Tres Quarts 1x13 - Aretha Fusté - "El difícil és mantindre't i que la gent s'identifiqui amb tu"

Tres Quarts

Tres Quarts

Tres Quarts 1x13 - Aretha Fusté - "El difícil és mantindre't i que la gent s'identifiqui amb tu"

Tres Quarts

El que faig és vendre, al final.

What I do is sell, in the end.

O sigui, guanyo la vida perquè venc coses que utilitzo

So, I earn a living by selling things that I use.

i mai m'he prostituït.

I have never prostituted myself.

És horrible, o sigui, jo...

It's horrible, I mean, I...

Una de les coses que no m'agrada de la meva feina

One of the things I don't like about my job.

és que fomenta una mica aquest estil de vida, no?

It does encourage this lifestyle a bit, doesn't it?

Estic fent alguna cosa que m'agrada

I am doing something that I like.

i estic cobrant el mateix que cobro aquí estan cada dia de nou a nou.

And I am earning the same as I earn here, they are each day from new to new.

Vam tenir les mateixes visites que la Kylie Jenner

We had the same visits as Kylie Jenner.

quan fa un llançament.

when making a throw.

Bon dia, bona tarda, bona nit.

Good morning, good afternoon, good night.

Són tres quarts. Som tres quarts.

It's a quarter to. We are a quarter to.

Primer quart, Àlex Llom, que si no...

First quarter, Àlex Llom, because if not...

Se'n descol·loquen les posicions. Com estàs?

The positions are becoming unaligned. How are you?

Bé, prou bé. Sí? Sí, sí.

Well, quite good. Yes? Yes, yes.

Molt bé. Que t'ha de tenir-te aquí un dia més.

Very well. You have to stay here for one more day.

Avui estem a Barcelona. Marc Valls, segon quart, com estàs?

Today we are in Barcelona. Marc Valls, second quarter, how are you?

Hòstia, avui passen tantes coses, aquí.

Damn, so many things are happening here today.

Moltes, moltes.

Many, many.

Digue'n-ne una i després les comento.

Tell me one and then I'll comment on it.

Home, que acabem la primera temporada.

Dude, let’s finish the first season.

Acabem la primera temporada.

We finish the first season.

L'últim episodi de la primera temporada.

The last episode of the first season.

13 episodis.

13 episodes.

Hem assolit una fita superbèstia.

We have achieved a superb milestone.



Bé, estem complint un objectiu, no?

Well, we are achieving a goal, aren't we?

Que no tothom ho pot fer.

Not everyone can do it.

No tothom ho pot fer.

Not everyone can do it.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Bé, i...

Well, and...

I ara parlarem d'on som, no?

And now we will talk about where we are, right?

Ara parlarem d'on som.

Now we will talk about where we are.

Després et donaré pas perquè això donarà joc.

Later I'll give you a chance because this will be interesting.

Tercer quart, Jordi Alberti, que us parla un plaer, com sempre.

Third quarter, Jordi Alberti, speaking to you, a pleasure, as always.

Avui és d'aquells dies que et presenten per primera vegada a una persona

Today is one of those days when you are introduced to someone for the first time.

i estàs convençut que ja la coneixies

And you are convinced that you already knew her.

perquè l'has vist desenes, centenars o milers de cops a la pantalla.

because you have seen it dozens, hundreds, or thousands of times on the screen.

Si parlem de números, la convidada d'avui en té per donar i per vendre.

If we talk about numbers, today's guest has plenty to spare.

Té ni més ni menys que mig milió de seguidors a Instagram

She has no more and no less than half a million followers on Instagram.

i la xifra segueix creixent si passem per TikTok i d'altres plataformes.

And the figure continues to grow if we go through TikTok and other platforms.

Estem davant, doncs, d'una influencer top del panorama nacional.

We are in the presence of a top influencer in the national landscape.

Com aconseguir aquest nivell de seguidors?

How to achieve this level of followers?

Deixarem que ens ho expliqui ella mateixa.

We'll let her explain it herself.

Aretha Fuster, com estàs?

Aretha Fuster, how are you?

Uau, quina presentació!

Wow, what a presentation!

La meitat és mentida, t'imagines?

Half of it is a lie, can you imagine?


Thank you.

He comprado followers.

I have bought followers.

No, no és veritat.

No, it is not true.

Gràcies per tenir-me aquí avui, és un plaer.

Thank you for having me here today, it is a pleasure.

Ja us he dit abans, però ho dic públicament.

I have told you before, but I say it publicly.

I no sé, no sé de què en parlareu,

I don't know, I don't know what you will talk about,

no sé què voleu que us expliqui.

I don't know what you want me to explain to you.

Una mica de tot.

A bit of everything.

Una mica de tot,

A little bit of everything,

però estic encantada de xerrar una mica amb vosaltres aquí avui.

but I am delighted to chat a little with you here today.

Molt bé.

Very well.

Bueno, sempre que comencem amb el mateix,

Well, as long as we start with the same thing,

passarem per la pregunta del Marc

we will go through Marc's question

per inaugurar el darrer podcast de la temporada.

to inaugurate the last podcast of the season.

Va, som-hi.

Come on, let's go.



Que fort, l'últim capítol.

How intense, the last chapter.

L'últim, l'últim.

The last, the last.

I després explicarem on.

And then we will explain where.

Que no se'ns passi.

Let it not escape us.

Això mateix.

Exactly that.

Aretha, Aretha Fuster és influencer o empresària?

Aretha, is Aretha Fuster an influencer or a businesswoman?

Ha sigut empresària.

She has been a businesswoman.

Bueno, jo sempre dic que defenc la tesitura que la gent quan ens coneix per allò del col·lectiu

Well, I always say that I defend the position that people, when they get to know us because of the collective...

ens veu com influencer i ja està.

They see us as influencers and that's it.

Per començar, jo crec que ens hem de definir com persones.

To begin with, I think we need to define ourselves as people.

Som persones i som empresàries o empresaris,

We are people and we are entrepreneurs.

però som la nostra pròpia empresa en base a la nostra imatge,

but we are our own company based on our image,

cosa que costa de veure encara després de 10 o 15 anys del sector.

something that is still hard to see even after 10 or 15 years in the industry.

Aleshores, sí, considero que soc empresària perquè visc de la meva pròpia imatge

So, yes, I consider myself an entrepreneur because I live off my own image.

i, a més, soc empresària.

And, furthermore, I am a businesswoman.

La gent del meu voltant també depèn d'això.

The people around me also depend on this.

Aleshores, sí, seria empresària, creadora de contingut, digue-li com vulguis.

So yes, I would be an entrepreneur, a content creator, call it whatever you want.

Al final, crec que la categoria dóna una mica més igual, la veritat.

In the end, I think the category matters a little bit less, to be honest.

Perquè aquí, per curiositat, ets directament autònoma

Because here, out of curiosity, you are directly self-employed.

o hi ha un vehicle, una societat al darrere?

Is there a vehicle, a society behind it?

No, soc autònoma, hijo mío, sí.

No, I am self-employed, my son, yes.

Soc autònoma.

I am self-employed.

És un tema complicat perquè, legalment, que no em mati,

It's a complicated issue because, legally, that it doesn't kill me,

si algú sap una altra resposta, que m'ajudi, sisplau,

if anyone knows another answer, please help me.

però sempre m'han recomanat fer això.

but I have always been recommended to do this.

No, soc autònoma perquè, legalment,

No, I am self-employed because, legally,

estem com a un mòdul que, com que ha sortit fa poc el nostre ofici,

we are like a module that, since our profession has just come out recently,

no està categoritzat dins dels autònoms com a creadors de contenidors.

it is not categorized among self-employed as creators of containers.

Aleshores, jo soc al sector de la publicitat,

So, I am in the advertising sector,

que, de fet, vaig estudiar publicitat i ja estava,

that, in fact, I studied advertising and was already there,

i com a autònom, tal qual.

And as a freelancer, just like that.

O sigui, no puc ser empresa perquè visc de la meva pròpia imatge.

So, I can't be a business because I live off my own image.

Podria fer trampes i subcontractar-me i coses així, que no ho vull fer.

I could cheat and subcontract myself and things like that, but I don't want to do it.

Aleshores, soc com a autònoma normal.

So, I am like a normal self-employed person.



No estava contemplat, veus?

It wasn't contemplated, you see?

No. Es poden fer coses...

No. Things can be done...

Per exemple, si jo estingués a una agència de representació,

For example, if I were at a representation agency,

que tampoc és el cas, podria contractar-me si jo fes un negoci.

which is not the case either, he could hire me if I started a business.

Jo vaig obrir una empresa, però la van vendre,

I opened a company, but it was sold.

que no tenia a veure perquè era vendre productes,

that had nothing to do with selling products,

i no podia fer l'acord,

and I couldn't make the agreement,

però, bueno, tampoc m'ha interessat fer-ho en cap moment, eh?

but, well, I haven't been interested in doing it at any moment, ok?

De moment, tot legal.

For now, all legal.

Ja el tocarem, si no, però tu ja has sigut entrenadora...

We'll touch on it later, but you have already been a coach...

És que fa molts anys, també, un s'avorreix d'una mateixa

It's just that many years ago, one also gets bored of oneself.

i has d'anar provant coses i anar mirant.

You have to keep trying things and keep looking.

I et van movent altres coses i també has crescut.

Other things are moving you and you have also grown.

Aleshores, doncs, vaig provant.

So then, I keep trying.

Hòstia, hi ha tantes preguntes.

Wow, there are so many questions.

Sí, sí, m'encanta.

Yes, yes, I love it.

Posem ordre perquè se'ns passarà.

Let's get organized before it gets away from us.

Avui som a casa de Fèlix Colomer Vallès,

Today we are at Fèlix Colomer Vallès's house,

un molt bon amic, que, a més a més, és...

a very good friend, who, besides that, is...

Com a professional, és conegut com a director de cinema.

As a professional, he is known as a film director.

No ens ha pogut acompanyar, però...

He hasn't been able to join us, but...

No ens ha pogut acompanyar perquè, a més, està als Estats Units,

She couldn't join us because, furthermore, she is in the United States.

ara mateix, gravant un nou documental.

Right now, recording a new documentary.

És expert.

He is an expert.

És expert referent en cinema documental.

He is a leading expert in documentary cinema.

I, davant meu, avui tenim un motge.

I, before me, today we have a monk.

Un motge que la càmera...

A monk that the camera...

Sí, és el que sembla.

Yes, it is what it seems.

Però, vaja, és un motge del seu penis,

But, come on, it's a bite of his penis,

que, si algú vol veure més en detall,

that if someone wants to see in more detail,

doncs el trobarà a un dels capítols que té a la plataforma HBO Max.

Well, you will find it in one of the episodes available on the HBO Max platform.

Les vides de Fèlix.

The lives of Fèlix.

On parla de molts i molts temes i un d'ells, doncs, és el porno

We talk about many, many topics and one of them, therefore, is porn.

i, en concret, doncs, hi posa pel mig.

and, specifically, then, it puts it in the middle.

Aquesta peça tan preuada.

This highly valued piece.

Aquesta figura.

This figure.



Així que ho deixem aquí.

So we leave it here.

O sigui...

I mean...

Gràcies, Fèlix, per l'espai.

Thank you, Fèlix, for the space.

Tenim un tòtem a la taula.

We have a totem on the table.

Està bé.

It's okay.

La gent es preguntarà, és real?

People will wonder, is it real?

És real.

It is real.

Ho deixem a la imaginació.

We leave it to the imagination.

Escala 1 a 1, eh?

Scale 1 to 1, huh?

Vull dir...

I mean...

És real?

Is it real?

O sigui, és real?

So, is it real?

És real, és real.

It's real, it's real.

És real.

It is real.

Tal qual.

Just like that.

Segueix fent olor, vull dir que l'aparto i...

It still smells, I mean that I move it away and...

És clar.

Of course.

Bueno, no ens perdem.

Well, let's not get lost.

Així que seguim, va.

So let's continue, come on.

Vinga, va.

Come on, let's go.

A les hores, molt breument, Areta, qui diries que ets?

So, very briefly, Areta, who would you say you are?

Jo sóc una dona...

I am a woman...

No va dir noia, però ja crec que és dona.

She didn't say girl, but I believe she is a woman.

Una dona creativa que valora molt el seu temps

A creative woman who values her time greatly.

i que li agrada viure d'algú que li agrada.

and that he/she likes to live with someone whom he/she likes.

I això m'ha portat aquí.

And that has brought me here.

Que filosòfico, no.

How philosophical, right?

És molt més senzill.

It's much simpler.

Jo t'explico una mica.

I'll explain a little to you.

Vaig estudiar públic i relacions públiques.

I studied public and public relations.

Va ser la carrera que vaig estudiar.

It was the degree I studied.

I sempre m'ha agradat molt el món de la comunicació.

I have always really liked the world of communication.

També volia ser veterinària.

She also wanted to be a veterinarian.

Però no soc bona física ni amatès.

But I am neither a good physicist nor a good lover.

Aleshores, pues, inviable.

Then, well, unfeasible.

I m'encanten també els animals.

I also love animals.

Però vaig decantar-me per la comunicació.

But I opted for communication.

És una cosa que a casa s'ha viscut molt.

It's something that has been very experienced at home.

Perquè el meu pare va obrir la primera escola de publicitat de Catalunya

Because my father opened the first advertising school in Catalonia.

fa molts anys.

many years ago.

I la meva mare va fer Belles Arts.

And my mother studied Fine Arts.

Aleshores, la creativitat a casa està molt present.

So, creativity at home is very present.

I a mi m'agrada la comunicació.

And I like communication.

Millor en castellà que en català, però...

Better in Spanish than in Catalan, but...

Però, bueno, vaig decidir fer això i vaig començar com tots.

But, well, I decided to do this and I started like everyone else.

Vaig començar a pràctiques, vaig entrar a agències de públic.

