1er Aniversari de Sexrovires



1er Aniversari de Sexrovires


Sóc en Peter Hendrik i estàs escoltant un programa sobre sexualitat

I am Peter Hendrik and you are listening to a program about sexuality.

on tabú i censura no hi tenen cabuda.

Taboo and censorship have no place here.

Si vols riure mentre parlem sobre aspectes curiosos de la sexualitat,

If you want to laugh while we talk about curious aspects of sexuality,

aquest és el teu lloc.

this is your place.

Mai el seny, basta de anar a prop de la rauxa.

Never reason, enough of getting close to the folly.

Apuja el volum, posa't còmode i gaudeix el trajecte.

Turn up the volume, get comfortable, and enjoy the ride.

Un pis de parada?

A stop apartment?

Sex Rubires!

Sex Rubies!

La sexia, la IA més sexubirenca.

The sexia, the most sexuberant AI.

Estàs preparada?

Are you ready?

Doncs comencem!

So let's get started!

Un any té 365 dies.

A year has 365 days.

8.760 hores.

8,760 hours.

525.600 minuts.

525,600 minutes.

I 31.536.000 segons.

I 31,536,000 seconds.

Avui a Sex Rubires estem discutint

Today at Sex Rubires we are discussing.

un projecte de celebració.

a celebration project.

I és que després d'un any hem aconseguit crear i produir

And it is that after a year we have managed to create and produce.

un total de 24 capítols repartits en dues temporades.

A total of 24 episodes spread over two seasons.

I tot gràcies a l'esforç.

And all thanks to the effort.

Gràcies a la perseverança.

Thanks to perseverance.

Gràcies a la creativitat de tot un equip

Thanks to the creativity of a whole team.

que ha treballat i treballa per trencar amb els tabús

who has worked and works to break the taboos

que hi ha amb tot el que envolta la sexualitat.

what is there with everything that surrounds sexuality.

Perquè Sex Rubires és molt més que un programa.

Because Sex Rubires is much more than a program.

Sex Rubires és història.

Sex Rubires is history.

Sex Rubires és sexualitat responsable d'actualitat i de qualitat.

Sex Rubires is responsible, current, and quality sexuality.

Sex Rubires és entrevistes amb humor i empatia

Sex Rubires is interviews with humor and empathy.

i programes amb seny, però també amb molta rauxa.

and programs with common sense, but also with a lot of rashness.

Per això, tant si fa una hora, un dia o un any que ens escoltes,

That's why, whether you've been listening to us for an hour, a day, or a year,

et donem la benvinguda al nostre programa.

we welcome you to our program.

Et donem la benvinguda a la nostra família.

We welcome you to our family.

Et donem la benvinguda a Sex Rubires.

We welcome you to Sex Rubires.

I parlant d'efemèrides,

And speaking of anniversaries,

la que té constància de milers d'anys de celebracions

the one that has a record of thousands of years of celebrations

és la nostra deessa de la història, la Irene Hernández.

She is our goddess of history, Irene Hernández.

Què ens portes avui?

What do you bring us today?

Hola, Pitar. Estàs preparat perquè avui et poso a examen.

Hello, Pitar. Are you ready because today I'm going to test you.

Ui, ui, ui, mira que no has estudiat, eh?

Oh, oh, oh, look who's not studied, huh?

No has estudiat?

Haven't you studied?

Doncs ara et posaré a tu a prova i a tots els sex rubirencs

Well, now I will put you and all the sex rubirencs to the test.

perquè he fet un recull de 14 preguntes.

Because I have made a collection of 14 questions.

I he fet un recull de 14 preguntes.

I have compiled a collection of 14 questions.

I he fet un recull de 14 preguntes sobre temes diferents

I have made a compilation of 14 questions on different topics.

que hem anat parlant en aquesta secció d'història.

that we have been discussing in this history section.

Estàs preparat?

Are you ready?

Si ho veig molt xungo, alguna pistilla, no?

If I see it very bad, any hint, right?

Bueno, va, et meto pistes, t'ho accepto.

Okay, fine, I'll give you hints, I accept it.

Va, vinga.

Come on.

Molt bé, comencem amb la primera pregunta.

Very well, let's start with the first question.

Existia l'anell vibrador abans del segle XXI, sí o no?

Did the vibrating ring exist before the 21st century, yes or no?

Va, me la jugo amb el sí, me la jugo amb el sí.

Come on, I'm going for it with a yes, I'm going for it with a yes.

Correcte, molt bé, Pitar.

Correct, very good, Pitar.

Vam parlar en el capítol de les joguines sexuals

We talked about sexual toys in the chapter.

que a la Xina del segle XII,

that in China in the 12th century,

ja utilitzaven anells de perpella de cabra, te'n recordes?

they already used goat hair rings, do you remember?

Perquè tenien l'objectiu de mantenir l'erecció

Because they aimed to maintain the erection.

i amb les pestanyes que les havien mantingut intactes

and with the eyelashes that had kept them intact

acariciar la vulva.

to caress the vulva.

Va ser una cosa molt curiosa de descobrir.

It was a very curious thing to discover.

La veritat és que sí.

The truth is that yes.

No me'n recordava què era de les cabres,

I couldn't remember what it was about the goats,

però alguna cosa em sonava.

but something sounded familiar to me.

Una cosa així fastigoseta d'animal i perpella.

A disgusting thing like that, animal and ugly.

Molt bé, molt bé.

Very good, very good.

Primera pregunta acertada, portes un punt.

First correct question, you earn one point.



I ara, segona pregunta.

And now, second question.

Aviam si m'entens.

Let's see if you understand me.

Amb quin altre nom es coneix a Margareta Gertruida Zelle?

What other name is Margareta Gertruida Zelle known by?

Aquesta és de casa meva, de l'Eubarda.

This is from my home, from Eubarda.



T'anava a demanar consell per la pronunciació,

I was going to ask you for advice on pronunciation,

però he dit, potser ho he fet bé.

but I said, maybe I did it right.

A veure, repeteix la pregunta, què era?

Let's see, repeat the question, what was it?

Amb quin altre nom es coneix a Margareta Gertruida Zelle?

What is Margareta Gertruida Zelle also known as?


Mata Hari?

Molt bé, molt bé, Peter, correcte.

Very good, very good, Peter, correct.

Quan vam parlar del Latin Lovers,

When we talked about the Latin Lovers,

vam parlar del Casanovas i també de la Matajari,

we talked about Casanovas and also about Mata Hari,

que era aquesta, la Margareta, que va fer un canvi de vida

who was this, Margareta, who made a change in her life

i es guanyava els diners fent balls sensuals

and she earned money by doing sensual dances.

en una època una mica amb molta controvèrsia.

in a somewhat controversial time.

I va morir perquè la van...

She died because they...

Bueno, la van acusar de ser una espia a la Segona Guerra Mundial.

Well, she was accused of being a spy in World War II.

Que ho era, que ho era.

What it was, what it was.

Va tenir...

He had...

Que ho era, això diuen.

That was it, they say.

Va ser un final molt tràgic.

It was a very tragic ending.

Molt bé, molt bé, portes dos de dos, molt bé, Peter.

Very good, very good, you have two out of two, very good, Peter.

Aviam si amb aquesta tercera pregunta també te n'ensurs.

Let's see if you can manage with this third question as well.

Pregunta número 3.

Question number 3.

Quina beguda feia servir Moctezuma per millorar les seves relacions sexuals?

What drink did Moctezuma use to enhance his sexual relations?

Jo diria a l'estiu, a l'hivern, cacaolat calent, no?

I would say in the summer, in the winter, hot cacaolat, right?

Bueno, va, te la dono per vàlida,

Well, okay, I'll accept it as valid.

perquè era una beguda a base de cacau,

because it was a drink based on cocoa,

de la qual vam parlar,

of which we talked,

en el nostre capítol dels afrodisíacs.

in our chapter on aphrodisiacs.

Chica, bueno, bueno, va, te l'agafo.

Girl, well, well, okay, I'll take it.

Tot i que el cacaolat potser està més bo, eh?

Although the Cacaolat might taste better, huh?

No ho sé jo, que la beguda del Moctezuma...

I don't know, the drink of Moctezuma...

No ho sé, no ho podem comparar, no?

I don't know, we can't compare it, can we?

No ho podrem comparar.

We won't be able to compare it.

Molt bé, pregunta número 4.

Very well, question number 4.

Aviam si m'entens la ratxa.

Let's see if you understand my streak.

A veure.

Let's see.

Verdadé o fals? Existeix un Kama Sutra català.

True or false? A Catalan Kama Sutra exists.

Home, i tant. A casa nostra hi ets nostre.

Home, of course. In our home, you are one of us.

Muack, muack, jo aquesta no te la dono.

Kiss, kiss, I'm not giving you this one.

No sé si et dóna el tabac. Un canó, un canó.

I don't know if it gives you the tobacco. A cannon, a cannon.

