#18 - Amb Eloi Maduell de Playmodes Studio

Quadern de Bitàcola

Quadern de Bit-àcola

#18 - Amb Eloi Maduell de Playmodes Studio

Quadern de Bit-àcola

Quadern d'habitàcula

Notebook of Habits

Benvinguts tots a una nova edició del Quadern d'habitàcula.

Welcome everyone to a new edition of the Quadern d'habitàcula.

Hem tornat de vacances, estem amb les piles carregades,

We are back from vacation, we are recharged and ready to go.

veig cares de gent feliç que encara no ha tornat del tot

I see the faces of happy people who have not yet fully returned.

a la rutina del dia a dia.

to the daily routine.

No sé si esteu recuperats de les vacances.

I don't know if you have recovered from the holidays.

Una temporada més parlarem de tecnologia,

Once again, we will talk about technology.

parlarem de ciència, de recerca, en definitiva,

we will talk about science, about research, in short,

parlarem una mica de coses que ens envolten,

we will talk a little about the things that surround us,

que ens ocupen, que ens preocupen,

that occupy us, that concern us,

i per això estic, com sempre, molt ben acompanyat.

And for that reason, I am, as always, very well accompanied.

He de fer una salvatat, però la faré després.

I have to make a rescue, but I will do it later.

Primer prefereixo fer les coses ben fetes i saludar a tothom.

First, I prefer to do things well and greet everyone.

Eva, com estem?

Eva, how are we?

Hola, què tal?

Hello, how are you?

Estan provant les vacances, eh?

They are trying out the holidays, huh?

A mi sí. Sempre.

Me yes. Always.

Sempre. Les vacances sempre proven.

Always. The holidays always come.

Doctor Esteve, com estem?

Doctor Esteve, how are we?

Molt bones. Bé, amb l'hort a punt.

Very good. Well, with the garden ready.

Amb l'hort tot cuidat a punt.

With the garden all taken care of and ready.

Perfecte, perfecte.

Perfect, perfect.

Els calçots preparats per quan arribi.

The calçots prepared for when he/she arrives.

Hòstia, sí que t'avances, Esteve.

Wow, you really are making progress, Esteve.

S'han de plantar, després ens els menjarem.

They have to be planted, then we will eat them.

Veig que hem preparat temes, eh? Avui la cosa anirà bé.

I see that we have prepared topics, huh? Today things will go well.

Senyor Fries, com estem?

Mr. Fries, how are we?

Bé, molt bé.

Well, very well.

Tu també fas cara que les vacances estan provant bé, eh?

You also have that look like the holidays are treating you well, huh?

Sí, he fet vacances de senyor jubilat.

Yes, I have vacationed like a retired gentleman.

L'esport de...

The sport of...

M'he dedicat a l'esport de risc,

I have dedicated myself to risk sports,

que és llegir, passejar i fer el vermutet de tant en tant.

what it is to read, stroll, and have a little vermouth from time to time.

I això són vacances de jubilat.

And these are retirement holidays.



Em pensava que anaves a dir que havies anat a veure obres.

I thought you were going to say that you had gone to see some plays.

Molt relaxades.

Very relaxed.

No, allò de les obres ja no es fa.

No, that thing about the works is no longer done.

És de segona fase. De jubilat de segona fase.

It is of second phase. From second phase retiree.

Ni allò de fer cartes al director de l'avantguàrdia tampoc es fa ja.

Neither writing letters to the editor of Avui is done anymore.

Ja fem altres coses.

We do other things now.

Però molt bé, molt bé. Molt relaxades i molt bé.

But very good, very good. Very relaxed and very good.

Bueno, i em deixo amb mi pel final, com no podria ser d'altra manera.

Well, I leave myself for last, as it could be no other way.

Amb la salvetat que us deia, i és que avui direu qui és aquest que presenta el codern d'Helitàcola.

With the caveat that I mentioned to you, and that is that today you will say who is the one presenting Helitàcola's notebook.

Avui l'Eduard no ha pogut venir, no ens ha pogut acompanyar.

Today Eduard couldn't come, he couldn't accompany us.

Vam tirar una moneda i em va tocar a mi.

We tossed a coin and it was my turn.

I vaig dir que a la vida s'ha de fer de tot.

I said that in life you have to do everything.

I vaig decidir que no hi havia cap problema per fer de presentador.

I decided that there was no problem in being the presenter.

Que era una cosa d'un programa de ràdio que crec que encara no havia fet.

It was something from a radio program that I believe I hadn't done yet.

No havia fet mai.

I had never done it.

Des d'aquí una salutació a l'Eduard.

Greetings to Eduard from here.

I a en Xevi.

And in Xevi.

I a en Xevi, exacte.

And in Xevi, exactly.

I a en Xevi Senyer, que tampoc ha pogut venir.

And Xevi Senyer, who also could not come.

De feina, tot i que ens ha deixat un encàrrec.

Regarding work, although it has left us a task.

I ens ha dit que si surt un tema, vol que deixem clara la seva posició.

And he has told us that if a topic comes up, he wants us to make his position clear.

Però ja ho veurem. Ja veurem si sortirà o no.

But we'll see. We'll see if it comes out or not.

Però si surt, ho explicarem.

But if he goes out, we will explain it.

I avui, els que sou seguidors habituals del quadern, sabeu que tenim dos formats.

And today, those of you who are regular followers of the notebook know that we have two formats.

Tenim el format d'entrevista i tenim el format més de tertúlia.

We have the interview format and we have the more discussion format.

I avui toca format d'entrevista.

And today it's time for an interview format.

I ens acompanya l'Eloi Maduell.

And Eloi Maduell is accompanying us.

Eloi, com estem?

Eloi, how are we?

Hola, bona tarda.

Hello, good afternoon.

No sé si el coneixeu.

I don't know if you know him.

Bé, moltes gràcies per acceptar-me.

Well, thank you very much for accepting me.

Gràcies per acceptar la invitació.

Thank you for accepting the invitation.

La veritat és que ha sigut un convidat que ens ha portat a l'Esteve.

The truth is that he has been a guest who brought us to Esteve.

I abans de començar el programa, ho dèiem, no?

And before starting the program, we said it, right?

És a dir, petit és l'ecosistema, diguem-ne, tecnològic, en sentit ampli i gironí,

That is to say, the ecosystem is small, let's say, technological, in a broad and Girona sense,

que encara avui en dia descobrim perfils i personatges i empreses molt potents,

that even today we discover very powerful profiles, characters, and companies,

com és el cas de la seva,

as is the case with hers,

i que ara, fent una mica de preparació abans del programa,

and now, doing a little preparation before the show,

dèiem, és una persona que ningú coneixia, no?

we said, it's a person that no one knew, right?

I això encara és el que ens ha portat a l'Esteve.

And this is still what has brought us to Esteve.

I això encara a vegades passa.

And this still sometimes happens.

I per tant, ens imaginem que gent interessant,

And therefore, we imagine that interesting people,

gent que no coneixem, n'hi ha molta,

there are many people we don't know,

però gent interessant en el nostre sector i que no la coneixem,

but interesting people in our sector that we don't know,

encara avui ens passa, no?

It still happens to us today, doesn't it?

L'Eloi és fundador i codirector de Playmodes,

Eloi is the founder and co-director of Playmodes.

un estudi, no sé si ho he dit bé.

a study, I don't know if I've said it correctly.

Bé, és la gràcia aquesta de dir Playmodes, Playmodes...

Well, that's the fun of saying Playmodes, Playmodes...

Pensa que la meva empresa es diu Playbrand,

Think that my company is called Playbrand,

vull dir que estic acostumat a que ens diguin de moltes maneres.

I mean that I am used to being called many things.

Que és un estudi creatiu, audiovisual i multimèdia català,

It is a Catalan creative, audiovisual, and multimedia studio.

de Madremanya, segons LinkedIn, crec que...

from Madremanya, according to LinkedIn, I believe that...

Bé, és un estudi creatiu, audiovisual i multimèdia català, de Madremanya,

Well, it is a creative, audiovisual, and multimedia studio based in Madremanya, Catalonia.

jo visc a Madremanya, soc nascut a Barcelona, però visc a Madremanya.

I live in Madremanya, I was born in Barcelona, but I live in Madremanya.

