2x02: Coneguem a Paco el Vicari

Perleta Produccions

Sintonitza Vilamarxant

2x02: Coneguem a Paco el Vicari

Sintonitza Vilamarxant

Tornem sintonitzats a Vilamarchant

We return tuned to Vilamarchant.

amb un regalet d'episodi

with a little episode gift

una xerrada amb el tio Paco el Vicari

a chat with uncle Paco the Vicar

un episodi sense guions

an episode without scripts

sense cadires

without chairs

però molt especial

but very special

un episodi ple d'aprenentatges

an episode full of lessons

on em quede amb la bondat

where do I stay with kindness

i la tranquil·litat d'una entrevista

and the tranquility of an interview

que m'ha ensenyat molt més que Herbes i Mel

that has taught me much more than Herbs and Honey

una vida dedicada a viure

a life dedicated to living

sense més pretensions

without further pretensions

que no


fer mal a ningú i viure tranquil

do no harm to anyone and live peacefully

Gràcies Paco

Thank you, Paco.

Hi ha una escola, la vida

There is a school, life.

en la que vostè ja té la matrícula

in which you already have the enrollment

Sintonitza Vilamarchant

Tune in to Vilamarchant.

El podcast per a conèixer

The podcast to get to know.

els teus veïns i veïnes

your neighbors

Com se diu vostè?

What is your name?

Perquè clar, ja estem aquí en la càmera

Because of course, we are already here in front of the camera.

que estem aquí gravant

that we are here recording

A mi el nom me diuen Paco

My name is Paco.

Francisco Ferrando Romero

Francisco Ferrando Romero

M'he conegut Paco el Vicari

I have met Paco the Vicar.

El Vicari, el Vicari és un mal nom

The Vicar, the Vicar is a bad name.

El Vicari resulta

The Vicar turns out

que jo naixí

that I was born

ací en el poble

here in the village

però naixí en el Cruze

but was born in the Cruze

Allí vivia amb abuelos

There I lived with my grandparents.

Va, que ha eixit el Vicari

Come on, the Vicar has come out.

I l'aló, que té això va

And the aloe, what does this have?

Anaven aquella brusa que gastaven

They were wearing that blouse.

i engorrenta i tot això

and it makes things difficult and all that

Va, ha eixit el Vicari

Come on, the Vicar has left.

I ha eixit el Vicari

The Vicar has come out.

Ara veus neix Vicari així

Now you see Vicari being born like this.

i els nenes no ho sé

And the girls, I don't know.

També seran Vicari, no Vicari ells

They will also be Vicar, not Vicar them.

Clar, s'ha quedat d'ahí

Of course, he/she has stayed from there.

És una porra

It's a bet.

Del seu abuelo

From his grandfather

És que és el seu abuelo

It is that he is his grandfather.

I té altres mal noms que no li diguen?

Does it have other bad names that they don't call it?

Com comentàvem abans

As we mentioned before

Jo soc Enrique el Pato

I am Enrique the Duck.

d'en Paola Pannereta, tinc de barrios

Of Paola Pannereta, I have from neighborhoods.

Jo ja ho sé, però la família troba la cunyaca a sota

I already know, but the family finds the sister-in-law underneath.

A sota


Vostè té més mal noms?

Do you have more bad names?

Encara que s'ha quedat en el Vicari com a mal nom principal

Although it has remained in the Vicari as the main bad name.

No, no

No, no.

Paco el Vicari

Paco the Vicar

tothom el coneix

everyone knows him

Però és que ara t'ho diré una cosa

But I’m going to tell you something now.

Ara vas a Pedralba

Now you are going to Pedralba.

preguntes per Paco el Vicari

questions for Paco the Vicar

i allí n'hi haurà més

and there will be more there

que n'hi ha

that there is

3.000 me coneixen

3,000 know me.

Però és que vas a Lleida igual

But are you going to Lleida anyway?

És que vas a Gesti igual

Are you going to Gesti anyway?

És que vas a Pedralba igual, a Bucarra igual

Are you going to Pedralba anyway, to Bucarra anyway?

És que tota la contornada me coneixen

It's just that everyone around here knows me.

En la meua època

In my time

segur que he aficionat a la bicicleta

I'm sure I've become fond of cycling.

Anava a tres pobles

I was going to three towns.

a córrer bicicleta

to ride a bike

Allí tinc una

There I have one.

ania a Barcelona

Ania in Barcelona

Aquesta després me la fio jo

I will trust this one afterwards.



Anava a la penya de Ciutat Pobles

I was going to the Ciutat Pobles supporters' club.

m'ho quedaren de l'estador

They kept it from the state.

i a mi i a l'Iriani que só

and to me and to Iriani who are

i després me ficaren

and then they put me in

fa dos anys un barcapassos tamé

two years ago a passerby too

I ja havia que parar

And I already had to stop.

Però entonces el coneixien

But then they knew him.

en tots ixos pobles per la bicicleta

in all those villages by bicycle

Me anava en bicicleta per ahí

I was riding my bike around there.

me coneixien tots

everyone knew me

i després ja

and then already

hi estic en València

I am in Valencia.

en Calang Nou

in Calang Nou

on és un de les herbes

where is one of the herbs

i allí m'entrevistaren els metges

And there the doctors interviewed me.

el doctor Caresas

Doctor Caresas

i allí tot

and there everything

allí hi havia uno que vivia a Rebollar

there was one who lived in Rebollar.

que estava desencarnat

that was disembodied

de Nostre Senyor

of Our Lord

i va dir

and said

Bueno, a vostè

Well, to you

què és el que té que contar-li?

What is it that he has to tell her?

Jo no li tinc que contar més que una cosa

I only have to tell him one thing.

Jo, una filla meua

Me, one of my daughters.


to grab

una piràmia en el cap

a pyramid on the head

i digueren que tallar tot el moño

And they said to cut off all the bun.


to peel it

i no hi havia ningú metge que la pogués curar

and there was no doctor who could cure her

I jo, en herbes, l'ha curat

And I, in herbs, have cured him.

En fin

In short

jo estic conegut per tots ixos

I am known by all those.

per tots ixos

for all of them

i entonces pensàvem

And then we thought.

tot el món el coneix

Everyone knows him.

i ara me contava

and now he/she was telling me

bueno, antes de preguntar-li per les herbes

well, before asking him about the herbs

en lo que estem gravant ara

in what we are recording now

mosatros i jo publiquem

we publish

i fem una pregunta

And let's ask a question.

tu coneixeràs el concepte de

you will get to know the concept of



li sona lo de sarraceno?

Does the term Saracen ring a bell?

si me sona el sarraceno

if the Saracen sounds familiar to me

mos ho diuen a mosatros que es de Ribarrotxa

they tell us that it is from Ribarroja



ara es de Ribarrotxa es dien mes boquimonys

now in Ribarroja they call it more boquimonys


boquimonys? translates to "mumbler?"

ells volien a mosatros ser sarracenos

they wanted us to be Saracens

i sempre hi ha hagut etiquetes

And there have always been labels.

cosa que ara no

thing that now not

ara ja s'ha normalitzat

now it has normalized

ara ja s'han casat uns allà

now they have already married some over there

van donar una dona als sis anys

they gave a woman at six years old

i els sis anys anava a parar a Manixes

and at six years old I was going to end up in Manixes

i de Manixes a Ribarrotxa

from Manixes to Ribarroja

i ahí lo conigui jo

And there I managed it.

i me casé amb ella i tot

and I married her and everything

i té una germana allí també

and she has a sister there too

amb Ribarrotxa i tot

with Ribarroja and all

ahí ja no n'hi ha

there are no more there

Nosaltres hem agarrat el concepte de sarracenos

We have embraced the concept of Saracens.

i s'han inventat una cosa

and they have invented something

en el podcast

in the podcast

en les gravacions aquestes que fem

in the recordings that we make

diguem que una persona és sarraceno

let's say that a person is Saracen

si els seus quatre abuelos són de Vilamarchant

if his four grandparents are from Vilamarchant

els seus quatre abuelos són d'ací?

Are your four grandparents from here?

els quatre eren d'ací de Vilamarchant

the four were from here, Vilamarchant

doncs mira vostè seria

well look you would be

sarraceno com diguem nosaltres

Sarracen as we say.

ara després li haurem de donar una motxileta de regal

Now we will have to give him a little backpack as a gift.

i tu saps a este poble

And you know this town?

com li dien?

What were they called?

a moltes vegades

many times

no ho sé

I don't know.

com li dien antigament?

What were they called in ancient times?

doncs no ho sé

well, I don’t know

li tragueren Vilamarchant i tot

they took Vilamarchant and everything away

els moros quan vingueren ací

the Moors when they came here

li tragueren Villamarú

they took Villamarú from him/her



però com este poble

but how this town

era un poble de marxants

it was a town of traders

que venien a fer tractes

that came to make deals

ficaren Vilamarchant

they put (or placed) Vilamarchant

perquè era un poble de marxantes

because it was a town of merchants

marxantes venien a totxo poste

merchants came to brick post

a fer tractes ací

to make deals here

i era un poble marxante

and it was a wandering town

i marxante passava a Villamarchante

and the merchant was passing through Villamarchante

i Villamarú per què?

