#10 | Camí a Raftel - Recordem la saga d'Arabasta

La Pitjor Generació

La Pitjor Generació

#10 | Camí a Raftel - Recordem la saga d'Arabasta

La Pitjor Generació

Benvinguts i benvingudes a la pitjor generació del vostre podcast de One Piece a confiança en català.

Welcome to the worst generation of your One Piece podcast in Catalan.

En el dia d'avui estem en un programa Camí a Raftel, ja sabeu que aquesta setmana One Piece descansa

Today we are in a program Path to Raftel, as you know this week One Piece is on break.

i per tant farem aquesta secció, un programa diferent, on parlarem de l'arc d'Arabasta.

And therefore we will make this section, a different program, where we will talk about the Arabasta arc.

En el dia d'avui ens trobem amb l'Aleix. Què tal, Aleix?

Today we are with Aleix. How are you, Aleix?

Molt bona, Escaladín. Encantat de tornar aquí a parlar d'un dels arts aquests que et toca la patata, no?

Very good, Escaladín. Nice to be back here to talk about one of those arts that touches your heart, right?

Un d'aquests moments que realment encara jo crec que està molt marcat per la nostàlgia,

One of those moments that I really still believe is strongly marked by nostalgia,

però jo crec que ens agrada també que sigui una mica així.

But I think we also like it to be a little bit like that.

I amb l'Adri, què tal?

And with Adri, how is it?

Bon dia a tothom. Bueno, jo el tinc més o menys fresc, l'arc, així que també em servirà per recordar coses

Good morning everyone. Well, I have it more or less fresh, the bow, so it will also help me to remember things.

i a veure què en traiem de la sessió d'avui.

and let's see what we get out of today's session.

Vale, doncs en el meu cas, no el tinc fresc, no recordo gairebé res.

Okay, then in my case, I don't have it fresh, I hardly remember anything.

Sí que recordo, evidentment, les coses que són importants, que s'han de recordar,

I do remember, of course, the things that are important, that must be remembered,

però entre tots jo crec que haurem de fer un exercici de memòria perquè en el meu cas estic una mica malament, no?

But among us all, I think we will have to do a memory exercise because in my case I am a bit unwell, right?

Però bueno, volia parlar d'aquest arc igualment, perquè mola molt, i no sé, jo crec que podríem començar...

But, well, I wanted to talk about this arc anyway, because it's really cool, and I don't know, I think we could start...

Perquè la saga de l'Arabasta és molt llarga, llavors, abans de parlar de tota la saga,

Because the Arabasta saga is very long, then, before talking about the entire saga,

podríem fer una mica de context i després parlem del que és l'arc en si, vale?

Could we provide some context and then talk about what the arc itself is, okay?

Per, diem, posar una mica les coses en el seu lloc, no?

Well, let's put things a bit in their place, shall we?

Per exemple, no sé, podem començar a parlar de Baroque Works,

For example, I don't know, we can start talking about Baroque Works,

que és una cosa que ens trobem molt abans d'arribar a l'Arabasta,

What is something we come across long before reaching the Arabasta?

i jo crec que seria força interessant.

And I think it would be quite interesting.

O sigui, què us sembla Baroque Works?

So, what do you think of Baroque Works?

Quan comencen a sortir?

When do they start coming out?

Sí, és una molt bona pregunta aquesta que l'ha dit,

Yes, that is a very good question that he has asked.

perquè ara amb el Life Action, bueno, hem vist que surten des del principi, realment.

because now with the Life Action, well, we have seen that they come out from the beginning, really.

O sigui, el manguer de l'anime no apareixen com a tal, són com...

So, the anime hoses don't appear as such, they are like...

Estaven ahir, segons el CCBS, busquen reclutar Zoro, no? Si no m'equivoco.

They were yesterday, according to the CCBS, looking to recruit Zoro, right? If I'm not mistaken.

I al Life Action han decidit incorporar-ho, cosa que està força bé,

And Life Action has decided to incorporate it, which is pretty good.

de cara a la segona temporada, que esperem que adapti aquest arc.

looking forward to the second season, which we hope will adapt this arc.

Doncs mola que sigui... Sí, perdó, Aleix, no?

So it’s cool that it is... Yes, sorry, Aleix, right?

Mola que sigui una organització que vegis que està por ahí, fent coses.

It’s cool that it’s an organization that you see out there doing things.

No sé, realment Baroque Works mola molt,

I don't know, really Baroque Works is really cool,

perquè realment és el primer, diguem, gran rival al que s'ha d'enfrontar la banda,

because it is really the first, let's say, great rival that the team has to face,

perquè al principi veiem petites formacions de dos dolents, tres, quatre,

because at the beginning we see small formations of two villains, three, four,

però un cop hi ha la banda, doncs, ha anat creixent,

but once the band is there, it has grown.

doncs realment, o de, doncs, idear un grup que realment, en certa manera, també,

so really, or, well, to come up with a group that really, in a way, also,

és més gran, saps?, que la banda dels barrets de palla.

It's bigger, you know?, than the straw hat gang.

O sigui, realment, és xulo perquè és la primera vegada que lluiten contra un volum de gent

I mean, it's really cool because it's the first time they are fighting against a large crowd.

que realment el supera per molt.

that really surpasses him by a lot.

De fet, obro un debat molt curt, vale?

In fact, I'm opening a very short debate, okay?

Qui guanya en una batalla a Arlong o tots els membres de Baroque Works?

Who wins in a battle, Arlong or all the members of Baroque Works?

Hòstia, home, podria donar per un debat molt llarg, no?

Damn, man, that could lead to a very long debate, right?

Perquè són molt forts, els membres de Baroque Works, o sigui...

Because the members of Baroque Works are very strong, that is...

Que són dos mil persones, eh?, aproximadament.

That are about two thousand people, huh?

És que Arlong, tio, té Blue Haki, Arlong.

It's that Arlong, man, has Blue Haki, Arlong.

Ja, té Blue Haki, però són dos mil països, eh?, no sé, no sé.

Yes, he has Blue Haki, but there are two thousand countries, you know? I don't know, I don't know.

I tens el Mr. 2, Mr. 3...

And you have Mr. 2, Mr. 3...

Nico Robin també és Baroque Works.

Nico Robin is also Baroque Works.



No, no, ara ni de conya.

No, no, now not even joking.

Baroque Works els hauria de...

Baroque Works should...

Pava al damunt només amb els personatges que tenen fruites del diable, o sigui, només amb aquests.

Turkey above only with the characters that have devil fruits, that is, only with these.

Home, de fet, a la wiki hi ha la recompensa total de Baroque Works, o sigui, comptant a tots els membres,

At home, in fact, the wiki has the total bounty of Baroque Works, that is, counting all the members,

i sense comptar a Crocodile, tindrien una recompensa d'uns 300 o 1.000 milions de berries.

And without counting Crocodile, they would have a reward of about 300 or 1,000 million berries.

Vaya mierda, no?

What a shitty situation, right?

És com... Vaya mierda, tio.

It's like... What a crap, man.

Però a veure...

But let's see...

A aquestes altures, doncs mira, guai, no?, però ara ho veureu, sí.

At this point, well look, great, right?, but now you'll see, yes.

Però la recompensa d'Arlong, tio...

But Arlong's reward, dude...

Clar, però el fin tenia 30 en aquell moment, eh?

Sure, but the end had 30 at that moment, right?

Clar, clar.

Of course, of course.

El fin tenia 30 i Arlong també.

The end was 30 and Arlong was too.

O sigui, que no està malament, tio.

So, it's not bad, man.

Bé, jo crec que guanyarien els 2.000...

Well, I think they would win the 2,000...

Les 2.000 persones, aproximadament.

Approximately 2,000 people.

Perquè no són 2.000 exactes, són 2.000 persones, aproximadament.

Because they are not exactly 2,000, there are approximately 2,000 people.

Però bé, ja sabem qui és Baroque Works.

But well, we already know who Baroque Works is.

I, bé, l'arc aquest...

I, well, this bow...

En teoria, com a...

In theory, as a...

Em pensava, quan estàvem ja de camí, ara basta,

I was thinking, when we were already on our way, now enough.

i de cop i volta, un paio, un okama,

and all of a sudden, a guy, a flamboyant man,

puja al Going Merry i comença a fer un espectacle.

Get on the Going Merry and start putting on a show.

Això ho posa la wiki, però...

The wiki states this, but...

És així amb calçador?

Is it like that with a shoehorn?

Vull dir, no hi ha cap mena d'explicació

I mean, there is no kind of explanation.

de per què aquest tio puja al vaixell

about why this guy is getting on the boat

i comença a fer un espectacle?

And it starts to put on a show?

Perquè és que aquí sona com si fos, no sé, molt...

Because it sounds here as if it were, I don’t know, very...

Bé, jo recostaré quan els vaixells i...

Well, I will lean back when the ships and...



Un moment de comèdia, no?

A moment of comedy, right?

El Luffy dirà...

Luffy will say...

Qui va ahí, no?

Who's there, right?

Típico y...

Typical and...

Bueno, el Bon Play, otro que tal, no?

Well, the Bon Play, another one like that, right?

Així que...


Un pana, eh?

A buddy, huh?

És puro pana, tio, el Bon Play.

It's pure wool, man, the Bon Play.

Una situació, doncs...

A situation, then...

Com quan es troben al vaixell del brut, no?

Like when they meet on the filthy ship, right?

A veure quin hi ha ahí.

Let's see what's there.

Primer ha pres el contacte amb un dels personatges més guais de One Piece, eh?

First, he has made contact with one of the coolest characters from One Piece, right?

O sigui, jo crec que és el preferit de moltes persones.

So, I think it is the favorite of many people.

Potser no és el...

Maybe it's not the...

O sigui, ara mateix no és molt important,

So, right now it's not very important,

però jo crec que és el paio que...

but I think he's the guy who...

O sigui, podria ser Nakama i a mi no m'importaria.

So, I could be Nakama and I wouldn’t mind.

Per tot el que ha fet, eh?

For everything he has done, right?

Per la tripulació.

For the crew.

I de manera desinteressada.

And in a selfless manner.

I a més, el que mola és això, saps?

And also, what’s cool is this, you know?

El típic mime del cavall de com comença a amagar,

The typical mime of the horse as it starts to hide,

superdibuixat i acaba sent un cavall de merda.

superdrawn and ends up being a piece of crap horse.

Doncs no, literalment, Bon Play és un cavall totxíssim

Well no, literally, Bon Play is a very dull horse.

tots els moments en els que apareix.

all the moments in which it appears.

O sigui, no hi ha cap moment que diguis

So there is no moment when you say

això ja una mica.

this is a bit already.

I és un personatge que realment...

And it's a character that really...

Això, saps?

This, you know?

Que hi ha vegades que n'hi ha alguns que tenen alts i baixos,

That there are times when some have ups and downs,

però Bon Play jo crec que també, o de...

but Bon Play I think so too, or from...

És moltíssim en aquest aspecte.

It is very much so in this aspect.

I sempre, sempre, sempre és el protagonista

And always, always, always he is the protagonist.

encara que sigui, doncs, un secundari.

even if it is, then, a secondary one.

És que la manera en la que acaba l'arc d'arabasta

It's just that the way the Arabasta arc ends.

i dius, hòstia, bueno, adéu Bon Play

and you say, damn, well, goodbye Good Play

i després te'l trobes ahí en pèl d'aun

And then you find him there naked as a worm.

i fa el que fa, tio,

And he does what he does, man,

és brutal, perquè és com...

It's brutal, because it's like...

No està reciclant exactament aquests personatges,

He is not exactly recycling these characters.

sinó que els fa encara més guais.

but it makes them even cooler.

És com superguai.

It's like super cool.

Hòstia, estic dient molt la paraula guai.

Damn, I'm saying the word cool a lot.

És que Bon Play és guai.

Bon Play is cool.

Però això, el que estava dient,

But this, what I was saying,

que la manera en la que torna a fer servir personatges

that the way in which it reuses characters

que sortien en segues anteriors

that appeared in previous sequences

i fa que t'agradin encara més,

and makes you like them even more,

és com els hi donen moltes més capes de profunditat,

it's like they give them many more layers of depth,

em sembla una cosa molt interessant,

I find it a very interesting thing,

perquè tu no t'esperes que torni a sortir un personatge

because you don't expect a character to come out again

que sí que molava molt,

that it was really cool,

però no esperaves que tingués importància un altre cop.

but you didn't expect it to matter again.

I per fer lliure és una cosa que...

And to be free is something that...



I que ara ja no fa tant, saps?

And now it doesn't take so long, you know?

Jo crec que es troba una mica faltat, també,

I think he is a bit lacking as well.

que recicli tots aquests grans personatges que ha creat

to recycle all these great characters that he has created

i que els aprofiti en un futur.

and may they benefit you in the future.

I en aquest cas, Bon Play és un d'ells,

And in this case, Bon Play is one of them,

però realment també tens Mr. Three,

but you really also have Mr. Three,

que també és molt important,

which is also very important,

inclús el mateix Crocodile, que és d'això,

even the same Crocodile, which is about this,

i Nico Robin, ja ni en parlem.

And Nico Robin, we don't even talk about her.

O sigui, estem parlant de personatges

In other words, we are talking about characters.

que te'ls presenta d'una manera a la saga d'Arabasta

that presents them to you in a way in the Arabasta saga

i també en aquest arc,

and also in this bow,

i després veus que realment mires en el moment en què estan,

and then you see that you really look at the moment they are in,

ara al dia, i dius, ostres,

now in the day, and you say, wow,

realment són els mateixos personatges,

they are really the same characters,

però les motivacions, els objectius,

but the motivations, the objectives,

de manera com pensen, és totalment diferent.

The way they think is completely different.

A mi, ahir em va sortir un post a Twitter

Yesterday I had a post on Twitter.

que m'ha sonat una...

that I heard a...

Això era una tonteria, perquè era com...

This was nonsense because it was like...

No sé si intentava tirar hate o alguna cosa de...

I don't know if I was trying to throw hate or something like...

Amb la quantitat de personatges que hi ha a One Piece,

With the number of characters there are in One Piece,

de por què no para d'introduir nous com tal

of why it keeps introducing new ones as such

i no reutilitza els vells que té, no?

And he doesn't reuse the old ones he has, does he?

Perquè a qui li importaran dos putos seis berapants

Because who will care about two fucking six berapants?

quan tenim a...

when we have in...

Jo què sé, posar com personatges que val...

I don't know, putting as characters that are worth…

Que igualment, jo crec que és una cosa que fa molt bé amb això, no?

That, likewise, I believe is something that does very well with this, right?

I mira Mister Dos, que el que dèiem al barre utilitza...

And look Mister Dos, what we were saying at the bar uses...

Bueno, Mister Dos i Mister Tres i Mister U,

Well, Mister Two and Mister Three and Mister U,

que a Impeldaon van tornar,

that in Impeldaon they returned,

i ara estan per allà igualment.

And now they are still around there.

S'estan buggy, Mister U...

They are buggy, Mister U...

Està un trotot d'ells, suposo, que no ha sortit, no?

It's one of them, I suppose, that hasn't come out, right?



I és això, que mola que personatges que siguin,

And that's it, it's cool that characters are.

sobretot d'altres bandes, que no estiguin lligats a elles,

especially from other bands that are not tied to them,

perquè, òbviament, són personatges com, jo què sé,

because, obviously, they are characters like, I don't know,

el Viper de...

the Viper from...

Stripea, doncs no esperes que torni a sortir

So, don’t expect it to come out again.

perquè està en su puta isla, saps?

because he is on his fucking island, you know?

I vive ahí.

I live there.

O s'ha d'aïllar.

Either it must be isolated.

Però aquests personatges estan per allà fent coses.

But these characters are over there doing things.

I mola.

It's cool.

I ara estava pensant, i em sembla com molt fort,

And now I was thinking, and it seems very strong to me,

que en el moment actual que estem en el manga,

that at the current moment we are in the manga,

que tenim Buggy, Crocodile, Mihawk...

that we have Buggy, Crocodile, Mihawk...

La Bibi ha sortit, també.

Bibi has gone out, too.

El Wapol, també.

Wapol, too.

I m'estic deixant alguns més, eh?

I'm leaving a few more, huh?

Però, bueno, Cobra també ha sortit ara

But, well, Cobra has also come out now.

en el flashback del revista.

in the magazine's flashback.

I bé, tots aquests són personatges de l'arc de revista,

And well, all these are characters from the magazine arc,

o de la saga més ben dit,

or of the saga better said,

i estan tenint un protagonisme molt important

and they are playing a very important role.

en el moment actual del manga.

at the current moment of the manga.

I clar, és això que estava dient abans,

And of course, that's what I was saying before,

que Oda t'agafa personatges que fa molt que no sortien

that Oda brings back characters that haven't appeared in a long time

i torna a tenir una rellevància brutal

and it is once again extremely relevant

pel sol fet que ha estat desenvolupant

for the fact that it has been developing

com si fos un granet de sorra

as if it were a grain of sand

que després va creixent i es fa una muntanya,

that later grows and becomes a mountain,

doncs aquí està.

well here it is.

Hi ha una cosa molt similar.

There is something very similar.

I jo crec que si mirem una mica

And I believe that if we look a little bit

totes les segues que hi ha a Wampis,

all the followers that are in Wampis,

potser els personatges que estan tenint

perhaps the characters that are having

com més protagonisme de nou

with more prominence again

són els d'Arabasta,

they are from Arabasta,

perquè sé que també ara el CP0

because I know that also now the CP0

és molt important

it is very important

perquè estem a EGD i tal,

because we are at EGD and stuff,

però en general jo crec que

but in general I think that

Arabasta surt molt reforçada,

Arabasta comes out much strengthened,

tal com estan les coses,

as things are,

perquè també el...

because also the...



el Mr. 3, el paio de la cera,

Mr. 3, the guy from the wax.

ha sortit tan bé

it has turned out so well

quan estava amb Crossguild.

when I was with Crossguild.

O sigui que són molts detalls

So there are many details.

que em molen molt.

that I really dislike.



És com el Bonvi, no?

It's like the Bonvi, right?

Que amb el pas del temps,

That with the passage of time,

també com em veiaixen els arcs,

also how the arches looked to me,

que hi ha arcs que em veiaixen millor

that there are arches that suit me better

i arcs que em veiaixen pitjor,

and arcs that saw me worse,

i realment,

and really,

ara basta jo en aquest arc,

now enough I in this arch,

hòstia, realment et planteja

Wow, it really makes you think.

moltes coses,

many things,

posa com el ciment

put like the cement

d'una mica el que diu,

a little bit of what it says,

hòstia, així és com vull explicar

Damn, that's how I want to explain it.

la història, saps?

the story, you know?

L'eix blu sí que va una mica tantejant,

The blue axis does feel a bit tentative,

com que hi ha coses una mica

since there are things a little

inconexes, va a illa per illa

incoherent, goes island by island

i no acaba de donar-li un narratiu

and it doesn't quite give him a narrative

concret durant tot aquest viatge,

specifically during this entire journey,

però Arabasta sí que tu ja saps

but Arabasta, yes you already know

que realment, doncs,

that really, then,

en aquella illa es començarà a sentir

On that island, it will start to be felt.

el nom de la banda dels barrets de paia

the name of the straw hats band

i ja us dic, jo crec que

and I already tell you, I believe that

em queden moltes coses, però els personatges

I have many things left, but the characters.

de Baroque Wars, jo crec que

of Baroque Wars, I believe that

són divertidíssims i a més també et serveixen

they are hilarious and they also serve you

com a entrada a les fruites del diable,

as an entrance to the fruits of the devil,

perquè recordem que gran part de tots

because we remember that a large part of all

aquests personatges tenen fruites del diable

these characters have devil fruits

i fins ara no n'havíem vist ni una

And until now we hadn't seen a single one.

i un cop entres a la gran line, doncs necessites

And once you enter the great line, then you need...

personatges així, com

characters like that, as

super característics i super

super characteristics and super

accentuats per entendre el funcionament

accentuated to understand the functioning

d'aquestes fruites.

of these fruits.

