Sempre saludaven 01x08: David Fuller

Sempre saludaven

Sempre saludaven

Sempre saludaven 01x08: David Fuller

Sempre saludaven

Bon dia!

Good morning!

Déu us guard!

God keep you!

Records a la família!

Greetings to the family!

Bon dia!

Good morning!

Ei, salut!

Hey, hello!

Ah, Maria!

Ah, Maria!

Ei, hola!

Hey, hello!

Bon dia!

Good morning!

Ei, salut!

Hey, hello!

Bon dia!

Good morning!

Ei, hola!

Hey, hello!

Déu us guard!

God keep you!

Bueno, records a la família!

Well, say hi to the family!

Benvinguts a Sempre Saludaven!

Welcome to Sempre Saludaven!

Un podcast on no hi ha un cap que no rodoli pel terra.

A podcast where there isn't a head that doesn't roll on the ground.

Sigueu benvinguts i benvingudes a un nou capítol de Sempre Saludaven.

Welcome to a new episode of Sempre Saludaven.

No sabem si sou dels que penseu sovint en la mort i us agrada tenir-ho tot lligat,

We don't know if you're the type who often thinks about death and likes to have everything tied up,

o dels que viviu el dia a dia i després aquestes coses us agafen amb els pixats al ventre.

or those of you who live day to day and then these things catch you with your pants down.

En tot cas, la nostra recomanació davant la mort és que us pegueu un bon paleta

In any case, our recommendation in the face of death is that you take a good hit.

i que no us enterrin amb el cul enfora.

and may they not bury you with your butt sticking out.

Avui, més que mai, estigueu atents i no...

Today, more than ever, stay alert and don't...

No moriu pel camí!

Don't die on the way!

Bé, avui em sap greu anunciar que segurament parlarem d'un dels pitjors criminals que mai hem tingut ni tindrem al podcast.

Well, today I'm sorry to announce that we will probably be talking about one of the worst criminals we have ever had or will have on the podcast.

I és que ja et puc anar adelantant que el total de víctimes d'aquest maromo és de més de 100.

And I can already let you know that the total number of victims of this guy is more than 100.

Aviam, Helen, si comencem així, malament.

Let's see, Helen, if we start like this, it's not good.

Primera, perquè portem set capítols.

First, because we have seven chapters.

I aquí ja ha passat de tot.

And here everything has happened.

Per tant, pont fa aquest home.

Therefore, this man makes a bridge.

I segona, ara ja no tindré cap mena d'empatia cap a aquest senyor.

And secondly, I will no longer have any kind of empathy for this gentleman.

O sigui, estarem parlant de la seva infància i jo ja l'hi estaré demanant presó, saps?

So, we will be talking about his childhood and I will already be asking him for prison, you know?

Bueno, bueno. Tu, tranquil, Albert.

Well, well. You, calm down, Albert.

Molt tranquil.

Very calm.

Tu, flow, eh? Flow, eh?

You, flow, huh? Flow, huh?

I temps al temps.

And time to time.

Anem amb calma perquè tenim moltes coses a descobrir d'aquest personatge.

Let's take it easy because we have a lot of things to discover about this character.

Abans, no arribem a totes les atrocitats que va cometre.

Before, we do not reach all the atrocities he committed.

Jo no prometo res.

I do not promise anything.

Ens hem de situar un altre cop a Gran Bretanya.

We need to situate ourselves once again in Great Britain.

Concretament, a Diel, un petit poble coster.

Specifically, in Diel, a small coastal village.

Amb gran fortificacions del comtat de Kent.

With great fortifications of the county of Kent.

Vaja, vaja, Joe.

Well, well, Joe.

Gran Bretanya disputant el podi de criminals als Estats Units?

Great Britain contesting the podium of criminals in the United States?

Què està passant aquí?

What is happening here?

Ai, ja, jo no volia obrir-me-lo ara.

Oh, yes, I didn't want to open it now.

Però, qui va colonitzar Amèrica del Nord?

But who colonized North America?

Ah, amiga. Aquesta és la teva hipòtesi, eh?

Ah, friend. This is your hypothesis, huh?



Fins de cosins, eh?

Until cousins, huh?

Mira, no dic res i t'ho dic tot.

Look, I say nothing and I tell you everything.

Ja ho has dit, sí, exacte.

You already said it, yes, exactly.

Bé, va, situem-nos.

Alright, let's get situated.

El dia 4 de setembre de 1954,

On September 4, 1954,

naixerà el nostre protagonista d'avui, en David Fuller.

Today, our protagonist, David Fuller, will be born.

No tenim massa informació dels seus primers anys.

We don't have much information about his early years.

Cosa que ens fa suposar que devien ser bastant normalets,

Which suggests to us that they must have been quite ordinary.

amb uns pares prou decents.

with fairly decent parents.

Ja que si fos el contrari, la premsa se n'hagués fet ressò.

If it were the opposite, the press would have reported on it.

No news, good news, eh?

No news, good news, right?



A l'institut ja va començar a tenir alguns problemes amb la policia.

At the institute, he/she already started having some problems with the police.

Collons, amb la policia, ja?

Damn, with the police, already?

O sigui, ella es va saltar el capítol de robar el bocata, no?

So, she skipped the chapter about stealing the sandwich, right?

Va anar directe al gra.

He got straight to the point.



Bé, el van atrapar per robar bicicletes

Well, he was caught for stealing bicycles.

i per fer malbé algunes propietats provocant petits incendis.

and to damage some properties causing small fires.

Home, clar que no tenies notícies dels primers anys,

Surely you didn't have news from the first years,

perquè el paio encara no caminava,

because the guy still couldn't walk,

que un déu a la que es va posar dret ja cremava containers.

that a god, when he stood up, was already burning containers.

Bueno, la que va aprendre a anar amb bicicleta, eh?

Well, the one who learned to ride a bike, huh?



Un cop acabada l'època d'estudis,

Once the study period is over,

es va introduir al món laboral com a electricista.

He started his career in the job market as an electrician.

Tenia bastants hobbies ja des de jove.

I had quite a few hobbies since I was young.

Algun d'ells era anar amb bicicleta.

Some of them were going by bicycle.

Sí, robada, no?

Yes, stolen, right?

Bueno, exacte.

Well, exactly.

Amb alguna cosa has d'aprendre, no?

With something you have to learn, right?

Si no ho tens a casa, pues...

If you don't have it at home, well...

Sí, exacte.

Yes, exactly.

Com ho deia jo a l'Edmund, que no són de compra, no?

How did I tell Edmund that they are not for purchase, right?



Doncs bé, li agradava anar amb bicicleta,

Well, he/she liked to ride a bicycle,

observar ocells o la fotografia.

birdwatching or photography.

De fet, aquesta última afició

In fact, this last hobby

el va portar a fer algunes feinetes extres

he took him to do some extra work

com a fotògraf del grup de música de Londres,

as the photographer of the London music group,

Cutting Creep.

Cutting Creep.

No els coneix ni Déu.

Nobody knows them, not even God.

Jo? Jo no.

Me? Not me.

Jo no.

Not me.

No, perquè surt aquí allò com...

No, because it comes out here like...

Uah, se'm va anar a la gira a fer de fotògraf d'aquest grup, saps?

Wow, I went on tour to be the photographer for this group, you know?



És com si fóssim nosaltres quan teníem sota sospita, saps?

It's like when we had our suspicions, you know?

Exacte, sí, jo ho vinculo amb alguna cosa així, la veritat.

Exactly, yes, I link it to something like that, to be honest.

Sí, no?

Yes, no?

Perquè negar-ho.

Why deny it.

No et coneixia ni Déu i en aquest tampoc.

I didn't know you, not even God, and not in this one either.



Bueno, mira, cadascú fa fins on te pot.

Well, look, everyone does what they can.

Bueno, algun dia podré compto 100 morts com aquest, saps?

Well, someday I will count 100 dead like this, you know?

No saps que de vegades les coses funcionen quan ja són pòstumes?

Don't you know that sometimes things work when they are already posthumous?

Sí, exacte, sí.

Yes, exactly, yes.

Què te diu?

What does it say to you?

Potser un dia t'ha morts i llavors sota sospita arrenca el gol, eh?

Maybe one day you died and then under suspicion, the goal starts, right?

Fuà, però si haig de matar perquè sota sospita es faci famosa...

