Joana Clusellas, titellaire

Ona Vila


Joana Clusellas, titellaire


El que és el que és

What is, is what it is.

Quan vaig començar a fer titelles, d'això ja fa 47 anys,

When I started making puppets, that was 47 years ago,

el començament ho fas perquè penses

you start because you think

que és una manera de crear uns espectacles

that is a way of creating spectacles

on puguin sortir molts personatges,

where many characters can emerge,

però no tens cap dimensió del que representa

but you have no idea of what it represents

el fet de construir,

the act of building,

que vol dir que abans has de pensar molt,

which means that you have to think a lot beforehand,

has d'interioritzar-te molt

you need to internalize a lot

perquè tingui vida allò que tu vols fer,

so that what you want to do has life,

que serveixi realment com una eina d'expressió,

that it truly serves as a tool for expression,

de comunicació,

of communication,

perquè en el fons,

because deep down,

mica a mica te'n vas adonant

little by little you start to realize

que fer un espectacle

to put on a show

sempre és una eina de seducció.

it is always a tool of seduction.

Hi ha una comunicació entre el qui ho fa i el qui ho rep

There is a communication between the one who does it and the one who receives it.

i això perquè realment arribi aquesta comunicació

and this is so that this communication really reaches.

vol dir que tu has de treure molt de tu de dins.

It means that you have to bring a lot of yourself out from within.

És una buidada, però també t'has d'omplir abans de buidar.

It's an emptying process, but you also have to fill yourself up before emptying.

I per això agafes idees

And that's why you take ideas.

o quan fas un espectacle,

or when you put on a show,

et situes o personalment

are you located or personally

o perquè realment expliques una història

or because you really tell a story

que passa en un temps concret

what happens at a specific time

o perquè te la imagines

or because you imagine it

i per tant hi muntes un món

and therefore you create a world

al voltant de la creació d'aquelles titelles que estàs fent.

around the creation of those puppets that you are making.

I aquí tant hi té a veure

And here it has everything to do with it.

l'expressió de la cara,

the expression of the face,

com el vestuari, com el color del vestuari

like the costume, like the color of the costume

i com la textura del vestuari.

and as the texture of the costume.

Per a mi tot forma part d'aquesta unitat.

For me, everything is part of this unity.

Aquesta és la idea,

This is the idea,

que de mica en mica

little by little

el fet d'anar-ho fent te'n vas adonant

The fact of gradually doing it makes you realize.

de com ho estàs fent.

about how you are doing it.

I això és una cosa que

And this is something that

quan ho vas descobrint

when you discover it

és que és curiós perquè primer

it's that it's curious because first

ho fas perquè et surt

You do it because it comes naturally to you.

i perquè has dedicat, has pensat,

and why have you dedicated, have you thought,

que t'hi dedicaràs.

what you will dedicate yourself to.

Però tot aquest pensament,

But all this thought,

almenys en mi,

at least in me,

em va anar sortint al llarg del temps.

it gradually came out over time.

I ara que ja no estem en actiu

And now that we are no longer active

doncs encara és un moment més preciós

so it is still a more precious moment

com per anar adonant-te

as you start to realize

de tot el que ara he presentat.

of everything I have now presented.

Una titella no és ningú,

A puppet is nobody,

és tu que li dones vida.

It is you who gives it life.

De fet és un objecte inert.

In fact, it is an inert object.

Qualsevol cosa pots donar vida.

Anything can give life.

Amb un espelma, amb un got

With a candle, with a glass

o amb un titella construït com un personatge.

or with a puppet built as a character.

Tot i li pots donar vida.

You can still give it life.

Però dependrà de tu.

But it will depend on you.

I és com un procés

And it is like a process

perquè ha de passar del teu interior

because it has to come from within you

en el braç i a la mà.

in the arm and on the hand.

I això és el que

And this is what

aquesta transmissió

this transmission

és tot un procés.

it's an entire process.

És que anar-te'n adonant

It's about realizing as you go.

i fer-ho conscient

and do it knowingly

és com màgia.

It is like magic.

