#5 Comunitat

Retrats Intermitents

Retrats Intermitents

#5 Comunitat

Retrats Intermitents

Retrats intermitents, un podcast al voltant de la representació

Intermittent portraits, a podcast about representation

i l'LGBTQA+, els mitjans audiovisuals.

and the LGBTQIA+, the audiovisual media.

Hola a totis i benvingudis a Retrats intermitents,

Hello everyone and welcome to Intermittent Portraits,

un podcast al voltant de la representació LGTBIQ+, els mitjans audiovisuals.

a podcast about LGTBIQ+ representation in audiovisual media.

Soc la Marta Vivet i avui parlarem de la comunitat.

I am Marta Vivet and today we will talk about the community.

És molt habitual fer servir la construcció comunitat LGTBIQ+,

It is very common to use the construction LGTBIQ+ community.

però què volem dir realment amb la paraula comunitat?

But what do we really mean by the word community?

La comunitat és un grup, un vincle,

The community is a group, a bond,

però on establim les fronteres?

But where do we establish the borders?

La comunitat com a tal pot abastar a totes les persones del col·lectiu LGTBIQ+,

The community as such can encompass all people from the LGTBIQ+ collective.

amb qui podem tenir molt poc a veure,

with whom we may have very little to do,

però també pot ser una microcomunitat que hem creat al nostre voltant

but it can also be a microcommunity that we have created around us

on sentir-nos segurs.

to feel safe.

Sigui com sigui, el que és segur és que comunitat es contraposa a la solitud i a l'aïllament,

In any case, what is certain is that community contrasts with solitude and isolation.

dues experiències malauradament molt comunes i conegudes en les vides de les persones queer.

two experiences unfortunately very common and well-known in the lives of queer people.

Ens hem acostumat a veure molts personatges LGTBIQ+,

We have become accustomed to seeing many LGTBIQ+ characters.

absolutament sols i desemparats en un món cis-heterosexual.

absolutely alone and defenseless in a cis-heterosexual world.

Personatges que, més enllà de ser el token, d'estar sols,

Characters that, beyond being the token, are alone,

no tenen cap referent, cap acompanyament, cap vincle LGTBIQ+.

they have no reference, no support, no LGBTQ+ connection.

També hem sentit moltes històries de creadors del món audiovisual

We have also heard many stories from creators in the audiovisual world.

que han hagut de barallar-se perquè la seva veu es pugui sentir

that they have had to fight so that their voice can be heard

en una indústria dominada pels homes heterosexuals.

in an industry dominated by heterosexual men.

I també coneixem l'experiència de veure pel·lícules LGTBIQ+,

And we also know the experience of watching LGTBIQ+ movies,

des de la intimitat del nostre portàtil i la nostra habitació,

from the intimacy of our laptop and our room,

sense saber amb qui compartir-ho.

without knowing who to share it with.

La solitud pot dur-nos a fer-nos sentir com a aliens, com a outsiders.

Loneliness can make us feel like outsiders, like aliens.

I per això molta gent queer recorda el moment en què va descobrir que no estava sola,

And that is why many queer people remember the moment when they discovered that they were not alone,

que formava part d'alguna cosa més gran i un lloc on podia trobar aixopluc.

that was part of something greater and a place where I could find shelter.

I molts d'aquests moments estan travessats per l'audiovisual.

And many of these moments are permeated by the audiovisual.

Per això avui volíem preguntar-nos

That's why today we wanted to ask ourselves.

com podem explicar històries de subjectes col·lectius?

How can we explain stories of collective subjects?

Com podem crear històries des de la segona persona,

How can we create stories from the second person,

des del plural?

from the plural?

I com podem fer-ho juntis?

And how can we do it together?

I és que quan parlem de comunitat, parlem de lluita, d'activisme, de cures i de família,

And when we talk about community, we talk about struggle, activism, care, and family,

de l'eufòria i de la festa compartida.

of euphoria and shared celebration.

Quan parlem de comunitat, parlem de crear acompanyadis,

When we talk about community, we talk about creating companionships.

de no haver-te d'explicar que has de passar perquè estàs amb gent

not having to explain to you that you have to go because you're with people

que ha viscut experiències similars a la teva.

who has lived experiences similar to yours.

Quan parlem de comunitat, parlem de mirar cine amb uns ulls que comparteixen la mateixa mirada furtiva,

When we talk about community, we talk about watching a movie with eyes that share the same furtive glance,

o de construir arxius físics o sentimentals,

or to build physical or sentimental archives,

de pel·lícules i sèries amb personatges LGTBIQ+.

of movies and series with LGBTQ+ characters.

En definitiva, parlar de comunitat és parlar de que no estem solis,

Ultimately, talking about community is talking about the fact that we are not alone,

i de la potencialitat i del poder de la comunitat.

and of the potentiality and power of the community.

Avui, a Retrats Intermitents, volem abordar les possibilitats de parlar de la comunitat

Today, at Intermittent Portraits, we want to explore the possibilities of discussing the community.

i de crear en comunitat,

and to create in community,

però també de les dificultats de construir-la i del perill de deixar-nos gent a fora.

but also about the difficulties of building it and the danger of leaving people out.

Quines comunitats construïm?

What communities are we building?

Quines comunitats representem?

Which communities do we represent?

I qui no pot formar-ne part?

And who cannot be a part of it?

Realment podem crear en comunitat dins d'una indústria tan hostil a les identitats dissidents?

Can we really create a community within an industry so hostile to dissenting identities?

Avui tenim la sort de poder-ho parlar en comunitat amb tres convidadis,

Today we have the luck to discuss it in the community with three guests,

però abans, escoltem a la Sara Montiel.

but first, let's listen to Sara Montiel.

Sí, por ahí comprobarás

Yes, you will check there.

que cuando muerdo de tu la señal

that when I bite your signal

atrévete, atrévete y verás.

dare yourself, dare yourself and you will see.

Sónava a Atrévete, otra vez, de la Sara Montiel, la cançó que ha escollit en Santi Lomas.

It was playing "Atrévete, otra vez," by Sara Montiel, the song chosen by Santi Lomas.

En Santi Lomas és doctor investigador en comunicació a la Universitat Carlos III de Madrid,

Santi Lomas is a research doctor in communication at Carlos III University of Madrid.

i ha investigat les relacions de la història cultural queer,

and has researched the relationships of queer cultural history,

amb la història del cine-televisió a Espanya.

with the history of film-television in Spain.

Gràcies per ser aquí i benvingut a Retrats Intermitents.

Thank you for being here and welcome to Intermittent Portraits.

Per què has portat aquesta cançó?

Why did you bring this song?

Bueno, muchas gracias por invitarme a participar.

Well, thank you very much for inviting me to participate.

La canción, bueno, después de pensarlo, sobre todo la elegí,

The song, well, after thinking about it, I chose it especially.

porque para mí fue como un punto de no retorno en cuanto a intereses culturales sobre o hacia conocer,

because for me it was like a point of no return regarding cultural interests about or towards knowing,

y investigar la subcultura homosexual que existía durante el franquismo,

and investigate the homosexual subculture that existed during Franco's regime,

que es sobre lo que acabé haciendo mi tesis,

which is what I ended up writing my thesis on,

que de ahí se ha derivado un libro,

that has led to a book,

que a mí, bueno, era algo como que me pillaba lejos,

that to me, well, it was something like it caught me off guard,

pues Sara Montiel, todo esto, que luego acabé investigando,

well Sara Montiel, all of this, which I later ended up investigating,

y entonces el punto de contacto fue esta canción

And then the point of contact was this song.

que está hecha por Carlos Berlanga y Nacho Canut,

that is made by Carlos Berlanga and Nacho Canut,

que eran, bueno, de Alaska y Dinarama,

they were, well, from Alaska and Dinarama,

claro, que me pillaba más cerca culturalmente

Of course, it was closer to me culturally.

el mundo de Alaska y Dinarama que el de Sara Montiel,

the world of Alaska and Dinarama than that of Sara Montiel,

pero bueno, fue ese punto de entrada,

but well, that was the entry point,

y en fin, es una canción que es puro camp,

and in the end, it's a song that is pure camp,

para empezar a conocer a Sara,

to start getting to know Sara,

que también se autoparodia, no sé,

that also self-parodies, I don't know,

ya digo, fue un punto de entrada perfecto para entrar en ese mundo.

I say, it was a perfect entry point to enter that world.

Té a veure també com amb la comunitat històrica, no?

It also has to do with the historical community, right?

No només en el present.

Not only in the present.

Sí, exacto.

Yes, exactly.

Es decir,

That is to say,

fue como una especie de vínculo,

it was like a kind of bond,

para empezar a conocer y indagar

to start getting to know and explore

esa subcultura oculta o poco investigada

that hidden or little-researched subculture

que había existido en el pasado,

that had existed in the past,

por qué Sara Montiel era tan importante

Why was Sara Montiel so important?

para tanta gente queer, sobre todo gays,

for so many queer people, especially gays,

por qué, incluso por qué para mí desde el 2013,

why, even why for me since 2013,

que fue el momento en el que escuché esta canción por primera vez,

that was the moment I heard this song for the first time,

o antes que había visto alguna de las películas,

or before I had seen any of the movies,

por qué todavía había algo en esas películas

why there was still something in those movies

que me llamaba la atención o me despertaba simpatía

that caught my attention or aroused my sympathy

frente a otras de cine comercial del franquismo

compared to other commercial cinema of the Franco regime

que o me daban pereza

that either bored me or made me lazy

o directamente no había ningún punto de contacto.

or there simply wasn't any point of contact.

Entonces, por ahí entré.

So, that's how I got in.

Y luego también, que desde un punto de vista,

And then also, from a certain point of view,

pues eso, como digo, camp, de estética camp,

well, as I say, camp, of camp aesthetics,

es una canción muy, no sé, excesiva, o sea,

It's a very, I don't know, excessive song, I mean,

empieza con refranes, ¿no?

It starts with proverbs, right?

Tiraste la piedra, escondiste la mano

You threw the stone, you hid the hand.

y vienes a verme de Pascua a Sarramos.

and you come to see me at Easter in Sarramos.

Es que hay una canción que empieza así,

It's just that there's a song that starts like this,

cantada por una superdiva, ¿no?,

sung by a super diva, right?

como Sara, pues ya es algo que llama, ¿no?,

like Sara, because it's something that stands out, right?

me llama a sentirme parte de esa comunidad, ¿no?

It calls me to feel part of that community, doesn’t it?

Doncs moltes gràcies, Santi, per portar-nos aquesta cançó.

Well, thank you very much, Santi, for bringing us this song.

També volem donar la benvinguda a en Marc Llinàs,

We also want to welcome Marc Llinàs,

guionista i humorista, creador del podcast

screenwriter and comedian, creator of the podcast

Mòbil Cartera Claus a Ràdio Primavera Sound,

Mobile Wallet Keys at Primavera Sound Radio,

i que actualment treballa com a guionista

and currently works as a screenwriter

al programa Està Passant de TV3.

to the program Està Passant on TV3.

Gràcies per ser amb nosaltres.

Thank you for being with us.

Moltes gràcies a vosaltres per convidar-me.

Thank you very much for inviting me.

I també saludem la Glori Jiménez,

And we also greet Glori Jiménez,

educadora i comunicadora audiovisual

educator and audiovisual communicator

que actualment fa classes de canalla i adolescents,

who is currently teaching children and adolescents,

i escriu ficció.

and write fiction.

Gràcies i benvinguda a Retrats Intermitents.

Thank you and welcome to Intermittent Portraits.

Muchas gracias a ti, Marta.

Thank you very much, Marta.

Muy contenta de estar aquí compartiendo con todes.

Very happy to be here sharing with everyone.

Per començar a parlar de comunitat,

To start talking about community,

hem seleccionat una escena de la sèrie

we have selected a scene from the series

A League of Their Own.

A League of Their Own.

Es tracta d'una sèrie que va sortir l'any passat

It is a series that was released last year.

a Amazon Prime.

to Amazon Prime.

Està creada per l'Avi Jacobson i en Will Graham,

It was created by Grandpa Jacobson and Will Graham,

i està basada en la pel·lícula homònima

and is based on the homonymous film

del 1992.

from 1992.

Explica la història d'un equip de jugadores

Tell the story of a team of players.

de beisbol durant la Segona Guerra Mundial

of baseball during World War II

als Estats Units.

in the United States.

Veurem aquesta escena, que és del sisè capítol,

We will see this scene, which is from the sixth chapter.

i la comentarem entre totes.

And we will discuss it among all of us.

Estás inapropiado.

You are inappropriate.

¿Cómo puede querer estar en otro equipo?

How can he want to be on another team?

Ok, Carson.

Ok, Carson.

¿Puedes no decírselo a nadie?

Can you not tell anyone?

Venga, se lo diré a todo el mundo

Come on, I'll tell everyone.

para que sepan la clase de persona que eres.

so they know what kind of person you are.

Lupe creía que por fin habíamos conectado.

Lupe believed that we had finally connected.

No sabía que estabas con ella.

I didn't know you were with her.

Nunca te haría eso yo.

I would never do that to you.

Aguarda, no.

Wait, no.

Bueno, no la conozco.

Well, I don't know her.

Tú también estoy muy decepcionada con vosotras.

I am also very disappointed with you.

Ni siquiera sé qué.

I don't even know what.

¿Qué estás haciendo tú aquí?

What are you doing here?

Te he seguido, Lupe.

I have followed you, Lupe.

Sé que quieres cambiarte a las Comets, ¿vale?

I know you want to switch to the Comets, okay?

Te he oído hablar con Beverly.

I heard you talking to Beverly.

¿Qué? Ay, Dios mío, no, no, no, Carson.

What? Oh my God, no, no, no, Carson.

Le decía que quiero cambiar de habitación.

I was telling her that I want to change rooms.

Quiero... Ya no quiero estar con Esti.

I want... I don't want to be with Esti anymore.

Claro, ya.

Sure, already.

Por eso estabas con tu contrincante.

That's why you were with your opponent.

¿De qué te ríes?

What are you laughing at?

A ver, a ver, espera.

Let's see, let's see, wait.



Abre los ojos.

Open your eyes.



No, amor.

No, love.

Es como nosotras.

It's like us.

¿Qué dices?

What are you saying?



Carson, la granjera del marido en la guerra.

Carson, the farmer's wife in the war.

No soy granjera.

I am not a farmer.

¿Cómo lo has sabido?

How did you know?

Desde la primera noche en el bar.

Since the first night in the bar.

Pero hace poco te quedaste dormida en mi cuarto con Greta.

But recently you fell asleep in my room with Greta.

No, bata.

