MP 8 - Brat Summer Is Over đź’”

Muy Primas

Muy Primas

MP 8 - Brat Summer Is Over đź’”

Muy Primas

Bona nit

Good night

que jo crec que no fem vĂ­deos avui

I don't think we are making videos today.

Brad Summer

Brad Summer



molt heavy que Ă©s Brad Summer

very heavy that Brad Summer is



hagueu tingut un Brad Summer de veritat

you would have had a real Brad Summer



no ens val

it doesn't work for us

algĂş light

someone light

el meu ha sigut Brad Summer

mine has been Brad Summer

no t'ho negaré

I won't deny it to you.

el teu?


el meu ha sigut tot el Brad Summer

mine has been all Brad Summer

que pot ser el teu summer

What can be your summer?



en realitat Ă©s mentida

in reality it is a lie

depèn de quin tipus de parella tinguis

it depends on what type of partner you have

segur que pot ser més Brad Summer del que ha sigut el teu

surely it can be more Brad Summer than it has been yours

Ă©s veritat

it is true





se fa el que se pot amb el que se té

One does what one can with what one has.



hem estat a Amsterdam

We have been to Amsterdam.

esperem primes que ja hagueu escoltat

we hope you have already heard the awards

l'especial quan surti aquest

the special when this comes out

jo pensava

I was thinking

et tinc una idea

I have an idea for you.

te la llenço perquè

I throw it to you because

les primes no saben que

the primes don't know that

en realitat aquest episodi

in reality this episode

actua com a actualitzaciĂł

acts as an update

entre primes

between primes

i hem aprofitat

and we have taken advantage

i estem fent un episodi

and we are making an episode

llavors jo tinc una proposta

then I have a proposal



a veure què et sembla

let's see what you think


tell him/her


say it

proposo treure aquest episodi abans

I propose to release this episode earlier.

acabar amb un extra

end with an extra

de la temporada

of the season

que es digui

let it be said

420 edition

420 edition

que Ă©s el que ja vam gravar a Amsterdam

what is it that we already recorded in Amsterdam

que no l'hem

that we haven't

tret encara

still shot

perquè vam fer un brownie

because we made a brownie

de Maria

of Maria

només a aixecar-nos

only by getting up

i vam dir anem a gravar

and we said let's go record

llavors Ă©s un episodi

then it is an episode

podem dir difĂ­cil d'editar

we can say difficult to edit

perquè és molt caòtic

because it is very chaotic

moltes hores

many hours

creiem que

we believe that

estava tot

everything was

perfectament ordenat

perfectly organized

i Ă©s mentida

and it is a lie

molt riure

a lot of laughter

al final us posarem bits

In the end, we will put in bits.

de moments de carcajada

of moments of laughter

però si treus les carcajades

but if you take away the laughter

et quedes amb la meitat

you keep half

de lo que havĂ­em gravat

of what we had recorded

molt bé

very well

de menys




de cop estĂ vem 10 minuts rient

Suddenly we were laughing for 10 minutes.

ens quedĂ vem callades

we stayed silent

i dèiem

and we said

ai si estem gravant un episodi

Oh yes, we are recording an episode.

com sempre

as always

Adri ho esteu explicant fatal

Adri, you are explaining it terribly.

perquè aviam

because let's see





esteu escoltant

you are listening

l'Ăşltim capĂ­tol

the last chapter

de la primera temporada

of the first season

de muy primas

very thin

Ă©s algo heavy

it's something heavy


let's go

ens falta com

we lack like

uns aplaudiments

some applause

no tens com

you don't have like



en aquest

in this

Ă©s que crec que l'he borrat

It's just that I think I deleted it.

però vaig a mirar

but I'm going to look

a veure

let's see

que Ă©s

what is it



bueno primas

well, cousins

us actualitzem

we update you

perquè entengueu

so you understand

tota la merda

all the shit

que us estem explicant

that we are explaining to you

ara mateix

right now



jo com ja us havĂ­em anunciat

I, as we had already announced to you

estic a MĂşnich

I am in Munich.



m'he mudat

I have moved.

em vaig mudar

I moved.

ara a l'agost

now in August

pot ser que ho anunciéssim

It may be that we announced it.

al fortuenti

to the fortuneteller

que no hem penjat mai

that we have never posted

crec que no

I don't think so.

però podria ser

but it could be

però bueno

but well

ara ja ho sabeu

now you know

estic aquĂ­ a MĂşnich

I am here in Munich.



el podcast

the podcast

l'estem fent a distĂ ncia

We are doing it remotely.



com que l'estem fent a distĂ ncia

since we are doing it remotely

també ens hem de posar

we also have to get going

el dia a l'adrillĂł

the day at the farmhouse

de tot el que ens ha passat

of everything that has happened to us



per què


perquè l'últim cop

because the last time

que ens vam veure a l'adrillĂł

that we saw each other at the little brick

va ser

it was

Effective Wonder

Efectiu MeravellĂłs

a Amsterdam

to Amsterdam

que Ă©s on vam fer

that is where we did it

el brownie de marihuana

the marijuana brownie

i vam fer el capĂ­tol especial

and we made the special chapter

què va passar

What happened?

en aquest viatge

on this journey

a Amsterdam a Madrid

from Amsterdam to Madrid

bĂ sicament


què va passar a Amsterdam

What happened in Amsterdam?

jo vaig anar

I went

per un congrés

for a conference

vaig anar allĂ 

I went there.



la Curly prima

the skinny Curly

se'n va acoplar

he/she got coupled



se'n va acoplar

he/she/it got used to it

aixĂ­ va ser

that's how it was

el viatge

the journey

i la tenia ja

and I already had it

a la meva habitaciĂł d'hotel

in my hotel room

mentre jo

while I

m'anava a treballar

I was going to work.

i es quedava allĂ 

and he/she stayed there

fent absolutament res

doing absolutely nothing

era gratis

it was free

i era un hotel

and it was a hotel

de l'hòstia

of the host

tenia 5 saunes

I had 5 saunas.



i la Curly cada dia

And Curly every day.

feia un tour de saunes

I was doing a sauna tour.

i jo me la trobava

and I would run into her

al tornar

upon returning

al llit

in bed

mirant girls

looking at girls

a la tele

on the TV

va ser el que va fer

it was what he did

durant 3-4 dies

for 3-4 days

no va fer res més

he didn't do anything else



i sortida a festa

and going out to party

amb els del congrés

with those from the congress



si se'n va acoplar

if it gets coupled

a la nit

at night

per sortir a festa

to go out partying

llavors el dia segĂĽent

then the next day

tornava a començar

it was starting again

la seva roda

the wheel of it

i aleshores després

and then after

estava molt estressada

I was very stressed.

i no necessitava

and I didn't need



per compensar

to compensate

jo després

me after

em vaig acoplar

I joined in.

a casa d'una amiga

at a friend's house

de la Curly

of the Curly



llavors un matĂ­

then one morning

vam decidir

we decided

que esmorzarĂ­em

that we would have for breakfast

un brownie a Maria

a brownie for Maria

que ens anirĂ­em

that we would go

a una cafeteria

to a café

que estava més diluïant

that was more diluting



quin temps de merda

what shit weather



la veritat

the truth

quin horror

what a horror

moltes aventures

many adventures

aquell matĂ­

that morning

full aventures

full adventures

ens va acabar la bateria

We ran out of battery.

vaig haver d'anar

I had to go.


on an excursion

a buscar un nou cargador

to look for a new charger

moltes coses

{ "CurrentStatus": "The user has indicated they do not want to proceed with the previous topic regarding the electric potential derivation.", "BestTools": "Since there are no files and the user has not specified a new topic, the default action is to manage data or code tasks.", "Tool": "manage_data" }



just abans de venir

just before coming

em van robar

I was robbed.

tot el cargador

the whole charger

que jo tinc

that I have

de valor a la meva vida

of value to my life



no tenia res

I had nothing.

em van robar

I was robbed.

els cargadors

the loaders

no estàs explicant això bé

you're not explaining this well

jo vaig ser molt heavy

I was very heavy.

si just

yes just

abans d'anar

before going

va i em roben

He goes and they rob me.

tot el que tinc

everything I have



excepte el mòbil

except the mobile

perquè el tinc

because I have it

tot arreu de la mĂ 

everywhere on the hand

i no me'l poden robar

and they can't steal it from me.

totes les vegades

every time

m'ho van robar

They stole it from me.

fins i tot

even so

el cargador de l'iPhone

the iPhone charger

que s'ha de ser cutre

that one has to be stingy



s'ha de ser cutre

One must be shabby.

però el millor de tot

but the best of all

Ă©s que li van robar

It's that they stole from him/her.

tot menys

everything but

el micro

the mic



em van robar

I was robbed.

el micro que hi

the mic that is there

per fer tiktoks

to make TikToks

que costa

that costs

20 euros

20 euros

els putos rates

the fucking rats

va i me'l roben

they go and steal it from me

i aquest

and this

no me'l roben

they don't steal it from me

no entenc res

I don't understand anything.

la gent

the people

Ă©s que de veritat

it's just that truly

no en tenia idea

I had no idea.

aquella gent

that people

no té un podcast

he doesn't have a podcast

es nota

it is noticeable

Ă©s que Adri

it's just that Adri

una cosa

one thing


let's see

l'Adri estĂ  a un festival

Adri is at a festival.

a Sitges

to Sitges

per anar al Vida

to go to Vida

se'n van al Vida

they're going to Vida


they return

i els han entrat a robar

they have been robbed



arriba la poli

the police is coming



com els han robat

how they have stolen from them

dispositius d'Apple

Apple devices

què pots fer

what can you do



you can track

you can track

pots mirar

you can look

on estan les coses

where are the things



jo li vaig dir a l'Adri

I told Adri.

vaig dir al policia

I told the police.

però tranquil·lo policia

but don't worry, police

sé on estan

I know where they are.

els meus dispositius

my devices

em surten al mapa

they appear on the map



tal calle

such street

tal nĂşmero

such number

no sé què

I don't know what.

fa una hora

an hour ago

i em diu

and he/she/it tells me



Ă©s que estĂ  complicat

it's complicated

anar allĂ 

go there

i serĂ  difĂ­cil

and it will be difficult



i dic

I say.

bé però

well but

t'estic dient el nĂşmero

I'm telling you the number.

t'estic dient que estĂ  allĂ 

I'm telling you that it's over there.







què vols saber

What do you want to know?



i ei

and hey



bé gràcies

well thanks

però no

but no

no anem a anar

we are not going to go

perquè és que a més

because it is that additionally

estĂ  a Cornell

he/she is in Cornell



feia pal

it was a drag

i feia pal

and it was boring

van anar

they went



s'ho va apuntar

he/she wrote it down



em va dir

he told me

jo obro la denĂşncia

I file the complaint.



la va obrir

she opened it



jo després vaig anar a ficar-la

I then went to put it in.

i el tio no havia fet res

and the guy hadn't done anything

va venir

he/she came

va fer veure

made it seem

que estava mirant

what I was looking at

com m'havien obert la porta

as they had opened the door for me

no sé què

I don't know what.





el més heavy

the heaviest

Ă©s que jo

it's just that I

vaig trucar

I called.

vaig haver de trucar

I had to call.

tres cops

three times

perquè primer em va dir

because first he/she told me



Ă©s que m'han entrat

it's just that I've been overcome

no sé què

I don't know what.

estĂ  a la porta

it's at the door

m'han robat tot

They have stolen everything from me.



recordem que eren set del matĂ­

let's remember that it was seven in the morning

de tornar

to return

de festa




Ă©s que claro

it's just that of course

si m'acabava el turno

if my shift ended

en una hora

in an hour

no t'importaria

wouldn't you mind

llamar mañana

call tomorrow

i jo

and I



que fort

how strong

ja no

not anymore

això no ho sabies

you didn't know that

no això no ho sabia

No, I didn't know that.

m'ha dit

he/she has told me

m'he quedat una hora de turno

I have stayed an hour on shift.

per què no

why not

no us llames mañana

don't call us tomorrow

i jo

and me

a veure no

let's see, no

m'acaben d'entrar a robar

I've just been burgled.

vull anar a dormir

I want to go to sleep.






the Adri

estĂ  patint

is suffering

amb aquest puto robatori

with this fucking robbery

a la que el dia segĂĽent

the next day

ella s'anava a Amsterdam

She was going to Amsterdam.

i jo anava a un vol

and I was going to a flight

una hora després

one hour later

i em truca i em diu

and he calls me and tells me

tia m'han robat tot

Aunt, they have stolen everything from me.