And Villamarú, why?

perquè els moros

because the Moors

és un això que hi tragueren al poble

It is something that they took out of the village.



quan a la guerra això

when in the war this

i ficaren això

and they put this in

però el poble era marxante

but the town was marching

molt tantes de moros

so many Moors

el poble es deia Villamarchante

the village was called Villamarchante

era marxante perquè venien a fer tractes

He was a merchant because they came to negotiate.

tots a este poble

everyone to this village

tu no saps que tenim

you don't know what we have

un terme des millor

a term of the best

d'herbes medicinals

of medicinal herbs

este terme?

this term?

vostè com sap tot això?

How do you know all this?

perquè vostè sap molt d'herbes

because you know a lot about herbs

i ara mos va ensenyant moltes coses

and now he/she is teaching us many things

i sap que el terme està ple d'herbes

And he knows that the meadow is full of weeds.

perquè el meu abuelo

because my grandfather

m'ho va ensenyar tot

she taught me everything

coneixia el seu abuelo tot el primer dia

I met his grandfather on the first day.

coneixia totes les herbes i ania bé

he knew all the herbs and was doing well

m'abuelo feia un corte

my grandfather made a cut

i se'l curava en herbes

and he would cure him with herbs

sina com

sine how

que fes un corte i ho fien

make a cut and they will do it

en herbes

in herbs

i oli perico

and perico oil

se'l collava

he was caught

lo que passa és que

what happens is that

passava una cosa

Something was happening.

mon pare estava a la casa

my father was at home

m'abuelo el tenia en casa

My grandfather had it at home.

i jo anava de xiquet

And I went as a child.

a fer mi companyia a la muntanya

to keep me company in the mountains

feia que anava nena

it made me feel like a girl

la portava al fort per caure el xep

she took her to the fort to fall off the slope

i tot això

and all this

i se clava una asca de petoro

and a thorn of a prickly pear gets stuck in him

de petoro, de bressol

from cradle to grave

que és lo més venenós que tenim

What is the most poisonous thing we have?

a la muntanya

in the mountain

el bressol

the cradle

és la planta peulis que hi ha per dalt

It is the plant peulis that is up there.

i ell se l'arrenca

and he tears it off

i en terra s'ho curava

and on land, he healed it

i era un home de 80 i pico d'anys

He was a man in his 80s.

i s'afectava a la cangrena

and it was affected by gangrene

s'emportaven a València

they were taken to Valencia

i hui que li tallen la cama

and today they are cutting off his leg

demà que no tallen perquè entraven els morts

Tomorrow they won't cut because the dead were coming in.

els ferits de la guerra

the wounded of the war

i puja la cangrena per muntanya

and the gangrene climbs up the mountain

i marxava hui el pobre de m'abuelo

And today my grandfather was leaving.

que m'ha ensenyat?

What has it taught me?

tot el que ho fe

everything that it did

i ell per què ho sabia?

And why did he know it?

perquè li ho ha ensenyat el seu abuelo

because his grandfather has taught him.

perquè era gent d'ací

because they were people from here

de Vilamarxan

from Vilamarxan

mira, el meu tatar abuelo

look, my great-great-grandfather



el carboner

the charcoal burner

era carboner

he was a charcoal burner

i era el que tenia amistat

and he was the one who had friendship

el bandoler Perot

the bandit Perot

ui, història a mi m'interessa molt

Oh, history interests me a lot.

ell tenia en Perot

he had Perot

el que s'amagava en la cova de Perot

what was hidden in Perot's cave

la cova de Perot

the cave of Perot

jo he portat la gent alli perquè la vegin i tot

I have brought the people there so they can see it all.

jo no t'ha dit mon pare també

I haven't told you, my father has too.

resulta que era carboner

it turns out he was a coalman

i m'abuelo, el meu tatar abuelo

I'm my grandfather, my great-grandfather.

sabia massa la vida de Perot

knew too much about Perot's life

i s'amagava en el rincó i a la cova que s'amagava

and hid in the corner and in the cave that hid.

i quan covia el carbó

and when I was baking the coal

i agarrava el burret i carregava el carbó

I would grab the donkey and load the coal.


was making

tó net

clean tone

vas al poble i d'ací

you go to the village and from here

porten dos reales de so, un real de so

they bring two reales of sound, one real of sound

eren dos reales

they were two kings

Perot li ho manava al teu tatar abuelo

But it was commanded by your great-great-grandfather.

al meu tatar abuelo li comprava

I used to buy for my great-great-grandfather.

el que allà me'n volia

what they wanted from me there

Perot era un bandoler que no era mal

Perot was a bandit who was not bad.

als rics

to the rich

els demanava, als rectors del poble

he asked them, the village rectors

així a l'Esteret de Terroir

thus to the Esteret de Terroir

i li demanava diners

and I was asking him for money

i ell se mantenia d'allí

and he stayed from there

i moltes vegades els poblets

and many times the little towns

també es donava

it was also given

però a qui li feia ell la pagava

but to whom he did it, he paid.

i tenien molta por

and they were very afraid

ell tenia la sua querida ací

he had his beloved here

en el poble

in the village

i que la querida la menenà

and that the beloved was taken away

ell vivia en la cova

he lived in the cave

i tenia una querida del poble

I had a mistress from the village.

i allà s'intervistava ell

And there he was being interviewed.

la guardia d'ell era de la cova

his guard was from the cave

però anava a la balsa barreta

but I was going to the small basin

i allí s'intervistava

and there they were interviewed

en els dos bandolers de Ribarrotxa, els blaus

in the two bandits of Ribarroja, the blues

i allí

and there

n'hi han puesto

they have put there

en la balsa barreta a la gira de la caseta

in the small pond by the hut's tour

que és

what is it

de dalt els migueletes

from above the migueletes

la guardia s'implica que siguin els migueletes

the guard involves that they are the migueletes

en altra boca mataren

in another mouth they killed

el blau més jove

the youngest blue

i el major li diu al pastor

and the mayor says to the shepherd

i acabi la porta

and close the door

amb aquelles pistoles que se carregaven aixina

with those guns that were loaded like this

i xei matar a un miguelete

And I want to kill a guy.

i se tirava a la muntanya i el blau major

and he threw himself into the mountain and the greater blue

no el pogués agarrar

couldn't grab him

però els germans el mataren allí

but the brothers killed him there

a l'aixida de la porteta

at the exit of the little door

el corral de la balsa barreta

the corral of the barret pond

però Perot en la dona

but Perot in the woman

en la querida que diu vostè

in the beloved that you mention

l'envenenà la querida

his mistress poisoned him

l'envenenà a Perot

he poisoned Perot

pa matar-lo

to kill him

resulta que ací en el poble

it turns out that here in the village

l'encalde que havia

the mayor that he had

el Perot venia al poble

the Perot was coming to the village

i a la dona que li feia goig

and to the woman who pleased him

era pa d'ell

it was his bread

i tenien por

and they were afraid

i quan venia ací al poble

And when I used to come here to the village.

oh ja que m'he pegat, que m'he pegat

oh yes, I've hit myself, I've hit myself

no me'n vaig ni de les cases

I'm not leaving from the houses.

era un home, una estatua com jo

he was a man, a statue like me

no era ni una grossa

it wasn't even a big one

però la gent hi tenia por

but people were afraid of it

i anava al poble

I was going to the village.

segons he dit si jo

according to what I said if I

anava molt a la taverna de Morós

I used to go a lot to Morós' tavern.

on estava ixa taverna?

Where was that tavern?

pujant de l'iglesia tu saps massa

climbing from the church you know too much

el pati de la casa de Morós

the courtyard of the house of Morós

ixe pati, això era la casa de Morós

that yard, that was Morós' house

apegat al mateix cantó

stuck to the same corner

allí estava la cantina

there was the canteen

i ella anava a prendre cafè allí

And she was going to have coffee there.

la mort de Perot

the death of Perot

jo te ho diré

I will tell you.


it turns out

que ací en el poble

that here in the village

com volien de fer-se d'ell

how they wanted to get rid of him

perquè ací a demanar diners i tot això

because here to ask for money and all that

hi havia un guarda que deia

there was a guard who said

guarda Solor

Solor guard

i aquell home en veu de Perot

and that man in Perot's voice

ací a l'estrella de Txeulà

here at the star of Txeulà

i a Txeulà i quan passava Perot

and to Txeulà and when Perot passed by

quan passava

when it happened

la Perot acamunt

the Perot up

allí s'entrevistaven i passaven

there they would be interviewed and passed



pujava Perot

Perot was climbing.

i ací li diuen

and here they call him

ha pogut arremplegar dos reales, tres reales

he has been able to gather two reales, three reales

lo que li donaven a l'iglesia a l'home

what they gave to the church to the man

i donava a Perot

I was giving to Perot.

el guarda

the guard

en veu de Perot anava a demanar diners allí

Instead of Perot, I was going to ask for money there.



tres o quatre mesos

three or four months

passa Perot al cavall de la burreta

Pass Perot on the donkey's horse.

pa callar

to silence

i el retorn al cavall de la burreta

and the return to the donkey's horse

i Perot estava en l'estret

And Perot was in the strait.

i enseguida va i el retorn

and immediately goes and returns

baixa a la burreta

get down to the donkey

Pere, pel amor de Déu, no me mates

Pere, for the love of God, don't kill me.

que no t'ho puc donar res

I can't give you anything.

diu, on ha tanyat lo?