Quin és el vostre

What is yours?

membre de Baroque Wars preferit?

Favorite member of Baroque Wars?

O com a mínim, us recordeu d'algú?

Or at least, do you remember someone?

Jo crec que si hagués d'escollir agafaria

I think that if I had to choose, I would take

la pistola que es va menjar

the gun that ate itself

la fruita d'un gos.

the fruit of a dog.

Top, eh? És top.

Great, huh? It's great.

Això, poca broma, tio, perquè clar,

This, no joke, dude, because of course,

ara ja sabem, o sigui,

now we already know, that is,

ara tenim molta més informació de les fruites

Now we have much more information about fruits.

que abans, però imagina't

than before, but just imagine

anar al dia, trobar-te aquest

stay up to date, find yourself this

gos, i dius, hòstia, aquest gos

dog, and you say, damn, this dog

li han posat una fruita d'una pistola

they put a fruit on a gun

i et diuen, no, no, és al revés.

And they tell you, no, no, it's the other way around.

Clar, al meu servei

Of course, at your service.

no ho podia entendre, això.

I couldn't understand that.

No, no, o sigui, si ets un nen que estàs veient

No, no, I mean, if you are a child who is watching

One Piece per primera vegada, veus aquell gos i dius

One Piece for the first time, you see that dog and you say

tinc gos més raro, però...

I have a weirder dog, but...

Però no et quedes ni

But you don't stay at all.

que una pistola s'ha menjat una fruita d'un gos,

that a gun has eaten a dog's fruit,

és que...

it's just that...

A sobre és com una tècnica que utilitza

Above is like a technique that it uses.

també després amb l'espasa

also later with the sword

d'Espandam, que també és el mateix, que és un elefant

of Espandam, which is also the same, which is an elephant

i penses, un elefant s'ha menjat la fruita d'una espasa

And you think, an elephant has eaten the fruit of a sword.

i és al revés.

And it's the other way around.

I després això

And then this

ho explica Vegapunk, no?, que, bueno,

It's explained by Vegapunk, right? That, well,

no sé si era Vegapunk, però ho expliquen

I don't know if it was Vegapunk, but they explain it.

que li pots posar objectes inanimats

that you can put inanimate objects to him/her

als poders de fruita mitjançant

to the powers of fruit through

la ciència.

the science.

Que això, doncs, és molt...

That this, then, is very...

molt guai.

very cool.



Raro, però... però bueno.

Strange, but... but okay.

Vale, bueno, això que

Okay, well, this that

l'Okama puja al Going Merry

The Okama climbs aboard the Going Merry.

toca a tothom excepte

it touches everyone except

a la Sanji i a la Vivi,

to Sanji and Vivi,

cosa que vol dir que es pot transformar

which means that it can be transformed

en tots els membres dels Mugiwara

in all the members of the Straw Hats

i que els poden reconèixer més tard.

and that they can recognize them later.

I bé, després

And well, afterwards

d'això, els...

of this, the...

les pirates d'Assemblea de Paja finalment

the pirates of Assembly of Straw finally

arriben a...

they arrive at...

a través del porto de Nanohana.

through the port of Nanohana.

Ara basta.

Now enough.

I llavors Luffy té molta gana,

And then Luffy is very hungry,

comença a buscar un bar,

start looking for a bar,

restaurant, típica cosa que fa Luffy

restaurant, typical thing that Luffy does

quan arriba a un país que està

when arriving in a country that is



I... Ah, vale, sí, sí.

I... Oh, okay, yes, yes.

Llavors arriba a un bar

Then he/she arrives at a bar.

i està en el mateix bar

And it's in the same bar.

a Portgas d'Eis, que s'està

to Portgas d'Eis, who is being

preparant per estomacar-se contra

preparing to clash against

Smoker, tio. Hòstia, és que comença

Smoker, dude. Wow, it’s starting.

fort, el puto arco, tio.

Strong, the fucking bow, man.

És que és...

It's just that it's...

És duríssim. I a més també mola perquè

It's really tough. And it also rocks because

és una vegada més el paral·lelisme aquest, no?

it's once again this parallelism, isn't it?

Tu saps que cada vegada que vagin a un bar

You know that every time they go to a bar

els membres de One Piece

the members of One Piece

trobaran algú, ja sigui a Barba Negra,

they will find someone, either at Blackbeard,

sigui a ell, sigui al...

whether it's him, whether it's the...

al mirant aquest, el...

looking at this, the...

Fugitor, es diu? Sí, sí.

Fugitive, is it called? Yes, yes.

Sí, Fugitor. O sigui,

Yes, Fugitor. That is,

mola perquè, inclús també en la

it's cool because, even also in the

Ivexon també es va readaptar, no?

Ivexon also adapted, didn't it?

Que realment els bars sempre et donen entrada

That they really always let you in the bars.

a personatges molt guais. I tu veus

to very cool characters. And you see

a ells i dius

to them and you say

hòstia, quin paio, eh? Quin és este home?

Damn, what a guy, huh? Who is this man?

Ja, tio, o sigui, el veus

Yeah, dude, I mean, you see him.

i dius, eh? I dius, eh? Quin és este home?

And you say, huh? And you say, huh? Who is this man?

I et poses que xondo. O sigui, no sé

You're acting so crazy. I mean, I don't know.

com es diu, però m'encanta.

What's it called, but I love it.

I bueno, i llavors

And well, and then

veuen Aleix i tal

they see Aleix and such

intercanviant algunes paraules

exchanging some words

i quan comença Luffy a menjar dins el bar

And when does Luffy start eating inside the bar?

es troba l'Smoker i diu

The Smoker is located and says

hòstia, aquest paio no me'l puc baixar.

Damn, I can't handle this guy.

Adiós! I comença a córrer...

Goodbye! And start running...

O sigui, bueno, però

So, well, but

aquí molt... O sigui, això

here very much... I mean, this

és una...

it's a...

una demostració

a demonstration

del seu seny.

of his reason.

O sigui, una vegada que diu, hòstia,

So, once he says, damn,

això no ho podria fer

I couldn't do this.

i comença a córrer, em sembla

and he/she starts to run, it seems to me

una tonteria, però molt ben fet

a nonsense, but very well done

per Luffy, perquè aquí podria haver acabat

for Luffy, because this could have ended here

la sèrie i, doncs,

the series and, therefore,

és molt intel·ligent de la seva part.

It is very intelligent of him/her.

De fet, quan comença a fugir

In fact, when he/she/it starts to run away.

el que ajuda

the one who helps

a que puguin escapar és l'eix, perquè és quan

that they can escape is the axis, because it is when

comença a lluitar contra

starts to fight against

l'Smoker i tenim, doncs,

the Smoker and we have, then,

la primera lluita, potser, de la sèrie

the first fight, perhaps, of the series

de dues lògies.

of two logies.



A sobre...


Hi ha una cosa que es veu, oi?

There is something that is seen, right?

Relacionades, no? Una mica.

Related, right? A little bit.

Fot i fum.

"Foot and smoke."

És com... Bona jugada.

It's like... Good play.

Sí, està molt bé.

Yes, it is very good.

Tampoc no hi ha una victòria clara, no? Com que han d'escapar

There's no clear victory either, right? Since they have to escape.

i això, tampoc no s'estan...

and this, they are also not...

Ells tampoc no...

They neither...

no vol carregar-se l'Smoker.

he doesn't want to burden the Smoker.

O sigui...


A principis de la sèrie estava bastant

At the beginning of the series, it was quite

xetado, però jo crec que

it's cool, but I think that

guanyaria l'eix igualment.

he would still win the axis.

Sí. Perquè estem parlant

Yes. Because we are talking.

d'un dels comandants de Barba Blanca

of one of the commanders of Whitebeard

i Barba Blanca, ojito.

And White Beard, watch out.

¿Smoker li guanya a algú, realment? O sea...

Does smoking really beat someone, like...

A aquestes altures li guanyava a Luffy

At this point, he was beating Luffy.

perquè no el tenia Harry, però...

because Harry didn't have it, but...

¿Smoker té alguna victòria?

Does Smoker have any victories?

Jo crec que no.

I don't think so.

Bueno, a Lockdown. Bueno, sí, Lockdown,

Well, a Lockdown. Well, yes, Lockdown,

però ni tan sols és victòria

but it is not even victory

del tot, perquè...

entirely, because...

se la treuen.

they take it off.

Dragon li roba la victòria.

Dragon steals the victory.

Però igualment, jo,

But still, I,

encara que les coses

even though things

canviïn, jo considero

they should change, I consider

Smoker un personatge molt

Smoker is a very character.

respectable, eh? Encara que

respectable, huh? Even though

sigui ara un panza, tio,

be a belly now, dude,

jo el respecto moltíssim.

I respect him very much.

Però bé,

But well,

després que ell se'ls ajudi,

after he helps them,

arriba el vaixell

the ship arrives

a Going Merry,

to a Going Merry,

i aquí és quan els pregunta a els barris

And this is when he asks the neighborhoods.

que... Això és molt, molt loco.

that... This is very, very crazy.

O sigui, els pregunta si es volen unir

That is, he asks them if they want to join.

a la tripulació de Barba Blanca, tio.

to the crew of Blackbeard, dude.

En plan... No ho sé.

Like... I don't know.

Jo no... Jo no... Jo no entenc

I don't... I don't... I don't understand.

això. O sigui, si sabia que Luffy

this. I mean, if I knew that Luffy

volia ser pirata,

I wanted to be a pirate,

potser encara...

maybe still...

O sigui, ell sabia que el Luffy

That is, he knew that Luffy.

volia ser pirata, però no sabia

I wanted to be a pirate, but I didn't know how.

que també volia la seva pròpia

that also wanted her own

tripulació, en plan que això era molt important.

crew, in a way that this was very important.

Per això, clar, la pregunta aquesta

That's why, of course, this question.

no és que estigui fora de lloc,

it's not that it is out of place,

però ho has de pensar una mica,

but you have to think about it a little.

no?, per què la fa. Perquè

No? Why does she do it? Because.

si no, tio, tu no li preguntes a Luffy

if not, dude, you don't ask Luffy.

escolta, abandona la teva tripulació

listen, abandon your crew

i veniu tots aquí a la família

And you all come here to the family.

de Barba Blanca.

of White Beard.

Però convida només el Luffy o a

But does it only invite Luffy or to

tota la banda a unir-se?

Is the whole band joining?

Hòstia, pues...

Damn, well...

Jo entenc que de tota la banda, no?

I understand that from the whole band, right?

És que si no, sí que és una mica feo, no?

It's just that if not, it is indeed a bit ugly, isn't it?

Estàs en un grup de vits i només

You are in a group of wits and only

invites a un o a un...

invites someone to a...

No sé, no?

I don't know, right?

Aquí, ara, Wiki, la nostra

Here, now, Wiki, our

font de confiança,

trusted source,

són molt rigorosos, ja ho podeu veure.

They are very strict, as you can see.

Aquí diu que ella

Here it says that she

es pregunta a tota la tripulació,

he asks the entire crew,

però em faria molta gràcia que només li preguntés

but it would make me laugh a lot if I just asked him.

al Luffy, tio, en plan...

to Luffy, dude, like...

Davant de tothom.

In front of everyone.

I la llarga és que li diu, però

And in the long run, he tells her, but

xòper, l'oio, necessitem un metge, saps?

So, the eye, we need a doctor, you know?

Vaja, tu, tu, per dintre.

Wow, you, you, inside.

Si tenim una mascota...

If we have a pet...

Cuidar viejos com el oio.

Take care of old people like the eye.

Home, de fet, necessitem un metge, de veritat.

At home, in fact, we really need a doctor.

Si tenim una mascota, tio...

If we have a pet, dude...

Home, si et la pregunta, és com

Home, if the question is how.

una mica fora d'allò que a primera saben

a little outside of what they initially know

el somni del Luffy, no?

Luffy's dream, right?

I l'eix que el coneix força bé.

And the axis that knows it quite well.

Però també té una mica de sentit

But it also makes a little sense.

sabent la backstory

knowing the backstory

del propi eix, no? Perquè ell també

of the very axis, right? Because he too

volia ser el rei dels pirates al principi

I wanted to be the king of the pirates at first.

i després quan coneix a Barba Blanca diu

And then when he meets Captain Whitebeard he says

que vull servir-lo

that I want to serve you

i vull estar amb ell i vull fer

I want to be with him and I want to do

que ell sigui el rei dels pirates, llavors...

that he is the king of pirates, then...

Com pot dir això?

How can you say that?

Volia una família.

I wanted a family.

Mola molt això, també, perquè comença

This is really cool, too, because it starts

pensant que vol una cosa, però realment

thinking that he/she wants one thing, but actually

el que vol és una família.

What he wants is a family.

I per lo que sé, no tenia.

And as far as I know, I didn't have it.

No tenia.

I didn't have.

I després, bueno, tenia

And then, well, I had

una família i després té encara més família

a family and then has even more family

amb Sabo. O sigui, a aquest paio

with Sabo. I mean, to this guy

li creixen els germans

his siblings grow up

a mesura que continua

as it continues

la sèrie.

the series.

Però bé, després de que l'Ufi digui

But well, after Ufi says

que no a l'oferta, li dona

that he does not give it to the offer

la vibrecard, que mola

the vibrecard, which is cool

perquè no havíem vist una vibrecard

because we hadn't seen a vibrecard

encara en tota la sèrie

still in the whole series

i aquí ens expliquen això

And here they explain this to us.

que gràcies a aquest

thanks to this

tros de paper

pieces of paper

podem veure si algú

we can see if someone

l'ha estapat a la mà o no. I també

he has covered it with his hand or not. And also

si vols retrobar-te amb aquesta persona

if you want to reunite with this person

doncs has de seguir

then you have to follow

l'atracció magnètica

the magnetic attraction

de la vibrecard cap a

from the vibrecard towards

l'altra persona que té el paper.

the other person who has the role.

I mola molt perquè aquí és com

I really like it because here it is like

petit bocinet de worldbuilding

small snippet of worldbuilding

de One Piece. En plan, té aquest

from One Piece. I mean, it has this

tros de paper, serveix per això

pieces of paper, it's used for that

i és molt significatiu perquè després

and it is very significant because afterwards

trobem a tota la sèrie moments molt

we find very moments throughout the series

importants on hi ha personatges

important characters are here

que moren i veiem

that they die and we see

com les seves vibrecards es cremen

as their vibrecards burn

del tot. I és com, es fa molt

completely. And it's like, it's done a lot.

dur, tio, perquè, o sigui, jo

tough, dude, because, I mean, I

m'imagino que, o sigui, que

I imagine that, I mean, that

si existissin en el món real, tio,

if they existed in the real world, dude,

seria com molt

it would be like very

bonic que algú et donés com un

Nice that someone gave you like a

tros de la seva vibrecard, saps?

pieces of his vibe card, you know?

O sigui, és una cosa que realment

So, it's something that really

et faria sentir que estàs com

it would make you feel like you are like

connectat a l'altra persona. I també

connected to the other person. And also

t'ajuda a saber si està bé o no.

it helps you know if it's okay or not.


Of course.

En veritat, sí. Però bueno, per

In truth, yes. But well, for

alguna cosa tenim mòbils, no? Avui en dia.

We have mobile phones, right? Nowadays.

M'estimaria més tenir una vibrecard

I would prefer to have a vibrecard.

que un puto mòbil, tio.

it's a damn phone, dude.

Una pregunta que m'ha vingut ara, en plan,

A question that has just come to my mind, like,

quan, spoiler, mor Ace,

when, spoiler, Ace dies,

que es crema la seva

that burns its own



és l'única vibrecard

It is the only vibracard.

que veiem que es destrueixi?

What do we see being destroyed?

Doncs ara que ho dius,

Well, now that you mention it,

no ho sé, però és molt bona pregunta.

I don't know, but it's a very good question.

Perquè, en plan, es crema, però

Because, like, it burns, but

es crema perquè totes es cremen o es cremen

It burns because they all burn or they are burned.

perquè ell és...

because he is...

Clar, és com...

Of course, it's like...

No sé si estàs validat o no, però

I don't know if you are validated or not, but

no ho sé.

I don't know.

Si tingués el smoker, que s'aniria convertint en fum.

If I had the smoker, it would turn into smoke.

Potser, no?

Maybe, right?

No, jo crec que totes es cremen, eh?

No, I think they all burn, right?

Em sembla que...

I think that...

Crec, eh?

I believe, huh?

Que quan no fies treball pel down

That when you don't trust, work for the down.

o alguna cosa així de...

or something like that...

enmig del time skip

in the middle of the time skip

que estava com molt fotut

that I was feeling very messed up

l'UFI, i crec que algú

the UFI, and I think someone

tenia la seva vibrecard i ell s'estava

he had his vibrecard and he was

com cremant o alguna cosa així. No sé si

like burning or something like that. I don't know if

us sona, eh?

Sounds familiar, huh?

Me sona la situació, però no sé

The situation sounds familiar, but I don't know.

quan va ser. No sé, vaig a mirar

When was it? I don't know, I'm going to check.

en Google imàgenes, tio,

on Google Images, dude,

per vibrecard. Mira, sí.

for vibrecard. Look, yes.



Ah, no, espera. És un meme

Ah, no, wait. It's a meme.

de Big Mom morint.

of Big Mom dying.

Ah, bueno, això ho comentàvem també

Ah, well, we were also discussing this.

quan Kaido li dona la primera...

when Kaido gives him the first...

a l'UFI. Tota la

to the UFI. All the

flota de los sombreros de paja

float of straw hats

no va veure que potser la vibrecard

didn't see that maybe the vibrecard

estava una mica...

I was a little...



Patxutxa, no?

Patxutxa, right?

Està bastant bé la vibrecard.

The vibrecard is quite good.

Però, a més, és curiós perquè, o sigui,

But also, it's curious because, I mean,

surt ara la vibrecard aquesta

the vibe card is coming out now

i després la té...

and then she has it...

O sigui, surt ja a Zillerbark

I mean, get out already to Zillerbark.

l'Ola que en dona una, no?

The wave that gives us one, right?

Sí. I després d'això ja...

Yes. And after that already...

O sigui, després ja...

That is, after already...

Només ja aquestes dues.

Only these two.

I tot el pre-timescape

And all the pre-timescape.

només hi ha la de la Lola

there is only Lola's

i la de l'Eis.

and that of the Eis.



Bueno, i la de l'UFI...

Well, and the one from the UFI...

Ah, bueno, pre-timescape sí.

Ah, well, pre-timescape yes.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

I també, una manera de veure si un personatge

And also, a way to see if a character

té com molta esperança de vida

has a lot of hope for life

o se li ha reduït

or it has been reduced

és mirant la seva vibrecard.

He is looking at his vibracard.

I la vibrecard de l'UFI

And the UFI vibe card

no l'hem vista un altre cop encara.

we haven't seen her again yet.

Però no m'estranyaria si s'hagués escurçat

But I wouldn't be surprised if it had been shortened.

una mica la...

a little the...

la llargada d'aquest tros de paper.

the length of this piece of paper.

