Cocodril Club-Albert Malla 21.9.24 - 2ªh



Cocodril Club-Albert Malla 21.9.24 - 2ªh


Cocodril Club

Crocodile Club

El programa Revival de l'Albert Malla

The Revival program by Albert Malla

Des de la radio

From the radio

i el seu màgic món de sensacions

and his magical world of sensations

Ei Coco, gràcies per tornar a la ràdio

Hey Coco, thanks for coming back to the radio.

la teva vella amiga de sempre

your old friend from always

la que mai t'ha posat les banyes

the one who has never cheated on you

la que sempre t'ha acompanyat

the one who has always accompanied you

la que més música t'ha regalat

the one that has given you the most music

la que t'ha fet riure

the one that made you laugh

la que et manté informat

the one that keeps you informed

la que t'ha convidat a jugar

the one who invited you to play

la que et fa somiar

the one that makes you dream



i en colors

and in colors

la que sempre ha estat al teu costat

the one who has always been by your side

en alguns dels millors

in some of the best

i també dels més fumuts moments

and also from the most smoky moments

de la teva vida

of your life

la que sempre ha estat

the one that has always been

la que sempre ha estat al teu costat

the one who has always been by your side

fa molts anys

many years ago

Freddie Mercury

Freddie Mercury

el capdavant de Queen

the frontman of Queen

deia en una cançó anomenada

said in a song called

Radio Gaga

Radio Gaga

em sento sol

I feel lonely.

i veig el teu llum

and I see your light

la meva única amiga

my only friend

en nits d'adolescència

in nights of adolescence

i tot el que necessitava saber

and all I needed to know

ho escoltava a la meva ràdio

I was listening to it on my radio.

els vas donar

you gave them

totes aquelles estrelles d'abans

all those stars from before

amb guerres de mons

with world wars

envaïts per Mart

invaded by Mars

els vas fer riure

you made them laugh

els vas fer plorar

you made them cry

ens vas fer sentir

you made us feel

que era possible volar

that it was possible to fly

així que no et converteixis

so don't become

en un soroll de fons

in background noise

un fons per les noies i els nois

a fund for girls and boys

que simplement no saben

that they simply do not know

o no els importa

or they don't care

i protesten

and they protest

quan tu no hi ets

when you are not here



vas tenir el teu temps

you had your time

vas tenir el poder

you had the power



encara has de donar el millor de tu

you still have to give your best.



ara tot el que sentim és

now all we hear is

ràdio Gaga

Radio Gaga

ràdio Google

Google Radio

ràdio Gaga

Gaga Radio

tot el que sentim és ràdio

everything we hear is radio



que hi ha de nou

What's new?

ràdio hi ha algú que encara t'estima

Radio, there is someone who still loves you.

mirem els programes

let's look at the programs

mirem les estrelles

let's look at the stars

amb vídeos

with videos

duren hores i hores

they last hours and hours

quasi no necessitem

we hardly need

les nostres oïdes

our ears

com canvia la música amb els anys

how music changes over the years


we wait

que no te'n vagis mai

may you never leave

vella amiga

old friend

com totes les coses bones

like all good things

depenem de tu

we depend on you

així que

so that



perquè et trobaríem a faltar

because we would miss you

quan ens cansem de tot el que fem

when we get tired of everything we do

i que ens cansem de tot el que fem

and that we get tired of everything we do

Bona nit.

Good night.

Ja fa bastants anys

It's been quite a few years ago.

ja fa bastants anys

it's been quite a few years

Freddy Mercury, el cap de banda, la reina

Freddy Mercury, the band leader, the queen.

de Queen, ho va veure clar.

from Queen, he saw it clearly.

Ja no era el mateix.

It was no longer the same.

Què t'estava passant, ràdio?

What was happening to you, radio?

Què t'està passant

What is happening to you?

encara, ràdio?

Still, radio?

A veure si t'espaviles.

Let's see if you get your act together.

Que quan no teníem ordinadors,

When we didn't have computers,

quan no teníem tantes facilitats

when we didn't have so many facilities

tecnològiques com ara,

technological such as,

hi havia molta més imaginació,

there was much more imagination,

molta més creativitat

much more creativity

i moltes més orelletes

and many more little ears



a l'altaveu de la seva ràdio.

on the speaker of his radio.

Ara pots escoltar-nos

Now you can listen to us.

amb auriculars, pel carrer,

with headphones, on the street,

a través del teu mòbil,

through your mobile,

de la tele, de la TDT,

from the TV, from the digital terrestrial television,

per internet a tot el món,

over the internet to the whole world,

en directe, en diferit,

live, on demand,

per la FM.

for the FM.

En aquesta ràdio,

In this radio,

que és com la d'abans,

that is like before,

la del cocodril,

the crocodile's

aquella ràdio que tant agradava,

that radio that was so loved,

nosaltres la seguim fent

we continue doing it

exactament igual.

exactly the same.

Aquí gairebé no intervenen

They hardly intervene here.

els ordinadors,

the computers,

només en certes ocasions

only on certain occasions

en què ara ja resulten

in what they now result

imprescindibles per poder arribar

essential to be able to reach

fins a vosaltres.

up to you.

Perquè ells

Because they



que algunes plantilles

that some templates


they become lean,

fan que algunes persones,

make some people,

que alguns professionals

that some professionals

de la ràdio, tècnics o locutors,

from the radio, technicians or announcers,

s'hagin quedat sense feina

have been left without a job

perquè així, mentre

because like this, while


the antenna

continua sonant, no es queda en silenci,

it continues to sound, it does not fall into silence,

hi ha un ordinador programat,

there is a programmed computer,

encara que a vegades falla,

although it sometimes fails,

i falla bastant,

and it fails quite a bit,

que t'envia el nostre senyor.

that our Lord sends you.