Jo vaig tenir la sort

I was lucky.

que el meu pare

that my father

era dibuixant,

was a draftsman,

era interiorista

was an interior designer

i era una persona molt silenciosa.

and he was a very quiet person.

No parlava però feia

I didn't speak but I acted.

i fent parlava.

And he was talking.

El seu llenguatge era més de fer

His language was more about doing.

i de deixar veure com feia

and to show how I did it

que no pas d'explicar grans coses.

that it is not worth explaining big things.

Llavors hi ha una primera part

Then there is a first part.

suposo que jo

I suppose that I

hauria d'heretar

I should inherit.

a algun gent d'aquests

to some of these people

perduts per aquí

lost around here

que jo me'l vaig empassar

that I swallowed it

i el vaig cultivar.

And I cultivated it.

Recordo que a l'escola

I remember that at school

hi havia una persona

there was a person

que era de monges.

that was of nuns.



les meves màximes notes

my highest grades

eren de dibuix.

they were of drawing.

Eren de dibuix i gimnàs

They were from art and gym.

perquè és el que més m'agradava.

because it's what I liked the most.

No, i la literatura, però bé.

No, and literature, but well.

Llavors va arribar un moment

Then a moment arrived.

en què l'escola

in what the school

se'm feia tan feixuga

it felt so heavy to me

que vaig dir

what I said

que no volia estudiar més

that he/she didn’t want to study anymore

després de quart de batxillerat

after the fourth year of high school

que era molt diferent d'ara.

that was very different from now.

Quart de batxillerat

Fourth year of high school

eren 14 anys.

They were 14 years old.

Jo vaig dir que no volia estudiar més

I said that I didn't want to study anymore.

cosa que no en tenia ni la més remota idea

thing that I had not the faintest idea about

però el que sí que no volia

but what I really didn't want

era continuar en aquell món.

it was to continue in that world.

I com que el meu pare havia sigut alumne

And since my father had been a student

i professor a l'escola Massana

and a teacher at the Massana school

jo vaig dir

I said

que volia anar a l'escola Massana

that wanted to go to the Massana school

i vaig entrar-hi per la porta gran.

I entered through the big door.

I sense cap mena

I feel no kind.

de dubte

of doubt

ni cap mena

nor any kind

de lluita familiar

of family struggle

i el més feliç.

and the happiest.

Aquest món i el món de l'escoltisme

This world and the world of scouting

a mi em van

they are going to me

em van obrir moltes portes

they opened many doors for me

i vaig intentar aprofitar-les

I tried to take advantage of them.

tant com vaig saber.

as far as I knew.

El de l'escoltisme

The one about scouting



a través d'uns valors

through values

de compartir

of sharing


of observing

de ser generosa

to be generous

i sobretot de molta natura

and above all a lot of nature

cantava amb cançons

sang with songs

a punt de bala

on target

per qualsevol cosa

for anything

sortia una cançó

a song came out

danses, fèiem teatre

dances, we did theater

una mica de tot

a little bit of everything

i tot això suposo que era

and all of this I suppose was

aquesta mena

this kind

de coses

of things

que no saps

that you don't know

no n'ets conscient que les reps

You are not aware that you receive them.

però fan aquest pòsit

but they make this sediment

que després el pots portar

that you can take it later

a la pràctica

in practice

i això per mi va ser molt important.

and this was very important for me.