No hi ha, no hi ha Kama Sutra català.

There is no, there is no Catalan Kama Sutra.

Si em dius el nom, te la dono per vàlida.

If you tell me the name, I'll accept it as valid.

No, ja no arribo a tant, eh? Tant no arribo.

No, I can't go that far, okay? I can't go that far.



Algú amb tabarratina, o què?

Someone with a tabarratina, or what?

Bueno, va, te la donaré per vàlida,

Well, okay, I will accept it as valid.

perquè has dit que sí que existeix un Kama Sutra català.

because you said that a Catalan Kama Sutra does exist.

És verdadé, es diu Speculum al Foder,

It's true, it's called Speculum al Foder,

que és un llibre medieval en català, d'autor anònim,

it is a medieval book in Catalan, by an anonymous author,

i pretén ser un tractat sobre les bones maneres sexuals.

It aims to be a treatise on good sexual manners.

És el que anava a dir jo.

That's what I was going to say.

Ho tenies a la puta de la llengua.

You had it on the tip of your tongue.

Es tracta del primer manual eròtic europeu,

It is the first European erotic manual.

i també ho vam tractar en el capítol de Set Cruïdades del Kama Sutra.

And we also addressed it in the chapter on the Seven Deadly Sins of the Kama Sutra.

Següent pregunta.

Next question.

Va, seguirem pel sí.

Come on, we'll go for yes.

Aquí t'he enganyat, era pregunta trampa.

Here I tricked you, it was a trick question.

És fals, va ser una monja, la primera.

It is false, she was a nun, the first one.

La anomenada Hildegard von Bingen.

The so-called Hildegard von Bingen.

Però la von Bingen aquesta era la reina de nuestros corazones.

But the von Bingen was the queen of our hearts.

O sigui que en part sí que ho era, no?

So in part it was, right?

Bueno, si me la vols colar així, més o menys.

Well, if you want to pull it off like that, more or less.

Me la he donat com a errònia.

I have taken it as erroneous.

Quantes porto, llavors?

How many do I have, then?

Portes quatre de cinc.

You need four out of five.

De moment vas molt bé, vas molt bé.

At the moment, you are doing very well, you are doing very well.

Aviam, següent.

Let's see, next.

Com es deia la mili per dones en l'època franquista?

What was the military service for women called during the Franco era?

La sección femenina?

The women's section?

Molt bé, correcte.

Very good, correct.

Si és que com es nota que aprens un món d'història...

If it shows that you learn a world of history...

Recordo el vídeo que vas fotre, que és superxulo.

I remember the video you made, which is super cool.

La veritat és que em va encantar.

The truth is that I loved it.

Molt bé, molt bé.

Very well, very well.

El podeu veure per TikTok, si voleu.

You can see it on TikTok if you want.

Passeu per les xarxes de TikTok a SexoGueras

Check out TikTok at SexoGueras.

i veieu el vídeo de la Irene.

And watch Irene's video.

Ara sí, aquesta va de Reis, i no t'enganyo.

Now yes, this is about Kings, and I'm not lying to you.

Qui va ser el rei del porno?

Who was the king of porn?

Una pista, quan et dic rei és literal, eh?

A hint, when I say king it’s literal, okay?

Perquè va ser rei del porno literalment.

Because he was literally the king of porn.

Ah, i de qui?

Ah, and of whom?

O sigui, rei espanyol.

So, Spanish king.

D'aquí d'Espanya, correcte.

From here in Spain, correct.

Jo et diria que hi ha tants Alfons.

I would tell you that there are so many Alfons.

Algun Alfons d'aquests.

Some of these Alfonse.

Un 10, 11, o 12, o algo així, o 13.

A 10, 11, or 12, or something like that, or 13.

Ostres, molt bé, Peter.

Wow, very good, Peter.

Alfons XII.

Alfonso XII.

Ets un màquina, eh?

You’re a machine, huh?

Va ser, recordem-nos d'aquest nom,

It was, let's remember this name,

Alfonso León Fernando María Jaime Isidro Pascual Antonio de Borbón

Alfonso León Fernando María Jaime Isidro Pascual Antonio of Bourbon

y Habsburgo Lorena.

and Habsburg Lorraine.

És el que anava a dir, m'anava a arrencar,

It's what I was going to say, I was about to burst out.

però estava fent un glob d'aigua ara mateix.

but I was making a water balloon right now.

Això és el que et feia dubtar, entre 11 i 12,

This is what made you doubt, between 11 and 12.

dius, ostres, és que ara no sé si era Habsburgo Lorena

You say, wow, I don’t know if it was Habsburg Lorraine.

o era solamente Habsburgo.

or it was only Habsburg.

Molt bé, molt bé.

Very good, very good.



Verdadero o fals?

True or false?

Sí, és menys difícil.

Yes, it’s less difficult.

El marit de la Frida Kahlo li va posar les banyes

Frida Kahlo's husband cheated on her.

amb la seva germana.

with her sister.

Tornarem per sí. Quan és verdadero o fals,

We will return for sure. When is it true or false?

sempre jo abogo pel sí.

I always advocate for yes.

Correcte, correcte.

Correct, correct.

Li va posar les banyes amb la seva germana Cristina

He cheated on her with his sister Cristina.

i bueno, ja vam veure que la Frida Kahlo

Well, we already saw that Frida Kahlo.

va tenir una vida amorosa molt, molt complicada.

He had a very, very complicated love life.

Si ho voleu sentir...

If you want to hear it...

La llave la cançó, la M ella, Cristina, Cristina, Cristina.

The key the song, the M her, Cristina, Cristina, Cristina.

No, aquesta no la pot sentir la Frida,

No, Frida can't hear this one.

aviam, se'n revolve en su tumba cada cop que sona.

Let’s see, he turns in his grave every time it sounds.

Vale, queden tres preguntes.

Okay, there are three questions left.





Per què parlem de la nostra mitja taronja?

Why do we talk about our better half?

D'on surt aquesta expressió?

Where does this expression come from?

Jo és que m'he quedat amb lo de la poma sencera de l'Elisa.

I was left with the whole apple thing from Elisa.

Jo he eliminat completament lo de la mitja taronja,

I have completely eliminated the half orange.

és com red flag.

It's like a red flag.

Bueno, et dono una pista, has de filosofar una mica.

Well, I'll give you a hint, you need to philosophize a bit.

Alguna cosa d'Aristòteles, Plató, no...

Something about Aristotle, Plato, no...



Sí, molt bé.

Yes, very good.

Ve del banquet de Plató,

It comes from Plato's banquet,

on allà es reuneixen uns quants per filosofar

there a few gather to philosophize

quin és l'origen de l'home, no?,

what is the origin of man, right?

i comencen a parlar que és un cert,

and they start to talk as if it is a fact,

que són dos homes o dues dones en forma esfèrica

that are two men or two women in spherical form

i que són separats perquè...

and they are separated because...

És que hi ha aquella paranoia, no?

It's that there is that paranoia, right?

Està correcte, una paranoia molt heavy,

It's correct, a very heavy paranoia.

que si la voleu sentir completa ja teniu el capítol.

if you want to hear it completely, you already have the chapter.

I següent pregunta, penúltima pregunta.

And the next question, second to last question.



On es troba el famós friap del que vam parlar

Where is the famous friap we talked about?

en el capítol 7 de la segona temporada?

In chapter 7 of the second season?

Bueno, segona temporada, quan vam tornar de la pausa,

Well, second season, when we came back from the break,

diguem-ne, del Nadal.

let's call it Christmas.

Ai, sí, ja està.

Oh, yes, it's done.

Vam parlar d'un friap...

We talked about a freak...

Ja està, ja està, ja el tinc.

I've got it, I've got it, I've got it.

Mira que soc dolent per aquestes coses, eh?

Look how bad I am at these things, huh?

Jo diria que és a Busta Franks.

I would say that it is in Busta Franks.

Molt bé!

Very good!

Ostres, que ho estàs bordant, eh?

Wow, you're really crushing it, huh?

Molt bé, molt bé, molt bé.

Very good, very good, very good.

Última pregunta.

Last question.


Come on.

Quin curiós accessori es portava a l'entrecuix antigament?

What curious accessory was worn in the crotch in ancient times?

I, en pregunta ultrabonus, quin nom té?

I, in the ultra-bonus question, what is the name?

Quin curiós accessori es portava a l'entrecuix...

What a curious accessory was worn in the crotch...

La perruca, la perruca, la perruca, espera.

The wig, the wig, the wig, wait.

Molt bé, correcte.

Very good, correct.

I per un superpunto d'euro, te'n recordes el nom?

And for a super point of a euro, do you remember the name?

Sí, perquè me'n recordo de la conya que vaig fer del Merkin Dicing.

Yes, because I remember the joke I made about Merkin Dicing.

Molt bé!

Very well!

Molt bé, tu i jo, Merkin!

Very well, you and I, Merkin!

Ostres, molt bé, bravo!

