La música, xarxes i més.

L'Altra Freqüència

L'Altra Freqüència

La música, xarxes i més.

L'Altra Freqüència

L'altre freqüència

The other frequency


The Alan

Bona tarda

Good afternoon

Un altre programa

Another program

que podem estar aquí

that we can be here

un altre programa que puc recordar

another program that I can remember

que ens podeu trobar

that you can find us

a totes les xarxes

to all networks

Spotify i tots els agraïdors de podcast també

Spotify and all the podcast listeners too.

com a l'altre freqüència

like the other frequency

molt contents de poder seguir aquí

very happy to be able to stay here

i molt contents també de poder tenir

and very happy also to be able to have

el nostre convidat avui

our guest today

amb nosaltres

with us

Jo també, em fa il·lusió

Me too, I’m excited.

i a part que ja us conec

And apart from that, I already know you.

llavors ja confio

then I trust already

Sí, sí

Yes, yes

Molt bé, doncs ara que ja ens has saludat

Very well, so now that you have greeted us.

ja podem passar a presentar-te

Now we can move on to introducing you.

que com hem dit

as we have said

l'artista, presídio, L'Oriol Llinàs

the artist, prison, L'Oriol Llinàs



Bé, doncs si nosaltres

Well, then if we

et volíem definir com a això

we wanted to define you as this

tens alguna altra proposta que volguessis

Do you have any other proposal that you would like?

definir, ja sigui en tema d'aficions

define, whether in terms of hobbies

com a futbolista o

as a footballer or

o sí, streamer o altres

oh yes, streamer or others

He tingut etapes

I have had stages.

Llavors, la d'streamer ja l'he passat

Then, I've already passed the streamer.

fa uns anys, però

a few years ago, but

principalment futbolista i cantant

mainly footballer and singer

artista no encara

artist does not face yet

Molt bé, molt bé, doncs

Very well, very well then.

ara que ja ens has explicat una mica això

Now that you have explained this a bit to us.

ja podrem passar a aquestes etapes

we will be able to move on to these stages

com vas ara

How are you doing now?

i a tota la resta

and to all the rest

però abans, escoltem la nostra sintonia

but first, let's listen to our jingle

del programa

of the program

Benvinguts a l'altre freqüència

Welcome to the other frequency.

un programa amb una altra mirada

a program with a different perspective

Doncs ja ben escoltat això

Well, that's well heard.

que no sé què et sembla

I don't know what you think.

Està molt bé

It's very good.



Sí, sí

Yes, yes

O potser penses ja una altra coseta

Or maybe you're already thinking of something else.

No, no, m'ha impactat

No, no, it has shocked me.

m'esperava una musiqueta

I was expecting a little music.

Bé, doncs ja ben escoltat això

Well, then that's been well heard.

com he dit, podem passar ja a preguntar-te

As I said, we can already proceed to ask you.

cada una de les etapes

each of the stages

No sé si hi ha alguna que parla que vulguis començar

I don't know if there is any talk you want to start.

o pel principi

or for the principle

Pel principi mateix

For the same principle

Quin va ser aquest principi mateix?

What was this very principle?

Doncs aquest principi potser està entre el

Well, this principle may be among the

2011-2012, imagina't

2011-2012, imagine that.

estic parlant de fa molt

I'm talking about a long time ago.

jo me'n recordo que era un nen

I remember that I was a child.

que anava amb tablet

that was going with a tablet


imagine yourself

i doncs va ser per la broma

And so it was for the joke.

amb alguns amics

with some friends

començava a seguir el Clash Royale

I started following Clash Royale.

l'època de bromes

the time of jokes

jo me'n recordo de bromes

I remember jokes.

o sortejos falsos

or fake raffles

que han sigut èpoques

that have been eras

que tothom s'intentava fer al seu espai

that everyone was trying to make in their own space

llavors aquesta va ser

then this was

la principal, la primera època

the main, the first period

i a partir d'això

and from this

doncs va ser

so it was

la primera època

the first period

en què vaig començar a fer

in what I began to do



que haig de dir que el canal de cançons

What I have to say is that the song channel

actualment és

currently it is

un canal que jo tenia

a channel that I had

de directes a Fortnite

from directs to Fortnite

això volia preguntar

this is what I wanted to ask

jo tenia per exemple

I had, for example.

no me'n recordo ben bé

I don't remember very well.

uns 300-400 o inclús 500 seguidors

about 300-400 or even 500 followers

a YouTube

to YouTube

i doncs amb la música hi ha quasi 900

And so with the music, there are almost 900.

però jo vaig començar amb Fortnite

but I started with Fortnite

i aquestes coses

and these things

Bueno, has dit 2012

Well, you said 2012.

no sé si t'has equivocat

I don't know if you are mistaken.

No, no, 2012

No, no, 2012

però perquè he tingut molts canals

but because I have had many channels

i de fet me'n recordo que

and in fact I remember that

abans de YouTube també era Facebook

before YouTube it was also Facebook

o sigui, han hi hagut èpoques

that is to say, there have been times

molt, molt, molt bèsties

very, very, very brutal

Molt bé, i per què

Very well, and why?

bueno, ja has dit-te'l perquè

Well, you've already told yourself why.

vas començar a fer això de YouTube

you started doing this YouTube thing

per unes bromes i tal

for some jokes and such

amb els amics

with friends

llavors, les etapes

then, the stages

no sé si hi ha alguna

I don't know if there is any.

altra etapa que tinguessis

another stage that you had

vull dir, em refereixo a

I mean, I refer to

si va ser tot per moda, per si dir-ho

if it was all for fashion, so to speak

o més per amics

or more for friends

o si darrere d'això hi havia una altra intenció

or if there was another intention behind this

més sèria

more serious

Mira, jo fa res

Look, I'm nothing.

estava parlant amb un amic

I was talking with a friend.

i em va dir que

and he told me that

el que no hagués fet jo en les xarxes

what I wouldn't have done on social media

no ho havia fet ningú

nobody had done it

perquè he sigut

because I have been

he fet vídeos de bromes

I have made prank videos.

de videojocs

of video games

al TikTok

to TikTok

de cançons, de futbol

of songs, of football

o sigui, he fet de tot

that is to say, I have done everything

llavors, jo crec que

then, I think that

he intentat sempre

I have always tried.

he intentat tocar una mica la fama

I have tried to touch a bit of fame.

per algun costat

on some side

i bueno

And good

a veure, no dic que hagi de passar amb la música

Let's see, I'm not saying that it has to happen with music.

però sempre s'intenta

but we always try

perquè si no, no ho faria

because if not, I wouldn't do it

i clar, és el que

And of course, it is what

el que una persona, un jove vol

what a person, a young person wants

arribar a ser algú

to become someone

i que la gent

and that the people

vagi pel carrer i li digui

go down the street and tell him/her

hòstia, una foto

wow, a photo

llavors, això és la il·lusió que jo tinc

then, this is the illusion that I have



siguin realistes

be realistic

doncs no

well no

no ho compto pas

I don't count it.

Bueno, que amb la música

Well, with the music.

ja has tocat una mica aquest punt

you have already touched on this point a little

perquè hem vist

because we have seen

ja en parlarem després

We'll talk about it later.

però hem vist alguns booms

but we have seen some booms



jo suposo que els booms són

I suppose that the booms are

perquè la cançó ha agradat

because the song was liked

però també perquè

but also because

jo me'n recordo d'una cançó que

I remember a song that

va sonar bastant a Spotify

It played quite a lot on Spotify.

i doncs va ser

and so it was

va ser una estratègia

it was a strategy

però que

but what

que bueno, va sortir bé

That's great, it went well.

i doncs ja s'avisen els números

And so the numbers are already alerted.

però llavors

but then

després he tingut unes èpoques de més ganes

then I have had some periods with more motivation

menys ganes

less desire



les últimes cançons les he tingut amb menys ganes

I've felt less enthusiastic about the latest songs.

per passar ja a la nova època

to move on to the new era

que no sé si

that I don't know if

si ho teniu allà

if you have it there



d'aquí res trobareu un àlbum

Soon you will find an album.





jo crec que és allò de

I believe it is that of

la il·lusió de treure-ho ja

the excitement of getting it out now



passar ràpid aquesta època

get through this time quickly

i començar la nova

and start the new one



bueno, després

well, then

també tinc unes altres coses que haig de dir

I also have some other things that I need to say.



de moment és això

for the moment, that's it

o sigui

that is to say


it is

voler passar èpoques ràpides

want to pass quick times

i la primera cançó doncs va ser

and the first song was then

ostres, és la primera cançó professional

Wow, it’s the first professional song.



va ser la que millor va sortir

it was the one that turned out best

Molt bé, molt bé

Very good, very good.

Bueno, doncs ja ho comentarem més tard

Well, we'll discuss it later.

ja ens ho explicaràs amb més detall

You'll explain it to us in more detail.

però ara tornem a això

but now let's get back to this

el tema de l'streaming

the topic of streaming

per així dir-ho

so to speak

que primer has dit que

that first you said that

primer amb Facebook

first with Facebook

després amb YouTube

after with YouTube

després amb el Twitch

after with the Twitch

que hem vist a la teua biografia

that we have seen in your biography

que vas començar amb 14 anys inclús

that you started at 14 years old even

sí, sí

yes, yes





és que

it's that

el Twitch i el YouTube

Twitch and YouTube

ha ensenyat la meva cara

has shown my face

doncs sobre els 14 anys

so around 14 years old



és que sempre m'he basat en

it's just that I have always relied on

a intentar passar el temps en les xarxes socials

to try to spend time on social networks



14 i més jove segurament

14 and probably younger

l'únic que exactament no me'n recordo però

the only thing I don't exactly remember though

14 segur

14 sure

Bueno, que també aquí en la biografia vam veure que posava que

Well, we also saw in the biography that it said that

entraves per entretenir la gent

obstacles to entertain people

que era algo que t'agradava

that it was something you liked

no sé si també

I don't know if I also do.

compta en el món de la música

counts in the world of music

Bueno, jo crec que és diferent

Well, I think it's different.

perquè en l'entreteniment

because in entertainment

que fas videojocs doncs

What do you do with video games then?

el que intentes és

what you are trying is

fer el teu públic

build your audience

llavors a la música

then to the music

el que intentes és que li agradi la música

What you are trying to do is to make him like music.



