El tresor

Aitana Ferrer. El ventall d'Aitana.

Que hi ha algú ahí?

El tresor

Que hi ha algú ahí?

Hola, hola, que hi ha algú ahir?

Hello, hello, is there anyone here?

Hola amics i amigues, que hi ha algú ahir?

Hello friends, is there anyone here?

He vingut a contar histories, no me siet que des a mi.

I have come to tell stories, I don't know what you mean by me.

Hola amics i amigues, que hi ha algú ahir?

Hello friends, is there someone there yesterday?

He vingut a contar histories, vinga va, quedat amb mi.

I've come to tell stories, come on, stay with me.

Ai, sí, sí, quedat amb mi, perquè això de contar histories jo tota sola és un rotllo.

Oh, yes, yes, stay with me, because telling stories all by myself is a bore.

Va, com no sé si estàs ahir, fes pitos a la de tres. Una, dos i tres.

Come on, since I don't know if you were there yesterday, do some pitos on three. One, two, and three.

Hola amics i amigues, que hi ha algú ahir?

Hello friends, is there anyone here?

He vingut a contar histories, vinga va, dime que sí.

I've come to tell stories, come on, tell me yes.

Hola amics i amigues.

Hello friends.

Eh, Blauet, no tenis que és de la butxaca, que ja saps que pots caure.

Eh, Blauet, you don't have to be in your pocket, you know you can fall.

Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh.

Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh.

Ai, este pardalet, este pardalet es rebolica moltíssim.

Oh, this little bird, this little bird flutters a lot.

No pots ser Blauet, per favor, para una miqueta.

You can't be Blauet, please, stop for a moment.

Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na.

Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na.

Ai, que contenta que estic, és que això d'anar passejant pel bosc em posa molt feliç.

Oh, how happy I am, it's just that walking in the forest makes me very happy.

I tinc una bona companyia, eh, que hi ha algú ahir?

I have good company, huh, is someone there?

Ah, ja sabia que estaríeu, així fem-me costat.

Ah, I already knew you would be here, so stand by my side.

Porteu les motxilles, veritat, no les haureu d'eixar baix de l'arbre quan hem parat una miqueta a descansar.

Bring the backpacks, right? You won't have to leave them under the tree when we stop for a bit to rest.



Ha, ha, no, no, no, no, és que, mireu, he parlat amb Blauet i això de conèixer on viuen els cavalls sembla d'allò més divertit.

Ha, ha, no, no, no, no, it's just that, you see, I spoke with Blauet and this thing about knowing where the horses live seems to be quite fun.

Així que hem pujat damunt d'una roca que ja havia un poc més alta i hem vist que molt prop d'ací hi ha una granja.

So we climbed onto a rock that was a bit higher and saw that very close by there is a farm.

Eh, com que no sabeu que és una granja?

Eh, how come you don't know what a farm is?

Va, qui ho sap?

Come on, who knows?

Que al celbràs qui sàpiga que és una granja.

Let whoever knows it is a farm celebrate it.



Blauet, tu no saps que és una granja?

Bluebird, don't you know what a farm is?

Ai, que tenim un problema, que ningú sap que és una granja.

Oh, we have a problem, that no one knows what a farm is.

Ai, ara què?

Oh, now what?

Doncs mireu, una granja és un lloc on viuen molts animals.

Well, look, a farm is a place where many animals live.

Per exemple...

For example...

A la vall hi ha una granja on canta el gall.

In the valley, there is a farm where the rooster sings.

I com fa el gall?

And how does the rooster do it?

Ah, ah, ah!

Ah, ah, ah!

Xicotet, a la vora piolet.

Little, by the ice axe.

I així molts animals viuen les vaques, que més animals poden viure a les granges, a vora que se li acudixa algun.

And so many animals live, the cows, what other animals can live on the farms, unless someone thinks of one.

Sí, pot haver gats, sí, uns quants, perquè a més com hi ha moltes ratetes, es posen les botes, sí, sí.

Yes, there can be cats, yes, a few, because since there are many little mice, they put on their boots, yes, yes.