Wow, very good, bravo!

Gràcia, aprovadíssim, eh?

Thank you, very approved, huh?

Hem escoltat els nostres capítols 50.000 cops.

We have listened to our chapters 50,000 times.

Es nota que les hores d'edició també fan el seu forat al cervell.

You can tell that the hours of editing also take their toll on the brain.

Molt bé, molt bé, Peter.

Very good, very good, Peter.

Estàs aprovat amb matrícula d'honor a la Història Sexo-Rubineta.

You are approved with honors in the Sex-Rubineta History.

Ja està, no hi ha més preguntes.

That's it, there are no more questions.


Very clear.

No hi ha més preguntes.

There are no more questions.

Se m'ha fet curt, eh? Se m'ha fet curt.

It feels short to me, huh? It feels short to me.

A veure, Irene, jo també tinc un joc per tu.

Let's see, Irene, I also have a game for you.

I aquest cop no he sortit al carrer a fer entrevistes,

And this time I didn't go out to the street to do interviews,

sinó que he decidit que siguin les entrevistes que vinguin a nosaltres.

but I have decided that the interviews will come to us.

És un joc de... Aquí les cartes s'han canviat.

It's a game of... Here the cards have been changed.

Sí, i com que tu saps un munt sobre el passat,

Yes, and since you know a lot about the past,

he decidit fer una recopilació dels cinc millors talls

I have decided to compile the five best cuts.

de les entrevistes que hem fet a Sexo-Rubineta durant aquest any.

from the interviews we have conducted at Sexo-Rubineta during this year.

Com te quedes?

How are you?

Wow, I'm ready, baby.

Wow, estic preparat, nadó.

Jo t'explico el que cal a aquest joc.

I'll explain to you what's needed for this game.

El que es tracta aquí és que tu i els oients

What is being dealt with here is that you and the listeners

esbrineu quin capítol pertany cada tall que posaré.

Find out which chapter each section I will provide belongs to.

Estàs preparada?

Are you ready?

Vinga, aviam què puc fer.

Come on, let's see what I can do.

Doncs començarem amb una definició.

Well, we will start with a definition.

És el sexe, per dir-ho ciberètic,

It's sex, to put it cybernetically,

o sigui, a través de missatges o pantalles pel mig o coses així.

that is, through messages or screens in between or things like that.

Doncs com a través de, per exemple, el mòbil,

Well, as through, for example, the mobile phone,

doncs parlar amb algú a distància

so talking to someone from a distance

doncs tenir una relació com afectiva.

well, to have an emotional relationship.

Entenc que intercanviar missatges de caire sexual

I understand that exchanging sexual messages.

amb una persona a través de xat.

with a person through chat.

Fotopoll. Fotopoll.

Fotopoll. Fotopoll.

Enviar mensatges sexuals o amb un mòbil.

Send sexual messages or with a mobile phone.

Converses pujades de to.

Conversations raised in tone.

Per missatges.

By messages.

Missatges guarros.

Filthy messages.

Sí, sobretot a les xarxes socials,

Yes, especially on social media,

tot el que són missatges una mica com els de to, no?

All the messages are a bit like the tone ones, right?

I fotos, fotografies.

And photos, photographs.

Bé, aquesta és facileta.

Well, this one is easy.

Tenim sexe cibernètic,

We have cyber sex,

missatges i pantalles.

messages and screens.

A quin capítol diries que pertany aquest tall?

Which chapter would you say this excerpt belongs to?

Ostres, doncs em fas dubtar, eh?

Wow, you really make me doubt, huh?



Vinga, jo et diria que és el primer de tots, no?

Come on, I would say it's the first of all, right?

Molt bé!

Very good!

Molt bé, amb el capítol número 1.

Very well, with chapter number 1.

Seguim amb el següent tall.

We continue with the following cut.

Pots fer-la funcionar i pot donar-se't fatal

You can make it work and it can go terribly for you.

i tot i així tenir una bona experiència sexual amb aquella persona.

And yet have a good sexual experience with that person.

Vull dir que crec que és una cosa que pot ser petita

I mean that I think it is something that can be small.

i fer-la servir com el cul,

and use it like a butt,

i tot i així que l'altra persona surti contenta d'allà

and still that the other person leaves happy from there

perquè tens moltes altres habilitats.

because you have many other skills.

Importa cómo se utiliza el miembro, entiendo.

It matters how the member is used, I understand.

Es que si la tens com el tronc aquel que tinc aquí al costat,

It's just that if you have it like that trunk that I have here next to me,

pues ni tú ni ella disfrutareu.

well, neither you nor she will enjoy it.

Sí, nois.

Yes, guys.

No la sabes utilizar tan bien, es como cae en saco roto,

You don't know how to use it so well, it's like it falls on deaf ears.

como no hace mucho, ¿no?

Like not long ago, right?

Es como hay que juguetearla, ¿no?, saber moverla.

It's like how you have to play with it, right? Knowing how to move it.

Importante es la precisión.

Importance is precision.

Mira a Messi. Messi es súper bajito.

Look at Messi. Messi is super short.

Y el tío se mete donde quieras, ahí está.

And the guy gets in wherever you want, there he is.

Y no es un tío súper alto.

And he is not a super tall guy.

Y no es un tío súper alto, ¿no?

And he's not a super tall guy, is he?

Continuem a Miami a ver si en Messi la juga molt bé, ¿no?

Let's continue in Miami to see if Messi plays very well, right?

Seguramente la juega bastante tan allá, seguro, ¿eh?

Surely he plays it quite a bit over there, right?

Yo creo que la habilidad...

I believe that the skill...

Aquest cop tenim habilitats, mides i jugar-la bé com Messi.

This time we have skills, measures, and play it well like Messi.

Havíem estat dubtant bastant, eh?,

We had been doubting quite a lot, huh?

perquè he pensat que potser podria sortir del capítol dels orgasmes,

because I thought that maybe I could get out of the chapter of orgasms,

potser el capítol de l'educació sexual,

perhaps the chapter on sexual education,

però després he vist que hi havia una temàtica molt específica.

but then I saw that there was a very specific theme.

Doncs me la jugaré i et diré

Well, I'll take a risk and tell you.

que això ve del capítol dels òrgans genitals,

that this comes from the chapter on genital organs,

els genitals masculins.

the male genitals.

Aquest és el segon capítol de la primera temporada

This is the second episode of the first season.

i és el de la mita sobre la sexualitat.

And it is the one about the myth surrounding sexuality.

Era xunga, era xunga, aquesta.

It was tough, it was tough, this one.

Oh, my God!

Oh, my God!

He anat en puterío.

I have gone to the brothel.

He caigut a la trampa.

I've fallen into the trap.

Estàs preparada per la següent?

Are you ready for the next one?

Vinga, va, he de recuperar, he de recuperar.

Come on, I have to recover, I have to recover.

Una bona i una dolenta, va.

One good one and one bad one, okay.

A veure.

Let's see.



Jo tinc un mini robot.

I have a mini robot.

O sigui, no.

So, no.

Mini, però winy.

Mini, but winy.





Mini, però winy.

Mini, but winy.

Però és mini.

But it's mini.

Ni la mida de la **** ni la mida del pitu.

Neither the size of the **** nor the size of the penis.

Al final és saber-lo usar.

In the end, it's about knowing how to use it.

El que importa és la bateria.

What matters is the battery.

Exacte, la bateria sempre carregada.

Exactly, the battery always charged.

Per mi, no.

Not for me.

A mi és que el que més m'agrada són els anells.

What I like the most are the rings.

Llavors la mida de l'anell importa?

So, does the size of the ring matter?



Pero sí, súper importa.

But yes, it really matters.

El tamaño justo, ¿no?

The right size, right?

El tamaño ni grande ni chico.

Neither big nor small.

¿Cuál es el tamaño justo?

What is the right size?

Ah, no sé, te lo tendría que tener en la mano.

Ah, I don't know, I would have to have it in my hand.

El tamaño Messi.

The size of Messi.

Claro, algo así.

Sure, something like that.

El Messi està a tot arreu, eh?

Messi is everywhere, huh?

Messi és humbi, per exemple.

Messi is humble, for example.

Obre Messi.

Messi opens.

Tenim robots, bateries carregades i com dèiem, el Messi un altre cop.

We have robots, charged batteries and as we said, Messi once again.

Jo crec que aquí m'has volgut fer un petit homenatge i m'has posat el capítol de joguines sexuals,

I think you wanted to pay me a small tribute here and you included the chapter on sex toys.

que és el capítol on jo em vaig estrenar.

it's the chapter where I made my debut.

Molt bé!

Very good!

Com a flex rovirenga, molt bé!

As a flex rovirenga, very well!

Vull dir que anem a posar el capítol on va començar tot.

I mean, let's put the chapter where it all began.

On la nostra deessa de la història va començar a fer els primers passes.

Where our goddess of history began to take her first steps.