No, que pel que sigui

No, whatever the reason.

la cinquena marxa jo crec que ja en parlarem

I think we'll talk about the fifth gear later.

algun dia, però que molt sana no és.

someday, but it's not very healthy.

No, no fa pinta de ser sana.

No, it doesn't look healthy.

En absolut, tio.

Not at all, dude.

O sigui, si després quan s'acaba la transformació

So, if after the transformation is over

et tornes en un octogenari, o tio,

you turn into an octogenarian, dude,

que li està donant

what is he/she/it giving him/her/it

un atac al cor...

a heart attack...

Ojito, eh?

Watch out, okay?

A veure, totes les transformacions

Let's see, all the transformations.

de l'UFI que ha tingut

of the UFI that it has had

sempre ens han vingut a tenir en compte

they have always taken us into account.

que esto te va a matar.

That this is going to kill you.

Esto te va a matar.

This is going to kill you.

Una cosa és que fossis...

One thing is that you were...

el GR3 i després estiguis com

the GR3 and then you are like

xiquito, que dius

little one, what are you saying

bueno, no passa res, però no és tan

Well, it doesn't matter, but it's not that.

agradable. En canvi, tio, quan

pleasant. On the other hand, dude, when

et poses amb el GR5

you start with the GR5

és com molt més

it's like much more

agressiu, saps? Per la teva

Aggressive, you know? Because of your...

salut. Si potser

Hello. Maybe.

s'han difumat per l'UFI i el GR5

They have been diffused through the UFI and the GR5.

jo crec que són dues

I think it is two.

coses molt similars, eh?

very similar things, right?

És més, què és més perillós del GR5

Moreover, what is more dangerous about the GR5?

o fumar mil cigarros al dia?

or smoke a thousand cigarettes a day?

No estic segur, eh?

I'm not sure, huh?

Jo crec que estan a la part, aproximadament.

I think they are in the part, approximately.



com estàvem

how we were

dient, després que

saying, after that

li donin la bibliocard,

give him the bibliocard,

crec que és quan comença...

I think it's when it starts...

Ah, sí, aquí és quan

Ah, yes, this is when

la Bíblia envia a Karoo

the Bible sends to Karoo

a la capital

to the capital

d'Arabasta, i bàsicament

of Arabasta, and basically

el que vol és que Karoo informi

What he wants is for Karoo to inform.

el rei a Cobra, que en pau

the king to Cobra, may he rest in peace

descansi, que bueno,

rest, how good,

que hi ha uns terroristes que es fan passar

that there are some terrorists who pretend

per molta penya,

for a lot of people,

que estan infiltrats, i que, bàsicament,

that they are infiltrated, and that, basically,

hauran de destabilitzar el país

they will have to destabilize the country

fent una guerra civil. D'aquesta manera

waging a civil war. In this way

ja s'ha informat el rei,

The king has been informed.

i ja com que

and since

les dues parts estan una mica

the two parts are a bit

ja comunicant-se,

already communicating,

i després d'això

and after that

ja, bueno, arriben a Arabasta

Yes, well, they arrive in Arabasta.

i arriben al poble aquest,

and they arrive at this village,

que estava

that was

com atacat cada dia

as attacked every day

per tormentes de sorra,

for sand storms,

on es trobem amb un viejo

where we meet an old man

que és el Payu, o sigui,

what is the Payu, I mean,

és el pare del...

he is the father of...

com es diu?

What is it called?

del Koza, això mateix,

from Koza, exactly that,

molt bé Adri, algú que has mirat

very good Adri, someone that you've looked at

la sèrie. El pare

the series. The father

del Koza, aquí

from Koza, here

Bibi diu, el Koza és

Bibi says, Koza is

el meu amic de la infància,

my childhood friend,

però ara és el líder d'aquesta cèl·lula

but now he is the leader of this cell

terrorista, i dius, ah bueno,

terrorist, and you say, oh well,

pues nada,

well, nothing,

buen amigo tienes.

You have a good friend.

I després d'això

And after that

crec que ja arriba Crocodile,

I think Crocodile is already coming.

perquè els capturen,

because they capture them,

diu, els Barret de Palla deixen

He says the Straw Hats leave.

Juba, que és el poble, no? pel matí,

Juba, which is the village, right? in the morning,

i Bibi vol viatjar a

And Bibi wants to travel to

Nanoana, que era la capital d'Arabasta.

Nanoana, which was the capital of Arabasta.

Llavors, aquí és quan, ah sí,

So, here is when, oh yes,

aquí això hem de parlar una mica,

here we need to talk a bit,

que és quan Luffy i la Bibi tenen una

what is when Luffy and Bibi have a

discussió molt interessant,

very interesting discussion,

perquè presenta, pues, uns

because it presents, then, some

uns dilemes morals, que és quan

some moral dilemmas, which is when

si tu ets capaç de

if you are capable of

salvar a tothom, o si

save everyone, or yes

no pots salvar a tothom,

you can't save everyone,


do you know?

Perquè em sembla que Bibi deia, hem de trobar alguna

Because it seems to me that Bibi was saying, we need to find something.

manera de salvar a tothom sense que ningú

way to save everyone without anyone

mori, i Luffy li diu,

"Die, and Luffy says to him,"

escolta, tu el que ets és

listen, what you are is

una pallassa, perquè no és realista

a clown, because it is not realistic

que ningú, o sigui,

that no one, I mean,

mori. O sigui, podrem, salvarem a totes

Die. That is, we will be able to, we will save everyone.

les persones que puguem,

the people we can,

però hi haurà persones

but there will be people

que no puguin viure,

that they cannot live,

perquè és impossible.

because it is impossible.

Potser algú s'haurà de sacrificar, no?

Maybe someone will have to make a sacrifice, right?

Per una bomba, per exemple.

For a bomb, for example.

I morir.

And I die.



Però no recordeu,

But do not remember,

o sigui, no recordo si la discussió era si

So, I don't remember if the discussion was whether...

hi ha d'haver sacrificis,

there must be sacrifices,

o simplement si no podrà

or simply if he/she will not be able to

salvar-se a tothom més que res, perquè

save oneself above all else, because

hi ha persones que s'estan morint de gana, persones

there are people who are dying of hunger, people

que s'estan morint de set,

that they are dying of thirst,

simplement per timing i perquè

simply for timing and because

no ets omnipotent,

you are not omnipotent,

omnipresent, perdó,

omnipresent, sorry,

no podrà salvar totes aquestes persones.

he will not be able to save all these people.

Però com a mínim podrà salvar el país

But at least he will be able to save the country.

i podrà salvar el munt

I will be able to save the mountain.

de gent, que tampoc està malament.

of people, which isn't bad either.

No està malament, no està malament.

Not bad, not bad.

No està malament.

It's not bad.

Mola perquè a més també et va posant com la llavor

It's cool because it also plants you like the seed.

ja arcs enrere

already arcs back

també una mica del que

also a little of what

veurem al final d'aquest arc,

we will see at the end of this arc,

que és una...

what is a...

que realment veiem com totes aquestes

that we really see how all these

llavors al final de l'arc,

then at the end of the arch,

en moments decisius realment, aquestes

in decisive moments really, these

converses tenen un impacte en les decisions

conversations have an impact on decisions

que prenen cadascun dels personatges

that each of the characters take

i també com reaccionen al que

and also how they react to what

els envolta. I en aquest cas, jo crec

it surrounds them. And in this case, I believe

que és un Luffy sorprenentment

what is a surprisingly Luffy

madur, veient després encara

ripe, still seeing afterwards

el viatge que ha de fer com a capità

the journey he must take as a captain

i com a persona a l'hora

and as a person at the same time

de protegir la gent que estima.

to protect the people they love.

I tot i així,

And still,

no sé com d'això, però

I don't know how about that, but

em mola perquè

I like it because

en aquest arc ja Luffy tu ja el veus

In this arc, you can already see Luffy.

que comença a patir contra

that begins to suffer against

el que és el dolent

what is bad

d'aquesta obra, que jo no sé si em voleu

of this work, that I do not know if you want me

començar a parlar-ho ja, però a mi

start talking about it already, but to me

em flipen les batalles de Luffy amb Crocodile.

I love Luffy's battles with Crocodile.

O sigui, em sembla una cosa d'un

I mean, it seems to me something of a...

quiero y no puedo, i realment

I want to and I can't, and really.

el posa a llocs, és per primera vegada

he puts it in places, it is for the first time

el Luffy.

the Luffy.

I no és prop si a sobre?

And isn't it close if above?

Digue'm qui

Tell me who.

ha guanyat dues vegades el Luffy.

He has won against Luffy twice.

Jo crec que no tanta gent.

I don't think so many people.

Però sí, ja està.

But yes, that's it.

És normal, no? Al final.

It's normal, isn't it? In the end.

Però sí.

But yes.

Bueno, i

Well, and

saps si Kizaru?

Do you know if Kizaru?



Ja veremos.

We'll see.

I això també ho vull veure a Life Action,

And I want to see this in Life Action as well.

aquesta discussió del Luffy

this discussion of Luffy

i la Vivi, perquè en

and Vivi, because in

Life Action encara no hem tingut aquest desenvolupament

Life Action has not yet had this development.

de Luffy com a capità i de

of Luffy as captain and of

prendre decisions com superimportants

make decisions as super important

i aquesta maduresa

and this maturity

d'hòstia, que són

"what the hell, what are they"

pirates i no tothom es pot salvar

pirates and not everyone can be saved

en aquest món, i jo

in this world, and I

ho vull veure per

I want to see it for

veure plasmat aquesta

see this reflected

evolució del personatge,

character evolution,

que em sembla força interessant.

I find it quite interesting.

Sí. I després

Yes. And then.

d'això, ja comença

of this, it has already begun

lo xido, com dirien els

the rust, as they would say



Els barrets de palla

Straw hats

ja arriben a Reign

they are already arriving at Reign

Dinners, que és un

Dinners, what is it?

és com un joc que és

it's like a game that is

propietat de Crocodile, vale?

Crocodile property, okay?

I mentre estan allà...

And while they are there...

És de ciutat, no? Sí, sí.

They are from the city, right? Yes, yes.

I quan estan per allà,

And when they are around there,

Crocodile tenia una reunió

Crocodile had a meeting.

clandestina amb, no sé si era

clandestine with, I don't know if it was



amb la Nicole Robin, en plan

with Nicole Robin, in a casual way

Mister Sandy, crec que era. Sí.

Mister Sandy, I think it was. Yes.

I ja està, no? O sigui,

And that's it, right? I mean,

reunió de Crocodile i Mister Sandy.

Crocodile and Mister Sandy meeting.

Bàsicament està explicant-li l'objectiu

Basically, he is explaining the objective to him.

de Baroque Works ara mateix,

from Baroque Works right now,

que és desestabilitzar el país i

that is to destabilize the country and

bàsicament quedar-me

basically stay

amb els petrodolars. I aquesta

with petrodollars. And this

reunió és interrompuda per Mister

the meeting is interrupted by Mister

Tree, que diu que no va poder aturar

Tree, who says he couldn't stop.

els barrets de palla i a Vivi.

the straw hats and Vivi.

Llavors, li demana disculpes,

Then, he asks for her forgiveness,

Crocodile les accepta, i

Crocodile accepts them, and

en canvi, gent

on the other hand, people

a Mister Tree, al seu aquari, on estan?

to Mister Tree, in his aquarium, where are they?

On estan els crocodrils, aquests anormals, no?

Where are the crocodiles, those weird ones, right?

Perquè pugui tenir una mica de companyia

So that I can have a little company.



Llavors, la resta de gens...

Then, the rest of the genes...

La resta de gens oficials

The rest of the official genes.

de Baroque Works, obtenen

from Baroque Works, they obtain

les imatges de Vivi i dels barrets de palla

the images of Vivi and the straw hats

gràcies a

thanks to

el que va fer el Boncorell,

what Boncorell did,

que va ser tocar-los. Però, com

that it was to touch them. But, how

vam avançar abans,

we advanced before,

no va tocar el Sanji.

he didn't touch the Sanji.

Vale? Llavors,

Okay? Then,

no tenen informació que Sanji és

they don't have information that Sanji is

un dels barrets de palla. I aquí

one of the straw hats. And here

em fa molta gràcia això. Crocodile dona ordre

I find this very funny. Crocodile gives the order.

de perseguir a tots aquests.

of pursuing all these.

Tret de Sanji i de Chopper,

Except for Sanji and Chopper,

perquè es pensava que era la mascota,

because it was thought to be the pet,

tio. Sí, aquí

Dude. Yes, here.

ja va... Aquí...

there it goes... Here...

Ja començaven a perpetuar

They were already beginning to perpetuate.

el meme de Chopper

the Chopper meme

és un... una mascota.

it's a... a pet.

Però, escolta,

But, listen,

que sí, et queixaràs i tal,

that yes, you will complain and all,

et farà mal l'orgull,

pride will hurt you,

però bé, els beneficis d'això,

but well, the benefits of this,

tio, no me jodes.

Dude, don't mess with me.

No, sí, a ver, en verdad, a ver,

No, yes, let's see, really, let's see,

aprovecha el bug, no?

take advantage of the bug, right?

A mi no m'agradaria de gust que em perseguissin

I wouldn't like it if someone chased me.

dos mil persones.

two thousand people.

Bueno, depèn. A mi tampoc

Well, it depends. Not for me either.


I would like.

I a Chopper, a Chopper tampoc

And Chopper, Chopper too.

li agradaria, o sigui, que no es queixi tant,

he would like, that is, for him not to complain so much,

tio, i que accepti les

Dude, and that he accepts the.

conseqüències de ser una mascota.

consequences of being a pet.

Pobra Chopper, que

Poor Chopper, what

ho vaig veure l'altre dia, lo de

I saw it the other day, the thing about

vius tota la teva vida a una lla de neu, surts,

you live your whole life on a snow slab, you go out,

lo primer que vas, un desierto.

The first thing you see is a desert.

Bueno, hòstia...

Well, damn...

És lo que hi ha, no?

That's how it is, right?

Per cert, parlant de Chopper,

By the way, speaking of Chopper,

tio, vaig estar mirant com una entrevista

Dude, I was watching like an interview.

amb el director dels efectes

with the special effects director

espacials de Life Action, i va dir

specials of Life Action, and said

una cosa que, honestament, em fa molta

one thing that, honestly, makes me very

por, i és que diu que si

Fear, and it's that he says that if.

poden, faran el Chopper

they can, they will make the Chopper

amb... com els Gyojin,

with... like the Gyojin,

sense CGI.

without CGI.

No sé, no em...

I don't know, I...

És que no sé què és pitjor, tio,

I don't know what is worse, man.

si CGI mal fet

if CGI poorly done

o si un maquillatge que no estigui a

or if a makeup that is not on

calçada, perquè, no sé, deu ser més fàcil

pavement, because, I don’t know, it must be easier

fer CGI, no?

Do CGI, right?

No? Home, és

No? Well, it is.

car, eh? CGI per tants capítols,

Car, huh? CGI for so many episodes,

i per un personatge que

and for a character that

va estar en pantalla molt de temps.

it was on screen for a long time.

No sé, però

I don't know, but

també ho he estat pensant, i...

I've been thinking about it too, and...

Has vist que hi ha una altra sèrie de Netflix

Have you seen that there is another Netflix series?

també, que hi ha com un ninho rei, no?

also, there's like a royal nest, isn't there?

Així, i te'l posen d'exemple

So, they use you as an example.

de com podria ser.

of how it could be.

Si és algo així,

If it's something like this,

amb un maquillatge encara més currat, pot ser.

with an even more elaborate makeup, maybe.

No sé

I don't know.

si desentonaria tant, sobretot tenint en compte

if it would clash so much, especially considering

que Chopper és un...

that Chopper is a...

un rei, no que s'ha menjat la fruita humana,

a king, not one who has eaten the human fruit,

així que, que tinguin més aparència humana

so that they have a more human appearance

en la efecció en tantes sèries.

in the effect in so many series.

Ja, tampoc no és tan mal tirada.

Yes, it's not that bad an attempt either.

Ja, o sigui que

Yes, so that means

em sembla molt bé l'argument

I think the argument is very good.

que Chopper també és una persona humana,

that Chopper is also a human person,

i tot el que vulguis, però

and everything you want, but

jo no em vull veure un humà

I don't want to see a human.

en forma de rei, no? En plan, jo no em vull

In the form of a king, right? Like, I don't want to.

veure la...

see the...

O sigui, jo no... La sèrie

So, I don't... The series.

que has dit, no sé com es diu,

what you said, I don't know what it's called,

i no l'he vista, d'acord?

And I haven't seen her, okay?

Però he vist tantes fotos de Chopper

But I have seen so many photos of Chopper.

com si fos aquesta persona

as if it were this person

que ja sé quina dius.

that I already know which one you mean.

Llavors, jo crec que

Then, I believe that

per aconseguir que una cosa

to achieve something

sigui com adorable i mona,

be it as adorable and cute,

amb maquillatge

with makeup

jo crec que és molt difícil si estàs fent

I think it's very difficult if you're doing.

servir un actor que és una persona humana,

to serve an actor who is a human being,


Do you know?

Amb CGI jo crec que seria com més fàcil

With CGI, I think it would be easier.

d'aconseguir aquest efecte de...

to achieve this effect of...

no cartoon, però més...

not cartoon, but more...

més mono, però bé.

cuter, but okay.

Encara queda molt,

There is still a long way to go,

i bé, jo

and well, me

espero que tot vagi bé, d'acord?

I hope everything goes well, okay?

Tot vagi bé, ja està.

Everything is fine, that's it.

I comptant

I counting

les transformacions, també.

the transformations, too.

Clar, els monster points, tio.

Sure, the monster points, dude.

Com fas els monster points

How do you earn monster points?

amb un actor

with an actor

amb maquillatge, tio?

With makeup, dude?

No, això sí que hauria de ser...

No, that really should be...

Perquè si no...

Because if not...

Bé, potser els treuen...

Well, maybe they'll take them out...

No poden treure els monster

They can't take out the monsters.

points, tio, perquè si no tens

points, dude, because if you don't have

mitja personalitat de Chopper.

half personality of Chopper.

Ja, no sé.

Yes, I don't know.

A veure què fan. Bueno, veurem.

Let's see what they do. Well, we'll see.

Vamos viendo.

We'll see.

Vale, com estàvem

Okay, how were we?

dient, tenen la reunió aquesta exclusiva.

Saying, they have this exclusive meeting.

El Mr. Terza està, doncs,

Mr. Terza is, then,

sent l'aliment dels cocodrils.

being the food of crocodiles.

Clar, això, bueno, paral·lelisme a Goda,

Sure, this, well, parallelism to Goda,

no?, que es diu Crocodile, el

No? It's called Crocodile, isn't it?

dolent, que té una

bad, that has a

peixera amb cocodrils. Jo crec que això

fish tank with crocodiles. I think that this

és molt... Desarroll de personatge. Això és molt...

it's very... Character development. This is very...

molt bèstia. Em sembla un procés

very beastly. It seems to me a process

escripturà impressionant.

impressive writing.



aquí sí, aquí sí.

Here yes, here yes.