i jo

and me

que no




això era

this was

un divendres

a Friday

jo m'anava

I was going.

el diumenge


em van robar tot

They stole everything from me.

excepte les coses

except for the things

que portava a sobre

that was carrying on her/him

que eren

what they were

els meus diners

my money

el meu DNI

my ID card

i el meu mòbil

and my mobile

i què va passar

and what happened

el dia segĂĽent

the following day

l'Ăşltim dia

the last day


of the

del festival vida

from the vida festival

Ă©s que jo

it's that I

no ho he dit

I haven't said it.

perquè és patètic

because it is pathetic

és patètic

it's pathetic

no li vaig dir

I didn't tell him/her.

ni a la policia

not even to the police

perquè em feia vergonya

because it embarrassed me

però què va passar

but what happened



em van robar la cartera

I had my wallet stolen.

amb els diners

with the money

i el DNI

and the ID card





i clar

and of course

no sabia si ficar-ho

I didn't know whether to put it in.

en una

in a





al final no vaig ficar

in the end, I didn't put in.

a la segona

at the second

perquè és que em feia vergonya

because I was embarrassed

feia vergonya

it was embarrassing

mai em roben

they never rob me

i en un fin de

and in a nutshell



Ă©s que no em quedava

it's that I didn't have any left

res més

nothing more

o sigui

that is to say

no em podien robar

they couldn't steal from me

res puto més

nothing else

li quedava

he had left

el mòbil

the mobile

i el micro

and the mic

i ja estĂ 

and that's it

i el dia segĂĽent

and the next day

em van dir

they told me


going away

a l'aeroport

at the airport

trucant a mi mare

calling my mother

Ă©s que

it is that

també m'han robat

I have also been robbed.

el DNI

the ID card



si no t'havien robat

if they hadn't stolen from you

el DNI

the ID card

no jo

not me

ara sĂ­

now yes

puedes traerme

Can you bring me?

el pasaport

the passport

de l'aeropuerto

from the airport

i això

and this

això que va passar

this that happened

això és de l'universo

this is from the universe


telling you



soc una pingada

I am a loser.

no no no no

no no no no

que no importa

that doesn't matter

res més

nothing more

que aquest puto podcast

that this fucking podcast

res més

nothing else

això és veritat

this is true

et pot

it can

t'ho poden trobar tot

they can find everything for you

excepte aquest micro

except this microphone

total que

so that

després que li robin

after they rob him/her

li porta la seva mare

his mother brings him

el passaport

the passport

tu tu tu tu tu

you you you you you

a terra a Amsterdam

on the ground in Amsterdam

a terra jo a Amsterdam

on the ground I am in Amsterdam

ens n'anem juntes

we're leaving together

a un hotel

to a hotel



una mica desfĂ cil

a bit difficult

jo diria

I would say.

jo vaig estar molt

I was very

de ruta saonera

on a pleasant route

mentre tu treballaves

while you were working

però ens ho vam passar

but we had a great time

molt bé

very well





també una nit

also one night

vam fer brownie

we made brownie

tu i jo

you and I

a soles a l'habitaciĂł

alone in the room

perquè estava plovent

because it was raining

molt fort

very strong

i va ser espectacular

It was spectacular.

aquella nit

that night

les rises

the rises

bueno i Ă©s que aquella nit

well, it's just that that night

m'ho vaig passar

I had a great time.

massa bé

too well

vam fer el show

we did the show



i d'allĂ 

and from there

què va passar?

What happened?

ostres m'estĂ  ajudant

wow, it's helping me

a recordar Amsterdam

to remember Amsterdam

que ho tenia

that I had it

com totalment oblidat

as completely forgotten



i d'allĂ 

and from there

després de mirar el partit

after watching the match

vam mirar les Kardashians

we watched the Kardashians

i a les Kardashians

and the Kardashians

van mencionar

they mentioned

sĂ­ sĂ­ sĂ­

yes yes yes

van mencionar

they mentioned

Naked Attraction

Naked Attraction



i com que van mencionar

and as they mentioned

Naked Attraction

Naked Attraction

que si no sabeu

that if you do not know

el que Ă©s

what it is

Naked Attraction

Naked Attraction

Ă©s un reality

it's a reality

d'aquests de Netflix

of these from Netflix

que què fan?

What are they doing?

AdriĂ  explica

AdriĂ  explains

Naked Attraction

Naked Attraction

hi ha de UK

there is the UK

i de tal

and such

però tot

but everything

és una còpia

it's a copy

d'un programa

of a program

que feien

what they were doing

a 8TV

to 8TV

low cost

low cost

o sigui

that is to say

es nota que

it is noticeable that

Naked Attraction

Naked Attraction

ho han fet

they have done it

amb una mica més

with a little more

de pressupost

of budget

només que li fiquis

just put it in

100 euros per episodi

100 euros per episode

ja ho pots fer

you can do it now

però bueno

but well

8TV ho va fer

8TV did it.

posant 5-6 euros

putting in 5-6 euros

i ja donava el pego

And it was already a good fit.

no cal gastar-se

there's no need to spend

tant com es gasten

as much as they spend

Naked Attraction

Naked Attraction

i bĂ sicament

and basically

sĂłn persones

they are people

que estan de peu

that are standing

a una cabina

to a cabin



estic explicant

I am explaining.

la versiĂł de 8TV

the version of 8TV

i aquĂ­ hi ha

and here there is

com unes

like some

unes lames

some blades



unes lames de vidre

some glass panes



que et cobreixen

that cover you

diferents parts del cos

different parts of the body



va una persona

a person is going

a buscar l'amor

to seek love



es troba

it is located

5 persones

5 people

en cabines

in cabins

no se'n veu res

you can't see anything

perquè són

because they are





la persona que busca l'amor

the person who seeks love

va fent preguntes

keep asking questions





saco la nĂşmero 3

I take out number 3.

bĂ sicament


què passa

What's happening?

abans de veure-li la cara

before seeing his face

de primeres

at first



veu un pene

he sees a penis



el presentador

the presenter

ha de jugar a aquest joc

he has to play this game


to say

què veus

What do you see?

i l'altre

and the other



està bé

it's okay

te gusta

do you like it

lo que ves

what you see

i la persona

and the person

no volen ser

they do not want to be



ser maus

be bad

i dir

and say

esta polla

this cock

Ă©s fea

she is ugly




they try


say it



també se intuïa

it was also sensed

un reloj

a watch


do you know

intenten jugar una miqueta

they try to play a little bit



no dir

not to say

no parlar del pene

do not talk about the penis

però hi ha poca cosa més

but there is little else

a mirar

to look

però no és veritat

but it is not true

perquè nosaltres vam mirar

because we looked

ara m'estic recordant

now I am remembering

vam mirar

we looked

jo parlo d'avui TV

I talk about today TV.

Ă©s que avui TV

it's that today TV

és més upgrade

it's more upgrade

perquè avui TV

because today TV

fan preguntes personals

they ask personal questions



o sigui

that is to say

avui TV primer

today TV first

hi ha un upgrade

there is an upgrade

que Ă©s

what is it

la persona

the person

que va a buscar l'amor

who is going to find love

cada cop que pregunta

every time he/she asks

una pregunta

a question

als pretendients

to the suitors

s'ha de treure

it must be removed

una peça de roba

a piece of clothing

llavors acaba

then it ends

tothom despullat

everyone naked



això està bé

this is fine

això en Naked Attraction

this in Naked Attraction

no passa

no worries



després hi ha l'upgrade

then there is the upgrade

que pregunta coses

that asks questions

com si realment

as if really

busqués l'amor

I looked for love.

en plan

in plan

que hobbies tienes

What hobbies do you have?

llavors tu

then you

estĂ s veient una pollita

you are seeing a chick



li estĂ  preguntant

he is asking him/her

que hobbies tiene

What hobbies does he/she have?









està bé

it's okay



pots empatitzar més

You can empathize more.

en buscar l'amor

in search of love

perquè sigui

so that it is

t'estĂ  ensenyant

it's teaching you

aquella persona

that person

però pots empatitzar més

but you can empathize more

i al final

and in the end

veu tot

you see everything

excepte la cara

except the face

dels seus pretendients

of her suitors

tria el que li agrada

choose what he/she likes

i el que

and what

venia a buscar l'amor

I came to find love.

es fica dintre d'una cabina

he/she gets into a cabin



se li veu tot

you can see it all

excepte la cara

except the face

i el pretendient

and the suitor



ha de dir que li agrada

he must say that he likes it

si vol o no

yes or no

i pot ser que no hi hagi imatge

and it may be that there is no image

llavors se'n van de cita

then they go on a date

se'n van de cita

they're going on a date

et graven la cita

they carve the quote for you

tantes trip dates

so many trip dates

bĂ sicament


els portaven

they were taking them

a un Burger King

to a Burger King

és que això no ho tenim

it's just that we don't have this

a Naked Attraction

a Naked Attraction

sona molt complet

sounds very complete



Ă©s com si

it's as if

Naked Attraction

Naked Attraction

es barreja

it mixes

amb el programa

with the program

del Sobera

of the Sobera

des d'aquĂ­

from here


we ask

al 8TV

to 8TV

que tornin a penjar

that they hang again

els programes

the programs

i que si podem

And yes, we can.

comprar la seva llicència

buy your license

si ens deixen comprar

if they let us buy

la llicència de trip dates

the trip dates license

Adri jo ho muntaria

Adri, I would set it up.

doncs si alguna

then if any

prima sabeu

cousin you know

a conèixer

to get to know

algĂş que estava

someone who was

a 8TV

to 8TV

tirarem de contact

we will pull from contact

va primes

goes thin


tell us

si coneixeu algĂş

if you know someone

o proper

or near

que podria ser

what could it be

que conegués algú

that someone knew

que estava a 8TV

that was on 8TV

que ens diguin

let them tell us

i parlarem amb ells

and we will talk to them





molt bé

very well

vosaltres no vam veure

you did not see

aquesta versiĂł

this version



vam veure la versiĂł

we saw the version



que hi ha a dia d'avui

what is there today

i a sobre vam veure

and above we saw

la de HBO

the one from HBO

que era la versiĂł

what was the version

en espanyol

in Spanish

i jo només us dic

and I only tell you



Ă©s una vergĂĽenza

it's a shame



que no tinc paraules

that I have no words

tot i aixĂ­


com en l'estat

like in the state

en què ho vaig veure

in what I saw it

jo em vaig riure molt

I laughed a lot.

per què?


perquè allà sí que era

because there it really was



com ho ves

how do you see it

este pene

this penis

estĂ  molt sobrevalorat

it is very overrated

el pene flĂ cid

the flaccid penis

i et diu

and he tells you

com et gustaria

How would you like?


suck it

a veure

let's see

Ă©s tot un drama

it's all a drama

tot i aixĂ­

even so


listen to me

si voleu riure-vos

if you want to laugh

una mica

a little bit



us morireu

you will die

de vergĂĽenza ajena

of second-hand embarrassment

us morireu

you will die

de vergĂĽenza ajena

of secondhand embarrassment

però bueno

but well

a veure

let's see

jo crec que necessiteu

I think you need.

drogues o alcohol

drugs or alcohol

per beure-ho

to drink it





una caladeta de pell

a little leather jacket

una miqueta de brownie

a little bit of brownie

com nosaltres

like us

un parell de copes

a couple of glasses

de vi o tres

of wine or three



vi ja diria

I would say wine.

dos o tres copes

two or three drinks



dos o tres copetes de vi

two or three sips of wine




I would delve.







no entra bé

it doesn’t fit well



perquè et sents ofès

because you feel offended

et sents

you feel





que Ă©s un atac

what is an attack

a tu

to you

com a ciutat

as a city

que Ă©s un atac

what is an attack

a ser humĂ 

to be human

aixĂ­ ja

that's it already

a l'aire lo digo

I say it out loud.



et senta malament

you feel unwell

fins i tot a tu

even to you

i mira que et n'has d'estuar ja

And look that you have to study already.







fins aquĂ­

up to here

la nostra




la nostra uniĂł

our union



però dic

but I say

uniĂł Adri i jo

union Adri and I

perquè Adri i jo

because Adri and I


we have

aquestes experiències

these experiences





a Amsterdam

to Amsterdam



però després ens diem adeu

but then we say goodbye

i jo

and me



des de finals de juliol

since the end of July

que no sé

that I don't know




I know

el que ha fet l'Adri

what Adri has done




to know oneself

on estĂ 

where is it



no sé

I don't know.

