Què diuen els models meteo per la temporada d'hivern 2023/2024

Tato Berini

Tatopelat a GUM FM

Què diuen els models meteo per la temporada d'hivern 2023/2024

Tatopelat a GUM FM





Un programa dedicat a mis padres, mis abuelos,

A program dedicated to my parents, my grandparents,

els sorollosos veïns del Tercer

the noisy neighbors of the Third

i l'home de Neu Andartal.

and the man of Neanderthal.

Així que si esteu preparats, aquí comença

So if you are ready, here it begins.





Bona nit, benvinguts. Buena noche.

Good night, welcome. Good night.

Com que buena noche? Bona nit, benvinguts.

Good night, welcome.

Buena noche, niño, buena noche.

Good night, boy, good night.

I a vostès d'on salen, per favor?

And where are you from, please?

Jo sóc en Vivi, ja ho saps, que sóc

I am Vivi, you already know who I am.

l'amic d'en Perlman Invisible.

the friend of Mr. Invisible Perlman.

Ah, bueno, vale. Però ara no toca.

Ah, well, okay. But now is not the time.

No, ara

No, now.

no, ara no, per favor.

no, not now, please.

Bueno, va, anem a la presentació habitual. Bona nit.

Well, come on, let's go to the usual presentation. Good evening.

Sí, benvinguts al nou programa,

Yes, welcome to the new program,

al darrer programa de TATO PELAT

in the last program of TATO PELAT

d'aquesta temporada. Ja era hora, eh?

from this season. It was about time, huh?

Sí, que pesau, eh? Pesau, leig.

Yes, you weigh a lot, huh? You weigh a lot, ugly.

Quants programes has fet, ja, tio?

How many programs have you done already, man?

No ho sé, però hem fet una vintena, eh?

I don't know, but we've done about twenty, right?

De TATOS PELAT. No sé si vinc,

From TATOS PELAT. I don't know if I'm coming,

però un fotimer, eh? A veure, aquí tinc

but a lot, huh? Let's see, I have here

una xuleta, tinc coses. I aleshores,

a cheat sheet, I have things. And then,

després del TATO PELAT,

after the PEEL TATO,

eh? Escolta.

Eh? Listen.

11 o 12, segur, eh?

11 or 12, sure, right?

Després del TATO PELAT, ve el TATO NEVAD.

After the PEELING TATO, comes the SNOWY TATO.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

I, bueno,


i serà

and it will be

quan nevi, vaja.

when it snows, wow.

Sí, però bueno,

Yes, but well,

algo ha caigut, ja. La gent ja està

Something has fallen, already. People are already.

dels nervis, perquè se ve

of the nerves, because it shows

algun copillo blanco per les

some little white hair for the

muntanyes. Però bueno, ja és

mountains. But well, it's already

el que toca, aquesta època

what is appropriate for this time

ja és el que toca, que comenci a fer

it's time for it to start happening.

alguna nevadeta i que

some little snow and what

comenci a refredar el terra.

the floor is starting to get cold.

Sí, sí. Bé,

Yes, yes. Well,

ens refredarem tots amb aquests canvis de

we will all get cold with these changes in

temperatures. Ara puja.

temperatures. Now it's rising.

Està tothom con el moquillo colgando, eh?

Everyone has the sniffles hanging, huh?

És una passada, tio, una passada.

It's amazing, dude, amazing.

No, i a més, de nit

No, and moreover, at night.

refresca i a migdia fa una temperatura

It cools down and in the afternoon it gets to a temperature.

agradable, puja molts, molts graus.

pleasant, rises many, many degrees.

Ahir em sembla que a les 8 i mitja

Yesterday it seems to me that at half past 8.

del matí estàvem a un grau i a migdia

In the morning we were at one degree and at noon

estaves a 12 o 13.

you were about 12 or 13.

Són molts graus de diferència, eh?

There are many degrees of difference, right?

Sí, i canvia d'una manera també

Yes, and it changes in a way too.



Per tu, precipitacions

For you, precipitation

i de cop i volta desapareixen i surt el sol

And suddenly they disappear and the sun comes out.

i jo no sé això. I vent.

And I don't know this. And wind.

I vent. De cop i volta fa vent i vent.

It winds. Suddenly it is windy and windy.

I dius, jolín, la temperatura és alta però aquest vent

And you say, wow, the temperature is high but this wind.

ja no saps què et passa.

you no longer know what is happening to you.

Passa que avui hem triat una persona per parlar de tot això

What happens is that today we have chosen a person to talk about all this.



no només perquè

not only because

faci previsions del temps a TV3,

do the weather forecasting on TV3,

que és un dels homes del temps,

who is one of the weather forecasters,

tots prims, eh?

All thin, huh?

Una mala cosa.

A bad thing.

Però bueno, clar,

But well, of course,

podem parlar de prediccions, a llarg termini

we can talk about long-term predictions

fins i tot, però no vol dir que el que parlem avui

even so, it doesn't mean that what we talk about today

s'hagi de complir.

must be fulfilled.

Evidentment no. Mai

Obviously not. Never.

i ells són els primers que t'ho diuen

and they are the first to tell you.

que això no és una ciència certa ni el que diuen ells

that this is not a certain science nor what they say

és el que va a missa.

he is the one who goes to mass.

I ells fan una previsió. A missa, precisament, no, ja.

And they make a forecast. At mass, precisely, not anymore.

Claro, claro.

Sure, sure.

Però ells creuen, ells et diuen sempre

But they believe, they always tell you

pensem que possiblement farà

we think that it will possibly do

perquè, clar, és que no ho sap ningú.

because, of course, no one knows it.

És que la veritat és que no ho sap ningú.

The truth is that nobody knows.

Bueno, al dalt de tot igual ho sap

Well, up there at the top they might know it.

i et fa la punyeta, però

and it plays tricks on you, but

el resta, els humans,

the rest, the humans,

si algú et diu que ho sap

if someone tells you they know it

a ciència certa, mentiroso.

a certain science, liar.



Però sí que estaràs d'acord

But you will agree.

en que, per exemple, ja hauríem de rectificar

in which, for example, we should already correct

una cosa les persones

one thing people



donem fe

we bear witness

que alguna cosa succeirà perquè

that something will happen because

el teu mòbil t'ho diu,

your mobile tells you,

l'app que mai falla,

the app that never fails,

alguna pàgina web amb previsions

any website with forecasts

del temps... L'app nunca falla no és

of time... The app never fails is not

mi app nunca falla.

my app never fails.

No, però, clar, això és molt erroni,

No, but, of course, this is very wrong,

no? És com, per exemple, verificar

No? It's like, for example, to verify.

que el que veiem en els models meteorològics

that what we see in the weather models

per aquest divendres,

for this Friday,

i avui no, el divendres que ve,

And today not, next Friday.

on es ve una entrada d'una borràs

where a storm is approaching

que portarà unes precipitacions i tal,

that will bring some precipitation and so on,

és que canvia tot tant, absolutament tot tant.

It changes everything so much, absolutely everything so much.

Ara li preguntarem al convidat

Now we will ask the guest.

si ells han notat

if they have noticed

que tot és diferent a com era abans, no?

that everything is different from how it was before, right?

A mi em dona la sensació

It gives me the feeling.

que abans els hiverns eren hiverns

that before winters were winters

i els estius, estius. Ara és que

And the summers, summers. Now it is that.

ja pots estar quan siguis, que un dia fa blanc

You can be whenever you want, for one day it turns white.

i l'altre fa negre.

and the other makes black.

A mi em dona la sensació.

It gives me the feeling.

Fixa't ahir, ahir, els models meteorològics,

Notice yesterday, yesterday, the weather models,

per exemple, per quasi finals del mes de novembre,

for example, by the end of November,

donaven una calor espectacular.

they gave off spectacular warmth.



no, sí, ahir,

no, yes, yesterday

correcte, ahir al matí, no?

Correct, yesterday morning, right?

Doncs ens hi hem trobat que

Well, we have found that

tot ha canviat aquesta tarda, abans de començar

everything changed this afternoon, before it started

el programa, ho mires i tot ha canviat.

the program, you watch it and everything has changed.

Una borrasca de sud

A storm from the south

amb una baixada de temperatures, això és,

with a drop in temperatures, that is,

no pots acabar fent cas absolutament

you can't end up paying attention at all

a res del que mostren models

to nothing of what models show

a tan llarg termini, no?

So long term, right?

Exacte, això anava a dir, el problema

Exactly, that’s what I was going to say, the problem.

és que podíem fer unes prediccions

It's just that we could make some predictions.

bastant acertades, però

quite accurate, but

en molt curt termini.

in a very short term.

En molt curt termini, vull dir, d'avui per demà

In a very short term, I mean, from today to tomorrow.

i demà passat ja no sé si fiar-me'n.

And the day after tomorrow, I don't know if I can trust him/her anymore.


Do you understand me?

Sí, però jo crec que

Yes, but I think that

si ens hem de fiar d'algú, és d'algú que

if we have to rely on someone, it's on someone who

realment, que sigui meteoròleg, que sigui físic...

really, that he is a meteorologist, that he is a physicist...

I que s'hi adiqui, això

And so be it, this.

específicament, i que porti molts anys

specifically, and that it has been many years

estudiant i mirant...

studying and looking...

Per exemple, la gent de TV3

For example, the people from TV3.

de tota la vida, ja des de l'època

for all my life, ever since the time

de l'Antoni Castejón en Pau Descansi,

of Antoni Castejón in Peace Rest,

el Toni Nadal en Pau Descansi,

Toni Nadal, may he rest in peace.

vam tenir aquí, també, a la Maitreya,

we also had Maitreya here,

Bertín, en Pau Descansi, és una pena que no hi són

Bertín, in Pau Descansi, it's a pity that they are not here.

amb nosaltres, però hi vam aprendre

with us, but we learned from it

molt d'ells, perquè eren

many of them, because they were

persones amb molta prudència a l'hora de fer

people with a lot of caution when doing

previsions meteorològiques,

weather forecasts,

i hem vist com al llarg del temps

and we have seen how over time

ells, en més o menys mesura,

they, to a greater or lesser extent,

ara hi ha el Francesc Mauri,

now there is Francesc Mauri,

el Molina, hi ha el

the Molina, there is the

Daniel Ramírez,

Daniel Ramírez,

fan previsions, i fixa't

make predictions, and pay attention

que sempre juguen amb molta, molta prudència.

they always play with a lot, a lot of caution.

I aquests són els que hem de fer

And these are the ones we have to do.

o intentar fer cas, si realment

or try to pay attention, if really

volem fer-nos una idea

we want to get an idea

de com es presenta la mètio

on how the methodology is presented

de cara a demà, demà passat,

towards tomorrow, the day after tomorrow,

o a una setmana vista, que també canvien,

or a week away, which also changes,

els models a una setmana vista.

the models a week ahead.

Sí, sí, per això et deia abans.

Yes, yes, that's why I was telling you before.

Per això et deia abans, que tot el que sigui més

That's why I was telling you earlier that everything that is more...

demà passat ja comença a ser complicat, el tema.

The day after tomorrow it starts to get complicated, the matter.

Però bueno, però aquesta gent

But well, but these people

tenen una idea, els hem d'escoltar

they have an idea, we must listen to them

i els podem fer una miqueta una idea,

and we can get a little idea of them,

i normalment, per allà van els tiros,

and normally, that's where the shots are aimed,

si poden fallar una mica,

if they can fail a little,

algun dia fallen del tot, perquè és que

someday they'll fall completely, because it's that

el temps està boig, però

the weather is crazy, but

normalment són gent que

usually they are people that

ens diuen,

they tell us,

ens informen bé, i que podem fer una previsió

they inform us well, and that we can make a forecast

i podem tindre una idea

and we can have an idea

una miqueta acertada de

a little bit of luck on

el que pot passar.

what can happen.

El que sí que hem de tenir en compte és que avui s'acaba el Tato Pelat,

What we do need to take into account is that today the Tato Pelat ends,

per tant, acomiadem

therefore, we bid farewell

el que és l'estiu, el que és la tarda...

what summer is, what the afternoon is...

Ah, no, que empalmem el Tato Nevat, quasi.

Ah, no, we're almost overlapping with Tato Nevat.

No, no, quasi, quasi.

No, no, almost, almost.

Farem una pausa, perquè la setmana que ve tindrem

We will take a break, because next week we will have

alcaldes de les capitals de comarca al llarg de tota la setmana,

mayors of the county capitals throughout the week,

i després intentarem

and then we will try

començar el Tato Nevat.

start the Tato Nevat.

I com que el primer Tato Nevat, no us direm

And since the first Tato Nevat, we won't tell you.

de què va, que serà molt interessant,

what it's about, it will be very interesting,

un cara a cara, entre dues persones,

a face-to-face meeting between two people,

que a més són germans,

that they are also siblings,

el que sí que

what indeed

intentarem analitzar avui,

we will try to analyze today,

aviam si el convidat ens ho pot

let's see if the guest can tell us

oferir, és el que ha estat

to offer, it is what has been

un resum

a summary

de lo que ha pogut estar l'estiu,

of what the summer may have been,

o lo que està sent aquesta tardor,

or what this autumn is becoming,

i què pensen ells

And what do they think?

en base a les dades que van rebent

based on the data they are receiving

del que passarà a l'hivern.

about what will happen in the winter.

Del que pot passar en aquest inici

Of what can happen in this beginning.

de l'hivern.

of winter.

Perquè ja és prou complicat tot, que ja ho veurem.

Because everything is already complicated enough, we'll see.

De quina manera. Què et sembla?

In what way. What do you think?

Tot, bé, em sembla bé. Sembla molt correcte.

Everything's fine, I think it's good. It seems very correct.

Pau a molla, eh?

Peace in halves, huh?

Escolta el Tato Pelat mitjançant

Listen to Tato Pelat through

la nostra web gamfm.com

our website gamfm.com

Connecta't i escolta

Connect and listen.

qualsevol dels programes d'aquest estiu.

any of the programs this summer.

Bé, doncs, avui per parlar

Well, then, today to talk.

del temps, de les prediccions...

of the weather, of the predictions...

Fixat què diu d'aquest estiu, qualsevol dels programes

Look at what it says about this summer, any of the programs.

d'aquest estiu.

of this summer.

Sí, el Tato Pelat és d'estiu.

Yes, the Tato Pelat is from summer.

Sí, és veritat, s'ha allargat una miqueta, eh?

Yes, it's true, it has gone on a little bit longer, hasn't it?

Perquè ara d'estiu ja no res, eh?

Because now in summer there’s nothing, right?

Però això és perquè ens hi sentim còmodes, fent ràdio.