També hi ha gossos, sí, perquè hi ha uns gossos que són especials, que són els gossos pastors,

There are also dogs, yes, because there are some dogs that are special, which are the shepherd dogs.

que són eixos gossos que ajuden els ramaders a portar el ramat fins a la granja.

What are those dogs that help shepherds take the flock to the farm?

Però també hi ha conills.

But there are also rabbits.

I hi ha...

And there is...

Ah, ah, hi ha gallines, sí, sí.

Ah, ah, there are chickens, yes, yes.

I també hi ha galls.

And there are also roosters.

I uns altres animals que tenen la pell un poquet de color rosa.

And other animals that have skin a little bit pink.

I tenen la cua així enroscadeta, que sembla un moll.

And they have their tails curled like that, which makes them look like a spring.

Boing, boing, boing, boing.

Boing, boing, boing, boing.

Qui sap qui pot ser eix animal?

Who knows what this animal could be?

A més fa un soroll així com...

Besides, it makes a noise like...

Ja sabeu quin animal, eh?

You already know which animal it is, right?


It is...

Exactament, el porc.

Exactly, the pig.

Sí, i sabeu qui li agrada molt fer el porc?

Yes, and do you know who really likes to play the pig?

Li agrada molt posar-se dins del fang i rebolicar-se cap a una banda, cap a l'altra,

He really likes to get into the mud and roll around, from one side to the other.

com quan anem a la mar, eh?

like when we go to the sea, right?

No ho heu de fer mai?

Should you never do it?

Quan anem a la mar i ens posem en la sorra cap a una banda, cap a l'altra, cap a una banda, cap a l'altra

When we go to the sea and we lay down in the sand to one side, to the other, to one side, to the other.

i acabem sense ser plens.

and we end up not being fulfilled.

Ai, l'estiu ja està una miqueta més prop.

Oh, summer is a little bit closer now.

Però el primer que ve és la primavera, ho sabeu, no?

But the first thing that comes is spring, you know that, right?

Ja està tot ple de flors i a més tot ple d'insectes.

It's already full of flowers and also full of insects.

Ai, a mi lo dels insectes no em fa tanta gràcia, no.

Oh, I'm not that fond of insects, no.

Perquè hi ha uns animals que em fan una miqueta de...

Because there are some animals that make me a little bit of...

Ai, no sabria jo com dir-ho.

Oh, I wouldn't know how to say it.



Em fan una miqueta de porc.

They make me a little bit of a pig.

No li ho digueu a ningú, eh?

Don't tell anyone, okay?

Sí, sí, sí, jo tinc una miqueta de porc a uns animals.

Yes, yes, yes, I have a little bit of pig among some animals.

Són molt xicotets.

They are very small.



I són de color...

And they are colored...



I tenen una cosa que pica en el cul.

And they have something that itches in the ass.

No, no, que no els pica el cul.

No, no, they don't have an itchy butt.

Que tenen una cosa en forma de punxa que pica en el cul.

That they have a thorny thing that stings the ass.

Que no, a veure si m'enteneu.

No, let's see if you understand me.

No és que te pica el cul.

It's not that your butt itches.

No, que eixe insecte que és de color negre,

No, that insect which is black,

que vola i que té una punxeta al cul,

that flies and has a little spike in its butt,



Sí, sí, pica.

Yes, yes, it stings.

Però només ho fa si tu l'ataques.

But it only does it if you attack it.

Ho fa per defendre's.

He does it to defend himself.

Perquè són uns insectes super, super, super importants per al planeta.

Because they are super, super, super important insects for the planet.

Perquè s'encarreguen amb les seues potes i les seues ales

Because they take care of it with their paws and their wings.

de transportar el pol·len de les flors.

to transport the pollen of the flowers.

Sí, les porten d'una flor a una altra

Yes, they carry them from one flower to another.

perquè es dediquen a estar volant tot el dia de flor en flor.

because they spend all day flying from flower to flower.

I després una altra volta, una altra flor i una altra flor.

And then another time, another flower and another flower.


They grab it.

