sorpresa, un no sé què passarà,

Because it seems to me that it was three years ago, when every concert was really a surprise, a sense of what will happen,

i això va ser el que ja ens va emocionar, i a partir d'aquí ja vam anar seguint fins ara, no?

And this was what already moved us, and from here we have been following it until now, right?

Mira, com que diu fins ara, el d'ara, mira, per mi, ara que hem acabat, just hem acabat,

Look, as he says until now, the current one, look, for me, now that we have finished, we have just finished,

una satisfacció absoluta. Per què? Perquè és la suma de moltes coses i totes bones.

an absolute satisfaction. Why? Because it is the sum of many things, all good.

Aviam, música, música de qualitat. Per tant, vull dir, alguna que es coneix i molta que és força desconeguda,

Let's see, music, quality music. Therefore, I mean, some that are well-known and a lot that is quite unknown.

i per tant, doncs, això també és molt important. Els intèrprets, tots boníssims.

And therefore, this is also very important. The interpreters, all excellent.

Alguns també coneguts, altres menys o no, i nous, i per tant també gent jove, amb la qual cosa penso que està molt bé.

Some are also well-known, others less so or not at all, and new ones, and therefore also young people, which I think is very good.

Tercera cosa, doncs, diguem-ne, art. Estem veient barroc, que coneixes, normalment coneixes el barroc,

Third thing, then, let's call it art. We are seeing Baroque, which you know, you usually know Baroque,

bé, l'important, el més habitual, però, clar, totes aquestes esglésietes i aquests llocs, així perduts,

Well, the important thing, the most common, but of course, all these little churches and these places, so lost,

alguns, com que li diuen, al mig de la muntanya, doncs no tens oportunitat de veure-ho.

some, as they say, in the middle of the mountain, so you don't have the opportunity to see it.

Història, bé, va lligada, diguem-ne, amb l'art, però també allò que t'expliquen una mica, a cada concert t'expliquen la història.

History is closely tied to art, let's say, but also to what they tell you a bit; at each concert, they tell you the story.

Bé, per tant, diguem-ne, que a la suma de tot això, doncs, dóna, diguem-ne, aquesta satisfacció,

Well, therefore, let's say that the sum of all this gives, let's say, this satisfaction.

i en tot cas, doncs, bueno, felicitar, doncs, els que han tingut la idea, els que ho van fent,

And in any case, well, congratulations to those who had the idea, to those who are making it happen.

i en tot cas, que s'hi sumi gent a fer coses d'aquesta categoria.

And in any case, let people join in doing things of this kind.

Jo conec espurnes barroques des de fa uns anys, i m'he tornat una fan absoluta.

I have known baroque sparks for a few years now, and I have become an absolute fan.

Jo diria que cap de les persones dels meus contactes no coneixen,

I would say that none of the people in my contacts know.

què és les espurnes barroques, perquè ho visquen cada any amb una espera cada vegada més, bé, més gran, diguem-ne, no?

What are the Baroque sparks, so that they experience it every year with an increasingly greater anticipation, let's say, right?

És que és màgia pura, és...

It's just pure magic, it’s...

Cada un dels concerts està pensat amb molt d'amor, molt preparat, està estimant el territori.

Each of the concerts is thought out with a lot of love, very well prepared, and is cherishing the territory.

Tenim l'autoestima, normalment, tota la...

We usually have self-esteem, all the...

almenys la Catalunya central, de vegades molt baixa,

at least central Catalonia, sometimes very low,

perquè tot passa, diguem, fora de... del nostre àmbit,

because everything happens, let's say, outside of... our realm,

i reconèixer quin és el nostre patrimoni,

and recognize what our heritage is,

quina és la nostra cultura, quines són les coses que s'estan fent molt ben fetes,

what is our culture, what are the things that are being done very well,

a través, diguem, de... fins i tot a la gastronomia.

through, let’s say, to... even in gastronomy.

I a sobre, a conèixer i aprendre, és que... és que què més vols?

And above all, to know and learn, it's that... it's that what else do you want?

Què més vols? És que... no sé, no tinc paraules, sincerament.

What else do you want? It's just that... I don't know, I have no words, honestly.

I a l'enguany ha sigut una edició que jo diria que ha sigut...

And this year has been an edition that I would say has been...

Cada concert ha sigut una perla, una perla,

Each concert has been a pearl, a pearl,

i, bé, i ha acabat que a casa meva aquest cap de setmana

Yes, well, it has ended that at my house this weekend.

n'hi dèiem el patau rebentat.

we called it the broken patao.

Perquè és que això ja era... era l'hòstia, és que...

Because this was... it was awesome, it's just that...

Bé, perdó, però és que ha sigut tan bonic, tan bonic, tan corprenedor,

Well, sorry, but it has been so beautiful, so beautiful, so moving,

és que no podria dir cap més cosa.

I couldn't say anything else.

Genial. Us felicito i esperar les noves espurnes per l'any que ve.

Great. I congratulate you and look forward to the new sparks for next year.

Jo convidaria a tothom que ens conegui,

I would invite everyone who knows us,

que conegui el nostre patrimoni de la Catalunya central.

that knows our heritage of Central Catalonia.

I, a més a més, jo que era una mica romànica, més que no barroca,

I, moreover, I who was a bit romantic, more than baroque,

he arribat a aprendre tant que tots aquests angelets barrocs per mi és com...

I have come to learn so much that all these baroque little angels are for me like...

m'han entrat com una gran màgia.

They have entered me like a great magic.

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