But this is because we feel comfortable doing radio.

Esto poc que eres un negrero, ja em tens aquí

This little that you are a slaver, here I am.

esclavitzat a treballar.

enslaved to work.

Això no es pot dir, negrero.

That's not something you can say, slaver.

Ai, perdone, usted perdone.

Oh, excuse me, you excuse me.

Bueno, bueno, ja ens hem entès.

Well, well, we understand each other now.

Bueno, tu diràs.

Well, you'll tell me.

Sí, que avui per parlar de prediccions, del temps,

Yes, today to talk about predictions, about the weather,

de totes aquestes coses que tant ens agraden

of all these things that we like so much

i ens preocupen a tots una miqueta,

and we all worry a little bit.

tenim amb nosaltres el Dani Ramírez.

We have with us Dani Ramírez.

Bona nit, Dani.

Good night, Dani.

Home, aquest estiu,

Home, this summer,

què tal, com anem? Bona nit, ja, és molt fosc.

How are you, how are we doing? Good night, yes, it's very dark now.

Sí, sí, sí, de seguida.

Yes, yes, yes, right away.

A mi, mira, és una cosa

To me, look, it's one thing.

que el pitjor que porto de l'hivern

that the worst thing I bring from winter

és que a les 5 de la tarda sigui fosc, tu.

It's that it's dark at 5 in the afternoon, you know.

Perquè no ets ja gerent.

Why aren't you a manager already?

Que m'ho denes, que hi ha molt cura al dia.

That you give it to me, because there is much care in the day.

I d'aquí un mes serà dos quarts de 6.

And in a month it will be half past five.

Bueno, dos quarts de 6, és igual.

Well, it's a quarter to six, it doesn't matter.

Però es fa fosc molt aviat.

But it gets dark very early.

No pots sortir a la muntanya, no pots...

You can't go out to the mountain, you can't...

No podem modificar el moviment del sol.

We cannot change the movement of the sun.

Bueno, però, un moment, un moment.

Well, but, one moment, one moment.

A partir del 21,

Starting from the 21st,

del mes que ve, es comença a allargar el dia, no?

From next month, the days start to get longer, don't they?

Sí, sí, però...

Yes, yes, but...

Bé, 21, 23...

Well, 21, 23...

S'allargarà una miqueta, una miqueta,

It will take a little while, a little while,

el matí, a partir

in the morning, starting

del 13, més o menys,

from the 13th, more or less,

el 13 de desembre.

December 13th.

Però el dia, totalment, perquè encara perdrem

But the day, completely, because we will still lose.

dos minuts al vespre, però el dia,

two minutes in the evening, but the day,

totalment, el dia, allò de dir, ja creix una mica,

totally, the day, that of saying, it already grows a little,

ens hem d'esperar just, just passat

we must wait just, just after

el dia de Reis, el gener.

the Day of the Kings, January.

El dia de Reis.

The Day of the Kings.

Allò passat que era allò per Nadal, un pas de per dalt,

What happened back then for Christmas, a step above,

no?, que deien les iaies.

No? What the grandmothers used to say.

Sí, perquè, sí, guanyem

Yes, because, yes, we win.

com un minutet encara

just a minute more

al matí, a partir de les hores, però el vespre

in the morning, from the hours, but the evening

encara perd una mica.

still loses a bit.

Normalment és fins al dia

Normally it's until the day.

5 o 6 de gener.

5 or 6 of January.

Ja, però avança-te'n a poc a poc.

Yes, but move forward slowly.

Que gondina, que això d'en Freire...

What a joke, this about Freire...

Bé, perquè és a poc, és a poc, és a poc...

Well, because it's little by little, it's little by little, it's little by little...

Tenim un problema greu, i és que

We have a serious problem, and it is that

el temps passa volant, tio Treu.

Time flies, dude Treu.

Sí, sí, passa molt ràpid.

Yes, yes, it happens very quickly.

Això sí que et dono la raó.

This I definitely agree with you.

I, a més a més, el temps, o l'espai del temps de TV3,

I, moreover, the weather, or the time space of TV3,

és un dels espais més vistos

It's one of the most viewed spaces.

de la televisió. Això sí, no?

from the television. That's right, isn't it?

I per molts anys, sí, sí.

And for many years, yes, yes.

Que duri, no?, que duri.

May it last, right? May it last.

De sempre, de sempre. El que passa és que jo penso

Always, always. The thing is, I think

que últimament,

that lately,

no sé, tres o quatre anys cap aquí,

I don't know, three or four years ago,

es nota, eh?, es nota

You can tell, right? You can tell.

que la gent també té altres mitjans,

that people also have other means,

les xarxes socials...

social networks...

Vale, també mitjans d'informació.

Okay, also media.

Sí, jo tinc un app que no falla.

Yes, I have an app that works perfectly.

Ja me la passaràs, que així...

You'll pass it to me, so that...

No, no, no, no.

No, no, no, no.

És que això és el que diu tothom.

It's just that this is what everyone says.

Això és el que diu tothom. Jo tinc un app que no falla.

That's what everyone says. I have an app that never fails.

I en dos parlant del...

And in two speaking of the...

Jo tinc un app que no falla, i tots dos diuen

I have an app that never fails, and they both say.

jo tinc un app que no falla, i són diferents els apps.

I have an app that doesn't fail, and the apps are different.

L'Alexa em diu el temps, també.

Alexa tells me the weather, too.

Ostres, torna a rebre.

Wow, it's receiving again.

Ja la fitxarem a TV3.

We will already feature her on TV3.

És un espai molt, molt vist encara,

It is a very, very seen space still,

i, clar, ha perdut pes,

yes, of course, he/she has lost weight,

perquè respecte a fa 15, 20 anys,

because compared to 15, 20 years ago,

hi ha moltes més dies de comunicació.

There are many more days of communication.

Aviam, aviam.

Let's see, let's see.

A mi m'agradaria puntualitzar.

I would like to clarify.

És que fa un moment, abans de donar-te entrada,

It's just that a moment ago, before giving you the floor,

precisament estàvem parlant d'això.

We were just talking about that.

És trist que potser ha perdut

It's sad that he/she may have lost.

una mica de pes.

a little bit of weight.

Perdonatge de l'espai del temps,

Forgiveness of the space of time,

en el cas de TV3, que és la sempre teva,

in the case of TV3, which is always yours,

perquè la gent troba la informació

because people find the information

en xarxes socials i altres mitjans.

in social networks and other media.

Però no vol dir

But it doesn't mean

que s'encerti.

let it hit.

Que mirant una cosa o una altra s'encerti.

That by looking at one thing or another, you hit the mark.

Vosaltres teniu una prudència brutal

You have a brutal caution.

en el vostre espai de la tele,

in your television space,

però no la tenen, o potser no es compleix

but they don't have it, or perhaps it is not fulfilled

sempre aquesta prudència

always this caution

en altres mitjans que puguin utilitzar,

in other means they may use,

com és internet.

what is the internet like.

I te vaig a dir una cosa, Dani.

I'm going to tell you something, Dani.

Els ordinadors de la ràdio,

The radio computers,

o els sistemes de transmissió

or the transmission systems

que tenim aquí a la ràdio, van connectats a internet

What we have here on the radio, they are connected to the internet.

i tenen uns paràmetres

and they have some parameters

i localitzen el lloc on estàs

and they locate the place where you are

i en base a això et donen la temperatura.

And based on this, they provide you with the temperature.

Mira, perquè et facis

Look, to make you do.

una idea.

an idea.



en una població en concret,

in a specific town,

viella, 4 graus.

Viella, 4 degrees.



L'ordinador diu que estem a 14,4 graus.

The computer says that we are at 14.4 degrees.

Això ara?

This now?

Ara mateix.

Right now.

No, home, tu dic en sèrio.

No, come on, I'm serious.

S'ha quedat a l'estiu.

It has stayed in the summer.

Clar, aquesta és la història.

Of course, this is the story.

Per tant, nosaltres sempre hem defensat

Therefore, we have always defended

que no es faci ús d'això

that this is not used

pel bé de cadascú, sinó que mirin la tele.

for the good of everyone, otherwise they should watch TV.

Per exemple, que sou professionals,

For example, that you are professionals,

que esteu allà i que mireu amb molta prudència

that you are there and that you watch with great caution

de donar o aproximar-vos més

to give or bring you closer

al que puguin interpretar els models.

to which the models can be interpreted.

Però clar, tu m'ho diràs.

But of course, you'll tell me.

Si jo ara vull sortir al carrer

If I want to go out in the street now.

i em miro aquest termòmetre

and I look at this thermometer

que em surten aquí, que està configurat,

that come out here, that is configured,

torno a repetir, a través de la xarxa,

I repeat again, through the network,

14,4 graus respecte a 3,

14.4 degrees relative to 3.

hi ha una gran diferència.

there is a big difference.

Aquest és el problema.

This is the problem.

Això és algú que vol anar a esquiar,

This is someone who wants to go skiing.

mira el telèfon i diu

look at the phone and says

que jo tinc un app que no falla

that I have an app that doesn't fail

i el telèfon li diu que aquest cap de setmana nevarà.

And the phone tells him that it will snow this weekend.

Saps què em deia el meu ahir a migdia?

Do you know what my yesterday was telling me at noon?

Que a les 5 de la tarda nevaria a Betren,

That it would snow in Betren at 5 in the afternoon,

que està al cantó de Viella.

which is next to Viella.

T'ho juro, eh?

I swear, okay?

Va sortir un missatge i dic

A message came out and I say.

que a les 5 de la tarda aneu a Betren.

that at 5 in the afternoon you go to Betren.

Dic, bueno, no sé.

I say, well, I don’t know.

No, és que no ho vas entendre.

No, it's just that you didn't understand it.

Deia aneu a Betren, no que nevaria.

I said you were going to Betren, not that it would snow.

Que hi vagis.

Go there.

Que anem, no?

Shall we go, right?

Ah, d'acord.

Ah, okay.

Que hi vagis a Betren.

Go to Betren.

Vale, vale, vale.

Okay, okay, okay.

Mare de Déu.

Mother of God.

Com està el pati.

How is the yard?

Quan veus aquestes coses,

When you see these things,

ostres, a mi...

wow, to me...

Saps què passa?

Do you know what happens?

Jo conec bastantes persones al llarg dels anys

I know quite a few people over the years.

que et diuen de...

what they tell you about...

No, aquest cap de setmana no pujarem perquè nevarà.

No, this weekend we won't go up because it will snow.

Aquest cap de setmana no hem volgut pujar

This weekend we didn't want to go up.

perquè hem vist que el mòbil ens ha dit

because we have seen that the mobile has told us

que s'esperen nevades.

that snowfall is expected.

I nosaltres dèiem,

And we said,

ostres, però és que el que nosaltres teníem a la taula

gosh, but what we had on the table

precisament no és això.

that's exactly not it.

I aleshores es perden un bon cap de setmana.

And then a good weekend is lost.

Gent des de Madrid, des de Barcelona,

People from Madrid, from Barcelona,

des de diferents llocs que coneixes

from different places you know

i que anulen les aves estades a la neu

and that they cancel the stays in the snow

perquè el mòbil els avisa

because the mobile notifies them

que la situació serà complicada.

that the situation will be complicated.

I això, ostres,

And this, wow,

com que no hi ha ningú en certa forma

since there is no one in a certain way

que ho reguli, m'entens?

that it regulates it, do you understand me?

Perquè això hauria de ser sancionable, m'entens?

Because this should be punishable, do you understand me?

El tenir sistemes...

Having systems...

Ja, és complicat, és complicat

Yes, it’s complicated, it’s complicated.

perquè és una informació lliure

because it is free information

que circula gratuïtament

that circulates for free

i clar, tu has de ser responsable

And of course, you have to be responsible.

una mica com valores aquesta informació.

How do you value this information a little?

I l'home del...

And the man of...

el temps amb un aspecte humà

the weather with a human aspect

que no sigui una màquina

that it not be a machine

sempre pondera més,

always weighs more,

sempre interpreta millor, diguem-ho així

always interprets better, let's put it that way

i el que fa és afinar una mica més el pronòstic.

And what it does is refine the forecast a little more.

Això sempre, eh?

Always this, right?

El que passa és que al cap i a la fi

What happens is that after all

nosaltres també ens desem en màquines.

we also unhook ourselves from machines.

L'únic que...

The only thing...

Això, agafem la informació

Let's take the information.

i l'oferim el més fiable possible

and we offer it as reliably as possible

dintre de la nostra sabiduria,

within our wisdom,

la nostra experiència, diguem-ho així.

our experience, let’s put it this way.

Clar, aquesta és la història.

Of course, this is the story.

Jo, això que dius d'experiència,

I, what you say about experience,

ara li deia,

now I was telling her,

jo l'única experiència que tinc

the only experience I have

és l'observació que faig

It is the observation I make.

sempre al costat dels que en sabeu.

always by the side of those who know.



A tu te m'aixequem cada dos per tres

You wake me up every now and then.

amb trucades i amb missatges.

with calls and with messages.

Ja m'agrada.

I already like it.

Dani, per favor, què farà?

Dani, please, what will he do?

No, no, però saps què passa?

No, no, but do you know what happens?

Que jo veig...

What I see...

Ostres, jo fa uns anys enrere

Wow, a few years ago I...

no canviaven tant els models meteorològics

the weather models didn't change that much

i ara és un...

and now it is a...

un desastre, és a dir,

a disaster, that is,

avui te diu que jo que sé que d'aquí quatre dies...

today he tells you that I know that in four days...

entra una borrasca

a storm is coming in

i després canvia tot

and then everything changes

i no és aquest model i és un altre.

and it is not this model, it is another one.

Què està passant, Dani?

What's happening, Dani?

Bé, jo no tinc ara les estadístiques

Well, I don't have the statistics right now.

de si això està passant més o menys que ara,

whether this is happening more or less than now,

però sí, ens hi hem trobat, ens hi hem trobat

but yes, we have found ourselves there, we have found ourselves there

que les borrasques

that the storms

poden canviar una mica del seu recorregut

they can change a little of their route

i llavors el que hem de fer

and then what we have to do

és recalcular-ho.

It is to recalculate it.

Però tot el que vagi més de quatre o cinc dies

But anything that lasts more than four or five days.

ja sabem que la finalitat és baixa.

We already know that the aim is low.

I ara parlarem, parlarem, suposo que per això

And now we will talk, we will talk, I suppose that’s why.

m'heu trucat, de com es pot presentar l'hivern.

You called me about how winter can be presented.