Amb més de 16 anys d'història,

With more than 16 years of history,

amb projectes espectaculars de realitat virtual, immersiva i mapping,

with spectacular projects of virtual reality, immersive experiences, and mapping,

a Catalunya, però també a Berlín, Roma, París, Metz,

in Catalonia, but also in Berlin, Rome, Paris, Metz,

Calç Roer, Houston, Las Vegas, Praga, La Pera i Garriguella,

Calç Roer, Houston, Las Vegas, Prague, La Pera, and Garriguella.

que he pensat que són importants destacar que també fan projectes a La Pera

I thought it was important to highlight that they also carry out projects in La Pera.

i a Garriguella, entre molts d'altres.

and in Garriguella, among many others.

I responsable, entre d'altres, també del projecte de mapping

I am responsible, among other things, for the mapping project as well.

de les esglésies romàniques de Taüll...

of the Romanesque churches of Taüll...

De l'església romànica de Sant Climent.

From the Romanesque church of Sant Climent.

De l'església de Sant Climent, la principal.

Of the church of Sant Climent, the main one.

Des d'allà fa més de 10 anys i que penso que probablement

From there it has been more than 10 years and I think that probably

ens va descobrir als catalans, i suposo que a altres que no som catalans,

he discovered us Catalans, and I suppose others who are not Catalans.

però a molts catalans o a la majoria, què carai era això del mapping,

but to many Catalans or to most of them, what the heck was this mapping thing?

en un moment en què ara més o menys se sap, no?

At a time when it is now more or less known, right?

A Girona fins i tot vam tenir un festival de mapping

In Girona, we even had a mapping festival.

que va durar uns anys, però en aquell moment no sabíem ni què era, no?

that lasted a few years, but at that time we didn't even know what it was, did we?

I per tant, crec que sou, a part que és un projecte molt potent

And therefore, I believe that you are, besides the fact that it is a very powerful project.

i molt ben executat,

and very well executed,

probablement ressonant,

probably resonant,

som responsables que aquest país sàpiga què és el mapping,

We are responsible for this country knowing what mapping is.

en un moment en què ningú sabia massa...

at a time when no one knew much...

Vam ser dels pioners, diguem, a nivell espanyol segur,

We were among the pioneers, let's say, at least at the Spanish level, for sure.

català segur i europeu...

Catalan, safe and European...

Nosaltres ho vam començar a veure d'una gent que ho feia a França

We started seeing it from some people who were doing it in France.

i a partir d'aleshores el que vam fer va ser, no?

And from then on what we did was, right?

Com fem sempre, que és fer recerca i dir això com collons es fa.

As we always do, which is to research and say how the hell it's done.

Nosaltres veníem de la part de la creació audiovisual, diguem,

We came from the field of audiovisual creation, let's say,

o de la... no?

or of the... right?

De motion graphics o del treball, diguem, creatiu

Of motion graphics or, let's say, creative work.



amb temes de vídeo, amb projecció, amb música...

with video themes, with projection, with music...

I el fet d'encaixar el vídeo en una geometria era algo molt interessant, no?

And the fact of fitting the video into a geometry was something very interesting, wasn't it?

I com collons es fa, no?

And how the hell is it done, right?

I com es fa?

And how is it done?

I llavors a partir d'aquí vam començar i vam estar uns anys treballant-hi i fent coses.

And then from there we started and spent a few years working on it and doing things.

I ets deies abans de començar que...

And you said before starting that...

ara fa deu anys i de fet s'està celebrant,

ten years ago and in fact it is being celebrated,

es farà alguna celebració sobre aquesta efemèride

Will there be any celebration for this anniversary?

i deies com ha aguantat el pas del temps, no?

And you said how it has stood the test of time, right?

És a dir, el propòsit inicial era que no semblés que allò era una projecció,

That is to say, the initial purpose was that it didn't seem like that was a projection,

encara s'aguanta,

still holding on,

que és una cosa que hem vist, no?

it's something we've seen, isn't it?

Que amb tecnologia és...

That with technology is...

Sí, a nivell de...

Yes, at the level of...

No és fàcil.

It's not easy.

A nivell de llenguatge o de...

At a language level or of...

diguem, de...

let's say, of...

de narrativa, diguem,

of narrative, let's say,

com que és un mapping que explica el procés pictòric que seguia,

since it is a mapping that explains the pictorial process that I followed,

això és, diguem, la narrativa que hi ha subjacent en la peça,

this is, let's say, the narrative that underlies the piece,

però al final és molt emocionant, també.

but in the end it is very exciting, too.

És a dir, l'únic que fem és anar ensenyant les diferents parts de la pintura

That is to say, all we do is gradually show the different parts of the painting.

i poder ser tan...

and being able to be so...

tan abstracte d'alguna forma fa que...

so abstract in some way makes it...

que ser tan abstracte...

what is being so abstract...

que ser tan emocional fa que encara funcioni.

Being so emotional makes it still work.

És a dir, que la gent s'emociona

That is to say, people get emotional.

i gent que hi va anar ara, artistes que no l'havien vist,

and people who went there now, artists who had not seen it,

que van anar a veure l'altre dia,

that they went to see the other day,

també deien, hòstia, m'he emocionat, no?

They also said, wow, I've gotten emotional, right?

Té un punt emocional per...

It has an emotional point for...

per l'espai, també, evidentment, l'espai és molt...

for the space, also, obviously, the space is very...

molt especial i està treballant en una superfície

very special and is working on a surface

que té una pintura que fa...

that has a painting that does...

gairebé mil anys que està allà

almost a thousand years that it has been there

i que hi ha les capes profundes, no?

And there are the deep layers, right?

És... el projecte és molt interessant,

It is... the project is very interesting,

com a espai, diguem, no?

as space, let's say, right?

En lloc on fer-hi una peça.

In place of making a piece there.

Fet aquesta primera aportació,

Having made this first contribution,

ja podeu disparar.

You can shoot now.

Per ordre i educadament.

In an orderly and polite manner.

Val a dir que els ingredients,

It is worth mentioning that the ingredients,

és cert,

it's true,

eren extraordinaris,

they were extraordinary,

però precisament on se la juga més un cuiner

but precisely where a chef is most challenged

és quan tens ingredients extraordinaris

it's when you have extraordinary ingredients

perquè millorar-los

to improve them

és difícil.

It's difficult.

I jo l'he vist

And I have seen him/her.

i realment és extraordinari.

And it really is extraordinary.

Gràcies. I no només des del punt de vista

Thank you. And not only from the point of view

tècnic, sinó que crec

technical, but I believe

que la clau de tot allò

that the key to all of it

és que

it's just that

emociona, el que acabes de dir.

It moves me, what you just said.

És a dir, sí, emociona.

That is to say, yes, it excites.

És extremadament didàctic

It is extremely educational.

i a més a més

and furthermore

després dels museus

after the museums

i del senyor Folqui...

and Mr. Folqui...

del Fol...

of the Fol...

Folqui Torres o Folqui Camaràs?

Folqui Torres or Folqui Camaràs?

Ara no recordo. El director de museus

Now I don't remember. The director of museums.

en el seu moment i el que

at its time and what

va estar al darrere de...

was behind...

De salvar les pintures, no?

To save the paintings, right?

De totes aquestes pintures.

Of all these paintings.

Bé, crec que vosaltres

Well, I think you.

i en Martí Girona,

and Martí Girona,

deuen ser dels que han fet més

they must be among those who have done the most

per la pintura romànica

for Romanesque painting

amb els últims temps, no?

With the last times, right?

Per tant, sí.

Therefore, yes.

Un apunt, per després si podem

A note, for later if we can.

reflexionar-hi tots, i és que

reflect on it all, and it is that

això que ens sorprèn

this that surprises us

de que no coneguem

that we do not know

a determinades empreses

to certain companies

és que el món tecnològic

it's that the technological world

no quan fem mapping, sinó quan

not when we do mapping, but when

el mapegem, quan volem veure

we map it, when we want to see

quines empreses tenim,

which companies do we have,

sí que hi ha una sèrie d'empreses

there are indeed a number of companies

que és fàcil de...

that is easy to...

conèixer-les i que hi hagi divulgació.

to know them and for there to be dissemination.

És a dir, hi ha unes que són molt

That is to say, there are some that are very

molt enfocades a la indústria,

very focused on the industry,

a l'eficiència, tal.

to efficiency, such.

