Pol Mejias i Martí Pardo

Tribunerus de Montilivi


Tribunerus de Montilivi

Epa, epa, epa, epa, epa, epa, epa.

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.

Pol, crec que...

Pol, I think that...

Sí, he de fer un...

Yes, I have to do a...

Ha de començar...

It has to start...

Aquest postpartit ha de començar d'una manera.

This post-match should start in a certain way.

He de fer un comunicat.

I have to make a statement.

Però fes-lo rotllo cordialment, saps?

But do it in a friendly way, you know?

Avui, quin dia és avui?

Today, which day is today?

21 de setembre a les 9 i 9 de la nit.

September 21 at 9:09 PM.

Fes-ho així.

Do it like this.



Des de tal.

From such.

Bé, avui, dia 21 de setembre, 9 i 9 del vespre, bueno, de la nit.

Well, today, September 21, 9:09 PM, well, of the night.

Des d'aquí, l'estudi dels tribuners, bueno, estudi, digue-li com vulguis.

From here, the study of the tribunes, well, study, call it what you want.

Jo ja no em surten les paraules.

I can no longer find the words.

He de demanar, en primer lloc, perdó a la gent del València,

I must first ask for forgiveness from the people of Valencia,

que molts s'han sentit ofesos.

that many have felt offended.

Jo només volia recrear un meme de l'any passat.

I just wanted to recreate a meme from last year.

I després, demano perdó a l'ofici del Girona, perquè un altre cop ha tornat a passar.

And then, I apologize to the Girona profession, because it has happened again.

Va passar contra l'Almeria.

It happened against Almeria.

Va passar contra l'Almeria, tot i que vam rascar un punt.

It happened against Almeria, although we scraped a point.

I avui ha tornat a passar i hem fet el partit, no sé si dels pitjors que he vist del Girona en els últims, no ho sé, bastant de temps.

And today it happened again, and we played the match, I don't know if it's one of the worst I've seen from Girona in a long time, I don't know, quite a while.

Llavors, bueno, em vull disculpar amb tothom.

So, well, I want to apologize to everyone.

No tornarà a passar.

It will not happen again.

Ja no faré més bromes d'aquestes.

I won't make any more jokes like that.

S'acaba el meme.

The meme is over.

S'acaba el meme de la nit.

The night meme is ending.

Aquest i l'altre.

This one and the other.

I tots, ja no faré més bromes.

And everyone, I won't make any more jokes.

I ja està, ara seré un avorrit, ja no faré bromes i s'ha acabat el bròquil.

And that's it, now I will be boring, I will no longer make jokes and that's the end of it.

A mi t'haig de dir que facis la broma malassuda per l'afició visitant, però és l'agafada.

I have to tell you to play the dirty joke for the visiting fans, but it's the catch.

Sí, no ho sé.

Yes, I don't know.

És l'agafada.

It's the catch.

Sóc el tio més agafat que hi ha.

I'm the most uptight guy there is.



Bueno, ens traiem això de sobre ja per començar, perquè era el que venia sent.

Well, let's get this off our plate to start with, because that was what was coming.

I comencem el postpartit real, perquè jo crec que hi ha moltes coses a parlar avui.

And we start the real post-match, because I believe there are many things to talk about today.



Hem vist diverses opinions, us hem llegit a la mitja part.

We have seen various opinions, we read you at half-time.

Bueno, ha parlat Michel.

Well, Michel has spoken.

En fi, hi ha un poporri de coses que no s'acaben de posar ningú d'acord amb el que ha fallat i el que no.

In short, there is a mixture of things that no one can agree on regarding what has failed and what has not.

Però nosaltres venim a donar la nostra opinió amb el que hem vist des del Foc Viu,

But we come to give our opinion based on what we have seen from the Live Fire.

que per cert, moltes gràcies a tothom que ha vingut avui.

By the way, thank you very much to everyone who came today.

Sí, ja em molt calenta sentir-me allà també.

Yes, I'm already feeling very warm there too.

Sí, ja em molt calenta.

Yes, I'm already very hot.

Dia de pluja, dia complicat avui per venir, però bé.

Rainy day, complicated day today to come, but well.



2-0 més talla en un partit que jo crec que sí que hem merescut perdre.

2-0 more size in a match that I believe we definitely deserved to lose.

Tothom està dient que sí.

Everyone is saying yes.

Jo crec que també.

I think so too.

Jo crec que tothom està dient que ha sigut un partit que l'empat era just de 0-0,

I believe that everyone is saying it was a game where the draw was justified at 0-0.

però que realment sí que hem merescut perdre.

but we really did deserve to lose.

Que sí, que el València ha xotat un cop.

Yes, Valencia has scored once.

Que sí, que no hem patit defensivament.

Yes, we haven't suffered defensively.

Però és que clar, els errors que comets, o sigui, tu no pots cometre errors i pretendre no perdre.

But of course, the mistakes you make, I mean, you cannot make mistakes and expect not to lose.

I llavors, quan aquests errors no els soluciones bé, doncs passa el que passa.

And then, when you don't solve these mistakes properly, well, what happens happens.

I ho poso un exemple.

I'll give you an example.

Els dos gols, que al final has perdut el partit perquè el València ha marcat dos gols i tu no n'has marcat cap.

The two goals, which in the end you lost the match because Valencia scored two goals and you didn't score any.

Són dos pèrdues de pilota, en sortida de pilota, que pot passar perquè és això el que juguem,

They are two ball losses, during ball exit, which can happen because that is what we play.

però és que després la manera de solucionar els errors no és tapar un xut des de 4 metres de distància.

But the way to solve the mistakes is not to block a shot from 4 meters away.

Cony, és anar a tapar el xut i el canvi de xip de pèrdua a pilota,

Damn, it's about covering the shot and the shift from loss to possession.

la pressió en post-pèrdua, aquesta que diu Mitchell, la PTP,

the pressure in post-loss, that which Mitchell refers to, the PTP,

o com Pollas es digui, doncs no és bona, perquè els dos xuts,

or however Pollas is called, then it's not good, because the two shots,

val que hi ha mala sol, val que rebota en Juanpe, el que vulguis,

Okay, there's bad sun, okay, it bounces off Juanpe, whatever you want.

però és que no ha de tenir ni l'opció de xutar.

but he shouldn't even have the option to shoot.

O sigui, s'ha d'estar a sobre del que xuta, ja està.

In other words, you have to keep an eye on what works, that's it.

I això és perquè hem marxat per perdre.

And this is because we left to lose.

Quan nosaltres hem tingut oportunitat de xutar, i mira que n'hem tingut,

When we have had the opportunity to shoot, and look how many chances we've had,

perquè d'en Juma s'ha quedat sol...

because Juma has been left alone...

Sí, però nosaltres no xutem.

Yes, but we don't kick.

Sí, però s'ha quedat sol.

Yes, but he has been left alone.

Allà en gel darrere, només sortir, li han fet un pas en profunditat,

There in the ice behind, as soon as he came out, they made him a step in depth.

que ha tardat en xutar, però cony, ha xutat i algú estava a sobre per tapar el xut.

he took too long to shoot, but damn, he shot and someone was there to block the shot.