què li ha passat

What happened to him/her?

a la seva vida

to his/her life

i ella no sap

and she doesn't know

què m'ha passat a mi

what has happened to me



a veure

let's see

t'he fet un petit

I've made you a little one.



ha fet un spoiler

he has spoiled it



no us ho negaré

I won't deny it to you.

però el programa d'avui

but today's program

és per això

that's why

però no donaré detalls

but I won't give details

a moi primes

to me first

perquè l'últim cop

because the last time

que em vaig passar detalls

that I skipped details

fent jo

doing me

l'experiència de la setmana

the experience of the week

al meu pare

to my father

quasi l'haig d'ingressar

I almost have to admit him.

per un ictus

for a stroke





nosaltres tenĂ­em

we had

un tema pendent

an unresolved issue

que el problema

that the problem

d'haver gravat un capĂ­tol

of having recorded a chapter

i no haver-lo penjat

and not having posted it

no sé si ho vam dir

I don't know if we said it.

a l'Ăşltim capĂ­tol

in the last chapter

o al penĂşltim

or to the penultimate

el de Fortuenti Special Edition

the Fortuenti Special Edition

si ho has de dir

if you have to say it



llavors Marta

then Marta

explica una miqueta

explain a little bit

què vam decidir

what we decided



com a

like a



tu m'ho vas oferir

you offered it to me

jo vaig agafar-ho

I took it.

pensant que era bona idea

thinking it was a good idea





jo creo aquest podcast

I create this podcast.

però jo

but I

consumeixo molts podcasts

I consume a lot of podcasts.



llavors estava escoltant

then I was listening

un podcast

a podcast

d'una noia

of a girl

que comentava

what I was commenting

que ella va fer

what she did

un break

a break


of men

durant un any

for a year



potser un any

maybe a year

tampoc fa falta

it's not necessary either





crec que en mitja

I think that in half.

n'hi ha prou

that’s enough



tenim 32 anys

we are 32 years old

sĂ­, sĂ­

yes, yes

amb un any

in a year

tinc ja la menopausia

I already have menopause.

de té quan

of tea when



un break

a break

d'una temporada

of a season

uns 6 mesos o aixĂ­

about 6 months or so

el que explicava

what was explained

aquesta noia

this girl

és que li va anar molt bé

it went very well for him/her

per adonar-se

to realize



moltes vegades

many times

i això us pot passar

and this can happen to you

a vosaltres primes

to you, slim


to say

ojo a mi m'ha passat

watch out, it happened to me

en el passat

in the past

jo per això

me for that

li vaig sotjar-hi a l'Adri

I was hanging out with Adri.

i Ă©s que a vegades

and it's just that sometimes

ens adonem

we realize

i estem intentant

and we are trying



en lloc de fixar-nos

instead of focusing on



què ens agrada

what we like

a nosaltres

to us


let's try

agradar a la gent

to please people



llavors arriba un moment

then a moment arrives

que perds una mica

that you lose a bit

la nociĂł

the notion



ja estic

I'm ready.

com lligant

as tying

i coquetejant

and flirting

perquè m'agrada

because I like it

l'altra persona

the other person

o perquè m'agrada

or because I like it

agradar-li a l'altra persona

to please the other person



quan estĂ s una temporada

when you're there for a while

que et forces a tu mateix

that you force yourself

a no fer això

to not do this

segons aquesta noia

according to this girl



te n'adones

do you realize

que realment

that really



et fixes

you notice

i mostres interès

and shows interest

a la gent

to the people



a tu

to you


do you like it

no per agradar

not to please

a la gent en general

to people in general

que després

that later

llavors jo li vaig dir

then I told him/her

a l'Adri

to Adri



si et sembla bé

if you agree

podries provar això

could you try this

què implica això?

What does this imply?

tot això va ser

all this was



jo aquest any

I this year

he estat molt tranquil·la

I have been very calm.



que vaig estar

that I was

amb el meu

with my

Ligue Estable

Stable League

si no ho vam dir

if we didn't say it

us entereu ara

you will understand now

ja no tinc

I no longer have.

Ligue Estable

Stable League

he estat bastant al dry

I have been quite dry.

en quant

in how much

no he fet servir

I haven't used.

apps de Ligue

Ligue apps

no tinc Ligue

I don't have a league.

he tingut només

I have only had

cites amb una persona

dates with a person

jo només diré

I'll just say



ha seguit el dry

has followed the dry

i ha tingut

and has had

un Brad Summer

a Brad Summer

de la hòstia

of the host

llavors ja vosaltres

then you all

us adonareu

you will realize

que això no quadra

that this doesn't add up

però no ha sigut rebuscat

but it has not been convoluted

si això és la teva excusa

if this is your excuse

per sentir-te millor

to feel better

jo crec que això

I think that this

entra dintre del dry

go inside the dry

del dry

of the dry





Ă©s que

it is that

sí però

yes but

hem de canviar-li el nom

we need to change its name

perquè si no

because if not

les pobres primes

the poor primes

ens liaran

they will get us tangled up

nosaltres vam començar

we started

l'any amb el dry

the year with the dry

però era dry

but it was dry


of alcohol

era dry

it was dry

de ligoteos

of flirting

per l'Adri

for Adri



doncs comencem

so let's get started

amb els Ă udios

with the audios





d'on Ă©s el play?

Where is the play?

El confesionario

The confessional

consejos vendemos

we sell advice

que para nosotras

that for us

no tenemos

we don't have

Estas primas

These cousins

molt bé

very well

a veure

let's see




tell us

ens vols dir

do you want to tell us

alguna cosa


d'aquesta persona

of this person

o directament

or directly

li dono el play?

Should I press play?

Jo li donaria el play

I would give him the play.

es presenta

it is presented

ho fa tot

it does everything

ell solet

he alone

ell se lo beça

he drinks it himself

ell se lo coma

He will eat it.



Hola primes

Hello cousins.

com esteu?

How are you?

El meu nom

My name



bueno a veure

well let's see

quin sou

what is your salary

d'ònim em busco

I seek myself by name.

que sigui sexy

let it be sexy



Boni pels amics

Good for friends

podeu dir Boni

you can call me Boni

Vale Boni

Okay, Boni.

i res

and nothing

venia a explicar-vos

I came to explain to you.

una història

a story

que em va passar

What happened to me?

fa un any

a year ago

en la qual

in which

jo em vaig venir

I came.

a viure a Barcelona

to live in Barcelona

vaig agafar-me

I took myself.

un pis

an apartment

per viure jo sol

to live alone

i bueno

And well

lo tĂ­pic

the typical

i Bonyi

and Bonyi

que passa

what's happening

anem a descarregar-nos

let's go to download ourselves

al Tinder

on Tinder

i clar

of course

ara que tinc casa sola

now that I have a house to myself

doncs la podem

so we can

la podem aprofitar

we can make use of it

i bueno

and good

doncs bueno

well then



que em descarrego

that I unload myself

al Tinder

on Tinder

i al cap d'un temps

and after a while



faig marxa amb una noia

I'm going out with a girl.

comencem a parlar

let's start talking

i bueno

And well

la veritat

the truth

que molt bé

that's great

quan estĂ vem parlant

when we were talking

i res

and nothing

al cap de dos dies

after two days

doncs vam

then we went

vam decidir

we decided



la noia vivia

the girl lived

a Vilanova

to Vilanova

i em va dir

and he told me

que quedĂ vem

that we would meet

a Barcelona

to Barcelona

que simplement

that simply

doncs que

so what

l'anés a buscar

I was going to fetch him/her.

i anem a qualsevol lloc

And let's go anywhere.

a la conversa

in the conversation

pel Tinder

for Tinder

estava sent una mica

I was feeling a bit.



vale nenes

okay girls



abans de quedar

before meeting







el pla va ser

the plan was

anar directe a casa

go straight home





com veureu

as you will see



portar-se a primeres

to take first place

d'una persona a casa

from a person at home

pot ser un error

it could be a mistake

Bonyi no Ă©s un error

Bonyi is not a mistake.

l'error Ă©s fer sexting

the mistake is to do sexting

abans de la primera cita

before the first date

no ens escolteu

don't listen to us



però bueno

but well

no desvalem

we cannot reveal

el que

the what

el que tenim

what we have

i el que vindrĂ  a continuaciĂł

and what will come next



vaig a buscar

I'm going to look for.



crec que

I think that

era un dissabte

it was a Saturday

a l'estaciĂł de Sants

at Sants station

que estĂ  a prop de casa meva

that is near my house

i anava

and I was going

anava amb moto

I was going by motorcycle.





arribo allĂ 

I arrive there.

la veig venir

I see it coming.



i em ve amb un

and it comes to me with a

amb un abric

with a coat

però d'aquests de

but of these from

de pèls

of hairs


you know



és que no sé com

it's just that I don't know how

com sĂłn

how are they


do you know



molt heavy

very heavy

d'aquests de

of these from

però hivern

but winter

com si estiguessis a

as if you were at

a RĂşssia

to Russia


you know

i dic

I say.

hòstia tu

Holy shit!



i per maquillada

and for made-up



ja comença malament

it already starts badly

perquè es pujarà molt

because it will go up a lot

anava amb una moto

I was riding a motorcycle.

amb una moto gran

with a big motorcycle

se li queda enganxada

it gets stuck to him/her


the coat

al freda

to the cold

darrere de la moto

behind the motorcycle

Boni a vegades Ă©s difĂ­cil eh

Good, sometimes it's difficult, isn't it?

Ă©s veritat

it's true

la gent es prepara

people are getting ready

per una cita

for an appointment

i pos passen coses

And then things happen.



que arribem a casa

that we arrive home



per no allargar-me gaire

to avoid dragging it out too much

la veritat que

the truth that



vam parlar

we talked

vam parlar molt

we talked a lot



poc poc

little by little

i vam anar directament

and we went straight away





a fer

to do

a fer cosetes

to do little things

i la veritat

and the truth

que el sexe

that sex

super bé

super good

de fet

in fact



vam estar

we were

una bona estona

a good while

i lo tĂ­pic

and the typical

es va allargar

it was extended

i a més

and moreover

i jo

and me



a la nit

at night



havia quedat

I had agreed.

per sopar

for dinner

amb els meus amics

with my friends

tot això

all this

que havĂ­em quedat

that we had agreed

a les

at the

crec que era

I think it was

a les 5 de la tarda

at 5 in the afternoon

o sigui

that is to say

ja portĂ vem

we were already wearing

una bona estona

a good while

a casa meva

at my house

i total

and total

i dic

I say.


hostel or damn (depending on context, it can be an expression of surprise or frustration)



que hem de

that we have to

que he de marxar

I have to leave.

i em diu

and he tells me



Ă©s que jo pensava

I thought that

pensava que em quedava

I thought I was staying.

a dormir aquĂ­

to sleep here





ara comentem

now we comment

un moment

one moment

quan hem parlat d'això

when we talked about this



jo havia quedat

I had made plans.

amb els meus amics

with my friends

i vaig dir

I said

bueno mira

well, look

que em sap greu

I'm sorry.


you know



si vols

if you want

sopem alguna cosa

let's have something for dinner

a casa

at home

i ja em reenganxo

And I hook back up.

a les copes

to the glasses

amb els meus amics

with my friends

i sĂ­

and yes

aixĂ­ ho vam fer

that's how we did it

i a més

and moreover



després la vaig acompanyar

after that, I accompanied her

a l'estaciĂł

at the station

perquè havia d'anar

because I had to go

vaig anar en metro

I went by subway.

també perquè

also because

sabia que m'anava

I knew it was going to me.

la navarraja una mica

the navarra a little bit

i res

and nothing

i fins aquĂ­ el primer dia

And thus ends the first day.

però ja

but already

ja hi ha alguna cosa

there is already something

aixĂ­ una miqueta

just a little bit





que ja

that already

el primer dia

the first day

et quedis

stay you

et vulguis quedar a casa meva

you want to stay at my house

però bueno

but anyway



en aquell moment

at that moment

no li vaig donar

I didn't give it to him/her.

gaire importĂ ncia

little importance

perquè la tia

because the aunt

venia de Vilanova

I was coming from Vilanova.

doncs s'havia fet

so it had been done

una mica tard

a little late

i a més

and moreover



diverses coses

various things



moltes coses

many things



que es vulgui quedar

that wants to stay

a casa teva

at your home





ve de Vilanova

comes from Vilanova

estĂ  una hora

it's one hour





l'has convidat

you have invited him/her



Ă©s que diu

it's that it says

Ă©s una mica estrany

it's a bit strange

o heavy

oh heavy

que la primera cita

that the first date

sigui anar directament a casa

let's go straight home

i has dit tu

you said it

a casa

at home

l'has dit tu

you said it

d'anar a casa teva

to go to your house

has fet sexting

Have you done sexting?