Wow, but if I have to kill myself for it to become famous under suspicion...

No, matar no, que et moris tu.

No, not killing, let you die instead.

I gràcies.

And thank you.

Bé, fins i tot els va arribar a seguir durant una gira

Well, they even followed them during a tour.

amb la que seria la seva segona dona, la Sally, durant el 1985.

with what would be his second wife, Sally, in 1985.

Segona dona? I la primera?

Second wife? And the first?

Bueno, doncs no en sabem res.

Well, then we don't know anything.

Ah, bueno, doncs endavant.

Ah, well, then go ahead.

Ja hem parlat d'una segona dona,

We have already talked about a second woman,

així que només et diré que en Fuller va estar casat tres cops.

So I'll just tell you that Fuller was married three times.

I no només això, sinó que a més tenia mans pertot arreu.

And not only that, but it also had hands everywhere.

De fet, que se sàpiga, va tenir com a mínim dues relacions extramatrimonials,

In fact, as far as we know, he had at least two extramarital affairs.



una relació de dos anys amb una infermera que va conèixer a través de la feina.

a two-year relationship with a nurse he met through work.

I és que en David era electricista.

And the thing is that David was an electrician.

Però la major part de la seva vida laboral

But the majority of his/her working life

la va passar treballant com a part de l'equip de manteniment

he spent it working as part of the maintenance team.

de diversos hospitals d'Anglaterra.

from various hospitals in England.

Total, que en David tant arreglava una bombeta com et fa el cap al llit, eh?

So, David could fix a light bulb just as easily as he messes with your head in bed, right?

Bueno, això mateix.

Well, that's it.

És que és de pel·liporna total, eh?

It's just completely ridiculous, isn't it?

Venia a arreglar el fluorescent i l'hi vaig acabar fotent.

I came to fix the fluorescent light and I ended up breaking it.

Aquells títols tantes, eh? Aquell engeni, aquella picaresca.

Those many titles, huh? That ingenuity, that cleverness.

Que tenia...

What he/she had...

Tenien un brainstorming amb els títols, que, bueno,

They had a brainstorming session with the titles, which, well,

eren més originals els títols que l'escena.

The titles were more original than the scene.

Bueno, aviam, és que a l'escena no hi havies pas de pensar massa, eh?

Well, let's see, it's just that you shouldn't overthink the scene, okay?



Aviam, sempre era el mateix.

Let's see, it was always the same.

Només havies de triar una professió domicili random, eh?

You only had to choose a random home profession, right?

I l'habitació on te s'ho muntaven, una mica de decoració i a la...

And the room where they set it up for you, a little decoration and at the...

Exacte, aquí s'hi valia tot, eh?

Exactly, everything was allowed here, right?

Cuina, lavabo, gratja, és igual.

Kitchen, bathroom, hell, it's the same.

Tu tries el lloc, tries una frase que et quedi bé i una professió...

You try the place, you try a phrase that sounds good to you and a profession…

Ha de ser domicili, eh? Per això, perquè ha de venir a casa teu, arreglar-t'ho.

It has to be at home, right? That's why, because it has to come to your house to fix it for you.

Sí, i si era manual, millor, eh?

Yes, and if it was manual, even better, right?

És a dir, un peleta, un electricista, un fontanero...

That is to say, a handyman, an electrician, a plumber...



Només passava, en professions alienes, si havies d'anar cap al mecànic o així, saps?

It only happened, in other professions, if you had to go to the mechanic or something like that, you know?

Perquè després sortien aquells tallers mecànics amb els calendaris amb noies així despitregades, saps?

Because then those mechanic workshops would come out with calendars with girls like that, you know?



No és l'única professió que tu vas fora.

It's not the only profession that you go outside.

Les altres eren totes a domicili, el botanero, l'electricista, saps?

The others were all at home, the snack vendor, the electrician, you know?



Bueno, doncs ja tens la pel·li porno feta.

Well, then you already have the porn movie made.

Només li haurem de trobar nom artístic en David Fuller.

We will only have to find an artistic name for David Fuller.

Home, això és fàcil, eh?

Come on, this is easy, right?

David Fuller.

David Fuller.

Hòstia, David Fuller, molt bé, que ràpid, és que t'ho juro.

Holy shit, David Fuller, very good, how fast, I swear to you.

Amb aquestes coses ets pim-pam, pim-pam, eh?

With these things, you're quick as a flash, right?

Mira, és que t'haig de dir que des que has dit el seu nom, al meu cap, li diu Foller tota l'estona.

Look, I have to tell you that ever since you said his name, my head keeps calling him Foller all the time.

Hòstia santa, és que és ben bé.

Holy shit, it's really true.

Baixi's la cosa.

The thing is getting worse.

No, no, ja, sempre baixin-se.

No, no, already, they always lower themselves.

El meu cap té un cable que no em pelta gaire bé i sempre desvia coses.

My head has a wire that doesn't peel well for me and it always diverts things.

Sí, serà això.

Yes, it will be that.

Van aquí.

They come from here.

Doncs bé, la relació amb la infermera es va acabar quan en Fuller la va detallar.

Well, the relationship with the nurse ended when Fuller detailed her.

Va deixar per començar una aventura amb una altra dona.

He left to start an adventure with another woman.

Tot i ser la persona abandonada, l'infermera va reconèixer en una entrevista anys més tard

Despite being the abandoned person, the nurse acknowledged in an interview years later.

que durant aquell temps ella havia cregut que era un home molt tranquil i amable,

that during that time she had believed he was a very calm and kind man,

tot un cavaller i una bellíssima persona.

a true gentleman and a beautiful person.

Sempre saludava, no?

He always greeted, didn’t he?

Bueno, i no sóc cas més coses.

Well, I'm not a more married things.

Finalment, el 99, es va casar amb la que serà la seva tercera i, de moment, última dona,

Finally, in '99, he married what will be his third and, for now, last wife.

la Mala Averbados.

the Bad Averbados.

Bon nom, eh?

Nice name, huh?

Bueno, per enfiar-te'n.

Well, to make you feel better.

Dona, a mi em presentes a algú i em dius...

Woman, introduce me to someone and tell me...

Mira, aquesta és la Maria i li diuen la Mala malament.

Look, this is Maria and they call her the Bad Bad.

Tots els meus prejudicis es posen a treballar automàticament com un palompa, saps?

All my prejudices kick in automatically like clockwork, you know?

Li diessis la Uena i dius...

You would say the Uena and you say...

Aviam, la pobra nana no té àvies, però, bueno, encara no.

Let's see, the poor dwarf doesn't have grandmothers, but, well, not yet.

Clar, però és que la Mala...

Of course, but it's just that Mala...

És que, aviam, no et posen els motes perquè sí, saps?

It's just that, you see, they don't give you nicknames for nothing, you know?

És a dir, no li deien gafotes a un tio que anava pel món amb una vista immaculada

That is to say, they didn't call a guy with immaculate vision "four-eyes."

o meia a un tio que tenia un somriure profident, saps?

I met a guy who had a puzzling smile, you know?

Pensem-hi, amb això.

Let's think about it.

Ja, ja.

Ha, ha.

O sigui, que de moment la Mala mala pinta, no?

So, for now, it looks pretty bad, right?

Pinta mal, pinta mal.

It looks bad, it looks bad.

Doncs bé, després de donar totes aquestes voltes amb les seves aventures amoroses,

Well, after going round and round with his romantic adventures,

no et sabria dir amb quina o amb quines,

I couldn't tell you with which one or with which ones.

si va ser amb una o amb totes,

if it was with one or with all,

però bé, el que sí que et puc dir és que va tenir quatre fills.

But well, what I can tell you is that he had four children.

I nosaltres ja li assignem a aquests fills la parella que en David vulguem, no?

And we already assign to these children the partner that David wants, right?

O sigui, agafem una parella d'en David random

So, let's take a random couple of David's.

i allà li assignem els fills com el quin és qui, eh?

And there we assign the children like the who is who, right?

Exacte, aviam.

Exactly, let's see.


Let's see.

Amb els fills d'en David i les parelles.

With David's children and their partners.



Tu saps que aquí som un podcast de rigor.

You know that here we are a podcast of rigor.

Sí, de rigor, de rigor mortis.

Yes, of rigor, of rigor mortis.