Jo em basaré,

I will base myself,

mapes que estan fets

maps that are made

per d'aquí un mes, dos mesos,

in a month, two months from now,

tres mesos, imagina't tu la fidelitat que tenen.

three months, just imagine the loyalty they have.

Però potser ens donen una idea general

But perhaps they give us a general idea.

i aquí és on ens agafem

And this is where we hold on to.

és que no tenim una altra eina.

it's just that we don't have another tool.

Hi ha uns diners que calculen

There is some money that calculates.

i aquí diuen ells,

and here they say,

jo només transporto la informació.

I only transport the information.

Clar, però això és una cosa

Of course, but that's one thing.

que la gent jo crec que no té massa clara.

that people, I believe, are not too clear about.

Vull dir, és un mapa,

I mean, it's a map,

tu tens uns mapes

you have some maps

i fas una previsió d'aquí a tres mesos.

And make a forecast for three months from now.

Però clar, aquesta previsió s'ha d'agafar

But of course, this prediction must be taken into account.

amb pinces i hi ha gent que la veu

with tweezers and there are people who see it

i diu, uh, ha dit que nevarà

And he says, uh, he said it will snow.

i així, i tal, i ja es fa en la pel·lícula.

And thus, and so, it is already done in the movie.

Fa temps que no diem

It's been a while since we said.

que nevarà tres mesos

that it will snow for three months

perquè és molt complicat.

because it's very complicated.

Ja, ja, però per dir alguna cosa,

Yeah, yeah, but to say something,

la gent s'ho creu massa a vegades.

People believe it too much sometimes.

Igual la gent

The same people.

ha de ser una mica més conscient

it must be a little more aware

del que dius tu ara,

from what you say now,

que el que sigui més de quatre o cinc dies,

that whatever is more than four or five days,

cuida't que ja costa molt i és molt complicat.

Take care, because it's already very difficult and very complicated.

Jo penso que ens hem d'educar

I think we need to educate ourselves.

o hem de donar aquest missatge que,

or we must convey this message that,

òbviament, ens hem de creure el pronòstic

obviously, we have to believe the forecast

fins a uns cinc dies

until about five days

i una petita referència de set o vuit dies,

and a small reference of seven or eight days,

no més. Només enllà

no more. Only beyond

és que després et fa un bandazo

it's just that then it gives you a jolt

i ja pot canviar tot.

And everything can change now.

A l'altra banda, saps?

On the other side, you know?

Però que la gent sàpiga que pot ser

But let people know that it can be.

que tal com pintarà,

how it will paint,

que d'aquí uns mesos farà

that in a few months will be

més aviat fred o més aviat

rather cold or rather

hi haurà tormentes

there will be storms

o el que sigui, no?

or whatever, right?

Però clar, que tampoc és una cosa tan exacta.

But of course, it's not something so exact either.

És com una vegada parlàvem,

It's like one time we talked,

no sé si era amb tu,

I don’t know if it was with you,

o amb el Francesc Mauri,

or with Francesc Mauri,

que parlàvem de les mitges de temperatura,

that we were talking about the average temperatures,

que ha pujat un grau

that has risen a degree

la mitja de temperatura

the average temperature

i vosaltres ens dèieu

and you told us

que ha pujat un grau

that has risen a degree

no vol dir que tots els dies

does not mean that every day

tinguem un grau més de temperatura.

let's have one degree more in temperature.


Of course.

I això, clar, molta gent d'aquestes coses

And this, of course, many people about these things.

no les acaba d'entendre

he doesn't quite understand them

o no s'hi ha fixat gaire.

or he/she hasn't paid much attention to it.

Un grau de temperatura de la mitjana

An average temperature degree.

no vol dir que tots els dies

does not mean that every day

estiguem un grau per sobre,

let's be a degree above,

sinó que entre uns dies que estarem per sota

but in a few days that we will be below

i uns dies que estarem per sobre

and some days we will be above

guanyen els que estan per sobre

those who are above win

i puja un grau.

and it rises a degree.

Ah, això mateix.

Ah, that exactly.

Veig que tu ets un bon professor

I see that you are a good teacher.

i ho saps divulgar perfectament.

and you know how to convey it perfectly.

Vosaltres m'ho vau explicar, eh?

You explained it to me, right?

Jo ho vaig entendre molt fàcil i molt bé.

I understood it very easily and very well.

Però us refereixo que el problema

But I refer to you that the problem

jo crec que hi ha molta gent

I believe there are many people.

que no ho acaba d'assimilar

that he/she/they does not fully assimilate it

i veuen i, buf, ha pujat un grau.

And they see, phew, it has gone up a degree.

Uau, farà calor i tal.

Wow, it's going to be hot and stuff.

Bueno, cuida-ho, cuida-ho.

Well, take care of it, take care of it.

Algun dia sí, però algun dia no.

Some days yes, but some days no.



Totes aquestes coses són coses

All these things are things.

que jo crec que la gent

that I believe that people

hauria de ficar-se

you should get involved

una miqueta i veure-ho

a little bit and see it

i sàpiguer, no?, una miqueta,

and you know, right?, a little bit,

o tindre curiositat per aprendre

or to have curiosity to learn

que aquestes coses són així,

that these things are this way,

d'aquesta manera, no?, per no...

in this way, right?, so as not to...

Mira, l'exemple més clar el tens

Look, you have the clearest example.

en aquest mes de novembre,

in this month of November,

que, per exemple, el pronòstic

that, for example, the forecast

ens indica que la temperatura serà normal,

it indicates that the temperature will be normal,

per tant, seria 0 graus d'anomalia,

therefore, it would be 0 degrees of anomaly,

és a dir, que ni més alta ni més baixa, 0.

That is to say, neither higher nor lower, 0.

I els primers dies ja hem tingut borrasques

And in the first days, we have already had storms.

i 4 o 5 nevades, per tant,

and 4 or 5 snowfalls, therefore,

avui mateix estem 4 graus

Today we are at 4 degrees.

per sota la mitjana

below average

i, clar, ara veiem

Yes, of course, now we see.

una pujada la setmana que ve

a hike next week

i cap al dia 15 o 20 també ve una pujada,

and around the 15th or 20th there will also be an increase,

sobretot cap al 20.

especially towards 20.

Doncs, possiblement,

Well, possibly,

si ara estem 2, 3, 4 graus

if we are now 2, 3, 4 degrees

per sota la mitjana,

below average,

si després estem uns dies 2, 3, 4 per sobre,

if then we are a few days 2, 3, 4 above,

això compensa i queda en 0.

this compensates and results in 0.

Llavors, el model meteorològic haurà encertat.

Then, the weather model will have been right.

Però, clar, que el model marqui 0

But, of course, that the model shows 0.

no vol dir que sempre estem

it doesn't mean that we are always

a la temperatura normal, sinó,

at normal temperature, otherwise,

l'exemple el tenim ara, podem tenir 4, 5, 10 dies

The example we have now, we can have 4, 5, 10 days.

freds i amb nevades

cold and snowy

i després venir 7, 8, 10 dies

and then come 7, 8, 10 days

de calor i de sol.

of heat and sun.

I això compensa la suma

And this compensates the sum.

i queda el balanç 0.

And the balance is 0.

Sí, sí, això és.

Yes, yes, that's it.

Això és.

This is it.

Perfecte. Escolta'm una cosa, Dani.

Perfect. Listen to me for a moment, Dani.

Abans de parlar de l'hivern i tal,

Before talking about winter and such,

com hem tingut l'estiu?

How have we had the summer?

Ha sigut una cosa normaleta?

Has it been a somewhat normal thing?

Mira, en general,

Look, generally,

sequera, ho sabem.

Drought, we know it.

Han fallat moltes, moltes tempestes.

Many, many storms have failed.

Per desgràcia, ho sabem.

Unfortunately, we know it.

Sí, sí, és el tercer any consecutiu de sequera.

Yes, yes, it is the third consecutive year of drought.

Dins de tot,

Within everything,

tot el que és l'Alt Pirineu,

all that is the High Pyrenees,

Pallars, Alta Ribagorça,

Pallars, High Ribagorça

algun sector de la Vall d'Aran

some sector of the Val d'Aran

s'escapa una mica de la sequera forta,

it escapes a bit from the strong drought,

però arreu de Catalunya és escandalós,

but throughout Catalonia it is scandalous,

és escandalós, perquè la dada és increïble.

It is scandalous because the data is incredible.

És a dir, els últims 3 anys

That is to say, the last 3 years.

és com si hagués deixat de ploure un any.

It's as if it had stopped raining for a year.

És a dir, dels últims 3

That is to say, of the last 3.

n'hem perdut un pel camí.

We've lost a bit along the way.

Falten 500 litres,

There are 500 liters missing.

falten 600 litres.

600 liters are missing.

Clar, fa una setmana i fa dues,

Sure, a week ago and two weeks ago,

amb aquells vents de Ponent i Garbí,

with those west and Garbí winds,

a l'Aragó van recollir llocs

In Aragon, they collected places.

entre octubre i la primera setmana de novembre

between October and the first week of November

llocs que han recollit

places that have collected

de 400 a 700 litres.

from 400 to 700 liters.



I els rius baixaven que caia goig,

And the rivers flowed down with joy,

els pantans han pujat del 16 al 70%,

the reservoirs have risen from 16 to 70%,

i aquí a Catalunya, doncs bé,

and here in Catalonia, well,

hem rebut una miqueta

we have received a little bit

a la Ribagorça,

in the Ribagorça,

una miqueta a Pallars,

a little bit in Pallars,

una miqueta no gaire a Vall d'Aran,

a little bit not much in Vall d'Aran,

però la resta, els vents de Ponent,

but the rest, the westerly winds,

no han portat pluja.

they haven't brought rain.

Però d'un idò el canvi

But from one, then the change.

que ha donat el Pantà d'Escales, eh?

what the Escales Dam has given, huh?

Després d'aquestes darreres precipitacions,

After these recent precipitations,

és brutal.

it's brutal.

Però si l'aigua arriba al monestir.

But if the water reaches the monastery.

L'aigua urbana ha tingut una mesura importantíssima, eh?

Urban water has had a very important measurement, right?

Sí, sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes, yes.

Però clar, ara fa dies que no plou gaire,

But of course, it hasn't rained much for days now,

avui mateix han caigut 11 litres al lac Radon,

Today alone, 11 liters have fallen at Lake Radon.

o 6 litres a Viella,

or 6 liters in Viella,

amb això no arreglem res, eh?

With this, we're not fixing anything, are we?

En definitiva, que per arreglar la sequera

In short, to address the drought

hem de caure 500 litres a tot el Pirineu,

we have to drop 500 liters across the entire Pyrenees,

no només una comarca o tres comarques,

not just one comarca or three comarques,

no, a tot el Pirineu de punta a punta

No, all across the Pyrenees from end to end.

i que les capçaleres baixessin

and let the headers drop

com ha passat a l'Aragó, a Navarra,

as has happened in Aragón, in Navarre,

a Galícia, per tant, mil litres,

to Galicia, therefore, a thousand liters,

tres setmanes, mil litres, estem oferats.

three weeks, a thousand liters, we are offered.

Amb tres setmanes, clar, bé.

In three weeks, sure, good.

A les borrasques que vam tenir a l'Aziaran,

To the storms we had in Aziaran,

a Domingos,

to Sundays,

les cap de setmana passada, déu-n'hi-do, déu-n'hi-do.

Last weekend, wow, wow.

Està la cosa molt atlàntica

Things are very Atlantic.

i de moment no veiem llevantades,

And for now we don't see any sunrises,

no veiem nords.

we don't see nords.

Perquè a Catalunya hauria d'entrar llevantada

Why should it enter lifted in Catalonia?

perquè ens cangués l'aigua.

so that the water would scare us.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.



O borrasques del sud i de soters,

O storms of the south and of the depths,

aquestes també porten molta pluja

these also bring a lot of rain

al Pirineu i pre-Pirineu.

in the Pyrenees and pre-Pyrenees.

Si ve llevant, a vegades,

If it is sometimes rising,

plou molt a la costa i no plou gaire al Pirineu,

It rains a lot on the coast and it doesn't rain much in the Pyrenees.

especialment a la Vall d'Aran, ja ho sabeu.

especially in the Vall d'Aran, you already know.

Però el que convé, potser,

But what is perhaps necessary,

és una borrasca més de sot,

it's another low-pressure system,

que ens porti...

that brings us...

soters, que ens porti molta humitat

sowers, may it bring us a lot of humidity

i que ens doni molta pluja,

and may it give us a lot of rain,

com va passar l'any 82, però que tampoc es passi,

as it happened in '82, but let it not happen again,

perquè allò va ser

because that was

les inundacions del Llobregat d'Andorra

the floods of the Llobregat of Andorra

14 hores.

2 PM.

Això tampoc convé.

This is also not suitable.

Ja ho diuen, que tots els extrems són dolents.

They say that all extremes are bad.

Clar, però allò va caure

Sure, but that fell.

en 24 hores, van caure 600,

In 24 hours, 600 fell.

400 litres, o 400,

400 liters, or 400,

en 24, 36 hores, no?

In 24, 36 hours, right?

Que duri 7, 8 dies,

Let it last 7, 8 days.

anar plovent, que tinguéssim una ratxa

it's been raining, may we have a streak

d'un mes, hauríem de tenir una ratxa

In a month, we should have a streak.

d'un mes que caiguessin 500 litres,

in one month that 500 liters fell,

que anés plovent cada dia 30, 40 litres...

that it rained 30, 40 liters every day...

I això, ara per ara,

And this, for now,

no ho veiem, és impossible,

we don't see it, it's impossible,

és quasi impossible.

it is almost impossible.

Però fixa't una cosa, vaig trobar l'altre dia,

But notice one thing, I found the other day,

jo que guardo tot,

I who keep everything,

semblo un vell,

I look like an old man,

estació Pont de Suer,

Pont de Suer station,

832 metres, l'any 1903,

832 meters, in the year 1903,

1988, mes d'octubre

October 1988

del 1988, eh?

from 1988, huh?

No era el 87?

Wasn't it 87?

No, aquest és del 88,

No, this is from '88,

en tinc molts, eh?

I have many, you know?

Em sembla que vas a comentar molta pluja, no?

I think you're going to talk about a lot of rain, aren't you?

Això és el 88, a veure, deixa'm mirar.

This is 88, let me see, let me look.

Diu, mira, Pont de Suer.

He says, look, Suer Bridge.

A veure si això que

Let's see if this that

ho vaig escriure jo, que era l'època de l'Antoni Castejón.

I wrote it, when it was the time of Antoni Castejón.

I ja no t'entendes la letra.

And I no longer understand the handwriting.

No, però màxima...

No, but maximum...