Molt sovint és així,

Very often it is like this,

i si no fos així no podríem arribar fins a tu.

And if it weren't like this, we wouldn't be able to reach you.

Aquests són records

These are memories.

de tota una història.

of an entire story.

Amb una estoneta

In a little while

en la que em permeto

in which I allow myself

compartir amb tu algunes de les meves cançons

share some of my songs with you

més especials

more special

i també

and also

les d'alguns dels nostres convidats.

the ones of some of our guests.

De vegades


ens recordem

we remember

d'alguns episodis de la nostra vida

of some episodes of our life

i a l'arribar a certa edat

and upon reaching a certain age

ja hem de trobar proves

we have to find evidence now

per estar ben segurs

to be completely sure

que no els hem somiat.

that we have not dreamed of them.

Sí, necessitem proves

Yes, we need evidence.

per estar totalment convençuts

to be fully convinced

que allò que recordem

that which we remember

realment va succeir.

it really happened.



an everlasting smile

an everlasting smile

a smile can bring you near

a smile can bring you close

to me

to me

don't ever let me find you gone

don't ever let me find you gone

cause that would bring a tear to me

because that would bring a tear to me

this world has lost its glory

this world has lost its glory

let's start a brand new story

let's start a brand new story

now, my love

ara, el meu amor

right now

aquesta vegada

there'll be no other way

hi haurà cap altra manera

and I can show you

i et puc mostrar



my love

my love



in everlasting words

in everlasting words

and dedicate

and dedicate

them all


to me

to me

and I

and I

will give you all my life

will give you all my life

I'm here

I'm here

if you should call

si hauríes de trucar

to me

to me

and I'm here

i estic aquí

if you should call

si has de trucar

to me

to me

and I will give you all my life

i et donaré tota la meva vida

and I'm here

i estic aquí

if you should call

si haguessis de trucar

and I will give you all my life

and I will give you all my life

you'd think

you'd think

that I don't even mean

that I don't even mean

a single word I say

a single word I say

it's only words

són només paraules

and words are all I have

and words are all I have

to take your heart away

to take your heart away

you'd think

you'd think

that I don't even mean

that I don't even mean

a single word I say

a single word I say

that I don't even mean

that I don't even mean

a single word I say

a single word I say

It's only words and words are all I have

It's only words and words are all I have.

to take your heart away.

to take your heart away.

It's only words and words are all I have

It's only words and words are all I have.

to take your heart away.

to take your heart away.

It's only words and words are all I have

It's only words and words are all I have.

to take your heart away.

to take your heart away.

Una petita obra d'art d'aquella primera època dels germans vigils,

A small work of art from that early period of the vigilant brothers,

amb aquella vena dramàtica, amb aquells lentorros

with that dramatic vein, with those slowpokes

que estremien a les noies i feien sorolls,

that startled the girls and made noises,

comia els nois, quan per fi elles deien que sí,

I was eating the boys when they finally said yes.

que estaven disposades a ballar una balada de dos en dos,

that were willing to dance a slow dance in pairs,

a propet l'un de l'altre, no gaire a propet,

close to each other, not too close.

perquè llavors contínuament estaven separant-te

because then they were constantly separating you

amb l'efecto palanca, amb el que es deia, amb els colzes.

with the lever effect, with what was said, with the elbows.

Acabaves esgotat i bastant nerviós,

You ended up exhausted and quite nervous,

però és el que hi havia,

but it was what there was,

és el que ens ha tocat,

it's what we've been given,

és el que ens ha tocat viure, per sort o per desgràcia,

it is what we have to live, for better or for worse,

tota una generació de cocodrils.

a whole generation of crocodiles.

De tant en tant ho recordem, perquè ens consta que cada vegada

From time to time we remember it, because we know that each time

hi ha més joves que volen recuperar cultureta musical

there are more young people who want to recover musical culture

i també sintonitzen el programa.

and they also tune in to the program.

La cançó era Wars, paraules.

The song was Wars, words.

Tant de bo t'hi trobis molt a gust aquí al club,

I hope you feel very comfortable here at the club.

si és així, digue-ho als teus amics.

If that's the case, tell your friends.

Jo t'explico les coses perquè...

I explain things to you because...

perquè som amics, perquè som còmplices.

because we are friends, because we are accomplices.

De tant en tant,

From time to time,

quan puc, de nit,

when I can, at night,

capto una potent emissora que emet des de Londres,

I capture a powerful transmitter that broadcasts from London,

per l'Ona Mitjana, els 1548.

for the Middle Wave, the 1548.

Allà té molt d'èxit i surt també per FM i per internet,

There it is very successful and is also broadcast on FM and online.

però no es pot sentir aquí per internet,

but it can't be heard here over the internet,

per qüestió de drets d'autor.

for copyright reasons.

I aquest senyal d'Ona Mitjana,

And this signal from Ona Mitjana,

tot i que Londres està molt lluny,

although London is very far away,

arriba més o menys bé, amb una mica de fàding,

arrives more or less okay, with a bit of fading,

amb aquell efecte que l'Ona se'n va,

with that effect that Ona is leaving,

després torna't, és qüestió de tenir una mica de paciència.

then come back, it's a matter of having a little patience.