El porten a un lloc super especial que no us vaig a dir encara com es diu.

They take him to a super special place that I'm not going to tell you what it's called yet.

I el guarden allí perquè es transformi en una cosa que sembla un tresor.

And they keep it there so that it transforms into something that looks like a treasure.

Sí, és una substància molt dolça que es pot agarrar amb cullera.

Yes, it is a very sweet substance that can be scooped with a spoon.

És molt bona per a la gola quan estem malets.

It is very good for the throat when we are feeling sick.

I a un amic meu li agrada molt posar-se una cullera ben plena en el cafè.

And a friend of mine really enjoys putting a full spoon in his coffee.



Jo no sé si sabeu de què vos estic parlant.

I don't know if you know what I'm talking about.

Va, que vos he donat moltes pistes.

Come on, I've given you many clues.

Va, una més.

Come on, one more.

Una pisteta més.

One more track.

Mireu, la seva casa i on guarden el pol·len

Look, their house and where they store the pollen.

per a que es convertís en eixe tresor que tant ens agrada

so that it became that treasure that we like so much

està feta de cera.

It is made of wax.

Ha, ha.

Ha, ha.

Va, si no ho sabeu, pregunteu als pares i a les mares

Go on, if you don’t know, ask your dads and mums.

que són molt sabuts i ells sí que han pres eixe tresor

they are very knowledgeable and they have indeed taken that treasure

amb el cafè, amb la llet calenteta.

with the coffee, with the warm milk.

I, sobretot, quan eren menuts, per a cuidar-se.

I, above all, when they were little, to take care of themselves.

No, Blauet, els pardalets no prenen d'això.

No, Blauet, the little sparrows don't eat that.

Mmm, mmm, no perquè et posaràs malet.

Mmm, mmm, no because you will get upset.

Els pardalets ja sabem que mengen cucs.

The little sparrows already know that they eat worms.



vos he de contar una cosa, eh?

I have to tell you something, okay?

Jo crec que Blauet ja s'ha fet prou fadrí per a menjar trossets de pa.

I believe that Blauet has grown enough to eat small pieces of bread.

Bueno, banyats en aigua per a que siguen més fàcils de tregar

Well, soaked in water so they are easier to knead.

perquè ja sabeu que Blauet no té dents.

because you already know that Blauet has no teeth.

Però és que, sabeu, a més de pegar botets,

But, you know, besides bouncing around,

ja comença a moure les ales.

It is already starting to move its wings.

Oh, qualsevol dia, este és campavolar.

Oh, any day now, this is a wanderer.

Oh, hauré de continuar alimentant-lo com a bona mare pardaleta que sóc.

Oh, I will have to continue feeding him like the good sparrow mother that I am.

Ha, ha, ha, ha.

Ha, ha, ha, ha.

Uf, portem ja molt de rato caminant, eh?

Phew, we've been walking for a long time, haven't we?

Jo no sé vosaltres, però jo començo a estar una miqueta cansada.

I don't know about you, but I'm starting to feel a little tired.

És quasi, quasi hora de berenar i el meu estómac comença a fer soroll.

It's almost snack time and my stomach is starting to make noise.

Ui, ui.

Oh, oh.



Hola, mireu!

Hello, look!

Heu vist?

Have you seen?

Però quin edifici més gran!

But what a bigger building!

Així enmig del bosc.

Thus in the middle of the forest.




Of course!

Hem arribat a la granja!

We have arrived at the farm!

Ai, Blauet, per fi, per fi vaig a poder mostrar-te que és una granja.

Oh, Blauet, finally, finally I'm going to be able to show you what a farm is.

Ai, que ganes de veure tots els animals.

Oh, I can't wait to see all the animals.

No teniu ganes?

Don't you feel like it?

Va, una carrera fins a la porta.

Come on, a race to the door.

A la de tres.

On the count of three.

Una, dos i tres.

One, two, and three.

Que hi ha algú ahir?

Was there someone yesterday?



Que hi ha algú ahir?

Was there someone yesterday?

El podcast del ventall d'Aitana.

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