Pilar Alonso (16-09-24)

Joan Rafel Covas Mariano

Idèntics a Noltros

Pilar Alonso (16-09-24)

Idèntics a Noltros

I continuem aquí a Xiu Xiu

And we continue here at Xiu Xiu.

quan són les vuit i mitja

when it is eight thirty

passades i ja és aquí el nostre

passed and our is already here

col·laborador del dilluns

Monday collaborator

que hem de dir que

that we have to say that

ell té cert mèrit

he has some merit

perquè ve el dilluns i ve

because Monday comes and comes

amb certa ressaca emocional

with a certain emotional hangover

perquè té un mal

because it has a pain

tens un mal

you have a pain

no és un mal, és una cosa bona

it's not a bad thing, it's a good thing

no ho sé

I don't know.

és un sofrir

it is a suffering

és una manera de fer penitenci

it is a way of doing penance



que és molt mallorquinista en Joan Rafael Coves

Joan Rafael Coves is very proud of being Mallorcan.

has de passar pena cada cap de setmana

You have to suffer every weekend.

però bé, tot d'una ja tens il·lusió per dir

but well, all of a sudden you already have excitement to say

cap de setmana segur que anirà millor

the weekend will surely be better

i no està com en una temporada

and it's not like in a season

d'anar relaxat

to go relaxed

no, però bé, hem de dir que mos ha passat meravelles

No, but well, we have to say that wonderful things have happened to us.

els altres anys, aquests darrers anys

the other years, these last years

veiem més futbol

we see more football

tot i que aquest més futbol, avallades d'Occidents

Although this month football, downfalls of the West

com ho que va passar

how did it happen

aquest dissabte

this Saturday

pràcticament ho tenia molt mal com puntet

I practically had it very badly as a little point.

amb un home o menys, minut 95

with one man less, minute 95

i ja va

And it's done.

i ja l'accident, se'n mor fan un gol

And the accident, they score a goal.

en el darrer minut

in the last minute

o ho havíem de dir, que és molt mallorquinista

or we had to say, that he is very Mallorquinista

has vengut fins i tot amb la polsera del Mallorca

you even came with the Mallorca bracelet

ara amb el fit

now with the fit

ho heu d'usar a sa sang

you have to use it in your blood

sí, sòcides de

yes, I am from





Mestalla, Elche

Mestalla, Elche

La Cartuga

The Cartuja

i sí, darrere Mallorca sempre que podem

And yes, behind Mallorca whenever we can.

a més hi haurà de canviar

besides, there will have to be a change

la secció, Joan Rafel

the section, Joan Rafel

puc fer també una secció esportiva

I can also do a sports section.

la secció mallorquinista, m'agrada, m'agrada

the Mallorquinist section, I like it, I like it

vinga, idò, començam amb la secció

Come on then, let's start with the section.

que realment he de dir que jo m'agrada més

That I really have to say that I like myself more.

val, ho entenc

Okay, I understand.

no és tant de passar pena

it's not so much about suffering

en Joan Rafel mos du aquí vides de pel·lícules

Joan Rafel brings us here movie lives.

de personatges que han d'anar endivinant

of characters that have to be guessed


ho dui malament, darrerament

I'm doing poorly lately.

no, no, no, no endivinar

no, no, no, no guessing

almenys si vull a sort

at least if I want luck

llefant enciclopedis

encyclopedic elephant

llevant-se pols

raising dust

però no

but no

la setmana passada va ser

last week was

una persona il·lustre d'Eivissa

an illustrious person from Ibiza


tu també vas a cercar el nom

you are also going to look for the name

ah, ho he vist

Ah, I've seen it.

també, la Saldip

also, the Saldip

te'n recordes que li deia on Dori

Do you remember that I was telling Dori?

la creadora de la moda Aldip

the creator of the fashion Aldip

exacte, la Dori

exactly, Dori

i avui per on li pegues?

And today, where do you hit it?

clar, això seria una pista

Of course, that would be a clue.

jo he de dir que la setmana passada

I have to say that last week

no te va agradar allò

you didn't like that

de les quotes

of the quotes

per xerrar de què

to chat about what

personatges d'altres illes

characters from other islands

que no siguin Mallorca

that are not Mallorca

avui no ho direm

today we won't say it

no direm res de les quotes

we won't say anything about the quotes

exacte, perquè en Joan Rafela va dir

exactly, because Joan Rafela said

vos duc un personatge d'Eivissa

I bring you a character from Ibiza.

per omplir quotes

to fill in quotes

jo vaig dir que aquí no parlem de quotes

I said that we don't talk about quotas here.

aquí tots som un

here we are all one

nosaltres no ho direm

we will not say it

igualment la gent

likewise the people


it will be started

és una evidència

it is an evidence

i ho saben

and they know it

però bé, no passa res

but well, it's okay

no ho direm

we won't say it

ara en sèrio

now seriously

jo vull dir que tot això

I mean that all of this

que dèiem aquí és broma

What we were saying here is a joke.

ja està

it's done

jo personalment encantadíssim

I am personally delighted.




to know

quan els ho prepari

when I prepare them

i de donar a conèixer

and to make known

personatges de totes les illes

characters from all the islands

ara anam

now we go

ara m'has fet contenta

now you've made me happy

ara sí

now yes

de fet

in fact

vull rompre una llança també

I want to break a lance as well.

a favor d'aquestes illes

in favor of these islands

que no són Mallorca

that are not Mallorca

això no sé com dir-los

I don't know how to tell them this.

les illes que no són Mallorca

the islands that are not Mallorca



la resta de Palermo

the rest of Palermo

Joan Rafel, anaves per un bon camí

Joan Rafel, you were going down a good path.