és a dir, s'ha d'entretenir però

that is to say, one must be entertained but

diferent estil

different style



si fas un bon videoclip

if you make a good music video

doncs entreté perquè és algo visual i és bo

so entertain yourself because it's something visual and it's good



si no, també fa falta que facis com una bona cançó

if not, it's also necessary for you to make it like a good song

llavors, jo ho separo

then, I separate it

jo crec que és diferent

I think it is different.



i en la música

and in music

per exemple

for example

com intentes entretenir a la gent o així

How do you try to entertain people or something like that?

com dius això li agradarà com no

How you say this will please him or not.

el públic objectiu diguem ets tu o

the target audience let's say is you or

o qui seria

or who would it be

mira, jo

look, I

la cançó abans de sortir

the song before going out

perquè passa com potser un mes

because it happens in about a month

que s'ha de gravar el videoclip i tal

that the music video has to be filmed and such

ha passat abans prèviament per molts amics

has previously gone through many friends

i això a l'inici sempre comença seguint així

and this at the beginning always starts following like this

amb qui hi ha confiança que dius

with whom there is trust that you say

te la passo però no li passes a ningú

I'll pass it to you but don't pass it to anyone.

llavors jo no sé si passa per algun grup o què

Then I don't know if it goes through some group or what.

però principalment és això

but mainly it is this

que primer li passes a algú i diu

that you first give to someone and say

hòstia m'agrada

Damn, I like it.

aquesta part m'agrada molt

I really like this part.

doncs dius, hòstia és que

so you say, damn it's just that

això potser enganxa

this might stick

em va passar amb la cançó de tiempo agotado

It happened to me with the song "Tiempo Agotado."



la part de salir pa la calle

the part of going out to the street

bueno que era com

well it was like

una part va ser monòtona

one part was monotonous

me refereixo que

I mean that

acabava igual

it ended the same way

i doncs això li va agradar a la gent

And so the people liked that.

i doncs jo dic que

and so I say that

quan fas la cançó ja saps que pot enganxar més

When you make the song, you already know that it can be more catchy.

i que pot enganxar menys

and that can stick less

molt bé

very good

doncs bueno

well then

retornant a una altra vegada

returning to another time

al tema de Twitch

to the topic of Twitch

per si dir-ho que vas passar a una altra plataforma

Just to say that you moved to another platform.

no sé si el per què

I don't know if the why

bueno jo vaig veure una posició de Twitter que va passar a una altra plataforma no sé si el per què

Well, I saw a Twitter post that was moved to another platform, I don't know why.

bueno jo vaig veure una possibilitat del Twitch

Well, I saw a possibility with Twitch.

de fer partner

to be a partner

i fer-te VIP

and make you VIP

no me'n recordo com es diu

I don't remember what it's called.

però jo vaig arribar

but I arrived

vaig, és que no sé quin

I'm going, it's just that I don't know which one.

no sé si era afiliado

I don't know if he was affiliated.

afiliat bueno

good affiliate

i clar

of course

jo ja pude començar a cobrar

I can already start collecting.

i de fet jo tinc

and in fact I have

vaig començar a cobrar però clar

I started to charge but of course.

al Twitch has d'arribar a 100 euros

On Twitch, you need to reach 100 euros.

llavors quan arribes a 100 euros et pots retirar

Then when you reach 100 euros you can withdraw.

i no sé crec que em vaig quedar

and I don't know, I think I stayed.

a 30 o 40

to 30 or 40

llavors queda allà a la plataforma

then it stays there on the platform

i és allò de

and it is that of

a vegades parava i dic

sometimes I stop and say

és que no tinc ganes perquè és que no guanyes diners

It's just that I'm not in the mood because you don't earn money.

i llavors dius

and then you say

ostres avui m'he aixecat i dic

wow today I got up and say

jo vull guanyar-me aquells diners però

I want to earn that money but

aixecat allà

raised there

és a dir que inclús vas aconseguint l'afiliat

That is to say, you even manage to get the affiliate.

i vas aconseguir

and you managed

arribar a més públic

reach a larger audience

el Twitch crec que tenia

I think I had the Twitch.

tenia quasi 300 seguidors

I had almost 300 followers.

mitjans espectadors potser tenia 15 o 20

The audience may have had 15 or 20.



si vaig arribar

if I arrived

l'únic que no els 100 euros com m'hagués agradat

the only thing is not the 100 euros as I would have liked

molt bé

very good

i bueno i tornaries

And well, would you come back?

ara no

not now

ara no perquè

not now because

en veritat aquella època

in truth that era

farà cosa de dos anys o un no me'n recordo

It will be about two years or one, I don't remember.

ara passaria vergonya

now I would feel embarrassed

o sigui abans

that is to say before

potser era com

maybe it was like

que no valorava tant

that was not valued as much

és que no sé li diuen com dignitat

it's just that I don't know if they call it dignity

i ara

and now

em faig com veig a vegades

I become as I see sometimes.

coses que estan privades

private things

ostres a dir és que què feia

Oysters, to say is what I was doing.

o sigui què he fet jo per acabar així

So what have I done to end up like this?

una mica de vergonya sí que

a little bit of shame yes

em faig a mi mateix

I make myself.

bueno que no ets l'única però

Well, you're not the only one though.

i bueno doncs això dius que fa una mica de vergonya

And well, you say that it’s a bit embarrassing.

per tant


i si tornessis a ser

and if you were to be again

bueno o tinguessis un aus

Well, or you would have a bird.

en el qual guanyessis popularitat

in which you gained popularity

a ver

let's see

és que quan

it's just that when

se te fica entremig la popularitat

popularity gets in between you

llavors després tu penses

then after you think



s'ha de valorar tot perquè a vegades

everything must be valued because sometimes

jo he vist tiktoks de ostres

I have seen TikToks of oysters.

és que fent com

it's that doing like

donant-te vergonya a tu mateix guanyes

by making yourself ashamed, you win

guanyes espectadors guanyes

you win viewers you win

fama llavors

fame then

això no és que m'agradi gaire

I don't really like this very much.

perquè clar és com que

because of course it's like that

et recorden com ostres

they remember you like oysters

és famós però està fotent el pene

He is famous but he is messing up.



és vergonya i prefereixo abans

it's shameful and I prefer before

tenir com

to have as

per dintre meu que dic

inside me I say

o sigui no estic donant pena

So I'm not being pathetic.

que la fama

that the fame

que em pugui otorgar jo

that I can grant myself

bueno clar que a vegades també

well of course sometimes too

és com no mostrar el comens realment

it’s like not showing the real diner

clar clar llavors

clear clear then

amb la música

with the music

no pots tampoc mostrar-te

you can't show yourself either

realment però bueno pots fer-ho amb els sentiments

really but well you can do it with feelings

mai intento

never I try

parlar de coses que vagin

talk about things that happen

relacionades amb

related to



les coses aquestes que són

the things that are these

o com el que està

or how it is

ara mateix més

right now more

popular en la música llavors

popular in music back then

podria fer cançons que dius

I could make songs that you say.

hòstia és que realment no sóc

Holy shit, it's just that I really am not.

així jo no penso així per fama

so I don't think like this for fame

però no és la meva intenció

but that is not my intention

llavors no vull anar

then I don't want to go

al grup aquell popular

to that popular group

que fan cançons que les lletres són

they make songs whose lyrics are

explícites llavors

explicit seeds

clar perquè és que estan els meus pares

of course, that's why my parents are here

els coneguts que ja són de

the acquaintances who are already from

potser tenen o 30 o 40

maybe they have 30 or 40

anys i clar veure un jove que

years and of course to see a young man who

està allà parlant de coses que no toca

he is there talking about things that don't matter

llavors és raro és inseguretat

So it is strange, it is insecurity.

molt bé doncs

very well then

tens alguna anècdota per explicar sobre

do you have any anecdote to share about

aquest món doncs

this world then

mira jo jo tenia

look I I had

bueno si te diré dos

well, I will tell you two

una de

one of

youtube diguéssim d'estreamer i l'altra

YouTube, let's say to stream and the other.

de la música

of the music

la música

the music

per més tard ah música més tard

for later ah music later

si que si va una mica amb el tema

Yes, it does relate a bit to the topic.

ja en podem saber una mica més doncs et diré

Now we can know a little more, so I will tell you.

que clar jo estudiava el bató

Of course, I was studying the bacalaureat.

d'una tordera i el bató d'una tordera

from a thrush and the stick of a thrush

no sé com es va enterar que jo era youtuber

I don't know how he found out that I was a YouTuber.

llavors vosaltres mateixos

then you yourselves

ho podeu comprovar que

you can verify that

a la

to the

pàgina de youtube diguéssim del

let's say YouTube page of the

bató d'una tordera

wand of a thrush

a canals

to channels

sortia el meu

my exit

sortia el meu canal i me van ficar allà

I went out of my channel and they put me there.

i doncs com que jo tenia inactiu

And so, since I had inactive...

aquell canal doncs podeu buscar-ho

that channel then you can search for it

ara surt realbetis balompié

now real betis balompié comes out

com el meu canal amb el logo del betis

with my channel with the Betis logo

i tot llavors si podeu buscar-ho

And even then, if you can look for it.