No, gown.

¿Tú y Greta?

You and Greta?



Ay, Dios. La estatura.

Oh, God. The height.

La altura. ¿Quién hace qué?

The height. Who does what?

¿Qué es este sitio?

What is this site?

Bé, per les persones que només han sentit l'àudio,

Well, for the people who have only heard the audio,

Glory, ens pots descriure l'escena?

Glory, can you describe the scene to us?


Of course.

A ver, todo comienza en un espacio bastante

Let's see, it all starts in a rather

cerrado y clandestino,

closed and clandestine,

con una luz así bien fuerte azul.

with a strong blue light like that.

Y en esta clandestinidad

And in this clandestinity

de repente se ve una mujer que

suddenly a woman is seen who

da la sensación de que está a punto

it feels like it's about to

de descubrir algo, que está en la búsqueda de algo.

of discovering something, that is in search of something.

Y de hecho, cuando abre las

And in fact, when he/she opens the

unas cortinas que tiene de frente, pues,

some curtains that he has in front, well,

se le abre un espacio totalmente distinto,

a completely different space opens up for him/her,

que viene siendo un ambiente muy cálido,

which is a very warm environment,

un bar muy animado,

a very lively bar,

pero también tranquilo, relajado.

but also calm, relaxed.

Copas, música de los años

Drinks, music from the years

así 40, todo el mundo tranquilo, pero

so 40, everyone calm, but

en este ambiente la única

in this environment the only

que sigue con el seño fruncido

who continues with a furrowed brow

parece ser ella.

It seems to be her.

Y entendemos que

And we understand that

en cuanto se enfoca

as soon as it is focused

en una de las mesas pequeñas,

at one of the small tables,

porque sigue enfadada,

why is she still angry,

ve a una de las compañeras de su equipo

he goes to one of his team members

interactuando de una manera así

interacting in such a way

muy amistosa y muy cariñosa con otra.

very friendly and very affectionate with each other.

Cuando ve esto, entiende

When you see this, understand.

que hay algo que no

that there is something that doesn't

calza, que no le encaja.

shoe, that doesn't fit him.

Pero cuando

But when

las empieza a reñir y empieza a enfadarse

she starts to scold them and begins to get angry

con ellas, pues ellas

with them, because they

se enteran de que hay un malentendido

they find out that there is a misunderstanding

detrás de todo esto y le explican.

behind all this and they explain it to him.

Y es cuando está esa frase clave que le dice

And it is when there is that key phrase that tells him.

hey, abre los ojos.

Hey, open your eyes.

En este momento

At this moment

es clave porque es cuando ella empieza a mirar

It is key because it's when she starts to look.

y se entera, absorbe su

and learns, absorbs her

entorno y ve que todo su contexto

environment and sees all its context

le revienta

it bursts him/her

la cabeza, ve que todo su

the head, sees that all its

contexto está lleno de personas queer,

the context is full of queer people,

de parejas que están viviendo su

of couples who are living their

sexualidad de una manera

sexuality in a way

súper tranquila, en una burbuja,

super calm, in a bubble,

en un espacio muy seguro

in a very safe space

para ellos y

for them and

que en esos años y en esa época

that in those years and in that time

pues era incluso penalizado.

well, it was even penalized.

Entonces, claro, para ella es como un boom

So, of course, for her it's like a boom.

muy fuerte.

very strong.

Y les dice, claro,

And he tells them, of course,

ahí cambia todo, ¿no? Entró como

there everything changes, right? It came in like

a esa otra realidad

to that other reality

paralela que a lo mejor

parallel that maybe

creía no posible.

I thought it was not possible.

Moltes gràcies, Glory.

Thank you very much, Glory.

És com el que deies, no? Hi ha la protagonista,

It's like what you said, right? There's the protagonist,

la Carson, que descobreix

Carson, who discovers

que les seves companyes d'equip,

that their teammates,

n'hi ha que també són lesbianes, i a més a més que

there are some who are also lesbians, and moreover that

freqüenten un bar que elles no s'havien

They frequent a bar that they had not.

imaginat mai que pogués existir, un bar

imagine never that a bar could exist

així clandestí.

thus clandestine.

No sé si heu sentit mai com un moment

I don’t know if you have ever felt like a moment.

d'aquests d'entrar a un lloc i descobrir

of entering a place and discovering

una comunitat, ja sigui

a community, whether it is

virtualment, ja sigui

virtually, whether it's

amb presència física.

with physical presence.

A mi, així,

To me, like this,

o sigui, és que jo no he vist

that is, I haven't seen

aquesta sèrie, i aquí no me queda

this series, and here I have no more left

clar si la protagonista quan entra

of course if the protagonist when she enters

si ella és lesbiana o no,

whether she is a lesbian or not,

o bisexual,

or bisexual,

i per tant, no sé si

and therefore, I don't know if

entra allà i se n'adona que és

goes in there and realizes that it is

completament extraterrestre en aquest ambient,

completely extraterrestrial in this environment,

cosa que sí que m'ha passat a bars

something that has happened to me in bars

de poble,

of the village,

però per altra banda sí que m'ha

but on the other hand, yes it has.

passat d'entrar a bars LGTB,

past of entering LGBT bars,

sobretot quan era més petit,

especially when I was younger,

i de cercar-ho a posta, de pensar

and to look for it deliberately, to think

aquí hi ha gent com jo, per tant jo he d'anar aquí,

there are people like me here, so I have to go here,

m'he de colar aquí, com sigui,

I have to sneak in here, whatever it takes.

i sí que ho he fet.

And yes, I have done it.

Sí, en mi caso

Yes, in my case.

no sé, pensaba

I don't know, I was thinking.

no tanto quizás lugares

not so much perhaps places



como, digamos, espacios

like, let's say, spaces

culturales, ¿no?, de pues una vez

cultural, right?, so once

que vas investigando, conociendo

what you are investigating, getting to know

pues códigos, referentes y tal,

well codes, references and so on,

de ver alguna película,

to watch a movie,

¿no?, uy, esta película

No? Oh, this movie.

me suena, ¿no?,

It sounds familiar, doesn't it?

a ciertas cosas,

to certain things,

o incluso algo que me pasó

or even something that happened to me

durante el proceso de investigación

during the research process

de la tesis,

of the thesis,

entre comillas, descubrir

"between quotes, discover"

la sexualidad de algunos creadores

the sexuality of some creators

por los tipos de códigos, ¿no?, que manejaban

because of the types of codes, right?, that they were dealing with

no tan

not so

normativos, ¿no?, sino, bueno, aquí hay una

normative, right?, but, well, here is one

serie de predilecciones, esto parece que va

series of preferences, it seems that this is going

en esta dirección, e indagar y en efecto,

in this direction, and inquire and indeed,

¿no?, pues gente que no se había casado en un...

No? Well, people who hadn't gotten married in a...

nunca así, e incluso

never like this, and even

algunos acabaron

some ended up

siendo parte de mi investigación.

Being part of my research.

Sí, a mí también

Yes, me too.

me pasó

it happened to me

que una de las primeras veces que

that one of the first times that

fui a un bar,

I went to a bar,

que también era considerado clandestino

which was also considered clandestine

en mi país, pues también hay como una

In my country, there is also like a...

línea de tiempo diferente que maneja otro tipo

different timeline that handles another type

de códigos y de cosas,

of codes and things,

la primera vez que entré

the first time I entered

recuerdo que fue similar

I remember it was similar.

a la protagonista porque iba siguiendo a alguien,

to the protagonist because she was following someone,

¿sabes?, no así tan

You know, not quite like that.

serie de televisión

television series

pero sí que

but yes that

fue como en plan

it was like in a way

siguiendo a esta persona que me dice, no, venga,

following this person who tells me, no, come on,

que vamos a ir a un lugar, no sé qué, te va a gustar

We're going to go to a place, I don't know what, you're going to like it.

y tal, y bueno, cuando

and so on, and well, when

entré fue esa apertura

what an opening that was

a realmente como

oh really how

ver por primera vez

see for the first time

personas dándose besos

people kissing

pero ya fuera de pantalla

but already off-screen

porque al final la primera vez que lo vi fue en pantalla,

because in the end the first time I saw it was on screen,

ya fuera de pantalla fue en uno de estos lugares

It was in one of these places off-screen.

y sí recuerdo como una sensación

and yes I remember it as a feeling

muy intensa.

very intense.

De repente me chocó,

Suddenly it hit me,

fue como un choque cognitivo

it was like a cognitive shock

que hizo como una pequeña explosión

that made a small explosion

y me abrió la mirada.

and opened my eyes.

En una entrevista a la co-creadora

In an interview with the co-creator.

i actriu protagonista de la sèrie, l'Avi Jacobson,

and lead actress of the series, Avi Jacobson,

ella explica que la sèrie

She explains that the series

va de trobar el teu equip,

he found your team,

però no només de beisbol. Ella diu

but not only about baseball. She says

també va de trobar gent que et vegi

it also comes from finding people who see you

i això és la comunitat queer.

and this is the queer community.

Espero que l'audiència pugui veure reflectida

I hope the audience can see themselves reflected.

la seva comunitat, i si encara no l'han trobat

their community, and if they have not found it yet

que sàpiguen que mai és massa tard

Let them know that it is never too late.

per trobar-ne una.

to find one.

Potser podem començar per la pregunta

Perhaps we can start with the question.

més òbvia, però més essencial.

more obvious, but more essential.

Per vosaltres, què és?

For you, what is it?

Què significa la comunitat?

What does community mean?

I ha sigut l'audiovisual

It has been the audiovisual.

un vehicle per trobar-la

a vehicle to find her

o formar-ne una?

or form one?

En mi caso,

In my case,

no sé, sobre todo

I don't know, above all.

diría que es

I would say that it is.

cultura compartida, no?

shared culture, right?

Es decir, cultura que compartes

That is to say, culture that you share.

con otras personas,

with other people,

que tiene que ver con tu identidad,

that has to do with your identity,

pero que va más allá

but goes beyond

de lo puramente sexual, ¿no?

Of the purely sexual, right?

Porque a veces, no sé, sobre todo

Because sometimes, I don't know, especially

con personas gays es como, bueno,

with gay people it's like, well,

yo me acuesto con personas de mi mismo sexo,

I sleep with people of my same sex.

pero soy tan hombre como los demás,

but I am as much a man as the others,

todo este tipo de cosas, ¿no?

all this kind of stuff, right?

Como para no perder los privilegios

As if to not lose the privileges.

de la masculinidad y tal.

of masculinity and such.

Para mí es eso, sobre todo cultura compartida

For me, it's that, above all, shared culture.

que te permite

that allows you

contactar con gente como tú,

contacting people like you,

incluso que puede vivir en otra época

even if he/she can live in another time

o en otro país, ¿no?

or in another country, right?

Y también algo con lo que

And also something with which

construir la identidad,

build identity,

¿no? La búsqueda de referente.

No? The search for a reference.

Para mí,

For me,

el cine, pero también la literatura,

the cinema, but also literature,

yo pienso en mi adolescencia

I think about my adolescence.

y, no sé, pues

and, I don't know, well

gente como Pasolini, ¿no?

People like Pasolini, right?

Terence y Moïse, pues eran como, no sé,

Terence and Moïse, well, they were like, I don’t know,

referentes de hacia,

references of towards,

bueno, ¿qué podría ser

Well, what could it be?

yo de mayor? No sé cómo decir, ¿no?

Me when I grow up? I don’t know how to say, right?

Entonces, bueno, ves

So, well, you see

pues qué han hecho, encuentras

well, what have they done, you find

no sé, ciertos

I don't know, certain.

confort leyendo o viendo

comfort reading or watching

ciertas cosas frente

certain things in front

a otras, y eso es un poco

to others, and that is a little

más lo que diría yo aquí.

but what I would say here.

A mí,

To me,

recollint lo de referents,

collecting the references,

per jo, sa comunitat ha sigut una...

for me, the community has been a...

ha sigut imprescindible

it has been essential

per generar

to generate

referents positius, perquè

positive role models, because

és un lloc on tu trobes gent que és

it's a place where you find people who are

com tu i que té una vida i que,

like you and who has a life and that,

bueno, que és un referent positiu

Well, what is a positive reference?

que va més enllà de sa representació

that goes beyond its representation



altres persones, ¿no? I per jo

other people, right? And for me

és molt important i també

it is very important and also

sa comunitat crec que és molt útil

I think this community is very useful.

per... és una molt bona

for... it's a very good one

manera d'entendre sa violència estructural.

way of understanding its structural violence.

És una manera de dir, vale, a mi no me passen

It's a way of saying, okay, it doesn't happen to me.

ses coses que me passen perquè soc jo,

those things that happen to me because I am me,

sinó per lo que soc i per lo que som

but for what I am and for what we are

totes aquestes persones. I per tant, això

all these people. And therefore, this

ajuda de fet, i és una altra

help in fact, and it's another one

funció que crec que és molt important de ses comunitats,

function that I believe is very important for these communities,

que una vegada tu entens

that once you understand

que reps aquesta violència

that you receive this violence

estructural i que totes aquestes persones

structural and that all these people

també, eh...

also, eh...

mos podem unir

we can unite

per... contra...

for... against...

combatre-la, ¿no? I per tant,

to combat it, right? And therefore,

per jo aquestes són ses

for me these are hers

ses coses que més

the things that matter most

agaf d'una comunitat, lo que

taken from a community, what

les fa més imprescindibles.

makes them more essential.

Sí, totalmente. Yo retomando

Yes, totally. I'm picking it up again.

desde esa idea, también me gustaría

from that idea, I would also like

aportar una cita que

provide a quote that

es de una escritora, Remedios

It's from a writer, Remedios.

Afra, que me leí por ahí,

Afra, whom I read about somewhere,

y ella esta idea plantea

and she raises this idea

que la fragilidad es costura

that fragility is stitching

comunitaria. Y...

community. And...

me parece una idea muy potente, porque claro,

I think it's a very powerful idea, because of course,

ella lo habla desde su propio cuerpo,

she speaks it from her own body,

¿no? Tiene un deterioro, está sometida a un deterioro

No? It has a deterioration, it is subject to deterioration.

visual y auditivo muy fuerte,

very strong visual and auditory,

y entonces ella encuentra la fragilidad

and then she finds the fragility

en su propio cuerpo, ¿no? Que está

in his own body, right? That is

literalmente deteriorándose,

literally deteriorating,

y entiende que a partir de ahí se hace evidente

and understands that from there it becomes evident

la necesidad que tienes de otras

the need you have for others

personas en tu vida, ¿no? Y que eso,

people in your life, right? And that,

la fortaleza que eso te puede llegar a generar.

the strength that it can generate in you.



me hace pensar en este tema

It makes me think about this topic.

de la fragilidad, de poder identificar en ti misma

of fragility, of being able to identify within yourself

a dónde tienes esa fragilidad,

where do you have that fragility,

qué es hoy, qué es mañana,

what is today, what is tomorrow,

porque también somos dinámicas, ¿no?

because we are also dynamic, right?