Quan arriben al Rain Bay, és el que

When they arrive at Rain Bay, it is what

són els Mugiwara, la tripulació

they are the Mugiwara, the crew

es divideix en dos grups, que eren Nami, Usopp,

It is divided into two groups, which were Nami, Usopp,

Zoro i Luffy,

Zoro and Luffy,

que són els que entren al casino,

they are the ones who enter the casino,

i Sanji, Vivi i Chopper es queden

And Sanji, Vivi, and Chopper stay.

vigilant fora. Llavors, els que entren

vigilant outside. Then, those who enter

dins del casino, i Smoker,

inside the casino, and Smoker,

perquè també entrava Smoker al casino,

because Smoker also entered the casino,

són capturats per Crocodile,

they are captured by Crocodile,

que, molt bona, això,

that, very good, this,

però, bueno, els foten...

but, well, they screw them over...

És que fots a tres

It's that you mess it up for three.

allà dins, tio...

in there, dude...

Bueno, que els captura Crocodile

Well, that Crocodile captures them.

i els foten una

and they get one.

gàbia de kairoseki,

kairoseki cage,

que això em sembla molt guai

I think this is really cool.

perquè, o sigui,

because, I mean,

a Punhazard, quan estava Smoker

at Punhazard, when Smoker was there

i alguns Mugiwara, potser,

and some Mugiwara, perhaps,

capturats a la gàbia, estava

captured in the cage, I was

també Luffy, perquè no

also Luffy, why not

recordo les vegades que han capturat

I remember the times they have captured.

Smoker juntament amb algun

Smoker along with someone.

membre de la tripulació de Luffy. És com...

crew member of Luffy. It’s like...

No sé si és un cliché,

I don't know if it's a cliché,

però si em donessin un euro per cada cop

but if they gave me one euro for every time

que ha passat, no em faria ric, però ja s'estranya

what has happened, it wouldn't make me rich, but it's already strange

que hagi passat més d'una vegada.

that it has happened more than once.

I realment

And really

mola perquè

it’s cool because

aquest acte d'aquí, o sigui,

this act here, that is,

pot semblar una mica relleno, però realment

it may seem a bit filling, but really

dona com molt més de sentit al que passa

woman gives much more meaning to what happens

després, no?, amb tota la tema de Mr. Prince,

afterwards, right?, with all the Mr. Prince issue,

que realment jo crec que és una de les

that I really believe is one of the

primeres, diguem, coses on dius

first, let's say, things where you say

goda, perquè realment

joy, because really

és una cosa que et va construint a poc a poc

It’s something that builds you up little by little.

al llarg dels capítols i

throughout the chapters and

mola moltíssim, i que no hi ha

it's really cool, and there's none.

cap personatge que tingui un arc semblant

no character that has a similar arc

al que té Sanji durant la basta.

to whom Sanji has during the mess.

A mi personalment

Personally, to me

la subtrema

the subtheme

de Mr. Prince és una de les coses

Mr. Prince is one of the things.

que més m'agraden de la basta en general,

what I like most about the raw in general,

perquè Sanji m'agrada molt,

because I really like Sanji,

és dels meus Mugiwara preferits,

he's one of my favorite Mugiwara,

i clar, a mi m'agrada molt

And of course, I like it a lot.

aquesta cosa.

this thing.

I sí, és com quan comences a veure

And yes, it's like when you start to see.

que Oda comença a cuinar

that Oda starts to cook

a foc massa lent,

to a fire that is too slow,

o sigui, que no t'esperes venir aquest tipus

So, you're not expecting this type of person to come?

de... de girs,

of... of turns,

no?, del guió. Però bé,

no?, of the script. But well,

també volia parlar

I also wanted to talk.

que aquí és quan comences a veure

that here is when you start to see

les primeres interaccions amb Luffy i

the first interactions with Luffy and

Smoker, que

Smoker, what

Smoker no és que odia Luffy, però veus

Smoker doesn't hate Luffy, but you see.

el seu sentit de la justícia i tal, en plan

his sense of justice and all that, like

t'he de capturar perquè és

I have to capture you because it is

el meu deure, i Luffy en plan

my duty, and Luffy in plan

chilling, en plan

chilling, like

sombrós. Me la pela.

Gloomy. I don't care.

Sí, sí, Luffy...

Yes, yes, Luffy...

Solo me intentaste capturar y casi lo consigues,

You only tried to capture me and almost succeeded,

pero bueno, sin rencores.

but well, no hard feelings.

Sí, sin rencores.

Yes, without resentment.

Però és això, tampoc el veu com un

But that's it, he doesn't see him as one either.

amenaçat raió, un arlong,

threatened reason, an arlong,

un crocodile, un d'això, saps?

a crocodile, one of those, you know?

O sigui, veu com que el vol

So, you see how he wants it.

capturar, però ell està de pana, saps?

to capture, but he's in a jam, you know?



Ja, és curiós perquè

Yes, it is curious because

si fos un altre personatge

if it were another character

en la situació de l'Smoker, per exemple,

in the situation of the Smoker, for example,

imagina't que en comptes d'alesa t'han trobat

imagine that instead of that they have found you

a l'Odigi,

to Odigi,

que bé, òbviament, doncs sí que els hauria capturat, però

how good, obviously, then yes I would have captured them, but

Luffy no estaria tan

Luffy wouldn't be so...

com calmat amb ell, saps?

How calm with him, you know?

Estaria com, hòstia, jo a este tengo que derrotarlo.

I would be like, damn, I have to defeat this guy.

Ja sigui perquè té un

Whether it's because it has a

rango major o...

greater range or...

o què, no? Però és com Luffy

Or what, right? But it's like Luffy.

veu la naturalesa.

see the nature.

Un ISAP 3 Smoker és un tio

A ISAP 3 Smoker is a guy.

chill, tio, és buena onda.

Chill, dude, it's good vibes.

Bueno, doncs

Well then

quan estan ja capturats, vivint

when they are already captured, living

no sé com... com

I don't know how... how

ho sap, però no sé, potser la truquen

He knows, but I don't know, maybe they call her.

o jo què sé, i és quan decideix

Oh, I don't know, and that's when he/she decides.

anar... decideix

go... decide

anar a rescatar-los

go to rescue them

i aquí comença la

and here begins the

típica de, bueno, capturem el Smoky

typical of, well, let's capture the Smoky

bora i ara posem

bora and now we put

el suor de lava, en aquest cas

the sweat of lava, in this case

no és lava però comença a inundar

it's not lava but it's starting to flood

tota l'habitació i el que és

the whole room and what it is

la clau de la gàbia

the key to the cage

se la dona al cocodril,

she gives it to the crocodile,

vale? Sí, en com... i

Okay? Yes, in how... and

els allibera els cocodrils.

it frees the crocodiles.

Llavors aquí penses, hòstia, creo que

So here you think, damn, I think that

ja sé que queda molt guai

I already know it looks really cool.

queda de pel·lícula, ets el puto amo

movie-worthy, you are the fucking boss

ets un mafioso, el capo

you are a mafia member, the boss

però no hauria estat com

but it wouldn't have been like

millor que t'emportis tu la

better that you take the

clau, que ets com la persona més poderosa

Key, you are like the most powerful person.

de tota la sala

of the whole room

però bueno. No passa res

but well. It's okay.

perquè Crocodile sabia que després

because Crocodile knew that afterwards

Mr. Princess

Mr. Princess

lluiria i després

it would shine and then

de fer això, de donar-li la clau al cocodril

to do this, to give the key to the crocodile

rep una trucada

get a call

a Crocodile i diu, hòstia

a Crocodile and says, damn

qui serà? Jastel? No!

Who could it be? Jastel? No!

Ha llegat el durum

The durum has arrived.

Ha llegat el durum, no

The durum has arrived, hasn't it?

home, ara basta, ojo, els durums

man, now enough, watch out, the durums

ojo els durums, buah, hauríem de fer tirs

Watch out for the durums, wow, we should take shots.

on fotrien els millors durums de One Piece

where they put the best durum of One Piece



I el sushi a la

And the sushi to the

a la Yagyojin

to the Yagyojin

Sí, hòstia, buah, però

Yes, damn, wow, but

no, tio

no, dude

El llibre de la ciutat de Sanji no surt

The book of the city of Sanji does not come out.

el llibre de la ciutat de Sanji no surt pel que sigui

The book of the city of Sanji is not coming out for some reason.

No, hòstia

No, damn it.

buah, que macaoro

wow, how beautiful

Bé, Crocodile

Good, Crocodile

rep un whatsapp

receive a whatsapp

d'un tal Mr. Prince

of such Mr. Prince

que diu que ha estat capturat

that says he has been captured

a les afores de

on the outskirts of

del casino, no?

From the casino, right?

de Reindeers

of Reindeers

O sigui, bueno, no li diu que

That is, well, he doesn't tell him that.

li fa creure que ha estat capturat a fora

it makes him believe that he has been captured outside

Llavors Crocodile diu, hòstia

Then Crocodile says, damn.

això és aquí al davant, vaig a mirar la situació

this is right ahead, I'm going to check the situation

Aquí Chopper

Here Chopper

crec que feia una de les seves, no?

I think he was doing one of his things, right?

O sigui, es fa servir com

That is, it is used as

es què es diu? En plan, senyoro?

What is it called? Like, sir?

Sí, sí

Yes, yes.

Molt bé tio, sóc el Yassin Mardaguer

Very well dude, I am Yassin Mardaguer.

I fa servir els seus poders humans per

And uses his human powers to

evitar que Crocodile entri al casino

prevent Crocodile from entering the casino

I Sanji Yassin filtra

I Sanji Yassin leaks.

intenta alliberar els seus amics

tries to free his friends

Llavors, derrota el

Then, defeat him.

Bananawamni, hòstia

Bananawamni, damn!

és veritat, perquè els cocodrils aquests

It's true, because these crocodiles

tenien forma de plàtan, tio

they were shaped like a banana, dude

Ara, que no ho recordava

Now, I didn't remember that.

I, vale

I, okay

Quan el derrota expulsa la clau

When defeat expels the key

però també expulsa una gran bola de cera

but it also expels a large ball of wax

que era la bola que afetxaria

what was the ball that would affect

el Mister Ciri per protegir-se

Mister Ciri to protect himself.

de ser digerit, que aquest paio, hòstia

to be digested, this guy, damn

té molts recursos, és el puto amo

he has many resources, he's the fucking master

Però aquí ja comença

But this is where it begins.

la creació

the creation

del ultra-villano

of the ultra-villain

del Joker, perquè el Mister Ciri

from the Joker, because of Mister Ciri

està tan ratllat perquè el Crocodile

it's so scratched because of the Crocodile

li ha fet aquesta

he has done this to him/her

putada, i llavors li dona

damn, and then he gives it to him



Ah, no, espera, no, no

Ah, no, wait, no, no.

que ho estic mirant tot malament, que em pensava

that I am looking at everything wrong, that I thought

que aquí el Mister Ciri acabava fins la polla

that here Mister Ciri was fed up to the brim

del Crocodile, però tenia

of the Crocodile, but I had

o sigui, tenia esperit de venjança

That is to say, he had a spirit of revenge.

per venjançar dels Mugiwara

to take revenge on the Mugiwara

llavors es desfà de la clau

then it gets rid of the key

Bueno, Sanji li dona una pallissa

Well, Sanji gives him a beating.

i l'obliga a fer una còpia de la clau

and forces him to make a copy of the key

sense cap problema, llavors aquí ja sí

No problem, then here yes.

aquí ja sí els allibera tots

here it does free them all

després d'aquest pas

after this step

que no era necessari

that it was not necessary

els allibera tots

frees them all

Llavors, Chopper arriba amb

Then, Chopper arrives with

el cangrejo mòbil, que es diu

the mobile crab, which is called



que es un amigo

What is a friend?

sí, és que em fa molta gràcia la wiki

Yes, it really amuses me the wiki.

perquè vas mirant com creus que dius

because you're looking at how you think you say

que collons era aquesta penya, tio

What the hell was that crew, dude?

Vale, vale, ojo, ojo al dato

Okay, okay, watch out, watch out for the data.

Recordeu que ara basta quan arriben, es troben

Remember that now it is enough when they arrive, they meet.

amb un dromedari, un camell

with a dromedary, a camel

que era pervertit

that he was perverted

que ja em diràs tu per què collons

that you'll tell me why the hell

agafes un camell i li dones aquesta personalitat

you take a camel and give it this personality

Tu no te'n recordes, Sales?

You don’t remember, Sales?

Que hi havia un camell?

Was there a camel?

Cejas, no? Cejas, sí

Eyebrows, right? Eyebrows, yes.



O sigui, a part que és un camell, per començar

So, apart from the fact that he is a camel, to begin with.

li dona una personalitat una mica

it gives her a bit of a personality.

rara, no, o sigui

strange, no, I mean

Violent, no? O sigui

Violent, right? I mean.

Ostres, però és un personatge que

Wow, but he is a character who

en plan, és rellevant al final

Like, it's relevant in the end.

perquè està amb la banda i

because he is with the band and

té edat

is of age

Actua com el meu tiet a la futbolada de Nadal, tio

Act like my uncle at the Christmas football game, dude.



ja, o sigui

yes, I mean

aquest paell, el camell, té

this paell, the camel, has

o sigui, hi ha uns llibres

that is, there are some books

que suposo que ja els coneixereu

that I suppose you already know them

que són les Vibre Card, que aquí

what are the Vibre Cards, here

on hi ha informació oficial

where there is official information

que després potser hi ha alguns canvis

that maybe there will be some changes afterwards

perquè l'Oda no pot supervisar-ho tot

because the Oda cannot supervise everything

però aquí surt

but here it comes out

el camell que es diu Matsuge

the camel that is called Matsuge

tenim grup sanguini F

We have blood group F.

altura 190 centímetres

height 190 centimeters

va néixer el 17 d'agost

he was born on August 17th.

i té 15 anys el debut

and it is the debut at 15 years old

i després el time skip 17 anys

and then the time skip 17 years



Desierto de Sándora y Estado Vivo

Sándora Desert and Living State

Estado civil

Marital status

a ellos

to them

m'encantaria que tornés

I would love for him/her to come back.

en algun moment, tio

at some point, dude

bueno, sí, com si això venia

well, yes, as if this came

perquè Chopper arriba

because Chopper arrives

amb un crank enorme

with a huge crank

que és amic de Matsuge, el camell

who is a friend of Matsuge, the camel

o sigui que el dromedari i el camell

that is to say, the dromedary and the camel

tenien el contacte aquest

they had this contact

li va passar el Chopper

he passed him the Chopper

i llavors el veuen a rescatar

and then they see him being rescued

és com, està molt ben filat, saps?

It's like, it's very well put together, you know?

Perquè dius, qui collons es faria amic d'un crank?

"Why are you saying that, who the hell would want to be friends with a crank?"

Doncs un altre animal, evidentment

So another animal, obviously.

Crank també, era un pervertit, o sigui, que jo crec

Crank also was a pervert, so I think.

que era com un cercle de

that was like a circle of

de pervertits. De pageros.

of perverts. Of payers.

De pageros.

Of pagers.



mentre estan fugint,

while they are fleeing,

Crocodile intenta com rescatar,

Crocodile tries to rescue.

perquè es pensa que

because it is believed that

les coses que no són...

the things that are not...

Intenta rescatar Vivi de la Crank, però llavors

Try to rescue Vivi from the Crank, but then

Luffy la salva. Ah, no, espera.

Luffy saves her. Ah, no, wait.

Crocodile, d'acord, d'acord, res, res.

Crocodile, okay, okay, nothing, nothing.

Està en el meu cap per a Smoker.

It's in my head for Smoker.

D'acord, Crocodile intenta

Okay, Crocodile, try.

bueno, capturar Vivi, Luffy

Well, capture Vivi, Luffy.

diu que no.

he says no.

D'acord, quin és salvador

Okay, which one is Salvador?

per Luffy, quin s'hi deixa llevar per... A veure,

for Luffy, who lets himself be carried away by... Let's see,

els de la wiki no se van escriure, jo no sé parlar,

the ones from the wiki were not written, I don't know how to talk,

però aquests no se van escriure, o sigui que

but these were not written, so

tanta culpa meva no és.

It's not entirely my fault.

Diu, Crocodile tracta de rebentar

He says, Crocodile is trying to burst.

Vivi del Crank, però és salvador per Luffy

Vivi is from Crank, but she is a savior for Luffy.

qui es deixa emportar per Crocodile.

who lets themselves be carried away by Crocodile.

D'acord, és que no recordava això, o sigui, és

Okay, I just didn't remember this, I mean, it's...

Luffy qui es deixa emportar per Crocodile.

Luffy who is swept away by Crocodile.

Llavors, els hi permet

Then, it allows them.

reunir-se a la capital de la basta.

meet in the capital of the vast.

Crocodile diu que

Crocodile says that



li diu a Luffy que només durarà 3 minuts

he tells Luffy that it will only last 3 minutes

però en pendejo no durarà nada.

but in a fool, it won't last at all.

Luffy atroca Crocodile

Luffy defeats Crocodile.

però després, bueno, això és

but then, well, this is

molt important, és com primera lluita de

very important, it is like the first fight of

Crocodile versus Luffy

Crocodile versus Luffy

i aquí ja estem descobrint

and here we are already discovering

el que són els poders de

what the powers of

l'eslògia, que estan

the slog, which are


shattered pieces.

Luffy intenta culpar-se a Crocodile

Luffy tries to blame Crocodile.

descobreix que no pot perquè

he discovers that he cannot because

és sorra

it is sand

i Crocodile també

And Crocodile too.



una mica d'exhibició de les seves

a little bit of exhibition of theirs

habilitats perquè també podia

skills so that he/she could also

m'agrada molt aquesta habilitat

I really like this skill.

que et pugui assecar com

that it can dry you like

el cos, o sigui, que et tira sorra

the body, that is, that throws sand at you

i et deshidrata, que això

and it dehydrates you, that

és una barbaritat, em sembla com super

it's outrageous, it seems super to me

super loco

super crazy

i llavors li asseca la brasa a Luffy

and then he dries the embers for Luffy

Luffy pren a aigua

Luffy takes water.

perquè tenia un barril que li van donar abans

because he had a barrel that they gave him before

i després que passin

and after they pass

3 minuts, com va dir Crocodile

3 minutes, as Crocodile said.

Crocodile travessa el pit de Luffy

Crocodile crosses Luffy's chest.

amb el seu garfi

with his hook

i la

and the

envia doncs a unes sorres

send then to some sands

d'aquestes que

of these that

xuclen, no?, cap a dins

they suck, right?, inward

llavors ve Missandei

then Missandei comes

després que Crocodile

after Crocodile



i salva Luffy

and save Luffy

Què us va semblar aquesta lluita a vosaltres?

What did you think of this fight?

A mi em sembla com primera presa de contacte

It seems to me like a first contact.

amb un Shichibukai i

with a Shichibukai and

el pendejo no dura nada

the fool doesn't last long

Bàsicament, bueno, a ver primera presa de contacte

Basically, well, let's see the first contact.

millor, no?

better, right?

Però sí, en serio sí

But yes, seriously yes.

i és molt bona.

And it's very good.

A veure, clar, jo no me'n recordo

Let's see, of course, I don't remember.

què vaig sentir quan ho vaig veure

what I felt when I saw it

o què sentiria algú, no?, quan veu això per primer cop

or what would someone feel, right?, when they see this for the first time?

però és com, hòstia, com li guanya a Luffy a este, no?

but it's like, damn, how does he beat Luffy at this, right?

No, no, o sigui

No, no, I mean.