Escoltes les cançons diferents.

You listen to different songs.

Esclar, perquè a vegades se'n va a l'Ona i després torna't,

Of course, because sometimes you go to the Wave and then you come back.

però en àmplies zones de Catalunya,

but in large areas of Catalonia,

només de nit a dia és impossible.

Only from night to day is impossible.

Arriba bastant bé.

It arrives quite well.

I a vegades quan anem de bolos o quan estem de viatge de nit,

And sometimes when we go on tour or when we are traveling at night,

la posem per recordar els nostres orígens,

we put it there to remember our origins,

quan la FM era pràcticament experimental

when FM was practically experimental

i tots majoritàriament escoltàvem l'Ona Mitja

and we mostly listened to Ona Mitja.

i, sobretot, escoltàvem la nostra música per l'Ona Mitja,

and above all, we listened to our music for the Half Wave,

que per les seves característiques tècniques retalla algunes freqüències.

that due to its technical characteristics cuts off some frequencies.

Les cançons sonen una mica diferents,

The songs sound a little different,

tot i que l'Ona Mitjana, pràcticament en desús

although the Middle Wave is practically obsolete

i amb molt poca audiència en general, almenys en aquest país,

and with very little audience in general, at least in this country,

i amb altres d'Europa que estan tancant,

and with others in Europe that are closing,

que estan desapareixent moltes emissores d'Ona Mitjana,

that many Ona Mitjana stations are disappearing,

doncs arriba molt més lluny que la FM amb un sol centre emissor, no?

So it reaches much further than FM with a single transmitting center, right?

L'altra matinada, tornant d'un bolo cocodril,

The other morning, returning from a crocodile gig,

aquests companys anglesos de l'emissora Gold

these English colleagues from the Gold station

em van recordar aquesta preciositat.

They reminded me of this beauty.

All over the world.

All over the world.

Tonight, all over the world.

Tonight, all over the world.

You can hear the sounds of lovers in love.

You can hear the sounds of lovers in love.

You know what I mean, just the two of us.

You know what I mean, just the two of us.

And nobody else.

And nobody else.

Inside, there's nobody else.

Inside, there's nobody else.

And I'm feeling good, just holding you tight.

I am feeling good, just holding you tight.

So listen very carefully.

So listen very carefully.

Close enough.


And you will see what I mean.

And you will see what I mean.

It isn't a dream.

It isn't a dream.

The only sound that you will hear

The only sound that you will hear

is when I whisper in your ear,

is when I whisper in your ear,

I love you.

I love you.

Forever and ever.

Per sempre més.

There's a kind of hush

Hi ha un tipus de silenci.

all over the world.

arreu del món.

Tonight, all over the world.

Tonight, all over the world.

You can hear the sound of lovers in love.

You can hear the sound of lovers in love.

La, la, la, la, la, la, la.

La, la, la, la, la, la, la.

La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la.

La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la.

La, la, la, la, la, la, la.

La, la, la, la, la, la, la.

So listen very carefully.

So listen very carefully.

Close enough.

Suficientment a prop.

And you will see what I mean.

And you will see what I mean.

It isn't a dream.

It isn't a dream.

The only sound that you will hear

The only sound that you will hear.

is when I whisper in your ear,

is when I whisper in your ear,

I love you.

I love you.

Forever and ever.

Per sempre i per sempre.

There's a kind of hush

Hi ha una mena de silenci.

all over the world.

arreu del món.

Tonight, all over the world.

Tonight, all over the world.

People just like us

Persones com nosaltres.

are falling in love.

are falling in love.

Yeah, they're falling in love.

Yeah, they're falling in love.



They're falling in love.

They are falling in love.

Que bonito!

How beautiful!

There's a kind of hush.

Hi ha una mena de silenci.

Eren els Herman Hermits

They were Herman's Hermits.

de la fresca escena pop britànica dels anys 60's

from the fresh British pop scene of the 60s

perquè, clar, en aquell temps

because, of course, at that time

no tan sols hi havia els Beatles

not only were there the Beatles

que eren els més grans.

that were the greatest.

I els més coneguts.

And the most well-known.

Però, a més a més,

But moreover,

hi havia molts grups com els Herman Hermits

there were many groups like Herman Hermits

que feien aquest pop senzill

what this simple octopus was doing

que sempre s'ha encisat, no?

that has always been fascinated, right?

Com estàs?

How are you?

Com van les coses?

How are things going?

I l'amor?

And love?

Com està l'amor?

How is love?

El tens més o menys controlat?

Do you have it more or less under control?

Sí o no?

Yes or no?

Bueno, si ara no el tens a prop,

Well, if you don't have him close by now,

prepara-ho tot, eh?

get everything ready, ok?

Per si se li acudís,

Just in case it crosses your mind,

venir sense avisar,

come without warning,

com ha fet altres vegades.

as he has done other times.

Deixa la porta ben oberta,

Leave the door wide open,

dona-li facilitats,

give him opportunities,

prepara el sofà més còmode

prepare the most comfortable sofa

que s'hi trobi a gust.

that he/she feels comfortable there.

I després, després, sobretot,

And then, then, above all,

intenta que no torni a marxar.

try to make sure he doesn't leave again.

Esclar que no ho sé, perquè...

Of course I don't know, because...

Com deia Voltaire,

As Voltaire said,

no sé per què m'enrotllo,

I don't know why I'm rambling.

deia Voltaire,

said Voltaire,

hi ha algú tan intel·ligent

Is there someone so intelligent?

que aprengui de l'experiència dels altres...

that he/she learns from the experience of others...