És que no sé

I don't know.

per què diu això 5, 6, 7...

Why does it say this 5, 6, 7...

Doncs dia 5, 5, 7.

So day 5, 5, 7.

Vols dir? 5, 6, 7...

Do you mean? 5, 6, 7...

Potser és 5, 6, 7.

Maybe it's 5, 6, 7.

Sí, deu de ser això.

Yes, it must be that.

Dia 5, màxima 24 graus.

Day 5, maximum 24 degrees.

Mínima 8 graus.

Minimum 8 degrees.

No feia fred.

It wasn't cold.

Oscilació màxima mínima 17 graus.

Maximum minimum oscillation 17 degrees.

Mitja màxima mínima

Maximum minimum half

17 graus. Evaporació

17 degrees. Evaporation.



Estat del temps

Weather conditions


partly cloudy.


Partially cloudy.

Precio atmosfèrica 758.

Atmospheric price 758.

Això és una dada

This is a piece of information.

amb paper que la tinc aquí.

with the paper that I have here.

La tinc a les mans.

I have it in my hands.

Si ens n'anem per exemple buscant

If we go, for example, searching

temperatures màximes, mínimes

maximum, minimum temperatures

al mes d'octubre,

in the month of October,

no van passar

they did not happen

de 24 graus.

of 24 degrees.

En aquest cas parlem de Pont de Suer.

In this case, we are talking about Pont de Suer.

Del 1988.

From 1988.

Però si aquest any

But if this year

el primer d'octubre vam arribar a 30 graus.

On the first of October, we reached 30 degrees.

Clar, perquè veiem la diferència.

Of course, because we see the difference.

I de mínimes,

And of minimums,

la més mínima, ara se m'ha passat.

the slightest, now it's gone from me.

A veure si la puc recuperar.

Let's see if I can get her back.

Ens anirem a una temperatura

We will go at a temperature.

de la més baixa

of the lowest

al mes d'octubre, 0 graus

in the month of October, 0 degrees

el dia 20 d'octubre de 1988

October 20, 1988

i el dia 21 també. 0 graus.

And on the 21st too. 0 degrees.

Temperatura mínima.

Minimum temperature.

I després tinc aquí una altra

And then I have another one here.

que també he pogut veure, que aquesta

that I have also been able to see, that this

correspondria a...

it would correspond to...

Per què fem tan malament les fotos?

Why do we take such bad photos?

Això correspondria al dia

This would correspond to the day

3 de juny de l'any 1988.

June 3, 1988.



el més bo de tot és que

the best thing of all is that

això seria, per exemple,

this would be, for example,

Senet, a les 8 del matí 12 graus.

Senet, at 8 in the morning 12 degrees.

A Llesp, 10 graus.

In Llesp, 10 degrees.

He dit la data, no?

I have mentioned the date, right?

Al mes de juny, eh?

In the month of June, right?

De 1988, eh?

From 1988, huh?

Però això a les 8 del matí.

But this at 8 in the morning.

Temperatures màximes

Maximum temperatures

de 25, 27 graus,

of 25, 27 degrees,

29 graus, per exemple, a Pont de Montanyana,

29 degrees, for example, in Pont de Montanyana,

a Canelles,

at Canelles,

31 graus al Pantà de Santana,

31 degrees at the Santana Dam,

26 graus avui,

26 degrees today,

tot això és la informació

all of this is the information

que recollíem de les hidroelèctriques.

that we collected from the hydroelectric plants.

De Texas.

From Texas.

En aquella època que no era Itàlia

In that time when it was not Italy.

i que les companyies

and that the companies

hidroelèctriques tenien potser una mica més

hydroelectric plants perhaps had a little more

d'estima en aquest sentit

of love in this sense

metrològic, eh? Però bueno,

meteorological, huh? But well,

aquestes són dades que vaig trobar

these are data that I found

l'altre dia molt curioses, no?

The other day very curious, right?

Trobes diferències entre aquestes dades

Do you find differences between this data?

i les que hem tingut aquest estiu

and the ones we have had this summer



Aquest estiu i tardor fins fa poc, fins fa

This summer and autumn until recently, until recently.

10 o 15 dies

10 or 15 days

ha estat càlid o molt càlid, eh?

It has been warm or very warm, huh?

En alguns llocs sí, però en general

In some places yes, but generally

no ha superat el 2022, que va ser

has not surpassed 2022, which was

un estiu encara pitjor, eh?

an even worse summer, huh?

Però bé, ara

But well, now

de cop i volta ha arribat una miqueta la neu,

suddenly a little bit of snow has arrived,

sembla que això s'anima,

it seems that this is getting lively,

a les pistes d'estacions

at the station slopes

d'esquí ja he vist que van fent proves

I have already seen that they are doing tests for skiing.

de canons, a Tíñez

from canyons, to Tíñez

ja diuen que obren el dia 18 de novembre,

they say they will open on November 18th,

els altres ja han nevat.

The others have already snowed.


Listen to me,

està com clar, cau una miqueta de neu i ja tothom es feia

It is clear, a little bit of snow falls and everyone was already doing.

il·lusió, no se'n recorden que fa 10 dies feia calor

Illusion, they don't remember that it was hot 10 days ago.

i el més important

and the most important

que ens hem d'esperar al desembre,

what we should expect in December,

al novembre no ens podem

In November we can't.

precipitar. Sí, però és normal

to precipitate. Yes, but it's normal.

que faci nevadetes, no?

Let it snow a little, right?

Que faci sort una nevadeta

May a little snow bring good luck.

algun dia de més calor, que vagi plovent,

someday with more heat, that it keeps raining,

nevant... També ho fa el mes d'agost, eh?

It's snowing... It also does in the month of August, you know?

Alguna nevada algun dia...

Some snowfall someday...

Tampoc ve d'aquí... Però bé, ara

It doesn't come from here either... But well, now

ja algun dia ha arribat a 1.200,

it has already reached 1,200 some day,

1.500, sobretot cap al Pallars i la Riba

1,500, especially towards Pallars and Riba.

Gorsa... Però escolta, això és més normalet,

Gorsa... But listen, this is more normal.

això és una cosa que cada any més o més la

this is something that every year more or less the

va fent. Però es veu... Li toca, li toca.

It's going. But you can see... It's his turn, it's his turn.

Escolta, es veu més neu

Listen, there's more snow.

a Baiter 2000,

a Baiter 2000,

a la part oriental... Sí.

in the eastern part... Yes.

I inclús a Vall de Núria també es veu...

Even in Vall de Núria, it can also be seen...

Sí, però res, no et pensis, eh?

Yes, but nothing, don’t think that, okay?

5 centímetres del 7, no, no, no, no.

5 centimeters from the 7, no, no, no, no.

No ha fet una gran nevada. A la Molina no tenen res.

There hasn't been a heavy snowfall. In La Molina, they have nothing.

L'important és que vagi una nevada forta,

The important thing is that there is a heavy snowfall,

que això els anys que ha passat ha anat bé la temporada,

that over the years it has gone well during the season,

a finals de novembre, cap allà al 28-30

at the end of November, around the 28th-30th

de novembre, que és Sant Andreu,

in November, which is Saint Andrew's,

doncs per Sant Andreu s'hi ve una nevada

So for Saint Andrew, a snowfall is expected.

forta, allò de mig metre, un metre,

strong, that of half a meter, one meter,

i ja després, com que el sol va

and then, as the sun goes

tan baix, acostuma a aguantar gairebé

so low, usually tends to endure almost

tot desembre, eh? Vull dir que pot aguantar

All December, huh? I mean, it can hold out.

un mes perfectament aquella nevada. Sí.

A month perfectly that snowfall. Yes.

A no ser que vinguin anticiclons càlids,

Unless warm anticyclones come,

que això és un altre tema. Bueno, per tant,

that this is another topic. Well, therefore,

l'anàlisi final és que és un desastre

The final analysis is that it is a disaster.

d'estiu i... De moment mal net.

of summer and... For now, bad clean.

I un desastre, tot plegat d'un desastre.

And a disaster, all in all a disaster.

Va, intentem ser positius, anem al futur o què?

Come on, let's try to be positive, are we going to the future or what?

Vale, no, no, fem una pausa

Okay, no, no, let's take a break.

primer. Ah, vale. Et sembla bé? Fem una pausa

First. Ah, okay. Does that sound good to you? Let's take a break.

i anem al futur, vale?

And let's go to the future, okay?

Vamos allá.

Let's go.

Tots els divendres de 9 a 10 de la nit a GAM FM

Every Friday from 9 to 10 PM on GAM FM.

i de 8 a 9 del matí

from 8 to 9 in the morning

el dissabte repetim.

On Saturday we repeat.

Esta temporada en Aramón

This season at Aramón

sigue disfrutando de la buena mesa.

Keep enjoying good food.

Las pizzas de El Bosque,

The pizzas from El Bosque,

el Chuletón de la Aglera,

the Ribeye from Aglera,

la Trattoria Cantal Panoràmic

the Cantal Panoramic Trattoria

o la terraza boutique Sàrius

or the boutique terrace Sàrius

by Beth Clicot. Un viaje gastronómico

by Beth Clicot. A gastronomic journey

que junto al día de esquí

that together with the ski day

no olvidarás.

you will not forget.

Aramón. Montañas de Aragón.

Aramón. Mountains of Aragon.

Papá, ¿qué te parece para el nombre de mi banda?

Dad, what do you think of the name for my band?

Los vecinos cotillas.

The nosy neighbors.

Las chagreses ariscas.

The skittish chagres.

Los arcebes inmortales.

The immortal archbishops.

Pero el nombre de la banda no es tan importante.

But the name of the band is not that important.

¿Qué no?

What not?

Ser Alba está muy bien. Y Carla, y Dani, y Rita.

Being Alba is very good. And Carla, and Dani, and Rita.

Pero ser el grupo más importante de la historia

But to be the most important group in history

es otra cosa.

it's something else.

Un hombre cuenta que estamos todos juntos.

A man says that we are all together.

Ahora en Grupo Catalán Occidente

Now in Catalan Group Occident

seremos Occident.

we will be the West.

Porque para seguir asegurando todo, todo y todo

Because to continue ensuring everything, everything, and everything.

teníamos que juntarnos todos, todos y todos.

we had to get together all of us, all of us.

De La Plana al Pirineu

From the Plain to the Pyrenees

Lleida és vida.

Lleida is life.

Connecta't amb la natura.

Connect with nature.

Escolta el silenci

Listen to the silence.

i explica amb la família i els amics

And explain with family and friends.

els seus tresors naturals.

its natural treasures.

Emociona't amb la gastronomia local

Get excited about the local gastronomy.

i els productes de la terra.

and the products of the land.

Activa't amb els esports d'aventura

Get active with adventure sports.

i inspira't en una terra viva, plena d'activitats

and be inspired by a vibrant land, full of activities

amb un ric patrimoni cultural i monumental.

with a rich cultural and monumental heritage.

Viu el moment.

Live the moment.

Patronat de Turisme. Diputació de Lleida.

Tourism Board. Lleida Provincial Council.

Envia'ns un correu a tato arroba gam fm punt com

Send us an email at tato at gam fm dot com.

i participa del programa

and participates in the program

més pelat de la radiodifusió piranaica

more peeled from piranaic broadcasting




Please provide the text you would like me to translate from Catalan to English.



Bé, doncs, com dèiem abans,

Well, then, as we said before,

de regreso al futuro.

Back to the Future.

Ah, no, de regreso no. Ostres,

Ah, no, not back. Wow,

t'imagines de regreso al futuro?

Do you imagine back to the future?

No en fallaries ni una, eh, Dani?

You won't miss a single one, right, Dani?

Clar, et seria tirar enrere.

Of course, it would be a step back for you.

Guanyaries molta pasta, Dani.

You would earn a lot of dough, Dani.

Tothom te trucaria.

Everyone would call you.

Això no existeix.

This does not exist.

En pel·lícules potser sí.

In movies maybe yes.

Sí, sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes, yes.

No se sap, eh, mai.

You never know, huh?

Clar, no se sap.

Of course, it is not known.

Ah, no, no. Està tot per inventar.

Ah, no, no. It's all yet to be invented.

Però de moment encara no.

But for now, not yet.

De moment encara no.

Not yet.

Hi ha moltes pel·lícules que han fet del futur

There are many movies that have been made about the future.

i s'estan complint.

and they are being fulfilled.

Yo robot, por ejemplo.

I, Robot, for example.

Caperucita roja.

Little Red Riding Hood.

Julio Verne era un visionari, no?

Jules Verne was a visionary, wasn't he?

Julio Verne...

Jules Verne...

Quina és la pel·lícula que més està marcada a la vida, Dani?

What is the movie that has the most impact on your life, Dani?

A tu.

To you.

No sé qué era el pel·lículero.

I don't know what the film reel was.



Ets un home de peus de terra, tu.

You are a down-to-earth man.

A tu t'agrada Twitter.

You like Twitter.

Twitter, Twitter.

Twitter, Twitter.

La pel·li, ostres, era xula, la pel·li.

The movie, wow, it was cool, the movie.

Jo no parlo de Twitter, parlo de Twitter

I don't talk about Twitter, I talk about Twitter.

perquè Twitter és la versió del Piolín als Estats Units.

because Twitter is the version of Tweety in the United States.

Tu veies el Piolín, no?

You watched Tweety, didn't you?

Yo no sé eso.

I don't know that.

Me pareció ver un lindo gatito.

I thought I saw a cute little cat.

No mirabas aquellos dibujos, Dani?

Didn't you look at those drawings, Dani?

Bueno, sí.

Well, yes.

Només hi havia una cadena.

There was only a chain.

El Piolín, el Piolín

Tweety, Tweety.

de l'1 d'octubre

from October 1st

és una altra història.

It's another story.

El Piolindo, el Piolindo.

The Piolindo, the Piolindo.

Sí, correcte.

Yes, correct.

Sí senyor.

Yes, sir.

Ostres, com m'agrada haver tingut aquesta infància, Dani.

Wow, how much I love having had this childhood, Dani.



com que tothom mirava a mi mateix

as everyone was looking at me

era una referència.

it was a reference.

I al col·le parlava sempre del que passava a la tele.

And at school, I always talked about what was happening on TV.

Ara és impossible.

Now it is impossible.

Perquè tothom deu mirar coses diferents.

Because everyone must look at different things.

La infància del Tato era franquista.

Tato's childhood was Francoist.

És una altra cosa.

It's another thing.

Sí, també n'és cert.

Yes, that is also true.

Sí, sí, clar.

Yes, yes, of course.

T'agafa sis anys, també, clar, clar.

It takes six years off you, too, of course, of course.