abans de quedar

before meeting

cosa que ja hem dit

thing that we have already said

que no es pot fer

that cannot be done

que Ă©s de novato

what is of a novice

cometre aquest error

to make this mistake

Ă©s de persona

it is of a person

que no ha escoltat

that has not listened

ni un capĂ­tol

not a chapter

de Moi Primes

of Moi Primes

això per començar

this to start with

ni s'ha llegit els tĂ­tols

nor has he/she read the titles

ja parlem

we already speak



només que obris

just open it



i et donem consells

and we give you advice

abans de


o sigui

that is to say

no cal escoltar

no need to listen

ja tens

you already have

un consell per episodi

a tip per episode



com bé vam dir

as we said


it is





cita decepcionant

disappointing date







No feu sexting

Don't do sexting.

abans de les cites

before the appointments



o no quedis

or don't stay

o no que Ă©s veritat

or not that it's true

o no quedis

or don't stay

en el cas del Boni

in the case of Boni



no van

they don't go

ha fet la broma

he has made the joke





vam parlar molt

we talked a lot



Boni ets molt a xeve

Boni, you are very annoying.

nosaltres estarem de part teva

we will be on your side



perquè ets tu

because it's you

qui ens ha enviat l'Ă udio

who sent us the audio



sempre defensarem

we will always defend

a les primers que envien

to the first ones who send

però sisplau

but please

el maquillatge

the makeup





no critiquem a la gent

we do not criticize people

que perquè es maquilli

that she puts on makeup

com els diu ni la gana

how hunger doesn't even tell them

que cadascĂş faci el que vulgui

let everyone do what they want

que es posi maquillatge

to put on makeup

que es posi l'Ă bric que vulgui

put on whatever coat he/she wants

això Boni

this Boni

no jutgis

don't judge

i lo de la casa teva

And what about your house?

t'estĂ s jutjant tu a tu mateix

you are judging yourself

nosaltres no jutgem

we do not judge

Boni em sembla perfecte

Good seems perfect to me.

només t'estem

we only love you

criticant una mica

slightly criticizing

el sexting abans de la cita

sexting before the date

no recomanem

we do not recommend



però bueno

but well

ja estĂ 

It's done.

que es quedi a dormir

to stay overnight

què opinem d'això Adri?

What do we think about this, Adri?





jo el que crec Ă©s

what I believe is

em sembla agosarat

I think it is bold.

quedar amb algĂş per la tarda

to meet someone in the afternoon

i donar per fet

and take for granted

que superes amb aquella persona

that you overcome with that person

i et quedes a dormir

and you stay to sleep

amb aquella persona

with that person

em sembla

it seems to me

de persona molt flipada

of a very cocky person





em sembla

it seems to me



quedar amb algĂş

to meet with someone

i tenir un plan

And have a plan.

tres hores més tard

three hours later

i no avisar

and not warn

d'antemano a la persona

in advance to the person

i més

and more

quan s'ha de fotre un viatge

when you have to take a trip

d'una hora

of an hour

una hora i pica

an hour and a bit

un tren

a train

per venir a la cita

to come to the appointment

també 100%

also 100%

però Boni

but Boni

aixĂ­ t'estem tirant un cable

that's how we're giving you a hand

Ă©s veritat

it's true

que si has quedat

that if you have stayed

a les cinc de la tarda

at five in the afternoon

la persona que ve de Vilanova

the person who comes from Vilanova

i les altres

and the others

no pot


donar per fet

to take for granted

que es quedarĂ  a dormir

who will stay to sleep



si tens un altre plan

if you have another plan

que Ă©s

what is it

molt bona tĂ ctica

very good tactic

primera cita

first date

tenir un plan posterior

to have a backup plan



sempre tenir

always have



per sempre poder fugir

to always be able to escape



i si no el cancel·les

and if you don't cancel it



si no se me'l pots cancel·lar

if you can't cancel it for me

em sembla molt bona

I think it's very good.



sempre s'ha d'informar

you must always inform


in advance

perquè l'altra persona

because the other person

es pugui administrar

it can be administered



organitzar la seva vida

organize your life



jo crec que

I believe that


it is

un error

a mistake

de l'altre

of the other

que potser ens porta

that perhaps brings us



com continua aquesta història

how does this story continue

jo crec que Ă©s mala gestiĂł

I believe it is poor management.

en general

in general

sí però Boni

yes but Boni

et direm que

we will tell you that

molt bon gentleman també

very good gentleman too

en plan

in plan

qualsevol altra persona

any other person

hagués dit

would have said

adiĂłs muy buenas

goodbye very well

me'n vaig a sopar

I'm going out to dinner.

amb els meus amics

with my friends

i tu has dit

and you said

com no havia avisat

as I had not warned

sopo amb tu

I have dinner with you.

i t'acompanyo a l'estaciĂł

I'll accompany you to the station.

molt bé Boni

very well Boni

jo això diré molt bé

I will say this very well.

si no seria una mica

if not, it would be a bit





que ha vingut

that has come

de Vilanova

from Vilanova

sí però li estem

yes but we are

criticant els errors

criticizing the mistakes

anem a donar-li també

let's give it to him/her too

un vot de confiança

a vote of confidence

al Boni

to Boni



molt bé

very well

l'història segueix

the story continues


we continue

doncs bueno

well then

a partir d'aquĂ­

from here on

vam continuar

we continued

parlant per

speaking for

per WhatsApp

for WhatsApp

perquè la veritat

because the truth

que bueno

how good

va estar


va estar divertida la cita

The date was fun.

et va agradar Boni

Did you like Boni?

ens va saber

we knew about it


to fuck

ella va estar maja

She was lovely.





que vam dir

what we said

de tornar cada any

to return every year

crec que era un

I think it was a

no sé

I don't know.

un diumenge

a Sunday

o un dilluns

or a Monday



perquè jo el dia següent

because I the next day


I was working.

i em va dir

and he told me

bueno mira

well look

si et sembla

if you think so

vinc a casa teva

I'm coming to your house.

un altre cop

one more time



i em quedo a dormir

and I stay to sleep

perquè clar

because of course

jo treballo a Barcelona

I work in Barcelona.

vinc des de Vilanova

I come from Vilanova.

i tal

and such

vaig dir bueno

I said okay.



ho puc entendre

I can understand it.

perquè no et tornaràs

because you won't return

a les dues de la nit

at two o'clock in the morning

a Vilanova

to Vilanova

per tornar a venir

to come back again

a les set del matĂ­

at seven in the morning



a Barcelona

to Barcelona

vaig dir

I said



vale va

Alright, go ahead.

cap problema

no problem



que quan

that when



arribant la noia

the girl arriving

a ItĂ lia

to Italy

amb pica timbre

with bell sink

de casa

from home


I say



sĂ­ que triguen

they do take their time

a pujar les escales

up the stairs

apro parèntesis

I open parentheses

visc en un quart

I live in a room.

sense ascensor

without elevator





està bé

it's fine

perquè fas cames

why are you making legs

cada dia

every day

i això

and this


you save yourself

t'estalvies el dia

you save the day

de cames

of legs

del gim

from the gym



estava tirant massa

I was throwing too much.

o sigui

that is to say

no Ă©s el turmalet

it is not the turmalet

no Ă©s l'Everest

it's not Everest



Ă©s un quart pis

it's a fourth floor

sense ascensor

without elevator

i dic

I say



vaig a baixar

I am going to go down.

a veure què passa

let's see what happens



me la trobo

I run into her.

amb una maleta de mĂ 

with a carry-on suitcase


of this

de cabina


de l'aviĂł

from the plane

de 15 quilos

of 15 kilos

i jo em dic

and my name is



què cony és esto

what the hell is this



que arriba jo

that I arrive





li pregunto

I ask him/her.

però què portes aquí

but what are you bringing here

per una nit

for a night

i em diu

and he/she tells me





les cremes

the creams

tot això

all this

no sé si he comentat

I don't know if I have mentioned.

la tia anava

the aunt was going

molt maquillada

very made-up

i quan dic molt maquillada

And when I say very made up

Ă©s molt maquillada

she is very made up

que a mi això

that this to me



no m'agrada

I don't like it.

tant maquillada

so much makeup





li pregunto

I ask him/her.

què et fiques a la cara

What do you put on your face?

i llavors

and then

va començar a dir cremes

started to say creams

vaig comptar

I counted.

12 capes

12 layers

us faig la pregunta

I ask you the question.



us fiqueu 12 capes

you put on 12 layers

a la cara cada dia

on my face every day

anem a apuntar

let's take note

per després

for later

anar una a una

go one by one

aquestes coses

these things

vaig a apuntar

I am going to write down.

o Ă©s alguna cosa

or is it something



d'aquesta senyora

of this lady

perquè és que

because it is that

no ho entenc

I don't understand it.

o sigui

that is to say

Ă©s que

it's that

aquesta senyora

this lady

s'estĂ  deixant

is being left

mig sou

half salary

en cremes

in creams

perquè les cremes

because the creams

sĂłn molt cares

they are very expensive

mig sou

half salary

el teu sou

your salary



potser del sou

maybe of the salary

que crec que millor

that I think is better

no dir el nom

not saying the name



sĂłn molt cares

they are very expensive

què collons passa aquí

What the hell is going on here?

però bueno

but well



m'ho vaig creure

I believed it.


tell me

que sĂłc molt innocent

that I am very innocent

o no sé

or I don't know

però bueno

but okay

què va passar

What happened?

a la continuaciĂł

at the continuation



doncs va passar

so it happened

el que havia de passar

what was meant to happen

vam dormir

we slept

i jo bueno

and me well

vaig passar una nit

I spent a night.

perquè em vaig ficar

because I got involved

em vaig ficar malalt

I got sick.

i bueno

And well

la veritat que no

the truth is no

no vaig dormir gaire bé

I didn't sleep very well.

llavors em vaig aixecar

then I got up

per anar a

to go to

per ficar-me a la dutxa

to get in the shower

i tal

and such

i estava una mica tonto

I was feeling a bit stupid.

per acabar

to finish

a sortir de la dutxa

coming out of the shower

i tal

and such

i dic bueno

I say well.

que he d'anar a treballar

that I have to go to work

com vas

how are you doing

diu no no ja estic

says no no I'm already done

tal no sé què

such I don't know what

em ve

it comes to me

super espitada

super fasted

i em diu

and he/she tells me

entra al lavabo

go to the bathroom

i em diu

and it tells me

ah per cert

oh by the way

Ă©s que

it's that

he estat molt a gust amb tu

I have been very comfortable with you.

m'ho he passat molt bé

I had a great time.

t'importa si em quedo

Do you mind if I stay?

una altra nit

another night

i jo em quedo

And I'll stay.





o sigui

that is to say





se'm va caure

I dropped it.

a tot el mĂłn

to the whole world

o sigui

that is to say



o sigui

that is to say

estava tan

was so

tan empenat

so stubborn

que no havia dormit

that had not slept

que li vaig dir que sĂ­

that I told him yes

a veure

let's see



Ă©s que clar

it's just that of course

sembla jo

it seems like me


do you know

sembla jo

seems like me



Ă©s 100% l'Adri

It's 100% Adri.