I trucks Luca Montesquieu,

I trucks Luca Montesquieu,

aquell somriu de Mercè Finsca.

that smile of Mercè Finsca.

Mai no he entès

I have never understood.

per què quan estimes algú de debò

Why when you truly love someone

has d'acceptar la seva part de misteri.

You have to accept your part of mystery.

El cor dels credits

The heart of the credits

i drawing houses

I draw houses.

és una il·lusió.

It's an illusion.

El cor dels crédits

The heart of the credits

és una il·lusió.

It is an illusion.

El cor dels crédits

The heart of the credits

és una el·l Algú

It is a some.

és un mostruker

it's a show-off

i un matrí,

and a mother,

el looks stressants,

the stressful looks,



Because of We 만든 the W Тут

Because of We made the W Here

Bona nit.

Good night.

La veu de David Gates, el líder del grup Red.

The voice of David Gates, the leader of the group Bread.

Sí, sí, l'hem punxat, com fem molts,

Yes, yes, we've poked it, like we do with many.



Directament des d'un vinil que es deia

Directly from a vinyl that was called

Gitterman, del 1973.

Gitterman, from 1973.

Meravellosos discos de vinil.

Wonderful vinyl records.

Aquells que es deixen acariciar.

Those who let themselves be stroked.

Els que ens van ensenyar a estimar la música.

Those who taught us to love music.

Els que ara

Those who now

s'estan revifant.

They are being revived.

En realitat,

In reality,

per molts professionals i per molts bons aficionats,

for many professionals and for many good enthusiasts,

no havien desaparegut mai.

they had never disappeared.

Però ara,

But now,

ara, en qüestió

now, in question

de música,

of music,

dels diferents formats,

of the different formats,

l'únic que està pujant

the only thing that is rising

és el de vinils.

It's the one with vinyls.

Esclar que la seva venda encara és mínima

Of course, their sales are still minimal.

comparada amb altres coses,

compared to other things,

però en alguns llocs ja supera

but in some places it already exceeds

la venda dels CDs.

the sale of CDs.

Aquells que ens van assegurar que no es ratllaven mai.

Those who assured us that they never got scratched.



Com deia el Palomino

What did Palomino say?

a la tele.

on the TV.



Qui ens ho anava a dir, fa uns quants anys,

Who would have told us a few years ago,

que ara ens comunicaríem per WhatsApp,

that we would communicate via WhatsApp now,

per correu electrònic,

by email,

que ens veuríem les cares al trucar-nos per telèfon,

that we would see each other's faces when calling each other on the phone,

que a casa podríem captar 200 canals de televisió,

that at home we could receive 200 television channels,

quan aquí durant molts anys només en teníem un i mig, oi?

when here for many years we only had one and a half, right?

I en blanc i negre.

In black and white.

Qui ens ho anava a dir?

Who would have told us?

Sovint a la vida et passen coses

Often in life, things happen to you.

que mai, mai t'haguessis pogut imaginar.

that you could have never imagined.

Per això és apassionant.

That's why it's exciting.

Per això és fantàstic que encara ens quedi

That's why it's fantastic that we still have some left.

tota aquella música.

all that music.

García Márquez deia

García Márquez said

Debemos arrojar a los océanos del tiempo

We must throw into the oceans of time.

una botella de náufragos siderales.

a bottle of cosmic castaways.

Para que el universo sepa de nosotros

So that the universe knows about us.

lo que no han de contar las cucarachas que nos sobrevivirán.

What the cockroaches that will survive us should not tell.

Que aquí existió un mundo

That here existed a world

donde prevaleció el sufrimiento y la injusticia,

where suffering and injustice prevailed,

pero donde conocimos el amor

but where we found love

y donde fuimos capaces de imaginar la felicidad.

and where we were able to imagine happiness.

¿Qué es lo que se nos ha pasado?

What have we missed?

¿Qué es lo que nos ha pasado?

What has happened to us?

Yo no tengo que decir nada.

I don't have to say anything.

Yo estoy aquí.

I am here.

Yo estoy aquí y estoy de pie.

I am here and I am standing.

I'm here for you.

Estic aquí per tu.

It's another tequila sunrise,

It's another tequila sunrise,

staring slowly across the sky.

staring slowly across the sky.

I said goodbye.

I said goodbye.

Working on the dreams he planned to try

Working on the dreams he intended to pursue

The days go by

The days go by.

Every night when the sun goes down

Every night when the sun goes down

Just another lonely boy in town

Just another lonely boy in town.

She's out running round

Ella està corrent al voltant.

She wasn't just another one

She wasn't just another one.

And I couldn't keep from coming on

And I couldn't stop myself from coming on.

It's been so long

It's been so long.

And it's a hollow feeling

I és una sensació buida.

When it comes down to feeling friends

When it comes down to feeling friends

It's a hollow feeling

És una sensació buida.

It never ends

It never ends.

Take another shot of courage

Take another shot of courage.

Wonder why the night

Wonder why the night

never ends

never ends

The world's never come

The world's never come

You just get numb

You just get numb.

It's another tequila sunrise

It's another tequila sunrise.

This old world still looks the same

Aquesta vella món encara es veu igual.

Another frame

Un altre marc

Realment deliciosa la música dels Eagles

The music of the Eagles is truly delicious.

Tequila sunrise

Tequila sunrise

Amanecer en tequila

Dawn in Tequila

Aquestes són algunes de les meves cançons més especials

These are some of my most special songs.