torna, torna

come back, come back

la Mediterrània

the Mediterranean

vull rompre una llança

I want to break a lance.

de la seu

from the headquarters

per fer veure que costa molt

to make it seem very difficult

trobar informació

find information

i més informació

and more information



sobre personatges

about characters

que no siguin mallorquins

that they are not Mallorcans

i ja no t'he dit res

And I haven't told you anything anymore.

si aquest personatge és una dona

if this character is a woman

això és una bona reivindicació

this is a good demand

i ara

and now

jo ja m'estic envoiant

I am already sending myself.

i no has començat

and you haven't started

a descriure-t'ho

to describe it to you

però vol dir que si és Mallorquina

but it means that if she is from Mallorca

o Mallorquina

or Mallorcan

hi ha més informació

there is more information

que si és de la resta

that if it is from the rest

de les illes

of the islands

correcte Lluís

correct Lluís

molt bé

very good

escolta Lluís

listen Lluís

va bé

it's going well

jo també

me too

me'l vull demanar un favor

I want to ask him for a favor.

jo des d'aquest micròfons

I from this microphone

de la ràdio

from the radio

de gesta

of deed

la nostra comunitat

our community



vull fer

I want to do.

una crida

a call

a les institucions i llenxes

to the institutions and resources

i als nostres governants

and to our rulers

perquè entre tot

because among everything

facin un aeroforç

make an aeroforce

per conservar la memòria

to preserve memory

de tots els balears

of all the Balearics

que han fet d'aquestes illes

what have they done to these islands

un llot singular

a singular mud

i meravellós

and wonderful


I believe.

que només així

that only this way

podrem aconseguir

we will be able to achieve

allò que tot desitjant

that which is desired by all

de poder mordir

to be able to bite


Balearic Islands

o sentir-nos balears

or feel ourselves Balearic

ara t'escolt

now I listen to you

Joan Rafel

John Rafel

molt bé

very well

i després d'aquesta patriòtica programa

and after this patriotic program

ens podem posar

we can put ourselves



que no nostre llet seria

that our milk would not be

posar-nos un poc en berros

to get a little worked up

i coneixerem

and we will know

el nostre


o la nostra

or ours

personatge d'avui

character of today

posant música

putting on music

i a menys si se veu d'on ve

and unless it can be seen where it comes from

Si no veus

If you don't see

dins dels meus ulls

within my eyes

el que esperes

what you expect

que et digui

let it tell you

i em s'emirara

and it will be sent to me

que et digui

that it tells you

Si penses que d'on veus d'on veus

If you think that where you come from is where you want to go.

Tinc contrast

I have contrast.

amb la setmana passada

with last week

no m'ho negareu

You won't deny it to me.

La setmana passada

Last week

vas posar

you put

lo comia

I was eating it.

per representar Eivissa

to represent Ibiza

ara mos ho has posat

now you've put it on us

amb una mica més fàcil

a little easier

Bé, mama

Okay, mom.

Ara, t'hi diré una cosa

Now, I'll tell you something.

has sabut

have you known

anar molt bé

to go very well

amb la cançona

with the little song

d'aquest tal de veu

of this such voice

però la setmana passada

but last week

amb la comia

with the meal

no te vas posar

you didn't put on

damunt la taula

on the table

ni vas començar a ballar

you didn't start dancing

avui has acompanyat

today has accompanied

molt bé

very good

la cançó

the song

És diferent

It is different.

Un ritme Eivissa

A rhythm Ibiza

en ti menor a ti

less than you

podrà viure la teva vida

you will be able to live your life



és diferent

it's different

és evident

it is evident

que la Joana Pons

that Joana Pons

és un personatge

he is a character

de Menorca avui

from Menorca today



Hem de dir

We have to say.

allà primer

over there first

que la Joana Pons

that Joana Pons

és top

it's top

i admirada

and admired

més enllà de Menorca

beyond Menorca

i tu jugues molt

And you play a lot.

amb això de les músiques

with this about the music

per crear polèmica

to create controversy

lo comia

I ate it.

no és la Joana Pons

it is not Joana Pons


of Ibiza

les pitiuses

the pitiful things

hem de dir

we must say

que també tenen

that they also have

gran veus

great voices



a veure

let's see

fixa't tu

you notice

com es punyetero

how the hell

no ha fet befa

has not mocked

de Mallorca

from Mallorca

amb això

with this

de la setmana passada

from last week

amb la música

with the music

que posaràs

What will you put?

en tomeu penya

in tomeu crowd



no no

no no

això està

this is

està prohibidíssim

it is highly prohibited


to prick

la discografia

the discography

de Déu Nostre Senyor

of Our Lord God

en bat

in bat

és el primer

it is the first



de qualsevol mallorquí

of any Majorcan

això ho han de sabre

they have to know this

de Menorca

of Menorca

i Eivissa

and Ibiza

i Formentera

and Formentera

ho han de sabre

they have to know

a mi

to me

si hem de xerrar

if we have to chat

de Mallorca

from Mallorca

m'agrada més

I like more.



al arribar

upon arrival

a Mallorca

to Mallorca





hem vist

we have seen



yo no la ensalzo

I do not exalt her.

yo la describo

I describe her.