Ă©s que

it's that

podria ser jo

could be me

ara a l'Ă udio

now to the audio

gran error

big mistake

DĂ©u meu

My God

gran error

big mistake



vaig a l'oficina

I am going to the office.

parlo amb els meus companys de feina

I talk with my coworkers.

perquè em diuen

because they tell me

o sigui

that is to say

quina cara fas

what face are you making



dic bueno

I say good.

estic malalt

I am sick.



molt mala cara

very bad face

i bueno

and well

a part


Ă©s que estic molt ratllat

It's just that I'm really stressed out.

perquè se m'ha fotut

because it has screwed me over

una copa a casa

a glass at home


you know

no te quejes

don't complain

se m'ha fotut

I've messed it up.

una copa a casa

a cup at home

i jo pensant

and I thinking





a veure si m'ha agafat

let's see if I've been caught

una altra còpia de les claus

another copy of the keys

i quan arribo a casa

and when I get home

jo no puc entrar

I cannot enter.


you know

que porto dos mesos

that I have been going for two months

vivint aquĂ­

living here


you know



jo ratlladĂ­ssim

me super annoyed

i dic

and I say



Ă©s que aquesta tia

it's just that this aunt

no se me'n va

it won't leave me

filla de puta

son of a bitch

ja des del primer dia

since the first day

es volia quedar a viure amb mi

he wanted to stay to live with me

i m'ho havia

I had it.

i m'ho havia estat amagant

I had been hiding it from myself.

o sigui

that is to say



havien senyales

there were signs

a la primera cita

on the first date

havien senyales

there were signs

però bueno

but well





que al final

that in the end

vaig a

I am going to

li vaig dir que em trobava fatal

I told him that I was feeling terrible.

que volia estar sol

that I wanted to be alone

i a més

and also

i em va dir

and he told me

ah bueno

oh good

doncs passo a buscar les coses

so I’ll go get the things

i me'n vaig

I'm leaving.

i jo joder

and I fuck

que raro tot

how strange everything is

que raro

how strange

però bueno

but well



estava a casa

I was at home.

dic que ja havia arribat

I said that I had already arrived.



a tot això

to all this

la tia parlava

the aunt was talking


very much

que això

that this

això també em va ratllar

this also bothered me

una mica

a little bit

al segon

to the second



un dia

one day

però el típic

but the typical

que no et deixen ni parlar

they won't even let you speak



quan estĂ s fent altres coses

when you are doing other things

d'aquestes coses

of these things

no te n'adones

you don't realize


you know

però entre

but between



entre sessiĂł i sessiĂł

between sessions

les xapes que em fotien

the slaps they gave me

eren molt heavies

they were very heavy



que entra

that enters

que jo l'Ăşnic que volia

that what I only wanted

era que fes les coses

was that I would do things

i marxes

Are you leaving?

i em comença a fotre

and it starts to piss me off

una xapa

a badge

que dic

what I say



això no s'acaba mai

this never ends



no s'acaba mai

it never ends

però bueno

but well

he de dir

I have to say

que al final

that in the end

va marxar

he/she/it left





li vaig fer un ghosting

I ghosted him/her.

que flipes

that you freak out

perquè no volgui

because I don't want to



o sigui

that is to say



t'has volgut ficar a casa meva

you wanted to get into my house

ni de conya

not even joking

tornaré a quedar amb tu

I will meet with you again.

a veure

let's see

potser li hauria d'haver dit

maybe I should have told him/her



home sĂ­

man yes



encara m'hauria fet el lĂ­o

I still would have gotten myself confused.

per tornar-se a ficar a casa meva

to get back into my house

i ja

and that's it

llavors sĂ­ que no la foto

then yes, not the photo

però bueno

but well

aquesta ha sigut

this has been

la meva experiència

my experience

no sé

I don't know.

què em podeu recomanar

What can you recommend to me?



això em torni a passar

this happens to me again

però bueno

but well

crec que començaré

I think I will start.



per no convidar

for not inviting

a la primera cita

at the first date

tot i que


un any després

a year later

ho vaig tornar a fer

I did it again.

amb una altra noia

with another girl



, i

, and

quasi que em va passar

it almost happened to me

alguna cosa similar

something similar



ja això us ho deixaré

I'll leave that to you.

al segĂĽent podcast

in the following podcast

tinc alguna cosa

I have something.

molt important

very important

poc en poc

little by little

aixĂ­ creem una mica

so we create a bit

de hype

of hype

jo també

me too

tinc una llista

I have a list.



puc començar

Can I start?

amb una petita cosa?

with a little thing?


you start



primer de tot

first of all

tema capes de crema

theme layers of cream



si la noia aquesta

if this girl

té la sort

is lucky



té una

has one

pell de japonesa

Japanese skin

que es fica

what it gets into

12 capes de crema

12 layers of cream

i tot i aixĂ­

and even so

no li surten

they don't come out for him/her

un huevo de grans

a large egg

i coses

and things

jo l'aplaudeixo

I applaud him/her.

i l'envejo

and I envy him/her.



jo em puc ficar

I can get in.

serum i crema

serum and cream

i si no

and if not

o sigui

that is to say

ja estĂ 

that's it


Do you know?

12 capes

12 layers

després si té la paciència

after if he/she has the patience

de ficar-se 12

to get into 12

també l'admiro moltíssim

I admire him/her very much as well.

i els diners

and the money

si sou bones

if you are good





si no sĂłn bones

if they are not good

també oleia

also smelled


Do you know?

si li funcionen tan bé

if they work so well for you

si no li surten grans

if he/she doesn't get pimples



es fiqui les capes

put on the layers

que vulgui

who wants

a mi això de criticar

I don't like this criticizing thing.

el maquillatge

the makeup

com va estar

how was it



la gent i tal

the people and such

no m'ha acabat

it hasn't finished me off

de fer sentir còmode

to make feel comfortable







que s'ha quedat

that has stayed

com ocupa

how does it occupy

m'he sentit molt representada

I have felt very represented.

llavors no faré

then I won't do it

una gran crĂ­tica

a great criticism

però és que

but it is that

Ă©s error nostre

it's our mistake



grĂ cies Adri

thank you Adri

ojalĂ  l'Adri del passat

I wish the Adri of the past.

escoltés això

listen to this

sempre ho sé

I always know it.

però és que a mi

but it is that to me

ja no em puc

I can no longer.



Ă©s que ets l'Adri

it's that you are Adri

o sigui

that is to say

si tu estĂ s convidant

if you are inviting

la gent a casa teva

the people at your home

i la gent s'estĂ  quedant

And people are being left behind.

alguna cosa estĂ s fent

you are doing something

tu també

you too

no no

no no

però Marta

but Marta

Ă©s que a ell li pregunta

it's that he asks him

em puc quedar?

Can I stay?

a mi ningĂş m'ho va preguntar

nobody asked me about it

a mi

to me



directament em van dir

they told me directly

oi que cenamos

Hey, are we having dinner?

Ă©s diferent eh

It's different, huh?

sembla una petita cosa

it seems like a small thing

però és molt diferent

but it is very different

Ă©s molt diferent

it's very different

a ell li han preguntat

they have asked him

què importa que avui

what does it matter that today

i se'n va anar de casa

and he/she left home

i va tornar

and he/she returned

el meu no se'n va anar

mine didn't leave

en cap moment de casa

at no moment at home

clar clar

clear clear

a mi Ă©s que si se'n va de casa

It's just that if he/she leaves home.

tens temps de canviar la cerradura

You have time to change the lock.

si les coses

if things

pues Ă©s molt loca

well, she's very crazy



ficar excuses

make excuses

d'oye tal

of hey such

no sé què

I don't know what.

al final no estoy tal

in the end I’m not that

te lo mando por globo

I'll send it to you by balloon.

tu maleta

your suitcase

alguna cosa




en aquest cas

in this case

Ă©s diferent

it's different



jo entenc que se't queda

I understand that it stays with you.

i ocupes

and you occupy

Ă©s pel matĂ­

it's in the morning

no saps com dir que no

you don't know how to say no

a vegades no saps com dir que no

sometimes you don't know how to say no

i després dius merda

and then you say shit

ho entenc

I understand.

però has recollit

but you have collected

perdĂł aquĂ­ Bonnie

Sorry, here Bonnie.

et tirarem un cable

we'll give you a hand

has recollit molt bé cable

You have collected the cable very well.

o sigui no entenc

so I don't understand

per què estàs tan preocupat

Why are you so worried?

si després

if afterwards

li vas dir

you told him/her

eh que al final no

Hey, in the end, no.

va venir a buscar les coses

came to pick up the things

ja t'ho dic jo

I'll tell you.

per què




perquè li va ficar una excusa

because he/she gave him/her an excuse

que no passa res

that nothing is wrong

li va dir una mentida

he told her a lie

que no es trobava bé

that he/she was not feeling well

com jo li vaig dir

as I told you

que la meva mare

that my mother

estava malalta

I was sick.

i després

and then

jo crec que el Bonnie

I believe that Bonnie



que es mereixia

what he/she deserved

almenys una RCA

at least one RCA

i que un gòsting

and a ghosting

estava feĂ­ssim

it was very ugly

per una noia

for a girl

amb la qual has conviscut

with whom you have lived

recordem que era

let's remember that it was

van ser nòvios

they were boyfriend and girlfriend

no siguis dolenta

don’t be mean

no han conviscut

they have not cohabited





una RCA Marta

a RCA Marta



sĂ­ o sigui

yes or so

Bonnie no pots fer gòsting

Bonnie, you can't ghost.

a algĂş que s'ha quedat a dormir

someone who has stayed over to sleep

a casa teva

at your home

no et costa res

it costs you nothing

dir-li en plan

to tell him in a way

escolta'm que ha estat molt bé

listen to me, it has been very good

jo no volia per res més

I didn't want anything more.

m'he sentit agobiat

I have felt overwhelmed.

perquè has

because you have

has dit de quedar-te

you said to stay

una nit més

one more night

jo per res

I for nothing.

estava buscant això

I was looking for this.

espero que et vagi tot molt bé

I hope everything goes very well for you.

Ă©s que

it's that

només has d'enviar aquest missatge

you just have to send this message

com si enviés aquest missatge

as if I were sending this message

i després bloqueges

and then you block

però tu ja t'has quedat a gust

but you have already enjoyed yourself

com un arbust

like a shrub

i has dit el que havies de dir

you have said what you had to say



evitem els gòstings

let's avoid the ghosts

això sempre

this always

Ă©s que ets l'Adri

it's just that you are Adri



ets l'Adri

You are Adri.

no sé si t'estàs adonant

I don't know if you are realizing.

més HB

more HB

sĂ­ sĂ­

yes yes

ens has d'escoltar més

you must listen to us more

per aprendre dels errors de l'Adri

to learn from Adri's mistakes

que crec que Ă©s

that I think it is

Ă©s un gran exemple

It is a great example.

per tu

for you





si t'has de quedar

if you have to stay

amb alguns petits consells

with some small tips

sempre els que

always those who

apliquen a mi

apply to me

sĂłn els que a tu

they are the ones to you

et teniran millor

they will have you better

perquè clarament

because clearly

no podem

we cannot


to stumble

amb la mateixa pedra

with the same stone

tu i jo

you and me



el más gemelas

the most twins

de veritat


us ho dic

I'm telling you.


you stay

quedeu a fer un cafè

Let's meet for a coffee.

no sé

I don't know.





no passa res

it's okay

perquè les primeres cites

because the first dates

siguin a casa teva

be in your home

no te'n paranois

don't freak out

amb això

with this

no tothom

not everyone

vol ser ocupada

want to be occupied

a casa teva

at your home

no ha sigut l'error

it has not been the mistake

el Bonnie s'ha pensat

Bonnie has thought about it.

que era aquell l'error

what that mistake was

l'error ha sigut

the error has been



pre primera cita

pre first date



i després dir-li que sí

And then tell him yes.

que es podia quedar

that could stay

a casa teva a dormir

at your house to sleep





algĂş et robarĂ  les claus

someone will steal your keys



si algĂş et roba les claus

if someone steals your keys


you have

la policia

the police







no et preocupis

don't worry

et passem el nĂşmero

we give you the number

la nostra família el té

our family has it

no et preocupis

don't worry



viuen a una casa

they live in a house

de la nostra famĂ­lia

from our family

de fet

in fact

el GV de desocupa

the GV of eviction

això és molt real

this is very real

oi que sĂ­

isn't it so?

això ho saps no?

You know this, right?

em pensava

I thought to myself

que era el jardiner

that was the gardener

el que vivia

the one who lived

a la nostra casa

to our house



va ser un dels desocupa

he was one of the squatters

que va anar allĂ 

who went there

li va agradar

he/she liked it

i va dir

and he said

Ă©s la por d'alquilar

it's the fear of renting

en seriĂł?




ens vam anar a desocupar

we went to clear out

a la casa dels meus avis

at my grandparents' house

i el tio

and the guy

el matĂł

the matĂł

que va anar allĂ 

who went there

li va agradar

he/she liked it

i va dir

and he said

os l'alquilo

I rent it to you.

vam dir

we said


we want

Ă©s impossible

it's impossible

que ens entrin

let us in

que ens l'ocupin ara

let them occupy it now


do you know?

Ă©s impossible

it is impossible


I love it.