Doncs bé, el fet és que va viure en una casa bonica,

Well, the fact is that he lived in a beautiful house,

en un carrer tranquil, sense sortida de Hetfield, a l'Iss Sassex.

in a quiet street, without a way out of Hetfield, in the Iss Sassex.

En David treballaria, doncs, tant a l'hospital de Kent, on va néixer,

David would work, then, both at the Kent hospital, where he was born,

com al de l'Iss Sassex, allà on residia.

like that of the Iss Sassex, where he resided.

Era pluriempleat, eh?

He was multi-employed, right?



Tan pluriempleat que hem de sumar una nova professió a la seva vida.

So multi-employed that we have to add a new profession to his life.

Ara en David robarà cases.

Now David will rob houses.

Eh, premi!

Hey, prize!

Fet del qual n'és condemnat el 73 i el 77.

For which he was convicted in '73 and '77.

Home, hem passat de bicicletes a cases, ja és un upgrade, això, eh?

Well, we have gone from bicycles to houses, that's an upgrade, right?

Exacte, bueno, aviam.

Exactly, well, let's see.

A totes les feines has d'anar pujant graus, perquè si no, te'n canses.

In all jobs, you have to keep advancing, because otherwise, you get tired of them.

Exacte, s'ha de tenir inspiracions a la vida, s'ha de ser ambiciosa.

Exactly, you have to have inspirations in life, you have to be ambitious.

Has de voler anar més amunt.

You have to want to go higher.

Quieres ser el teu propi jefe?

Do you want to be your own boss?

Bueno, aquest, aquest, una mica, eh?

Well, this one, this one, a little, huh?

Roba cases!

Clothes at home!

No incitem a ningú a robar absolutament res, eh?

We do not incite anyone to steal absolutely anything, okay?

No feu com en David.

Don't act like David.

Però t'haig de dir que segurament guanyes més que a l'Iss que no pas en el sentit del teu propi jefe.

But I have to tell you that you probably earn more than at the Iss than in terms of your own boss.

M'havies dit que no donàvem idees i tu aquí n'acabes de donar...

You had told me that we weren't giving ideas and here you just gave one...

No, jo només estic fent suposicions.

No, I am just making assumptions.



Jo no dono idees a ningú.

I don't give ideas to anyone.

Presumptament, no?

Presumably, right?



Doncs bé, el seu modus operandi era trencar les finestres de la planta baixa per accedir al seu interior i robar.

Well, their modus operandi was to break the windows on the ground floor to gain access to the interior and steal.



Les coses ja comencen a agafar aquell toc, eh, que tots sabem com acaben.

Things are already starting to take on that touch, huh, that we all know how they end.

Sí, i jo ara començo a entendre per què la gent es fica baranes a les finestres quan viuen a baixos, eh?

Yes, and now I’m starting to understand why people put bars on their windows when they live on the ground floor, huh?

Home, no, perquè serà...

Man, no, because it will be...

No et trobis un loco així, saps?

Don't find yourself a crazy like that, you know?



Doncs bé, tot i ser culpable, el tribunal li va perdonar la pena de presó per aquests fets.

Well, despite being guilty, the court pardoned him from the prison sentence for these events.

Molt bé. De moment, Manuel, per crear un assassí, s'està seguint arrejatable.

Very well. For now, Manuel, to create a killer, they are being followed closely.

Bueno, aquest noi té sort, què vols que t'hi digui?

Well, this guy is lucky, what do you want me to tell you?

Bueno, aquest i tots els que han passat per aquí.

Well, this one and all the others that have passed through here.

Sí. Així que tenim en David lliure i amb dos taques més al seu historial de delictes.

Yes. So we have David free and with two more stains on his criminal record.

A partir d'aquí, ho sento, Àlvar, però tot va pitjor.

From here on, I'm sorry, Àlvar, but everything is getting worse.

Bueno, ja t'ho esperaves, no?

Well, you already expected it, right?

Crec que ja se sabia.

I think it was already known.

La cosa, no? Però bueno...

The thing, right? But well...

Com he explicat, una de les aficions d'en David era la fotografia.

As I explained, one of David's hobbies was photography.

Durant els anys 80 no existien les càmeres digitals,

During the 80s, digital cameras did not exist,

així que cada cop que volies veure les teves fotos,

so every time you wanted to see your photos,

havies d'anar a un lloc especialitzat a que et fessin el revelat del carret de la càmera.

You had to go to a specialized place to get the film from the camera developed.

I quines arrissades que et fotien, eh?

And what a beating they used to give you, huh?

Sí, jo, per sort, com que érem bastant nens quan passava això, no m'ho he hagut de pagar mai.

Yes, I, fortunately, since we were quite young when that happened, I have never had to pay for it.

Jo me'n recordo el meu pare sempre indignat quan sortien d'un fotoprics d'aquests.

I remember my father always indignant when they would come out of one of those photo booths.

Me cago en Déu, cada vegada són més cars.

Goddammit, they're getting more expensive every time.

Després, hòstia, van sortir les digitals,

Later, damn, the fingerprints came out,

i es va afanyar a comprar-ne una, eh?

And she hurried to buy one, didn't she?

Jo me'n recordo la meva mare que em deia

I remember my mother telling me.

Vigila, a què li tires fotos?

Be careful what you take photos of!

Sí, sí, perquè tenies aquell carret que tenia aquelles i s'ha acabat, eh?

Yes, yes, because you had that cart that had those and it's over, right?

Et compro un carret i t'ha de servir per totes les colònies.

I'll buy you a cart and it should be useful for all the camps.

Sí, exacte.

Yes, exactly.

Però bueno, no era un carret, era una càmera d'aquelles...

But well, it wasn't a cart, it was one of those cameras...

Sí, d'aquelles grogues.

Yes, those yellow ones.

Exacte, que les podies llançar després.

Exactly, you could throw them later.

Uai, i anaves fent allà, semblaves un reportero d'aquí del TV3, eh?

Wow, and you were going around there, you looked like a reporter from TV3, huh?

Ara, reciclatge tope, ara que ho estic pensant.

Now, top recycling, now that I'm thinking about it.

Sí, clar, sí, pots comptar.

Yes, of course, yes, you can count on it.

Doncs bé, durant el 87,

Well then, during 87,

solia anar a una botiga de revelats anomenada Supersnaps,

I used to go to a developing shop called Supersnaps,

que es trobava a prop de casa seva.

that was near her home.

La gerent era la Wendy Gnell,

The manager was Wendy Gnell.

i en David hi va començar a tenir una relació de cordialitat

And David began to have a relationship of cordiality with him.

a causa de la seva suïditat a la botiga.

because of his/her stubbornness in the shop.

Bueno, ja sabem com acaba això, no?

Well, we already know how this ends, right?

Tindrem nova pel·li.

We will have a new movie.

Anava a revelar el carret i se'n va posar ben dret.

I was going to reveal the cart and it stood up straight.



A tu et podrien contractar, eh?

They could hire you, right?

Home, home...

Man, man...

I tant, si em podrien contractar.

Of course, if they could hire me.

Mira, jo com a actor, poder no m'hi veig,

Look, as an actor, I don't really see myself in it.

perquè a mi això de davant de les càmeres no me mola.

because I don't like this in front of the cameras.

No, jo tampoc.

No, me neither.

Anant la cigaleta pel joc, no...

Going playing with the cicada, no...

Però a mi, si m'adones uns calerons,

But to me, if you give me some money,

t'acardo aquí uns namings...

I'll give you some namings here...

Jo de guionista, ui...

Me as a screenwriter, oh...

Ah, guionista i tot.

Ah, a screenwriter and all.

Home, bueno...

Home, well...

Aquí només havies de ficar

Here you just had to put in.

hola, després ja...

hello, after that...



És improvisació de guió i adéu.

It's script improvisation and goodbye.

No, no, que això està guionitzat bé, eh?

No, no, this is well scripted, okay?

A veure si gira, a veure no si gira...

Let's see if it turns, let's see not if it turns...

Que te cagues, està guionitzat.

You must be kidding, it's scripted.

A veure esta postura, a veure l'altra...

Let's see this position, let's see the other one...

Home, Albert...

Home, Albert...

No tot és tan fàcil, eh?

Not everything is that easy, huh?

Bueno, domines molt, eh?

Well, you master it a lot, huh?

He fet guió, he fet guió...

I've made a script, I've made a script...

Sí, guió porno has fet.

Yes, you have made a porn script.