Quan vam començar

When we started

que nosaltres vam començar

that we started

al 76

to 76

era un moment

it was a moment

que era com un esclat

that was like an explosion

però els esclats

but the bursts

no són

they are not

no comencen al 8

they don't start at 8

sinó que hi havia una olla

but there was a pot

que ja volia

that I already wanted

de fer uns anys

a few years ago

hi havia grups més

there were more groups

un parell d'anys o tres més antics

a couple of years or three older

com pot ser Comedians

how can it be Comedians

com pot ser La Claca

how can La Claca be

però al final del 75

but at the end of 75

va haver-hi com aquest esclat

there was like this explosion

i vam ser bastants grups

and we were quite a few groups

que ens vam

that we went

que vam obrir-nos

that we opened up

i vam començar

and we started

a recuperar coses

to recover things

a recuperar espectacles

to recover shows

a recuperar espais

to recover spaces

perquè els teatres molts eren graners

because many theaters were granaries

que s'havien de recuperar

that had to be recovered

com a teatres

like theaters

n'hi havia que estaven

there were some that were

gairebé abandonats

almost abandoned

i la feina era no caure

and the job was not to fall

perquè l'escenari

because the stage

estava corcat

it was rotting

els camerinos eren

the dressing rooms were

un pur desastre

a pure disaster

suposant que n'hi haguessin

assuming there were any

però tot això va ser

but all of this was

una feinada

a lot of work

de tothom

of everyone

no només dels grups

not only from the groups

sinó dels organitzadors

but of the organizers

hi havia unes ganes

there was a longing

de recuperar l'alegria de viure

to regain the joy of living

l'alegria de la festa

the joy of the party

de sortir al carrer

to go out into the street

i de compartir

and to share

hi havia

there was

un ambient

an atmosphere

com molt més

with much more

molt més comunitari

much more communal

en aquest sentit

in this regard

i tot això afecta

and all of this affects

perquè tot això és un estímul

because all of this is a stimulus

perquè ni que tu t'haguessis de guanyar

because even if you had to earn it

la teva vida

your life

hi havia molta gent com tu

there were many people like you

que anava fent aquest camí

what was I doing on this path

i compartir-lo ha sigut un goig

and sharing it has been a joy

era un moment

it was a moment

que havia de recuperar

that I had to recover

molt silenci

very quiet

molt temps perdut

a lot of time lost

molt temps que havia creat

a long time since I had created

molt oblid

very forgotten

era un temps per recuperar

it was a time to recover

cançons, tradicions, contes

songs, traditions, tales

rituals, cerimònies

rituals, ceremonies

que durant 40 anys

that for 40 years

van ser silenciats

they were silenced

potser per això

maybe that's why

ens vam dedicar a recuperar

we dedicated ourselves to recovering

tota aquesta part

all this part

de la nostra cultura

of our culture

i després més endavant

and then later

a través d'autors

through authors

de literatura catalana

of Catalan literature

tan clàssics com el Verdaguer

as classic as Verdaguer

o el Joan Martorell

or Joan Martorell

o l'Espriu

or Espriu

o autors

or authors

de literatura juvenil

of youth literature

com el Joaquim Carbó

like Joaquim Carbó

Pep Olvanell, la Teresa Durant

Pep Olvanell, Teresa Durant

la poesia de la Joana Raspall

the poetry of Joana Raspall

que és una meravella

that is a marvel

que la Joana Raspall

that Joana Raspall

va dedicar 10 anys de la seva vida

he dedicated 10 years of his life

a escriure poemes

to write poems

per nois i noies

for boys and girls

perquè va veure que

because he/she saw that

no hi havia gairebé res

there was almost nothing

i aleshores

and then

va plegar de fer poesia

he stopped writing poetry

per tothom

for everyone

i en va crear

and created it

només pensant

just thinking

en els nois i noies

in boys and girls

i la poesia és per tothom

And poetry is for everyone.