I started an internship, I entered public agencies.

I mentrestant es va crear Instagram,

Meanwhile, Instagram was created.

quan sol existiria pels iPhones.

When will there be a sun for iPhones?

Sol tenir Instagram qui tenia iPhone.

Only those who had an iPhone have Instagram.

Molt heavy, fa molts anys.

Very heavy, many years ago.

I me'l vaig obrir i vaig començar a penjar les meves mogudes

I opened it and started to post my moves.

en plan, pues, de roba.

like, well, of clothing.

Això quin any va ser?

What year was that?

Sóc molt dolenta amb els anys, però...

I am very bad with years, but...

2000, no? O 2010? És que no me'n recordo.

2000, right? Or 2010? I can't remember.

Fa molt.

A long time ago.

Ha plogut, ha plogut.

It has rained, it has rained.

Sí, sí, sí, ja soc vieja. Molt heavy.

Yes, yes, yes, I am already old. Very heavy.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

I me'l vaig obrir i vaig començar d'una manera...

I opened it and started in a way...

O sigui, sempre ha anat d'una manera super...

So it has always been in a super way...

Poc a poc, o sigui, molt...

Little by little, I mean, a lot...

Com s'hi diu?

What is it called?

Molt progressiva, molt progressiva.

Very progressive, very progressive.

Que no em sortia.

I couldn't figure it out.

No ha sigut com un superboom per algun especial.

It hasn't been like a superboom for any special reason.

I vaig començar a compartir una mica la meva vida,

I started to share a bit of my life,

la meva manera de veure les coses.

my way of seeing things.

I, pues, la gent em seguia.

Well, the people followed me.

Em vaig obrir un blog perquè quan estava a la uni

I started a blog because when I was at university.

una profe em va dir,

a teacher told me,

Areta, tu t'agrada això?

Areta, do you like this?

Tu tens talent per escriure, per fer fotos, tant no sé què?

You have talent for writing, for taking photos, so I don't know what?

Prova, per tenir una afició.

Try to have a hobby.

I el vaig obrir i tenia un munt de visites.

And I opened it and it had a lot of views.

I, pues, res, ara si el veus et rius.

I, well, nothing, now if you see him you laugh.

Però en aquella època, pues, estava bé.

But at that time, it was fine.

I ho vaig compaginar amb Instagram i amb la feina

I combined it with Instagram and with work.

fins que un dia vaig veure que em sortien...

until one day I saw that they were coming out...

La primera vegada...

The first time...

O sigui, em va sortir la primera campanya

So, my first campaign came up.

i jo estava treballant a l'agència de públic.

And I was working at the public agency.

I vaig dir, ui, en plan...

I said, oops, like...

Estic obrant i estic fent alguna cosa que m'agrada

I am working and I am doing something I like.

i estic obrant el mateix que cobro aquí estan cada dia

I am doing the same as I earn here every day.

de nou a nou, perquè una agència de públic,

from November to November, because a public agency,

per qui no ho sàpiga,

for those who don't know,

no hi ha tobogans i habitacions i dutxes.

There are no slides and rooms and showers.

Perquè sí, és perquè estàs allà ficat tot el dia.

Because yes, it's because you're stuck there all day.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

I vaig decidir, doncs,

I decided, then,


to risk myself.

La meva parella, aleshores, em va ajudar molt

My partner, then, helped me a lot.

perquè em va dir...

because he/she told me...

Clar, vivíem...

Of course, we lived...

Estàvem fora de casa ja,

We were already outside the house,

teníem les nostres responsabilitats i factures que pagar.

we had our responsibilities and bills to pay.

I era una mica com la por de...

It was a bit like the fear of...

Què faré?

What will I do?

I jo sempre vaig pensar, pues, si no torno,

And I always thought, well, if I don't return,

el pitjor que em pot passar, què és?

the worst thing that can happen to me, what is it?

Que torni a demanar feina, no?

Let him apply for a job again, right?

No et preocupa gaire, massa.

Don't worry too much.

Sóc bastant espavilada per això.

I'm quite clever because of that.

I fins avui.

And until today.

Mai he tornat, mai m'he repentit,

I have never returned, I have never regretted,

tot ha anat a millor,

everything has gone better,

he après moltes coses

I have learned many things.

i m'agrada el que faig,

I like what I do,

pese a que el món en què estic no m'agrada.

despite the fact that the world I am in does not please me.

A mi, quan em diuen influencer, tal,

For me, when they call me an influencer, like,

jo penso...

I think...

Que palo.

What a bummer.

Odio aquest termini, no?

I hate this term, right?

I el que implica,

And what it implies,

perquè ja és com la teva etiqueta

because it is already like your label

i generalment està atribuïda a coses negatives

and is generally attributed to negative things

o molt superficials.

or very superficial.

I crec que, doncs, ara

I think that, then, now

s'estan començant a conèixer altres perfils

Other profiles are starting to be recognized.

o altres persones,

or other people,

o, bueno, s'està fent una mica més de nicho,

Oh, well, it's becoming a bit more niche.

que no sé com es diu en català, nicho.

I don't know how to say it in Catalan, niche.

Un íntol.

An intimate.

Ah, sí? Igual? Vale.

Ah, really? Same? Okay.

És semblant.

It is similar.

I, bueno, doncs, ara una mica millor.

Well, then, now a little better.

Més orgullosa, també,

More proud, too,

perquè jo em sento orgullosa del que faig,

because I feel proud of what I do,

però del sector, doncs, no tant.

but of the sector, then, not so much.

De fet, això que comentaves

In fact, what you were mentioning.

seria una mica la pregunta que t'anava a fer

It would be a bit like the question I was going to ask you.

del món influencer,

from the influencer world,

de què és exactament la figura de l'influencer,

what exactly is the figure of the influencer,

tant per tu com fins i tot

both for you and even

com creus que està concebuda o percebuda

how do you think it is conceived or perceived

per les altres persones.

for the other people.

Sí, jo crec que per mi està d'una manera

Yes, I think it's one way for me.

i per la resta de gent diferent.

and for the rest of different people.

Un creador de contingut

A content creator

no és més que una persona, jo crec,

it's nothing more than a person, I believe,

que interessa per algun motiu,

that is of interest for some reason,

la gent la segueix per algun motiu,

people follow her for some reason,

ja sigui...

whether it be...

Esport, vida privada,

Sport, private life,

viatges, per el motiu que sigui,

trips, for whatever reason,

i que és capaç de fer

and what is capable of doing

que la gent compri

that people buy

els productes o serveis

the products or services

que les marques volen que vengui,

that brands want me to sell,



Això seria com influencer,

This would be like an influencer,

perquè al final no deixes d'influenciar,

because in the end you don't stop influencing,

però també pots influenciar en un estil de vida,

but you can also influence a lifestyle,

en coses positives o en coses negatives,

in positive things or in negative things,

i fa un canvi al públic,

and make a change to the audience,

o simplement entreteniment,

or simply entertainment,

i t'agrada i per això el consumeixes.

You like it and that's why you consume it.

És una mica barreja d'algunes coses,

It's a bit of a mix of some things,

i per haver sigut molt sincera des del principi,

and for having been very sincere from the beginning,

doncs el que faig és vendre, al final.

So what I do is sell, in the end.

O sigui, guanyo la vida perquè venc,

So, I earn a living because I win,

però venc coses que m'agraden molt,

but I sell things that I really like,

que utilitzo,

that I use,

i mai m'he prostituït, per dir-ho d'alguna manera.

And I have never prostituted myself, so to speak.

No has venut res de contracord, no?

You haven't sold anything against the agreement, have you?



Jo sempre ho explico,

I always explain it.

i crec que m'han taxat i ja m'han fet la cruz,

I think they have taxed me and have already given me the cross.

però em van oferir un molt bon acord

but they offered me a very good deal

fa molts anys de Coca-Cola,

many years of Coca-Cola,

i jo mai...

and I never...

Sí que he cuidat molt...

Yes, I have taken great care...

Jo bec Coca-Cola, igual que menjo McDonald's,

I drink Coca-Cola, just like I eat McDonald's.

però no és una cosa que faci habitualment.

but it's not something I do regularly.

Intento cuidar una mica la meva salut

I try to take care of my health a little.

i no promocionaré alguna cosa que jo crec que no va bé

and I will not promote something that I believe is not good

per la resta de persones.

for the rest of the people.

O sigui, no és una cosa molt positiva, diguem-ne, no?

So, it's not a very positive thing, let's say, right?

O sigui, creus que teniu una responsabilitat...

So, you think you have a responsibility...

Jo, per mi, sí que la tinc.

I, for me, yes, I have it.

Jo sempre he considerat que sí que la tinc.

I have always considered that I do have it.

Per mi és important.

It is important to me.

Si jo fumés, no sortiria fumant,

If I smoked, I wouldn't go out smoking,

o altres coses,

or other things,

no vull donar aquesta imatge.

I do not want to give this image.

Jo sé que pot...

I know that you can...

Jo tinc cap com perquè no m'influenciïn,

I have my head on so that I'm not influenced.

però sé que, pese a que el públic és de la meva edat,

but I know that, even though the audience is my age,

més o menys,

more or less,

o sigui, 25-35 és el target principal,

that is, 25-35 is the main target,

hi ha gent jove.

there are young people.

I si puc canviar alguna cosa cap a positiu,

And if I can change something for the better,

ho intentaré fer sempre.

I will always try to do it.

Sense l'extrem, eh?

Without the extreme, right?

Perquè, si no, la pressió i l'autoexigència,

Because, if not, the pressure and the self-demand,

doncs, també...

well, also...

Tampoc és que sigui jo l'activista de torn i ho faci tot perfecte,

It's not like I'm the activist of the moment and I do everything perfectly,

però ho intento,

but I try,

o intento fer-ho de la millor manera que jo puc fer-ho.

I try to do it in the best way I can.

I l'altra cara de la moneda, que deies que no t'agrada...

And the other side of the coin, which you said you don't like...

Bueno, perquè no deixa de ser un món bastant superficial,

Well, because it is still a rather superficial world,

o que fins ara s'ha vist molt superficial,

or what has been seen so far very superficially,

i és complicat,

and it's complicated,

tenir-te que justificar

having to justify you

o tenir que estar sempre,

or have to always be,



incluint-te en aquesta imatge.

including you in this image.

O sigui, per exemple, jo sempre ho dic,

That is to say, for example, I always say it,

soc molt dual i soc molt equilibri.

I am very dual and I am very balanced.

Em pot agradar la roba, el maquillatge,

I may like clothing, makeup,

com podeu veure, o arreglar-me,

As you can see, or fix me,

i puc tenir uns ideals i una manera de pensar

I can have ideals and a way of thinking.

que no tenen a veure amb la meva imatge.

that have nothing to do with my image.

I penso, per què no?

I think, why not?

O sigui, no tinc per què ser hippie

So, I don't have to be a hippie.

i salvar vellenes, puc salvar vellenes...

and save old ladies, I can save old ladies...

No sé, saps el que vull dir-te?

I don't know, do you know what I want to tell you?

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Bueno, no aniria maquillada, però...

Well, I wouldn't go with makeup, but...

No, no, ja...

No, no, already...

Tinc una dualitat molt gran,

I have a very great duality,

i m'agrada una mica no deixar de reflexar

I like it a little not to stop reflecting.

el que soc tal qual.

what I am is just that.

Però, generalment, aquest món d'influencer

But, generally, this world of influencers

o de generador de contingut

or content generator

sempre té una part més negativa

it always has a more negative side

de cara al públic que positiva.

facing the public positively.

Sempre és com aquests que no fan res i se guanyen la vida.

It's always like those who do nothing and earn a living.

Uno, posa't-ho a fer tu,

One, do it yourself.

intenta-ho, ningú t'ho impedeix,

try it, no one is stopping you,

i dos, ens guanyem la vida bé

And two, we earn our living well.

perquè tenim un retorn

because we have a return

que està comprovat

that is verified

i que jo sé...

and as far as I know...

A mi em poden dir, ara t'estàs corrent això per això.

They can tell me, now you are running this for that.

Sí, estic cobrant això,

Yes, I am earning this,

però és que jo sé que retorno això,

but I know that I return this,

aleshores està mal pagat.

then it is underpaid.

M'entens o no?

Do you understand me or not?

Per molt que jo sé,

As far as I know,

les escales poden semblar a vegades

the stairs can sometimes seem

depèn de la feina grans,

it depends on the big work,

però és que hi ha gent que té un retorn increïble.

but there are people who have an incredible return.

O sigui, que esgoten el servei,

That is to say, they exhaust the service,

el producte o el que sigui, saps?

the product or whatever, you know?

Ara, ara en parlarem de...

Now, now we will talk about...

Són números, números, números.

They are numbers, numbers, numbers.

Sí, això és fort.

Yes, that is strong.

Llavors, l'areta que veiem per pantalla,

Then, the alert that we see on the screen,

quin percentatge...

what percentage...

És tal qual, aquesta.

It is just like that.

Mira, tothom que em coneix,

Look, everyone who knows me,

ho sap.

he knows.

O sigui, tu el que veus, puc estar...

So, what you see, I can be...

O sigui, si estic cabrejadíssima

So, if I'm really pissed off.

o m'estic barallant amb la meva parella

I'm either fighting with my partner.

o estic de mala qüestió un dia,

I'm having a bad day,

doncs poder...

well maybe...

No soc tan explícita com seria a casa meva,

I am not as explicit as I would be at my home.

però ho explico.

but I will explain it.

Fa uns anys enrere sí que també ho explico,

A few years ago, I also explain it.

però no em gravo en aquells moments.

but I don't record myself in those moments.

Jo sempre ho dic,

I always say it,

tu comparteixes una foto amb la teva parella,

you share a photo with your partner,

el dia que estàs content amb la teva parella

the day you are happy with your partner

i una foto que t'agrada, que et veus bé o tal,

and a photo that you like, where you look good or something like that,

no comparteixes...

you don't share...