A sobre, a 10 centímetres, no un metro, saps?

On top, at 10 centimeters, not one meter, you know?

I ja està, llavors, si són aquestes dues accions tontes,

And that's it, then, if these are the two silly actions,

llavors hem marxat per perdre.

then we left to lose.

Però és que després, i aquí sí que estic d'acord amb Mitchell,

But afterwards, and here I do agree with Mitchell,

tenim la pilota, però no la rolem ràpid.

We have the ball, but we don’t roll it quickly.

És que juguem a handball, però que ens piten passiu a handball, saps?

It’s just that we play handball, but they call passive on us in handball, you know?

No tenim velocitat, però és que a més, anant per dins del 2 era com...

We don't have speed, but also, going through the 2 was like...

Sí, bueno, tiro aquí un pilotazo i no sé què passi o el que passi.

Yes, well, I'll throw a shot here and I don't know what will happen or what happens.



No sé.

I don't know.

Jo, sincerament, eh?

I, honestly, huh?

I parlant una mica del tema l'alineació, que ha sigut una sorpresa per tots.

And talking a bit about the topic of the lineup, which has been a surprise for everyone.

8 canvis, eh, l'alineació?

8 changes, huh, the lineup?

Ja he vist que eren 7-8, no sé ara.

I have already seen that they were 7-8, I don't know now.

Sí, però més enllà de 7-8.

Yes, but beyond 7-8.



Sabent, sabent, perquè va venir el València-Montilí l'any passat

Knowing, knowing, why Valencia-Montilí came last year.

i et va fer un partit de tancar-se darrere.

And it made you a match to close behind.

Vam anar a Mestalla l'any passat i van fer un partit de tancar-se darrere.

We went to Mestalla last year, and they played a defensive match.

I de pressionar dalt, si vols.

And you can press up if you want.

Una mica, però amb pilota tampoc proposen res.

A little, but they don't propose anything with the ball either.

Avui, més o menys, saps que la pilota la tindràs.

Today, more or less, you know that you will have the ball.

Per què no poses a jugadors que vagin amb la pilota?

Why don't you put players on who can carry the ball?

Per rotacions, per la Champions i tal?

For rotations, for the Champions and such?

Doncs a la Champions no els posis, que és el que jo dic sempre.

So don't put them in the Champions, which is what I always say.

Avui, si poses a Solís i Oriol Romeu,

Today, if you put Solís and Oriol Romeu,

no són jugadors que amb la pilota et mourean el joc ràpid.

they are not players who will move the game quickly with the ball.

Però això ja ho saps de primeres.

But you already know this from the start.

No hi havia mig del camp.

There was no one in the field.

No tenies cap tipus de creació allà mig.

You had no kind of creation in between there.

No hi havia idees, però per què no...

There were no ideas, but why not...

Els dos jugadors que tenies al mig del camp

The two players you had in the midfield.

no són de tenir la pilota

they are not about keeping the ball

ni de generar-te coses amb la pilota, per què no?

nor to generate things with the ball, why not?

Exacte. I després, si el que t'ho ha de generar,

Exactly. And then, if what needs to generate it,

o sigui, com a tercer,

that is, as a third,

ser home generador de coses

to be a generator of things

al mig de punta és Abel Ruiz,

in the middle of the tip is Abel Ruiz,

que a mi ja m'agrada que jugui Abel Ruiz de mig de punta,

I already like Abel Ruiz playing as a central forward.

però no tens a ningú per dins que et generi,

but you have no one inside you to generate you,

que t'arruli la pilota,

let the ball roll to you,

només depèn que donar-li pilotes als de fora

it only depends on giving balls to those outside.

i que els de fora,

and those from outside,

jo què sé, comencin a dir

I don't know, let them start saying.

provin coses i els hi sorti.

try things and they turn out.

D'en Juma ho ha provat més que Esprilla,

Juma has tried it more than Esprilla.

que una mica el perill venia per allà,

that a little the danger was coming from over there,

però tampoc s'han anat massa de res.

but they haven't really gone too far either.

Parlem-ne d'en Juma.

Let's talk about Juma.

Bé, després fem-ne-ho per u, si vols.

Well, then let's do it for one, if you want.

I Esprilla no se'n va de ningú.

I Esprilla is not leaving anyone.

Aquest any no tens un Saminyo de la vida, llavors.

This year you don't have a life Saminyo, then.

No, però per això,

No, but for that,

si saps que no tens un Saminyo de la vida

if you know you don't have a Saminyo in life

i saps que no tens a dos Saminyos de la vida

And you know that you don't have two Saminyos in life.

perquè el Saminyo de la vida que tens

because of the Saminyo of the life you have

o el que més s'apropa és Brian Hill

or the one that comes closest is Brian Hill

i el tens a la banqueta...

and you have it on the bench...

No entenc per què ha sortit tan tard.

I don't understand why it came out so late.

Bueno, després en parlem també, que t'adalantes a coses.

Well, we will talk about that later too, don't rush into things.

M'adalanto, però...

I apologize, but...


You know?

Alguna cosa haurem de fer, perquè t'estàs queixant.

We must do something because you are complaining.

Jo crec que ens estem queixant d'una cosa,

I think we are complaining about something,

que és que la pilota no rola ràpid,

why doesn't the ball roll quickly,

però no era difícil d'imaginar

but it was not hard to imagine

que la pilota no rolaria ràpid

that the ball would not roll fast

amb la gent que tens al mig.

with the people you have in the middle.

Perquè que la pilota roli ràpid depèn de la gent del mig.

Because the ball rolling fast depends on the people in the middle.

Abel Ruiz, Solís i Romeu,

Abel Ruiz, Solís and Romeu,

la pilota no rola ràpid.

the ball does not roll fast.

És que cap dels tres és creador de joc en pilota.

None of the three is a playmaker in soccer.

Ja, però és que després,

Yes, but then,

aquesta gent que se suposa

these people that are supposed

que no van ràpid amb la pilota

that they don't go fast with the ball

però que t'aporten solidesa defensiva,

but that bring you defensive solidity,



Perquè arribem tard a tot arreu,

Because we arrive late everywhere,

no estem ben col·locats,

we are not well positioned,

no saltem quan hem de saltar,

we don't jump when we have to jump,

les cobertures amb els laterals, no hi ha cobertures.

The covers with the sides, there are no covers.

No hi ha cobertures.

There are no covers.

Llavors, aquesta gent, què t'aporta?

So, what does this group of people bring you?

Perquè no estic...

Because I am not...

No estic dient que t'aporti zero,

I'm not saying it brings you nothing,

perquè sí que t'aporta,

because it does bring you.

però és que el que tu tens la pilota,

but it's just that you have the ball,

aquesta gent no t'aporta en pilota,

these people don't bring you in ball.

ok, no són jugadors així,

ok, they are not players like that,

no tenen aquestes característiques,

they do not have these characteristics,

però les que sí que tenen...

but those that do have...