Ă©s molt real

it's very real

bé cosetes

good little things

que només ens passen

that only happen to us

a nosaltres

to us

dit això

that said

els nostres consells

our advice

per tu Bonnie

for you Bonnie


they are

sigues franc

be frank

i ja estĂ 

and that's it

apren dels errors de l'Adri

learn from Adri's mistakes

sigues franc

be frank

i escolta-m'ho i primes

And listen to me and primes.

jo crec que això

I believe that this

Ă©s la receta

it's the recipe

del teu succés

of your success

jo crec que

I believe that

li hem arreglat la vida

we have fixed his life

a aquesta persona

to this person

jo també

me too

quan jo segueixo

when I follow

cometent errors

making mistakes

els aniré explicant

I will explain them to you.

per mi i primes

for me and primes

perquè segurament

because surely

li serviran a ell

they will serve him



100% li serviran

It will serve him/her 100%.



i ja estĂ 

And that's it.

doncs podem seguir

then we can continue

podem anar

we can go

al segĂĽent

to the following



és l'experiència

it's the experience

de la setmana

of the week



estĂ s bevent vi?

Are you drinking wine?





jo estic bevent

I am drinking.

m'estic acabant la birra

I'm finishing the beer.


the experience

de la setmana

of the week




the experience

de la setmana

of the week

se l'endĂş

takes it away

qui se l'endĂş Adri?

Who will take it, Adri?

es diu

it is said



Asai Ball

Asai Ball



per què ets tan guapa?

Why are you so beautiful?

m'ho pots explicar?

Can you explain it to me?



per què ets tan guapa?

Why are you so beautiful?

m'ho pots explicar?

Can you explain it to me?

Ă©s una vacilada

it's a joke

ara ve una vacilada

now comes a tease

o alguna cosa aixĂ­

or something like that

ets subnormal

you're an idiot

o què et passa?

What’s wrong with you?



hem de

we have to

deixar de ser

stop being

tan ADHD




perquè estem parlant

because we are talking

de la setmana

of the week

de setmana

of the week

i a cop

and at once

ah per cert

oh by the way

ah no sé què

oh I don't know what

no sé quantos

I don't know how many.

les pobres primes

the poor primes

estan fins als collons

they are fed up

de nosaltres

of us

comencem ja

let's get started

amb l'Ă udio

with the audio

d'Asai Ball

of Asai Ball

aixĂ­ directament

just like that



dale el play

press play

volem escoltar-lo ja

we want to hear it now

perquè és increïble

because it is incredible

vamos allĂ 

let's go there

hola primas

hello cousins

hoy os contaré

today I will tell you

una historia

a story

que me pasĂł

what happened to me

la semana pasada

last week



una primera cita

a first date

en Tinder

on Tinder

he quedado

I have stayed.

con alguien

with someone

que obviamente

that obviously

era la primera vez

it was the first time

que lo miraba

that looked at him/her

y bueno

and well

pasaba a buscarme

I was being picked up.

bueno me dijo

well he told me

que me invitaba a comer

that invited me to eat

y de golpe

and suddenly

me lleva el pan

It takes away the bread.

en compañía

in company

por un bocadillo

for a sandwich



resulta que

it turns out that

hablamos mucho

we talk a lot



estamos hablando

we are talking

de muchas cosas

of many things

de muchos intereses

of many interests

cosas que

things that

de cada uno

of each one

para conocernos

to get to know each other

un poco

a little

pero Ă©l me insinuĂł

but he hinted to me

asĂ­ como que

as well as that

que querĂ­a

what he/she wanted

que querĂ­a algo conmigo

that wanted something with me



de sexo

of sex

pero yo le hice

but I did it to him/her

una pequeña broma

a little joke

creyendo que

believing that

que no


que no le iba a tomar

that he wasn't going to take it

tan a mal

so bad



y al parecer

and apparently

o sea

that is to say

yo le di a entender

I made him understand.

como que no

Of course not.

que no Ă­bamos a tener nada

that we weren't going to have anything

o sea

that is to say

lo aclaro un poco

I'll clarify it a bit.



y al parecer

and apparently

eso fue lo que lo hizo

that was what made him

huir del lugar

flee the place



llegué al baño

he arrived at the bathroom

y salgo nuevamente

and I go out again

bueno, le he dicho

well, I told him/her

que iría al baño

that I would go to the bathroom

antes de ir

before going

y cuando salgo nuevamente

and when I go out again

veo a la mesa

I see you at the table.

y no veo a mi hijo

and I don't see my son

yo digo

I say

¿será que

Could it be that

que me está esperando afuera?

who is waiting for me outside?

y vuelvo

and I'm back

bueno, salgo

Well, I'm leaving.

salgo del

I leave from the


of the

la cafeterĂ­a

the café



que cuando salgo a buscarlo

that when I go out to look for him

me encuentro que no estaba

I find that I was not.





intenté llamarlo

I tried to call him.



lo llamé

I called him.

y no respondiĂł

and did not respond

y ya está

and that's it

pero en plan

but like

me quedé

I stayed.

como en shock

like in shock


I walked



totalmente en shock

totally shocked

me quedé como una hora

I stayed for about an hour.



por ahĂ­ cerca

around there

del sitio

from the site





creo que

I believe that

el resto de la tarde

the rest of the afternoon

seguĂ­a en shock

still in shock



no sabĂ­a que habĂ­a pasado

I didn't know what had happened.

total que bueno

so good

luego me bloqueo y tal

then he/she blocked me and such



y hasta ahĂ­

and that's it

no supe más

I didn't know anymore.

y bueno

and well

esta es mi

this is my

corta historia

short story

de mi primera cita en Tinder

about my first date on Tinder

primera cita de la seva vida a Tinder

first date of her life on Tinder

o sigui una cosa

that is one thing



es que es muy heavy

It's just very intense.

es muy heavy

it's very intense

o sigui

that is to say

una cosa

one thing

comença desde el principio Marta

start from the beginning Marta



una cosa comessa

a committed thing

potser un moment

maybe a moment



un одre cronològic

a chronological order

la idea Ă©s

the idea is

que ens mirem

let's look at each other

el que creem

what we believe



amb un dracològic

with a dracological

perquè hi ha tantes

why are there so many

que millor ho fem

that we do it better

per ordre cronològic

in chronological order

i qui era la primera esgena

And who was the first stage?

que porti el punto

bring the point

pensen company

they think, buddy

se voi invitar a comer

I will invite you to eat.

un poquito bonito

a little bit pretty

i la saia Ă©s tan bona persona

and the skirt is such a good person

que diu que

what says that

quan surt del pensen company

When does he/she leave the company?

se li ve la cafeteria

the cafeteria is coming to him/her

Ă©s que sai

it's that I know

no pot ser

it can't be

si es que ho fa

if it does



es molt positiva

it is very positive

busca com el punt fa el café

search how the dot makes the coffee

o a una sopa i em porten el Pans & Company,

or a soup and they bring me Pans & Company,

és que a més, a més,

it's that moreover, moreover,

jo què sé, porten el McDonald's,

I don't know, they have McDonald's.

el Burger King...

the Burger King...

Però no,

But no,

però, tia, posats a algo com barato,

but, girl, when it comes to something like cheap,

del mateix rango de preu,

of the same price range,

porten un Burger King que Ă©s, tipus,

they have a Burger King which is, like,

anem a fer el guarro,

let's make a mess,

em venia de gust algun guarro,

I felt like something dirty.

però és que, tio, el Pans & Company és el pitjor

but the thing is, man, Pans & Company is the worst

que poden fer...

what they can do...

És que no m'ho puc creure, no m'ho puc creure.

I just can't believe it, I can't believe it.

A mi, Ă©s que no m'ho puc creure.

I just can't believe it.

Primera eixema. És una eixema...

First exam. It is an exam...

És una eixema. És una eixema. Heavy.

It’s a pain. It’s a pain. Heavy.

Ella remafĂł la favor, en plan, Ă©s la meva primera cita a Tinder,

She made the favor clear, like, it's my first date on Tinder,



Que volia pensar que potser el Tinder era aixĂ­,

I wanted to think that maybe Tinder was like this,

que era el tĂ­pic lloc on anaves...

that was the typical place where you would go...

Perquè era informal, pot ser.

Because it was informal, maybe.

Llavors estava, t'ho imagines,

Then I was, can you imagine it,

estava aixĂ­, menjant-se com el seu

it was like this, eating himself like his

lomo queso,

pork loin cheese,

i li deia, i què hobbies tens?

And I said to him, so what hobbies do you have?

La sai, pobra, saps?

The poor thing, you know?

En plan, què t'agusta?

Like, what do you like?

No sé què, i el pavo.

I don't know what, and the turkey.

I el pavo,

And the turkey,

no li respostes.

don't reply to him/her.

Com petites pinzellades,

Like small brushstrokes,

però dient-li, follamos, no?

but saying to her, let's have sex, right?

Perquè és una eixema de persona, no?

Because it's a piece of work of a person, isn't it?

És una eixema de persona

He is a terrible person.

de la cabeça als pies.

from head to toe.

La sai,

The know,

li va dir, no, no t'he cregut,

he said to him, no, I didn't believe you,

com s'estava fent la juguetona una mica.

As she was being a bit playful.

Una mica la dura, en plan,

A bit tough, kind of,

m'has portat a un pensant company, tio,

you've brought me to a thinking buddy, man,

curratelo un poco más.

put a little more effort into it.

Passa això.

This happens.

La sai, simplement,

The know, simply,

s'estĂ  fent de rogar una mica.

It is taking a bit of convincing.

O sigui, tampoc li he dit que no,

So, I haven't said no either.

s'estĂ  fent una mica de rogar en plan,

it's being a bit of a hassle, like,

invita'm a un carajillo, ni que sé,

invite me to a carajillo, I don't know,

al bar de l'esquina, no te pido mucho más.

At the corner bar, I don't ask much more from you.

Tu et pots creure que aquesta persona

Can you believe that this person?

s'està ofenent com si l'hagués convidat

He is getting offended as if I had invited him.

a un sopar de 150 euros per barba

to a dinner of 150 euros per person

i als postres la persona

and for dessert the person

t'estan reixazant.

They are rejecting you.

I que a sobre se'n vagi al lavabo

And to top it off, go to the bathroom.

i se'n vagi, tio, diga-li en plan,

And if he goes away, dude, tell him like this,

bueno, pues esto es lo que yo quería y ya está,

well, this is what I wanted and that's it,

y después me'n vaig, però què fas?

And then I leave, but what are you doing?

O sigui, jo me'n vaig al puto lavabo del panzancop

So, I'm going to the damn bathroom of the fat guy.

i torno i la persona no estĂ 

I'm back and the person is not here.

i diria,

I would say,

ho sento a saia, però és que es toca a fons.

I'm sorry to say, but she touches deeply.

No, no, no, és que a més, en plan,

No, no, no, it's just that, like,

t'agostava fer-li una RSA

You liked to make him/her an RSA.

o dir-li, oye, tengo prisa,

or tell him, hey, I'm in a hurry,

te dejo en casa, i després enviar-li un guant.

I'll drop you off at home, and then send him a glove.

A dir-li, recorda que Ă©s una RSA que la gent s'oblida.

To tell you, remember that it is an RSA that people forget.

Vale, RSA, responsabilitat

Okay, RSA, responsibility.

sexoafectiva, vale? És el típic missatget

sex-affective, okay? It’s the typical little message.

que envies per dir-li a una persona que no vol seguir

that you send to tell someone that you don't want to continue

quedant. O ho dius a la cara.

staying. Or you say it to their face.

O ho dius a la cara. Me lo paso muy bien,

Either you say it to my face. I'm having a great time.

pero... No es lo que buscaba.

but... It's not what I was looking for.

No, estamos buscando lo mismo,

No, we are looking for the same thing.

estamos en puntos distintos, que de ser lo mejor

We are at different points, which could be the best.

no eres tĂş, soy yo.

It's not you, it's me.

MĂ­tica, no? Si voleu consells d'RSAs,

Mythical, right? If you want advice on RSAs,

en un capĂ­tol els fem. Tenim molts,

In one chapter we do them. We have many,

nosaltres. No, jo entenc perfectament

us. No, I understand perfectly.

a la saia, i després quedar-te sentada

to the skirt, and then stay seated

a un banc una hora i dir, què acaba de passar?

On a bench for an hour and say, what just happened?

Jo l'entenc, jo l'entenc.

I understand him, I understand him.

Home, sĂ­, sĂ­, tota la tarda, en plan,

Home, yes, yes, all afternoon, like,

potser li ha passat a algĂş

maybe it has happened to someone

i torna, saps? En plan...

And it comes back, you know? Like...