He says, where has he drawn it?

anem a demanar diners

let's ask for money

fill marit que li he donat diners

son-in-law that I have given him money

que vostè ja ho sabia jo

that you already knew it, I did

jo sóc prou home pa demanar diners a tu

I am man enough to ask you for money.

no necessita ningú

does not need anyone

per demanar diners ja

to ask for money already

i això era una amenaça, no?

And that was a threat, right?

entonces, en la cantina de Morós

so, in Morós' canteen

a prendre el cafè

to have coffee

va el bandoler allí

the bandit goes there

i allí estava la guàrdia civil també

And there was the civil guard too.

i Migueletes

and Migueletes

no el coneixien a Perot

they did not know Perot

i allí entra

and there enters

i estava la guàrdia civil

and the Civil Guard was there

i aquell veu

and that voice

eh, peri, que calla

hey, peri, shut up

vine que te convidi

come so I can treat you

vaig a convidar-te jo

I am going to invite you.

home, no siguis aixina

Man, don't be like that.

jo allà ho fiu perquè

I do it there because

necessitava algo

I needed something.

diners m'ho heu demanat a mi

you asked me for the money

sempre queda mal

it always looks bad

jo sóc molt prou

I am very enough.

s'invitaren i tot

they invited each other and all

se li empaca fora

it is packed outside

a la porta del carrer

at the street door

a despedir-se

to say goodbye

està en la taca

it is in the stain

Perot i Pere de Punjaes

Perot and Pere de Punjaes

i el guarda sol en terra

and the sunshade on the ground

llavors em diu, aixeca aquí un turón ahí

then he tells me, lift a hill here there

mare meva

my mother

la querida, com en el poble

the beloved, as in the village

havia mort i s'ha mort

had died and has died

i totes són la querida

and all are the beloved

l'encaldes i les cabines

the encaldes and the cabins

i mira, anem a donar-te 20 reales

And look, we are going to give you 20 reales.

i a mi me n'és a Perot

And to me, it's up to Perot.

perquè en el poble tots sabien qui era la querida

because everyone in the village knew who the mistress was

claro, claro

of course, of course

després que era, no sé si era

after it was, I don’t know if it was

era una córtex

it was a cortex

un tatarabuelo o algo d'Eusebio

a great-great-grandfather or something of Eusebio

la família d'ícies de córtex era

the family of cortex ice was

la querida

the beloved

era una tia molt templar, molt bé

she was a very temperate woman, very good

aquelles eren nens

those were children

els 20 reales eren nens

the 20 reals were children

i el Perot s'entrevistava

and Perot was interviewing

en Santa Cruz el de Moya

in Santa Cruz the one from Moya

en un bandolet

in a little band

de Cuenca, que anava molt a

from Cuenca, who went a lot to

Peralba, i allà a la Olla

Peralba, and there at the Olla.

s'amagava el Perot, anava a Cosculla Gran

Perot was hiding, he was going to Cosculla Gran.

aquí passava i allí

here it happened and there

raonaven, entonces

they reasoned, then

com la querida s'havia amagat

how the beloved had hidden

ja havia quedat conforme

I had already agreed.

en l'Ajuntament

in the Town Hall

i en tots, i anava a Casoleta

and in all, and I was going to Casoleta

a Tarròs el Forn

to Tarròs the Oven

i ficava el venen

and I was putting the poison

i el Perot, menjant-se

and Perot, eating

i beguent vi, diu

"Begging wine," he says.

ai bandida, que m'has envenenat

Oh, you wicked one, you have poisoned me.

s'ha donat compte, claro

He has realized, of course.

i allí anava que gent

And there I was going, what people.

li agarraren el tramuc

they grabbed him by the collar

i el tramuc estava emburxesot

and the tramuc was tangled

el tramuc que ell gastava estava emburxesot

the tramuc he was wearing was a mess

i el gabinet està en el poble

and the cabinet is in the village

el déu meu que faltava que m'ho han deixat

Oh my God, they left it to me.



maten el Perot

They kill Perot.

el carrellen un carro per soterrar-lo

they carry a cart to bury it

al cementari este vell

to the cemetery this old man

quan anava al cementari

when I was going to the cemetery

Perot en camp

Ferret in the field

me deixava algo

I was leaving something.

ell no havia conat el venen

he had not counted the poison

no sabia si li tenia gent porc

I didn't know if he had people, but...

aneu a per la jopeta, remateu-lo

go for the jopeta, finish him off

i tenien porc, estava mort

and they had a pig, it was dead

ja com aquell que diu

just like saying

però encara li tenien porc

but they still had him hogged

això és la història del Perot

this is the story of Perot

i s'ha de contar el seu tatarabuelo

and you have to count their great-great-grandfather

perquè estava sempre en la muntanya

because he was always in the mountain

i coneixia a Perot

I knew Perot.

cogia carbó i sabia que era Perot

I took the coal and knew it was Perot.

i li comprava a Perot el que li feia falta

and I would buy for Perot what he needed

que allà en el mar li donava

that in the sea it gave him

n'hi ha cinc o n'hi ha dos, porta'n això

There are five or there are two, bring this.

porta'n lo que volia

bring me what I wanted

i s'havia la cova que s'amagava

and there was the cave that was hidden

i ma abuelo

and my grandfather

m'ha ensenyat la cova

he has shown me the cave

i después m'ho ha ensenyat a mon pare

And then he showed it to my father.

i s'ha covat a Mòrdia

it has been brewed in Mòrdia

i tenien un llibre

they had a book

jo no ho sé, que era per casa

I don't know, it was for home.

per allí

over there

me feren un llibre sobre això

they made me a book about this

se me'n eren uns guanys molt pobres

I had very poor earnings.

mos ha contat que s'havia molt d'herbes

He told us that there were a lot of herbs.

pel seu tatarabuelo, pel seu abuelo

for his great-great-grandfather, for his grandfather

tots li contaven

everyone told him/her

i què sap vostè?

And what do you know?

perquè diu que cura la sua filla

because he says he heals his daughter

com cura la sua filla d'això?

How does she take care of her daughter about this?

jo li fiu unes herbes

I will give him some herbs.

que se les prenia

that was taken from them

i damunt se'ls xopava

and above them, it soaked them.

al cap del pelaet

on the bald head

i se'ls xopava en totes les guanyes

and they would soak them in all the gains

ara mateixa l'ater dia

Right now the day before yesterday.

me'n fiu una miqueta de corte

I trust a little in the cut.

jo tinc

I have

el que me cura ho tinc jo

What heals me, I have it.

la magia de...

the magic of...

oli perico

Perico oil

home, això és del moño

Dude, this is ridiculous.

el botellet és del moño

the bottle is of the bow

però lo que n'hi ha dins?

but what is inside it?

és l'oli perico

it’s Perico's oil

la herba d'això se diu hierba de Sant Juan

the herb of this is called St. John's wort

el nom d'ella

her name

entonces jo agarre un litro

So I grab a liter.

d'oli d'oliva

olive oil

i la herba ixa

and that grass

la talle i ho fiqui dins una botella

cut it and put it inside a bottle

destapar a la serena

uncover at dawn

40 dies i 40 nits

40 days and 40 nights

i se fa això roig pa curar de tot

and this red bread is made to cure everything

de tot en això?

of everything in this?

amb els almorranes i tot

with the hemorrhoids and all

això tamé, els almorranes?

what about the almorranas?

xopat els almorranes perquè se fan en sang i tot

soaked the hemorrhoids because they get into the blood and all

hi ha una herba que la bulls mullida

There is an herb that you boil damp.

i te fas baus d'això

And you make a fuss about this.

i te'ls xopes ben xopat

and you soak them well soaked

i después te fiques açò

and then you put this in

totes els almorranes aixó

all the hemorrhoids this

ena, posa

ena, put

t'has de llevar l'alcohol, eh?

You have to stop drinking alcohol, okay?

no beus alcohol, ni fumes

You don't drink alcohol, nor do you smoke.

perquè si beus alcohol i fumes

because if you drink alcohol and smoke

i te fiques això no te farà

And putting this on you won't do anything.

això és igual que el mal metge

this is the same as the bad doctor

i li ordena la cosa i no se la pren

and he organizes the thing and does not take it personally.

ixa herba la trau vostè d'ací

that herb you take it out from here

del poble?

from the town?

sí, sí, sí, claro

yes, yes, yes, of course

en baix no n'hi ha perquè no ha plogut

Down there, there isn't any because it hasn't rained.

allí està ficà

there it is stuck

allà està ficà

there is he/it inserted

l'oli està allà baix

the oil is down there

allà està ficà

there it is stuck

ara n'hi tinc una plena que trobí una mateta

Now I have one full because I found a little bush.

i m'ha fet una d'estes

It has done one of these to me.

de botelles de vi, tamé

of wine bottles, too

i això, heu d'ixegar tapat?