Bueno, Solís avui a nivell defensiu

Well, Solís today defensively.

no m'ha desagradat,

I haven't disliked it.

però és que Romeu ha arribat ara a tot,

but it's just that Romeu has just arrived everywhere,

és que sempre estem a la mateixa.

it's that we're always in the same situation.

I a més, ha arribat ara que tu ja recuperes la pilota després,

And moreover, it has arrived now that you are already recovering the ball afterwards.

per lo que sigui, i te fa l'empandeta.

for whatever reason, and it gives you the feeling.

Sí, te fa faltes innecessàries.

Yes, it makes unnecessary arguments.

No cal, tio.

No need, dude.

Te fa faltes innecessàries.

You make unnecessary mistakes.



Bueno, no sé.

Well, I don’t know.

I després, ja per tancar generalització del postpartit

And then, to conclude the generalization of the post-match.

i passar a l'1x1,

and move to 1x1,

tema àrbitre.

Referee theme.

Hi ha hagut unes mans en el primer gol

There were some hands in the first goal.

que jo no les he vist, sincerament.

that I haven't seen them, honestly.



És que no han passat la repetició, no?

It's just that they haven't shown the replay, have they?

És que no sé...

I don't know...

Sí que l'han passat,

Yes, they have passed it.

però jo no aconsegueixo veure on ens estem queixant.

but I can't see where we are complaining.

No recordo l'enganxament.

I don't remember the glue.

Però hi ha el penal?

But is there the penalty?

Hi ha el penal?

Is there a penalty?

Bueno, diuen que hi ha fora de joc previ, pot ser.

Well, they say there was offside before, maybe.

Vale, doncs que ho diguin.

Okay, then let them say it.

O sigui, però això,

I mean, but this,


the referee...

Però l'àrbitre ho ha de dir.

But the referee has to say it.

El Twitter ha llegit això, eh?

Twitter has read this, huh?

Però és que no donen ni la imatge

But they don't even provide the image.

ni que s'ho estigui mirant ni de res, saps?

not even if they're looking at it or anything, you know?

Les mans són claríssimes, eh?

The hands are very clear, aren't they?

Són molt clares

They are very clear.

i no ve de cap rebot ni de res.

and it doesn’t come from any rebound or anything.

No ve de cap rebot ni de res.

It doesn't come from any rebound or anything.

O sigui, reglament són mans,

That is to say, regulation is hands,

perquè no ve del lloc.

because it does not come from the place.

Jo no ho entenc.

I don’t understand it.

Ara, que hi hagi fora de joc abans,

Now, that there is offside before,

no ho sé, però que es digui exacte.

I don't know, but let it be said exactly.

Però que ho diguin, sí,

But let them say it, yes,

perquè és que no ho sé.

because I don't know.

En fi, que bueno, que...

Well, that’s good, that...

En un partit d'aquests,

In one of these matches,

un penal o una cosa d'aquestes

a penalty or something like that

te pot canviar tot.

It can change everything.

S'ho ha revisat en, res, 10 segons.

It has been reviewed in, nothing, 10 seconds.

Perquè anaven a treure el cor

Because they were going to take out the heart.

i han dit un moment

And they said a moment.

i han dit, bueno, ja està, ja.

And they said, well, that's it, then.



Segons quins penals

According to which penalties

tarden 3 minuts a revisar-los.

It takes 3 minutes to review them.



Sí, bueno.

Yes, well.

Segons quins penals

According to which penalties

tarden 10 segons i a córrer, saps?

It takes 10 seconds and then run, you know?

Però bueno.

But well.

Ja està.

It's done.

Mira, jo dic una cosa.

Look, I say one thing.

El València anava últim.

València was last.

No sé si encara va últim,

I don't know if he/she is still last.

però anava últim.

but I was last.

És que és el que he dit jo.

It's just that it's what I've said.

Tu ja sabies que anava últim

You already knew I was last.

i jugant a casa,

and playing at home,

aquesta gent,

these people,

apreta molt

press hard

i és que necessitàvem sumar

And it's just that we needed to add.

sí o sí.

yes or yes.

Era avui el dia de fer rotacions.

Today was the day to make rotations.

No es pot fer dimecres jugant a casa.

It can't be done on Wednesday playing at home.

No, les rotacions

No, the rotations.

no tries tu quan fer-les.

Don't try to do them.

Les rotacions venen

The rotations come.

segons l'estat dels jugadors.

according to the players' status.

Tu no pots dir

You cannot say.

ara faig rotacions, saps?

Now I'm doing rotations, you know?

No, no...

No, no...

No és com la...

It's not like the...

No crec que estessin

I don't think they were.

tots tan fosos

all so fused

com per no jugar

as for not playing

ni, per exemple,

nor, for example,

és que...

it's just that...

Clar, aquestes...

Sure, these...

Vaig dir una cosa.

I said one thing.

Al mig del camp,

In the middle of the field,

ara mateix,

right now,

sense Ivan Martín,

without Ivan Martín,

no rutlla.

doesn't work.

Que avui jugués 0 minuts

That he played 0 minutes today.

i Ivan Martín

and Ivan Martín

no em crec que estés tan fos

I can't believe you are so far gone.

com per jugar 0 minuts.

as for playing 0 minutes.

Durant 60 minuts...

For 60 minutes...

El mateix d'Ivan,

The same as Ivan,

per exemple,

for example,

per Brian a davant,

for Brian ahead,

per tenir una mica més d'idees

to have a few more ideas

o d'una mica d'esborda.

or a little bit of overflow.

Si ha jugat...

If he/she has played...

Què ha jugat?

What has he/she played?

15 minuts?

15 minutes?





No sé, no crec que estigui tan fos.

I don't know, I don't think it's that far off.

I Brian ho ha jugat tot.

Brian has played it all.

I Ivan crec que també,

I Ivan think so too,

però és que no sé.

but I don't know.

No, no,

No, no.

és que és el que t'anava a dir.

It's just that it's what I was going to tell you.

Si la cosa no ha rutllat

If the thing hasn't worked out.

durant 60 minuts,

for 60 minutes,

què te fa pensar

What makes you think?

que el 75

that the 75

començaran a rutllar, saps?

they will start to work, you know?

Fes canvis.

Make changes.

Perquè és que...

Because it is that...

És el que dius tu,

It's what you say.

que Brian jugui 12 minuts

Let Brian play for 12 minutes.

quan des del minut 60

when from the 60th minute

o des de la segona part

or from the second part

podria haver estat al camp

it could have been on the field

i treure d'en Juma

and take from Juma

o treure Esplia

or take Esplia

que no t'estan funcionant.

that are not working for you.

A part,


és que no...

it's just that no...

Veient que amb 2-0

Seeing that with 2-0

a la mitja part

at half time

ja no rolava,

it no longer rolled,

és que jo què sé,

it's just that I don't know,

fes ja canvis a la mitja part

make changes at half-time

i el que els ha fet

and what has made them

el 60, el 65,

the 60, the 65,

els primers,

the firsts,

que ha fet dos canvis,

that has made two changes,

és que no,

it's just that no,

el 65,

the 65,

5 canvis de cop,

5 changes at once,

si no,

if not,

no funcionava res.

nothing worked.



No sé.

I don't know.