Vull entendre-ho. Sí, però

I want to understand it. Yes, but

igualment no. No, però jo que sé, imagina't...

not the same. No, but what do I know, just imagine...

No, però imagina't, m'han detingut, saps?

No, but imagine, they've arrested me, you know?

M'ha vingut la policia, m'he anat espijant

The police have come to me, I have started to panic.

i m'han detingut, he anat a la comissaria

I have been arrested, I went to the police station.

i ara he tornat, perdona, saps?

And now I have returned, sorry, you know?

Jo, i amb això vull tancar el tema perquè ja

I, and with this I want to close the topic because already

m'està sabent greu la saia, però és que a mi

I'm sorry about the skirt, but it's just that for me

em porten a una cita a un Pans & Company

They are taking me to an appointment at a Pans & Company.

i jo m'enduc el bolso al lavabo.

And I'm taking the bag to the bathroom.

En plan, és que és capaç aquesta persona

I mean, this person is capable.

de robar-me mentre estic fent un pipi.

from stealing from me while I'm peeing.

Sisplau, anem a obrir aquest melĂł, crec que Ă©s important,

Please, let's open this melon, I think it's important.

d'acord? No cal portar

Okay? No need to bring.

a llocs cars a una cita.

to expensive places on a date.

Que no, que no, que unes braves

No, no, it's just some bravas.

d'un euro al bareto de l'esquina.

from one euro at the bar on the corner.

Molt més barat, tu. Molt més barat, tu.

Much cheaper, you. Much cheaper, you.

Un cafè, una birra

A coffee, a beer.

d'un xino, o sigui,

of a Chinese, that is,

eh, cites a un xino

Hey, take a Chinese guy out.

de birres un euro vint Sant Miquel?

Two beers for one euro twenty Sant Miquel?

SĂ­! Planazo!

Yes! Great plan!

Planazo! IncreĂŻble!

Great plan! Incredible!

A sobre et porten cacauets i fruits secs.

They bring you peanuts and dried fruits.

Perfecte! I després,

Perfect! And then,

crec que a primera cita menjar

I think that on a first date eating.

de primeres no és bona idea. Jo això és

At first, it's not a good idea. This is what I think.

una cosa que defensaré fins la mort,

one thing that I will defend until death,

que ha de directament per menjar, ja sigui dinar o sopar,

that is meant directly for eating, whether lunch or dinner,

crec que Ă©s millor

I think it's better.

no arriscar-se. És veritat,

don't take risks. It's true,

Ă©s veritat. Si sorgeix

It is true. If it arises.

a menjar, perfecte. Exacte.

to eat, perfect. Exactly.

Però de primeres queda per prendre alguna cosa

But first, let's have something to drink.

i després...

and then...

Això hi ha llargues i sopes,

This has long and soups,

el que sigui. Mira, podem

Whatever it is. Look, we can

combinar el que hem vist

combine what we have seen

abans, no? Sempre va bé

Before, right? It's always good.

primera cita a Tinder

first date on Tinder

de la teva vida o amb una persona

of your life or with a person

Ă©s important no fer sexting

It is important not to engage in sexting.

abans, Ă©s important tenir un

before, it is important to have a

pla backup. Tu,

backup plan. You,

tres hores, quatre hores després, tu ja avises que

three hours, four hours later, you already warn that

tens un pla i aquest pla sempre es pot cancel·lar

you have a plan and that plan can always be canceled

i que no sigui per menjar i que

and that it is not for eating and that

si cancel·les aquest pla backup, llavors

if you cancel this backup plan, then

te'n vagis a menjar amb la persona.

you go eat with the person.

Dit això,

That said,

jo crec que no podem donar més consells

I think we can't give any more advice.

a les primes. Ja sabeu on anar.

to the premiums. You already know where to go.

Bueno, si el pla backup pot ser mentida.

Well, if the backup plan can be a lie.

En plan, jo li puc dir a Marta

Like, I can tell Marta.

a partir d'ara serĂ s el meu pla backup sempre.

From now on, you will always be my backup plan.

Jo no soc partidĂ ria de les mentides,

I am not in favor of lies,

però a vegades van bé, d'acord? D'acord.

but sometimes they are good, okay? Okay.

Què passa amb l'última secció d'avui?

What happens with the last section of today?

Bueno, primer, Rolando.

Well, first, Rolando.



El joc de les red flags.

The game of red flags.

Ăšltima secciĂł.

Last section.

Ăšltima secciĂł que per la qual anem a ser franques.

Last section for which we are going to be frank.



no he obert Tinder,

I have not opened Tinder,

he obert BumbleFriends, ara parlaré

I have opened BumbleFriends, now I will talk.

d'això, ho volia parlar en aquesta secció.

I wanted to talk about this in this section.

Uau! I jo m'he borrat

Wow! And I've deleted myself.

i clar, l'Adri s'ha borrat

And of course, Adri has deleted himself.

les apps de Ligue perquè estava fent

the Ligue apps because I was doing

Dry Summer. Ha tingut Brad Summer

Dry Summer. Brad Summer has had.

i Dry Summer a la vegada. Això ja...

i Dry Summer at the same time. This already...

Bueno. Jo crec que treure's

Well. I think that taking off

apps de Ligue Ă©s un molt bon pas, sincerament

Ligue apps are a very good step, honestly.

ho penso. És un molt bon pas, jo estic molt orgullosa de tu.

I think so. It's a very good step, I am very proud of you.

Però com l'Adri s'ha tret les apps de Ligue, clar,

But since Adri has removed the dating apps, of course,

no, realment no hem descobert

no, we really haven't discovered

perfils, perquè tot el nostre discovery de

profiles, because all our discovery of

perfils passava per l'Adri

profiles passed through the Adriatic

estant a les apps de Ligue. Tinc

being in the Ligue apps. I have

alguns guardats, eh, també. Ah, bueno. Tinc tranquils

Some stored, huh, too. Ah, well. I'm calm.

nois. Però, llavors, jo

guys. But then, I

volia comentar-vos la meva experiència

I wanted to share my experience with you.

a BumbleFriends. Jo, bueno,

a BumbleFriends. Me, well,

em planto a MĂşnich, dos

I show up in Munich, two.

setmanes aquĂ­,

weeks here,

el meu nòvio se'n va una setmana

my boyfriend is leaving for a week

a Dinamarca, i

to Denmark, and

què faig jo? A Múnich, amb la

What am I doing? In Munich, with the

poca gent que conec a MĂşnich, clarament Ă©s a gos,

not many people I know in Munich, clearly it's a dog,

no estan aquĂ­,

they are not here,

em faig BumbleFriends.

I become BumbleFriends.

Parlem-ne. Ha de sortir una nova app

Let's talk about it. A new app has to come out.

per conèixer amics, perquè us prometo, per la

to make friends, because I promise you, for the

meva vida, que és la cosa més violenta que he fet

my life, what is the most violent thing I have done

mai. Clar, jo m'obro BumbleFriends

never. Of course, I open BumbleFriends.

i només em surten noies. Això em va semblar una mica

and only girls come out for me. This seemed a bit to me.

estrany, no sé per què només em surten

Strange, I don't know why only I get them.

noies. Jo no sé,

girls. I don't know,

no sé si

I don't know if

és perquè els homes no es fan

It is because men are not made.

BumbleFriends, llavors només em

BumbleFriends, then just me

sortien noies per això, o si Bumble només

Did girls go out for that, or was it just Bumble?

em van sortir un parell de nois,

a couple of boys came out to me,

és veritat, però semblaven gais. Bueno.

It's true, but they seemed gay. Well.



que, clar, jo de cop em

that, of course, I suddenly...

trobo amb uns perfils

I come across some profiles.

com si fos un perfil amb qui

as if it were a profile with whom

jo hauria d'estar lligant, vale?, en plan

I should be hooking up, okay?, like

fotos, m'agosta leer, salir a

photos, I love to read, go out to

passear, però clar, són perfils de noies

to stroll, but of course, they are profiles of girls

de les quals jo teòricament m'he

from which I theoretically have

de fer amiga seva. Llavors,

to befriend her. Then,

de cop, em trobo allĂ , deslitzant-ho,

suddenly, I find myself there, sliding it,

em vaig sentir com

I felt like

molt, o sigui, era com molt estrany, perquè era en plan

very, I mean, it was like really strange, because it was like

estic dient que no a aquesta noia perquè

I am saying no to this girl because

no m'agrada la seva estètica.

I don't like its aesthetics.

Em sentia malament,

I felt bad,

en plan, ui, no em sembla molt mona aquesta

Like, oh, I don't think this one is very cute.

noia. Què més em dóna? Si és perquè

Girl. What else does it give me? If it's because

sigui la meva amiga? No l'he tingut, com Ă©s la boca,

"Is she my friend? I haven't had her, how is the mouth,"

no ho entenc, i ho vaig

I don't understand it, and I'm going.

passar de tal. Llavors, va arribar un moment que

to pass such. Then, there came a moment when

començava a dir que sí a la gent, i de cop

I started to say yes to people, and suddenly

ara tinc la de xats, que ara se m'estan fent

Now I have the chats, which are currently being done.

bona i no estic responent perquè, què els hi dic?

Good, and I'm not responding because, what do I say to them?

Ja tinc una amiga, Ă©s veritat, he fet una amiga

I already have a friend, it's true, I've made a friend.

de Nova Zelanda, maquĂ­ssima,

from New Zealand, very beautiful,

i ja, com ja tinc una amiga, he decidit que no

And well, since I already have a friend, I have decided not to.

necessito més. Molt estrany. Però, no recomano

I need more. Very strange. But, I do not recommend.

l'experiència, però és l'única

the experience, but it is the only one

experiència que hi ha. De veritat, és l'única

experience that there is. Really, it is the only one

app que existeix per fer això.

app that exists to do this.

Llavors, no... Mira,

Then, no... Look,

Ă©s que em puc ficar

it's just that I can get in

nazi? Fica't nazi.

Nazi? Get lost, Nazi.

Vale, la meva teoria,

Okay, my theory,

vale, nosaltres

okay, we

jo tenia amics a Irlanda

I had friends in Ireland.

i sempre intentĂ vem acoplar

and we always tried to couple

gent nova al grup. Una amiga

new people in the group. A friend

de les meves amigues

of my friends

tenia Bumble Friends

I had Bumble Friends.

i vam quedar amb algunes persones

and we met with some people

amb les que ja feia maig, així, perquè

with those that it was already May, like this, because

entenem que Ă©s molt difĂ­cil quan estĂ s

we understand that it is very difficult when you are

en un altre país, agraeixes la gent que ja té

In another country, you appreciate the people who already have.

grupet fet. Recordem que jo vaig estar

Group done. Remember that I was there.

molts anys a Irlanda, doncs que t'intentin

many years in Ireland, so let them try

integrar. Vale, llavors,

integrate. Okay, then,

hi ha

there is

diferents perfils de persones que

different profiles of people who

busquen amics a Bumble Friends,

they are looking for friends on Bumble Friends,



Primer perfil que hem de fugir,

First profile we have to avoid,



que sobra Bumble Friends

that Bumble Friends has excess

a la seva pròpia ciutat

in his/her own city

perquè no té amics. Sí, perdó, això

because he/she has no friends. Yes, sorry, that

a tota aquesta gent vaig dir que no.

I told all these people no.

Als que eren d'aquĂ­ els vaig dir que no.

To those who were from here, I told them no.

O sigui, aquest tipus de persones

That is to say, this type of people.

ho vam intentar, o sigui, jo parlo

We tried, so I speak.

des del coneixement absolut, eh?

from absolute knowledge, huh?

No estic prejutjant,

I'm not prejudging.

que és una cosa que és fàcil prejutjar, però

that is something that is easy to prejudge, but

jo vaig prejutjar, jo vaig prejutjar i vaig dir

I prejudged, I prejudged and I said.

escolta'm, si ets d'aquesta ciutat

listen to me, if you are from this city

Ă©s gent que no estĂ 

it's people who are not

gens fina en absolut, en blanc

absolutely no trace, in white

fuig, vale? És molt raro.

Run away, okay? It's very weird.

És molt raro, és molt raro.

It's very strange, it's very strange.

Després hi ha els recient llegados, que aquest és el perfil

Then there are the recent arrivals, which is the profile.

bo on has d'arribar, vale?

Good, you have to get there, okay?

És el bon perfil on has d'arribar.

It is the right profile you need to reach.

És l'amiga que he fet, sí. Vale.

She is the friend I made, yes. Okay.