I love

això és un bonet

this is a small bonet

de Sant Pedro

of Saint Peter

un altre gran

another great

de sa música

of his music

de que nostre

of what ours

necessito posar

I need to put.

una mica d'ordre

a little order

per favor


ja duint dues pàgines

already carrying two pages

de guió

of the script

i això

and this

enllà d'una secció

beyond a section

de biografies

of biographies

però és una ràdio

but it is a radio



Joan Rafel

John Raphael

em pots situar

can you place me?



entenc que

I understand that

a Menorca

to Menorca

a quin any

in which year


per com va ser

for how it was


to start

jo t'he dit

I told you.

que com sempre

as always

ten tota la raó

you are completely right


thank you

ens hem de posar

we have to start

serios i començar

serious and start

i d'acord

and agree

que vol dir

what does it mean

que hem de tornar a posar

that we have to put back

en Joana Pons

Joana Pons

estaria bé

it would be good


segona meitat

second half

del segle

of the century



un valencià

a Valencian

de xer crescent

of the crescent moon


was arriving

a l'illa de Menorca

to the island of Menorca

et sabut

you've known

que el valencià

that the Valencian

de final del segle XIX

from the end of the 19th century

freqüentava a Menorca

I frequented Menorca.

perquè hi mantenia

because it maintained there

moltes relacions comercials

many business relationships

forem per exemple

we were for example

grans introductors

great introducers

en persona

in person

d'una pila

of a pile


of specialties

de confiteria

of confectionery

entre elles

among them

el torron de Nadal

the Christmas nougat

un valencià

a Valencian



i discret

and discreet

que li deien Pasqual

they called him Pasqual

a final del XIX

at the end of the 19th century

es casa

it's a house

a la Maones

to Mahón

amb Abdelena Quintana

with Abdelena Quintana

tenien 7 fills

they had 7 children





ens centrarem

we will focus

en Ben Josep Maria

In Ben Josep Maria

barber d'ofici

barber by trade

que es casa

what is home

en Antoni Amoll

the Antoni Amoll

a Anglada

to Anglada

que feia de perruquera

that she was a hairdresser



vivien a una casa

they lived in a house

de la plaça

of the square

del príncep

of the prince

era un habitatge

it was a dwelling



de façana estreta

with a narrow facade



cosa que contrastava

thing that contrasted

amb la mansió

with the mansion

de veïnat

of neighborliness

una mansió

a mansion

d'arquitectura senyorial

of noble architecture



on hi havia

once there was

el casino de senyores

the ladies' casino

en aquella plaça

in that square

i gràcies

and thank you

en part

in part

a la perruqueria

to the hairdresser

d'en Antoni

of Antoni

la família

the family

va anar creixent

it grew steadily

veus Joan Rafel

you see Joan Rafel

ara m'has agradat

now I've liked you

quan tu proposes

when you propose

sí sí

yes yes

però a tu et pot

but it can to you

i em porta

and brings me

et pot estar en sèrio

It can be serious for you.

perquè mem

because me

que no me queda clar

that it's not clear to me


we chat

d'en Josep Maria

of Josep Maria

que jo anava convençut

that I was convinced

que era una dona

that she was a woman

solen ser Maria José

they are usually Maria José

si són dones

if they are women

ah no no

oh no no

val val

okay okay

que me dius

what do you say to me

que te pensaves

What were you thinking?

que el personatge

that the character

era una dona

she was a woman

val val

okay okay


excuse me

jo encara

I still

no he dit

I haven't said.

a més


ni que hagi nascut

not even if I was born

un altre personatge

another character


of today

ja han tingut

they have already had

dos naixements

two births

però no és aquesta

but it is not this

9 del matí

9 in the morning

del 16 de febrer

from February 16

de 1898

from 1898



la cinquena filla

the fifth daughter

del matrimoni

of the marriage

ara sí que ja ha nascut

now it has truly been born



la filleta

the little girl

va ser registrada

it was registered

amb el nom

with the name

de Pilar Mercè

by Pilar Mercè

ja veurem així

we'll see how it goes

com passin els personatges

as the characters go by

que si una cosa

that if one thing


they resemble

als rits

to the rites

i als pobres

and to the poor

amb això

with this

de tenir fills

of having children

clar evidentment

clearly obviously

els fills

the children

se fan igual

they are made the same

tant si és ric

whether he is rich

com si és pobre

as if he is poor

però em refereix

but I mean

a que

to which


we will see

que en tenen molts

that they have many of them

en aquella època

at that time



i de

and of

ens situem

we position ourselves

en Pilar Mercè

in Pilar Mercè

l'any 1898

the year 1898

a Menorca

to Menorca

i no has dit

and you haven't said

on de Menorca

where Menorca is

a Mo

to Mo



no ho he dit

I haven't said it.

sí sí

yes yes

a Monesa

to a Monesa

sí a dir Monesa

yes to say Monesa

que la predina era Monesa

that the pre-dinner was Monesa

però bé

but well


a Mo

to Mo

han de dir que si tot

they have to say that if everything

pareixen a Pilar

They look like Pilar.

arriba d'allò

on top of that

que solen dir

what they usually say

ja que han xerrat

since they have talked

del Mallorca

of Mallorca

de penal

from the penalty spot

han de pensar

they must think

que se du

that is being taken

nou anys

new years

de diferència

of difference

respecte a la germana

regarding the sister



na Carme

Ms. Carme



se la petita

she is the little one

sempre assegura

always ensures

certs privilegis

certain privileges



el barbe i la perruquera

the barber and the hairdresser


they were

que bebaven per ella

that they drank for her

una fieta

a small bike



i pilla

and catch

han de dir que els estius

they have to say that the summers

quan els seus pares

when his/her parents

solien tenir més feina

they used to have more work

perquè arribaven

because they were arriving

visitants a l'illa

visitors to the island

ella solia joiar

she used to rejoice

amb el fill menor

with the younger child

del general Rubió

of General Rubió

en Fernando

the Fernando

dos anys més petit

two years younger

que ella

that she

que eren de Barcelona

they were from Barcelona

fou a la casa del Rubió

it was at Rubió's house

on a Pilar

on a Pilar

va començar a sentir

he started to feel

la música

the music

que estava de moda

that was fashionable

a la ciutat com tal

in the city as such

el couplet

the couplet



el que s'ha dit

what has been said

són sus ojos

they are his/her eyes



su faz risueña

her smiling face

lo que se di

what is said

ens situam

we position ourselves

principi de segle XX

early 20th century



sí, perquè ella

yes, because she

ha nascut

has been born

en el 98

in 98

ja és un poquet

it's already a little bit

grandeta ara

great now

i pot ser

and it can be

aquesta cançó

this song

que la sol·licentana

that the applicant

Rachel Meller

Rachel Meller

aquí la tenim

Here we have it.