No sé,

I don't know,

jo tinc la sensació

I have the feeling

que ens han fet el gol,

they have scored a goal against us,



anem a veure aquí el resum,

let's see here the summary,

ens han fet el gol

they have scored a goal against us

en el 56

in 56

i en el 58.

and in the 58.

Sí, sí,

Yes, yes,

un minut després,

one minute later,

un minut i alguna cosa després.

a minute and something later.

Però que hem tingut

But what we have had

des del 58

since '58





ens han guardat com dos gols

they have kept us like two goals

i estàvem en un procés

and we were in a process

de no saber on estem,

of not knowing where we are,

que ens acaben de canviar el partit

they have just changed our match

i no sabem adaptar-nos

and we do not know how to adapt.

que fins que no

that until not

hem caigut una mica

we have fallen a little

si hem fet el canvi de Jan Gel

if we have made the change of Jan Gel

i hem fet el canvi de Misejui,

And we have made the change of Misejui.

que després parlarem

that we will talk later

del tema Misejui,

about the theme Misejui,

no hem sabut

we have not known

com tornar a baixar a terra

how to get back down to earth

i pensar

and think

què estàvem fent

what were we doing

i què no,

and what if not,

perquè tot,

because everything,

tot eren pilotassos,

they were all little pilots,

ha sortit Jan Gel,

Jan Gel has come out.

tothom desconcentrat,

everyone distracted,

les imprecisions

the inaccuracies

durant tot el partit d'avui

during the entire match today

no ha sortit,

it hasn't come out,

no ha sortit massa res.

nothing much has come out.

Però bueno,

But well,

si vols,

if you want,

poso la música d'Operú

I play the music of Operú.

o vols dir tu alguna cosa més?

Or do you want to say something else?

No, res,

No, nothing.

és que no,

it's just that no,

i tenia jugadors a la banqueta

I had players on the bench.

que han jugat 0 minuts

that have played 0 minutes

i és que no,

and it's not,



no acabo d'entendre,

I don't quite understand,

val que han jugat dimecres,

okay that they played on Wednesday,

però tampoc tots han jugat

but not everyone has played either

els 90 minuts dimecres.

the 90 minutes Wednesday.



No sé,

I don't know,

això tampoc,

this neither,

tampoc vull opinar massa

I don't want to give too many opinions either.

perquè no sé jo l'estat físic

because I don't know the physical condition

ni com han entrenat ni res,

neither how they have trained nor anything.

però sí que és veritat

but it is true

que poder,

what power,

no t'estic dient

I'm not telling you.

que no es facin 8 rotacions,

that there are not 8 rotations,

però entre poc i massa,

but between too little and too much,


Do you know?



és que és això,

what is this,

no ho sé.

I don't know.

No sé,

I don't know,

i no tenen 50 anys

and they are not 50 years old

aquestes gent,

these people,

tenen 23 anys

they are 23 years old

i viuen d'això.

and live off this.

I estan en bona forma

And they are in good shape.

i viuen d'això,

and they live off this,



van jugar dimecres a la nit,

they played Wednesday night,

som dissabte,

it's Saturday,

no sé,

I don't know,

han tingut dies

they have had days

i no crec que els entrenaments

and I don't think the training

d'aquesta setmana

of this week

hagin sigut

have been

pam, pam, pam,

bang, bang, bang,

trallat, trallat,

rustle, rustle,

ja hauran sigut

they will have been

de recuperació,

of recovery,

amb pilota,

with a ball,


Do you know?

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.



passem a l'úpero,

let's move on to the upper.



No em ve de gust

I don't feel like it.

aquesta música avui.

this music today.

No, a mi tampoc,

No, me neither.

ja la vostra hora.

It's your time now.

Espera, espera,

Wait, wait,

que passi el d'esto.

Let this happen.

Faré la d'esto.

I will do this.

Avui a l'úpero

Today at the uper.

de Mestalla

of Mestalla

venim a rajar,

we come to chat,

o no,

oh no,

no sé.

I don't know.

No, que després

No, because later

tothom diu

everyone says

que no me rajeu.

don't back down on me.



és que no me rajeu,

it's just that you don't let me down,

els tribuneros no me rajeu.

the tribunal members don’t betray me.

Espera, espera, espera.

Wait, wait, wait.

No anem a,

We are not going to,

no me rajeu.

Don't mock me.

Espera, espera.

Wait, wait.

Els tribuneros

The tribunal members

que no me rajeu,

don't let me down,

ai, no sé què.

oh, I don't know what.

A mi no me surt.

It doesn't work for me.

Ja, ja ho sé,

Yes, yes I know,

ho hem d'investigar

we have to investigate it

perquè no et surt,

because it doesn't come out for you,

però ja ho investigarem.

but we will investigate it.

En fin,





come on,


let's put it in


the alignment.



a la portaria

to the reception

jo no crec

I do not believe.

que hi hagi

that there be

massa res a dir.

too much to say.

Sí que és veritat

Yes, it is true.

que Gazzaniga

that Gazzaniga

ha tingut una jugada

he has had a play

així sortint

thus leaving

que n'hi ha un,

that there is one,

que un altre cop

that once again

ha vingut el...

the... has come

Sí, sí,

Yes, yes,

els fantasmes

the ghosts

han tornat a venir,

they have come back again,

però bueno.

but well.

És que els gols

It's just that the goals

al final reboten

in the end they bounce

els dos.


Sí, però bueno,

Yes, well,

cuidado, eh?

Be careful, okay?

Que només ens en recordem

That we only remember it

d'aquestes coses

of these things

tan destos.

so clumsy.

El València,

The Valencia,

quan ha arribat a dalt,

when he/she has reached the top,

ha centrat,

has focused,

ha tingut còrners,

has had corners,



i després de la cagada

and after the mess

de l'altre dia,

the other day,

que només han passat

that have only passed

tres dies,

three days,

la resiliència


d'aquest nano

of this kid

és espectacular

it's spectacular

perquè el Pabu surt

because Pabu is leaving

amb una seguretat

with a security

i amb una firmesa

and with a firmness

que dius,

what are you saying,


holy mackerel,

sembla mentida

seems unbelievable

que fa dos dies

that was two days ago

la vas cagar

you messed up

i estaves,

and you were,

se'l veia després del partit

he was seen after the match

que estava malament.

that was wrong.

O sigui que,


dintre de lo dolent

within the bad

del partit,

from the party,

això per mi

this for me

ha sigut una cosa positiva

it has been a positive thing



Gazzaniga sembla

Gazzaniga seems

que s'ha recuperat

that has been recovered

i sempre ho fa realment.

And he always really does it.

Així que,


no sé,

I don't know,

per trobar

to find

brots d'algú,

someone's shoots,


Do you know?

No hi ha d'haver dubte

There should be no doubt.

a la porteria.

at the goal.

No, de moment no.

No, not for now.

Hi ha molta gent

There are a lot of people.

que raja,

that spills,

de res,

you're welcome,

Gazzaniga sempre.

Gazzaniga always.

De moment no.

Not at the moment.