Hi ha unes altres que estan molt dedicades

There are others who are very dedicated.

al marketing, al posicionament,

to marketing, to positioning,

com són les vostres.

how are yours.

Però el món audiovisual

But the audiovisual world

és un món que primer és molt global,

it is a world that is very global at first,

és molt especialitzat

It is very specialized.

i és de difícil localització.

and is difficult to locate.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Hi ha l'audiovisual artístic.

There is audiovisual artistic.

Hi ha una part artística...

There is an artistic part...

Sempre hi és.

He is always there.

És una xernera entre molts mons, no?

It's a jug between many worlds, isn't it?

Perquè hi ha la part de tecnologia,

Because there is the technology part,

hi ha la part de cultura, hi ha la part artística...

there is the cultural part, there is the artistic part...

Llavors, en quin sac caus?

So, which bag do you fall into?

Sempre tenim el problema de dir tu

We always have the problem of saying "you."

de quina categoria ets, d'arts escèniques,

what category are you in, performing arts,

d'art visual,

of visual art,

o d'informàtica,

or of computer science,

o de desenvolupament, o d'IMSD...

or of development, or of R&D...

És que ens agrada tot i ho fem tot.

It's just that we like everything and we do everything.

I serveix a totes, a més a més.

It serves everyone, moreover.

Sí, però realment ens ha portat moltes vegades

Yes, but it has really brought us many times.

problemes de dir

problems of saying

no saben com encasillar-nos, diguem, no?

They don't know how to categorize us, let's say, right?

De dir a quina categoria pertanys tu.

To say which category you belong to.

Tant sigui per optar a ajuts públics

Whether to apply for public aid

com per després de dir, no?, el que deies de dir

Like after saying, right?, what you were saying to say.

quina categoria d'empresa tecnològica.

what category of technology company.

Doncs nosaltres fem software, sí, fem software,

Well, we make software, yes, we make software.

però no estem presents en cap jo

but we are not present in any I

com a desenvolupadors de software

as software developers

perquè també estem en un escletxe

because we are also in a gap



en un camí que sí que se'ns coneix

on a path that is indeed known to us

però que és molt específic, diguem.

but it is very specific, let's say.

La gent que coneix el món audiovisual

The people who know the audiovisual world

o de la recerca audiovisual

or of audiovisual research

l'art digital, doncs, són molts anys

Digital art, then, is many years.

que portem ja durant guerra

that we have already been in war

i ens més o menys se'ns coneix dins d'aquest

and we more or less are known within this

aquesta branqueta de lo que és

this little branch of what it is

la comunicació global.

global communication.

És que en aquest sentit jo crec que és una mica

In this sense, I think it's a bit...

el que parlem moltes vegades, no?

What we talk about many times, right?

Parlem de tecnologia, però al final la tecnologia

We talk about technology, but in the end, technology

ho acompanya tot. O sigui, la tecnologia et pot acompanyar

It accompanies everything. That is, technology can accompany you.

salut, et pot acompanyar cultura,

Hello, culture can accompany you.

et pot acompanyar comunicació

it can accompany you communication

i parlem d'empreses tecnològiques

and we talk about technology companies

i al final, quasi com aquell que diu, hauríem de parlar

And in the end, almost as if to say, we should talk.

de totes les empreses en general, perquè

of all companies in general, because

si tenen aquesta vessant tecnològica

if they have this technological aspect

ells tenen una... Jo trobo que

they have a... I find that

abans que feies referència

before you referred

a Martí, jo crec que tenen una vessant

To Martí, I believe they have an aspect.

cultural, volent-la o no volent-la

cultural, whether wanting it or not wanting it

en el sentit de... O sigui, aquestes

in the sense of... That is, these

pintures pateixen un arrencament

paintings suffer a tearing

positiu o negatiu,

positive or negative,

depèn de com ho analitzis,

depends on how you analyze it,

i el que estan fent és tornar-les... O sigui, evidentment

And what they are doing is returning them... I mean, obviously.

les pots anar a veure al manac i les pots gaudir,

you can go see them at the manac and enjoy them,

però no les pots veure in situ, no? I la tecnologia

but you can't see them in person, can you? And the technology

ens està permetent tornar

is allowing us to return

a veure aquestes pintures en el seu lloc d'origen.

to see these paintings in their place of origin.

Ostres, trobo que és

Wow, I think it's

una part fascinant de la tecnologia,

a fascinating part of technology,

no?, la que ens apropa cap a la cultura,

right? the one that brings us closer to culture,

i potser és la més oblidada, la que menys

and maybe it is the most forgotten, the one that is least.

cas se li fa des de

case is made from

les administracions, és la que potser

the administrations, it is perhaps

menys rèdit econòmic fàcil

less easy economic return

se li calcula, i per tant té molt

it is calculated for him, and therefore he has a lot

mèrit aquesta tasca que fan des de

merit this task that they do from

la seva empresa. I després hi ha un

their company. And then there is a

salt important entre

important difference between

ser guai i ser

be cool and be





La tecnologia moltes vegades

Technology many times

es perd en ella mateixa sent guai,

she gets lost in herself feeling cool,

perquè com encara

because I still eat

està en un moment

is in a moment

que encara arriba el conqueridor

that the conqueror still arrives

amb una barcassa i ensenya

with a barge and shows

uns collarins i brillen,

some collars shine,



ens perdem

we're getting lost

en tot un revolutum

in a whole whirlwind

entre tecnologia

between technology

guai i tecnologia

cool and technology

útil. El cas

useful. The case

torno a Tavull,

I return to Tavull,

perquè és el treball vostre que conec,

because it is your work that I know,

Tavull és útil.

Tavull is useful.

És guai, és molt guai,

It's cool, it's really cool.

però és útil.

but it is useful.

Sí, però és del que és la tecnologia de mapping.

Yes, but it is about what mapping technology is.

La tecnologia dona un pas més.

Technology takes a step further.

És quan és més coherent i té una funció.

It is when it is more consistent and has a function.

I quan té tot el sentit i tot el pes i per això

And when it all makes sense and has all the weight and that's why

aguanta 10 anys. Si només hagués sigut

it lasts 10 years. If it had only been

guai, ja estaríeu

cool, you would already be

desfassats, ja ningú aniria a Tavull.

disheveled, no one would go to Tavull anymore.

Però si és

But if it is

útil i emociona,

useful and emotional,

entra en una altra dimensió.

enter into another dimension.

Ja, a veure,

Yes, let's see,

l'Eloi també l'he vist

I have also seen Eloi.

més obres que la de Tavull,

more works than those of Tavull,

que també hi hagi estat.

that there has also been there.

I hi ha una altra part, és que...

And there is another part, which is that...

Això fa uns anys, això és molt vell.

This is a few years ago, this is very old.

Durant 10 anys has fet més coses, no?

In the past 10 years, you've done more things, right?

Hi ha moltes coses. Jo fa poques setmanes

There are many things. A few weeks ago, I...

a Palamós hi he fet

In Palamós I have done

una instal·lació

a facility

on hi ha música i vídeo

where there is music and video

i on hi ha

and where there is

una nova mèrida

a new measure

de representar la música.

of representing music.

També és una part molt interessant

It is also a very interesting part.

que estem fent, que potser

what we are doing, maybe

la música la pots representar

you can represent music

de més d'una forma, i aquesta forma

in more than one way, and this way

que tenim de pentagrama és una

What we have in the staff is one.

opció, però hi ha noves opcions.

option, but there are new options.

I experimentar com pots

And experiment as you can.

fer-ho això de nou i com pots crear

do it again and how you can create

aquest escenari és interessant.

this scenario is interesting.

I també

Me too.

haig de

I have to

reconèixer que a vegades la tecnologia

recognize that sometimes technology

permet fer-ho tot, però quan intentes

allows you to do everything, but when you try

fer-ho tot, veus algunes instal·lacions

do everything, you see some facilities

d'aquestes i és com una demostració

of these and it is like a demonstration

que sí, ho pots fer-ho tot, però

that yes, you can do it all, but

perds el contingut artístic,

you lose the artistic content,

la part visual, la part

the visual part, the part

agradable d'una...

pleasant of a...

d'estar mirant una obra

of watching a play

artística allà.

artistic there.