Doncs bé, per la Wendy,

Well then, for Wendy,

conèixer en David va ser el pitjor que li podia haver passat.

Meeting David was the worst thing that could have happened to him.

El 23 de juny del 87,

On June 23, 1987,

quan ella tenia només 25 anys,

when she was only 25 years old,

van trobar el seu cos despullat

they found her naked body

sobre el llit de casa seva.

on the bed of his/her house.

L'havien agredit sexualment després de matar-la.

They had sexually assaulted her after killing her.

Doncs bueno, ja hem creuat aquella línia, eh?

Well, we've crossed that line now, haven't we?

Hòstia, mira que avui anàvem avisats, eh?

Damn, look, we were warned today, huh?

Doncs ja està.

Well, that's it.

Ja ho tenim.

We have it already.

Volíeu morts, ahir els teniu.

You wanted the dead, today you have them.

Al final tots acaben despullats, però no com voldríem, eh?

In the end, everyone ends up naked, but not how we would want, right?

Que on déu, però anem pel primer, eh?

Well, wherever God, but let's go for the first one, okay?

Falten 100.

100 are missing.

Doncs bé, el seu xicot l'havia deixat a casa seva la nit anterior

Well, her boyfriend had left her at his place the night before.

i els veïns asseguraven que no van sentir cap cop

And the neighbors assured that they did not hear any noise.

ni crits aca dins de la casa.

no shouts here inside the house.

Aquell mateix any, i pocs mesos després,

That same year, and a few months later,

concretament el 24 de novembre,

specifically on November 24,

una segona dona va ser trobada morta.

A second woman was found dead.

La Carolyn Pierce, de 20 anys,

Carolyn Pierce, 20 years old,

va ser atacada a la sortida de casa seva

she was attacked at the exit of her home

i l'assassí, el nostre amic David,

and the murderer, our friend David,

es va desfer del seu cos

he got rid of his body

a 65 quilòmetres de distància de l'habitatge.

65 kilometers away from the residence.

Van trobar el seu cadàver

They found his body.

quan ja feia 3 setmanes de l'assassinat,

three weeks after the murder,

a la coneta d'un camí rural.

at the edge of a rural path.

El cos va ser trobat per un pagès

The body was found by a farmer.

que la va veure des del tractor mentre es treballava.

that he saw her from the tractor while working.

La va poder veure per casualitat

He was able to see her by chance.

gràcies a l'alçada de la cabina del tractor.

thanks to the height of the tractor cabin.

I també la va violar després de matar-la?

And did he also rape her after killing her?

Bé, aviam, pensa que la van trobar després de 3 setmanes, eh?

Well, let's see, think that they found her after 3 weeks, okay?

Però vaja, tot apunta que sí.

But well, it all points to yes.

Les ferides de la Carolyn eren molt similars a les de la Wendy

Carolyn's wounds were very similar to Wendy's.

i els detectius estaven segurs

And the detectives were sure.

que aquests dos assassinats, ja coneguts com

that these two murders, already known as

els assassinats al llit,

the murders in bed,

estaven relacionats.

they were related.

Els detectius van poder agafar algunes proves forenses.

The detectives were able to gather some forensic evidence.

Una empremta digital amb sang en una bossa de la compra,

A fingerprint with blood on a shopping bag,

esperma de les malles de la Carolyn

Carolyn's mesh sperm.

i una petjada al punt d'una brusa blanca del pis de la Wendy.

and a mark at the point of a white blouse from Wendy's apartment.

Cal recordar, però, que ens trobem al 87

It should be noted, however, that we are in '87.

i encara no hi havia tanta tecnologia com ara.

and there wasn't as much technology as there is now.

La base de dades nacional de perfils de delinqüents

The national database of criminal profiles

només feia 8 anys que havia estat creada.

it had only been created 8 years ago.

Així doncs, de moment, ningú sospita d'en David.

So, for now, no one suspects David.

L'any 99 es va intentar esbrinar-se

In 1999, an attempt was made to find out.

de les proves optimistes

of the optimistic evidence

i les dades que havien vingudes als 80

and the data that had come in the 80s

podien estar relacionades amb algú.

they could be related to someone.

Però la mostra d'ADN analitzada

But the analyzed DNA sample

continuava sense donar amb algú

still hadn't come across anyone

que constés a la base de dades de la policia.

to be recorded in the police database.

I no serà perquè en David no hagi passat per la justícia?

And it won't be because David hasn't gone through justice?

Sí, però aviam, era per robar cases.

Yes, but look, it was to rob houses.

Tampoc li van fer massa cas.

They didn't pay much attention to him/her either.

Bueno, i així estem ara.

Well, and this is where we are now.

Però bé, com tots sabem,

But well, as we all know,

la tecnologia avança molt i molt ràpid.

Technology advances very quickly.

I el 2019, els experts forenses

And in 2019, the forensic experts

van desenvolupar noves tècniques

they developed new techniques

per recollir ADN d'una mostra d'esperma danyada

to collect DNA from a damaged semen sample

com la que van trobar a les malles de la Caroline.

like the one they found in Caroline's nets.

Hosti, hem fet un salt molt endavant, no?

Wow, we've made a huge leap forward, haven't we?

Perquè ja som al 2019, això va passar fa molts anys.

Because we're already in 2019, this happened many years ago.

Sí, és que en David va viure d'esquenes a la llei fins llavors.

Yes, David lived in defiance of the law until then.

També va ajudar amb una altra nova tècnica,

It also helped with another new technique,

l'ADN familiar,

the family DNA,

que permet als científics identificar

that allows scientists to identify

si algú està relacionat amb una persona

if someone is related to a person

a través de l'ADN que es descobreix a l'escena del crim.

through the DNA found at the crime scene.

Com allò que m'has regalat pel Nadal,

Like what you gave me for Christmas,

allò que et diuen si vens de França, d'Escandinàvia o de la mare que em va parir.

whatever they tell you if you come from France, Scandinavia, or wherever the hell I was born.

Eh, aquí l'hi guà.

Hey, here it is.

Tot i que ja et dic ara que tu, del nord,

Even though I already tell you now that you, from the north,

no crec que en tinguis res.

I don't think you have anything.

El nom?

The name?

Bueno, bueno, si això et consola, eh?

Well, well, if that comforts you, huh?

Si amb això ets feliç, eh?

If that makes you happy, huh?

Jo amb això soc feliç, sí.

I am happy with this, yes.

També t'haig de dir una cosa.

I also have to tell you something.

Això et va arribar per dins

This reached you from within.

i està a la caixa, aquí, al meu costat,

and it is in the box, here, next to me,

tancadeta, tancadeta.

little closed, little closed.

Bueno, ja es farà, no pateixis.

Well, it will get done, don't worry.

Això és la il·lusió que et fan els meus regals.

This is the excitement that my gifts bring you.

No, si em va fer il·lusió, eh?

No, it made me happy, you know?

Ja em va fer gràcia, però no hi he trobat pas el moment.

It made me laugh, but I haven't found the moment.

Ho vas mirar per riure?

Did you watch it for fun?

Ha, ha!

Ha, ha!

Ho vas deixar de cantar.

You stopped singing.

Ah, jo, uau, que m'havia demanat, eh?

Ah, me, wow, what I had asked for, huh?

Que cabron.

What a bastard.

No, no, ja ho faré algun dia.

No, no, I'll do it someday.

No t'ha mentat la llibreta.

The notebook hasn't mentioned you.

Ja ho faré, però encara no ho he fet.

I'll do it, but I haven't done it yet.

Vale, vale.

Okay, okay.

Les coses de Palau ja saps.

You know the things about Palau.

Eh, Palau, ja et fotré jo, tu.

Hey, Palau, I'll get you back for that.

Així doncs, si la policia no té el teu ADN,

So if the police don't have your DNA,

però el teu cosí germà tercer quart,

but your third cousin,

per part de mare, ha comès un delicte

on the mother's side, he has committed a crime

i tenen el seu, et poden arribar a trobar.

And they have theirs, they can come to find you.

Sembla que en David es cagarà un rato

It seems that David is going to take a dump for a while.

amb el seu arbre genològic, eh?

with his family tree, huh?

Però va ser que sí.

But it was indeed.

Ja et dic, si hi ha algú...

I already told you, if there's someone...

Jo això ho he fet.

I have done this.