And this, do you have to get up covered?

no, no, ara està tapat

no, no, now it is covered

40 dies i 40 nits

40 days and 40 nights

a la serena

in the serene

i se fa roig

and it turns red

això pa curar tota la classe diferides

this bread to cure all the delayed class

i després que hi feu cola?

And then what will you do while waiting in line?

li lleva la herba i el líquid?

Does it take away the herbs and the liquid?

això ho ha fet cada dia sense colar

he has done this every day without fail

no ho ha colat

it hasn't worked out

ací n'hi ha de tot menys diners

Here there is everything except money.

però pa què vols ser diners?

but what do you want to be money for?

no te pots menjar, necessites menjar

you can't eat yourself, you need to eat

posa tota la raó, eh?

You are absolutely right, huh?

havíem parlat vostè i jo de anar a la muntanya

You and I had talked about going to the mountain.

a mirar totes les plantes

to look at all the plants

però no va ser possible

but it was not possible

no ha pogut, ha d'anar

he couldn't, he had to go

si no ho han de trobar

if they are not going to find it

esta herba és tomello real

this herb is real tomello

tomello real

real tamarind

això és pa la inflamació

this is bread for inflammation

això, això se diu

this, this is called

una manzanilla que se diu sempre viva

a chamomile that is always called alive

ai, si, sempre viva

Oh, yes, always alive.

vale, però això i això igual

okay, but this and this the same

en aigua bollint?

in boiling water?

en aigua bollint, tot més flac

in boiling water, everything becomes thinner

en això

in this

esta ho que me queda perquè en guany no neix

This is what remains for me because this year it is not born.

això és manzanilla gorda

this is thick chamomile

de l'atre

of the other

manzanilla, manzanilla

chamomile, chamomile

manzanilla, borda de la que se tria per ací

chamomile, the one that is chosen around here

i això també és borda

and this is also rude

i això se diu sempre viva

and this is always called alive

que és manzanilla

what is chamomile

i esta és manzanilla borda

and this is wild chamomile

el nom verd és camavirla

the green name is camavirla



això bollit

this boiled



en tomello real

in real tomello

en eixa

in that

en rabodegat

in rabid tail

n'hi han

there are

7-8 mescles que fico jo

7-8 mixes that I put in.

açò és bo pa la inflamació

this is good for inflammation

per ser una infusió

to be an infusion

una infusió

an infusion

patir-se de la prostata

to suffer from prostate issues

la prostata és un tumor cancerós

the prostate is a cancerous tumor

n'hi ha qui no és cancerós

There are those who are not cancerous.

però, en general, les dones

but, in general, women

pateixen del pit i els homes patim de prostata

Women suffer from the chest and men suffer from prostate.

bueno, entonces

well, then

açò que ho prens

this that you take

una novena

a novena

en deixo un cotet

I'll leave you a little car.

una novena que és?

What is a novena?

9 dies

9 days

9 dies més

9 more days

que a lo millor és un tipus de got o algo

that maybe it's a type of glass or something

un gotet com una tassa de cafè

a small glass like a coffee cup

o un poquet més

or a little more

tu se bull d'embollir totes les meses

you get to boil all the tables

n'hi han

there are

no en tinc ara perquè no he pogut

I don't have it now because I haven't been able to.

una classe d'això que se diu

a class of what is called

varita d'orà

golden wand

açò és molt bo també

this is very good too

i de matí 9 dies

and in the morning 9 days

aixina, a les 9 dies pares

Thus, at 9 o'clock, the parents.



descanses 8 o 9 dies més

you rest 8 or 9 more days

tornes una altra vegada

you come back again

el tumor

the tumor

se fa xicotet

it becomes small

el temps ahi se fa xicotet

the time there becomes small

només té sonda pa pixar

he only has a catheter to pee

orinaràs, com m'estic dient

you will pee, as I am telling you

perquè te deixa tota la inflamació

because it leaves you with all the inflammation

te deixa tota la inflamació

it leaves you with all the inflammation

i pots orinar, ben revés

And you can pee, quite backwards.

ací vingué una família de tos

here came a family of all

un home amb la sonda a posar

a man with the probe to insert

un home que tenia 88 anys

a man who was 88 years old

i a la Xirió

and to the Shireo

en Carta Blanca, en València

in Carta Blanca, in Valencia

a Moro no la tenia

I didn't have a Moro.

açò el tenia, ací no m'actuaria

I had this, here it wouldn't act on me.

Xen que venia a demanar-li

Since I came to ask you.

i veia el home

I saw the man.

i la xica ve

and the girl comes

i li en fiu una bolsa

and I make him a bag

i tinga

and I have

quan s'acabe

when it ends

açò torna

this returns

pensava, què li he dit?

I was thinking, what have I said to her?

i no me deu res

and I owe nothing to myself

per allà

over there

a tres mesos

in three months

me ve aquell home amb la filla en cotxe

The man is coming towards me with his daughter in the car.

fins a la sonda

up to the probe

no s'havia operat

had not undergone surgery

el càncer el tenia

he had cancer

però orinava completament bé

but he was urinating completely well

em moriria quan li tocava

I would die when it touched him.

però l'home no s'ho ha operat

but the man hasn't had surgery on it

me portaren un pernil de nou quilos

They brought me a ham of nine kilos.

me regalatiga

you reward me

que no m'ha volgut colar res

that hasn't wanted to sneak anything past me

i m'ha ficat bo

I have gotten drunk.

vostè pa mi és un senyor

you are a gentleman to me

i no, home no, és un pacificari

And no, come on, he's a pacifist.

bueno, però si ajuda la gent

well, but it helps people

la gent li ho recompensa

People reward him for it.

i molt, molt

and very, very

perquè m'han criat a les muntanyes

because I was raised in the mountains

més que en l'època mala

more than in the bad times

antes de la guerra

before the war

ha conegut la guerra

has known war

ha conegut la fam

has known hunger

ha patit molt, m'han criat a la muntanya

He has suffered a lot, I was raised in the mountains.

i, home, mira si m'han criat a la muntanya

Yes, man, look if they've raised me in the mountains.

que hi ve la gent i fuigia

that people came and fled

tenia por de la gent

I was afraid of people.

perquè no estava acostumbrat a vore el cel

because he was not used to seeing the sky

tenia por

I was afraid.

i el meu abuelo li deia

and my grandfather told him

no tinguis por

don't be afraid

veig si aquell home té aigua

I see if that man has water.

m'ha dit al meu abuelo

he told my grandfather

que si me posa una poca aigua

that if you put a little water on me

en la botella

in the bottle

jo tenia por d'anar

I was afraid to go.

i el meu abuelo m'envia a vore

And my grandfather sends me to see.

a l'escola no l'ha xafat en la vida

he has never set foot in school in his life

mai, mai

never, ever

pel poder també

for the power too

que anava conduint

who was driving

m'he costat 8 mesos

it took me 8 months

ensenyant-me a la meua filla major

teaching my eldest daughter

que té ara 64 anys ja

which is now 64 years old already

i la meua dona

and my wife

ensenyant-me a ir

teaching me to go

anava a esporgar i a més de dormir

I was going to prune and besides sleep.

8 mesos m'he costat

It took me 8 months.

i ara l'any passat

and now last year

m'esperen per l'any passat

They are waiting for me from last year.

i per un any, per dos anys

and for one year, for two years

a vore si me volen refer

let's see if they want to refer me

a vore si me volen refer a travegar

Let's see if they want to refer me to trim.

quina edat me faràs tu a mi ara?

How old will you make me now?

80 ja estic

80 I'm already ready.

80 ja s'han complit?

Have 80 already been completed?



a vore

to see

intentant pensar en els meus abueles

trying to think of my grandparents



tu què dius?

What do you say?

i si jo ara dic

and if I say now

que tires paca amunt

that you throw up



amunt què vol dir?

What does "amunt" mean?



més? encara?

more? still?

i si te dic que tinc 91 i quasi mig

And if I tell you that I am 91 and almost a half?



un any, el dia 7 de diciembre

a year, on the 7th of December

un any faré 92

Next year I'll be 92.

n'esquina el 32

it's at the corner of 32

que us està vostè vamos

what are you doing, sir?

no te dic que ha corregut la guerra

I’m not telling you that the war has run.

ha corregut moltes coses

a lot of things have happened

ha corregut moltes coses ací

A lot of things have happened here.

a vore, que m'he contat

So, let me tell you what I've counted.

veuràs que ací

you will see that here

hi ha molts palets penjats

there are many pallets hanging

hi ha palets penjats

there are hanging pallets

ací, veus?

here, do you see?

palets, palets

pallets, pallets

però saps pa què?

but you know for what?

igual que saps, saps lo que és això?

Just as you know, do you know what this is?

això és l'aurel?

Is this the bay leaf?


the laurel

tot això és bo pa la polilla

all this is good for the moth

pa la polilla?

for the moth?

pa la polilla

for the moth

perquè la polilla és molt mala

because the moth is very bad

si se fica en un sopó

if it ends up in a mess

pues to pon uns ous i d'ahí s'encucs

well, you put some eggs and from there you get some worms

i se cuca tot

And it ends up all mixed up.

i s'enganxa pedra, entonces

and it gets stuck stone, then

jo pa evitar ixes coses

I want to avoid those things.

pensé tot això

I thought all this.

que m'ho ha ensenyat tot m'aurelo

that has taught me everything has been my mentor

i això és pa de què són?