doncs allà està

well, there it is

doncs curiós

so curious

a part hi ha un vídeo

besides, there is a video

l'únic vídeo que està

the only video that is

públic crec és

public belief is

un repte amb el meu cosí que vaig fer

a challenge with my cousin that I did

no sé si fa 5 anys o així

I don't know if it's been 5 years or so.

jugant a futbol a la terrassa

playing football on the terrace



super mal editat però en aquell

super poorly edited but in that

moment era com epic

moment was like epic

llavors aquell vídeo estava al record per riure

then that video was in memory to laugh

clar que potser es fan

sure, maybe they will be made

per l'amic de l'amic de l'amic

for the friend of the friend of the friend

bueno si és cert que quan

well if it’s true that when

quan he anat

when I have gone

canviant de col·le a la batxillerat també

changing schools to high school too

doncs també es van enterar

so they also found out

de la música

of the music

el bató d'una tordera es van enterar del youtube

The boys from Tordera found out about YouTube.

però bueno

but well

s'han anat enterant

they have been finding out

el bató d'una tordera contingut educacional

the baton of a tordera educational content

aquell canal es pot dir està recomanat

that channel can be said to be recommended

pel bató d'una tordera

for the blow of a thrush



bueno que inclús Alan

well, even Alan

si que hem de dir

we do have to say

bueno ara ho estem veient

well, now we are seeing it

però si que hem de dir que potser tu també tenies aquesta etapa

but we have to say that maybe you also had that stage

jo també vaig tenir aquesta etapa

I also went through that stage.

no va arribar

did not arrive

no va arribar res

nothing arrived

res res zero

nothing nothing zero

perquè també la vaig matar molt aviat

because I also killed her very early

al veure que jo també

upon seeing that I too

feia pena

it was sad

i això ho compartim

and we share this

i la vaig matar molt aviat

And I killed her very soon.



però si és una etapa

but if it is a stage

jo crec que tots hem tingut també

I believe that we have all also had



en el meu cas

in my case

crec que no va ser tant per la fama

I don't think it was so much for the fame.

sinó potser va ser més per

but perhaps it was more for

anar a fer alguna cosa

to go do something

però si

but yes

publicar coses i després

publish things and then


to regret

jo crec que ens ha passat a tots al final

I believe it has happened to all of us in the end.

i va passar

and it happened

bueno al fi i a la cap

well, in the end, and at the head

com es diu que és una moda

how do you say that it is a trend

per tant hi ha bastanta gent

therefore there are quite a few people

que ho aplica

that applies it

i bé si no hi ha res més a dir d'aquest tema

And well, if there is nothing else to say on this topic.

podem passar ja

we can go through now

a la música que és

to the music that is

per si dir-ho on estàs ara mateix

to say where you are right now

on potser com has dit tu

or maybe as you said

l'etapa i que potser

the stage and that perhaps

que has dit que continuaràs i que

that you said you would continue and that

vols passar-ne una de millor

do you want to have a better one

per si dir-ho

just to say it

així que si sembla bé

so if it seems good

comencem i per què

let's start and why

vas decidir canviar del món de

you decided to change from the world of

per què vas decidir passar-te

why did you decide to switch sides

a la música

to the music

jo me'n recordo dels inicis

I remember the beginnings.



jo m'ho preguntaria però

I would ask myself that but

jo em mirava com molt

I looked at myself a lot.

les batalles

the battles

aquestes de rap i aquestes coses

these rap ones and those things

i sempre ho intentava analitzar

and I always tried to analyze it

i després

and then

també les cançons

also the songs

és allò que analitzes la lletra i dius

It's what you analyze the lyrics and say.

hòstia quin sentit

Holy shit, what a meaning!

li he volgut donar

I wanted to give him/her.

i donant-li voltes és allò que dius

And going round and round is what you say.

si ells poden per què no puc jo

If they can, why can't I?



no sé

I don't know.

tenia ordinador, tenia micro

I had a computer, I had a microphone.

és que

it's that

era micro de casco

it was a helmet mic

de llauna quasi

almost tin

no s'escoltava res

nothing could be heard

i doncs era això

And so that was it.

les idees

the ideas

jo me'n recordo que les primeres cançons que vaig fer

I remember that the first songs I made

és la il·lusió

it is the illusion

la meva primera cançó

my first song

i no la publiques ni res

And don't publish it or anything.

jo tinc 50 cançons sense publicar

I have 50 unpublished songs.

i després ve la primera que vaig publicar

And then comes the first one I published.



és allò que jo anava ensenyant als amics

it is what I was teaching to my friends

i clar, és que ara

And of course, it's just that now

i penso i dic

I think and I say.

és que com vols que reaccioni

it's just that how do you want me to react

és que no hi ha per on agafar-ho jo

it's just that there's no way to approach it for me

i jo me'n recordo que jo he tingut èpoques de

And I remember that I have had periods of

dic és que

I say it is that

no arribaré a ningun lloc

I won't get anywhere.

no vull continuar perquè

I don't want to continue because

qui està darrere meu ajudant-me

Who is behind me helping me?

llavors ara potser

then maybe now

tinc gent

I have people.

que em tira cap endavant

that pushes me forward

i doncs és això

and so that is it

que he volgut fer el canvi aquest perquè

that I wanted to make this change because

vull passar de menys professional

I want to move from less professional.

a professional

a professional

i prendre amunt

and take up

tenir la música en sèrio

to take music seriously

llavors tinc projectes

then I have projects

però clar

but of course

aquí sona com

here it sounds like

un cantant gran

a great singer

i no, són projectes però per intentar

and no, they are projects but to try

evolucionar i per intentar

evolve and to try

arribar a algun lloc

arrive somewhere

que algun lloc podria ser

that some place could be

i tinc la il·lusió d'algun dia poder

I have the hope of being able to one day

actuar per exemple aquí a Tordera

act to perform here in Tordera

a la festa major llavors

at the main festival then

i bé doncs

and well then

ja has dit que has anat

you have already said that you have gone

fent projectes per

doing projects for

continuar evolucionant

continue evolving

com ha sigut aquest procés de millora

how has this process of improvement been

és a dir quines eines has anat canviant

That is to say, which tools have you been changing?

jo crec que he dedicat més temps

I believe that I have dedicated more time.


to look

jo és que a l'inici em mirava molt

I was looking at myself a lot at the beginning.

lo típic que fas

the typical thing you do

com he llegat a més gent en el Youtube

How have I reached more people on YouTube?

i clar et surt allà una persona que dius

And of course you see a person there that you say.

sembla molt fàcil però és que no ho és

it seems very easy but it is not

i clar jo crec que

And of course, I think that

passar de vídeos a passar a persones

turning from videos to interacting with people

llavors quan passes a persones

then when you pass by people

que són d'aquest tema que s'hi dediquen

what are they dedicated to on this topic

doncs dius aquesta és la realitat

so you say this is the reality

llavors et posen allà les opcions

then they put the options there for you

i et diuen amb això potser arribes

and they tell you that maybe you'll make it with this.

aquí, allà

here, there

i he intentat ara per aquest canvi

I have tried now for this change.

d'etapa, d'època doncs

of stage, of era then

buscar això, buscar

search this, search

no anar per independent

not going independently

ser artista independent

to be an independent artist

però que hi hagi com

but let there be as

un equip o algú al darrere

a team or someone behind

que em pugui ajudar perquè jo sol no arribaré a ningú lloc

that can help me because I won't get anywhere on my own

i en temes

and in topics

d'equipament com ha sigut el

of equipment as it has been the

potser el canvi o equipament tipus micròfon

maybe the change or equipment like a microphone



ordinador així per editar

computer like this to edit

audios, vídeos o ho fas tu

audios, videos or you do it

o com?

or how?

jo per sort la gran sort que tinc que és que

I for luck the great luck I have is that

tinc un amic

I have a friend.

un amic que m'ajuda a produir

a friend who helps me to produce

les cançons i tal

the songs and stuff

i llavors amb el tema video clips doncs

And then with the topic of video clips, well...

he agafat confiança

I have gained confidence.

bastanta confiança en un

quite a lot of confidence in oneself

en un càmera que llavors es fa tot més fàcil

in a room that then makes everything easier

i el tema equip

and the team topic

que he canviat és

what I have changed is

doncs a través de contactes

well, through contacts

intentar buscar

try to find

empreses d'agències

agency companies

empreses que

companies that

et puguin ajudar amb el marketing i això

they can help you with marketing and that

llavors la facilitat que he tingut

then the ease I have had

o no, jo considero

oh no, I consider

que és una facilitat és que

what is an ease is that

per exemple el meu avi està connectat

for example my grandfather is online

amb les agències perquè hi fa anuncis

with the agencies because it runs ads there

llavors normalment

then normally

es mouen entre aquests fils

they move between these threads

i doncs mateixament

and so likewise

busquen a Instagram

they search on Instagram

i clar tu

and of course you

tu saps tu el primer que tens a tenir al cap és

You know the first thing you have to keep in mind is

realment aquesta cançó

really this song

pot arribar a algú perquè jo he

it can reach someone because I have

escoltat hòstia si aquesta cançó

listen damn it if this song

l'arriba a fer Quevedo que és el que està de moda

What Quevedo does is what's in vogue.

estaria aquí

I would be here.

però com que l'has fet tu està que

but since you did it, it's that

ni es veu llavors jo no sé

neither is seen, so I don't know

jo vull

I want.

pensar que això seria veritat o sigui

to think that this would be true or in other words

que realment

that really

no arribo aquí perquè no sóc ningú

I don’t arrive here because I am nobody.



jo vull arribar

I want to arrive.

a ser algú però perquè

to be someone but why

la satisfacció que et dona

the satisfaction it gives you

ostres aquesta idea per fi

Wow, this idea finally!