per la sèrie

for the series

de Sara Montiel

by Sara Montiel

la Violetera

The Violet Seller

va sol·lar

goes to solar

alguna hora baixa

some low hour

el gramòfon

the gramophone

del general

of the general

ella quedava

she remained

fascinada de l'herbeus

fascinated by the herbs

i de les lletres

and of the letters

dels coplistes

of the copulators

que sonaven

that sounded

en aquells dits

in those words

que venien de Barcelona

that were coming from Barcelona

clar, això ara

of course, this now

avui en dia




xerrar de ràdio fórmula

radio talk show

no m'imagino

I can't imagine.

una cadena de ràdio fórmula

a formula radio station

amb aquest tipus de música

with this type of music

no, i a part

no, and apart

pensau que ara

do you think that now

era molt fàcil

it was very easy

qualsevol plataforma

any platform

de gestos de música

of gestures of music

troba la cançó

find the song

que vols

what do you want

de tot el món

from all over the world

i abans

and before

a veure

let's see

que hi havia dits

that there were fingers

que arribaven aquí

that arrived here

després d'anys

after years

o de millors

or better ones

que vaig ser editat

that I was edited

en un país

in a country

que s'editava

that was being published

no, inclús a la península

no, even on the peninsula

que si no venia

that if he/she didn't come

algú de la península

someone from the peninsula

i els aduia

and I led them

no teníem possibilitat

we had no possibility

d'accedir a aquella música

to access that music

per tant


tenim que anar a Pilar

We have to go to Pilar.


young woman

queda en perfil

remains in profile

del general

from the general

per escoltar música

to listen to music

jo aquí penso en qualque cosa

I am here thinking about something.

però no m'ho vull avançar

but I don't want to get ahead of myself

al tanto aquí

pay attention here

no, no, no

no, no, no

no t'agrada

you don't like it

m'agrada tot això

I like all of this.

un dia farem

one day we will do

una sessió rossa

a red session

de gestos de personatges

of gestures of characters


per a els que coneixen

for those who know

el coplet

the couplet

que no el coneixen

that they do not know him

d'anar al coplet

to go to the couplet


we will say

que és un estil

what is a style

musical espanyol

Spanish musical



i popular

and popular

que vellades

how old

podria resultar

it could turn out

pujadet de to

little rise in tone

i pitjant

and pushing

segons els estàndards

according to the standards

de l'època

of the time

ara no te'n sentiràs

now you won't feel it

la música

the music

no et semblaria pitjant

wouldn't it seem worse to you

si la comparem

if we compare it

amb la reggaeton

with reggaeton



però clar

but of course

en aquella època

at that time

hem dit que es va popularitzar

we said it became popular

gràcies al teatre de revista

thanks to the review theater

i anuncis de ràdio

and radio ads

com aquest

like this

de l'any 1933

from the year 1933

la Pallotja

the Pallotja



La Pallotja

The Pallotja

Són les últimes

They are the last ones.

de les grans

of the big ones

de la ornamentació

of the decoration

de l'art

of art

i d'aquestes

and of these



s'han sirvit

they have been served

totes les

all the



M'ho imagino

I can imagine it.



ens porten

they take us

a informar

to inform

la majoria

the majority

de la música

of the music


of this



per a tots

for all

els vestidors

the changing rooms

i no a ningú

and not to anyone

que ens acompanyarà

that will accompany us



és molt

it is very

ben fet

well done

amb la regla

with the ruler

de Buenos Aires

from Buenos Aires



Sí, i a més, si vols fixar-ho,

Yes, and furthermore, if you want to set it.

sempre aquesta manera de cantar tan estrident,

always this way of singing that is so strident,

fins i tot a pel·lícules d'aquella època,

even to movies of that time,

les dones criden, no canten.

Women shout, they don’t sing.

Però bé, era la manera d'interpretar-ho

But well, it was the way to interpret it.

i ja veiem que s'empleava per fer propa llanta,

and we can see that it was used to make the actual rim,

joves i vetres anunciant jocs de ser.

young people and old people announcing games of being.

No sé què anuncia i vetres, però...

I don't know what it announces and you see, but...

Moltes coses.

Many things.

Era la moda d'aquell temps.

It was the fashion of that time.

La Pilar Nostra demostrava facilitat

Our Pilar showed ease.

per memoritzar les cançons

to memorize the songs

i les tonades que escoltava

and the tunes that I listened to

en aquells meravellosos ordits

in those marvelous orders

que arribaven de l'altre costat del Mediterrani.

that were arriving from the other side of the Mediterranean.

Son pare, que a més de barber,

His father, who besides being a barber,

era clarinet solista del Teatre Principal de Moho,

he was the solo clarinetist of the Teatre Principal de Moho,

després de les afeitades dels habituals de la barberia,

after the shavings of the regulars at the barber shop,

evidentment no afeitava i tot ja va...

obviously didn't shave and everything is...

O clarinet al vellat, que era molt difícil,

Oh clarinet in the old, which was very difficult,

havia observat l'habilitat musical de la Seafia.