tinguis l'edat que tinguis

regardless of your age

les paraules ben dites

the well-spoken words

sempre són importants

they are always important

i no tenen edat

and they are ageless

n'hi ha unes que et captaran més

there are some that will captivate you more

però això passa amb tot

but this happens with everything

inclús amb un espectacle

even with a show

un espectacle

a show

hi ha molts llenguatges

there are many languages

hi ha el visual

there is the visual

el sonor, el del silenci

the sonorous, the one of silence

el del moviment

the movement one

el del sentiment

the one of the feeling

que tu traspasses

that you may pass

i cada un

and each one

cada espectador

each spectator

l'atrapa un llenguatge o altre

it catches one language or another

i segurament

and probably

el de la paraula

the one of the word

perquè te'n perds de paraules

because you run out of words

a vegades


però si agafes el sentit

but if you took the meaning

això és suficient

this is enough

i va creant un pòsit

and it is creating a sediment

sobretot quan treballes per públic infantil

especially when you work for children’s audiences

tu crees un pòsit

you create a sediment

i encara que no entenguin

and even if they don't understand



totes les paraules

all the words


they remain

i després són les que dius

and then they are the ones you say

sense saber que les has après

without knowing that you have learned them

ens hem relacionat amb gent molt important

we have associated with very important people

molt important

very important

des del punt de vista

from the point of view

quan hem pogut

when we have been able

els autors de literatura infantil

the authors of children's literature

anàvem a parlar amb ells

we were going to talk to them

amb cadascun d'ells

with each of them

i després els convidàvem a l'estrena

And then we invited them to the premiere.

i clar

and of course

això crea una relació

this creates a relationship

molt especial

very special

o el vestuari

or the wardrobe

primer me'ls feia jo

first I used to make them myself

però a mesura que m'he anat fent gran

but as I have grown older

pensava que valia la pena que estiguessin

I thought it was worth it for them to be.



que s'acomodessin més

that they accommodated more

a la meva nova línia

to my new line

per tant


anava a buscar professionals

I was going to look for professionals.

i també perquè

and also because

al començament anàvem

at the beginning we went

molt justos de tot

very fair about everything



i més endavant

and later

podíem permetre

we could allow

d'encarregar el vestuari

to take care of the wardrobe

o alguna part de cenografia

or some part of the set design



ens els han fet els germans Castells

They have made them for us, the Castells brothers.

doncs hi havia un pressupost

so there was a budget

que ens permetia

that allowed us

també demanar suport

also ask for support

de professionals

of professionals

de cada un dels aspectes

of each of the aspects

que intervenen en l'obra

that intervene in the work

quan tens fills

when you have children

el que passa que

what happens is that

els fills donen molta mer

The children give a lot of trouble.

donen molta feina

they give a lot of work



però compensen molt

but they compensate a lot

perquè si tu estàs

because if you are



amb els fills

with the children

donen molt

they give a lot

i aprens molt d'ells

and you learn a lot from them

durant tot el seu procés

throughout its entire process

i a part

and aside

si tu educar vol dir plantar una llavor

if your education means planting a seed

i després que ells facin

and after they do

si tu plantes una llavor

if you plant a seed

aquella llavor

that seed

donarà bon fruit

will bear good fruit

perquè l'has plantada

because you have planted it

amb tot l'amor del món

with all the love in the world

per tant


i per altra part

and on the other hand

els ofereixes

you offer them

una manera de veure el món

a way of seeing the world

des d'un altre punt de vista

from another point of view

potser no has pogut anar

maybe you couldn't go

no has pogut viatjar molt pel món

you haven't been able to travel much around the world

descobrint països nous

discovering new countries

però has descobert

but you have discovered

un altre tipus de món

another type of world

que també està bé

that is also fine

perquè anaves

why were you going

amb la furgoneta carregada

with the van loaded

i les quatre criatures

and the four creatures

i mentre actuaves

and while you acted

amb la vaca de la furgoneta

with the cow of the van

o passejant

or walking

o relacionant-se amb la gent

or interacting with people

d'allà on anaves tu

from where you were going

compartint amb altres grups

sharing with other groups

si era el cas

if it was the case

dic que

I say that

hi ha unes mancances com sempre

there are some shortcomings as always

vull dir

I mean

quan tu tries un camí

when you try a path

no obres una porta

don't open a door

i se te'n tanca una altra

And another one closes on you.

però si la que obres

but if the one you open

l'obres de bat a bat

you open the doors wide

és la teva manera de fer

it's your way of doing things

em veig amb capacitats

I see myself with capabilities.

d'anar obrint massa portes

of opening too many doors

perquè m'agrada anar a fons

because I like to go deep

del que faig

of what I do

i potser això

and maybe this

també ho encomanes

you also entrust it

quan et jubiles

When do you retire?