és una pallissa en tots

it's a beating in every way

en totes les lletres de la paraula

in all the letters of the word

i feia falta

and it was needed

o sigui, era, és o de

that is, was, is, or of

dienta, eh, això no serà tan fàcil

Hey, this won't be that easy.

com ha sigut fins ara, saps?, d'arribar a un lloc

how it has been so far, you know?, to arrive at a place

pagar-li, hòstia, és el

Pay him, damn it, it's him.

dolent de turno i anar-te'n a la següent

bad one in turn and go to the next one

lliga, no, aquí t'hauràs de guanyar

League, no, here you will have to earn it.

i hauràs d'utilitzar el cap perquè el pai

And you will have to use your head because the father...

aquest és literalment

this is literally

una persona que està lluitat

a person who is fighting

vint anys més que tu, saps?

Twenty years more than you, you know?

Total, total. Sí. Després també

Overall, overall. Yes. Later too.

quan acabi, quan estem acabant el capítol

when it ends, when we are finishing the chapter

vull parlar de com

I want to talk about how

o sigui, una cosa que no és que no m'agradi

In other words, it's not that I don't like it.

però em sembla com una liada

but it seems like a mess to me

de cara a futures lluites i tal

in light of future struggles and such

perquè aquí, o sigui, Crocodile

because here, I mean, Crocodile

és un personatge que

he is a character that

jo fins fa poc no el considerava

I didn't consider him until recently.

com un tio que és com dels més

like a guy who is one of the best

forts de la sèrie

strongholds of the series

perquè literalment Luffy se'l carrega

because Luffy literally takes him down

super aviat

super early

i després, clar, trobes

and then, of course, you find

personatges que

characters that

estan més avançats en la trama

they are further along in the plot

i són més

and they are more

dèbils que Crocodile

weak as a Crocodile

llavors, clar, a mi em costava, bueno

then, of course, it was hard for me, well

ho estic parlant ara, eh, vaig dir que ho parlaria

I'm talking about it now, huh, I said I would talk about it.

després a acabar la sèrie

after finishing the series

però, o sigui, el problema ho produc ara

but, I mean, the problem is produced now

que després Luffy es troba amb personatges que són

that later Luffy meets characters who are

més dèbils que Crocodile

weaker than Crocodile

i se'ls carrega igual, evidentment

And they are loaded the same way, obviously.

però clar, això en tema de

but of course, this in terms of

powerscaling i tal

powerscaling and such

jo pensava que

I thought that

aquestes persones

these people

són més poderoses que Crocodile

they are more powerful than Crocodile

perquè han sortit com més tard de la sèrie

because they have come out later in the series

i que Crocodile és un panza

and that Crocodile is a belly

però és que ara, clar, te l'estan fotent

but it's just that now, of course, they're messing with you

amb Crossguild que està fent

with Crossguild that is doing

aliança amb Mihawk i que es tracten

alliance with Mihawk and that they are dealing

bueno, de tu a tu, evidentment

well, from you to you, obviously

Mihawk és més fort, però es tracten de tu a tu

Mihawk is stronger, but they treat each other as equals.

i es respecten, no? I dius

And they are respected, right? And you say

collons tio, o sigui, el paio està fort

Damn dude, I mean, the guy is strong.

però va aparèixer en un moment

but it appeared at a moment

com molt aviat

as soon as possible

va ser una mica el cap d'atur, no?

It was a bit of a job stoppage, wasn't it?

Igual que quan jugues a Pokémon la primera vegada

Just like when you played Pokémon for the first time.

i apareixes amb un Squirtle al nivell 7

and you appear with a Squirtle at level 7

i has de guanyar un líder de gimnàsio

You have to win a gym leader.

doncs Brook és

so Brook is

el Crocodile de Pokémon

the Crocodile from Pokémon

saps? O sigui, al final

You know? I mean, in the end.

és un paio que te l'han de posar en algun moment

he's a guy that you have to put in at some point

perquè tu sentis que has donat un pas més

so that you feel like you have taken a step further

però que realment no et flipis

but really don't get carried away

saps? I per exemple

You know? And for example

que Crocodile pot lluitar-li

that Crocodile can fight him

de tu a tu a un

from you to you to one

Bissell mirant de Yonko

Bissell looking at Yonko

potser guanyar-lo o no

maybe win it or not

però competir-li jo crec que sí

but I believe it is possible to compete with him/her

Sí, jo crec que sí

Yes, I think so.

ara mateix, sí

Right now, yes.

Home, si no

Home, if not.

m'he de decepcion, no?

I have to be disappointed, right?

A ver, a Marineford

Let's see, at Marineford.

pelea contra dos flamingos

fight against two flamingos

contra un

against one

contra un Katakuri

against a Katakuri

no li guanya, crec

I don't think he/she is winning.

però li dóna una peleita, crec

but it gives him a little fight, I think

No ho sé, eh?

I don't know, huh?

És que té una lògia, tio

It's got a loggia, dude.

i la sap fer servir molt bé

and she knows how to use it very well

Sí, suposo que estarà despertada

Yes, I suppose she will be awake.

a aquestes altures

at this point

Clar, sí, segur, perquè de fet és ell

Of course, yes, sure, because in fact it is him.

el que fa el comentari

the one who makes the comment

no sé si us en recordeu, però

I don't know if you remember, but

els despertadors de les fruites del diable

the awakenings of the devil's fruits

surten després d'aquest combat

they leave after this fight

que comentàvem ara, que diu que

what we were just talking about, which says that

es fa l'explicació que hi ha persones

It is explained that there are people.

que quan dominen tant la fruita

that when they dominate the fruit so much

poden treure-li tot el seu poder

they can take away all his power

Bàsicament és un...

Basically, it's a...

Ni me'n recordava que ho explicaven aquí

I didn't even remember that they explained it here.

Si t'ho està dient ell, entenc per què

If he is telling you, I understand why.

és perquè l'ha pogut despertar

It's because he/she has been able to wake him/her up.



No ho recordava

I did not remember it.

Sí, sí, ho diu, de fet

Yes, yes, it does say so, in fact.

és el primer que diu que es poden despertar

He is the first to say that they can wake up.

les fruites

the fruits

És un detall molt guai

It's a very cool detail.

Que ho digui un usuari de lògia

Let a user of lògia say it.

Mola que ho digui un usuari de lògia

It's cool that a user of logic says that.

que és com el tipus de fruita

that is like the type of fruit

de les quals coneixem

of which we know

molt poca informació sobre els seus despertadors

very little information about their alarm clocks


Do you know?

I després, bueno

And then, well

una mica parlant

a little bit of talking

d'això de despertar lògies i tal

about this of waking up logics and such

Artur va treure un vídeo

Artur released a video.

que parlava de l'últim capítol del manga

that talked about the last chapter of the manga

on segons ell explica

as he explains

que Kizaru ja té la seva

that Kizaru already has his

fruita despertada

woken fruit

i explica per què

and explain why

No vaig veure el vídeo perquè no el vaig veure

I didn't see the video because I didn't see it.

però segons els seus arguments

but according to their arguments

moltes persones es van deixar convèncer

many people were convinced

i me l'he de mirar

and I have to look at it

perquè, no ho sé, em semblaria com

because, I don’t know, it would seem to me like

una mica estrany

a little strange

que es porti com una lògia així despertada

that it behaves like a lodge thus awakened

i que tu com a lector no te n'adonis

and that you as a reader don't realize it

perquè jo crec que la gràcia

because I think that the charm

d'això és que diguis

that’s why you say

hòstia que guai, una lògia

Wow, how cool, a lodge!

que està fent servir poders de

that is using powers of

que s'ha despertat

that has woken up

no que estigui despertada

not that I am awake

i que tu no te n'adonis

and that you don't realize it

perquè en el meu cas no ho vaig pensar

because in my case I didn't think about it

però bueno, hi ha un vídeo d'Artur

but well, there is a video of Artur

que explica per què creu això

that explains why he/she believes this

i si us ho mireu jo crec que segur que està guai

And if you look at it, I think it will definitely be cool.




que diu Artur

what Artur says

atentos, tots

Attention, everyone.



després d'això que Luffy

after that Luffy

és rescatat per Robin

he is rescued by Robin

que bueno, que és missó del Sunday

how good, that it is the mission of Sunday

que passa?

What’s happening?

que guai, com guai

how cool, like cool

si, bueno, que passa?

Yes, well, what's happening?

ah sí, aquí és com fan servir una pipi falsa

ah yes, this is how they use a fake pee



els agents oficials estan a l'espera

the official agents are on standby

vivien arribar i atrapar-la

they lived to arrive and catch her

però veuen com arriben 6 persones

but they see how 6 people arrive

encaputxades, vale, que estan

hooded, okay, they are



cada una muntada en un membre

each one mounted on a member

de l'esquadró, hòstia, los superpatos

from the squadron, damn, the super ducks

vale, és veritat que hi havia

okay, it's true that there was

un esquadró dels ànecs aquests

a squadron of these ducks

que eren els

what were the

bros de Karoo

Karoo brothers

vale, sí, ja recordo

Okay, yes, I remember now.

vale, que estaven aquí, bueno, cadascú

Okay, they were here, well, each one.

en un pato mòbil

in a mobile duck

i estaven encaputxats

and they were hooded

i bueno, que no sabem qui és Vivi

And well, we don't know who Vivi is.

està guapíssim

he is very handsome

està guapíssim això també

this is also really beautiful

una cosa que em fa una mica de por

one thing that scares me a little

veure com adapten tots els ànecs aquests

see how they adapt all these ducks

que en teoria

that in theory

van a tota hòstia

they're going at full speed

però realment és divertit perquè

but it really is fun because

inclús també tu com a espectador no saps

even you as a spectator don't know

quin de tots és Vivi, saps?, en aquell moment

Which one of all is Vivi, you know?, at that moment.

perquè de fet

because in fact

la Vivi real estava

the real Vivi was

amagada rere una roca

hidden behind a rock

i va esperar que els Mugiwara

and waited for the Mugiwara

guanyessin temps

gain time

i va esperar que els Mugiwara guanyessin temps

and waited for the Mugiwara to buy time

Aquest ja és quan es van apagar

This is when they turned off.

amb els The Barrier Rewards i tal, no?

with the The Barrier Rewards and all, right?

Sí, sí, just abans

Yes, yes, just before.

just abans d'això

just before that

Sí, jo crec que els

Yes, I believe that the

els super patos aquests

these super ducks

jo crec que seran com un Chocobo

I think they will be like a Chocobo.

del Final Fantasy 7

of Final Fantasy 7

són força similars, són com pollastres

they are quite similar, they are like chickens

que es fan servir per

that are used for

o sigui, com a muntures

that is to say, as mounts

i van molt ràpid

they go very fast

però bé, després d'això

but well, after that

cada dos amb dos Mugiwaras per fi tenen els seus

Every two with two Mugiwaras finally have theirs.

versus, Chopper i Usopp

versus, Chopper and Usopp

tenen la baralla

they have the cards

amb el gos, que no és un gos

with the dog, which is not a dog

que és una pistola, una fruita de gos

what is a gun, a dog fruit

ah, no, que era contra

Ah, no, it was against.

el gos i el Miss Merry Christmas

the dog and Miss Merry Christmas

mira, fixa't

look, pay attention

Sí, o sigui, tres, és un tres per dos

Yes, I mean, three, it's a three for two.

gairebé diríem, l'Usopp i el Chopper

we could almost say, Usopp and Chopper

Sí, sí, sí

Yes, yes, yes.

És un tres per dos

It's a three for two.

Que siguen parlant d'Usopp, del gran capitán Usopp

They are still talking about Usopp, the great captain Usopp.

És una molt bona pelea aquesta, eh

It's a very good fight, isn't it?

És la polla, tio

It's amazing, dude.

i a sobre de les tres el primer arco així

And above the three, the first arch like this.

que podem tenir versus per tothom

what we can have versus for everyone

és algo que ojalá

it's something that hopefully

és més difícil ara mateix

it's harder right now

perquè hi ha molts membres, però

because there are many members, but

ojalá es fes més, no?

I wish there were more, right?

Aquí estan molt guai

Here they are very cool.

perquè estan molt ben parits

because they are very well bred

o sigui, estan molt, molt ben parits

that is to say, they are very, very well bred

molt millors que els de Wano, per exemple

much better than those from Wano, for example

o sigui, et dóna la sensació que

that is to say, it gives you the feeling that

en tots els versus hi ha una estratègia

In every verse, there is a strategy.

ho passen malament i

they have a hard time and

millor no donen una millor versió d'ells mateixos

better not to give a better version of themselves

per guanyar el combat, ja no tant per power up

to win the fight, not so much for the power up

sinó d'optimització de

but of optimization of

de poders i d'habilitats

of powers and abilities

i jo crec que això és el que fa tan especial també aquests

And I think that this is what makes these so special as well.

versus, que si ho compares amb els de Wano

versus, which if you compare it with those from Wano

a Wano és una mica, bueno

In Wano it's a bit, well

me converteixo en el cas de Nico Robin

I become the case of Nico Robin.

en una forma que porto

in a way that I carry

dos anys preparant

two years preparing

i me la pela una barbaridad

And I couldn't care less.

però aquí sí que et tira més ingeni

but here it does require more ingenuity from you

i una mica se les apanya

and she manages a little bit

Sí, perquè en aquests versus

Yes, because in these verses

tio, són lluites que són

Dude, these are struggles that are.

pràcticament lluites a mort

practically fights to the death

que acaben de lluitar

that just fought

els moguiwara estan pràcticament

the moguiwara are practically

morint-se, vull dir

dying, I mean

estan patint un munt

they are suffering a lot

i per poder guanyar han hagut de

And in order to win, they had to

fer servir tot el que sabien

to use everything they knew

i inclús

and even

fer servir tècniques que

use techniques that

no havien fet servir mai

they had never used

però és això, aquest com

but it's this, this how

efecte de

effect of

que podrien perdre, que estan a punt de morir

that they could lose, that are about to die

que s'estan dessagnant

that are bleeding out

que no es poden tornar a aixecar

that cannot be raised again

són coses que impacten

they are things that impact

molt i et fan creure que estàs

a lot and they make you believe that you are

mirant una batalla realment

watching a battle really

molt important

very important

no és que les de Wano

it's not that of Wano

estem dient Wano per no dir

we are saying Wano instead of saying

qualsevol altre arc, però com és el que tenim

any other arch, but as it is the one we have

més recent, mira

more recent, look

perquè a Wano tens un Jinbe contra un

because in Wano you have a Jinbe against one

Hush-Hu, que

Hush-Hu, that

la veritat és que jo no estava patint pel

the truth is that I was not suffering for the

Jinbe, més aviat estava patint

Jinbe was rather suffering.

pel Hush-Hu, perquè estava

for the Hush-Hu, because I was

en una pallesa escatològica

in a scatological straw

tio, a més que el Jinbe

dude, besides Jinbe

és que ni és d'espantines i és que li

It's just that it's neither scary nor is it for him.

fa una pallesa tio

that's nonsense, dude

i també

and also

no, és que s'acaba bé

no, it's just that it ends well

el Franky contra

Franky against

el Triceratops sí que estava com una mica

the Triceratops was indeed a bit hungry

més igualat, però al final

more even, but in the end

Franky guanya i tampoc és

Franky wins and he isn't either.

que li hagués fet

what I would have done to him/her

molt de mal

a lot of harm

i no sé, és que bueno

I don't know, it's just well.

el Robin

the Robin



Black Maria sí que em va semblar

I did think it was Black Maria.

no sé si igualat

I don't know if equalized.

però sí que em va semblar molt més

but it did seem much more to me

guai, perquè aquí el Robin

cool, because here Robin

va patir un munt, perquè va rebre molt

he suffered a lot because he received a lot

de mal, i també perquè tenies

of bad, and also because you had

el Sanji d'hostatge, o sigui que

the Sanji as a hostage, so that

no era el mateix, però clar

it wasn't the same, but of course

per això dic que

that's why I say that

els versos de la basta són diferents

the verses of the bast are different

i realment tenen aquest efecte

And they really have this effect.

molt més potent

much more powerful

perquè són lluites que són

because they are struggles that are

molt més intenses, vull dir

much more intense, I mean

exigeixen com un sacrifici molt més

they demand as a sacrifice much more

important per

important for

part del Mugiwara

part of the Straw Hats

molt semblant al que fa

very similar to what he does

Zoro contra King

Zoro against King

és aquest tipus de lluita

it is this type of struggle

per això


la batalla de King contra Zoro

the battle of King against Zoro

mola molt perquè Zoro

it's really cool because Zoro

literalment veu la mort

literally sees death

és que això ho diu tot

it says it all

sí, sí

yes, yes

i a més

and moreover

també tornant a aquests combats

also returning to these battles

els veus amb ferides molt lletges

you see them with very ugly wounds

veus a na Miquel li punxen el peu

you see Miquel getting his foot pricked

veus a Soap que li trenquen el nas

you see Soap getting his nose broken

veus a Zoro que

do you see Zoro that

arriba un moment que inclús

there comes a moment when even

com activa una

how to activate one

espècie de haki d'observació en certa manera

a kind of observation haki in a way

quan li cauen unes pedres al damunt

when some stones fall on him

de lo cansat que està i que se li mou

of how tired he is and that it moves him

el cos sol

the sun body

tens inclús la de Sanji que potser

you even have Sanji's that maybe

diríem que és la més neta entre cometes

we would say it is the cleanest in quotation marks

però que tot i així és un

but that nonetheless is a

combatón amb les cames que jo crec que

battle with the legs that I think that

no hem vist un combat

we have not seen a fight

tan espectacular amb les cames

so spectacular with the legs

per Sanji, o sigui per rival

for Sanji, that is for rival

bàsicament, són uns versos

basically, they are some verses

molt, molt, molt xulos

very, very, very cool

i estan a l'alçada

and they are up to the mark

d'aquest arc, jo crec que també el fan

I think they also make this arch.

per això el fan tan màgic també perquè

that's why it makes it so magical too because

veus uns rivals que tenen fruites del diable

you see some rivals who have devil fruits

que tenen poders que realment

that they have powers that really

són un repte

they are a challenge

i mola molt la sensació aquesta de que

I really like this feeling that

cadascú neix la primera vegada

everyone is born the first time

que cadascú lluita com en un costat diferent

that everyone fights as if on a different side

et posen un mapa, et posen

they give you a map, they give you

uns versos aïllats en cada diferent zona

isolated verses in each different area

i mola molt la sensació de quan

I really like the feeling when

et posen al final del combat qui guanya

they put at the end of the fight who wins

és com una sensació de dir, hòstia, s'ho han corregut

It's like a feeling of saying, wow, they've really pulled it off.

de veritat


del qual, perquè per exemple mira

of which, because for example look

en els versos de Sanji contra Boncurei

in the verses of Sanji against Boncurei

tenim el fet que

we have the fact that

Boncurei es fa passar per dones

Boncurei pretends to be women.

o sigui es disfressa de dones i això

so he dresses up as women and that

fa que el Sanji no li pugui

So that Sanji can't handle it.

pagar, però després el Sanji

Pay, but then Sanji.

veu que el Boncurei només

you see that the Boncurei only

pot atacar-li quan és

can attack him when he is

ell mateix, llavors el Sanji comença

himself, then Sanji begins

a estomacar-lo i el Boncurei no té cap

to stomach it and the Boncurei has none

altre remei que defensar-se

another remedy than defending oneself

i aquí ja comencen les puntades de peu

And here the kick starts.

que molen molt

they are really cool

després a la batalla de l'anami contra

after the battle of Anami against

Miss Doublefinger

Miss Doublefinger

l'anami no és una persona que tingui un poder

The spirit is not a person who has power.

de combat que sigui

of combat that it is

com rellevant

as relevant

o sigui un poder de combat físic

that is, a physical combat power

que no sigui

that it not be

un poder que diguis, hòstia

a power that you say, damn

ets el Zoro, ets el Sanji, no

you are Zoro, you are Sanji, right?

aquí és quan rep per exemple

here is when you receive for example

el Climatacto que li va fer l'Usob

the Climatic Act that Usob did to him

i aquí no se l'havia

and here it hadn't been seen

fet servir, o sigui

used, that is to say

l'anami va haver de mirar el manual d'instruccions

the soul had to look at the instruction manual

mentre estava lluitant, tio

while I was fighting, dude

que em sembla una burrada

that seems like nonsense to me

i encara així guanya

and still wins

però mola molt perquè aquí ja

but it's really cool because here already

l'anami obté una eina

the spirit obtains a tool

que li permet, doncs no, o sigui

that allows him, so no, I mean

estar a la part amb els seus rivals

to be on par with their rivals

i poder derrotar-los perquè

and to be able to defeat them because

si no, sí que pot

if not, yes it can

oferir moltes coses a l'anami

offer many things to the anami

però en lluites

but in struggles

necessitava doncs

I needed therefore.

més recursos

more resources

i després a la lluita del Zoro

and then to the fight of Zoro

el Mister One, tio

the Mister One, dude

aquí també està molt guai

it's really cool here too

perquè el Mister One era qui tenia

because Mister One was the one who had

la fruita de la serra

the mountain fruit

que era la Supa Supa

what was the Supa Supa

i Zoro no podia tallar

and Zoro could not cut

la serra perquè encara no tenia el Haki

the mountain because I still didn't have the Haki

desenvolupat, però tot i així

developed, but still

el talla

he cuts it

perquè fa servir l'estil

why it uses the style

d'una sola espasa

of a single sword

que és quan el talla, i aquí entenc

that is when he cuts it, and here I understand

que ha fet servir Haki o alguna cosa així

that has used Haki or something like that

però també

but also

ho fa molt al límit

it does a lot at the limit

Sí, bueno i és això que dius

Yes, well, that's what you say.

posar al límit la seva força i la seva habilitat

push their strength and skill to the limit

i provar-se a ell mateix

and try himself

una mica

a little bit

com el que va passar amb Mihot

like what happened with Mihot

si no puc guanyar aquesta pelea ara

if I can't win this fight now

és que no

it's just that no

no puc complir el meu somni

I cannot fulfill my dream.