Si hi ha algú a la meva família que ha cometut un delicte,

If there is someone in my family who has committed a crime,

mira, ai, que no em vingui a buscar ningú.

Look, oh, I don't want anyone to come and get me.

Veus? Veus per què no ho faig?

Do you see? Do you see why I don't do it?

Si jo ja tenia una justificació.

If I already had a justification.

Perquè, aviam, en principi, no haig de matar ningú.

Because, let's see, in principle, I don't have to kill anyone.

Però jo què sé.

But what do I know.

Uita, si algun dia t'agafa el rampell...

Wow, if one day you get the urge...



Hosti, va més que no et trobin, no, amb això de l'ADN?

Damn, isn't it better that they don't find you with this DNA thing?

Bueno, però si això s'ho ha fet la teva cosina segona,

Well, but if your second cousin did this,

te trobaran igual.

They will find you the same.

S'ho ha pas fet la meva cosina segona, ja t'ho diré.

My second cousin has done it, I will tell you.

No ho saps? No les coneixes totes?

Don't you know? Don't you know them all?



Les que estan constades al registre,

Those that are recorded in the registry,

les de fred, uita, si hi ha altres coses,

the cold ones, watch out, if there are other things,

no sé, que em vinguin a trobar...

I don't know, let them come to find me...

Bueno, ja en parlarem, ja en parlarem.

Well, we'll talk about it, we'll talk about it.

T'imagines que ara em faig això i em surt aquí

Can you imagine if I do this now and it comes out here?

que tinc una cosina d'aquestes que...

that I have a cousin like that who...

extramatrimonials i merdes d'aquestes?

extramarital affairs and crap like that?

Una cosina que no coneixia...

A cousin I didn't know...

Uah! Molaria, això?

Wow! Wouldn't that be awesome?

Faria un llibre i tot.

I would even make a book.

Si vols, un dia en fem un podcast,

If you want, we can make a podcast one day.

però no té res a veure, però...

but it has nothing to do with it, but...



No, la d'aquell...

No, that one...

Saps aquell... Em sembla que t'ho vaig explicar.

You know that one... I think I explained it to you.

Aquell documental de Netflix d'un metge...

That Netflix documentary about a doctor...

Ah! Hosti, és gros, aquell, eh?

Ah! Wow, that one is big, huh?

Que feia inseminacions artificials...

That was doing artificial inseminations...

Un dia en podríem fer un d'aquest, eh?

One day we could do one of these, huh?

Sí, tot i que no ha matat a ningú, eh?

Yes, although he hasn't killed anyone, right?

Clar, no ha matat a ningú, però és gros, allò, eh?

Sure, he hasn't killed anyone, but that's big, isn't it?

Però és gros, mirem, ho podem guardar, ho podem guardar.

But it's big, let's see, we can keep it, we can keep it.

Bueno, estarà allà.

Well, it will be there.

Uita, si voleu un podcast sobre el doctor aquest

Wow, if you want a podcast about this doctor.

que va repartir fills pel món, ens ho feu saber.

who spread children around the world, let us know.

Si no ens feu saber res, uita, nosaltres tirarem endavant i ja està.

If you don't let us know anything, well, we'll move forward and that's it.





Ja teniu una història aquí per comentar

You already have a story here to comment on.

i ja et cardem la falca i deixes un comentari.

And we already nail the wedge and you leave a comment.



I ja està feta, eh?

And it's done, huh?

Has vist que ràpid i sempre fem publicitat?

Have you seen how fast we always advertise?

Sí, i si algú no vol que fem el podcast

Yes, and if someone doesn’t want us to do the podcast

i vol més informació, eh?

And I want more information, okay?

Que es busqui la vida.

Let life seek itself.

Exacte, com nosaltres, eh?

Exactly, like us, huh?



Fem aquí una investigació de rigor per cada podcast, per tots vostès.

We conduct thorough research for each podcast, for all of you.

Doncs bé, quan van analitzar les proves d'ADN

Well, when they analyzed the DNA evidence

van trobar una certa coincidència amb el germà d'en David,

they found a certain coincidence with David's brother,

cosa que va portar la policia a investigar la família.

a thing that led the police to investigate the family.

Sembla que el germà d'en David també era sant, eh?

It seems that David's brother was also a saint, huh?



Perquè, calma, si fins ara no tenien el d'en David

Because, calm down, if until now they didn't have David's.

però tenien el de seu germà, hosti...

but they had their brother's, damn...



Gaire fina.

Not very fine.

No estava tampoc, eh?

He wasn't there either, right?

Bueno, Pudés va fer una abració en horòleg.

Well, Pudés made a watch hug.

No en sap res, d'aquest home, no?

He doesn't know anything about this man, does he?

No, no, no.

No, no, no.

No, és això.

No, it is that.

Pudés va fer...

Pudés did...

Pudé, volia saber d'on era.

I could, I wanted to know where he was from.

Ah, clar.

Ah, of course.

Ah, ah.

Ah, ah.

I el tenen, això.

And they have it, that.

La gracieta aquesta, eh?

This little joke, huh?

Aviam si soc d'aquí o soc d'allà.

Let's see if I am from here or from there.

Té, 8a.

Tea, 8a.

Ja t'haig de dir.

I have to tell you.

Us haig de la garjola.

I have to tell you about the jail.

Que a mi em venen a buscar.

That they come to pick me up.

Mira com me ve la policia a casa.

Look how the police is coming to my house.

Puno, a mi em ve la policia i ja em cago a sobre.

Puno, the police comes to me and I already shit myself.

Fu, i mare de Déu.

Phew, oh my God.

Punt 2.

Point 2.

I em diuen, vine guapa, que en el teu ADN hi ha una consistència d'una persona que és criminal

They call me, come beautiful, because in your DNA there is a consistency of a person who is a criminal.

i dic, me caguen?

I say, do I care?

Me caguen.

I'm fed up.

Sí o no, tio?

Yes or no, dude?

I aquesta persona ets tu.

And this person is you.



No, no.

No, no.

Doncs bé, van estudiar l'art virginiològic i van mirar qui havia viscut per la zona dels

Well, they studied virginologic art and looked at who had lived in the area of the

assassinats i qui tenia una data adequada per cometre'ls.

assassinations and who had a suitable date to carry them out.

El resultat va ser que la persona a la que havien d'anar a buscar era en...

The result was that the person they were supposed to pick up was in...



Doncs apa, t'ha tocat un any de garjola.

Well then, you've got a year in jail.

33 anys.

33 years.

33 anys després d'haver comès els dos assassinats, amb 67 anys, en David és arrestat

33 years after committing the two murders, at 67 years old, David is arrested.

per la policia de Kent el desembre de 2020, a la casa on vivia amb la seva tercera dona

for the Kent police in December 2020, at the house where he lived with his third wife

i el seu fill adolescent.

and his teenage son.

Allò de que la justícia és lenta, eh?

The thing about justice being slow, huh?

Sí, bé, aviam.

Yes, well, let's see.

Però ha arribat, eh?

But it has arrived, hasn't it?

Com sempre, tard, però ha arribat.

As always, late, but it has arrived.

Sí, això sí, però caguen Déu.

Yes, that's true, but damn it.

A més a més, en pla coronavirus, ara estava pensant.

Furthermore, in terms of coronavirus, I was just thinking.

Sí, eh?

Yes, huh?

Fios Covid i presó.

Covid threads and prison.

Sí, hola.

Yes, hello.


Come on.

La doble.

The double.

Al mateix temps que la policia obté l'ordre de detenció,

At the same time that the police obtain the arrest warrant,

també n'obté una per escorcollar la seva casa.

he also obtains one for searching his house.

Allà dins hi trobaran algunes proves més que l'incriminaran amb els assassinats.

In there, you will find some further evidence that will incriminate you with the murders.

Dins de casa seva hi troben sobres de revelat de la botiga Supersnaps,

Inside his house, they find envelopes from the Supersnaps store.

on treballava la senyora Nell, fet que ja el vincula amb la primera víctima.

Ms. Nell worked there, which already links him to the first victim.

I en un dels escrits al seu diari d'aquell any queden registrats com havia anat al restaurant Buster Browns,

And in one of the entries in his diary from that year, it is recorded how he had gone to the Buster Browns restaurant,

que és normalment el lloc de feina de la segona víctima, la senyora Pierce.

which is normally the workplace of the second victim, Mrs. Pierce.