m'ha sortit bé

It has gone well for me.

llavors és això

so it is this

molt bé

very good

i bé ja has comentat que

And well, you have already mentioned that.

hi ha gent que t'ajuda a produir

there are people who help you produce

i a editar els vídeos

and to edit the videos

és a dir que potser tu dones

that is to say that maybe you give

les idees i t'ajuden a produir

the ideas help you to produce

la música

the music

bé jo crec que la lletra i les idees

Well, I think that the lyrics and the ideas

solen ser més part meva

they tend to be more part of me

però la realització

but the realization

fer-ho realitat doncs també tinc gent

make it happen because I also have people

que m'ajuda jo vaig començar

that helps me I started

bé i de fet encara ho faig

well and in fact I still do it

al youtube ja et surten

it already appears on YouTube

instrumentals bases

basic instrumentals

que dius amb allò agafes la idea

What you mean by that is you get the idea.

llavors després és la lletra i tot

then afterwards it is the lyrics and everything

i diguéssim

we would say

l'estil ja és fruit de la teva imaginació

The style is already a result of your imagination.

de la teva creativitat

of your creativity

i doncs després és clar

And so then, of course.

faig un audio ostres

I'm making an audio, wow.

que s'ha de corregir tota aquesta idea

that this whole idea needs to be corrected

doncs faig-me aquesta

so I'll take this one

aquesta base però una mica més canviada

this base but a little more changed

llavors jo tinc la lletra

so then I have the lyrics

tinc l'estil i tot llavors es grava

I have the style and then it's recorded.

fer el videoclip

make the music video

jo tinc la idea de mira aquí fem això

I have the idea of, look, let's do this.

aquí fem lo altre

here we do the other thing

llavors és tot com

then it's all like

ells m'ajuden a fer-ho realitat

they help me make it a reality

però la idea doncs passa pel cap

but the idea then goes through the mind

molt bé

very good



d'on et surten les lletres

Where do the letters come from?

és allò que dius

it's what you say

aquesta parada en això

this stop in this

no és el primer que et passa pel cap

it's not the first thing that comes to mind

però normalment sol ser

but it is usually



la part per exemple tu

the part for example you

una part de 15 segons que tu l'escoltes

a part of 15 seconds that you listen to it

doncs en el meu cap potser ha passat

so in my head maybe it has happened

10 maneres diferents

10 different ways

de cantar-la

to sing it



llavors ha passat un procés

then a process has taken place

en el meu cap de dir

in my head to say

de selecció diguéssim

of selection shall we say

això és el que més enganxaria

this is what would be the most addictive

perquè això és un dilema clar

because this is a clear dilemma

és que enganxar és molt difícil

It's just that gluing is very difficult.

és molt difícil

it's very difficult

és un dilema

it's a dilemma

i aquest procés ve

and this process comes

abans de triar el tema de la cançó

before choosing the theme of the song

de què parlarà o ve després

What will it talk about or come after?

o es tria allà

or you choose there

jo crec que el tema

I believe that the topic

és quan ja ho tens

it's when you already have it

quan l'has escoltat la base

when you have listened to the base

te surt del tema

you're going off-topic

perquè clar

because of course

si és molt marxosa

if it is very lively

no aniràs com més trista

you won't go as sadder




it is

la imaginació i la creativitat

imagination and creativity

et surt quan l'escoltes

it comes out when you listen to it

sense escoltar

without listening

tu pots aduir

you can acquire

mira aquí puc fer això

Look, I can do this here.

i després ficar un instrumental així

and then put in an instrument like this

però jo crec que

but I think that

jo soc partidari de primer escoltar-ho

I am in favor of listening to it first.

bueno que això que deies

well, what you were saying

en una música marxosa

in a lively music

posar lletra trista

to set a sad tone

ja sent que sí que ho fa la veritat

I have to admit that yes, it really does.

però bueno

but good

això és el comú però a veure

this is the common thing but let’s see

si queda bé

if it looks good

doncs és un èxit

so it is a success

però també t'inspires diferent

but you also get inspired differently

suposo que

I suppose that

la lletra trista la tenien abans

they had the sad letter before

i llavors han volgut ficar la base per sobre

and then they have wanted to put the base on top

tu t'hi arriscaries?

Would you take the risk?

l'última cançó

the last song

que encara no he publicat

that I haven't published yet

ho vaig fer

I did it.

va ser el primer cop que vaig fer

it was the first time I did

la música primer i després la base

the music first and then the foundation

i de fet jo considero

and in fact I consider

que és la millor cançó que tinc

What is the best song I have?

no sé si ha sigut sort

I don't know if it has been luck.

però segurament va millor

but it probably goes better

bueno doncs ja l'escoltarem

Well, then we will listen to him/her.

perquè si dius que és un procés que va millor

Because if you say it's a process that is improving.

ja bueno que no publicis

Well, just don't publish.

perquè sí que encara no s'ha publicat

because it still hasn't been published

de fet vaig tenir un problema

In fact, I had a problem.

i és que jo el 25 de juliol

And it's that on July 25th I...

crec que vaig anunciar

I believe I announced

vaig anunciar la cançó

I announced the song.

per sortir l'1 d'agost

to leave on August 1st

i el 30

and the 30

no el 30 no el 27

neither the 30 nor the 27

potser el 28 no me'n recordo

Maybe on the 28th I won't remember.

no te'n puc mentir perquè no me'n recordo

I can't lie to you because I don't remember.

o sigui m'arriba una possibilitat

So I'm receiving a possibility.

de fer que el llançament sigui

to make the launch be

no un èxit

not a success

sinó més productiu

but more productive

i clar

and of course

no puc dir que no

I can't say no.

llavors sortirà

then it will come out

això encara no ho he dit

I haven't said that yet.

sortirà el 25 d'agost

it will be released on August 25

i llavors

and then

serà bastant més professional

it will be quite more professional

i es veurà en temes números i tot

And it will be seen in issues, numbers, and everything.

però de cara a setembre

but facing September

tinc moltes opcions

I have many options.

si tinc moltes

if I have many

moltes possibilitats

many possibilities

de fer-ho de diferents maneres

to do it in different ways

el tema àlbum

the theme album

i el tema organitzar l'any

and the topic is organizing the year

perquè sí que avui

because yes today

la consciència

the consciousness

prendrà molt en sèrio

will take very seriously

i el per on surt

and the place where it comes out

ja és privat?

Is it private already?

el per on surt la cançó?

Where does the song come out from?

tot aquest àlbum que dius

this whole album you mention

que sortirà més professional

that will look more professional

mira us donaré la idea

Look, I will give you the idea.

que vaig dir una cosa i al final

that I said one thing and in the end

estic pensant de canviar-la

I am thinking of changing it.

hi ha set cançons

there are seven songs

sortiran aquestes set cançons

these seven songs will be released

de fet una sortirà el 25 d'agost

In fact, one will be released on August 25.

i després d'aquest àlbum

and after this album

sortirà una altra cançó

another song will come out

per tancar diguéssim

to close we would say

llavors seran

then they will be

set cançons

seven songs

la que sortirà el 25 d'agost

the one that will be released on August 25

i les sis cançons restants

and the six remaining songs

dues surten en videoclip

two come out in the music video

i quatre només surten per Spotify

And four only come out on Spotify.



les dues que surten en videoclip són

the two that appear in the music video are

amb el Manjaro

with the Manjaro

l'Isola i el Soto

the Island and the Grove

que ja vaig anunciar-ho

that I already announced it

i les altres sortiran al Spotify

and the others will be released on Spotify

al Spotify o en lletra per YouTube?

on Spotify or in lyrics on YouTube?

no, són dues que surten

no, there are two that come out

a Spotify i YouTube

to Spotify and YouTube

i realment són

and they really are

200 plataformes que surten

200 platforms that are emerging.

però hi ha quatre

but there are four

que l'única plataforma que no surt

that the only platform that doesn't appear

és YouTube

it's YouTube

ho he volgut fer així perquè realment

I wanted to do it this way because really

quan tu fiques una cançó

when you play a song

i és líric

and it is lyrical

tipus lletra

font type

ho pots fer a Spotify

you can do it on Spotify

si tu estalvies

if you save

llavors faré dos videoclips

then I will make two music videos

i aquests dos videoclips els penjaré

And I will upload these two music videos.

i parlant dels videoclips

And speaking of music videos.

com els feu?

How do you make them?

ja has comentat que tens un càmera de confiança

You have already mentioned that you have a trusted camera.

i els actors?

And the actors?

o les escenes?

or the scenes?

doncs mira

well, look

precisament d'actors

precisely of actors

el que surt ara

the one that comes out now

el que sortirà el 25 d'agost

what will come out on August 25

amb amics

with friends

realment vull valorar que quan comences

I really want to emphasize that when you start

en alguna cosa els que estan allà són els amics

In some way, those who are there are friends.

llavors que menys

then what less

que fer-ho amb ells perquè

what to do with them because

hi ha la confiança

there is trust

i jo et dic que

and I tell you that

ha estat bastant divertit gravar-lo

it has been quite fun to record it

i es veu bastant entretingut perquè

and it looks quite entertaining because

és com realment som

it's how we really are

com a grup és com realment som

As a group is how we really are.

perquè no és seriós

because it is not serious

és més festa

it's more of a party

però sense ser festa

but without being a party

abans estàvem comentant que

we were just commenting that

estàvem veient un videoclip

we were watching a music video

d'una de les cançons a bluetooth

from one of the songs via bluetooth

i bueno que

and well that

l'abans i el després de gravar

the before and the after of recording


the scene

creiem que és una mica divertit perquè dius

we think it's a bit funny because you say

com ho fem?