Estic encantat de compartir-les amb tu

I am delighted to share them with you.

Em sento privilegiat de poder

I feel privileged to be able to

fer el treball que més m'agrada

do the work that I enjoy the most

Més m'agrada que és

I like it more that it is

Fer ràdio

Make radio

I dins de la ràdio

And within the radio

Fer el programa

Make the program

En el que em trobo més a gust

In which I feel most comfortable.

On m'ho passo millor

I have more fun there.

Gràcies de veritat per compartir

Thank you really for sharing.





Bones vibracions

Good vibes

Darrere de cada cançó

Behind every song

Tots tenim

We all have

De cada cançó especial

From each special song


Above all

Tots tenim alguna vivència

We all have some experience.

No estava preparat

I was not prepared.

No estava previst

It was not planned.



A propet de la nostra orelleta

Near our little ear

Sempre hi havia alguna sonant

There was always some vowel.

En algun dels moments

At some point

Més importants

More important

Més feliços


O no

Oh no

Per això a vegades volem comprovar

That’s why sometimes we want to check.



Que algunes cançons

That some songs

Ja no ens poden fer pupa

They can't hurt us anymore.

I parlant de pupa

And speaking of pupa

Algunes d'aquestes cançons

Some of these songs

Em recorden sobretot

They remember me above all.

Els meus primers anys de ràdio

My first years of radio

En directe


Com aquesta que hem escoltat dels Eagles

Like this one we've heard from the Eagles.

O com una de Rod Stewart

Or like one of Rod Stewart's.

Que va ser de les primeres que

What was one of the first that

Que jo vaig

That I go

Poder escollir

To be able to choose

Per ràdio

By radio

Des del Radioclub 25

From Radioclub 25

I sota

I under

La línia musical

The musical line

Que ens havia marcat

That had marked us.

El mestre Josep Maria Francino

Teacher Josep Maria Francino

Devia córrer en 1979

I must have run in 1979.

Quan després d'uns dies

When after a few days

Seleccionant-me a ell

Selecting me over him

La música que jo havia de posar

The music I had to play.

Perquè veiés de què anava

So that he/she could see what it was about.

La filosofia de l'omissora

The philosophy of the omissive.

Que anava de música de qualitat

That was about quality music.

Em va donar llibertat

He gave me freedom.

I un d'aquells primers dies

And one of those early days

En els que disposava

In those that I had available.

De dues hores

Two hours

Per posar la música

To play the music

Que a mi més m'agradava

What I liked the most

Va arribar a les meves mans

It came into my hands.

Una novetat de Rod Stewart

A new release from Rod Stewart

Jo vaig descobrir aquesta cançó

I discovered this song.

Per aquesta versió

For this version

Jo no sabia aleshores

I didn't know then.

Que era una versió

It was a version.

De Rod Stewart

By Rod Stewart

Més tard


Com que em va agradar

Since I liked it

Vaig investigar

I investigated.



Abans tot costava molt més

Before, everything was much more expensive.

D'investigar perquè

To investigate why

Hem de recordar els més joves

We must remember the younger ones.

Que no existia internet

That there was no internet.

Ni Google

Not even Google.



Res de tot això

None of this.

No teníem gairebé res

We hardly had anything.

Però sentíem

But we felt

Autèntica passió

Authentic passion

Per l'ofici

For the profession

Després vaig saber

Later I found out.

Que era una cançó original

That it was an original song.

De Cat Stevens

By Cat Stevens

Aquesta que esteu sentint

This that you are hearing

I va ser una de les poques vegades

It was one of the few times.

Que em va agradar més

What I liked the most

Mira que m'agraden moltes cançons

Look, I really like a lot of songs.

De Cat Stevens

By Cat Stevens

Però va ser una de les poques ocasions

But it was one of the few occasions.

En les que em va agradar més

In the ones I liked the most.

La versió

The version

Que l'original

That the original

Parlàvem de Pupa

We were talking about Pupa.

La cançó es diu

The song is called

The First Cat is the Dispest

The First Cat is the Dispest.

Aquí es va dir

Here it was said.

El primer corte

The first cut

Es el más profundo

He is the deepest.

Aquí tenemos

Here we have

La música

The music

Que tiene

What does he/she have?

La música

The music

I would have given you all of my heart

I would have given you all of my heart.

But there's someone who's torn it apart

Però hi ha algú que l'ha destrossat.

And she's taken just all that I have

I ella s'ha emportat tot el que tinc.

Bona nit.

Good night.

L'inconfusible veu del vell amic Rod Stewart.

The unmistakable voice of the old friend Rod Stewart.

Abans de ser famós va viure i treballar a Eivissa.

Before becoming famous, he lived and worked in Ibiza.

Va fer d'enterra morts.

He made the dead bury themselves.

The first cast is the disposed.

The first cast is the disposed.

Original de Cat Stevens.

Original by Cat Stevens.

El primer tall és el més profund.

The first cut is the deepest.

I segurament serà així, oi?

And it will probably be like this, right?

Cocodril, cocodrila.

Crocodile, crocodile.

89.1, Radio Marca Barcelona.

89.1, Radio Marca Barcelona.