Y vamos cambiando y tal,

And we keep changing and so on,

y a partir de esa fragilidad

and from that fragility

ir construyendo y ser capaces de

continue building and be able to

formar alianzas, ¿no? Y esto que

form alliances, right? And this that

comentaban de la importancia de

they were commenting on the importance of

poder entender las fragilidades de todos

to be able to understand everyone's fragilities

para que ese tejido de alguna manera nos arrope

so that this fabric somehow wraps around us

de una manera más grande de lo que eres tú misma,

in a way bigger than you are yourself,

¿no? De...

No? From...

un rescate así

such a rescue



de alguna manera más... que está en

somehow more... that is in

bastante regeneración.

quite a bit of regeneration.

Mira, abans de

Look, before you

seguir parlant sobre la comunitat,

continue talking about the community,

escoltarem, doncs, la cançó que ens ha portat,

we will listen, then, to the song that she has brought us,

La Glory.

The Glory.

Out of the rain

Out of the rain

When you're strange

When you're strange

No one remembers your name

No one remembers your name.

La cançó que sonava era

The song that was playing was

People are strange, de The Doors.

People Are Strange, by The Doors.

Glory, ¿per què aquesta cançó t'ha fet

Glory, why has this song made you?

pensar en la comunitat?

think about the community?

Sí, es una

Yes, it is one.

cançó que me encanta, la verdad, porque

song that I love, the truth is, because

te remite

it refers you

directamente a la extrañeza, ¿no? A lo raro,

directly to the strangeness, right? To the weird,

a esta sensación de

to this feeling of

estoy fuera de algo

I am out of something.

y desde aquí todo se ve feo y triste

and from here everything looks ugly and sad

y oscuro.

and dark.

Pero esta sensación así un poquito

But this feeling is just a little bit.

negativa la acompañan,

negative accompanies her,

The Doors la acompañan con un ritmito

The Doors accompany her with a little rhythm.

así como muy...

as well as very...

más bien distinto incluso en su propia

rather different even in its own

discografía, no sé, yo lo siento como más

discography, I don't know, I feel it as more

ameno, más de aventura.

pleasant, more of an adventure.

Y entonces

And then

todas las palabras tienen distintas

All words have different meanings.

puertas de entrada, ¿no? Y esto de la

entry doors, right? And this of the

rareza y del estar aislada

rarity and being isolated

te lleva

takes you

como a sentir un vacío

like feeling an emptiness

oscuro, profundo

dark, deep

y todo, pero que a la vez

and everything, but at the same time

si no sientes ese

if you don't feel that

vacío, si no sientes esa sensación

empty, if you don't feel that sensation

de caer en un abismo,

of falling into an abyss,

¿cómo le vas a dar valor a la comunidad?

How are you going to add value to the community?

Entonces, siempre tienes que

So, you always have to

partir de esa rareza y ese

starting from that rarity and that

extrañamiento. Pero luego viene

estrangement. But then comes

el otro sentido de la palabra,

the other meaning of the word,

de la palabra como rareza,

from the word as a rarity,

que es esa distancia que se genera.

What is that distance that is created?

En la medida que tú puedes generar esa

To the extent that you can generate that

distancia, también eres capaz de

distance, you are also able to

comentar ciertas cosas, no sé si les ha

comment on certain things, I don't know if they have

pasado, pero también con

past, but also with

personas que no están tan próximas a ti, que no

people who are not so close to you, who do not

tienen unas expectativas tan fuertes

they have such strong expectations

hacia ti, eres capaz de compartir

towards you, you are able to share

secretos, inclusive, o de comentar

secrets, including, or commenting

cosas o de profundizar en temas

things or to deepen topics

que a lo mejor con personas muy

that maybe with very people

próximas o que te, de alguna manera,

next or that you, in some way,

te daría una reacción

I would give you a reaction.

bastante más agresiva, no

quite a bit more aggressive, right?

sientes como la

you feel like the

fortaleza de decirlo, ¿no? Entonces

strength to say it, right? So

no sé, creo que es una palabra muy fuerte

I don't know, I think it's a very strong word.

porque parte del aislamiento, pero también

because part of the isolation, but also

te agarra esa forma positiva de la distancia.

It grabs you in that positive way of distance.

Os volví a llençar una pregunta,

I threw a question at you again,

a totis. ¿Quién es la

to everyone. Who is the

vostra percepción sobre la representación

your perception of the representation

de la comunidad en el audiovisual?

of the community in the audiovisual?

Preguntón, ¿eh?

Questions, huh?

Preguntón, preguntón.

Questioner, questioner.

¿Qui s'anima?

Who’s up for it?

Venga, va.

Come on, let's go.

A ver,

Let's see,

claro, es muy difícil

Of course, it's very difficult.

decir, ¿no?, de una

to say, right?, immediately

forma contundente,

forceful way,

resumirlo en una

summarize it in one

línea. Mi impresión

line. My impression

es que está mejorando, ¿no?, que

is that it's getting better, isn't it?, that

hay más espacio para la

there is more space for the

diversidad, para imágenes más diversas,

diversity, for more diverse images,

aunque queda camino por

although there is still a way to go

andar, por así decir.

walk, so to speak.

Lo que pasa, yo tengo un poco

What happens is, I have a little.



paranoia, ¿no?, yo soy muy exagerado,

paranoia, right?, I'm very exaggerated,

en el sentido de que

in the sense that

al final esta

in the end this is

abundancia, esta proliferación de

abundance, this proliferation of

nuevas imágenes, también

new images, too

va ligada a ciertas dinámicas

is linked to certain dynamics

industriales, ¿no? Pongamos, por ejemplo,

industries, right? Let's say, for example,

las nuevas plataformas, ¿no?, que quieren abrirse

the new platforms, right?, that want to open up

espacio en el mercado

market space

y para diferenciarse un

and to differentiate oneself a

poco, utilizan contenidos

little, they use content

queer, por así decir. Entonces,

queer, so to speak. So,

me gustaría

I would like.

pensar que en la mayoría de los casos

to think that in most cases

ese interés por lo queer es

that interest in the queer is

honesto, ¿no?, pero a la vez

honest, right?, but at the same time

me inquieta un poco porque pienso,

it worries me a little because I think,

esto es una exageración, ¿no?, pero pienso,

this is an exaggeration, isn't it?, but I think,

no sé si acabara habiendo un gobierno

I don't know if a government will eventually be formed.

de extrema derecha al cabo de los años,

far-right over the years,

se pondrían de moda esos

they would become fashionable those

otros contenidos, ¿no?, porque es lo que está

other content, right?, because that's what it is

de moda en la sociedad. Entonces,

fashionable in society. So,

por eso, quiero pensar que no es

that's why I want to think that it isn't

solo puro interés, digamos,

just pure interest, let's say,

industrial, el que proliferen ciertas

industrial, that which certain proliferate

imágenes, ¿no?, con algunas plataformas de

images, right?, with some platforms of

pago, sobre todo, sino que

payment, above all, but rather that

hay un verdadero interés, ¿no?,

There is a real interest, isn't there?

por ayudar a la

for helping to the

comunidad. Eso es un poco lo que me inquieta a mí.

community. That's a bit what worries me.

Jo penso, clar, de quines comunitats

I think, of course, about which communities.

estem xerrant? Vull dir, estem xerrant de la representació

Are we talking? I mean, are we talking about the representation?

de comunitats a l'audiovisual

from communities to the audiovisual

i comunitats

and communities

n'hi ha a totes les peces audiovisuals,

there are in all audiovisual pieces,

vull dir, The Office és una comunitat,

I mean, The Office is a community,

Lost, Leftovers,

Lost, Leftovers,

Parks, vull dir, inclús

Parks, I mean, even

Last of Us està xerrant de comunitats

The Last of Us is talking about communities.

i com actuàvem davant de la fi del món,

and how we acted in the face of the end of the world,

una mica, per tant,

a little bit, therefore,

el problema és quines comunitats

the problem is which communities

estan legitimades i quines no,

they are legitimized and which are not,

i que, curiosament,

and that, curiously,

de fet, és molt curiós que

in fact, it is very curious that

quan hi ha personatges LGTB,

when there are LGBT characters,

moltes vegades no se'ls

many times I don't know them

representen com a unitat, i aquí

they represent as a unit, and here

jo crec que és una gran diferència

I think it is a big difference.

entre si

between themselves

els productes els ha fet una persona que forma

the products have been made by a person who educates

part del col·lectiu,

part of the collective,

o un grup de persones,

or a group of people,

o no, i

oh no, and

precisament quan la comunitat

precisely when the community

és bàsicament el nostre

it's basically ours



com avui dia és el nostre

as it is today our

estat més natural, com de

more natural state, like of

col·lectiu LGTB, per tant,

LGBT collective, therefore,

crec que la comunitat

I believe that the community

està àmpliament representada perquè

it is widely represented because

com a éssers humans,

as human beings,

ens organitzem d'aquesta manera,

we organize ourselves this way,

però que sí que hi ha unes

but there are some

jerarquies de quines

hierarchies of who

comunitats tenen

what communities have

dret a representar-se i quines no,

right to represent oneself and which cannot,

i de fet queda bastant reflectit

and in fact, it is quite reflected

quan diem, bueno, això és una sèrie de gais,

when we say, well, this is a series of gay people,

això és una sèrie de negres, o el que sigui,

this is a series of blacks, or whatever,

en canvi no diem això és una sèrie d'heteros,

instead we don't say this is a series of heteros,

o una sèrie de blancs,

or a series of blanks,

no sé, vull dir que

I don't know, I mean that

a nivell de comunitat

at the community level

no és que falti representació en aquest sentit.

It's not that there's a lack of representation in this regard.

Clar, depèn de si és

Of course, it depends on whether it is.

comunitat LGTBI, no?, també,

LGBT community, right? Also,

i no sé si heu vist una millora

I don't know if you have seen an improvement.

en els últims anys, tu també parlaves de

in recent years, you also talked about

proliferació, però no sé si

proliferation, but I don't know if

acaben sent potser exemples molt

they end up being maybe very examples

homonormatius, no?, transnormatius,

homonormative, right?, transnormative,

o si comenceu a veure

or if you start to see

més representació

more representation

de comunitats, menys personatge sol,

of communities, less lone character,

amb visions diferents.

with different visions.

Jo crec que un gran

I believe that a great

avantatge de

advantage of

representar comunitats

represent communities

és que pots representar incoherències

it's that you can represent inconsistencies

i pots representar diferències,

and you can represent differences,

perquè si no representa com una

because if not it represents like a

massa homogènia d'opinions

homogeneous mass of opinions

iguals, de pensaments

equal, in thoughts

iguals, i és mentida.

the same, and it is a lie.

Vull dir, és una

I mean, it's a

mala representació, i per tant

poor representation, and therefore



generar aquests espais on fins i tot

generate these spaces where even

hi hagi opinions contràries, o fins i tot

there may be opposing opinions, or even

els propis personatges no tinguin totes les respostes

the characters themselves do not have all the answers

donades del que és

given what it is

formar part d'un col·lectiu, doncs

to be part of a collective, then

és més verídic, és més

it is more truthful, it is more

ric, i

rich, and

és necessari, de fet.

It is necessary, in fact.

Sí, jo estoy

Yes, I am.

totalmente en esa línea

totally in that line

del tema de las comunidades. De hecho,

about the issue of communities. In fact,

cuando lo decías,

when you said it,

Mar, se me venía esto de

Mar, this came to my mind.

que tantas veces,

that so many times,

o sea, es tan necesario enriquecer el tipo de

in other words, it is so necessary to enrich the type of

comunidades, que inclusive que se ven,

communities, including those that are visible,

porque las lees de una manera

because you read them in a certain way

polarizada. Es verdad que están,

polarized. It is true that they are,

que sientes esa

What do you feel that?

evolución, yo creo, que como audiencia la sientes,

evolution, I believe, as an audience you feel it.

o sea, de alguna manera siempre se veían

that is to say, in some way they always saw each other

personajes en soledad

characters in solitude

absoluta, y pues tú también estabas

absolute, and well, you were there too

sola. Yo también, yo decía, claro, yo estoy

alone. Me too, I said, of course, I am

así, pues también, ¿no? Pero no

So, well also, right? But no.

necesito que me digas siempre que esos referentes

I need you to always tell me what those references are.

son los únicos que hay, ¿sabes?

They are the only ones there are, you know?

Pero a la vez lo que me llegaba era como

But at the same time what was coming to me was like

de un contexto súper ajeno al mío.

from a context that is completely foreign to mine.

Productos estadounidenses casi

Almost American products.

siempre, casi siempre

always, almost always

en comunidades de élite,

in elite communities,

mucho dinero,

a lot of money,

¿no? Coches, todo el mundo,

No? Cars, everyone,

más bien una comunidad así como ideal,

rather a community that is somewhat ideal,

como dices, bueno, tampoco así, o sea,

as you say, well, not like that either, I mean,

me parece genial que lo tengan,

I think it's great that they have it.

¿sabes? Pero yo no,

Do you know? But I don't.

no tengo ese acceso, no.

I don't have that access, no.

Pero existirá una comunidad que

But there will be a community that

sí que se acerque un poquito más a algo más

yes, come a little closer to something more

accesible, ¿no? A lo que yo pueda llegar

accessible, right? To what I can reach

a tener y

to have and

también a querer, porque

also to want, because

pues a lo mejor también tampoco es eso

Well, maybe that's not it either.

lo que tú quieres, ¿no?

What you want, right?

Entonces sí, esa diversidad

So yes, that diversity.

me parece súper necesaria.

I find it super necessary.

Sí, ahí igual,

Yes, there the same.

claro, poco a poco notamos

Of course, little by little we notice.

que está cambiando, pero es verdad

that is changing, but it's true

como que hay cierta

as there is a certain

inercia, vamos, no sé si

inertia, come on, I don't know if

hiciéramos un estudio cuantitativo,

we would conduct a quantitative study,

probablemente la mayoría de representaciones

probably most of the representations

son de hombres gays, ¿no?

They are gay men, aren't they?

Que por un lado está bien, porque

That it is good on one hand, because

hay una parte, ¿no?, del

There's a part, right?, of the

colectivo que está

collective that is

teniendo cierta visibilidad, pero

having some visibility, but

claro, ¿cuál, no? La que

Sure, which one, right? The one that

ahora mismo es más

right now it is more

socialmente aceptable.

socially acceptable.