How do we do it?

ostres ara que has dit això

Wow, now that you mention it.

m'ha vingut d'aquí

it has come to me from here

havia de recordar una cosa

I had to remember one thing.

i és que us veig tot d'exclusivitat

It's just that I see all exclusivity from you.

perquè tampoc ho havia dit

because I hadn't said it either

hi haurà una nova cançó

there will be a new song

per primer cop he fet un de darrere de càmeres

For the first time, I have done a behind-the-scenes.

darrere d'escenes i

behind the scenes and

i doncs tinc ganes

And so I feel like it.

de veure però encara no ho he vist

I've seen it, but I still haven't seen it.

no m'ha passat a l'editor

it hasn't gone to the editor.

però allà es veu el procés

but there the process is seen

i jo crec que és bastant interessant

And I think it's quite interesting.

perquè veus

because you see

com surt el videoclip

how the music video comes out

llavors a bluetooth

then to a bluetooth

hem tenit problemes perquè vam gravar

we have had problems because we recorded

allà a Massimo Dutti

there at Massimo Dutti

i era de nit i hi havia

and it was night and there was

un grup de gent que realment

a group of people that really

quan no et coneix ningú

when no one knows you

és com que està fent aquest

it's like he's doing this

i llavors allà és com incòmode

and then there it's like uncomfortable

perquè dius

why do you say

és que no tinc ganes de passar per aquí

I just don't feel like going through here.

llavors el videoclip de bluetooth va haver-hi moments

Then there were moments in the Bluetooth music video.

que era com avergonyit

that it was somewhat embarrassed

perquè estava allà la gent

because the people were there

i a mi realment em fa vergonya això

And it really makes me ashamed of this.

com s'ha de passar

how to get through

és com estic jo aquí fent

it's how I am here doing

no literalment però estic fent aquí el tonto

Not literally, but I'm just fooling around here.

o estic

where am I

fent coses davant d'una càmera

doing things in front of a camera

sense música sense

without music without

la música ja no te veu però clar

the music no longer has a voice for you but clearly

tu estàs de la música

You are from the music.

i tu estàs sense cantar

and you are without singing

o sigui realment vas fent així

So you're really doing it like this.

o moviments, esticulació

or movements, gesticulation

però escoltant la música des de l'altaveu

but listening to the music from the speaker

i la gent que passa diu

and the people that walk by say

aquest qui és?

who is this?

ets flipat no?

Are you crazy or what?

home jo també m'ho pensaria perquè dic

Man, I would think about it too because I say.

qui s'ha cregut aquest?

Who does he think he is?

i bueno doncs

Well then

et va sorprendre alguna cosa d'aquest món?

Did anything in this world surprise you?

que no t'esperaves?

What were you not expecting?



a mi el que més m'ha sorprès

what has surprised me the most

és la satisfacció

it's the satisfaction

que dona quan

what gives when

la cançó comença a agradar perquè

the song starts to please because

jo tampoc haig de mentir ningú

I also don't have to lie to anyone.

i jo m'he sentit molt orgullós

And I have felt very proud.

de la cançó de Tiempo Gotado perquè

from the song Tiempo Gotado because

molta gent i més de la que em pensava

a lot of people and more than I thought

va dir que li agradava bastant

He said that he quite liked it.

i haig de dir una cosa també

I have to tell you one thing as well.

que m'ho fa molta il·lusió perquè

that makes me very excited because

quan la teva família o la teva gent

when your family or your people

més propera sap la cançó

closer knows the song

que te la canta ja dius

that sings it to you already say

algo estic fent bé llavors jo me'n recordo

I must be doing something right then I remember.

de Tiempo Gotado dic aquesta perquè és la que

"of Time Expired says this because it is the one that"

més números ha tingut

has had more numbers

m'arriba una notificació a Instagram

I receive a notification on Instagram.

i el meu cosí

and my cousin

i dic

I say

hòstia era un vídeo d'ell

Holy shit, it was a video of him.

que estava escoltant la cançó i se la sabia

that was listening to the song and knew it

i allà em va fer molta il·lusió

And there it made me very happy.

perquè dic

because I say

és que

it's that

sí perquè dius hòstia no soc ningú

yes because you say damn I'm nobody

però que la teva família

but that your family

no sé si suposo que

I don't know if I suppose that

se sentiran orgullosos però

they will feel proud but

que t'aprovin que valorin

that they approve you that they value you

l'esforç és molt

the effort is a lot

molt bonic

very nice

com has dit molt satisfactori

as you said very satisfactory

doncs molt bé

well then, very good

farem unes preguntes una mica

we will ask some questions a bit

més picants per si dir-ho

spicier if you will

ja ens has parlat de l'exclusivitat

you have already talked to us about exclusivity

però has cobrat alguna coseta?

but have you earned anything?

he cobrat alguna coseta

I've received a little something.

si ho vols dir

if you want to say it

doncs mira et diré

well, look, I'll tell you

que de YouTube no puc cobrar res

that I can't earn anything from YouTube

actualment estic a

currently I am at

880 i pico fins a 1000

880 and a bit up to 1000

no puc cobrar llavors

I can't collect then.

de Spotify

from Spotify

sí però

yes but

no tant com

not as much as

m'agradaria perquè clar

I would like to because, of course.

realment són 60.000 reproduccions

it's really 60,000 reproductions

a Spotify

to Spotify

i tu pots fer el càlcul

And you can do the calculation.

que per cada 1000 visites

that for every 1000 visits

són entre 3 i 5 euros

they are between 3 and 5 euros

llavors clar tu pots fer el càlcul

Then of course you can do the calculation.

allà jo no et diré que vaig cobrar

there I won't tell you that I got paid

però tu pots fer el càlcul

but you can do the calculation

i doncs

and so

potser del que et surti

maybe what comes to you

és menys

it's less



estava a una

I was at one.

a una web de distribució

to a distribution website

musical que

musical that

no era de les millors

it was not one of the best

i haig de dir que ara estic mirant

I have to say that I am now watching.

una que vagi directament amb Spotify

one that goes directly with Spotify



una que em pugui ajudar

someone who can help me

a que les regalies

to the gifts

o sigui el que guanyis

that is what you earn

sigui més elevat

be higher

però tampoc em puc queixar perquè

but I can't complain either because

veure ja que hòstia he guanyat això

See, damn, I have won this.

però t'agradaria que fos més

but would you like it to be more

però haig de dir

but I have to say



que preferiria abans

what would you prefer first

molts seguidors i guanyar poc

many followers and earn little

que guanyar molt

to win a lot

i pocs seguidors

and few followers

és més satisfacció

it is more satisfaction

veure que molta gent canta la teva cançó

to see many people singing your song

que guanyar molts diners i que ningú l'escolti

that he earns a lot of money and that no one listens to him

volia aclarir això

I wanted to clarify this.

tu t'esperaves tot aquest èxit

Did you expect all this success?

tot aquest boom

all this boom

és que

it's that

és un èxit

it is a success

el boom per a si

the boom for itself

jo sempre

I always



mantenir com humilitat

maintain with humility

i quan va sonar la gent em deia

And when it rang, people told me.

hòstia 50.000 visites

Wow, 50,000 visits!

a Spotify

to Spotify

si és que

if it is that

és la intenció

it is the intention

tu el que fas és

what you do is



intentar com he dit

try as I said

l'objectiu és intentar que arribi a gent

The goal is to try to reach people.

llavors boom

then boom

si ho podem comparar

if we can compare it

amb altres artistes

with other artists

el boom és molt molt molt

the boom is very very very



però content estic

but I am happy

content estic

I am content.

i sempre tens les ganes

And you always have the desire.

de més més més

more more more

llavors allà està

then there it is



pots tenir alguna raó

you may be right

per la qual s'hagi pogut causar això

for which this may have been caused



el tema que arribi gent

the topic of people arriving

el tema

the theme

que arribi a gent

that it reaches people

jo el que vaig fer va ser

what I did was


Sold out.

van reaccionar alguns youtubers

Some YouTubers reacted.

un d'ells és

one of them is



no me'n recordo exactament

I don't remember exactly.

que el segueix bastanta gent

that quite a few people follow him/her

i és de la música

and it's from the music

llavors allò em va

then that works for me

em va crear una mica

it created me a bit

de repercussió

of repercussion

i l'altre

and the other

doncs haig de dir que

well, I have to say that

la teva cançó a Spotify

your song on Spotify

hi ha gent que l'està escoltant

There are people listening to her.

i repetidament

and repeatedly

apareix en el radar de novedades

appears on the radar of news

apareix en cancions que te poden interessar

appears in songs that may interest you

i de fet jo tinc com una taula d'estadístiques

And in fact, I have a statistics table.

en el perfil de Spotify

on the Spotify profile

però d'artista

but of artist

per artista

per artist

i et surt la teva cançó està

and your song comes out it is

a aquestes llistes

to these lists

i clar jo vaig veure i dic ostres totes estan

And of course, I saw and said wow, they are all here.

en radar de novedades

a radar of news

i en radar de

and in radar of

és que no sé com es diu exactament

I don't know exactly what it's called.

i doncs després

and so then

hi ha gent que

there are people who

la fica a la seva playlist

she adds it to her playlist

hi ha

there is

és que hi ha gent que la fica a la seva playlist

It's just that there are people who put it in their playlist.

i té la sort de que li segueix bastanta gent

and he is lucky that quite a few people follow him.

i llavors aquella cançó

and then that song

quan va passant la gent que l'escolta

When people pass by listening to him.

doncs és una altra visualització llavors

so it's another perspective then

no sé

I don't know.

no sé com va ser arribar

I don't know how it was to arrive.

a 60.000 però

to 60,000 but

de números ojalà arribar més

Of numbers hopefully get more.

perquè mai s'està

because it never stays

satisfet al màxim

fully satisfied

clar perquè diem que

of course because we say that

no és un èxit ojalà arribar més

it's not a success hopefully reaching more

que sí

that yes

però comparat amb les altres cançons

but compared to the other songs

s'ha arribat

it has been reached

amb aquesta ja s'ha aconseguit

with this it has already been achieved

també arribar més

also arrive more

que no es vol parar

that does not want to stop

però entenc

but I understand

que ja

that already

és com fer un pas

it's like taking a step

de fet jo és el que he dit abans

In fact, I am what I said before.

que les últimes cançons

that the latest songs

les últimes tres cançons

the last three songs

crec que si són les últimes tres cançons

I think that if they are the last three songs.

les he volgut passar

I have wanted to spend them.

o sigui és el que he dit

so it's what I've said

he volgut passar llavors

I wanted to pass then.

el treball que hi ha darrere és diferent

the work behind it is different

i es noten els números

And the numbers are noticeable.

i jo

and me

vull pensar que

I want to think that

hi ha una cosa que em falla a mi al Youtube

There is something that is not working for me on YouTube.