Escoltes Cocodril Club

You listen to Cocodril Club.

el programa revival de l'Albert Mallà

the revival program of Albert Mallà

En uns temps en què el consum cultural

In a time when cultural consumption

ha exhalat

has exhaled

fa que quasi totes les cançons

makes almost all the songs

siguin escombrades de la memòria en poc temps

let them be swept away from memory in no time

i no passin ni tan sols

and do not even pass

al bagul dels records

in the trunk of memories

la música dels cocodrils

the music of the crocodiles

és encara plenament viva

is still fully alive

i actual per un gran nombre de bons afeccionats

and current for a large number of good enthusiasts

La música dels cocodrils

The music of the crocodiles

és a les antípodes de la cançó

it is at the antipodes of the song

Cigarreta, que un cop ha estat consumida

Cigarette, once it has been consumed

és llançada i oblidada

it is thrown and forgotten

per sempre més

forever more



intentem congelar el temps

let's try to freeze time

i els bons records

and the good memories

Al cap i a la fi

After all

som memòria

we are memory

Sense memòria no hi ha existència

Without memory, there is no existence.

Jo sé que molts de vosaltres escolteu el programa

I know that many of you listen to the program.

mentre conduïu, mentre treballeu

while you drive, while you work

mentre feu coses a casa

while you do things at home

però de tant en tant

but from time to time

si hi podeu

if you can

programeu la vostra atapaïda agenda

schedule your busy agenda

no fer absolutament res

do absolutely nothing

Bé, us anirà bé

Well, it will be good for you.

Ja sé que teniu moltes coses a fer

I know you have a lot of things to do.



no és el moment

it's not the time


Think about it.

De tant en tant

Every now and then

de tal hora a tal altra

from such hour to such another

i si pot ser

and if possible

amb un artilugi on soni el nostre programa

with a gadget where our program sounds

ara ja no es pot dir amb una ràdio a prop

now you can't say it with a radio nearby

perquè la ràdio sona

because the radio plays

per molts llocs diferents

to many different places

perd el temps tranquil·lament

wasting time calmly



Retrova't amb el teu passat

Reconnect with your past.

i amb tu mateix

and with yourself

Reconcilia't amb ell

Reconcile with him.

Recordes el temps de les cintes de casset?

Do you remember the time of cassette tapes?

de quan la butxaca era tan jove com tu

since the pocket was as young as you

i no t'arribava per comprar tots els discos que t'agradaven

and you didn't have enough to buy all the records you liked

i esperaves la teva cançó preferida

and you were waiting for your favorite song

per la ràdio

on the radio

i per poder-la gravar de la ràdio

and to be able to record it from the radio

Aquests punyeteros locutors

These damn announcers.

que moltes vegades parlaven a sobre

that they often talked about

i no te la deixaven sentir sensualment

and they didn't let you feel it sensually

o gravar sencera

or record in full

és el que volien les companyies de discos

it's what the record companies wanted

que no les tinguéssiu senceres

that you did not have them whole

perquè acabeu finalment comprant el disc

so that you finally end up buying the album

però ara gairebé ja ni queden

but now there are almost none left

companyies de discos

record companies

com han canviat les coses

how things have changed

i no totes són positives

and not all are positive

sense dubte que no

without a doubt not

Jo recordo especialment

I particularly remember

alguns amics i amigues

some friends

per les cintes que em van regalar

for the ribbons they gave me

sí perquè llavors

yes because then

quan algun amic

when a friend

aconseguia fer una selecció musical pròpia

I managed to create my own music selection.

que li agradava i tal

that he/she liked it and so on

et feia una còpia i et regalava la cinta

I made a copy for you and gave you the tape as a gift.

escoltar-te-la al cotxe i tal

listening to it in the car and such

jo recordo per exemple

I remember, for example

una companya de ràdio

a radio company

que es va encarregar durant molt temps

that was in charge for a long time

diverses temporades de la producció

various seasons of production

del programa que jo feia abans del Cocodril

from the program I used to do before the Crocodile

que es deia Els Malla Musicals

which was called The Musical Matches

i que va estar en antena 10 anys

and that was on air for 10 years

del 83 al 93

from 83 to 93


the image

que com diem va regalar una cinta

as we say, he/she gave a ribbon as a gift

aquesta l'he gravat jo amb uns discos

I recorded this with some discs.

que m'ha deixat una amiga i tal

that a friend has left me and such

i era fantàstica

and it was fantastic

encara tinc la cinta

I still have the tape.

el que no tinc ja és el contacte de l'imne

What I don't have now is the contact for the anthem.

no sé, imma, on t'has amagat

I don't know, Ima, where have you hidden?

perquè no et trobo ni al Facebook

because I can't find you on Facebook

m'agradaria saber de tu

I would like to know about you.

m'agradaria saber com t'ha anat la vida

I would like to know how your life has been.

i si has aconseguit tots aquells somnis que tenies

And if you have achieved all those dreams you had.

quan molt joveneta m'ajudaves a fer el programa

when you were very young, you helped me make the program

a l'estimada Cadena 13

to the beloved Cadena 13

a la teva cinta encara hi ha cosetes

On your tape, there are still some little things.

que sento sovint com aquesta de Phil Collins

I often feel like this one by Phil Collins.

si m'ho?-

if I do it?







Fins demà!

See you tomorrow!

Ah, i el saxo, que sempre ens inspira tantes coses agradables, eh?

Ah, and the saxophone, which always inspires us with so many pleasant things, right?

El vell amic Phil Collins, i en directe...

The old friend Phil Collins, live...

One more night...

One more night...

Per si estàs escoltant...

In case you are listening...

Un petó, Imma.

A kiss, Imma.

I aquesta és la veu prodigiosa de la meva amiga Laura Simó.