És que bàsicament no t'estàs gravant

It's just that basically you're not recording yourself.

o no estàs fent contingut

or you're not creating content

o no t'estàs exposant

or you are not exposing yourself

en el moment que és negatiu

at the moment it is negative

o que estàs en una situació

or that you are in a situation

una mica més vulnerable, sensible o negativa, no?

A little more vulnerable, sensitive, or negative, right?

Però el que tu veus és molt del que soc.

But what you see is a lot of who I am.

Sí que és veritat que és un percentatge molt més petit,

It is indeed true that it is a much smaller percentage,

perquè jo sempre ho dic, un reality,

because I always say it, a reality,

doncs m'encantaria fer-lo,

then I would love to do it,

però no és un reality, no estic 24-7.

but it's not a reality, I'm not 24-7.

Al final estàs gravant, estàs fent feina,

In the end, you are recording, you are doing work,

estàs fent un contingut X per la marca X,

you are creating content X for brand X,

o sigui, és real, però jo soc tal qual.

I mean, it's real, but I am just the way I am.

I la gent que em coneix ho sap, que tal qual...

And the people who know me know it, just as it is...

O la gent que em coneix, per exemple,

Or the people who know me, for example,

vam fer un viatge a les Maldives,

we took a trip to the Maldives,

a les Maldives local,

in the local Maldives,

amb una...

with a...

amb una agència, que no diré el nom,

with an agency, which I won't name,

i la gent em deia

and the people would tell me

que guai, et segueixo fa molts anys

How cool, I have been following you for many years.

i ets tal qual...

and you are just like that...

O sigui, com que no els s'ho prenia,

That is to say, since he didn't take it seriously,

perquè ja em coneixen,

because they already know me,

hi ha molta confiança i són molts anys,

there is a lot of trust and it has been many years,

i la gent ja sap.

And people already know.

O sigui, jo si fes alguna cosa que no em pega,

I mean, if I did something that doesn't suit me,

la gent em diria

people would tell me

que això no eres tu.

that this wasn't you.

La gent ja ho sap,

People already know it,

és com si fossin amics teus,

it's as if they were your friends,

o sigui, és real.

that is to say, it is real.

És que t'has exposat durant molt de temps.

You have been exposed for a long time.

Clar, però costaria molt d'amagar

Of course, but it would be very difficult to hide.

un personatge sempre darrere la càmera, no?

a character always behind the camera, right?

Sí, però clar, si hi ha diners pel mig...

Yes, but of course, if there is money involved...

Si jo començo, o simplement veig

If I start, or simply see

que em comencen a venir marques...

that marks are starting to come to me...

I em ve un Coca-Cola, per exemple...

I feel like a Coca-Cola, for example...

Bueno, sí, clar, la seva resposta va ser

Well, yes, of course, her response was

et paguem el doble.

we'll pay you double.

Em paguen un pastó, et comences a pervertir molt fàcil.

They pay me a lot, you start to get perverted very easily.

I deixes de ser tu.

And you stop being you.

No, perquè també és super lícit.

No, because it is also totally legitimate.

Hi ha gent que té l'objectiu de fer aquesta feina

There are people whose goal is to do this job.

perquè el seu objectiu és comprar-se

because their goal is to buy themselves

una casa abans dels 35.

a house before 35.

O sigui, cadascú té...

That is, everyone has...

Jo sempre ho dic, jo no puc parlar en nom

I always say it, I cannot speak on behalf.

de tots els influencers

of all the influencers

de Catalunya o d'Espanya.

from Catalonia or from Spain.

És com una.

It's like one.

Tu tens el Fontanero, que et ve

You have the plumber coming to you.

i et treballa superbé de puta mare

And it works superbly for you, fucking great.

i et ve un altre que te la lia i et trenca la paret

and another one comes who messes it up for you and breaks your wall.

i te la deixa ahí. Fatal.

And leaves it there. Terrible.

Jo no puc parlar per nom d'ells.

I cannot speak on their behalf.

Jo sé el que faig jo, el que intento i el que m'agrada.

I know what I'm doing, what I'm trying, and what I like.

I hi ha gent que jo conec

And there are people that I know.

que la seva prioritat

that their priority

és una altra, és diferent.

It's another one, it's different.

Es vendran a totes les marques que puguin

They will be sold to all the brands they can.

perquè és lícit,

because it is lawful,

perquè fan un contingut com si fos

because they make content as if it were

un anunci de la tele

a television advertisement

i compleixen el briefing

they meet the briefing

tal qual els hi passen

as they happen to them

i simplement el que volen és facturar

And what they simply want is to bill.

i és super lícit també.

and it is also completely legitimate.

I si tu estàs seguint aquella persona

And if you are following that person

doncs no sé per quin motiu seràs.

well, I don’t know why you will be.

Ara perquè o et fa gràcia o et rius

Now because either it amuses you or you laugh.

o perquè és còmic o perquè t'has enamorat

or because it is funny or because you have fallen in love

del seu personatge que no és real

of her character that is not real

no té per què ser una exposició real

it doesn't have to be a real exhibition

de la teva vida. En el meu cas una mica sí

of your life. In my case, a little yes

però no té per què, saps?

but it doesn't have to, you know?

Hi ha una mica de tot.

There is a bit of everything.

Però veient el panorama així una mica en perspectiva

But seeing the situation like this a little in perspective

creus que hi ha més aretes?

do you think there are more earrings?

Que sigui gent fidel als seus valors?

That they be people faithful to their values?

Jo crec que hi ha gent fidel

I believe that there are faithful people.

però a la gent...

but to the people...

No és la majoria

It is not the majority.

i a la gent cada vegada li costa més

And people are finding it more and more difficult.




to expose oneself

perquè per exemple quan vam començar

because for example when we started

YouTube, Instagram

YouTube, Instagram

era com molt més real perquè no hi havia

it was much more real because there was not

tant hate, no hi havia tanta cancel·lació

so much hate, there wasn't that much cancellation

ara dius, tires un pet i la gent et cancela

now you say, you let out a fart and people cancel you

en plan, la gent és molt passada

Like, people are really over the top.

hi ha molt odi que la gent necessita

there is a lot of hate that people need

treure i al final pues haces de putximbol

take out and in the end well you act like a fool

però és veritat

but it is true

ara et cancel·len per tot i la gent

now they cancel you for everything and people

per exemple de referent

for example of reference

ja gairebé no parlen

they hardly speak anymore

ja gairebé no fan campanyes

they hardly run campaigns anymore

i quatre coses més

and four more things

i és una pena perquè el guai també és veure

And it's a shame because the cool thing is also to see.

les persones que hi ha darrere

the people behind it

ha canviat molt la indústria, són molts anys

The industry has changed a lot, it's been many years.

I tu de cara a allò que pots

And you in terms of what you can.

comercialitzar o publicitar

to market or advertise

tens línies vermelles?

Do you have red lines?

A què et refereixes?

What do you mean?

De dir això mai ho tocaria

By saying this, I would never touch it.

per exemple, com has dit abans

for example, as you said before

allò de fomentar la mala alimentació

that of promoting poor nutrition

Bueno, sí, jo crec que les coses

Well, yes, I think that things

que jo...

that I...

Bueno, si és que línies vermelles

Well, if there are red lines

o si per exemple

or if for example

algú que sigui com

someone who is like

és que no sé què podria ser negatiu

I just don't know what could be negative.

però algú que sigui com inciti a l'odi

but someone who incites hate

o a la rivalitat o alguna cosa així

or rivalry or something like that

no sé qui podria incitar això

I don't know who could incite this.

o per exemple si hi ha algú relacionat

or for example if there is someone related



no sé, hi ha marques

I don't know, there are brands.

que no vull dir

that I don’t want to say

hi ha marques i companyies que fan accions

there are brands and companies that take actions

o que tenen una imatge

or that have an image

que per mi és com una mica

that for me is somewhat



no cutre, denigrant

not shabby, derogatory

o sigui, no per imatge teva

in other words, not for your image

que això no ho faria

that I wouldn't do this

però sí que alimentació

but it is food

o coses que puguin afectar-te a tu com a persona

or things that may affect you as a person

en plan a tu benestar

in terms of your well-being

mental o físic

mental or physical

intentaria no fer-ho, òbviament

I would try not to do it, obviously.

Hi ha bon clima dins d'aquest sector

There is a good atmosphere within this sector.

aquí a Espanya?

here in Spain?

Sí, o sigui

Yes, I mean.

per exemple ara es parla molt de

for example, now there is a lot of talk about

el TikTok ha vingut molt fort després de la quarantena

TikTok has become very popular after the quarantine.

de la gent tenint el seu estat

of the people having their state

però al final jo penso

but in the end I think

és de puta mare

it's fucking great

perquè això el fan que relo torna a alimentar-se

because this makes the clock start feeding again

entre ells i fer-se visites

between them and making visits to each other

és més, no més la gent jove

it's more, not just young people

però jo crec que també estic

but I think I am too

poder a un sector

power to a sector

o a l'edat

or at the age

o quan van començar que ens coneixem totes

or when did we all start getting to know each other

i et pots portar bé o malament

and you can behave well or badly

però al final són companyies de feina

but in the end they are work companies

i tampoc hi ha molta merda entre nosaltres

and there's not much shit between us either

sí que hi ha gent jove

Yes, there are young people.

que no és perquè sigui gent jove

that it's not because they are young people

però sí que es porta una mica més

but it does become a bit more manageable

les crítiques

the criticisms

però no és una mica

but isn't it a bit

el meu estil

my style

potser perquè és més nou

maybe because it is newer

i la gent jove ha vist més això

And the young people have seen more of this.

que no pas el que havíeu fet vosaltres

than what you had done.

que porteu més temps

how long have you been carrying?

i independentment de si ets fidel

and regardless of whether you are faithful

o no al que anuncies

or not to what you announce

quins astres creus

which stars do you believe?

que s'han d'alinear

that must be aligned

perquè acabis sent

so that you end up being

un creador de contingut

a content creator

o de referència

or reference

perquè clar, veus

because of course, you see

tot de joves

all young people

que el seu objectiu és ser youtuber

that their goal is to be a YouTuber



i decideixen fer això

and they decide to do this

de dir

to say

jo seré això

I will be this.

perquè en el teu cas

because in your case

estàs dient que vas ser super orgànic

you are saying that you were super organic

i que vas esdevenir això

and how did you become this

perquè t'hi vas fer clar

because you made it clear

al final jo crec que són molts factors

In the end, I believe that there are many factors.

l'època en què jo vaig néixer

the time when I was born

en les xarxes no és la mateixa que ara

on the networks is not the same as now

ara és molt més difícil

now it is much more difficult

perquè hi ha molta més gent

because there are many more people

i hi ha un coneixement

and there is a knowledge

que hem creat aquesta professió nosaltres

that we have created this profession ourselves

jo estic en aquest sac

I am in this sack.

però sí que és veritat que crec que és factor

but it is indeed true that I believe it is a factor

una mica sort

a bit of luck

és factor que tu tinguis

it is a factor that you have

alguna cosa diferent i especial

something different and special

i que ho sàpigues transmetre

and that you know how to convey it

o comunicar

or to communicate

i també treballar

and also work

que la gent es pensa que et ve gratis les coses

that people think things come to you for free

i que has d'estar picant pedra

And you have to be breaking stones.

com todo hijo de vecino

like every other person

durant tants anys

for so many years

perquè després hi ha una altra cosa

because then there is another thing

que és que hi ha gent que fa

what is it that there are people who do

un descobriment o un pico

a discovery or a peak

es fa famosa

she becomes famous

però després mantindrat

but then maintained

és el problema

it's the problem

o sigui si tu vols viure

that is, if you want to live

durant uns quants anys d'això

for a few years after that

has de ser una mica intel·ligent

you have to be a little intelligent

i currar-t'ho

I'll work it out.

i guanyar-te una

and win one for you

una credibilitat

a credibility

per tu

for you

això és el difícil

this is the difficult part

que justament ho parlàvem l'altre dia

that we were just talking about the other day

amb unes companyes

with some colleagues

joder, hace 10 años

fuck, 10 years ago

dius, és que el difícil no és fer un pico

You say, it's just that the difficult part isn't getting a peak.

i de sobte sortir a tot arreu

and suddenly go out everywhere

i fer un any d'anuncis

and make a year of announcements

o tal, tal, tal

or such, such, such

no, el difícil és

no, the difficult thing is


to keep yourself

i haver fet alguna cosa

and having done something

que la gent es senti identificada amb tu

that people feel identified with you

que al final

that in the end

jo tampoc et sé dir què he fet jo

I also can't tell you what I have done.

jo crec que el que passa és

I believe that what is happening is

la realitat

the reality

o la cercania

or the closeness

que jo tinc amb les persones

that I have with people

que és el que més m'agrada del món

what I like the most in the world

al marge de la meva feina

on the sidelines of my work

a mi m'agrada molt

I like it a lot.

m'agrada conèixer

I like to know.

m'agrada saber de la gent

I like to know about people.

jo què sé

I don't know.


I like it.

no sé, sóc així

I don't know, I am like this.

i crec que la gent es sent identificada

I believe that people feel identified.

com si fos una amiga més

as if she were another friend

com si em poguessin explicar qualsevol cosa

as if they could explain anything to me

es senten identificats

they feel identified

amb les meves mogudes

with my moves

les bones, les dolentes

the good ones, the bad ones

tampoc les he amagat mai

I have never hidden them either.

quan he estat vulnerable

when I have been vulnerable

o també ho he ensenyat

or I have also taught it

no sé

I don't know.