Aquí, de nuevo,

Here, again,

yo hay un poco con mis

I have a little with my

obsesiones, claro, está también la

obsessions, of course, there's also the

parte industrial, ¿no?, de

industrial part, right?, of


it matters

desde un punto de vista comercial,

from a commercial point of view,

pero hasta qué punto se asume en

but to what extent is it accepted in

riesgos de contar historias

risks of storytelling

verdaderamente diferentes, ¿no?, y salirnos

truly different, right?, and go out of ourselves

de los cauces, porque es verdad

of the channels, because it is true

que en muchas series mainstream

that in many mainstream series

en los últimos años hay algún

In recent years there is some

personaje gay, pero

gay character, but

podría haber otro tipo de

there could be another type of

identidad, algún otro tipo de variable,

identity, some other type of variable,

no sólo eso, sino

not only that, but

qué tipo de desarrollo narrativo tiene el

What type of narrative development does it have?

personaje gay, ¿no? En plan,

gay character, right? Like,

en algunas series es como que está

In some series, it's like it's there.

asumido que ese personaje

assuming that character

va a vivir una vida de desgracia, ¿no?

He's going to live a life of misery, isn't he?

Me acuerdo de física

I remember physics.

química, ¿no?, que alguien tiene

Chemistry, right? That someone has.

que morir, el gay, pero aquella

to die, the gay, but that one

película, Mentiras y gordas,

Movie, Lies and Fat.

esta, ¿quién muere? El gay. Y hace

This, who dies? The gay one. And it makes

no muchos años era esta serie de Telecinco,

Not many years ago, this was a series from Telecinco.

Vivir sin permiso, que han metido al chico

Living without permission, they have put the boy in.

este de Cuéntame haciendo tan bien de gay

This is Cuéntame doing so well as a gay.

y, qué casualidad, acaba muriendo

and, what a coincidence, ends up dying

al cabo de unos episodios, ¿no? Ya hemos

After a few episodes, right? We've already

cumplido la cuota, pues ya lo podemos matar

Quota fulfilled, so we can kill him now.

y la pareja como que enloquecía

and the couple seemed to go crazy

o algo así, ¿no? Entonces, bueno,

or something like that, right? So, well,

hay realmente interés y

there is really interest and

empatía y, por otra parte, hay

empathy and, on the other hand, there is

verdadera voluntad de arriesgar, ¿no?,

true willingness to take risks, right?

de ofrecer verdaderamente, bueno,

truly offering, well,

otros relatos y otras miradas.

other stories and other perspectives.

Clar, em fa pensar, també, com

Of course, it makes me think, too, how

no només la comunitat representada,

not only the represented community,

sinó a quina comunitat ens estem

but to which community are we belonging?

dirigint, ¿no?, a l'hora de crear aquestes

directing, right?, when it comes to creating these

obres audiovisuals, perquè

audiovisual works, because

ara pensava en aquesta pel·lícula del 2015,

I was just thinking about this movie from 2015,

Stonewall, que és una

Stonewall, which is a

pel·lícula que ficcionalitza

film that fictionalizes

les protestes d'Stonewall del 69

the Stonewall protests of '69

i estava protagonitzada per un actor

and was starring an actor

cis i blanc. Es va

yes and white. It went

iniciar una campanya de boicot a les xarxes,

start a boycott campaign on social media,

criticant que s'haguessin esborrat

criticizing that they had been erased

activistes com la Marsha P. Johnson

activists like Marsha P. Johnson

i el director de la pel·lícula va

and the director of the movie goes

dir que era perquè la

say it was because the

pel·lícula no només era per la comunitat

the movie was not only for the community

gai, sinó també per la gent

gay, but also for the people

hetero. Més enllà

hetero. Beyond

de l'anècdota d'aquesta pel·lícula,

from the anecdote of this movie,

¿creieu que potser va per aquí la

Do you think that maybe it goes this way?

cosa, que és un dels problemes, no?, que en el fons

Thing, which is one of the problems, right?, that deep down

la comunitat de l'audiència

the audience community

a qui s'està dirigint l'obra és

who the work is aimed at is



Sí, a ver, en el caso de esta

Yes, let's see, in the case of this.

pel·li, además fue como muy flagrante,

The movie was also very blatant.

¿no? Vamos a hacer una pel·li de Stonewall.

No? We're going to make a Stonewall movie.

Y el protagonista es hetero, ¿no?

And the protagonist is straight, right?

A mí personalmente, esto es una

Personally, this is a

opinión personal, me parece que está

personal opinion, it seems to me that it is

bien como intentar ganar el

well as trying to win it

espacio de lo mainstream, ¿no?, que al final

space of the mainstream, right?, which in the end

haya representaciones

there are representations

de la comunidad que hasta la vean

from the community that they see it until.

en mi pueblo, que la vean mis padres, que la vean

in my village, let my parents see it, let them see it

todo el mundo, ¿no? Pero

Everyone, right? But

siempre con ese punto un poco de

always with that little bit of

empatía, ¿no?, y de

empathy, right?, and of

verdadero interés, es decir, porque al final

true interest, that is to say, because in the end

si para

if stops

llegar a ese público mainstream

reach that mainstream audience

estás utilizando el héroe

you are using the hero

heterosexual, ¿no?, ¿por qué no

heterosexual, right? why not?

es el heterosexual un secundario y aparece

Is the heterosexual a secondary character and appears?

junto a los

next to the

otros personajes?

Other characters?

No sé,

I don't know,

por resumir, creo que

to sum up, I think that

está bien hasta cierto punto ganar ese espacio

It's okay to gain that space up to a certain point.

mainstream, porque creo que ayuda a la

mainstream, because I believe it helps to the

evolución de la sociedad, pero también hay que

evolution of society, but it is also necessary to

hacerlo con tacto, con cuidado,

do it with tact, with care,

y desde un punto de vista

and from a point of view

también integrador, ¿no?, de esa diversidad.

also integrative, right?, of that diversity.

No sólo

Not only

lo simplificamos para quedar

we simplify it to meet

muy bien, ¿no?, y un

very well, isn’t it?, and a

ampliar y agradar simplemente,

expand and please simply,

¿no?, sino, bueno, que también

No? But, well, also.

esas personas a las que nos

those people to whom we


we direct


let them go out

un poco de su zona de confort mental,

a little bit of their mental comfort zone,

¿no?, y vean otras cosas

"Don't you? And see other things."

y piensen de otras formas.

and they think in other ways.

En el fons

In the background

és una cosa que, com a persones queer,

it's something that, as queer people,

hem estat fent sempre, ¿no?, sortir de la nostra

we have always been doing, right?, stepping out of our own

zona mental per intentar potser

mental zone to try maybe

llegir a vegades entre línies

reading sometimes between the lines

coses que trobàvem en obres

things we found in works

audiovisuals, ja fos per

audiovisuals, whether for

moltes dècades enrere censura

many decades ago censorship

molt més explícita o

much more explicit or

més recentment, ¿no? No sé si, Gloria,

more recently, right? I don't know if, Gloria,

abans parlàvem d'aquest tema, si t'has trobat

We were talking about this topic earlier, if you have encountered it.

en algun moment així d'estar llegint,

at some moment like this of being reading,

d'estar veient alguna cosa

of being watching something

i de notar que tu estaves percebent coses

And I noticed that you were noticing things.

que potser l'altra gent, el públic

that perhaps other people, the audience

heterosexual, no ho estava percebent.

heterosexual, I wasn't noticing it.

Una y mil veces.

One thousand and one times.

Realmente yo creo que es algo

I really believe that it is something.

que todo el tiempo,

that all the time,

a lo que te enfrentas

to what you are facing

todo el tiempo, ¿no? Yo al menos también vengo,

All the time, right? At least I'm coming too.

la verdad que de un contexto bastante

the truth is that from a fairly context

sí heterosexual de mis

yes heterosexual of my

amistades y de cuando crecí,

friendships and of when I grew up,

¿no?, y de mi familia y esto.

Not?, and about my family and this.

Y en cuanto empiezas a ver las primeras

And as soon as you start to see the first ones.

pelis o las pelis ya así como en grupo

movies or the movies already like in a group

y a comentar y a pensar

and to comment and to think

y tú te empiezas

and you start

a cuestionar, ¿será que yo vi una película

to question, could it be that I saw a movie

diferente o este personaje?

Different or this character?



yo lo estaba

I was doing it.

dirigiendo hacia esta

directing towards this

historia y al final no era lo que

history and in the end it wasn't what

pasaba, ¿no? Pero de alguna manera

It happened, didn't it? But somehow.

es como que yo creo que

it's like I think that

esos códigos que tú empiezas

those codes that you start

a entender son súper necesarios

to understand are super necessary

para un

for one

bueno, una auto percepción, ¿no?

Well, a self-perception, right?

Que al final ahí

That in the end there.

es donde el punto de partida para todo, ¿no?

It's where the starting point for everything is, right?

Como entender, bueno, yo estoy leyendo estos códigos,

How to understand, well, I am reading these codes,

esto me está interesando y tal

this is intriguing me and so on

y a partir de ahí ver

and from there see

si no te lo está ofreciendo

if he/she is not offering it to you

el referente, de alguna manera

the reference, in some way

ese vacío ya te dice algo, ¿no? Es como

that emptiness already says something to you, doesn't it? It's like

ese vacío ya te hace buscar cómo llenar

that emptiness already makes you seek how to fill it

el agujerito, ¿verdad?

the little hole, right?

Y ahí es donde partes para

And that's where you leave for.

bueno, lo que hablamos de enlazar con una

Well, what we talked about linking with one.

comunidad que sí, donde sí se permita

community that does allow it

ese espacio para la reflexión y para

that space for reflection and for

incluso para el desencuentro, ¿no?

even for the misunderstanding, right?

Porque muchas veces el desencuentro es

Because many times the misunderstanding is

a donde sale la

where does it go out

alianza o la

alliance or the

apertura de la perspectiva que necesitabas

opening of the perspective you needed

entender en ese momento.

understand at that moment.

De fet, abans

In fact, before.

que has demanat si

what you have asked if

a través de s'audiovisual havíem

through the audiovisual we had

arribat a aconseguir una comunitat

achieved a community

realment no des

really not giving

a s'audiovisual, no, perquè no deixa

to the audiovisual, no, because it doesn’t allow.

de ser ficció i no deixa de ser real, vull

to be fiction and it is still real, I want

dir, s'única comunitat real que

to say, the only real community that

arribes a fer és quan és

you reach to do is when it is

cara a cara, quan vas a un lloc, o bueno,

face to face, when you go to a place, or well,

a lo millor online, però xerrant persones

maybe online, but talking to people

reals, ¿no?

real, right?

Que te donen

What do they give you?

una mica més d'informació que la que te puguin donar

a little more information than what they can give you

pues això que deia Ana Gloria abans,

well, that which Ana Gloria was saying earlier,

unes dones d'Estats Units d'un barri ric,

some women from the United States of a wealthy neighborhood,

vull dir, estic pensant ara aquí en

I mean, I'm thinking right now about

The World, per exemple, que és lo que jo mirava quan

The World, for example, that is what I was looking at when

tenia 15 anys, i jo

I was 15 years old, and I

pensava, ok, molt bé, estic veient

I thought, okay, very well, I am seeing.

lesbianes, no sé lo que

lesbians, I don’t know what

era en el meu institut, no ho he vist, però realment

it was in my school, I haven't seen it, but really

jo no soc de Los Angeles i no

I am not from Los Angeles and no

estic forrat i no, no, això

I'm stuffed and no, no, this.

no m'està xerrant gens

he's not talking to me at all

de res meu, no?

You're welcome, right?

Fins que no coneixes gent real, crec que

Until you meet real people, I believe that

no pots generar una comunitat.

you cannot generate a community.

A vegades potser dins l'audiovisual

Sometimes maybe within the audiovisual.

on acabes trobant aquesta comunitat

you end up finding this community

és en els processos de creació, no?

It's in the processes of creation, isn't it?

O sigui, és allà on et trobes amb aquesta gent

So, that's where you meet these people.

real i on de sobte

real and suddenly

la comunitat, si tens la sort de trobar-te

the community, if you are lucky enough to find yourself

amb altres persones també

with other people too

LGTBIQ, doncs pots

LGTBIQ, so you can.

crear coses des d'aquí. Tu, Mars, per

create things from here. You, Mars, for

exemple, que has sigut assessor

example, that you have been an advisor

a la sèrie de BTV Oh My Godge,

in the BTV series Oh My Godge,

no sé si pots explicar una miqueta com

I don't know if you can explain a little how.

funciona. Sí, Oh My Godge

It works. Yes, Oh My Godge

és una sèrie de

it is a series of

joves, de sexualitat i de relacions

youths, sexuality, and relationships

i tenen un procés creatiu

and they have a creative process

molt interessant perquè

very interesting because

tenen un comitè

they have a committee

de joves que és un

of young people that it is a

grup de joves molt divers que

a very diverse group of young people that

utilitzen, bueno, no utilitzen,

they use, well, they don't use,

o sigui que formen part de l'equip

so they are part of the team

creatiu per assessorar

creative to advise

una mica sobre els interessos

a bit about the interests

de les persones joves i també

of young people and also

sobre, bueno,

about, good,

preocupacions que puguin

concerns that may

tenir i ser fidels

to have and to be faithful

realment al públic que s'estan dirigint

really to the audience they are addressing

que en el final és el principal

that in the end is the main one

interessat en

interested in

consumir aquestes coses que l'interpel·lin,

consume these things that challenge him/her,

no? Per tant, és molt interessant

No? Therefore, it's very interesting.

que tota la creació del guió,

that all the creation of the script,

bueno, Mart, això també ho pots explicar tu de fet

Well, Mart, you can explain this too, in fact.

perquè jo he estat d'assessor però tu estàs de guionista

because I have been an advisor but you are a screenwriter



jo com assessor

I as an advisor

de temes de gènere

on gender issues

dins la cinquena temporada

in the fifth season

crec que va ser, cinquena? Estàs fent

I think it was, fifth? Are you doing?

la sèrie ara, no? Sí. Vale.

The series now, right? Yes. Okay.