I en això jo crec

And in this I believe.

que el grup

that the group

no cau en aquesta temptació

do not fall into this temptation

i tot i poder fer coses, es fan

And despite being able to do things, they are done.

les coses perquè hi hagi un valor

things in order to have a value

artístic, no és...

artistic, it is not...

I aquesta part, jo crec

And in this part, I think.

que com ho treballeu o com

how do you work on it or how

plantegeu aquesta part artística,

propose this artistic part,

jo crec que també és interessant

I think it is also interesting.

com ho esteu fent.

how are you doing.

Sí, diria, bueno, la primera part

Yes, I would say, well, the first part.

diguem és de...

let's say it's from...

portem molts anys fent recerca,

we have been researching for many years,

en el fons el que fem nosaltres ens agrada dir-li

deep down what we do we like to call it

música visual, perquè

visual music, because

és a dir, portem molts anys

that is to say, we have been many years

jo i el Santi, el Santi és músic,

Me and Santi, Santi is a musician,

jo soc informàtic, o no,

I am a computer scientist, or not.

és per la part visual, i portem

it's for the visual part, and we carry

molts anys, ens hem trobat treballant

Many years, we have found ourselves working.

plegats còmodament perquè

folded comfortably because

ens agrada generar

we like to generate

experiències audiovisuals, on hi ha

audiovisual experiences, where there are

una part sonora i una part visual, on la relació

a sound part and a visual part, where the relationship

entre la música i el sonor

between music and sound

i el visual és molt estreta, o és

And the visual is very narrow, or is it?

molt tangible, o és molt comprensible,

very tangible, or it is very understandable,

o és molt emocionant, o el que sigui, però és una cosa

either it's very exciting, or whatever, but it's something

que ens interessa molt, és a dir, com funciona

that interests us a lot, that is to say, how it works

el sistema perceptiu humà, que

the human perceptual system, which

ens és agradable veure coses

it is pleasant for us to see things

que tenen una sincronia entre el visual

that have a synchrony between the visual

i el sonor. Per això li diem música

and the sound. That’s why we call it music.

visual, no? En Santi portà

Visual, right? Santi brought it.

des de la pandèmia fent una

since the pandemic doing a

recerca sobre generació

research on generation

de música en base a imatges

music based on images

que són com

that are like

el resultat del que seria un espectrograma, diguem,

the result of what would be a spectrogram, let's say,

és a dir, normalment de la

that is to say, usually from the

música pots fer un espectrograma, i això és un dibuix,

music you can make a spectrogram, and this is a drawing,

i el Santi el que ha estat fent és,

and what Santi has been doing is,

fent com puc dibuixar música

how can I draw music

per fer el procés invers, i

to reverse the process, and

diguem, transformar aquests dibuixos

let's say, transform these drawings

en música, no?, en una manera

in music, right?, in a way

d'escriure, o de dibuixar música,

of writing, or of drawing music,

diguem, i hi ha tot de variants, no?, en el cas

let's say, and there are all kinds of variants, right?, in this case

de Palamós era un concert amb un quartet

From Palamós, it was a concert with a quartet.

de coble, penso. Exacte, era un quartet

of coble, I think. Exactly, it was a quartet.

de coble, no?, i

Of course, right? And

llavors hi havia un mapejat

then there was a mapping

que hi havia una part

that there was a part

projectada que anava passant

projected that was passing by

el temps com si fos un espectrograma,

time as if it were a spectrogram,

però el mapejat no era

but the mapping was not

exactament un espectrograma, sinó

exactly a spectrogram, but

les freqüències

the frequencies

estaven mapejades

they were mapped

de dreta a esquerra, llavors

from right to left, then

el volum era l'ataca

the volume was the attack

de la imatge, i per tant

of the image, and therefore

tant els músics interpretaven

both the musicians interpreted

el que estaven veient visualment,

what they were seeing visually,

i també la gent del públic

and also the people from the audience

acabava s'interpretant

it ended up being interpreted

més o menys que hi havia

more or less than there was

aquest mapeig entre un cas i un altre.

this mapping between one case and another.

Però com pots generar

But how can you generate

que sigui agradable visualment,

that it is visually pleasing,

no?, i que mantingui

No? And that it stays.

la coherència amb

the coherence with

la música que està interpretat.

the music that is being performed.

Tota aquesta experiència que no és directa,

All this experience that is not direct,

no?, i que esteu experimentant

no?, and what are you experimenting with?

en el tintens, trobo que

in the tints, I find that

enriqueix molt més, no?,

it enriches a lot more, right?

el fet exacte

the exact fact

d'engegar un caset

to turn on a cassette player

per una cosa que faci música i engegar

for one thing that makes music and starts up

un vídeo que es projecti a una altra banda.

a video that is projected to another side.

Hi ha una cosa més complexa

There is something more complex.

aquí que

here that

acaba d'enriquir i donar-li més

just enriched and gave it more

valor a la

value to the

peça. Sí, hi ha

piece. Yes, there is.

un factor de...

a factor of...

que la gent, és a dir,

that people, that is,

el fet que treballem tecnologia,

the fact that we work with technology,

però que són peces que a vegades

but they are pieces that sometimes

aquest tipus de concerts, diguem, el veu un públic,

this type of concerts, let's say, is seen by an audience,

un espectre públic molt ampli,

a very broad public spectrum,

a vegades fem coses més

sometimes we do more things

radicals o més

radicals or more

tancades en una

closed in one

especialitat, en una manera una mica menys

specialty, in a somewhat less

oberta en el públic, però aquesta manera de traduir

open to the public, but this way of translating

la música, les imatges

the music, the images

a música, hi ha un factor clau

In music, there is a key factor.

que és que hi ha com un... tu veus una imatge que està

What is it that there is like a... you see an image that is

corrent cap a un punt, i en aquell

running towards a point, and in that

punt es sonifica, i doncs la gent té

the point is sonified, and therefore people have

com una capacitat d'anticipació del que està passant.

with an ability to anticipate what is happening.

És un dibuix i va entenent, i al final

It's a drawing and it understands, and in the end.

nosaltres hem dissenyat un sistema

we have designed a system

i estem ensenyant a la gent

and we are teaching people

a llegir la música d'aquesta manera, i la gent

to read the music in this way, and the people

hi ha una part que també sembla

there is a part that also seems

que agrada, diguem, a nivell de...

that pleases, let's say, on a level of...

com a espectador, és ser capaç d'anticipar

As a spectator, it is being able to anticipate.

què és el que passarà. Llavors, quan tu veus un dibuix

What will happen. Then, when you see a drawing.

que pot trigar 7 o 8 segons

that can take 7 or 8 seconds

fins que d'allò, el teu cervell està dient

until then, your brain is saying

hòstia, ara hi ha...

holy shit, now there's...

estan les línies molt separades o molt cap amunt,

are the lines very far apart or very up high,

serà un so més agut, o si hi ha una baixada

it will be a higher pitch, or if there is a drop

hi haurà una baixada, i doncs això fa

there will be a drop, and so this makes

que la gent participi d'alguna forma

for people to participate in some way

en el procés, perquè és

in the process, because it is

un sistema, i nosaltres t'estem dient, no?

a system, and we are telling you, right?

Entén la manera que tenim de treballar, diguem,

Understand the way we work, let's say,

no és només guai,

it's not just cool,

sinó que és una mica útil, també.

but it’s also a bit useful.

Sí, nosaltres des d'aquí, que també a vegades

Yes, we from here, that sometimes too

hem parlat d'aquesta part científica de trobar

we have talked about this scientific part of finding

unes pautes, o que el cervell intenta

some guidelines, or that the brain tries

trobar dins la música

to find within music

en el que sigui que

in whatever it may be that

hi ha unes pautes, i pots anticipar

There are some guidelines, and you can anticipate.

que hi ha el món, ens dona una certa

that there is the world, gives us a certain

alegria d'entendre el món que ens envolta,

joy of understanding the world around us,

no? I justament això, que veu

No? That's just it, what you see.

gent que no coneix,

people you don't know,

però al cap d'un moment d'exposició

but after a while of exposure

en aquella d'allò,

at that time,

de seguida és capaç de crear-te

right away it is able to create you

aquesta expectativa de com sonarà

this expectation of how it will sound

en allò al cap d'un moment, no?