és bastant normal

it's quite normal

el meu perfil

my profile

això em crida l'atenció

this catches my attention

no sé com

I don't know how.

com ho portes

How are you doing?

a nivell de gestió emocional

at the level of emotional management

el tema de

the subject of

potser ser una persona

it could be a person

molt problemàtica

very problematic

protagonista de la seva vida

protagonist of their life

i exposar-ho molt

and expose it very much

no sé

I don't know.

no sé com ho gestiones

I don't know how you manage it.

a nivell d'això que deies

in terms of what you were saying

de si tens un mal moment

if you are having a bad time

ho exposes

it exposes

si tens un mal moment

if you are having a tough time

també, no?

also, right?

vull dir

I mean

és complicat

it's complicated

o sigui ara

that is now

la meva resposta és super diferent

my answer is super different

a fa cinc anys

five years ago

per exemple

for example

he après també amb els anys

I have also learned over the years.



la gent del meu entorn

the people around me

també ha canviat molt

has also changed a lot

he tingut problemes

I have had problems.

per exposar

to expose

o sigui he tingut conseqüències

so I've had consequences

més que problemes

more than problems

per una exposició

for an exhibition

de persones del meu voltant

of people around me

i meves

and yours



quan m'han passat coses

when things have happened to me



relacionades amb l'exposició

related to the exhibition

no meva

not mine

sinó del meu voltant

but of my surroundings

també he après

I have also learned.

i he après

I have learned.

i ho he explicat

and I have explained it

i la manera de gestionar-ho

and the way to manage it

ara és diferent

now it is different

o sigui jo exposo

that is to say I expose

però exposo un 30%

but I expose a 30%

de les coses

of the things



problemes de

problems of

de salut mental

mental health



sí de salut mental

yes to mental health

jo sóc una gran abanderada

I am a great standard-bearer.

o sigui sóc molt pesada

I mean I'm very annoying.

amb aquest missatge

with this message

és tota l'estona

it's all the time

tota l'estona

all the time

perquè a mi

why me

1 m'ha canviat la vida

It has changed my life.

i m'he conegut

I have met myself.

i estava a la merda

and I was in deep trouble

fa dos anys vaig

two years ago I went

després del Covid

after Covid

va ser la merda pura

it was pure shit

i jo vaig estar en una crisi

And I was in a crisis.



no per la meva feina

not for my work

sinó com a persona

but as a person

el que passa que com a persona

What happens as a person

en lloc d'estar en una oficina

instead of being in an office

i no explicar-s'ho a ningú

and not tell anyone

més que als meus amics

more than to my friends

i famílies

and families

o el que sigui

or whatever it is

doncs estàs exposada

then you are exposed

es nota

it shows

es nota la feina

The work is noticeable.

es nota

it shows

o sigui

that is to say

és el que hi ha

it is what it is

i ara quan he sortit

And now when I have gone out

una mica d'això

a little bit of this

doncs també ho he explicat

so I have explained it too

i això també doncs

and this too then

1 m'agrada

I like it.


to champion it

però sí que és veritat

but it is true

que ho explico

that I explain it



ho intento

I try.

apropar a la gent

bringing people closer

quan ja ho he vist

when I have seen it already

amb una perspectiva diferent

with a different perspective

i puc ser

I can be

puc ser

I can be

una visió

a vision





i realista

and realistic

del que m'ha passat

of what has happened to me


Do you know?

o sigui

that is to say

quan he aprenedit alguna cosa

when I have learned something

quan estic allà

when I am there

en el mig del destí

in the midst of fate

per què?


per escoltar opinions

to listen to opinions

no, però és veritat

No, but it's true.

que en aquest punt concret

that at this specific point

mira que crec que hi ha coses

Look, I think there are things.

a criticar

to criticize

dins del vostre mundillo

inside your little world

però crec que les persones

but I think that people

que us abandoneu

that you abandon yourselves

amb el tema de la salut mental

with the topic of mental health

feu una gran feina

you do a great job



perquè teniu audiència

because you have an audience

i també és una epidèmia

and it is also an epidemic



que la salut mental

that mental health

vull dir

I mean

hi ha molta gent tocada

There are many people affected.

i veure gent

and see people

que té una influència

that has an influence

que en parla

who speaks it

ostres jo crec que allà

Wow, I think over there.

feu una gran feina

you do a great job


a mi és una de les coses

for me, it's one of the things

que més orgullosa

that more proud

em fa actualment

it currently makes me

perquè jo vaig perdre

because I lost

una mica la desmotivació

a bit of demotivation

per la meva feina

for my work

no per res

for nothing

perquè m'agrada

because I like it

però al final

but in the end

també et canso

I also get tired of you.

o sigui

that is to say

m'encanta treballar

I love working.

per marques

by brands

que jo m'he comprat

that I have bought myself

que admiro

that I admire

i que valoro

and that I value

i que em representen

and that represent me



jo vull aportar

I want to contribute.

alguna cosa més

anything else

i era la cosa

and it was the thing

que jo tenia al cap

that I had in mind

en plan

in plan

vull fer alguna cosa més

I want to do something more.

vull tenir un projecte

I want to have a project.

de fet ara estem

in fact, we are now

en un projecte molt groc

in a very yellow project

ara us ho explico

now I'll explain it to you



i el tema de la salut mental

and the topic of mental health

a part que crec

apart that I believe

que gràcies a Dios

thank God

està com

it is like

començant a

starting at

estar molt més estable

to be much more stable

i estar ben vist

and to be well regarded

jo fa anys

me years ago

que faig teràpia

that I do therapy

però crec que també

but I think that too

donar una mica de veu

give a little voice

a aquestes coses

to these things

et fa

it makes you



no és

it is not

no és una cosa

it's not a thing

que em faci millor a mi

that it makes me better

sinó que crec

but I believe

que pot fer bé

that can do well

als altres

to others

i que

and what

doncs que està bé

well, that's fine

que ho parlem

let's talk about it

sense problema

no problem

i jo inclús

and me even

m'he conegut

I have known myself.

o he sabut

I have not known.


diagnose me


to know me

gràcies a

thanks to

a fer teràpia

to do therapy

i m'ha ajudat

it has helped me

a reconduir una mica

to redirect a bit

la meva feina

my job

la meva vida

my life





no sentir-me perduda

not to feel lost



ho sabria fer en la veritat

I would know how to do it in truth.

així que


sí, estic contenta amb això

Yes, I am happy with that.

i també altres coses

and also other things

jo crec que és el valor diferencial

I believe it is the differential value.

que tu tinguis

that you have



és super lícit

it's super legitimate

que tampoc


ho vulguis

you want it


to expose



hi ha gent que

there are people who

jo què sé

I don’t know.

és més model

it is more of a model

o més empresari

or more entrepreneur

i té

and has

és el que et deia abans

it's what I was telling you before

que mostres

that you show

el que tu vols mostrar

what you want to show

al final és una

in the end it's one

és que jo ho dic sempre

it's just that I always say it

ens veuen com tan raros

they see us as so strange

i ens critiquen

and they criticize us



és com un anunci de la tele

it's like a TV commercial

un programa de la tele

a television program

una pel·li

a movie

o sigui

that is to say

tu estàs ensenyant

you are teaching

el que tu vols ensenyar

what you want to teach

no és tan complicat

it's not that complicated

i si no t'agrada

and if you don't like it

és tan fàcil com que

it's as easy as that

no ho miris

don't look at it

igual que no llegeixes un llibre

just as you don't read a book

que creus que no t'agradarà

What do you think you won't like?




do you know?

o el deixes a mitges

or you leave it halfway

no sé

I don't know.

és com

it is like

un sentit comú

a common sense

que no és tan comú

that is not so common


Do you know?

la gent

the people



suposo que per la novetat

I suppose it's for the novelty.

o perquè

or because

tothom ho critica

everyone criticizes it

això m'he adonat

I have realized this.

com t'ha marcat

how has it marked you

amb els anys

with the years

tothom ho critica

everyone criticizes it

i tothom

and everyone

és vox populi

it is common knowledge

parlar malament

speak badly

però després

but then

tothom ho necessita

everyone needs it

i tothom després et truca

and everyone then calls you

i et demana

and asks you



em pots ajudar tal tal

can you help me such and such

i dius

and you say

ara sí, no?

Now yes, right?

sí, és curiós

yes, it's curious

a mi

to me

em pica molt la curiositat

I'm very curious.

de saber

to know

la calendarització

the scheduling

d'un influencer

of an influencer

ho ha dit això

he said this

com ho gestiones

how do you manage it

o com ho fas

or how do you do it

o com és

or how it is


the agenda


of Aretacoste

doncs mira

well look

la veritat és que

the truth is that

és bastant inestable

it is quite unstable



les campanyes

the campaigns

la gent es pensa

people think

que es venen molt de temps

that they have sold for a long time

i molta previsió

and a lot of foresight

i la realitat és que no

and the reality is that no

és que

it's that

es donen compte

they realize

un mes abans de Nadal

a month before Christmas

que tenen que vendre

what they have to sell

me lo invento

I make it up.


so much

tants números de productes

so many product numbers

o tants números per l'empresa

or so many numbers for the company

es donen compte

they realize

que els hi falta

what they are missing

més del 50% de ventes

more than 50% of sales

i truquen a tothom

They call everyone.

en plan

in a way

per ayer

for yesterday

sempre és una mica

it's always a bit

a córrer cuita

to run in a hurry





jo tinc la meva agenda

I have my planner.

jo m'organitzo

I organize myself.

amb el meu equip

with my team

les coses que tinc calendaritzades

the things I have scheduled

que sé que tinc

that I know I have

aquest mes

this month

per als contractes

for the contracts

que tinc firmats

that I have signed

ja sigui stories

either stories

o bueno

or good

el contingut que sigui

the content that is

i el meu contingut orgànic

and my organic content



quan sé que entra la campanya

when I know the campaign starts

quan arriba el producte

When does the product arrive?

perquè moltes vegades

because many times

és que ni t'arriba

it doesn't even reach you

el producte

the product

el que has d'utilitzar

what you have to use

o jo sempre

or I always

per exemple

for example

jo soc una mica

I am a little bit.

pesadeta amb això

a bit annoying with this



jo he de conèixer la marca

I have to know the brand.

i l'he d'estar provant

And I have to be trying it.

una mica

a little bit

o si no la conec

or if I don't know her

i no me l'envies dos mesos abans

and you don't send it to me two months in advance

serà complicat

it will be complicated



jo no he pogut testar-la

I have not been able to test it.

com per parlar

as for speaking


Do you know?



cada setmana és diferent

Every week is different.

això és bo i és dolent

this is good and it is bad

a mi m'agrada

I like it.



et fa tornar una mica boig també

it drives you a little crazy too

perquè no tens una estabilitat

because you don't have stability







hi ha ratxes

there are gusts

molt estables

very stable

i una mica més de baixa feina

and a little less low work

i que tu pots organitzar-te

and that you can organize yourself

i pots aprofitar

and you can take advantage

per fer altres coses

to do other things

que jo sempre ho dic

that I always say it

valoro molt

I value a lot.

el poder gestionar el meu temps

the ability to manage my time

jo amb la meva parella

me with my partner



que està a oficina

that is in the office

treball super convencional

super conventional job

i és que això

and it is that this

no podria

I couldn't.

ni loca

not a chance

o sigui no

so no

com la majoria dels mortals

like most mortals

vull dir

I mean

cada vegada menys

less and less

us he de dir

I have to tell you.

via telework

via telework

hem de modernitzar-nos

we must modernize

hi ha feines que es poden

there are jobs that can be

no et demano

I do not ask you.

que tots els diguis

that you tell them all

tu estiguis a casa

you are at home

però una mica de

but a little bit of

va creixent

it is growing

això va creixent

this is growing

i sobretot

and above all

les empreses més noves

the newest companies

això es va implantant

this is being implemented

el meu entorn

my environment

cada vegada més


per entendre

to understand

això que estàs comentant

this that you are commenting

ara mateix

right now

n'hi parlo molt

I speak a lot about it.

o sigui

that is to say

el negoci

the business

quin és?

which one is it?

quin és el model de negoci?