No em queixaré, vaig tenir una bona infància

I won't complain, I had a good childhood.

amb la família, amb els germans, molt d'esport,

with the family, with the siblings, a lot of sports,

anar a la muntanya.

go to the mountain.



S'ha de buscar la part, com deies tu,

One must look for the part, as you said.

s'ha de buscar la part positiva.

You have to look for the positive side.

Ir a buscar el car del sol, a la muntanya.

Go fetch the sun car in the mountain.

Bueno, si passa...

Well, if it happens...

Bueno, va, anem al temps.

Well, come on, let's get to the weather.

Anem al futur, Dani.

Let's go to the future, Dani.

Què ens planteja el futur?

What does the future hold for us?

Bueno, aquest cap de setmana

Well, this weekend

anem a Pams.

Let's go to Pams.

Que quedi clar

Let it be clear.

que el que la gent escoltarà

that what people will listen to

en aquest programa

in this program

no té per què passar.

It doesn't have to happen.

Mira, dissabte farà una pluja fineta

Look, on Saturday there will be a light rain.

d'una a deu litres.

from one to ten liters.


We’ll get wet.

Nevarà 1.400, a la tarda 1.600.

It will snow 1,400, in the afternoon 1,600.

Per tant, que puguin caure 3-10 neus.

Therefore, let 3-10 snows be able to fall.

No esperem gran cosa.

We don't expect much.

Diumenge puja la temperatura.

On Sunday, the temperature rises.

A dia ja arribarem a 15 graus.

By day we will reach 15 degrees.

I encara pot caure

And it can still fall.

alguna gota, molt poqueta cosa.

a little drop, very little thing.

Però bé,

But well,

sembla que la cota de neu

it seems that the snow level

s'enfila a més de 2.500 metres.

It rises to more than 2,500 meters.

On? A cara nord?

Where? The north face?

Sí, sí, cara nord.

Yes, yes, north face.

Perinè oriental res?

Eastern perineum nothing?

No, ara estic parlant sobretot de Vall d'Aran.

No, now I'm mainly talking about Vall d'Aran.

I per què?

And why?

Perquè ve una miqueta nord.

Because it's coming a little from the north.

Quan ve de nord, que l'equidica tothom,

When it comes from the north, it equidistant to everyone.

que és cara nord,

what is the north face,

és Palt d'Aran, part nord del Pallars.

It's Palt d'Aran, northern part of Pallars.

Afectaria una miqueta a Bonaigua,

It would affect Bonaigua a little bit.

a certes cantes, la zona nord del Pallars

at certain areas, the northern part of Pallars

i potser una miqueta a Andorra.

and maybe a little bit in Andorra.

Però resta el Pirineu, no.

But the Pyrenees remain, right?

I l'Aragó?

And Aragon?

Aragó, poquet.

Aragón, a little.

Poquet perquè ve una mica de nord.

A little because a bit of north is coming.

No gaire, no gaire.

Not much, not much.

I de Besançuit ni parlar, res?

And what about Besançuit, nothing to say?

No, molt poquet.

No, very little.

De moment aquest cap de setmana

For now, this weekend.

no passa gran història.

it's no big deal.

No ve cap gran nevada, que és el que voldríem.

No big snowfall is coming, which is what we would like.

Llavors ja et dic que diumenge

Then I tell you that Sunday.

s'obre una miqueta.

It opens a little bit.

Ja puja la temperatura.

The temperature is rising.

La setmana que ve farà bo, un anticicló.

Next week, the weather will be nice, a high-pressure system.

Això de bo, entre cometes.

This is good, in quotation marks.

Allò que diem bonança, aquell temps dolç.

What we call calm, that sweet time.

Puja la temperatura.

The temperature is rising.

I bé, les temperatures,

And well, the temperatures,

dimarts, dimecres,

Tuesday, Wednesday,

podrien ser 7 o 8 graus més altes

they could be 7 or 8 degrees higher

que avui, per exemple.

that today, for example.

Per això Dani,

That's why Dani,

això és a l'estiuet de Sant Martí?

Is this in the little summer of Saint Martin?

Clar, és el dia 11.

Of course, it's the 11th.

Sí, no?

Yes, no?

Es deia això, sempre s'ha dit això, no?

It was said this, it has always been said this, right?

Que feia bon temps i a l'estiuet de Sant Martí

It was pleasant weather and during the little summer of Saint Martin.

que és el dia 11.

What is the 11th?

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Doncs la setmana que ve,

Well, next week,

ni que sigui el dia 11 dissabte,

even if it's Saturday the 11th,

seguirem amb estiuet.

we will continue with a little summer.

No és una bestiesa de calor,

It's not a crazy heat,

però temperatures que seran ja 3 o 4 graus més altes del normal.

but temperatures that will be already 3 or 4 degrees higher than normal.

I després, divendres,

And then, on Friday,

que cau el dia 17,

which falls on the 17th,

pot venir un front de nord.

a northern front may come.

Podria ploure una mica o nevar.

It could rain a little or snow.

Novament, com que ve de nord,

Again, as it comes from the north,

Vall d'Aran, Pallars, Sobirà,

Vall d'Aran, Pallars, Sobirà,

nord de l'alta Ribagorça,

north of the Alta Ribagorça,

Principat d'Andorra i potser, potser,

Principality of Andorra and perhaps, perhaps,

Alta Cerdanya.

High Cerdanya.

Si plou o neva, doncs, clar,

If it rains or snows, then, of course,

falten molts dies.

There are many days left.

No veig molt fred.

I don't see very cold.

Potser neva a 1.600, 1.800 metres.

It might snow at 1,600, 1,800 meters.

No més avall, eh?

Just a little further down, huh?

I a partir d'aquí, s'acaben les borrasques.

And from here, the storms come to an end.

El que queda de més, jo no en veig més.

What remains of more, I don't see any more.

És a dir, que torna a venir una pujada.

That is to say, a rise is coming again.

El primer temps seria aquest del dia 17,

The first period would be this one on the 17th,

divendres, falta, doncs, encara.

Friday, missing, therefore, still.

I després,

And then,

torna a venir un anticicló que fins i tot

an anticyclone is coming again that even

podria ser càlid.

It could be warm.

Ens plantaríem cap al 25 de novembre

We would arrive around November 25th.

sense grans canvis en el temps.

without major changes over time.

En bon temps.

In good time.

Per tant, tota la trampera que hem tingut aquests dies,

Therefore, all the hassle we've had these days,

amb una mica no arribem.

With a little bit we don't make it.

I ara, la pregunta és, això que sembla ser

And now, the question is, this that seems to be

que passa aquest mes de novembre,

what's happening this November,

coincideix amb el que

matches what

s'havia previst ayer termini,

the deadline had been set for yesterday,

amb anterioritat?

in advance?

Pel que fa a pluges,

As for rain,

jo crec que no, perquè

I don't think so, because

la temperatura, més o menys, la guardaran.

They will keep the temperature, more or less.

Perquè quedarà sobre la normal.

Because it will remain above normal.

Però la precipitació,

But the precipitation,

l'esperava una miqueta més.

I was expecting a little bit more.

I només ha plogut a quatre comarques

And it has only rained in four regions.

d'aquí dalt de l'alt Pirineu.

from up here in the high Pyrenees.

La resta,

The rest,

milloreria i companyia. De moment,

improvement and company. For now,

no veiem un novembre plujós.

we don't see a rainy November.

Això ja el podem donar per pensat.

We can consider this as thought out.

Jo tinc la percepció,

I have the perception,

quan us escolto,

when I hear you,

fent les previsions del temps,

making the weather forecasts,

que diu, ostres, sembla ser

What does it say, wow, it seems to be

que la borrasca beves cargadeta

that the storm drinks heavily

i podria portar força precipitació,

and it could bring quite a bit of precipitation,

i després es desumflen aquestes borrasques.

And then these depressions weaken.

I deixen molt poca cosa.

And they leave very little behind.

Això ha passat, veritat?

This has happened, right?

Sí, però això ara, perquè portem tres setmanes de ponent.

Yes, but that's now, because we've been experiencing a west wind for three weeks.

Sempre que ve ponent, Garbí, Mestral,

Whenever the west wind, Garbí, Mestral,

tot el que vingui de l'Atlàntic,

everything that comes from the Atlantic,

aquí s'atura pràcticament l'Aragó,

here practically stops Aragon,

toca una miqueta Esquí,

play a little Ski,

té una miqueta la Ribagorça, Pallars,

it has a little bit of Ribagorça, Pallars,

i s'ha acabat.

It is over.

A Catalunya és que no, no hi ha manera.

In Catalonia, it's just not possible.

El Pirineu. Per tant, això és el que ha passat darrerament.

The Pyrenees. Therefore, this is what has happened recently.

Molta aigua a Galícia,

A lot of water in Galicia,

molta aigua al Cantàdic, molta a l'Aragó,

a lot of water in the Cantabrian, a lot in Aragon,

i a la que passa...

and to what happens...

La Ribagorça encara descarrega una mica,

La Ribagorça is still unloading a bit,

però la que passa al Segre s'ha acabat.

but what happens at the Segre is over.

Però per això ara al Pirineu d'Aragó

But for that now in the Aragonese Pyrenees

tenen més neu que la que tenim per aquí, a Catalunya.

They have more snow than we have around here, in Catalonia.

Sí, ens van comentar que Formigal i Zerleren

Yes, they told us that Formigal and Zerleren.


they had...

Hi ha llocs de mig metre.

There are places of half a meter.

Hi ha llocs de mig metre,

There are places of half a meter,

i segurament algun cim de 3.000

and probably some peak of 3,000

s'aproxima a 4 o 5.000

It approaches 4 or 5,000.

pams, gairebé un metre de neu, és probable.

feet, almost a meter of snow, is likely.

Però la que passem cap a l'Aneto

But the one we pass towards Aneto

ja no és tant. A l'Aneto potser hi ha un pam,

it's not so much anymore. At Aneto there might be a handspan,

i a la que anem cap

and to which we are heading

als cims catalans

to the Catalan peaks

ja costa passar de 5 o 10 centímetres.

it's already difficult to get over 5 or 10 centimeters.

Insisteixo que la cosa

I insist that the thing

no està... es veu blanquet, però

it's not... it looks whitish, though

no hi ha molta neu.

There is not much snow.

Digues, digues.

Say, say.

Llavors, a partir d'aquí,

Then, from here,

ara ja el novembre ja el donaria per tancat.

now that it's November, I would consider it closed.

No esperem cap cosa.

We don't expect anything.

Hi ha una possibilitat que costuma passar,

There is a possibility that usually happens,

que a final de mes, això cap al 21,

that at the end of the month, around the 21st,

18 o 30, doncs en tingui una pluja

18 or 30, then let it rain.

forta o una nevada.

heavy or a snowfall.

Els mapes encara no ho veuen.

The maps still do not see it.

Jo, de moment, no sé què dir.

I, for now, don't know what to say.

No em feu apostar

Don't make me bet.

si això passarà o no.

whether this will happen or not.

Però vaig a fer una pregunta,

But I'm going to ask a question,

la deixo a sobre de la taula.

I leave it on the table.

Hi ha algunes estacions que tenen previst

There are some stations that are planned.

obrir cap al dia 25,

open on the 25th,

que em sembla que acaben cap de setmana.

I think they end the weekend.

El dissabte, sí.

On Saturday, yes.

De moment això jo no ho veig factible.

At the moment I don't see this as feasible.

I amb neu artificial tampoc, no?

And with artificial snow either, right?

Les temperatures no ens acompanyaran.

The temperatures will not be in our favor.

No ve tan fred com voldrien.

It doesn’t come as cold as they would like.

No, no, al contrari.

No, no, on the contrary.

Hi ha temperatura una mica suau.

The temperature is a bit mild.

Torno a repetir a l'audiència.

I repeat to the audience.

Pot venir un canvi, que no ens ho esperem.

A change may come that we do not expect.

Que fotin la gran nevada

Let them have the heavy snow.

i puguem obrir tot.

and we can open everything.

L'única possibilitat que veig,

The only possibility I see,

perquè els mapes una mica fiables,

because the maps are somewhat reliable,

que tampoc ho són gaire,

that they are not very much either,

que a final de mes,

that at the end of the month,

doncs això, 28, 30,

so this, 28, 30,

ens vingui un front i pugui nevar més.

may a front come and it may snow more.

Però això per què? Per estadística?

But why is that? For statistics?

Acostuma a passar quasi cada any.

It usually happens almost every year.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

A final de mes hi ha un canvi de temps important.

At the end of the month, there is an important change in the weather.

I de fet ja ho recull el refrenyer, no?

And in fact, the proverb already captures it, right?

Per Sant Andreu,

For Saint Andrew,

pluja, fred,

rain, cold,

no, pluja, neu o fred molt greu.

No, rain, snow, or very severe cold.

I pensar allò que diuen per Sant Andrés,

And think about what they say for Saint Andrew,

la mia ve a les pies, no?

mine comes to the feet, right?

Ja em ve diu a l'abril a Guasmil.

I'm coming in April to Guasmil.

I mira quin desastre, tio.

And look at this disaster, dude.

Tot això és la tradició

All this is tradition.

que hem recollit els nostres avants.

that we have gathered our ancestors.

Però l'any passat ho va fer,

But last year it did.

a finals de novembre.

at the end of November.

Si no m'equivoco així,

If I'm not mistaken like this,

va fer una nevada bona.

It snowed well.

Sí, per la política es va poder esquiar bastant bé.

Yes, because of the politics, it was possible to ski quite well.

Correcte, que vam subsistir bastant amb aquesta nevada.

Correct, we survived quite well with this snowfall.

Ara, arribant a dalt,

Now, arriving at the top,

va costar una mica després.

It cost a little later.

Ja, ja, ja, perquè va tornar a fer bo, sí.

Ha ha ha, because it became nice again, yes.

A partir d'aquí, ja tanquem el novembre,

From here on, we are closing November,

ens n'anem a desembre.

We're going to December.

A desembre què farà? En principi t'haig de contestar

What will you do in December? In principle, I have to answer you.

que no en tinc ni idea.

I have no idea.

A partir d'aquí, clar.

From here on, clear.

Home, jo sóc sincer.

Man, I am sincere.

Està clar, està clar.

It’s clear, it’s clear.

Però a partir d'aquí agafem mapes estacionals,

But from here on we take seasonal maps,

que és quatre o cinc mesos,

that is four or five months,

i trobem una diferència molt important.

and we find a very important difference.

He mirat els americans,

I have looked at the Americans,

he mirat Meteo France. Meteo France ens dóna.

I have looked at Meteo France. Meteo France gives us.