és a l'haver estat com

it is in having been like

un canal mort i després ressurgir amb la música

a dead channel and then resurrect with the music

li costa bastant

it is quite difficult for him/her

suggerir-li a la gent

suggesting to people

o sigui jo sóc conscient

that is to say I am aware

perquè després d'estar tants anys a Youtube

because after being on YouTube for so many years

sense ser res

without being anything

però bueno he estat allà

but well, I have been there

em tenia una mica com anava

it had me a bit like it was going

i sé que

I know that

Youtube és bastant difícil per això

YouTube is quite difficult for that.

per el tema d'un canal

for the topic of a channel

del 2015

from 2015

no és que no me'n recordo

It's not that I don't remember.

i que després el 2023 o 2022

and then in 2023 or 2022

torni amb música

come back with music

és molt difícil

it's very difficult



clar hi ha el procés

of course there is the process

però també hi ha l'ajuda de Youtube

but there is also the help of YouTube

però bueno tampoc em vull excusar d'això

but well, I don't want to make excuses for that either

és una cançó bona

It's a good song.

si ha arribat això és per a algú

If this has arrived, it is for someone.

i abans es comenta que tenies

And before it is mentioned that you had.

dues anècdotes

two anecdotes

que una era de música

that an era of music

quina era aquesta?

What era was this?

doncs de música

so of music

jo tinc una anècdota que és que

I have an anecdote that is that

la primera cançó que va sortir

the first song that came out

públicament està

it is publicly

en oculto

in hiding

no la pot escoltar ningú

no one can hear her

i llavors

and then

prèviament d'allò hi ha una cançó

Previously, there is a song about that.

que vaig publicar així per

that I published this way for

que dius la publico ja

What do you say, should I publish it now?

i clar i només sap

and of course he/she only knows

una persona que està publicada

a person who is published

i llavors amb aquella persona és com

and then with that person it’s like

ara més

now more

no no no només ho sap una persona

no no no only one person knows it

vull dir però ara nosaltres sabem

I mean, but now we know.

ah bueno si però no sabeu quina cançó és

Oh well, yes, but you don't know which song it is.

ni com és

nor how it is

i us podeu imaginar perquè és una mesura

"And you can imagine why it is a measure."



jo aquella persona

I that person

a vegades em va dir

sometimes he/she told me

vigila que dic on està

watch that I say where it is

i el nom i tot

and the name and everything

vull tractar bé aquesta persona perquè

I want to treat this person well because

és que surt aquella cançó i

it's that song comes on and



era sense micro

was without a microphone

imagina't com és la qualitat de l'àudio

imagine what the audio quality is like



això és una anècdota

this is an anecdote

espero que

I hope that

només ho sapia aquella persona perquè

only that person knew it because

si no quina vergonya

if not, what a shame

però bé

but well

doncs molt bé

well then, very good

hi ha alguna altra coseta que vulguis

Is there anything else you want?

explicar sobre l'àlbum o sobre

explain about the album or about

alguna altra novetat

any other news

que vulguis comentar

what you want to comment

doncs jo m'he organitzat

well, I have organized myself

fa la cosa d'una setmana

It's been about a week.

em vaig organitzar

I got organized.

a veure

let's see

quantes cançons vull fer

how many songs do I want to make

però bé fetes perquè pots treure

but well done because you can take out



i ja està

And that's it.

10 i no tens un procés darrere

10 and you don't have a process behind.

llavors jo m'ho vaig organitzar

then I organized it myself

i després de l'àlbum

and after the album

és una mica de diners

it's a little bit of money

fer-ho tot

do everything



una cada dos mesos

one every two months

pots calcular que

you can calculate that

comptant l'àlbum i tot

counting the album and everything

acabaré el 2024

I will finish in 2024.

i m'agradaria acabar amb 6 cançons

I would like to finish with 6 songs.

durant tot el 2024

throughout all of 2024

i en cas que sigui així

and in case that is so



m'agradaria veure un canvi perquè

I would like to see a change because

és el que et dic

it's what I'm telling you

jo estic dia i dia

I am day in and day out.

que vull

what I want

arribar a números

to get to numbers

més elevats dels que tinc ja

higher than the ones I already have

llavors si hi ha un procés

then if there is a process

doncs serà

then it will be

continu sí, més cançons

continue yes, more songs

però no m'agradaria arribar al punt de dir

but I wouldn't like to reach the point of saying

fins aquí

up to here

he començat i he perdut el temps

I have started and wasted time.



bueno que esperem que això no passi

Well, we hope this doesn't happen.

i a part que és un record perquè

and apart from that it is a memory because

també queda ja a youtube

It's also available on YouTube now.

quan sigui, quan tingui 40 anys

when I am, when I am 40 years old



era jo de jove cantant

I was a young singer.

i ara no estem ara

and now we are not now

utilitzes autotune?

Do you use autotune?

aquesta pregunta

this question

molta gent la fa però

many people do it but

és una afirmació

it is a statement

utilitzes molt autotune

you use a lot of autotune

la gent diu

people say

utilitzes molt autotune

you use a lot of autotune

però és que

but it is that

qui no ho fa

who does not do it

no ets conscient

you are not aware

que estàs criticant l'autotune

that you are criticizing autotune

quan realment l'autotune fa

when autotune really does

que les teves cançons preferides

that your favorite songs

siguin possibles

be possible

és un artista

he is an artist

que ho està petant

that is killing it

escolta la cançó ara sense autotune

listen to the song now without autotune

a veure si t'agrada tant

let's see if you like it that much

llavors l'opinió canvia

then the opinion changes

és com si tu tens

it's like you have

una eina

a tool

que t'ajuda a que soni millor

that helps you sound better

tu no la faràs servir?

Aren't you going to use it?

per el que et pugui dir la gent

for what people might say to you

com el Photoshop en les fotos

like Photoshop in photos

o com els efectes especials a les pel·lícules

or like the special effects in movies

al final

at the end

potser es pot utilitzar més o menys

maybe it can be used more or less

però al final està per això

but in the end it's for that

l'exemple està clar

the example is clear

si tu l'ensenyes a una persona

if you teach it to a person

la cançó sense autotune

the song without autotune

no li agradarà

he/she won't like it

potser te diu m'agrada

maybe he/she is telling you I like you

però per la lletra

but for the letter

però és que no sona bé

but it just doesn't sound good

ningú té la veu tan bona

no one has such a good voice

perquè soni bé

so it sounds good

el micro també

the microphone too

te fa un efecte diferent a la veu

It has a different effect on the voice.

i si tu t'escolta la teva veu seca

And if you listen to your dry voice

per molt bé que cantis

no matter how well you sing

s'escolta desnaturalitzada

it sounds dehumanized

molt bé

very well

que t'ha dit

what has he/she told you

a la música

to the music

però no he comentat el nom

but I haven't mentioned the name

no sé si vols fer una mica de propaganda

I don't know if you want to do some advertising.

ja que estem

since we are

del nom de?

from the name of?

del canal de música

from the music channel

t'he volgut parlar del nom

I wanted to talk to you about the name.

també és una anècdota

it is also an anecdote





si saben el meu nom

if they know my name

ja saben d'on va

they already know where it’s going

Oriol Llinàs Jeannie

Oriol Llinàs Jeannie

veia el meu pare, o sigui, tothom li deia Gini el meu pare,

I saw my father, that is to say, everyone called my father Gini.

i jo li vaig començar

and I started it to him

amb el canal de YouTube, que és el que he dit

with the YouTube channel, which is what I said

a Real Betis Balopier, era

a Real Betis Balopier, was

Gini Junior, i

Gini Junior, and

vaig dir, ja no soc

I said, I am no longer.

junior, ja he crescut, Gini,

junior, I have grown up now, Gini,

sé que és. Llavors,

I know what it is. Then,

doncs, fa poc

well, not long ago

estava pensant i dic,

I was thinking and I say,

ostres, potser no té

Ostrich, maybe it doesn't have.

tant d'enganxar, i és el que

so much to stick, and that is what

deus moltes dir, i si te canvies el nom,

you must say many things, and if you change your name,

però, bueno, ja està fet, no es pot fer.

but, well, it's done, it can't be helped.

Bueno, ara ja està. Sí, ara ja està.

Well, now it's done. Yes, now it's done.

Molt bé, doncs, ja que

Very well then, since

hem passat, ja que hem parlat

we have passed, since we have spoken

de tot aquest món una altra vegada, de la música

of this whole world again, of the music

i tal, de tota la teva

and so, of all your

trajectòria, per així dir-ho,

trajectory, so to speak,

si vols passem una mica

if you want we can go over a bit

ja a més aspectes generals,

already more general aspects,

a més aspectes de vida personal,

in addition to aspects of personal life,

com ho seria, bueno, doncs,

how would it be, well, then,

has acabat segon de batxillerat?