What is the business model?

model de negoci

business model

t'ho he explicat abans

I have explained it to you before.

no has estat escoltant

you haven't been listening

t'ho he explicat

I have explained it to you.

tu vens per exemple

you come for example

és que té una distracció

it's that he/she has a distraction


in front of

i clar

and of course

no acaba

it doesn't end

mira jo t'ho explico

Look, I'll explain it to you.

versió en Disney

Disney version

que dic jo

what I say

doncs no m'acaba

well, it doesn't end for me

tu ets

you are

m'ho he explicat

I have explained it to myself.

molt malament

very bad

tu ets el senyor

you are the lord

i dueño

and owner

d'aquesta marca

of this brand

de fundes de mòbil

of mobile phone cases


very cute

i tens

and you have

uns 500

about 500

per vendre

for sale

i ningú te les compra

and no one buys them from you

perquè no et coneix ningú

because no one knows you

ara fas uns rats de merda

now you're being a pain in the ass

no fas publi

you don't advertise

no fas res

you do nothing

i decideixes

and you decide


to invest

la teva publi

your ad

en generadores de contingut

in content generators

creadores de contenidor

container creators

em escrius un e-mail

you write me an e-mail

em contactes

you contact me

truques a la meva repre

you call my rep

el que sigui

whatever it is

i dius

and you say


I need


to do/make



amb aquesta

with this



perquè la necessito vendre

because I need to sell it

o no fa falta

or not needed

que t'ho expliquin

let them explain it to you

ja ho saps

you already know


do you like it

no t'agrada

you don't like it

tal tal tal

such such such

doncs jo la veig

Well, I see her.

i dic

I say

uh m'encanta

oh I love it

i doncs

and then

m'invento un contingut

I'm creating content.

que fer

what to do

te'l passo

I'll pass it to you.

me l'aproves

do you approve it for me

el publico

the audience

em dones un codi de descompte

Can you give me a discount code?

o directament un link

or directly a link

i la gent ho compra

and people buy it

com valoren

how they value

el meu


la meva feina

my work

doncs cada dia

so every day

com si fos

as if it were

una entrevista de feina

a job interview

cada dia

every day

perquè cada dia

because every day

passes el teu media kit

send your media kit

que és com el document

what is like the document

en el que tens

in what you have

doncs les teves mètriques

so your metrics

tant de target

so much target

com de ventes

as of sales

com d'exemples

like examples

de campanyes

of campaigns





crec que la majoria

I believe that the majority

de la gent ho fa

of the people do it

si no et demanen

if they don't ask you



del propi Instagram

from the own Instagram



doncs justifiques

then you justify

la teva feina

your job

i això

and this


they choose



t'escriuen a tu

they write to you

i hi ha 50 més

and there are 50 more

que són

what are they

semblants a tu

similar to you

i entre

and between

el que tu passes

what you go through

i el teu perfil

and your profile

i el que

and what

valoren de tu

they value you




they decide

amb qui es queden

who are they staying with

que seran

what they will be

doncs 3 de 50

so 3 out of 50

o sigui

that is to say

és un constant

it is a constant

en realitat

in reality

és una constant

it is a constant

entrevista de feina

job interview

és així

it's like that

has de tenir bons números

you have to have good numbers

has de tenir

you have to have

i a vegades

and sometimes

no són

they are not

els números

the numbers

moltes marques

many brands

a mi venen

they come to me

per la meva manera

for my way

de veure les coses

of seeing things

la meva sensibilitat

my sensitivity

o la manera

or the way

en la que faig

in which I do

el contingut

the content

o l'estil de vida

or the lifestyle

i això és una cosa

and this is one thing

que a mi em pesa

that weighs on me

o sigui

that is to say

que tinc a favor

that I have in my favor

a part dels números

apart from the numbers

aleshores em diferencio

then I differentiate myself

una miqueta

a little bit

llavors sí que no hi ha

then there really isn't any

aquest cribatge

this screening

o sigui

that is to say



venen a la gareta

they come to the station

bueno però hi ha més

well but there's more

no sóc l'única

I am not the only one.

hi ha gent

there are people

que és molt semblant

that is very similar



és que hi ha molta

it's just that there is a lot

molta gent

many people

hi ha molts creadors

there are many creators

de contingut ara

of content now

i són les mètriques

and they are the metrics

les que ho decideixen tot

those who decide everything





depèn del valor

it depends on the value

que tu tinguis

that you have

però si tu

but if you

el teu principal objectiu

your main objective

és vendre això

it is to sell this

perquè necessites

because you need

que el negoci pugi

may the business thrive



pot ser vendre

can be sold

o pot ser

or maybe

una marca

a brand

que està molt afiançada

that is very well established

i que tothom ja la coneix

and that everyone already knows her

pot ser

it could be

afiançar la marca

strengthen the brand

fer branding

to do branding

fer que la marca

make the brand

estigui de moda

be fashionable

i sigui cool

and be cool

i no és ja una mètrica

and it's no longer a metric

ser ambaixadora de marca

to be a brand ambassador

ser ambaixadora

to be an ambassador

i que vulguin

and that they want

la teva imatge

your image

o que es relacionin

or that they relate to

amb un estil de vida tal

with such a lifestyle


you know

quan estan les marques

when are the brands

molt molt aquí

very very here

a vegades les mètriques

sometimes the metrics

els és més igual

they don't care more or less

i prioritzant tenir

and prioritizing having

doncs m'invento

so I make it up

algú que és super top

someone who is super cool

i associar-se

and associate

amb una celebrity

with a celebrity

o sigui amb algú

that is with someone

que ja és molt molt molt

that is already very very very

a mi em passa molt això

this happens to me a lot

que per a vendre

to sell

em contacten molt

they contact me a lot


do you know

o sigui perquè

that is why

les estadístiques són bones

The statistics are good.

però després jo vull fer

but after that I want to do

altres coses més qualitatives

other more qualitative things

que no sigui sol de vendre

that it is not just for selling

i em diuen

and they call me

bueno tal

well, such


ja t'hi amarem

we will love you there

i jo penso

and I think



en plan per a vendre sí

a plan to sell it yes

però després per fer

but then to do

la campanya guai

the cool campaign

no em truques

don't call me

i a mi no ho vull fer

and I don't want to do it

sí que ja fins i tot

yes, even already

dins dels influencers

among influencers

sí que

yes that



i tant

of course







això se sap

this is known

i el sector és molt petit

and the sector is very small

és com tots els sectors

it's like all sectors

tothom es coneix

everyone knows each other

tothom sap

everyone knows

el que cobres

what you earn

el que vens

what you sell

més o menys

more or less

però és petit

but it is small

arribat a cert nivell

reached a certain level



perquè clar el que dius

because of course what you say

o sigui hi ha moltíssima gent

that is, there are a lot of people

que intenta estar

that tries to be

al teu nivell

at your level

per exemple

for example

i no arriba

and it doesn't arrive

a nivell d'influència

at the level of influence

eh dic

I say.

sí suposo

yes I suppose

però un cop a dalt

but once up there

no hi ha tanta gent

there aren't that many people

bueno jo perquè

well, me because

porto anys al sector

I have been in the sector for years.

aleshores és com que

then it is as if

ho tinc una mica per la mà

I have it a bit under control.

també i estic jo

me too and I am

amb la meva repre

with my rep

mano a mano

hand to hand

aleshores és una mica més fàcil

then it’s a bit easier

si tu estàs en una agència

if you are in an agency

de representació

of representation

hi ha diferents perfils

there are different profiles



de creadors

of creators

hi ha gent molt més

there are many more people



que és molt nicho

that is very niche

que ara està molt de moda

that is now very trendy

també perquè si tu

also because if you

per exemple ets una marca

for example, you are a brand

de birres

of beers

i tens algú

Do you have someone?

o sigui busques

so you're looking for



el públic de les birres

the audience of the beers

vas a algú gastronòmic

are you going to a gastronomic event?

o algú que

or someone who

sigui molt d'aquest

be very much of this



i et surt més a compte

and it costs you less

que no agafa un gran

that doesn't get a big

que no saps el que et retornarà

that you don't know what it will return to you


Do you know?

o sigui depèn de

that is to say it depends on

és que depèn de cada campanya

it depends on each campaign

depèn de cada marca

it depends on each brand

depèn de cada objectiu

it depends on each objective

depèn de

depends on


so much



altres coses

other things

i tot ho fas

and you do it all

amb la teva repre

with your repp



sí, ara aquest any

yes, this year now


we have

per fi


hem agafat una

we have taken one

una companya

a company

perquè m'ajudia

because it helped me

no ho ha iradat

he hasn't uttered it





que estiguem una mica

let's be together for a while

pensant coses diferents

thinking different things

i sí

and yes

sempre ha sigut nosaltres

it has always been us

o sigui darrere

so behind

d'Areta Fuster

of Areta Fuster

ara mateix

right now

hi ha un equip

there is a team

de tres persones

of three people

ara mateix de tres

right now at three

o sigui

that is to say

hi ha gent que

there are people who




let's say



però ara mateix

but right now

i fa dos mesos

two months ago

sempre hem sigut

we have always been



però perquè a mi

but why me

també m'agrada

I also like it.

estar molt present

to be very present

i sempre ens ha agradat

"and we have always liked it"

estar fent-ho tot

be doing it all

que no ho recomano

that I do not recommend it



no ho recomanes?

Don't you recommend it?



necessites ajudar

you need help

a mi m'ha costat molt

it has been very hard for me

però perquè

but why

em costa molt

it is very hard for me

trobar algú

to find someone

que tingui el mateix

may it have the same



que vegi

let him/her see

la visió de la vida

the vision of life

i de les coses

and of the things

igual que jo

just like me

que em pilli

that I get caught


Do you know?

i ara passada

and now passed

sí que estic contenta

Yes, I am happy.


i lligat amb el que comentes

and tied to what you mention

de les marques

of the brands

et venen

they sell you

i es disputen

and are disputed



creadors de contingut

content creators



al final

in the end

a la pràctica

in practice

acaba passant

it ends up happening

com als actors

like with the actors

que pot ser

that can be

una temporada

a season

de dir

of saying

és que no apareix

it's just that it doesn't appear

ninguna marca

no brand



cap marca

no brand

que no em truquen

don't call me

segur que sí

surely yes

jo no puc parlar

I cannot speak.

per tothom

for everyone

però segur que sí

but surely yes

segur que sí

sure indeed

això és que tu no

this is that you do not







el gener


és un mes bastant

it's quite a month

si tu et fixes

if you notice

la gent que és

the people who are



el gener


són com les nostres

they are like ours

vacances en realitat

holidays in reality

perquè vens

why are you coming

de Black Friday

of Black Friday

i vens de

and you come from

de Nadal

of Christmas

i el gener

and January

qui vol vendre

who wants to sell

o sigui

that is to say

el gener


les rebaixes

the sales



he de dir

I have to say

que aquest gener

that this January

no ha sigut

it hasn't been


the example

ja les foten

they’re already screwing them over

quan volen

when they want

no les rebaixes

not the discounts

és veritat

it's true

Black Friday

Black Friday

ara per exemple

now for example


it begins

jo que sé

I know.

el setembre


ja t'estan

they're already after you

con el torron

with the nougat



jo que sé

I know.

i les rebaixes

and the discounts

al final

in the end

es venen

they are sold

per la pròpia rebaixa

for the own discount


potser sí

maybe yes

no sé

I don't know.

sí no sé

yes I don't know

gener ha sigut

January has been

com el mes

as the month

que sempre hem tingut

that we have always had

com més tranquil·let

the more relaxed

però ara

but now

la veritat

the truth

és que tampoc

it's just that neither

i jo molt agraïda

And I am very grateful.

o sigui

that is to say



No em queixaré

I will not complain.

la veritat

the truth

No clar

No clear.

si no en teniu mai

if you never have any

vull dir

I mean

que si no

that if not

no teniu vacances

you don't have holidays

No en gestió no hi està

It is not in management.



és que en realitat

it's that in reality

mai tens vacances

you never have a vacation

això és un tema

this is a topic

que sembla com

that seems like

és una part

it is a part

totes les feines

all the jobs

tenen part positiva

they have a positive part

part negativa

negative part



les del món

the ones of the world

i és veritat

and it is true

que jo mai

that I never

he estat

I have been

dues setmanes

two weeks

sense publicar res

without publishing anything

mai a la meva vida

never in my life

sense fer alguna cosa

without doing anything

ni quan estic de vacances

not even when I'm on vacation

però perquè intrínsecament

but because intrinsically

a mi

to me

quan jo abans

when I before

no era influencer

she was not an influencer

també marxava de vacances

I was also going on vacation.

i feia els meus àlbums

and I used to make my albums

de fotos a Facebook

of photos on Facebook

o per

or for

imprimir o tal

print or such

sempre m'ha agradat una mica

I have always liked it a little.

o sempre explicava

or always explained

o feia vídeos

or made videos


Do you know?

però és veritat

but it is true

que ara no ho puc fer

that now I can't do it

i sí que és recomanable

and it is indeed advisable

parar almenys una setmana

stop for at least a week

o així

or like this

m'ho plantejo

I contemplate it.

l'any passat

last year

ho vaig fer una setmana

I did it a week ago.

i em va anar molt bé

and it went very well for me

en plan

in plan

si mòbil

if mobile

jo odio el WhatsApp

I hate WhatsApp.

odio l'email

I hate email.

en plan

in plan

no contesto mai

I never answer.

bueno tu ho saps

well you know it

quan contesto un WhatsApp

when I reply to a WhatsApp message

vas ràpid

you go fast

perquè tinc les notificacions

because I have the notifications

i tot tret

and everything taken away

perquè no ho suporto

because I can't stand it

o sigui

that is to say

la immediatez

the immediacy

o sigui

that is to say

és que no m'agrada gens

I don't like it at all.

si just et volia preguntar això

I just wanted to ask you that.

creus que es pot arribar

do you think it is possible to reach

a tenir una relació sana

to have a healthy relationship

amb aquesta hiperconnectivitat?

with this hyperconnectivity?

és horrible

it's horrible

o sigui

that is to say



una de les coses

one of the things

que no m'agrada de la meva feina

that I don't like about my job

és que fomenta una mica

it encourages a bit

aquest estil de vida

this lifestyle

però després passa

but then it happens

la meva


la meva empatia

my empathy

per mi mateixa

for myself





tu pots

you can

dintre d'aquest sector

within this sector

també intentar fomentar

also try to encourage

altres coses

other things

per molt que estiguis

no matter how much you are

en un contingut

in a content

és com

it's like

la sèrie Netflix

the Netflix series

tu pots escollir

you can choose

quan anar a veure-la

when to go see her

no fa falta que estiguis

there's no need for you to be

tot el dia enganxat a mi

the whole day stuck to me

o al mòbil

or to the mobile

i sempre ho dic molt

And I always say it a lot.

al podcast

to the podcast

o quan parlem de salut mental

or when we talk about mental health

o el que sigui

or whatever it is

canvia molt

changes a lot

i si jo estic fent feina

And what if I am working?

i tinc 100 notificacions a dalt

I have 100 notifications at the top.

ja m'estresso

I'm already getting stressed.

o sigui

that is to say

a mi és una persona

to me, it's a person

que m'afecta

that affects me

hi ha gent que li és igual

there are people who don't care

a mi m'afecta

it affects me.

a mi no m'agrada

I don't like it.

rebre notificacions

receive notifications

veure l'email

see the email

veure no sé què

I don't know what to see.


it stresses me out

i em genera ansietat

and it makes me anxious

perquè sento que no arribo tot

because I feel like I can't accomplish everything

aleshores pues ho trec

then I take it out

i ja està

And that's it.

i contestes com vulguis

and you answer as you wish

i no passa nada

and nothing happens

nadie se va a morir

nobody is going to die

i sempre ho dic

And I always say it.