En defensa,

In defense,

anem a fer,

let's go to do,

si vols,

if you want,

en defensa

in defense

amb pilota

with ball

i sense pilota

and without a ball

perquè hi ha

because there is

una cosa amb pilota

a thing with a ball

i una altra cosa

and one more thing

sense pilota.

without a ball.

Amb pilota

With a ball

no ha estat bé

it hasn’t been good





Però és que ni Blin,

But not even Blin,

que normalment està bé,

which is usually fine,

Blin ha tingut cagadetes

Blin has had little poops.

de sortir de pilota.

to kick the ball out.

Sí que és veritat

Yes, it is true.

que avui Blin

that today Blin

tenia una posició diferent

I had a different position.

que era de lateral esquerra

he was a left-back.

que s'incorpora

that is incorporated

anar molt a l'atac,

to go on the offensive a lot,



Que tampoc,


no sé,

I don't know,

que potser hauria ficat,

that perhaps I would have put in,

que no sé,

that I don't know,

veient el partit que hem fet

seeing the game we played

és que cap hagués anat bé.

It's just that none would have gone well.



però poder potser ficar creixi.

but maybe it can grow.

Sí, és el que anava dient.

Yes, that's what I was saying.

Creixi de lateral esquerra,

Grow from the left side.

Blin de central

Central blin

i el de Kendrick,

and Kendrick's







no sé,

I don't know,

no sé per quin motiu,

I don't know for what reason,

no ho sé.

I don't know.

No ho sé.

I don't know.


Let's see,

tampoc ha estat malament,

it hasn't been bad either,

ha tingut la cagada,

he had the crap,



la mala sort

bad luck

de tocar la pilota

to touch the ball

als dos gols.

to both goals.





jo què sé,

I don't know,


do you know?

Però ja ho hem dit abans,

But we have already said it before,

en part B,

in part B,

de defensar des de lluny.

to defend from afar.


Do you know?

Si saltes,

If you jump,

si saltes sense entrar de cop,

if you jump without diving in suddenly,

per dir-ho d'alguna manera,

to put it somehow,

el xut el tapes millor

the shot covers better

perquè estàs més a prop

because you are closer

i no te supera,

and does not surpass you,


let's say,

no te regateges

don't beg for it

perquè dintre de què saltes

because inside what you jump


you endure,

no entres de cop

don't barge in

i no te supera,

and it doesn't surpass you,

però bueno.

but well.

Jo ara,

I now,

potser ara em rejarà tot Girona,

maybe now Girona will reveal everything to me,

però per mi,

but for me,



és que no,

it's just that no,

ja no té nivell de primer.

He no longer has first-level skills.





És tot el que vulguis del Girona,

It’s all you want from Girona,

però no...

but no...

Però és que a més tens a David López,

But in addition, you have David López.


do you know?



i si no a Arnau

and if not to Arnau

i Francesc,

and Francesc,

o Francesc,

O Francis,

o jo què sé,

or what do I know,

és que...

it's just that...

I serà aquest any per defenses

And it will be this year for defenses.

i pots fer un pilot de bogeries

And you can do a lot of craziness.

per allà darrere.

over there.



però bueno,

but well,

és que amb la pilota

it's just that with the ball

no hem estat bé,

we have not been well,


Do you know?

Defensivament jo no ens he vist malament,

Defensively, I haven't seen us negatively.

jo no he vist que patim defensivament,

I have not seen us suffer defensively,

però amb la pilota...

but with the ball...

Patir no hem patit,

We have not suffered.

perquè hem xutat una vegada a porteria,

because we have shot once on goal,





i han fet dos gols,

and they have scored two goals,

però creixi amb la pilota,

but grow with the ball,

ha tingut bons desplaçaments,

he has had good trips,

però també n'ha tingut...

but it has also had...

Això m'ha agradat.

I liked this.



però n'ha tingut de bons

but he/she has had some good ones

i n'ha tingut de dolents.

And he has had some bad ones.

I n'ha tingut de molt dolents,

He has had some very bad ones.

que se passava de llarg.

that was passing by unremarked.



a la sortida de pilota també,

at the exit of the ball as well,

Francesc tampoc ha tingut el seu millor partit.

Francesc hasn't had his best match either.



és que ni se l'ha vist.

It's that he hasn't even been seen.

Amb pilota,

With a ball,

m'estic referint,

I am referring to,

però clar,

but of course,

o sigui,

that is,

hem tingut el 70% de la posició,

we have had 70% of the position,



quasi tot el que direm serà amb pilota.

Almost everything we will say will be with a ball.

I ja està,

And that's it,

hem de fer-se poc més a comentar.

We need to say little more to comment.

Al mig,

In the middle,

ja hem fet una mica l'espeech.

We have already done a bit of the speech.

Romeu i Solís,

Romeu and Solís,

amb pilota no te donen velocitat

with the ball they don't give you speed

i sense pilota,

and without a ball,

sobretot Romeu,

above all Romeo,

ha arribat ara a tot arreu.

it has now arrived everywhere.

Solís jo crec que una mica millor.

Solís I think it's a little better.



però bueno,

but well,

també no sé.

I also don't know.

Però bueno,

But well,





hi ha coses que...

there are things that...

Segueixo dient el que vaig dir l'altre dia,

I still say what I said the other day,

no sé on estava,

I don't know where I was,

contra el Barça vaig jugar.

I played against Barça.

És que no,

It's just that no,

titular no pot ser.

headline cannot be.

I l'altre dia vaig dir titular contra un Barça,

And the other day I said headline against a Barça,

però és que contra un València hem vist que tampoc.

but against a Valencia we have seen that neither.





també et dic,

I also tell you,



perquè contra el Barça anava a dir,

because against Barça I was going to say,

potser a mi va anar al costat millor o una mica,

maybe it went a little better for me.

però és que no.

but it's not.

Però és que contra el Barça tampoc.

But it's just that not even against Barça.

El dia del Barça estaven els dos i no.

On the day of Barça, they were both there and not.



però les característiques del partit...

but the characteristics of the party...





perquè el Barça també anava a tenir el pilota.

because Barça was also going to have the ball.

Però quan el Girona té el 60-70% de possessió de la pilota,

But when Girona has 60-70% of ball possession,

què és?

What is it?

Jo crec,

I believe,

el normal i el que ha de passar en tots els partits,

the normal and what has to happen in all matches,

perquè el Girona és com juga,

because Girona is how it plays,

exceptuant Madrid,

excepting Madrid,



tots aquests equips que també te volen robar la pilota,

all these teams that also want to steal the ball from you,

no sé si Solís i Van Martín

I don't know if Solís and Van Martín.

seria una bona dupla.

it would be a good duo.

Jo crec que Solís li falta en pilota,

I think Solís is lacking in ball skills.

però és que no ho agafarà mai si no juga,

but he will never get it if he doesn't play,


Do you know?



no sé si per ser titular o tal,

I don't know if to be a starter or anything.

però avui a mi Solís,

but today to me Solís,

sense pilota,

without a ball,

m'ha agradat més que altres partits.

I liked it more than other matches.

Ja ha tingut bons talls,

It has already had good cuts,

bones recuperacions,

good recoveries,

i en pilota falta.

and it's a penalty kick.