Tot i que en David intenta justificar totes aquestes coincidències amb un piló de mentides,

Even though David tries to justify all these coincidences with a pile of lies,

van corroborar com en David havia viscut en carrers que es trobaven molt a prop d'on van morir les dues víctimes.

They confirmed how David had lived on streets that were very close to where the two victims died.

Va, però un moment.

Okay, but one moment.

A l'inici del podcast m'has dit que aquest tio havia mort 100 persones.

At the beginning of the podcast, you told me that this guy had killed 100 people.



I on són?

And where are they?

Va, vull dir, val que el rigor no és el nostre fort, eh?

Come on, I mean, it's true that rigor isn't our strong suit, right?

Però potser que ens hem passat una mica de frenada, no?

But maybe we've gone a little overboard, haven't we?

Ai, ja.

Oh, already.

Primer, no he dit morts.

First, I didn't say dead.

He dit víctimes.

I have said victims.

Ah, poder sí.

Ah, maybe so.

Després ho entendràs.

Later you will understand.



I segon, no pateixis que posarem llum a tot.

And second, don't worry, we will shed light on everything.

A veure, suïta, ara tinc hype, tu.

Let's see, sweetie, I'm really hyped now, you.

Ah, ara m'he entrat a la curiositat.

Ah, now I've become curious.



Doncs bé, a casa d'en David hi troben molta més informació.

Well, at David's house, they find a lot more information.

I és una informació bastant gràfica i palpable dels nous delictes.

And it is quite a graphic and tangible information about the new crimes.

Descobreixen imatges i vídeos amagats en diss d'ús a casa seva on es mostren abusos sexuals amb un total de 4 milions de proves.

They discover hidden images and videos on a home device showing sexual abuses with a total of 4 million pieces of evidence.

Hòstia puta.

Holy shit.

T'hi ha tocat el gordo, nené.

You've hit the jackpot, kid.

Collons, 4 milions de proves?

Damn, 4 million tests?

Sí, sí, una puta locura.

Yes, yes, a fucking madness.

Aquest tio està sonant.

This guy is snoring.

Tot i que la majoria...

Although the majority...

A mi em sorprèn que tinguis lloc on te guardar-ho, encara que siguin diss d'ús.

I am surprised that you have a place to keep it, even if it's just for occasional use.

Clar, clar, clar, és que són 4 milions, eh?

Sure, sure, sure, it's just that there are 4 million, right?

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.



Tot i que la majoria es van descarregar d'internet, també es va descobrir imatges d'ell mateix abusant sexualment dels cossos de desenes de dones i nenes en dos sanatoris dels hospitals on havia treballat durant el 89 fins al 2010.

Although most were downloaded from the internet, images of him sexually abusing the bodies of dozens of women and girls in two sanatoriums of the hospitals where he had worked from 1989 to 2010 were also discovered.

El de Kent i el de Sussex.

The one from Kent and the one from Sussex.

I finalment a l'hospital de Tambridge Wells, on va treballar fins a la seva detenció.

And finally at the hospital in Tambridge Wells, where we worked until his arrest.

La mare que el va parir.

The mother that gave birth to him.

Sí, o sigui, clar, era un necròfil.

Yes, I mean, of course, he was a necrophile.



De fet, les dues víctimes que coneixem ja les havia avaluat després de matar-les.

In fact, the two victims we know had already been assessed after being killed.

Sí, correcte, ja ho pots dir, correcte.

Yes, that's correct, you can say it, correct.



No, no, sí, molt trist, molt trist, t'ho he pegat.

No, no, yes, very sad, very sad, I hit you.

O sigui, estem fent broma, però molt trist.

So, we are joking, but it's very sad.

No, ja, ja, no, no, no, no, vull dir, o sigui, situem-nos, eh?

No, already, ha, no, no, no, I mean, like, let's situate ourselves, eh?

4 milions de proves i el tio, bueno, bueno.

4 million tests and the guy, well, well.

Bueno, jo ara no vull semblar una psicòpata, tampoc.

Well, I don't want to seem like a psychopath right now, either.

O sigui, amb el que diré, sisplau, no ho tingueu en compte, no ho penseu malament.

That is to say, with what I will say, please, do not hold it against me, do not think poorly of it.

Mira, normalment quan es diuen aquestes coses, tot el que ve darrere...

Look, normally when these things are said, everything that comes after...

Però, aviam, jo...

But, let's see, I...

Però, aviam, però, aviam.

But, let's see, but, let's see.

Jo, si el meu objectiu, al final, és tenir relacions sexuals amb algú i matar-lo,

I, if my goal in the end is to have sexual relations with someone and kill them,

o sigui, les dues coses, jo primer tinc les relacions i després el mato.

So, both things, I first have the relationships and then I kill him.

No mato i després tinc les relacions, vull dir, una mica, saps?

I don't kill and then I have the relationships, I mean, a little, you know?

Vull dir, si ho fas, fes-ho bé.

I mean, if you do it, do it well.

Saps allò que et deia abans del pro?

Do you know what I was telling you earlier about the pro?

Sí, jo no parlo.

Yes, I do not speak.

No has acabat de puta mare, això que m'acabes de dir, d'acord?

You haven't finished, damn it, what you just told me, okay?

Corramos un tapí de velda.

Let's run a velvet carpet.

Sí, ja pot ser tupido, ja.

Yes, it can be thick, yes.

Bé, les filmacions i fotografies trobades començaven el 31 de desembre del 2007.

Well, the recordings and photographs found started on December 31, 2007.

What I know!

What I know!

I acabaven el 2020, just abans que poguessin escorcollar casa seva i fer tot aquest descobriment.

And they were finishing 2020, just before they could search their house and make all this discovery.

Com Déu, en tots aquests anys devia tenir una estanteria plena de Hoffman, eh?

Like God, all these years he must have had a shelf full of Hoffman, right?

Com qui va de viatge de noces.

Like someone who is on a honeymoon trip.

Sí, bueno, passa que no volguis saber què sortien els àlbums aquests, saps?

Yes, well, it happens that you don't want to know what those albums were going for, you know?

T'imagines el tio allà, amb els convidats a casa allò,

Can you imagine the guy there, with the guests at home that way,

voleu que us ensenyi les fotos del meu últim viatge?

Do you want me to show you the photos from my last trip?

Ja? Com aquesta gent que et fot les torres amb els jocs on has estat?

Already? Like those people who mess with the towers in the games where you've been?

Mireu, aquí surto jo, amb un cadàver, que em vaig follar el Taj Mahal.

Look, here I am, with a corpse, because I fucked the Taj Mahal.

Hòstia, hòstia, avui? Avui estàs? Hòstia, com estàs avui?

Damn, damn, today? Are you there today? Damn, how are you today?

Bueno, perquè m'estic acostumant a les teves bromes i podem passar una mica més d'anada, bueno, no sé.

Well, because I am getting used to your jokes and we can spend a little more time going back, well, I don't know.

Bueno, bueno, sort que això no s'escolta gaire gent.

Well, well, lucky that not many people hear this.

Ai, calla, a veure, home.

Oh, shut up, let’s see, man.

Doncs bé, gràcies a totes aquestes proves, els detectius van descobrir que en David tenia accés al dipòsit,

Well, thanks to all this evidence, the detectives discovered that David had access to the warehouse,

a causa de cadàvers, a causa de la seva feina com a tècnic de manteniment.

because of corpses, due to his job as a maintenance technician.

Disposava de les targetes magnètiques per obrir totes les portes,

I had the magnetic cards to open all the doors.

ja que treballava com a electricista i el podien, doncs, necessitar a qualsevol lloc.

since he worked as an electrician and they could need him anywhere.

Així, doncs, entrava amb la targeta d'accés dins del dipòsit i abusava dels cossos que hi havia allà.

Thus, he entered with the access card into the depot and abused the bodies that were there.

Esperava que els seus companys acabessin la seva jornada laboral i combatia els delictes sense ser vist.

He was waiting for his colleagues to finish their workday while battling crimes unnoticed.

Cadàver a la carta, eh?

Cadaver a la carte, huh?

Bufet lliure.


Hòstia puta.

Holy shit.

Degut a la seva feina, sabia quina part del dipòsit era visitat per les cames.

Due to his job, he knew which part of the deposit was visited by the legs.

Com eres de seguretat i quines zones quedaven perdudes en angles morts.