Fent un viatge i vaig fer un viatge amb totes les joguines sexuals de la història molt interessant.

On a trip, I took a journey with all the sexual toys in history, very interesting.

Va ser molt guai.

It was very cool.

Amb un tema bastant guapo.

With a pretty nice theme.

A tope.

At full capacity.

Estic a tope.

I'm at my peak.

Dame más.

Give me more.

Yo no.

Not me.

Yo solo he tenido una relación y ha sido monógama y por ahora no.

I have only had one relationship and it has been monogamous, and for now, no.

Tampoco me atrevo.

I don't dare either.

Tú sí, ¿eh?

You, yes, huh?

Tú sí.

You do.

Yo sí.

I do.

A ver, lo he intentado.

Let's see, I've tried.

Teniendo novio, pues he hecho cosas.

Having a boyfriend, well, I have done things.

He hecho cosas.

I have done things.

He hecho cosas con otra persona y...

I've done things with another person and...

¿Pero él no lo sabía?

But didn't he know?





Pero ahora sí, ahora seguro que ya lo sabrá.

But now yes, now he/she will surely know.

¿Quieres decirle algo a la cámara, a esa persona?

Do you want to say something to the camera, to that person?

Que es que si no me daba lo que quería, pues me iba a buscar a otra persona.

That is, if he didn't give me what I wanted, then I would go look for someone else.

¿Tú o ella?

You or her?

¿O eres tú?

Or is it you?

Si la Carol te ha dicho tanto.

If Carol has told you so much.



Monogàmia, banyes i un missatge molt contundent.

Monogamy, horns, and a very strong message.

Doncs aviam, em fa pensar que potser podria ser l'estat d'enamorament

Well, it makes me think that it could be the state of being in love.

perquè aquesta noia estava una mica desenamorada,

because this girl was a little heartbroken,

però la meva resposta és que és un tall del capítol.

but my answer is that it is a cut from the chapter.

Molt bé.

Very good.

De tipus de relacions.

Types of relationships.





Toma allà.

Take that.

Molt bé, molt bé.

Very good, very good.

Estàs on falla.

You are where it fails.

Ara sí, he fallat una, però ara ja no fallo.

Now yes, I have failed once, but now I won't fail again.


Come on.

Vaig a pel nou.

I'm going for the new one.

Un 10.

A 10.

Tu ja tens un 10 als nostres cors.

You already have a 10 in our hearts.

Però ara te l'has de guanyar.

But now you have to earn it.

Un 10 al teu.

A 10 to you.

Ai, gràcies.

Oh, thank you.

Sobretot que vagin amb compte, perquè avui en dia hi ha molts llocos,

Above all, they should be careful, because nowadays there are many places,

i sobretot que deixis clar què és el que vols amb aquesta persona

And above all, make it clear what you want with this person.

i que no ho facis gòstic.

and don't make it Gothic.

Que quan tingues relacions sexuals o ho facis amb alguna nena

That when you have sexual relations or do it with some girl.

que sigui més petita que ell, que no utilitzi la violència

that she is smaller than him, that she does not use violence

o que no sigui tan brusc.

or that is not so sudden.

La violència no s'hauria d'utilitzar mai.

Violence should never be used.

Bueno, però és que hi ha alguns que feien com si es fos acabar el món.

Well, there are some who acted as if the world was going to end.

Madre mía, feien com...

My goodness, they were like...

Que a mi no me volaron las gafas, eh?

That they didn't steal my glasses, okay?

O sea, que te lo prometo.

I mean, I promise you.

Me volaron las gafas.

My glasses flew away.

¿Qué va a pasar?

What is going to happen?

Porque estaban follando y yo llevaba gafas porque no veo un pimiento

Because they were having sex and I was wearing glasses because I can't see a thing.

y ya desde ahí no me las pongo, pero me volaron las gafas.

And from there on, I don't wear them, but my glasses flew off.

Te aumentaron las dioptrías.

Your prescription has increased.



Que no se fíen de la gente, porque son abuelos siempre.

Don't trust people, because they are always grandparents.

Sí, que solo quieren follar y...

Yes, they just want to fuck and...

Al menos te quieren dar dinero, pero si no tienen dinero, pues no.

At least they want to give you money, but if they don't have money, then no.

Eso se le llama prostitución, ¿no?

That's called prostitution, isn't it?

¡No, hombre!

No, man!

Se acaba de dilatar, se acaba de dilatar.

It just got dilated, it just got dilated.

¿Qué le dará Ica a todo el mundo?

What will Ica give to everyone?

Total, no tiene nada que perder.

Overall, he has nothing to lose.

Está bien.

It's okay.

Conoces a la gente, sí, total.

You know people, yes, totally.

Si te aparece, yo qué sé, te pone de nombre, se llama Sara y después te aparece Paco,

If it appears to you, I don't know, it is named, it's called Sara and then Paco appears to you,

bueno, pues te echa una cerveza, aunque sea.

Well, then he pours you a beer, at least.

Vinga, va, aquí es decideix tot.

Come on, this is where everything is decided.

Sin presiones, eh?

No pressure, okay?

Quin capítol és?

Which chapter is it?

Mira, estava bastant convençuda de que era de l'educació sexual,

Look, I was quite convinced that it was about sex education,

perquè entre que era de consells i tal...

because between being about advice and such...

Però després, quan la noia ha dit...

But then, when the girl said...

Normalmente siempre son mayores,

They are usually older.

ja m'ha fet sospitar,

it has already made me suspicious,

i ja després, amb el que quedes com Sara i aparece Paco,

And then, with what remains, like Sara, Paco appears.

he dit, definitivament, aquest és el capítol de les altres ciutats.

I have said, definitely, this is the chapter of the other cities.

Molt bé, Irene!

Very good, Irene!

Has demostrat per què ets la deessa de la història.

You have demonstrated why you are the goddess of history.

De la història sexluminenca.

Of the sexluminen history.

Bueno, la veritat és que, Irene, com que avui és un dia molt especial,

Well, the truth is that, Irene, since today is a very special day,

saps que jo soc un nyonyo d'aquests,

you know that I'm one of those nerds,

i, bàsicament, moltes gràcies per totes les curiositats,

and, basically, thank you very much for all the curiosities,

pels personatges històrics que ens has portat durant aquest any de programa,

for the historical figures you have brought us during this year of the program,

que es pot dir que aquest any, Irene, mira'm als ulls,

what can be said is that this year, Irene, look me in the eyes,

aquest any estàs fent història,

this year you are making history,

perquè a part d'aquest podcast, també estàs fent un altre podcast, no?

Because apart from this podcast, you are also doing another podcast, right?

Com es diu? Digue-l'hi a la gent.

What is it called? Tell it to the people.

Ai, sí, bueno, posseguint una mica la línia d'així de curiositats,

Oh, yes, well, following a bit the line of these curiosities,

he tret, m'he animat, amb l'experiència i l'aprenentatge

I have taken, I have encouraged myself, with experience and learning.

que he obtingut gràcies al teu podcast,

that I have gained thanks to your podcast,

he tret un que es diu De lo que me he enterado,

I have taken one called "From what I have found out,"

perquè segueixo De lo que me he enterado,

because I continue From what I have understood,

segueixo explicant coses que jo no sabia

I continue explaining things that I did not know.

i que m'han deixat, la veritat, trasbalsada,

and they have left me, to tell the truth, shaken,

i he decidit explicar-ho en un altre podcast.

I have decided to explain it in another podcast.

No, jo em vull enterar d'alguna altra coseta més,

No, I want to find out about something else.

i és què ens depara el setembre.

And what does September have in store for us?

Pots fer algun espòiler?

Can you give any spoilers?

Doncs no ho sé, no ho sé, no sé si tindrem algun espòiler o no,

Well, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know if we'll have any spoilers or not,

però sí que és veritat que de les propostes que m'has fet tu, Peter,

but it is true that of the proposals you have made to me, Peter,

tinc algunes que em semblen molt interessants

I have some that seem very interesting to me.

i que potser sí que te les compro, no?

And maybe I will buy them from you, right?

Com mente pensante que ets tu d'aquest programa,

As the thinking mind that you are of this program,

em vas proposar fer o intentar simular

you suggested doing or trying to simulate

entrevistes entre personatges històrics,

interviews between historical figures,

i t'he de dir que aquesta idea em va agradar molt,

I have to tell you that I really liked this idea,

i potser el setembre seguim aquestes entrevistes.

And perhaps in September we will continue these interviews.

Tindrem un setembre galantó, eh?

We'll have a charming September, won't we?

Tindrem-ne un matàs, tindrem un matàs.

We'll have a mat, we'll have a mat.

Doncs moltes gràcies, Irene, i felicitats.

Well, thank you very much, Irene, and congratulations.

Felicitats a tu per aquest meravellós programa,

Congratulations to you for this wonderful program,

i molt necessari, moltes gràcies, Peter.

It's very necessary, thank you very much, Peter.