El meu paper

My role

era molt xulo formar part

it was really cool to be a part

d'aquest grup on els joves

from this group where the young people

podien anar introduint trames,

they could start introducing plots,

introduint preocupacions, introduint

introducing concerns, introducing



jo què sé, típica fantasia de

I don't know, typical fantasy of

aquesta sèrie de sexe, doncs hi haurà un trio

this series of sex, so there will be a threesome

i que després de sobte et deien

and then all of a sudden they told you

és que ningú d'aquí ha fet un trio mai

It's just that no one here has ever had a threesome.

i és com, gràcies

And it's like, thank you.

per aquesta píndola de

for this pill of

realitat i realisme que

reality and realism that

va bé, vull dir, ja està, ja no farem

It's fine, I mean, that's it, we won't do it anymore.

una trama de trio perquè no

a love triangle plot why not

d'allò, està bé. Però tu explica'l

That's fine. But you explain it.

el teu si vols, Marta. No,

your yes if you want, Marta. No,

d'això en si tampoc puc explicar molt més

I can't explain much more about that either.

perquè és el mateix, és com involucrar

because it is the same, it is like involving

dins el procés creatiu

within the creative process

gent jove que molts a més també són de la comunitat LGTB

young people, many of whom are also part of the LGTB community

per tant, és com,

therefore, it is like,

seguir amb això, que quan estàs

continue with this, that when you are

creant i en els vostres camps suposo

creating and in your fields I suppose

creant, escrivint, investigant

creating, writing, researching

acaba sent el mateix, poder tenir un espai

it ends up being the same, being able to have a space

segur on investigar aquestes coses sense

sure where to investigate these things without

haver de donar moltes explicacions

having to give many explanations

als teus companys, companyes de feina

to your colleagues, workmates

doncs sempre s'agraeix

then it is always appreciated

bastant, no sé si

quite a bit, I don't know if

us hi he trobat gaire amb el tema de la investigació

I have found you quite involved with the topic of research.

o l'educació. Sí, sí

or education. Yes, yes

de hecho

in fact

según os estaba escuchando

as I was listening to you

sobre todo

above all

pienso en la gente más mayor, en plan

I think about older people, like...

yo me acuerdo

I remember.

pues no voy a decir su nombre

Well, I'm not going to say his name.

pero me acuerdo de una

but I remember one

bueno, prestigiosa

well, prestigious

investigadora ya bastante mayor

researcher already quite older

me preguntaba ¿qué estás investigando?

I was wondering, what are you researching?

yo le contaba el tema de la tesis

I was telling him about the thesis topic.

y me dice ¿y eso? pues tendrás que hablar con psicólogos

and he says to me "and that? well, you'll have to talk to psychologists"

¿no? en plan para entender a los gays

"Right? Like to understand gay people."

y qué cosas les gustan y tal

and what things they like and such

y yo, madre mía

and me, my goodness

claro, pero ella se empecinó mucho

of course, but she was very stubborn

era como ¿cómo puedes decir

It was like, how can you say

que hay algo de cultura homosexual en esa película

that there is some homosexual culture in that movie

si solo salen heterosexuales?

Do only heterosexuals go out?

y yo ahí explicando y explicando

and I there explaining and explaining

hasta que ya cayó Sara Montiel

until Sara Montiel fell too

y un poco

and a little bit

en fin, y anécdotas de esas

In short, and anecdotes like that.

sí he tenido bastantes

yes, I've had quite a few

igual, otro prestigioso historiador

Likewise, another prestigious historian.

me decía Santi ¿qué tal la tesis?

Santi was asking me, "How's the thesis?"

digo pues eso trata

I say, that's what it is about.

sobre los creadores queer del franquismo

about the queer creators of Franco's regime

cómo dialogaban con el

how they dialogued with him

universo de la feminidad y me dice el tío

universe of femininity and the guy tells me

pues mal, en plan si eran gays

well, badly, like if they were gay

pues mal, con las mujeres fatal

Well, bad, with women terrible.

entonces ese tipo

so that guy

de situaciones vamos constantemente

we are constantly going through situations

y por supuesto tampoco

and of course neither

puedes dar una respuesta muy

can you give a very response

¿no? porque

No? Because.

son figuras muy de prestigio

they are very prestigious figures

pero si te das cuenta eso de hasta

but if you realize that "up to"

qué punto todavía

what point still

falta ¿no? como llegar cierto aire

There's a gap, isn't there? Like a certain air coming in.

un poco renovador

a bit refreshing

¿no? a algunos sitios

Not? To some places.


para mí esto de los espacios seguros es

for me this thing about safe spaces is

yo lo viví en dos vertientes

I experienced it in two aspects.

¿no? porque de alguna manera he tenido

"Right? Because in some way I have had."

trabajos también en el audiovisual

work also in the audiovisual field

y ahí

and there


let's say

hay como

there is like

una cosa muy rara en donde se valida

a very strange thing where it is validated

que algunas personas sí que tengan

that some people do have

una sexualidad diversa pero otras no

a diverse sexuality but others not

por ejemplo era como muy fácil

for example it was very easy


to find



perdón gays y entonces eso

sorry gays and so that

estaba súper validado de hecho se hacían bromas

It was super validated, in fact, jokes were made about it.

no sé qué pero dentro del ámbito

I don't know what, but within the scope.

había también como una cultura muy

there was also like a very culture



los camarógrafos y los no sé qué

the cameramen and the I don't know what

y tal y esto era

and such and this was

era como súper raro si un camarógrafo

it was super weird if a cameraman

hubiese dicho bueno pues yo soy gay sabes

I would have said well, I'm gay you know.

eso no hubiera estado tan validado

that wouldn't have been so validated

igual en mi caso como

similar in my case as

yo era la única mujer editora y

I was the only female editor and

era como se me veía como no

It was like how I was seen or not.

la princesita aquí de hecho me tenían

the little princess here actually had me

apodos en plan en ese sentido

nicknames in that sense

y de alguna manera era

and in some way it was

hubiese estado súper mal como venir y decir

it would have been super bad to come and say

eh que soy lesbiana

Hey, I'm a lesbian.

y de hecho fue un choque para

and in fact it was a shock for

todos como que luego se llegó a

everyone as if then it reached

aceptar pero muy raro y después en el

accept but very strange and then in the

ámbito educativo que hablabas

educational field you were talking about

siempre como

always eat

con muchas pinzas no a lo mejor

with many clamps, maybe not

en de nuevo en mi contexto

in again in my context

en mi contexto me encontré

in my context I found myself

en mi país que me decían

In my country, what they told me

siempre cuidado con esos temas

always be careful with those topics

en el aula que los niños

in the classroom that the children

que tal no vayas a influenciar esto

I hope you don't influence this.

de lo otro incluso de tus propias

of the other even of your own

docentes sabes que te están formando y dices pero

teachers know that they are training you and you say but

si al revés si lo que estamos buscando

if the opposite is what we are looking for

es como encontrar una manera de

it's like finding a way to

sensibilizar a la población de que esto

raise awareness among the population that this

está integrado que está bien que sientan

it is integrated that it is good that they feel

lo que quieran sentir sabes

whatever they want to feel, you know

que lo del

that of the

espai segurs es una

safe spaces is a

fantasía no es una cosa

fantasy is not a thing

que existe pero no

that exists but does not

es muy difícil y también

it's very difficult and also

que todos los equipos

that all the teams

sigan del colectivo LGTB no es una garantía

Being part of the LGTB community is not a guarantee.

de que sea un espacio seguro

that it is a safe space

porque no todo el mundo piensa lo mismo

because not everyone thinks the same

en el mismo colectivo

in the same group

es un momento delicado sobre todo

It's a delicate moment above all.

a nivel profesional

at a professional level

en una tabla de guionistas

in a table of screenwriters

és com faig feina, és un moment delicat

It's how I do my work, it's a delicate moment.

haver-te de callar

having to be silent

o haver-te de

or having to

bueno, d'aguantar

well, of enduring

certes coses que dius, això no

certain things you say, this is not one of them

és terrible per lo que sigui

It is terrible for whatever reason.

perquè sigui LGTBI fòbic

to be LGTBI phobic

o perquè sigui masclista o racista, vull dir

or because it is sexist or racist, I mean

en general, sempre

in general, always

tot veu de lo mateix i

everything sees the same and

jo crec que en aquests contextos, el millor és

I believe that in these contexts, the best is

avaluar una mica en quina posició estàs tu

assess a little where you stand

per xerrar i també

to chat and also

cercar persones aliades

look for allied people

sempre hi ha algú aliat

there is always someone allied

en els equips

in the teams

a qui li puguis explicar

to whom you can explain

les teves inquietuds i en qui

your worries and in whom

puguis fer una mica de comunitat

you can build a bit of community

és que en el final sempre estem fent, sempre

It's just that in the end we are always doing, always.

fem això, no? I una cosa que també

Let's do this, shall we? And one more thing as well.

crec que va molt bé és anar fent xarxa

I think it's very good to network.

vull dir, anar fent xarxa amb professionals

I mean, networking with professionals.

amb qui t'entens

who do you get along with

siguin del col·lectiu o no

whether they are from the collective or not

perquè en el final és una qüestió

because in the end it is a matter

ideològica quasi també, vull dir que

almost ideological too, I mean that

no sé, hi ha gais de

I don't know, there are gays from

ciutadans, vull dir, potser

citizens, I mean, perhaps

no faria jo una gran sèrie amb un gai de

I wouldn't make a great series with a gay guy from

ciutadans, no? Vull dir, o potser sí

Citizens, right? I mean, or maybe yes.

no sé, seria una visió molt

I don't know, it would be a very compelling vision.

curiosa per aprendre

curious to learn

però no sé, vull dir. Curiosa, sens dubte

but I don't know, I mean. Curious, without a doubt

jo crec. En el fons

I believe. Deep down.

és com trobar com les nostres microcomunitats

it is like finding how our micro-communities

potser, no? Dins d'aquestes comunitats

maybe, right? Within these communities

Seguint en aquesta línia

Following in this line

el que dèiem, no? Per poder treballar

What we were saying, right? In order to be able to work.

en equips potser majoritàriament queers

in teams perhaps predominantly queer

o com a mínim més propers ideològicament

or at least ideologically closer

a nosaltres, sembla que

to us, it seems that

ho hem de fer fora d'aquests

we have to do it outside of these

circuits més mainstreams de l'audiovisual

more mainstream circuits of the audiovisual

això sovint vol dir pressupostos

this often means budgets

més baixos, menys visibilitat

lower, less visibility

i potser és la pregunta més difícil

And perhaps it is the hardest question.

de totes, però creieu que és important

of all, but do you think it is important?

conquerir el mainstream

conquer the mainstream

o és millor treballar

or is it better to work

els marges més lliurement?

the margins more freely?

Es pot combinar les dues

It is possible to combine the two.

opcions? Es poden combinar les dues?

Options? Can the two be combined?

Difícil aquesta

This one is difficult.

És ben difícil, sí

It is quite difficult, yes.



com a tot, jo crec que sempre és necessari

Like with everything, I believe it is always necessary.



el que vas a hacer es impregnar, normalizar

What you are going to do is impregnate, normalize.

y visibilizar, yo creo que de alguna manera

and to make visible, I believe that somehow

hay que entrar en todos los sitios

you have to enter everywhere

esto para mí es

this for me is



el mainstream es

the mainstream is

algo que tiene un alcance

something that has a scope

distinto al final, sabes?

different in the end, you know?

Y es inevitable y es lo que

And it is inevitable and it is what

primero te llega a nivel de música

first it reaches you at a musical level

a nivel de audiovisual y yo creo que es importante

in terms of audiovisual and I think it is important

que lo que sea que aparezca ahí

whatever appears there

termine no siendo peligroso al menos

I end up not being dangerous at least.

¿verdad? Y que

Right? And what?

se trabaje desde una

work is done from a

manera más libre también

more free way too

paralelo a esto, aunque sea

parallel to this, even if it is

con presupuestos distintos, ¿no? O con otro tipo

with different budgets, right? Or with another type?

de realidades

of realities

que también viene siendo

that is also being

súper necesario porque al final

super necessary because in the end

es trabajando

is working

de manera local, donde puedes

locally, where you can

como reivindicar espacios

how to reclaim spaces

luchas, comunidades diferentes

struggles, different communities

un poco lo que hemos

a little of what we have

hablado de

spoken of

poder sacar casos particulares

to be able to take out particular cases

¿verdad? Que no podrías

Right? That you couldn't.

llegar a sacar, o sea, eso es

to manage to take out, that is it

una utopía

a utopia

decir que eso puede llegar a ser

to say that this can turn out to be

mainstream, pero en la medida

mainstream, but to a certain extent

en que se empieza a asomar un poquito

in which it begins to peek out a little bit

un poquito, un poquito, de alguna

a little bit, a little bit, of some

manera va a llegar como a

way will come as to

las personas a las que tiene que llegar

the people you need to reach

para que luego esas personas a su vez

so that then those people in turn

tengan contacto con otras y yo creo que ahí

have contact with others and I think that there

es donde se va a ir como hilando la telaraña

it's where it's going to weave the spiderweb

que se necesita

what is needed

Sí, a ver

Yes, let's see.

Sí, yo creo que es importante

Yes, I believe it is important.

conquistar esos

conquer those

espacios en el ámbito

spaces in the field



aunque, claro

although, of course

también depende un poco de

it also depends a little on

cada creador, cada creadora

each creator, each female creator

el proyecto específico que sea

the specific project that it is

en general en el ámbito mainstream yo creo

In general, in the mainstream field, I believe.

como apuntabas, la libertad

as you pointed out, freedom

de expresión

of expression

incluso solo, aunque solo sea

even alone, even if it's just alone

por términos presupuestarios

for budgetary terms

puede condicionar más

It can condition more.

la obra y el resultado final

the work and the final result



no sé, yo creo que dependiendo de la obra

I don't know, I think it depends on the work.

que se quiera crear y a quién

who wants to be created and for whom

se quiere llegar

it is wanted to arrive

no sé

I don't know.

como que entiendo que

as I understand that

para cada circuito

for each circuit

hay productos

there are products

preferentes, no sé cómo decir

preferences, I don't know how to say it

o más que productos, obras

or more than products, works

sobre todo si es algo más

especially if it is something more

personal, arriesgado

personal, risky

tampoco veo mal ese

I don't see that one as bad either.

ese espacio más

that space more

independiente porque probablemente vas a llegar más

independent because you will probably achieve more

lejos que haciendo ciertas concesiones

far from making certain concessions

para acabar en A3 media

to end up in A3 media

no sé, por decir una determinada

I don't know, so to speak of a certain one.

plataforma, ¿no?

platform, right?

y a lo mejor, bueno, en ese momento no llegas

And maybe, well, at that moment you don't arrive.

a lo mainstream, pero es una obra

to the mainstream, but it is a work

tan valiosa, interesante, que poco

so valuable, interesting, how little

a poco el tiempo la acaba

Soon the time will end it.

poniendo en su sitio, ¿no? que no será

putting it in its place, right? it won’t be

la primera vez que muchas

the first time that many

obras que en su momento se estrenaron

works that premiered at the time

casi de tapadillo, muy

almost on the sly, very

bueno, de aquella

well, from that time

manera, luego han acabado siendo

way, then they have ended up being

de culto y teniendo un seguimiento

of cult status and having a following

muy importante, pienso

very important, I think

tiene que ver y a la vez no, pero por ejemplo

it has to do and at the same time it doesn't, but for example

una película, ¿no?, que es como de culto

A movie, right?, which is like a cult film.

el cine español, Arrebato, en su día

the Spanish cinema, Arrebato, in its day

no la vio casi nadie, ¿no?