And what is this bread made of?

de xinebre

of ginger

si és un secreto avisen perquè estem gravant-ho

If it's a secret, let us know because we are recording it.

no, no grava igual de xinebre

no, it doesn't record the same as a cheap one

podem dir-ho

we can say it

és xinebre, això evita molt la polilla

It's wormwood, this greatly helps prevent moths.

igual que

just like

l'aurelo, això evita molt la polilla

The laurel, this prevents the moth a lot.

però i si n'ha penjat conforme està?

But what if it has hung itself as it is?

penjat, això evita molt la polilla

hanging, this prevents the moth a lot

això és una cosa que evita molt la polilla

this is something that prevents the moth a lot

i així, ja t'he dit

and so, I've already told you



aquesta herba se diu

this herb is called



això és bo pa un organis de menjar

this is good for a food organism

mira, una persona no

look, one person no

una persona que

a person who

que no té molta gana

that is not very hungry

una taceta d'això

a little splash of that

faig una novena quan mato una taceta

I say a novena when I kill a little toad.

refeixen entre els fosols

they reappear among the shadows

tot el que s'hi ha mig, tot s'hi ha

everything that has been done, everything has been done

veus com totes les herbes són naturals

you see how all the herbs are natural

i aquella que m'he dit

and that which I have said to myself

que sí que ha pogut

that yes he has been able

estava en un rimàs

I was in a rhyme.

que havia entrat un germ i s'hi regava

that a brother had entered and was watering it

entonces s'ha escrit

then it has been written

entonces és quan s'ha fet

then is when it has been done

i això ho busca molt la vella

and the old lady looks for that a lot

això fa una flor blanca i fa una mel molt bona

this produces a white flower and makes very good honey

això és rabo de cap

this is a pig's tail

és el mateix

it's the same

les tres més velles i aquelles més joves

the three oldest and those younger

que mos comentava que tenia ahí una caixa

that he was telling us that he had a box there

perquè vostè també fa mel

because you also make honey

sí, veus, açò

yes, you see, this

açò ho fondeo

I found this.

i és pa fer espanals elles

and it is to make spans for them



açò ho fiqueu dins

you put this inside

d'aquella caixa

from that box

i fique les abelles allí

I put the bees there.

per al mes de març

for the month of March

per març-ho

for March it

i elles van plena a treballar i allí fan espanals

And they went full to work and there they make espanals.

fan mel i fan fial

they make honey and they make wax

la mel la fan ahí dalt i la cria per ací

The honey is made up there and the larvae are raised around here.

atres fan

other do

la mel per ahí i per ací pòlem

the honey over there and over here we can

i el pòlem és pa la cria i la reina

And the pollen is food for the larvae and the queen.

la reina

the queen

no fa més que cobrir-se del sangano

he is just covering himself with the sangano

del macho

of the male

i pondre ous

I will lay eggs.

i va d'ahí vaigint la cria

And from there I am taking the offspring.

la reina s'ho les fa que criar?

Does the queen raise them?

sí, sí, sí

yes, yes, yes

no fa mai mel ni fa res

he never makes honey nor does anything

no, no, no, la reina no fa mel

no, no, no, the queen does not make honey

jo fique les abelles en la caixa i fique som

I put the bees in the box and I put us.

i d'ahí fan espanals

And from there they make panels.

no eixen, o sí que eixen?

Do they not go out, or do they go out?

elles eixen a treballar i allí fan espanals

They go out to work and there they make espadrilles.

sí que poden entrar ixí

yes, they can enter like that

elles, a cada una té la seua marxa

they each have their own pace

unes porten pòlem

some carry pollen

unes van fent cera, atres porten mel

some make wax, others bring honey



la reina és la que

the queen is the one who

es van a treballar a totes

they are going to work everywhere

i la va

and she goes

ixa és la reina, que és més gran

that is the queen, who is bigger

i d'un color...

and of a color...

i la va

and it goes

van plenant d'ahí

they are complaining from there

això són ous que ella està

these are eggs that she is

depositant, ous

depositing, eggs

pa la cria, ida-la

for the young one, take it

i estes, les obreres

and these, the workers

eus tapen en un tel

they cover you with a cloth

tapat, i d'ahí

covered, and from there

eix la cria

the offspring

eixen més abelles

more bees emerge

entonces quan els tapen i se'n van

so when they cover them up and leave

les obreres eus netegen

the workers (feminine) clean you

tot ben net

all clean

i ahí depositen l'anell

and there they place the ring

van a xoplar-la i ahí la rogen a xopet

They are going to soak her and there they dip her in the water.

i después

and later

en un tople

in a nutshell

en un tel de nenós

on a child's loom

pa que no baixe ningun bixo

so that no bug goes down

eus tapen

you cover them

eus tapen, l'anell no cau

they cover you, the ring does not fall

està tapat, com si fóra un ostieta

it is covered, as if it were a little host

que dóna retorn

that gives back

entonces mosatros

then we

pa poder treballar la màquina

to be able to operate the machine

açò deu donar el jefe neu

this must give the boss snow

açò són unes cotxilles

these are some small knives

pa l'anell, pa sellar l'anell

bread for the ring, bread to seal the ring



esta és la del jefe del Mohamed

this is the one from Mohamed's boss

que avui està anant a Hermosant

that today is going to Hermosant

al bar El Nostial

at the bar El Nostial

un coronel de l'exèrcit

a colonel of the army

a mi el meu, tenia colmenes

for me, mine had beehives

ha venut el xalet

He has sold the chalet.

i ara ja està en València

and now he/she is already in Valencia

té una filla que és metge i diu en Marta com a tu

She has a daughter who is a doctor and her name is Marta like yours.

i està a l'hospital de Sevilla

and is in the hospital in Seville

el home metge

the doctor man

i un fill que té tamé

and a son who also has

està de Policia Nacional en València

it is National Police in Valencia

i viuen a la vora Estació del Norte

and they live near Estació del Nord

açò era del seu jefe

this was from his boss

del seu mestre

from his master

i ell era mestre meu

and he was my teacher

jo tinc 4 anys més que el coronel

I am 4 years older than the colonel.

però ell

but he

ell és el que m'ha ensenyat de les colmenes

he is the one who has taught me about hives

tot lo que sé jo

everything I know

i me regalà el sol del seu jefe

and he gave me the sun of his boss

i me regalà el bidó de sellar del seu jefe

and he gave me his boss's sealing barrel.

esta ja me la compri jo

I already bought it myself.

i això és lo que gasta pa traure d'aquí

and this is what it costs to get it out of here

lo que gasteu

what you spend

això ho gasteu

you waste this

com la neu va tapar

as the snow covered

la neu va tapar

the snow covered

allí a la màquina ixa

over there at that machine

i vaig llevant

I am getting up.

l'hostieta ixa

the little inn

i m'emprèn a xorrar

I start to cry.

igual una banda que l'altra

just like one band is the other

i entonces m'emprèn a xorrar la mer

And then it makes me want to cry about the shit.





vau a mirar-vos

you are going to look at yourselves

esta és la màquina

this is the machine

del tio Valentín el Garrut

of uncle Valentín the Garrut

que tenia colmenes

that had hives

era ingeniero

he was an engineer

bevia lo que té a Briol ara

I drank what he has in Briol now.

davant de l'Òpica

in front of the Ópica

això era d'ell

this was his



l'enviava nova

I was sending her new one.

i la feia nova d'ell

and she made him new

me la regalà a mi l'americano que era família

The American who was family gifted it to me.

diu vine que allí hi ha trastos pa tirar

He says come, there are things to throw away there.

i diu

and says





allí fiqué el quadro ell

There I put the painting it.

el quadro este

this painting



i allí vaig xorrant-te-a

And there I went, being silly with you.

entonces jo faig així

so I do it like this

això és una marxa

this is a march




cart or platform

la velocitat

the speed

la velocitat de la mel

the speed of honey

entonces allò

then that

destape, fiqué el poalet

uncover, I put the little hole in

en un arret i ahi va colant-se la mel

In a jar and there goes the honey straining.



que interessant

how interesting

car d'ahí to lo que va caiguent de les

because of what is falling from the

ahi va colant-se

there it goes straining

i li cau per ahi baix

and it falls down there

ixa mel la deixa dos o tres dies

this honey leaves it for two or three days

que se reposa

that is resting

una vegà s'ha reposat, dalt se'n fa

Once it has recovered, it is done up there.

un telet ixa telet en la cullera

a telet and that telet in the spoon

i lleve perquè para lleig

The ugly one is lifted to take away.

això és de la cera, no és mal

this is from the wax, it’s not bad

però les dones a vegades

but women sometimes

diuen esta mel no

they say this honey no

el neteixen el neteixallet

they clean him up the little clean one

i ja està

and that's it

i pa menjar

and bread to eat

mel natural de la muntanya

wild mountain honey

de les abelles ahi

of the bees there

i d'ahí a la xarra

and from there to the chat

ixa xarra ja estan plenes de mel

these chats are already full of honey

gràcies a la mel

thanks to the honey

el seguro del cotxet

the stroller insurance

la ETV

the ETV

tot pagat

everything paid



mare meua

my mother

i me'n te tinc

And I have it for you.