Però bueno,

But well,

si juga Solís i juga acompanyat d'un Ivan Martín de la vida,

if Solís plays and plays accompanied by a life Ivan Martín,

no ha de ser Solís qui en pilota sigui el que destaque.

It should not be Solís who stands out as the one leading.

Tot i així,

Even so,

i Angel està molt per sobre de Solís,

and Angel is far above Solís,

això ningú posa en dubte.

This is not in doubt for anyone.


Come on,

que vas calentet,

that you're nice and warm,

d'en Juma.

of Juma.



és que,

it's that,



podríem posar d'en Juma i espatllar el mateix sac,

we could put in Juma and spoil the same bag,



Jo crec que no.

I don't think so.

Jo crec que ens han fotut aquí a dos tios que els han venut com d'estrelletes

I think they've screwed us over here with two guys they've sold as little stars.

i no arriben ni a millorar Valeri.

and they don't even manage to improve Valeri.

Així t'ho dic.

That's how I tell you.

Sobretot d'en Juma.

Above all from Juma.

Jo crec que d'en Juma ha sigut el jugador que avui ho ha intentat,

I believe that Juma has been the player who has tried the hardest today.

que ha tingut oportunitats,

that has had opportunities,

però li falta adaptació.

but it lacks adaptation.

Està jugant en una posició que no és la seva

He is playing in a position that is not his.

i que jo crec que...

and I believe that...



és que això de que es vii per l'esquerra...

it's just that this thing about living on the left...



decisió de Mitchell.

Mitchell's decision.

No m'ha desagradat,

I haven't disliked it.

a mi l'esquerra.

to me the left.

Ha sigut el...

It has been the...

És que a mi d'en Juma no m'ha desagradat.

I haven't disliked Juma.

Ha sigut el que ho ha intentat,

He has been the one who tried it.

sobretot a la primera part,

especially in the first part,

el que ho ha intentat.

the one who has tried it.

Després li ha sortit o no,

Afterwards, has it come out or not?

però de primera ho has d'intentar,

but you have to try it first,


Do you know?

I el dia que surti,

And the day that I leave,

doncs sortirà.

so it will come out.

I el dia que tinguis un davanter que

And the day you have a forward who

realment tingui més...

really have more...



o Mioski comenci a tenir l'arribada

Oh Mioski starts to have the arrival.

i comenci a adaptar-se bé,

and start to adapt well,

perquè després parlarem de Mioski,

because then we will talk about Mioski,

jo crec que d'en Juma ens pot aportar,

I believe that Juma can bring us.

ja sigui de banda,

either from the band,

que jo crec que...

that I believe that...

Jo no pensava que de banda ens el podia aportar tant,

I didn't think that from the sidelines it could contribute so much to us.

d'en Juma.

of Juma.

El que no m'ha agradat és a Esprilla.

What I didn't like is Esprilla.

És que anem perdent 2-0

It's just that we're losing 2-0.

i es posa a fer taconazos

and starts stomping

que ni li dona a la pilota.

that it doesn't even touch the ball.

És que,

It's just that,

per què no fem un control i un passe

Why don't we do a check and a walk?

i després comencem a fer les coses?

And then how do we start doing things?

És que a cada partit dic el mateix.

It's just that I say the same thing every game.

És que semblo un puto lloro, tio.

I look like a fucking parrot, man.

Lo bo que he vist avui d'Esprilla

The good thing I saw today about Esprilla.

són passes filtrats

they are filtered passes

que ha fet

what has he/she done

a dintre l'àrea.

inside the area.

Doncs llavors,

Well then,

si ell és el que veu aquests passes,

if he is the one who sees these steps,

perquè era l'únic que els veia,

because I was the only one who saw them,

per què no juga a mitja punta ell?

Why doesn't he play as an attacking midfielder?

Bueno, perquè ja ha jugat a fora.

Well, because he/she has already played outside.

Jo el concepte teòric te l'entenc.

I understand the theoretical concept.

Juga des de fora

Play from outside.

i tira cap a dins,

and pulls inward,



I després,

And then,

és on fa aquests passes filtrats

it's where it makes these filtered steps

i si no fa aquests passes filtrats

and if it doesn't take these filtered steps

perquè el defensa s'ha anat

because the defender has left

amb el que fa el desmarque,

with what makes the unmarking,

ell té la via lliure per tirar.

He has a clear path to shoot.

Però hi ha situacions

But there are situations

que tu el que necessites

what you need

perquè tens dos jugadors a sobre

because you have two players on top of you

és fer un control i un passe.

It's about doing a control and a pass.

Perquè si tu tens dos jugadors a sobre

Because if you have two players on top of you

hi ha algú,

is there anyone,

perquè juguen 11 contra 11,

because they play 11 against 11,

que no en té ningú.

that no one has.

Perquè no pot ser que tu tinguis dos a sobre

Because it can't be that you have two on you.

i cadascú estigui cobert.

and each one be covered.

No, perquè si tu tens dos a sobre

No, because if you have two on you.

hi ha un de lliure.

there is one free.

Potser ha de trobar aquesta persona lliure

Maybe he/she has to find this person free.

i s'ha de trobar ràpid.

It has to be found quickly.

Si tu fas un control,

If you do a check,

te'n vols anar,

do you want to leave,

vols fer un canyo,

do you want to make a cannon,

vols fer un tacóncito i tal,

do you want to have a little drink and such,



No, perquè no.

No, because no.

Perquè és que no pots,

Because you can't,

tens dos jugadors a sobre,

you have two players on top of you,

no t'aniràs de dos jugadors

you won't leave with two players

tot el rato.

All the time.

T'aniràs una vegada

You will go once.

i te sortiran els highlights d'espil

And you will get the highlights of Spil.

i te sortirà aquella vegada.

It will work out for you that time.

Però no tot.

But not everything.

Llavors és control-passe,

Then it's control-pass,



Que tu reps la pilota,

That you receive the ball,

que tens camp per córrer,

that you have plenty of room to run,

que vols encarar cap a dins,

what you want to turn inward,

que vols fer un passe filtrat,

What do you want to do, a filtered pass,



Però no s'ha de fer cada vegada.

But it doesn't have to be done every time.

S'ha de saber

It must be known.

quan sí i quan no.

when yes and when no.

I després defensivament

And then defensively

és Sabinho la temporada passada

It's Sabinho last season.

que en una situació

that in a situation

que no s'havia de fer falta

that it wasn't necessary

va com un boig i fa falta.

He runs around like a madman and it's needed.

Però bueno,

But well,

que ja ho vam solucionar amb Sabinho,

that we already solved it with Sabinho,

l'actitud hi és,

the attitude is there,

això m'agrada.

I like this.

Però s'ha de saber

But it must be known.

amb pilota

with a ball

quan sí,

when yes,

quan no,

when not,

quan fer un passe,

when to make a pass,

quan retenir-la,

when to hold her,

quan no i quan filtrar.

when not and when to filter.

I li falta.

And he is missing it.

I crec que si no hagués costat

I think that if it hadn't cost.

25 milions d'euros

25 million euros

la gent estaria més pacient

people would be more patient

amb Esprilla.

with Esprilla.