Almost nobody saw her, right?

y ahí está reconocida como lo que

and there it is recognized as what

es y con el tiempo

is and with time

con toda la invisibilización que ha habido de lo

with all the invisibility that has existed regarding it

queer en Torno a Zulueta, el director y tal

queer around Zulueta, the director and so on

bueno, poco a poco se va viendo

Well, little by little it is becoming visible.

se van rescatando cosas, entonces

They are rescuing things, then.

no sé, tengo ahí un poco como

I don't know, I have a little bit like there.

respuesta mixta en este caso

mixed response in this case

Sí, yo no creo que sea una cosa mejor

Yes, I don't think it's a better thing.

que la otra, creo que

that the other, I think that

las dos son necesarias y

both are necessary and



sí que és problemàtic, però

it is indeed problematic, but

que només siguem relegades

that we are only relegated

als marges

at the margins

a lo underground, ¿no?

in an underground way, right?

això sí que és problemàtic, que només puguem fer

this is indeed problematic, that we can only do

una cosa, vull dir, el mainstream en el final

One thing, I mean, the mainstream in the end.

és un espai que ens pertany

it is a space that belongs to us

a totes i que per tant, pues tothom

to everyone and therefore, well everyone

hi hauria de poder tenir accés, i per altra

I should be able to have access, and on the other hand

banda jo crec que també és una qüestió de llenguatges

band I think it is also a matter of languages

el mainstream és un idioma, vull dir, és com

the mainstream is a language, I mean, it's like

decidir fer poesia o fer prosa

decide whether to write poetry or prose

vull dir, es

I mean, it is

depèn, hi ha obres que mereixen

it depends, there are works that deserve

o que s'ajusten

or that adjust

en el format dels mainstream

in the format of the mainstream

i n'hi ha que no, i

and there are some that don’t, and

també s'ha de tenir en compte que lo mainstream és

it should also be taken into account that the mainstream is

més car, i que com més car, més mans

more expensive, and that the more expensive, the more hands

hi passen, més

they pass there, more

persones per sobre teu i més

people above you and more



has de fer per

you have to do for

contentar a tothom

to please everyone

per tant, pues és una qüestió de posar

therefore, it is a matter of putting

en balança fins a on

in balance up to where

estàs disposat a cedir i fins a on no

are you willing to give in and to what extent not

i fins a on te compensa

And how far does it compensate you?

entrar en aquest circuit

enter this circuit

o no, segurament Marta

oh no, surely Marta

tu també d'això tens bastant a dir

you also have quite a bit to say about this

amb sa teva trajectòria com a guionista

with your trajectory as a screenwriter

Ara canviem els papers

Now we switch roles.

eh, Quimars?

Eh, Quimars?

No, sí, totalment, és jugar aquest equilibri

No, yes, totally, it's about playing this balance.

tota l'estona

all the time

de fins a quin punt

to what extent

prioritzes que això arribi a molta gent

you prioritize that this reaches a lot of people

i que estigui

and that it be

a les pantalles de molta gent

on the screens of many people

una cosa que potser fins llavors

one thing that perhaps until then

no hi era, fins a quin punt conquereixes aquest

I wasn't there, to what extent do you conquer this?

espai, encara que sigui

space, even if it is

a un preu una mica alt, a vegades

at a slightly high price, sometimes

fins a quin punt aquell projecte és molt

to what extent that project is very

personal i necessites

personal and needs

que s'expliqui tan fidelment

that it is explained so faithfully

com tu el volies explicar

as you wanted to explain it

realment, també a l'hora

really, also at the time

de veure coses i de llegir

of seeing things and reading

coses, estem sempre anant als dos

things, we are always going to both

llocs, no suposo, estàs mirant

places, I suppose you are looking

l'última sèrie que ha sortit d'Amazon Prime

the latest series that has come out on Amazon Prime

i alhora també estàs mirant alguna

and at the same time you are also looking at something

cosa que t'ha recomanat algú

something that someone has recommended to you

i intentes arribar des d'allà, perquè

and you try to get there from there, because

si no

if not

és molt molt difícil

it is very very difficult

El que sí que crec que és important

What I do believe is important

tenir en ment és que la tele pública

to bear in mind is that public television

la paga tothom i que per tant tothom

everyone pays and therefore everyone

ha de tenir accés a la representada

must have access to the represented

allà, això ho va dir

there, that was said

Nona Anglada per cert

Nona Anglada by the way

en aquest podcast

in this podcast



cuando hablabas de este tema de los

When you were talking about this topic of the

recursos a nivel de mainstream que hay más

mainstream-level resources that there are more of

y también hay más

and there is also more



tiro aquí la

I throw here the

la pinzita esta de

the tweezers are from

¿qué piensan a nivel de si

What do they think at the level of if?

eso equivale a más responsabilidad

that amounts to more responsibility

también? O sea, si a nivel de

Also? I mean, if at the level of

tú estar planteándote algo

you are considering something

que sabes que va a llegar a

that you know is going to arrive at

X audiencia, un número

X audience, a number

de audiencia

of audience



equivale, o sea, te supone una

it means, that is to say, it entails a

responsabilidad que a lo mejor

responsibility that maybe



es importante evaluar, no?

It's important to evaluate, isn't it?

O no, o simplemente

Oh no, or simply

es decir, la responsabilidad a la hora

that is to say, the responsibility at the time

crear la tienes igualmente, ¿no? A la hora

You have the creation equally, don't you? At the hour.

de comprometerte con un proyecto, a la hora de contar

to commit to a project, when it comes to telling

algo y de querer expresarlo, ¿no?

Something and wanting to express it, right?

No sé qué piensan.

I don't know what they think.

Yo ahí, no sé,

I don't know there,

como decía antes, un poco depende

As I said before, it depends a bit.

del caso, porque

of the case, because

a veces


creo que

I believe that

excesivos escrúpulos

excessive scruples

en torno a la responsabilidad

around responsibility

pueden acabar blanqueando una obra

they can end up whitewashing a work

tanto, ¿no? Al final, toda narración

so much, right? In the end, every narration

depende del conflicto, de que haya

it depends on the conflict, on whether there is one

tensiones, de que haya contradicciones, ¿no?

tensions, that there are contradictions, right?

Entonces, puede, en algunos

So, it may, in some

casos, que llegue a haber,

cases, that there may be,

no sé, algunos personajes tan blanqueados

I don't know, some characters are so whitewashed.

que casi parezca biografías

that almost seem like biographies

de santos, ¿no? Más que

of saints, right? More than

una serie dramática. Entonces,

a dramatic series. So,

hay que tener responsabilidad,

one must be responsible,

pero también saber que estamos

but also to know that we are

en el terreno de la ficción.

in the realm of fiction.

Y a mí también, bueno, esto ya es una

And me too, well, this is already one.

cuestión de gustos personales.

matter of personal taste.

Casi esos personajes

Almost those characters

más contradictorios o

more contradictory or

turbios, o que no tienen las

murky, or that do not have the

cosas tan claras, desde un punto de vista

things so clear, from a point of view

narrativo, como espectador, me pueden

narrative, as a spectator, they can me

incluso interesar más que alguien

even being more interested than someone

que tiene todo clarísimo. Obra

that has everything very clear. Work

perfectamente en todas las cosas

perfectly in all things

que hace en su vida, desde que se levanta hasta que se acuesta.

what he does in his life, from the time he gets up until he goes to bed.

Porque al final

Because in the end

vemos ficciones, ¿no?

we see fictions, don't we?

Buscando relatos,

Searching for stories,

buscando, no sé, experiencias,

looking for, I don't know, experiences,

distintos puntos de vista.

different points of view.

Hay que tener en cuenta

It must be taken into account.

esa responsabilidad, por supuesto,

that responsibility, of course,

no hacer obras que sean

not to do works that are

intencionadamente dañinas, ¿no?

Deliberately harmful, right?

Pero también jugar un poco con esos

But also play a little with those.

claroscuros es interesante para tomar

Chiaroscuro is interesting to take.

incluso conciencia de cómo obramos nosotros,

even awareness of how we act,

hacer cierto tipo

to make a certain type

de autocrítica a veces,

of self-criticism sometimes,

bueno, dentro

well, inside

de ciertas comunidades.

of certain communities.

No sé,

I don't know,

creo que puede ser positivo

I think it could be positive.


to incorporate

esos claroscuros para que no se produzca

those chiaroscuro so that it does not happen

ese excesivo blanqueamiento, ¿no?

that excessive whitening, right?

Y porque al final

And because in the end

estén fent ficció, estén fent entreteniment,

they are making fiction, they are making entertainment,

y estén fent productes interessants.

and they are making interesting products.

En el final, m'he tregat uns

In the end, I took off some.

bodrios a vegades, només perquè hi sortien

crap sometimes, just because they were in it

quatre persones del col·lectiu que dius, bueno,

four people from the group you mentioned, well,

a veure... Som l'audiència més agraïda,

let's see... We are the most grateful audience,

jo crec. Sí, però fins a un punt.

I believe. Yes, but up to a point.

Vull dir, jo, Pous, per exemple,

I mean, I, Pous, for example,

no l'he suportat. M'assembla a una sèrie

I can't stand it. It reminds me of a series.

adolcorada, m'assembla a una sèrie

sweetened, it looks like a series to me

que no...

that no...

que és previsible i que no m'interessa

what is predictable and what does not interest me

i no la miraré, perquè no...

and I won't look at her, because no...

per molt de col·lectiu trans

for a strong trans community

precisament aquesta sèrie sí que

precisely this series does indeed

fa bé de representar una comunitat,

it is good to represent a community,

i tal. Però m'assembla avorridíssima,

and such. But I find it very boring.

per tant, doncs, no sé,

therefore, I don't know,

no la miraré. Té a veure una mica

I won't look at it. It has to do with a bit.

amb el que comentaves abans de la pluralitat,

with what you mentioned earlier about plurality,

jo crec, no? Si en una sèrie, en una pel·lícula

I think, right? If in a series, in a movie.

hi ha només un personatge LGTBI,

there is only one LGTBI character,

tota la responsabilitat recau

all the responsibility falls

sobre aquell personatge, no? I si està representat

about that character, right? And if he is represented

d'una manera o d'una altra, és com que això

One way or another, it's like this.

és representatiu de tota

it is representative of all

l'obra. El mateix passa, en el fons,

the work. The same happens, basically,

quan estem creant, no? Si tota la...

When we are creating, right? If all the...

anava a dir parrilla televisiva, però hi ha

I was going to say TV schedule, but there is

qui mira parrilles televisives, no?

Who looks at TV schedules, right?

Si tot el catàleg d'una plataforma,

If the entire catalog of a platform,

hi ha una obra

there is a work

d'aquell tipus, doncs, de sobte,

of that kind, then, suddenly,

sembla que necessitem aquest referent

it seems that we need this reference

modèlic, potser, no? O un final

model, perhaps, right? Or an end

feliç. S'ha parlat molt dels finals feliços, no?

happy. There's been a lot of talk about happy endings, hasn't there?

Però si hi ha

But if there is

molta més varietat, tant dins de les

much more variety, both within the

comunitats representades com dins de la comunitat

communities represented as within the community

de creadores i creadores, doncs,

of creators and creators, then,

suposo que és

I suppose it is.

on tenim marge per fer coses

we have room to do things

guais, coses xules.

cool, awesome things.

Exacto. Jo crec que això és

Exactly. I think that this is

molt important, és a dir, en un context

very important, that is, in a context

en què, imaginem-nos, no

in what, let us imagine, no

hi hagués cap tipus d'imatge,

if there were any kind of image,

és clar, és que te la jugues

It's clear, it's because you're taking a risk.

com una carta, no? A molt poques cartes.

Like a letter, right? To very few letters.

És que estàs arribant

It's just that you are arriving.

amb la teva obra a determinats

with your work in certain

llocs, és clar,

places, of course,

has de pensar més en els possibles

You have to think more about the possibilities.

efectes. Penso més des d'un punt de vista

effects. I think more from a perspective

històric, no? Però la contemporaneïtat,

historic, right? But the contemporaneity,

que sí que hi ha cada vegada més

that yes there are more and more

pluralitat, jo estic a favor

plurality, I am in favor.

que es desenvolupi això més,

that this develops further,

sobretot, com diu Marx,

above all, as Marx says,

perquè l'obra és

because the work is

interessant, no?

Interesting, isn't it?

¿Cómo podemos hacer que la obra sea más rica,

How can we make the work richer,

más interesante, sobre todo?

more interesting, above all?

No sé, pienso,

I don't know, I think,

no sé, pues, es que hay gays

I don't know, well, it's just that there are gay people.

perfectos, ¿no? Viendo

perfect, right? Seeing

algunas ficciones, es como,

some fictions, it's like,

no sé, esa persona es

I don't know, that person is

totalmente blanca y pura

completely white and pure

en todo lo que hace, a lo mejor es maravilloso

In everything he/she does, perhaps it is wonderful.

ese personaje en determinados

that character in certain

aspectos de su vida, pero no sé,

aspects of his life, but I don't know,

a lo mejor con su pareja o con,

maybe with their partner or with,

yo qué sé, con alguien,

I don't know, with someone,

un viejo amigo se portó mal en el pasado,

an old friend misbehaved in the past,

¿no? Y al final,

No? And in the end,

es que es así el ser humano, ¿no?

That's just how human beings are, right?

Vamos, no sé,

Come on, I don't know,

igual hay alguien que conozcáis que es perfecto,

maybe there is someone you know who is perfect,

pero todos tenemos nuestros

but we all have our own

puntos mejores, nuestras cosas peores,

better points, our worse things,

y yo creo que eso también

and I think that too

se puede contener

it can be contained

en una determinada ficción.

in a certain fiction.

En el fons, també pensava, de fet,

In the end, I was also thinking, in fact,

en la cita que tu ens deies

in the quote that you were telling us

al principi quan parlàvem de la comunitat, no?