és com una pedra realment

it's like a stone really

tallar la serra, li falta ara el diamant

Cut the saw, now it needs the diamond.

a ver, a ver cuando

let's see, let's see when

De fet ho diuen, no?

In fact, they say so, right?

en aquell moment en què va al combat

at that moment when he goes into battle

diu, he tallat la serra

he says, I have cut the saw

però pesa el diamant

but the diamond weighs

de fet ho diu el mateix això

In fact, it says the same thing.



i mola molt aquest combat del Foro

I really like this fight from the Forum.

jo crec que no és conya

I don't think it's a joke.

jo crec que és el, potser King

I think it is him, maybe King.

com has comentat abans Galadín

As you mentioned earlier, Galadín.

però King

but King

i Mr. One, jo crec que són els dos combats

And Mr. One, I believe they are the two fights.

més exigents pel Foro

more demanding for the Forum

més enllà de quan

beyond when

rep tot el mal de Luffy

takes all of Luffy's pain

a Celerbark

to a Celerbark

Sí, jo crec que són encara

Yes, I think they are still.

potser més durs que

perhaps harder than

Zoro contra Kaku

Zoro against Kaku

que sí que va ser una lluita molt guai

that it was indeed a really cool fight

o sigui que et pot agradar més

so it might like you more

a mi jo crec que m'ha agradat més

I think I liked it more.

pel que fa

as for

la coreografia i tal

the choreography and such

però jo, o sigui

but I, I mean

va patir tant però no tant

he suffered a lot but not that much

com aquí

like here

o sigui no és el mateix

that is to say, it is not the same

En parlarem un altre dia si voleu

We'll talk about it another day if you want.

però a mi per exemple la de Kaku sí que

but for me, for example, the one by Kaku does indeed

em prometia molt més o m'esperava molt més del personatge

I expected much more from the character.

del que al final va donar així, no?

of what it ultimately gave like this, right?

i crec que Mr. One tu quan el veus

I think that Mr. One, when you see him.

jo tampoc confio en que li donés tanta tanta

I don't trust that I would give him/her/it so much.

tanta guerra

so much war

al Zoro

to Zoro

però em mola molt que sigui un combat de

but I really like that it is a fight of

que l'únic que ha de fer Zoro és

that the only thing Zoro has to do is

aconseguir-lo donar un cop

get it done with a bang

amb un cop guanya però

with a blow it wins but

ho ha d'aconseguir tallar, és un concepte que

it has to achieve cutting, it is a concept that

mola moltíssim i m'agradaria

it's really cool and I would like it

que en el cas que hi hagi el repte aquest

that in the event that there is this challenge

del diamant, doncs que vagi una mica així també

from the diamond, so let it go a little like this too

Sí, això

Yes, that.

és el que dius, que presentant

it's what you say, that presenting

Mr. One com un tio que

Mr. One like a guy who

que no el coneixes

that you don't know him

però que després demostra

but then it shows

les seves habilitats i

their skills and

et guanya molt de respecte

it earns you a lot of respect

però clar, és un tio que va

but of course, he's a guy who goes

per fil baix i tu no t'esperes que

for a low thread and you don't expect that

pugui oferir una lluita d'aquest nivell

can offer a fight of this level

i bé, un cop que acaben aquests

And well, once these are over



és quan Koza arriba al

it's when Koza arrives at the

palau per exigir a Cobra

palace to demand from Cobra

que es rendeixi, però llavors descobreix

that it surrenders, but then discovers

el tinglado

the shed

i diu, hòstia puta, lo que está pasando

And he says, holy shit, what is happening.

Crocodile li diu al Koza

Crocodile says to Koza.

que el seu pla és bàsicament

that his plan is basically

esclatar la plaça central

to burst the central square

amb una bomba atòmica

with an atomic bomb

o sigui que no se ralle

so don't freak out

mucho, i també li

a lot, and also to him/it

revela les seves veritables intencions, que és

reveals its true intentions, which is

la de trobar l'ubicació de l'arma

the one of finding the location of the weapon

ancestral, que és Pluton

ancestral, what is Pluto

i tu et quedes aquí amb la cara del maut i dius

and you stay here with a stupid face and say

no sé què és Pluton, no sé què és un arma

I don't know what Pluto is, I don't know what a weapon is.

ancestral, però té un nom tan

ancestral, but it has such a name

guai i tan xulo

cool and so nice

que assegur que és una de les coses

that ensures it is one of the things

més interessants de One Piece

most interesting of One Piece

i, hòstia

and, damn

encara no sabem

we still don't know

com és Pluton, sabem que estarà a

How is Pluto, we know it will be at

basta, però, ojito

Enough, but be careful.

ah, de fet

oh, in fact

podem fer aquí una mica de teories, inclús

we can make some theories here, even

que és Pluton, o sigui, no sabem què és encara

What is Pluto, I mean, we still don't know what it is.

no en tenim ni idea, o sigui

we have no idea, I mean

què és, potser

what is it, perhaps

és que no ho sé, què pot ser

I don't know, what might it be?

o sigui, realment, no hi ha

so, really, there isn’t

teories al voltant d'això que és Pluton

theories around what Pluto is

sí, o sigui, però ara no en veia cap

Yes, I mean, but right now I didn't see any.

cap teoria, però, tio

No theory, though, dude.

encara que no puguem ara mateix

even though we can't right now

teoritzar sobre què és Pluton

theorize about what Pluto is

m'encanta que estigui

I love that you are.

ara a basta, o sigui, això t'ho confirmen

Now enough, that is to say, this is confirmed to you.

i això és una cosa que és així, és certa

and this is something that is so, it is true

i és com

and it is like

quan vas a Wano i dius, hòstia, aquí

when you go to Wano and say, damn, here

hi ha un robot poneglyph

there is a poneglyph robot

també hi ha un arma ancestral

there is also an ancestral weapon

i després quan acaba l'arc et porten

And then when the arc ends, they take you.

on està el poneglyph

Where is the poneglyph?

i on està l'antigua Wano

And where is the ancient Wano?

aquí ara a basta

here now to spare

deu ser com una cosa similar, o sigui

it must be something similar, that is to say

tu ja has viatjat ara a basta, però

you have already traveled enough now, but

no has visitat aquests espais

you have not visited these spaces

que són súper secrets

that are super secret

que et revelen secrets del segle

that reveal secrets of the century

del VIII

of the VIII

i on hi ha l'arma ancestral

and where is the ancestral weapon

o sigui que hi ha coses que encara

so there are things that still

se'ns han de revelar

they must be revealed to us

i en tinc moltíssimes ganes

I am very eager for it.

perquè és com, no sé, descobrir

because it's like, I don't know, discovering

els secrets més profuns

the deepest secrets

d'aquest país

of this country

ja ho veus

you see it already

espero que si algú

I hope that if someone

està destinat a

it is intended for

revelar aquesta arma, sigui la Bibi

reveal this weapon, be it the Bibi

sigui una manera espectacular

be a spectacular way

de fer que torni amb la banda

to make him come back with the band

d'alguna manera


estaria molt xulo

it would be very cool

perquè, o sigui, descarteu

because, I mean, discard



que tornin els Mugiwaras

Let the Mugiwaras return.

a ara a basta

and now to enough

per tant, hauria de ser Bibi

therefore, it should be Bibi

qui s'encarregui

who takes care of it

jo ara per l'hora

I now for the hour

descarto que tornin a ara a basta

I rule out that they return now to coarsely.

potser després tornen al final

perhaps they return at the end later

de la sèrie i tal

from the series and such

i de fet la Bibi no sabem

and in fact, we don't know about Bibi

on estaran ara

where will they be now

la Bibi no volia trobar el Luffy?

Did Bibi not want to find Luffy?

sí, bé, no sé si trobar-lo

Yes, well, I don't know if I'll find him.

però està molt guapo

but he is very handsome

i no sé si tenen moltes opcions

I don't know if they have many options.

de viatge

on a trip

és que no recordo si va dir a la Bibi

I don't remember if he/she told Bibi.

que volia trobar el Luffy

that Luffy wanted to find

per estar com protegida

to be as protected

o bé, estar amb la banda

or, be with the band

bàsicament, perquè ara no podia tornar

basically, because I couldn't go back now

però si torna a ara a basta

but if it returns to now, it’s enough

jo vull veure això

I want to see this.

és com una sentència de mort

it's like a death sentence

per ella, realment

for her, really

així que


a veure què fan

let's see what they do

no ho sé, és una cosa que

I don't know, it's something that

està molt enlaire, o sigui

it's very high up, I mean

no teoritzaré perquè no

I won't theorize because I won't.

tinc res amb el que pugui

I have nothing with what I can.

fer una teoria

to make a theory

i després d'això, bé, després que Crocodile

And after that, well, after Crocodile

digui allò de Pluton, ja comença el

Say that about Pluto, it’s starting again.

el versus

the versus

de Luffy contra Crocodile

of Luffy against Crocodile

que aquí, bé, és quan

that here, well, is when

el Luffy es tira un barril

Luffy throws a barrel.

a sobre, amb aigua, i a veure si

on top, with water, and let's see if

que pot culpejar

that can blame

a Crocodile, que és com

a Crocodile, which is like

Haki de Zendado, no tinc Haki

Haki of Zendado, I don't have Haki.

però sí que tinc un barril d'aigua, o sigui

but I do have a barrel of water, that is to say

que si me'l tiro a sobre podré lluitar

that if I throw it on myself I will be able to fight

amb tu igualment

with you likewise

però bé

but well

Crocodile es recupera

Crocodile is recovering.

fàcilment d'aquest cop de puny

easily from this punch

agafa el Luffy pel coll

grab Luffy by the neck

i li seca tot, tota l'aigua

and it dries everything, all the water

que això, com he dit abans

that this, as I said before

em sembla un poder molt guai

I think it's a really cool power.

i nada, el deshidrata

and nothing, it dehydrates him.

i el tira pel precipici del palau

and he throws him over the palace cliff

llavors tio, hasta luego

So, dude, see you later.

per sort

by chance

les bombolles d'aigua que el Luffy va

the water bubbles that Luffy is

tirar abans

throw first

del seu cos, perquè això és una cosa que fa

of her body, because this is something she does

el torna a anar a re-hidratar

he goes to rehydrate him again

quan cau, i torna a lluitar

when you fall, get up and fight again

o sigui que, bé

so, well

de recursos en té molts

he has many resources

el Doraemon ho pot tot

Doraemon can do anything.

i això és opció creativa

and this is creative option

opció creativa

creative option

no és guió no

it's not a script no

a més, aquí

besides, here

Tashigui informa als seus homes

Tashigui informs his men.

que el seu nom real

that his real name

o sigui que el nom real de més sols

so the real name of more suns

és Nico Robin

it's Nico Robin

que tu no es recompensa que te cagues

that you don't get rewarded for shitting yourself

i que quan era una nena

and that when she was a girl

va fer un genocidi

he committed genocide

que va ser responsable

who was responsible

que 6 vaixells de guerra s'enfonsessin

that 6 warships sank

tot això culpa d'una nena

all this is the fault of a girl

en fi, no te van por culo

Well, they don't care about you.

aquesta pava està alienada

this turkey is alienated

és literalment la definició

it's literally the definition

d'estar alienat

of being alienated

a sobre pels teus jefes

a note for your bosses

toca't la polla

touch your penis

Tashigui s'enfronta a Nico Robin

Tashigui faces Nico Robin.

però Nico Robin

but Nico Robin

li diu

he tells him/her

mira, ara és una pringada

look, now she is a loser

s'apixa pel que sigui

It gets squished for whatever reason.

s'apixa perquè és una pringada

She is humiliated because she is a loser.

i va a la tomba dels reis

and goes to the tomb of the kings

amb el rei cobra

with the king cobra

que té un nom molt guai

that has a really cool name

tomba dels reis

tomb of the kings

després ja veurem què passa

then we'll see what happens

Vivi pel capel

Live for the capel.

no arriba a ser tant la cabra

it's not really that much of a goat

com Helmepo

like Helmepo

aquest paio també el considero

I also consider this guy.

MVP de One Piece

MVP of One Piece

podria haver salvat

could have saved

Hiroshima i Nagasaki

Hiroshima and Nagasaki

hòstia puta

holy shit



oh dios, ens van aixapar

oh god, they ran us over

Vivi i Pell

Vivi and Pell

estan ja amb la tripulació

they are already with the crew

es separen per trobar la bomba

They separate to find the bomb.

no la troben

they can't find her

que era quan cadascú dels moogies

what it was when each of the moogies

va a un terrat

he/she goes to a rooftop

i diu, vamos a buscar la bomba

And he says, let's go look for the bomb.

no la troben

they can't find her

quan falta molt poc temps

when there is very little time left

Vivi veu que hi ha un canó enorme

Vivi sees that there is a huge cannon.

a la torre del

at the tower of



al Big Ben

to Big Ben

i Zoro es enllitja per pujar amb els compis

And Zoro gets into bed to go up with the friends.

Pell és d'arribar

Skin is to arrive.


tell me

que no s'acaben els membres de Baroque Wars

that the members of Baroque Wars do not run out

o sigui, tu veus aquells paios aparèixer allà

I mean, you see those guys appear there.

i dius, qui són aquests?

And you say, who are these?

o sigui, què és això?

So, what is this?

compren les places, tio, semblaran manifestacions

They buy the seats, dude, they will look like protests.

manifestacions de l'1 d'octubre

demonstrations of October 1st

digues, Adri

tell me, Adri

no, no, que hi havia oposicions

no, no, there were competitions

per apuntar-se a Baroque Wars

to sign up for Baroque Wars

eren fàcils

they were easy

seran fàcils, eh

they will be easy, huh

a mi m'agradaria

I would like.

a mi sí

me yes

però si saps que el teu cap

but if you know that your boss

és un Shichibukai, no sé jo

He's a Shichibukai, I don't know.

però bé

but well

protecció del govern, què més tens?

government protection, what else do you have?

ah, doncs ja està

ah, well that's that

bé, després d'això hi ha alguns

Well, after that, there are some.

versos, Pell és

verses, Skin is

derrotat per Miss Fathers Day

defeated by Miss Fathers Day

que Miss Fathers Day

that Miss Fathers Day

era una persona que no és un father

he was a person who is not a father

de fet era com una pava que anava disfressada

in fact, it was like a turkey that was dressed up

de granota, en plan

from the frog, in plan

sí, és una cosa molt rara

Yes, it's a very strange thing.

no cal que ho veieu

you don't need to see it

bueno, Pell

well, Pell

cau medio derrotado

falls half defeated



bueno, aquí cadascú fa la seva

Well, here everyone does their own thing.

per intentar aturar la bomba

to try to stop the bomb

l'adami crea una corrent d'aire

the man creates a current of air

amb el clima tacto

with the climate touch

amb Usopp

with Usopp

que surt volant amb Bibi

that flies away with Bibi

que la porta a l'esquena

that the door is behind her

l'emputja, i Sanji i Zoro

he pushes it, and Sanji and Zoro

emputgen cadascú a un pis fins a dalt

They stink each of them to the top of an apartment.

per a qui arribi

for whoever arrives

a dalt, la Bibi, vale?

Up there, Bibi, okay?

sí, és una fumada típica

yes, it's a typical smoke

llavors la Bibi arriba al canó

then Bibi arrives at the cannon

derrota Mr. Seven i Miss Fathers Day

defeat Mr. Seven and Miss Fathers Day

però veu

but you see

que al canó hi ha una bomba

that there is a bomb in the cannon

que esclatarà encara que no sigui disparada

that will explode even if it is not shot

i dius, hòstia, això és un problema

And you say, wow, this is a problem.

i aquí arriba

and up here

el moment pel qual

the moment for which

tots estàvem esperant

we were all waiting

pel qual vam escollir fer ara basta

for which we chose to do now enough

per la review d'aquest programa

for the review of this program

diu la Bibi

says Bibi

morirem tots, no podem aturar aquesta bomba

We will all die, we can't stop this bomb.

perquè no tenim

because we don't have

prou poder

enough power

però no, arriba

but no, it arrives

Jesucrist encarnat

Jesus Christ incarnate

arriba la càmera

the camera arrives

després de vint-i-huit trets

after twenty-eight shots

vint-i-cinc patades

twenty-five kicks

sense mitja ala

without half a wing

després que Nico Robin l'hagi rebentat

after Nico Robin has blown it up

és igual

it doesn't matter

això ni barba blanca, xaval

that's nothing, white beard, kid

arriba el nostre salvador i senyor

our savior and lord has arrived



agafa la bomba

grab the bomb

i se'n va volant al cel

and it flies away to the sky

vuela alto, Pell

fly high, Pell

vuela alto

fly high

però jo que dius

but what do you say

no és que la solti, saps?