In that moment, right?

O com interpretes com aquelles

Or how do you interpret those?

altres instal·lacions que teniu, que són

other facilities that you have, which are

barres que estan girant, quan arriben

bars that are spinning, when they arrive

en la part del piano i toquen

in the piano part and they play

el d'allò, tu estàs veient

You are seeing that, you know.

que allò no és una música, però

that is not music, though

quan arribi en el punt de sonorificació

when it reaches the point of voicing


will end

complint o omplint més l'espectre,

fulfilling or filling more the spectrum,

o menys, i és molt

or less, and it is a lot

visual, i crec que constantment

visual, and I think constantly

aquestes pautes... És un joc, no?

these guidelines... It's a game, isn't it?

Aquest joc que molt...

This game that very...

D'aquí playmodes, també, no?

From here playmodes, right?

Modes de joc, o no?

Game modes, or not?

Quan desenvolupem un sistema

When we develop a system

de dir, comences fent un arrel, no?

to say, you start by making a root, right?

O desenvolupes una peça i dius, estic aquí,

Either you develop a piece and say, I'm here,

ens ha agradat fer això, però quan arribes

we have enjoyed doing this, but when do you arrive

allà, veus el següent pas, i el següent,

there, you see the next step, and the next,

i el següent, i comences a desenvolupar dins d'una

and the following, and you start to develop within a

mateixa idea, tot de modes de joc, d'aquella

same idea, all modes of play, of that

mateixa idea, diguem. I això

same idea, let's say. And this

ens passa contínuament, de dir, no? Acabem,

It happens to us constantly, right? We're done.

fent coses que són... Que són coses

doing things that are... That are things

que a nosaltres ens entretenen, o ens

that entertain us, or us

agraden, diguem, però que

they please, let's say, but that

entenem que pel públic hi ha

we understand that there is for the audience

una capacitat de jugar-hi, o de fer-te

a capacity to play with it, or to make yourself

partícip d'aquest

participant in this

d'allò. Perquè també, un cop has entès el

of that. Because also, once you have understood the

sistema, tu et pots plantejar de dir

system, you can consider saying

i si hi fiques una rodona, què passaria?

And if you put a circle in it, what would happen?

O i si hi fiques el meu nom, com sonaria el meu nom?

Oh, and if you include my name, how would my name sound?

O si hi fico el dibuix d'un gat, com sonaria el dibuix d'un gat?

Or if I put the drawing of a cat, how would the drawing of a cat sound?

No? Perquè estàs obrint, diguem,

No? Because you are opening, let's say,

és una cosa molt... Intentem explicar

It's a very... Let's try to explain.

els sistemes, o ser molt oberts en la

the systems, or being very open in the

manera de...

way of...

demostrar-te... Jo, personalment,

demonstrate to you... I, personally,

quan miro aquestes instal·lacions, no?

When I look at these facilities, right?

Quan mires una part, que és sempre aquella

When you look at a part, it is always that one.

part que diu entre música

part that says between music

i matemàtiques, o

and mathematics, or

entre música i geometria,

between music and geometry,

justament aquelles geometries

just those geometries

que hi ha allà, que acaben amb música,

what is there, that ends with music,

o aquests moviments geomètrics

or these geometric movements

que hi ha allà, que acabaran generant

what is there that will end up generating

unes pautes, també

some guidelines, too

trobo una cosa molt interessant

I find something very interesting.

d'explorar de com

to explore how

acabes lligant aquesta geometria

you end up tying this geometry

ja no només matemàtica, sinó

no longer just mathematics, but

geometria amb música,

geometry with music,

no?, que

no?, what

trobo molt

I find a lot

especial, no?, de veure

special, isn’t it?, to see

com segueix el projecte

how is the project progressing

i com acaba

And how does it end?

explotant encara

exploiting still

aquests mapejos, no?, en aquesta

these mappings, right?, in this

part, no? Ho trobo molt interessant.

That's interesting, isn't it? I find it very intriguing.

I no para, i seguim. Ara estem...

And it doesn't stop, and we continue. Now we are...

Aquesta setmana que ve se'n va una peça

Next week a piece is going away.

basada en el mateix sistema, se'n va a

based on the same system, it goes to

Amsterdam, a un museu d'Amsterdam,

Amsterdam, to a museum in Amsterdam,

amunt, amunt, no?, modificant,

up, up, right?, changing,

ho parla, no?, tenen una pantalla molt grossa

He speaks it, right? They have a very large screen.

que fa com una corba així, però

that makes like a curve like this, but

el sistema aquest, vull dir, hem fet

this system, I mean, we have done

concerts amb quartet de corda,

concerts with string quartet,

concerts amb quartet de vent,

concerts with wind quartet,

amb una coble, instal·lacions,

with a couple, installations,

vull dir, hem fet, no?, d'anar estirant

I mean, we've done it, right?, to keep stretching.

aquest concepte, diguem, no?,

this concept, let's say, right?

el problema és que necessitem moltes vegades

The problem is that we often need.


to work,

guanyar diners per mantenir

earn money to maintain

l'estructura, però de coses a fer

the structure, but of things to do

és que n'hi ha, contínuament aniríem

it's just that there are some, we would continuously go

fent coses, diguem-ne.

doing things, let's say.

El vostre client,

Your client,

ara en parles d'un museu,

now you talk about a museum,

està clar, una església,

it's clear, a church,

però qui està interessat

but who is interested

en els vostres projectes?

in your projects?

Si jo demà sóc el teu comercial,

If I am your salesperson tomorrow,

si jo sóc el teu comercial demà,

if I am your salesperson tomorrow,

a qui he d'anar a visitar?

Who should I go visit?

És que el Xerxi és comercial.

It's just that Xerxi is commercial.

És que nosaltres no hem tingut mai comercial.

It's just that we have never had a salesperson.

Doncs t'interessa en Xerxi, que està jubilat,

So you are interested in Xerxi, who is retired.

però té hores lliures.

but he/she has free hours.

Estic proposant l'exercici.

I am proposing the exercise.

Era per entendre't.

It was to understand you.

Els nostres clients, normalment, són

Our clients are usually

entitats culturals,

cultural entities,

en el cas d'avui, és la Generalitat

In today's case, it is the Generalitat.

qui mou tot el projecte i ens contracta

who drives the whole project and hires us

a nosaltres. El museu aquest

to us. This museum

és un museu, una institució

It is a museum, an institution.

cultural d'Amsterdam.

cultural of Amsterdam.

Hem fet molta feina a festivals

We have done a lot of work at festivals.

de la llum, que normalment els organitzen

of the light, which are usually organized by them

els ajuntaments o els instituts de cultura

the municipalities or the cultural institutes

d'arreu, on sigui.

from anywhere, wherever it is.

Festivals de música,

Music festivals,

festivals d'art digital...

digital art festivals...

I vosaltres els hi doneu solució

And you give them a solution.

des del començament del projecte final.

since the beginning of the final project.

Nosaltres el que fem és

What we do is

que publicam el que fem a Instagram,

we publish what we do on Instagram,

i la gent diu

and people say

m'agrada això, ho pots portar al meu festival

I like this, you can bring it to my festival.

i treballem al lloc.

And we work at the place.

Els culpables de que funcioni o no

The culprits of whether it works or not.

sou exclusiu a vosaltres.

you are exclusive to yourselves.

Sí, normalment sí.

Yes, usually.

Això que acabes de dir és molt interessant.

What you just said is very interesting.

Ho fem no totalment.

We do it not completely.

No, ho fem nosaltres.

No, we do it ourselves.

Totes les nostres peces, tota la música,

All our pieces, all the music,

tots els gràfics, tot el software, tot el que fem

all the graphics, all the software, everything we do

ha sigut fet per nosaltres.

It has been done for us.

Però tot neix de vosaltres.

But it all comes from you.

Nosaltres fem una peça i després aquesta peça

We make one piece and then this piece.

la veu un museu, la veu qui sigui

The voice a museum, the voice anyone.

i ens la contracten.

and they hire us.

Vosaltres feu una peça pensada

You make a thoughtful piece.

per algú que us vingui i us digui

for someone to come to you and tell you

m'agradaria que creéssiu una peça?

I would like you to create a piece?



Molt poques vegades hem fet sota comanda.