I com que seguim de celebració aquí, a Sex Rovira's,

And since we are still celebrating here, at Sex Rovira's,

no podia faltar la nostra exploradora de la sexualitat,

we couldn't miss our explorer of sexuality,

l'Elisa Lins!

Elisa Lins!

Elisa Linares!

Elisa Linares!

Uau, Peter, quina rebuda!

Wow, Peter, what a welcome!

Doncs sí, mira, avui que fem un especial d'aniversari

Well yes, look, today we're doing a special birthday edition.

em venia de gust fer una mica de repàs de com va començar tot,

I felt like doing a little review of how it all started,

perquè jo corro per aquí des de novembre del 2023.

because I have been running around here since November 2023.

Qui ho diria, qui ho diria, eh? No et va, eh?

Who would have thought it, who would have thought it, huh? It doesn't suit you, huh?

A mi em sembla que fa dos dies que hem començat, però bueno...

I think it was two days ago that we started, but anyway…

Doncs mira, jo me'n recordo molt del dia que el Ramon em va trucar

Well, look, I remember very well the day Ramon called me.

i em va dir, Elisa, un amic meu, referent-se a tu, Peter,

and he told me, Elisa, a friend of mine, referring to you, Peter,

està buscant una sexòloga per participar en un programa de ràdio.

She is looking for a sexologist to participate in a radio program.

Bé, de podcast de Spotify.

Well, from Spotify podcast.

A tu et vindria de gust?

Would you like it?

I jo, doncs, ostres, encara no soc sexòloga, però bueno, no sé què, no?

And me, well, wow, I'm still not a sexologist, but you know, I don't know what, right?

Tots aquells dubtes que et venen. I què li vaig dir, Peter?

All those doubts that come to you. And what did I tell him, Peter?

Home, jo crec que sí, no? Si estàs aquí, és que tenies moltíssimes ganes.

Well, I think so, right? If you are here, it's because you really wanted to.

Doncs que sí, clar! Li vaig dir, no tinc ni idea de què coi he de fer, ni de com ho faré,

Well, yes, of course! I told him, I have no idea what the hell I have to do, or how I will do it,

però és igual, me lança a la piscina.

but it doesn't matter, throw me into the pool.

Que això ja ho he après, que al final la vida a vegades et porta, no?

That I have already learned, that in the end life sometimes takes you, right?

Propostes que al primer moment dius, uau, això em va gran,

Proposals that at first you say, wow, this is too big for me,

i després, de mica en mica, es va endreçant i es va veient el com, no?

And then, little by little, it starts to come together and you can see how, right?

Que si no, moltes vegades, doncs, no faríem res.

Because if not, many times, we wouldn't do anything.

I bueno, també una crida aquí a que la gent s'atreveixi a creuar aquestes barreres internes.

And well, also a call here for people to dare to cross these internal barriers.

Jo, Elisa, jo crec que no hi ha...

I, Elisa, I think there isn't...

No hi ha res que et quedi gran, a tu.

Nothing is too big for you.

És tot el contrari.

It’s the complete opposite.

Encara hi ha molta feineta a fer.

There is still a lot of work to be done.

Bueno, doncs aquí segueixo, i agraïda de tot el que he après amb aquesta col·laboració,

Well, here I am, and I'm grateful for everything I've learned from this collaboration,

del carrer cada dia que gravem, Peter,

from the street every day we record, Peter,

maleïnt-te i estrujant-me el cervell cada cop que em dius de fer un altre especial.

cursing at you and squeezing my brain every time you tell me to do another special one.

És que, Peter, no sé, hi ha quants especials porto, que a mi m'agrada parlar-los, explicar-los...

It's just that, Peter, I don't know, how many specials I've brought, that I like to talk about them, explain them...

Són molt especials, aquí s'ha exhumilat de tu, ets dia, Elisa.

They are very special, here you have been exhumed from you, you are day, Elisa.

És que és duríssim, Sant Valentí, Sant Jordi, Nadal...

It's just that it's very tough, Valentine's Day, Saint George's Day, Christmas...

És com, ah, ¿qué más hago, señor? ¿Qué quieres hablar de mi tema?

It's like, ah, what else do I do, sir? What do you want to talk about my topic?

I ho saps si tindrem sants exrovires d'aquí res, eh?

Do you know if we'll have Saints Exrovira soon, right?

Bueno, total, que això, que molt agraïda de tot el que puc compartir,

Well, in short, I'm very grateful for everything I can share.

del que experimento amb mi i amb les persones que se m'estan acostant per acompanyar-les.

of what I experience with myself and with the people who are getting close to me to accompany them.

I bé, és que aquí hem parlat pràcticament de tot, oi, Peter?

And well, it's just that we've practically talked about everything here, right, Peter?

I el que ens queda, i el que ens queda.

And what remains for us, and what remains for us.

Bueno, i el que ens queda, però bueno, fem un repàs.

Well, and what we have left, but well, let's review.

A veure, hem parlat d'autoamor, d'apps de cites, d'enamorament, de porno,

Let's see, we've talked about self-love, dating apps, falling in love, porn,

de mantenir el desig i la flama viva, de genitals masculins i femenins,

to maintain desire and the flame alive, of male and female genitals,

de tipus de relacions, d'abraçades en quietud, d'educació sexual amb infants,

of types of relationships, of embraces in stillness, of sexual education with children,

de tantra i energia, de massatges, etc, etc, etc.

of tantra and energy, of massages, etc, etc, etc.

I com dius tu, i molts temes que ens guardem per l'any vinent, eh?

And as you say, many topics that we will keep for next year, right?

¿Faig un petit spoiler o què, Peter?

Should I give a little spoiler or what, Peter?

Mmm... Bueno, a mitges, eh, a mitges. Hem de tenir aquí els oients enganxadets, va.

Mmm... Well, halfway, huh, halfway. We have to keep the listeners hooked here, come on.

Vinga, va, petons, petons, fantasies eròtiques,

Come on, kisses, kisses, erotic fantasies,

fetitxes, tipus d'energies sexuals, sexe oral, menys pressió...

fetishes, types of sexual energies, oral sex, less pressure...

Prou, prou, prou, prou, prou, prou, ja has dit massa, ja has dit massa.

Enough, enough, enough, enough, enough, enough, you've said too much, you've said too much.

Deixem aquí una miqueta de l'intríngulis, no?

Let's leave a little bit of the intrigue here, shall we?

I després tots els especials de l'any que ve, que no sé què coi fotre.

And then all the specials for next year, which I don’t know what the hell to do.

I aquest ha semblat molts preparats. Molts, molts. Prepares.

And this seems very prepared. Very, very. Prepared.

Sí, potser et contracto algú perquè te'ls faci.

Yes, maybe I'll hire someone to make them for you.

Bueno, total, fora conyes, també he fet les meves, eh?

Well, anyway, no jokes, I've also had my own, okay?

Molt bé!

Very good!

Ja saps que jo prefereixo que cadascú parli del que domina.

You already know that I prefer that everyone speaks about what they are knowledgeable in.

I jo, si el tema no és el meu fort, doncs prefereixo portar-te una persona copiada.

And I, if the subject is not my strong suit, then I prefer to bring you a copied person.

Sento que així, doncs, les persones que ens escolten

I feel that this way, therefore, the people who listen to us

doncs poden escoltar una informació, doncs, molt més fidedigna, no?

So they can hear information, then, much more reliable, right?

Però jo crec que l'entrevista que li vas fer a la Guada va ser genial.

But I think the interview you did with Guada was great.

Gràcies. Bueno, era la meva primera, eh? No sé.

Thank you. Well, it was my first time, you know? I don't know.

Però sí, sí, amb la Guada hi ha bon rotllo perquè som amigues

But yes, yes, with Guada there is a good vibe because we are friends.

i ella, clar, l'estar en el món de les no monogàmies, doncs,

And she, of course, being in the world of non-monogamy, well,

doncs podria explicar-ho molt millor que jo.

Well, he could explain it much better than I can.

Bueno, i després l'entrevista que li vaig fer al saxòleg, eh?

Well, and then the interview I did with the sexologist, huh?

El de Sevilla, el sevijano, l'Andrés Suro.

The one from Seville, the Sevillian, Andrés Suro.

I tant, que ha sigut un tracte. També va ser interessant.

Yes, it has been a deal. It was also interesting.

Li enviem una abraçada des d'aquí. Això mateix.

We send you a hug from here. That's right.

I res, doncs això, Pitar, que sé que Rubira es m'ha empoderat molt.

And nothing, so this, Pitar, that I know Rubira has empowered me a lot.

Que gràcies a ser Rubira,

Thanks to being Rubira,

jo ara tinc la meva pròpia secció de plaer i alegria a la ràdio de Sant Just.

I now have my own section of pleasure and joy on Radio Sant Just.

Molt bé, molt bé.

Very well, very well.

La veritat és que ja et vaig fer una miqueta de scouting, no?