és un treball que

it's a job that

o sigui

that is to say

és una feina

it's a job

molt agraïda

very grateful

i que

and what

jo estic agraïda pel que tinc

I am grateful for what I have.



no som doctors

we are not doctors

i no estamos operando

and we are not operating

relativitzem una mica

let's relativize a bit

i pues

and then

jo crec que aquest missatge

I believe that this message



jo soc molt pesadet amb això

I am very annoying about this.



és que has de

you have to

ser conscient

to be aware

o sigui una mica

that is to say a little

de peus de terra

of feet on the ground

o sigui a mi m'encanta

I mean I love it.

i disfruto molt

I enjoy it a lot.



hi ha gent molt malalta

there are very sick people

també per culpa d'això

also because of this

Hi ha hagut algun moment

There has been a moment



o sigui entenc que

so I understand that

al final vius dels likes

In the end, you live off likes.

dels followers

of the followers

no sé

I don't know.

hi ha algun moment

is there any moment

que hi ha

what's up

aquest compte

this account

que tots tenim

that we all have

tants likes

so many likes

aquesta foto

this photo

t'ha sigut igual

it has been the same for you

en plan

in plan

el problema és que

the problem is that

soc com una mica

I am like a little bit.

mal exemple

bad example



sempre m'ha sigut

it has always been to me

una mica igual

a little bit the same

el que diguin

what they say

o els números

or the numbers

és veritat que

it is true that

jo sé que funciona

I know it works.

o sigui

that is to say

jo veig les mètriques

I see the metrics.

o de ventes

or sales

o del que sigui

or whatever it may be

sempre ha sigut

has always been

més o menys igual

more or less the same

mai he tingut com

I have never had like

és que no he viscut

it's just that I haven't lived

un superboom

a superboom

i després una baixada

and then a descent

o sigui

that is to say

no puc parlar per persones

I cannot speak for others.

que han tingut aquest alt i bajo

that have had this ups and downs

perquè segur

because for sure

que m'afectaria

that would affect me

és com

it is like

he estat molt estable

I have been very stable.

el poc estable

the little stable

que he tingut

that I have had

que estic jo

that I am

a vegades


a la meva feina

at my job

doncs sí que estic estable

well yes, I am stable

i estic tranquil

I am calm.

i mai m'ha preocupat molt

It has never worried me much.

sé el valor que tinc

I know the value I have.

en canvi

on the other hand

en altres coses meves

in other things of mine

doncs a mi

well, to me

m'ha costat més

it has cost me more

veure el meu valor

see my worth

a coses personals

to personal matters

però a la feina

but at work

el tinc

I have it.

i sempre m'he portat

and I have always behaved

literalment una merda

literally a shit

el que diguin

what they say

sigui bo o dolent

be it good or bad

perquè jo sempre he estat

because I have always been

molt convençuda

very convinced

del que crec

of what I think

i del que faig

and of what I do

i per què ho faig

And why do I do it?

mai he fet alguna cosa

I have never done anything.

del que no estigui segura

of what I am not sure

mai he exposat alguna cosa

I have never exposed anything.

o m'he ficat en

or I've gotten into

em puc equivocar

I can be wrong.

i la gent canvia

and people change

la gent evoluciona

people evolve

i ja està bé

and that's fine

però mai he fet alguna cosa

but I have never done anything

del que dubti

of what someone doubts

sempre és

it is always

amb la Maria

with Maria

la meva repre

my rep

quan dubto

when in doubt

o quan tinc un

or when I have one

és que no

it's just that no

en plan

in plan

si està alguna cosa

if it is something

dins de

inside of

soc molt

I am very

diguem bruixa

let's say witch

o sensorial

or sensory

el que sigui

whatever it is

però em deixo guiar

but I let myself be guided

una mica pel meu instint

a bit for my instinct

si tinc alguna cosa

if I have something

que tinc un feeling

that I have a feeling

que no


és que no

it's just that no

perquè si no m'encanta

because if I don't love it

i no m'emociona

and it doesn't excite me

jo no ho puc transmetre

I can't convey it.

jo també soc una persona

I am also a person.

com molt expressiva

as very expressive

de fet

in fact



que és persona altament sensible

what is a highly sensitive person

en psicologia

in psychology



és una cosa

it's one thing

que jo crec

that I believe

que m'ha vingut bé

that has done me good

a la feina

to work

perquè quan m'enamoro d'algú

because when I fall in love with someone

és com que

it's like that

la meva il·lusió

my illusion

es veu que és real

it seems that it is real

jo no puc fingir

I cannot pretend.

fingir això

pretend this

si a algú no m'agrada

if I don't like someone

o si a algú no

or if someone doesn't

jo què sé

I don't know.

un viatge

a trip

una campanya

a campaign

amb uns hotels

with some hotels

o una experiència

or an experience

si m'ho estic passant

if I'm having a good time

com el cul

like the butt

serà com el cul

it will be like the ass

i sé que funcionarà malament

And I know it will work badly.

perquè és la realitat

because it is reality

o sigui no

so no

no soc actriu

I am not an actress.

el que dèiem abans

what we were saying before

jo no soc actor

I am not an actor.

ni modelo

nor model

aleshores és una mica

then it's a bit

la meva persona

my person

que és una mica

what is a little

una pressió

a pressure

és bo

it's good

perquè depèn de mi

because it depends on me

i a mi em genera

and it generates for me

una tranquil·litat

a tranquility

perquè soc

because I am

jo jo mateixa

I myself

però també

but also

gent depèn de tu

people depend on you


you know

si jo ara em poso malalta

if I get sick now

és un autònom més

he is just another freelancer

un autònom més

another freelancer

en l'hospital

in the hospital

ja sabem que no cobra

we already know he doesn't charge

és el que hi ha

it is what it is

has de gestionar-te bé

you have to manage yourself well

i a nivell de magnitud

and at the level of magnitude

de negoci

of business

per entendre una mica

to understand a little

de quins números

which numbers

estem parlant

we are talking

jo parlo de mi

I talk about myself.

em poso l'exemple

I give you the example.



no sé

I don't know.

una acció així

such an action

que sigui

let it be

pugui ser estàndard

can be standard

molt habitual

very common

per la gent

for the people

per les marques

for the brands

quin tiquet mig

what a half ticket

hi ha

there is

està concreta

it is specific

una mica

a little bit

la teva pregunta

your question



o sigui

that is to say


I do not know.

o sigui

that is to say

arriba una marca

a brand arrives

què t'acostuma

What usually happens to you?

a demanar una marca

to ask for a brand

estem parlant

we are talking


of stories

de cost

of cost



vine aquí

come here

que farem una experiència

that we will do an experience

i ho fas

and you do it

ho difons

I spread it.

què acostuma

what usually

ser allò

be that



això cada any

this every year

o cada mes

or every month

en faig tant

I do it so much.

algo que sigui

something that is

molt comú

very common

molt habitual

very common

i diguis

and you tell me

mira doncs

look then

per tu

for you



m'emporto X

I'm taking X with me.

per entendre

to understand

és que cada

it's just that every



és diferent

it's different

jo el que m'interessa

what matters to me

més ara

more now

després d'aquest recorregut

after this route

i aquests anys

and these years



podia fer

I could do

més accions

more actions

o més campanyes

or more campaigns

més petites


ara el que busco

now what I'm looking for


it is



que ja hagi treballat

that has already worked

o que m'enamorin

or that I fall in love with

o que ja conegui

or that already knows

i que sé que m'agrada

and that I know I like

ja el que transmeten

what they convey


the experience

o el que sigui

or whatever it is

i fer un contracte

and make a contract

més llarg


en pla

in plane

en anual

in annual

i casar-me

and marry me

amb menys marques

with fewer marks

que siguin més jo

that they are more me

per què?


perquè crec que

because I believe that

és una relació

it is a relationship

que puc portar més

What else can I bring?

a largo pla

a wide plan

amb la que em sento còmode

with which I feel comfortable

no canvio de persones

I don't change people.

al final quan

in the end when


Do you know?

és un client

it is a customer

que et portes

what are you bringing


I prefer


to live

de 3 clients anuals

from 3 annual clients

que no de 12

that does not give 12

un cada mes

one every month

i això m'ha portat

and this has brought me

una mica el temps

a little bit of time

números per exemple

numbers for example



vaig obrir una marca

I opened a brand.

de ceràmica


de coses

of things

es fa

it is done

és ta?

is it yours?



sí la van vendre

yes, they sold it

la van vendre

they sold her

perquè vaig

because I go

donar-me compte


que era massa

that it was too much

exigent amb tot

demanding with everything

el dia que vam obrir

the day we opened

la pàgina web

the website

vam tenir

we had

les mateixes visites

the same visits

que la Kylie Jenner

that Kylie Jenner

que per si no sabeu

that for itself you do not know

és una

it is a

referència mundial

world reference

a nivell de

at the level of

de ventes

of sales

que la seva web

that their website

quan fa un lanzamiento

when he/she makes a throw

que van ser

that were



visites a la web

website visits

se'ns va caure

it fell on us

la web

the website

se'ns va caure

it fell for us

el servidor

the server



vam tenir que pagar

we had to pay

un lloc

a place

un tio

a guy

que era

what it was

servidor d'Amazon

Amazon server

que ens deies

what were you telling us

que necessités un servidor

what you need is a server

com el d'Amazon

like that of Amazon

i pensava

I thought

però com te voy a pagar

but how am I going to pay you

a ti esto

to you this

si no estem guanyant això

if we are not winning this

simplement perquè la gent

simply because people

pogués veure

could see

el que hi havia a la pàgina

what was on the page



perquè després

because afterwards

si et compren

if they understand you

o et compren

or they understand you

ja és un altre tema

that's another topic

i això va ser

and that was it

molt heavy

very heavy

però perquè era una cosa

but because it was one thing

meva pròpia

my own

i la gent sabia

and the people knew

que tenia

that I had

les meves condicions

my conditions

els productes

the products

i funcionava molt bé

and it worked very well

va anar molt bé

It went very well.

però no era realista

but it wasn't realistic

jo venia un producte

I was selling a product.

que era artesania

that it was craftsmanship

fet a Barcelona

made in Barcelona



una tassa

a cup

que valia 25 euros

which was worth 25 euros

que a mi em costava

that it was hard for me

23 i mig

23 and a half

i l'envió era

and the shipment was

sense plàstic

without plastic

sense contaminacions

without pollution

no sé què

I don't know what.



era una mica inviable

it was a bit unfeasible

el meu amic

my friend

que era el meu soci

who was my partner

em deia

he/she was telling me

és que

it's that

és una empresa

it is a company

no és una ONG

it is not an NGO

i jo vaig dir ja

And I already said.



amb la nostra feina

with our work

i els mals de caps

and the headaches

i tots els problemes

and all the problems

que la gent

that people

a vegades ens posava

sometimes it would put us

i perquè

and why

una artesa

a trough

per exemple

for example

en el tema de les tasses

on the subject of the mugs

ens cobria

covered us

m'ho invento

I'll make it up.

no, no m'ho invento

no, I'm not making it up

300 llargues tasses

300 long cups

nosaltres teníem una demanda

we had a demand

i una estada esperada

and a long-awaited stay



persones que volien la tassa

people who wanted the cup

que te van a comprar la tassa

They are going to buy you the cup.

dentro de 4 meses

in 4 months

que ja no la quieres

that you no longer want her

que és una compra impulsiva

What is an impulsive purchase?

no tenia sentit

it didn't make sense


Do you know?

i per què vas decidir

And why did you decide?


to mount



doncs perquè

well because

volia un repte nou

I wanted a new challenge.



creia que hi havia

I thought there was

poques marques

few brands

que englobessin

that they included

el que jo volia

what I wanted

que era una mica

that it was a bit

un mini mundo

a mini world

que era un estil

that it was a style

d'urban outfitters

of Urban Outfitters

que tu pots anar

that you can go

i comprar-te un jersei

I'll buy you a sweater.

però comprar-te un accessori

but buying you an accessory

comprar-te algú d'eco

buy you someone from eco

per la casa

for the house

que un lloc

that a place

on tu tens diferents coses

where you have different things

d'un estil de persona

of a certain type of person

que ja saps

that you already know

que està molt definit

that is very defined

i que tens allà barrejades

and what you have mixed there



més complicat

more complicated

perquè no és un proveïdor

because he is not a supplier

són 10 proveïdors diferents

there are 10 different suppliers

el de la ropa

the one with the clothes

el de la tassa

the one with the cup

el de no sé què

the one of I don’t know what

era tot

it was everything



un desastre

a disaster

massa gestió

too much management


tindríem que haver

we should have



tens que acotar el producte

You need to define the product.

fer un nicho

to make a niche

ben clar

well clear

jo ara per exemple

I now, for example

la ceràmica

the ceramic


I love it.

però més

but more

el servei de la ceràmica

the service of the ceramics

jo crec que

I believe that

pinto botasses

I paint boots.

i faig coses aquestes

I do things like these.

que vaig començar

that I started

quan vaig començar

when I started

vaig fer teràpia

I went to therapy.

m'anava molt bé pel cap

it suited me very well in my mind

per no pensar

to not think

i m'agradaria fer alguna cosa

I would like to do something.

no sé què faré

I don't know what I will do.

faré alguna cosa

I will do something.

el tema és que

the fact is that







prefereixo fer-ho

I prefer to do it.

per altres persones

for other people

que ja tenen

that they already have

tot aquest 360

all this 360

ben muntat

well built

i jo te les venc

and I'll sell them to you

perquè m'encanta

because I love it

el teu producte

your product



o associar-me a altres marques

or associate myself with other brands

com per exemple

such as

vaig tenir col·lecció

I had a collection.

durant molts anys

for many years

de joies

of jewels

amb una marca

with a mark

que era molt guai

that it was very cool

i veníem superbé

And we were doing great.