I had observed the musical skill of Seafia.

Era freqüent, a més,

It was also frequent,

que la Seafia amenitzàs espontàniament

that the Seafia threatened spontaneously

a les clientes de sa mare

to the clients of her mother

mentre aquestes es pentinaven.

while they were combing their hair.

Això, pensau, que ara,

This, you think, that now,

t'ho fan a Palma,

they do it to you in Palma,

a qualsevol barberia d'aquestes modernes,

to any of these modern barbershops,

i t'aclaven 120 euros per un tinte o per afeitar-te.

They charged you 120 euros for a dye or to shave.

Troc barato, encara.

Cheap junk, still.

Jo crec que ja n'hi ha que no ofereixen, no?

I think there are already some that don't offer, right?

Sí, t'aclamen.

Yes, they acclaim you.

Entreteniment i barberia, segur.

Entertainment and barbering, for sure.

A Palma pot fer dues distincions de barberies,

In Palma, two distinctions of barbershops can be made.

ho hem de dir, eh?

We have to say it, right?

A més, són rares si ho comprem en barberies de poble.

Moreover, they are rare if we buy them in village barbershops.

O són d'aquestes, ja, M de la R's.

Or they are of these, already, M from the R's.

No sé si sabeu què són M de la R's.

I don't know if you know what M de la R's are.



Mecs de la Rue.

Mecs de la Rue.



És una...

It's a...

Què vol dir?

What does it mean?

És un estil urbà, que ve de França,

It is an urban style that comes from France,

que tot va vestit en xandall de Paris Saint-Germain.

that everything is dressed in Paris Saint-Germain tracksuits.

Ah, és aquest pentinat que ara duen tots els joves.

Ah, it's this hairstyle that all the young people are wearing now.

Pentinat, i aquest pentinat així,

Hairstyle, and this hairstyle like this,

que darrere pareix que deixava en punta.

that behind it seemed to leave at a point.

Que tot va.

Everything is fine.

Si els amigues de darrere no coneixessin,

If the friends behind didn't know,

és el teu fill, per exemple, si el duen.

It is your son, for example, if they take him.

Està molt de moda entre els jovenets.

It is very trendy among young people.

I després hi ha les altres que són d'això gèster.

And then there are the others that are of this gesture.

En barber, mostachos, vestits en camisa de lanyador,

In barber, mustaches, dressed in a wool shirt,

i músic en directe, segurament,

and live music, probably,

i canapés de cabell d'àngels, supòs.

and angel hair canapés, I suppose.

O una barberia.

Or a barbershop.

No ho sé.

I don't know.

És que les coses de poble són més normals.

It's just that village things are more normal.

Pots anar a fora a demanar hores ni res,

You can't go outside to ask for hours or anything.

i a bon lloc, apassionant que et trobes allà,

and in a good place, exciting that you are there,

has de trobar un interviu del 1999.

You have to find an interview from 1999.

T'imagines, si passessis anys,

Can you imagine, if you spent years,

anar a un lloc on hi van infants,

go to a place where children go,

i que poguessis trobar damunt la taula

and that you could find on the table

una revista interviu.

an Interviu magazine.

Això, abans no passava res,

This, before nothing happened,

paz y amor, però bé.

Peace and love, but well.

M'hi situo amb una mica,

I position myself with a bit,

ara no ho he anat a passar per dins,

now I haven't gone through it inside,

és una altra vegada.

it's another time.

Clar, això podria servir també

Sure, this could also help.

per obrir programes

to open programs

que els anomenarem

that we will name them


television fans.

Exacte, sí.

Exactly, yes.

Ho deim en gest allà, però sí.

We say it in gesture there, but yes.

Seria algo així, sí.

It would be something like that, yes.


Oh dear.

En una barbería de la aldea de Mallorquina,

In a barbershop in the village of Mallorquina,

con sofás de Sky

with Sky sofas

y aroma de Baron Dandy,

and aroma of Baron Dandy,

los indefensos niños pueden observar amar flores

helpless children can watch flowers bloom

en paños menores.

in one's underwear.

Mare meva, per favor.

My goodness, please.

Una cosa.

One thing.

Tens raó, tens raó.

You are right, you are right.

Estàs situat a principis del segle XX

You are situated in the early 20th century.

amb una barberia romàntica.

with a romantic barbershop.

I ara ja no pots interviure per mig.

And now you can no longer intervene in between.

Amb un boat.

With a boat.

Bé, tens tota la raó.

Well, you are absolutely right.

Una altra vegada, o sigui que venga.

Again, so come on.

Sí, després no tenim temps.

Yes, then we won't have time.

El tema és que s'empara

The thing is that it is sheltered.

l'adú el professor Josep Villalonga,

the adult professor Josep Villalonga,

un professor erudit en música

a learned professor in music

que la va introduir en el coneixement

that introduced her to knowledge

de les nostres llocs musicals bàsiques.

of our basic musical places.

Salfa, germania, vocalització...

Salfa, Germany, vocalization...

14 de juny de l'any 1913

June 14, 1913

al Teatre Chat d'Alen a Pilar Nostra.

at the Chat Theatre of Alen to Our Pilar.

Emocionadíssim assisteix al Début Menorquí

Extremely excited to attend the Minorcan Debut.

de na Rachel Meller, precisament,

of Ms. Rachel Meller, precisely,

que vendria a ser naitana de l'època,

which would come to be Naitana of the time,

o na Maria Gein, que serà el men nostrat,

or our dear Maria Gein, who will be our meal,

d'aquest teatre.

of this theater.

Ara ja t'entenc.

Now I understand you.

Jo sé allà on hem d'anar.