And this is the prodigious voice of my friend Laura Simó.

I l'absència.

And the absence.

Però el seu tren

But his train

va vendre bolets

he sold mushrooms

d'anar i tornar.

of going and returning.

Són aquelles

They are those

petites coses

small things

que ens va deixar un temps.

that left us for a while.

En un rincón

In a corner

en un papel

on a piece of paper

o en un cajón

or in a drawer

En un rincón

In a corner

o en un cajón

or in a drawer

Como un ladrón

Like a thief

te acechan detrás

they lurk behind you

de la puerta

from the door

la puerta

the door

Te tienen tan a su merced

They have you completely at their mercy.

como hojas muertas

like dead leaves

que el viento arrastra al lago aquí

that the wind carries to the lake here

que te sonríen tristes

who smile at you sadly

y nos hacen que

and they make us that

lloremos cuanto nadie nos ve

let's cry when no one sees us

I el piano, el mestre Francesc Borrull.

And the piano, the teacher Francesc Borrull.

I en el pensament de tots, esclar, Joan Manuel Serrat.

And in everyone's mind, of course, Joan Manuel Serrat.

Però, Laura, m'agradaria molt compartir una cançó

But, Laura, I would really like to share a song.

que hagi resultat realment especial a la teva vida.

that has truly been special in your life.

Quina podria ser?

What could it be?

Doncs mira, te'n diré una que encara que no és una cosa allò de

Well, look, I'll tell you one that although it’s not something of the sort...

oh, és que em vaig enamorar o és que...

oh, is it that I fell in love or is it that...

És una mica trista la història, però...

It's a bit of a sad story, but...

Jo hi ha una cançó que m'agrada molt que és del Michel Legrand

There's a song that I really like by Michel Legrand.

i que es diu How do you keep the music playing?

And it's called How Do You Keep the Music Playing?

Com deixes que la música...

How do you let the music...

Com fas que la música segueixi sonant?

How do you make the music keep playing?

Era la cançó preferida d'una cosina meva, d'aquí de Barcelona.

It was the favorite song of a cousin of mine, from here in Barcelona.

I sempre em deia, per què no la cantes?

And he always told me, why don't you sing it?

I no hi havia manera de treure-la.

And there was no way to get her out.

I la veritat és que la primera vegada que la vaig cantar

And the truth is that the first time I sang it

la vaig cantar al seu fons.

I sang it in her background.

Sí, és una història trista, però la meva cosina sempre la recorda

Yes, it is a sad story, but my cousin always remembers it.

i aquesta cançó sempre...

and this song always...

Es van lligades, saps?

They are tied up, you know?

I és una cançó magnífica.

And it is a magnificent song.

I l'adoro, aquesta cançó.

And I adore it, this song.

Tot seguit l'escoltem i la compartim, però primer

Next, we listen to it and share it, but first

tu podries cantar una miqueta així, eh, Capella?

Could you sing a little like this, eh, Capella?

Ah, sí, a veure, a veure.

Ah, yes, let's see, let's see.

La recordes?

Do you remember her?

Sí, home, i tant.

Yes, of course.

És que a tu se't poden demanar aquestes coses.

It's just that you can be asked for these things.

Bueno, home...

Well, man...

Perquè tu pots.

Because you can.

Espera, espera, que t'ho usso.

Wait, wait, let me use it for you.

A veure.

Let's see.

Moltes gràcies, Laura.

Thank you very much, Laura.

De res, guapo.

You're welcome, handsome.

Un petó.

A kiss.




Thank you.

Bona nit.

Good night.

Amb un altre dels meus records de ràdio m'agradaria explicar-vos una circunstància d'un diumenge al matí del setembre de 1975.

With another of my radio memories, I would like to tell you about a circumstance of a Sunday morning in September 1975.

Feia poc que havia començat la tardor, però ja s'estava manifestant de manera notòria.

It had just begun to feel like autumn, but it was already making itself notable.

Aquell matí de diumenge, com sempre, estava escoltant el mestre Luis Arribas Castro,

That Sunday morning, as always, I was listening to Master Luis Arribas Castro,

somiant en poder fer algun dia el que ell estava fent, un dels meus grans referents.

dreaming of being able to do one day what he was doing, one of my great role models.

I ell estava preguntant, recordant aquell bolero de l'Antonio Machín, de lo que pudo haber sido y no fue,

And he was asking, remembering that bolero by Antonio Machín, about what could have been and wasn't,

en què treballava la gent que l'estava escoltant i en què li hagués agradat treballar.

What did the people who were listening to him do for work and what would he have liked to work in?

Jo llavors ja feia temps que col·laborava amb algunes emissores de ràdio,

I had been collaborating with some radio stations for some time then,

però treballava en una oficina per pagar-me la meva feina a la ràdio.

but I was working in an office to pay for my job at the radio.

És a dir, que no tan sols no cobravem a la ràdio, sinó que llavors els que començàvem, la ràdio ens costava diners.

That is to say, not only did we not get paid at the radio, but back then, for those of us who were starting out, the radio actually cost us money.

Havíem de posar la gravadora, les cintes, les piles.

We had to set up the recorder, the tapes, the batteries.

El quilometratge, els bitllets de tren, de metro, d'autobús, en fi, tot, oi?

The mileage, train tickets, subway tickets, bus tickets, everything, right?

I vaig trucar. I li vaig dir això.

I called. And I told him this.

Mira, jo treballo en una oficina, però no m'interessa el més mínim.