91 anys fet

91 years old

en esta setmana

in this week

per la setmana que ve

for next week

tinc que tallar una poca mel

I have to cut a little honey.

jo era agarrat

I was tightfisted.

vostè en març m'ha dit

you told me in March

que les ficà en març allí

that put them in March there

i estan des de març treballant

They have been working since March.

ells estan treballant

they are working

faig una tallaeta

I'm making a small cut.

que és esta

what is this

de taronxel


entonces faig una tallaeta

so I make a small cut

i ara ahir estigui girant unes caixes

And now yesterday I was turning some boxes.

i vaig que n'hi ha peu

I see that there is a foot.

que a l'horta n'hi tinc

that I have it in the garden

i doncs ací puc traure jo

And so here I can take out.

9 quadros d'ixos

9 paintings of those

que n'hi han almenys 17 o 18 quilos de mel

that there are at least 17 or 18 kilos of honey

i com n'hi tinc

and how I have it

en 3 o 4 puestos

in 3 or 4 positions

dic almenys

I say at least.

a 7 euros el quilo

at 7 euros per kilo

que vinc

I'm coming.

ja tinc pa mantenir el cotxe

I already have bread to maintain the car.

ara el cotxe entre arreglar-li la bomba

Now the car is being repaired for the pump.

i ficar-me la pola de distribució

and put the distribution pole in me

a mi m'acostava a vore 1.000 euros la festa

I was used to seeing the party cost 1,000 euros.

mare meua

my mother

i la mel que li ensenyà este home

and the honey that this man showed him

sa abuela també sabia de mel?

Did your grandmother also know about honey?

a mi ja és nova generació

to me it is already a new generation

el coronel

the colonel

jo ja tenia afició a aixís coses

I was already interested in such things.

i això home diu

and this man says

poses per una comeneta o dos

poses for a comet or two

i a poc a poc va fer-se

and little by little it became

me'n fui un 22

I left on the 22nd.

i va i li tenia una llometa

and went, and he had a little back.

i ell m'ensenyava

and he was teaching me

i vaig anar a esperar i dic

I went to wait and I say.

pues ací a la setmana que ve

Well, here next week.

vinc i talla la mel

I come and cut the honey.

i vinc pa tallar almenys 200 quilos de mel

I'm coming to cut at least 200 kilos of honey.

que valien diners

that were worth money

i coi doncs

and damn then

a poc me'n vaig allí

I hardly go there.

ni una me'n s'havien portat

not a single one had taken me away

no me diga

don't tell me

después a poc a poc aní fent-me'n

then little by little I started to get used to it

i com tinc afició

and as I have a hobby

anar fent-me'n a poc a poc

taking my time

me vaig a morir en el rincullo

I am going to die in the corner.



torna a fer poc a poc

do it again slowly

i això vostè

and this you

estes avies no piquen perquè jo això no tinc ni idea

these grandmothers don’t knock because I have no idea about this

estes piquen i vostè va aixina

they sting and you go like this

elles piquen

they sting

elles piquen i se moren

they sting and they die

que acaben ahí el llejon

that the lion ends there

i elles se moren

and they are dying

no n'hi ha ningú dia

there is nobody day

que no vaig a l'horta que no me piquen

I'm not going to the garden because they don't bother me.

i mira si són listes

and see if they are clever

que me piquen la gorreta

that they sting my little cap

i m'entren per allí i me piquen a nosaltres

They train me over there and they hit us.

en sèrio?


però això home

but this man

i no se pot ficar vostè a algú

and you cannot put someone (in trouble).

soc un farolero

I am a lamp lighter.

que allí tinc careta i tinc de tot

that I have a mask there and I have everything

i me piquen o no la piquen

And they sting me or they don't sting her.

allí tinc careta

There I have a little face.

i tot, ací

and everything, here

tot s'arreglo

everything will be fine



l'arreglo el té però no se'l posa

He arranges the tea but does not drink it.

però no me'l poso

but I don't put it on

i en què se cura les picaes de...

and how to treat the stings of...

no se'l posa res?

Aren't you putting anything on it?

però això fa mal, no?

but that hurts, doesn't it?

el jerse de coll alt

the turtleneck sweater

per que?


perquè no m'entren per allà

because they don't go in there for me



el mono blanc

the white monkey

en els pantalons arrollats

in the rolled-up pants

amb goma baix pa que no

with rubber down so that it doesn't

pa que no entren

so they don't get in

entonces ací un atre mono

so here another monkey

se l'ha estrenat

it has been premiered

ací una careta

here is a little face

i guanys

and wins

i ells

and they

els càsters remendats són ells

the patched casters are them


Do you see?

mira la careta

look at the face

però no se'l posa perquè això està allà

but he doesn't put it on because that's over there

no, jo me'l poso quan dic

No, I put it on when I say.

quan dic de destapar-les

when I say to uncover them

quan vaig a pegar una mirada

when I'm going to take a look

a d'elles no, però allà estan treballant

Not that one, but they are working over there.

i a vegades una va rodant-me

And sometimes one goes rolling around me.

i jo dic, quan vés rodant-me

And I say, when you go rolling me.

s'ha de que me picarà el xustet

I have to admit that the little bug will sting me.

si me quedara parat

if I stood still

però quan no pare un dia o un any

but when it doesn't stop for a day or a year

busca el furet

search for the ferret

això no fa molt de mal?

Doesn't that hurt a lot?

eh? això no fa mal?

Eh? Doesn't that hurt?

és que picaeix

it's that it stings

picarà un pa que dix

it will knock a bread that said

no teniu por

don't be afraid

que no mos fan de fer res

that they don't make us do anything

jo, el més gramàtic

I, the most grammatical

és mentida

it's a lie

el més gramàtic

the most grammatical

ojo, que a d'estos

Beware, because of these.

companeros meus se piqueu eh

My companions are getting tense, huh?



els dic jo les avelles

I call them the bees.

això és una tonta

this is a fool

és per dir algo

it's just to say something

la vella no coneix a ningú

the old woman knows no one

jo sóc el mono i no coneixes

I am the monkey and you do not know.

això és igual que estar treballant per a l'autenticitat

this is the same as working for authenticity

quan te descuides se vega una castanya

when you least expect it, a chestnut appears

te la coneix l'amo

The owner knows her.

tu les avelles igual

you the bees the same

molt bé

very good

i estos tenien unes rises

and these had some laughter

cada una té un color que no passa res

each one has a color that doesn't matter

esta és més vella

this one is older

més vella, però és nova també

older, but it's new too

més vella te ho dirà el tio

the older one will tell you, man



n'hi han anys

there are years

que es dixen, jo sempre quan talla

What they say, I always when I cut.

les homenes a les avelles

the men to the bees

es dixen menjar de sobre

they say to eat on top

perquè si no, me toca después comprar

because if not, I have to buy later

unes pastilles que venen

some pills that sell

pa alimentar-les

to feed them

entonces es dixen reserves

then they are called reserves

ixa mel que queda de un any pa atre

that honey that remains from a year ago for you

té un atre color

it has a different color

veus açò és una cebeta, en lleves un poquetet

You see, this is a little onion; you take off a tiny bit.

que no és mal

that is not bad

açò és la cera que me dia, no?

this is the wax that you were telling me about, right?

jo era un neteja

I was a cleaner.

jo fiqué la llet

I put in the milk.

i ara un calder pa tu

And now a pot of bread for you.

i no té patrull

and it has no patrol

pues moltes gràcies

well, thank you very much

això és de mel natural de casa

this is natural homemade honey

a mi la naturalea m'ha ensenyat molt

Nature has taught me a lot.

i la fargina de la muntanya

and the flour from the mountain

m'ha ensenyat molt

it has taught me a lot

perquè vostè diga que n'hi han venenoses

because you say that there are poisonous ones

i com sap si són venenoses o no

And how do I know if they are poisonous or not?

estes que té ací les coneix totes

These here knows them all.

i ja sap pa que funcionen

And you already know what they are for.

però si va per ahí i troba una nova

but if he goes there and finds a new one

que fa?