i jo li ajudava

and I was helping him/her

a ella

to her

amb la seva marca

with its brand

i jo venia

and I came

a la meva col·lecció

to my collection

i això estava perfecte

And that was perfect.

perquè jo m'encarregava

because I took care of it

de dissenyar

to design

de demanar el que volia

to ask for what I wanted

i de fer un producte

and to make a product

que m'enamorés

that made me fall in love

i ja està

and that's it

després el venc sol

after the sun sets

és una cosa que m'agrada

it's something I like

però no estic jo

but I am not

com a empresària

as a businesswoman

si m'adentrés

if I delved in

una altra vegada

another time

en el món empresarial

in the business world


would be

de cara a algú

in front of someone

que fos un servei

that it was a service







no seria un producte

it would not be a product

com a tal

as such


Do you know?

un producte que compro

a product that I buy

i té lligat a casa

and has it tied at home

un servei d'alguns tipus?

a service of some types?

doncs no ho sé

well, I don't know

però no et donaré les idees

but I won't give you the ideas

està clar

it's clear

no, no, no

no, no, no

tranquil això

calm this

de consultoria

of consultancy

per exemple

for example

no, no

no, no

com a creadora de contingut

as a content creator

ajudar d'altres

help others

que s'estan obrint camí

that they are making their way

no, no

no, no

això no

not this

no, no seria

no, it wouldn't be

del meu sector

from my sector

però ara i tant

but now of course

amb la ceràmica

with the ceramic

va ser morir d'èxit

it was dying of success



sí, totalment

yes, totally

és dolent també

it is also bad

és l'altre extrem

it's the other extreme


of oysters

d'obpet-ho tant

of obtaining it so much




we were thinking

és qui la va comprar

it is who bought it

i de sobte

and suddenly

vam tenir

we had

molts problemes

many problems



un xandall

a tracksuit

vam fer

we did

una col·laboració

a collaboration

de roba

of clothing

que era

what was it

molt guai

very cool



jo pensava

I thought.

qui em va comprar això

who bought me this

quan és un xandall

when is a tracksuit



igual que

just like

el que té Zara

what Zara has

però per

but for

l'estat de manera

the state of being

100 euros

100 euros

el Zara

the Zara

costa 20 euros

it costs 20 euros

perquè fabricaran

because they will manufacture



i tenen tal

and they have such

el nostre algodón

our cotton

algodón orgànico

organic cotton

tinta l'aigua

ink the water

perquè no contaminés

so that it would not pollute

totes les condicions

all the conditions

que jo posava

that I put

com a

as a

que volia sentir-me bé

that I wanted to feel good

perquè clar

because of course

entrava la meva

it was my turn

autoexigència allà

self-demanding there

era la meva imatge

it was my image

no deixes d'estar

you don't stop being

tu present

you present

les queixes venen a tu

the complaints come to you

no van a la marca

they do not go to the brand

que és quan

what is when


we personalize

una marca

a brand



la gent ho comprava

people bought it

o sigui

that is to say

és igual que jo

it's the same as me

la gent té uns

people have some



i uns ideals

and some ideals

i una manera de veure

and a way of seeing

que les petites coses

that the little things



les valoren

they evaluate them

i dic

I say

hi ha gent

there are people

o sigui

that is to say

estem evolucionant

we are evolving

i això m'agrada

and I like this

perquè veig que hi ha gent

because I see that there are people





no que sigui com jo

not that it is like me

però que té aquests ideals

but who has these ideals

i això m'agrada

and I like this

això em motiva

this motivates me

perquè penso

because I think

també hi ha gent bona

there are also good people

o gent que vol

or people who wants

són petits grans de sorra

they are small grains of sand

però que cada cop n'hi ha més

but there are more and more of them


jo m'he adonat

I have realized.

encara hi ha gent bona

there are still good people

no no

no no

és veritat

it's true

amb la marca

with the brand

ens vam adonar d'això

we realized this

quan pensàvem

when we thought

això està molt loc

this is very crazy

o tal

or such

la gent ho comprava

People were buying it.





les marques

the brands

a mi

to me

molts cosmètics

many cosmetics

o moltes coses

or many things

que provo

that I cause

i que utilitzo

and that I use

són o sostenibles

they are sustainable

o tenen un valor diferencial

or they have a differential value

als altres i tal

to others and such

i la gent ho té

and the people have it

o sigui

that is to say

sobretot la gent més jove que jo

especially the younger people than me

ho té

he has it

ho té molt

he has a lot of it

molt clar

very clear

i com va acabar?

And how did it end?

doncs la vam vendre

so we sold it

perquè no podíem més

because we couldn't take it anymore

amb la nostra feina

with our work

o sigui

that is to say


we wanted

vam fer una inversió

we made an investment

òbviament nostra

obviously ours

i la vam vendre

and we sold it

a una coneguda

to an acquaintance

que estava enamorada

who was in love

de la marca

of the brand

que també va col·laborar

who also collaborated

amb nosaltres

with us



no podíem estar

we couldn't be

fent les dues feines

doing both jobs

de fet la gent que conec

in fact the people I know

del meu sector

from my sector

que ha fet alguna cosa

that has done something

i funciona bé

and it works well

han deixat de ser

they have stopped being

creadors de continguts

content creators

i estan 100%

and they are 100%

per l'empresa

for the company

en el meu cas

in my case

i en el del Cris

and in Cris's one

no era el moment

it was not the time

per fer això

to do this

i no ens

and not us

ens motivava

it motivated us

però no era

but it was not

és el que et dic

it's what I'm telling you

el producte

the product

no ens acabava de ser

it didn’t quite belong to us

sol el producte

sun the product



em sentíem tan orgullosos

we felt so proud

sol de fer això

sun to do this

i l'empresa segueix viva?

And is the company still alive?

crec que no

I don't think so.

en el moment

at the moment

que vaig

that I go

de saber això

to know this

li has perdut la pista

you have lost track of him/her

no areta

no earring

no parti

don't leave

no va seguir

it didn't continue

però clar

but of course

també les coses

also the things

canvien una mica

they change a little



qui ho lidera

who leads it



o sigui

that is to say

va sortir bé

it turned out well



vau vendre

you sold

no sé si per

I don't know if for

si ho vam vendre

Yes, we sold it.

per sortir del pas

to get by

o al contrari

or on the contrary

no vam fer negoci

we didn't make a deal

no ho vam vendre bé

we didn't sell it well

ho coneixíem

we knew him/her

simplement la inversió

simply the investment

quasi que la vam recuperar

we almost got her back

perquè va ser la nostra inversió

because it was our investment

els nostres ahorres

our savings

però bueno

but well

ens han ensenyat

they have taught us

moltes coses això

many things this

no vull ser

I don't want to be

la xafa de guitarres

the stomp of guitars

del grup

of the group



hem arribat gairebé

we have almost arrived

al final

in the end

de la primera temporada

from the first season


they remain

seré benevolent

I will be benevolent.

i deixaré una pregunta

And I will leave a question.

a cada un dels quarts

to each of the rooms



és que m'enrotllo molt

It's just that I ramble a lot.

no no

no no

45 minuts

45 minutes

passen rapidíssim

they pass very quickly

ja ha quedat demostrat

it has already been proven

home jo tornaria

I would return home.

a la pregunta d'abans

to the previous question

que és una mica

what it is a bit

de números

of numbers

o sigui

that is to say



que comentàvem

that we were commenting

de dir

to say

xifres xifres

figures figures

si puc tenir

if I can have

tres marques

three brands

allò que pugui ser

that which may be

més aviat


ambaixadora de marca

brand ambassador

i on tens això

And where do you have this?

que no pas

that doesn't happen

fer coses més puntuals

do more punctual things

amb 12

with 12





o sigui

that is to say

alguna acció concreta

some concrete action

de dir

to say

mira doncs

look then

tu vols rango

do you want rank

el tema és que

the thing is that

si jo per exemple

if I for example

per un pack d'historis

for a pack of stories

tal qual

as is

pack d'historis

story pack

amb link

with link

venta tal tal tal

sale such such such



el meu preu

my price

són 2.000 euros

it is 2,000 euros



però si tu

but if you

o sigui

in other words

per començar

to begin

que no m'interessa

that doesn't interest me

que vingui sol

let it come alone

per un pack d'historis

for a pack of stories



no hi ha una relació

there is no relationship

més allà




no veig que

I don't see that.

jo porti

I carry.



tinc un valor per tu

I have a value for you.

ni tu per mi

neither you for me

o sigui

that is to say

no és el tipus de relació

it's not the kind of relationship

que jo ara mateix busco

that I am currently looking for

això és com una parella

this is like a couple

no és el que m'interessa

it's not what I'm interested in

a no ser que m'interessi

unless I'm interested

la marca

the brand

estigui enamorada de la marca

be in love with the brand

sigui un referent

be a reference

i jo

and me


to assume

treballar amb ella

work with her

però si tu

but if you

em tanques

you close me

un anual

an annual

jo no t'estic cobrant

I'm not charging you.

això per l'histori

this for history


you know


I am you.

o sigui

that is to say

és un pack

it's a pack

de tota la vida

for a lifetime

fas preu

you make a price

és així

that's how it is

fas preu

you make a price

i anualment

and annually

quant puc facturar

how much can I bill

un arete fuster

a carpenter's earring

depèn de l'any

it depends on the year

a l'any

per year

no et diré

I won't tell you.



perquè realment

because really

aquest any passat

last year

ho sé

I know.

pel gestor

for the manager

però l'any

but the year

que més vaig facturar

what else did I invoice

va ser l'any del Covid

it was the year of Covid

i no es pot saber

and it cannot be known





hi ha un interval

there is an interval

tens l'audiència

you have the audience







tens tres possibilitats

you have three possibilities

això no és la resistència

this is not the resistance

de quants diners tens al banc

How much money do you have in the bank?

però és per entendre

but it is to understand

el negoci

the business

tens tres possibilitats

you have three possibilities

de forquilla

of fork

i jo et dic

and I tell you

massa o menys

more or less





no et pensis

don't think so

que sóc millonària

that I am a millionaire

ojalà fos millonària

I wish I were a millionaire.

pensa que del que

think that of what

del que facturo

of what I bill

la meitat


se'n va

he/she is leaving

o sigui

that is to say

jo per exemple

me for example

dels dos mil que cobro

of the two thousand that I earn

el 20%

the 20%

el treus de representació

you take it out of representation

i el 47%

and 47%

també me'l treus

you also take it from me



se'n va l'estat

the state is leaving

més la tassa d'autònoms

plus the self-employed fee

impostos un 47%

taxes at 47%

més la tassa d'autònoms

plus the self-employed fee






administration or management agency

i gastos

and expenses


of freelancers

ja té una forquilla

he already has a fork



tens tres oportunitats

you have three opportunities

dale mira

come on, look

una cadascú

each one

ja està




net income

net income





se te'n van els minuts eh

The minutes are slipping away from you, huh?

de 50 a 100.000

from 50 to 100,000



no va dir aquesta

did not say this



és molt gran

it is very big

l'abanico eh

the fan eh



de 50 a 100

from 50 to 100

i dius que més eh

And you say what else?

per tant


com a mínim 100

at least 100

t'estic dient el millor any

I'm telling you the best year.

no és la referència real

it is not the real reference

doncs de 150 a 200

so from 150 to 200

això seria el titular

this would be the headline

perquè després mentira

because then lies

de 150 a 200

from 150 to 200

ah claro

ah of course

és que a veure

it's just that let's see




m'he salvat

I have been saved.


estava per allà al mig

I was over there in the middle.

i ara dir

and now I will say

que t'has salvat

that you have been saved

fes una pregunta

ask a question

que et veig

I see you.

no no

no no

però clar

but of course

és que

it's that



ui ui

oh oh

l'any més bo

the best year

però les restes van

but the remains go



les restes menys

the remains minus

perquè també

because also

jo he canviat coses

I have changed things.

jo no

not me

no prioritzo més

I no longer prioritize.

la qualitat

the quality

que no

that no

no vull fer tantes coses

I don’t want to do so many things.

vull fer coses que no

I want to do things that I don't.

doncs no són de guanyar diners

so they are not about making money

em dono compte

I realize.

que si treballo molt

that if I work a lot

també he de donar molt

I also have to give a lot.

i prefereixo

I prefer

doncs treballar una mica menys

so work a little less

i coses que m'agradin més

and things that I like more



però que van torn les 6 xifres

but the 6 figures have returned


no sempre

not always

depèn de l'any

it depends on the year



un any molt menys

a year much less



aquell va ser

that was

aquell va ser un any

that was a year

que la gent necessitava vendre molt

that people needed to sell a lot

tots sabem per què

We all know why.



molt ràpid

very fast

que em anirà bé

that will suit me well

per la meva feina

for my job

també això

also this

mai ho he acabat

I have never finished it.

de saber respondre

to know how to respond

en el tema de la moda

in the topic of fashion

que deies

what were you saying







com es deien

what were they called









això és algo que creus

this is something you believe

que la gent

that people

està esperant que hi sigui

is waiting for it to be there

i vosaltres ho poseu

and you put it

o vosaltres creu la moda

or you create fashion

vull dir

I mean

qui va abans

who goes first

no sé si m'explico

I don't know if I'm explaining myself.

a veure

let's see

jo crec que

I believe that

si no ets tonto

if you're not stupid

saps que

do you know that

el que pots vendre

what you can sell

tu coneixes el teu públic

You know your audience.

tu saps les coses

you know things

bueno en el meu cas

well in my case

jo sabia què és el que m'agrada a mi

I knew what I like.

què és el que la gent

what is it that people

més em pregunta

more he asks me

o què és el que més

or what is the most

em diferencia una mica també

it also distinguishes me a bit



l'influencer que fan sudaderes

the influencer who makes sweatshirts

doncs va haver-hi

so there was

o hi ha un munt

or there is a lot

però en el meu cas

but in my case

la ceràmica

the ceramics

estava molt arraigada

it was very deep-rooted

al meu perfil

to my profile

perquè m'agrada

because I like it

perquè compro

because I buy

perquè em gasto diners

because I spend money

són les coses que jo tinc a casa

these are the things that I have at home

el tema de decoració

the decoration theme

em funciona super bé també

it works super well for me too

perquè m'encanta la decoració

because I love decoration

és una barreja

it's a mixture

de si tu ets intel·ligent

whether you are intelligent

doncs el que creus

so what you think

que no em posaré

that I won't put on

a vendre

for sale

jo què sé

I don't know.

no sé calzoncillos

I don't know underwear.

saps que

you know that

però és més la capacitat

but it is more the capacity

que tens de crear

what you have to create

una tendència

a trend

sí una tendència

yes, a trend

no crec que la creïs

I don't think you believe it.

o potser sí

or maybe yes

però que siguis una mica visionari

but that you be a bit visionary

en el que a tu et funciona

in what works for you


do you like it

i pots fer negoci d'això

And you can negotiate about this.

ningú ho ha inventat

nobody invented it

o sigui

that is to say

tot està inventat

everything is invented

en el fons d'ho saps

deep down you know it

dues preguntes Jordi

Two questions, Jordi.

una és super breu

one is super short



estic tan benevolent

I am so benevolent.