Atenció, eh? Jo sé que és important.

Attention, okay? I know it's important.

Bona part de desembre i de gener

Good part of December and January.

amb força pluja.

with heavy rain.

Pluja o neu.

Rain or snow.

I la temperatura al desembre seria

And the temperature in December would be

dos graus per sobre de la mitjana,

two degrees above average,

per tant, potser, si es compleix això,

therefore, perhaps, if this happens,

anava a cota una mica alta, no a les valls.

I was going to a slightly high altitude, not to the valleys.

I per gener

And in general

ja baixa una mica la temperatura,

the temperature is dropping a bit now,

però anava una mica més a l'all.

but it was going a little more to the garlic.

Això és el que diu Meteo France.

This is what Meteo France says.

Ens dóna dos mesos de pluja i neu.

It gives us two months of rain and snow.

Però és que va sol.

But he goes alone.

Els altres models, l'europeu,

The other models, the European,

l'americà, diuen,

the American, they say,

atenció, ara ve la mala notícia,

attention, now comes the bad news,

gener, febrer,

January, February,



gener, febrer, sec, sec, sec,

January, February, dry, dry, dry.

temperatura sempre una mica per sobre

temperature always a little above

de la mitjana i no donant

from the average and not giving

gaire pluja ni gaire neu.

little rain or little snow.

Vol dir això que no plourà en quatre mesos?

Does this mean it won't rain in four months?

No. Vol dir que globalment

No. It means that overall

ho farà poc o menys.

it will do so sooner or later.

O potser tenim

Or maybe we have

una gran nevada a finals de novembre

a heavy snowfall at the end of November

i això aguanta dos mesos, no ho sabem.

And this lasts for two months, we don't know.

Però en principi, la majoria

But in principle, the majority

de mapes indiquen sequera,

maps indicate drought,

poca pluja, poca neu

little rain, little snow

i poc fred. Hauríem d'esperar

It's a bit cold. We should wait.

a l'abril, imagina't,

in April, imagine,

el primer mes que donen de pluja és l'abril.

The first month that they give rain is April.

A l'abril donen pluja i una mica de fresca.

In April, they bring rain and a bit of coolness.

És a dir, que al tancar la temporada

That is to say, that upon closing the season



Aquest any acaba aviat,

This year ends soon,

la Setmana Santa és finals de març, no?

Holy Week is at the end of March, right?

Mira, no ho he calculat, això.

Look, I haven't calculated that.

La Ramon, oi que sí, que és finals de març,

Ramon, isn't it true that it's the end of March?

Setmana Santa? No, bueno,

Holy Week? No, well,

s'allargaria, la temporada es podria allargar...

it could be extended, the season could be extended...

Bueno, clar, depèn de l'estació, eh?

Well, of course, it depends on the season, right?

Però la Setmana Santa és finals de març.

But Holy Week is at the end of March.

No, fins al 7 d'abril, Setmana Santa...

No, until April 7, Holy Week...

És a dir, el...

That is to say, the...

M'assembla que l'1 d'abril...

It seems to me that on April 1st...

El març té 30 o 31 dies, no ho sé.

March has 30 or 31 days, I don't know.

Març 31. 31.

March 31. 31.

Doncs l'1 d'abril

So on April 1st.

és dilluns de Pasqua.

It's Easter Monday.

L'1 d'abril, veus?

On April 1st, you see?

Dilluns de Pasqua. Però jo

Easter Monday. But I

sempre m'he estimat molt França.

I have always loved France very much.


Do you understand me?

Sobretot en aquests casos, no?

Especially in these cases, right?

En aquests casos especials,

In these special cases,

ne me quite pa.

Don't take it away from me.

Ne me quite el pa, porque tengo que vivir.

Don't take the bread from me, because I have to live.

Ne me quite pa.

Don't take away my peace.

Tu mires així.

You look like this.

És normal que els Alps tinguin

It is normal for the Alps to have

més neu que aquí, ara? Que allà tinguin

More snow than here, now? Let them have it over there.

una nevada i que aquí no nevi?

a snowfall and what, it doesn't snow here?

Això depèn de com hagin circulat les

This depends on how they have circulated.

borrasques, però sí, darrerament,

squalls, but yes, lately,

aquestes precipitacions,

these precipitations,

que han entrat per l'Atlàntic des de França,

that have entered through the Atlantic from France,

allà els han donat

there they have given them

nevades de 20-30 i al final han

snowfalls of 20-30 and in the end they have

sumat entre 50 i 100 centímetres.

added between 50 and 100 centimeters.

No totes les estacions,

Not all the stations,

però sobretot la part francesa.

but mainly the French part.

No tant l'italiana

Not so much the Italian.

i menys l'austríaca.

and less the Austrian one.

Però la part de França

But the part of France

i una mica Suïssa han rebut bé

And a little Switzerland has been well received.

aquestes borrasques atlàntiques.

these Atlantic storms.

I el pronòstic que us acabo de dir

And the forecast that I just told you.

dels americans i centre-europeu, que marquen

of the Americans and Central Europeans, who mark

un hivern amb poc fred en general

a winter with little cold in general

i poca pluja, poca neu,

and little rain, little snow,

m'agradaria fer un parèntesi.

I would like to take a pause.

I és que els últims dos anys

And it's that the last two years

també anunciaven

they also announced

més o menys això, que seria un estiu

more or less this, which would be a summer

de poc fred, de poca neu,

of little cold, of little snow,

i si us hi fixeu,

And if you pay attention,

les estacions van poder obrir

the stations were able to open

l'any passat i fa dos,

last year and the year before last,

potser no ha sigut la millor de les temporades,

perhaps it has not been the best of seasons,

però han tingut suficient neu

but they have had enough snow

i molts dies de sol,

and many sunny days,

tant és així que tant l'any passat

so much so that both last year

com fa dos, hi ha estacions que van fer

As it does two, there are stations that were made.

de vegetals, de forfès,

of vegetables, of forfès,

perquè hi havia una neu justeta,

because there was just a little snow,

però feia molt bon temps,

but the weather was very nice,

que omplien molt les estacions.

that filled the stations a lot.

Llavors, tot és una mica

Then, everything is a bit



Ves a saber

You'll find out.

si també aquest any, tot i que anuncien

if also this year, although they announce

una mala temporada, diguem-ho així,

a bad season, let’s put it that way,

no hi ha cap mapa engrescador de dir

there is no exciting map to say

ostres, és que el gener ens marquen uns nords,

Wow, it’s just that January marks us with some cold winds.

ens marquen unes nevades, no.

They tell us about some snowfall, right?

No hi ha cap mapa engrescador en quatre mesos.

There is no exciting map in four months.

Això vol dir que és la fi del món?

Does this mean it is the end of the world?



Ha anunciat els dos últims anys

He has announced the last two years.

i els dos últims anys no han sigut els millors,

and the last two years have not been the best,

però s'ha pogut esquiar.

but it has been possible to ski.

I per tant, siguem positius, perquè jo estic segur

And therefore, let's be positive, because I am sure.

que no passarà que quatre mesos

that will not happen in four months

sense pluja, o poca pluja,

without rain, or little rain,

i amb temperatures per sobre la mitjana

and with temperatures above average

sempre, no serà sempre.

always, it will not always be.

Ho hem dit abans, potser tindrem 15 dies

We've said it before, maybe we'll have 15 days.

de molt fred i molta neu,

of very cold and a lot of snow,

i això compensa i t'aguanta dos mesos

and this compensates and holds you for two months

de temporada.

in season.

Pot ser que faci algun dia de fred,

It may be that it will be cold one day,

que faci unes bones nevades

may it have some good snowfalls

i després que encara que torni a pujar, però que aquesta neu

and after that even if it snows again, but that this snow

ja ens serveixi per funcionar tot l'hivern.

it will serve us to function all winter.

Pot passar de tot, però en aquests moments

Anything can happen, but at this moment

meteofrans d'on a desembre i gener

weather forecasts from where in December and January



de precipitacions abundants,

of abundant precipitation,

i va sol, i va sol, i com que

and goes alone, and goes alone, and since

quatre o cinc models, només un apunta

four or five models, only one points out

pluja, doncs la possibilitat és

rain, so the possibility is

20%, m'entens?

20%, do you understand me?

Tant de bo quatre models

I wish for four models.

diferents hi haguessin molta pluja, molta neu,

if there were a lot of rain, a lot of snow,

hi hauria una previsió

there would be a forecast

una mica més

a little more

consensuada, que tampoc més fiable,

consensual, which is also not more reliable,

però més consensuada.

but more consensual.

En aquests moments pinten,

At this moment, they are painting,

tampoc diré bastos, però que no ens

I won't say rough, but let's not...

pinta un any extraordinari de fred

it paints an extraordinary year of cold

i neu, al principi.

And snow, at first.

Escolta, per Ramon, com deia tu,

Listen, for Ramon, as you said,

tu m'ajudaràs, què era?

You will help me, what was it?

El Paquito, que vam tindre una vegada aquí?

The Paquito, which we had once here?

En Pau Descansi, sí.

In Peace Rest, yes.

Sí, però vam parlar amb en Dani,

Yes, but we talked with Dani,

tu vas poder parlar

you were able to speak

amb una persona, bueno,

with a person, well,

ja no està entre nosaltres,

he is no longer with us,

però em sembla

but it seems to me

que era ell que deia, per què es posa nerviós

that it was him who said, why he gets nervous

a la gent? Si a l'hivern sempre neva,

to the people? If it always snows in winter,

un dia o altre ja nevarà.

One day or another, it will snow.

Era el Paquito, no? Sí, em sembla que sí.

It was Paquito, right? Yes, I think so.

Són o no? Sí, sí.

Are they or aren't they? Yes, yes.

Jo deia molt content, el tio deia

I said very happily, the guy said.

per no es fotin nerviosos, ja nevarà,

so you don't get nervous, it will snow.

un dia o altre nevarà, ho ha fet tots els hiverns.

One day or another it will snow, it has done so every winter.

El 88-89 aquí a la Vall d'Aran

The 88-89 here in the Vall d'Aran

en general sempre neva.

In general, it always snows.

Què li deien vosaltres?

What did they tell you?

El 88-89 que va ser un desastre.

The 88-89 season was a disaster.

Sí, correcte.

Yes, correct.

A mi ja me'n recordo perfectament.

I remember it perfectly.

El 89-90, però va ser un

In 89-90, however, it was a

desastre a la cara nord, però va caure uns

disaster on the north face, but it fell some

petons de neu

snow kisses

a la cara sud.

on the south side.

Jo me'n recordo de veure fotografies

I remember seeing photographs.

amb la neu arribant als cables

with the snow reaching the cables

dels telarrastres.

of the web slings.

Però això va ser més endavant, eh?

But that was later, right?

No va ser la 89-90? No.

Wasn't it the 89-90? No.

88-89 va ser

88-89 was

la gran sequera

the great drought

i banca de neu.

and snowbank.

I la gran nevada de Vuita Ull

And the great snowfall of Vuita Ull

amb 5 metres i mig, 5 metres 30,

with 5 and a half metres, 5.30 metres,

va ser l'any 95.

It was in '95.

Però l'any 89-90

But in the year 89-90

no parava de ploure.

it wouldn't stop raining.

Sí, no parava de ploure.

Yes, it wouldn't stop raining.

Era pluja, pluja, pluja, pluja.

It was rain, rain, rain, rain.

Era tot ploure.

It was all raining.

No ho recordo malament, va ser així.

If I remember correctly, it was like that.

No ho tinc anotat.

I don't have it noted down.

I aleshores, doncs,

And then, therefore,

pel que fa a la cara nord, per exemple,

as for the north face, for example,

a la Vall d'Aran s'esquiaven només

In the Vall d'Aran, only skiing was done.



I portava la gent a esquiar amb retracts.

I took people skiing with sleds.

Evidentment, moltes de les infraestructures

Obviously, many of the infrastructures

que hi ha ara no hi eren, eh?

what is there now wasn't there, right?

Argulls no existia com a tal, clar.

Argulls did not exist as such, of course.

A la Vall d'Aran va ser un desastre.

In the Vall d'Aran, it was a disaster.

Un desastre.

A disaster.

Aquí tenim un Pirineu

Here we have a Pyrenees.

que és una miqueta

that is a little bit

complexa o complicat, no?

complex or complicated, right?

Perquè Vall d'Aran és cara nord,

Because Vall d'Aran is the north face,

però tot el resto va ser en sud, no?

but everything else was in the south, right?

Perdó, perdó, un moment.

Sorry, sorry, one moment.

89-90 no podia ser Vuita Ull

89-90 could not be Vuita Ull.

perquè es va inaugurar el 91.

because it was inaugurated in '91.



I per tant potser té més raó en aquest cas

And therefore perhaps she is more right in this case.

en Dani.

the Dani.

Jo recordo això de la imatge aquesta

I remember this from that image.

de la neu tocant hasta la cadira,

from the snow touching to the chair,

sí, no?

yes, no?

La 95 i la 96 van ser de molta neu.

The 95 and 96 had a lot of snow.

Molta neu.

Lots of snow.

Digues, digues.

Go ahead, speak.

Això que et deia que el Pirineu és complex

What I was telling you is that the Pyrenees are complex.

o complicat, no? Perquè Vall d'Aran

Oh complicated, isn't it? Because Vall d'Aran.

és cara nord, però tot el resta

it's the north face, but the rest is all.

del Pirineu i estacions d'esquí

of the Pyrenees and ski resorts

del Pirineu són vessant sud.

of the Pyrenees are southern slopes.

O li cau a un

Or it falls to one.

o li cau a l'altre.

or it falls to the other.

Geogràficament sí, però

Geographically yes, but

climàticament i

climatically and

quan vénen situacions de borrasques

when storms occur

hi ha més porció del Pirineu

there is more portion of the Pyrenees

que també rep de nord.

that also receives from the north.

L'Alta Llarç, l'Alta Ribagorta,

The High Llarç, the High Ribagorça,

Principat d'Andorra i a vegades també la Cerdanya.

Principality of Andorra and sometimes also Cerdanya.

I en unes situacions molt concretes

And in very specific situations.

pot nevar de nord i també fer una nevada

It can snow from the north and also have a snowfall.

d'un pam fins a la

from a span to the

Molina i Masella.

Molina and Masella.

Amb un nord.

With a north.

Borrasques de nord, només neva la Vall d'Aran,

Northern storms, only the Val d'Aran sees snow,

això és un mite.

this is a myth.