It's not that I let it go, you know?

que la solti i exploti la bomba

let her go and blow up the bomb

no, no, és que l'aguanta mentre s'explota, tio

No, no, it's just that he holds it while it explodes, man.

que dius, bueno, si l'hagués soltat o l'hagués llençat

What are you saying, well, if I had let it go or thrown it.

dius, bueno, encara, però el paio l'aguanta fins al final

you say, well, still, but the guy holds on until the end

és que

it's that

se la menja, se la menja

she eats it, she eats it

i després cau

and then falls

i cau i cau

I fall and fall.

no sé si caure és

I don't know if falling is

la paraula apropiada, jo crec que la bomba

the appropriate word, I think is the bomb

la vam viaprendre pel cultiu

We learned about it through cultivation.

i ja després va caure

and then it fell

no sé com la vam trobar

I don't know how we found it.

però una cosa, tio, que estava

but one thing, dude, that was

pensant, imagino que el Pell agafa

thinking, I imagine that the Pell takes

la bomba, tio, surt volant

The bomb, dude, is flying out.

i diu, hòstia, com pesa aquesta

And he says, damn, how heavy this is.

bomba i la deixa caure sense voler

bomb and lets it drop accidentally

tio, ara va

dude, now it's happening

clar, és això, clar

of course, that's it, of course

és una bomba gegant, eh, per agafar-la, tio

It's a giant bomb, huh, to grab it, dude.

i poder volar amb ella, clar, és que

And being able to fly with her, of course, it's just that

és que no sé si afecta Mandela, però jo recordo com que

I don't know if it affects Mandela, but I remember how...

el Pell era molt petit i la bomba

the skin was very small and the bomb

era una cosa brutal, tio

It was an amazing thing, dude.

però, bueno

but, well

hòstia, és que m'encanta, tio

Damn, I just love it, man.

vale, vale

okay, okay

vale, vale, vale

okay, okay, okay

però encara, encara crec que

but still, I still believe that

no he explotat la bomba, o si, no ho sé

I haven't exploded the bomb, or maybe I have, I don't know.

però bueno, per mi és

but well, for me it is

el moment que més gràcia em fa de tota

the moment that makes me laugh the most of all

de tota l'arc amb diferència, tio

by far the best of the bunch, dude



després de que la caure

after it falls

es sacrifiqui temporalment, perquè a One Piece

it is temporarily sacrificed, because in One Piece

els sacrificis normalment són temporals

Sacrifices are usually temporary.

no patiu

don't worry

Nico Robin i el rei Cobra

Nico Robin and King Cobra

arriben a això, a la tomba dels reis

they arrive at this, at the tomb of the kings

i es troben un poneglyph, que en aquest moment

they find a poneglyph, which at that moment

mola molt, perquè hi ha unes interaccions molt

It's really cool because there are some very interesting interactions.

interessants sobre les quals

interesting about which

s'han fet moltes teories, vale

Many theories have been made, okay.

Crocodile arriba a aquesta tomba

Crocodile arrives at this tomb.

i li pregunta a Missile Sunday

and he asks Missile Sunday

Nico Robin, que li expliqui que

Nico Robin, let her explain that to him.

porten el poneglyph, perquè Crocodile

They carry the poneglyph, because Crocodile.

no sabe leer, no fue al cole

can't read, didn't go to school

Nico Robin l'enganya

Nico Robin deceives him.

a Crocodile, li diu que aquí posa la

a Crocodile, tells him that here he puts the

història d'Arabasta, i Crocodile

story of Arabasta, and Crocodile

l'apunyala amb un garfi, o sigui

he stabs her with a hook, that is to say

amb el seu garfi

with its hook

vale, perquè clar

okay, because of course

literalment està enganyant a la cara

literally lying to my face

pues bueno

well then

el rei Cobra

the Cobra king

provoca una destrucció de la tomba

causes the destruction of the tomb

per intentar guardar els secrets

to try to keep the secrets

vale, del seu país

okay, from your country

i que no acabin en mans

and that they don't end up in hands

de Crocodile, però Crocodile

of Crocodile, but Crocodile

li diu, me la pela, puc escapar fàcilment

he says, I don't care, I can escape easily

amb el meu poder de la sorra

with my sand power

però el Luffy

but Luffy

bueno, però el Luffy

Well, but Luffy

torna, vale, o sigui torna

come back, okay, I mean come back

a barallar-se amb el Crocodile

to fight with the Crocodile

perquè ha baixat en aquesta

why has it decreased in this

tomba que s'està destruint

tomb that is being destroyed

Luffy està xop de sang

Luffy is soaked in blood.

un líquid

a liquid

i torna a fer-li mal a Crocodile

And it hurts Crocodile again.

perquè està com envoltat de

because it is like surrounded by

o sigui no és aigua, però la sang

so it's not water, but blood

serveix igualment, segons Juanpis

It works the same, according to Juanpis.

és un líquid

it is a liquid

i a més aquesta sang també li permet

and moreover this blood also allows him/her

fer que la sorra sigui més dura

make the sand harder

llavors Crocodile aquí decideix

then Crocodile decides here

matar el Luffy i envenenar el seu Garfi

kill Luffy and poison his Hook

i aquí ja es demença el Versus

And here the Versus is already madness.

està guai

it's cool

com recordeu aquest Versus? Jo el recordo com

How do you remember this Versus? I remember it as

molt, molt interessant perquè

very, very interesting because

es desenvolupa en un espai molt

It develops in a very space.



sí, sí, molt emblemàtic

yes, yes, very emblematic

realment, no sé, jo me'l recordo

really, I don't know, I remember it

sobretot perquè

especially because

he vist i mola

I've seen it and it's cool.

la veritat, està guai, és bona pelea

The truth is, it's cool, it's a good fight.

en plan

in plan

i a sobre el tema de que el Luffy

And on the topic of Luffy

ja no té l'aigua per golpejar-li

he no longer has the strength to hit him/it.

però ha sagnat tant que

but it has bled so much that

compta amb el líquid i pots fotre-li hòsties

watch out with the liquid and you can hit it hard

com molt badass

like very badass



i a més també ja és interessant perquè

and also it's already interesting because

a part que s'escau

as appropriate

tot a trossos

all in pieces

hi ha per un costat el Rei Cobra

there is on one side the King Cobra

i crec que no sé si està Nico Robin per allà, però són com dos

I think I don't know if Nico Robin is around, but there are like two.

elements que el Luffy també té presents

elements that Luffy is also aware of

a l'hora de combatre Sas

at the time of fighting Sas

i realment també mola molt

And it really is very cool too.

com tot i així

as everything is

queda una sensació que està acabat

there is a feeling that it is over

Crocodile té un últim gir amb el Garfi

Crocodile has a final twist with Garfi.

que realment mola perquè tu no saps

that really rocks because you don't know

ben bé l'abast que té el Bari aquest

The real reach that Bari has.


Do you know?

i jo crec que és una batalla molt interessant

And I believe it is a very interesting battle.

que li dóna diferents power-ups

that gives him different power-ups

als dos personatges

to the two characters

i tot i així

and yet

jo crec que és un combat molt interessant

I believe it is a very interesting fight.

i bé, amb el cop final que

And well, with the final blow that

el treu a passejar una mica

he takes him for a walk for a while

t'he marcat un pèl

I've marked you a bit.



està silenciat

is silenced

dic que una cosa molt

I say that a very thing.

interessant d'aquesta lluita és que quan acaba

what's interesting about this fight is that when it ends

tot acaba com ensorrat perquè s'estava

everything ends up collapsed because it was

destruint aquesta cambra dels Reis

destroying this chamber of the Kings

i amb aquest ensorrament

and with this collapse

el poneglyph

the poneglyph

desapareix entre cometes perquè ja

disappears in quotes because already

no s'hi pot accedir del moment

it cannot be accessed at the moment

sigui com sigui

be that as it may

l'única persona que té coneixements d'aquest poneglyph

the only person who has knowledge of this poneglyph

és la Robin

It is Robin.



encara a dia d'avui crec que

even to this day I believe that

no sabem

we don't know

que collons posava

what the hell was I putting

i clar

Of course.

tenim la teoria

we have the theory

potser ja sap i ara

maybe he/she knows now

jo no ho recordo però jo crec

I don't remember it but I believe.

que parlava sobre on estava

that talked about where he was

Urano, o sigui perdó

Uranus, or I mean sorry.



Robin podria enganyar-la

Robin could deceive her.

o sigui enganyar Korkodil de moltes maneres

that is to say, to deceive Korkodil in many ways

però també simplement li podia dir que

but I could also simply tell him that

posava el rebat poneglyph si no era una

I would put the rebuttal poneglyph if it wasn't one.

cosa que fos massa

something that was too much



però és possible que en aquest poneglyph posés

but it is possible that this poneglyph said

informació sobre Plutó

information about Pluto

i no li digués a

and I wouldn't tell him/her to

Korkodil saps?

Do you know Korkodil?


és que Robin va fent la seva

It's just that Robin is doing his own thing.

inclús ara que està a la banda

even now that he/she is on the sidelines

i va llegint els poneglyphs però tampoc ha explicat molt

And he is reading the poneglyphs but hasn't explained much either.

o sigui se lo guarda per ella saps?

So she keeps it for herself, you know?

no a males però és com bueno

not bad but it's like well

li explico el Luffy lo que posa i dirà

I explain to Luffy what it says and he will say.


Do you know?

no està malament com a mesura

it's not bad as a measure

perquè no es filtri aquesta informació

so that this information is not leaked

com menys cops ho expliqui

the fewer times I explain it

no es filtrarà

it will not be filtered

sigui el poneglyph que hi havia

it is the poneglyph that was there

l'Aiya Gyojin sí que sabem

We do know about Aiya Gyojin.

que posava perquè és un de

that said because it is one of

una rara ocasió on Robin

a rare occasion when Robin

explica que hi havia

explain what there was

que era una carta de Joy Boy em sembla

that it was a letter from Joy Boy I think

com d'agraïment o alguna cosa

like gratitude or something

d'aquest estil

of this style

però bé

but well

a mi el que m'interessa

what interests me

d'això és que aquesta cambra queda ensorrada

That's why this room is collapsing.

però crec que l'única persona

but I believe that the only person

que coneix on estava la

that knows where she was

l'arma ancestral

the ancestral weapon

Plutó, bueno no espera

Pluto, well, don't wait.

Cobra va arribar a saber on estava aquesta

Cobra found out where it was.

cambra perquè jo no ho recordo

change because I don't remember it

jo crec que sí que ho sabia

I believe that yes, I did know it.

vols dir?

Do you mean?

jo crec que sí que Cobra ho sabia

I believe that Cobra did know it.

o què?

or what?

potser no ho sabia en aquell moment

perhaps I didn't know it at that moment

però després d'estudiar com els

but after studying how the

els documents que hi havia a l'arxiu reial

the documents that were in the royal archive

sí que ho va trobar

yes, he did find it

jo crec que seria alguna cosa així no?

I think it would be something like this, right?

Vivi més o menys farà el mateix

Vivi will do more or less the same.

jo crec que ja ho sap Vivi

I think Vivi already knows it.

no sé

I don't know.

el que també m'he recordat ara

what I also remembered now

quan estan pel desert

when they are in the desert

Luffy i companyia que acaben d'arribar

Luffy and the gang have just arrived.

i que en un moment

and that in a moment

no sé si recordeu que cauen

I don't know if you remember that they fall.

Luffy, Zoro i Chopper

Luffy, Zoro, and Chopper

hi ha una sala

there is a room

enterrada i allí es troben un poneglyph

buried and there is a poneglyph

que encara no sabien que era un poneglyph

that they still didn't know what a poneglyph was

i a l'igual no eren els més importants

and they were not necessarily the most important ones

però és com hòstia

but it's like damn

en quin moment això?

At what moment this?



en la línia temporal és

in the timeline it is

quan arriben era bastant una mica

when they arrive it was quite a bit

i estan pel desert

and they are in the desert

del Jaiu

from the Jaiu

abans d'arribar allí

before arriving there

i es separen en un moment

and they separate for a moment

Luffy, Zoro i Chopper

Luffy, Zoro, and Chopper

i cauen en un

and they fall into one



unes arenes

some sands

no m'ho recordava

I didn't remember it.

i sí que ara estàvem mirant que

and yes, we were looking that now

Pluton era el vaixell de guerra aquest

Pluton was this warship.

que era com super avançat no?

It was really advanced, wasn't it?

en teoria sí

in theory yes

en teoria

in theory

no era el que estava a Uano

it was not the one that was at Uano

pensava que era el de Uano

I thought it was Uano's.

a saber lo que será

to know what it will be

estan todos los

they are all the



ah vale vale

oh okay okay

es posible que ahora basta

It is possible that now it is enough.

el poneglyph era basta

the poneglyph was rough

parles d'un arma ancestral

you speak of an ancestral weapon

que no estava ni allà

that he wasn't even there

que estava a Uano

that was in Uano




sí, tendreu

yes, you will have

ah vale

oh okay

si cobra sí que se pone hasta el arma

if it charges, it even goes for the weapon



vale vale

okay okay

creo que sí

I think so.

bueno pues que lo diga

well then let him say it

ya no puede

can no longer

no ahora ya

not now anymore

perdón tu tio

sorry your uncle

bueno la lluita de Crocodile y Luffy

well the fight between Crocodile and Luffy

es desambulupa

it is unwrapped

que Crocodile volia embarinar a Luffy

that Crocodile wanted to seduce Luffy

amb el seu garfi

with his hook

Luffy esquiva esquiva ataco

Luffy dodges dodge attack.

no sé que

I don't know what.

a Luffy l'estomaca

Luffy is hungry.

està molt embarinat

he is very pregnant

però Robin li dona l'antídot

but Robin gives him the antidote

i ja està

and that's it

i no cal

and it's not necessary

quina fiera la Nico Robin eh també

what a beast Nico Robin is, huh

sí perquè em sembla que al final qui estava

yes because it seems to me that in the end who was

embarinada era la Nico Robin

Nico Robin was pregnant.

però també li dona el

but it also gives him the

l'antídot a Luffy

the antidote to Luffy

llavors la Robin decideix morir-se a ella

then Robin decides to die for herself

perquè no tenia moltes ganes de viure

because I didn't feel like living much

però tot i així

but even so

Luffy se la va robar

Luffy stole it.

bueno conseqüències de tot això

well, consequences of all this

d'aquesta lluita

of this struggle

Tashigi arresta Crocodile

Tashigi arrests Crocodile.

molt bona Tashigi

very good Tashigi

ets molt valenta

you are very brave

sí que li treu

it does take it away

el títol de Shichibukai

the title of Shichibukai

i Luffy i la seva tripulació

Luffy and his crew

són acabats com a héroes en el palau

they are finished as heroes in the palace

fan una festa grossa que

they are having a big party that

ja tocava

it was about time

els d'Arabas te coneixen ja que

the people of Arabas know you already because

són els Moiwaras els hi donen les gràcies

the Moiwaras thank them

cosa que està bé

thing that is good

i a bon clic crida la tripulació

And at the right click, the crew calls.

o sigui és que em fa molta gràcia

So it means that it makes me very happy.

que després de que Sanji el derroti

that after Sanji defeats him

aquest tio torni en plan bueno som els amics

this guy comes back in a good way we are friends

en plan

in plan

truca a la tripulació i els diu

call the crew and tells them

sí li diu a Luffy

yes, it tells Luffy

que ha protegit el seu vaixell dels marines

that has protected his ship from the marines

perquè eren amics

because they were friends

perquè el va amagar a Bon Coré

because he hid it in Bon Coré

és que és el puto amunt

it's just that it's the fucking up

la tripulació dels Moiwaras li dona

the crew of the Moiwaras gives him/her

a Bibi l'opció de viatjar amb ells

Bibi the option to travel with them

si ella vol

if she wants

o sigui bàsicament els estan dient a Bibi

So basically they are telling Bibi.

que sigui una nakama

that it be a nakama

i li donen de temps fins al migdia

and they give him time until midday

llavors els Moiwaras

then the Moiwaras

abandonen el palau i arriben al Going Merry

they leave the palace and arrive at the Going Merry

on Mister Chu els estava

Mister Chu was there.



no sé que volia Mister Chu

I don't know what Mister Chu wanted.

perquè aquí no ho posa però allà està

because it doesn't say so here but it is there

era Bon Coré

it was Good Heart

ara ho entenc

now I understand

bueno els Barret de Palla

well the Straw Hats

i Bon Clay

and Bon Clay

marxen d'Arabasta sense Bibi

they leave Arabasta without Bibi

però hi ha un problema que és que no s'han acomiadat

but there is a problem that is that they have not been dismissed

perquè si ho fan de manera pública

because if they do it publicly

el govern mundial

the world government

sabrà que Bibi està liada

You will know that Bibi is busy.

amb els Barret de Palla

with the Straw Hat

llavors què fan?

So what do they do?

doncs llavors aixequen tots

then they all stand up

el braç esquerre

the left arm

on tenen la creu que van fer servir

where is the cross they used

per distingir-se dels

to distinguish itself from the

de Bon Coré

of Good Heart

i llavors la Bibi també

and then Bibi too

i el Bibi i el Caru

and Bibi and Caru

aixequen el seu braç esquerre

raise their left arm

i d'aquesta manera s'acomiaden

and in this way they say goodbye

tots plorant

everyone crying

perquè no es poden dir adeu

because they cannot say goodbye

amb paraules

with words

i aquí ja acaba l'arc d'Arabasta

And here ends the arc of Arabasta.

que fort eh

how strong, huh

és una mica llamato

it's a bit of a scam

tota aquesta situació

this whole situation

la sensació que ha de fer el discurs

the feeling that the speech has to convey

però al final no apareix

but in the end it doesn't show up

i tu et creus que torna a la banda

And do you think he will return to the band?

però al final es queda

but in the end, it stays

és una mica Oda no? es marca a la casa això de l'Oda

It's a bit Oda, isn't it? This Oda brand is from the house.

la Bibi és un personatge guai

Bibi is a cool character.

a vegades sí que té una sensació que es soropa

Sometimes it does feel a bit silly.

una miqueta amb Nami, amb les actituds, amb les maneres de ser

a little bit with Nami, with the attitudes, with the ways of being

però tot i així

but even so

em sembla que li donava molt equilibri

I feel like it gave him a lot of balance.

a la banda

to the side

i osti, és un personatge

Oh wow, he's a character!

que és molt estimat per la gent

that is very loved by the people

i si té tot aquest protagonisme

and if it has all this prominence

que té la Bibi

What does Bibi have?

en aquest tram final

in this final stretch

de manga és també perquè

it's also because

la gent la demana i se l'estima molt

People ask for it and love it very much.


i s'ha de tornar

It must return.

el que no fa ja

what he/she doesn’t do anymore

per a tu

for you

perdó, si torna la Bibi

Sorry, if Bibi returns.

també ha de tornar el Karu

Karu also has to return.

el Baixei estarà atestado

the Baixei will be crowded



en plan la Bibi va amb el Karu

Like Bibi is with Karu.

el Karu sí

the Karu yes

i dic que si torna el Baixei

I say that if the Baixei returns.

amb els Mugiwara

with the Mugiwara

tornaran els dos

both will return

estarà ple el Baixei

the Baixei will be full

jo crec que el Karu no cal

I believe that Karu is not necessary.

me l'estimo però

I love him/her but

que es quedi amb els seus amics

Let her stay with her friends.

amb la seva banda

on their part

si no se llena de overbooking

if it doesn't get filled with overbooking

però si no em falla la memòria

but if my memory serves me right

crec que els Mugiwara

I think that the Mugiwara

a dia d'avui consideren la Bibi

As of today, they consider Bibi.

com una nakama

like a nakama

només que encara no s'han pogut tornar a reunir

only that they have not been able to meet again yet

a veure quines dinàmiques

let's see what dynamics

tindria amb la resta

I would have with the rest.

que no ha conegut

that has not known

que ja és molt més del que té Yamato

that is already much more than what Yamato has

perquè Luffy li demana a Yamato

because Luffy asks Yamato

que s'uneixi a la tripulació

let him/her join the crew

però la resta de Mugiwara

but the rest of Mugiwara

és la gran majoria

it is the vast majority

o no la coneixen

or they don't know her

o no saben qui és

or they don't know who he is



és com

it is like

no és que tingui més probabilitats

it's not that I have more probabilities

sinó que la tripulació en general

but rather the crew in general

considera Bansona nakama

Consider Bansona a be part of the crew.

a Bibi com a Yamato

to Bibi as Yamato

perquè ho ha sigut

because it has been

Bibi ho ha sigut durant una època

Bibi has been it for a while.

més que Yamato segur

more than likely Yamato

en fi


jo crec que

I believe that

en la rectora basta

in the rectorate it is enough

però podem fer una mica de xerrada

but we can have a little chat

abans d'acabar

before finishing

no sé, teniu alguna cosa a dir ara?