Very few times have we done it on order.

A vegades sí que va haver-hi una època

Sometimes there was a time.

que fèiem instal·lacions més site específic

that we did more site-specific installations

o fetes expressament per un lloc

or made specifically for a place

i aleshores a tu et proposen un lloc

and then they offer you a place

i tu tens tot un arsenal

and you have a whole arsenal

de tecnologies tècniques o coses

of technical technologies or things

a aplicar i acabes fent

to apply and end up doing

una barreja una mica del que estàs fent.

a bit of a mix of what you are doing.

En aquell moment estem fent a l'estudi

At that moment we are doing at the studio.

quines són les línies de recerca que tenim

What are the lines of research that we have?

i ho apliquem a l'espai

and we apply it to the space

o a l'event que sigui de dir

or to the event that it is to say

és que hi haurà un músic i s'ha de col·laborar amb un músic

There will be a musician, and one must collaborate with a musician.

com hem fet a vegades.

as we have done sometimes.

O no hi ha músic però hi ha una ballarina

Oh, there is no music but there is a dancer.

o el que sigui.

or whatever it is.

Però normalment nosaltres ens inventem coses

But usually we make things up.

les publiquem

we publish them

i les acabem distribuint.

and we end up distributing them.

Llavors la llavor és molt més artística.

Then the seed is much more artistic.

Vosaltres esteu creant una peça

You are creating a piece.

evidentment la tecnologia us acompanya

obviously technology accompanies you

però el que vosaltres veneu és el vostre talent.

But what you sell is your talent.

Sí, la tecnologia és circumstancial.

Yes, technology is circumstantial.

És l'eina.

It is the tool.

O el que sigui.

Or whatever it is.

Arrel que això que deies ara Eva

Root that what you were saying now, Eva.

hi ha una cosa que abans volia dir

There is one thing that I wanted to say before.

que en la mesura que a l'art se li aplica tecnologia

that as technology is applied to art

i aquesta es fa visible

and this becomes visible

probablement per falta d'educació

probably due to lack of education

o per falta de cultura o per falta de costum

either due to a lack of culture or a lack of habit

o diguem-li com vulguem

or let's call it what we want

pot haver-hi aquella sensació de dir

there may be that feeling of saying

bueno però si hi apliques tanta tecnologia

Well, but if you apply so much technology.

en el fons ja no és art.

In the end, it is no longer art.

Ho dic provocativament però jo evidentment no penso això.

I say it provocatively but I obviously don't think that.

Però sí que és un debat

But it is indeed a debate.

que ens aproxima una mica al tema de la intel·ligència artificial

which brings us a bit closer to the topic of artificial intelligence

també. És un tema que ha de sortir

also. It's a topic that needs to come out.

a totes les entrevistes i a totes les tertúlies

to all the interviews and to all the discussions

si no ja no seríem nosaltres.

if not, we would no longer be us.

No hi ha en Xevi.

Xevi is not here.

No hi ha en Xevi. Xevi, una salutació des d'aquí.

Xevi is not here. Xevi, greetings from here.

Doncs ho hem de posar.

Then we have to put it.

Aquest no era l'encàrrec que ens ha fet en Xevi

This was not the order that Xevi gave us.

era un altre, però ja que hi som.

It was another one, but since we are here.

Però creus que això us passa?

But do you think this happens to you?

En sou una mica presoners entre cometes?

Are you a bit trapped, so to speak?

No, és una discussió molt interessant.

No, it's a very interesting discussion.

És a dir, Leonardo da Vinci

That is to say, Leonardo da Vinci.

què era?

What was it?

Un artista o un enginyer?

An artist or an engineer?

Clar, clar, clar.

Sure, sure, sure.

La Gioconda és una obra d'art però és una obra d'art.

The Mona Lisa is a work of art but it is a work of art.

És a dir, a part, no?

That is to say, apart, right?

És a dir, quina diferència hi ha entre fer

That is to say, what is the difference between doing

una, no?

one, right?

De poder defensar clarament

To be able to defend clearly

que una pintura feta amb pinzells

that a painting made with brushes

que has comprat a la Bacus,

what did you buy at Bacus,

amb pintura comprada a la Bacus,

with paint purchased at Bacus,

és una obra d'art, per dir-ho d'algú, perdó,

it's a work of art, so to speak, excuse me,

en una botiga.

in a store.

En canvi, un software fet a casa

On the other hand, homemade software

per tu que fa unes imatges que acabes projectant

for you, what makes some images that you end up projecting

o les pots acabar imprimint i tenint també una pintura

or you can end up printing them and also having a painting

no és art perquè una cosa és pintura i l'altra no.

It is not art because one thing is painting and the other is not.

Quina diferència hi ha entre una imatge

What is the difference between an image

i una fotografia?

And a photograph?

Ha parlat el fotògraf.

The photographer has spoken.

Sempre passa amb l'art.

It always happens with art.

No, no, si ho dic.

No, no, I mean it.

La pregunta era provocativa totalment.

The question was completely provocative.

Ho sé, ho sé, però clar,

I know, I know, but of course,

ja que ho...

since it...

T'hem de donar resposta, no?

We have to give you an answer, right?

No hi ha cap diferència.

There is no difference.

Em passa amb totes les disciplines.

It happens to me with all disciplines.

No hi ha cap diferència.

There is no difference.

I això es cura amb educació, amb més cultura,

And this is cured with education, with more culture,

amb més temps?

with more time?

El problema de qui no ho entengui,

The problem of those who do not understand it,

diguem, és a dir,

let's say, that is to say,

és tan creatiu fer un algoritme

it's so creative to make an algorithm

com fer un traç en un paper.

how to make a line on a paper.

En un paper, en un pinzell.

On a paper, with a brush.

És a dir, són...

That is to say, they are...

I fins i tot el procés de desenvolupament

And even the development process

de les eines, al final nosaltres,

of the tools, in the end we,

perquè ho estem fent molt,

because we are doing it a lot,

nosaltres ens creem, la majoria,

we create ourselves, for the most part,

des de fa bastants anys,

for quite a few years now,

la majoria de coses que fem,

most of the things we do,

tot el software que hi ha implicat

all the software that is involved

o el 90% del software que hi ha implicat

or 90% of the software involved

és nostre.

It's ours.

Perquè anem trobant de dir

Because we keep finding to say

és que jo vull fer jo

It's that I want to do it myself.

i per fer això el software comercial no n'hi ha,

and to do this, there is no commercial software.

per tant m'haig de fer jo la meva eina

therefore, I have to make my own tool.

i que vols dir que el temps que estic fent desenvolupament

What do you mean by the time I am developing?

no se'n pot considerar artista o no artista.

One cannot consider someone an artist or not an artist.

També la paraula artista ens prova una mica

The word artist also challenges us a bit.

de reacció, és a dir, nosaltres

of reaction, that is to say, we

ens considerem gent creativa

we consider ourselves creative people

que ens agrada jugar amb la creativitat i amb les creacions

that we like to play with creativity and with creations

si això se li posa el nom...

if this is given the name...

És a dir, primer hauríem de dir

That is to say, first we should say.

em defineixes artista, em defineixes art,

you define me as an artist, you define me as art,

perquè per mi és una paraula molt difícil d'entendre

because for me it is a very difficult word to understand

i poder dir tu ets artista, doncs no ho sé.

And I can say you are an artist, well I don't know.

Jo soc informàtic, treballo en coses creatives.

I am a computer scientist, I work on creative things.

Si això se li diu art o no se li diu art

Whether this is called art or not called art.

m'importa poc

I care little.

i és una discussió de dir parlem-ne,

and it's a discussion of saying let's talk about it,

poder sí, poder no, no ho sé.

can yes, can no, I don't know.

Però, potser si ho ets,

But maybe you are.

em crees.

you believe me.

O sigui, potser és la definició

So, maybe it's the definition.

de l'art, genera una emoció.

From art, it generates an emotion.

És que hi ha molta tecnologia al darrere.

There is a lot of technology behind it.