Home, l'altre dia vam estar a Puigcerdà,

Honey, the other day we were in Puigcerdà,

que vam fer Tato Pelat des de Puigcerdà,

what we did Tato Pelat from Puigcerdà,

que fotia un temps que va ser el dia

that messed up a time that was the day

de les precipitacions heavis,

of the heavy precipitation,

a la cara nord com nevava,

on the north face it was snowing,

el Puig mal nevat, te'n recordes Tato?

The poorly snowed Puig, do you remember Tato?

I en canvi a la Molina i Masella

And instead, in La Molina and Masella.

no es veia res.

nothing could be seen.

Absolutament res, va fer molt de vent això sí,

Absolutely nothing, it was very windy that's for sure.

però no va caure res.

but nothing fell.

Sí, molt vent de sud.

Yes, a lot of south wind.

El vent pot ser?

Can it be the wind?

O és una idea meva

Or is it just my idea?

que em dóna la sensació que abans

that gives me the feeling that before

no feia aquestes ventoleres

it wasn't making these windmills

que fot el Pirineu ara?

What is the Pyrenees doing now?

O això m'ho invento jo?

Or am I making this up?

Tampoc tinc les dades sobre la taula,

I don't have the data on the table either.

però el que portem de novembre

but what we have of November

s'està complint perquè s'està fent molt bé.

It is being fulfilled because it is being done very well.

Molt bé.

Very well.

Especialment els primers dies.

Especially the first days.

A mi em dóna la sensació

I get the feeling.

que aquestes ventoleres,

that these windmills,

amb aquest fred, aquesta època

with this cold, this season

tan bèsties,

so beasts,

com si no les hagués viscut.

as if I had not lived them.

Pot arribar aquest anticicló

This anticyclone can arrive.

que a vegades dura 30 dies

that sometimes lasts 30 days

i no es mou una fulla.

and not a leaf moves.

Tampoc hi ha fulles,

There are no leaves either,

a dalt del Pirineu, però ja m'entenc.

at the top of the Pyrenees, but I understand myself already.

Sí, però això de les fulles,

Yes, but about the leaves,

de la tardor a terra,

from autumn to earth,

també ha trigat molt.

it has also taken a long time.

S'ha endarrerit entre dues i tres setmanes.

It has been delayed by two to three weeks.

Cap al 20 d'octubre,

Around October 20,

30 d'octubre,

October 30,

ha caigut la fulla i canvi de color

the leaf has fallen and changed color

i ho està fent ara.

and he is doing it now.

Anem tres setmanes tard.

We're three weeks late.

Al vostre departament de Métieu

To your department of Métieu

acabeu un pel bojo darrerament

You've been a bit crazy lately.

amb tots aquests canvis?

with all these changes?

Tots amb baldecat.

Everyone with a shovel.

Nosaltres, sobretot,

We, above all,

sempre estem una mica desesperats

we are always a bit desperate

perquè mirem mapes,

because we look at maps,

quan ve una situació de pluja

when a rainy situation comes

és que pugui arreglar una mica

it's that I can fix it a little

la reserva d'aigua als embressaments.

the water reserve at the reservoirs.

Van passar les setmanes

The weeks went by.

i és que no hi ha manera.

And it's just that there is no way.

No veiem cap situació que diguis

We don't see any situation that you mention.

ara, ara vindrà una llevantada,

now, now a storm from the east will come,

ara vindrà un vent del sud,

now a wind from the south will come,

ara pujaran els pantans 20%, 30%.

Now the reservoirs will rise by 20%, 30%.

No hi ha manera.

There is no way.

La sequera aquesta està fent a terra.

The drought is taking a toll on the land.

Però també això és conseqüència

But this is also a consequence.

de la poca quantitat de neu

of the little amount of snow

que ha caigut aquests últims anys.

that has fallen in recent years.

Perquè la neu és una reserva d'aigua.

Because snow is a water reserve.

Tot ajuda.

Everything helps.

Si cau molta neu, tot allò

If a lot of snow falls, all that

a mesura que es va fonent és aigua que va baixant.

As it melts, it's water that is flowing down.

L'any passat va desglaçar un mes abans

Last year it thawed a month earlier.

i poca quantitat.

and small quantity.

I poca quantitat, clar.

And a small quantity, of course.

Dels pitjors desglaços

Of the worst thawing

que recordo dels últims anys.

that I remember from the last few years.

Ara imaginem que els models que tenim sobre la taula

Now let's imagine that the models we have on the table

excepte els Nemequitepa

except the Nemequitepa

es compleixen.

they are fulfilled.

Què passarà aquest estiu?

What will happen this summer?

Home, confiem que tard o d'hora

Man, we trust that sooner or later

girarà la truita.

It will turn the tide.

Ja et dic que a l'abril el pintam en plujós.

I'm telling you that in April we paint it in rainy.

Confiem en abril.

We trust in April.

Però és que hauria de ploure molt a l'abril

But it should rain a lot in April.

perquè ja portaríem 700 o 800 litres

because we would already have 700 or 800 liters

per metre quadrat de dèficit.

per square meter of deficit.

És com impossible que pugui ploure...

It's almost impossible that it could rain...

Dos o tres mesos de primera plujosa

Two or three months of rainy weather.

el 2008

the 2008

es van omplir els embassaments

the reservoirs were filled

en dos mesos.

in two months.

Va ser excepcional.

It was exceptional.

Però això es pot repetir.

But this can be repeated.

A partir d'ara de tardor i d'hivern

Starting from now in autumn and winter.

evidentment no hi confio gaire

obviously I don't trust it much

en que puguem arreglar el tema de sequera.

in which we can fix the drought issue.

Només ja seria

It would only be.

l'adevacle que faria la propera primavera.

the downfall that would happen next spring.

Seria gravíssim.

It would be very serious.

Seria una cosa molt seriosa.

It would be a very serious thing.

Perquè, clar, si tenim els embassaments

Because, of course, if we have the reservoirs

al 19%

at 19%

a les conques internes

to the internal basins

i amb prou feines arriben a 30-35%

and barely reach 30-35%

a la part de Lleida,

in the region of Lleida,

la part de l'Ebre,

the Ebro region,

excepte arribar a Roja i Martinença, evidentment.

except reaching Roja and Martinença, obviously.

Doncs la veritat és que pintaríem bastos.

Well, the truth is that we would be painting rough.

Però una cosa com...

But something like...

No hem viscut d'argament.

We have not lived on argument.

Quan és l'època que els embassaments

When is the time for the reservoirs?

s'omplen més?

Do they fill up more?

Estadísticament sempre és tardor i primavera.

Statistically, it is always autumn and spring.

Tardor i primavera.

Autumn and spring.

A l'estiu baixen relativament

In summer, they drop relatively.

sobretot perquè hi ha més consum

especially because there is more consumption

i a l'hivern normalment baixen

And in winter, they usually decrease.

perquè no hi ha gaire precipitació a l'hivern.

because there is not much precipitation in winter.

Llavors sempre hi ha les puntes

Then there are always the tips.


of October-November

que ja aquest any fallarà.

that it will fail this year.

Ja ha fallat l'octubre i el novembre no.

October has already failed and November has not.

Exacte, aquest any la tardor malament.

Exactly, this year autumn is bad.

Algun any hi ha hagut

Some years there have been.

pluges importants al desembre i al gener.

heavy rains in December and January.

Potser un o dos de cada deu,

Maybe one or two out of every ten,

un 20% de gener o de desembre

20% of January or December

es poden ser molt plugiosos.

they can be very rainy.

Però almenys els mapes no ho marquen.

But at least the maps don't indicate it.

I després ja t'has d'anar

And then you have to go.

a finals de març, abril i maig,

at the end of March, April, and May,

que és l'època més plugiosa

what is the rainiest season

també, l'altra punta.

also, the other end.

Aquí també es poden omplir.

Here you can also fill them.

Omplir o no omplir?

To fill or not to fill?

Omplir serà difícil.

Filling will be difficult.

Estan molt baixos.

They are very low.

Bé, la gent que ens estigui escoltant,

Well, the people who are listening to us,



clar, ostres,

sure, wow,

és molt interessant perquè tothom

it is very interesting because everyone

vol saber què passarà al futur. Però torno a repetir

I want to know what will happen in the future. But I repeat again.

que no tenim ningú aquí una bola

that we don't have anyone here a ball

de cristal ni res de tot això

of crystal or anything like that

i, per tant,

and, therefore,

el Dani parla del que es veuen

Dani talks about what they see.

en els models meteorològics. Per tant, un mes, digues.

in the weather models. So, a month, tell me.

Això que brilla no és la bola de vidre?

Isn't that shining thing the glass ball?

No, és la calva. Ah, és la teva calva.

No, it's the bald one. Ah, it's your bald one.

Aquesta és la palla.

This is the straw.

Ara la toco

Now I touch it.

a veure si em diu alguna cosa.

let's see if he tells me something.

Tocaré la xepa.

I will play the xepa.

Que també dóna sort. Escolta, aleshores,

That also brings good luck. Listen, then,

mes de novembre,

more than November,

de moment, no sé que pugui produir-se un canvi

For the moment, I don't know that a change could occur.

que podria ser.

what could it be.

Fins a final de mes, res.

Until the end of the month, nothing.

Potser ve el canvi habitual de finals

Maybe the usual end change is coming.

del mes de novembre.

of November.

Evidentment, és el meu cumpleaños.

Obviously, it's my birthday.

I després,

And then,

en tot cas, desembre, gener

in any case, December, January

i febrer i març,

and February and March,

segons els models,

according to the models,

excepte els francesos,

except the French,

hi ha molta... És a dir, la gent confia molt

there is a lot... That is to say, people trust a lot

en els models francesos. Això ho sabem.

in the French models. We know this.

No? Sempre

No? Always

es parla dels models francesos.

It speaks about the French models.

Meteo France, Meteo France. Perquè ho tenim

Meteo France, Meteo France. Because we have it.

molt a prop, igual, no? No ho sé.

Very close, right? I don't know.

Dani, encerten més els francesos?

Dani, do the French get it right more?

També és una mica

It is also a little bit.

un mite, eh? Però jo penso

A myth, huh? But I think

que als anys 80 i 90 potser sí que

that in the 80s and 90s maybe yes

anaven una miqueta més avançats. Però ara no.

they were a little more advanced. But not now.

Ara jo penso que

Now I think that

les pressions que fem a Catalunya o que fa l'AEMET

the pressures that we exert in Catalonia or that AEMET exerts

de Madrid ja estan molt més afinades.

From Madrid they are already much more refined.

Però fins als anys 90,

But until the 90s,

sí, ens traien

yes, they are taking us away

una miqueta un pas endavant, sí, sí.

a little step forward, yes, yes.

Vale. Aleshores, tindríem

Okay. So, we would have

aquests mesos secs, per una

these dry months, for one

banda, i segons els francesos, més humits,

band, and according to the French, more humid,

amb més precipitacions i més fred.

with more rainfall and colder weather.

Sí? Això és

Yes? This is

el que diuen. Perquè, clar,

what they say. Because, of course,

el fred és important, perquè dius, almenys

The cold is important, because you say, at least.

puc fer neu de cultiu. Molt fred

I can make cultivation snow. Very cold.

no n'anuncia cap, eh?, cap de model. Però

doesn't announce any, huh?, no model. But

precipitació, el francès dona

precipitation, the French woman

desembre i gener més precipitació. És a dir,

December and January have more precipitation. That is to say,

que tots coincideixen en que no farà fred.

that everyone agrees that it won't be cold.

En poc fred, poc fred.

A little cold, a little cold.

Clar, clar. L'anomalia en què quedaria?

Of course, of course. What anomaly would it result in?

Entre 1 i 5?

Between 1 and 5?

De moment, uns 2 graus.

For now, about 2 degrees.

Com si tot l'hivern estigués 2 graus per sobre

As if the whole winter were 2 degrees above.

la mitjana. Més o menys, eh?

The average. More or less, right?

Vale. I això, en cota de neu, seria

Okay. And this, in terms of snow level, would be

200 metres més amunt, més o menys?

200 meters higher, more or less?

Això seria que aquest any

This would mean that this year

costaria, costaria nevar

it would cost, it would cost to snow

a 1.000 metres,

at 1,000 meters,

a 1.500 justet,

to about 1,500,

i que, en general, les nevades estarien

and that, in general, the snowfalls would be

de 1.700, 1.800 cap amunt.

from 1,700, 1,800 upwards.

Bueno, bueno.

Well, well.

Això és el que... És impossible...

This is what... It's impossible...

Són previsions, eh?

They are forecasts, right?

No, vol dir que

No, it means that

de totes les nevades que tinguem,

of all the snowfalls we have,

poden predominar les de cota mitja alta,

those of high mid-altitude may prevail,

i, en canvi, cota baixa n'hi haurà poques,

and, on the other hand, there will be few low quotes,

o quasi cap.

or almost none.

Però estacions d'esquí

But ski resorts

a partir de 1.500, vull dir,

starting from 1,500, I mean,

que nevi més a baix, tampoc no passa res.

let it snow more down below, it doesn’t matter either.

Més còmode per anar a portar els nens a col·le

More convenient for taking the kids to school.

i per anar a fer la compra,

and to go grocery shopping,

si no tenim un pan de neu, m'entens?

if we don't have a snow bread, do you understand me?

Però també fot il·lusió...

But it is also exciting...

Això anima, eh?, que la neu estigui també a baixar.

This is uplifting, isn't it?, that the snow is also down here.

Ara neva a Barcelona

It is snowing in Barcelona now.

i segur que omple les pistes.

And I'm sure it fills the tracks.

És veritat o no, Dani?

Is it true or not, Dani?

Sí, clar,

Yes, of course,

la neu sempre fa molta il·lusió

Snow always brings a lot of excitement.

i fa que la gent, doncs,

and makes people, then,

li agafi una mena de bogeria, eh?,

he's gone a bit mad, eh?

i comences a comprar kits d'esquí,

and you start buying ski kits,

i hi haurà anoracs i esquís,

and there will be parkas and skis,

i t'anima la temporada.

And it encourages the season.

I anar a les estacions d'esquí, que hi hagi neu,

I go to the ski resorts, where there is snow.

al Nadal, no?, al poble, a Puigcerdà,

at Christmas, right?, in the village, in Puigcerdà,

a Viella, que hi hagi neu, dius

in Viella, that there is snow, you say.

oh, que bonic, i la gent s'anima,

oh, how lovely, and the people get excited,

que s'apresca, sí, sí.

let it be learned, yes, yes.

Es fa com una il·lusió i com un ambient de neu,

It creates an illusion and a snowy atmosphere,

no?, que això darrerament

no? that this lately

s'ha perdut una mica.

It has been a little lost.

De moment no hi confieu gaire.

At the moment, don't trust it too much.