I know where we have to go.

L'impressió i l'impacte de l'adolescent

The impression and impact of the adolescent.

fou apoteòsica.

it was apotheosic.

Tant va ser així que unes setmanes després,

So much so that a few weeks later,

el 23 d'agost,

August 23rd,

a Pilar Nostra feia el seu debut

Pilar was making her debut.

en el principal demò, ple com un ou,

in the main demo, full as an egg,

amb el cartell, atenció,

with the sign, attention,

la petita Rachel.

the little Rachel.

Ai, d'això ja mos has donat una bona pista.

Oh, you've already given us a good clue about that.

Tu ja tens coses clares.

You already have things clear.

No, però és cantant.

No, but he/she is a singer.

És cantant, molt bé.

He is a singer, very good.

És cantant Menorquina, i no na Joana Pons,

She is a singer from Menorca, not Joana Pons.

perquè si no mos hagués dit.

because if it hadn't told us.

Jo no dono més pista. L'èxit va ser extraordinari.

I won't give any more clues. The success was extraordinary.

L'escenari quedà en moquetat de flors

The stage was carpeted with flowers.

a la segona cançó.

to the second song.

Pot ser el sovinim de Menorquí,

It could be the sobriquet of Menorquí,

ja sabem com són, va ser clau.

We already know how they are, it was key.

Qui fent de bits.

Who is playing with bits.

Però na Pilar va de perlló enllà

But Ms. Pilar goes from afar.

les actuacions fins ben entrar a la tardor.

the performances until well into autumn.

A l'octubre d'aquest mateix any

In October of this same year

va marxar juntament amb el seu pare

he left along with his father

al vaixell Monte Toro.

to the ship Monte Toro.

Després no me dius que no són sovinistes.

Then don't tell me they're not chauvinists.

Direcció, xapa...

Direction, sheet...



També hi ha una cançó per quan parlem

There is also a song for when we talk.

de Barcelona, i si és aquesta.

from Barcelona, and if it's this one.

Joan Rafel. Previsible o millor,

Joan Rafel. Predictable or rather,

però és aquesta.

but it is this one.

D'aquesta cançó,

From this song,

la gent va escriure

people wrote

a una pensió del carrer de Sant Anna,

to a pension on Saint Anna Street,

molt a prop de la Rambla de Geneletes.

very close to the Rambla de Geneletes.

Ella va escriure com a alumna

She wrote as a student.

a l'Acadèmia del xant del mestre Zamacolls,

at the Academy of the chant of Master Zamacolls,

director també del Conservatori de Barcelona.

director also of the Conservatory of Barcelona.

La veu de na Pilar va impressionar el mestre

Pilar's voice impressed the teacher.

i de seguida començaren a treballar intensament.

And soon they began to work intensively.

Que li apel·li moltes arestes,

That it appeals to many edges,

el que li diuen plomallalls.

what they call plomallalls.

Però també, per tant mateix,

But also, for the same reason,

no hi feia molta falta perquè

it wasn't really needed because

aquella llarga mella

that long groove

tenia ja una capacitat deliciosa

she already had a delightful ability

per al xant.

for the chant.

Abans de comprar-hi el primer any allà a Barcelona,

Before buying it the first year there in Barcelona,

li van oferir el debut davant

he was offered the debut against

el públic barceloni. Però el fracàs

the Barcelona public. But the failure

va ser estrepitós.

it was loud.

En Josep Maria i la Fieta

In Josep Maria and the Girl

agafaren de vell nou

they took it up again

el vapor de mor per tornar a casa.

the steam of death to return home.

Massa bé anava. De nou a l'illa,

Too well it was going. Back to the island,

a la Pilar Nostra,

to our Pilar,

no tirà la taula i se'n tornaven

he didn't throw the table and they were going back

al mestre Villalonga. S'havia proposat

to Master Villalonga. He had proposed

fer madurar aquelles cordes vocals

make those vocal cords mature

i la gràcia interpretativa.

and the interpretative grace.

Els assajos foren llargs mentre

The rehearsals were long while

la Pilar compaginava l'aprenentatge

Pilar was balancing her learning.

amb actuacions per tots els pobles de Menorca.

with performances in all the towns of Menorca.

Havia de fer un poc com en Rebassó

I had to do a bit like in Rebassó.

i en Horatges, que van de festa en festa.

And in Horatges, who go from party to party.

En 1916,

In 1916,

amb unes maneres d'actuar i una afinació

with certain ways of acting and a tuning

més perfeccionada, la Pilar va convèncer

more perfected, Pilar convinced

son pare per tornar ja a Barcelona.

his father to return to Barcelona already.

Era la segona i definitiva oportunitat.

It was the second and definitive opportunity.

Se va tirar a la piscina massa aviat.

He jumped into the pool too early.


You find.

Massa prest. Clar, però això

Too soon. Sure, but this.

ensenya que la Pelles,

shows that the Pelles,

ja era... Voren mems i ara li va anar bé.

It was already... They saw me and now it went well for him.

Anant ja per Barcelona,

Going around Barcelona,

allò ja era un piset oscú i petit a Eribau

that was already a dark and small apartment in Eribau

i el mestre Zamacoys

and Master Zamacoys

va compondre, per anar a Pilar,

he composed, to go to Pilar,

la peça Nena

the piece Nena

i li arreglar una nova actuació

and I will arrange a new performance for him/her.

al Doré, de la plaça de Catalunya.

to Doré, from Plaça de Catalunya.

Aquella nit, l'auditori

That night, the auditorium

va rebentant aplaudiments i bravos.

He was met with applause and cheers.