Però la putada

But the bummer

és que Esprilla ha costat

It's just that Esprilla has been expensive.

25 milions d'euros

25 million euros

i 25 milions d'euros

and 25 million euros

al Girona

to Girona

que ningú...

that no one...


Come on,

és que gastar 25 milions d'euros

it's about spending 25 million euros

al Girona

to Girona

ningú ho havia pensat mai.

no one had ever thought of it.

La gent es pensa

People think

que s'ha de pagar

that has to be paid

25 milions d'euros,

25 million euros,

es fa el bífum

the bib is made

i ja de cop Esprilla

And suddenly Esprilla

t'ha de fer 30 gols

You have to score 30 goals.

a la temporada,

in the season,

200 regates a la temporada

200 races in the season.

i ja ser el baló d'or.

And it will already be the Ballon d'Or.



Entra poc i massa.

Enter little and too much.

O sigui,

That is,

s'ha de saber

it must be known

quan fer el passe,

when to do the pass,

quan retenir,

when to hold back,

quan no,

when not,

però també s'ha de tenir un temps,

but you also have to take time,

s'ha d'adaptació

it needs adaptation

i s'ha de veure

and it must be seen

i s'ha de trobar encara

and it still has to be found

la seva millor versió.

his/her best version.

Dit això,

That said,

no, Mitchell ha dit

no, Mitchell has said

que Esprilla ha fet un bon partit.

Esprilla had a good game.

A mi no m'ho sembla,

It doesn't seem so to me,

però bueno,

but well,

Mitchell ens ha més cridat.

Mitchell has called us again.

A mi tampoc,

Me neither,

però bueno.

but well.

Abel ha tingut un partit gris.

Abel has had a dull game.

És que podem ficar

It's that we can fit.

els dos de dalt

the two upstairs

i ets junts,

and you are together,

perquè pràcticament

because practically

no se'l t'ha vist

you haven't seen him

a cap dels dos.

to the head of both.

No, imprecís.

No, imprecise.

Potser Abel una mica més,

Maybe Abel a little more,

però perquè estava així

but why was it like this

com de mitja punta.

like a half point.

Clar, Abel ha rebut més pilotes

Of course, Abel has received more balls.

però ha estat més imprecís

but it has been more imprecise

i però és que Mioski

And but it's just that Mioski.

ni les ha rebut.

nor has she received them.

És que no ha rebut

It is that he/she has not received.

ni una pilota que toqués.

not a single ball touched.

No, no, ni una.

No, no, not even one.

No, no, ni un ramat.

No, no, not a flock.

I l'altra vegada

And the other time

que va jugar a titular

who played as a starter

no se'n trobava a ser

he couldn't be found there

que va jugar a titular.

who played as a starter.

A casa, contra l'Ossasuna.

At home, against Osasuna.

Tampoc va jugar a pilota.

He didn't play ball either.

No, no, no, no està.

No, no, no, it's not.

No, no s'acaba de trobar,

No, it hasn't just been found.

jo crec.

I believe.

No sé, li falta.

I don't know, it is missing something.

No sé si és l'idioma,

I don't know if it's the language,

no sé si és els companys,

I don't know if it's the colleagues,

no ho sé,

I don't know,

però li falta Mioski

but Mioski is missing

i s'ha de trobar la manera

and we have to find a way

que aquest nano

that this kid

s'integri bé

integrate well

perquè és que

because it is that

juguem sense davanter,

we play without a forward,

quasi que sí.

almost yes.

És a dir, sí,

That is to say, yes,

podem penjar pilotes

we can hang balls

i tal,

and so,

però saps que dius

but you know what you're saying

hòstia, pengem pilotes

Wow, let's hang some balls.

i és ell per ramatar.

And it is he for the final touch.

No, és que no m'ha donat

No, it's just that he/she hasn't given me.

la sensació ni que salti,

the sensation even if I jump,


do you know?

És com, no està.

It's like, it's not.

Juguem amb un menjar.

We play with food.

La pressió sí que te la fa bé

The pressure does suit you well.

perquè, bueno,

because, well,

l'ha pillat ràpid,

he caught it quickly,

però bueno,

but well,

hi ha cosetes.

there are little things.

I llavors els canvis,

And then the changes,

que és el que dèiem abans,

what we were saying before,

minut 62,

minute 62,

primers dos canvis,

first two changes,

Misehui i Yangel Herrera.

Misehui and Yangel Herrera.

Yangel Herrera ha sortit

Yangel Herrera has left.



Res, estava horrible avui també.

Nothing, it was terrible today too.

Han fet dos o tres passes

They have taken two or three steps.

que ho han canviat directe fora

that they have changed it directly outside

i dic...

I say...

Sí, no estava...

Yes, I wasn't...

No hem trobat la millor versió

We haven't found the best version.

de Yangel.

from Yangel.

I després Misehui,

And then Misehui,

que jo dic, aviam.

What I say is, let's see.


Let's talk about it.


Let's see.

Sí, digue-ho tu perquè...

Yes, you say it because...

Misehui fa gol

Misehui scores a goal.

el dia del Betis,

the day of Betis,



Jugant 20-25 minuts.

Playing for 20-25 minutes.

20-25 minuts

20-25 minutes

que van ser molt bons

they were very good

i Mitchell surt a la roda de premsa

And Mitchell comes out to the press conference.

i diu,

and he says,

no, és que Misehui

No, it's just that Misehui.

i no sé quin altre jugador,

and I don't know which other player,

no sé si va dir el Mena o què,

I don't know if Mena said it or what.

no estan preparats

they are not prepared

per ser jugadors professionals.

to be professional players.

No tornem a veure

We won't see each other again.

a Misehui mai.

I will never give up.

No, ha jugat 0 minuts fins ara.

No, he has played 0 minutes so far.

0 minuts.

0 minutes.

I ara, de cop,

And now, all of a sudden,

quan les coses van malament,

when things go wrong,

t'ha de treure les castanyes del foc.

she has to get you out of trouble.

Perdent 2-0,

Losing 2-0,

li dones,

you give him/her,



Mitja horeta.

Half an hour.

Sí, mitja horeta.

Yes, half an hour.

Mitja horeta llarga.

Half an hour long.

No, no...

No, no...

Quan he vist que entrava...

When I saw that he/she entered...

Dic, ara toca Misehui,

I say, now it's time for Misehui,

però no l'havíem...

but we hadn't...

No l'havíem sentenciat.

We hadn't sentenced him/her.

No entenc res.

I don't understand anything.

No ho sé,

I don't know,

ara ha de ser el revulsiu Misehui.

now it has to be the turning point Mishuei.

I de fet ha entrat

And in fact, he/she has entered.

i ha tingut un cop de cap

I have had a headache.

que ha sigut l'únic jugador

who has been the only player

que hem fet, quasi.

what we have done, almost.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

No sé, aviam.

I don't know, let's see.

Repeteixo, eh.

I repeat, okay.

Mitchell és el que els veu entrenar

Mitchell is the one who sees them practice.

i Mitchell és el que veu la progressió.