I avui acabem

And today we finish.

primera temporada

first season

sí sí

yes yes

és veritat

it's true

tens un compte

do you have an account

d'Instagram personal

personal Instagram



per viure en l'anonimat

to live in anonymity



ni millors amics

neither best friends



és que

it's that

si ja

yes already


you would die

si ja tinc coses a penjar

Yes, I already have things to hang up.

i ja m'agobe

I'm already overwhelmed.

i ja t'estic dient

And I'm already telling you.

que no m'agrada molt

that I don't like very much

estar amb el mòbil

to be on the phone

que la gent diu

what people say

hòstia però ser influencer

wow but being an influencer

no estàs molt amb el mòbil

you're not on your phone very much

i és que no

and it's just that no

o sigui no m'agrada

so I don't like it

imagina't penjar

imagine hanging

en un mòbil

on a mobile phone

o en un mòbil

or on a mobile phone



que va

no way


flip out



doncs acabem

then let's finish



quin és

what is it


the horizon

que visualitzes

that you visualize

a 5 anys vista

in 5 years' time




we finish



la pregunta més oberta

the most open question

amb una frase

with a sentence

ara tres quarts d'hora més

now another three quarters of an hour



lluminós impossible

impossible luminous

podria estar

could be

tres quarts d'hora

three quarters of an hour

amb aquesta pregunta

with this question

estava collonit

I was scared.

perquè em pensava

because I thought

que diria

what would I say

ja t'ho he explicat abans

I have already explained it to you before.

que malíssima

how terrible



és que és una mica

it's just that it's a bit

cabron abans

bastard before





no perquè

no because

ho has desgranat

you have unraveled it

molt més

much more

és que jo a vegades

it's just that sometimes I

dono per suposat

I take it for granted.

que la gent ja ho sap

that people already know it

però és veritat

but it is true

que encara

that still

s'ha de preguntar

it has to be asked

com funciona

how it works

jo ho entenc

I understand it.

però és com

but it is like



ho veig com ja

I see it as already.

que estic al passat

that I am in the past

explorem mons nous aquí

let's explore new worlds here

i preguntem

and we ask

des de la ignorància pura

from pure ignorance

vull dir

I mean

és que per això

it's that for this reason

estem aquí

we are here

sis anys

six years

és dir molt

it means a lot

doncs això

so that's it

cinc anys

five years

jo m'imagino

I imagine myself

dintre de cinc anys

in five years

fent alguna cosa social

doing something social

barrejat amb alguna cosa

mixed with something

que m'agrada

that I like

a nivell laboral

at a professional level


I say

fent alguna cosa

doing something



que m'agrada

that I like

o relacionat

or related

amb la salut mental

with mental health

com faig ara

how do I do it now

o l'endometriosi

or endometriosis

que tinc un problema

that I have a problem

un projecte

a project

que sortirà aviat

that will come out soon

sobre això

about this

i ajudar dones

and help women

és una cosa

it's one thing

que em motiva molt

that motivates me a lot



també relacionat

also related

amb algú

with someone



o de la publi

or from the ad

o de

or of

direcció d'art

art direction

és una cosa

it's one thing

que m'agradava

that I liked

quan estudiava

when I was studying

o assessoria

or consultancy

no sé

I don't know.

algú que també

someone who also

em doni per viure

give me to live



prioritzant una mica

prioritizing a bit

el meu entorn

my environment

que és una cosa

what is a thing

que m'agrada

that I like

però sí que en 5 anys

but yes, in 5 years

que tindré

what I will have



serà molt més

it will be much more

necessari o evident

necessary or obvious

espero, crec

I hope, I believe

és com m'imagino

it's as I imagine






abans que ens diguis

before you tell us

que ens hem passat

that we have missed

de 3 quarts

of three quarters

convido tothom

I invite everyone.

a escoltar

to listen

el podcast de l'Areta

the podcast of Areta





poseu el link

put the link

per algun lloc


posarem l'enllaç

we will put the link

a tot arreu


jo he escoltat

I have listened.

3 capítols

3 chapters

i està molt bé

and it is very good

per estar en un mateix

to be in the same one

i diu coses

and says things

molt interessants

very interesting

és intens

it is intense

és això que intensa

Is this what intense means?

com heu pogut comprovar

as you have seen



penso molt

I think a lot.

i reflexiono molt

and I reflect a lot

però interessant

but interesting

intens però interessant

intense but interesting

no sé

I don't know.

t'has sentit bé

you have felt good



se m'ha fet curtíssim

It has gone by very quickly.

podríem allargar

we could extend

són 3 quarts

It's a quarter to three.

en punt

on time

un quart d'hora més

a quarter of an hour more

no ens deixen

they don't let us

sempre diem

we always say

és que realització

it is that realization

després em toca el crostó

then it’s my turn for the crust

no, sempre diem

no, we always say

de fer segons capítols

to make second chapters

segons això

according to this

veurem què ens depara

we'll see what awaits us

la segona temporada

the second season

però cal dir

but it must be said

que ens ho hem passat molt bé

that we had a great time

ha estat un

it has been a

almenys per part meva

at least on my part

la primera temporada

the first season

un veritable honor

a true honor

i espero que

and I hope that

que heu gaudit

that you have enjoyed

ens tornarem a veure

we will see each other again

us ho heu passat bé

Did you have a good time?

us ha agradat el projecte

have you liked the project?



a més a més


és que

it's that

des de la pura ignorància

from pure ignorance

per això anàvem fent

that's why we kept going

aquestes preguntes

these questions

i estaríem aquí

and we would be here

hores i hores

hours and hours

tot aquest creixement

all this growth

molt gradual

very gradual

una pregunta

a question

què heu après

What have you learned?



què heu après

What have you learned?


each one

en aquesta temporada

in this season

això ho posades

you put this

al teu podcast

to your podcast

no, vosaltres

no, you all

com a tomes falses

as false tones

tomes falses

false leads

que us ha donat

what has given you

o què heu après

or what have you learned

en aquesta primera temporada

in this first season

perquè si voleu

because if you want

continuar en una segona

continue in a second

és per algú

it's for someone

et disparo

I shoot you.

jo que ho tinc claríssim

I have it very clear.

molt bé

very well



tot allò


que no estiguis fent

that you are not doing

que vagi en el rumb

may it go in the right direction


of the

el que t'apassiona

what excites you

és perdre el temps

it's a waste of time

estàs perdent el temps

you are wasting your time

sí, sí

yes, yes

és molt radical

it is very radical



bueno, hi ha molta gent

well, there are many people

que no s'ho pot permetre

that cannot afford it

o que no té

or that does not have

no, no, absolutament

no, no, absolutely

però si pots

but if you can

anar encarat

to be facing

en una direcció

in one direction






do it

perquè la vida és curteta

because life is short


i al final està fent coses

and in the end, he is doing things

que no

no way

és el que ens hem anat plantejant

it's what we have been considering

a mesura que hem anat veient

as we have been seeing

els convidats

the guests

de diferents sectors

from different sectors



de molts sectors

from many sectors

t'inciten a jugar-te-la

they encourage you to take a risk

o a fer alguna cosa

or to do something

que dius

what are you saying

tinc la possibilitat

I have the possibility.


aquesta vida

this life


it is

sempre jugar-te-la

always gamble it


so much

és tirar-te a la piscina

it's diving into the pool

sí, sí, sí

yes, yes, yes

a vegades


tens una feina

you have a job

que t'agrada

What do you like?

o que és el que tu vols

or what is it that you want

però pots ser autònom

but you can be self-employed

o fer el teu propi

or do your own

no sé

I don't know.

sí, sí

yes, yes

ja estàs fent el mateix

you're already doing the same thing



tens les teves vacances

you have your holidays

i treballes a remoto

and you work remotely

jo el que he après

what I have learned

crec que és

I think it is

una miqueta el que has dit tu

a little bit of what you said

que el contingut

that the content

que tu crees

What do you think?

al final te l'has de creure

In the end, you have to believe it.

i realment

and really

t'ha d'agradar

you must like it


Do you know?

perquè estem hores

because we are hours


preparing it


editing it

per penjar-ho

to hang it

que si no sé

that if I don't know

ja no ho juguem

we no longer play it





o t'agrada

or you like it



o cedeixes fàcilment

or you give in easily

i és una de les coses

and it is one of the things



t'estaves a l'estudi

you were in the studio



parlant amb els dos

talking with both of them

molt bé

very well

això sí que ho he après

this I have indeed learned



és el que ens fa tirar endavant

it's what drives us forward

i tècnicament

and technically



ja estic aprenent

I am already learning.

una bestiesa

a nonsense

sí, sí

yes, yes

a base d'arròs

based on rice

jo és que és un resum

I mean it's a summary.

del que han dit ells dos

from what they have both said

no, no

no, no



aquí com a barquilla

here as in a shell

no, hem entrevistat

no, we have interviewed

jo crec que tots

I believe that everyone

els que hem entrevistat

those we have interviewed

totes les persones

all the people

o sigui

that is to say

tenen passió

they have passion

i se'ls veu molt a gust

and they look very comfortable

amb la vida que tenen

with the life they have

i amb el seu dia a dia

and with their everyday life

i de formar part

and to be a part of

d'alguna cosa

of something

que han emprès ells

that they have undertaken

o que més endavant

or later

han acabat formant-ne part

they have ended up being part of it

i dius

and you say



jo també vull

I want that too.

doncs és per plantejar-s'ho

well, it's worth considering

tal qual

just as it is

que guai

how cool

si és que estàs com a empleat

if you are employed

a qualsevol projecte

to any project

d'un tercer

of a third

o sigui que

that is to say

està molt bé

it's very good

i que també és per on anem

and it is also where we are going.



de dir

to say

despertar també inquietuds

to awaken also concerns

a la gent

to the people

tal qual

just as it is

i aprendre

and learn

i tant

Of course!

és que moltes preguntes

it's just that many questions

potser les faria la gent

perhaps people would make them

però no té l'espai

but it doesn't have the space

i les fem nosaltres

and we do them ourselves

en aquest espai

in this space

de dir

to say





com et guanyes la vida tu

how do you make a living?

o què és

or what it is


és un aprovament

it is an approval

està genial

it's great

a mi m'encanta

I love it.

i per això posem

and that is why we put

s'ho donen molt bé

they get along very well

la veritat

the truth

necessitamos patrocinador

we need a sponsor



ara ara

now now



per la segona temporada

for the second season



un plató

a plateau

un hostal

a hostel

no t'imagines?

You can't imagine?



és un projecte social

it is a social project



amb anys

with years

és social

it is social

no pot ser

it can't be





sí sí

yes yes

el meu podcast

my podcast

també és deficitari

it is also deficient

no t'amoïnis

don't worry

tots comencem igual

we all start the same

així que convidem

so we invite

de nou


a l'audiència

to the audience



els que heu arribat

those of you who have arrived

a aquest capítol

to this chapter

doncs que us subscriviu

so that you subscribe

que ens seguiu

that you follow us

seguim vestint de negre

we continue to dress in black

que poseu likes a fondo

that you put likes in abundance

perquè realment

because really

que pregunteu el que vulgueu

ask whatever you want

o que us proposin

or what they propose to you



o que

or what



comenteu el vídeo

comment on the video

on està la càmera

Where is the camera?

comenteu el vídeo

comment on the video


give it

com és

how is it

dale like

give it a like

no sé ja

I don't know anymore.

els dos

the two

no però que la gent

no but that people

comenti és guai

Comment is cool.

així teniu feedback

here is your feedback

teniu que saber

you have to know

el que pensen

what they think

sí sí total

yes yes totally

això mateix

right now

molt bé

very good

que guai

how cool

doncs Areta Fuster

so Areta Fuster

un plaer

a pleasure

Alex Llong

Alex Llong.

aquí el penis

here the penis

del Fèlix

of Fèlix



i Jordi Alberti

and Jordi Alberti

ha estat tota l'estona

it has been all the time

aquí sota teu

underneath you

ha estat tota l'estona

has been the whole time

aquí inquiet

here restless

no i si

no and yes



i encima azul

and blue on top

un pene pitufo

a smurf penis

m'ha fet companyia

he has kept me company

un pene pitufo

a smurf penis

doncs res

well, nothing

ens veiem a la propera

see you next time



molt bé

very good



en aquest llibre

in this book

tenen una cosa

they have a thing

que és

what is it

un plaer

a pleasure

que veu

what do you see




it will listen to you

i ens en sortirem

and we will succeed

de la llum

of the light

i serà

and it will be

d'una mica

a little bit







que no

no way

hi ha

there is



que no



they are

de suspicious




de veritat


que sí

that yes

Fins demà!

Until tomorrow!

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