How safe are you and which areas were left in blind spots?

Així que combatia els seus abusos sense ser vist.

So he fought against their abuses without being seen.

El molt estúpid, però, va fer-se fotos amb els cadàvers mentre abusava d'ells

The very stupid one, however, took photos with the corpses while abusing them.

per tenir una bona col·lecció que observar quan fos a casa.

to have a good collection to look at when at home.

Si tu veies entrar en David amb un palo selfie en el dipòsit de cadàvers...

If you saw David enter with a selfie stick in the morgue...

Ja! La cosa malament, eh?

Yeah! Things are bad, huh?

En David, en comptes d'enviar fotopolles, enviava fotofriambres, eh?

David, instead of sending dick pics, sent pictures of cold cuts, right?

Hòstia, si et despistaves ja t'havia posat el close friends d'Instagram, eh?

Damn, if you had distracted me, I would have already added you to my close friends on Instagram, right?

Ui, ui, ui, ui, ui.

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.

Mare de Déu, senyor.

Mother of God, sir.

Estàs jugant al límit avui, eh?

You're playing on the edge today, huh?

Ja, ja, ja, avui ens poden... Com es diu això?

Ha, ha, ha, today they can... What is this called?

Benejar, no?

Blessing, right?

Sí, cancel·lar i aquestes coses.

Yes, cancel and those things.

Sí, cancel·lar, exacte.

Yes, cancel, exactly.

Bueno, tot sigui això.

Well, at least that's something.

Bueno, tot sigui això, aviam.

Well, let's see about that.

Espero que no arribi la policia, sincerament.

I hope the police don't arrive, honestly.

No, bueno, clar, tant pas de cancel·lar perquè vingui la policia, no?

No, well, of course, it's not necessary to cancel just because the police are coming, right?

Doncs bé, a part, va mantenir un registre super detallat

Well, in addition, he kept a super detailed record.

que guardava a casa seva amb els noms i edats de totes les dones a les que abusava,

that he kept in his house with the names and ages of all the women he abused,

que anaven entre els 85 i els 90.

that were between 85 and 90.





Això va ajudar molt a la policia a poder identificar com a mínim

This helped the police a lot to be able to identify at least.

a 80 persones que havien sigut víctimes d'en David un cop ja mortes.

to 80 people who had been victims of David once they were already dead.

Hosti, és que quin fotofàstic, eh?

Damn, what a crazy photo, huh?

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Fotodavid de merda.

Shit photo of David.

Sí, sí, però t'haig de dir, home, va ajudar molt a la policia.

Yes, yes, but I must tell you, man, it helped the police a lot.

Va ajudar molt, no?

It helped a lot, didn't it?

Collons, t'ho han donat en bandeja, els noms.

Damn, they served you the names on a platter.

Bueno, i el 2019, saps?

Well, in 2019, you know?

Vull dir que no quan va passar, saps?

I mean, not when it happened, you know?

No, no, clar.

No, no, of course.

Aquest tio ha estat aquí uns anys de panxing-guending,

This guy has been here for a few years just hanging around.

que s'ho ha passat bé, o puta, saps?

that he/she had a good time, right?

Bueno, anar afegint...

Well, just keep adding...


Holy shit.

Anar afegint plats a la carta, eh?

Keep adding dishes to the menu, okay?



Així doncs, amb totes aquestes proves,

Thus, with all this evidence,

en David es va haver de sotmetre a dos judicis.

David had to undergo two trials.

El primer va ser durant l'octubre del 21,

The first was during October of 21,

on va ser acusat de diversos delictes,

he was accused of various crimes,

convésos als tres hospitals que hem comentat anteriorment,

converted to the three hospitals that we have discussed earlier,

entre els anys 2007 i 2020.

between the years 2007 and 2020.

Els delictes eren els següents.

The crimes were as follows.

Prepareu-vos que la llista és llarga,

Get ready because the list is long,

i això que jo us n'he fet un ràstrum.

And this is after I made you a rake.


I begin.

Càrrecs per penetració d'un cadàver.

Charges for the penetration of a corpse.


Let's go.

Per abusos sexuals a un cadàver.

For sexual abuse of a corpse.


Let's go.

Per fer fotografies indecents a nens.

To take indecent photographs of children.


Let's go.

Per possessió de fotografies indecents a nens.

For possession of indecent photographs of children.


Let's go.

Per possessió d'imatges prohibides a nens.

For possession of prohibited images of minors.



Càrrecs per bullerismo.

Charges for bullying.

Hòstia puta.

Holy shit.

I possessió d'imatges pornogràfiques extremes.

I possess extreme pornographic images.



És bona.

It is good.

Anem a cartróplem.

Let's go cardboarding.

T'ha tocat?

Have you been chosen?



Es va declarar culpable dels càrrecs el 3 de novembre del 2022.

He pleaded guilty to the charges on November 3, 2022.

Va admetre a la policia que no recordava

He admitted to the police that he did not remember.

quan havia començat a cometre aquests actes,

when I had started to commit these acts,

i que realment...

and that really...

no sabia de quantes persones havia abusat.

I didn't know how many people he had abused.

Va intentar justificar que els actes que havia comès

He tried to justify the acts he had committed.

no tenien un rerefons sexual.

they did not have a sexual undertone.

Però quan li preguntaven pels delictes que havia fet,

But when they asked him about the crimes he had committed,

no en volia parlar dels abusos.

I didn't want to talk about the abuses.

No, si als morts els hi donaven el consentiment, no?

No, if they gave consent to the dead, right?

Feia una ouija, preguntava, i apa, el cap tranquil,

I was doing a Ouija, asking questions, and there you go, a calm mind,

i cap a dins, eh?

And inside, huh?

Home, David, no, saps?

Come on, David, no, you know?

L'important, però, és que va admetre 51 delictes sexuals,

The important thing, however, is that he admitted to 51 sexual offenses,

inclòs els 44 càrrecs relacionats amb les 80 víctimes

including the 44 charges related to the 80 victims

tangibles que van poder ser identificades per part de la policia.

tangibles that could be identified by the police.

De fet, la policia va haver d'atendre centenars de trucades

In fact, the police had to respond to hundreds of calls.

de familiars preocupats per persones mortes

of relatives concerned about deceased individuals

que podrien haver sigut abusades per David.

that could have been abused by David.

Jo et dic una cosa.

I tell you one thing.

Jo sé que durant aquests anys la meva àvia s'ha mort,

I know that during these years my grandmother has died,

i ha estat allà, ficada, i a mi m'agafa un cobriment.

And she has been there, involved, and it makes me feel overwhelmed.

Jo li tallo la tita a aquest home, eh?

I'll cut this guy's cock off, okay?

Però ràpid, eh?

But quickly, okay?

Però ni sense saber si ha passat alguna cosa, eh?

But not even knowing if something has happened, huh?

Me la suda.

I don't care.

O sigui, vine aquí, vine aquí que ho arreglem ràpid, això.

I mean, come here, come here and we'll fix this quickly.

I errant, eh?

I wander, huh?

Pel que fa al següent judici, va tenir lloc el desembre del 2020,

Regarding the following trial, it took place in December 2020.

i s'enfrontava a dos càrrecs per assassinat.

he was facing two charges of murder.

Inicialment va intentar negar que conegués

Initially, he tried to deny that he knew.

alguna de les dues dones assassinades,

one of the two murdered women,

i va intentar retreçar el judici

and tried to delay the trial

al·legant tenir una responsabilitat reduïda pels assassinats.

claiming to have reduced responsibility for the murders.

Reduïdíssima, vamos.

Reduced to the minimum, come on.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Bé, finalment, però, es va declarar culpable perquè,

Well, finally, however, he pleaded guilty because,

després de totes les proves i detalls que es van presentar

after all the evidence and details that were presented

dels seus crims davant del tribunal,

of his crimes before the tribunal,

no quedava cap dubte que ell n'era el culpable.

There was no doubt that he was the guilty one.

Finalment, doncs, va ser condemnat a cadena perpètua

Finally, he was sentenced to life imprisonment.

sense condicional pels assassinats.

without conditional for the murders.

En aquest cas, per concloure el programa,

In this case, to conclude the program,

hem hagut de recórrer al Baix Estral per confirmar,

we have had to resort to the Baix Estral to confirm,

efectivament, que quan en David entrava al dipòsit,

indeed, when David entered the deposit,

sempre saludava.

always greeted.