S'ha de dir, però,

It must be said, however,

que l'èxit no només va ser

that the success was not only

a causa de la qualitat musical i vocal

due to the musical and vocal quality

de la jove menorquina, sinó

of the young woman from Menorca, but

a la pensada del seu pare i el mestre

to the thought of his father and the teacher

de combinar els couplets típics en castellà

of combining the typical couplets in Spanish

que era llavors la llengua

what was then the language

gairebé exclusiva del culpatisme

almost exclusive to culpability

amb els couplets en català.

with the couplets in Catalan.

Al·lusius als costums

Allusions to customs

i a les tradicions de la terra. Ara sí

and to the traditions of the land. Now yes

que podríem dir que havia nascut una nova estrella.

that we could say a new star had been born.

Havies nascut na Pilar...

You had been born, Pilar...

Jo, si no fos perquè dius

I, if it weren't for what you say

que és de Menorca i que no en Pilar,

which is from Menorca and which is not, Pilar,

juraria que és en ta meua punya.

I would swear that it is in your hand.

A veure, que sa carrera s'hi sembla,

Let's see, it looks like the race.

però jo ho tenc clar. Atenció,

but I have it clear. Attention,

que avui parlem

What are we talking about today?

de sa menorquina

from Menorca

Pilar Alonso.

Pilar Alonso.

Molt bé, podríem fer un marxador.

Very well, we could make a marker.

Dines 1, Lluch 0.

Dines 1, Lluch 0.

A mi m'agrada el couplet.

I like the couplet.

Sí, el coupletista.

Yes, the couplet writer.

Tu t'agradaria cantar damunt un escenari

Would you like to sing on a stage?

amb una peineta

with a comb

i claveles.

and carnations.

Bé, una nit, en mig de

Well, one night, in the middle of

l'extasi general del públic,

the general ecstasy of the audience,

na Pilar a estrenar Les xeramelles,

Ms. Pilar will debut The oysters.

cançó que escoltàvem,

song we were listening to,

o que volíem escoltar, però no l'hem trobada.

or what we wanted to hear, but we haven't found it.

M'ha agradat més aquesta

I liked this one more.

de jo avui samís. Però és difícil

From me today, yes. But it's difficult.

trobar, hem de dir, cançons

to find, we have to say, songs

d'aquesta època cantades per na Pilar,

from this era sung by na Pilar,

perquè clar, en aquell temps no era com ara. Des de llavors,

because of course, back then it was not like it is now. Since then,

el repertori de na Pilar va centrar-se

Pilar's repertoire focused on

fonamentalment en les cançons,

fundamentally in the songs,

en la seva llengua materna. La menorquina

in her mother tongue. The Menorcan

arredoni la seva popularitat per una

round off its popularity by one

raó lingüística, haver tengut l'acudit

linguistic reason, having had the joke

d'incorporar el català al couplet.

of incorporating Catalan into the couplet.

D'ençà d'aquest moment,

Since that moment,

la nomenada seva

the named your

ha anat augmentant.

has been increasing.

A Barcelona s'emplenà de les notes

In Barcelona, it filled with notes.

i els versets de la

and the verses of the

Portafernissa, la Marieta de l'Ullviu,

The ladybug of the Fennel,

els Tres Toms, el Trenvia,

the Three Tomes, the Tramway,

o l'arxipopular

or the archipopular

La Font del Llat.

The Fountain of the Llat.

No podré casar-me

I will not be able to get married.

amb tu.

with you.

Mira que moltes d'aquestes cançons molt sonen

Look, many of these songs sound very familiar.

i les hem sentides i mai

and we have heard them and never

haguessin dit que són de una menorquina.

they would have said that they are from a Minorcan.

Basant de La Font del Llat, és que no era,

Based on La Font del Llat, it was not.

no l'hem pogut posar.

we couldn't put it on.

Jo ja he dit, jo vaig fer un poc de recerca

I've already said, I did a bit of research.

i es compliquedissin trobar

and they complicated finding

cançons al manco cantades per ella. Hi ha versions,

songs at least sung by her. There are versions,

com aquella de Sara Montiel i d'altres,

like that one by Sara Montiel and others,

però és una llàstima perquè...

but it's a pity because...

Deu haver digitalitzat.

You must have digitized.

No hem pogut gaudir de la veu que ha de tenir.

We haven't been able to enjoy the voice it is supposed to have.

Realment ella les interpretava,

She really interpreted them.

però allò que és evident és que

but what is evident is that

potser si no fos per ella

perhaps if it weren't for her

tal vegada no s'haguessin popularitzat.

perhaps they wouldn't have become popular.



Darrere les actuacions de Barcelona

Behind the performances of Barcelona

vengeren les actuacions a les principals sales

they will sell the performances in the main venues

de Madrid, Saragossa, Galícia,

from Madrid, Zaragoza, Galicia,

Sant Sebastià. A Sant Sebastià a més

Saint Sebastian. To Saint Sebastian moreover

li va gravar 14 discos.

he recorded 14 albums.

I aquí seguia en català?

And here I continued in Catalan?

No, combinava.

No, I was combining.

Ella li solien escriure

They used to write to her.

coplets i ella els interpretava.

couplets and she interpreted them.

I generalment aquí eren en castellà,

They were generally in Spanish here.

però quan venia aquí solia fer-los en català.

But when I came here, I used to do them in Catalan.

Suposo que Sant Sebastià també va trobar

I suppose Sant Sebastià also found.

bon menjar i ja direm allí.

good food and we will say there.

La gent l'estimava de veres

People truly loved her.

i esclar, els periodistes ho reflectien.

And of course, the journalists reflected it.

El periodista Gaciel,

The journalist Gaciel,

director de La Vanguardia en aquell moment,

director of La Vanguardia at that time,

va escriure això.

he wrote this.