At the beginning when we talked about the community, right?

Com en aquesta importància de la fragilitat

As in this importance of fragility.

i la vulnerabilitat per teixir

and the vulnerability to weave

xarxa, per tant, en el moment en què veus

network, therefore, at the moment you see

altra gent que també,

other people who also,

d'aquestes esquerdes, no?, com

from these cracks, right?, how

tu mateixa, és quan pots

yourself, it's when you can

crear, potser, aquestes xarxes.

create, perhaps, these networks.

Claro, i justament en

Of course, and just in that

això en particular, crec que

this in particular, I believe that

ve la riquesa, no?, del poder,

Here comes the wealth, right?, of power,

perquè hi ha moltes barreres en aquest

because there are many barriers in this

món, i estem parlant

world, and we are talking

d'aquestes en particular, però després

of these in particular, but later

hi ha altres barreres també de població

there are other barriers also of population

diversa, no?,

diverse, right?

a nivell d'algú amb discapacitat,

at the level of someone with a disability,

no?, una persona que

no?, a person who

racialitzada, una persona,

racialized, a person,

llavors, d'incorporar aquestes

then, to incorporate these

diversitat, ser capaç d'incorporar

diversity, being able to incorporate

aquesta diversitat dins de la diversitat,

this diversity within diversity,

em sembla que és on està tota la riquesa,

I think that's where all the wealth is.

no?, perquè ets capaç en aquest moment

No? Because you are capable at this moment.

de profunditzar d'una manera molt, molt

to deepen in a way that is very, very

més real, molt més prop de tu,

more real, much closer to you,

i molt més ric, que et permet

and much richer, that allows you

entendre més coses. A més, no sé, jo

understand more things. Besides, I don't know, I

vaig tenir en la meva educació, jo vaig estudiar

I had in my education, I studied.

també per a l'educació per a nois

also for education for boys

amb necessitats especials, i resulta que

with special needs, and it turns out that

una docent, a més, docent, va venir a

a teacher, moreover, a teacher, came to

parlar-nos sobre la població sorda, no?,

Talking to us about the deaf population, right?

de persones sordes, i en aquest cas

of deaf people, and in this case

ens deia, és clar, cal tenir

he told us, of course, we need to have

compte en parlar de persones sordes o

be careful when talking about deaf people or

ensenyar de persones homosexuals a

to teach about homosexual people to

persones sordes o de persones de la

deaf people or of people from the

comunitat queer, perquè ells estan més

queer community, because they are more

vulnerables, i jo he pensat,

vulnerable, and I have thought,

és clar, llavors ella s'estava plantejant

it's clear, then she was contemplating

de no mostrar-los uns productes que

not showing them some products that

volíem ensenyar a nivell audiovisual,

we wanted to teach at an audiovisual level,

perquè deia, no, però ells són més

because I said, no, but they are more

vulnerables a tot això, saps? És molt fort,

vulnerable to all this, you know? It's very intense,

és clar, és molt fort, i és aquí on ve el

it's clear, it's very strong, and it's here where it comes the

desconeixement, la ignorància, i no, i la

ignorance, the ignorance, and no, and the

necessitat és al revés, de poder entendre

need is the opposite of being able to understand

que tot està integrat amb tot. I les

that everything is integrated with everything. And the

pobres persones sordes del col·lectiu

poor deaf people of the collective

LGTB, que també es mereixen un

LGBT, who also deserve a

poquet el seu... No ho veus rebre l'LGTB-fàbia,

little his... Don't you see the LGBT-phobia?

el capacitisme, de tot. Jo hi volia

ableism, everything. I wanted to.

afegir una cosa, en plan, perquè ho

add one thing, like, why it

estava pensant, hi ha un eix identitari o

I was thinking, is there an identity axis or

cultural, no sé què opinareu vosaltres,

cultural, I don't know what you all will think,

que és la qüestió de classe, és a dir, en

what is the class issue, that is, in

moltes ficcions, sobretot en l'àmbit

many fictions, especially in the field

mainstream, és com que s'ha esborrat, és a

mainstream, it's like it has been erased, it is to

dir, parlem de gènere, de sexualitat, no

say, let's talk about gender, about sexuality, right?

sé, diferents variables, però la qüestió

I know, different variables, but the question

de classe, perquè fins i tot dins del

of class, because even within the

col·lectiu, no és el mateix ser

collective, it is not the same to be

una persona pobra o amb pocs

a poor person or with few

recursos, les dificultats que

resources, the difficulties that

enfrontes a la teva vida són diferents,

the challenges in your life are different,

els llocs als quals pots arribar, bé,

the places you can reach, well,

a vegades no sempre són els mateixos, no?

Sometimes they are not always the same, right?

I és una cosa com que està una mica, no

And it's like it's a little bit, isn't it?

ho sé, a vegades ho veig com

I know, sometimes I see it as

massa difús. I de fet, no ho sé, igual

too diffuse. And in fact, I don't know, maybe

això és massa... Però quan veiem

this is too much... But when we see

aquestes ficcions com de gent queer

these fictions like queer people

rica i tal, en el fons és com el

rich and such, deep down it's like the

vell escapisme, no?, del cinema clàssic, de la

old escapism, right?, of classic cinema, of the

que som pobres, paguem el nostre dineret

that we are poor, we pay our little money

per entrar al cinema i somiar que som

to enter the cinema and dream that we are

rics i tal, però no ens oblidem, no? Jo a

rich and such, but let's not forget, right? I to

vegades ho dic als estudiants, és

sometimes I tell the students, it is

veritat, tenim els nostres mòbils i els

truth, we have our mobiles and them

portàtils i la compte de Netflix, però

laptops and the Netflix account, but

ens costa el mateix pagar un

it costs us the same to pay one

alquiler o fins i tot trobar

rent or even find

al·lèrgia, igual que una persona de

allergy, just like a person from

certa posició socioeconòmica, no sé si

certain socioeconomic position, I don't know if

les sèries actuals, per exemple, o el cinema

the current series, for example, or cinema



està tenint en compte això moltes

is taking this into account a lot

vegades a l'hora d'abordar, bé, qüestions

sometimes when addressing, well, issues

relacionades amb l'àmbit queer.

related to the queer field.

Sens dubte, el tema de la

Undoubtedly, the topic of the

interseccionalitat està molt, molt

intersectionality is very, very

pendent de la representació, no només de

dependent on representation, not only of

la JVQ+, en general, sinó també de les

the JVQ+, in general, but also of the

comunitats en si, no?, de quin tipus de

communities in themselves, right?, of what type of

comunitats s'estan representant. M'encantaria

communities are being represented. I would love it

estar moltes més hores parlant amb

to spend many more hours talking with

tots vosaltres i seguint aquesta

all of you and following this

conversa, però hem d'anar acabant i,

conversation, but we must be wrapping up and,

doncs, ho farem amb una cançó de la Fiona

Well, we will do it with a song by Fiona.



Estava sonant Under the Table de la Fiona Appel, Mars,의per què has escollit aquesta cançó?

I was playing "Under the Table" by Fiona Appel, Mars, why did you choose this song?

Per allò que hem sentit ara, és una cançó que m'agrada molt

From what we've just heard, it's a song that I really like.

perquè és una història que expliquen a Fiona Apple

because it is a story that Fiona Apple tells

que va a un sopar i ella diu

that goes to a dinner and she says

pega'm davall de sa taula tot el que vulguis, que no me callaré,

put underneath the table everything you want, I won't be quiet,

que quan diguis alguna cosa que me molesti ho diré

that when you say something that bothers me, I will say it

i diu, en plan, el disfancy wine que m'estàs donant no me farà callar.

And he says, like, the fancy wine you’re giving me won't make me shut up.

M'agrada això perquè moltes vegades mos hem de callar,

I like this because many times we have to stay silent,

sobretot en un context laboral,

especially in a work context,

i crec que és una cosa que tenim en comú

I believe it is something we have in common.

moltes persones de sa comunitat LGTB

many people from the LGTB community

i tot i que no sempre podem posar-nos així de xulos

And although we can't always act so cocky.

com na Fiona Apple, sí que m'agrada molt

Like Fiona Apple, I really like her a lot.

pensar que de vegades, bueno, escolta,

to think that sometimes, well, listen,

jo vaig a dir el meu i si això representa un perill

I am going to say mine and if this represents a danger.

per al meu lloc de feina, s'ha d'avaluar

for my workplace, it must be evaluated

si podem permetre'ns-ho o no,

whether we can afford it or not,

però en general està bé que puguem dir el que pensem.

But in general, it is good that we can say what we think.

És una cosa en què la comunitat sempre ajuda, no?

It's something the community always helps with, right?

Tenir algú darrere.

To have someone behind.



Fer pinya ajuda a poder parlar més clarament i més tranquil·lament.

Gathering together helps to speak more clearly and calmly.

Correcte, total, sí, sí.

Correct, totally, yes, yes.

Molt bé, doncs ja per finalitzar el programa,

Very well, then to conclude the program,

sempre us demanem que ens compartiu una recomanació

We always ask you to share a recommendation with us.

i una antirecomanació de la ficció audiovisual.

and an anti-recommendation of audiovisual fiction.

Les recomanacions són coses que penseu que s'han fet bé

The recommendations are things that you think have been done well.

i l'antirecomanació coses que penseu que no s'han fet tan bé.

And the anti-recommendation things that you think have not been done so well.

Pel·lícules, sèries, capítols, escenes,

Movies, series, episodes, scenes,

però potser també processos de creació darrere les càmeres.

but perhaps also creation processes behind the scenes.

Respecte amb el concepte de la comunitat LGTB,

Regarding the concept of the LGTB community,



quines creieu que s'han fet bé

which ones do you think have been done well

i quines potser no tan bé?

and which ones perhaps not so well?

Glòria, començarem per tu.

Glòria, we will start with you.

Què ens recomanes i què no ens recomanes?

What do you recommend and what do you not recommend?

A ver, yo...

Let me see, I...

En cuanto a recomendaciones,

Regarding recommendations,

me salen más ahora mismo y eso me hace feliz

I have more coming out right now and that makes me happy.

porque significa que estoy viendo productos que me interesan,

because it means that I am viewing products that interest me,

de lo que hablábamos.

of what we were talking about.

Hay una serie británica que vi hace poco

There's a British series that I watched recently.

que se llama In My Skin,

that is called In My Skin,

la encontré en filming

I found her in filming.

y me pareció brutal.

and I thought it was awesome.

Brutal porque también aborda otras temáticas

Brutal because it also addresses other themes.

y aborda otras temáticas de discapacidad

and addresses other themes of disability

o de una condición también más a nivel psiquiátrico,

or of a condition also more at a psychiatric level,

digamos, de temas así.

let's say, about topics like that.

Y cómo un adolescente vive esto en su familia,

And how a teenager experiences this in their family,

violencia también y todo,

violence too and everything,

pero a la vez cómo lo aborda

but at the same time how it approaches it

y la fachada que tiene que ponerle a sus amigues,

and the facade that you have to put on for your friends,

en el cole, ¿no?

at school, right?

Entonces es como una mezcla muy buena.

So it's like a very good mix.

Me parece que está muy bien.

I think it's very good.

Y bueno, así como en una cosa más ligera,

And well, in a lighter matter,

también hay una peli que se llama Crush,

there is also a movie called Crush,

que es así, tono muy adolescente,

that is so, very teenage tone,

muy así, muy cuqui,

very much so, very cute,

pero me parece que también es linda de ver

but it seems to me that it is also nice to look at

porque es algo que a mí me hubiera encantado ver

because it's something I would have loved to see

siendo adolescente, ¿sabes?

being a teenager, you know?

Como lo aborda ya todo integrado,

As it addresses everything already integrated,

ya no sé qué,

I don't know what anymore,

ya no es un problema,

it's no longer a problem,

no es que todos estaban en este conflicto,

it's not that everyone was in this conflict,

sino que hay toda una integración ahí,

but there is a whole integration there,

a pesar de que es como una comedia romántica, ¿verdad?

Even though it’s like a romantic comedy, right?

Así más ligera,

So lighter,

pero me parece que está bien abordado.

but it seems to me that it is well addressed.

Me gustaría decir una cosa latinoamericana

I would like to say something Latin American.

porque esto cuesta encontrar

because this is hard to find

y de hecho, bueno,

and in fact, well,

puede que sea una recomendación

it may be a recommendation

que muchas personas consideren antirecomendación

that many people consider an antirecommendation

porque no necesariamente al verla es como muy digerible,

because seeing it is not necessarily very digestible,

pero es las mil y una.

but it's a thousand and one.

Es una película argentina,

It is an Argentine movie.

y la película justo habla de una comunidad

And the movie just talks about a community.

que no es, como hablaba Santi antes,

"that it's not, as Santi was talking earlier,"

no es de estas comunidades de dinero,

it is not one of these money communities,

de no sé qué, de muchas facilidades,

I don't know what, of many facilities,

sino más bien en una población en Argentina

but rather in a town in Argentina

donde hasta por la jerga que utilizan

where even by the jargon they use

ni entiendes muchas veces,

nor do you understand many times,

tienes que poner ahí como subtítulos y atención y tal,

you have to put there as subtitles and attention and so on,

y creo que está muy bien entender ese contexto,

and I think it is very important to understand that context,

también cómo se manejan las sexualidades diversas

also how diverse sexualities are handled

en un contexto así, diferente.

in such a different context.

Como antirecomendación,

As a warning,

pues tengo algunas cosas mainstream,

Well, I have some mainstream things,

como una película navideña

like a Christmas movie

que se llama The Happiest Season,

called The Happiest Season,

que para todos los recursos,

that for all resources,

todo lo tal que podían manejar,

everything as they could handle,

me parece que el storyline se fue

It seems to me that the storyline is gone.

hacia lo heteronormativo total

towards total heteronormativity

y que no me pareció justo conmigo como audiencia poder verlo.

and I didn't think it was fair to me as an audience to see it.

No sé si alguien más quiere compartir.

I don't know if anyone else wants to share.

Santi, la te va a recomendar.

Santi is going to recommend it to you.

Sí, antirecomendación.

Yes, antirecommendation.

A ver, lo estuve pensando bastante.

Let's see, I was thinking about it quite a lot.

Yo ahí tengo un poco,

I have a little bit there,

soy un poco como el espadachín de las causas perdidas

I am a bit like the swordsman of lost causes.

con cierto cine español,

with certain Spanish cinema,

porque yo defiendo, no sé,

because I defend, I don't know,

como que no hay solo un canon,

as there is not just one canon,

sino que realmente hay distintos canones,

but there are actually different canons,

sobre todo si pensamos en términos estéticos,

especially if we think in aesthetic terms,

pues no todas las películas tienen que seguir el mismo camino.