The truth is that I already did a little bit of scouting on you, didn't I?

Jo ja sé les passes que vas fent, on estàs, què fas, d'on vens...

I already know the steps you are taking, where you are, what you are doing, where you come from...

Em tens controlada, em tens controlada.

You have me under control, you have me under control.

He de dir que allà no em pressionen amb el temps, eh?

I have to say that there they don't pressure me with time, okay?

Allà deixo els temes a mitges i segueixo la setmana següent.

There I leave the unfinished topics and continue the following week.

Què et sembla? Faig una mena de les mil i una nits.

What do you think? I'm making a kind of One Thousand and One Nights.

Bueno, però ja saps que aquí no deixem res a mitges.

Well, you know that we don't leave anything half done here.

I que ho fem pel bé del programa i dels nostres oients.

And we do it for the good of the program and our listeners.

Això, perquè no s'avorreixin.

This is so they don't get bored.

Bueno, total, que avui, que és l'aniversari,

Well, anyway, today, which is the birthday,

vull recordar sis moments estelars.

I want to remember six stellar moments.



I m'agradaria que... Sí, sis.

I would like that... Yes, yes.

Quines ganes, quines ganes que tinc.

How much I want it, how much I want it!

I m'agradaria que els posessis i els escoltem així de nou juntes. Et sembla?

I would like you to put them on and we listen to them again together. What do you think?


Come on.

El primer va ser moment teu i meu, eh? Experimentant amb la veu del plaer.

The first was a moment of you and me, right? Experimenting with the voice of pleasure.

Te'n recordes, tu?

Do you remember?

I tant, i tant que sí. Com que els meus malucs també se'n recorden.

Oh yes, indeed. Just as my hips remember it too.

Va, doncs vinga, posem el tall.

Come on, let's make the cut.

Tu m'has d'imitar, vale?

You have to imitate me, okay?

Jo t'imito.

I imitate you.

Primer, que t'has fet com un massatge.

First, you've treated yourself to a massage.

Sí, m'has de fer un massatge així? Estic molt tens, jo.

Yes, do you have to give me a massage like that? I am very tense.

És que ahir no vaig dormir bé.

It's just that I didn't sleep well yesterday.

És que, na, tot, tot. Fes-te un bon massatge.

It's just that, ma'am, everything, everything. Get yourself a good massage.

Ara, no sé si parem un minut.

Now, I don't know if we should stop for a minute.

Sí, clar, clar, tot, tot.

Yes, of course, of course, everything, everything.

I, a poc a poc, aquest massatge el vas acompanyant amb moviments...

I, little by little, you accompany this massage with movements...

rotatius. Vinga, va, una miqueta de...

rotating. Come on, a little bit of...

Com comencem el dia, eh? Molt bé, molt bé.

How do we start the day, huh? Very good, very good.

Bim, bam.

Bim, bam.

Ei. Bé, bé, bé.

Hey. Good, good, good.

Comences a respirar.

You start to breathe.

Per la boca, pel nas, com?

Through the mouth, through the nose, how?

Respires per la boca, però si et costa molt, també ho pots fer pel nas.

You breathe through your mouth, but if it's very difficult for you, you can also do it through your nose.

El tema és el ritme. El ritme va com el ritme del hula-hop, aquest.

The theme is the rhythm. The rhythm goes like the rhythm of the hula-hoop, this one.

I, mica en mica, tu imagina't que estiguessis amb algú.

I, little by little, imagine that you were with someone.

Tot això et porta a que els moviments ja no són això.

All of this leads you to the fact that movements are no longer that.

El moviment es converteix en un...

The movement turns into a...

Pues giro cap aquí, giro cap allà...

Well, I turn this way, I turn that way...

I, mica en mica, es anirà accelerant.

I, little by little, will be accelerating.



És un fake it.

It's a fake it.

Jo crec que és el primer dia. No hem de forçar.

I think it's the first day. We shouldn't force it.

La veu del plaer ha de sortir, mica en mica.

The voice of pleasure must emerge, bit by bit.

Com vaig riure i com te'n vas escaquejar, eh?

How I laughed and how you dodged it, huh?

Te'n vas escaquejar i no vas treure res de veu.

You went to slack off and didn't say anything.

T'has fixat, Peter? O sigui...

Have you noticed, Peter? I mean...

Jo no m'escaquejo mai. Jo estava buscant la meva veu.

I never slack off. I was looking for my voice.

La meva veu del plaer.

My voice of pleasure.

Sí, l'opció és absoluta, eh?

Yes, the option is absolute, huh?

Et dic una cosa, aquell dia sí que vaig aconseguir un bon joc de malucs

I'll tell you one thing, that day I really did manage to have a good game of hips.

amb el hula-hop ahir de l'equip de teó.

with the hula hoop yesterday from Teo's team.

Això sí, això me'n recordo perfectament.

I remember that perfectly.

I crec que va ser l'inici del retrobament de la meva veu del plaer.

I believe it was the beginning of the rediscovery of my voice of pleasure.

Vaja, doncs encara me l'has de presentar, aquesta veu, eh?

Well, then you still have to introduce me to this voice, huh?

Ja la presentarem.

We'll present it already.

Haurem de fer un capítol 2.

We will have to make a chapter 2.

Vinga, va, doncs seguim.

Come on, then let's continue.

Després, el segon, va ser el dia que al Ramon no sé què li passava

Later, the second one was the day that something was going on with Ramon.

i em va tocar cobrir la seva secció de nit.

and I had to cover his section at night.

I, a part de dir coses amb sentit,

I, apart from saying sensible things,

posar-me per internet i buscar maneres

get online and look for ways

d'aconseguir mantenir la flama viva

to manage to keep the flame alive

les més rares possibles, diguem-ne.

the rarest possible, let's say.

Tu te'n recordes, d'aquest capítol?

Do you remember this chapter?

I tant, que sí. Aquell dia vas treure la teva Ramona interior.

Oh yes, indeed. That day you unleashed your inner Ramona.

Això. Posem el tall.

That's it. Let's make the cut.

I quines propostes ens portes, llavors?

And what proposals do you bring us, then?

Començo per les més light, vale?

I'll start with the lightest ones, okay?

Dinàmiques de connexió.

Connection dynamics.

Mirades, rossaments, respirars,

Glances, blushes, breaths,

desvestir l'altre amb lentitud...

undress the other slowly...

Tot el que són estímuls sensorials,

All that is sensory stimuli,

com més estímuls, més creix el desig.

the more stimuli, the greater the desire.

És un ASMR de la sexualitat, llavors, o què?

Is it an ASMR of sexuality, or what?

Això mateix. I n'afegeixo dues de meves, mira.

Exactly. And I'll add two of my own, look.

Patons provocatius de nas.

Provocative nose plugs.

Això vol dir que te l'hi acostes sensualment

This means that you get close to her/him sensually.

i en lloc de besar-lo, el comences a rossar amb el nas

And instead of kissing him, you start to rub your nose against him.

provocant les ganes de que et mengi la boca,

provoking the desire for me to eat your mouth,

però no li dones la boca i estàs allà com...

but you don't give him the mouth and you're there like...

Això se li diu un pató d'esquimal.

This is called an Eskimo pie.

No, però no el pató d'esquimal que es farien dos nens de 4 anys.

No, but not the Eskimo pie that two 4-year-old children would make.

No, no estic parlant d'això.

No, I'm not talking about that.

No, és la versió adulta.

No, it's the adult version.

És la versió pujadeta de tot.

It's the slightly elevated version of everything.

I el que m'ha cridat més l'atenció. Intercanviar-vos tota la roba.

And what has caught my attention the most. Swap all your clothes.

No sé ben bé en què consisteix, Piter.

I don't quite know what it's about, Piter.

Podria ser que te'n vas al seu armari,

Could it be that you go to their locker,

et vesteixes amb els seus calçotets i tot,

you dress in his underwear and everything,

i ell amb la teva minifaldilla, no sé què,

and he with your miniskirt, I don't know what,

i et plantes així per sopar.

and you show up like this for dinner.

A veure, això funciona?

Let's see, does this work?

Funciona si gasteu la mateixa mida de roba.

It works if you use the same size of clothing.

No sé, tu, però jo a nivell sensorial vaig quedar hiperestimulat.

I don’t know about you, but I was hyper-stimulated on a sensory level.

Ja no tornaré a veure amb els mateixos ulls els patons d'esquimal.

I will no longer see the Eskimo boots with the same eyes.

Sí, sí, l'intercanvi de roba també era un tema interessant.

Yes, yes, the clothing exchange was also an interesting topic.

No sé si l'has provat, Piter.

I don't know if you have tried it, Piter.

Bueno, que ara ens allarguem molt si me l'expliques.

Well, we would be prolonging things a lot if you explain it to me.

Ja m'ho explicaràs a la intimitat.

You'll explain it to me in private.