And Mitchell is the one who sees the progress.

Però tan heavy ha sigut la progressió

But the progression has been so heavy.

perquè el dia del Betis...

because the day of Betis...

Que et fa gol.

What makes you score.

I té bons minuts.

And you have good minutes.

Té bons minuts.

It has good minutes.

No el tornem a veure

We don't see him again.

i ara t'ha de resoldre el partit.

And now he has to resolve the match.

Quan tens el que t'està resolent els partits

When you have what is resolving the matches for you.

que és Brian Hill a la banqueta

What is Brian Hill doing on the bench?

que només ha sortit...

that has only come out...

O Ivan Martín.

Oh Ivan Martín.

O Ivan Martín a la banqueta.

Oh Ivan Martín on the bench.

Que no n'hi ha jugat.

That it hasn't been played.

A la banqueta i Brian Hill ha jugat 10 minuts.

On the bench, Brian Hill has played 10 minutes.

No sé, eh.

I don't know, huh.

Les rotacions de la Champions,

The Champions rotations,

el que vulgueu, eh.

Whatever you want, eh.

Però, no sé.

But, I don't know.

I després,

And then,

al 78 traiem Estuani.

At 78 we took Estuani out.

No, al 79.

No, at 79.

Tres junts.

Three together.

Bueno, sí.

Well, yes.

L'únic que aquí no sé per què.

The only thing I don't know why here.



Amb 10 minuts, saps?

In 10 minutes, you know?

Que has esperat...

What have you waited for...

18 minuts...

18 minutes...

No, quant?

No, how much?

16 minuts.

16 minutes.

No, 17 minuts.

No, 17 minutes.

No sé com s'ho m'ha d'arrestar.

I don't know how I should arrest him.

Ja vaig tant...

I'm already going so much...



Del 62 al 78, 17-17.

From 62 to 78, 17-17.

Bueno, el 79, 17.

Well, the 79, 17.

17-17, sí.

17-17, yes.

17 minuts més a fer canvis, tio.

17 more minutes to make changes, dude.

És que no, és que...

It's just that no, it's just that...

Quan no t'estàs rotllant.

When you're not flirting.

Quan has fet els dos canvis primers,

When you have made the first two changes,

doncs fota'ls cinc de cop, ja.

then just screw them all at once, then.

Necessites revolucionar d'aquí.

You need to revolutionize from here.


From now on.

I el més malament no podia anar, saps?

And it couldn't go any worse, you know?

No sé.

I don't know.

Jo què sé, necessitaves coses, coses...

I don't know, you needed things, things...

I a part, has ficat allà en Heli, més avui,

And apart, you have put Heli there, but today,

tampoc m'hi donava res, doncs no sé.

I didn't really care about it either, so I don't know.

Sí, perquè els canvis,

Yes, because the changes,

més enllà que el 58 t'hagin fet el gol

beyond the fact that they scored the goal at 58

i tens l'estabur...

and you have the stable...

Una altra vegada, eh?

Another time, huh?


The establishment...

Els canvis no aporten.

The changes do not bring anything.

No, no aporten.

No, they do not contribute.



L'altre dia contra el PSG, igual.

The other day against PSG, the same.

Bueno, però l'altre dia contra el PSG

Well, the other day against PSG.

que tampoc ho compto.

that I don't count it either.


You know?

Bueno, però...

Well, but...

No, no, però sí que tens raó.

No, no, but you are right.

Sí que tens raó.

You are right.

Bueno, ja està.

Well, that's it.

Poc o més.

More or less.

Poc o més, perquè ni Van de Beek, ni Estuani,

Little more or less, because neither Van de Beek nor Estuani,

ni Brian Hill han tingut gaire incidència

neither Brian Hill has had much impact

i tampoc direm massa res.

And we won't say much either.



Gent, la vida és caure

People, life is about falling.

i ens hem d'aixecar.

and we must get up.

Estàvem molt ben acostumats.

We were very well accustomed.

Sí, portem, t'ho diria,

Yes, we bring it, I would tell you,

més d'un any

more than a year

sense perdre tres partits seguits.

without losing three consecutive matches.

Hem perdut contra el Barça.

We have lost against Barça.

És que quina setmaneta, eh?

What a week it's been, huh?

Que es pot perdre.

What can be lost.

Hem perdut contra el PSG.

We have lost against PSG.

Que es pot perdre.

What can be lost.

Hem perdut contra el València.

We lost against Valencia.

Més talla, tal, no sé què.

More size, such, I don't know what.

Que es pot perdre, però són les maneres.

What can be lost, but it's the way of doing things.

És que és el pitjor València que he vist en molt de temps.

It's the worst Valencia I have seen in a long time.

I jo és el pitjor Girona que he vist en aquesta temporada, quasi.

And I is the worst Girona I have seen this season, almost.

Dimecres toca el Rayo.

On Wednesday, Rayo plays.

I jo no vull dir que...

And I don't want to say that...

I a Montelivi.

And at Montelivi.

Jo no vull dir que estiguem obligats a guanyar,

I don't want to say that we are obliged to win,

perquè pot passar el que sigui,

because anything can happen,

però s'haurien de treure els tres punts.

but the three points should be removed.

S'haurien de treure els tres punts

The three points should be removed.

i és un partit que jo, amb lo pessimista que soc a les porres,

and it is a party that I, with how pessimistic I am about predictions,

quan anés a fer la porra, te diria que guanyàvem.

When I went to do the poll, I would tell you that we were winning.

Llavors, si no guanyem contra el Rayo,

Then, if we don't win against Rayo,

després sí que...

afterwards yes that...

Em veig a venir el drama, eh?

I can see the drama coming, huh?

Problemes, eh?

Problems, huh?

El de la tranquil·litat se me n'anirà acabant.

The tranquility of mine will eventually fade away.

Perquè després el cap de setmana és el camp del Celta, també.

Because then the weekend is the Celta's field, too.

Que el Celta està com està.

That the Celta is as it is.

Sí, i és un càgon sempre complicat.

Yes, and it's always a complicated situation.

Gent, costarà molt treure els tres punts.

People, it will be very difficult to take the three points.

Realment sempre ha costat.

It has always been difficult.

La temporada passada va ser màgica

Last season was magical.

i baixem una mica a terra,

and we come down a little to the ground,

perquè, a més, tenim molts partits.

because, moreover, we have many matches.

Així que, tothom el dimecres a Montelivi.

So, everyone on Wednesday at Montelivi.

Nosaltres hi serem.

We will be there.

Així que, menys drames, menys rajades,

So, less drama, less nonsense,

que veig a la gent.

that I see the people.

Molt calenta.

Very hot.

I tothom a donar suport a l'equip,

And everyone to support the team,

que és el que necessita.

what is it that he/she needs.

I us prometo que no agafarem més l'equip.

I promise you that we won't take the team anymore.

Ara sempre diré que perdem, sempre.

Now I will always say that we lose, always.

Aviam si és veritat.

Let's see if it's true.

Ja està, fins aquí, gent. Gràcies a tots.

That's it, folks. Thank you all.

Ho sento. Ens veiem.

I'm sorry. We'll see each other.

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