Rosa d'abril, morena de la serra de Montserrat,

April rose, brunette from the Montserrat mountain range,

estela del llit, l'ultimera de Catalunya d'aquí.

bed trail, the last one from Catalonia here.

I s'entornem-hi!

Let's get back to it!

Heu d'aquí un nou dia en què tornem a parlar dels mites i llegendes

Here we have a new day in which we talk again about myths and legends.

per ampliar aquest bestiar il·lustrat.

to expand this illustrated livestock.

Oh, bueno, ja en portes unes quantes, eh?

Oh, well, you already have quite a few, huh?

Bueno, d'això es tracta, anar fent disciplina i constància.

Well, that's what it’s about, practicing discipline and consistency.

Sí, sí, les teves dues grans virtuts.

Yes, yes, your two great virtues.

Eh, que sí?

Oh, really?

Eh, no.

Eh, no.



Total, que aquesta setmana et duc un personatge dels que 5

Overall, this week I'm bringing you a character that is 5.

l'haurien dins de la categoria dels genis.

They would belong in the category of geniuses.


The Alabín?

No, no, no.

No, no, no.

L'Albert Einstein.

The Albert Einstein.

No, l'Albert Einstein?

No, Albert Einstein?

Aviam, m'expliques això?

Let's see, can you explain this to me?

Home, collons, era un geni, no?

Dude, damn it, he was a genius, right?

Ah, hòstia.

Ah, damn.

Dintre d'aquestes categories que has fet,

Within these categories that you have created,

el nostre et tiraria més cap a l'Alabín,

it would pull you more towards Alabín,

però no és ni blau,

but it is neither blue,

ni surt d'una llàntia,

nor does it come out of a lamp,

ni s'amaga en una cova d'Aràbia.

nor is he hidden in a cave in Arabia.

Oh, que llàstima.

Oh, what a pity.

Ja em sap greu, però no.

I'm sorry, but no.

El geni que et porto avui és el Boca Rot.

The genius I bring you today is Boca Rot.

Que no el Boca Groc, eh?

Not the Boca Groc, right?

El Boca Groc són les persones que viuen a les rius.

The Yellow Mouth are the people who live by the rivers.

Un dia ja explicarem per què,

One day we will explain why.

però avui parlarem del Boca Rot.

But today we will talk about the Boca Rot.

Fantàstic. Vinga, doncs.

Fantastic. Come on, then.

Bona nit.

Good night.

Bon cop de fals, bocarrots de la terra.

Good blow of falsehood, earth's snouts.

Exacte, bon cop de fals.

Exactly, good fake hit.

T'haig de dir que això de fer-se gran i petit, eh?

I have to tell you that this business of getting big and small, huh?

Ara que parlem de pel·lis pornos també t'ha d'anar bé això, eh?

Now that we're talking about porn movies, this should work for you too, right?

Segons quines situacions.

According to which situations.

El bocarrot, eh?

The bocarrot, huh?

Hòstia, el bocarrot, eh?

Wow, the bocarrot, huh?

El bocarrot!

The bocarrot!

Si volíeu un nou artístic, ja el teniu.

If you wanted a new artistic one, here it is.

Doncs bé, atenció, perquè ara explicarem com funcionava la seva màgia.

Well then, pay attention, because now we will explain how their magic worked.

Aquí, els catalans ja saps que el bocarrot és un artístic, eh?

Here, you know that the bocarrot is an artistic thing, right?

Sí, és un artístic.

Yes, it is an artistic.

És un artístic.

He is an artist.

Aquí, els catalans ja saps que ens agrada donar voltes al trot i complicar-nos la vida,

Here, the Catalans already know that we like to beat around the bush and complicate our lives.



I fer-lo anar no era tan senzill com demanar de tres desitjos o fregar una llàntia.

And sending him away wasn't as simple as wishing for three wishes or rubbing a lamp.

Ja, perquè fer les coses fàcils podem ser catalans.

Yes, because by making things easy we can be Catalans.



Aquí, perquè un bocarrot dués prosperitat, la cosa anava de la següent manera.

Here, for a bocarrot to bring prosperity, it worked like this.

Ell anava fent amb un llevanter, i el bocarrot era el que feia.

He was doing it with a levanter, and the bocarrot was what he was doing.

I el bocarrot era el que feia.

And the bocarrot was what he did.

Aquí, perquè un bocarrot dués prosperitat, la cosa anava de la següent manera.

Here, for a bocarrot to bring prosperity, the thing went like this.

Ell anava fent amb un llevanter pel camp, vale?

He was wandering around the countryside with a slingshot, okay?

Hosti mira, m'acabo d'imaginar, uma pau corrent cap amunt i cap avall en un camp, Meat!

Damn look, I just imagined a peace running up and down in a field, Meat!

Que això és amb bocarrots?

Is this with holes?

I tu t'has imaginat un bocagroc corrent pel camp?

Have you imagined a yellow goat running through the field?

Pau, as coisme!

Peace, what a mess!

Devia tenir molt d'amor, Pau.

He must have had a lot of love, Pau.

Això, el bocarrot s'anava passejant amb un llevanter, vale?

This, the bocarrot was strolling around with a levant, okay?

I anava fent créixer el conreu de forma abundant.

I was growing the crop abundantly.

Així, de gratis.

So, for free.



caçar just i exactament

to hunt just and precisely

amb l'últim cop de fals, que era el que finalitzava

with the last false blow, which was the one that ended

la cega. Llavors el capturaves

the blind. Then you captured it

i apareixia automàticament

and appeared automatically

la temporada següent. Hòstia, hòstia,

the following season. Wow, wow,

hòstia, això és com tu en el format

Wow, this is like you in the format.

quan te maten, no? Exacte, torna a

when they kill you, right? Exactly, go back to

aparèixer. Tant guai.

appear. So cool.

També diuen que si te'l

They also say that if you have it

trobaves abans de capturar-lo, venies malalt.

You found him before capturing him, you were coming sick.

Era un mecanisme de defensa

It was a defense mechanism.

ancestral. Està bé, això, eh?

Ancestral. That's fine, isn't it?

Si volies faltar la feina, només n'havies d'empaitar

If you wanted to skip work, you just had to fake it.

un, i apa, eh? Ja el tenies

One, and come on, huh? You already had it.

fet. Hòstia puta. Els

Done. Holy shit. The

bocarrots, per això, es van

carrots, therefore, they went

extingir amb l'arribada de la indústria.

to extinguish with the arrival of industry.

Quan els tractors van passar a encarregar-se de la cega

When the tractors took charge of the blind.

i, per tant, ja no ho feien

and, therefore, they no longer did it

amb la fals manualment,

with the false manually,

els bocarrots van desaparèixer i no se n'ha

the bocarrots disappeared and there is no trace of them

tornat a parlar massa. Així que ja ho sabeu,

talking too much again. So you know,

si voleu tenir un bocarrot,

if you want to have a bocarrot,

aneu a assegar el camp a mà, i si no,

go and dry the field by hand, and if not,

guaita, res. Bueno, busqueu un bocagroc,

Look, nothing. Well, look for a yellow-mouthed one,

un pau, i que us corri pels puestos.

a break, and let it spread among the places.

I aviam si funciona. Posa un bocagroc

Let's see if it works. Put a yellow mouthpiece.

a carregar el camp, eh? I aviam si creix.

Let's load the field, huh? And let's see if it grows.

Aviam si funciona. Doncs

Let's see if it works. Well,

bé, nosaltres ho deixaríem aquí. Com sabeu,

well, we would leave it here. As you know,

tornarem aviat amb nous personatges

We will return soon with new characters.

trepidants, però de mentre ens podeu seguir

trembling, but in the meantime you can follow us

a Twitter i Instagram. Recordeu

to Twitter and Instagram. Remember

arroba sempre saludaven, on

@ always greeted, where

us acompanyarem aquests tristos dies fins

we will accompany you during these sad days until

que no arribi un nou episodi.

that a new episode does not arrive.

Sigueu feliços i no oblideu saludar

Be happy and don't forget to say hello.

els vostres veïns, que si mai mateu

your neighbors, that if you ever kill

algú, podran dir que sempre saludaven.

Someone, they could say that they always greeted.

Moltes gràcies i perdoneu

Thank you very much and sorry.

per l'atracament.

for the robbery.


Thank you.

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