Bé, total, el tercer va ser quan em vaig despullar literàriament,

Well, basically, the third was when I stripped myself bare literarily,

que no literalment.

not literally.

Explicar amb vos un dels meus contes eròtics per Nadal.

To share with you one of my erotic stories for Christmas.

Te'n recordes del meu gos casolà amb el pa?

Do you remember my pet dog with the bread?

Ai, a mi em sona aquell conte de Nadal, oi?

Oh, that Christmas story sounds familiar to me, doesn’t it?

Escoltem el tall.

Let's listen to the segment.

Em vaig posar davant la muntanya blanca de sobre el marbre,

I stood in front of the white mountain above the marble,

i vaig començar a copiar el que ell havia fet.

I started to copy what he had done.

La massa era molt enganxosa i no me'n sortia.

The dough was very sticky and I couldn't handle it.

Llavors ell es va posar darrere meu i em va agafar les mans per guiar els moviments.

Then he stood behind me and took my hands to guide the movements.

Vaig notar el seu alè al meu clatell,

I felt his breath on my neck,

i un altre calfret em va recórrer de dalt a baix.

And another chill ran through me from head to toe.

Ell també estava tens i desconcentrat.

He was also tense and unfocused.

Sentia com m'olorava delicadament al costat del coll,

I felt the delicate scent wafting by my neck,

fent dringar la meva arracada al fregar-la amb la punta del nas.

ringing my earring by rubbing it with the tip of my nose.

Sense adonar-nos-en, les nostres mans van deixar d'amassar el pa,

Without realizing it, our hands stopped kneading the bread,

i es dedicaven a entortolligar els nostres dits dansant el seu propi ball.

and they would dedicate themselves to entwining our fingers while dancing their own dance.

Tot el cos va començar a dansar,

The whole body began to dance,

i jo el notava darrere meu cada cop més excitat.

And I could feel him behind me more and more excited.

Elisa, gràcies a tu he tret la meva faceta de forner.

Elisa, thanks to you I've discovered my baking side.

Crec que aquest any fotré uns pans de pagès com una casa.

I think this year I will make loaves of country bread as big as a house.

Acompanyat, entenc, no? I tant que sí.

Accompanied, I understand, right? Absolutely.

Tu espera't a l'hivern, que ara això d'encendre el forn fa molta mandra.

You wait for winter, because right now lighting the oven feels like too much hassle.

Ui, sí, ui, sí.

Oh, yes, oh, yes.

Bé, i el quart any, que és que el Nadal va ser sucoset, eh?

Well, and the fourth year, was Christmas juicy, huh?

Re piquet i timbals.

Drumsticks and drums.

Doncs... va ser amb la Nadala del Ramon.

Well... it was with Ramon's Christmas song.

Te'n recordes de les indirectes que em tirava el cabrón allà a la cançó?

Do you remember the hints that the bastard was throwing at me back there in the song?

No eren indirectes, Elisa, eren molt directes.

They were not indirect, Elisa, they were very direct.

Fum-li, fum-li!

Smoke it, smoke it!

Santa nit, plàcida nit,

Holy night, peaceful night,

estira d'aquí al meu llit,

stretch from here to my bed,

i si te'n descuides et foto un dit.

And if you forget, I'll poke you with a finger.

Sempre amb permís i consentiment, eh? I tant que sí.

Always with permission and consent, right? Absolutely.

I si t'agrada faràs un bon crit,

And if you like it, you will let out a good shout,

o com diu l'Elisa, la veu del plaer que surt d'aquí del més endintre.

or as Elisa says, the voice of pleasure that comes from deep within here.

I el millor regal és

And the best gift is

menjar-te tot el curi.

eat you all the curi.

No sé tu, Elisa, però jo aquell vespre crec que vaig tenir una plàcida nit.

I don’t know about you, Elisa, but I believe I had a peaceful night that evening.

I bé, el meu cinquè record no és meu, de fet.

And well, my fifth memory is not mine, in fact.

Va ser quan us vaig escoltar a tu i a la Irene imitant el rei Sol.

It was when I heard you and Irene imitating the Sun King.

Però què m'estàs dient? Jo no me'n recordo d'això.

But what are you telling me? I don't remember that.

Mentre els de seguretat anuncien

While the security personnel announce

Monsieur le Roi,

Mr. King,

llavors envoltat de guàrdies es dirigeix a la capella per escoltar missa,

then surrounded by guards he heads to the chapel to listen to mass,

tot seguit pels seus cortesans.

right behind by his courtiers.

Què et sembla aquesta cerimònia, eh?

What do you think of this ceremony, huh?

Tot això no és improvisació, eh?

All of this is not improvisation, right?

O sigui, està escrit protocolàriament que són les passes que s'han de seguir

That is to say, it is officially written that these are the steps that must be followed.

per despertar el rei.

to wake the king.

Sí, m'ho estic imaginant. Tu ets com un partit de futbol.

Yes, I'm imagining it. You are like a football match.

En aquesta època m'agradaria que hagués algú retransmitint cada moment del rei, no?

At this time, I would like there to be someone broadcasting every moment of the king, right?

L'euroa se le ve.

The euro is coming.

I l'altre, oui, oui, il va au plateau central a faire chier.

And the other one, yes, yes, he's going to the central plate to annoy.

En aquest moment el rei s'està traient les leganyes.

At this moment the king is wiping the sleep from his eyes.

Ha començat per l'ull dret i ara va per l'esquerra.

It started with the right eye and now it's going for the left one.

No, seria...

No, it would be...

Ja està la camisa pura dada, sempre aquest tipet, la tita...

The shirt is pure data, always this guy, the aunt...

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Seria molt emocionant.

It would be very exciting.

Li hauria agradat la teva proposta, a Lluís, si jo estic convençuda d'això.

Lluís would have liked your proposal, I'm convinced of that.

Bé, Elisa, tu ja saps que a Sexe Obrirà som superinternacionals

Well, Elisa, you already know that at Sexe Obrirà we are super international.

i que aprofitem qualsevol moment per donar a veure aquestes dots lingüístiques

and that we take advantage of any moment to showcase these linguistic skills

que tenim amb els idiomes, eh?

What do we have with languages, huh?

Ja, ja veig, ja veig.

Yes, yes, I see, I see.

Bé, i el sisè va ser un altre especial, el de Sant Valentí,

Well, and the sixth was another special one, that of Saint Valentine,

que, estrujant-me el cervell, us vaig fer una proposta força sucosa i suggerent,

that, by racking my brain, I made you a rather juicy and suggestive proposal,

per sopar.

for dinner.

Doncs es tracta de que li diguis que avui sopareu sobre el seu cos.

Well, it is about you telling him that you will have dinner over his body today.

Llavors prepares un sopar senzill i adequat, que tingui textures cremoses i salsetes,

Then prepare a simple and suitable dinner that has creamy textures and sauces.

doncs, jo què sé, hummus, salsa pesto, salsa de tomàquet, jo què sé, inventa.

well, I don't know, hummus, pesto sauce, tomato sauce, I don't know, invent.

Prova-ho abans, si vols, sobre el teu braç o la teva cuixa.

Try it first, if you want, on your arm or your thigh.

I llavors, aquí ve la gràcia, demana-li que estigui molt quieta i la vas decorant.

And then, here comes the trick, ask her to stay very still and you decorate her.

És la teva obra d'art culinària.

It is your culinary masterpiece.

Home, llavors, tipa, m'encenarà i dic, hòstia, que no posis res calent, no?

At home, then, I'm stuffed, and I say, damn, you’re not going to put anything hot, are you?

Perquè com fotis aquí una salsa aquesta ben calenta, no es pot dir a part.

Because if you put a really hot sauce here, it can't be set aside.

No, no, no, no la liem, no la liem.

No, no, no, let's not mess it up, let's not mess it up.

Es tracta, simplement, de l'excitació que genera el no poder-se moure,

It is simply about the excitement generated by not being able to move.

el no saber ben bé què està fent l'altre amb tu, però al final t'està admirant el cos,

not knowing exactly what the other is doing with you, but in the end, they are admiring your body.

t'està decorant, evidentment, l'altra persona va despullada,

you are getting decorated, obviously, the other person is undressed,

i això genera molta complicitat, a part de riallades amb en Salva.

And this generates a lot of complicity, besides laughter with Salva.

He de dir, Píter, que això jo havia fet un petit tast, eh?

I have to say, Peter, that I had a little taste of this, huh?

Encara no he estat ben bé al sopar d'algú, però sí que he fet algun tast,

I haven't really been to someone's dinner yet, but I have had some tastings.

i la veritat és que això d'estar inquietut amb els elements per sobre,

And the truth is that this feeling of being unsettled with the elements above,

i després com, no?, aquestes sensacions, uau, són realment...

And then how, right? These sensations, wow, are really...

Home, jo, la veritat és que jo encara no he utilitzat ningú com a sobretaula,

At home, I, the truth is that I still haven't used anyone as a tablecloth.

més aviat per les postres, això sí.

rather for dessert, that's for sure.