Have you finished the second year of high school?

Perfecte. Molt bé, i has fet

Perfect. Very good, and you have done.

la cele, no? Sí. A què vols

the celebration, right? Yes. What do you want?

aspirar? Em refereixo

to aspire? I mean

per exemple a la música, serà

for example in music, it will be

alguna cosa que vulguis fer, bueno,

something you want to do, well,

més professional, sí, ja ho has dit, però

more professional, yes, you already said it, but

més de cara al futur?

more towards the future?

Ostres, doncs, jo la música,

Wow, well, I love music,

si, o sigui,

yes, I mean,

seré sincer, si ho estic fent ara

I will be honest, if I am doing it now.

és perquè vull fer l'any que ve, vull fer

It's because I want to do it next year, I want to do it.

el següent, i perquè

the following, and why

no vull que pari. Si para, para, però

I don't want it to stop. If it stops, it stops, but...

no per jo voler que pari.

not for me to want it to stop.

Llavors, en temes

Then, in themes

d'estudis, doncs, em sento

of studies, therefore, I feel

bastant afortunat perquè he entrat on ho volia,

quite fortunate because I got in where I wanted.

i, clar,

Yes, of course.

la meva idea és començar,

my idea is to start,

bé, ho diré, educació

well, I will say it, education

infantil, o sigui, de mestre,

childhood, that is, of teacher,

i, clar,

yes, of course,

faré quatre anys

I will be four years old.

d'educació infantil, després faré

of early childhood education, then I will do it

un màster per educació secundària,

a master's for secondary education,

per ser professor d'educació secundària,

to be a secondary education teacher,

i, doncs,

and, then,

jo sempre, de petit, volia ser

I always, as a child, wanted to be

mosso d'esquadra de la científica,

scientific police officer,

i, clar, una altra cosa

Yes, of course, another thing.

és que jo he tingut

it's just that I have had

la mala sort de ser

the bad luck of being

mínimament d'altònic, tipus,

at least high-pitched, type,

sóc molt poc d'altònic, però,

I am very little of a high-tone person, but,

clar, a mi em fiques molts colors

Of course, you give me many colors.

en un cercle

in a circle

i... em costa,

I... it's hard for me,

o sigui, em costa.

that is, it's hard for me.

Hi ha molta gent que s'amaga, però

There are many people who hide, but

no tinc cap problema en dir-ho. Llavors,

I have no problem saying it. So,

ara, aquest any, pel que tinc entès,

now, this year, from what I understand,

s'ha tret això de que no pots ser

They have taken away the idea that you can't be.

mosso si ets altònic,

"Man, if you're high-pitched,"

es veu que ara pots ser

it seems that now you can be



vaig de ser una notícia el 5 de maig d'aquest any,

I was a news item on May 5 of this year.

i, si és així, doncs,

and, if that's the case, then,

quan acabi la carrera,

when I finish the degree,

he d'intentar o ser mosso,

I have to try or be a lad.

llavors, allà estic.

Then, there I am.

Bueno, doncs, curiós, eh?

Well, then, curious, huh?

I sort, també, que hagi tret el...

I hope that he/she has also taken out the...

Sí, sí, això, el requeriment.

Yes, yes, that, the requirement.

Sí, perquè estava

Yes, because I was

dels nervis, no sabia què estudiar,

from the nerves, I didn't know what to study,

i va sortir lo de mestre, però per sortir.

And he became a teacher, but to leave.

Bueno, doncs,

Well, then,

també comentarem una mica

we will also comment a little

la setmana que ve,

next week,

d'aquí a Tordera, perquè abans

from here to Tordera, because before

d'entrar, abans de començar a gravar, estàvem parlant

Before starting to record, we were talking.

de les bitlles, de les bitlles a la fresca,

of the skittles, of the skittles in the fresh air,

que és un tema que ens agrada,

that is a topic we like,

i, bueno, comenta'ns una mica,

And, well, tell us a bit.

per què, per què

why, why

vau entrar, bueno, i amb qui?

you entered, well, and with whom?

Doncs, tot ve de l'any passat.

Well, it all comes from last year.

L'any passat, doncs, amb grups d'amics

Last year, then, with groups of friends.

vam decidir anar a bitlles,

we decided to go bowling,

sense entrenar, sense fer res,

without training, without doing anything,

i, ostres, o sigui,

And, wow, I mean,

fas bitlles, que

you bowl, that

dius, és un esport,

you say, it's a sport,

diguéssim, que és tradicional,

let's say, it is traditional,

l'aigua català.

the Catalan water.

I és curiós, perquè,

And it's curious, because,

clar, vam començar, i és allò de,

of course, we started, and it's about that,

tens la imatge als golos, saps?

You have the image on the sweets, you know?

I dius, els haig de tirar tots.

And you say, I have to throw them all away.

I jo, que deixis una de peu

And me, that you leave one standing.

i que et conti més, que si els tires tots,

and let me tell you more, that if you throw them all away,

què és això? Llavors,

What is this? Then,

aquest any, bé, estem

this year, well, we are

entrenant, però,

training, however,

en el meu cas, continuo igual de malament.

In my case, I continue to be just as unwell.

Però, bé,

But, well,

s'ha de dir que la pàgina web de l'any passat

It must be said that last year's website.

va estar bastant guapa, perquè...

she was quite beautiful, because...

Gràcies. Era de...

Thank you. It was from...

Estaves pendent tot el temps, o sigui,

You were paying attention all the time, that is,

arribaves a casa i dius,

you arrived home and say,

a veure qui m'ha superat, i clar,

let's see who has surpassed me, and of course,

jo me'n recordo d'haver-te vingut

I remember having come to you.

a comentar alguna cosa de la pàgina web,

to comment on something from the website,

ara no me'n recordo de què, però...

I don't remember what, but...

I a sobre que dius, hòstia, està fent l'Ara,

And on top of what you say, damn, it's doing the Now.

no és una persona

it is not a person

que treballa això, que se li diga això,

that works this, that it is said this,

i té molt de mèrit.

and it has a lot of merit.

Tot i que és la intenció...

Although that is the intention...

Sí, sí, però té molt de mèrit.

Yes, yes, but it has a lot of merit.

Sí, sí, moltes gràcies. També la gràcia

Yes, yes, thank you very much. Also the grace.

de la pàgina web era...

from the website was...

Al final ja hi havia això, però

In the end, there was already this, but

estava en unes pantalles,

I was on some screens,

però la gràcia també era

but the charm was also

treure feina de les pantalles,

taking work off the screens,

perquè era molta feina

because it was a lot of work

treure cada dia dues pantalles,

take out two screens every day,

no eren pantalles, eren dues lones,

they were not screens, they were two tarpaulins,

i cada dia amb l'elevador, pujar, baixar,

And every day with the elevator, go up, go down,

pujar, baixar, i s'acabava molt tard,

to go up, to go down, and it ended very late,

i es va fer la web,

and the website was made,

perquè jo soc del club,

because I am part of the club,

i em van dir de fer la web,

and they told me to create the website,

i la gràcia també era poder-la

and the grace was also to be able to

poder-la fer a temps real,

to be able to do it in real time,

que es va intentar, aquest any

that was attempted this year

es farà, anirà més

it will be done, it will go further

més ràpid l'actualització,

faster the update,

de fet serà instantània.

in fact, it will be instantaneous.

L'infart, l'infart i l'infart,

The heart attack, the heart attack, and the heart attack,

qui m'ha superat? I ara serà cada ronda,

who has surpassed me? And now it will be every round,

quan els àrbits apuntin tots els resultats

when the orbits point to all the results

ja es trenen a la pàgina web,

they are already breaking on the website,

o haurien d'estar,

or they should be,

ja ho veurem si funciona.

We'll see if it works.

Clar, estem parlant, i és que és la setmana que ve,

Of course, we are talking, and it's next week.

o sigui, tenim quatre dies, no, cinc.

So, we have four days, right, five.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Saps l'horari? És que jo estic perdut.

Do you know the schedule? I'm really lost.

8 a 10? No, a 9.

8 to 10? No, to 9.

9 a? De 9 a...

9 a.m. From 9 a...

9 a quan acabi. Més o menys les 11.

9 when it ends. More or less at 11.

Sí, fins a 1 de la nit

Yes, until 1 in the morning.

estem allà jugant.

We are there playing.

No, clar, demà treballo.

No, of course, I work tomorrow.

De què treballes? Al bar Montse.

What do you do for a living? At the Montse bar.

Ostres, propaganda aquí, eh?

Wow, propaganda here, huh?

Clar, perquè vingui més gent.

Sure, so that more people come.

Aneu al bar Montse.

Go to the Montse bar.

I en allà...

And there...

I bueno, doncs molt bé,

And well, then very good,

que era algo que no sé si us esperàveu,

that it was something I don't know if you were expecting,

que estigués tan divertit,

that it was so fun,

o tan... per entretenir-vos

or so... to entertain you

en allà. Per passar el rato.

over there. To pass the time.

Per passar el rato. Sí, està molt bé.

Just to pass the time. Yes, it's very good.

O sigui, i treure el teu perfil competitiu,

So, to take out your competitive profile,

perquè dius, ostres,

because you say, wow,

estic aquí passant molt bé, però m'estic passant

I'm here having a great time, but I'm overdoing it.

bé guanyant, o sigui, intentant,

well winning, that is, trying,

fer màxima puntuació, perquè no va ser

get maximum score, because it wasn't

ja a fer el ridícul.

already making a fool of oneself.

Hi ha gent enfadada, que...

There are angry people who...

que te pot estar mirant i...

that can be watching you and...

Ostres, les ganes d'intentar-li

Wow, the desire to try it.

compartir. Sí, sí.

share. Yes, yes.