Aquesta part d'allò

This part of that

i també aquesta part de com generes aquest codi

and also this part of how you generate this code

que t'has trobat

what have you found

i que vosaltres també tenim una part

and that you also have a part

de claim que això no existeix

To claim that this does not exist

aquest software i com ho generes

this software and how you generate it

i com la comunitat està generant

and how the community is generating

codis que t'ajuden

codes that help you

a fer aquestes implementacions

to carry out these implementations

i com et trobes una població

And how do you find a population?

que sense ser experta

that without being an expert

i sense ser grans enginyers

and without being great engineers

acaben dedicant-hi moltes hores

they end up dedicating many hours to it

i a base de moltíssimes hores

and based on a lot of hours

hi ha unes llibreries

there are some bookstores

que permeten

that allow

aquesta palanca de fer a part.

this lever to make a part.

Que també és interessant.

Which is also interesting.

Sí, ens posem fric.

Yes, we get fric.

Si anem a les interioritats

If we go to the inner workings

dels sistemes que vam servir

of the systems we provided

no hi ha res del món

there is nothing in the world

que faci el que fa el nostre software.

Let it do what our software does.

És a dir, hi ha coses però

That is to say, there are things but

anem de l'altra banda.

let's go from the other side.

Estem tan esmolats en una direcció

We are so sharpened in one direction.

en la relació entre el processat

in the relationship between the accused

de les coses visuals i les sonores

of visual and sound things

i les mecàniques, diguem-ne,

and the mechanics, let's say,

la relació entre, per poder fer

the relationship between, in order to be able to do

performance on pot haver-hi motors,

performance can have engines,

pot haver-hi llums, pot haver-hi píxels,

there can be lights, there can be pixels,

pot haver-hi altaveus,

there can be speakers,

però tenir una eina que et permet

but having a tool that allows you

composar de forma digital

compose digitally

tots aquests elements,

all these elements,

no hi ha gaire cosa actualment al mercat.

There isn't much currently on the market.

Hi ha moltes coses de mapping, de productores,

There are many things about mapping, about producers,

de fer superproduccions,

of making blockbusters,

però alguna cosa per poder manipular

but something to be able to manipulate

o poder jugar amb aquest nivell

or to be able to play at this level

també és perquè només ho fan els bojos

it's also because only the crazy ones do it.

com nosaltres que els interessa això.

like us who are interested in this.

Sí, sí, que aquesta

Yes, yes, this one.

sincronització, imatge, so

synchronization, image, sound

i a més aquestes parts mecàniques

and moreover these mechanical parts

que també hi havia

that there was also

l'última vegada que ens havíem trobat a Girona

the last time we had met in Girona

en el...

in the...

L'auditori, no?

The auditorium, right?

A l'auditori hi havia una instal·lació

In the auditorium, there was an installation.

on hi havia una part mecànica i luminosa

there was a mechanical and luminous part

que complica encara més

that complicates even more

com sincronitzes aquesta part

How do you synchronize this part?

mecànica i tota aquesta part.

mechanics and all this part.

O sigui, és interessant

That is, it's interesting.

veure com aquests reptes

see how these challenges

que intervenen des de hardware

that intervene from hardware

a software i la part

the software and the part

de presentació, tot això

of presentation, all this

es pot generar a tota la cadena

it can be generated throughout the entire chain

i la tenim a prop

and we have it close by

i, bueno, a mi

and, well, to me

em sorprèn sempre

It always surprises me.

i per això quan va rodir...

And that's why when it was filmed...

Home, tens l'Esteve fascinat.

Dude, you have Esteve fascinated.

Tenir l'Esteve fascinat no és fàcil.

Keeping Esteve fascinated is not easy.

No és fàcil.

It's not easy.

És senyal segur

It is a sure sign.

d'entrar en una altra branca

to enter another branch

que semblava quasi

that seemed almost

posar aigua al vi

to water down the wine

perquè està tan meravellat

why are you so amazed?

en aquest procés

in this process

que és eminentment...

that is eminently...

De fet estàvem tots una mica fascinats

In fact, we were all a little fascinated.

escoltant l'Esteve també, eh?

Listening to Esteve too, huh?

És fàcil. Tenim aquest privilegi.

It’s easy. We have this privilege.

A mi el que em fascina

What fascinates me

a part de tot això que has posat

apart from all this that you have mentioned

ton valor i que ho saps fer tan magníficament

Your courage and that you know how to do it so magnificently.

bé, que per això hi ets,

well, that's why you're here,

que hi hagi

that there be

altres formes d'art,

other forms of art,

combinades amb tecnologia, que són consumides

combined with technology, which are consumed

per la gent. És a dir,

for the people. That is to say,

està interessant...

it's interesting...

Poso un altre punt de reflexió amb el tema

I put another point of reflection on the topic.



els convidats

the guests

també els utilitzem per...

we also use them for...

No sé si t'havien avisat, però...

I don't know if they had warned you, but...

Que lleig.

How ugly.

Molt lleig.

Very ugly.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

Ja t'entens, cap problema.

I understand you, no problem.

Crec que s'entén.

I think it is understood.

Reflexionem sobre la societat a través de les entrevistes.

We reflect on society through interviews.

Crec que ho entén i en definitiva...

I think he understands it and ultimately...

Aprendre és això, és a dir, hi ha molt de manipulació, no?

Learning is this, that is to say, there is a lot of manipulation, right?

És a dir, hi ha altres maneres

That is to say, there are other ways.

d'expressions artístiques

of artistic expressions

apujades a la tecnologia que interessen a la gent.

raised in technology that interests people.

I això està molt bé.

And that is very good.

Hi ha un altre consum

There is another consumption.

que s'apoia

that is supported

amb la tecnologia.

with technology.

L'escultura tindrà un molt

The sculpture will have a very

de noves tecnologies.

of new technologies.

L'escultura abans anava...

The sculpture used to go...

Se n'anava aquell senyor a les...

That gentleman was leaving at...

Allà a les pedreres aquelles

There at those quarries

de... On era?

From... Where was it?

Allò... Carrara, no?

That... Carrara, right?

Se n'anava a Carrara, agafava una pedra

He was going to Carrara, picking up a stone.

i en Miquel Àngel deia

and Michelangelo said

que allà dintre hi havia una escultura.

that inside there was a sculpture.

Llavors, què feies?

So, what were you doing?

Esculpia per treure

Sculpt to take out.

l'escultura que hi havia allà dintre.

the sculpture that was inside there.

Ara no, ara agafaran una impressora 3D,

Not now, they will pick up a 3D printer.

injectaran producte

they will inject product

i sortirà l'escultura. Això vol dir

and the sculpture will come out. This means

pensar al revés. És a dir, l'art

thinking backwards. That is, art

s'està repensant

it is being rethought

també des de paràmetres

also from parameters

tecnològics i a sobre és interessant, no?

technological and on top of that it's interesting, isn't it?

I això crec

And I believe this.

crec que està bé.

I think it is fine.

Crec que està molt bé. Hi ha altres ofertes.

I think it's very good. There are other offers.

Fins i tot amb circuits convencionals,

Even with conventional circuits,

no sé, jo ahir comprava entrades

I don't know, I was buying tickets yesterday.

per anar a

to go to

escoltar les tallers

listen to the workshops

amb veu d'en Pere Arquilluer

with the voice of Pere Arquilluer

i música d'en Tot i Soler.

and music by Tot i Soler.

Hi ha un altre

There is another.

tipus de consum que està lligat

type of consumption that is linked

a tot això.

to all this.

És que és molt vasta, no?

It's just that it's very rough, isn't it?

Sí, i potser

Yes, and maybe

ens ho podem llegir d'una altra manera,

we can read it another way,

una mica més...

a little more...

senzilla, eh? Però el fet

Simple, huh? But the fact

de posar-hi tecnologia pot fer que s'apropi

putting technology into it can make it closer.

a gent que d'una altra manera la cultura

to people who in another way the culture

li fa rebuig o li sembla

does it reject him or does it seem to him

que no està al seu abast, no?

that is beyond their reach, isn't it?

I potser estàs aprenent o estàs escoltant

And maybe you are learning or you are listening.

o estàs rebent

or you are receiving

aquesta experiència

this experience

perquè hi havia tecnologia, que al final

because there was technology, which in the end

la tecnologia era el camí, la mediadora

technology was the way, the mediator

per poder arribar al missatge

to be able to get to the message

final, no? Quedem-nos

Finally, right? Let's stay.

amb aquesta sensació positiva

with this positive feeling

No, però cada vegada veus més això. Abans

No, but you see more of this each time. Before.

la tecnologia fa no tant, era

technology does not do so much, was

focs d'encenalls, era una cosa

ember fires, it was one thing



I després hi havia la tecnologia, com diu

And then there was technology, as it says.

en Rafa Aguilera, diu la tecnologia

Rafa Aguilera says technology.

avorrida, que era la de...

boring, which was the one of...