Look, I work in an office, but I am not the least bit interested.

Jo això només ho faig perquè algun dia vull, com vostè, fer ràdio en directe.

I only do this because someday I want to do live radio, like you.

I ell em va dir, passa per aquí i així veuràs com fem el programa.

And he told me, come over here and you'll see how we do the program.

I a més et regalaré un disc per haver participat, per haver trucat.

And moreover, I will give you a disc for having participated, for having called.

El disc era, llavors acabava de sortir, era d'un grup gairebé desconegut.

The album had just come out; it was by a nearly unknown band.

Que només va tenir una certa repercussió amb la cançó.

That only had a certain impact with the song.

Que portava aquell disc petit, single, que em va regalar Don Pollo, Luis Arribas Castro.

What was on that little disc, single, that Don Pollo, Luis Arribas Castro, gave me?

Del grup King Kate.

From the group King Kate.

Diez sueños por un periquet.

Ten dreams for a parakeet.

No perdis la sintonia.

Don't lose the tune.



When we were children, we played in your backyard.

When we were children, we played in your backyard.



Cocodril Club.

Crocodile Club.

And we pretended whenever times were hard.

I vam fer veure que quan les coses es complicaven.

El programa Revival de l'Albert Malla.

The Revival program by Albert Malla.

We built a house up in a tree.

We built a house in a tree.

And dreamed of how our life would be.

And dreamed of how our life would be.

But now the tree has died.

But now the tree has died.

So I say to you, Jenny, Jenny.

So I say to you, Jenny, Jenny.

Dreams are ten a penny.

Dreams are a dime a dozen.

Leave them in the dark.

Leave them in the dark.

Leave them in the lost and found.

Leave them in the lost and found.

Jenny, Jenny.

Jenny, Jenny.

Dreams are ten a penny.

Dreams are ten a penny.

Get your feet back on the ground.

Get your feet back on the ground.

Oh, oh, oh, oh.

Oh, oh, oh, oh.

You dreamed of heroes riding across the sea.

You dreamed of heroes riding across the sea.

Oh, oh, oh, oh.

Oh, oh, oh, oh.

And shining on the...

And shining on the...

But all you had was me.

Però tot el que tenies era jo.

While all the time you never knew.

mentre tot el temps mai no ho vas saber.

All I could do was dream of you.

All I could do was dream of you.

And still I do today.

And still I do today.

So I say to you, Jenny, Jenny.

So I say to you, Jenny, Jenny.

Dreams are ten a penny.

Dreams are a dime a dozen.

Leave them in the lost and found.

Leave them in the lost and found.

Bona nit.

Good night.

Desconnectat amb el coco,

Disconnected with the head,

sintonitzes Radiomarca Barcelona

You are tuning in to Radiomarca Barcelona.

a la FM 89.1.

on FM 89.1.

Però també pots escoltar-nos arreu del món,

But you can also listen to us all over the world,

allà on vulguis amagar-te,

wherever you want to hide,

a través de la connexió amb internet

through the internet connection

on també trobaràs els últims programes emesos

you will also find the latest aired programs

per escoltar-nos en diferit,

to listen to us later,

íntegrament o per fragments,

in full or in fragments,

o per descarregar-los i portar-los amb tu allà on vagis.

or to download them and take them with you wherever you go.

Ens trobaràs en antena els matins de dissabtes de 6 a 8,

You will find us on air on Saturday mornings from 6 to 8.

els diumenges des de les 4 de la matinada

Sundays from 4 in the morning.

i fins a les 7 del matí.

and until 7 in the morning.

I per si vols somiar despert,

And if you want to daydream,

cada matinada de dilluns a divendres de 4 a 6

every weekday morning from 4 to 6

el coco també està al teu costat.

The monster is also by your side.

No perdis la sintonia.

Don't lose the connection.

I si t'agrada divertir-te les tardes de diumenges,

And if you like to have fun on Sunday afternoons,

no ho dubtis i vine amb nosaltres

Don't hesitate and come with us.

a la discoteca Barrocos de Barcelona.

to the Barrocos nightclub in Barcelona.

Sí, al carrer Arribau 242,

Yes, at Arribau street 242,

entre Diagonal i Travessera de Gràcia.

between Diagonal and Travessera de Gràcia.

Diumenges tarda, des de les 6 en punt i fins a les 10,

Sunday afternoons, from 6 o'clock until 10.

el coco adaptat a sessió de ball.

the coconut adapted to a dance session.

Diumenges ha privi bé.

Sundays have been good.

A la divendres és plena de matis.

On Friday it is full of nuances.

És a dir, presenta la nit.

That is to say, it presents the night.

Això és molt cert.

This is very true.

Però, quina pregunta és la oder a diumenges?

But, what question is the smell on Sundays?

A la veritat és sí.

The truth is yes.

Quan Nova York convolta de nit,

When New York is enveloped at night,

la proposta de l'酒en Francis

the proposal of the 酒en Francis

serveix per ser a les 단 aroma.

It serves to be at the aroma.

Aquests són els motius i el futur del promotes.

These are the reasons and the future of the promoters.

Com sempre,

As always,

jo estic ben weekly per possa elowitz.

I am doing well weekly for Possa Elowitz.

Quan別ja Aqu тест believes,

When someone believes,

abans de prol·ламen coordination a muut res,

before advocating coordination to another, nothing else,

sembla un John Wall Cox.

it looks like a John Wall Cox.

L'any peçada al��à!

The year has flown by!

Fins demà!

See you tomorrow!

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