I don't know, do you have anything to say now?

jo volia fer menció

I wanted to mention.

en el que m'agrada i em flipa

about what I like and I love

la manera en com entra Nico Robin a la banda

the way Nico Robin joins the crew

pot semblar com molt bèstia

it may seem very brutal

molt estrany, molt precipitat

very strange, very hasty

però realment és una cosa que trenca

but it really is something that breaks

fins tot el que s'havia vist

even what had been seen

fins ara

so far

en l'entrada a la banda

at the entrance to the band

i mola molt perquè igual que amb Bibi

I really like it because just like with Bibi.

veies moltes coses iguals

you see many things the same

Mola com Nico Robin

Cool like Nico Robin.

es desmarca en quant a personalitat

it stands out in terms of personality

en quant a manera de ser

in terms of personality

i caràcter

and character

i li dóna un punt molt guai a la banda

and it gives a really cool point to the side

em sembla acertadíssima l'entrada de Nico Robin

I think Nico Robin's entrance is spot on.

no sé si ho tenia planejat

I don't know if he/she had it planned.

però em sembla

but it seems to me

un últim punt final

a final period

a la saga

in the saga

que realment

that really

a mi em va fer molta gràcia

It made me laugh a lot.

em va semblar molt guai

I thought it was really cool.

que un personatge femení

that a female character

i molt digne

and very worthy

entrés a la banda

entered the band

Estic totalment d'acord

I completely agree.

perquè Nico Robin no és un personatge que sigui convencional

because Nico Robin is not a character that is conventional

sí que tots tenen

yes, they all have

com personalitats molt diferents

with very different personalities

i molt marcades

and very pronounced

però Nico Robin és única

but Nico Robin is unique

entre els més especials

among the most special

perquè la seva manera de parlar i de fer

because of his/her way of speaking and doing

és molt diferent

it's very different

i té com una energia de misteri

and has a kind of mysterious energy

i també de

and also of

és una persona de la qual saps molt bé

She is a person you know very well.

molt poc d'ella

very little of her

però tot i així confies en ella

but still you trust her

perquè no sé

because I don't know

et dóna aquest efecte

it gives you this effect

i literalment és

it's literally

surten de la barça

they leave from the barça

Vivi no puja al vaixell

Vivi does not board the ship.

i de cop surt la Nico Robin i diu

And suddenly Nico Robin comes out and says.

hola aquí està mi polla

Hello, here is my cock.

i es quedaven tots flipant

And they were all blown away.

i clar Luffy està encantat de la vida

And of course, Luffy is delighted with life.

i al final el tio

and in the end the guy

sense que els Mugiwara volguessin

without the Mugiwara wanting

és probablement

it is probably

una de les

one of the

de les nakamas més importants

of the most important nakamas

si parlem d'habilitats

if we talk about skills

que puguin ajudar a ser el rei dels pirates

that can help to be the king of the pirates



digue'm tu quantes persones poden

tell me how many people can

llegir Poneglyphs

reading Poneglyphs

a tot One Piece

to all One Piece

ningú pràcticament

nobody practically

siguem sincers

let's be honest

per exemple sense Sanji

for example without Sanji

pots arribar al One Piece

Can you reach the One Piece?

sense Brook pots arribar al One Piece

Without Brook, you can't reach the One Piece.

hi ha personatges que sense ells

there are characters that without them

pots arribar al One Piece

Can you reach the One Piece?

perquè no pots

because you can't

és impossible

it's impossible

Home a veure sense Sanji no sé

I don't know how to see home without Sanji.

que hagi vingut a cuinar

that you have come to cook

clar poca broma

sure, no joke

la veritat és que

the truth is that

jo vaig dir que

I said that

tinc una agenda de Sanji molt important

I have a very important agenda from Sanji.

i ara

and now

he de dir que el cuiner

I have to say that the cook

és molt important perquè pensa que

it is very important because he/she thinks that

en els viatges al vaixell

on the trips by boat

s'ha de tenir una dieta molt equilibrada

One must have a very balanced diet.

per no tenir malalties

to avoid diseases

és una cosa molt habitual

it is a very common thing

en els vaixells d'abans

on the ships of the past

que no menjaven i s'alimentaven bé

that they didn't eat and fed well

i molts morien durant el viatge

and many died during the journey

llavors aquí tens un paiu

so here you have a guy

que no només cuina de puta mare

that not only cooks like a damn good chef

sinó que sap lluitar

but knows how to fight

és la persona

she is the person

és una de les persones més fortes de tota la tripulació

He is one of the strongest people in the whole crew.

i a més

and moreover

no tira cap tipus de menjar

doesn't throw any type of food

o sigui ho aprofita tot

that is, he/she makes the most of everything

és molt eficient

It is very efficient.

i és bona persona

and he/she is a good person

putero pero buena persona

womanizer but good person

cada uno tiene sus cosas

everyone has their quirks


jo crec que tots

I believe that all

són necessaris a la banda

they are necessary in the band

perquè tenen unes habilitats que encara que no siguin

because they have skills that, although they are not

les més forts o tal

the strongest or such

són tan intel·ligents

they are so intelligent

que poden treure partit de moltes coses

that can take advantage of many things

per exemple

for example

Brooke li va robar a la cara

Brooke robbed him to his face.

el poneglyph de Big Mom

the poneglyph of Big Mom

que ja em dius tu com un paiu

that you already call me like a guy

que no és que sigui molt fort

it's not that I'm very strong

li pren un

he takes one

poneglyph a un jonko

Poneglyph to a Yonko.

que és joder

What is to fuck?

això només ho podria fer el Brooke

this could only be done by Brooke

perquè el Luffy diria

because Luffy would say

una polla, jo m'he de pagar sí o sí

A dick, I have to pay myself whether I like it or not.

Sanji jo crec que no

Sanji I don't think so.

no es pot transformar en fantasma

it cannot be transformed into a ghost

i tampoc

neither do I

pot emmagatzemar tot

can store everything

el coneixement del poneglyph

the knowledge of the poneglyph

perquè el Brooke el va amagar dins

because Brooke hid it inside

dins del seu escalet

inside its scaffold

no sé

I don't know.

tots tenen les seves armes

everyone has their weapons

i són molt importants però

and they are very important but

però si en aquest cas

but if in this case

la Nico Robin és imprescindible

Nico Robin is essential.

entre les imprescindibles

among the essentials

perquè l'única putada

because the only shit

que el Saffir Paul et buscarà

that Saffir Paul will look for you

el govern mundial

the world government

et buscarà

it will look for you

i el papa de Roma et buscarà

and the Pope of Rome will look for you

perquè vol els teus coneixements

because he wants your knowledge

això és una putada però és el que hi ha

this is a bummer but it is what it is

la capacitat d'aquesta

the capacity of this

de llegir poneglyphs

of reading poneglyphs

que tampoc han sortit massa personatges

that not too many characters have appeared either

dins de la sèrie que el puguin llegir

within the series that they can read

per exemple també et venien

for example, they also sold you

que Haki de Rei només el té poquíssima gent

Only very few people have the Haki of the King.

i l'han acabat tenint fins l'apuntador

And they've ended up having it down to the last detail.

però llegir poneglyphs

but reading poneglyphs

sí que és una cosa que molt poca

yes, it is something that very few

molt poca gent pot fer

very few people can do it

de fet abans a Wano

in fact, before in Wano

gairebé tots no

almost all no

però sí que els que feien els poneglyphs

but yes, those who made the poneglyphs

eren capaç d'interpretar-los

you were able to interpret them

però aquest costum

but this habit

s'ha anat perdent a mesura que els shogunatos

it has been fading as the shogunates

anaven canviant i tal

they kept changing and such

però clar

but of course

sí que hi ha algunes persones que estan com molt disperses

yes, there are some people who seem very scattered

però Oden per exemple

but Oden for example

els podia llegir

I could read them.

el cas és que

the fact is that

la Robin sí que va oferir molt

Robin did offer a lot.

tenia moltes coses a oferir

had a lot to offer

a la banda però a la vegada

to the side but at the same time

els Mugiwara li van oferir

the Straw Hats offered him/her

una cosa encara més important

an even more important thing

que les seves habilitats

that their skills

que són les ganes de viure

what are the desires to live

una vida plena

a full life

perquè la Nico Robin sí que podia

because Nico Robin could

estar a la banda i tal

to be on the side and such

però era una persona que estava trencada per dins

but she was a person who was broken inside

i gràcies als Mugiwara

and thanks to the Mugiwara

va rebre una família nova

he received a new family

que això és una cosa que no té preu

that this is something priceless

encara que pugui ser la millor

even if it might be the best

amb els poneglyphs que tinguis molts coneixements

with the poneglyphs that you have a lot of knowledge

de la història

of history

comparat amb el fet que tinguis unes persones

compared to the fact that you have some people

que et defensin a mort

that they defend you to death

ja està, què més vols?

That's it, what else do you want?

és curiós com els personatges que potser

It's curious how the characters that perhaps

entre cometes estarien

in quotes would be

més a prop o serien més propensos

closer or they would be more prone

a aconseguir el One Piece

to achieve the One Piece

siguin realment els que menys el busquen

they are really the ones who seek it the least

i necessiten altres coses

and they need other things

com en el cas de Baraba Blanca

as in the case of Baraba Blanca

o com en el cas de Nico Robin

or as in the case of Nico Robin

que ells realment podrien aconseguir

that they could really achieve

el One Piece si volguessin

the One Piece if they wanted

però ells volen una cosa que els ompli de veritat

but they want something that truly fills them

que en aquest cas de Nico Robin és això

that in this case of Nico Robin is this

tenir les ganes de viure

to have the desire to live

i una família amb la qual

and a family with whom

sentir-te segur

to feel safe

això m'encanta perquè és com

I love this because it is like

una lliçó super

a super lesson

important de la qual

important of which

podem aprendre moltes coses

we can learn many things

perquè nosaltres com a actors

because we, as actors

sí que el més important per a nosaltres

yes, it is the most important thing for us

és el One Piece

it's the One Piece

però també aquí dins d'aquesta sèrie

but also here within this series

se'ns ensenya que de vegades

we are taught that sometimes

hi ha coses que ens poden agradar

There are things we might like.

encara més que aquests somnis

even more than these dreams

que semblen tan atractius

that seem so attractive

perquè Baraba Blanca

because Baraba Blanca

podria haver anat pel One Piece

I could have gone for the One Piece.

i competia perfectament contra Roger

I competed perfectly against Roger.

però ell volia tenir una família

but he wanted to have a family

perquè no necessitava un tresor

because I didn't need a treasure

ni necessitava descobrir els secrets del món

nor did I need to discover the secrets of the world.

sinó només volia una família

but I just wanted a family

i clar,

and of course,

ara tenim persones amb diferents somnis

Now we have people with different dreams.

Luffy sí que vol ser el rei dels pirates

Luffy really wants to be the king of the pirates.

però Sanji vol trobar el Blue

but Sanji wants to find the Blue

l'Anami vol ser navegant

Anami wants to be a sailor.

cartografa i fer un mapa de tot el món

cartograph and make a map of the whole world

el Nico Robin

Nico Robin

sí que vol saber què és el One Piece

he does want to know what the One Piece is

però no ser el rei dels pirates

but not to be the king of the pirates

o sigui que són dues coses que sí que s'obtenen

So they are two things that can indeed be obtained.

de la mateixa manera, crec jo

in the same way, I believe

però no és el mateix

but it's not the same

perquè ja vol tenir els coneixements d'història

because he/she already wants to have knowledge of history

i no sé, tenen

I don’t know, they have.

somnis que no són el mateix

dreams that are not the same

però això fa que sigui com més ric

but this makes it feel richer

més rica l'experiència d'aquest viatge

richer the experience of this trip

són com capes, no?

They are like layers, aren't they?

que es van posant, inclús tens el cas

that are being put on, you even have the case

de Brooke, saps? Sense anar més lluny que

about Brooke, you know? Without going any further than

ell simplement el que vol és trobar-se

he simply wants to find himself

amb una balena, saps?

with a whale, you know?

que pots dir XD

What can you say XD

però realment doncs mola molt

but really, it’s very cool

també com has pogut donar la varietat

also how you have been able to give the variety

als somnis que... Vols dir XD

to the dreams that... you mean XD

però és que tal com tu expliques, tio

but it's just that as you explain it, dude

em sembla igual d'atractiu

I find it equally attractive.

bueno, igual no

well, maybe not

però m'emocionaria igual que

but I would be just as moved as

trobar el One Piece, tio, perquè al final

find the One Piece, dude, because in the end

sí que el One Piece

Yes, the One Piece.

és molt guai i tal, però

it's really cool and all, but

més important que trobar

more important than finding


to meet again

amb un estimat, que fa molt de temps

with a loved one, a long time ago

que no veies

that you didn't see

no sé, és com

I don't know, it's like

reflexiones molt, saps? sobre el que és

I reflect a lot, you know? About what it is.

realment important, i al final

really important, and in the end

jo crec que hi ha moltes persones a One Piece

I think there are many people in One Piece.

que han renunciat a...

that have renounced to...

o no renuncien, simplement no volen trobar

or they do not give up, they simply do not want to find

el One Piece perquè s'estimen més

the One Piece because they love each other more

està envoltada de persones que estimen

she is surrounded by people who love.

i això em sembla una lliçó molt bona

And this seems to me a very good lesson.

i va molt lligat també inclús a la personalitat

It is also very much linked to personality.

dels mateixos personatges, saps?

of the same characters, you know?

per exemple, tu ja veus que Jinbe

for example, you can already see that Jinbe

ell el que vol és doncs un objectiu

What he wants is, therefore, a goal.

això, com més madur, saps? Veus a Zoro

This, the more mature, you know? You see Zoro?

veus a Luffy, que són coses com

you see Luffy, it's things like

ser el més fort, bàsicament, saps? I ser com una

to be the strongest, basically, you know? And to be like a

cosa, o l'Usopp, que són païs, doncs que

thing, or Usopp, that they are countries, then what

volen ser els més forts, però veus gent, doncs més gran

they want to be the strongest, but you see people, well then bigger

com... com

how... how

Brooke, com el mateix Franky, com Jinbe

Brooke, like the same Franky, like Jinbe.

també, com Nico Robin, que són somnis

also, like Nico Robin, which are dreams

que realment, doncs, ja no s'han de ser

that really, then, no longer need to be

el millor, sinó d'aconseguir una

the best, but rather to achieve a

cosa que realment els doni una felicitat

thing that truly gives them happiness

saps? I en aquest cas, amb la

You know? And in this case, with the

Brooke, que és doncs això, doncs

Brooke, what is this then?

trobar-se amb gent

meeting with people

i crec que el de Jinbe, si no m'he equivocut, també és això

And I believe that Jinbe's, if I'm not mistaken, is also this.

que hi hagi harmonia entre

that there is harmony between

entre gyojins i humans, no?

between gyojins and humans, right?

Sí, ostres, el de Jinbe

Yes, wow, Jinbe's one.

forçable, però és dels més

forcible, but it is among the most

fotuts, realment.

fucked up, really.

Acabar con el racismo, igual

To end racism, equal.

estará complicado.

it will be complicated.

Sí, joder.

Yes, damn it.



De fet, no sé si Jinbe pot fer

In fact, I don't know if Jinbe can do it.

el seu somni realitat

his dream reality

si ens posem realistes en la seva

if we get realistic in their

vida. No és una cosa que es canviï

life. It is not something that changes

en un any, ni dos.

In a year, nor two.

Jo crec que

I believe that

acabar amb el racisme dels gyojins

end the racism of the gyojins

i trobar el Jinbe són dues coses que aniran de la

Finding Jinbe and the two things will go hand in hand.

mà. Però

hand. But

una no podrà complir l'altra, sinó

one cannot fulfill the other, but

que només trobar el Jinbe

that only finding Jinbe

podrà fer que el somni del Jinbe es

it will make Jinbe's dream come true.

pugui complir. No al revés.

can fulfill. Not the other way around.

¿Te basas en algo

Are you based on something?

para decir eso?

to say that?

Sí, bueno, que el One Piece

Yes, well, about the One Piece.

serà una cosa que farà que tot el món

it will be something that will make everyone



i que puguin celebrar

and that they can celebrate

i que puguin compartir tots junts, saps?

And that they can all share together, you know?

Llavors jo crec que això comporta

Then I think that this entails

que tothom

that everyone

s'oblidi de les seves diferències,

forget about your differences,

sense importar el color de la pell,

regardless of skin color,

de quina raça ets,

what race are you,

o qualsevol cosa que

or anything that

no sigui important però que

it may not be important but

les persones se senten rebutjades

people feel rejected

pels diferents trets.

for the different traits.

Per això jo crec que només el One Piece

That's why I believe that only the One Piece.

podrà fer que el somni del Jinbe es pugui complir.

will make Jinbe's dream come true.

El que necessita és això, un

What you need is this, a

cataritzador per poder

cataract remover for power

portar a terme aquest somni.

to bring this dream to fruition.

Ja ho veurem.

We'll see.

¿Qué sucede?

What happens?

Si ya estamos,

If we are already,

jo crec que per avui donem finalitat al programa.

I think that for today we will conclude the program.

Us he d'agrair a tots

I have to thank you all.

els que ens escolteu.

those of you who listen to us.

Si hi ha algú que ens escolti, poseu als comentaris

If there is anyone listening to us, please leave a comment.

un hola, un bon dia,

a hello, a good day,

o una bona tarda. No sigueu tímids,

Good afternoon. Don't be shy,

perquè nosaltres us estimem molt.

because we love you very much.

I ens veiem la setmana que ve

And we'll see each other next week.

amb, ara sí, capítol de la manga.

with, now yes, chapter of the sleeve.

Tornarem a veure Luffy contra Kizaru.

We will see Luffy vs Kizaru again.

I això, un altre cop

And this, again

gràcies a tots. I ens veiem la setmana que ve.

thank you all. And we will see each other next week.

Ens podeu seguir a TikTok...

You can follow us on TikTok...

No, però no, TikTok no!

No, but no, not TikTok!

No, TikTok no!

No, not TikTok!

No, no, és broma, gente, és broma.

No, no, it's a joke, people, it's a joke.

A Twitter i Instagram sí, però TikTok

On Twitter and Instagram yes, but TikTok

encara no en tenim, però algun dia en tindrem,

we don't have any yet, but one day we will have some.

sí que ens podreu seguir. I això, fins la setmana que ve.

Yes, you will be able to follow us. And that, until next week.



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