Aquesta de la xocolata, aquest pa que dius tu, també últimament, no sé.

This chocolate one, this bread that you mention, also lately, I don't know.

Sí, les postres...

Yes, the desserts...

Les postres és molt típic.

Dessert is very typical.

Doncs res, recordar també que estan obertes les inscripcions, Píter, encara,

Well, nothing, just to remind you that registrations are still open, Píter.

pel retil de sexualitat per parelles, que farem...

for the couple's sexuality retreat, what will we do...

A mi ja m'has reservat cita, no?, o sigui, jo ja estic apuntat, no?

You've already scheduled an appointment for me, right? So, I'm already signed up, right?

Tu ja estàs apuntat.

You are already signed up.

Senyor Sexovires.

Mr. Sexovires.

Això mateix.

Exactly that.

Vaig enviar el formulari i ho vaig posar així.

I sent the form and I put it like this.


That's it.

I finalment, doncs, a les persones que ens escolten, que...

And finally, then, to the people who are listening to us, that...

que les animo a participar, a fer propostes de temes que...

that I encourage them to participate, to make proposals for topics that...

que us vingui de gust que tractem,

what you feel like we discuss,



que bé, que estaré encantada de...

how great, that I will be delighted to...



doncs això, de compartir el que pugui aportar,

so that's it, to share what I can contribute,

o buscar persones que puguin portar una visió més àmplia.

or look for people who can bring a broader perspective.

Bé, i avui, avui, tu vas amb peça, no?, avui?

Well, and today, today, you're going with a piece, right?, today?

Avui marxes tu, que tens un bany de bosc, m'has dit?

Today you leave, that you have a forest bath, you told me?

Sí, avui vaig, vaig a donar un bany de bosc,

Yes, today I'm going, I'm going to take a forest bath,

i bevo a cotxarola.

I drink from a saucepan.

La idea és això, també, connectar les persones amb aquest,

The idea is this, too, to connect people with this.

anar una miqueta més a poc a poc, cap a dintre,

go a little slower, inward,

trobar-se amb elles mateixes a través de la natura

to find themselves through nature

i de la veu instintiva,

and from the instinctive voice,

i sí, és una proposta que em fa...

and yes, it's a proposal that makes me...

em fa molta il·lusió, tot i que faci aquesta calorassa,

I am very excited, even though it's so hot.

ja he buscat un lloc amb ombra, i bé...

I've already found a place with shade, and well...

Això és important, això és important.

This is important, this is important.

Doncs Elisa...

Well, Elisa...

Ah, perdona.

Ah, sorry.

Bon bany i barca nova.

Good bath and new boat.

I bon estiu.

And have a good summer.


Come on.



I parlant de banys, com que avui la cosa va submergir-se en el programa,

And speaking of baths, since today the thing went to submerge in the program,

posarem en marxa a la Sèxia, la ia més exuberanca.

We will launch the Sèxia, the most exuberant one.

Hola, Sèxia.

Hello, Sèxia.

Hola, Peter.

Hello, Peter.

I per cert, moltíssimes felicitats per aquest any de programa.

And by the way, congratulations on this year of the program.

Bravo, bravo i bravo.

Bravo, bravo and bravo.

Moltes gràcies a tu, Sèxia, per donar-li sempre aquest toc tan especial.

Thank you very much, Sèxia, for always giving it that special touch.

Moltes gràcies, Peter.

Thank you very much, Peter.

Bé, en què puc servir-te avui?

Well, how can I help you today?

Doncs, com que ja som a l'estiu i no tornarem fins al setembre,

Well, since we're already in summer and we won't return until September,

i a mi m'encanta llegir a la platja,

and I love reading on the beach,

vull que em proposis alguns llibres de sexualitat per llegir a la meva tovallola.

I want you to suggest some books on sexuality for me to read on my towel.

I tant que sí, Peter.

Of course, Peter.

Aquí tens una llista de llibres de sexualitat per llegir aquest estiu.

Here is a list of sexuality books to read this summer.

Comencem amb tot el que necessites saber sobre sexualitat

Let's start with everything you need to know about sexuality.

de Carolina Checa Dumont i Elvira Marín.

by Carolina Checa Dumont and Elvira Marín.

Aquest llibre aborda temes com el sexe, el plaer, les pràctiques sexuals,

This book addresses topics such as sex, pleasure, and sexual practices.

les identitats i el respecte.

identities and respect.

És una guia pràctica per explorar la sexualitat de manera sana i segura.

It is a practical guide to exploring sexuality in a healthy and safe way.

En segon lloc, tenim el llibre Intel·ligència sexual de Marías Clápez.

Secondly, we have the book Sexual Intelligence by Marías Clápez.

Aquest llibre ofereix consells pràctics i informació basada en la ciència

This book offers practical advice and science-based information.

per ajudar-te a millorar la teva vida sexual.

to help you improve your sex life.

Seguidament, tenim Clímax Club, una cartografia del plaer.

Next, we have Climax Club, a cartography of pleasure.

Aquest llibre és de jumplar i ofereix una guia amb il·lustracions

This book is by Jumplar and offers a guide with illustrations.

per posar-les en pràctica durant les relacions sexuals,

to put them into practice during sexual relations,

però sobretot aborda el sexe més enllà de la penetració.

but above all, it addresses sex beyond penetration.

T'ajudarà a descobrir nous moviments i noves formes d'estimulació,

It will help you discover new movements and new forms of stimulation,

ja sigui sol, en parella o altres persones.

whether alone, in pairs, or with other people.

I això permetrà donar i rebre plaer sense centrar-te en el coit.

And this will allow giving and receiving pleasure without focusing on coitus.

En quart lloc, tinc una recomanació doble,

In fourth place, I have a double recommendation,

i es tracta de dos llibres de la doctora Emma Rivers

It is about two books by Dr. Emma Rivers.

que ens conviden a explorar la sexualitat conscient i autèntica.

that invites us to explore conscious and authentic sexuality.

El primer és Mindful Sex, que ens guia per desenvolupar

The first is Mindful Sex, which guides us to develop

la capacitat de crear espais d'intimitat, gaudir d'un sexe relaxat i saludable,

the ability to create spaces of intimacy, to enjoy relaxed and healthy sex,

i connectar amb els nostres valors.

and connect with our values.

I el segon es diu Mindful Love, una obra que aborda la neurociència

And the second is called Mindful Love, a work that addresses neuroscience.

de les relacions de parella per connectar amb l'amor veritable.

of couple relationships to connect with true love.

I per acabar amb aquesta superllista de llibres d'estiu,

And to finish off this super list of summer books,

tenim Jo, Simón, Homo Sapiens, de Becky Albertalli.

We have Me, Simon, Homo Sapiens, by Becky Albertalli.

Aquesta novel·la narra la història d'un jove de 16 anys

This novel tells the story of a 16-year-old young man.

que no s'atreveix a revelar la seva homosexualitat,

who does not dare to reveal his homosexuality,

fins que un correu electrònic enviat a una persona equivocada

until an email sent to the wrong person

canvia completament la seva vida.

completely changes his/her life.

Ostres, Sèxia, sembla que m'has preparat unes lectures molt interessants de cara a aquest estiu.

Wow, Sèxia, it seems you have prepared some very interesting readings for me this summer.

Gràcies per les teves recomanacions. Vols dir res abans que t'apagui?

Thank you for your recommendations. Do you want to say anything before I turn it off?

Podria recordar a tots els sexoverencs que caudeixin de l'estiu

I could remind all the sexoverencs that fall from the summer.

amb respecte i responsabilitat, i desitjar-los unes bones vacances.

with respect and responsibility, and wishing them a good vacation.

Moltes gràcies, Sèxia. Ens veiem al setembre.

Thank you very much, Sèxia. See you in September.

Fins aviat, Peter.

See you soon, Peter.

Doncs nosaltres marxem ja. Des de Sexovires us volem desitjar unes bones vacances.

Well, we are leaving now. From Sexovires, we want to wish you a good holiday.

També volem recordar-vos que disposeu de 24 increïbles capítols

We also want to remind you that you have 24 incredible episodes available.

que us faran molta companyia durant aquest estiu.

that will keep you company during this summer.

Tornarem al setembre carregats de nous temes com ara les fantasies sexuals.

We will return in September loaded with new topics such as sexual fantasies.

No t'oblidis de seguir-nos per les xarxes a Instagram, Spotify o YouTube

Don't forget to follow us on social media on Instagram, Spotify, or YouTube.

simplement teclejant Sexovires.

simply typing Sexovires.

I si vols que parlem d'algun tema en concret, no dubtis en enviar-nos un mail a sexovires.cat arroba gmail punt com.

And if you want us to talk about a specific topic, don't hesitate to send us an email at [email protected].

I recorda, ara ja ets un sexoverenc més. Fes que el món ho sàpiga.

And remember, now you are one more sexoverenc. Make the world know it.

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