I després hi ha els inadaptats,

And then there are the misfits,

que aquest et pot sortir cap a una

that this one can cost you about one

banda o cap a l'altra, vale? Gent que ja

band or the other, okay? People who already

porta bastant de temps que

it has been quite a while that

no s'ha adaptat bé pel que sigui al país.

It has not adapted well for whatever reason to the country.

Normalment Ă©s gent

Usually, it’s people.

problemàtica, perquè

problematic, because

té molts grups d'amics, en plan ara me'n vaig amb

he has many groups of friends, like now I'm going with

aquest grupet, no encaixo

I don't fit in with this little group.

i llavors busco un altre, llavors busco un altre,

and then I look for another, then I look for another,

llavors busco un altre, vale? És diferent el grup

So I'm looking for another one, okay? The group is different.

1, eh? SĂ­, sĂ­, sĂ­, entenc el que vols dir,

1, eh? Yes, yes, yes, I understand what you mean,

perquè no són d'aquí. Són inadaptats,

because they are not from here. They are misfits,

aquests et pot sortir...

this can come out...

80% dels cops et surt rana, eh?

80% of the time it turns out badly, right?

Perdona que et digui. SĂ­, sĂ­, sĂ­, sĂ­, sĂ­, sĂ­.

Sorry to tell you. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.

Sí, sí, sí, sí. Dit això,

Yes, yes, yes, yes. That said,

m'agradaria colar

I would like to sneak in.



l'únic espònsor que tenim.

the only sponsor we have.

BĂ©, tenim dos. Un ja el

Well, we have two. One already the

traurem quan traiem el capĂ­tol de

we will take out when we remove the chapter of

420. Sí. L'altre espònsor

420. Yes. The other sponsor

Ă©s TraiGimnasos,

it's TraiGyms,

que ens donarĂ 

what it will give us

la sala perquè puguem

the room so we can

gravar l'Ăşltim capĂ­tol de la temporada

record the last episode of the season

o el primer de la segona. Ja ho veurem.

or the first of the second. We'll see.

El segĂĽent.

The following.

I volem donar les gràcies també,

And we want to thank you as well,

jo crec que Ă©s un molt bon lloc per lligar

I think it's a very good place to hook up.

molt millor que Bumble, vamos! I fer amics!

Much better than Bumble, come on! And make friends!

GrĂ cies. GrĂ cies, Trai.

Thank you. Thank you, Trai.

Dit això, què està passant

That said, what is happening?

a Espanya? Tu, Adri,

in Spain? You, Adri,

que estàs a Espanya, què està passant amb el

that you are in Spain, what is happening with him

Mercadona de 7 a 8,

Mercadona from 7 to 8.

pinya del revés en el carro?

pineapple upside down in the cart?

Què està passant? T'haig de dir que he quedat la setmana que ve

What's happening? I need to tell you that I have plans for next week.

per experimentar-ho en primera persona.

to experience it firsthand.

Vale. Pues em sembla bé. Deixa-m'ho aquí.

Okay. Well, it seems good to me. Let’s leave it here.

Deixa-m'ho aquĂ­.

Leave it here.

Estem veient que això és una tren. Adri,

We are seeing that this is a train. Adri,

vés-hi? Vale, però un segon.

Go there? Okay, but just a second.

Anava a anar Mercadona del Puchet.

I was going to the Mercadona in Puchet.

Què tal et sembla aquell Mercadona?

What do you think of that Mercadona?

Mercadona. O sigui, jo diria que el Mercadona

Mercadona. I mean, I would say that Mercadona

de Plaça Bona Nova hi haurà

From Plaça Bona Nova there will be.

molt nen petit. Vale,

very small child. Okay,

no volem això. No volem això.

we don't want this. We don't want this.

Volem que jo pugui interactuar

We want me to be able to interact.

amb algĂş.

with someone.

A veure, jo et diria,

Let's see, I would tell you,

perquè hi hagi més gent de la teva

so that there are more people like you

edat, vés a un Mercadona on

age, go to a Mercadona where

visqui gent jove, no? En plan, jo què sé,

Long live young people, right? I mean, I don't know,

un Lescors, un Leschample,

a Lescors, a Leschample,

és que no sé si hi ha Mercadones a Leschample.

I don't know if there are Mercadones in Leschample.

Hem d'anar al Mercadona on va la gent

We have to go to Mercadona where people go.

que viu sola, vale? Exacte.

who lives alone, okay? Exactly.

Si hi ha un Mercadona allĂ ,

If there is a Mercadona there,

si hi ha... No hi ha, no tenim.

If there is... There isn't, we don't have.

Hi ha un Mercadona. OjalĂ ,

There is a Mercadona. I wish.

no. Bueno, tenim un a

No. Well, we have one.

a Castillejos, estĂ  al costat

to Castillejos, it is next to

del fons 10. Què tal allò?

From the bottom 10. How's that?

Bé, bé. Em sembla bona la zona.

Well, well. I think the area is nice.

Sí? I després tenim un

Yes? And then we have a

que estĂ  a Carrer IndĂşstria, que estĂ 

that is on IndĂşstria Street, that is

com Sant Pau dos de

like Sant Pau two of

maig. Ah, molt bé, també.

May. Ah, very well, too.

Antiga, de Castelladam.

Ancient, from Castelladam.

Molt bé allà, també. Molt bé. Vale.

Very good there, too. Very good. Okay.

Doncs mira, podem fer dos per uno, perquè

Well, look, we can do two for one, because

no estaré una hora dintre, vale? I estan bastant

I won't be in there for an hour, okay? And they are quite a lot.

a prop. VĂ©s a les set a un i a les set i mitja a l'altre.

Nearby. Go at one o'clock and at half past seven to the other.

Vale, doncs quedem aixĂ­, no?

Okay, so let's agree on this, right?

Vaig a fer una captura de pantalla, vaig a informar

I'm going to take a screenshot, I'm going to report.

a les persones que hauran de venir

to the people who will have to come

amb mi, perquè anar sola... Jo trobo

with me, why go alone... I find

una miqueta... Em fa pal.

a little bit... I'm feeling lazy about it.

La veritat, no us enganyaré. Sí, millor

The truth is, I won't deceive you. Yes, better.

acompanyada, sĂ­. Aleshores,

accompanied, yes. Then,

cuida'ns a qui li dediquem

take care of those we dedicate it to

avui, amore.

Today, my love.

El podcast

The podcast

d'avui va

from today on

dedicat a...

dedicated to...

Pedro Brugaya, porque se nos casa!

Pedro Brugaya, because he's getting married!

¡Vámonos! ¡Vámonos!

Let's go! Let's go!

¡Por fin, por fin!

At last, at last!

¡Por fin se nos casa!

Finally, he's getting married!

¡Por fin se nos coloca el chico!

Finally, the boy is placed with us!

Por fin lo hemos

Finally we have it.

colocado ya de una vez.

placed once and for all.

El pare de l'AdriĂ 

AdriĂ 's father

es casa. Gràcies a això, jo

it's home. Thanks to this, I

torno i per això farem el capítol en directe.

I'm back, and that's why we will do the chapter live.

I des d'aquĂ­

And from here

li enviem tot el nostre amor.

we send him all our love.

Sabem que Ă©s un gran fan i no ho admetrĂ ,

We know that he is a big fan and he won't admit it.

però és el nostre fan número 1 de Muy Primas.

but he is our number 1 fan of Muy Primas.

M'agradaria dir que no crec que escolta

I would like to say that I don't think he/she listens.

aquest capĂ­tol. Llavors, bueno, si l'escolta,

this chapter. Well, if you listen to it,

dir-li que l'estimem molt

tell him that we love him very much

i si no, més igual, li dediquem igual, perquè

and if not, it doesn't matter, we dedicate it anyway, because

tenim unes ganes. Exacte.

We are very eager. Exactly.

Exacte. Vale, dit això,

Exactly. Okay, having said that,

hem de fer una última cançó.

we have to make one last song.

Oh! Apples.

Oh! Apples.

La que tu vulguis.

Whichever you want.

Apples m'agrada. I fem el baile des d'aquĂ­.

I like apples. Let's do the dance from here.

No me'l sé gaire, però bueno.

I don't know it very well, but okay.

EstĂ s ready? Estic ready.

Are you ready? I'm ready.



Bueno, doncs ja estĂ . Ja estĂ , Primes.

Well, that's it. It's done, Primes.

No hi ha més. Aquí s'ha acabat.

There is nothing more. This is the end.

Vale, llavors, Primes, us expliquem

Okay, then, Primes, we explain to you.

el pla, vale? El pla Ă©s que

the plan, okay? The plan is that

d'aquĂ­ a un mes tindreu 3 episodis. Potser

In a month you will have 3 episodes. Maybe.

que Ă©s aquest,

what is this,

el 420 Special, just després,

the 420 Special, right after,

i després

and then

el dia 27

the 27th

de setembre volem fer...

in September we want to do...

Ai, que em caic!

Oh, I'm falling!

Épic que tinc

Epic that I have

envidia d'això, també. Volem

envy of this, too. We want

fer un especial, muy Primes, en directo,

make a special, very Primes, live,

pel qual us necessitem. Llavors, obrirem...

for which we need you. Then, we will open...

I quasi veieu com em quedo paralĂ­tica

I almost see how I end up paralyzed.

en directe. Estan exagerant, de veritat.

live. They are exaggerating, really.

No, no, ho he passat fatal, eh?

No, no, I've had a terrible time, okay?

Us obrirem una llista,

We will open a list for you,

us haureu d'apuntar. No podrĂ  venir tothom.

You will have to sign up. Not everyone will be able to come.

Llavors, sisplau, apunteu-vos rĂ pid.

So, please sign up quickly.

Tenim 30 places, vale? En total.

We have 30 spots, okay? In total.

Exacte. Dia 27

Exactly. Day 27

farem prèvia

we will do a preview

de birrer o tal, tots junts.

of beer or such, all together.

Us obrirem la llista.

We will open the list for you.

Apunteu-vos. Llavors tindrem

Sign up. Then we will have

aquests 3 capítols i també us demanem

these 3 chapters and we also ask you

una cosa. Volem,

one thing. We want,

esperem, desitgem, com us hem dit,

we hope, we wish, as we have told you,

que heu tingut un Brad Summer. Envieu-nos

that you have had a Brad Summer. Send us

històries. És que no em crec

stories. I can't believe it.

que no tingueu històries d'aquest estiu.

that you don't have stories from this summer.

És que no m'ho crec. És que a més segur que tindreu

I just don't believe it. Moreover, I'm sure you'll have...

històries juicy, d'amor, d'estamor,

juicy stories, of love, of unlove,

que no se n'hi hagi ni puta a casa. No passa res. Les volem.

that there isn't a single whore at home. It doesn't matter. We want them.

Dit això, Primes, us estimem

That said, Primes, we love you.

tant. SĂ­!

so much. Yes!

De veritat. Ai, teniu unes ganes

Really. Oh, you are so eager.

de gravar. És que no, no. Ens fa

to record. It's just that no, no. It makes us

molt feliç fer això. Jo, almenys, m'ho passo

very happy to do this. I, at least, have a great time

superbé. Ara

superb. Now

inclĂşs a distĂ ncia ho seguirem fent,

even from a distance we will continue doing it,

però necessitem més feedback per part vostra, vale?

but we need more feedback from you, okay?

És l'únic que us demanem. Compartiu els vostres

It's the only thing we ask of you. Share your

amics. Són molt pesades, però compartiu-ho amb els vostres

friends. They are very heavy, but share it with your own.

amics, amb els vostres cosins,

friends, with your cousins,

amb qui sigui, vale? Nosaltres prometem

with whomever, okay? We promise

ser una mica més actives en redes perquè us aneu

be a little more active on social media so you can go

recordant que existim, perquè és veritat, Marta,

remembering that we exist, because it is true, Marta,

que sĂ­, 1, no pengem capĂ­tol, i 2,

that yes, 1, we are not hanging a chapter, and 2,

no pengem re a Insta la gent normal. És l'únic dia que

we don't post anything on Insta, normal people. It's the only day that

existim, saps? Jo ho entenc, jo ho entenc, jo ho entenc.

We exist, you know? I understand it, I understand it, I understand it.

És molt natural. Seguiu-nos a TikTok, perquè

It's very natural. Follow us on TikTok, because

volem penjar TikToks, també. També els penjarem a Reels,

we want to post TikToks too. We will also post them on Reels.

però, bueno, una mica de tot, vale?

but, well, a bit of everything, okay?

Us estimem, primers! Us estimem!

We love you, firsts! We love you!



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