És a dir, que lo de les cotes de neu,

That is to say, the issue of the snow levels,

es pensa quasi segur que

it is almost certainly thought that

serà difícil veure neu per sota

It will be difficult to see snow below.

de 1.400 metres, aproximadament.

of approximately 1,400 meters.

Sí, costarà

Yes, it will be hard.

que alguna nevada forta arribi a 1.500,

that a heavy snowfall reaches 1,500,

més avall, sí, sí.

Further down, yes, yes.



Mirem la part positiva. Menys calefacció,

Let's look on the bright side. Less heating,

menys despesa, m'entens?

less expense, do you understand me?

Menys contaminació.

Less pollution.

Menys contaminació, sí, sí.

Less pollution, yes, yes.

Escolta'm una cosa, abans d'acabar,

Listen to me for a moment, before we finish,

perquè ja hem arribat quasi al final.

because we have almost reached the end.

Vaig llegir, no sé on, que hi havia estat

I read, I don't know where, that I had been there.

un any, aquest, de força

a year, this one, of strength



de tempestes

of storms


solar panels.

De tempestes solars? Sí, això ho havies sentit

About solar storms? Yes, you had heard that.

a parlar, Dani? Sí, sí, sí.

Are we going to talk, Dani? Yes, yes, yes.

Això influeix?

Does this influence?

Hi ha un cicle, sí, hi ha

There is a cycle, yes, there is.

uns cicles que duren entre 8 i 10 anys

cycles that last between 8 and 10 years

i que fa

and what does it do

que arribi més o menys energia

that more or less energy arrives

del Sol cap

from the Sun towards

al sistema d'atmosfera i oceans

to the atmosphere and ocean system

de la Terra. I teòricament

of the Earth. And theoretically

entre el 23 i el 24

between the 23rd and the 24th

teníem un mínim. Perdó, 22-23.

We had a minimum. Sorry, 22-23.

Per tant, això ja

Therefore, this already

hauria passat. I fixa't que els dos últims

would have happened. And notice that the last two

anys, vaja,

years, wow,

a cap lloc de l'hemisferi nord

at the top of the northern hemisphere

pràcticament no hi ha hagut una

there has practically not been one

situació de gran fred.

situation of great cold.

També és veritat que això està coincidint amb un

It is also true that this is coinciding with a

volcà molt potent. I aquest

very powerful volcano. And this

minyó tan potent també fa que l'atmosfera

such a powerful boy also makes the atmosphere

i els oceans estiguin més calents.

and the oceans are warmer.

I després hi va haver

And then there was

una gran erupció, ara fa un any i mig,

a great eruption, a year and a half ago,


of that

volcà subaquàtic a sota

submarine volcano underneath

el mar, que

the sea, which

diuen que també està influenciant,

they say it is also influencing,

no està demostrat al 100%, però és una hipòtesi

It is not proven 100%, but it is a hypothesis.

de treball, que les

of work, that the

temperatures tan altes del 2022 i

temperatures as high as in 2022 and

23 podrien ser

23 could be

la gran evaporació

the great evaporation

d'aigua marina que va fer aquest volcà,

of seawater that this volcano made,

que es deia Tonga,

that was called Tonga,

no sé què Tonga, ara no me'n recordo.

I don't know what Tonga, I don’t remember right now.

Doncs el Tonga

So the Tonga

va fer una gran

he/she did a great

erupció sota el mar, va evaporar

eruption under the sea, it evaporated

tanta aigua que aquesta aigua quan puja

so much water that this water when it rises

l'atmosfera fa l'efecte hivernacle,

the atmosphere creates the greenhouse effect,

igual que la contaminació. L'aigua,

just like pollution. The water,

el vapor d'aigua, les partícules

the water vapor, the particles

d'aigua estan considerades d'efecte hivernacle

Water is considered a greenhouse effect.

i fa que la temperatura del planeta pugi.

and causes the planet's temperature to rise.

Llavors va ser

Then it was

tan, tan descomunal

so, so enormous

la quantitat d'aigua

the amount of water

que va injectar l'atmosfera,

that injected the atmosphere,

que diuen que això

they say that this

ha contribuït a escalfar

has contributed to warming

el planeta.

the planet.

Déu-n'hi-do per un volcà.

Wow, what a volcano!

I això del niño y la niña y la niña

And this about the boy and the girl and the girl.

y el niño, i tothom diu la seva,

and the child, and everyone has their say,

si la niña nieva, no, que nevará con el niño.

If the girl snows, no, she will snow with the boy.

Qui diu això del niño y la niña?

Who says this about the boy and the girl?

El niño

The child

és un fenomen que es dona a l'oceà Pacífic,

it is a phenomenon that occurs in the Pacific Ocean,

a la zona de l'Ecuador

in the area of Ecuador



i que s'escalfa

and it gets warm

en totes les aigües del

in all the waters of the

Pacífic Sud. El que passa

South Pacific. What is happening

és que això té una repercussió,

it's that this has an impact,

és una massa d'aigua tan extensa

it is such an extensive body of water

que té una repercussió, l'atmosfera és com

that has an impact, the atmosphere is like

una peça de putle,

a piece of junk,

de trencaclosques.

of puzzles.

Però aquesta peça

But this piece

pesa molt, pesa molt, i les contagia

it weighs a lot, it weighs a lot, and it infects them

una mica, les encomana una mica,

a little, it entrusts them a little,

i tot es capgira, tot es capgira.

And everything turns upside down, everything turns upside down.

I llavors, doncs, en banys de ninho

And then, in the nests' baths.



a la península, i especialment a la Mediterrània,

on the peninsula, and especially in the Mediterranean,

tenim sequeres. Això també està comprovat.

we have droughts. This is also proven.

Sí, con el niño, sequeras.

Yes, with the child, droughts.

I amb la nínia seria

And with the serious girl.

lo contrari, o no? Sí, sí.

The opposite, right? Yes, yes.

El ninho

The nest

comporta grans inundacions

it causes great floods

a Centramèrica, sobretot

to Central America, especially

la part de Bolívia,

the part of Bolivia,

alguns sectors de Brasil,

some sectors of Brazil,

el país d'Ecuador,

the country of Ecuador,

aquella zona d'Amèrica

that area of America

té les aigües calentes i plou molt. Però

it has hot waters and it rains a lot. But

a la nostra part Mediterrània, més allà,

to our Mediterranean side, beyond,

et comporta sequeres. I quan hi ha

it behaves droughts. And when there is

nínia, en principi, seria una mica al revés.

Nínia, in principle, would be a bit the other way around.

La nínia allà els dona sequera,

The girl there gives them drought,

a Chile, etcètera,

to Chile, etcetera,

i, en canvi, a nosaltres ens donaria més...

and, on the other hand, it would give us more...

Més precipitacions.

More precipitation.

Més precipitacions, però

More precipitation, but

el cicle del ninho a la nínia no està

the cycle of the nymph to the nymph is not present

molt establert, pot fluctuar

very established, can fluctuate

entre dos i set anys, i, per tant,

between two and seven years, and therefore,

costa molt fer pronòstics d'artermini.

It's very hard to make predictions about artermine.

Fa col·león la gana, no? I ara què tenim,

Hunger makes you greedy, right? And now what do we have,

ninho o nínia? Mira, ara

boy or girl? Look, now

està a la moda LGTBI+,

it is in the LGTBI+ fashion,

per tant, no sé si és ninho o nínia.

therefore, I don't know if it is a boy or a girl.

No, ara és l'e, és l'e.

No, now it’s the e, it’s the e.

No, me sembla que és

No, I think it is.

ninho, ara. No, ara estem

"ninho, now. No, now we are"

a ninho. A ninho, vale. Però,

to a nest. To a nest, okay. But,

a més a més, un ninho que supera els dos

in addition, a nest that exceeds two

graus... Que no plora, que no plora.

Degrees... Don't cry, don't cry.

Ninho gordo. A nosaltres ens ha salit un ninho

Fat nest. We have found a nest.

gordo, grande. Sí, sí,

fat, big. Yes, yes,

ho anomenem super ninho.

we call it super ninho.

Super ninho, hòstia. I tenim

Super ninho, damn. And we have.

i no hi ha no binaris o

and there are no non-binaries or

nínies? No ho sé,

children? I don't know,

no ho sé, tot va canviant.

I don't know, everything is changing.

El tema és canviar la societat.

The topic is changing society.

Però, de moment, de moment, és ninho i

But, for now, for now, it is a nest and

nínia. Sí, sí. No liem

Ninia. Yes, yes. We won't read.

la troca més, que ja en tenim prou.

Enough with the nonsense, we're tired of it.

Ja en descobriran de més, segur.

They will surely discover more.

Sí, bueno. Bueno, està

Yes, well. Well, it is.

interessant el programa perquè... Ja s'ha acabat?

interesting the program because... Has it ended already?

Sí, sí, ja ha passat. A banda

Yes, yes, it has already happened. Besides.

de fer una reflexió respecte

to reflect on

al que ha passat tot aquest temps

to what has happened all this time

d'estiu i de tardor,

of summer and autumn,

el poder mirar un pelme senyà,

the power to look a bit serious,

tot i que no

even though not

són bones notícies, no ens enganyem,

these are good news, let's not deceive ourselves,

però no deixen de ser prediccions

but they are still just predictions

i, per tant, que no falti

and, therefore, let it not be missing

l'espelma al sant,

the candle to the saint,

sant, sant, sant és el senyor.

Holy, holy, holy is the Lord.

Per tant, els que vulgueu

Therefore, those of you who want

portar un espelma, podeu portar, perquè

bring a candle, you can bring, because

de pelma ja en tinc un aquí, que es diu Tato.

I already have a pest here, his name is Tato.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Però jo sempre dic,

But I always say,

per sort, ningú pot

Fortunately, no one can.

manipular o

manipulate or

dominar el temps, no? I

master time, right? I

al final farà el que vulgui.

In the end, he will do what he wants.

I com que farà el que vulgui, tampoc ens hem de...

And since he will do what he wants, we shouldn't...

Hòstia, noné,

Damn, no way,

em mataré, no?

I'm going to kill myself, right?

Hi ha moltes coses per fer, hi ha moltes alternatives

There are many things to do, there are many alternatives.

i ja nevarà, que deia el Paquito, no?

"And it will snow, as Paquito used to say, right?"

No podem fer res,

We can't do anything.

tampoc val la pena

it's not worth it either

amargar-se més de la conta. No, adaptar-se.

to bitter oneself more than necessary. No, to adapt.

Correcte. No pots discar.

Correct. You cannot dial.

Per exemple, tu fas

For example, you do.

bicicleta, Dani?

bicycle, Dani?

No, tu sí que fas.

No, you do.

Va en bicicleta per Barcelona, no?

He rides a bike around Barcelona, doesn't he?

Tu no vas en cotxe, vas en bicicleta, no?

You don't go by car, you go by bike, right?

No, és que no tinc cotxe. Jo ja fa 5 anys

No, it's just that I don't have a car. I haven't had one for 5 years.

que vaig decidir tren i bicicleta.

that I decided train and bicycle.

Jo vaig en tren i bicicleta. Això està molt bé.

I go by train and bicycle. That's great.

I la pasta que t'estalvies.

And the money you save.


I save myself

bastant i m'estic fent uns

enough and I'm making some

500 km al mes.

500 km per month.

Déu-n'hi-do, eh?

Goodness gracious, huh?

El que passa és que, clar, que amb cotxe

What happens is that, of course, with a car

tens 30-36.000

you have 30-36,000


the year,

i ara amb bicicleta, doncs, estic amb això,

And now with a bicycle, well, I'm with that,

estic amb uns 5.000-6.000.

I have about 5,000-6,000.

Es nota que fas un altre tipus de vida.

It shows that you live a different kind of life.

No arribes tan lluny,

You don't get so far,

i no puges tant al Pirineu, per no dir

and you don't go up to the Pyrenees so much, not to say

pràcticament zero, però fas una vida

practically zero, but you live a life

més tranquil·la, quilòmetre zero,

more peaceful, kilometer zero,

amb poca contaminació, una mica més de salut,

with little pollution, a bit more health,

i a més a més, és que jo he anat sempre amb bicicleta,

and moreover, I have always gone by bike,

sempre m'ha agradat, però ara més.

I have always liked it, but now I like it even more.

I molt prim, et mantens

And very thin, you keep yourself.

molt prim.

very thin.

Menjo, eh? Menjo molt, però és clar,

I eat, right? I eat a lot, but of course,



La bicicleta és crema.

The bicycle is cream.

Cremo molta quilocaloria.

We burn a lot of kilocalories.

Perfecte. Doncs, Dani,

Perfect. So, Dani,

moltes gràcies per haver parlat amb tu,

thank you very much for having spoken with you,

sempre és un plaer i sempre aprenem coses

It is always a pleasure and we always learn things.

parlant amb experts

talking with experts

de la matèria.

of the matter.

Espero que aviat puguem dir que

I hope that soon we can say that

està tot nevat,

it's all snowy,

perquè pinta una mica

because it paints a little

que està tot pelau.

that everything is messed up.

Tu saps...

You know...

i ho podem celebrar.

And we can celebrate it.

Saps perfectament que després del pelat

You know perfectly well that after the peeling.

ve el nevat.

he comes the snowy.

Ho saps. Així que...

You know it. So...

Bueno, perfecte. Doncs moltes gràcies,

Well, perfect. So thank you very much.

Dani. Ja tornarem a parlar aviat.

Dani. We'll talk again soon.

Vinga. Adéu, adéu.

Come on. Goodbye, goodbye.

Adéu. Gràcies.

Goodbye. Thank you.

I fins aquí el programa

And this is the end of the program.

d'avui. Us esperem la propera setmana

from today. We look forward to seeing you next week.

amb nou programa. No, la

with a new program. No, the

propera setmana no. Ja ho sabia, sabia

next week no. I already knew, I knew

que t'anava a ser equivocat. S'ha acabat

I was going to be wrong. It's over.

el tato pelat de la temporada.

the shaved tattoo of the season.

És un desastre. D'aquí a poquet, tato nevat.

It's a disaster. There will be a little snow soon.

Sí, tato nevat. Us esperem, us esperem.

Yes, snowy tato. We are waiting for you, we are waiting for you.

Us esperem què? Què?

We wait for you what? What?

El tato nevat. Ah, vale, vale. El tato nevat

The snow tattoo. Ah, okay, okay. The snow tattoo.

que escolteu.

that you listen.

Envia'ns un correu a tato

Send us an email at tato.

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at gam fm dot com

i participa del programa més pelat

and participate in the most stripped program

de la radiodifusió piranaica

of the piratical broadcasting




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