What does it do?

sempre que tastes

whenever you taste

sempre que tastes una herba

whenever you taste an herb

i la tastes

and you taste it

i la mossegues un poquet

and you bite it a little bit

i te m'aprega a picar la llengua

And it makes you want to bite your tongue.

fora, venenosa

outside, poisonous

ara m'haig de dir tota una cosa

now I have to tell you something



sé el terme de mosatros

I know the term of us.

per lo menos el terme de mosatros

at least the term of us

està de droga silvestre a tabacat

It's about wild drug in tobacco.



o diga molt forta o si és molt plena

either say very loudly or if it is very full

la sé jo

I know it.

ixa anirà a la tumba

that will go to the grave

ixa no...

that one no...

perquè si jo la diguera

because if I were to say it

moltes persones

many people

jo tinc revés més i tot

I have more setbacks and everything.

quanta gent cauria

how many people would fall

jo m'he de fer ric

I have to make myself rich.

i la quantitat de desgraciatge

and the amount of misfortune

que haguera d'ixar d'aixecar

that I would have to stop lifting

no, això se queda ahí

no, this stays here

ja n'hi ha prou que no me planten per ahí

I've had enough of them not leaving me alone.

i estan matant prou gent, això fa el da

And they are killing enough people, this is making the devil.

ixa se queda ahí i no la toca

that stays there and doesn't touch it

sóc pobret i sóc ric

I am poor and I am rich.

a la mua manera

my way

i no necessite ensenyar res a ningú

and I don't need to teach anything to anyone

és igual que Guantaló i Perot

it's the same as Guantaló and Perot

Perot, ell seguien

Perot, they continued.

a Guàrdia Civil seguien matant-lo

the Civil Guard kept killing him

i els blaus de Ribarrocha

and the blues of Ribarroja

però agarraven una herba

but they were grabbing a herb

que n'hi havia, la serraven

that they were cutting it down

i totes les joies

and all the jewelry

les apartaven, zigzag, zigzag

they separated them, zigzag, zigzag

els gossos anaven

the dogs were going

se desorientaven, no sabien

they became disoriented, they didn't know

Xero tampoc la diré

I won't say it either.

que poden fer lo mateix

that can do the same

si ho dic jo diran

If I say it, they will say.

ah, pues això és la mar

Ah, well this is the sea.

a mi me l'han ensenyat

they have taught me

però no m'ho he dit

but I haven't told myself that

i ixa serveix per no fer

and that serves to not do

tot això, ixa droga

all this, that drug

ni hem no fitx els meus neix res

"Neither have I found my birth."

ni ho sabrem tampoc

neither will we know it

això va a la tumba

this goes to the grave

i això ho ha dit jo i ho direm tots els postos

And I have said this and we will all say it in all posts.

què n'hi ha, que busquen a voler

What is it that they seek to want?

si saben quina és

if they know which it is

a voler que la troba

to want to find it

la persona té que ser clara

the person has to be clear

i límpia

and clean

però claro, són 96 quases d'herbes

but of course, they are 96 almost herbs



és veritat

it's true

però ara moltes d'ixes

but now many of those

no, no, això no n'hi ha cap

no, no, there isn't any of that

fora del Ribarrocha

out of Ribarroja

no n'hi ha cap

there isn't any

és que ni la Manzanilla del Camovir

it's that not even the Manzanilla del Camovir

la ixa no ha llegat a votar

the ixa has not reached the vote

necessitem que ploga

we need it to rain

té que ploure

it has to rain

però ara si plou ja és tard

but now if it rains it is already too late

però a la primavera que ve

but next spring

i fa una tonyo bo que ploguera

And it makes a fool good that it rained.

pues hi serien moltes herbes

well, there would be many herbs

i entonces sí, se pot

And then yes, it can be done.

fer apuntar

to take note

i mira, esta serveix pa açò

And look, this is used for this.

esta serveix pa açò

this serves for this

hi ha herba pa la tensió

there is grass for the tension

hi ha herba molt bona pa la tensió

there is very good grass for the tension

és bo pa canviar la sang

it is good to change the blood

pa tot, pa tot

bread for everyone, bread for everyone

una persona que té la sang bruta

a person who has dirty blood



una cosa com els renyons, els filtros de renyons

something like the kidneys, the kidney filters

còlics al renyó

kidney colic

jo tinc herbes pa el còlic al renyó

I have herbs for kidney colic.

i totes aquestes xigotetes

and all these little rascals

ara pés de gran no

now legs of big no

però te t'han de ficar la banyera i cos

but they have to fit you the bathtub and body

i t'han d'operar

and you need to have surgery

però l'arenilla i cos i d'ixos

but the sand and body and of those

te t'han de fer el renyó

they have to do your kidney

i tot això són herbes que tenim ací

And all these are herbs that we have here.

tenim ací

we have here

tenim un terme de lo millor que tenim

we have a term of the best that we have

tot això és de lo millor que tenim

All of this is the best we have.

i no ho sap ningú

and no one knows it

no ho sap ningú

nobody knows it

i ho ignoren, la gent ho ignora tot

and they ignore it, people ignore everything

Marta, la gent ignora

Marta, people ignore.

un corte guago, tant

a very cool cut, so much

que agafes l'oli perico i a poc a poc

grab the Perico oil and slowly



i curat

and cured

i jo ara que estic amb mòxim, la gola mala

And now that I'm with Mòxim, my throat is bad.

i tot, això què me puc fer jo ara?

And all, what can I do now?

pues això és molt fàcil

well, that's very easy

això és molt fàcil

this is very easy

això ja t'ho he dit jo antes

I already told you this before.


you have

m'he encricicat

I have become wealthy.

i la gola de quan te pica

and the throat when it itches

pues això has de fer gàrgares

Well, that's what you have to do, gàrgares.

en llima i mel

in lime and honey

i bicarbonato tamé?

And baking soda too?

en bicarbonato

in bicarbonate

i te lleva la inflamació, te'l rebaixa

It reduces the inflammation, it lowers it for you.

i después la llima i la mel

and then the lime and the honey

ven descorregut, fas gàrgares

come uncovered, you make exclamations

això te'l tragués, no ho tires

I'll take that away from you, don't throw it.

això és bo perquè te'n treix el pulmón

this is good because it takes your lung out

el bicarbonato paca fora

the bicarbonate goes outside

i la mel i la llima paca dins

and the honey and the lime go inside

i això vas de categoria

and this is top-notch

pues això vaig a fer

Well, that's what I'm going to do.

t'ho vas de categoria

you are of category

Tinc moltes gràcies per tot lo que mos has contat

I have many thanks for everything you have told us.

ja mirarem a vore si plou

We'll see if it rains.

d'anar un dia d'excursió

to go on a day trip

si plou i nixera, nixeren

if it rains and snows, it will snow

que serà difícil ara ja

it will be difficult now already

però pot ser que nixera alguna

but it may be that I will give birth to some

i si visquem, jo volguera viure

And if we live, I would like to live.

pa la primavera que ve

for next spring

entonces ja faríem compromès

then we would be committed

agarríem el cotxet, movíem pronte

we grabbed the stroller, we moved quickly

pa que allà, pa que a la balsa barreta

bread for there, bread for the marshy area

vos contaria on mataren el bandoler

I would tell you where they killed the bandit.

tota la història

the whole history

i per allí mirant

and over there looking

i la terba, apuntant-se

and the grass, signing up

Quedem aixina pues

Let's meet like this then.

moltíssimes gràcies

thank you very much

per tot lo que mos ha contat

for everything that he has told us

per tot lo que mos ha descobert ací avui

for everything that has been revealed to us here today

les herbes i les abelles

the herbs and the bees

i tot el coneixement que té vostè

and all the knowledge that you have

Mira, mira així el temps

Look, look at the weather like this.

i la vellea

and the old woman



tu me veus a mi

do you see me?

lo lleig que soc

how ugly I am

pues jo he sigut una persona

Well, I have been a person.

molt, segons m'han dit les dones

a lot, according to what the women have told me

molt guapo

very handsome

dius que ha sigut molt guapo

you say it has been very handsome

ara te'n ensenyaré la foto

Now I will show you the photo.

i la moto

and the motorcycle

i els meus nens quan eren xicotets

and my children when they were little

Mira, quan era jove

Look, when I was young.

Este era quan era jove

This was when I was young.

I quina edat tenia ahí vostè?

And what age were you then?

Pues si no m'enganye

Well, if I'm not mistaken.

tenia 18 anys

I was 18 years old.

Pues sí que té vostè ahí, vamos

Well, yes, you have it there, let's go.

Ixa és la sort, no?

That's the luck, isn't it?

Lo que parlàvem, tio, la sort de la vida

What we were talking about, man, the luck of life.

tindre els gatos xunys

to have the sick cats

91 anys fet

91 years old

i tots els companys

and all the colleagues

els tinc allà

I have them there.

amics i tot

friends and everything

Són molts anys

It's many years.

és molt gran, Marta

It is very big, Marta.

jo no me puc eixar d'engrés

I can't help but feel anxious.

agarre el cotxet, em vaig a Gorta

I grab the stroller, I'm going to Gorta.

a les Colmenentes

to the Colmenentes

a poquet a poquet, ací vinc i me tallo la neu ací

Little by little, here I come and I cut the snow here.

ací me tallo la neu

here I cut the snow

después vaig

then I go

i a cada caixa li fico els quadros

And I put the pictures in each box.

porto el retrològraf

I wear the chronograph.

una quadra que n'hi han, tres quadros

a square that there are, three squares

tres ratlletes, l'altra quadra que té

three lines, the other block it has

quatre quadros, un quadre

four squares, one square

a cada caixa li fico els quadros que li perteneixen

I put the paintings that belong to each box in it.

ho porta tot

he carries it all

el matemàtic i tot el dirijo

the mathematician and I direct everything

i si n'ha trau tants quilos

and if he/she loses so many kilos

i fa sacau

and it makes a mess

tot ací tot

everything here everything

me'n fico i jo tamé

I'm getting into it too.

va que estic fent baqueteres

Come on, I'm making badger holes.

això també ho fa vostè?