La tecnologia avorrida.

The boring technology.

Hi havia la guai i l'avorrida.

There was the cool one and the boring one.

Ara ja hi ha més un mix

Now there's more of a mix.

de tot. Aquestes setmanes

of everything. These weeks

parlava d'un videojoc

he was talking about a video game



que el que vol és fer una divulgació

that what he wants is to make a dissemination

de la cultura xinesa arreu

from Chinese culture everywhere

del món, on han utilitzat

of the world, where they have used

el rei mono,

the monkey king,

i és el personatge

and it is the character

principal, i a través de les aventures

main, and through the adventures

del rei mono, doncs estàs veient la cultura

of the monkey king, so you are seeing the culture

xinesa. Aquesta

Chinese. This



hibridació, cultura,

hybridization, culture,

ensenyament, tecnologia,

teaching, technology

cada vegada s'està

each time is being

valorant més

valorant more

i hi ha tot un món a explorar aquí.

And there is a whole world to explore here.

Sí que no, jo diria que no

Yes, I would say no.

és presumpció

it is presumption

de que funcioni, és a dir, que perquè hi posis

that it works, that is to say, that for you to put in

tecnologia no ha de ser, no acabes

technology should not be, don't finish

funcionant dins. Tenir a nivell de

functioning inside. To have at the level of

públic com a nivell d'experiència.

public as a level of experience.

Potser a vegades és al revés, no? Intentem

Perhaps sometimes it's the other way around, right? Let's try.

posar la tecnologia en calçador allà on no

putting technology in a straitjacket where it doesn't belong

quadra i acaba sortint

it fits and ends up coming out

un nyap que...

a botch that...

Sí, és com

Yes, it is like that.

un mitjà o és un instrument

a means or it is an instrument

però no és la base de res,

but it is not the basis of anything,

diguem, i al final

let's say, and in the end

és la base de la nostra

it is the basis of our

forma de treballar, de les eines que

way of working, of the tools that

fem servir, però darrere hi ha una

we use it, but behind it there is a

voluntat d'explorar bàsicament

the will to explore basically

la percepció humana.

human perception.

El que fem nosaltres és estirar

What we do is stretch.

la percepció humana.

human perception.

Cap i cap allà per fer viure a la gent

Head and there to make people live.

experiències, que és el que ens agrada.

experiences, which is what we like.

I tornem al que dèiem abans, és a dir,

Let's go back to what we were saying before, that is,

al final la tecnologia, això és el que diu

in the end technology, that's what it says

sempre en Genís, no? Quan es deixa de

always Genís, right? When does he stop

parlar de... Una cosa és tecnologia

talking about... One thing is technology

quan és eminentment nova, no?

when it is eminently new, right?

Quan deixa de ser nova, vulgui dir el que

When it stops being new, I want to mean what

vulgui dir això, ja no es considera tecnologia,

that means this is no longer considered technology,

però clar, les teles que milloraven

but of course, the fabrics that improved

les teles anteriors

the previous fabrics

quan es pintava, doncs era tecnologia.

When it was painted, it was technology.

Per tant, no era un debat, no?

So, it wasn't a debate, right?



arribem als...

we arrive at...

minut final

final minute

de programa.

of program.

T'agraïm molt que hagis estat amb nosaltres.

We thank you very much for being with us.

Un plaer. Tot el que ens has explicat.

A pleasure. Everything you have explained to us.

Com et podem seguir,

How can we follow you,

com podem seguir el que estàs fent...

how can we follow what you are doing...

Ens has donat alguna pista, t'hem de seguir a Instagram.

You have given us a clue, we have to follow you on Instagram.

Sí, la manera més fàcil és Instagram,

Yes, the easiest way is Instagram.

que nosaltres ens diem

that we call ourselves

Playmodes Studio,

Playmodes Studio,

i si busqueu Playmodes Studio

And if you are looking for Playmodes Studio

a Instagram ens trobareu.

you will find us on Instagram.

Ho farem, ho farem.

We'll do it, we'll do it.

Hi ha alguna instal·lació propera que puguem visitar?

Is there any nearby facility that we can visit?

Si aneu a Amsterdam podreu veure

If you go to Amsterdam you will be able to see

una peça propera.

a close piece.

Propera en el temps o a l'espai?

Next in time or space?

En l'espai, va.

In space, go.

Hi ha llocs molt més llunyans.

There are much farther places.

Home, aquí has dit que hi havia instal·lacions a la Pera i a Garriguella.

Look, here you said that there were facilities in La Pera and Garriguella.

Ens cauen més a prop que a Amsterdam.

They fall closer to us than in Amsterdam.

No, permanents o que tinguem aquí, diguem,

No, permanent or that we have here, let's say,

visitables a Catalunya.

visitable in Catalonia.

N'hi ha una a Barcelona, Passeig de Gràcia,

There is one in Barcelona, Passeig de Gràcia,

un lloc que es diu White Rabbit,

a place called White Rabbit,

que és com una espècie de museu de cultura,

it is like a kind of culture museum,

nova cultura de Barcelona, diguem.

new culture of Barcelona, let's say.

És un espai que ho verfa molt poquet.

It is a space that hardly sees it.

Hi ha propers en el temps,

There are near ones in time,

no tant en l'espai, està a quatre hores i mitja d'aquí,

not so much in distance, it's four and a half hours from here,

a Sant Climent de Tauí, el dia 21.

in Sant Climent de Tauí, on the 21st.

Dins d'aquesta celebració dels 10 anys,

Within this celebration of 10 years,

nosaltres fem un espectacle

we put on a show

d'un projecte nou que fa uns anys que estem desenvolupant,

of a new project that we have been developing for a few years,

que és un màping

what is a mapping

amb l'àcer als estels.

with the maple to the stars.

És a dir, que estem treballant amb l'àcer

That is to say, we are working with steel.

projectant en el cel, diguem.

projecting into the sky, let's say.

Hem passat de projectar a Sant Climent

We have moved from projecting in Sant Climent.

a projectar al cel.

to project onto the sky.

Bueno, hi ha una connexió clara

Well, there is a clear connection.

entre Sant Climent i el cel.

between Sant Climent and the sky.

Eloi, et demanarem un últim favor,

Eloi, we will ask you for one last favor,

que és que ens diguis...

what do you mean by telling us...

Sempre fem servir una cançó,

We always use a song,

per tancar cada edició del quadern d'habitàcula.

to close each edition of the habitat notebook.

A vegades el triem nosaltres,

Sometimes we choose it ourselves,

a vegades el fem triar en el convidat

sometimes we let the guest choose

i avui t'ha tocat a tu.

And today it's your turn.

Per tant, et demanaríem una cançó que sigui trobable.

Therefore, we would ask you for a song that is findable.

Sí, trobable sí,

Yes, probably yes,

que us agradi i ja no ho fem.

that you like it and we won't do it anymore.

No, no, això és igual.

No, no, this is the same.

Ha d'agradar el convidat.

The guest must be pleased.

Mira, jo diria, és un tema que es diu

Look, I would say, it's a topic that is called

Born Sleepy, d'Underworld.

Born Sleepy, from Underworld.

Home, mira, m'encanta aquesta cançó.

Honey, look, I love this song.

I sí, la trobarem.

And yes, we will find her.

Molt bé, molt bé.

Very well, very well.

Doncs escolta, Eloi,

Well, listen, Eloi,

m'esrepedeixo, moltes gràcies per acompanyar-nos.

I apologize, thank you very much for joining us.

Eva, Esteve, Sergi,

Eva, Esteve, Sergi,

ens veiem a la propera

See you next time.

i parròquia que ens escolteu.

And parish that hears us.

Fins al proper quadern, sigueu molt tecnològics,

Until the next notebook, be very technological,

però sobretot sigueu molt feliços.

but above all, be very happy.

Fins la propera.

Until next time.

Que vagi bé.

Take care.

Moltes gràcies.

Thank you very much.



Bona nit.

Good night.

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