et jubiles

you retire

amb uns aspectes formals

with some formal aspects

o legals

or legal

però d'aquesta feina no et jubilis

but don't retire from this job

és impossible jubilar-te

it's impossible to retire

si realment

if really

ho has gaudit

you have enjoyed it

si t'ho has passat bé

if you had a good time

si has sigut feliç

if you have been happy

malgrat patir-hi molt

despite suffering a lot from it

malgrat passar sempre la corda fluixa

despite always walking the tightrope

perquè clar

because clearly

si no actuaves

if you didn't act

no entraven diners

no money was coming in

i per tant

and therefore

les vacances

the holidays

no és que facis vacances

it's not that you're on vacation

és que ningú et llogava

it's just that no one was hiring you

més aviat


tota aquesta manera de fer

all this way of doing

és una persona acostumada

he is a person used to it

a cobrar cada final de mes

to be paid at the end of each month

és una altra

it's another

ja tens una altra mentalitat

you have another mentality now

però de la vida

but of life

d'explicar històries

of telling stories

no ho pots parar mai

you can never stop it

i si d'alguna manera et demanen

And if somehow they ask you.

escolta podries venir

listen, could you come?

i fer aquell espectacle

and to do that show

que vas fer

What did you do?

doncs hi vas

so you go there

i més feliç

and happier

gaudiràs moltíssim a l'hora de fer l'espectacle

You will enjoy a lot when doing the show.

i et dóna una mena de

and gives you a kind of


of joy

que sembla que se t'omplis per dins

that it seems to fill you from within

no és que t'hagis quedat buit

it's not that you have become empty

perquè la vida té moltes coses

because life has many things

per anar-te omplint

to keep filling you up



i tens més temps

And you have more time.

perquè per adonar-te

because to realize

del que t'envolta

of what surrounds you

i d'adonar-te de la meravella de viure

and to make you aware of the marvel of living

i del que comporta viure

and what it entails to live

i sobre

and on

jo penso que viure en un poble

I think that living in a village

encara hi ha un plus

there is still a bonus

perquè tens un cel

because you have a sky

hi ha uns camps sembrats

there are some sown fields

que acabarien cada any

that would end each year

cada moment

every moment

un bosc, un caminar

a forest, a walk

un compartir amb la gent

a sharing with the people

un dir bon dia quan te'ls trobes

a say hello when you meet them

totes aquestes coses

all these things

a mesura que et fas gran

as you grow older

com que se't va relaxant

as you relax

l'aspecte d'anar a treballar

the aspect of going to work



doncs tot això

well, all of this

tot això va tenint un valor

all of this is gaining value

i un valor

and a value

el que vas fer

what you did

perquè això ja ho tens

because you already have this

això no se'n va

this doesn't go away

això ja ho tens

you already have this

i no necessites tornar allò

and you don't need to return that

no, ja ho has tingut

no, you have already had it

i ara has d'anar trobant

and now you have to start finding

i sentint

I'm sorry.

el que et dóna ara la vida

what gives you life now

i això

and this

cada dia és

every day is

ostres que bé, un nou dia

wow how nice, a new day

aquesta paraula segur que

this word surely

potser ara costa una mica d'entendre

maybe it's a little hard to understand now

però són

but they are

es necessita vocació

A calling is needed.

vocació què vol dir

vocation what does it mean

per mi

for me

que t'estimes

that you love yourself

allò que fas

what you do

i estàs disposada a fer-ho

and you are willing to do it

malgrat les dificultats

despite the difficulties

i malgrat la duresa

and despite the hardness

que representa moltes vegades

that represents many times

aquesta feina

this job

per mi

for me

és una manera

it's a way

la paraula aquesta

this word

per mi vol dir totes aquestes coses

for me it means all these things

i si ho has aconseguit

and if you have achieved it

tota la vida

all life

després continues amb la felicitat

then you continue with happiness

mama, a veure si m'ho escuts

Mom, let’s see if you listen to me.

perquè m'agradaria

because I would like

que el meu cor

that my heart

no sàpiga

do not know

que el meu cor

that my heart

quedi un pèl

stay a little

en la teva vida

in your life

no ho sé

I don’t know.



que la calma

that the calm


I love you.



la teva vida

your life



una cita

a quote

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