Si jo tingués a aquestes hores un hòspit

If I had a hospital at this hour.

a qui servir amablement d'allà

who serves kindly from there

per les calles i places de Barcelona,

through the streets and squares of Barcelona,

fos demostrar-li

was to show him/her

lo más notable o pintoresco

the most notable or picturesque

de nuestra ciudad,

from our city,

una noche le llevaría, como por sorpresa,

one night it would take him, as if by surprise,

a oír los cuplés catalanes

to listen to the Catalan couplets

de Pilar Alonso.

by Pilar Alonso.

Era evident que Pilar Alonso

It was obvious that Pilar Alonso

estava en el seu prime.

he was in his prime.

Són molt modernes, ara m'han dit.

They are very modern, I've been told now.

M'ha dit el meu fill, jo no ho sé.

My son has told me, I don't know.

Estem en el prime de la ràdio.

We are in the prime of radio.

Fa part de dir prime.

It is part of saying prime.

En tan sols 27 anys

In just 27 years

ja en feia 10 que reinava

He had already been reigning for 10 years.

a la ciutat espanyola.

to the Spanish city.

Oh, oh!

Oh, oh!

Aquesta cançó indica

This song indicates

que el prime no va ser molt llarg.

that the prime was not very long.

No, i a més és joveneta.

No, and she is also quite young.

Té 27 anys

He is 27 years old.

en aquestes altures de guió.

at this point in the script.

No m'equadra gaire aquesta cançó.

This song doesn't really add up for me.

Bé, han de dir que

Well, they have to say that

a Pilar podran dir

They will be able to tell Pilar.

que moriria d'orvellades.

that would die of fright.

La segona i definitiva serà el 27 de maig

The second and final one will be on May 27th.

del 1980,

from 1980,

a l'edat de 83 anys.

at the age of 83.

I què va passar? I quan tenia 27 anys?

And what happened? And when I was 27 years old?

L'any 1925,

In the year 1925,

quan estava el Txec Corocuy

when was the Czech Corocuy

de la seva exitosa carrera,

of her successful career,

na Pilar Nostra s'enamora

Mrs. Pilar falls in love.

o fa d'un enginyer

it is the work of an engineer

que el va conèixer deia a més

that he knew also said

que era una vellíssima persona,

that she was a very beautiful person,

però que no deixava de ser un fill

but he was still a son

de la mentalitat del seu temps.

of the mentality of his time.

L'enginyer, demanant a la nostra menor

The engineer, asking our minor

quina de vull, s'ha retirat de l'escena.

Which one I want has left the scene.

I ella pot ser per amor,

And she can be for love,

perquè en aquell temps era la que tallava,

because at that time she was the one who cut,

o va fer.

or did it.

Típic. Deixava el coplet per sempre.

Typical. He/She left the couplet forever.

Se n'anà a Madrid,

He went to Madrid.

convertida en esposa,

turned into a wife,

i s'allé d'endinsar a l'anonimat

and went to immerse himself in anonymity

més impenetrable i frustrant.

more impenetrable and frustrating.

Mai més es va sabre res d'ella,

Never again was anything heard from her,

de l'escena pública i de la faràndula.

of the public scene and of the show business.

Joan Rafel, t'he d'interrompre,

Joan Rafel, I have to interrupt you,

perquè queda un minut.

because there is one minute left.

I farem via.

And we will go ahead.

I vull saber com acaba na Pilar.

I want to know how it ends for Pilar.

Mira, pot recordar de pels seus, que són noltros,

Look, he can remember from his hair, which is us,

pot ser per la seva curta carrera,

it may be due to his short career,

o perquè el seu forçat

or because of his forcedness

anonimat dura més de 50 anys,

anonymity lasts for more than 50 years,

i a més, allunyada de la seva

and also, distanced from her

villa materna. Bé,

maternal villa. Well,

hem de dir que no tothom la va oblidar. En Fernando Rubió,

we have to say that not everyone forgot her. Fernando Rubió,

el fillet aquell, el que compartia jocs

that boy, the one who shared games

i entremolidures d'estiu en la Pilar Nostra,

and summer swirls in our Pilar,

a la plaça del Príncep,

in the Prince's Square,

va tornar,

he returned,

o va dedicar el seu darrer any de vida,

or dedicated his last year of life,

a recuperar la memòria de la cultura

to recover the memory of culture

catalana de Menorca. Entre

Menorcan Catalan. Between

molt de projectes que va fer, i va subvencionar,

many projects that he/she did and funded,

hi havia un estat

there was a state

de cotzença de na Pilar Alonso,

of the knowledge of Pilar Alonso,

que avui, des del 1992, presideix

that today, since 1992, presides

la sèntiga plaça de Colom.

the splendid Columbus Square.

Potser era la manera de no oblidar

Perhaps it was the way not to forget.

la seva milla d'infància.

his mile of childhood.

Idò, al final,

Well, in the end,

na Pilar va deixar la seva carrera per un home,

Pilar gave up her career for a man.

però un altre

but another

la va conservar. Que romàntic.

he kept it. How romantic.

Joan Rafel, m'encanten aquestes

Joan Rafel, I love these.

històries que mos dus.

stories that you bring us.

Aquesta sí que és una vida...

This is indeed a life...

Aquesta sí que és una...

This is indeed a...

Una vida de pel·lícula.

A movie life.

Gràcies, Joan Rafel Coves. A vosaltres.

Thank you, Joan Rafel Coves. To you all.

Nosaltres, una pausa

We, a break

pels informatius, i tot d'una

for the news, and all of a sudden


we return.

Fins demà!

See you tomorrow!

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