A veure què està, eh?

Let's see what it is, huh?

No hi ha ningú... Perdó. No hi ha ningú...

There is no one... Sorry. There is no one...

Jo crec, per pocs punts que es faci,

I believe, for as few points as it may have,

o per molts punts que es faci, jo crec que

or no matter how many points it may have, I believe that

tampoc ningú fa el ridícul com a tal.

nor does anyone make a fool of themselves as such.

Al final és un torneig més casual.

In the end, it's a more casual tournament.

Ja és per això, no? També per apropar

That's it, right? Also to bring closer.

les bitlles a la gent.

the skittles to the people.

Tot i que està molt bé

Even though it is very good.

competir al final, competir amb els

compete in the end, compete with them

amics i competir amb gent que

friends and compete with people who

potser coneixes i així, jo crec que està molt bé, també.

Maybe you know, and in this way, I think it's very good, too.

Jo, sincerament,

I, sincerely,

ho recomano i ojalà

I recommend it and I hope so.

que l'any que ve, perquè ara ja estan

that next year, because they are already now

les inspeccions fetes, no? Sí, ara ja està.

The inspections are done, right? Yes, it's done now.

L'any que ve hi hagi tot el...

Next year there will be all the...

el parc allà ple,

the park over there full,

però... però realment

but... but really

hi ha bastanta gent i...

there are quite a few people and...

és un ambient...

it's an atmosphere...

Està molt bé, està molt bé. Bueno, que

It's very good, it's very good. Well, that

crec que aquest any hi ha més equips

I think there are more teams this year.

del normal.

of the normal.

Estaré més baix a la taula

I will be lower at the table.

encara. Com? Estaré més

still. How? I will be more

a baix, al top. Sí, segur.

Down, at the top. Yes, sure.

Bueno, o no, potser no.

Well, or maybe not.

L'any passat vaig començar, també.

Last year I also started.

Bueno, doncs,

Well, then,

molt bé.

very good.

Si no hi ha res més a comentar d'aquesta part,

If there's nothing else to comment on this part,

doncs m'agradaria,

well, I would like,

com fem cada setmana, preguntar-te

As we do every week, asking you.

si tens alguna proposta o pregunta cap a

if you have any proposal or question towards

nosaltres sobre el programa.

we about the program.

No, jo estava pensant, quan estava

No, I was thinking, when I was

vengent, dic, els haig de fer una pregunta.

Vengeful, I say, I have to ask them a question.

O sigui, no sé si ho han preguntat ja, però jo tinc

So, I don’t know if they’ve asked this already, but I have

la curiositat de... Bueno, són dos,

the curiosity of... Well, there are two,

de com va sorgir

of how it emerged

la idea i la realització,

the idea and the implementation,

o sigui, la realitat. Com va

in other words, reality. How's it going?

sorgir la idea?

arise the idea?

Bueno, la... Vols dir tu?

Well, you... Do you want to say it?

No, no, vull dir que aquesta pregunta...

No, no, I mean that this question...

L'ha fet tothom. Sí. Bueno, no,

Everyone has done it. Yes. Well, no.

quasi tothom. Crec que hi ha algú que no, però...

almost everyone. I think there is someone who doesn't, but...

Bueno, que igualment...

Well, that anyway...

Les dos? No, si no, no.

The two? No, if not, no.

No, les dues no. Quina no?

No, not both. Which one?

La segona. Vale, doncs la segona responem-la.

The second one. Okay, let's answer the second one.

Fes-te quina era?

What era are you from?

La de... La realització.

The one of... The realization.

Sí, perquè clar, entrant aquí, dic,

Yes, because of course, entering here, I say,

ostres, tu, que bé, que tenen allà la

wow, you, how good, they have there the

cel-saleta. Llavors, què vau contactar

sky-little room. So, what did you contact?

amb Ràdio Tordera, o...? Bueno, jo treballo

with Ràdio Tordera, or...? Well, I work

a Ràdio Tordera, ja està fa

At Ràdio Tordera, it's already done.

dos anys, crec.

two years, I think.

I bueno, doncs, el

And well, then, the

cap, el jefe, ens va...

No, the boss, is going to...

Bueno, em va proposar si volia fer un programa

Well, he suggested to me if I wanted to do a program.

d'estiu, per fer alguna cosa més, i tal.

in summer, to do something more, and so on.

I li vaig

And I go to him/her.

posar idees, i li vaig preguntar si podia també

put ideas, and I asked him if he could too

portar algú que m'ajudés una mica més,

bring someone who could help me a little more,

que en aquest cas és l'Alan. Aquí està.

that in this case is Alan. Here it is.

Aquí estem. I això,

Here we are. And this,

va sortir la idea, em va preguntar què volia

The idea came up, she asked me what I wanted.

fer, un podcast o alguna cosa, i mira,

make a podcast or something, and look,

vaig dir, vaig... un podcast de...

I said, I... a podcast about...

També ho vam estar parlant amb l'Alan,

We were also talking about it with Alan.

de portar jovent del poble,

to bring youth from the village,

que és algú que normalment no s'escolta

what is someone that is usually not listened to

tant aquí a Tordera, aquí a la ràdio,

both here in Tordera, here at the radio,

de les aficions que tenen

of the hobbies they have

i de... i de tot això.

and of... and of all this.

Doncs està molt bé, perquè quan em va

Well, it's very good, because when it happened to me

va escriure una persona, diré el nom, perquè

A person wrote it, I will say the name, because.

aquesta persona no vol mai que surti

this person never wants me to go out

el seu nom, i jo vaig

his name, and I go

ja interpretar, dic, serà

already interpret, I say, will be

alguna entrevista, però jo tenia ganes,

some interview, but I was eager,

perquè és que és

because it is that it is

el primer, o sigui, és un dels teus

the first, that is, it’s one of yours

subjectius, que t'ofegin

subjective, that they offer you

entrevistes, i...

interviews, and...

hòstia, em fa molta il·lusió veure-us aquí, perquè

Wow, I'm so excited to see you here, because

hem compartit molts anys, diferents

we have shared many years, different

cursos, però... Però sí, sí.

courses, but... But yes, yes.

Però sí, sí, molt bé, molt bé.

But yes, yes, very good, very good.

I bueno, sobre el tema de la

And well, regarding the topic of the

realització, aquí ja ho veus,

realization, here you see it already,

és una... és una...

it's a... it's a...

bueno, un control a la ràdio Tordera,

well, a check on the Tordera radio,

que està sempre disponible,

that is always available,



llavors això, ja veus que tenim els micros

So then, as you can see, we have the microphones.

amb l'OBS, i...

with the OBS, and...

i gravant. Material

and recording. Material

de ràdio Tordera? Sí. No heu tingut d'invertir

from Radio Tordera? Yes. You haven't had to invest.

res? No. No?

nothing? No. No?

No, nosaltres no hem hagut d'invertir res,

No, we have not had to invest anything.

però sí que hi ha

but there is

el suport de la càmera,

the camera support,

aquell, que sí que...

that, who indeed...

crec que no és

I don't think it is.

de ràdio Tordera, que algú el va...

from Radio Tordera, that someone...

ara no estic segur, que algú el

now I'm not sure, that someone it

va dir seu i el va deixar aquí, per...

he said sit and left him here, for...

No ho sé, no estic segur. No, jo diria que

I don't know, I'm not sure. No, I would say that

també és de la ràdio. Ah. El que passa és que

it's also from the radio. Ah. What happens is that

hi ha algú que l'utilitza més que

there is someone who uses it more than

altres, i per això ho diem així.

others, and that's why we say it like this.

I bueno, doncs...

And well, then...

és això.

it's that.

Bueno, jo amb un amic

Well, I with a friend.

també volem fer un podcast de futbol,

we also want to make a football podcast,

perquè veus en el TikTok, i...

because you see on TikTok, and...

jo és el que et dic, sempre he volgut...

I am what I tell you, I have always wanted...

o sigui, soc molt ambiciós amb moltes idees,

that is to say, I am very ambitious with many ideas,

però hi ha moltes idees

but there are many ideas

que es queden en la ràdio. Sí, en res.

They stay on the radio. Yes, in nothing.

I... és que està molt bé.

I... it's just that it's very good.

Està molt bé muntat.

It's very well set up.

Felicito. Doncs moltes gràcies.

Congratulations. Well, thank you very much.

A veure si hi ha molta gent que pot accedir

Let's see if there are many people who can access.

a aquest programa, i que...

to this program, and that...

i que et sent les teves idees. Que bé, després

And that you feel your ideas. How nice, then.

l'exclusivitat aquella que comentaves...

the exclusivity you were talking about...

Bueno, no serà tan

Well, it won't be that.

exclusiu. No, a veure...

exclusive. No, let me see...

Però potser farà més propaganda. Pensant també en

But perhaps it will do more propaganda. Also thinking about

vosaltres, doncs, si s'ha de fer propaganda aquest

you, then, if propaganda needs to be done this

programa, jo ho tenia pensat. O sigui,

program, I had it in mind. In other words,

deixant a fora que és un programa,

leaving aside that it is a program,

sou persones que ja conec,

you are people that I already know,

o sigui, no tinc cap problema. Bueno, sí,

that is to say, I have no problem. Well, yes,

nosaltres tampoc. Nosaltres tampoc.

Neither do we. Neither do we.

I bueno, doncs,

Well, then,

ja està, si no hi ha res més, doncs, encantat

That's it, if there's nothing else, then, pleased to meet you.

que hagis pogut venir aquí. Igualment.

that you could come here. Likewise.

I... això, moltes gràcies

I... this, thank you very much.

i fins una altra. A vosaltres.

And until next time. To you all.

Moltes gràcies. Adéu, adéu.

Thank you very much. Goodbye, goodbye.

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