Do you also do this?

en les parts

in the parts

que trau de la lloma

what comes out of the ridge

sí, sí

yes, yes

me fa les baqueteres

It makes me anxious.

antes que ploguia anava

before it rained, I was going

anava a la baqueta

I was going to the stick.

i arreglava baquetes pa la paella

And I was fixing sticks for the paella.

però si no plogua que estava en tancar

but if it didn't rain that was about to close

les faig de dos tipus

I make them of two types.

d'aquesta caixa, d'esta, d'aquí

from this box, from this one, from here

s'entreté, vostè sí, vamos

You entertain yourself, you do, come on.

graneres de palma, que no sé el que saben

palm brooms, which I don't know what they taste like

fa graneres

makes brooms

això tamé és de lo que he trau de la lloma

this is also from what I've taken from the ridge

sí, sí, de palma

yes, yes, from Palma

té graneres del faixó

it has big fenders

tinc canyes en l'horta

I have canes in the garden.

jo me'n ho arregle

I will fix it myself.

això és el que

this is what

compraven les dones antes

women used to buy before

jo d'esta n'en tinc en casa encara

I still have this one at home.



sí, sí

yes, yes

no hi ha que deixar tard lo de antes, Marta

We shouldn't leave it too late, Marta.

i acara ara

I am now.

estic conforme que anem al dia

I agree that we go day by day.

estic conforme en els metges

I agree with the doctors.

estic conforme en vosatros que estudieu i sabeu

I agree with you that you study and know.

perquè, ja te dic

because, I’m telling you

és una desgràcia molt gran no saber

It is a great pity not to know.

bueno, però és que vostè sí sap

Well, but you do know.

molt bé, és que és que

very good, it's that it's that

hem estudiat, i tot lo que sap vostè

we have studied, and everything you know

sí ho saberà jo, vamos

Yes, I will know it, come on.

i jo, fíjate la cosa, Marta

And me, look at that, Marta.

si jo era estudiat

if I was educated

com tu, supondré

like you, I will assume

i saberà com tu

and will know how you do

damunt de tot lo que sé

above everything I know

tu què creus que podia ser jo?

What do you think I could be?

pues lo que volguera

well, what I wanted

vostè seria lo que volguera

you would be what you wanted

jo seria una cosa molt gran

I would be a very big thing.

perquè jo ara mateixa, tenint afició a les colmenes

because right now, having a passion for hives

tindria el meu carnet

I would have my ID card.

de primera


el tinc de segon i tercera

I have it in second and third.

tindria el meu carnet de primera

I would have my first license.

tindria el meu camionet

I would have my truck.

tindria 400 o 500 colmenes suficients

I would have 400 or 500 hives enough.



un puesto

a position

la meua família a emplear venen por polio

My family is using poison for moles.



venen mel de

they sell honey from

de romero, mel de tomello

rosemary, thyme honey

mel de tot

honey of everything


would have

a dos o tres persones en companyia meua

to two or three people in my company

a ajudar-me a la mel, els ensenyaria

to help me with the honey, I would teach them

però és que

but it is that

no n'hi ha ningú

there is no one there

n'hi han de benes, no?

There are some good ones, aren't there?

si me'ls han portat a un viatge

if they have taken me on a trip

els ha dit lo que tenien que fer

He told them what they had to do.

si els ha picat una vella

if an old woman has bitten them

jo m'ha quedat a sols

I am left all alone.

i jo porte

and I wear

raere, porte també

Raere, you also carry.

el moniaco

the monkey

porte el moniaco per a picar

I bring the monkey for snacking.

i si s'ha picat a un viatge

and if it has been chipped on a trip

s'ha picat el moniaco

the monkey has been hit

però quan m'ho he dit cuida't

but when I told myself take care

s'han sentat a la vora

they have sat by the side


Fly it!

m'han abandonat

I have been abandoned.

si algú vol aprendre, no?

If someone wants to learn, right?

que si algú vol aprendre

that if someone wants to learn

que vinga

come on

el porta oerta

the door handle

jo me l'he agarrat

I have grabbed it.

quan tallem el

when we cut the

així que és el col·lege

so it is the college

i ens hem tingut ací

and we have had each other here

i hem vist com se fa i tot

and we've seen how it's done and everything

pues lo que puga fer el tio per tu

well, whatever the guy can do for you

esta erba tampoc

this grass neither

t'ha dit el tio lo que és

Has the uncle told you what it is?

esta erba era molt bona

this herb was very good

pels jugadors de pilota

for the ball players

els professionals

the professionals

se sentava la pilota allí

the ball was sitting there

això és corretxia

this is corrector

i se la ficaven pa curar-se

and they would put it on to heal themselves

caien vados i se xopaven això

they fell soaked and got drenched

i la negror

and the blackness

se n'imagina com ara

can you imagine it now

venen tremofils

they poison tremofils

ara n'hi ha prou

now there is enough

això era més natural que el tremofil

this was more natural than the tremofil

i més sa que el tremofil

and healthier than the tremofil

perquè molts ous

because many eggs

a vegades tenien cobril

sometimes they had a covering

i no podien jugar

and they could not play

se ficaven això i ja està

they just put this on and that's it

m'abuelo ja ho feia

my grandfather already did it

i mon pare també, pels animals, pels tocadores

and my father too, for the animals, for the musicians

pa les persones, pa tot

bread for people, bread for everything

això és de vino

this is of wine

pues n'hi ha una erba que no agita

Well, there is a grass that does not stir.

que se diu malliaure

that is called malliaure



les persones de diarrea

people with diarrhea

una colitis, una diarrea de por

a colitis, a terrible diarrhea

un crius

a cub

a les 3 o 4 de tacetes curat

at 3 or 4 o'clock, healed with spots

i ara no n'hi ha

and now there are none

no n'hi ha

there isn't any

en antibiòtics, en pastilles

in antibiotics, in pills

i en redros

and in redrows

pa l'estómago

bread for the stomach

per tant, en pastilles

therefore, in pills

i això, no està clar

and this is not clear

jo, mira, en els cervicals estic de set, Marta

Me, look, in the cervical area I'm thirsty, Marta.

i tots els matins

and every morning

faig 20 vegades aixina

I do it like this 20 times.

20 aixina i 20 aixina

20 this way and 20 that way

i aixina, i aixina

and so, and so

totes les dies, ja més de 20 anys

every day, for over 20 years now

aixina, me feien plaques

thus, they made me plaques

i el metge me diu

and the doctor tells me

no haus d'anar a caire ara

you shouldn't fall now

vosté està de set, de rellons i tot

you are thirsty, like a sponge and all

i ja ho feia

and I was already doing it

així, així de sacrifici

thus, thus of sacrifice

i t'has de fer, així de sacrifici

And you have to do it, that's how much sacrifice it takes.

i et permeteu

and you allow yourself

si t'ho dius a l'alt, encara pitjor

if you say it out loud, it's even worse

t'has de manejar, has de fer algo

you have to take care of yourself, you have to do something

és aixina

it is like that

pues sí, tot arreu, tio

Well yes, everywhere, dude.

pues ala, moltes gràcies

Well then, thank you very much.

agarreu això

take this

i parlant de tot allò

and speaking of all that

quant ara pensa, jo què sé

When he thinks now, I don't know.

en ara, és a dir, tota la vida

in now, that is to say, all of life

n'hi ha algo que s'arrepentix de tota esa època o...

Is there something you regret about that time or...



no m'arrepentix

I don't regret it.

perquè pensa en una cosa, Marta

because think about one thing, Marta

pensa en que

think about what

de la neu a quinta érem

from the snow we were in fifth

55 i n'hi quedem

55 and we remain.

4, i a més estan tots allà

4, and moreover they are all there.

el senyor està tots allà

The lord is all there.

i l'únic que va a l'horta

and the only one who goes to the garden

i l'únic que conduixi algo és Paco i Vicari

And the only ones who drive something are Paco and Vicari.

a pesar de marcapassos

despite pacemakers

i a pesar d'una operació d'estómago

and despite a stomach operation

que me feren, me llevaren

what they did to me, they took away from me

un tros d'estómago, me llevaren

a piece of stomach, they took me away

el vaso sanguíno, un tumor que tenia era bo

the blood vessel, a tumor I had was good



no me puc pixar

I can't pee.

m'ha unat contes

she has told me stories

que per l'edat que tinc

that for the age I am

el nostre senyor m'ha unat encara

Our Lord has united me still.

el viure


que vull més

that I want more

tinc una risa ja molt gran

I have a very big laugh.

tinc 4 neig

I have 4 grandchildren.

tinc dos rebecs neig

I have two snow-white goats.

això, això és molt gran

this, this is very large

és un regalet, eh, és un regalet

it's a little gift, huh, it's a little gift

això és una cosa molt gran

this is a very big thing

qui merda a ningú no l'intinc

Who the hell would I touch?

i el que vull jo val pa mi

And what I want is worth it for me.

Home, poca gent, no? Ningú n'hi haurà

Home, there are few people, right? There won't be anyone.

pot ser


podria ser perquè

could be because

se'n venien coses, però

things were being sold, but

i jo faig mal a ningú

And I don't harm anyone.

sintonitza Vilamarchant

tune in Vilamarchant

un podcast de Perleta Produccions

a podcast by Perleta Productions

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