Well, not all movies have to follow the same path.

Yo la recomendación que había pensado

I the recommendation that I had thought.

es una película que cuando salió fue,

it's a movie that when it came out was,

vamos a decir,

let's say,



que se llama El grito en el cielo,

that is called The Cry in the Sky,

que es de Félix Sabroso y Dunia Yasso del año 98

What is by Félix Sabroso and Dunia Yasso from the year 98.

y que es muy representativa

and that it is very representative

de esa cultura queer

from that queer culture

que podemos llamar camp, afeminada, excesiva.

that we can call camp, effeminate, excessive.

En el momento los críticos la atacaron muchísimo,

At that moment, the critics attacked her very much,

pero claro, es que el cine no tiene por qué ser solo

but of course, cinema doesn't have to be just

realismo, problemas sociales,

realism, social issues

sino que es una película que dentro de esa lógica estética

but it is a film that within that aesthetic logic

que entronca con yo,

that connects with me,

con Waters, por supuesto, Almodóvar,

with Waters, of course, Almodóvar,

pero es que muchas veces simplifiques como solo Almodóvar.

but many times you simplify it as just Almodóvar.

Bueno, pues me parece que es divertida

Well, I think it's fun.

y es un cine camp

and it is a camp cinema

que al final es como un eslabón intermedio,

that in the end is like an intermediate link,

el de Félix Sabroso, por ejemplo,

Félix Sabroso's, for example,

en fin, otros cineastas de la época,

well, other filmmakers of the time,

que está entre Almodóvar y lo que hacen a lo mejor los Javis,

that is between Almodóvar and what the Javis might do,

o algunos creadores así,

or some creators like that,

más en la actualidad.

more currently.

Y es un poco también lo que hice con el libro de la tesis,

And it's a bit like what I did with the thesis book,



Reivindicar alguna de esas películas en plan,

Claiming one of those movies like,

bueno, es tan mal según esos criterios estéticos

Well, it's so bad according to those aesthetic criteria.

que la mayoría de críticos hombres heterosexuales

that the majority of critics are heterosexual men

tradicionalmente han manejado,

traditionally they have managed,

pero probablemente desde el placer subcultural

but probably from subcultural pleasure

nos aporta más mucho más este tipo de obras

brings us much more, this type of work

que están más cerca quizá de RuPaul, ¿no?

who are perhaps closer to RuPaul, right?

O de otro tipo de contenidos queer que, en fin,

Or other types of queer content that, well,

ese sota caballo y rey de lo que se supone

that under horse and king of what is supposed

que solo puede ser el buen cine.

that can only be good cinema.

Y antirecomendación, voy a decir de forma así un poco

And as a recommendation against it, I will say it like this a little.

intencionadamente, no sé si decir provocadora, ¿no?

Intentionally, I don't know if I should say provocative, right?

Voy a decir élite, ¿vale?

I'm going to say elite, okay?

Porque, por un lado, está bien, ¿no?

Because, on one hand, it's good, right?

En cuanto a, bueno, imágenes de diversidad y tal,

As for, well, images of diversity and such,

pero también creo que es sintomática de cierta tendencia

but I also think it is symptomatic of a certain trend

que se ve en algún tipo de ficciones

that is seen in some types of fictions

ya hacia lo que podemos llamar, sin temor a equivocarnos,

we can say, without fear of being mistaken,

exploitation, ¿no?

exploitation, right?

En plan, explotación comercial de cuerpos normativos,

In terms of commercial exploitation of normative bodies,

del sexo fácil como regla,

of easy sex as a rule,

en plan, personajes que qué tipo de complejidad narrativa tienen, ¿no?

Like, what kind of narrative complexity do the characters have, right?

Tenemos más, pues eso, desnudos, sexo acrobático, etcétera, etcétera.

We have more, well, nudity, acrobatic sex, etcetera, etcetera.

No sé, hasta qué punto.

I don't know to what extent.

Por una parte está bien, ¿no?

On one hand, it's fine, isn't it?

Porque son, vale, imágenes de diversidad y tal.

Because they are, okay, images of diversity and such.

Pero por otra parte, digo élite, como podría decir otras,

But on the other hand, I say elite, as I could say others,

me preocupa un poco esa instrumentalización, vamos a decir,

I'm a little concerned about that instrumentalization, let's say.

demasiado banal de los cuerpos, ¿no?

too banal of the bodies, isn't it?

Es decir, porque la gente queer no es solo cuerpos y tener sexo, ¿no?

That is to say, because queer people are not just bodies and having sex, right?

Sino, no sé, afectos, lo que hablábamos, vulnerabilidad,

Otherwise, I don't know, affections, what we talked about, vulnerability,

bueno, simplemente un poco como llamada de atención.

Well, just a little bit as a wake-up call.

Creo que hay una excesiva mercantilización

I believe there is excessive commercialization.

de esos cuerpos normativos en algunas ficciones actuales.

of those normative bodies in some current fictions.

No quiero decir que, pues nada, que haya que prohibir,

I don't mean to say that, well, that something should be prohibited,

que haya que quitar ese tipo de series,

that it is necessary to remove this type of series,

pero sí que estamos yendo un poco, o sea,

but we are indeed making a little progress, I mean,

me recuerdo un poco a cierto cine como de destape o exploitation

I remember a bit of certain cinema like that of nudity or exploitation.

que había en España en los 70 o 80.

what there was in Spain in the 70s or 80s.

Lo que pasa es,

What happens is,

es verdad, no solo son cuerpos femeninos,

it's true, they're not just female bodies,

pero al final las sobadísimas escenas de ducha,

but in the end the overdone shower scenes,

todos estos tópicos trilladísimos, los tenemos ahí, ¿no?

All these clichéd topics, we have them there, right?

Entonces, bueno, simplemente por comentarlo.

So, well, just to mention it.

Per últim, Mars, la teva recomanació i antirecomanació.

Finally, Mars, your recommendation and anti-recommendation.

Bueno, jo he pensat una mica,

Well, I have thought a bit,

per exemple, lo primer que m'ha vengut en el cap

for example, the first thing that came to my mind

que estic veient ara és de l'AstoFaz,

what I am seeing now is from AstoFaz,

que crec que és una bona manera de representar el col·lectiu.

I think it is a good way to represent the collective.

Bueno, almenys hi ha diverses trames LGTB,

Well, at least there are several LGTB storylines.

que no t'esperes, que no...

that you don't expect, that you don't...

És com...

It's like...

Bueno, no sé si heu sentit xerrada,

Well, I don't know if you've heard talk,

és famós tercer episodi que són dos homes que són gais.

It is a famous third episode where there are two men who are gay.

No havíem vist mai dos gais a l'apocalipsi.

We had never seen two gay men in the apocalypse.

Mai ho havíem vist.

We had never seen it.

I és com, oh, molt bé, 2023, a la fi, gràcies.

And it's like, oh, very good, 2023, at last, thank you.

I la manera com se tracten els personatges m'està agradant molt

And the way the characters are treated I am really enjoying.

i cada vegada més m'adon de que ja m'he cansat de veure

And more and more I realize that I am already tired of seeing.

trames de personatges LGTB,

LGBT character storylines,

que se seva trames a un personatge LGTB,

that is transmitted to an LGTB character,

i per tant, per exemple, aquesta, o Halt and Catch Fire,

and therefore, for example, this one, or Halt and Catch Fire,

que està filmint, és una sèrie que també té un personatge

what is being filmed is a series that also has a character

que és bisexual i que està perfectament integrat a sa trama.

that is bisexual and is perfectly integrated into the plot.

Fins i tot és una sèrie que representa sa masculinitat

It is even a series that represents masculinity.

d'una manera increïble.

in an incredible way.

Vull dir, la recomano més enllà de col·lectiu LGTB,

I mean, I recommend it beyond the LGTB collective,

la recomano com a gran sèrie

I recommend it as a great series.

i també ja més centrat en tema LGTB.

and also more focused on the LGBTQ topic.

A mi, Transparent m'ha agradat, m'ha agradat molt.

I liked Transparent, I liked it a lot.

M'ha semblat una molt bona sèrie,

I thought it was a very good series.

una sèrie molt sensible.

a very sensitive series.

Té un gran error, que sa actriu principal no és una dona trans,

You are making a big mistake; the main actress is not a trans woman.

o sigui, que el personatge principal no està interpretat per una dona trans,

that is, the main character is not played by a trans woman,

però més enllà d'això, se nota molt que hi ha un equip a darrere.

but beyond that, it is very noticeable that there is a team behind it.

Perquè moltes vegades mos obsessionam amb que els actors i ses actrius siguin trans,

Because many times we become obsessed with the fact that actors and actresses are trans,

quan en realitat no són ses persones que fan es contingut.

when in reality it's not those people who create the content.

Sa equip creatiu, sa equip artístic, no és qui ha escrit aquesta sèrie,

The creative team, the artistic team, is not the one who has written this series,

qui l'ha pensada, qui li posa sa mirada,

who has thought it, who places their gaze upon it,

és qui l'escriu, qui la grava,

it is the one who writes it, who records it,

i en aquest sentit Transparent aprova perfectament perquè gran part de sa equip,

and in this sense Transparent is perfectly approved because a large part of its team,

tant tècnic com de guió i de realització,

both technical and scriptwriting and directing,

són persones que formen part del col·lectiu trans

they are people who are part of the trans community

i se nota moltíssim, està fet amb molta sensibilitat.

It is very noticeable, it is made with a lot of sensitivity.

Això sí, són molt rics, això no ho arreglarà.

That's true, they are very rich; that won't fix anything.

I per últim, des del món de sa stand-up,

And lastly, from the world of stand-up,

també no puc no recomanar Hannah Gadsby,

I also cannot help but recommend Hannah Gadsby,

que és una monologuïsta que per jo ha fet molt de bé sa representació, així que fantàstic.

she is a monologist who, in my opinion, has done a great job with the performance, so fantastic.



Anti-recomanació, això és lo que més m'agrada.

Anti-recommendation, that is what I like the most.

No, m'agrada més lo que he dit ara, m'emociona més.

No, I like what I just said more, it moves me more.

No, anti-recomanació sobretot m'acentra en representació trans,

No, the anti-recommendation mainly focuses on trans representation.

que és lo que més he investigat.

what is it that I have researched the most.

La xica d'Anessa per jo és una pel·lícula que es nefasta,

The girl from Anessa is a movie that is terrible.

que es terrible, que fa que te'n tinguin ganes de morir-te,

that is terrible, that makes you want to die,

pues això crec que seria lo que no volem d'una pel·li.

Well, I think that would be what we don't want from a movie.

També sa The Girl, que és una pel·lícula d'una noia que es ballarina, una noia trans,

Also The Girl, which is a movie about a girl who is a dancer, a trans girl.

ballarina, que també és terrible.

dancer, which is also terrible.

Són pel·lícules, també per últim tenia apuntat About Ray,

They are movies, I also had About Ray noted down last.

que se diu Tres Generaciones en castellà.

It is called Three Generations in Spanish.

Són pel·lícules que tracten molt malament el tema dels cos,

They are movies that mishandle the subject of the body very poorly.

el tema de sòdia a un mateix, el tema de volar modificar-se,

the theme of being oneself, the theme of flying to change oneself,

i està fatal, i ningú entén res, i a més sempre estan sols,

It's terrible, and nobody understands anything, and moreover they are always alone.

i els únics referents que tenen són metges.

And the only references they have are doctors.

Vull dir, sempre m'agrada pensar moltes vegades que si sa protagonista,

I mean, I always like to think many times that if the protagonist,

per exemple, de la xica d'Anessa,

for example, of Anessa's girl,

anés a Google i trobés sa pel·lícula de la xica d'Anessa,

I went to Google and found the movie of Anessa's girl,

és que no se sentiria ben representada.

she would not feel well represented.

Vull dir, és que seria terrible.

I mean, it would be terrible.

Aniria a cercar referents i veuria aquella basura de referents.

I would go look for references and see that garbage of references.

No sé, però que mos mereixem referents una mica més saludables.

I don't know, but we deserve somewhat healthier role models.

Potser trobaria les altres recomanacions que ens heu donat, no?

Perhaps you would find the other recommendations you have given us, right?

Tant de bo.

I wish.

Ja està bé, moltes gràcies per totes aquestes recomanacions.

That's enough, thank you very much for all these recommendations.

Realment és un gust poder parlar de tantes coses diferents que s'estan fent, no?

It really is a pleasure to talk about so many different things that are being done, isn't it?

I moltíssimes gràcies a totis per crear avui amb nosaltres

And thank you very much to everyone for creating with us today.

aquesta microcomunitat a Retrats Intermitents.

this microcommunity at Intermittent Portraits.

Moltes gràcies, Mars, Santi i Glori.

Thank you very much, Mars, Santi, and Glori.

Moltes gràcies.

Thank you very much.

Gràcies, Marta.

Thank you, Marta.

Moltes gràcies.

Thank you very much.

I a la gent que ens escolteu, us recordem que a la nostra web,

And to the people who listen to us, we remind you that on our website,

Retrats Intermitents, trobareu la resta d'episodis,

Intermittent Portraits, you will find the rest of the episodes,

així com a informació adicional, les recomanacions i antirecomanacions,

as additional information, the recommendations and anti-recommendations,

i molts altres recursos.

and many other resources.

Això ha sigut el cinquè i últim episodi de Retrats Intermitents,

This has been the fifth and final episode of Intermittent Portraits.

un podcast de representació LGTBIQ+,

a podcast on LGBTQ+ representation,

realitzat al marc del projecte de recerca IMSS-DMSI LGTBIQ+, Pantalles,

conducted within the framework of the IMSS-DMSI LGTBIQ+ research project, Screens,

gràcies al finançament de la Fundació Catalana per la Recerca i la Innovació,

thanks to the funding from the Catalan Foundation for Research and Innovation,

mitjançant la convocatòria Joan Oró d'ajuts per al foment de la cultura científica a Catalunya.

through the Joan Oró call for grants to promote scientific culture in Catalonia.

I ens acomiadem, com començàvem, amb You Ain't Alone dels Alabama Shakes,

And we say goodbye, as we began, with You Ain't Alone by Alabama Shakes.

una cançó sobre trobar algú amb qui ballar, algú amb qui plorar,

a song about finding someone to dance with, someone to cry with,

algú qui pugui ser un bitllet de tornar de casa,

someone who can be a return ticket home,

perquè moltes vegades aquesta casa és la nostra comunitat.

because many times this house is our community.

Moltes gràcies.

Thank you very much.

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